SPECIALPRAYER FOR AMERICAN ARMS WILL L BE HEAUD IN CHURCH " 1 11 i 1 1 METHODISTS TO CONSECRATE ORGAN j Nation-Wide Prayer to Be "- ' Observed by Portland Pas tors jn Pulpits on Sunday; SERMONS TO SHOW NEEDS oldler to "Crow That Best Taongnts of People Are Behlad Taem la ; 1 MtDfl,.tkyi KlaliUr. WHh Mayor -Juker, Franklin T. Griffith., William F. Woodward and William D. Wheelrlght, chosen as the speakers for a Mg platform meeting at 7:30 Sunday evening:. Rose . City Park . Methodist church, plana to con secrate its recencly purchased pipe or can as the crowning event of one of the outstanding days of Its history. Lucien E. Becker, crganisf at Trinity Episcopal church, will preside at the organ. Rev. .William Wallace" Toung son, superintendent of the Portland district, and first patron of this thriv ing organization, will preach at the morning service at 11. The acquisition of the organ Is a distinct addition to the community interests of Rose City Park. Being the only pipe organ in that section of the city it will make "the little brown church on the hill" a musical center. Plans have already been madeVor a series of 'recitals. The first-will be gtven Monday evening. November S, by Mr. Beckar. Mrs. Jane Bums Albert- has been secured as soloist. Music lovers from all parts of the city are cordially Invited. With the organ the music committee, of which James A. Bamford Is chairman, plans to make the regular musical program of the church even more attractive. The monthly concerts of the adult choir under the direction of Mrs. William C Schmitt last ' year' attracted city wida attention, while the junior vested choir grew to be the largest of its klud In the city. It is predicted that the grade ' of work done by both these organizations will surpass that of last year. . - r i ,r - - ;: Miss Ethel . Rand, an accomplished organist, from Baker, Or., has been engaged for the coming year. Sunday in accordance with Presl dent Wilson's proclamation setting aside the day , for nation-wide prayer for tha suecess of the American arms. all Portland churches will give special sermons along this thought and every, pastor will offer prayers for the soldiers afield. . -Bonds of Bondage." is the them upon which Dr. A. A. Morrison, of the "Trinity church, will base his sermon. Dr. Morrison will show that the people - of the nation must stand behind It or face the alternative of a liberty lost. - Among other sermons bearing oh : the crisis faring the nation will be the one given by Rev. John H. Boyd of the First Presbyterian church, who will take for his subject, "The Duties adOpportunltles of Our Church Un der ihe 8tres of the Present Hour, and War and the Higher Nature of Man: a Study of Heroisms and Human Possibilities!." Dr. Stansfleld of the First Method-1 1st church will show the great worth of prayer at this time to the soldiers and sailors who can feel the highest thought of their people behind them and to the people who pray. The subject of Dr. Btanfleld's sermon Will be, "A Nation at Prayerthe Why, What and Worth of Prayer." Special services have been arranged by the Christian Science churches. At all places of worship special prayers will be offered. The Catholic and To Pray for Success Of American Armies St. David Episcopal churcn. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector, will observe Sunday as a day Of prayer, as request ed by President Wilson, and suppli cans will be offered Almighty God for success of American armies and success for the caute they represent. Thirty-four young men of this par ish are in the nation's service. The hours of service will be 7:30, 9:30 and 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. November 4 Rev. Thomas Jenkins will have rounded out two years as rector of St. Davids and in honor of this the committee of 10 men is mak ing extraordinary endeavor to have the congregations aa large as possible at all services on that day. Mr. Jen kins hae, during his shepherdship, welded together this fine church body and made it one of the most mriu entlal in the city. The anniversary, November 4, will bo made an opportunity to demonstrate the regard and appreciation of the parish toward Mr. Jenkins. Bellingham Pastor To Fill Local Pulpit Pastor to Defend "Affairs of God" At the East Side Baptist church Sunday morning. Dr. Hinson will preach on "The Failure of God." There Is loud and persistent talk today of the failure of the church, the failure, ef Christianity 'and in some quarters the failure of God himself. The sermon will be an attempt to vindicate the ways of Qod to men and to show that the American poet was right who declared that within the shadow Of perplexed belief and seem inr disruption of the right stands Qod. In the evening Dr. Hlnson will take .for his text "The Burial of an Ass" And the sad fact that through wrong courses a crowned king may drop down until he la burled as Is an ass of the ,.. fields will be applied to our modern life. November 4 Dr. Hlnson's pulpit will be supplied by President Riley of Mc Minnvllle college. Tabernacle Meetings Increase in Interest The Interest in the meetings held last week in the Gospel Tabernacle corner East Ninth and Clay streets, by Rev. H. J. Reld. D. D.. and John Troy, continued to Increase steadily. The addresses by Dr. Reld were time ly And helpful, while Mr. Troy's solos and the congregational singing under nia ieaaersnip were inspiring. Rev. O. J. Stone of Tecoma will con tlnus the meetings in the Gospel Tabernacle through tbe coming week from Monday until Friday Inclusive, at 7:45 p. rn. HALLOWEEN PARTY IS DESIGNED TO BENEFIT THE YOUNG PEOPLE Y, M. C, A and Y. W, C, A, Are Behind Movement; All Young People Are Invited, wvj l""sv: ; t".'.i-m jr -f t"t , - 'wwf ' -mm mmm r- y j w mmw k. -j u. , iiwnT v w vr " - !": 1 1 v " " W 3?" " - r " , . : . r . v ...... . - - 1 . . -- - r ... v - r - J... 4 -..M-ujn - - ... . , 1 SETS SUNDAY AS! DAY OF PRAYER- 1 1 CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS MEET Rev. Duncan M. McPhail., pastor of the First Baptist church of Belling hnm CTnah . will nrnrh at the First Episcopal churches will continue to 9 R.ntlat church f White TemDle). Sun- give prayer for the success of.thei,,,, rr MrPhati was for some vears allies forces. th Arl.ta Rnntiat church of this city, and will renew many pleasant friendships while in Portland. In the morning he will preach on the topic, "The Strength of Our Church. and in the evening his subject will be The Gospel of Discontent. The evening service will be especi ally interesting. There will be a pro gram of old songs. Including "There s Musio in the Air," "Home, Sweet Home." "Flag of the Free." "Battle Hymn of the Republic." and the of fertory, "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." also special organ number. Rev. Mr. Pershing to Preach at Calvary At Calvary Presbyterian church. Rev. O. B. Pershing, pastor-elect of the First Presbyterian church of Albany, Or., will preach both morning and eve ning on the subject. "The Temptations of Christ." Mr. Pershing has been preaching In Albany during the month of October and has just accepted a call to the pulpit there. He is highly spoken of as an attractive and able speaker. He 1a related, to General Pershing. Compliment Is Paid To Dr. W. B. Hinson Dr. xW. B. Hinson of the East Side Baptist church commences his yacation next week, but wilt not hold his pro jected meeting at Fort Worth, Texas, as the following telegram received from Dr. Norris will explain: "Have a revere attack of appendicitis. It would not be wise to hold meeting rn my ab sence. Must have you later. Great disappointment." Dr. Hinson expects now to pay a visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. Karl Jones, in Montana. 1 1 - Preparations and plans for the Hai-! loween party, of the Young People'E societies of Portland, alsisted by the Y M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., are pro gressing successfully, and the party to be held Halloween In the Y. M. C. A. Is expected to be hnost successful In its outcome. It is planned especially for the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A and will be an effort to get the young people of those organisations 'more closely acquainted and in a closer friendship with the young people of the city. The entertainment committee has been busily arranging for decorations and features for the evening, and all the weird customs and doings of Hal loween will be there. All young peo ple are Invited to come that evening. Mrs. Eddy's Prayers Are Recalled Now President Wilson's proclamation, setting aside Sunday as a nation-wide day of prayer for the success of Amer ican arms, awakens new Interest on the part of Christian Scientists in the words of Mary Baker Eddy contained in her message to The Mother Church on the occasion of the June commun Ion, 1898. The following paragraphs, though referring to the war Between the United States and Spain for the lib erty of Cuba, are equally applicable to our present situation: "Pray for the prosperity of our country, and for her victory under arms; that justice, mercy and peace continue to characterise her govern ment, and that they shall rule all na tions. Pray that the divine presence may still guide and bleas our chief magistrate, those associated with his executive trust "In your peaceful homes remember our brave soldiers, whether In camp or In battle. Oh. may their love of country, and their faithful service thereof, be unto them life-preserversl May the divine rove succor and pro tect them, as at Manila, where brave men, led by .the dauntless Dewey, and shielded by the power that saved them, sailed victoriously through the Jaws of death and blotted out the Spanish squadron " A A' ' 'J . .:v. - A t ., Ab event of- much importance In church circles will take place in the First Congregational church, Tuesday and Wednesday. "November S and 7, this being the - sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Oregon Congregational conference of ministers and churches. The, program follows: Tuesday November 6. Devotional services; organization, business and appointment of committees, "Narra tive of Churches," Daniel Staver; mod erator's address, communion services, adjournment until afternoon. 8 p. m.- Devotional services. J. M. Barberj women's hour; conditions In Korea. J. Hunter Wells; "Turkey." Rev. J. Kl Brown. D.' D. ?i30 p m. Devotional services; "The Tercentenary Program Up to Date." Rev. A. J. Sullens; Esposltory address, Rev. Hugh G. Ross, D. D. Wednesday, November t- t:J0. ex pository address. Dr. Rosa; 10:15, busi ness and reports of standing commit tees; address. "Why Is America in the World -War?" B. S, Huntington; the Corvallis work. Rev. E. T. Sherman; reports of our national secretaries. 2 p. m. Expository address. Dr. Ross; work among young people. Rev. H. N. Smith, Miss Steinmets and Mr. Brockaway; "Christ's Social Program for the Church," Dr. Clark, president of Pacific university; "Our Part in the World Evangelism." Dr. Brown. 7:30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. James E-in; reports of National council delegates. GREAT REFORMATION DRIVE MISSION STUDY IS CONCLUDED BY NORMAL CLASSES Subject of Africa Considered by Xeachers of Young Peo ple's Societies of Portland, The normal classes, which have been conducted at the Y. M. C. A. for the past six weAs by the mission study drive of the Young People's societies of Portland, consisting of the Epworth league, Multnomah county C. E. union and the Baptist Young People's union, in the study of Africa, came to a suc cessful close Friday evening. Classes have been held for teachers In the subject of Africa. For the senior and Intermediate societies the book. "The Lure of Africa," was taken up, while "'African Adventures" was -the title of the book used for the junior societies. Great interest was shown in the study of the Dark; Continent, and it is hoped by the general committee that each society In the county will en deavor to have a mission study class once a week for six weeks, taking up the study of these two textbooks. The Dark Continent is a most fascinating study for young people and the adven tures and experiences or tne mission aries in that continent will prove very interesting to the young people. The forthcoming Sunday will be ob served as "Africa day ' throughout the city, and It is hoped by the committee that a good start will be made on that day towards the organization of mis sion study classes. President Wilson PASTORS TO AID FOOD PLEDGE WORK Vesper Service Program Mrsl L. W. Owen will talk at the o clock vesper service in the Laurel wood Congregational church on "Pic tures From Life." She will also sing some southern plantation hymns. The pastor. Mrs. Handsaker, will preach In the morning on "The Christian Mis sion." W. B. Ayer. federal food adminis trator, requests ministers of all tne churches In Portland to give short talks on the necessity for food, con servation and the folly of wasteful ness, preceding their sermons at the Sunday morning services. He also asks all members of the card" week a success. Pledge cards will be distributed to pastors of the churches and they are asked to secure signatures among their parishioners. Mr. Ayer expects to- get big results from the work of the pledge card cam palgners and predicts that 90 per cent of the. homes of Portland will be signed up as members of the 'United States ministry to Join with the United States I food administration during the corn- food administration in making "pledge i ing week. Communion Service Hours Are Changed The weekday communion services at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral are now changed from Tuesday and Thursday to Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 and 9:30. respectively. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the dean wil deliver his first anniversary address and speak of plans for the year. , Every Friday evening at 8 o'clock Beryice is field at St. Stephens. The devotions and addresses baye to do especially with the war. , The dean s office days hereafter will be Mondays. 10 to 11 a. m.f and 10 to IS. a. m. Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat urdays. The office phon number is Alain 7528. tomorrow evening Mrs. Jackson, a missionary from Alaskaj, will speak and answer questions regarding the people and work of the church in that field. w On the mornings of November 4. 11 and 17 at Jl o'clock Bishop Sumner will give a course of special sermons on "What Has Religion to Otter Me?" "Why Should I Attend Services?" and "Has Organized Religion Any Claims on Me?" f A course of monthly lectures under the auspices of the diocesan board of religious education will be given in St. Stephens parish hall. Thirteenth and Clay streets, beginning Sunday nignt. .fubllc school teachers can ob tain credits for attending this course. For Monday afternoon of next week. 3 o'clock, the dean has called a mass meeting of .all women interested in St, Stephens. On Wednesday evening at o'clock he has asked the men to meet. These are Intended to be social and inspirational meetings, not money rais ers. rriends or the Pro-Cathedral will be welcome to attend. FESTIVAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY fluadri-Centennial Will B9 Celebrated With Conven? tion in the Auditorium, ; SERVICES ON AT 8 P, M, Meeting in Celebration of Brent Will Be Held In All Parts ef the ClrUlsed World, Hillsboro Minister To Go to Wiohita Rev. A. H. Miller of HiUsboro has been appointed by District Superin tendent Rev. S. S. Muney of the United Evangelical church to supply the pul pit of the United evangelical church at Wichita. Rev. R. A." Schmalle, the former pas tor, waa elected dean . of the Oregon Bible Training college,' located a Cor vallis. v A special musical program -will be rendered Sunday evening,. Miss Bevan Of Portland directing the program. Mr. Miller ia - a talented musician and will sing. His solos are greatly appreciated by the congregation at Wichita. G. W. Hulls of Portland will fur nish the last number on the program. Service Committee Formed by Women . The women of the three Friends churches of the city have formed a service committee -for relief work among" the stricken people of northern-France. The government has al lotted the Friends church a section in this part of the war stricken country and the' ladies have 'formed a-society for making garments for those in distress.- -The men of the church are being en listed' for reconstruction work in the same - country, rebuilding homes, re seeding the land and replanting the trefes r Large-contributions are being gleaned from every Quaker congrega tion, la 'America to. finance this work. D I R EGTO RY OF WEEK'S SERVICES Vesper Class Plans To Interest Young To those' who are bellevera In the possibilities of the church house, the work of the Warren "Vesper class of the First Presbyterian church should appeal In a convincing way. as some thing which shoald excite young men and- young women who are away from home, to enter into the homelike at mosphere where hospitality, entertain ment and Christian feliowsnip are ro be felt as the main features of the work. A large well equipped room has been set aside by the church, where, be young people of all denominations may assemble every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock to Join In a song service for half an hour; then a musical program Is presented consisting of several se lections by th Warren Vesper orches tra, composed of 10 Instruments. Prom" lnent soloists are to be heard, fol lowed by a brief lesson conducted through the lecture method, after which Friendshlp Circles" are formed for the social half hour and everyone Is made to feel at home. All young people, and especially soldiers. Will receive a cordial wel come. Conference At White Templ The Baptist ministers' conference of Portland will meet. Monday at 1:10 tt. the White Temple. Rev. W. B. Hinson, D. D., will speak on the subject. The Keswick Movement; I A CrltiQue.- Missouri Synod to Celebrate xn Nov. 4 Ten churches will unite in celebrat ing the four hundredth anniversary of the Reformation on Sunday, Nov- emoer 4, at tne Oerman house, on Thirteenth and Clay streets. In the morning service, which will begin at 10:30 and will be conJucted ki Ger man, Professor Theodore Brohm Sr..; of Oakland, Cal., will make the ad dress. Professor Brohm Is well known In the Missouri synod, which he has served long and well. Born in the city of Now Tork in ISO and a grad uate of three colleges, one of them the University of New Tork. he served two congregations as pastor and then held a professorship in Northwestern university, Watertown, Wis. His life work was done at Addison, 111., in the normal school of the Missouri synod, where be served as a teacher, for 14 years. He now holds a similar posi tion in Oakland. Despite his advanced age, Professor: Brohm Is still a force ful speakor and no one will regret bearing him November 4 on the Refor mation. In the afternoon service, which will begin at 1:30 and will be conducts I in English, Rev. William Dallman of Milwaukee. Wis, will speak. V- There will be special musio at both services. In the afternoon a choir of about 7 voices will ring "Unfold Te Portals," from Gounod's "The Re demption,' and "Great and Wonderful" from Spohr's oratoria, "The Last Judg ment." In , the morning - the- same choir will render Beethoven's Creation hymn, the words being rewritten to suit the occasion. Everybody is cor- aiauy invited. . . - - ;- The quadrl-centennial anniversary of the Protectant -reformation will be celebrated by thouands of members or the Lutheran concrecations - and churches of Portland and - vicinity t oe neia in the new Portland Auditori um, Sunday evening at S o'clock. The Jubilee festival service wlll.ba an occasion of great celebration in t commemoration of 400 yearn of Prot estantism and the Free Evangelical church, dating back to October 81, lSlt, The quadrl-centennial Is being Ob served by . millions of Protestants throughout the world In every large and small city and place in honor and gratitude for the blessings of religious and civic liberty and freedom. - Mil lions of Protestant peoples of all na tions living in America and in all Protestant countries of Kurope iill observe this anniversary of the reform--ation with great gatherings and serv ices everywhere. . The program of festivities In this city will be given under the auspices of the Lutheran Ministerial associa tion and Federation of Luther Leagues " of Portland The program will begin at S p. m. The Rev. G. A. Brandelle. D. D of Denver. Colo., one of the noted min isters of the Lutheran thurch. will be the speaker of the occasion. A large chorus of several hundred voices from the ehurche of Portland and vicinity will render the beautiful cantata entitled "The Reformation." specially written and composed by the tev. wutveim Pettersen and K, Melius Christiansen of Portland. .Professor Charles Sweneon will di rect the chorus, astlsted at the or gan by Miss Hedwlg Haehlen. The services at the Auditorium will be open to all. The following program will be rendered: Pit It AM: OiMn Volutin r j- Prelude. Mtm Hr1rf Haehlen Opening hjrnui, "Now Thnnk WeJUl Our iod " M. ninkart. Perotioaal. Scripture Reitdlns r.d Invocation" Rpv. Milium E. Brinkmtn. Mr. Lillian flvxnn Cantata "The' neformatlon'' (Wllhflm Prftrnwm. K. Mrllna fhrM la tmrn Vderatloti of kutberan Choir. . . Profearfor t'harlea Svenwnn. dlTertor Pr R, Wllbrlro VoWrtn Iefirmatloii AMrrm ..Be?. O. A. Brandelta. p. I.. Ix-nrrr. Can "JUJD "Star Spatipktl Banner" Patriotic Aditreaa , ..Mayor Cntrgi- Bakr Offertory , ...MUa Iledwl lliehlrn . . . . - ' l m.lni" National Hymn Amerl'-a' Benedict Ioa........,...ReT, O. E. Hnfmalater Great War Crisis Dr. Boyd's Themes At the First Presbyterian church Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D will be In , his pulpit Sunday both morning and evening. Both of the subjects will be concerned with the questions of the present hour in local and national In terest. The morning subject will be, "The Duties and Opportunities of Our Church Under the Stress of the Present Hour." In this discourse Dr. Boyd will deal with the general ques tion of putting the church on a war basis. Dr. Boyd is one of those who believe that we have not yet begun to realise, the enormity of the struggle which we are engaged In, and how it will be necessary to mobilise all the strength which we have. In the even ing the subject will be. "War and the Higher Nature of Man; a Study of Heroisms and Human Possibilities. ' This will be an attempt to find and display soma of the brighter features of the relation of men to this great conflict in which the world is In volved. .There will be special musla both morning. and evening.' N CH URCHES N 21st Sunday After Trinity . Flm White Tmpl 12th and Taylor eta . Ftvarblne- by Duwan M HcPbaU 11, "Ie fMrencth of the Cburcb.'' 7:80. "Tiie Ooepel ef lMaeootent." Kat Pine Kaat itOth and Anenv (taRr. B. Hlnaoa. 11, ".The Falter of God." T:80. "To Burial of As Aaa." - H ((bland B. eth and alberta. Bev. Cbarlea - MJeir, putor. rjnlvaralty Park BT. W. O. Handler, act las paator. 11. Iwedtah lota and Sort Rer. Gideon ,:: jolan4.r. Mitor. 10:80. 1:50. , nraca ifootarUla Rev. H. T. Cash. 11. hall wood K. r. H. Bayas. Paster. 11. Ts.. O. X Wrifht. T:4fl. U . it Johna Rt a P Borden, paator, T:90. Calvary B. vtb and Oraat Bar. J. I. . m Ut. Calvary Cat Pine and Grand ara. Tblrd Knott and VaaeosTar av. Bar. .; - ftaebly . BeaTca. , Ofnaao sne Davta a. Glenese -B. 4(Ma and Ualn. Rev. A B -.'Walts. 11, "Balf IHacoTery.'1 7:80. "Vooa . larlaed Bla." rapu . . Arhta W. Garnet Handler, n. T:30. : Monnt Ullvet ater. W. A. Uagrett. 11, a. I . .ItaJlao aUaaloo li. a.- . .", lirV0.Cr-"U M1I1,Ut- Ktt ll'Tao rl Moarla and Bodney are. 4jWth'lortlaad Mlaaloa 900 Kloolal at,, rrt- 'Kuaaellrnie tftaalofi. ! gwedlak flnnlab Mlaaiae Walta TemDle. B. Tabernacle C. did and Holjata. 10:43. . T:30. " .- OataoUe : . w'so ptVo?"" Lw,t " p 8wt- . ' PrCatbe4ral 18n) and Darts Rev. B. T - O Hara. . t:18. :48. 11, T:40. - St. Lawraaea 84 and Sbarnao Kar. J. rj. ?; RatkM. a 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. - ; 8t- Patrlcka Ifttb and 8aTlar Bar. B. p. . - afarpby. 8.10:110,7:80. . -u r. ' M. rraaele B. Utk and Oak Bar. J. n. . siiaea. a. a. , w.wo, t:sv. '. Immtenlau Heart of Mary WTlllana are. and Stanton Bar. W. A, Daly. 0, 8. 8, 11. Tf" dfo. - Holy BenrywB td and Claekaaiaa Bar. B. " " KM mA n w . T arralL. Unas 8.- kigh aaaas 10:80, benedlel ' . ', St. Andra'wa R. t and ASterta-Bev. J. lt MadeMnaw B. Wtb and R1klywt Bar. Aaranataa B. TaatMll and B. Ttta madai . - SMM saeramaot Maryland are. and Blaav , .dtoa Bar: r. W. Black, g, 10JO, T:80. . j . ' i&jfiT? -. i BaySMaa. t Igaa tlawS3 484 ' sC S. B. Jaanlt St. Stanaoa Ud a ad B. Tayloe Bar. Wsr- . j . St. Pblllo Hnis (Pasllat fatbera) R. letk aaa nierrr ner. w. J. cartwMght. paator. ; St. Vleaaaata aaarra and Nawtoa - Bar. Jo. 1 p.f- ."."1 . itm cM PiaMfc. 8, 10:80. 7:80. oacred Heart B. 11th and Center Bar. G. Bobl. 8, 10:80. 7:9a Holy Bedeemer Portland bird, and TaDeoa 'rer are. Rer. P. H. Millar. 6. 8. 10:80 7:30. St.. Agatha B. 15th and Miller Bar. J. Cvmmlnaky. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Htanlalaua IPollah) Maryland are. and PaillDg Rer. T. Mattbair. s, 10:30. 7:30. St. Joaepb (German) 16th and Conch Bar B Dnrrer. 8, 10:80. .7:80. 8t. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. If. Baleotra. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Clarea Capiui Ulll Frajiclacan Fith ara. 7:80. :15. St. rarlM HHA mmA A 1k.trf. D n aa derbora, 7. 8:80. 7:80. Chtiaflaa flrrt Part and Colombia Ber. Harold H. Orllfla. 11. 7:S0. Krn Park 11 and 7. Eaat SI da Chrlatlan R. 19th mA r n..i- Ber. R. H. Sawyer. 11, Communion and pa triotic prayer. 7:30. -The PUce and Power of Jaana Cfarlat In the Affaira of Men." Sellwood latb and Tenlno Ber. J. B Joan- W?Wul. "C Tbompaon Bar. Aabrey MonUTllia E. 70th and Hoyt Ber. Eugene aw an SS GlmditOD Rot L. Darin. 11. j -uw " aauvai . . varinB 0 ra'; 7 30 ',DatT ot Chnrcl1 10 Ita Woodlawa Cnriatiaa-th and Uberty Ber ieph D. Boyd, U. "MlaalDf; Linka" 8. iter, uonaer. Bunaakm 17tb and fmrt svnw s t D.tor: 11. . T" CeogTagatlaaal at. i vj t . Irrott iA-nn t. . . ... n . matured Man." ' Atklnaon Wojorlal ebareb B. 29 tb and Br- ar. warrea uoroe paator. 1U "San ablne and CTbrtoUaatty." 7:46, maatrated. ad- 1 faaaaS. a A 4V4aTi O WlliatnB", Sta,,toB B- PllrrlBV Mlaannri in M Gl n W. O. Kantner. 11. "a n T ter." 7:90. "A Man Afta7 aZZ: nH Unlreraltr Park Haven at. n.r liyk.!. Rv r a vr . .. . , ..... - . - wuuu uiuer aerrice at the M. B. church. W,,rlr Hatsbta B. 83d and Woodward Ber. A. C. Moaea, paator. nnyalOe Jt. 82d ead Taylor Bar. J. J. Hla-hUne Edward OooKtaat mini if JL ffVsl raefril Paa i.t ia m . . . ;--a tausvinui.- .ffU, 'IB FOllT r i -a- aTlZ JL - tuw miun." 2 "wTtttrESZTl !9mm-wmw. mV j r m"Bl vmfcr-s-ajB nous i ennrca B, - i.i ok iu mora at. Rev, ainuei maraia. Tan. ..C '.: nanoaaaer. 11. MlfJ vuawuau B) amaT7aTa7r041 - ArJ,.'rld A-"iawald atatloa Howard W Cbtlatlaa Beieaea wJy J? UBom ? MM..T "Probation After Death." - . i -.!. i rmt chutes Brerett between igta and ltk Second B. th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third K. 12th and Salmon. 11. g. Fourth Vancouver are. and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth Sixty-second at. and Forty -aecond are 8. E. 11. SUth Portland Hotel aaaemblr hall. 11. 8. Chrlatlan science aociety Holbrook block. St. Johna. 11. Evangelical Aaaoeiaties Flrat Engllab B. tb aad Market Ber. B. D. Hornacbucb. 11. 8. Klrat German Evangelical 10th and Clay Rer. G. F. Llenlng. 10:45. 8. Portland Mlaaion church Carson Helgh'ta Rer. N. Rbapp. paator. 2:30. :90. 7:80. SwedlPh Mlaaion Tabernacle Gllian and M. 17th Ber. C. J. Ledin. 11. 7:30. Bplaeopal Trinity 18th and Brerett Ber. A. A. MoT. rtaon. rector. 8. 11. 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr- 13th and Clay RC Rer. W T. 8umner. blah op. Very Her. E. H. McColllater. dean. 7:45. 0:S0, 7:45; Tneaday, 7:80 a. m.; Thoraday, 9:30 a. m. ; Friday, 8 p. m. St. Darlda K. 12th and Belmont Ber. Thomaa Jenklna. rector. 7:30, 8:80, 11, 7:80. National day of prayer. St. Matfca 21at and Marshall Ber. 1. 1. H: Blmpaon. rector. Rer. J. G Hattoa. aaaeelate rector. 11, 7:45. St. Andrewa Hereford at.. rVsrtaroootbv Arcbdeacoa Cbamltera in charge. 9, 7:80 p. a. urace Memorial weiaier ana &. nisx Rer. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancourer aad Graham Rer. John Dawaoa. 11. 7:30. St. Micbaela and All Sainte B. 43d and Broadway. Ber. T. V. Bowea, vicar. T:S0v 10, IU 6. Uburch or our sarior eotb are.! ana 4lat at. K. Archdeacon Chambers In charsa. 11. Blah on Morrta Memorial chaoeL tlood Baaaar- Itaa boapltal Ber. Frederic K. Howard. 7. 7:45; St. Paula Woodmere Ber. Oswald W. Tar- tor. 4. All Saints 2Stk and Sarler Ber. Fraderle K. Howard. 11. St. Johna Corner E. lata and Haroa. Sell- wood Arcbdeacoa Chambera la charge, tt. 7:80. 8t. Matthew corbert and Bancrort at a. Bar. W. A. M. Brack, rlcar. 11. . Eraagalieal Syaod German Branaellcal FHeada' chnrch Taeema re. and B. 15Ui Rer. Eiiaa N. Hecert. 10:40. Free MatnodUt Centra 1--55 tb and B. Flaadars Bar. W. N. Cbffee. 11. Flrat K. th and : MJU Ber.; Alexander Beera. pastor. Rer. H. V. Ha lam to preach note eemeea, morning ana evening. St. Johna Richmond aad Hqdaoa sta. Mrs M. J. Blair, paator. . 8, 1U . - -. Third Rer. R. H. Clark. 1L. TS. , Alberta Free Methodlav-Rar. B. X. Harzlsg ton. It. 8. - - Lenta Boat Mala at Ber. A. Beers, -pae ior. a.' i . Friaada Chorch First E. 8Mb aad Main Ber, H. U Cox. 11. Lenta South - Mala at Rer. eJha Riley. - Waat Piedmont Friends' eanreb Oonaee Borthwick and Jeasns atav Sbeatac A. Hadley, paator. ' - 1 Jawtah CoBgregatloa Bett laraet 12tb and Main KatrtM Jonah B. Wine. Friday. a. Sa. " Congreijratl.tn Abaria Sbewm Park aad Clay , street RasW R. AKabainsoa. Tuotharan " St. James. "English West 'Park, and ' Jeffer aon Ber. William Bran. Bfinkman. 11, 8. . Immannel 19th and Irrlng. 11. 8. West Side 'Norwegian Lutheran 48 N. 11th. Bert Wllhetm Petteraon. 11, S. Bethania Danish ErangaUeal Lotharaa efanrcn. Union are. and Mprrla at. Ber.. Tu. P. KJollar. 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; " Immannel German SaUweod Bar.' H. C Ebellng. . 10:30. . , -'.. - ,.,.Tf 8t. Pauls German aV'TSta 'aad CTnton Ber. A. Kranse. 10:80, refcrmatleaKfeetlTaL. 8, Joint aeastoB at Portland Auditorluai. Trinity uerman Missouri oynoaf wuuama are, and Graham Ber. J.A. Rlmbach. 10:15, 7:30. . '..-- Grace Engllah (Miaaeqrl Synod) Alblna are. and Maaoa at. Ber. V Probst. - gD. 10:30. 1:80. i -.5, ' t i ' , Erangellcal Lutheran' Zlon (Mlsaonrt Synod). Salmua and Cbapnaa Ber. H. Koppahnaana, German, 10:13; EnglUh, 7:43.- - St. John'a Peamaular. and. Klrkpatrlclt Bar. K. O. Salamana. 10:46, 7:80, , Swedish Aagaatana Ber. H. . B ' 10:48. 7:48. . " v Bethel ..Norwegian Lutheran Free church ;Wygant and Bodneyi Bar. J, A. .Starney. Trinity-(acaadiiiaruB). . sea lxrrtij '.rorta ccosth. Bar. S, A. Stensetb, 11. 7:30 on first Bandar of each mouth oolr. . . Zion Lundea hall,- E. 15th -and' Alberta. "Ber. S. -A. -Stsnaeth. T:30," 11 on flrat Suuday ot each month only. . ".-; . V -'Oat Savior B. 10h and Grant Ber." Gaorg Hearlkaon. 10:18, U:10v - : . ! Genaaa ErangaUcal Bef ortsad Lents Ber. W. Q, Uenaeaiir. ,11. t r . Latter Say Saints Chiirch of .Jasna Cbdat ot Latter Dax" Saints fMorssoa) E. 25th .-and adlacau. : Ber M, J. BaUard- 10:80. aow.-- ; TT- The. BawKaniaed..caarea -or .Jeeua- unrtst- or Latter pay Sain ta (not Mormon) B. 7cbn4 - XatAadlsv Xpiaoopal ;" traBtwasa 4Uri i K. B. Lockhart. Baaaajr acaovl and preathing at 10. , . ' flethei A. al. w n. rnata, pasHg.- u. 8:1. . ' - l---ri-i- Kaadau aer. . w xcatog aonoay scaosi and preacblug at 3:30. ' Central Vancouver" are. and Targe tat Ber. C. C. Barick. U. rrayr for the Sue ceaa ef Our Arma." t 0. -Tw BeUglona; at War." . . . ''5'-"'.f:'-"-.r.. -' centenary, .th and fine ao. aurr. x. ,.w less;-. .b 'JU:T--i- t: i-:i Cllatau Kelly Praacfalng. 'It,.' -" Flrat ChurcJa Rer. Joshua Sunafleld. D. D. 10JO, FaUowst)lp With God.', -7:80. 'A Ba tirT rll to Prarar.'' i fcTawevta Be. , W- y. eXdlocb.' D. D. il r Lenta Kea r. i. 4aapar.r rreaeuagar. 11 and ima. - - . . First Norwegion TJaniata mnd H6yt. 11 a" ctodt aerrice bald . a t ' V'aacoarer tAreaae crurcs,.-,--'"ora aoor sameo." v-., Laarela ved Has. . A. . C - Braekenbarv. Uuooltt Bar. 1C BU Xockbaru-. Praaealag Uantaev Bsr.'B. H. Dewat O 0; Pzaacb- Uoont Tabor 61t and Starlt; atav Bar. M. O. FSldrldce. IT. D. ll. TtBuV - -r t - MooUrUla Bar. C L. ttamfltos. xVaachlng . Pattaa . W., Mrngjj, xraching at 11, Taylor Street M. Circle theatre, thr. M. H. Marrin, pastor. Rosa Cirr Park Ber. A. A. Helat. j Sellwood Bar.' A. R- McLean. 11. S. An- anal meeting,' W F. M. &,. Friday. October 18. St. Johna Bar. J. H. Irvine. Praacbhuc 11 and 7:80.i . , Trinity Sunday school. ' 10; praacbing, 11. Bunnyala-BV 8Stb and E. Yamhill Rar. B. B. Smith. i WaatoMireland-Ber. B, C. Taaag. Preach- tar 7:30, , Unireralty Park Bar. J. .T. Abbatt, D. D. Preaching JI. 7 JO. Woodlawa Bar. "W. E. Klostar. Praaehlag 11. 7:30. - Vaneoarar Arenua Norwecian-Danlsh Corner Skidmore Ber.- H. P. Nelson, .pastor. ' 11. pcaaehlng by Ber. Charles GJardiag, "Powa h the Inward Man." Woodstock Rer. U C Poor. Preaealag 11. 1'OB. . .( ' '---' v ' ., ' Bwsdlah Borthwick and Beech Bar. Jobs A. Wellmaa. 10:45, 7:45. . t German Rodney are. sad1 8 tan ton ... Bar. W, ASchaaaan. 10. 8. -, African Zion 421 .WlUlaaas eve Bev. W. W. Howard. 11. . Flraf German 15th aad" Hoyt , Bev. E4- W.- nrtimr 11 BtJUI Bennett chapel F. M. Jasper. Preach! ns at 8:30. . , Diatrict 'snserlatendeat. Ber. -WUBaot Wal- laea Xeongsoa, O. P. 481 E. 624 at N. Tabor : . caaroa seata-"- -First M. E. -Church South, corner Unlea'are. 1astor. rll. "Loving tba Cneeea.. 7:46. 'Be- T:4.v. viniUDUcauon. rochas. Urabaaa and. Ganteabefai area Bar. WUllam MacLeod. 11. 7:80. . . Veraoa-rK- 1U and Wygaat staw Bar. J. B. Lsndsboreogb, 11. f :80. ' " MUnab E. 19th aad Dirlaloa sta Ber. O. A. Thompson. 11. 7:48. Hope Mootartila, 78th sad X. Eraratt Bar. S. W. Saemanr. Mt. Tabor B Sftth and Belmoat ea. Ber. Ward M. Mc Henry. 11. "The Fine Shall Lira by Faith:.' 7:80. "Our Debt to MarUa La ther." Unltr Ttat and Sand bird.- Bar. W. Lea Gray. Piedmonts osraiana ana jarratt ara. aer. A. Lv Hatchlnaon. 11, 'Wa Hare Seen the Lord."' 7:80. "Thlnaa Wkaratn Bomaaiam and Protestantism Agree." Millard Areaae 7241 88th ate. B. Bv Bev. W. H. Ames. 10:80. Base City Park E. 45th and Hancock sta. 11. B. J. Raid. D. D.. preaches aennoa on "Baamrrectloa." Brenlng, . "God Answers Prayer." Spokane Avenue' tS. 16th aad Spokane Bar. W. 8. HcCollaasnV 11. 70. Marshall Street 17th aad Marshall sta. Rev. A. J. Haaaa. 11. 7:80. Trinity Corner Virginia and Hehtaska sta. Dr. A. J. Montfomery. 11, 7:80. Chinese 145 1st St. 7:40. Asabel Mth St. and 37te Sa. B. B Ber. lba B. Kelaoa. 11. 7 JO. Safer). Ffa-et Genaaa 12th aadT Clay Bar. G. Hat - rr. 0:46. a. Second Corombia bird, aad 834 aL Bev. K. A. Wyes. 11. Third Fifth are, Lear Bar. w. O Uea- keraper. II. - , Bafermed Pmhrtartaa . First rbnrch Minnesota aad Alnaworth Rar. F. . Frasar. JU. 1:8. ' Sarsath Say Adveatists Mota Bexular aerruias at tola desoralsatloB ere bald ea Saturday. Central B. 11th and Erarett Elder p. G Hay ward, paator. 11:15. Taberaaeie was bhbs, aw. et r. nau. lita and Alder. 11. - - Moatariua a. avia aaa m.. STrerara KiOef S. ' F. Beatty, IL . Lents 440 at aaa Beta are. rciaar : a. J. Chltwoad. 11. ' U Johna Central are. and Charleston Elder A. B. Folkeaberg. 11., . MtV Tabor B. vu IN jasimonv aer. . at. WlUoagbbJ. It- Albiaa (Garmaa) Skldmora sad Mallory Mmiater. A. A. Meyer. A. C. Schlaitsar, local aldevi 11:15. . . ., ' Cetaafl toaw? laaaV 1 ' ' ' ' Ugdea ball, Mississippi aad Bharar Bev. a E. paadnee. 11. - v . , " -"- BTdvafaAraay Caroa Ke a-i-348 Ash at Mater B. Dabrey . Oorne Sav 4 1261 . 1st sC-Enstga S. H. PORSIIISID Anything Be Gained by a Statement of the AlUea' Peace Terms at the Present Tiaaer - United Brathna Alberta 27th and Soramer sts. Bev.' Mr. oeii. ji. a. . First E. 15th and Morrison Ber. B. O. Bonebraka. 11. 8. - Fourth SOth and S2d are. B. Ew Mrs, C T. Blanehard. Tblrd 7th aad 824 are. B. E. B. O. Bbep herd. 11. 8. - Foorth Rer. -C. T. Blaaehard. 62d see. and 70th iu 11. 7:30. , Vnltad BraaraUaal Radical Jeasup at. Rar. A. 8. HaudaiaoaV 11. 7:80. Manor, CTreait Berrlcea. Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Gay Ber. H. H. Farnham. 11. 8, 8. Ftrat E. 10th and Poplar Bar. J. A. Goods. 11, 8. - St. Johns Bar. A. P. Laytaa. U. t Trmtad TiaabHai1as , Fine B. 37th aad Hawthorne 1 Bev' Rash Fraser oiren. 11, rereptloa ef saesc 7:30. "The Goapel Aeeerdtnc te Lake. Chnrcfa ot the Stranger Wsaee at. ' and Grand are. S. Earl DsBois. paator. 10:80. Ta,Bnla for All, and Luther." 7:80, Tbe Keotoo United. Prasbrteriao church Law V4 Chatham sta. Bar. J. C. Cola, paa ton. 11:15. 70. ' - ; - .:-' Halvaraaltst Cbweh ef the Good Tidings Broadway ana Tat. H a n a T. M C. A. ota. aad Taylor O. W. atoaa. ana rsyior. e:nn. Miss Helsaa Bastos speaks en "8teadfaataeaa." AnsnelatM BiMe Students (L ft. U. A Oarlstansea'e hall. 8, If. M, Latrtoa, "Ttie Power of lrkaeaa." 8, C. W. ITeid, 41a- Bahal aeeemb'r Friday. 8 p. ka., is room M ef the Fltera bnildlag. . Penlei Mlasioa am 1st. 3. Sermon y tenka Radar. 8 eranffaltatlc aerrlea. Ctitintiaa and Mlasloaary Alllasca B. fth sad Clay. R. Jobs E. Fee, pastor, li, previtlns. - ChrtaUoelpWatja K. ; E. enener Esat 10th sad Waahinston etanday. 10:80i Friday. 7:46. First Pentecostal B. 7th and BTCoacb sta. II. T:8J.' '. ' ' ; Sell wood B. 9th ana Bposaoa Bar. H, C Baker. It,1 7:8a - - - Brentwood ma at. aaa seta are. B. a. Ber.'C V. Powlar. 11. 7:30, Scaadlnarian hs uanieto. 11. TiSO. HialUand Park 11J & . 14tb N. Bev. W. P. Kaebaugh. , 11. S. rf .,. . 1 i ' vv ' 4rayterlaa . r;- ' Flrat 12th 'and Alder ata. Rert Joba H. Boyd. 10:30, "The Duties aad Opportunities ot Our Charvh Under ate Stsess of the Present HuirJ: ,!:). "nt and the Ulcher Natara mt Man A Study -of Heruiaa . aad Htuaaa Poa aa-Ulea.'- ' - - 7 Central B. lata ana line acs aar. artaac F. Bishop, D..D. 10:30, ."Tha Churc Mem ber What Ha la aad. What Me pagat t l)," 7 lbO, pralae aerrice. -. uiIDtiatcr R. 17th and Schayler sta Dr. Edward Peaea."-10:80,, "Tha Ineoasiateodsa ef a Ocoerooa Murderer." .7:30. -John. Wyclifle, the Morning Star of the Betormatioa." Arbor LwdgeBer. aorga tL, CruoUey. IL i. rinrr lltb and. Clar sta. Ber. O. B. rershlng ef Albany, both serrlaea. "Tempta tion of canst." eeojeei soia aarBBosa. .- luirtb Klrat aad Glboa lb. Bar. - FL . 6. Hxnaon. 10:30. "Making the World Safe for rkMEMiesaer " 7 :80. "The Book of Baveiatioa."' K.nliwortb iR. 4th aad Utadstoo Kr. KJ. r Caitarlaa p. Lawrence. Ml "vjani the Ralga efT Chareh ef Oar Fataee Broadway and Tami awedish Corps (30 Barnaida. . - Serrioea far the Deaf ' Ttalted Preabytaelan Waaco and Grand are. Rar feV Bart im . . WW, 8ws4aabrrlaa , Bear Church Society. 88A Jsfteraoav St. Rer. WURaxa B. Reecs. 11 hlU Rer. T. L. EUet, D. O- minlater eaaerltoe Bev. W. G. EUot.Jr. 11. "The Victory lot Which We Pray. Ores foran la Chanel at 7:4i, Profaaaor Paul H. Doualaa. 11, "Caa U ff AraaieafVw- ".rrj-wflfl TOV m -a-:: - 1 u'm in 1 laaii as nan 1 -' - - - - - -r j .-aVaut 1 u - At fbe entrance to the Pertlaad Crema- matorluaa ia a bmase tablet, dedicated i- . 'a to the memory ef Praaeea B WiJlard. ctoaaae tasanaranoa nrorkrr T'X and Drcsldent at taa W. f. T. n. It mm,.- .' . "I hare tha aaarpaaa ta hals fsrwmrd Fraiaaatre aaavaaaaata. eves . y lt hours, and haaaa hare by 4aere tost she earthly mantle; which I ahall drop are taas. srhaa say real aalf paaaia eawsrd into tha wsrU aaaaia. shall Vs awtttlr aaifaUaA ka flaaaaa ul Malmi harmallr ta affaat tha baaJth of thai lirlm. - T . ' friend of aaiae say aarht te prarsat tha Cranatia ef mr eaat- off body.. The fa that the pevalar salad has set come ta tola deeiaiea mast it all the snore my 4rty, rrha have aaea the Heat, te stand for it eaath. aa X hare sisaaralr- saaaat la Ufa T ti siavaw u in smh a pott, ppaaaaaa siimaatiy.' A -rlalt to tne PortUnd Crematarin-ta will telp yon anderataad why this beautlfal way of -disposing of the bodies of those whose we k vedv eras reeoirnised by her. Alao the baaatr ' of thla iastltatioa and Its quiet dignity aad restful aspset will aopeaL If yoa eaa't eoose oat, send for a booklet. ' Opon tollsifors fourteenth ond Eyb&9t&, iu few ri a- rvii rfvi' 11 i'.r . t . -tv , - L i LI