THE OREGON : DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .THURSDAY, ' NOVEMBER f 15, 1917. Farm ERS OF BENTON COUNTY FORM COUNC IL FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT . Object of Organization Is to ; Promote Agriculture, Dairy ing in Corvallis Section, Corvallis. Or:, Nov, 15. With an en thusiasm that means better farming results in Benton county, representa tive farmers from almost every pre cinct met at the courthouse Monday and organized the first county association f farmers ever attempted, the Benton County Agricultural council. An all day session was held, a constitution adopted and the organization will go into every precinct of the county. R. W. Scott, one of the leading farm ers of the county, was elected presi dent; Robert Wylie of Lewlsburg, vice president, and CaWin Ingle of Ply mouth, secretary and treasurer. Fif teen council members were chosen, each of whom becomes chairman of a committee of farmers from his par ticular neighborhood, and through which the cooperative work can be carried to every part of the county. Paul V. Maris, state leader of coun ty agents, was present and explained the benefits that could be derived from such an organization working in con junction with the Oregon Agricultural college, the county agent and the United States department of agriculture, fol lowed by short talks from each dele gate outlining what, he considered the largest problems for the organization to undertake. Then the following work program was decided upon: Drainage, field demonstrations with lime and fertilizers on different crops; control of weeds, livestock feeding demonstrations; cooperative shlppin. and the development of public mar kets; potato seed certification, farm record keeping, pruning and spraying demonstrations and the publication of a monthly exchange list. There was much enthusiasm at the meeting and County Agent Kable says the movement started will do more to advance agriculture and dairying in this couinty than anything heretofore undertaken. Big Klamath Dam Is Ready for Water California - Oregon Power Company Complete Big Undertaking; Smaller Dam for Power Purposes. ; Klamath Falls, Or., Nov. 15. The big copper company dam on the Klamath river, 45 miles from this city, built by the, California-Oregon Power company, is now completed, and the water has been shut off from the tun nel where it has been running. The reservoir has now started to- ill, an operation which will require between three and four weeks with, a stream of 1300 second feet. This-dam, one of the biggest engineering feats in this section of the coast, has been un der construction for the past three years. A force of 300 men have been retained for a great portion of" the time, and the total cost of the im provement will approximate; $1,500, 000. The bed of the river was exca vated to a depth of 125 feet in order to get a solid foundation, and the dam rises to the same height above the surface. The dam Is 600 fet across and is 95 feet wide at the base. It holds back the water for a distance of five miles and now developes, 26,000 horse power. An equal amount can and win be developed in addition, bringing the total up to 52,000" horsepower. The power generated will be used in the various projects of this corporation in this part of the state. By the construction of a smaller dam Just below the present structure the company plans to bring the total horsepower up to 103.000. The crew is now at work building new roads in that vicinity. A bridge across the river had to be moved to a point above to prevent being submerged. PORTLAND IS GIVING .I TODAY FOR CHRISTMAS FOR SOLDIER BOY'S : ; Officials . of Chicago I To Trv tiYRn.TO "Rnhv L Physicians Clash Over Condemnation t of Baby to Death. Chicago. Nov. 15 (U. , P.) Paul Hodzima, two years old, the latest de- ; " . ' : jfective to be, sentenced to death by j -r Ui, euumsuut, toaay was tne ooject of a and faCOma nave clash between jthe city health depart- ill i J n J TI I ., rv.Yx menl ana a coterie. or physicians. rtlieaay naiStJU I UGH Vuul Dr- Herman Spalding, representing ma neiuia aeparxmeni, suDimuea a re port to the effect that "the present ad ministration of opiates to terminate life Is inexcusable." He said investi gation disclosed that the child shows "little evidence of pain or suffering. Dr. Harry HaiseJden. who has been administering drugs to the Hodzima baby to relieve Its Bufferings and ul timately cause death took the child to the OermaD'Amerlcan hospital, where it. ment, Seattle ta ; 4000 Packages Needed ,Both Seattle and Tacoma have filled their quotas of Christmas gifts for the soldiers and sailors' fund. Portr land, of all Pacific coast cities, is de linquent. More than 4000 packages re main tr. Ha Tirnvirtwt. fOV. j . . J . ,in nAr number of physicians examined Today is tag dty for the fund, under Seventeen of tem Blgned a 8tatem the supervision or me locai tveo. n . indorsing Dr. Haiselden's course. chapter. Little tags for buttonhole ( wear are selling for 25 cents on every j street corner In the down town dls- ; trlct. Large tags, of fl denomina- j tion are being sold to business and ' . 1 professional men. ! Early this morning a committee of club women, under the leaaersnip- oi Mrs. Ferdinand K. Reed, made the first sales of the most singular tag day ever held in Portland. Within an hour hundreds of tass were worn in the . Dr. John Dill Robertson, health offi cer, planned to confer with other city officials today to determine what steps shall be taken to save the baby's life. Bonds Must Insure Return of Vessels Astoria, Or., Nov. 15. The steam down town district, and every passerby mcl.?or Perl, was being imponunea ioau ... vlde(1 - u iv bonA th. anm ,;,.. u !..,,, fnn1 h'.vtrv aouar : United States government. The bond is to Insure , the vessels returning; to this country within one year. Deputy Collector Haddix Wednesday received instructions from the customs depart ment regarding the bonds and Cap tain Nason of ; the National City is taking up the matter with the own ers. The bond was required because of rumors that the vessels were to be sold when they arrived In South America. j Wife's Confession Leads to Murder Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15 (I. N. S.) The unwritten law will be the de fense of Peter J. Pearson of Fargo, N. D., who sftot and killed William J. Collins,-a former railway employe In an electrical shop of Hudson ave nue last night, it was -'announced today. According to Pearson's story to the. police, his wife confessed to her relations with Williams and he rwr rled to the city to investigate. Th shooting followed . a quarrel when Pearson made accusations. Registration Card Is Buried, He. Explains Brant Mlnkle, age 29, arrested with three others because they could not produce registration cards, said his card is n safe dep6sit under two feet of earth. In Scappoose. "1 don't carry it around with me," averred Brant, "Imight lose it." Federal authorities told him they didn't care where it was as long' as he produced it and could establish his Identity. ; Walter Fuerstlrs, Chester Williard and Adrian Anderson, three others ar rested by the police and turned over to federal authorities Insisted that they had registered and were released be be kept under surveillance until they produce, their cards. . Realty Deal Closed Klamath B'alls, Or., Nov. 15. One of the largest realty deals of the sea son was completed here today In the sale of 1000 acres of land on the big Klamath marsh on the Indian reserva tion. The property, which was owned by B. S. Grigsby of this city, has been taken over by G. A. McCarehy of San Jose, who expects to go into the cat tle business. The consideration was not made public. U. S. Engineers Are On Way to Russia A Pacific Port, Nov. 1. (U. P.) United States army engineers In command of Colonel George M. Emer son of St. Paul, were here today en route to Russia to assist in the recon struction of Russian railways. The detachment, which is of considerable strength. Is composed of experts re cruited fro mthe American railway service. Major Murphy of Red Cross in Rome Rome, Nov. 15. (I. N. S.) MaJoT Murphy, of the American Red Cross, arrived from Paris Wednesday to take war refugees from Northern Italy. for the ennstmaa iuuu. av.., 000 for -ph ,,.,..! of the fund will be used ror tne pur- , chase of Christmas packages for the soldier boys. , ! At the request of the Red Cross, which was forced by the press of other matters to call for assistance, the fol lowing clubs are represented in the drive: Irvington club, Alameda club, Shakespeare club, Laurelhurst club, Portland Heights club and Rose City club. They are aided by hundreds of volunteers from among the relatives of soldiers and sailors. is given to the Seven-Footer Takes Bride, Half as Tall Denver. Nov. 15. (I. N. S.) Carl Sandall. 7 feet 4 inches tall, and Jo hanna Naehr, 4 feet 7 Inches, are now husband and wife. The bridegroom weighs 230 pounds, the bride 95 pounds. He is a native of Colorado and a guide. The bride came here from Baltimore about three years ago. Girl Is Freed of - 1 Charge of Murder -i, : . ... Colevllle, Wash.. Nor. 15. Mar garet Hanshaw, chlld-wlfs of Albert Hanshaw, was acquitted of murder here Tuesday, her defense having been Justifiable homicide. The Jury was ou,t nnly 20 minutes. As the evidence was the same In cases pending against the husband. L. B. Donley, county prosecutor, entered nplle pros and the defendants were re leased. -Shoot, kid. shoot." was the com mand given by Albert Hanshaw to his 17-year-old wife. Margaret, during the altercation at the Hanshaw home near Arden, In which Alex Strieker Sr. and his son, Alex Strieker Jr.. were shot by Mrs. Hanshaw, the wounds of both proving fatal. Testimony showed that the Strlckers were attacking the Hanshaws with clubs when the gun was fired. Rice throwing at Weddings Doomed San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 14.- (U P.) The old custom of throwing rice at the bride will have to go by the board. State Food Commissioner Ralph P. Merrltt, In announcing this order, also pronounced the doom of candy favors at parties. "The government is doing its ut most to increase the consumption of rice, as "the result of excellent crops." he said. "But 'such thlnga as throwing rice during wedding parties 'and vutlng other food sta ples In a frivolous .manner ought tt b stopped." H. Clay Miller, on of Merrltt's aides, suggests, too, that throwing of old shoes ought to do taboo. aj those same shoes are very muca needed in Belgium. For producing decorative light ef fects rubber balloons have been in vented into which electric lamps can be Inserted after which the balloons are distended with air. Headache From a Cold? Listen! Tape's Cpld Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Tour cold will creak and all grippo misery end after taking a dose of "PaDe's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It Drcmptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head stopsasty discharge or hose running relieves sick headache, dullness, fever- ishness. sore throat, sneezing. sorenMs and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-upt Quit bljw ing and snuffling: Ease your throm bins: head nothing else in the world elves such prompt rulief ss "Pape s Cold Cowipound." which costs only few rents at any drug store. It acts causes no Inconvenience, Accept no substitute. (Adv.) Sees aonnnai' 11 1D That he has made a satisfactory substitute for tin foil from sine; is the claim of a German experimenter. liiWimimmimmi Constipation Makes Baby Uncomfortable When Its tender little organs are bound up with a congestion of stomach waste In the bowels. Baby is a mighty uncomfortable morsel of humanity, and reflects its dis comfort in its disposition. If Mother will Just give it a tiny dose of a mild laxative, such as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the congestion will quickly loosen and be expelled, and her child be nor mal and happy once more. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is especially desirable for children, because it contains no opiate or narcotic drug, being a combination of simple laative herbs with pep sin, mild and gentle in action, positive In effect, and very palata ble. Children like it and take it readily. Druggists sell Dr. Cald a bottle; well's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents trial Dome, xree or charrre. can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 456 Wash ington St., Monticello. Illinois. "The STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH 4 These Special Offerings for Our 888th Bargain Friday Sale -'A Surprising Under pricing of Corsets of Renown ijtlerito R, & (r. and Henderson In Popular M odels, QQs All Priced This SalePait.yOL Corsets Selling Regularly to Double the Above Price Pne of the greatest saving opportunities to pur chase high-grade Corsets that we havte ever been able to place before our patrons. Included are such well known and reliable makes as Merito, R. and G. and Henderson models to suit every figure and materials to please the most critical women. Come to ItiiJ sale and select from some 18 differ- QQ tn styles at, a pair SOC EXTRA ! Special for Friday 1 Silk Remnants I n Desirable Lengths jf Tnn and Weaves, Sale at '2 riCe Our entire stock of short lengths and remnants of this season's Silks to go at one-half the marked remnant prices. Included are, most every plain shade and a great many- clever color combinations in the new novelty weave Silks suitable for most every purpose waists dresses scarfs fancy work, etc. It is an opportunity for profitable pur chasing that few women will care to miss. Special Pudchase and Sale of Man ufa cturers' 5 Serai) One-Half to One Yard Lengths of I luck and Crash Toweling, rj Towels, Etc., All to Go at, Ea. C , LA fortunate trade event permits us to place be fore you a great lot of Manufacturers' Scraps to 1-yard lengths of Crash and Huck Toweling, Towels, etc. Just such pieces as every housewife Is in need of for dust cloths dish cloths polish cloths -hand towels, etc. Come early and secure first-choice from the entire assortment Bargain Friday at seven cents each. , Great Showing and Sale of Spangled Trimmings Beautiful Flouncing Bands and All overs Selling T S Regular This Sale at. . 2 Figures - Imported Spangle Trimmings in an endlesl variety of patterns on fine nets. Included are 18-27 and 40-inch flouncings -wide and narrow bands, as- well as allovers. Beautiful high-grade novelties on black silk nets, or on old rose, blue gold, green, , purple nets others come in white net. In many patterns the Rand's match the floanc ings purchase at this sale -and pay only one-half regular selling figures. - T Extra Special! Fine Leather I Handbags MSat$1.39-. . " ob fine Leather Hand Bags in tv variety of neat and attractive designs they come with leather cloth of" leather linings coin purse and mirror fittings. Extra Special ! Full Size Plaid Blankets Priced Friday at $4.95 SO pairs of fine full sire Plaid Blankets to sell at this lowered price they come in good weight and in pretty color combinations grey, blue, pink, belio and yellow. Extra Special! Sale of Boys' Sweaters ! at $1.29 ! Boys' Worsted - Faced Coat Sweaters shown ' in ruff-neck styles and two pockets they come In grey and cardinal all sizes 28 to 34. j Off , vcMo atiiSOAM r Store Closes at 5:36 P. Ml At Shanahan's on Blankets, Sheets, Towels, Underwear, Hosiery, Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel The price slashing at Shanahan's this week will astonish the most experienced shoppers. The order has been issued to' disregard profit and bring the buyers in with such inducements in quality and price that will compel loosening of the purse strings. Glance over the prices quoted below, compare them with what you have been paying, or with com petitors quotations, and then come direct to this store and satisfy yourself that the goods are even better than we claim, and that the prices cannot be duplicated elsewhere. 6 Astonishing Values in Women's French Serge Dresses These Dresses are remarkable for quality and workmanship; fine fitting, nicely tailored; colors, blue, black and brown; collars and cuffs in white satin and poplin; sizes 16 to 14. Ladies who are seeking something stylish and serviceable will surely find something to their liking among these excellent garments. Featuring a Wonderful Sensational Sale of Worn en's Silk Poplin Dresses. . . Some nifty models with pleated skirts, surplice waists, collars and cuffs of white satin, bets of ma terial with large buckle. Others with plain skirts, fancy tab trimming and buttons. Colors, green, navy, . black, king's blue and Copenhagen! These are beau tiful dresses for afternoon, street or evening wear. Sizes 16 to 44. A bsolutely New Smart Fall Silk Taj feta M essalines and$ 7 .50 trench Serge Dresses. . A Q Wbmen who anticipate replenishing their "wardrobe will surely find something here to their advantage, for these Beautiful Dresses are rarely offered at so low a figure. You will find them hers In navy, burguady and black, semi-fitting, with belts bre telles button trimmed. Collars and cuffs in white. Sizes from 36 to 44. Visit SHAW AHA Wa and be-convinced. A Wonderful Line New Fall Coats, Each of Women's OstV These Coats come in mixtures of brown, blue, green; 44 Inches long; deep collars; belted all around. A good, serviceable coat for 'all occasions. $10 Women's New Coats in Charming Models. . . These Coats are of high grade mixtures in the beau tiful, .herringbone weave; colors, brown, gray and blue; full flare;" belted' models; large collars and cuffs of self -material; finished with bands of plush. Buttons to match,. A coat that will surely appeal to the economical buyer. J Values Extraordinary in Women's High Grade Winter Coats n&l to $27i2 Advance Sale of New 0.95 Winter Coats JL This Is a grand Coat for street wear and automoblling. They are cut roomy and full; belts, collars and cuffs of self-material; colors, brown and gray In broken plaids. Good heavy coat for only 112.95. Other Exclusive Models $30 to $55 Velaur, Pompon Cloths, Burella Cloth. Salt's Plush, Broad cloth, in fashionable Fall colors Russian green, tobacco brown, plum, taupe, navy blue and black are featured In Motor, Street, Utility and Dress Coats. Many handsome new models, designed with large cape, convertible and muf--fler collars. Empire effects and belted styles to choose from. Plain tailored or trimmed with fur and fur fabrics. S1U 25c Ties at Only 5c Each Ties for ladies' wear and ties for boys. Grand bargain-for the small sum of only 6c each. SAXB . 35c to $1jD0 W omen's Belts At Only 5c Each Discontinued and brok en lines of Women's Belts in silk and vari ous styles of leather. An amazing bargain at only 6c. 8AXE 75c Boys' Hats At Only 19c Ea. Clean up of odd lines In velvets and wools. Hats for small boys only. These are well worth your careful consideration. - 8AXJE3 35c Women's Silk Collars at Only 5 c Each A dainty collar. of White Satin edged with Qpney Fur. A decided bargain at only 6c. BAXdB "Tarns" at Only 10c Each Cleanup of the season's stock of Corduroy, Checks and some Wool Tans. These are excel lent for school girls and women who like to wear a close fitting cap for stormy weather. Friday and atoxday Only 75c Bungalow Aprons Special- ly Priced 49c This Is an opportunity ro IT material, light and dark to m colors. early. Oood quality lent and dari all sixes. Come Sale of Blankets, Sheets and Towels A surprising sale of these household commodities at saving that should prompt all shrewd buyers to take sdvantage. 40o aKAJtQTTXSXTE SCUMS Extra Special at 25c Yd. 36-inch. These scrims are shown In white and ecru. - They are beautiful for window draperies, they launder so nicely. Actually worth 40c today. An offering that should appeal to the economical buyer. $1.50 1 BAJOTAXT COTTOH BATTS Only $1J0 Each 72x84. A WhHe Extra, Quality Cotton Batt, three pounds In weight, each batt to make a full-size quilt. Ladies who desire to make their own com forts will do well to attend this sale. COT- 81.75 SjtXrXTABY STITCHED TOM BATTS At $135 Each 72x90-incV Sanitary Stitched Cotton Batts. These Batts, when unfolded, are full comfort .size, and all that is necessary is the outer covering, w h ich is easily adjusted, making warm, cozy comforts for the Winter. SAXS aOo TSTUm ENDS OX" 8XX.XO USXS FBjXCES SPECZAXi Only 12V2c Yard V Hundreds of shrewd, women will wel . come this chance to buy- Sllkollnes for making, comforters Jfor Winter , use.- These are of excellent quaMty nd shown in a large and compre hensive variety of beautiful color ings. Full 86 lpches wide. Lengths from two to eight yards. Supply our needs here at tnis tremenaous- y low price. 8AXE 40o KXXXi EITDS OT OXXEHT AX. CBXTOHBXS Special at 22c. Yard . 36-inch, suitable for draperies, fur niture coverings, handbags, etc.. one to eight-yard lengths, the yard 22c . SI .OO BLZACEES SHXETB Special 79c Each 72x90 inch Welded - Seam Bleached Sheets, made of heavy round- thread sheeting. A sheet that will give most satisfactory service. Supply your needs here for months to come at this exceptionally low price. Limit six to a customer. $1.15 BXiXACHZD FEFTEBAXXi SHEETS At 95c Each 72x90-lnch Bleached Seamless Sheets, made of - extra heavy sheeting, soft finish, excellent quality. Thought ful housewives should not fail to at tend this sale. SI .35 BLX1CED SHEETS . Special $lJ05 Each 81x90-inch, torn and hemmed, ready for use. splendid wearing -quality.-A genuine bargain at only $1.05 each. S1.45 BZE ACHES HEAVY HOTJITS . THREAP SHEETS Special $115 Each 81x90-lnch. Made of best grade linen finish sheeting. Excellent quality, free from dressing. Supply your needs here at this exceptionally low price. Limit six to a customer. SAEE sriUSKABLB OT 18-CEHTT ... TVSKISK TOWELS . . At lOcEach 15x81 -inch Bleached Turkish Tow els, good weight, soft finish, excel lent quality. Supply your needs here now at this low price. 180 HTJCX TOWZLS Special at 12c Each $1.35 SOZEH Size 17x34 Huck Towels, bleached, heavy quality, splendid wearing. Just . the towel for hard service. 85o XTOX TOWELS I Special at 20c Each 20x38-lnch. bleached, linen finish, fancy border. A towel that will give excellent service, specially priced at only 20c each. 350 TUBJCX5X BATH TOWEX.S At 25c Each . These are extra large size, thick and heavy, ends hemmed or fringed. A towel that is a pleasure to use. Ac tually worth 36c each. Tour choice for only 25c each. i ' $1 KXICSTITCJLBD UBTEV TO WE Ids Special at 75c Each Size :20x40-lnch, bleached, all linen. An excellent towel for a Christmas gift. 1 The scarcity of real linens and the difficulty of Importing make this special item an exceptionally good bargain. Con.e! SALE $2.00 rf ZCES COTTOH" BXiAHXETS Special at $1.48 Pair Size 64x74 Fleeced Cotton Blankets in white, tan and gray, with colored stripe borders. Take advantage of this sale and supply your needs fer the cold nights to come. Limit two to a customer. $335 HEAVY COTTOH BXtAHXETS Special $225 Pair Size 0x7. Heavy Gray and Tan Cot toa Blankets, a blanket for service a ouraouity at only sz.zs pair. $5.00 HXATYWOOIJ IB 1SX Extra Special at $3J5 Pair Size 66x80. 'In irMU with nmttv mI. ored borders, an extra heavy blan ket, warm asd .comfortable, of un- uryam quality ror tne price. . $4.75 rXAZD WOOZ. HAP SXAJnCZT Special at $3.75 Pair iz mm. xnese blankets, pur chased when prices were practically normal, enable us to offer ' tnese Full Bed Size Heavy 'Wool Nap" Blankets at this sensationally low price ai oniy 3.v pair. . $8.00 WOOZt Special $625 Pair , Dainty, Soft -Wool Blanket. In only lovely blue or o Ink 1 wnue omy iiveir Diue or . i nm . . - ooraers. in scarcity or raw ma-. tenats ana advancing prices should prompt all shrewd buyers to take savaniase ox uus pnenomenal 'Offer. Store Open 9 A . M. to SP.M. Saturday . ? A.M. to : 9 P.M. We Deliver to All Parts of the City.' New Location Dekum Building Third and 1 Washing ton Streets THU STUKii THAT SAVtiS IUU MONEY' "THE BIG CASH STORE" ' on Saturday THE.PERFECT PHOTODRAMA1 ' Another -HONOR SYSTEM" I By HAIX CAINE - Cost s Fortune- !' " Mans Money WILL PLAY AT -REGULAR PRICES ' 1 - i 1 - - . v LOOofAny Saturdays at 9 A.M. Saturdays : at 6 P. M. Entrances: 2 Third St. The Most m Value The Best in Quality