The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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i ' '
Miss Effie Jackson of Alaska
to Discuss Both Domestic
and Foreign Phases.
Ylaltor Is Declared to Be an XnUrttSn.
Inf Talker, Wno Xti a Mesas
of rartloalar Xerlt.
Miss Effle L. Jackson, a noted Epis
copal missionary of Alaska, will spend
the balance of the present month In th
diocese of Oregon, making addresses
on the subject of missions, both for
eign and domestic. Thursday she
spoke at St. Davids church and Krlday
at the pro-cathedral of St. Stephens
the Martyr.
Miss Jackson is a very Interesting
woman, as well as an entertaining
sneaker, and her addresses are fdiind
by all who attend to be enjoyable us
well as Instructive.
The following list of engagements in
Portland will be filled by Miss Jack
son: 8t. Davids church, Portland, Sun
day, October IS, :30 a. m., Sunday
school: St. Stephens Pro-Cathedra i.
Portland. Sunday, October 28, eveninj?
service; AH Saints Mission, Portland.
Tuesday, October 18, evening service:
St. Marks church. Portland. Thursday.
October IS, evening service, and Fri
day, October 19, afternoon; Grace
church. Portland, Sunday, October 21.
morning service; Trinity church, Port
land, Sunday, October 21, evening serv
ice; Church of Oood Shepherd, Port
land, Sunday, October 28, mornlnjf
Bishop of Alaska -
To Occupy Pulpit
At Pro-Cathedral
Tho special preacher at St.
Stephens Pro-Cathedral Sun-
day will be Kt. Ker. P. T.
Howe, bishop of Alaska. For
over 20 years Bishop Howe has
done the work of the church
among the whites, Indians and
Esquimaux, and is known in
every settlement and camp of -
Alaska. He is always wel-
corned by large congregations.
He will speak at the 11 o'clock
service at the Pro-Cathedral
Sunday. All seats are free at
St. Stephens and all who wish
to hear him are welcome to at-
tend. . .
Minister Emeritus of the First
Unitarian Church Long
Identified With Portland.
Visiting Committees
.' Will Make Reports
Two minute reports from each of
the 30 teams engared during the past
week In the every member visitation.
In the interests of fellowship and fi
nances, will be gi en Sunday night at
the First Christian church The pres
ent campaign promises to be the most
successful of any yet undertaken by
this church.
Sunday morning Rev. Harold 71.
Griff's, the minister, will discuss "A
Man and his Money," and In the even
ing the topic will be "The Oood of
Godliness." These services will be he
last conducted by Rev. Mr. Griffls De
fore his departure for Kansas City.
Mo., where he gos to attend thei na
tional convention of the Disciples of
Christ. While in the east Rev Grif
fls will enjoy a brief visit with hia
parents at Mlddleton, Indiana.
Society Will Plan
Year's Activities
Nation's Obligations
Is Sunday Subject
The pastor. Rev. Joshua Stansfield.
D. "D., will preach at 10:30 a. m. on
the subject, "A Nation's Obligation
and the Liberty Ixsan." This will be
a rousing plea for citizens of this
great nation to heed in these times
which demand the very purest and
best of Christian Americanism, and
the finest of Christian sacrifice.
In the evening at 7:30 there will be
a great evangelistic service, conducted
by the Oliphant sisters of Washington.
These women are well known in Port
land. They have been engaged in
public work for more than 20 years,
before Chautauquas, conventions,
churches and women's clubs and many
other otfcanizatlons whose tbjects are
the betterment of humanity.
Apocalypse Will Be
Sermon Subjects
At the Sunday evening service at the
Fourth Presbyterian church a series of
sermons on the general subject of
Apooalyptics wfll start .next Sunday
night. This is In response to repeated
requests that this part of the BIMe
may -be studied by the people. The
sermons will be as follows on Sun
day evening at 7:30: October 14,.
"Apocalyptic Literature"; October 21,
'The Apocalypse of the Gospels"; Oc
tober 28, "The Apocalypse of John." j
These three sermons are Introductory j
to the etudy of the Book of Revela
tions which will be taken up later In a
series of talks at the midweek service.
Dr. Reid. a Baptist
Worker, Will Speak
Dr. S. J. Reid, ex-prcsident of the
Baptist Union of Ireland, will Conduct
the services Sunday at the First Bap
tist church. His subject for the morn
ing service will be,- "The Matchless
Miracle." At night he wlli preach
on "Three Great Facts." John W.
Troy of Chicago will sing, and the
Temple quartette will be heard in
special music as usual at both
Today la the seventy-sixth anni
versary of the blrtth of Thomas Lamb
Eliot. D. D., LL. D., Lit. D., minister
emeritus of the First Unitarian
church, and this year is the fiftieth
of his residence in Portland and of his
pastorate of the Portland church.
Dr. Eliot, when he came to Portland
with his young wife, forsook whatap-
peared then to be more congenial-sur
roundings and better chances for S3-
curlng a position prominent among
- Portland was but a hamlet In 18$,
the year the young couple arrived
here. In the years that have fol
lowed. Dr. Eliot has been so closely
identified with the city and its growth
that he has becone almost a part of U.
His ministry has called him to th-i
altar before thousands of young cou
ples, he has officiated at their chris
tenings, and In times of saddest be
reavement, and in late years it has
been thepride of many young couples
to boast that this man who -wedded
their fathers ' and mothers should
honor them in the same capacity.
Dr. Eliot's life in Portland has been
always closely identified with educa
tional and social service work, espe
cially among the young. He has been
connected with the Boys and Girls' Aid
society, and it is largely through his
efforts that Reed college, of which
he is chairman of trustees, has proved
a -marked success.
Meeting Is Planned
The Woman's Presbyterial Mission
ary society of the presbytery of Port
land will hold its fall meeting Tues
day October 16, in the church house
of the First Presbyterian church,
Twelfth and Alder streets. . This will
be an all-day meeting with a social
hour and pot-luck luncheon at noon.
The meeting will convene promptly , at
10 a. m. The morning stssion will
be devoted to the reading of reports
and open conference -led by Mrs. B. A.
Thaxter. At the afternoon session the
speaker will be Dr. Maud Allen, of
Ferozepur, India. Dr. Allen has been
a medical missionary in India for 23
years and has a wealth of interesting
information to bring to her audience.
Dr. Allen is a splendid speaker and
every woman who can possibly do Iso
is urged to attend this meeting and
learn' of what is being done in India,
and what is hoped for in the future.
Mortgage Will Be
Burned on Sunday
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All Denominations for District
No, 9 Will Gather in Con
gregational Church,
Rev. Thomas Iamb Eliot, D. D.
The Lord's Supper will follow the
11 o'clock Sunday morning service of
the Portland New Church 8ociety, 331
Jefferaon street. Preceding the sacra
ment, the pastor will speak on the
subject "Some Responsbllltles Resting
Upon New Churchmen."
At a quarterly meeting held Wed
nesday evening the society adopted a
program of social and religious activi
ties for the coming church year. Tms
Includes two classes in the teachings
of the church, one In the study of the
Arcana, or spiritual sense of the wrl.
and the other the Women's Study
class, taklqg up the "Divine Love and
Wisdom." A community thanksgiving
dinner Is among the scheduled social
Salem Minister to
Presbytery to Meet
The United Presbyterian Presbytery
of Oregon will hold its fall meeting
In the United Presbyterian church of
the strangers next Sunday at 1 p. m
Address Methodists
Rev. W. J. Johnston, pastor of the
First Free Methodist church of Salem,
will preach for Rev. Alexander Beers
In the First Free Methodist church,
East Ninth and Mill streets, Sunday
morning and evening.
Rev. Mr. Johnston was formerly pas
tor of this church, and .it will be a
treat to his former parishioners. The
young people's meeting will be led by
Mrs. Leasen. Donald L. MacPhee will
lead a song service before the sermon
in the evening.
llarrest Home Dinner
Wednesday, October 17, a harvest
home dinner and country fair will be
given by the Wbmen's Quild of the
Church of the Good Shepherd, Graham
and Vancouver avenues.
The Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church will hold a Jubilee service on
bunday morning at 11 o'clock. The
mortgage on the pipe organ will be
burned with appropriate ceremonies.
In the evening at 7:30 o'clock the choir
will give a sacred concert celebrating
the same event. Under the leadership
of the chorister. Professor Joseph A.
Finley, it will present a specially pre
pared musical program.
Endeavorers to Hold
Fire-Light Meeting
Sunday evening at 6 30 p. m. a fire
light Christian Endeavor meeting will
be held at the Sunnysidi Congrega
tional society. The topic. "What Is
Committed Unto You." is one of
special interest because it will be
woven in with the coming work of
the challenge campaign. Warde Rob
inson, Sunnyside's president, will lead
this meeting.
Patriotic Services
Will Be Featured
Sunday evening at 11 o'clock, at St.
Davids,' East Twelfth and Belmont
streets, will be. held a patriotic serv
ice in the interest of furthering a right
motive and a strong spirit in the home
prosecution of the war. At the service
will be read the names of all the young
men w"ho have gone Into the armed
service of the country- Special hymns
set."For the Absent Ones" .nd for '.'The
Men at the Front," by th bl shop- of
the diocese will be sung.
At nlrht the rector will preach on
"How Can We Know God?" Th night
service Is always marked with bright,
hearty singing and a cordial ngTeg
tion. ; C
Th school is erettin well started on
its new curriculum of 'studies "andt Is
full of promise. The ctoildrn's choir
1st imnrovine aulte remarkably. The
choirmaster Is Tom o. Tayior.
Rev. Mr. Nelson to
Preach Last Sermon
At the Vancouver avenue Norwegian
Banish M. E. church Sunday morning.
Rev. H. P. Nelson will preach his
farewell sermon, as ho will leave next
week for his new appointment at
Spokane, Wash. S. Allen will have
charge of the evening service.
Bible Class Holds
First Yearly Session
At the Fourth Presbyterian church
the first annual meeting of the
Friendship Bible class was held Mon
day evening. Reports of the year's
work were received. The treasurer re
ported about $160 spent during the
year, most of this for an electric mo
tor and pump for the church organ,
also a share in the Installation of a
moving ; picture machine for the
churefc. The of fleers elected for the
coming year were as follows: Presl
dent, . Mrs. A. J. Worsley, reelected
vice president, Mr. Stewart; secretary
Mr?. Walter Aplanalp; treasurer, Mrs,
R. H. Akers. Mrs. G. L. Dielschnelder
will have charge of the home depart
ment. and Mrs. Alice Souers of the
cradle roll. The class has between
20 and SO members and expects to do
big work . this coming year.
Missionary Is Ordained
Ry. Thomas Paul Howard, formerly
a missionary of the Presbyterian board,
was recently ordained to the Episcopal
diaconate by Bishop Rowe at Anchor
age, Alaska, and will continue his
work in the mining and construction
camps along the new government rail
road. 1
Visitor to Describe
Missions in Egypt
Professor John Glffen of the Ameri
can mission In Egypt will speak at the
United Presbyterian Church of the
Strangers, Grand avenue and Wasco
street, on 'Sunday morning at 10:30.
Professor Giffen has spent many years
in Egypt and will have a stirring mes
sage of present conditions there. He
and Mrs. Glffen have been visiting
their son. Rev. Bruce Glffen, pastor of
the Presbyterian church at McMinn
ville. They will sail from San Francisco-
the last of this month, being
compelled to take this longer route on
account of the-war.
The regularly quarterly Sunday
school institute for district No. 9, of
the Multnomah County Sunday School
association will be held in the Congre
gational church, corner Sixty-fifth
street antt Forty-fifth avenue south,
east, Sunday, October I.
This district Includes the sixteen
Sunday schools of all denominations
of the Mt. Scott district, extending
from the Anabel Presbyterian on the
west, eastward to and including all
the schools of Lents. Below is the
3:30 Music, Anabel Presbyterian Sunday
school oretieatra; mi service. Prayer. Rev.
J no. E. Nelson. Anabel Presbyterian church.
Music, Ladies Kapella Quartette. Appointing of
nominating committee, by President Bradford.
4 :00 Address, "Swd." Uev. Huah Fraser
Glen, First V. P. church. Hymn, by aodl-
eiice. all atandlnc. Music. Grace Evangelical
Sunday school orchestra.
4:43 Address. "Ulch School Credits for
Bible Study in the Sunday School." by Prof.
V. Ball, principal Franklin high school.
Business sssion. Offerlnc. invitations re-
celTedLfor entertaining Institute la January;
election of officers; announcements.
Adjournment. Pot-tuck lunch and social
7:00 Music, Anabel Presbyterian Sunday
school orchestra. Sons serrlce.
7:30 oung Teonles' nralse and devotional
service. Music, Grace Evangelical Sunday
school orchestra.
8:00 Inspirational address. Speaker to be
The ladies of the Congregational
church will provide coffee and cocoa
for all.. Those attending ace requested
to . bring sandwiches, doughnuts or
other i material that may be used in
making up the luncheon.
.The combined orchestras will assist
in each of the song services, which
ill by conducted by E. P. Town of
the Anabel Presbyterian Sunday
German Reformed
Church to Observe
43rd Anniversary
4t The First German Reformed J
church celebrates its forty-third
-Kr anniversary tomorrow with
4r special services In the after-
noon at S p. m., as well as at
the usual . worship hours at
10:45 a. raff and 7:30 p. m. Out W
ijt of town pastors, will assist In W
4fe these services.
The congregation organized in
4t 18 4 with a small membership,
. of which all but one ' have
.passed away. Their first own
church home stood at Tenth and
Stark. The need for more mod-.
4r ern conveniences and the lack of
room called for the new church
building. which was erected In 4t
1911 at Twelfth and Clay."
The Second church on Colum-
bla boulevard (Rev. A. E. Wyss,
pastor) and the Third German,
Reformed church at Lents
(Rev. W. G. Lienkemper, pastor)
have been organised by mem-
bers of the First church reald-
lng in these suburban districts.
' X
Pastor Will Hold That Stand
Taken by Great American
Long Ago Is Correct One.
Subject of Campaign Will Be Presented
at Zach Service of Church
Society Prosperous.
Junior Auxiliary
Outlines Its Work
The new president of the Junior aux
iliary. Episcopal diocese of Oregon,
Mrs. Robert Warrack. has called a
meeting of the leaders of the various
branches to outline the work for the
present year. Among the many good
projects, one stands out. prominently
the, work for the year is to be largely
educational and Instructive. The
members are going to learn about the
missionary work of Che church in the
various fields their history, present
standing and future aims, to the end
that these young people may clearly
appreciate the work that is theirs to do.
Eev, Mr. Farquhar
Speaks Here Sunday
In thet absence of Dr. Luther Tl.
Dyott, pastor of the First Congrega
tional church. Rev. R. W Farquhar
will occupy the pulpit of this church
both morning and evening, Sunday,
October 14. Dr. Farquhar' s theme In
the morning will be "The True Inter
preter of Life," and the evening, "God's
Humanity." Dr. Dyott expects to be
absent from the city for two weeks
while attending the national council
of Congregational churches held" in
Columbus, OJiio. October 10-17.
Mrs. Owen to Speak
Mrs. L. W. Owen, national president
bf the Fathers' Association, will speak
at the Y. W. C. A. Sunday afternoon at
4:30. Subject: "Real Life." Flute
solo Miss Beulah Clark. Mrs. Owen
was bom in "Dixie" and will give
some old negro songs and stories dur
ing the social hour. All girls Invited.
Sermons Announced
by Rev. John H. Boyd
At the First Presbyterian church the
pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., will
preach both morning and evening
Sunday. In the morning at 10:30 the
quarterly communion service will be
observed with an address by Dr. Boyd
on "The Cross of Christ in the Light
of Today." There will be reception
of new members and baptism of chil
dren. In the evening at 7:30 Dr. Boyd will
continue his series of sermons on
"Spiritual Aspects of the Present
Crisis." The subject for tomorrow
evening will be. "What is God Doing
During This War?" The suggestion
for this subject was found in an ar
ticle in a current magazine which in
cluded this declaration. "Ours is a
sincere doubt as to whether the ques
tion And what did you do during the
great war?" might not embarrass.
among others, God." This will bring
up the whole question of the relation
of God to this war and to the affairs
of men.
Dr. Hinson will preach in the East
Side Baptist church on Sunday morn
ing, taking as his theme "The Gospel
of Lincoln." It will be asserted that
the stand of our great American in the
long ago is the right attitude for men
to take today, when democracy is
threatened as it never was before In
the history of man.
At night the theme will be "Christ
or the Kaiser." And the principles cf
the Nazarene will be placed alongside
the policies of the arch foe of modern
The subject of the Liberty loan wli!
be presented at each service in this
church, including the Sunday school
and the meeting of the young people
which yrec-euars me nigm preacning.
At the annual meeting of the church '
held last week all the activities of tho
church were found to be in a most en
couraging condition. It was decided
to increase the number of deacons
from seven to 12 in view of the enlarg
ing work and Us increased responsi
Dr. Hinson will commence his vaca
tion November 1, when he goes to
Fort Worth, Texas, to conduct a meet
ing in that city.
Sermon Topic Bears
On War Eventuality
On Sunday afternoon at t. p. m. Dr.
S. J Reid will preach on "This, Bethany
Benediction." In the evening his sub
Ject will be "The Resurrection."
in tnese days or war tnere is no
question so vital to religion and faith
as that "if a man die shall he rise
again." Dr. Reid has preached on this
subject all over America and the sub
ject is more and more recognize as
the foundation of the Christian faith
Other churches are combining for .
union service so that all may have an
opportunity to hear this sermon.
John Troy will contribute special
solos In the afternoon and evening and
a large choir will render special music.
I. B. Ehodes Will
Speak Sunday Night
"Welfare Work for Soldiers" will be
the question for discussion a the reg
ular meeting of the Sunday evening
forum tomorrow at 7:45 o'clock. Uni
tarian chape, Broadway between Yam
hill and Taylor streets. The principal
speaker will be I. B. Rhodes, who is
the district director of the army T.
M. C. A. work in all the army camps
of the Pacific northwest, and Is about
to leave for the French front.
In the regular morning service the
pastor. Rev. William G. Eliot Jr., will
speak for "The Second Liberty Loan."
Dr. Montgomery to 8 peak
Dr. A. J. Montgomery will address
the Presbyterian ministers on Monday
morning at 10:30 a. m. at the first
Presbyterian church on "Impressions
rrcm His Eastern Trip."
Bishop W. T. Sumner
Gives Appomtments
Rt Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner,
bishop of the Kplscopa diocese of Ore
gon, will meet the following appoint
ments next month:
November 4, morning, Pro-Cafhedral:
afternon, St.' Andrews; November 11,
morning, Pro-Cathedral; afternoon.
Woodstock; November 18, morning.
Pro-Cathedral; afternoon, Milwaukle:
November 25, mornins. RoseburgH aft
ernoon, Sutherlln; November 2$-, after,
noon, Oakland; November 29, "morning,
Bandon; December 2, morning, Co
quille; afternoon, North Bend; Iecem
ber 9, morning, Marshfield; aTternoon,
Church Forum Will
Meet Sunday Noon
The forum of the First Methodist
church will meet Sunday at 12:15 at
the church. Twelfth and Taylor
Dr. Joshua Stansfield will start the
year's work of applied Christianity
by th discussion of one of the vital
topics of the day. After the meeting
a conference will be held for sugges
tions as to tne subjects tc- be dis
cussed in open forum durlno- the
winter season. Gceral attendance
and suggestions are invited.
Association Army
Worker Will Speak
Ivan B. Rhodes, general secretary
for the western division of the armv
and navy work of the Y. M. C. A., will
speak .Sunday morning at the Rose
City Presbyterian church. Mr. Rhodes
has been called to France in the inter
est of this work and will sail October
27. He ihas Just returned from New
York, whioh was the termination of an
extended trip to the various military
camps of the country in the interest of
the war wwk.
19th Sunday After Trinity
rirst White Temple 12th sod Tsylor sts.
11, "The Mstchless Miracle. 7:30. "Three
Greet Kscts." Dr. H. 0. Held.
East Ms Bast 20th sod Aniiy sts. Iter.
W. B. Hinson. 11, "The Gmpel of Lincoln."
7:50. "Christ or the Kaiser T"
Highland B. Sth and Alberta. Rev. Charles
Kllr, pastor. "The Prayer Life of Jesus."
T.fiO, "Enough snd Mors."
L'slrerstty Psrk Ke. W. 0. Baadley. act
ing pastor. II.
Swedish IMo and Hovt Rev. Gideon
Jolscdrr. pastor. 10:30. 7:SO.
. Ors- MontsIUs B. II T. Cssh. It.
"Crest Possessions." 7:80, "The Illot of
the Sess."
Sell wood Rr. T H. Hares, castor. 11.
llev. O. C. Wright. 7:45.
Rt. Johns Rev. B. P. Borden, pastor, 7:80.
Calvary E. Sth and (Iran Rev. J. K.
Thonss. pastor. 11. "Our Motto foe Onr
"road Tesr." T:3f. "An Old Time Country
Preecher snd His Message for Oar Times."
Mb CalTarr Kaat Pin and Grand sts.
Rev. A. M. Msehscek. 11. 8.
Third Knott nd VsnoouTer sts. Rev.
Vietolj J. Beavrn. 11, "Why Doubt?" 7:30,
"Tho Risen !nrd." lllnitrated life of Jesus,
Olnm IX DatIs t.
GUncoe K. 4Mb snd Msln Rot- A. B.
Walts. 11. "Hod's Good Name." 7:30. "Firs
la. the HMt-t."
Arista W. Garnet Handley. ?-l, "Tottering
Thrones." 7:80. "A Close Csll."
Monnt Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrett. 11, 8.
Italian Mlaaton 11, 8.
1 First Germas tb and Mill R. J. Kraft.
, II 7.80.
Be rood German Morris and Rodney ave.
11. T:0.
North Portland Mission SOO Klcotal St.. ra
dar, a.
RnsorllTtll Mission.
Swedish Finnish Mission- Whits Temple, K.
' TibarsacVs E. 2d and Holgits. 10:45,
u T:8C
t. Petem Lents Rev. P. Bentgea. 8.
1080. 7:80.
Pro-Cstbedral 18th snd Davie Rev. B. T.
. v nin. e. s:ao, :. 11, T:4o.
St. Lawrence 8d and Fhermsn KT. J. 0.
. cinsnes. s. iu:au. i:m
St. Patricks HMh snd Ssrter Rsv. B. P.
Mnrphy. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
St. Frsnrls E. 11th and Oak Rev. 1. U.
: Black, ft. 8. ft. 10:30. 7 JO.
' . Immaeolata Heart ef Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly, ft, a, 9. 11.
Heir Rosary R ftd and CWkamas Rev. B.
a. iiiaon. t, s. , it. i:mi.
St. Ross E. SXd.and Alameda Rsv. 1
rrarrel. Mass 8, high anas 10:80, benedlc
: tton 4 e. at. '
t. Andrews R. tfh and AT)rta Rsv. J.
-l gueman. n. io:ao. t:so
The Madeleine B. 4th and Riektyae .Rev,
' Oaorsw F. TVimf-oa 7:80. ft 'M-Su.
v . Amission R. Tsoihtll and B TSth Prancls-
ean Father, a. io:aq. t:so.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa-
dhna Rev. P. W. Rlsrk. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Holy urn -re a uewootn Ber. Q. RaynoM.
R 10:80. 7:0 .
. 8t. Icsatlas 8230 43d st. R. ft. Jeaalt
Fathers. e:o. s. 10:80. 4.
.at. Rtenhsns 3d sod R. TstW Use. War-
ten A, watte - e. io:ao. v:sa
ft. FfctllS Jlerla Paallat Fathers! K. 1th
"sad Hickory ev. W. 4. Cartwrlght. pastor.
ft. 8:80, 10:30. 7:30.
8t, Clements Smith and Newton Rev. Jo
seph Chapoton, Rev. Thomas Nealon. assistant.
s, iu:3Q, t:90.
8acred Heart K. 11th and Center Rev. Q.
Bohl. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver its Rev. P. G. Miller. . 8, 10:80. 7:30.
St Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Ci-mmlnsky. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
8t. Stanlslsns (Polish) Maryland are. and
Fslllog Rev. F. Mstthew.. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rev.
B Dnrrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) tth and Mill Rev. M.
Baleatra. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clares Capital Hill Franciscan Fath
ers. 7:30, 8:15.
St. Chsrles 83d snd Alberta Rev. G. Snl-
derbora. 7. 0:30. 7:30.
it1r,t1 Everett between 18th and 19th
Second E. 8th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Sixty-second at. and Forty-second ave.
o. E. 11.
Sixth Portland Hotel assembly hell. 11. 8.
Christian Science society Hoi brook block.
St. Johns. 11.
Evangelical Association
First English K. 0th and Market Rev. E.
D. Honiechuch. 11. 8.
KIrt German Evangelical 10th and c.i.e
R-t. G. F. Lienlng. 1:45.8.
First Psrk and Columbia Re. Harold H.
Orlffls. 11, "A Man and His Money." 7:30.
"The Good of Godliness."
Kern Psrk II snd 7.
Esst Side Christian E. 12th snd E. Tsjlor
Pev. R. H. Sawyer. 11. "Hrphenoted Chris
Urns." 7:30, "Dead Men and a Living God."
Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. U. John
son. 11. 8.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8.
Bethel E. 824 and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
Y . n lison.
Montnvtlla E. 70th and Hovt Ssv. Enrena
Burr. 11.
Gladstone Rev. Roy U Dunn. 11, 8.
Rodney Avenue and Knott Rev. J. Carlos
Gbormley. 11, "The Unjust Steward." 7:30.
voa-a opportunity."
Woodlawn Christian Tth and T.lhaetv n
Joseph D Boyd. 11. "What Manner of Msn
Is This?" 7:30, "Have We Been Deceived
in Jesus T"
Bungalow 1 Tth and Court Frank E. Jones.
pastor. 11. 8-
Cosgre rational
rirst Park and Madison nv ruth o
Dyott. 11:30 and 7:, Rev. R. W. Forquhsr".
Atkinson Memorial church K. 20th and Ki.
erett Rev. Warren Morse. naator. tl.
'The Man Who la of Value to Hla Commun
ity." 7:45, army speakers.
ttst uerman e. 7th and Stanton Rev. E.
O. Wlllman.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver St. Rev
C. Kantner. 11 "Hov (a wn
Love God. 7:30. "Writing One'a Life Book."
iDrrersirv rsra Maven at. i nmH, .
Rev, F. J. Meyer. 11, 7:30.
Waverly Heights E. 33d and Woodward
5t' Ali5, X'. P2T- R- C. Millard, 11.
A Good Education What la ItT" V-30
The Gcapel In the Old Testament."
Hunnyslde E. 3Xd and Tayior Rev. J. J
i1,iU,H,r"B?w,rd OBsatsnt, minister. 11.
n5owlE..R'L LoT for tB Ntion." 7:30,
Vwraelf" Worry Dost Worry About
Wea (German) B. Sth and Trsmont-Rev.
I. H. Hopp. 10:30.
Norwegian Danish Congregational church B.
83d andJSamner Rev. Morton Olson. 11. 7:30.
JPrT.iU'T- J- H. Barnett, paster. 11. .
. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmors st. Rev!
Samuel Nevala- TtJW
wlwood Cxmgregatlonal church 45th ave.
r ill , j t'J J- J- Mauasaa-er. 11
nArdenwakl ArdenwaM sutioa Howard W
11 op k irk -
Donjn. lesson sermon,
i and Deagh Real?"
Portland Mission church Carson rtetirfcta
n . ouii,p. vsmr. it.w, o:olf. t:w.
Swettli Mission .Tabernacle GUsan and N.
Kin iter. J. Ledln. 11. 7:30.
Trinity 10th and Erenett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison, rettor. 8. 11, 8.
Pro-Cuthedrul of St. -Stephen the Martvr
13th snd Clay Rt. Rev. W T. Sumner, blsh.
op. Very Rev. E. II. McCoHIster. dean. 7:45,
0:30. 11, 7:30. 11. Bishop Howe of Alaska.
Tuesday, 7:30 a. m.; Thursday, $r:30 a. m. ;
Fvldey, 8 p. mi
St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30. 11. Pa
triotic service. 7:30, "How Can We Know
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E. II.
Simpson, rector. Rev.. J. G. Hatton. associate
rector. 7:45, sermon by Bishop Rowe of
Alaska. 7:30 a. m., holy eucharlst.
St. Andrewa Hereford at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7:30 p. m.
Grace Memorial Wetdler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswiild W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 7:30.
St, Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
Broadway. Rev. T. F. Bowea. vicar. 7:30.
10. 11. B.
Church of Our 8avlor 60th ave. and 41st at.
S. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
Biabop Morris Memorial chapel. iood Samar
itan hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7,
St. Paul Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 23th and Savier Rev. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
St. Jqfcns Corner E. 15th and Harney. Sell
wood Archdeacon Chambers in harge. 11,
?:it. - .
St. Matthew Corbet t and Bancroft sts. Rev.
W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 11.
. Jewish
CotigTegatioa Beth Israel 12th and Msia
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, o p. mi
Congregation Ahavia Sbolom Park aad Clay
streets Rabbi R. Abrabamsoa.
8t. James. English West- Park aad Jeffer
son Rev. William Evan Brankham. 11. 8.
Immanuel 19th and Irvine. 11, 8,
West Bide Norwegian Lotbersn 45 K. llCh.
Rev. Wlihelm-PeUerson, 11, 3. .
- Bethanla Danish Evangelical Lntheraa church.
Union" ave. and Morris at. Rev. L. P.- KJoller.
10 a. m. and 8 p. m., ,
Immanuel : German Sellwood Rev.- H. C.
Ebeling. 10:30. . . ..
st. Pauls uerman e. - iztn ana Clinton
Bev. A. Krause. 10:30, 7:30.-
Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams
ave. and Graham Rev. J. A. BImbach. 10:13.
7:30. i .
Grace English (Missouri By nod) Alblna ave.
and Mason at. Rev. E. Probst. 9:30, 10:30.
Evangelical Lutheran Zton (Missouri Synod).
Salmon and Chapman Bev. U. Koppehmann.
Genua, 10:18: - EngUsh.-. 7:45.
St John's Peninsular and Klrkpatrick Rev.
K. O. Salsmann. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish AucuKtana Bev. H. E Sanstedt-
io:s. t:.
Bethel Norweglaa Lutheran Free church
Wygant and Rodney. Bev. J. A. SUvney.
Trinity (Scandinavian). . 086 Lovely. Ports
mouth. Bev.' S. A..8tenseth. 11, 7;30, oo
first Sunday of each month only.
ZIod Lundea kali, E. 15th arid -Alberta.
Rev. 8. A. S tense th. 7:30, en first Sunday, of
each month only.
Our Savior K. 10th and Grant Rev. George
Henrikaon. 10:15. II:1S. -
Uerman Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. U. Uenkaemper. 1, -
W. ' keagy. , Preaching at 11,
'Are Sin. DIsea
Evaagelioal lyaod
German Evangelical Friends church Tacoma
ave. aad E. 15th Kev. Ellas S. Heft-erf, I0:4i,
Trse KsthodUt
Central 5tb. aad E. Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee.' 11, rally services.
First E. Sth and Milt Rev. a. Beers. It,
Rev. W. I. Johnston of Salem, both sermons.
St. Johns Richmond and Hudson sts. Mrs.
M. J. Blsir. pastor. 8, 11.
Third Bev. R. H. Clark. 11. I JHX
Alberta Free Methodist Bev. E. I. Barring
fnn .11. S. -
Lenta Soath Main st. Rev. A, Beers, psa-
Friends' Church :'. - '
First E.asth and Maln-Ttev. H. L. Cox. 1L
Lenta South Mala St. Her. oJha Rfler.
West Piedmont Friend' church Corner
Borthwlck and Jessup ats. ChesUr A. HadMey,
J paator. .
. Latter Say Saints
Church of Jesea Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormon) E. 25(h and Madison. 'Rev.- M. J.
Ballard. 10:30, 7:30.
The Reorganised Church of -Jesus Christ of
Latter Day -Saints (not Mormon) E. 79th and
Irving; sts.- c s. Jones,, pastor... . . . ,
Xetasdlst Zpisoepal ?
Brentwood Rev: E. B. Lockhart. Sunder
school and preaching st 1:30.
Bethel A. M. JE- w. li. mace, pastor. 11.
KendaU Rev. B, u. loung, Kunaay scnooi
and Dreachtnc at2t80.
Central Vancouver' ave. . ana aarso at.
Rev. .C. C -Karick 11. . '.Spiritual Urarlta-
tioa." 7: JO, union mcecing.
Centenary. tb and Hat sts. Rev. T. W,
Lane. D. D. 11. '
dintow SeUv Preaching. H. ?
First Church Rev. Joanna Stansfield, D. D.
11, 7i5. ; .
Epwerto Bev. u. aicvuuoca, v. U. It,
O. EldHdge, D. D. lli "Christian Efficiency.
7:30, "Manhood for Qod."
MootavlUa Bev. C. I. Hamilton. Preechmg
II, o.-
Patton P.
Taylor Street M. E. Circle theatre. Dr. M.
"H. Marvin, paator.
Rose City Park Bev. A. A. Helat.
Sellwood Bev. A. H. -McLean. 11. S. An
nual meeting;. W. P. M. &., Friday. October 19.
St. Johns Bar. J. H. Irvine. Preaching u
and 7:30. '
Trinity Sunday school, 10; preaching, 11
Strnnyslde E. 35th and E." Yamhill Rev. E.
E. Smith. -
- WestmorelaDd Bev. B. C. Ycnag. - Preach
ing i-.wt.
Vnlvetslty- Park Bev. 3. T. Abbett. D. D.
Preaching 11. 7:30.
WoodUwn Bev. W. E. Kloster. Preaching
11.7:30, .'
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Corner
Skid more Rev. H. P. Nelson. , pastor. .
Woodstock Rev. L." C. Poor. Preaching 11,
. Swedish Borthwlck snd . Beech Rev. John
A. Wellmen. 10:45, 7:45.
Serman Rodney, ave. and Stantoa Bev. P.
A. Schumann. 10. 8. ,
African Zlon 421 WtlUams ave. Bev. W.
V . Howard.- h . - v
First German 15 th and Hoxt. - Bev. Ed
mund E. Hertsler. II. 8:30.
Bennett chapel F. M. Jasnerl Prearhins
at 2:90.
District suDerlntendent. Rev. William Wal-
lace Youngson, D. D. , 091 E. 62d sU N. Tabor
M. E. Church Eeuta ,
Flrvt M. E. Church-South, corner Cnkm ave.
and Multaoraao at. Rev. W. O. Fenton. 11.
God and Leaat Possibilities." 7:30. "Won
der of Religion." -
. aaxaraae
First Pentecostal E. '7th and E. Couch sts.
11. 7:30. . - . . e v
Sellwood E. Sth and , Spokane Bev. H. C.
Baker. 11. 7:SO.
Ereutwooe rani st, ana eats ave. s. E.
Bev. J. M- BotAard. 11, S. ;
ScandiBavUB 48 Garfield.- 11. 7:30.
Hishhud Park 1139 E. 14th N. Rev. W.
P. Keebaush. 11, 8. " - .
Lents Bev F. M. Jasper. Preacbint- at 11
and 7:30. . .
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hovt -
Bev, Kllas Glerdlng. pastor.. 11. "The Life
That Knows Defeat." 8, "The Race Set
Before sua.-' - ,
. Laurelwood Rev. A. C. Braekeabury.
Ltncola Rev. E. B. Lockbart. - Preaehlnc
air i -ML. . - . - . ..
L. Uantoei Rsv. 8. H- Dowsrt, D. D. Preach
lng at 7:9U.
Mouat Tabor eiat and 8 lark at. Rsv. K.
. Presbyterian
First 12th and Alder sU. Rev. John H,
Bord. 10:30. "The Cross sT Christ . In the
Light of Today." -?:ao. "What Is God Doing
During Ti Great, Wart' . , .
Central C 13th and Pine sts. Rev. Arthur
FY. Bishop. D. D. 1030. "The Call ef the
World." 7:?a " "A jWay That Beetos Blht,
But as wronaj.
Westmiuster K. lTth snd ftclrayter sts. Dr.
Edward Pence. 10:30, "The Smooth and Nim
bi Coin." 7:30. "Christ the Uentleman. "
Arbor Lodge Rev. Ueorge B, Crossley. 11.
, Calvarv 11th sod Clay sts. 10:30 and 7:30.
Rev. Taos, S. Andersoo. 10:80. "A Personal
Influence. '. T:30, The SUlrway to Heaven.'
Fourth first and Gibus sts Rev. H. U.
Hanson. 10:30, "Jesus the Alan.', 7:30. "Apoc-
allpuc Literature.
Ketiilworta E. 84th aad Gladstone Rev. B
P. Lawrence. 11. Bos, by Mrs, N. W,
Owen. -7:46, "AoaitKm.
Forhe Graham and Ganteabeis avea, Rev.
WUiiaja Aiecixoa. ai. -w. v
Vernon E. 19th and Wygant sts. Bev 3 R
Landaborough. 11, 7:30. ' "' r
Mbrpab E. 19th and Division sts Rev. D
A. Thompson. 11, "Is There a OodT" 7-45
"Memory." first of series.
Hope Montavllla. 78th and E. Everett Rev
S. W. Seeman. Morning, holy communion!
Evening, song service. -
Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont sts Bev
Ward M. McHenry. Morning. Jubilee service'
Evenlntj. Jubilee sacred cwaett C-
Grav"7-'1" ,Dd Snd' b'vdV Bev. W. Lee
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev
-J Li-Hut.?lluT.n- ,,! "Ood's Hidings." 7-.30
Luther, tbe Man of the Hour 400 Years
Millard Avenue 7241 65th ave. 8. E Rev
W. H. Amos. 10:30. T'
Roe, City Park-E. 45th and Hancock ata.
Moralna;. address bv Irving B. Rhodes, gen
ersl secretary western division V M C A
8. F. Beatty. 11. ' A-
Chinese 145?, 1st at. 7:45. "
Anabel 66th st. and "to ave. 8, B Rev
Jvuu E. Nelson. 11. 7:30. 8eT
Bef armed
First German 12th sad Clar R. a rr.e.
er. 10:4fi. 8. '
Second Columbia blvd. and HI - r,
A. Wyss. 11. . "
Third Fifth in. Lents Sit. cd- n r
keamer. 11. T w "
Beformsd Praabytsriaa
First Church Minnesota mA n..
Rev. r. D. Praser. 11. 7:80.
Seventh -Dy Adveatists
Note Regular services of tula stamitiuH.
are held on Saturday. .- .
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P C
Harward. paator. 11:18. T
Tabernacle West Side. K. of P. halL llta
and AWer. 11.
Moata villa E. 80th and E. Ever.ttviA
S. F. Beatty. 11.
Lents 94th st and 68th a vs. Elde n
Cbitwood. 11.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charles t
Elder A. R. Folkenherg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 00th and Belmont Rev. J. M.
Wl Hough by. 11.
Albina (German Skidmore and Mallorv
MlnUter. A. A. Meyer. A. C. 8chleitser. local
elder. 11:13.
Scandinavian 11.
Ogden ball, Mlaaassippl and Shaver Bev. O.
K. (KUdnes. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1243 Ash at. Adjutant and Mrs.
Prank Genge.
Corps No. 4 128 1st St. Enslen Florence
nogoe, lieutenant Olive Scott,
bwedish Cora 439 Bernslde.
Bervleea for the Deaf
. L'nited Presbyterian Wsaeo and Grand ave.
Bev. . Earl Da Bois. 10:30. 70.
New- Church Society. 41 Jefferson st. Rev
William JR. Beecc -11, "Some Besponsibllity
nesting impost new vnurcuaen.
Chsrch of Our Father Broadway and lis.
hill Bev. T. C Zliot, D. D mlp infer emeritus
Rev. W. O. Eliot Pr., pastor. II, "A Word
for the Second Liberty Loan. 7:45. "Wel
fare Work for the Soldiers."
United Bretarsa'
Alberta 27th and Alberta.
First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. B. O.
Bonebrake. 11, 8.
Fourth 30th and 82d ave. S. E. Mrs. 0. T.
Third 67th and 82d ave. 8. E. E. O. Shen-
nerd. 11. 8.
Fourth Rev. C. T. Blanchard, 63d ave.
and 70th st. 11. 7:30.
United Zvsagalioal
Radical Jessup st. Rev. A. S. Henderson.
11, 7:30.
Manor. Circuit Services.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd.- and Oay
Bev. II. H. Farnhsm. 11. 8. 8.
fcMrst E. 16th and Poplar Bev."7. A. Goods.
11. 8.
St. Johns Bev. A. P. Lay ton. 1L 7:30.
UniUd Presbyteriaa
First E. 37 tb and Hawthorne Bev. Hurh
Fraser Given. 10:30. "Christ's Fellowship With
I?s." ' Evening, Or. John . Gtf tea of Cairo
will speak.
Cfrarea) ef the Strangers Wasco st. and
Grand evev - Earl DuBoU, pastor. 10:80. sd
2rS' ..Y0; Jota Gittoa of Cairo. Egypt.
7:30. "A CJondy Noonday on the Trail." 7
Ksntosi United- Presbyterian cbnrch Lorn
bard and Chatham sts Rev. J. C. Cole Da a.
ton. 11:15, 730. v pas-
Universal 1st
Church ef the Good i Tidings Broadway and
B. 24th Bev. F. T. Scott.
T. X. 0. A. T, W. C. A.
T. K. C. A-th and Taylor H. W. Stone,'
general secretary. 1:30 p. m.
V. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor. Rev.
Joshua Stansfield. i30. "Our Text Book."
Oliphant Sisters.
Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A.I
Ohrtstensen's ball. 11th and Yamhill. 3. "The
Power of Darkswaa." s:ao. "Against Whom
Should the Christians Fight V
Bahal assembly Friday. S p. m., la room 514
ef tbe Eilers building. -
I'eaiel Mission 268 First st. S. 8. Rev.
George D. Wilson of Los Angeles.
Christian and Mlsalonsry Alllsnee E. 9th
and Clay. Bev. John E. Fee, pastor. 11.
"I approve of Cretria-
tion as tbe method of
dis posing of the bodies of
the dead and think tt is
preferable to burial."
That's the opinion of BT.
A.. D. D.. Bishop of Oxford,
and author.
The Greek fifteen cent arise
Before Christ buried their dead.
Later they reoogrnised - the ad
vantage of cremation. Only :
persons a track by lightnisa
were buris4. Vow tae eastern
Is again sinie rround aad
suck institstions as the Pert.
OretnatoaHaun with ita
wonderful gu-draa aad keaatl.
fal baildicgs favor the prtvo.
ties. It is a mer oorafor-Usr
diseesitiea .ef the departed
loved ones. ' -.
Op&n to Oisitors
Dailp from9to5
Fourteenth and Bybee Streets
Sellwood Car to Crematorium