10 THE OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1917, v. r 77 V-''.rxn.l-t::x5?0?1??d?-f-- .- f - ! . . WTfTTT WVYAVfilis"" hratlll new Vic- ! trola, ; Orafonola or Krtison pnooo- typewriter. tHJfATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. AlL mane 4vrewritr rented nd r. paired. Oregon Type Co.. 94 A 6th. IipUSElIOLp GOODS for SALENS BIO SNAPS In sewing machines Or.e drop head, rotary shuttle Wheeler & Wilson, machine, practically new. cost $80, now $36; one drop head, rotary rhuttle Kinder machine, almost new. a $t machine, for $32.60; one drop head Wars machine. In fine condition, for 13.60; one drop head Kensington ma chine, a $40 machine, for $11.75. Wo guarantee thee machlneH absolutely. Term tf desired. !v " Mish Furniture Co. 1 184 1st st. NEW - BOUGHT OLD' SOLD ft; . 209 2ND ST. I'.liiiANlj NKW WAHHINtl MACHlNJSH , AT LK83 THAN WHOLKSAtI COST. JS" ' Sunny Monday Washing machines. J ' - 1 . 1 o ftlA- t: 1 1 maHhlnc reuiai id hm iv, nnuwion r........, ' ir achine. rpRular $15 value, for only -$7.60, These mm nines ure brand new, t but sllKhtlv marred In trannportation. ; Hetter taKe advantage 01 mis raie ui--. ! portunlty. Easy terms if desired. Mish Furniture Co. i -..' 2 184 1st st . $ . Closing Out Look V ", That Is your rlvlle. If you are . ln need of furnishings cheap you will .not be disappointed in the prices we; i ; quote. Kane. $11: cook stoves, $4.50; I Iron beds. 85c; spring, ji; library j j tables $3 h5; k tables . c :- I pair; chairs, 45c. A big stock of dress-, I r. din. tables, rockern, chairs, and the ; f bl yellow tag on each article will be k .T.h aJe"an-MADISON ST ! i v '"ElGEOlW BAGDAD WILTON RUfl" i i Hlxe 9x15 In pink bedroom design.; ' "'"."-f "ZZ "i0:'r 7 ! t , ? color we will sell it for $50. Terms if , !j '.desired. Call and see our stock of, i used rugs. i i -if?-- . Gevurtz Furniture Co. j i$B-191 First St.. near Yamhill Public . Market, at the H'r Electric SJgn. , $125 VALUE POM $94.50 vess dresser with 3bx.it inch r rencn piate mirror; size of top 24x50 Inches, and very massive chiffonier to match i, veed less than 2 muntlis; the pair cost $125; will sell for $49.50 an J $45., re- , SOectlvely ; easy terms if desired. - Mish Furniture Co. ; r 184 1st st. , SMALL size safe Just the thing for home or can be used in office; .. double doors Inside. Made by the fa- I v tnoui Morris hafe Lock Co.; size laxltt in.; as good as new. for $29.60. This is a bargain and you will have ?to call early. Owl Furniture Co. f ' 204 FIRST STREET Ued buck c6mbinati6n range Used only 2 week, $70. Terms If . more convenient. Will bake in oven . v with gas, coal or wood. Call and see hjr big stock of used ranges, heaters and cook stoves. Gevurtz Furniture Co. ,: 186-191 First St. near Yamhill Public Market. 3'$76 SHUTTLE WORTH RUO FOR $57. " - This beautiful rug Is brand new, but ,Jia a hole In it about the size of a J dime; small all-over design in rich tones of tan, brown and green; size ,'xl2; surely a beauty and a lifetime -V rug; don't miss this; easy terms if de- . sirea. Mish Furniture Co. 184 1st st. rVILLOW RCX:KERS AND CHAIRS We. have just secured a Job lot of ese. They are very strong. xou roan jump on mem lr you wisn. we 'have them in our show window from tlach" laK . at " "IItckS111' UlRS: .-,' uevunz rurnuure uo. . . JI5-191 First St. near Yamhill Public 1 Market. V MAGNIFrCENT USED LEOPOLD ' FLAT TOP DESK ln wax finish, sanitary base, with swlyet chair to match $45. Big lot of ,,used roll top deaks at about o.ne half Ihe price of new. A- Gevurtz Furniture jCo. ', ',185-191 First St.. near Yamhill Public J Market. v 80 YARDS WILTON CARPET r Made up in two large rug. Small blue and brown design in very excel- Jent condition. Cost $2.76 a yard. We ,yrUl sell the lot for $125 or will sell '; 4eparate. ,' Gevurtz Furniture Co, J 85-1 91 First St. near Yamhill Public ' ." Market. ' SOLID OAK DINING SET. Table, 6 chairs, china cabinet and buffet, all .to maicn in tne latest finish known as . "Tonan Grey." This Is an excellent outilt. same as new, and $85 Is th. -special price. Cost over $100. Gevurtz Furniture Co. .186-191 First St.. near Yamhill Public ' Market. " - Two Imported. Sets of Hapsburg China .About 100 pieces in each; one in .beautiful white and gold, $40; one in delicate floral pattern $30. W. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 4185-191 First St.. near Yamhill Public ' 'l ' MarkeL at the Big Electric Sign. .- COMBINATION Champion coal orgai range, 18-lnch oven; will burn, gas V and coal at the satws time; in fine V eondltlon. Will connect and deliver, ..$$7.5-0. Owl Furniture Co. : . 204 FIRST STREET JT WILL pay VOIl t(l limk nver nnr ' line Of new and uhpH hentrvra hfnrj 'J buying. We have a fine selection at! yvy low prices. Easy terms if desired. v. Mish Furniture Co. . T.? 184 1st st. MAGNIFICENT MAHOGANY 1JAVKNPORT ' Upholstered in expensive plush, cost over iiuu same as new ror xs Gevurtz Furniture Co. i .'185-191 First St. near Yamhill Public! - ' Market. ' ,s3EiCTIONAL BOOKCASE in quartered b-ioak. 4 sections, crown and base. 1 fwould cost new $35; same as new; $20 Gevurtz furniture Co. 185-11. First St.. near Yamhill Public . V Market. ? Bargains in Heaters T if ' Coal and wooi steel ranges. Cook , atoves. AU kinds of furniture. Prices rid less. Ix)w rent district. ;;. Hartzell Furniture Co. 333-3.15 ist st. " 60-INCH SOLID QUARTER SAWED ,' .OAK BUFFET In beautiful mission U. finish, Cost $125. We will sell for '-'.-$ 65. Er Gevurtz Furniture Co. ,,.'l$5-m First St.. Near Yamhill Public '. . Market- ,' ,1 VERY FINE reed ba.by buggy with au. ' tomoblle hood; almost new; cost . ;.$S7.50; will sell for $15. This Is snap, .-! Mish Furniture Co. - ; 184 1st St. : ? -COMBINATION china closet and buf ' fet. In quartered oak beautiful oval , r; plate glass door, also back panel plate glass with mirror above; originally f cost $75; for $27.50. IrlOWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1ST ST. COOK stoves, ranges, heaters, bought. ; , aoia, , iraaea; tug- siocjc twui oe Cassiday. 128 1st. Main 70$. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 7 Con tinned) changed toiture Heater, $a.60; Eclipse Range, . $26; Majestic Range, $27.50; Gaa Range, $9.60; large walnut Bed. $4; large oak Dresser,1- $16.60; Iron Beds, $2; Springs. $1.60; 9x12 Rug, $8.60; Rocker, $1, and many other articles in our ex change department. Wm. Gadsby & Sons KIrst and Washington sts. Owl Furniture Co. Sells for Iess Iron -beds irorn $1.25 up. Springs from 75c up. Mattresses from $1 up. A large assortment dining and chairs at low pnce. tables FOR SALEtlSCELliAXEOUS ID Attention Millmen & Loggers We have about 5(K0 saws on hand varying in different tsizs. These must be sold at once to make room for our new stock coining in. biach saw is new and in perfect condition. Pipe Pipe Pipe Iarge stock to select from. All sizes for ga, steam and water purposes. You should investigate this buy white it. lasts. Belting Belting j Runs -in different? widths in rubber land leather, at extremely low prices. Bath lubs Irge new stock. Every one In good condition,a,and a sure bargain at every Roofing Paper nails. Buy now and save money. All, f AlaSKft JUnK U0. 2fl, KRONT HX i MAIN 4110. A-2325. "VVc GiVC the Most for th6 L-" D i,iDiMp OIIDDI ICO rLUIVlDlNu oUPPLIto Would you improve the looks of your bathVoom for $55? Just look at what we will give you: 1 5-foot bathtub, complete. 1 low-down closet, complete. 1 cor. or flat-back basin, complete FOR $55 F. O. B. PORTLAND AH goods new and guaranteed. We also have some larger sizes up to pressure tanks. Will stand up to 85 lbs. pressure. We guarantee them and j prices are away down PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! New galvanized pipe from to 2 i inches at the lowest possible price, j We also have many other bargains i mat we are orrering at a very cheap price. Northwestern Pipe Co. 187 FRONT ST. VVJ3 MAKE AND SELL O.S1.K National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest prices. Small m o n t hly payments. No Interest charges. Wrl 1 1 e n guarantee. Old registers re pal r e d. r.e b u i 1 1 bought, sold and ex changed. J. R. MUMMA, Agent The National Cash Register Co., Phone Broadway 1816. 364 Burnside Bt, ATTENTION, SHIPBUILDERS, CON TRACTORS. MILLMEN, LOGGERS. FVlP Bala a 4 1 a n. Ti 4 1 . j ROUND Ik-H i.at pTm ivn SHAFTINGS i HWTinhviT. ttjtt t oTTi'trr iwn j prqwrari att o t -7 it q rf ir rHr at v KSnvVT ta i7' ALL SIZES STEAM HOSE; SCALES. NAiso many other articles too nu merous to mention. All for lowest prices. 351 EAST OAK .STREET. Pipe Pipe Pipe New and second hand, black and galvanized. to 12 inch. Plumbing Supplies Can you use plumbing of any de scription? We need more room for large stock coming in. We will save you from 10 to 30 per cfent on plumb ing. See us before buying" elsewhere. Portland Pipe Shop 269-271 Front Street. Main 6325. Sewing Machines Closing out old machines at cost desk typewriter, counter bench, work Jack and tools for sale, also 1 hem ; stitching machine. Lease expires Jan. I 1; business discontinued. Singer Sew- M' u,l"""ra,'c, TL':.,?"- between 9nS 7n7i,H . . Used Sewing Machines. Guaranteed. 349 Morrison St. MAIN 1846 AUTO ENGINES Suitable- for stationary engines and tractors. Many makes and sizes. Prices $25 to $150. These are all in first class condition. Our press are rght and we guarantee to save you money. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89-91-93 North Broadway. PIPES STOPPED? lav 1 t lu piumoer bills. "Desolvo" clears sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes; pour it in, out she goes; generates 280 de grees heat; works in hot or cold water. Trial can 75 cents, postpaid". Write today, Fleming Plumbing Supply House. 112 4th St.. Portland.. Or. Menu Printing Outfit for hotel or restaurant. Complete with several thousand plain cards to Wilson's Auction House : 2d. near Yamhill st. FOR SALE one 18 n. p. steam engine, no boiler. One 12 h. p. gas engine. One 26-45 steam traction engine (double cylinder). One 25-40 gasoline traction engine. Special price for quick sale. Address L-708. Journal. 10-ft. Refrigerator Show case Reasonable price. Wilson's Auction House 2d, near Yamhill st. FIRST-CLASS dictaphone; electric combination both dictating and transcribing on same machine. Ped estal, etc. All complete. Cost $110 Price $55. $15 down, $5 monthly HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO ; 331 Morrison. ALL machines sold for lut No agents employe.l Renting $3 per mon'Ji. Kewlng Machine Emportnn 190 $d near Yamhill. Main Mil. A-S626. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.' "Type- -. t . ..o. uu- nvuseoDia uooas are separate classification. AU adver tisements of these goods are published ander thelrespetive classlUcaUoas. LOOK THEM OVER TO FOR SALEmSCELLAXEOUS 10 f Continued) EE 1 Extra Quality Roofing j COMPLETE WITH NAILS ANpi CEMENT - One ply $0.95 Two ply 1.20 Three ply 1.45 Traps El Victor, New House. Oneida jumps, all sizes, special prices on one dozen or more. i Cable SECOND-HAND CABL.E. i to -in.. in lengths 100 to 3500 feet, j Ship Carpenter Tools i In our complete line of WHITE and BARTON Ship Tools you will find just the size and kind you are looking for. mm u hi If. iFIHTIJiE GO, stbeiet. mm Don't Fail to Read This ! Kino Winchester gun. ao. 351; rifle and other good rifles, 2 bicycles, cof fee urn, Vi.otrola. old master violin and 1000 other useful articles. Must be sold Monday. 128 Kirst -near Alder. Main 4485. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside. cor 10th. Broadway or A-6674. - on is 55 CHICKENS, 75c each; 1 cow. $50; XVi tons hajv $30; 3 cords 16-inch wood. $6.50 cord. Will rent 5 room house and 1 V acres $15 month. 2800 &2d st. S. E. End of Hawthorne car. ; TWO fine suits of clothes and one cravenette, size 42. Tradefor what have you, or sell cheap. L-n3, Jour nal NEW electric percolator, $5; new ejee- tric Hotpoint Iron, $4; 12 inch elec tric fan, $10. 1279 Belmont. Tabor . 6932. L t ok saI-e -Gentleman's blaqk over 38; binger machine, reed coat, size ' body buggy and Armenian tspitz uo, j cheap. 1H91 K. 7th8t.N. 1 OVERCOAT, suit, shoes and under ! wear, reasonable, or exchange for furniture, range, rugs, wood, fruit or ; groceries. U-V51. JournjjL I cOft-hiK vop steam table, counter any length, reirigerator, round poker ta bles, gas range. Buck stove, all nearly new. 205 Jefferson. ' : RRlSTOI, FISHING ROD 6 ft. steel, German silver mountings, cork handle; cost $7; like new. Will sell for $4.50. T-539, Journal. j I 17 JEWELS B. W. Raymond JMgrn watch. W in pass ruiruau nu tion; cost $41 viith chain. Sell for $20. 1231 East Madison. FERTDL.1ZER Rotted leaf mold and horse manure, very best for roses, lawns and gar den. Phone C-2274. I BURBANK potatoes, 175 Hyot, also small stock. "5c per hundredweight Some large enough for seed. Phone Tabor 79SJ. FOR SALE) A lady's one piece oiue serge dress, never been worn, large size or will exchange for good pota toes. Tabor 8030. ! OPPORTUNITY for a bargain in an Xmas gift. Will sacrifice" my $80 fenulne diamond ring for $60. M-625, ournal. L NEW pair of ladies' skating shoes, skates attached, and also mans o.la-mD hockev skates. Mar. 3576. crvn RAT.Pi Maiestic malleable steel range; good condition; bargain. L-701, Jou rnal. OPERA GLASSES, with Lins lens. A nice Christmas present. At a bar gain. S-950, Journal. BUTCHER shop doing fine businessr best location on east side. K-544, Journal. : l CHILD'S crib, Vernis Martin, witn siik floss mattress, good as new, cheap. Ill I E. Yamhill. j : ENOUGH beaver for collar, cuffs and hat. $10. Forenoons or after 6. 70 N. 14th st., west side. NUMBER of slightly used 30 and 40 gallon range boilers; $5 each. East 76b. 189 Adams st. FOR SALE Gocart, oriole and white crib, good as new; also canaries. Phone Woodlawn 1994. ! $80 NEW Domestic sewing machine, beautiful oak cabinet, for $25. Of- flce at 329 Salmon. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.90; 1000. $2 90; 600 envelopes. $1.90; 1000 $2.90 Smith, printer. 204 Stark St. j PENINSULA range, Edison records. rabbits, 76c; four room bungalow for rent $6.50. 6842 64th ave.. Tabor 1927. SWITCHES anu croceting for sale. Or ders taken. Will call. B-2225. 83;3 E. 29th st. South. - I ONE baby buRgy, nursery chair, 1 Woodlawn 4448. l hieh chair. I child's bedstead. WANTED Cable or wire rope, to 1 inch. Will pay top price. G. L. ! Schroeder, S14 uantenpein. wain ioj. GOOD $10 mandolin, $3. HYATT TALKING MACHINE 331 Morrison. CO.i SINGLE Thor motorcycle; Just been overhauled; $40 cash. Call 769 Mich igan or Wdln. 747 ' WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations and garages. E. H. Ruppell, 473 Washington st. Main 160 GAS RANGE with water heater, and lawn mower, for sale cheap. Wood lawn 2712. i FOR SALE A. heater, cheap. E. Stark. B. pas range, wood Sunday, 9 to 12. 821 THREE gasoline wood saws; these are not Junk. Cheap for casn. caul 42,9 Hawthorne ave. STEAM wood saw, 5 h. p.; tngine and boiler in good condition. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. SEVERAL pieces of furniture, chairs. table, dressers, beds, etc. 24 Hoi laday. TWO gas ranges, cheap; in good con dition- 189 Adams st. rJnst 1003. FOR SALE 3 space heaters, slightly used. Broadway 1843. bOl Northrup A DANDY White sewing machine, very Cheap? Main S2ol. RANGE and gas heater for sile. 1328 Wilbur. GOOD man's overcoat. East 8226. size 40-42, $. FOR SALE Gas hot water heater and hand vacuum cleaner. East 1798. j DINING room extension table cheap. Sellwood 2384. IRON bed, coll springs, mattress, largie mirror. 261 Broadway, west side. PLUMBING supplies, wnoiesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 79f. GOOD fir wood for sale. 6152. 625 Fremont. Woodlawn VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent ed, exch.. bought. Bentley. Main 8582. i PRINTING Good quality, low price. 16 GAUGE Winchester pump gun, fine condition, $18. Call 223 Morrison. : BATHTUBS, sidks, toilets, pipo and f miners. A. L. Howard. 212 4th at MAN'S full dress suit, almost new, size 38; $7.50. C-654. Journal. BABY walker., fine condition, very rea- GROCERIES for sale or trade. Phone Woodlawn 228. RIFLE. 32 special Winchester carbine, $7. 1035 E. Lincoln st. i NEW Singer sewing machine for sale cheap. 607 Belmont. - LADIES' diamond ring worth $76. W price. W-701. Journal. NEW. FERTILIZER All krnds. Phono E. 482. C-221H. WELL rotted manure., East 8169. t I 221 MIT FOR SAIJE MISCELLANEOUS 10 - (Continued) ;sni inn Ruud .Gas Heater No. 50 'Automatic, complete with 40-gaI. tank. , . Blacksmith Tools Second-hand Buffalo blower, forges and Tuyere irons. Other blacksmith supplies of all kinds. 50-Gal. Oil Tanks With Pump Used range boilers, guaranteed to be In good condition. 1000 or more new and used SI MONDS. D1SSTON and ATKINS CROSS CUT SAWS, all Hinds and lengths. Our four stores enable us to buy and pay more for used hardware, furniture, household goods or hotel and restaurant supplies. ra; NEW Edison model. We have just reoe-ived the new Edison offfcla laboratory model. William and Mary period type. The first one In the city. Something new. Electric auto matic stop. Price $254.50. Terms to suit. HYATT- TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. MEAT slicers. cheese cutters, comput ing scales, electric coffee mills, cash registers, showcases, safes. Why not buy a SECOND HAND one like NEW from Wilson's Auction House 169-171 2d st. ELEGANT Edison Triumph phono graph, diamond point reproducer, wooden horn, fine cabinet and 40 in destructible records. Just like new. Cost $120. Price $42.50. $10 down, $3 monthlv. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. (Exchange dept.) T.TTT 1TO IVSTlt.l. f T" I J T7" HjTTTTT'T r T7- T Tt Vi PC in your home; economical end durable: also all kinds of furnace repairing and sheet metal work. P. F. M'DONALD. 4 77 E. 41st st. Tabor 5486. Res. Sellwdod 77. Tennessee and Port Orford; copper trimmings; latest design; at factory price. Factory between 75th and 76th, E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 808. Burroughs Adding Machine Five bajiK machine, practically new, rare bargain. Wilson's Auction House 2d, near Yamhill st. FURS One genuine silver fox. a bargain; aiso wnite, Diue, black and tauoa foxes; fur collars,, up-to-date styles. High grade furs at lowest prices. THE FUR SHOP, 6 06 Swetland bLdg. $125 instantaneous Ruud heater, runs 2 gal. per minute. Fine shape. Price $55. $10 down, $5 monthly. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., ' 331 Morrison st. FINE parlor organ, solid walnut case. Gpt $130. Price $25. $5 down, $4 monthly. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 331 Morrison. SUITS pressed. 35c cents, trench dry or steam cleaned. $1. Why pay more? Autos call and deliver free. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. Broadway 614. $10 TEN drophead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. East 2359, B-3307. E. B, Steen. 1S2 Grand ave.. near Belmont. JAEUEK VACUUM CLEANERS $8.00 Guaranteed 5 vears. Cash or terms. Telephone Tabor 1275. FOR SALE: Sewing machine. Vapor neacing stove, iz gauge snotgun. Main 865 or Mar. 3504 evenings and Sunday. bblOu'i'Lx used computing scales, all kinds; also cheese cutters, coffee mills and meat slicers; very cheap. Call et 884 Stark st H. P. A. C. motor with adjustable speed rheostat, in fine condition. 202 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 6303 or Tabor 682. AUTOMOBI LES. MOTORCYCLES, launches or boats are seDarate clas sifications. A large listing can be found unaer tnese different classifications. Operating Table White enamel. A SNAP. Wilson's Auction Mouse, 169-171 2d st. $70 ROLLTOP desk for $27.50. Call at ouz COUCH bldg. FURNITURE WANTED 74 Before you sell your furniture see us. WE PAY MORE '"Tlt: carpets, rugs, office furniture. Call Aiarsnaii tbi. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205-207 First st Wt tAY CASH For usea rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, office, restaurant and hotel furoitute. bevuriz rurnuure uo. '185 1st. tear Yamhill MARSHALL 5981 A-3224 THE LEVIN HDW. & FUKN. CO. buys rurnuure. iioiei ana restaurant out fits and tools or any description; full value for them assured. 221 Front, Main nuiz. A-iin. PHONE East 7 815 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater. 380 Hawtnorne ave.. cor, union. WE pay monies- rice for used furniture, stoves, etc. call East 294. Grand Kapias furniture Uo. Call Last 636 ttRX! stoves, rugs. etc. Will exchange your old furniture tor new. WHY not try tne Michigan Fur. Cn before disposing of your furniture? Tbey are paying the highest prices. Cull Marsnau iszz or i4 1st st. WILL, pay highest prices for used furniture, ciotning. etc Portland Clearing- House, marsnail 4 . 83. TAKE a tip. Sell your furniture to Ford Auction io. Mam 8951. EAl! DON'i SELL lOUrt fUltiMTijlta, until you see us. Main 4a. izs lat st AbbOl.'O iELV nignooi prices paud tur vour tornmire. ruK. etc lannr 72) FURNITURE wanted Main 7098. SWAP COLUMN 25 CORNER, lot clear. 3 2d near Alberta st.. for - Ford or Maxwell touring car. r-vi. journal. BOY'S almcst new, strong falncape anq nat, sror potatoes or groceries. loiz m. uavis st. GOOD all wool overcoat, size 46. typewriter. Tel. East 6480. for RESTAURANT fixtures to exchange ror wnat nave your irnone ast 2486 PHONOGRAPH and records to trade. What have you? Col. 377. INDIAN relics, old coins and minerals WILL EXCHANGE books for tray eling bag. Main 4785. . ADJUSTABLE dress form for rug. or sell cheap. J-561. Journal. $150 talking machine for bedroom furniture. Main 7029. WILL TRADE all kinds stoves. & Cassiday, 126 1st. . - - Hall $100, 1st mortgage for. first class milch cow. Tabor 28 7 9. -. - ; : HIGH, OVEN Belleville range. . water coil; Buck stove X-43, JournU. 23 WANTED Water pipes, fixtures. HA- lYt men. zeu i eci or more. , xraae coal heater for wood heater, good con- dition. J. D. McFarlane. Gladstone, Or. TeL Ore. City 457-R. CHILD'S folding bed. 1 lady's Persian lamh coat anH twr --.livin canM- laxno coat and two sealskin cans: will trade for potatoes, apples or beans, or sell cheap for cash. 361 E. ,7th st. FLBMiH Giant rabbits, pure blooi and winners, to trade for gun, also 1 dozen Canvasback cedar decoys to trade. F. A. Everest. Hlllsboro. Or. FOR SALE or trade, a 1913 Hupmo- ! one, jubi uveruuuieu, moiorcycie with side car preferred at Fred Dun- t dee garage, TO TRADE a lot 50x100 at West Portland, one mile from Multnomah station, tor plumbing ave.. Portland. Or. 696 Tacoma ' WILL EXCHANGE good talking ma- ' chine for Dlumb-ine. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 331 Morrison. THREE new rolls exquisite hand j played, music to trade for doll peram- bulator or bird cage; or will buy. Wdln. 2947. j BEST folding- bed in city; solid oak; I double beveled plate French mirror; ; good condition; for anything I can use. 513 Panama bldg. ( . ., - -r5 r : 1 lt GAUGE double barrel shotgun. ,Trae f.or,,aK8od rev?.lv,e,r0 fsh- I $10. Cost. $27.60 new. Call 945 Van- couver ave. 1 BOYS'- $15 -short two pants suit, size 1 18, good condition- Exchange ror ; chicketis or what have you? Z-876, Journal. TO TRADE -Grafonolv and records, $200 outfit, for Encyclopaedia Brtt tanica. State edition and binding. 122i E. 31st N. WILL take auto and some cash for equity in modem 8 room home. D- ; 739. Journal. EILERS .detachable pianola. First class condition. For sale or trade. Box 106, Lafayette, Or. TRADE heifer, first calf, and horse for fresh cow. Pay difference. Woodlawn 2490. TR1VATE party has adreage, near Portland, to trade for late model auto. Answer, E-569, Journal. TWO habv bus-eiea for sale at 190 17th, N. One twin buggy. Call , Broadway 1675. I SWAP Spuds and part cash for good j range. Call evenings or write 661 Junior st. SWAP good .washing machine and a focart ror young laying nens. or 1 sell cheap. Z-882, Journal. HORNLESS machine and 22 new. disk records. $15 or what have you? Phone Col. 377 1 ACRT, all plowed; will sell cheap or will trade for a good Ford. Call any week day. Tabor 2352. n-, x-TTrn Mtcrvt T ivpnra pc wAATElMILlAjlLS J : ' YOTTR father's old gold watch or that old watch of vour mother's will go a long way towards a new wrist watch for yourself. Staples the Jeweler TLTAT-NT i'CO 911 TTTJlTNT ST. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF JUNK. TOOLS. HARDWARE. ETC. JUNK DEALERS tt a ynw en I9fi !ont M. 4711. We buy and sell job lots or less metals scrap iron, all kinds macnin ery. belting, etc.. highest prices. Will call and deliver. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT ED J.MEYER THE TAILOR "A it) IT Kft AMn TTP ITOR 2D HAND SUITS. HH PITS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 229 MADISON WANTED Tne people of Portland to know T nav f h hiarhest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Beater, na rtiisaeu WANTED Second band furniture. ranges and stoves. Best prices paiu. Morgan Furniture Co.. 30 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. . mS REPAIRS YOUR WATCH A 1 Relngold's Jeweler U 124 Bth st.. near Washington u Want Household t-urnlture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3SS2. 312 Front. I OUnnl, P Portlana, t-i OliailN Wi Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers. Writs for prices and shipping tags. Main 1899. HEATING AND COOK STOVES wanted. Also rugs. furniture and everything. Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. REPAIRS YOUK WAlui AT THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO., 294 WASHINGTON ST. CASH for phonograph, typewriter and Alontessorl apparatus, in good condi tion. Give price and phone. Box 13. jviapiawooa, ur. WILL trade 30-30 Marlin rifle and 12- gauge 42-Inch barrel duck tun for a 2 or 3 horsepower gas engine. Who's on? Add. 1331 Campbell st. WANTED Second hand furniture. rugs, ranges and stoves. PAY CASH. PIFER-HOMILTON FURNITURE CO. 90 Grand ave. Phone East 7766. BEST cash prices paid for used of fice desks, chairs and filing cabi nets. Pac. Staty. & Prtg. Co. Main 1971. TO THE HOUsJEKEEfEK. I pay highest prices for Junk. rags. bottles, paper, clotnes. Tabor 7289. WANTED An electric drug sign, give description ana price nrst letter. K-936. Journal. YOUR diamonds sold on commission. Belding the Jeweler. 245 Alder. Main 1692. WANTED To buy for cash, good roll top desk. Princehouse. 614 Alder street. GOING EAST? Household goods hipped at reduced rates. Pac. Coast F'w'd'g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 2467 WANTED Indian relics and curios. 10th. Phone Mar- Wm, Paul. 168 shal 5603. WANTED Incubator. 492 Ross st, city. WANTED 2 H. P. single phase mo tor. Box 216, "Wocdbum, Or. CASH tor diamonds. Vj K up, old gold. Platinum; silver. 218 Oregpnian Mdg. WANTED 2d H. tools, bicycles, etc. Blttman Hdwr. 213 Front. Main 3611 BOOKS boOght. sold and exchanged. Scandinavian Rook Store. 4 V. Sri t. WANTED 1 dozen live duck decoys. call waiwn ana or vvaiwn 6493. RUUD gas water heater, electric vi brator, gas plateY-4 9 8. Journal. UPRIGHT, Standard make piano. To small car. Phone East 6696. WANTED Instruction in Spanish lan. guage. Q-601, Journal. WANTED Rlfjes. shotguns, cameras, lens,.... Hor-hfleld Main USUI PAYS highest pricea fir -U Hand dom ing, tools, etc. 273 Front Man 4802. WANTED Comforters to make. Phone East 2844. 805 Halsey st. WANTED To buy for cash, good . player piano. Princehouse. 614 Alder. WILL p:iy spot cash for ;rood office desk, irincehouse. 614 lder -t. WILL pay spot cash for good safe. Princehouse. 514 Alder street. CASH for 2 size 17 used flannel shirts. Z-879, Journal. PRIVATE party would like piano to store for use of same. Mar. 3576. PERSONAL 22 PROF. SMJDT. steam bath, scientific massage. 212 Swetland. M. 1941. SCIENTIFIC massage ana batna. Uj. side. 327-29 Pifock biock. I a urnor Consultation FREE. Mala LdWytil 93. 61$ , Selling bldg. SHAMPOOING and . electric massage 188 West Park. - RilAlTTlF-TTI. littlai . hall fnr itrlv.K . or club dancing parties. $5, M. (216. SWAP COLUMN (Continued) PERSONAL romtimua fipf WpII . w Proo ' t-raa 'Proa ' cc I I CC riCC Every day fiom 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. "5 ,M-ndQay ,Wdneaday 5d Friday from 7 to O clock. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED , to get relief in any other way are in vited to Investigate Chiropractic Meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC liAONOSTICIANS W1H thoroughly examine you, make a complete aiagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER ! CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. ane. Bure and modern science of curing and rHlRflPBif'Tin 4it i .. cu 95 rtha foIIoiinlSa-s.r' Rheumatism. Paralysis. Bronchitis. La Grippe. Pleurisy. Dyspepsia. Weak Stemach. Constipation. ' Heartburn. Headache, Nervousness. Sleeplessness. Neuralgia. Restlessness. Catarrh. . .J"fIam?? Weakness of the Eyes 'St?, Granulated Eyelids. Gout, va'cal Exhaustion. Lumbago. Hearty Troubles. Nervous Prostration. Lumbago. Sciatica. Tots i litis. Bladder Trouble. Kidney Trouble. Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Pneumonia. Dropsy. Typho4d Fever. Appendicitis. Enlarged or Stiff Joints. Lameness. Sprains. injury -rom r alls, and relieves many Crippled Conditions FEMALE DISORDERS. Scanty, Suppressed or Painful Men struation, Nervousness, Leucorrhea or Whites, Hysteria, Vomiting or Morn ing Sickness. It is a blessing to women during the change of life. Sick Headaches, Goiter and many other Nervous Diseases. There are many other ailraents be sides the above, in men, wemen and children, that Chiropractic will cure. Investigate. J CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause 'health returns. The above service is all free to you at the college' building, and may be had in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building 'by mem bers or the faculty, either lady or men l-ractltloners Pacific 1 Chiropractic College Dr. Elliott . Director of Clinics. 433 Hassalo St. at 7th, East Side. Phone East 6536. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SVfeTEM Dr. McMahon. Maclear bldg.. Port- land, a chiropractor of experience, a past-amateur, a 100 CHIROPRACTIC i SPECIALIST, with highest testlmo- - nlals from patients from iLastern "tates. familiar with the best; also from western and looul patients hav- t ing unfortunately had less than 1000c (chiropractic elsewhere, with. -of course. I corresponding alsappolntmect la da- These different classes of patlentj are fullv satisfied with my 100 chi ropractic philosophy and experienced and superior skill demonstrated In con sultations, examinations, adjustments, rates and. finally, results. Recommen dations on file for years. Eighth year In this city. Rental East and West side offices $300 a month. Credit good All cases PERSONALLY examined and adjusted BY MYSELF AT ALL TIMES. Phone, call or -write. Six phones installed. Day or evening treat ments. SOc rats. 81 adjustment. $1$. 4th and Washington. 21st and Hawthorne ave. Why Should You? When one treatment breaks It for SI. Lagrippe and bad colds. Moorefield mineral steam baths U whit does it right, two department. L.' D. Carter and wife, 289 Salmon st. Main 7927. 9 years opposite courthouse. FARMERS, PROTECT YOUR POTA TOES From freezing. Send to Pacific storage, frost and fireproof building; iow rate; iree raiiroaa iraocage. 1st and Madison. Portland. Or. Free rail road trackage. kji.Abs.0 Al A. bAilAU. The same seivice and quality you pay double the monev elserwher rorrprllv fitted glasses as low. as $1.50. Thou sands of satisfied customers. Chas. Vv. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Merrlson st LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.. tub bath, massage and electric blankets; lady assistant Marshall 6033. 28 8 13th, near Jefferson. Open Sunday. JEAN I VERSON'S eczema aad poison oak cure relieves piles of 'to years' standing in 3 days. Call Woodlawn 1U4S. BEAMER & CLARK'S billiard palace formerly McCredie's. 2d floor Yeon bldg.. Sth and Alder. 33 table, finest equipped parlors in Northwest. SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. L. 1AMAR, 235 6th St., cor. Main, teaches palm istry and card reading, also lessons in the science of health and success Daily. DR MARIE JOHNSON ChirtpodUt. blanket sweats, bath, electri. mag netic. Office 613 Northwest bldtf. Open Sundays, evenings. PR1MEDA BALM. formerly caud Balm of Figs, for diseases of tomin. S44 E. 33d st. Sell. 2213. Phone morn ings. VIBRATORY treatments. Mar. 4727. massage, face, scalp 384 H Wash., oft. 66. OPALINE, Mrs. Summer's remedy for diseases of women. 243 6th st. Main 9470. Call mornings. MILDRED CLARK, massage, hmths, electric treatments. 211 Rothihild bldg., 287 Wash. Open ev'gs and Su n. MISS ANDREWS teaches phrenobgy. palmistry and card-reading. Sain 7548. bLfEHFLUOUS hair, moles, wart re moved by 10-needle method; trial $1. Josie Finley. 614 Ellers badar. M. tfi THE FUR SHOP Furs to order remodeling, lowest price. 0 wetland hMer.. F,th-Wh DR. U. V. KETCH UM. women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wshinrton bid.. 4th & Wanh Mar. 4 VIBRATORY massage, manicuring. urnce 49 Mar. Z44Z. 14S uroadwty HAIR colored with pure (ocoanut ail, a Hawaiian formula. Tabor 361. NOTICES SO NOTICE la hereby given that subject to tie conditions and limits tluos of the act f June 9. 1W16 (U9 Stat.. 218). and tb It atructlona of the secretary of tne interhr of September 15, 1917. the timber on tic following landa will be sold December 3. 191 4 at 10 o clock a. m .. at pubuc auction . the United States land office at Rnaebnrg Or., to the highest bidder at not less the the aDoralsed value aa shown by this notice. sale to be subject to tbe approval of tbe secretary of tbe Interior. Tbe purchase prtee vtttb an additional sum or one nrtn or ona per cent thereof, being commissions allowed. must be oepoenea st time 01 sate, money 10 be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent wiU lasue for tbe timber, -which must be removed within 10 year. Bida will be received from citizens of tbe C ultra Htates. association of ancb clt liens and corporations organised ander tbe laws of the United State 'or auy etat. territory or district thereof only. L'pon application of a qualified purcbaaeri tbe timber 00 any legal autidirlaion ill be offered separately before being In cluded In offer of a larger unit. Follow ing la a schedule of tbe timber to be sold T. 31 8.. B. 11 W. 8ec 5. lot 1, yellow fir 000 M.. Port Orford cedar. 200 U. 8ec 'BE Vs 8W . bastard sod red fir 1112 U . white fir 50O W.. lort Orford cedar 252 14.; NIC L 8K " fallow fir. 600 VI.. Port Orford edr. 4S8 M.; NW SB yellow fir bOO M-, Port Orford cedar 2 jo IX.; BK U SB V. yellow fU. SOU VI.; .Port Orford cedar Sob M. ; 8W V. SE . yellow fir. boo U Port Orford cedar 80 M.; NW ne rellow fir 700 VI., Port Orford cedar 500 VI SW NE tt. ffnoW ttT 2 Port Or ford cedar 848 VI. Th fir shall Dot be old at lea than $1 per VI.. and tbe cedar at atoi lee 1 ban $2 per tt. W. H. CANOX. Register LI'MBhRMKNS .NATIONAL BANK OF POstl LAND, located at Portland. In the state , Oregon, t closing its affarra. AU note holder -and other creditor of tbe aaaoeiatloa ar therefore hereby notified to preaeat ta note ad vtber claim for payment. a. u. tsanjvau. i-reavaauU - Dated Keveaibef a, 1917. 20 TUB PORT OiT PtjRTLjIKD ESTIMATE OP iLTNDS RKljl&Et for 1S18 cxpvudllum. PubUalMa la oumpli- Dredre Department, operalloa it (Wdge Dredee Portland." 12 mo, 12 mo. 12 mo. 12 ' ino.' 4H) $OUUO Dredge Sdoo DrdKS $41000 Tender 425 Tf iidr $1300 Tender ' Lauucb Total ..4 90.400.00 a "Columbia, " "WlUame't'te.' '"Taalatm."' VWeuonah." 'UcCracVen.' 74,400.00 78.000.00 5.100.00 12 ' 'l2 mo. mo. of 15.800.00 M'ronto." 12 mo. it $1250. U.OUO.oO Marle," 12 mu. u $25o. . 3.uuu.uu .$S13,S00.UU Towaja deficit Probable dlftereoce between earn ings ana operating expeuaea tow ing eerTice .$ Jo.000.00 Eatlmate of budget . . . . unexpended 1U17 .4.323.20 T raUe. IBIS . . .$ 20.67. 80 Construction of towboat Eatlmate of total cost Induct : .$100,000.00 Amount paid on boiler. $ 7.453.12 Cash reer- 25,040.7(1 Caati from bonda 3o.175.75 82.675 R5 Total . .$ 17.324.35 Administration General office, salaries, rent, aup plles. etc ! Superintendence, salary and ex pense. Cen. Supt Leital expense, atty. fees and ini tiation expense Duck rent, handling auppliea, ete... 8.800. 00 S. 700 .00 4.000.00 0OO.O0 Total Total for general purpoaea ..$ 17,900.00 ..$360,401.15 Maximum allowed general purposes under tax limitation amendment. $310,573.21 Bonded debt Items Interest on $350,000 5 R. I. bonda $ 17,500.00 linking fund No. 1 accumulative lusts I Khiklnc fund No. 2. accumulative lnstal Interest on $."iO,ono 6 towage and pilotage S5.0O0.O0 10.000.00 equipment uonag- Total Interest ..$3000.00 Accrued Interest from purchaser, Oct. 20, 1917 081.85 2.0T.8.33 Principal of T. bonds due 7-1. Total ft 18 P. equipment 50.000.00 $114,538-35 Drrdoek bond Interest Total Interest Excess on band 11116 tax... . .$ 13.700.00 . . 15,048.74 No ley necessary bead interest. for drydock Grand total money wanted Total procnrahle with deduction to comply with limitation law. . .$483,939.50 . $425,111.56 expenditure Salaries contained re as follows: In abors Dredge "Portland" One captain Two mates ft X9O0 One carpenter One utility mate, lerermaa .... Tliree lerermen ti $1140 One cnler engineer One first asalstant engineer One second aaxlstant engineer... One ntlllty engineer One machinist Three oilers 0 $(160 Three firemen (St $600 Three fuel passers SJ $370 One utllltr fireman Tea deekhand it $540 Cue chief cook One second cook Una waiter Per year. .$ 1.2HO.0O i.feoo.oo K.UO 1.140.O0 3.4.ai I i.nuo.uo! 1.2Muui iri ; Ifcaj.OU I 1.0M).(aj j l.SHO.taj I l,h00.O I l,71O.(0 I ).OU I 5.4H.(I0 , Ol oo 5iO.lO 540.00 I Total dredge "Portland".. . ..$ 28.OCO.00 Dredge "Colnmbla" Oecnpatlons and rates aa for dredge "Portland" $ 28,050.00 With addition of the following: Three derrlckmen $870 2.810.O0 One utility oiler 640.00 Three water tenders ft $680 l.BHO.Oo Two deckhands $540 l.OSO.OO Total dredge Cohnnbia' $ 34.380.00 Dreda-e "Willamette" Same aa dredge "Columbia" $ 34.3S0.00 Dredge "Tua latin-' Occupation and rates as me aa dredge "Portland ' S 28.000 OO Wltb addition of followlna: Three derrlckmen 4i $870 $ 2.610.00 ! One utility oiler BflO.OO ! Three watertenders a $600......... 1.9S0OO two deck bands o4o i.uau.oo Tbiee firemen G $dOO l.bOO.Ou Total dredg Tualatin".... Wenonah" .$ 84,180.00 Dredgetender one captain Cne chief engineer One fireman One deck hand ... 1.80.00 1.200.00 - 600.00 000.00 Total tender "Wenooah" .$ . 780.00 Dredgetender "John acOackn'' Orcnpatlona and rates aa "We nonah 9 1,780.00 - Wltb addition of the followlac: One deck band $ 000.00 One cook 000.00 One mate - 70 00 Total tender "McCrackea" .$ B.760.00 Dredgetender "Pronto" Occupation and ratea as "We nonah" $ 8,780.00 Wltb addition of the following: One deckhand $ 600 00 Oue cook . 8O0.00 Total tender "Pronto" .$ 4,080.00 Launch "Marie" One operator ..$1, OBOjfO Shore wor.k dredgea One dredging foreman $ LBO0.O0 Laborera, per day 8.00 (Above absorbed la dredge ex pens. ) Provision la made above for $2.1. 000.00 as estimate, baaed on previ ous experience, of amount necessary. In addition to earnings, to main tain tow boats and provide adequate towage service. Tbe expenses and earnings fluctuate greatly, expenses being governed by earnings and earnings by volume of shipping. ' Wages paid on tugs "Wallula" and "Oneonta" are aa follows: One captain ..$ S.4O0.00 One first mate 1.320.00 One second mate 1.200.00 One chief engineer l.AOO 00 On first asststsnt engineer 1,820.00 One second asaistsnt engineer '. 1.2O0O4) Three firemen 720...'. X.160.00 Two sailors di $720 1,440.00 One cook 900.00 On messboy 840 .00 One rsdlo operstor 9O0.00 Administration: office Commissioners serve without eota- pecsstlon. One asslstsnt secretary $ 3.000 O0 One bookkeeper-cashier 1.620:0 One eommUsary clerk l.oxo.OO One stenographer MO.00 One Junior clerk 800 UU Oue genersl superintendent In charge of operation and maintenance.... 8,000 O0 Drydoek and repair shop One drydnek superintendent, dock. -S 1.800.00 One drydock foremsn. dock 1.32O.0O Two wstebmen U S 1,920.00 Laborer, per day 3.O0 One master mechanic, shop 1.800.00 Machinists, per day 4.20 ftlacksmltb. per day 4.20 BuUeitnsker.-'per day 4.20 Sbeeflron worker, per day 3.40 Handy man. per diy 8.20 1 Helpers, ler day 3.00 . ( ote I ne aryoxw-s ana aoo-p ira slf supporting and no tax I col led - S except lor interest ua . oryuoca -l.ds. fotlce la hereby given to the Is 1 payers hln the Port of Portland that tbe Hoard of i'ommlssloner of tbe Port of Portland will 7 . -O , t V. u I . I , w nifr t a riwui v-w, . . . -, .1 . . at B p. ra.. Thursdav. November 28. 1917. for tbe)purpa f levying tsxe for tbe year 1917 to tr collected In the year 1918. aa authorised by .aw, and before doing so to bear any tax-l-ayv for or against tbe tax levy. By order of tbe Port of I'-jrtl ind. - J. P. DOTLE. Assistant Beeretary. Fist publleatlon Nvemter 8. 117. Hrsind pnbilcstlOB Novesnber 1. 101 7 PROFESSIONAL AND BIINEAS.DIRECTORY 1 ACC0RDI0H PLEATIire H. aTfJPHAiir neaaaUtcbing. braWlag. en si aUtcung. box. avvordiua; aid and snbsnt faialtlns aralluplag. buttons eoversd. .lwia-e Tf IMMnrs W. Broadwae 1s. .111 HrK at 1 1 culn s and Bettoa aiton. k stltctspg. button and planting; atsll oronrs tfotant atteatw. asomaon. att izw. AO ATE CTrrniTO Asm atFCk JEWELERS ACATE4 cat and nanlesel. Jeweary aad watck NOTICES BLamc BOOK WAKCKS UuUI,.u low M wui mwufctirT. A -aim. Main-IMS BHA88 AMD MACHIltE WORKS and maeblne mr. 1iK s. St M'wa t4 CAKFET C4.F-AXUIO FiLiuiiFif mm rasa, Caraot JeaJiai. 1 K. Sth at. fbir Kaat SV -?. . . ANU Hiti Hud CAE PET CLEAN! NO. KEKirTINO. ETC. ONE or LAKOtST ! LASTS IN NOHXH WEST. W T. HUU C.. I'HQNK K AST ! -14Ti Pta rlatanvd and laid; rvllttiuv our aueclaUL East 4 4Q B-iwa. am East lBh st. H CHIROPRACTOR! CHlKOI'llACTlU beat. Usui. Vkkl bvar !rciallat in diseases of women and cbUdrea. Goitres treated with auccess. North faetfta Babatorium inn.. iM 1'lTl'uCK BLlHi. Ladf pt.-nclan If dealred. I'K jjt.Vi Anu. u waklUK guuu, 41 UJu ments. $15; seren K ! lerms. ons UUIl.ua at ulaj 1 u. , iltkuia j,. omglesn si wis itsta. chronic diseases. POO AND CAT HOSPITAL U. H. Illil IlllA.N. Vh,lb.lUAAhiA.. u Pltsl 41S K. Tlh t. Rst 'm: B 1SM2. EYE. EAR, KOSE. THHOAT, LUXGH lt. '. Cassedsy, UniuifLl; giauea litte-1 700 E. Burnsldw. or. 2otb. B-13WI. E. 4734. EDUCAIlOHAt DANCING modern faucr. aiai; auu ballruuu. dauctof. Clashes and private irssoua for adults aud caii dreo. Main '.i-ihO Monl rwe KluKlcr. 'Irector. ii.tH f-S I a. It LiatictU Acaueui, bova ta bat. Stark and Uak: 4 prlrata ieaaona. 12; a. to., p. iu.. . ; latest dances jusrants-U; a rlaaaes Tburs.. 8at. fe., 2ftc. Broadway 21.10 ilr. Sua Mrs. lies I us aujiwi ratrc. tin,.. j aortal danClu taught, clssa. Tues., rrl. e'a. Learn the latest dauces, ramble. Jaaa. todtlla. W1 Wash. st. lesHoua. r ere. Main Rjn. r i.iviv s it.tut.ili. luu' feci u. i a.'. Fall mom and classic dancing. I'rliats lea. aona daily. Ciaas Uonday and Thursday a nlng. 8 to 10. Ijitites fr.-e Main 2100 KKLNK lUVNili. laiH-y uiil modern lan 'ng: 413th:l,hone l.-JIO XUr 5SI M1S3 IRELAND -.VO lekiinibMK7Tl6lHlate leaaoua. fa. Hours, 'j.M a. m. lo 0 u. ui. LAW SCHOOLS A thorough, pi act lea I rurs In Isw Raelta llona erenlnirs Main !i"7 All'kf hld. filCilAlil ,N fc k jl AS 1 r-i. vtoiiu luait'utilutt VtUh miMleru couservalur of niuaic. 14S 13lh t. Main 521Q. k.. luiLiiuit.H iol!u ivauuer. puoii BMitvia 2"7 Klleilner liklg. Ilroadxar 16V1. I'lilt. i. a.. l.AVif.N. riaoK uiii at home. flOe. I'hone Tshor 73iifl. L- CAKltOlJ, 1A 1 , plauo, vocal leaavus, wild practlie piano. 1 b.ur day g.'i mu. M. f2lb. BtUuuL or Mimc .-in ui leacbsra. urt-. gon ( oi serTatorv . .H4 5", Waahlngton at. Vll.lMA 1.. UtlCWS, l'Unu. rapiU, thorough. scientific metbol. Msraiiall 2:(M7. 512 Ellera. FLUFF RUGS AND RAO RUGS NuHTHW tar liUij cu. biauiuunl iv Fluff Rugs and Use Uugs woiro. all alaaa. K. 8tb and Taylor. Ka at i.'W B-12Q. I'KMNMLA Kug Voraa tug rug auti caiivl waaTlng. lflK Patnn are. Woodlawn WtsV WKHTKKN 11.111' Kt'O '. I'HONE K AFT "ll. B I4T5. FURaaC8 i. ;. BAltK HUMLa CO. Wi aell Boynton and Thatcher furnaeee. lib era! terms. We carry repairs for BoyBtoe. Thatcher. Detroit Jewel and Interstate furnace. Main 4fll. Office Fnwt and MarfcM. HAIR GOODS ANTJ HAIR DRESSIWO FKBVbT HANiUUi, trailing lg aud luup makers, finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, msnlcurlng. fsca snd scalp treat ment.T Removed to R4! Aider near Brnadwsr. MACHINERY FOR PALE Bean thresher. 3 h. p.; Fair banks-Morse cas engine, moonted 00 IS ft., 2 horse truck; al bean puller and fa mill, complete, pair W0 lb. lnrss. Alfred Richard, liearcrt on,Or. ,IL4, lkx13 . OKUklAL UOOia Chinese a.mporiuui, H4n Morrtaou. V bit. atwaa Bdwy. Cblneae. Japanese gnods inl enrln. UAVs, you seen our 6c wsll psuert lat pricea 00 painting, papering, tinting la U-i dty. Tsbor 7..n:t, f. H. Mrk. TUCULat fAIMlNti t-U.. paiwttug. Uuuu. papering. 54 Marhall t. Main 4414. PATENT ATTORNEYS til)LHBtK(i Wortexter t'l'lg. Main PHYSICIANS DR. R. A. PIIILLU'S, W)5 Broadway bldg. Asthma, Nervousness. prostatic Trouble. PLUMMlaiO B0fFLlB WHULUALs at KtTAlL fLljMlllt JU PLIKS. Fleming. 113 4th. at Mala 73QO PRIM TING AND SIR DIVIO PHINIINU r V. UALlcJI CO.. )( nd Oak ata. M l. a-hm, f RIM TEES AMD f-MGRAVERS 'AUtk IV v r-Ktaa Broadway 4Q- g2 Rtark at. A -4oa REAL ESTATE DEALERS lAKt, tt JO.NKS. 44 Wlleox bldg. KPBBEE STAMPS AMD SEALS. AXatO Steotlla. Irad Checks Bras Mga. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. OS Broadway at. Broadway TIP. A-TT4S. SHEET METAL WORKS KKPAlRlNt tin Loell. 810 1st . and gravel roof a. Ilione Vlaln 1424. Jaco STOSAOS CUT-PRICE atorage, packing, elr. Edwarrts roraltar Co. Mala 1927. A 2838. Store ath and Oak. - TOWEL BOTFLY PORTLAND LAUNDKIf CO.. tor prompt, effl deot aerrle. Phone Broadway 410. A-4410; TRA1TSFES ARP STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. TraMfer and Vorwarduig Agents. Storage Fr Trackaga. Office and Storage 474 Ullaaa st. IStb and OiisaB. Broadway 1281. A-11 ALWAlS "PICK" TBK ItfcsT UOUSiCUOLD OOOD8 8PEC1AUST Bloraga, pscalog. blp sad ssovlna. liora or suto vana. Special freight rt to all point, C O. PICK TRAfjisFER STORAOB CO.. Becood and Pin. Broadway Wwi. A-IIWX. Pihl Transfer & Storage Co. Plane and Fnroltar Uovlog. Baggage Pact turn and Shipping. tZl Davla at. Pboo Brs4 way 1734. A-taft, Be, phone Raat 8V. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. HtCCRlTf STORAGE 4t TRAKSFKB CO, 10 Parg aC Mala 6199, A-1001. MANUFACTURERS 1 lABoene ukini cca I eaei FLUFF RUOS ASP RAO KUPS Send Us Your Old Carpets F&JFF DSHIi Mad from bid Ingrain. Bnraael. Axaalnetar. Smyrna. Also rag rugs, all anee. Mali oreare prooat. send lur oooiwi. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting Etc 9x12 rug, stsam or electric la sed. .. . . .gl.oe axlO gaga ateam or electri cleaned. ...... 7ie B4 TJnloa ave. N. It) one Rswt ll. H-UTt WOOD PtFE PORTLAND WOOD Pirc CO. Factory aad office near 24h and Trfc t; Male aswi TrlANSIOirTAT10?f Str. GEORGIAN A ASTORIA ART) WAT LAJTDIROi Leave t i. a datiy. Sundays. T M a. as. Returnlug, teavea Astoria a. au.. nrrt -Portland 9 p. ns. Si a. LUavLLNE leave 7:43 a. an. dally, -eept suDtlay. Rtrturnlng braves Astoria an. Mate lata. Wssaingtan St. Dck. A-4LU. Sir. Wapama SAILS DIRECT TOM SAN FRANCISCO . LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO 8S30 JP. K. KOI. JTOT. It. San Franctsoo. Jrertlnnd 4k Lee Ana-! Steaanahip Ca, Freak Bollnnv. Agent 14 THIRD STRETTA.4M. Ka'Tt fa