The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Tinif ddcmiitd nc
'in ii nil mil 11 in
I I 111 a w .
Chancellor von Hertling Says
.yi Efforts to Stir Up Hostili
ties Between North and
' South Have Failed
Military Situation Called Ex-
cellent in Dispatch, Quot
v ing Leader, From Munich
to Amsterdam.
k-wxmtw.Ax.wr, txTntr 11 : fT Til Rl At
n Tnnatlla fool In a- between northern
'. ana southern Germany have been a
failure and these section are in
inrnriT aM rVmnt von Hurtling, the
ew German premier In his first of
ficial' utterance on domestic affairs In
' Germany. A. dispatch from Munich
contained the chancellor's declaration
and further minted him as saving that
Recent dispatches to the lnterna
V tlonal News Service from Dutch and
. mXx . - . 1 - , 11 mx 1 I.
- nwiKa sources arnmu mil iikii a cci -
' ins; . had been aroused In Bavaria
.gainst tne recKiess Bquuiucnng "
Bavarian soldiers lives In battle by
"Prussian officers.
premier would combine in an effort to
force from Mm an explanation of his
Paris speech - along the lines indi
cated by former Premier Aaquith yes
terday. - i" - VT; -,5: i j,.-
Cabinet Crisis Doubted -
The Manchester Guardian today ex
pressed doubt that there was any cabi
net crisis in England, believing; the
war cabinet would "entirely agree"
with the policy of an lnter-allied coun
cil. Chancellor of the Exchequer Bonar
Law, the newspaper pointed out, has
always said he would remain In the
Lloyd George cabinet only as long as
the government retained support of
the Unionists. .
'There Is considerable Unionist op
position now," the - newspaper con
cluded, "which, however, may be
changed by the premier's explanation."
Questions to
Men of Draft Age
Are Released
(Continued Prom Page One")
Vienna Socialists Want Peace
' Copenhagen, Nov. 1. (U. P.) A
, monster meeting of social democrats
4n Vienna Monday adopted resolutions
urging the central powers Immediate
ly to propose an armistice to Russia
and "Invite all belligerents to begin
peace negotiations," according to dis-
patches received here today.
- . . iJeain itaie in ueniwuji uig
Amsterdam, Nov. 14. (I. N. 8.)-
imina i""n w.w - -. - - -
- population are as numerous as among
soldiers at the front, according to a
" telegram rrom oeriin luuaj , tuiiiaii-
. ing mortality statistics.
It quoted the Frankfurter Zeltung
: as saying that starvation will result in
"the survival of only the stronger
members of the German population
are already being felt throughout the
entire empire.
(Ontlnued Pmm Page One)
' All plans are- open to criticism and
a am not saying mm me step we
have taken ia the last in the Drogress
to be accomplished."
Application of strategy devised by
; civilians Instead of by military ex
perts is what the London press fears
. most from the council. The assiduous
comment against such a scheme to
". day was mixed with violent assaults
- on Premier Lloyd George for his frank
' speech at the Paris luncheon. Most
. .offtna wx a wxm Bnil nn.tlnnt. .! 1.
Northcliffe publications, expressed
' . fear editorially today that the new
war council would seek to rilanlac
- such British commanders as Si
' Douglas Haig and General Robertson
"The premier is anxious for closer
ttntty in the control of allied armies.
declared the Morning Post. "It is an
unimpeachable Idea, but the point is
, whether the machinery set up already
Will aohleve this end.
Early Speech Xs Expected
"Lloyd Georges instinct is sound
In so far as he proposes to substitute
' - a systematic council of ministers for
past spasmodlo and ineffectual con
Terences but he will come hopelessly
to-grief unless he defines more pre
cisely than did Bonar Law yesterday
, In commons', the exact duties of the
. council's military committee."
Lloyd George was back in London
"'.today and It was. expected he would
-- make, an early speech In the house of
', commons, fully explaining the council
plan. London ' looked forward ex
7 , pectantly to this event; since It seemed
; likely the elements antagonistic to the
How to Reduce
Cost of Living
. . When butter sells at over So cents
, pound, lour at 12 a barrel, and
.. other foodstuffs In proportion, any
. hint to reduce the cost of living should
v"pe -welcome. The great trouble Is
that rats and mice destroy many dol
" lr' worth of food a month. Exter
minate these pests with Stearns' fraste,
which has been used with great suc
' cess by national and local authorities
: to kill rats. A small box, costing only
thirty-five cents, will often rid the
home or barn of . a family of rats or
mice In a single night. Adv.
Soreness, Pain,
Aching Joints
r .".:. .
1 . anas
Don't suffer! Relief comes
: the moment you rub with
' "St. Jacobs Oil."
children are not mainly dependent
upon his , labor for support for the
reason that there are other reasonably
certain sources of adequate support
(excluding earnings or possible earn
ings from the labor of the wife avail
able, and that the removal of the reg
istrant will not deprive such depend
ents of support. .
Married men, without children.
whose wife, although the registrant is
engaged in a useful occupation, is not
mainly dependent upon his labor for
support for the reason tht the wife
skilled in some ' special class of
work which she is physcally able to
perform and in which she is employed.
or . in which there is an immediate
peneng for her under conditions that
will enable her to support herself de
cently and without suffering or hard-
hip. '
Necessary skilled farm laborer In
necessary agricultural 'enterprise.
Necessary skilled industrial labor In
necessary Industrial enterprise.
Man with dependent children (not
his own) but toward whom be stands
in relation of parent.
Man with dependent, aged or lnfiraa
parents. .
Man with dependent helpless broth
ers or sisters.
County or municipal officer.
Highly trained fireman or police
man, at least three years in service of
Necessary custom house clerk .
Necessary employe of United States
in transmission of mails.
Necessary artificer or workman in
United States armory or arsenal.
Necessary employe in service of
United States.
wecessary assistant, associate or
hired manager of necessary agricul
tural enterprise.
Necessary highly specialised techni
cal or mechanical expert of necessary
industrial enterprise.
Necessary assistant or associate
manager of necessary industrial enterprise.
Man whose wife or children arc
mainly dependent on his labor for
support. ,
Man actually employed in sea serv-
lcie of citizen or merchant in the
United States.
Necessary sole managing, controll
ing or directing head .of necessary
agricultural enterprise.
Necessary sole managing, controll
ing or directing head of necessary in
dustrial enterprise.'
Officers legislative, executive or
Judicial of the United States or of
stabs, territory or District of Colum
bia Regular or duly ordained minister
of religion.
Student who, on May 18, 1917, waa
preparing for ministry in recognized
Persons In military or naval serv
ice of United States.
Allen enemy.
Resident alien (not an enemy) who
claims exemption.
Person totally and permanently
physically or mentally uint for mili
tary service.
Person morally unfit to be a sol
dier of the United States.
' Licensed pilot actually - employed
In the pursuit of his vocation.
Member of well recognized religious
sect or organization, organized and
existing on May 18, 1917, whose then
existing creed or principle forbids Its
members to participate in war in any
form, and whose religious convic
tions are against war or participation
Advisory Boards Provided
To aid the registrants in filling out
these questionnaires and determining
their classification, legal advisory
boards have been provided . for each
local exemption district. Disinterested
lawyers have been taken into service
to aid in the general administration
of the law.
All exemptions made prior to this
time are revoked. Every man not in
the military service must fill out a
questionnaire, and the merits of his
case will be decided upon again.
Any person failing to fill out a
questionnaire is automatically placed
In class 1 and liable for immediate
Following the classification comes
a series or general questions. There
then follow 11 other series of ques
tions which fit particular cases rang
ing from the man who claims physical
disability to questons asked of men
seeking exemption because they are
divinity students.
Oeaeral Questions Asked
The general questions establish a
most intimate knowledge of the per
sonal characteristics of the registrant.
He must state every occupation at
which he has worked during the past
10 years, giving not only the name of
the occupation but the number of
hours worked each week and a state
ment of his education.
- In these questions the registrant is
given the privilege of stating hi a
preference of service, and may state
whether he is willing to attend a
night sohool fitting him. for service
prior to being called Into camp.
There then follows a list of 87
trades and professions, and the regis
trant is given space to Indicate which
he has worked in and for how long
a period. .
IdsV)of Occupations
. The occupational lists, follows:
Accountant, artist, dramatic . or
otherwise; auto and gas engine man,
(A) factory, (B) garage, (C) Ignition
system, (D) marine engines; auto and
Ing, (G) " sanitary : factory ; worker,
farmer, f furrier. flre i fighter, forest
ranger, foundryman, 1 CA) ;, coremaker
and molder, (B) furnace man; grocer,
guard, gunsmith, harnesamaker, horse
man, horse shoer, laborer, lawyer,
lineman, (A) telegraph, (B) telephone;
locksmith longshoreman, lumberman,
machinist. (A) drill press, (B) general
mechanic, (C) grinding machine, (D)
lathe, (E) miller and planer, (FJ tool
maker; mason, merchant, millwright,
miner, (A) digrlng and loading, (B)
drill, (C) explosives, (D) timbering,
(B) tracklaying. .,; ..!
Kovla Experts Are ZTamad
Moving picture expert, nurse, paint
er, (A) house, (-B) sign, (C) scene;
patternmaker, . physician, plasterer,
plumbing trades." policeman, printer,
Quarryman, railroad man, . (A) con
struction, (B) operation. (C) mainte
nance, . (D) repair; railway motorman,
rigger, (A) bridge, (B) building, (C)
ship; salesman, sawmill man,., sea
faring man, 'sheet metal worker, (A)
copper, (B Iron,' (C) tin; shipbuild
ing, shoemaker stableman, steam en
gineer, (A) motive, (B) stationary;
stenographer, etockkeeper,, structural
Iron and steel workers, student, sur
veyor, tailor, teacher, teamster, tele
grapher, telephone operator, telephone
repairman, tileman, typewriter, veteri
nary, watchman, welder,
Students to Come From Parts
"'of- Oregon, Washington,5
1 Montana and California.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov..;
14. Fifty-one men. coming from va-
ious - parts,- of Oregon, Washington.'
Montana and California, are signed up
In the second ordnance course of six
weeks duration, that will be conducted
by. Professor C C. Jeremiah, starting
Monday, November 19. Seventeen
members of the new class are Portland
Following Is the personnel of the
second ordnance course: Ira F. Bar
pptvlfn; ! nett, "Wasco; E. D. Botts, Albany;
.w... TO.oitu-icrt nnf. I iiarry " i. ijrace. raliDnage. wash.;
.. . 0 , .. r . .... J , r - . ,
nriwiis, XiUgenei wopeiana J. tsurg.
T.lvfnffBtftn Vnnt T em- i r X Tlnraa
. . . . ...QU.W.., ma . "V TI lO A mJ mA . ,10,
Eliminating Milk
Chemist Is Proposed
Dairymen's league and- Milk Fro.
duesn Association Protest Against
Aay Change to 2owx Quality.
'Any lessening of efficiency in the
milk , inspection division of the city
will be protested by dairymen and
dstrlbutors. declares F. M. Kiger,
general ' mankger of the Oregon
Dairymen's league 'and the Portland,
Milk Producers' association. In a
letter to the mayor and commis
sioners. v
"I am Informed that you are mak
ing some radial changes In the de
partment of public health pertaining
to milk. he writes. "As general
manager of the Oregon Dairymen's
league and president and general
manager of the Portland Milk Pro
ducers' association, and representa
tive of milk Interests in general. I
wish to go on record as protesting
any change that will Impair or in
any way lessen the force that has
made our city famous for its excel
lent milk supply and low death rate
among Infants, believing tne ernc-
iency of the department has already
been sacrificed enough to make places
Willingness to Serve Asked
rereon viainunK Meiiiiiimu uii we i Wnlla Wotla TC..1, uQrr4.n T
rrauno m wins en , r aeu o CheMweth, La Grande; Morton Cong-
u don. Portland- fharlea W Cy-aitr
give tiia date of their
Dirmpmces, uj ume ui meir euiiauw Salem: Richard R. Crum. Helena,
10 una Kuuairjr, me iuuiw ui um w Mont.; Lynn W. Decker, Portland;
upon- which they entered, and their 1 chari n rimk pnrinri nnh.,f w
companions. They ara also asked, 1 Earl. Milwaukle: Allen L. Emerv. Port-
yv wimng 10 reiurn iq juui iuv-i land: L. C. Evans. Fliirur: TIT CI
live country ana enter its military i house, Seattle; Harry B. Fogarty;
service?" ; I Portland: Daniel J. Frv Jr. Rlom:
Those who seek to be relieved of mil-i Milton Gevurtz. Portland: VL R fin-
itary service on grounds of religious J bertson, Eugene; Ernest A. Hachernyi
oonvicuon against war must mw mi i'qrtland; Edmund P. Hammond,
oompiete statement or tne strengtn 01 Fortiand: Joseph w. Hammond. Port
their sect, the organization of the I land; John C. Harper, Moro; Maynard
church, the time of the organization. I Harris, Portland; F. H. Heitzhausen.
and the date of the adoption of oppo- Portland; James F. Howell, Wasco:
sition to war as a part or its creed. I Jtari t. Jones, Wasco; Harold Jope,
Claimants for exemption on grounds Fowler, Cal; Fred E Kiddle. Island
of dependency must answer a series of City; Charles R. Lamb, Albany; Wil
31 questions, supported by affidavits j nam Mackenzie, Hugo; Lynn 8. Mc
of dependents. These questions are Cready, Lewiston, Idaho; Richard E.
most intimate, seeking a declaration of I McElhose, Eugene; M. S. Mitchell,
the exact amount of money contrtb- j roruano; swan K. Nord, Seattle;
uted to the support cf the dependent George W. Ridgeway, Portland; Earl
each month. Each registrant must fenraaer, Portland; Edmund S,
also declare th amount of his income j blade, Salem; John C Smock, Port
for the oast 12 months and the amount 1 land; Jerome Steinbach. Portland:
of his property, real and personal. j Harrison W. Trueblood, Oswego; Har-
If a registrant owns a house, ho j wens, Eugene; John H. White,
must state whether he rents, and if so I kak View; A. J Wilson, Albany; Hor-
how much rent he receives. Encum- ace-5S?Wilson, Salem; Leonard C. Wil
braiifvji iinnn nmrurfv mint h& 1 8on, Portland; Henry Wold. Thomn-
clared, as well as the amount of taxes Bon Fla. Mont.; J. B. Young, Salem.'
paid In the past year. "Has your wife
ever been employed?" is one question
asked. "la your wife trained or skilled
in any calling?" "Do you or your wif
live with her parents?"
Others Hay Ask Exemption
Persons claiming industrial exemp
.no- tV n,kv. v,.. I iiiuuuiiuilion. 1UQ.. XSOV. 1 4 1 T TV
v.i tum. n.. ,!j! o.) ustracised because h a mniinnni
..u u , v t.iuiiauLci j j. trial? wubaiacoo, i . , 1
the net earnings of the business and 1 e atro.cifs of the German army. Pro-
other general facts concerning the tl i ucn, or the economic de-
Industry, v .nicut ui me inaiana university,
ruim.nt. nu.,..i 1 1 "iguea luesaay. ne is alletnd to
tion must tell in 32 answers of the "y iJQ lnal toe crimes of the al
location, extent and sort of -asricul- man-army wer common to all armies.
tural occuDation thev are engaged in. ""lessor -such came to Indiana uni
This claim must be supported with versly rrom tlarlc university
two affidavits. . I '
As in the past, the registrant does' Keal Instate Transfers
noi necessarily nave to seek exemp- a jucMian to b T Mcillnn. LOB
uon nimseii. iis wire, a relative or """" 9
any interested person may seek the GnLifl" n 2".,r.L ""J?
Indiana University
rroiessor Quits Job
HMna M Nelson to Klorirw wniin.
U 36, 88, 40. B 44, Irvlogton Park...'
1 J Gordon to llvmr xvatkint, r. a
00, ay, a t, 1 mug ton Park 250
nrmuier ana wi to ja-neet Kuan-
exemption upon presentation of affl
davits supporting the claim.
Kecord to Be Complete
On the back of the questionnaire are
blanks to be filled out by the exemp-.
tion boards.. These rive a record of
the disposition of each case, and
Vi an y A Vi a nnaalilnnnn I wMianai a
complete history of every registered f fVffk JV'f "nd wf to Marie Payne,
.. ... w.w-. vm.. : 1 lm, to mam I. u R ia san.k
naneen. is N It of N 10 ft 1. 11
and all B SO ft ! 12, B 25, North Ir-
U O. Kramer to Martha KramVr. ' K " A
Chinese See Yankee?
Soldiers on Parade
San Francisco. Kor. 14. (I. N. S.
Three crack regiments of American In
fantry, the Sixty-second. Sixty-third
and Twelfth, marched In review before
Major General Arthur Murray, west
ern department commander, and Lieu
tenant GeneralrWChiahg Ting Tsu. Chi
nese commander and other members
of the Chinese mission, at the Presidio
Tuesday afternoon. ...-.
The review was In honor of the vis
iting Chinese dignitaries. It was their
first glimpse of entire regiments of
American troops since their arrival
In this country.
3714 Food Pledges
In County of Lane
Eugene. Or.. Nov. 14'. The final re
ports on the food conservation can
vass in Lane county towns and cities
show 3714 pledges signed and 56 re
fusals met in the county. One of the
greatest difficulties met with in mak
ing the campaign was the Inability
DIXOS At the TMtdrace of kla anghtr.
Mra. Lain D. Knlrfat. 11 North N'Dta
treat. November 13, Cyrna Dtzon. bora Cor-
Tall la. Or., June 21. lfi, ag to- jraarai.
amotba. 22 daya. beloved nabaDd of Mary
Itlxon. rather ol Mra. Uulu l. B.nign.
and Cirui T. IHxoa ol Portland and brotlwr
of Jaowa C Dlxoo ot Elk Ctj. Or. Frlenda I (0 citizens.
your money. Ask for booklet OK. frea
Invited o attend funeral acrrlcea. which will chooL 388 Mardan blda- Washington.
b beld at Holinan'a fanwal parlara. Third
and Salmon atrwta. at 2:30 D. m.. tomorrow
(Tbarada.Tk, NTrmbr 16. Interment at uooni
Soott lark cemetery.
HIHFRGI8 At th realacnc. 404 DavU.
November 14. Annla llnmpuraj-a. a( sw
rears. Notlea of roneial later, uemaina are
at rcaiatc pariora of aiiuer m xracy, n aau.
Ingtoo at Ella atreet,
for noncompetents and that publlo Eueeni wire vlslteA a s hh a. haU
health should not b sacrificed by n ,uBfne wer? V8lted- n8na.n.
a aozen times Deiore uie woman ui ms
health should not be sacrificed by
further tutting down or doing away waa een
Willi no l. a van a ui.a
THE BAKER Auction House. Masonic
Temple bldg.. YamblU and W. Park
sts. Kale at 10 a. m.
War Insurance Is Desired
Salem, Or., Nov. 14. Senator MC-
. T. 1 e,nr..n a fn-
. t n rZ- V p of Rotted leaf mold and horse manure
sage to Newton D. Baker, secretary of very bMt f Q TOsefu Uwn garden
fa,, aoo, iiiig mai . is iviiaivuo . i none C-Z 24
Deen maoe lor soioiers ac vamu mmu,
L. I., where the Oregon boys are sta
tioned, to take out war risk insurance.
His message says:
"Many of the Oregon soldiers now at
Camp Mills. L. I., desire policies of
insurance as provided in the war risk
Insurance bill. Am advised that there
is no governmental agency at Camp
Mills through which the soldiers may
invoke the benefit of this law. Inas
much as the soldiers desire this insur
ance before embarkation I respectfully
call your attention to this situation
and request that Immediate provision
be made whereby this form of insur
ance may be made available to the
B. P. O. ELKS No. 142
This (Wednesday) night
win be i-iks' nignt at tne
Manufacturers' and Land
Products show. Members
and their friends are in
vlted to attend. Tickets on
sale at the secretary a or
rice.- Elks' club.
M. R. SPAULDING, Secretary.
An electrical society has listed more 1
than 3000 uses for electricity, em
bracing 109 trades and industries).
Everybody Invited
Cards. "500." dancing, union music
rood orizes. Admission 15c. Given by
Anchor council No. 746. K and L. of
8., Foresters' hall. 129 4th St., between
Washington and Alder. Wednesday
night, Nov. 14. Everyone reading the
ad is invited, whether . member or
not. Come and get acquainted.
A. F. & A. M. Stated
communication tomorrow
(Thursday) evening
7:30 o"clock sharp. Work
In F. C. degree. Visitin
brethren welcome. By order of W. M.
' tOonttmod -- . .
WANTED Men, women for govern- ,
went war positions; thousands bead"
d immediately; good salaries, per
manent employment, liberal vacations,
other advantages. We oreDare you
and secure a position or we refund
D. C.
MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists, 364
Wash. Main I6. A-lZ6. lowers
for all occasions artistically arranged.
CLARK BROS.. Florists. 287 Morri
son at Main or A-lur. r ine glower
a nd floral designs. No branch stores.
MAX M. SMITH. Florist. 141 6th st.
LTTBLINER. Portland hotel. 328 J4or.
Edward Bolmaa W. 3. Hoists
fraatdant oecraiaiy
J. B. Werleln, TYeaaarer
r.STABIJSUEli 1877
Third Street corner Salmon
Phones Main 607. A-1311.
HAWTHOKNE auto school
. in Hawthorne ave. -
The demand is increasing dally for
high class -mechanics In this acbooi
you learn and become expert by actu
ally doing the work. Special training
in. magnetos, batteries, starting and
lighting wyntemn. Inveatlgata.
NUMBER young women and men
wanted to prepare for telegraph -service
to help fill vacancies caused
by unusual drafting men for war. Po
sitions guaranteed. Call or write. Tele
graph Dept., room 606 Panama bldg.
122H GRAND AVE. KA8T 427.
UNCALLED for tailor made suits t.&0
up. Taylorthe Tailor. 2H Burnalda
WANTED Refined and Intelligent
girls of blonde or auburn hair type,
good salary. Apply office Liberty thea
tre. 11 a. m.
TWO married women wanted, one for
dining room, one for kitchen: hus
bands can get work nearby, all N.
iiul st. rnoi.e A-4.
WANTED, housekeeper for family of
two; wages iu per month. a hi.
6th N. No phone calls.
WANTED Uirl lor general house
work. Mra J. B. Wise. 466 19th near
Clifton. Portland Heights.
Progressive Funeral Directors.
Private Drive Women Attendants
Montgomery at Filth,
Main . A-1500.
WANTED Woman tor chambermaid
work. Apply Wheeldon Annex. 10th
and Salmon.
A. D. KENW0R1HY 00.
Tabor 6267s 6802 9 2d St.. Lent a. Tabor
6896. gtn t. ano roster rtoao. Arieta
Dunning & McEntee
o d e r. n in
every detail Broadway and Pine sta
Broadway van. ;.-aa. xauv asiata-i.
The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 S.
Alder st. r-hone Kaat 6Z. u-azza.
East 64. Lady Assistant. C-3165
Multnomah at Seventh st.
LERCH "A'ssttan't
haul 71
Undertakers. E. 11th and Hawthorna
Chambers-Kenworthy Co.
1111 Kerby st. Wdln. 8306. C-1133
In these war times many people are
Bring; in an unnatural condition of
nervous excitement. Unless some
thing is done to correct it the inevit
able result will be a nervous break
down, an exhaustion of nervous en-
Ji -i A.i
crgv mas may uuo m b; i-v SPECIAL meeting of the stockhold
unforeseen turn. , ers of the Big Hill Coal Mining Co.
Neurasthenia is one SUCb. result with will be held at Room 410. Behnke
its accompaniment of worry, Irrita- Walker bldg Nov. 16. at 8 p. m. Ina
bility, oversensitiveness and severe 1)0 n "Vo'wekks. President.
headache. It means that the patient 60o and dance given by Webfoot
has lost the power to recover and store team No. 65. w. o. w.. Friday eve-
ir mtivir Th vn1ition will crrnw I nlnr in W. O. W. temple. 118 11th:
vnrsA If Vnt rrrW.jri cards, dancing at 10 o'clock. Le Van-
worse u not correciea. I,.- roh.tra tuiv. m
. i m a m I til I tt aa w 0 va-aa.. w
ine ureaimenc is one oi nuxnuon 01 riven as crizes.
600 PARTY, Royal Circle No. 628.
Neighbors of Woodcraft. W. O. W.
Temde. 128 11th at.. Wednesday eve
ning, Nov. 14. 24 hands. Grocery prizes.
MBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons.
pins rhirmi. jaeeer Hros, o 1 rv
MILLER & TRACE Y'. Independent Fu
neral irectora rricea iow as izv.
fU. 160. Wash, at Ella. M. Z6l; A-f pit
PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J.
Groskopf. funeral director. Wdln.
4940. C-1166. Kllllngaworth and Kerby.
A. R. Zellar Co. IL2s'io.g:
QICA7PQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162.
orLVVL.O A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay.
Breeze & Snook rrtkV Uth-
HAMILTON nrra,er1UTalort48Fl,4:
R T. Byrnes, new residence eataoit.
901 Williams ave. wain, iiv. -iu
Riverview Abbey
(26 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 361
4th St.. opp. city nan. main aaat.
Philip Neu Sons for memorials.
C7-3FP. 5T. AI nADI5nN
hands of the local boards or in transit Juices Albert Jobnaon to' Mary' j'iiiomj)!
to them. For the next four weeks ?nv "i1 und-,3 ,nti,n th w 10 "
every ellfort will be made to familiar- lLwA k 2714 ft L 8- B J
ize the boards with the working of. Flora A Ooaa to H M Gilbert, L" i "b" 8
the new regulations. On or about G'en Harbor .'
December 16 there will be a distrlbu- Swl 11 1 on La nd po to B H BoUch and wf.
tion of the questionnaires to the reg-i M.i 6 TayloTinT wfto Boy'o TwioV
1st rants. Five per cent of. the regis- portion 1. 1, 2, B ss. Rose City Pari
trants will receive the blanks, which BJchard u Meade to John H Mtiglbbon,
contain 16 pages in quarto size, every rim jhil? .RSt a u -;
mmimrt . V. i' SlgTld Joho anl hu. to Jacob r Cook
lowed seven days to fill out the Bobert Knauf and wf to A Traer
blanks. : frnkvJ1'- If- 18, B. 2; Portsmouth
It Is believed that by February 1 : UlnT, V, ""iivvv
the military liability of each and every. 13. McMilian'a Add. .
man between. 21 and 31 in the United I Banker'a InTestment Co' ' 'to ' Frederick
States will have been fixed once and vkrk 16' B' U Hrd
fOr all. . i Mlrett. ni'lhartA' '.-i '11' iC" V-V
. . . ... " uu . w rreuer.
ica A. SSteeDle, J,. 4-3 ft. L. 2 B.
88. Belle Creat
MnHnomah Ometery to Martha Sutford,
r lertorea and 1 grave
L. 120, B. "B", in Multnomah cerae-Xorr
L. H. Dieta ruardian. to willia'm'i!'
. 10
jnrrhgtstBlrtbs. DzatH
wanted for general
no washing. 346 E. 37th.
Phone Tabor 3188
GIRL wanted to assist arlth general
neuaewora in lanmy or two. Apply
696 N or th ru p.
LADlEti, take work home apare tim.
stamping Amaa noveltlea II do.
7S3V. Wash.
WANTED Liirl to assist in general
housework. breakfast and dinner
only. 699 Lovejoy. Main 24S7.
STUDY bookkeeping. aborthaiHl.
telegraphy, salesmanahip. Knailsti
branches, at an accredited acnooU
Write or phone Main 69U lor cata
logue; graduates guaranteed positions
147 4th St.. Near Morrison.
course will aliow you to increaa
your salary in 30 to 60 days' time.
Night school. Petitions secured wlii
various rt. k. companies. herto k
billing and dtctap'.on. Worcesttr plI-
MEN, WOMEN Big money In the bar
ber business. .Own your own snop.
Earn tuition while going through tne
school. Position guaranteed. Write
for catalogue. Moler Barber College,
44 )urnaue ai., xuriiaiiu .
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for reli
able man or woman seeking a good
permanent business. About tluOO need
ed. Address Wm. Tupper, General -
llvery. Portland.
OREOO.N Baruer Coi.ege wilt icaik r
you '.he barber trada In weeks;
tools free; scboiarahip diplomas al'an,
paid while learning; poailiona guaran
teed; tuition reduced. Hi Madlaon.
teaches men and women barber tra4e la
8 weeks, giving diploma, cbolatatilp,
tools; pava rhile learning. 21 'onen
the nerve cells, requiring a non-alco
holic tonic. As the nerves get their
nourishment from the blood the treat
ment must be directed towards build
ing up the blood. Dr. WiDiams' Pink
Pills act directly on - the blood and
have proved of the greatest benefit in
many cases of neurasthenia. A ten-
dency to anemia, or bloodlessness.
shown by most neurasthenic patients,
Is also corrected -by these tonio pills.
Twn nspfnl books. "Diseases of the
Vorrnna Svstem" and "What to Eat MARRIAGE LICENSES
and Howto Eat" will be sent free by .rie. Giiiem, w.i. 154. B-t sirteenth lJ- JZ?? uS.Laba 'll w!fn
the Dr. Williams MeoUCine Uo..Bctien- cS2Si' "'" .jli containing silver lorgnette
' I r x- 1.-... -ih.i T.-a if
returned to library oiiice.
SULICl'lUKS. male or leniale. some
thing new and original; no oppoai
tlon: big money. ZQ1 Globe bldg.
LOST Notebook containing registra
tion card; also receipt lor liDerty
bond and a few articles of no value
to the finder. Liberal rewara 11 re
turned to Slguard Wisterhame, 63
Union ave., from a a. m. to a p. m.
xr V V J.,. 1. wmuiie aTenue; ivay remedial, ifcJ, xacooia.
ectady, X. X. XOUT Own druggist, Waah.. and Verdia Fraaer. 23. 11T9. Glad
sells Dr. WillUmS Pink Pills. Adv. atone avenue; Manilla C. Hyde. 27. Second and
waaningron, ana aooie jt. cmeraon, a, sru
tol hotel; Salratore Naarra, 27, 67 Brooklyn
atreet, and Joaepblne Greeo, 24, 008 Clinton
street; Charles U. Kulo. 1(3, ziy. ejaat Twen
ty-eighth atreet, and Katherine Ltnback, 24.
C0O2 Elehty-aixth atreet: J. J. 8hea. legal.
60S Saat Belmont atreet. and Ann Cody, legal
1100 KJaat Madiaon atraet; Abel B. Powell. 88,
500, Vancoarer ayenoe, and Susie E. Gregory
25. oOO Vancouver aTenue; Anafrld L.
Rid Stomach ot
Gases, Sourness,
and Indigestion
LOST Filigree brooch from FirlanU,
ML Scott car, to i St.. Morrison to
6th St., Yamhill. Masonic Temple;
has' name Jennie on Dacn. rinuer
please telephone Tabor 6086.
WANTED Position driving delivery
car or truck; experienced. A-ll.
M IDDLEAGED man will work even
ings from 6 to 9. B. Barriokmtui.
Gem Apt.. 401 1st st. Phone M. 70.
W A NTB1 Wood cutting contract of
600 or 10 JO cords. AOdreaa answer
1 0 980 46Jh ave.fc. E. Lent, Ur.
WANTED, contract to cut cordwood!
Address Geo. Poaterr K. 1. Box hs.
Llnnton. Or.
ELDERLY man wishes position" an
nlghtwatchman in clty. 614 Everett.
modeling Phon. Tnhor r4
HIGH school
student wishes work on
T-647, Journal.
LOST Parse between Russell and
20Uv and E. Belmont, owners name
inalda: contains some money and sev-
An" eral articles valued at keepsakes.
Liquor Importer Is
Given 30 Days in Jail
Chris Nelson was convicted of Il
legally bringing liquor Into the state
from Crescent City, Cal., and was sen
tenced Tuesday by United States,
Judge Bean to serve 80 days In the
county jail.
Nelson, with Charles Baker, is said
to have brought more than $300
worth, of liquor for "high class trade"
from the California town to Marsh.
field In a fishing boat, which was
washed ashore In Coos bay while the
two men were, sleeping off the ef
lect of too liberal indulgence of their
own cargo.
They were fined $100 each on state
prohibition charges before being
brought into the federal court. Nel
son was enable to pay his fine and
spent two months in Jail, and an
additional two months in the Mult-,
nomah county Jail awaiting federal
trial. He pleaded guilty. Baker will
enter his plea later.
4 ' 7
Rich Baker County
Stockman Is Called
Btrrber. 20. Imperl
L. A. 8baTr, 23, Molalla. Or., and Ethel
T. Panlann IQ 3l Vxmt Twmt.-flTlt ItrHt
UDona'o niononcin" rAliotrnc ClareiKt O. Herwlck. 24. 1023 South Jeraey
I ajL. o lk-'"',,-Jl,trfft, and Mattla McCartney. 8a KS South
rlnmixh Hictrocc in Kelloc street; Eroeat Motacbman. !, t8
OlUlliaui UWUk-JO 111 Baat Main atreet. 'and Norma Protsman. 88,
492 Market atreet; Arthur R. Boelmann, 22,
040 Leo avenua, and Mar tea Homeiia, IT
deraon. 88, Nampa. Idaho, andlabel Dorothy 1,-Hnder Dlease call Tabor 10. Keward.
Imperial hotel. I . . ii v. r. ,,.,
five minutes.
LOST A ball of crochet yarn. Just
enough to complete army sweater,
on Portlana neignts car, oaiuruaj,
Nov. 10. Phone Tabor 2 49.
LOST Sunday evening, on William
ave.. between Kuseeil ana vnerry
sts., lady s gold watch with loo. can
PAINTING, tinting, papering. first
class, reasonable. Sell. 1383.
ELDERLY lady keep house for man,
with 2 or J children, or care for
elderly couple. Call 86 E. 7th st. N.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes
sewing by the day. can Main ma-
Mrs. Lawrence.
Tenlno avenue; Lynn L. Coak. 41, Mi East 7450. Reward.
.1 . . Don't . stay ; sore, stiff and lama!
Umber up! Rub soothing, penetrating
;-8t.- jacoDs oir right in your aching motor truck driver, baker, band ln
. muscles. Joints and painful nerves. It's structor, barber. blacksmith, (A)
k the quickest, surest pain relief on helper, (B) forger; boatman, boiler
earth. It Is. absolutely harmless and , maker, bookkeeper, butcher, canvas
, doe n't burn the skin. worker, carpenter, (A) bridge, (B)
"St.' Jacobs Oil conquers pain. It ! cabinetmaker, (C) house. (D) ship;
Instantly takes away any ache, sore- j chemical industry worker, . clerical
r ness and stiffness in the head, neck, J worker, conorete " worker, contractor,
shoulders, back, legs, arms, fingers or I cook, dentist, detective, draftsman, (A)
any part of the body nothing like It. ? architectural, (B) mechanical. (C)
; You simply pour a little1 In your hand topographical; druggists, electrician,
and ' rub "where It hurts," and relief (A) instruments repaiar, (B) motors
o;nes instantly. Don't stay crippled! arfd dynamos, (C) outside work, (D)
Gtt a small trial bottle now from any wiring; engineer, graduate, (A) auto
drug store. It never disappoints- six . motive, B) chemical, ; 4C) civil, (D)
fAiX medal awards. ' t ' (Adv.)1 w. electrical, (.E) mechanical, P) mln-
Baker, Or., Nov. 14. Joseph "Wham,
64 years old, a pioneer rancher of
this county and an upper Burnt river
settler 30 years ago,-dropped dead of
heart failure at his home near Unity
Tuesday. He and his brother, the
late Wilson Wham, were among - the
foremost stockmen of Eastern Oregon
and accumulated a large fortune in
the business, Joseph was unmarried
but leaves numerous relatives at
Unity and elsewhere. The funeral
will be held at his late home Thurs
Hood River Masons
Honor Dead Brother
Hood River, Or., Nov. 14. Over 100
members of the Masonic order were
present Sunday evening at the ' A, H.
Tieman memorial service to listen to
addresses given by Captain George R.
Wilbur, E. L. Smith and Rev. M. tu
Hutton. A -banquet was served before
the exercises, which: was In conform
ity with the wishes f Mr, Tieman as
expressed In his will, wherein he left
his entire estate to the local lodge
for the , purpose - of erecting a lodge
balL , 1 .
Adlcina, l. 6, 7, B. 7, Penlnaula Add.
George Knight Clark to EathW ii " WiL'ri
wue, oeg. at a point In canter line
f B. 65th at. In aaid city, 873 ft.
My. from the Inter taction of said
center una of B. 65th at. with the N.
line of Hawthorne Are
Otto Rothschild and wf. to James M.
RothachUd. L. 20, B. 32, Ladd'a Add.
Sam to Arthna Senders, L. 29 to 82, B.
''A' Holladay Park Addj alao parcal -In
a 86, T. 1 N., R. 1 E, being part
of N. V, or wife'e portion tfb. U
O. of Timothy and Margaret Snlll
van, beg. In 6. lino of Flanders St.
288 ft. Wly. from Intersection 8.""
.line of Flandera atreet with W line
of 21at atreet; U 14 and W. 1ft ft.
', 11. B. 3 King s Second Add.; alao
W. 25 ft. L. , and R 10 ft. L 12.
B. 284, Orach's Add.; also W, U U
8 and W. V, of N. 16 2-8 ft. EL 7.
ft. L. 6, B. 16, Chruthera' Add..
Arthur Sendera and wf. to Otto Roths
child, same a a above ,
Pacific Statea Plre Insurance Oo to The
IroqooU Co., L. 2, B. 18, City View
Park ...7.... 7.
G. N. Tersteeg to Alice Verateer. !.
14. B. 6. John Irrlna'a Plrr AHrf
O. N. Verateeg and wf. to Carl Thlele.
man., L. 1 and N. 0 ft, U X B. 261,
Conch's Add.
A. O. Taepe to Alma B. Teepe, L. 23,
C. d. Stanley and wf. to" Ben RleUandl
u. i, o. a, annei
Herbert Stemler and wf. to J F.
fiootha L. 9 IO.' K. IV TrrlnvtnA
Jbn H. Lewie and wf. to Lars Jo-
hanaon, beg. ia B. 84. Cam them' Add,
to Carathers' Add., 220.66 ft. W of
yr.. line of 6th at. and 100.22 ft.
Nly. from, point In N. line of Caruth
ra St.
Merlon Verstecg to Bertha O. Vera-
teeg, wife, S. 100 ft. L. 1, 2, B.
17, John ' Irving's First Add. 10
Bcott Beealey Deans Co. to George Me-
Kniecn, 1 24, a, B. 7, aoae r ark.-. .
Cbarles KJrchner et al to Henry M.
Wagner, L. 4,B. 1, Klrcanno
tr . I Rnmaer atreet: H. W. Raymaa, legal. Roaallo.
xw uwu J"" ' " , or and Anna Wagner, legal. 861 Multnoaah
your stomach Is bad or an uncertain j zLlJi H ' '
Sumner atreet, and Anna M. Muiam, 40. Ml 1 SMALL oval goia pin wnn miuiionu
in center. Valued as keepsake.
waVd. East 8041.
1.000 1 one or a harmful one your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn t injure it
with drastic druga
Papa's Dlapepsln is noted for its
speed In giving relief; Its harmlessness;
10 I its' certain unfailing action in regulat-
,A I Ing sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its
SMITH A CO. Morgan bldg.
LRES3 SUITS for rent, all slxea
Unique Tailoring Co.. o stark st
LOST Two umbrellas, blown from
porch Sunday nigm; return 10 ivj r..
zlst st. N. Reward.
LOST A new white mangle blanket, 8
rt. long ana it wm, 111 tin:f
package. Call Tabor 84a. substantial
WAN'TIiD., nursing by a practical
nurse: will care ror Z cnuaren. x -
92, Journal. '
GOOD hand sewing; does dressmaking.
plain swing, menaing, aarning.
402 4th st. Phone Marshall Mil. .
RACTICAL nurse, with long experi
ence; have doctor's reference. Phone
Tabor 6200.
YOUNG woman wishes work in cafe
teria or restaurant -in exenange lor
meals. Y-491. Journal.
WOMAN capable, willing, wishes da
aulck relief in Indigestion, dysoensla
mr,A a-oiwrltla when rau1 v acl1ltv 1 RPED Nov. 14, 1917, at the family residence.
has made it famous the world over. L,3.!77 fhJTLJ
Keep this wonderful stomach sweet-U..V Rt. now in California, an tL. t,a.
ener in your home keep it handy get 1 lowing children: Mrs. W. H. Fvrgtieon of
la large fifty-ent case from any drug Honatonla. Mo.; Mrs. F. A. Oopeland. Mra.
tore and then if an von ihouM Mt J- w. era wrora and Miss BUncb Reed of
nmkthtnff nrhlfh 1nan't with I . ' " r' .-
- " drnpc narlora BOl Williams anaa at Mi.
mem, it. nu.i iwu, I snn atreet. runerai announcement later.
xerments aua nourn ana xorms gas; KLINGBEH November 18. at her late real-
causes headache, dizziness and nausea: I dence. 826 Maryland arenne. Mrs. Anna
. I eructlons of acid and undigested food i t,vi Kllngbeil, age 76 years. Mother of
1 remember as soon aa Papa's Diepep- ,fl n1.. r!1 .r"'.
1C I aln mmfxm n contact with th itnminh I . iw,-,. .
i .... - i v . lu.. iivm me I ill 1 1 r Luuiwtii vzu uii u.
lt helps to neutralize the excessive I ner Oraham and; Will lame avennea. Friend
lD acidity, then all the stomach distress iP,ted- Interment at Rose City cemetery.
Ua,..M h-r it dlnnnun. It- nrnm. Remains In care of Pearson Company, Rueeell
10 1 ness, certainty and ease n overcoming
such stomach disorders is a revelation
to those who try It. (Adv.)
WILL party finding lady's umbrella
with carved ivory handle, left in
Pantages theatre Saturday night. Nov.
10 please call r.ast 6361T rtewara.
wil.L th arentleman who got m
wrong hat at uoiuuon nmi uui
night kindly call Tabor 106.
FOUND Stray cow, yellow Jersey.
Owner call wood iawn uui.
How Fat Actress
Was Made Slim
street at Union avenue.
KEHBSRO In tble city. November 12. Pear!
Reed Rebberg of Rarle Creek, Or., wife of
Ft Its Rehbere- and daughter of Wilson Re-d.
Rimilm to b ahloned to Vamhlll. Or. Fu
neral will be neld Thursday, November 16.
fmm tbe Methodist chnrch. at 1 n. m. Inter
ment at Pike cemetery. Remalna forwarded
by Wilson' a Rosa, Multnomah and Berenth
BRIGHAM At the residence, 2 Eaat Ninth
atreet North. Bdward O. Brlgham. age 73
years, 7 months, 19 days. Frlenda ro vlted to
attend funeral services. Which win be held
st Holman's chapel tomorrow (Thuredayl.
November 15. at 1 p. m. Serrlces at erema-
J mf mt
Make $50 to $90 Month
Rapid Promotion for Hustler
A. L. Wistrand, 76 3d St.
jitui, xxj ww ucnu en- i r4 ril mmw, m-m 1 1 flowers
tirely upon Marmola Prescription Tab- j torlnm private. Please .omit nowera
lets for reducing and controlling fat. j KILLKfcBNEV Nov. 12, at 411 J
made $176 or more during the month
of June selling our guaranteed fruit
and ornamental nursery stock. Busi
nesa getting better every month.
Weekly cash advance, ire instruo
tlons and selling outfit, No invest
ment or experience required. Why not
make some real money you reel 1 7
Washington! Nursery company. Top
jrrmrr I penlah. Wash.
One clever-actress tells that she re- street, St. Johns. Mrs. Honors Kiukerney,
A w...wxA .x. i, i. I mwA M Tears, beloved mother of Mra. C.
using this new form of the famous I"- wwr. ""-. cum "nieu "-" "'y
Marmola Prescription and now, by tak- M- KUikerney noi,.
ing Marmola Tablets several times a Remains at A, B. Zeller Compaay a par-
vittr Irwn. her wlrht 1nt plTnt Alllir'
Hustlers can make S90 monthly.
Building Permlto
M. W Hochfeld, erect frame garage, 480
17th at. N. between Tillamook and Tomns
1), unrein Mfg. .Co.. builders; S400.
M. Welnstein. erect frame sarae. K7g v. I not tried them do so.
12th st . N. between Knott and Stanton; J. 1 lean and effective.' Adv
druggists well Marmola Prescrlntion l WOU'E-The funeral aervlcee of tbe late
Tablets at 75 cents for a large case. I David Wolfe will be held Thursday, , Norem-
Or taii can aret them br lend no nrir. I Dec ID. at x:av oaoc v. m., i aw resi-
direct to the Marmola Co. 8S4 Wmxl. oenee estsbllabment of J. P. Flnley A Sun,
Aw,,. . Ttwt Tut-h t M wxawr I Montgomery st Firtn. menos invited, in
wxxw tx-xA y,mx.m An mi Th.. .1 v. , 1 termeiit in rbe G. A. R
X X- J WX X w XXWX 111
1, long
Goreln Mfg. Co.. builders: J2iO.
W. II. Read, erect frame garage, 140 E.
Clncohi between OOtk and Slat sta. ; builder,
same; $100. . ' . .
W, C. Powers, erect frame garage, 89 B.
Pine between 19 tb and. 20th street; builder,
same; 200. ':.-
iobe uraia a Miiung uo.. Bepalr frasM
In blna, foot or Pacific atreet, north of O
R. N. bridge: Frank . DavldL balldee;
15004 , .
Mrs. Ia. B. Hlne, repair 2 story- frame flats.
180 Bast S2d street between Yamhill and
Taylor; btillder, ssme; 40.
- WThea writing to or calling
please mention Tbe Journal. :
ea advertisers
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as the German folks
call it. "Hamburger Brust Thee at
East' Side Ml'll A Lnmber Co.. repair frame I any L pharmacy. Take a tablesooonf ul
ftrage, foot f apokane avenue between pe-1 cf the tea, put a cup of boiling water
ane and Tacoma; C A Blnkley, balldera; Upon lu pour . thr0Bffh
. . , . I Ammiwxl mx 4x .
4irers roa Mining vo., repair rrame sock, 1 . a "y uu,
Alters Dock. 1 Front street just south of
Bsnedway bridge; bolldera, same; $1500.
W. F. Morris, repair 1 story frame realdeace,
64th avenue Houtheaat between 4Stk and
mth streets: builder, earner 150.
Journal PobUablng Co.. alter 2 story brick I cold at . once.
oral nary warenona. a&u s;araKv. os aooa
street between Arthur and Baker streets; Din.
alddie Oona traction balldera; $50. . r-
la ! the : most effective way to break
a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores,1 relieving congestion. Also
loosens tbe bowels, thus breaklag a
sold at , once. . .' ' x.. -.v. .
It Is inexpensive and entirely veg
etable,' therefore harmleaa (Adv
WANTED, reliable man, tborou
familiar with logging lana
Ijob right near Portland. Might give
contract 10 man woo ou cquiyucui.
Write at once. u-7a. jonrnai.
at"?vSZxZV v " p-,"V.r.r: I CLKRKil 8 to 20 years of age; must
w-.?" LTi" .r. 7--r.HL-ia; ."r h eod at figures and able to
I I SJI I P II 1 1 1 U J masses V Wwm AV W V as, Kiaa 0 .. a
ef Mr. and Mra. W. a. Bamaeber. Remains I operate typewriter. Apply Independent
at tbe new nsrlors of Breesa a Snook. Bel-1 Foundry Co.. 23d and York sts.
mont at Thlrty-flftb. Notice of funeral later. I WANTED Several atructural steel
' draftsmen. Apply Northwest Bteel
MAN wasted for general grocery work.
Apply 10 K-iipatncg St.. swenion.
HALL The faneral aervlces of the late Ma
tilda Hall win re neia xnuraaay, Nntn
ber IS. at 1 o'clock p. m.. at tbe realdence
eatabllabment of 1. P. Flnley A Son. Mont
gomery st Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment !
" 7Jnw7Z .... w HELPVAKTE1M1HC. 40
(UQrUflll.Vl IVU 111 mil 111 . -xxx-wx-xxxixw-x- I , 1 . I I 11 'll 'll Hi ii I
14. at bis Ute residence. 240H Fifth street, I UNCLE SAM
Marina GosDoadlnovlcb. sged 23 years. Tbe I laono tknarranhan. Enroll
remains are at the residence establishment of j now fOT a'horthand, typewriting, book
J. P. Flnley a Boo. Montgomery at FlfU. "rlnff MISS UECKER'S PRIVATE
a V iniPfUlAkT la .(tees WaaaW Ii .71 T. T 15 t xTCC Q rkT T sTaIT lit trliAS A 1 sa W es
DfC i4CM3a3 W W W 4Vas WI eWAl
ALFREDSON In this city. November 14. at
tbe family residence, 141 uaat xntrty-nrta
street, Richard Edward. Infant aoa of Mr.
and Mrs. K. d. Alfredsoo. Notice of funeral
hereafter. '" - . - - -
ElLUiAN la Milwaukle, Or.. November 14,
Enas Hill man, age 9 years. - Remains are
at the realdcne fnnersl parlors of Walter C
Ker.wortay, 16S2-1&34 Dast Thirteen tb street,
Sellwosd.-. Faneral aotiee later. r
. 1S8 Burnalde t Portland. Or.
fall r write for free page cats
log. It tells how we help you to a good
poeltion. - iay? anq nignt ci asses.
SPANISH taught 2ao an hour lor class
of or more, jaar. zzwt. .
J iMA a V vaumwiv. "V
work. Main 1767.
PHONE Main 2817 for stenographers
and office help. $30 to $lo per mo.
Nice steam-heated rooms. IZ.I0 week
and up 12 W. Park land Morrison .
TTTUkitCL. tiu'1'h.L Rooms t per wi
Steam heat. Also housekeeping
rooms. 2d and Yamhill sts.
Princess Hotel. E. d and Burnslde.
K0c day up, $2 week up. East 171.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at lwlb
R1TM KOe dav us: weekly J2.40 UP;
runnin g water, free pnones an n.
THE HAZEL Kurnlsr.ed rooms, sleato-
heat. running water. a a wi;
ROOMS and apartments in mpOera
hotel. $1.75 weeg sna up. aww.
ROOM and board ror Dusinese gins;
modern conveniences, waumi u i"
tance. I1.S0 wk. 12 E. 7th at. Kast 4711.
ftxA. M.rth Washlncton. $40 lain, for
business girls and students. Mar. 12H.
CMEERFTTL home and best care given
little gin; near scnooi. laoor
THK .Mlvt, i lUi. Jwiueiirje. :
steam heat, gooo ixinrn reF m. m.
SUNNY front room for 2 men, twin
beds; modern conveniences, -walking
distance. 611 Morrison. Main 2732.
EXCELLENT board and room for
gentlemen. MV J nnuy. pi. waia
ng distance. Main 14$1. -
WANTED, a place In country for boy
lb. where can work ror board ana
room and go to school, W-708. Journal.'
WORKING woman wants room from
$5 per month up on west siaa ifc
840. Journal. '
ruBistfEP AS9 vmnrmjrti
flam Ar4e Free bath, hot, cold water.
week tip. 401 1st st.
WILL rent cheap, a large unfurnished i
upstairs housekeeping rooms in prl-;
vato family to eoupl er ladles; splen
did locatton, walking distance. Inquire
f4E; Alie.r. -. - ' y.
THREE fur. rooms for housekeeping
cheap . rent. ftS E 10th N. Fboae
Woodlawn 11 -
(Ooatlaaed oa Vasrt c))