r - . 12 THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL; PORTLAND; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1917. ,fS ROOMS AND BOARD JTUTATB -AHH.T COBtiP 0d SUNNY front room for 2 men, twia beds; modern convenience, walking distance, ill Morrinon. Maln2i22. - X WIDOW with bet of reference will ' board and care for children at her home. Tabor 8114 iSTCE furnished front room private family; board. 428 Mill. Phone Marshall zaio. 'ComVORTABLE furnished home and ) home surrounding. 1 or 3 men; 2 Ploclcs from, car.. Tabor 4442. "fOUNO lady employed will share ' sleeping porch; all home privileges. Phone East 1662. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 CLEAN furnished 1 and 2 room H. K. ". apt. Adults or business girls. Uo J aihildron. Neat attic bachelor apt. Rea sonable. Del Monte 167 20th. ne.tr w iiningivu. " A - o Kree batn. hot, cold water. week .up. 401 1st at. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS 7tf rrmiasHss awd unfits, sis hxd tUTAX fAMILY ONE or more housekeeping rooms. 47 E. 8th St.. N. TWO very Large modern front H. K. first floor. 492 Main Bt. FOU RENT HOUSES UNTUBNISHED 12 ' COLLECTIONS ON RENTAL PROPKRTY -WE WILL LOOK AFTER YOUR INTERESTS , FOR A SMALL MONTHLY CHAItUC J L IIARTMAN COMPANY NO. 7 CHAMUER OK COMMERCE ELUG. 4TH A N I STARK STS ,TOU don't know what you are miss ing! Nice, dean, comfortable cot tages rent almost nothing. Then you have money lei t to buy Liberty bonds and help the Red Cross with th army. Bee them to appreciate. 624 'Hall and 16th uts. MOVING. PA' KING, SHIPPING, STORAGE; Cut freight rates to all points. on household goods. Manning Warehouse and Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt at. pnone Bdwy. 7U3. MODERN 6 room house for rent arid furniture for sale; near Jefferson high school. Call Sunday forenoon or evenings after 6 p, m. Wdln. 3739. A COSY 4 room house, furnished or unfurnished. 1410 Greeley St.. St. Johns car. "THREE room house for rent. $5 per ' month at 21st and Woodward sts. Cull 70S Woodward. r?2 SYRACUSE ST., near McKenna, '. 6 rooms, and bath, near shipyards; gocd neighborhood. 4TANlJ 6 room cottages, garden, acre of land, rent 4. Marshall 4569. "MODERN bungalow. U rooms, adults only. Roup City rrfr. Tabor 3994. 6 ROOM modern house, $7, with water. Tabor 3704. MODERN 6 room cottage, 710 Kearney st. Main 7516. $26 EIGHT rooms, 758 East Pine, very modern. Phone Broadway 694. 5 ROOM house within reach of ship yards 847 Front st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE- FOR SALE 32 4 ROOM house, rent SS.f.O; 3 lots. chicken house, coops and wire for ale; 3 good incubators, furniture, 3 rugs, linoleum, polished top range, all food as new; also 10 gal. dill pickles, sacks ppuds; give possession Nov. 24. Mt. Scott car to Laurelwood. south to 4702 62d St. IfTVE lroom" mode r n bu nalo wlnRose City Park with hardwood floors, sleeping porch, etc., for rent, complete ly furnishod, to responsible parties. Rant $35. Phone Tabor 2746, or call at 413 East 60th st. N. MODERN furnished cottage; water, light, gas, $16. East 31602. 6 ROOM house, piano, $16. 1406 One- onta n.. wooaiawn. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AM) UNFURNISHED HARRIMAN APTS. 164 24th at. N. I large, all modern, 4 room apartment furnished or unfurnished. . Most dean- able with nice sleeping porch. Her la a chance for something pretty nlc. It must be seen to be appreciated. Ref erences. Main 356. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance; references. PENROSE APARTMENTS ' Orand ave. bet. Morrison and Bel mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bldg.; white enamel and mahog'v finish: walklne distance. THE Stanfleld Apts., 204 Porter Bt.., completely furnished, cooking gas included, 6 blocks from shipyards. reaaunaoie. main is'jz. JUST completed. 3 and 4 rooms, sleeo ing porches, hardwood floors. Gar field. 861 Failing, one block west Union ave. Hast 4 Jits. NOKOMIS. 665 Marshall. Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress- In room and phone. $15 to $22.60. THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union ave. rucely furnisned z-room apts., strict Iv modern, reasonable. East 2403. f ROSE FRIEND APTS., cor. B way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service. Walking dis. Marshall 1410. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. Sd and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.50 per week up: sleeping rooms. East 212. HI SLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne Modern 1, 2 and 3 room apts.. $12.50 tap. Walking distance. East 882. FOR RENT FLATS 13 x i i i ii i- - i , - -,. TWO 6 room flats, closa. In ATI A nn 3 carllnes $12.60 per month. Phone cenwooq to m THREE room flat, 473 Union. Stores $00-602 Williams ave. East 2195. FURNISHED FLATS 50 TWO beautifully furnished rooms with sleeping porch, walking dis tance. ' 867 Vancouver ave. near Broadway. - MODERN ODERN flat furnished, rent cheap. 7 E. 21st st. Brooklyn car to door. HOTELS 54 32 ROOM hotel located on Llnntnn road fins location for business; there is a conrecuonery ana pool tables in con nection; cheap rent; take litney at 3d and Stark or take St. Johns car and cross ferry to Whitwood court. Ask Tor Mr. Bush. WANTED TO RENT ,t 4 OR '5 room modern house; good dis- . met; noma pnone uswtgo 102. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 MODERN 7 room, fine neighborhood, i East 39th, cor. lot. All improve ments, $2600. Mostly terms. Owner. X-446, Journal. HAVE a 6 room house on Portion 1 Heights. 2 blocks from carline. for sal or trade- cheap. Give full informa tion. B-860. Journal. - b . ROOM house, furniturs complete. . S room house, must be sold as I am leaving city; no dealers wanted. 415 E. Wash. FOR SALE at bargain, owner. Modern i house and ?4 acre, cultivated, fenced. bearing fruit and berries, between Mt. Scott snd Hawthorne car. Tabor 1014. ARLETA BARGAIN 4 rooms and bath, newly tinted, full ; basement and electric lighted. $1300, terms. Call at 6629 63d ave. S ROOM house and lot 60x100 for sale - cheap; ownt wishes to go east; 2 carllnes.- Phoni Sell. 833. , 7 ROOM modern house, good location. will accept clear lot or acreage for part payment. Tabor 6271. D-112L FOR SALE ROUSES 61 (Co-tinned) f 120 . ACRES, fenced. 60 acres nearly level, with rich sandy loam; 40 acres cultivated ; good ' spring, fine creek, county road, telephone, family orchard, house, barn,, outbuildings. . A real snap, $37.50 per acre, 10 miles north east of Cathlamet, Wash. Marshall 4133. Write 248 13th St., Portland. NEW bungalow, i lots, corner 22d and Insley a ve. Any way you want It, or will trade for a place in Spokane or sell furniture and rent cheap. J. J. White. 766 Insley ave. Sellwood car. MODERN bungalow. 2 lots, all kinds of berries, sidewalk, close to car. Tabor 8948 Sundays or evenings. 800, SUNNYSIDE, 3 room house, elec tric light and gas, $500 cash. 43d E. Morrison. D-1055. ' FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE The best business and apartment SjuxIOO feet in the city; on main carline; walking distance, near pacific Dental College; reason able; term if desired. Phone East 4904. LOT, $400; terms to suit; 25 minutes from city; close to Rose City car. Room 14, No. 7 1st st. ACREAGE 57 $25 DOWN PARKROSE TRACT CLEARED Just 1 block from the Columbia river highway, finest soil, water piped to property only $15 month. J. L. Hart man Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. til ACHES near Albany, mile from depot on Pacific highway, on 11 it Excellent location for factory, dairy or poultry, farm, on canal. Price rea sonable, also 330 a. ail-purpose farm, good new buildings; ideal dairy farm. Address Box 30, Tangent, Or. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close in car line, easy tarins; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. CUT living expenses, raise your food 2 hi acres, crop included-, warm house, garage, well, fruit all kinds; Liberty bond accepted. Owner, Main 9681. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN rancnes near Portland; 3, 6. 10 acre tracts, $C6 to $200 per acre; easy terms. Mc- Karlano. 6U6 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOU SALK FARMS 17 A SNAP, $750." Threo acre chicken ranch, in ths heart of the prune belt in Clarke coun ty, Washington. Mostly all cleared and in first class shape. Plenty of bearing fruit trees of assorted kinds, a gooa well and pump, a fine spring, ana cree,k running through place, a good 4 room bungalow, in good condi tion; new woodshed. 3 good chicken houses and dusting sheds and other small pens and coops. A good duck house, good rabbit house and runs, iuou feet of good fencing and yards. good garden patch and a fine straw berry paten; plenty or chickens, oucks and rabbits; house furnished, in fairly good shape; plenty or wood, gooa roads and good shipping point to Port land or Seattle, Wash. Old age and other business forces me to go to California. Title perfect and clfar. A good home lor an old couple. Can give immediate possession, some terms. Route 2. Box 37 A, Rldgefleld. Wash. 10.000 ACRES of farm lands located in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana; these lands are free of all Incumbrance; will sell on easy terms or will exchange for good, first class city income property, either in Port laud, Seattle or San Francisco; would be willing to assume a reasonable amount of incumbrance. Owner, 323 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland, Or 80 ACRES diversified Oregon farm. near Columbia river highway. 40 acres good, level farm land, balance pasture ana timber; mile from small town; $760 will handle. -JtEAL, BARGAIN and opportunity for poor man. 612 Royal bldg., Morrison and Broadway. FOR SALE 312 acre irrigated stock ranch. Western Colorado, best cattle country: unlimited Iree rantce. Con aider Willamette valley property to $4000, part pay. TA.-551, Journal. 1.V 1 1 i C A I .t' aifA t-.-i olfiT r Vina 11 tifully situated. Pacific highway. Clarke Co., Wash." 8 acres bearing prunes. Sacrifice price. - Phone ot- f ice hrs. Main 1007. evenings Tab. 6513 FOR SALE 30 acre ranch, 23 acres in cultivation, orchard, good ground. big outrange adjoining place; gravel road. j. jBoinner, i,eDanor, ur. 40 ACRES near North Plains, 22 miles of Portland, 16 cultivated, orchard. buildings, only $2600. $700 cash. Albert Haraia. 70t Mississippi. 25 ACRES, highly improved farm five miles S. El city- good buildings, orchard, level land, team, cows etc. Priced right by owner. Y-613 Journal. 15 ACRE improved farm. 5 miles out, small house, orchard etc. priced right; some terms. J -57 a. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT, 40 acres. Ederer. 689 Raleigh. Call Geo. FAR3IS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 TIMBER 320 ACRES? TIMBER Finest body of virgin timber in state of Washington, located on good logging, stream. Box 402, Vancouver, W ash. FARM on shares by farmer who will take best or care or place, rrerer one with fall grain in, or some equip ment rurnisnea. j-biz. Journal. WHEAT RANCH WANTED Have cash buyers for good wheat ranches priced rignt. facinc Agency, 514 Swetland bldg. PRACTICAL farmer wishes to rent about 30 acres; cash or shares. Main 7252. 305 2d street. WANT to rent wheat land with equip ment, on shares. Address J. Both- ner, Lebanon, Or. HOMESTEADS 120 ACRE relinquishment; house. 100 iruu trees, lot cedar, 20 acres cleared; 40 miles ?from Portland. All ror 3su. deters, 15 N. 5th st. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE) or trade for cltv ororrt-ir. 47 acres, 2 miles from Woodland, Wash.; good roads, daily mail, tele phone, fine team; 5 cows, small stock. ...... t ktiHJiHi. ,1-1,1 . . , euuu uuumuja. w in stana investiga tion. For complete Information, C. . roost, pub urand ave. Stock Ranches Several in Willamette valley to ex change for city property. PACIFIC AGENCY, on swetianq Diqg FOR SALE or exchange, 1 lots in good locality. Would take good 2d hand auto as part payment. Just sold iYM lots adjoining for $2500. Ford pre- teiu. raone labor 8124 Wheat Ranches "ave some or the finest wheat '"wra i oregon; casn or trade. Pa. clflc Agency, 514 Swetland bldg.. SEVERAL fine valley farms and cash to trade for mercantile business lacjuc Agency, 614 Swet long U1US. BIG snap, 280 acres Improved farm! line sou, sawmill, 10,000,000 feet kuuu aw iimDer, gooa location. S. M . cam, tiiamoer or commerce. WILL sell or trade business and give you a bargain, if nan, rtewperg. Or, $25,000 income city property clear of "'-"'""'-"-o " iraae xor stock ranch. jranm jBcucy. on cwetland bldg. TO TRADE, "Salem bungalow and two lots for clear Portland .vJ I Address Box MjtTHsl en,. Or 10?A-' ,Hovw- Wash., $2800; for stoldalio0 ttWci X tK. Llnc,OIn Co., 9 miles to coasC OwneAiTmce0" la FRt-d cltyjPrpperty for sale or exchange. Oirrie. 606 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 Cpntinned NEW. modern home, Irvlngton; very choice lot. Ladd tract; & acres. 11 miles out. all In cultivation, soma in cumbrances, t& exchange for Improved 15-30 acres within it miles, on b road. Owner, Z-826, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange, hous and . one acre ground, 4 blocks of station at Tigard. Will sell cheap. Call Mar shall 1588. ' . WAXTEp REAL. ESTATE - 31 CASHfor lotolrjnore. Overlook or St. Johns direction. P-713, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Terms if Wanted Hotel special. $2500; only first class hotel in small manufacturing city; big payroll; always full; you only have to look to buy; we have other good ones lor less money, Pacitic Agency. -14 Swetland bldg. .. HOTELS We have the finest bunch of hotels to choose from on coast, all in good towns, doing good business; jiouu ana up. pacinc Agency, oi Swetland bldg. , 10 ROOMS. $275 Good furniture, White Temple dis trict, furnace heat, always full. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 Country Stores Have 10 general merchandise stores in valley, $4000 and $25,000, to trade for improved valley ranch. These are good choice trades. Pacific Agency, 514 Swetland bldg . Grocery Snap doing $40 a day cash trade; apart ment house district; no delivery; liv ing rooms; rent $32.50; invoice. We have other ones from $400 up. Pa ciflc Agency. 514 Swetland bldg. Dandy Pool Hall 7 ; Complete; will exchange fir clear property; price $1500; first class busi ness. Pacific Agency. 614 Swetland bldg. ; I W'ISH to incorporate my business and would like to come into contact with party who wants to invest some money in a good solid proposition. U-7.61, Journal. Pool Rooms 10 pool rooms in and out of Port land, some good buys, $500 to $3000. Pacific Agency, 514 Swetland bldg. $450 BUYS a well established auto ao- cessortes business; will clear $300 per month and better. No experience necessary. Answer this and I will show you how. N-404. Journal. Big Garage Snap $2500; big storage and repair. Corns look and you will buy. Pacific Agency. 514 Swetland blflg. I HAVE accepted other position; my little grocery for sale cheap for cash. Woodlawn 1596. DON'T WORRY I can sell or trado anything any where. Layman. 146 Broadway NOTICE There is a good opening for another veterinary at Albany, or. 363 3d. LARGE store for rent. BUSINESS T OPPORTUNITIES" WANTED 68 WANTED Apartment house. See me at once. M-643. journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method oi paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 30 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charcred. EQUITABLE SAVGS & LOAN ASS'N. 24 2 stark at., iortiana. ur. MORTGAGE loans on Improved, resi dence DroDerty in Portland. Loa time if desired. Repayable by install ments. No commission. Win. MacMj ter. 701 Corbett bldg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property- money aavancea as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 2407. $250. $350. $4U0, $50U, $bO0. $750. $1000 and larger amounts at currenr rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to fauoo on city property. A. H. BELL. 201 Gerllnger Bldg. PRIVATE party has $500 to $1500 to loan. Write particulars to U-763, Journal. $50,000 to loan in amounts to suit , on city property at 6 and 7. M'KEN- ZIE & CO.. 515 Gerllnger bldg. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS $500 to $6000 6 FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 H 1ST ST. $100 to $1500, .consiaer lots. E. H. Dowling. 416 Cham, of Com. M. 867. $500 TO $7600 to loan on city or farm security, s-117. Journal. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Louis baiomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mtsrs.. loans, contracts. F. tt. iewis, R. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 683. MONEY TO LOAN CHATfELS, SALARIES 07 FURNITURE SALARY LOANS LOANS WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or work mgmen on their own notes, easv pay ments, business strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY NO INDORSER We also loan on household furniturst pianos, etc., wunout removal. Call and See Us COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See lis SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary 'or fixed income, on household furniture. pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private of flees. PORTLAND LOAN CO.' (Licensed) auti-3'J7 ueicum reiag. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N n,3taDusnea Dy rortiana business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 394 STARK lJAINS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, riAWUS, HUUSKHULL) FURNITURE. FINANCIAL 51 1ST and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers' interest In contracts. Ore. and Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS GOOD 12v0 lb. work horse and harness $50; also light spring wagon. Jily Asa uuDser, st union ave. $55 FOR 2000 lb. team, fat and blocky true. Res. 25 Market St., apt. 9 Phone Mar. 3732. 2400 LB. TEAM, harness and ranch wagon. $9d.. aits, smith. .Phone Marshall 405a. 2500 LB. TEAM, harness and ranch wagon, $13o. 711 2d st. South Port land car. . 1500 LB. 5 vear-old horse. $125. South Portland car to Meade St., 2 blocks west. No. 258. DEAD stock taken. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. A FINE 2000 lb. team, sound and wel matched; trade or sell cheap. 302 Front st. FOR SALE or trade for work horse, 6 big horses and 1 driving horse. MBA V . oou rruui i. - PONY team, also grey 'mare, weight about 1150 lbs, no aeaiers. uaii 429 Hawthorne avenue. GOOD pair or work mules cheap, or exchange lor came, aoz t ont st. FOR SALE A light team, harness and wagon. Tabor 1305. HORSE and wagon.; $1.25 day; horses and wagon. ..50. &4$ v ront. M. zsos, BARGAIN. 2400 ilb. team,; sound and " true. $85- Good pony, $15. 263 Russell HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC IS (Continued) - .i i -i NOTICES NOTICE! v We hold auction sales Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. Will sell your ) horses, wagons,- harness, etc., on a; commission basis. Star Stables. 208 Front st. Main 171. John S. WU llamson, prop. SEVERAL cheap I arm horses and teams: all kinds of wagons, harness and saddles, also near new bike buggy. Exchange for cattle. Columbia Stables, 802 Front st. TEAM coal blacks, blockv and fat. lUaO lbs. .each, gooa narness ana ranch wagon. $110. South Portland car to Meade St.. 2 blocks west, No. 251. FOR SALE $65, gentle black driving and plow horse, sound; and light spring wagon, with top and harness. 145 E. 81st St., N. Montavilla Car. LEAD horses and animals hauled away .free. $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Call Woodlawn 20, Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK .85 AUCTION sale at Andrew Brown ranch JA mile south of Hockinson, Wash., 13 miles N. E. Vancouver, Wednesday, Nov. 14. at lu:30 a. m. 8 cows, 8 hier- ers, grade Guernsey bull, 4 work 'horses. Z brood sows, 12 snoats, i oozen cmcK ens, Sampson tractor 6-12; R. J. 2 bot tom 14 inch tractor plow, 2 3 V wa gons, hack, buggy, McCormack rake, new Peoria disc drill with grass seeder attachment, 12 disc harrow, 60 tooth harrow; 90 tooth harrow, , riding culti vator, 5 shovel cultivator, 16 inch plow, 8 inch hillside plow, orchard plow, slip scraper, barrel spray pump, 110 gal. gasoline tank. No. 15 De Laval sepa rator, cider press. 40 tons baled nay. Ed H. Kangas, owner; W. S. Wood, auc tioneer, Vancouver. Phone 614. AUCTION sale. Kings Heights dairy, 4 miles from city hall, Portland, on Cornell road, IVi miles from end jof Westover car line, at , intersection (of Skyline blvd. and Cornell road. Sale at 11 a. m. Thursday, Nov. 15.; 2S cows, nil liiwinor. soma fresh, extra large; H year old Jersey bull. 1 yearling Hol stein bull. 4 heifers, 1 Shepherd dog. buggy, wagon, milk cans, 2 milk cool ers, 2 cream separators, also Ford de livery car in splendid condition; farm tools. Michaelson & Solberg, owners; W. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. JUST in from the country with a car load of excellent dairy cows, 25 head, 16 head Just fresh from 1 to 3 weeks and 10 that will be fresh in a few days. Jerseys. Guernseys Dur hams and Holstelns. Cows that will give from 4 to 6 gallons a day and test from 4 to 6 per cent. All good young cows, 3 to 7 years old. To see them take Sellwood car to Insley ave.. walk 3 blocks east to oo. AUCTION. 1 mile west of Vancouver, Wash., on the River road, Friday. Nov. 16, at 11 a. m. 22 milch cows, tuberculin tested; some fresli; a lot of large cows. Large Holstein bull; 30 tons of first class hay. Farm machin ery, etc. IL B. Hathaway, owner. W. S. Wood Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. THOROUGHBRED Holstein bull, 2 years old, weighs better than 1200, very gentle and easy to handle, good condition; will sell reasonable. Take Sellwood car to insiey ave.. go iwo blocks east, 700. Mr. Evens. FOUR good dairy or family cows; 2 just fresh, 2 to rresnen in iew uays; Jersey and Guernsey. 466 faherred ave.. seiiwooa cai BIG Guernsey 4-year-old, fresh two months. Rich milker. 142 E. Bist jn. Tabor 7678. YOUNG fresh. 6 gal., Holstein; 5 gal. Guernsey: also 3 neavy springers. 761 East Ash. . FOR SALE or trade for a family cow. fine big horse, ureal puner. ioi. 27. 921 N. Central ave., St. Johns. 7 HEAD large dairy cows, b rresn. t freshen soon. 144o AlllwauKie ave., Sellwood car. TWO- choice fresh Holstein cows. 1594 Division st SEVEN weeks old pigs for sae. Main 9455. TO SELL or trade, "T" tested Jersey, for fresh cow. 2033 Hawtnorne ave. CHOICE of 2 good cows, cheap. 7719 60th ave. Firiana station. 6 FRESH cows, 105 Falling st. Take xaiSS18Sippj,:ar: SWISS male goat. 6315 Woodstock ave. POUITRVT PIGEONS AND 37 - PET STOCK FOR SALE Last spring's S. C. Min orca cockerels, $1 up. Pure bred. Mrs. R. A. Neibauer, Gresham, Or. 16 JUNE hatch R. I. Red pullets. $1 each. 8Zd ana uivision. lapor zzbi. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 FORJIALE St. Andreasburg- Rollers, young stock, reasonable. Also one beautiful Japanese Oriole singer. Phone East 3449 CONSERVE meat. Rufus Red, Bel gian and utility raODlts ror - Bale. Some bred. 4230 58th ave. S. E. Sell wood 3109. FOR SALE St. Andreasberg rollers of imported stock. 633 Vi Kodney ave. Phono East buyu. . PERSIAN kittens cheap. Three males for service, wooaiawn zns. io East 32d st. North ST. ANDRE ASBERG rollers, good singers and females. Phone Wood lawn 3652. WANTED Rabbits or chickens in ex change for mcubator and brooder. Tabor 1463. FOR SALE Rattan puppies for sale. Tabor 2874. FOX terrier pups. 1447' Mallory. Wood lawn 16o6. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 LAMER' Mfg. & Repairs, 3000 guarant'd springs In stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st NOTICE TO FORD OWNERS We will install a new motor in your Ford for $20. Don't miss this offer. Apply Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 20th at. CASH paid for old cars; condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Exchange, 129 Lownsdale, at 15th ana wasn. xu. nei. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels. axles: we wrecx aji maxes ot cars and sell their parts at price. Auto W recking Co.. et w. Broadway. 1917 FORD. $100 extras, run less than 4000 miles, $375 casn. Private owner, 621 Overton street. 1318 FORD touring, run few hundred miles, for sale at discount. Terms. T-550, Journal STUDEBAKER delivery, Packard 3 ton truck, two trailers. American Jobbing House. Main 4364. S AUTO parts and accessories for less. MOTOR RARTS MFG. CO., 325-27 Burnside st. Broadway 3238. FOR SALE lota delivery car, just built and painted. A bargain If tak en now. Wdln. 5359. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th & Oak. B'way 164 FORDS go loO miles for 60c. We tea you how. Phone Broadway 4666. Hi Burnside at Park. TIRES, $2.50 up; vulcanizing 'retread lng; tires bought. Portland Motor Wrecking Co., 636 Alder. Main 479. WARNER Detroit roadster for sale at $290; recently overhauled. Phone Se llwood 2379. FOR SALE Nearly new 1917 .Max well touring car for $550. C-710. Journal FOUR second hand 34x4 quick de- tachable clincher auto tires; fairly good shape, cheap. Tabor 1014. 1917 FORD for sale; ocst $475. Inves tigate this bargain. 475 Clay. Main 4885. GOING into service, will sell my Dodge car for $500. Phone Main 2235. 1916 MAXWELL for sale cheap. X-406, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, Oakland roadster. Wdln. 3733. 1918 FORD touring car. East 7047. SECOND HAND auto Urea. 126 1st. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 i (Oon tinned) THREE REAL BARGAINS 1 117 Cole 8 Sedan, a! meet new, good tires and splendid equip ment $1600 i Packard limousine with touring body extra. A 6 cylinder car in fine running order, electric lights and starler 2500 lair oaamac 8 run less than 8000 miles; bumper, soot light and other extra equipment; two new extra cord tires 2650 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10TH AND BURNSIDE STS. BROADWAY 521. GMC TRUCK Three-quarter ton, with or without power hoist and body. Fine mechan ical shape. Tires practically new. OVERLAND TRUCK Three quarter ton, with or without body. Excellent mechanical shape. New tires. THE WHITE COMPANY, PARK and COUCH STS. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1916 Overland, 7 pass., 6 cyl. In very fine condition. 1917 Mitchell, 5 pass., 6 cyl., like new, guaranteed. 1916 Chalmers, 5 pass., 6'cyL, with Winter and summer top. ; 1916 Mitchell. 7 pass. 6 cyl., a real bargain. 1915 Mitchell. 5 pass.. 6 cyl, lust rebuilt. 1914 Oakland, 5 pass.. 4 cyl., good condition, cheap. WE ALSO HAVE , Fords, Stoddards, Mitchells. Overlands. Studebakers and Saxons. Prices $150 up. Terms given. USED CAJt DEPARTMENT MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. Bast 7272. B-1216. Garages $35 Up See Samples, 644 Hood st. Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $370 1 Ton, $420 2 Ton. $470 BUILDLERS OF EVERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland 153 E. Water st. Phone East 7437. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? .We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul canizing Co., S33-335 Burnside, near Broadway. 1500 LB. Reo truck with top, complete, $110. Phone Sell. 615. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALL AUTOMOBILE. POTATOES OR ABLE MERCHANDISE, 1 TEAM OF BAY MAKES, 8 AnU 9 YEARS OLD. WEIGHT 1300 LBS.; 1 BLACK GELD- A I,- VX , 1VU A Kj. , X t?Al x r i7 U X3 J Hi HARNESS, 1 SET OF SINGLE HAR NESS. CALL TABOR 630, OR MAR SHALL 5886. . I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. AUTOS FOR HIKE) 52 AUTOS for rent without DRIVERS G. N. Smith. 3d and Gllsan. Broad way 2629. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City 86 10th st. B'way 840. A-424. , garage MOTORCYCIiES-BlClCLES 55 A. LIGHT motorcycle, cheap. In good condition. Woodlawn 6359. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS 34 $5 buys $10 Gem. $15-$25 disc grapha phone and $18 buys $80 cly. Edison talking machine, or buy $5 worth rec ords, we'll deliver latest model $85 Grafonola to your home, pay $1 "week ly, no interest, as elsewhere. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th and Wash, st. ' REDUCED CHRISTMAS TERMS You need not make a monthly pay ment until after January l. 1918. $5 sends a piano, $10 a player piano, to your home now or on Christmas eve. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st.. at Wash. UPRIGHT piano and pianola, made by me Aeouan uo. ana HO rolls or good music $165. Easy terms. Call 149 6th st. 0 L MM Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repairing. it- ri znq; upstairs, GENUINE J. & C. Fisher upright pi ' ano, solid walnut case, perfect con dition. $15. Easy terms. 149 6th st. ,J90 WILL buy very good little upright tice piano. Terms. 149 6th st. $45. $95 OR $145 CASH Buys $275 small upright; $350 Hamil ton upright or 1916 model new piano at security Ptorage to.. 1U9 4tn st. $160 CASH Secures $375 new 1916 model upright fiano this week at Security Storag vu.. tin at raBfl)ngton. RlCCA & SON, mahogany, fine ton, $125. Vose & Son, worth $309, $187 Harold & Gilbert, the reliable piano merchants. 384 Yamhill st. PHONOGRAPHS, records. . bought ! sold, exchanged. Hall & Casslday. I HAVE a fine walnut Grafonola and recoras, cost iua. must sell; will taKB : act quick, j-570. Journal wanted. Victrola. Grafonola or Edi i son Diamond Disc phonograph and I PAY cash for trseAl pianos or will ; trad up-to-date talking . machine. naroiq ec ijiioen. a4 lamnui. $90 CASH buys $350 Kohler & Camp. i oeii uprinQi piano tomorrow at be curity Storage Co.. 109 4th at. LUDWIO piano. Just like new. must raise cash: make offer. Marshall 2543. PIA.NO. Come, make offer. Must be r puiu i.riia yucKp.. oroaawiy 1S7 5. VIOLIN for sale or trade for a kodak. or what have you? B-1449 COLUMBIA grafonola, late model, with ; records; will sell cheap. Sell. 63. f vJK BALE, Victrola and 24 selec. 1 tiona roat ISBr nell fn. tin a ko DOUBLE Edison disc records. $S: j o- iuw.uiu.fi. a t vy. wy grant. PIANOS, ORGANS AND . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS S4 f OQBtlaaed full Value in Cash For PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS. All Kinds Musical Instruments BOLD. RENTED, EXCHANGED. , PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE, Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 3 Quitting 2nd Hand Business Each article is marked with a big yellow tag. Heating stoves 80c, cook stoves $4.50, ranges $11. chairs 46c. rockers 95c, library tables $3.85. iron beds ,85c. springs $1.10, mattresses $1.45. dining tables $5.50. Most any article you need in the furniture line at about one-third. 208 Madison St. DINING ROOM set, buffet, and pair of canary birds.- Marshall 1799. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. EE Broadway Bdwy. 46J1. we save you from 60 to 7&A on nil makes of typewriters. Sena for our V.utrated folder. Retail department. wnoiesale Typewriter Co.. 321 Wash. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro na dealers E. W. Pease Co.. 110 fcth. ALL maaes typewriters rented and re palred. Oregon Type. Co.. 91A 6th. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS ltt Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside, cor. 10th- Broadway or A-6674. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classification. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER ALL machines sold for lej 1. No agents employed Renting $3 per month. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, near Yamhill. Main 9431. A-3626. $10 TEN draphead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. East 2359. B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Orand ave.. near Belmont. MOST improved, scientific, lasting and ! everlasting process on earth for all ! kinds of leaky roofs and utters. 608 ! Tourny bldg. Main 6886. i-Auiijj dexiring crochet work or having same for ssle. send lOo for "Book of Designs" and details. Int. Trad'g Crochet Co.. 21K Flledner bldg. JAEGER VACUUM CLEANERS $8.00 Guaranteed 5 years. Cash or terms. Telephone Tabor 125. SL.lOrtlX.1' used computing sculea. all kinds; also cheese cutters, coffee mills and meat sllcers; very cheap. Call at 384 Stark St. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORC YCLES. launches or boats are separate clas sifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. MULTNOMAH cemetery lot. finest lo cation, room for .8 graves. $90. Tabor 2261. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.90; 1000. $2.90; 500 envelopes, $1.90: 1000 $2.90. Smith, printer. 204 Stark st. "htld'Tradedrblr-tocirHMl TAT A. lkTT' XT-TV Kl. l 1 f .krn.H- si. riViVTir7i- latT - 111 11 - - , . ' WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations and garages. E. H. Ruppell. 478 Washington at. Main 180. B ne bleVcfSV.V'nsVrAldeV0 " lcl clc'- 1 , l8t- near ". - SECOND hand 5 gal. gasoline pumo and cash register. 473 Washington PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. stark Davis iso. 212 3d st. Main 797. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent- ea. exen.. nought. Bentiey. Main 8681. KITCHEN", range for sale in good con aiuon. t'nono .Marshall 6787. PRINTING Good quality, low prices. BATHTUBS,, sinks, toilets, pipe and rutings. a. p. Howara. Z1Z 4tn st. CIDER and other apples, 60c a box ana up. ill uoiumDia Diva. FINE Columbia range for sale, cheap. at oisi st., e. m. T-i5!l GENTS' hair seal lined coat, size 40. very cneap. y,an TaDOr 6051. A $26 sealskin cape for $10; 20 Inches long. Dai Everett st. TRUST O delivered. Tabor 2265 or write au omn ave. DIN1NO-KOOM tables, cheap. R-544. Journal. MAN'S suit. Phone Sellwood 1112. FURNITURE WANTED 74 WE PAY CASH For used rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, office, restaurant, and hotel furnltuie. bevurtz l-urriiture Uo. 1S 1st. near Yamhill MARSHALL 6981 A-SS24 BEFORE you sell your furniture. us. we win pay casn xor all ture. stoves, ranges, carceta. ru flee furniture; nothing too small large, A phone call will bring our buyer at any time. CALL MAKShAU. 08, UtVLKU UKS1TUHE STORE. 205-207 FIRST ST. 1Xl?t fits and tools of any description: full value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072, A-7174. PHONE East 7815 when, you want to sell yeur furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater. 380 .Hawthorne ave., cor, union. WE pay HIGHEST PRICE for used iurniLure. bluvcs. etc. mai ilamt. 4. Urand Kapids furniture Co. M . . - Pnll Fait fi?fi Highest prices paid KjdW LdOl OOO for used furniture, stoves, rugs, etc. Will exchange your i . old furniture for new. -t t -i - a a- i i -r i i 77 before disposing of your furniture? They are paying the highest prices. Call Marshall 182 or 164 1st st. WILL pay highest price furniture, clothing, etc, tor used Portland Clearine House. Marshall 4783 WANTED Private party wants dining room tame, cnairs, cniironier. uat 2655 TAKE a Up. Sell your furniture to Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. BAY ! .DON'T SELL YOUK 'UKNITUKE until you see us. Main 44t. 1Z8 1st sL ABSOLUTELY highest prices paid lor your furniture, rugs, etc. Tabor 728. FURNITURE wanted. Main loan. SWAP COLUMN 25 TO exchange, brass bed, oak Morris chair, or Remington typewriter No. 6 for gentleman's wardrobe trunk. J-571. Journal. ELECTRIC range and small launcn: will sell or trade for anything I can u?e. Sellwood 3062. PIANO for Ford, or other small ma chine. Call Sunday a. m. or even ings after 8 p. m. Woodlawn 8739. MOTORCYCLE, equipped, for sale or exeban ge. au. iuzs vernon ave. , WILL TRADE all kinds stoves. Hall & Casslday, 128 1st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 LOOK Tour old clothes and trunks bought: highest prices paid; we call Immediately. Broadway 365, PLAIN sewing, out by day. Miss Jor dan. Phono Main 1043. WANTED, wood In carload lots. 381 Water st. CASH for diamonds, j.K up; old gold. Platinum, silver. Ill Oregonlan bldg. PAYS highest prices for 2d hand eloth. ing. tools, etc 27a Front- Main 4802. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S (Co-tinned) . PAClf 1G MWA GO. MAIN 4768. 231 FRONT ST. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF JUNK. TOOLS. HARDWARE. ETC. tt.U. O-llAXN L CLO'i'ttlNU. VA.M- ED J. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS $7.60 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 12 MAOlSON WANTED Tne people ot foruand to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. WANTED tree on d band furniture. ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 30 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2288. REPAIRS YOUR WATCH I H Keingold's Jeweler sfl u 124 6th at., near Washington U Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3331. 312 L. Shank Co. 0ori Front. vjliaiirv Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers. Write for prices and shipping tags. Main 1699 REPAIRS YOUR WAlLh AT THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO.. 294 WASHINGTON ST. HEATINO AND COOK STOVES wanted; Also rugs, furniture and everything. Main 4195. 128 1st, near WANTED Second hand furniture rugs, ranges and stoves. PAY CASH. PI FER-HOMILTON FURNITURE CO. no Grand ave. Phone East 7766. BEST cash prices paid for used of- nce aesks, chairs and filing cabi nets. Pao. Staty. & Prtg. Co. Main 1971 TO THE HO I J iiEKKEfn.lt I pay highest prices for Junk, rags, bottles, paper, ciotnes. Tabor 7 289. HIGHEST prices paid for old watches no objections to condition. 323 Vi Washington, near bin. WANTED To trade $2000 new mining machine for placer work for good auto. Aiuat oe gooa. M-tju, journal. GOING EAST '! Housenold roods shipped at reduced rates. Pac. Coast F'w'Q g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 2467 WANTED 2d H. tools, bicycles, etc Blttman Hdwr. 213 Front. Main 811. WILL buy good bone cutter cheap, J. Oleen, Route A. Gresham. Or. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. bc"'"v'" Book Store. 4 N. d st. vvAnitu nuies, snotguns, cameras, lenses. Hochfleld. Main 36J1. PERSONAL DEAFNESS, ear noises, eye troubles. goiter, eczema, rheumatism, tuinors. cancers, chronic diseases of every de scription and kind cured In the short est time possible at the least cost The finest equipped offlc in the west. Call and see the wonderful equipment. No charges for consultation or exam ination. Dr. W E. Mallory, 604 Broad way bldg. Main 6709. GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same service and quality you pay double the money elsewhere: correctly fitted glasses as low as $1.50. Thou sands of satisfied customers. Chas. v. Goodman, optometrist 209 Morrison st. FALSE teeth; we pay as high as $17.60 per set for old false teeth, no matter if broken: also gold crowns, bridge work. Mall to Berner"s False Teeth Specialty. 22 3d St.. Troy. N. X., and ! revive cash by return mall BEAM EH & CLAKK'S billiard palace. formerly Mccredie s. Zd rioor xeon equipped parlors in Northwest. i c- r SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. L. LAMAR, 235 5th St.. cor. Main, teaches palm istry and card readings, also lessons in the science of health and success. Dally. MASSAGE. Teach you how to i weak kidneys, stomach tro troubles hil. tooth and etarache. in your home. . Thor 4492. DR. MARIE JOHNSON Chiropodist, blanket sweats, bath, electric, mag- netic Office 513 Northwest bldg. i open sunaays. evenings. MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths. electric treatments. 211 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 Wash. Open eve'gs and 6un. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by 10-needle method; trial $1. Josie Finely, 614 Ellers bid. M. 6368. MISS ANDREWS teaches phrenology, i palmistry and card-reading. Main : 7548. SPIRITUAL circle, free, Tuesday. 7:30 1 d 313 Panama-bldg: p. ra. Eeosons in palmistry ana caras VIBRATORY massage, face, scalp treatments. Mar. 4727. 86 Va wasn- ofs. 66, THE FUR SHOP Furs to srder remodeling, lowest prices. 60S Swetland bldg.. 6th-Wawh, . , R Q v KETCHUM. women's mala- dies , and acute diseases or men. Washington bid., 4th & Wash. Mar. 44. VIBRATORY massage, manicuring. Office 49. Mar. 2442. 145 Broadway SCIENTIFIC massage and baths. Iron side. 327-29 Plttock block. SHAMPOOING and electric massage. 188 Wert Park. NOTICES 20 NOT1CB la licrvby glo tbat subject to tb coodltlona and llmltatlona of Ute act ot )lm 9. 1810 I" oiau, ma), aoa thtt li later lor the i Or., to tba blgbeat bidder at not lea. tb7. tba apprai j - toia notice lr to be. bJ PWt.,al of arttb an adUlnal aum of ooo flft of om nVrcut tb.r.,bU,om?la..o- .turned it u m" PProt otbeAruS nt will taauo for tbo timber, wbicu ! V r-IOttrCQ wifcwiM .-. DHia Will l rJcelted from cltlaena of tbo tnltod 8tau a-oel"?-.. ."ur- ",a zTJMoU -.nlacd uudor - " llnl . l or, "fi. t- "II, .tsfllery or dT.rUT; j purebwr, tb tlajt vui w : .- n inr nivi w SSru r ":.: r B.. - ' ' 1 1 fu BOO M3,Pot ', ' i BE w Jt- ' I M.. .tt,Va,,o u ii.. Port Orford cedar, 200 't T wbUo ftr 606 M.. Port prford eeda, , r-- - tit ma f : UTlWU s. aa- i, k, jellow fir . 00 U.; Port Orford cd o W V SS,' r fIr' 0 ! , t-ort Urford eedar 180 U.i NW u mj LT;, , wm u. Tallow fir 2SO u ( toii odar Ms M. Tin fir ahaU not be ( et io iua i ur i eee Agister. ubberm, nuu.iiL pi.ta w fobt- LAND; located at roruana. in Ui state of Uregon. ii .rw uvi noiaore and other creditor of tbe aaaoclatloa ara therefore hereby notified to praaeof tbe Bote sod otber claim for payment. E. O. CftAWFOkD, President. Dated November 3. 1917. (PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ACCOaDlOlI PLEA TIM q K. STEPUAN. bemetltcblng. braiding, chain atltrhlDg, box. ardloo; aid and aanburat plaiting, acalluplng. but tuna covered. Uovda apoogert, Z2H Plftock blk. Broadway IQgQ. 1 tXI'l h. UeuaUtclilus and button Shop, ttvnv ! atltcbltia. bttttuo and plaating; anil order DrotDDt attntkin. SS4 alorrlaoa. Main 7280. AO ATE CV TTIM G AMP MTOf JEWELERS AGATES col and pollaUed, lowelry and watch repairing Mlller'a S4.HS waahlngtoe at. BLAWK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A UuL-klAN. 1AC. luw 2d t.. toaaa book manBfatnrTa. A-3IM. Main 183. BRASS A5T MACHIRE WORKS UAHtkU'S MKAHS WOUKS, Braaa caalloga and machine work. IPS N. 6th B'way 14 COAL AJTD WOOD NATIONAL, PtKL CO . 24 and Oregva Sta. coaatry alab wood. 4 ft.. 4-6; p aapt 4 Urtry. Block wood and cord wood. Ea 3041. MARION If Unit CO. Country alaba. railroad tie, block. Inside and ocrdwood. - Mala 287. k-Vb2. 22 4t St. .--ALL K1XD8 of 4 ft. fir and bard wood, $3.60 cord ana bp. fteer I arr nu A 4T. 1 Main furni- i i . ""P" . .. Zl ' , T:: . ' i KUowlug lanaa wm i , , aiocr s, 1811 t 10 o ciocs .. mt, puouc auction a appiicauoo of a J0ajiriJ mkh nuii. i PROFESSIONAL ' AND UUINk&4 DIRECTORY ' (Contlnsd) COAL AND WOOD Keller Fuel Co. BDWY. 3J. A-22I ,,.-. rs 'Kz- Vt ' OOQ. H.,'.n.,.t . .. Cnioa in, awdliite dilTry. ?rrcLEAjri o !lt'i 4I,, l,fr0 .r 'n . 7"" ' - iVpU nt rags. Ctu- i Non-run-. ...Trr"""?"' v. f M,wo ktH. iwica BUUS.. t-1-.lric Ur..l. Pels (leaned ann - -.... " "Wii w 1 . CHIROPRACTORS CtiLut',ttA,-nc "'. i'ht, vtukt Ud cbtldp a urnnj mm lf flW. "" 1H. VtcMAitu.s ). .,ju, UT V, .... - drurl-.. r1.ii.. fhfuotc dlw.Jwi. " POO AWP CAT HOrflTAL pi 4i.- k. itB t. rt MT' tviasa. , EHMOE. THBOAT, LTmoa - "ft E- Bariwidp , treatment; ltMn fMted. aiib. H-tatwt. g. 4T4.. rPPCATTQ-AL klNiil.ru 1 . . . . -n : ' 1 1 ind prlT.te l-wn. fur aduiu .dVkfil dro. irectne. bet. Star. rt".". u-. H PJ1 AIT. att-rl k.i i. . -- , S ALtl'tMl io buco.su ar. S: ' IJta. Ph-Mira M. ftgio Mar 6S1S M fJAtkA1.,--' l-u- uui,.. U . Waaona. ay Honra. 9. fro m. to 9 p. p. . LAW BCKOQLfc A th-n.0H'X'0.N UAW UUUL W"3rb-. Poetical rnura la U Raeltrn. - tton- ""'" Main 977. Al.,7 bfT P8IC SCHOOLS AKP TEACH7H1 ,"Mni(lE.A!,,fc.K' " h..rouo. ISth at. Main K21). . .. i-i'iiiriTiiurT or mi,. . 14S Broadway 1829, rKorTt i . v. w...; 7T. : lK,-e. v. (.,t."S.1-"- ml wri i vi . t - fe-eth,dMr. 612 ,Eller. '"-'. I'laim. Mandolin Collar, Banjo. Kol- rXT-T RPQg AXD RAO RVOS r .Ucn" li'J "11 slsea. - WMT"C 1-M I'atton ac Wodlaa 2iA. PHONK KAST 11 B-I4TS. rrR"iaCEa W. ,n ' r'L' KNACK CO. al Jerm. We carry, repair, for Boratoe. MVinr0'1,'1 """ fst Main 41. liffl Fmnt and Marfcet. repalriiiK. P.J McDonald Tah f.iW. r Selt T? HAIR GOODS AKD HATR DSIMniB I KBVKT HANKBL l. Ir.diDg m ,nU (mm . , 7 "tum tork or bamaa balr cooda: ment. hemoTxl t g4t) A1aT nr Brrmawtv MACHIXIRT FOR AAUB-aOOO ft. S. new -18 plow .tl wire rope. Immediate action neceaaarr. t;. H. Iron Work. Colman drk. Heat tie. Wah. ORmfTAL OOODS O-lo tmportum, S4m Mori Uu. Vs blk ab i Bdwy. Chliwe. Japanewe- gomla an 'rarlw FAOfnyo. Tiirmfo. PArraHAwonfo a r. you en our 5c wall paper? Ixwat price on L.alotlu. naterluv llut luting la ih city. Tabor TftOH, f. H. Hork. TOCULK PlriMt CO.. uaiotmc. UUu papTlny. ft49 Hiamhall t. Main 4414. PATTXT ATTOmKETS WLDHKKii. it. 1 1 y.,r ier l.t.lg Main a2S 7HY8IC1AHI LR. R. A. rUliJJl'tt. 8U6 Broadway bids. Aathmai. Ncrfouwca. Protatl Troobla. Rbenmallam. PLUlCBIltO BTJTPLIE WHOLESALK at BUTAIL. I'LLUBIMI PLlfcS. Fleming. 1)2 4th. at. Mala 7800. TEIgTIlfO AWP BntDIHO PRINT IN(-i -"L- it I Hill I I llVJ and Oak ata. M 1W. A-1KM. PRI-TEEg AHP ZMOKATgJH XUk 1VK PKfciSl Broadway 08. 81 Stark at. A-40M KZAX ESTATE DEALZaS CARL R. JOMCX. H Wllooi bldg." RTTIBEK STAMPS AKD SEALS. ALMQ Staclia. Irad Cborka. liraaa aUgna. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 83 Broadway t. Broadway 7)0. A-rTjS. SHEET METAL WORKS RLPALRl.N-i tin Loalt. 810 lat at. and gratai roof. I'lvnnv Main 1424. TOWEL StTPPLT POkTL.NL LAUNDHK CO.. (ur prompt, of ft. ' cleat aerrlre. Phoo Broadway 410. A -44 10. TRAVSTEK AND STORAOZ Oregon I ranster Co. Btabllb4 1870. Traaafer and Forwarding Afeats. Storage Free Trackage. Office a im. Sturag 474 Oliaas at. ISth and Ollaan. Badway 12S1. A ll. ALWAll "PICK" 1UL Ht.T UWatuHOL-U aOODS SPJbClALISl Storage, packing, abia ping and botIok. lir ur auto tana. Speels frelgbt rato to all poiota. C O. PICK TUA.NartH A STORAQC CO.. Second and line. llrcdway &MO. A-1S Pihl Transfer storage Co.' Piano and furuUur oTg. liagage Pack. Ins and Shipping- JUT Liavla at. Paoue Breed- way 1 f.v. v" - -. . PACKING. XluVIM. bTUUAUK. BKCUH1TX STOHAOE A TUAKSta.il C4- JUS Park at. VLaia 6i!5. A-1061. J rxTjrr btos akd bag nvat Send Us Your Old Carpets 4 : - . Made Ixom vkt Ingraina. BoraMla. Azaiarbar. Smji-sa. aim ras rag, all atsaa. u erdere promt, bead lor booklet. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting Etc il4 rug, ateaia or elcvtMe cleeaed......$1.0S Sklv ruga aieaui vz rwcirie cieaoaa. ...... TSS WKHlgBM- IXCF KUO CO 64 TJnlon are. N. Phone Ko at SIS1. I4T1 wood nra PORTLAND WOOD P1PK CO. factory aaA office near 24th end Tork r. Male S4AO. TRANSPOKTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Wlthont Chaage km Stoats) S.S. ROSE CITY ' Malls from Adas worth Cock '. 1 r. It. TCEIDAT, XOYEICBXS la The Baa riamcisoo PorUaaa SL, sj, Oo- Third and Waablagtom ertzests (with O-W. A, k X, CXU Tel. Broadway 4.500. A4naL. , WW ini in hr.." nu hniiv V i , 1 ,.