12 THE. OREGON DAILY 7 JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SATURDAY. 'NOVEMBER 10, 1917. FVK.VlSHKn.nOCSKS 36 ROOM, nicely furnihd house, fir olftce. (furnace. $25. 708 K. Ankeny. 35at 1134. Inquire 742 V. EA.nK?ny. FQR S ALE FARMS "' i (Conktnnsd) FARM J65 . 140 acres, positively no better soli ft KOOA1 house, piano, " " land, nut' Orenham wav ahnrl , dla- onta st Woodlawn. ' tance .from the Handy river; pa v-ed street leading almost to- the farm. ino owner or tnis farm is lorceo to sell before the 1st day of .the month. This farm Is practically all cleared, more than 70 acres in cultivation, and the balance In pasture of the best kind. A good house, several other good buildings in" the way of barns and other outbuildings. Finest water on earth, piped to the house and barns. Five acres in prunes in full bearing with all other varieties of fruit. All kinds of fruits and vegetables are four weeks earlier than in any other" part of Oregon from the fact that this farm is sheltered from winds and ; severe cold weather from its peculiar loca tion. This farm can be bought if tak en right away for $65 per acre and no farm adjoining this which not near ly so favorably located for less than $250 or $300 an acre. This Is the blg- APARTMEXTS 43 FURX1SHKI AM) UNFUKXISHKU UAKRIMAN APIS. 164 24th St. -N. I . large, all modern, 4 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Most desii Able, with nice sleeping porch. Her la- a chance for something pretty nlsj. It must be seen to be appreciated. Ref erences. Main $5B. - VILXA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance; references. -. PENKOSB APARTMENTS Grand ave. bet. Morrison and Bel mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bldg.; white enamel and mahog'y finish; walking distance. COMr'L.ETEL.Y furnished 2 room gesst snap for the finest soli and close steam heated apartment, $22, lnclud- , In location ever offered for the price In lights; walking distance. BEL-: of $65 per acre. ' To see it will con-KNAf- APAUTMKNTS,. 187 17th St. vlnce any buyer in the land. M. J. near YamhilL . ! lonessy, hi opinion aiag. THE Stanfield Apts., 204 Porter .Bt.., I A SNAP, libu. completely furnished, cooking gas Three acre chicken ranch, in the Included, 6 blocks from shipyards, j heart of the prune belt, in Clarke coun- reasonable. Main 7392. UKUMlr, l6 Marsliali. Modern 2 .room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and phone. $16 to $22.60. i'MK ALCO, K. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2-room apts.. strlct lv modern, reasonable. Kast 2403. KNINSUL,A APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, hath, phont, st'm heat. $12 up. ROUK r ltlfc.NI APTet.. cor. U way and Jefferson. Klegant unfur. apts.. best service. Walking din. Marshall 1410. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Uelmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 per Week up glft-ping rooms. KmU 212. 111 SLOP HALL, K. bth and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 and 3 room aiia.. tlZ.tt't up V aj k i n e d I hi a nee. Kast 88 2. THE Davenport apts., 505 JefUTSon st. Houwekoeplng room b. Mai n 5 435. FOR Ri:T FIATS. 13 TWO 8 roo'm flats, close In and on 2 carlinest $12.50 per month. Phone Bellwood la i 8. THREE room flat, 573 Union. 600-602 Williams ave. East Stores 2195. ty, Washington. Mostly alL cleared and In first class shape. Plenty of bearing fruit trees of assorted kinds, a good well and pump, a fine spring, and creek running through place, a good 4 room bungalow, in good condi tion; new woodshed, 3 good chicken houses and dusting sheds and other small pens and coops. A good duck house, good rabbit house and runs, 2000 feet of good fencing and yards, good garden patch and a fine straw berry patch; plenty of chickens, ducks and raDbits; house furnished, in fairly good shape; plenty of wood, good roads and good shipping polrtt to Port land or Seattle, Wash. Old age and other business forces me to go to California. Title perfect and clear. A good home for an old couple. Can give immediate possession, some terms. Uoute 2. Box 87A. Kldgjcfield. Wash. $$ NICE flat, 3 rooms, ground floor. 9v Williams ave. ilOLEKN 6 rooms and bath, only $11.00. East 82 9 8 evenln gs. Room 12. FURNISHED FLATS TWO beautifully furnished rooms, with sleeping porch, walking distance.- 367 V Vancouver ave. near Broadway. WAXTFI) TO HEXT 7 WANTED 2 11. K. rooms, or room nd kitchenette; healed, full par ticulars. (.'-704, Journal. 16,000 ACRES of farm lands located In Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Montana; these lands are free of all incumbrance; will sell on easy terms or will exchange for good, first class city income property, either in Port laud Seattle or San Francisco; would be willing to assume a reasonable I amount or incumbrance, owner, szs I Northwestern Bank bldg.., Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN REAL. ESTATE (Jottane4 27 OUR Installment plan is tha best and surest method of paying a loan, $32.26 per month for 30 months or $21.24 for 69 months, or $15.17 for 98 months, pays a f 1000 loan and interest. ; Other amounts in proportion. - Wo loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLY SAV'GS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE loans on improved rosl . dence property in Portland. Lojg time if desired. Repayable by install ments. No commission. Wm. U&cMaj ter. 701 Corbett bldg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck, 21S and 216 Falling bldg. Main 2407. ' ' CAbH Ior mtgs., loans, contracts. F. H. Lewis. R. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 683. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTISLS, SALARIES 67 FURNITURE . SALARY LOANS LOANd U WE LOAN MONET On short notice to salaried or work ingmen on their own notes, easy pay ments, business strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY . NO -INDORSER Wo also loan on household furnlture pianos, etc., without removaL Call and See Us COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317tFalllng bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private of fices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed) 30S-307 Dekum Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS N Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 394 STARK UIN JJIAAIUISDS, JEWELKX, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FOR SALE 30 acre ranch, 23 acres in cultivation, orchard, good ground. big outrange adjoining1 place; gravel 50 i ''Pad- J. jbothner. Lebanon, Or. , FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 3 ACRES, 5 room house, fruit, spring, on 6c carline. Call evenings. 3sa Rosa st. Broadway car. FARMS WANTED RENT. OR BUY 38 WANT to rent wheat land with equip ment, on shares. Address J. Both ner, Jyebanon, Or 00 MANUFACTURING site on river and railroad; will sell or lease several acres or more cheap. Z-873, Journal. WANT to rent a farm in valley. White, 766 lnsley ave. J. J. HOMESTEADS frOU SAI.K lit USES RELINQUISHMENT, hi mile to saw mill. 1 mile to railroad town. W1J- : lamette valley district, $150. Very good ' place. A-SW4, journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 BARGAINS IX HOUSES Stanley Sta., V acre, good terms.. $750; Mult. Sta., hi acre, small house ... JSOO Vernon Park, 4-room house $1100 Woodstock add., 5-room house J10 FOR SAXtB or trade for city property, Woodlawn add.. 2-room house ... $1300 m n u i.o frnm WnndlonH House in Greshani for land. .....$3000 : w h 'd road3, daily mail, tele , i-,fc,UY, c. or i. fltai nip. pfcon f me team, 5 cows, mall stock. 110 ACRES, fenced, 60 acres nearly ; KOOli buildings. WTill stand investiga- levei, wun ricn sanuy luam, tu tt'ea.tion. For complete iniormation, J. cuilivaieu; goon spring, une trecu, y. Boost. 606 Grand ave. Souse' 'ba.1 o.huin-gs:'' ' A ro.i i WILL trade a good rooming house nap, $37.50 per acre, 10 miles north- : ritT'or5fT dPrlcTt 14000 Trade for a una rii ast Of Cathlarnct. Wash. Marshall . v't 0,a m - Ai , i7 vi Rilmnnt 4133. Write 248 13th' st., Portland. i r. ----- ) FINANCIAL 51 1ST and 2d mortgages Durchased. also sellers' interest in contracts. Ore. and Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HOit&bS, VKHlCLlt. ETC. IS SEVERAL cheap farm horses and teams; all kinds of wagons, harness ana saaaies, also near new bike bursrv Exchange for cattle. Columbia Stables. auz f ront st. FOR SALE $'65, gentile black driving ana. piow norse, souna; and light spring wagon, wuh top and harness. 145 hi 81st St., N. MontavlUa Car. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Call W:oodlawn 20, roruanq rtenaering to. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES . 44 HERB ARE THE BEST BUYS IN THH CITY TODAY. . -LOOK THEM OVER. AND COMPARE THEM WITH OTHfcJW. . ; 191S Cadillac Eight. . i .. ..... ? 2 JJoaga sedan, almost new. 1917 Dodge touring 8-5 116 Dodge touring, A-l condi- . dltion 0 1918 Chevrolet roadster, A-l con- t lion 1916 Overland touring. A-l con--dltion 00 1916 Chevrolet touring, A-l con- dltion .; 600 1918 Cadillac touring, A-l con- altlon oow W17 Studebaker Six. almost new 1050 1914' Cole Six. 7 passenger 1000 1912 Velie, first class E-L-S S50 1914 Oakland E-L-S 390 1913 Reo, first class E-L-S 375 1917 Elgin Six, almost new..,.. 9a) We have 1915. 1916 and 1917 Ford touring cars from $300 to $375. Term If desired. Covey Motor Car Co, Washington st. at 21st. Main' 6244. $5 buys $10 Gem. $15-$26 disc grapha phone and $18 buys $80 cly. Edison talking machine, or buy $5 worth rec ords, we'll deliver latest model $85 Orafonola to your home, par $1 week ly, no interest, as elsewhere, eenwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th and Wash, it, Full Value in Cash For PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS. All Kinds Musical Instruments SOLD, RENTED. EXCHANGED. PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE, Xlain 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. USED CAR BARGAINS 1914 Overland touring .... 1912 Pierce Arrow, 7 pass. 1914 Chalmers touring 1912 Cadillac touring ..... 1914 Auburn six 1911 White delivery , 1916 Chevrolet touring .. 1916 Maxwell touring .... 1911 Winton six Franklin six, touring .... 300 600 550 375 275 250 375 425 276 700 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside. Broadway 521. DEAD stock taken. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. A FINE 2000 lb. team, sound and well matched; trade or sell cheap. 302 Front st. GOOD pair o work mules cheap, or exchange for cattle. 302 Front st. FOR SALE A light team, harness and wagon. Tabor 1305. TEAM for rent by the month. E. 7th N. 1449 HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day; 1 horses and wagon. $2.50. 646 Front. M. 2208. LIVESTOCK 85 SELL CHEAP ft room house with complete 1 FOR SALE or exchange, V lots in ... I good locality. Would take good 2d Of furniture, including piano, sewing , , adWntne for $2600 'Ford pre- gain. 1103 E. 29th st. N a half from Alberta car. A bargain, full 2 stories, nearly new 6 room house, reception hall, concrete basement, modern plumbing and paved St., fully paid; 1 block from Hawthorne, . easy terms. Price only jziiou. TaDor Block and 1 40 ACRES near Portland, buildings and some in cultivation, cneap. win taae large car. 147 E. 9th, N. Portland, Woodlawn car. AUCTION sale. Kings Heights dairy, 4)4 mliea from city hall, Portland, on Cornell road, 2V4 miles from end of westover car line, at intersection of Skyline boulevard and Cornell road. Sale at 11 a. m.. Thursday, Nov. 15. 28 cows, all milking, some fresh, some extra large; V4 year old Jersey bull, 1 yearling Holstein bull, 4 heifers, 1 shepherd dog, buggy, wagon, milk cans, 2 milk coolers, 2 cream separa tors also Ford delivery car in splendid condition; farm tools. Michaelsen & Solberg, owners. W. S. Wood, auction err, Vancouver, Wash. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1914 Ford roadster. 1914 Ford touring. 1914 Ford delivery. 1918 Ford touring. Don't fail to see these cars before you buy as they are all In finest con- otion. you win be surprisea wnen you see them. Terms if desired and i year's free.' service on all minor ad Justments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne av Garages $35 Up See Samples, 644 Hood bu Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do vou Drefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul ..nMn Co.. 333-335 Burnside, near Broadway. FOR SALE or exchange, ho-uls and one acre ground, 4 blocks of station at Tlgard. Will sell cheap. Call Mar- 1101. Taylor and Karnswerth, and Hawthorne. 49th i "i! Shall 1688. j WILL sell or trade my confectionery business and give you a bargain. If MUST sell In 5 days, beautiful 7 room taken soon. Ai. Han, Jsewberg. ur. JUbT in from the country with a car load of excellent dairy cows 25 head. 15 head Just fresh from 1 to 3 weeks and 10 that will be fresh io a tew uays. - jerseys, uuernseys. Dur hams and Holsteins. Cows that will give from y to 6 gallons a day and test from 4V4 to 6 per cent. All good young cows, 3 to "7 years old. To see them take Sellwood car to lnsley ave.. walk 3 blocks east to 700. hmiMft with carafe. Modern In everv TO TRADE. Salem bungalow and two respect; lot 60xl00. Make an offer. ! lots for clear Portland lots or what? Phone owner. Tabor 49M0. Addrtss Box 368, St. Helens, Or thref; IRVINGTON DISTRICT. - $1675 Neat mod. 5-rm. bungalow, worth $2500. A real, genuine snap. - 'Terms. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. . KEW bungalow, 2 lots, corner 2 2d anj lnsley ave. Any way you want it, or will trade for a place In Spokane or , sell furniture and rent cheap. J. J. White, 7K6 lnsley ave. SMlwood car. 6 ROOM house, lot 75x100. fruit trees, garden space, $1400 cash. Julius . Hensel, 112:1 Flavel ave., between 36th and -37th. i MODERN 7 room, fine neighborhood. East 89th, cor. lot. All improve . tnents, $2tiU0. Mostly terms. Owner. f X-446, Journal. HAVE a 5 room house on" Portlani .Heights,. 2 blocks from carline, for ' sale or trade cheap. Give full tnforma tlon. B-860. Journal. FINE corner house, acres, cultivated; 5 room house, fruit, spring, on 5c carline. J-564, Journal. ACRE, cultivated, at Gilbert sta- AUCTION. 1 mile west of Vancouver, Wash., on the River road, Friday, Nov. 16, at ll a. m. 22 milch cows, some fresh; a lot of large cows. Large Holstein bull. 30 tons of first class hay. Farm machinery, etc H R. Hathaway, owner. W S. Wood, Auc tioneer, Vancouver, Wash. tlon, Phone will take auto; price $500. Marshall 2549. Morse. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 CASH for lot or more. Overlook or St. ' Johns direction. P-713, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 LARGE rooming house, partly fur- nished; rent paid 4 months in ad vance, low rent. Will sell cheap. East 369. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2l Apply the Acid Test To my proposition. Must sell my Irvington- cost ' apartment nouse. new iurniture. ttnnn win u. ti?(n lo- in. steam neat, an moaern improvements. hfcWood floorsT ia'raie. Choice local j Paying well but- must sacrifice for tlon. East 273, ; Personal reasons. Phone me and be V,,, ..r, KT g r . .... 7 - satisfied. Owner, East 3818. MODERN 6 room house, 00x100 lot, r , - ,-r--. near wainui rr ana car. rnco uivuvci wv ...i .um- . $$00. $2100 cash will handle. No plete stock with fixtures. Will disVl agents. H-602. Journal. 7 ROOM modern house, good location, will accept clear lot or acreage for part payment. Tabor 671. D-1121. , I $00. SUN NY SI DE, 3 room house, elec tno light and gas, $000 cash. 43d V E. Morrison. D-1056. - count invoice for quick sale. Selling out at aaministraior s saie. v. j. Kelso, Milwaukie, Or. ACREAGE 37 1 ACRES near Albany, mile from depot on Pacific highway, on R. R. Excellent location for factory, dairy $450 BUYS a well established auto ac cessories business; will clear $300 per month and better. No experience necessary. Answer this and I will show you how. N-4r4. Journal. WANTED Partner in fuel business with $500; will secure by first mortgage; have large stumpage under contract, Jl cord. ROOM 17. RUSSELL BLDG. VVl'ZiJ n illcI?- WISH to retire, will sell or tradfo? good new buildings Address Box 30, Tangent. Or. ideal riairv frm " "BV'"u"ePr nt.jj j i vs. m- o. vi augicr Gibson Half Acres i- ners on the east side. cor- X-447 Journal WANTED. $1000 to $5000 to invest in rtA otl ritv walor rl,.. I w Buw uU.i, , ruruailQ. - . , .a.i - i :iio Ti nurririi nrs d moa Journal. Y-612, 165 Karl S5J nanti is an opportunity to buy a paying garage and repair business at real vaiu-e, tauuu. uood reasons tor selling. i-ai. journal. lino, easy terms; will build to sdit purchaser. Phone Marsliali 1685 or Hellwood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT, OAKDtN rancnes near rortiana; 3. 0. 111 acre tracts. ft 1a 12(10 nr Arre Aav tcrma m trland. 605 Y eon-bldg.. lortlan(l I DON'T WORRY a Tim , j , : I can sell or trade anvthlne anv arr.- SHv"U3U "r,m"J her. .Layman. 145 u Broadway. Orchard, level land. team, cows etr-' MEAT market, a sacrifice, doing $40 P.rtced right by owner. Y-613 Journal. owner leaving city. Call at r?'i'rHr-ri-i-r-r. :jjis stepnens. mut nouse, orcnara etc. priced , ,0 upcuuiii 101 right; some terms. J-573, Journal. FOR is ALE J A U.Ms. 17 .40 Acres, Stock and Crop . $6 miles from Portland, 15 acres in cult., good 6 room house, barn, orchard zarasrhr. m. o. $,000 another veterinary at Albany, Or. $150. MAN or woman partner, to man- age corree nouse. w-713. Journal 363 3d. LARGE store for rent. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE and single harness, wagon and buirrv L cow; acres potatoes, hay in barn; blow, harrow, share in telephone line: ; all farm tools, fine creek and spring Price $2650 $950 cash. , s- 411 HENRY BLDG.' FARM FOR SALE ' - 160 acres 8 miles S. W. of Wamic. Wasco Co., 25 in cultivation, house karn free irrigation, lots of saw tim ber $20 per acre, ft of which can be se cured n federal farm loan at 6 per tent. B. W. Morgan. Wamic, Or., R. R. 1. FOR SALE312 acre irrigated stock ranch,. Western Colorado, best cattle country; unlimited free range. Con llderK Willamette valley property to mood, part pay, mti, journal and larger amounts at current rot. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. MONEY 1o loan in amounts of $10u to A. H. BELL. 01 Qerlinger Bldg riviYAii, party nas auo to X15O0 to ,T 1 10 ACRES near North Plains, 22 miles of Portland. 16 cultivated, orchard, Vuildings. only , $2600, .$700 , .cash, albert liarala, 76$ MlesisaippL $60,000 to loan in amounts to suit on u"Periy at t ana lfr. M KEN ZIE & CO.. 615 Gerlinger bldr. CITY -MORTGAGE LOANS $500 to $6000 6 l4 K Kit B. . WILLIAMS. 92H 1ST ST iov to ji&uu, consider lots. E. H. jjuwuim in v nam, or com. M. 86 $500 TO $7500 to loan on city or farm urt-wiuT. grill.' jwurnai. FOR SALE 1 hi ton auto truck in good condition, equippeu im ojjichuiu body, 6V4x9 feet with good top and side curtains, spot utui, "'"y""""' .hiinii evervthiiiK complete. Thij U a bargain at $1100, but I have no 3 Ft .nfl will sacrifice for $900. T O Staats. 720 Fourth St., Oregon City. Phone 173J. THAYER. SHAVER -GULLY MACHINE CO. BUlhULilSKS U1T EVERREADY truck ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland 1 Ton. $370 1 Ton. $420 2 Ton, $470 Capacity 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437 WA TtLEY-DAVI DSON MOTORCYCLE TRUCK TSTot . side car) rnmnlfitA and in good condition. Quarter ton capacity. Cheap to oper o sni.nHifl for auick delivery serv Ipa Too small for us. Less than half price. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 33o Burnside st. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 3IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , (Oontmned) FURNITURE WANTED x (Contrnnedt 7 REDUCED CHRISTMAS TERMS You need not make a monthly pay ment until after January 1. 1918. $5 sends a piano, $10 a player piano, to your home now or on Christmas eve. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st., at Wash. 0 TOSH L'TOMISEIB Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repairing. li& znd; upstairs. S45. S95 OR $145 CASH Buys $275 small upright: $360 Hamil ton upright or 1916 model new piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th t 1160 CASH Secures $375 new 1916 model upright llano this week at security Storage Co., 109 4th at Washington. RICCA & SON. mahogany, fine ton. - S125. Vose & Son. worth $300. $187. Harold & Gilbert, the reliable piano merchants. 384 lamnm si. PHONOGRAPHS, records. sold, exchanged. Hail as 126 1st. Main 7098. bought, Cassiday, $500 High grade player piano, prac tically newt 350 takes it. i'any leaving town. Phone Mar. 1545. THE LEVIN HDW. A FTJRN. CO. buys Furniture, hotel and restaurant out fits and tools of any description; full value ; for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9912, A-7174. SWAP COLUMN 23 7 -PASS. Chalmers, good condition, trade for Ford and some cash Phono Co lumbia 899. . . ELECTRIC range and small launch; will , sell or trade for anything. I can use. Sellwood $062. PIANO for Ford, or other small ma chine. Call Sunday a. m. or even lngs after 6 p. m. Woodlawn 3739. MOTORCYCLE, equipped, for sale or exchange. $50. 1020 Vernon tv. PRINTING for Iurniture or anytiung useful. Main 433E. To tbe Voters ef Rrbool lHstrict . Ko. 1. Mult- nomas Gbaaty, Oregon: Yon r hereby notified that the Board ef Directors of School District No 1. Maltsomah County, Oregon, hat called a public meeting to be aria at the orrtc or the noaro, kww 304. Courthouse, oa the 1st day of Decenber, 1X17, ai toe nour or 10 a- m.. at wnico im th board will adoot a bud ret of estimated rrcelpti and disbursement! of the district tor tn ensuing calendar year. Such sums 01 money a are deemed necessary lor the purposes of the district are set forth In the cony of the pro posed bni-t, which in appended hereto, any fecal school elector of (be district may at tend the meeting and will be accorded a hear ing on any Item of the budget. m mit. l run iis ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS Ontlsws Betterments $ ..0 Portables S.eWO.OO ImnroTement of grounds 13.&e.Ou TEAM of horses, wagon and harness to. swap for equal value. Wrdln. 3198. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 f MAIN 476ft S31 FRONT ST. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ANY KIND OF JUNK. TOOLS. HARDWARE, Eft. SECOND-HANI) Cl.U'lHlNG VV A.N 1 ED J. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS $7.50 AND ITP VOH sn HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 229 MAOISU.N WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices ror nousenoia gooas. prompt attention East 6707. N. M. Beater. 143 Russell st PAY cash for used pianos or will trade up-to-date talking machine. Harold & Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. $90 CASH buys $350 Kohler & Camp bell uDHerht piano tomorrow at se curity storage Cor, 109 4tn si. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranxes and stoves. Best Drlces paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 30 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. W el REPAIRS YOUR VATCHflS 55 1 Relngold's Jeweler 1 u 124 6th st.. near Washington " LUTJWIG piano, lust like new, must I raise cash; make oiler. Marshall 543. Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 8332. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 8 Broadway. Bdwy. 4621. WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder. Retail department. Whole.iale Typewriter Co.. 321 Wash. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro na aeaiersK. w. Pease Co.. liohin. ALL maKes typewriters rented and re- paired. Oregon Type. Co.. 91A 5th. Front. L. Shank Co. Orecoiv Hides Metals Rubbers. Write for prices and shipping tags. Main 1699 sn REPAIRS YOUR WAiCll AT THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO 294 WASHINGTON" ST. HEATING AND COOK STOVES wanted. Also rugs, furniture and everything. Main 4495. 128 1st. near Aiaer. WANTED Second hand furniture rugs, ranges and stoves. PAY CASH PIFER-HOMILTON FURNITURE CO 90 Grand ave. Phone East. 7766. NOTICES (Continued) 20 ..$ ...$ ...$ Total 1'ul.llc Imororements Streets, sewers sud sldewalka . Equipment Conking Drawing Urneral Janitors Manual training rbTslcsl tralnlDg Sewing Music Total $ Instruct ton rree text books a Graduating exercises Library and reterenca Doom 2S.2O0.OO 9.000.00 2,100 00 30.75o.0ii 2.7O.OU 2.0O0 Oli 1.000.0-) l.OilO.'IO 2.050AIO PROFESSIOXAL AXI RUSlNEtilf DIRKCTORr ' (Continued) r" COAL AHD WOOD OKfcUOX KttL CO. WoodU wn 6210. beers aear Colon . All kinds oX fuel st market rtce. faruy dry slabwood. Immedlste dsllTSry. . Prompt Delivery year supply. CALL to. Main 7KWO. A-SHU9. vu greea ur ory aiaa. wood. Don't watt tor l ultoa Wood Co . IHDHDIDI Keller Fuel Co. BDWY. 1363. A-2J83 CARPEJ CTEAKIKO FLUFf b From aid carpetst rag ruga. Cajpst ' cjesnuik. numuLst KLU t,u. 1W V.. th st. 1'Uones Kt S.VSO. B-lf0. 51,450.00 S.ooo .no l.ooo.oo 6.VU0.00 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 BEST cash prices paid for Used of - f lra n Anlrsi sl n s-i 4 ri lin o tani CHEAPEST place in Portland to buy , nets. Pac. Staty. & Prtg. Co. Main 1971 u.Tn Vno. WANTE1J Two or more good flannel ibisl- Main 7098. shirts size 17: hlsrh tor. boota size uiii i.mj iwjyri eei, ouiuex. ana pair' . A-ts, journal. of canary birds. Marsliali 1799. TO THE HOUSEKEEPER. I 1 I)H V II 1 a II Kh L UI ICfM 1 Ur 1 11 n It Yfl t? H FOR SALE JUISCELIjAXEOUS lO I bottles, paper, ciotnes. Tahor 7289. Total $ Salaries Prinrlnala and Teachers- Two st $V) Two at $SO Four at f700 Two at $750 One at One at $'J5 One at $0 Four at 8TS 8even at t'J"0 Slx at $05 TwelTe at 78 Fifteen at .llK) One at $1020 Forty-six at $10 PiShy at $11"0 Tfclrty-si st 11.V Two hundred fifty-nine st $1200.. Twenty st $1200 One at $1275 liiXi,' Three hundred sixty-one at $1300. Twenty-four st $1350 8eTetity-oo at $14i One at $12 Sixteen at $1500 Six at $1550 One bundre eighteen at S.fiOO Mfty-four at $1nOO Fourteen at $2iiO0 Six at $220 Three at $22.X Fifteen at $2400 Fire at $30ud Three at $3300 Other school - Substitutes Kxtra help Total Principals- Secretaries Eifht at $807 00 Flte t $176.00 Four at $112.60 Total 8.000.00 " 1.2O0.O0 1. 300.00 2. HOO.no 1.500.00 Swo.oo Wo.OO 850 Oit 3.MKI.00 aafW.Oit 5.7O0.o 1 1 .700.00 l(i.O(lO.lt 1.020.nt 41.-f.0 810.8iK.li 2J.O"0.,O 1.275.00 4t. 300.00 82.4O0.O0 9B,4O0.O-J 1. 425.00 24.01 .on O.noo.'K) iS.eisvoit 07.200-f") 2.oO O IS. 21 K) Oil e.7.vt.on 3tl.Oi.0 15.omi.M) 10.MO.OW 4H.4X" 00 2.Nt.0il 1. 200.00 LCK HtUlt AM IUU KUOS CARPET Ct.KAMNO. UEK1TT1.NG. ETC. OXE OF LAKtitiT I' LA NTS IN NOHTUWEST. W F. KIOCO . PHO.NK KAJiT mm. B-Mf, JUVck, KMlMi.. Llectric Clesuiua Muru Cw pels cleaned and laid; refitting oar specialur. East 440 B-1U03. H East IVlh st. N. CHIROPRACTORS HIKOl'ltALTIC lieat. Light. Vtukt luy hpciattt in dlsessvs of aouMrn sud cblldrsn. Goitres treated with sttwess. North t'arlttc Skbatnrlum Assn., 40 I'lTTUCK BLlMj. Lady ptrslclan If desired. UK. SlC.W AI1VJ.N ! UaKlu tMii . 41 tujwi ments. $15: seven $.1. Kslet terms. UKti UKH.US ULU I ll. 017 1M-KUU1 M, drusloss ierlsllil. rhnioic dtesses. POO AND CAT HOSPITAL UK. U. H HLiTHWAN. VtlLKINAKU.N. pltsl 41. K. h t. Ft S47 n EDUCATIONAL DAMCIMO blM.l.l-. U Dautiua- Atsuviu. AU braucan nt Bodern fancy, lae and ballroom dancing. Classes and riale Iriuions li sdulta and ehll dren. Main ifO. Moninise Itlnrler. 'i rector. MANCHIJiIi.lt fsuclua- Avadeuiy. aivs S bet. Stark tind osk: 4 nritsls lesson. $1; a. m., p. ni.. ttr; latesi diom gusrsnteed: Classen Thur., sal, nr.. ;.v- Hriiln tnn Mr. sud airs, ili-aiu avowi taucji, stag sua social dsnriu uuj;Ut. lias, lues.. Frl. . Lesrn the litest dsnrea, ramble, Jsas. Uxldls. aseVi Wtb. t. lKons. dsr or ee. Main sao. MKS. 1'Ltlh S AL liLMl. low kbLUAli SI'. Fallrooin and rlaaslc dancing. I'rliat lea. sons dslly. Class Monday snd Thursday eve ning, b to 10. I1i-a fr.-. Main 21 Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Eiectrlo Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A -5674. "MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" snd "Household Goods" are separate classification. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER HIGHEST prices paid for old watches; no objections to condition. 323 hi Washington, near 6th. GOING EAST? Household goods hipped at reduced rates. Pac. Coast Bw d g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 247. CASH for diamonds. 4K up; old gold. Platinum, silver. $18 Oregonlan bldg. .$i,os.iso.oo .$ 7.20O.OD 875. 45UAO 8. 58S.OO PAYS highest prices for 2d hand cloth ing, tools, etc. 273 Front. Main 4802. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. Scandinavian Book Store. 4 N. 3d st. I ONE Singer model. sewing East 4936. machine, late ALL machines sold for le i. No agents employed- j Renting $3 per mon'.n. , WANTED 2d H. tools, bicycles, etc. Sewing Machine Emporium, Bittman Hdwr. 213 Front. Main 8611. 9481 A-mV WANTED- to 2 H. P. single phase ONE 7x10 double drum American hoisting engine, first class condition, tested 165 lbs. cold water pressure. Bateman & Gordon Main 1371. 204 Front st. motor. J-562, Journal. WILL buy good bono cutter cheap, J. Oleen, Route A. Gresham, Or. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hochfleld. Main 8581. $10 TEN draphead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen, IS2 Grand ave.. near Belmont. - lERSOXAXi 22 GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same service and quality you pay double the monev elsewhere: correctly fitted glasses as low as $1.50. Thou sands ef satisfied customers. Chas. W. and details. InL Goodman, optometrist 209 Morrison st. 21S Flledner bldg . FALSE teeth; we pay as high as $17.60 per set for old false teeth, no matter If broken; also gold crowns, bridge worg. Mall to Berner's raise leetn Specialty, 22 3d St.. Troy, N. X.. and r n n a ( . - n n V. W.. , . n Mn11 I SLIGHTLY used coii.puimar scales ail "" IT'"1" kinds: also cheese 'cutters, coffee BEAM Ell & CLARK'S billiard palace mills and meat slicets: very cbean. 1 formerly McCredies. 2d floor Yeon LAulKs nesinng crochet worn or having same for sale, send lOo for "Book of Designs Trad'g Crochet Co. JAEGER VACUUM CLEANERS $8.00 Guaranteed 6 years. Cash or terms. Telephone Tabor 1275. FOR SALE, six head of good heavy work norses, weighing from 14D0 tho 1600, two teams from 1100 to 1800: also farm wagons, harness 'and bug gies. 292 Union avenue. Phone East 3227. GUERNSEY, fresh 1 day; high grade Jerseys, just fresh and coming fresh soon; large young cows. 32 to 40 lbs., 5 to- 5.6 butterfat. 466 Sherrett ave. Sellwood car. NORTH PORTLAND, Friday, Nov. 23d, public auction, 80 head regis tered Holsteins, all quality stock. utAJtiut; a. tjUJ, sale Mgr. REGISTERED Jersey bull from im ported stock: can furnish tabulated pedigree. Sellwood 645. YOUNG fresh, 6 gal., Holstein; 5 gal. Guernsey: also 3 heavv sorincers 751 East Ash. FOR SALE or trade for a family cow, fine big horse. Great puller. Col. 427. 921 N. Central ave.. St. Johns. TO SELL or trade. "T" tested Jersey, for fresh cow. 2033 Hawthorne ave. CHOICE of 2 good cows, cheap. 7719 ouin ave. mriana station. FOR SALEI Good family cow. young Jersey, uall labor 1043 mornings. 5 FRESH cows, 105 Failing st. Take .Mississippi car. SWISS male goat. 6315 Woodstock ave. FOR SALE Young calf. Tabor 995. POULTRY, PtGEOXS A 2ND 37 PET STOCK FOR SALE, young thoroughbred white and brown Leghorn laylnir hens, also pullets. Take as many as you like before Monaay, cheap. Woodlawn 3878. 1645 Mississippi ave. BEST cash offer before Monday night tanes two pair tine -tnoroughbred isiacic cocmn unina uaniams. sell wood 2279. WHITE Leghorn pullets 75c : each. nearly erown. O. A. C- Barred Rook pullets Jl.oU each. East 1805. iST Ore gon st. NEW Zealands. Rufus Reds find Ens- ash Lops. 50c up. 6a03 s8th ave. Mt. Scott carv 15 JUNE hatch R- I. Red pullets. $1 each. 82d and Division. Tabor 2261 DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, HTC. - 46 WONDERFULLY beautiful Persian kitten; for sale or exchange. Sell wood 2279. FOR SALE, beautiful yellow singers. fine stock. 1105 E. Clinton st. Tabor 5367. FOR SALE, a spotted cocker-spaniel a pet and a fine1 playfellow for chil dren, call lzoi jfctetmom si. FOR - SALE Gtenu lne Panama parrot, large vocabulary. Call r. 767. 1916 MAXWELL. 1916 MAXWELL. Maxwell touring, practically brand new, extra tire, $595. 1916 Maxwell tounni, uuni cunm- tlon, $650. lT FRANCIS MUlun An v,j.. E. 8770. East 13th and rlawtnorne ave. LAHER' Mfg. & Repairs, 3000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK. extra size. complete with 12 foot body, over size tires. Ford power plant; priced rlgut. ivoennng aitLciiiua o., . 254 Hawtnorne. ttotn pnones CASH paid for old cars; condition no ..ui.ni - nn.ia f rr all ttisiWar nf rnrit Oregon Auto Exchange, 129 Lownsdale, at lftth ana asn. m. ui. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at hi price. Auto Wrecking Co., -89 . tsroaaway. Call at 384 Ptark st 1 BUFFAIO Pitt traction, 16 h. p., 1 Bain wagon without box. Inquire T. II. Ward, sfcKay bldg. bldg., 5th and Alder. 33 tables, finest equipped parlors In Northwest AUTO M OBI LES. MOTORCYCLES, launches or boats are separate clas sifications. A large listing can be found under these difffrnt ol,sif ications. BIG SNAP FOR CHRISTMAS 7 diamonds ihi karat and 2 hi karat stones, toluje, white, for $400. K-991, Journal. 00 SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. L. LAMAR. 235 5th St.. cor. Main, teaches palm istry and card readings, also lessons in the science of health and success. Daily. DR. MARIE JOHNSON Chiropodist, blanket sweats, bath, electric, mag netic. Office .513 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays, evenings. Supplies Maintenance I'pkeep of r rounds H-pairs and replaeementa Total $ Operation of School Plants Freight and Irajaita $ Fuel Janitors' sslarlea Janitors' aupp'1" Ugbt and power Bent Telephonea Water . ..$ 60.SO0.00 2.19.VOO 47.430.00 40.C2Ti.00 HEl.a.fc UKWli'i. incT auu tuvdru danc leg. US ltb. I'bonra M.-b21M, Mar. 5ftl. kll&S IKLl.AMi Out Liekuui 1'U . lu pruals b-ssopa. Hoiirs. U fxi a m. l B p. m. LAW SCHOOLS (J H tl, ON LAW bvtlUUL A thorough, practli al course lu law Recita tions enenlngs. slain V77. AII-kT b)d(. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS KIl'HAKH Nf.UA.MtK. TioUn UisirucUua with uiod-ru txiuarrralury o( music. 18 13th st. Main WMl. ZL LIMA 1- KIluVS .N, tnsuu Hapld. Ili.rvugu. scientific method. Mar. SV,. 612 Liters. E. TUIKLHUK.N Violin Irat-ber, pupil awscia. 8"T Klleilner Mlg Hrwadway 1C2H. I'liOK. 1. s LA SUN. I'lauu Laswua si ) wuf home. One. I'hone Ts1t 7i8. ' VIOLIN, llano. Mandolin, Ou'lar. 5aui. hot-kenbe-k. 4') Vamlilll. L. CAUIULL liAV. pin Do. Total leson. tih prsctlce piano. 1 br. day. $." mo. Main 52lu. 8 I00.no T5.0O0.0O 12x.i.'0 7.2i'.OK 21..i.ii 1 1. Mt i lWOOl I fliMNaLLA Hug ofk ilag iuk mil carwvt rrirrr rugs awd raq rpoi NOK 111 Weal KLO tu. bolautuiuvu iwa. fluff Kub snd Hi Knfa woven, all slssa. 1 1 1 ai,u i . i . r-i.i o.i,. i- --v. . ie.oou.oo Total AdmlnUtratton Attorneys' fees and litigation. . . Oenua Elections Rent . .$ 233.300.O0 $ S.oofvon 2.70oO l.Ono.on 2.20O.00 wearing. 10ls I'siton are. Wondlaw iWMA. WKSIKKN r LLKK ULU CO. Pllo.NK E A ST W1S1. B I4TS. rUH'a aCIS GALVANIZED tank, 9: capacity, water. gas Aiarsnau o&i cubic inch air, cheap. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by 10-needle method; trial $1. Josie Finely. 614 Ellers bid. M.6368. MILDRtU CLARK, massage, baths, electric treatments. 211 Rothchild MCLT NOMA HTeln etery-lot f fn est-! I 287 Wa9h- pc" eveS and SU,"- cation, room for 6 graves. $30. I VIBRATOR massage, face, scalp Tabor 2261 treatments. 386 V Wash., ors. ob, Total Salaries , - 1 superlctendent of aehoola 1 assistant aupt. of schools 1 assistant aupt of achools 1 clerk snd business manager 1 truant officer ... 2 asslstsnt truant officers st JUO 1 suirlntendent of properties 1 purchasing agent Other Employes 1 cashier . 3 bookkeepert and office assist ants at $1500 1 statistician 1 ablpplng clerk v'v; Ll" 4 stanorrspoers and bookkeepers at $1080 ; 5 office and store room help at $1030 1 foreman (electrlekl) part tiro.- 1 atenographer 1L','' 3 office and store room enlp at $00 viiiX- 3 steofigraphera at $o 1 atenographer 1 telephone operator .. . 3 store room help at $7 months escb) - 1 office help -:-",-lirf'.n'."st" 2 draftsmen and electrlclana at $.iOt) (1 part tlmal .y.i' 1 Tuperlntendent of cons traction inert time) . 1 heating. Tentilattpa. engineer ing ssslsfsnt (part time) Extra help Total Automobiles Etulpmtnt . Telephones Hur plies ... J. rtAkfc-K ILU.VILK CO. Ws sell Buyntora and Tbatrffer furnaces, lib era 1 terms. We rsrry repairs fur Boyotoa, Thatcher, lietrolt Jewel and iuteratate furuacaa. Main 4A1. offlre rmot and Mstket. Murlirr IJualil) r url.ai-c lualalteO. cap. laruscai I'.J Hrimnsia. lst. r neii. n. 11.5U0.00 5.000 no 8.750.i0 ! repairing S.WSJ iio 3 I.OO HAIR POOPS A WD HAIR DRESSIlfO i'w!oi t'BVIil a UANa.ttLT. leading wis mil loupe. 3 (Ml in 1 tuskers, finest stuck of bumsn bsu uods; 1 MjO Oil hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treat ' j meet. ReoH.Ted t. 34i Alder near Bmsrtwse. 1,900 00 ' HEAP, EYE, EAR. KOBE. THROAT, LITIfOS 4. BOO .00 ' lr. F. E. Caaseday. trestiueut; glasses fitted. l.Sao.OO 7 Oil E- Burnside. iw. aotb. U-13H. K. 474. 1.200.OU ORIEWTAL GOODS PATENT ATTORWETS 1,000.00 I 300.O0 i 200 no : 8 782 00 QlLliHKKi. n-.l VV-ni-li!r l-l-IS- Msln ISta FHTSICIAHS 67.0O4 00 4.fJ0.0'i 1.600. 00 1,011.00 8.000 00 Mar. 477. nlAMflVflS Rti' l nn rnmmlailnn hv Belding. the Jeweler. 2454 Alder MISS ANDREWS teaches phrenology, st. Main 1692 r. : palmistry and card-reading. Main lots. FOR SALE, brand new 1917 Hupp. Ac count of sickness must sell at once. Run less than 100 miles. Price $1375. Phone forenoons, Main 2380. DODGE touring, 1916, looks and runs like new; repainted, top recovered; best buy in the city; $585 cash. Main 8274. Apt. 46. at. rraucia -ftpis. FOR SALE New Ford touring. 1917 model, red wire wheels and all ex tras. Call between 9 and 10 a. m. East 5867 1917 FOiRD, $100 extras, run less than 4000 miles, $375 cash. Private owner. 621 Overton street 1918 FORD touring, run few hundred miles, for sale at discount. Terms. T-550, Journal. FOR SALE Fofd delivery- car, just built and painter!. A bargain if tak en now. Wdln. 5359. DUBRUILLE TOP CO.. 9th & Oak. B'wav 1664 FORDS go, 100 miles for 50c. We tell you how. Phone Broadway 4666. 357 Burnside at Park. TIRES, $2.50 up; vulcanizing, retread ing; tires bought. Portland Motor Wrecking Co., 535 Al der. M aln 479. 1914 METZ car, 224 H. P.. 4-cyl., $150, at Washington Public garage;. Mr. Rowe, Main lb4. AUTO parts and accessories for less. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO., 325-27 Burnside st. Broadway 323S. FOR SALE First class potatoes, mar ket price, delivered anywhere in Portland. Sellwood 645. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.90; 1000. $2.90; 500 envelopes. $1.90; 1000 $2.90. Smith, printer. 204 Stark st. THE- FUR SHOP Furs to order remodeling, lowest prlres. 0 Swetlnnd bldg.. Sth-Wsxh. WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations and garages. E. 11. Ruppell. 473 Washington st. Main 160. DR. G. V. KETCHUM. women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Washington hid., 4th & Wash. Mar. 44S VIBRATORY massage, manicuring. Office 49. Mar. 2442. Hhhi Broadway WILL sell my double 20-gauge Ithaca. jones, aiarsnaii b&3i; A-4US6. SCIENTIFIC massage and baths side. 327-29 Pittock block. Iron- SECOND hand 5 gal. gasoline pump 1 owivnr Consultation KKtt. Maui LUnjui 49113. BIZ Helling hide-. and cash register. 473 Washington 50.000 FEET extra good 2d hand lum ber. East 1805. 787 Oregon bL PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent ed, exch.. bought. Bentley. Main 8682. BATHTUBS, sinks, toilets, pipe and fittings. A. L. Hora rd. 212 4th st, CIDER and other apples. 50c a box and up. 711 Columbia blvd. SHAMPOOING and electric massage. 188 West Park. NOTICES FINE Columbia range for sale, cheap, at 47 09 61st St., S. E. ; ' NEW White sewing machine, $15. "191 Park sL, near Yamhill. MAN'S suit. Phone Sellwood 1112. SECOND HAND auto tires. 126 1st. AUTOMOB1LKS AMKI 78 1 WILL PA YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. WE PAY CASH For used rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, office restaurant and. hotel furnituie- Gevurtz Furniture Co. , 185 1st. tear Yamhill MARSHALL 6981 A-3224 26 KOT1CB la hereby glren that subject to the conditions and limitations of tbe art ,J June . Stat.. i'I8). Dj tb" in Stl urtions of the secretary of tbe tntertar It September 15, 1917. tbe timber e, r,11nlna Isnds will be sold Deeuiber io,i j ,t 10 o'clock a. m.. at public suction at the cnitea osies "inn st Kosebnrs 6r.. to the highest bidder at sot Jess thaa tba appraised sluj as shows by tbl, " tie to be subject to tbe spproral f ,7; secretary of tbe Interior. Jhe porrbsa orlX. with an additional ran of one fifta of oT. per cent thereof, being commissions sllowsd icst be deposited at time of Mle. money be returned If sale la not approred. otberi. Ktent wUl issue for tbe timber wbico Za?t remosed within 10 yesrs. Bids will needed from citliens of the tolled StiteV associations of such cltlsena and corporation. oTsVnlwd under the law. ot tb, uB 5 Lates or any at te. territory or dJstrt 5reof only. L'pon sppllcs.lon of . wi'lnS rcbasr. tbe timber ob any ler.l " W h. offered sepsrstely before L.i 71" clcdedln sny offer of a larger unit eijow BEFORE you sell your furniture, see',.- i U. port orford cedar, 200 'li J u V , .- I rav ,-nrt r,,r all fnpnl. . " .. .aj l-.l.ril rA . . . ... ...- i " j - ' i (. w b. u o" t u - . iTq rie in. .hii fir WJO " - i-ort Ortor.t AUTOS FOR HliiK AUTOS for rent without DRIVERS. G. N. Smith. 3d and Glisan. Broad way 2629. T AUTOS without drivers tor hire. Cltv garage. 86 10th st. B'way 840. A-4246. AUTOMOIULKS-ACCESSOIUES 44 1917 FORD for sale; cot4475. Inves tigate this bargain. 4 75 Clay. Main 4885. ; - . ' GOING into service, will sell my Dodge car for $600. ' Phono Main 2235. 1916 MAXWELL, for aale cheap. X-406, , Journal. - 1918 Ford, i never been run. Tabor 3133. - - - - MORTGAGE loans. NEW 1918 Ford, never been used. Phone Tabor 8719. Ttti-r HiT.V.Tir trade. Oakland roadster. j Wdln. 3733., - - (S 'and ' 75i. 1 .m . i I., hi I mAn-n - . ...riAnalhi. norlw Salomoa & Co., 408 Selling bid. I Call Main 090, after $ o'clock. MUTOKCVCL.l-S.BICYCLias 53 EXCELSIOR twin motorcycle, equipped, $100, on easy tefms, or will trade. Phone 'iaoor ;sso 1916 MODEL Indian motorcycle, with aide car. for sale.; 1354 E. 19th st. Sellwood 1306. A LIGHT motorcycle, chearv In good condition- Woodlawn 6359.- tore, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, of fice furniture; nothing too small or too large. A phone call will bring our bnyer at any time. CALL MARSnAi-L. 687, GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 FIRST ST. FHONE East 815 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater. 380 Hawthorne ave.. cor. Union. WE pay HIGHEST PRICE for used furniture, stoves, etc. Call East 294. Grand Kapids hurniture Co. Call East 636 stoves, rats. etc. Will exchange your old furniture for new. J'lANO!, ORGANS AND MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS '. 34 PIANO. Come, make offer. Must be gpiq tnn weeK. ttroaaway 167a. VIOLIN for sale or trade for a kodak, or what hava you? B-144JL. ,: . WHY not try the ' Michigan Fur. Co." before disposing of your furniture? They are paying ihe highest prices. Call Marshall 1822 or 164 1st st. WILL pay highest prices for used furniture, clothing, etc. Portland Clearing House. Marshall 4783. TAKE a tip. Sell your furniture to Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. - SAY! DON'T SELL YOUK FURNITURE until you see us. Main 4495. iz 1st st ABSOLUTELY rulnent price, paid foi vtir furniture; ruaris. etc. Tshor 7l$9 FURNITURE wanted. Mala 70t. Tl v.iV- fir sou .J."J.r 438 M.: SW Va SK "' X'O U - ort Orford cedar zj. ''' is. V ytlW fir. 800 U.; l-ort OrfoVa dth I. Tl "W SE hi. -ellow fir. SdOU fSt Orford cedar ISO !I Nw st ' .tUow fir 700 Port Orford eed S0 : jri tiB hi. jaUow fir so 14.. Port or' lo-d cedfr 84S at Tb. fir rt.ll Uti it less tbsn t M- "4 ' eedsr at u! tt-Tbsn $ it M- W. H. CAWQv. 4.. CHATTEt MORTUAtiE Al TOMOBILt fOKE CLOSCKE SALE Orerl.nd Pacific. Joe. mortgagee, vs. John U Jsnssen. Notice U hereby given that mortsaree br reason of default In payment baa taken pos session ot tbe UTerisaa, moa. u. lounng. ... temobile. described In and by virtue of Chat tel Mortgage, dated Aug. ,. 117. recorded in Multnomah County. Jrego. Chattel Mort gage records, Volunsa 3, fage 367, aecurlng note for $200.00, and 8 Interest, and hereby declare, tbe whole sain, principal and Interact. S202 70. doe and payable: that Mortcacee. will. at its place of business. Broadway and Davla aia.. I'ortlaad. Oregon, at 2 p. m. on Nov. 12, IB 17. at private aale for cash, sell UTerland au tomobile. Mod. 60. touring. No. 13H. to sattefv ssld mortgsge, aod coat. lududiti( storage cbargea and atteroey'e fee.. Dated Nov.- 1. 1-17. and publiaued in The Oregon Journal on week, issues dated Nov. 3 13)11. and N-V- 10. 117. t OVKELAiD PACLTIC Inc . ' Phone Bdwy. ftMCw- - " - Ifertgage. Total Miscellaneous Interest ; ' " Exhibits, conTeniious. Liability Insurance Tes.hera' retirement fund Insursnce fund Omtract balances Unpaid Hum Total fetal .mount required . '"Pf &3i000.00 support ami on oouus. If., 300.00 4.000.00 1.000.00 B. 000 00 12.000.00 16.00O.O0 0.000.00 2S.000.00 UK. K. A. I'lilLLii'-. sX6 ttroadsrs bulg. Asthsoa. NerTtfuauesa. Proatatl. Troubl. Rheumallam. FLPstBrWO BtTTPLirg WHuLtaaLR BLTAIL rLLUol.MI L--I'LIES. Fleming. 113 4th. St. Msla TU. FKIXTIHO AkTD BIITDIJIO ti gtsrk st. lu. ivy rHtw Brosdwsy 4nst. .$ 272.000.00 37.147.01 60.000.00 Tntweat oil excnsn.s Sinking fund Total iiimi Eatlmsted State bi"l f nod KynsctuVtionfund. lrobsble balanca on hand 718.5O0.O0 T be--r.l..br sP-- -Yu operate. p.ijv. .. .$1.794. BOO. OO tbu schools 87.147.04 60.000.00 4O0.O00.00 B.OH0.O0 10.000.00 10.600.00 arO.Ouoxx) Totsl 'Zi ' tar T be.rauen oy Zr . $2. 43.000.00 taln.tbe scls of gobooi i.'iri.Trlct No. 1. Multnotnah County. AUA.-, eta,. nirectors Urecon. B. n. THOMAS, Clerk t...m Nmrffibrr 9. 1917. -a i " - 1 rMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK OF POBT I ANU located st Portland, In tb. .tats af OrTj'u U clln lta affalra. All note bolder, and other creditors of tbe saw Is tlon srs therefor, hereby notified to present the aotas and other clslins for payment. " Dated November 3$ 181T. PROFESSIONAL AND ACCOstDIOH rLgATTHg K 8TEPHAN. bemstitening, oraiumg. ea.u tltcblog box, .Tsordloo; aid. and sunbarst nlaltlna. seallvvlag. buttons eer.d. Ooods staged. Zt9 t'lltock blk. Bro.dwy yn8. ELITE-Hemstltchlnf and B.ttsa Bbop. Beaa- stltchlng. DOlloo ssia pimia., aau vrucn prompt .tte.tkai. 384 Morrlsoa. Mala 723Q. AO ATE CgTTTJtO A ITP atfg.lTw1T.EBg AUATtjf cat a. 4 potlaiied, low fir y .nd w.tJt repairing Ulller's 4Ai tVssbtnrloa) st. BLAXK BOOK stAKTstg UAV1S A HOLM AN. INC. lUk 'M H- blaas bonk manufsftorrs. A-31M. Mala 183. BBABS ATTD atACHTIfTWOK:g UiKPKk'B bKAaU4 WOkKa. brass eastUga snd aiaeblne work, loo l. ot. wwae wi COAL AaTD WOOD NATIONAL rt'EL CO E. 24 and Oregoa at... eouotry slab wood. 4 ft.. $4.23; prompt jlTrry . - Brack wood sou com wooo- use soti ALL. KIND of 4 ft. fir and hardwood, $5.50 cord and up. Kr A faze fuai a 4647. REAL ETATE DEALERS i'AKL K JON KM. 4 Wllcoa hid.-. RUBBER BTAMf AMP BEAU. ALoO Stencils. Ira Os Lbscks. wisj '"- PACiric coAr stamp wuHtts, a Brosdwsy st. Brosdwsy .IP. A T4. SHEET METAL WORKS UKPAlHlN'i tin liOSll. sio 1SI st. sud grsTsl routs, flmne Msln 1424. s T0WXL SOFFLT fOsvTLANU UlMJkl CO.. fur prompt, st IU dent sereie.. mw ""'i v- tii, TRsOtSriR AKP STORAGE Oregon I ranster Co. EatabUsbed 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage Fwa Trscasgs. Offlc sdU Storage 474 Ulss St. 18th and Glteen. Broadway latl. A-lla Pihl Transfer 4 Storage Co. Plana and lurnltur. Moving, Urn ft f rut. ,. ,nd abipplug. Sil uarie at. riMm. Hrsad- way ii. e Send Us Your Old Carpets ' I Chinese fcuipurluui. Murrtouu. S Ma. auues g 000 On ' Bdwy. thlnese. Japsaese gnnds and enrl.; Swx j PAnrnwo. tiktiko. fafirmaroinw I HAVE you M-n uur Sc wsll psperl lowest' 2.700.00; prices on pslntlng. papering, tinting in th i 2,520.00 : city. Tabor 7.H:t, C. 11. Mrk. V ( I xiM.lLa nl.M i.Vl CO.. paiutiuif- Uouaju iM W j papering. MO Hi.i-.hall at. Main 4414 I.STiO.OO I OOO.CO PRINI INCi and Oak sts. M. IHV A-l ISA FRINTEBB AND EKOKAVERS tLW ill -FILbi" III nwKS,nww iu and moslDK. Horse or auto sans. atpsUl frelcbt rate, to aU points. C O PICK TKANbl EH A STOBAGB Ca, X;od".ncl line. Broadway 5W. A-lm. iTai K1NU MUI. ii savuaui BTOKAOE A TUANSFtB. CO- V ak M. Main Hfl- A-1081. . JOBBER5YmOLE$AUERa rtTJFT BUGS AND RAO RTJOS Mad. from ld Ingrain., Bursa la. Almiastar. Smyrna. Also rsc ruo. all suss- Mali erdar. promt, bena tor Buosasib Carpet Cleaning, Refitting Etc xl2 rugs. na or elsctrl. clsaasd. .....$L4) SsJM rugs siesu r eiscirie cwasra.,,,,,, jj. WESTERN VLL'FF BOO CO 54 Tjplon ase. N. Pbooe East 81SI. B-14T. ; wood fife POBTLASD WOOD P1FK CU. sctory , ss4 efflca near 24 tb and York sts. Msla fU. TIIAXSPOKTATION San : Francisco ; Los Angelies & (Wltnoat Cnanr. st RUat) S.S. ROSE city; Balls from AVI aa worth Xok ir.K. TVZtSAT, IOTZXIU U Th Ssva riAavciaco i afortla4 SL B. Co'Utd aad Waalilartom mt (WlU O-W. S. J Bf. rCoJ , Tal. rotvdwar 4500. A9HU " 4 t