THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL?" ."PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER T, 1917 . , 14 - . ...-. - " . .. 1 lCT0IlCYCLES.BlCTCXJEv3 53 (Caattnnea) 1 lflt, S speed ExcelUor and aide , ear. fully equipped. This outfit la Just like new, (300. ' j. . and quipped. 1125. , . l lli, 3 speea lsayion. good nw. t 1 1914. i epaed H, D.. quipped, $125. J ' Vfn nhrl n rhnni from. W( '!ntv parta for quite a few old model ' . machines at about half price.- Almost - with dream tandara and speedometer, r:7s. - ? Dayton Cycle Co, " 210 BROADWAY ST. A EE"' ffrom a responsible' firm counts for lot In the purchase of a ued motor cycle. We tend behind every machine 'we ael! and absolutely guarantee that the condition of the engine, .frame, equipment, etc.. la exactly aa represent nsd. Your money awaits you If after .,tbe purchase you find that the car is rlJOt all that It was represented to be. . Come In and look over our line of used machines. Motorcycle & Supply Co, , , iU9 Fourth St. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS 84 Not One dissatisfied customer. I have been :n business for myself now for 9 months. During that time I have aold phono graphs or records to. thousands of people and not una but what ,1s a booster for me. Think this over and then come in and find out why. . Vern L Wenger The Talking Machine Man. I BUY. SELL.,' EXCHANGE, BENT AND REPAIR ' Keep this so you will not miss me. TYPEWRITERS Cent lan sdl 77 "Mir HHAKE8 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 (Continued) n,,.niraniiiK ' TJXTOTTTT.T TYFB- WRITERS. MACHINES SOLE ON EASY TERMS. - VISIBLE MDfLS RENTED, J2 PERNIO.. JaMOS. M.60. INITIAL KENT. APPLIES ON PUR CHASE. SEND i FOR NEW ILLUS- ilsAYlV?? 321 WASH. ST.. PORTLAND. OR- 142 H 2d st. (Upstairs). Main 7244. 1918 Cleveland Lightweights Will be here soon ' " LOOK FOB THEM BETTER THAN EVER t. ' T The most economical motorcycle on ,the market $185 at Portland Cleveland Agency 33 Oak St. Broadway 152. ' Bargains In Used Motorcycles 1 Twin Thor, 2-pced, equipped . ..$ J2G 1 Twin Thor, 2-speed 100 f Twin Indian, fine shape J.5 f Twin Thor a l'Twln Harley Davidson 65 We re closing otit our entire stock rf motorcvclpa and parts. Also a iVge. number of bicycles at bargain prices. . ', Apex Bicycle Co, Main 1 24-1 2 12th t. A-336. Harley Davidson c COMPLETE STOCK OK HARLflY --DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE PARTS, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES. tC-niTfc FOR RT7LLETIN NO. 150 'TJ1VINO DESCRIPTION OF OUR VSED MACHINES. T' Motorcycle &. Supply Co,. v 309 4th, 488 Union ave. N. KALE OP USED PIANOS AND OR GANS AT STORAGE DEPARTMENT. We are now offering a most attrac-J live srroup of guaranteed used pianos. itvcry piano ofiered is an uprignt. They have been thoroughly overhauled and are In first-class condition to play. 1376 Emerson 90. uo 380 Cable upright &.ou 40, J. & C. Fischer , 97.50 600 Hardman 125.00 450 Pease 150.00 450 Kimball 150.00 600 Chlckering 165.00 - Easy terms. STORAGE &. FORWARDWING, Entrance 151 4"th st. SELECTED STOCK Before buying, get our prices on re built typewriters from our selectea stock; fully guaranteed. Very easy payments Machines sent on week f examination free of charge. . t)iUt TkAitartment REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway, STRICTLY first class Underwood type writei. perfect condition. Price $45. $5 down, 32.60 monthly. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 331 Morrison. (Ex- change nept. Bargains' to" Used furniture Extension table, $5;- fhalrs, 90c;' sideboard, $12.50; rockers;' $1.60; atand. $1.26; bookcase, $4.50,- library table, $5; beds, $2.60; spring, $r:50; mattress. $2.60: dresser. $9.75; folding bed. 37.50: couch, $8.25: gas range, $10; gas water neater, $7.60; good steel range, $21.o0; rugs. $5 to $15. -s. .:'.::- - , Wm, Gadsby & Sons - Washington St., Cor. ls. FOR SALEBUSCELXANKOUS 19 (Continued) n - Plumbing Bargains , ' -Pipe Pipe, -Pipe GALVANIZED AND BLACK NEW AND 2D HAND iFROM -INCH TO 12-INCIjr AT 6 ,PER. CENT, LESS THAN COST 6-FTf BATHTUB COMPLETE .... $ 20 6-FT. BATHTUB COMPLETE.. $22 AU our stock Is 10 per cent cheaper man wholesale. , Sea' us before' buving elaewhere. ESTIMATES GIVEN ( PArlonH P!na Qrinr Kiff -snan in l sfid Nfiwmff 259-271 front main mis WE MAKE AND SELL ONLY er Machines One drophead. rotary shuttle Wheel- M 0 1 0u DU. & wuson macmne, scarcely usea, i a 1 1 U II a I uaoll llCRloLClO and Credit Files cost $60. now $35. One Mars drophead Phone Broadway 621. machine In ; splendid condition for Botn guaranteea. -asy terms If desired. , Mish Furniture Co, 184 1st st. NEW Remington, rental lan, rent ap plies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co.. SS Broad- way.. Phone Broadway 621 WE eave you from 60 t. 76 on a.'l makes of tytewriters. Send for air illustrated folder Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co. 821 Wash. HOUSEHOLD C3QODS for SALE 65 '"fine outh bend m aYleable RANGE FIVE room flat furnished complete Yor housekeeping, $76 cash; nice flat, low rent: also have upright piano for sale: cash or terms. Can be seen be tween 1 and 4; 91 H N.- 17th. Lowest prices. Small mo n t h I y payments: No Interest charges. Wrl ttett guarantee Old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold ind exchanged. FOR SALE MISCKLLANEOUS 1f Ship Tools J. R. MUIV1MA, Agent ' The National Cash Register Co Phone Broadway ' 16. 354 Burnside St. ftJR SAIEMISCEIXANEOUS 19 (Comtlnuefl) Sewing Machines Must close out our stock of machines before the first of the year. Reason Is because lease runs out. Now is your chance to get a genuine bargain and it s not too eariy to Duy your A.n gifts. Listed below are a few of , our bargains: $95 WHITE COT. $60. $36 CLIMAX. $20. $45 NEW ROYAL,- $18. $65 WHITE. $17.60. $70 WHEELER & WILSON. $20. $75 STANDARD $25. $75 DAVIS. $27.60. $25 POPULAR, $10. $35 WINSOR. $21. $75 NEW HOME. $20. $74 SINGER, $35. $70 HOUSEHOLD. $W. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT .FROM. TERMS IF DESIRED. 251 Yamhill, bet, 2nd and 3d SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT ED J. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOB 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS - MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR, 1299. 229 MADISON. WAiVicu iu popl ot forUaftd to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention East 6707. N. M. Beater. 148 Russell st. YArraau--mscELLANEous 5 iwptrttreg rrrir ttiki ....-? PROFESSIONAL AND PU5INESS.DiREaQRY ACCORDION PZ.EATTN9 Banton & White, lipped adzes, ship Nickel, all nice and bright. 18 inch i axes, slicks (all sizes), chisels, gauges. 15000 ft. plow stee Pianos at Big Bargain I can sava vou $100 or more on new pianos, no stencils, all standard makes. made by the Baldwin ractortes. wnyr Because I am iu8tairs and have practi cally no overhead expenses. Come up stairs and see for yourself before de ciding on a piano. Terms to suit all. baldwin Line ot rianos ROOM 312 WORCESTER BLDG. 3d and Oak Sts. Uprights Players Grands oven in SDlendid condition. This range new would leave small change out oz $100. We will set it ud in your house. connect the coll to your water tank. complete for $50. Terms if more con venient. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 First st.. near YamhtU Pub lic Market, f WE are closing our store. Even though you nave not tnougnt or buying a piano or phonograph -before Christmas, you should not pass up this oppor tunity. Second hand pianos at various prices. New guaranteed pianos, $167, $183. $210. etc.. while they last. Every instrument must be sold as quickly as possible. Reed-French Piano Mfg, Co, 10th and Stark sts. NEW BOUGHT OLD SOLD planes and calking tools. Our store Is headquarters for ship carpenters. We have what you want and our prices are right. Levin Hdwe. & Furniture Co. 221 Front St. JUST arrived large assortment cable in sizes H. 7-16. V6. . W, eel. VVA.STt.iJ Second hand lurnitur. ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 30 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. "'n-tiiii4, iriUlus cuaia atlUbluc. box, ccordloo; ld nod Mibint plililut. oalloplng. baituot covered.- -Uooda fcUit licuutuitbii aud Uutiou Itaov. limmy UlcbiuK. button utl pleaUoc: mail orUrr prompt attention. 8t Morrlaini. Mais 72ao. WANTED 2d hand furniture, rugs. ranee an dstovea. PAY CASH. PI FER-HA MILTON FURNITURE CO. 90 Grand Ave. Phone East 7766. Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3332. L Shank Co, 312 Front, Hides Metals Rubbers. pjrices and shipping tags. Portland. Oregon. Write for Main 1699. AOATE CTTTTIWO AMD UFO. JEWTTjma AO A Its cut iuu putiiUicU. jewair alMl wales rgrairlng. Mllwt. 343v Wahmgnn at. BLANK BOOK M AKEK I'A'IS at Utn.A.N, luw iU t biaa book manufacturyrn. A-3IM. M1b IRS. BRASS AMD MACHINE WORKS and machine work. lOtf N. 5th -B war aJ ll CARPET CLEA5IN0 must be in good condition and a bar gain for cash. Address J. A. Williams, Yacolt. Wash. OKI FURMmilRE Ct 209 2ND ST. DINING ROOM SET A very excellent Bet comprising 54 inch all quartered oak table, 10 foot extension and 5 fine strong solid quar tered oak chairs, upholstered In first grade genuine leather, with big roomy carving chair to match. The set, com plete, $50.. Either the table or the chairs would cost new more than wo ask for the set. Terms if desired. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 185 to 191 First St., near Yamhill. 100 H. P. Blanchard Semi-Diesel marine engine , 6 horsepower Stover good as new Big line of heatinr stoves, wood n.1 coai. - . " 1 M Bargains in new and uses shotguns ana rmes. - Bird cases, all styles and sizes. 90 cents up. . Hunting coats and shell vests. Levin Hdwe, & Furniture Co, 221 Fcpnt St. 10 horsepower Waterman marine . 20 horsepower Roberts marine . . Light new spring wagon 264 FRONT ST. H, L -Hurst Mfg. Co, engine, as $10C 30 115 60 It will pay you to investigate the Brunswick pnonograph before buy ing. It plays all mpkes of disc rec ords, including the famous Pathe Inde structible. All we ask is that you com pare our Instrument, tone, cabinet, mechanism, price. Wakefield Music Co, 427 WASHINGTON ST. USED MACHINES $20 and up. On easy terms. Motors, Clutches. Carburetors, etc. Flvlna Merkel Parts. Cylinder Grinding. Acetylene Welding and General Overhauling. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Avenue. , ecRgatoi ACEMOV FLYING MERKEL twin for sale or trade. In' first class condition, $30. Tabor 1586. - "INE 2-speed "Harley-Davldson" mo . torcycle. $125. Asa Gubser, 1109 ft Hathorrie ave. LAUNCHES AND liOATS 64 Auto Engines ' For Motor Boats We have many makes and lies. Price from $25 to $150. Thte have Just been overhauled and are in the pink ,of condition. r a - Pur prices are right and , guarantee to save you ' If you need anything line see us. . STEERING WHEELS AND OTHER ACCESSORIES. Auto Wrecking Co $9-92 N. Broadway. , money, n this SECURITY Storage Co., Closing Out. $350 Koehler & Campbell piano, $135. $500 Bennett upright grand, cash $190. $475 Kraeger upright grand, cash $14o. $350 old model upright, cash $85. $275 old model upright, cash $45. $250 old moael square. $25. Pianos stored for 60c month. 109 4th st.. at Washington. $5 CASH. $5 month, no interest for 2ft years, buys J350 singer uoriaht Dl- ano for $195. $5 cash. $6 monthly, buys $375 1917 model for $230. and $10 cash, $8 monthly, buys $550 Prl matone player piano for $340 during factory clearance sale at Schwan Pl- ano Co.. ill 4tb st.. at Washington. DANCERS We rent you a fine large cabinet Grafonola and 12 late dance records for only $2.50 per evening. We deliver and call for. Smaller machines at lower prices. VERN L. WENGER, j42ft Id st. (upstairs). Main 7244. WILL trade $500 genuine Victor auxet- opnone in good order for anythlna of value; submit your proposition. Wakefield Music Co, 427 WASHINGTON ST. WHEN you buy your new Talking Machine remember we make a sDec- ialty in that line. Victrolas, Graiono las, and Edison Diamond Disc ma chines. New shipment just received. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING Remember, we are Che only ones in the city who are capable of repairing all makes of talking machines Intelli gently. VERN L. WENGER. 124 ft 2d ?t. (upstairs). . Main 7244. WISH to store my SteinWay upright piano wun responsiDie party. Must leave town at once on account of my health; in case 1 won t return would sell same at a bargain. L-430, Journal. QUARTERED OAK SECTIONAL BOOKCASE Four fine sections, crown and base. This costs new about $32.50. Only for $20. Also a smaller one in mission finish, 3, sections, crown and base. This is a Gunn case and a good one. $12 buys It. Gevurtz Furniture Co; 185 to 191 First st, near Yamhill Pub- lie Market NEW AIR, TIGHT HEATERS FROM $1.25 UP Call and be convinced that -we do sell hearTArs at from 25 to 60 per ' cent cheaper than in the high rent uptown districts. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 First st. near Yamhill Pub lic Market. ONE ONLY FINE FRINGED WILTON $3 to $5 . We'Need tfie Room So we are selling-' good used sewing machines Guaranteed. Plumbing Supplies We are Jobbers and buy pipe and plumbing supplies direct from the fac tories In carload lots and can furnish you with all kinds of plumbing ma terial for 10 per cent less than whole salers can. Call and ; be convinced. Northwestern Pipe Co, 1R7 Front St. Main 5R31. S3 TO S&'EACDfl TEN sewing machines turlng purposes. for manufac- 349 MORRISON ST. Main 1845. FOR SALE New hydraulic cider press, 28x28x29 Inches; steel chan nel frame, combination power attach ment, capacity 30 to 40 barrels per day; equipped with elevator, grater and cutter; complete in every respect; never been unpacked; ordered for a party who met with reverses; write or call on Henninger & Ayes Mfg. Co 80 N. 5th st. Portland. Or. Sowing Machine Emporium 0 3d St.. Bet. Yamhill' and Taylor. FURNITURE wanted. Marshall 4 190 , Auto Engines Suitable for stationary en gines and tractors. Many makes and sizes. Prices $25 to $150. These have Just been overhauled and are in the pink, of condition. Our prices are right and we guarantee to save you money. If you need any thing in this Mne. see us and be convinced. Auto Wrecking Co. t3-91-93 North Broadway. Electric Motors Bought, aold. rented and re paired. Wa'ker Electric Workc. 413 Burnside. cor 10th R.-oadwav or A-5674 i FUlITUITE WANTED 74 THE LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO. buys Furniture, hotel and restaurant out fits and tools of any description; full value for them assured. 221 Front. Mtn m. A-7174. PARTY desires to purchase complete furnishings, rugs, etc.. of some pri vate residence. either mahogany, fumed oak. etc., any part of city. Will pay cashi D-621. Journal. rHUNK East ialo wnen you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater, ISO Hawthorne ave. cor. Union. WE pay HIGHEST PRICE for used furniture, stoves, otc. Call East 294. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. ABSOLUTELY highest prices paid ror your furniture, rugs, etc. Tabor 72dP. TAKE a tip: Sell your furniture to Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. FURNITURE wanted. Main 7098. Ill UcJAltUj iuUK WATCii i AT THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO.. 294 WASHINGTON ST. front Pacific Junk Co,M HIGHEST PRICES for any kind Junk. rviu urn carpaia; rag ruga, - Carvat cleaning. UUU Co. 188 B. 8tB at. I'bt.nea Kaat :t5SO. B-120 CARPET I'UAMXU. KKKHTI.NO. ETC ONE OF LA R GUST PLANTS IN NORTHWEST. W. V. HUU t'ttu.xa, tA.11 Mb I. B Mil JO lib bHO. tlevltlc Claautua Vturka Ca- peta cleaned and laid; retming our apadaliy. taat 4Q. B-1M3. 2t4 K. Ikttb at. N. " CHIROPRACTORS YOUR diamonds to seiWon commis sion. Belding the Jeweler. 245 V4 Al der. Main 1692. WANTED, second-hand wood machine; state kind and price. Box 89, R. F. P. 4. The Dalies. Or. JOIN the Women's Art Club; all kinds of fancy work sold on commission. 170 10th st. l)H McAlAHO.N ) uiakiug KuuU, SI adJUaf menta. SIS; aeren $6. tjiMt term a. DOG i.. D CAT HOSPITAL bot TO THE HOUSEKEEPER. ror junk, rags, Tabor 7289. I pay highest prices for Junk ttles. paper clothes. ion ffti WILL repair your watcn at Iteineolds' lewelers. 121 r wasningion. y 6th St., neai Hoapltal 415 E. 7lb at. V I.1L.K1.N AiUA.N. Kaat IMl, B-iea. EDUCATION AL HanCltiu WANTED, 4 National Geographic magazines, Feb.. Mar., May. Aug., ion? rknr.A wn 17t ventnes. n TTZ . " With. at. Lng. daT or r. Mate n i i i M n past Household koous shinned at reduced rates, rac. coast UlAoLhK Utuiclug A :Hetuf . AU blauiUea w aioderD taorj. alaga and ballroom daaclog. Cli e and priTiia leaaona tur a (lulu and cUiu dryn. Main aaSQ. Moniroag Klnflr. 1ircfr. MA.NCWtdlbH Uauckus Acaoaiu, ii - aia bet. titark and Oak; 4 prlvata leaauna. $2; . m., p. in., t.; laleat dancva (aarantevd; Clcaea Thura.. bat. re., ac. Broadwiy 21WO. Utt and Alra. llcalu'a tScuwrt aucj, claga an4 aortal danclns taustil. Claaa, 3'uea.. If a. tn. Learn ttr litral dauvva. ramble. Jan. toddl. FWd g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 2467. WANTED Good kitchen range. Call Sell. 1769. . SMAL Land s.w East 8960. r Jig saw wanteJ. kllsa lUkLAM-ouli iHaiiiu blat;., lu leaaon. $&. Unura. H:."fii a. m. lo tt u. m DENTISTRY PERSONAL 22 bTl'DKNTS UK DEN'llSlUV AND PHAU MACV 'XAKK Ntl 1 1CK lle annual eeaatou ot North I'aillic baa begun. Eaguiar i degree atudeuia will not be received later tuau ! 1 1. 11 Get Weli 83. SEVERAL desks, chairs, one safe, oil paintings, etc., offered for sale. We are closing our store, PIPES' STOPPED? Save 35 to $16 plumber bills. "Desolvo" clears sewer drain pipes tn 20 minutes; pour ll m, out she goes; generates 280 de ereeshgat: works in hot or cold water. Trial can 75 cents, postpaid. Wrrite today, Fleming Plumbing, Supply Mouse, 112 4th St.. Portland. Or. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver- SWAP COL.UMX 25 Wanted FREE. Every day from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ra. and evenings on Monday. 'Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED To get relief in any way are Invited to attend these clinics in our Dig cnnic ball. THE BEST OF CHIKOFRAWW DIAGNOSTICIANS Will examine and diagnose your case and direct your treatment. FREE TO ALU rmnnpRAHTifi i th a&fa. ana, sure and modern science of curing; and preventing diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause, health returns; PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 433 Hassalo at., at 7th, east aldtt. Pbone Eat 6536. Dr. Elliott, director of clinic , LAW SCHOOLS UutliUA LAW W.UUUL A IDuiuuga yraw tical courac in law. llacitilluua rUiOga. Main 77. Allaky bldg. MUSIC 8UKOOUJ AMD TEaCHIlRS 2j7 Klleoner bidg. broadway ltSJ. fHuk'. 1. LAau, t'iau.1 i.e n juf borne. dOc. t'bouo '1 abor 72QB. ZLLllA L. BKUO.N. I'lauu. -lUUHUt ul Uli. Manatfldt. 612 Ellera bll. WowlUai v btnuuL OH klU!li eiait ot leacuara. gun CQTiaenratory. 4j waauingmu iu L. CAlUtOLL lJAV. l'lano. Vocal Leaaona, CI. Main Slo. 14S 131U near MorrlMn. HANO ltantiSH at your borne, aery reanun able. labor 674. lra. M. V. umicliUatf. fLUlt RUQ6 AMD RAO R0O NUltln v eA '.iiia l.u luuiouaneu iM. KluII Kuga and "Jig Huga u, all aia'fc g. Mb and Taylor. a.aat aAHO. B-iaw. r j r L' r' Kir - I separate ciassmcations. All aaver- neea-rrenCn rlanO IVITSi UOi tlsements ol these goods are publisoed i urn ana .sturir st . i"t''-"" - JiUG DON'T FORGET Our repair man is known to be the This is one we secured at a greatly! best in the city. Our shop is the mst reduced price. S55 buys it. Worth 375. Small conventional designs. Gevurtz Furniture Co; 135 to 91 First st., near Yamhill Pub ' i He Market. NEW couches, upholstered in fine chase leather, regular $12, for $8.50. Also new couches, upholstered in beau tiful cretonne, regular $11.50 value at only $7.75. These are rare bargains. rviish l-umiture Co. 184 1st st. complete. Our prices are the most rea sonable. When we repair your ma chine we repolish it without additional charge. ; Hvatt-Talking Macfain Coi 33t Morrison. Electric Signs "EAT" AND "POOL." Levin Hdwe, & Furniture Co. 221 Front St. A? FOUR rooms, furnished, houseboat No. iO at Willamette mooraare: all con veniences; will rent for $12.60 or sac rifice for $350, easy terms. Call or Wione owner today. Sellwood 2394. Ifrellwood car. rOR SALE Boat built on scientific .... plan; 40 ft. long. 8 ft. wide. 4 ft. I aep; pilot and engine house all con structed ready ror machinery. Au liew. Sell at sacrifice. $950. Tab. 8029. TRADE rood motorboat 25 H. P. 4 r cyl. 4 cycle metor. 8x30 ft. flshboat I gain; easy payments. nun. run camn. ror auto, small trucx, land or lots. What have you? Address l-uoo pine st Ttie Dalles, or, FOUR horsepower medium duty gaso line marine engine. In runnlnar shape, cheap G. D. Gott. 1662 Vlr- gima st. VOH SALE Motor canoe, complete equipment. Standard Boat House, wst approach Hawthorne bridge. 2 to p;rt. m. minnay , TYILL pay cash for small launch hull. v an j. anor i3f .Vera L Wengei Phonographs and' records bouarnt. sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repair ing. 142 V4 2d. Upstairs. GENUINE Wick piano, case damaged oy lire; win sen at tremendous bar- 9 Wakefield Music Co. 427 WASHINGTON ST. FIRST class Edison Triumph triple spring phonograph, olava 2 and 4 minute records and 50 rood records. Cost $77. Price $14.50; $4 down. $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. (Exchange Dept.) Pianos Pianos fcrx h. p. canoe. D-626. Journal. FINE MAHOGANY DRESSER Up to date square lines. Big plate mirror. Absolutely like new. Our 'price $20. Call and see our bargains in used dressers. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 185 to 191 First Street, near Tamhlll . Public Market. IT WILL pay you to look over our line of new and used heaters before buy ing. We have a fine selection at very low prices. Easy terms if more convenient. Mish Furniture Co. . 184 1st st. 1 FARRAND ORGAN ' Used but good as new. Chord at tachment. Good walnut cape. Full rich tones. $25. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Pub lic Market. USED lady's writing desk in birdseye mapie, in good condition; a new one ' would cost you at least $14. This one only $5. Mish furniture Co, 184 4st st. WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE Same as buying a new one. Onlv $25. Terms if desired. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 18S to 191 First St.. near Yamhill Pub lic Market. I VERY high grade Axminster rug, al- most new, size luxisvi. cost $60 recently, will sell for $32.50. on easy payments. Mish Furniture Co, 184 1st st. HEAR the new Edison disc phono graph with electric stop. No setting required. Official laboratory model. Price only $250. Terms to suit. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. ,831 MorrisoA. New shipment Just received. 10 Foot Rerigerator Showcase Wilson's Auction House, 169-171 2d st. INDIAN twin motorcycle, good run ning order; also sewing machine, shotgun, man's checked suit size 3S, cheap. 224 Grant et. . Take S. car. Main 2321. VICTROLAS and Grafonolas. New stock Just received. See the nw $100 models. Easy terms. Hyatt Tal lng Machine Co., 331 Morrison. THREfE BEAUTIFUL MEXICAN COUCH COVERS, EXQUISITE COL. ORINGS. -BARGAIN. 384 COLLEGE. Z'". 1 " LOOK THEM OVER. ALL machines sold for less. Renting i per month. No agents em ployed. Sewing Machice Emporium. 190 3d, nctr Taylor Main 9431. A-362A Millinery Walt Gases- Fine oak- cases, like new. mirrors. electric light attachments, etc. Wil son's Auction House. 169-171 2d st. FOR SALE A standard size pool ta ble and full equipment, Used only a few months by a private family. Price 3125. Address Mrs. Shattuck. llib Washington st., Vancouver, Wash., or phone Vancouver 714. , SUITS pressed, 35c cents. French dry or steam cleaned, $1. Why pay more? Autos call and deliver free. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. Broadway 614. $10 TEN drophead sewing machlbcs with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. Adding Machine 9 Bank Wales Visible adding ma chine. Good as NEW. Wilson's Auc- tion House, 169-171 2d st. BARRELS and kegs for sale. We have Just received a large shipment of hardwood barrels and kegs from CaL Come while they last. PANAMA COOPERAGE CO.. 248 Front. to trade for 5-pass. auto, the classiest motorboat on ..he river; built this year; length 28 feet, speed 17 miles; fully equipped, electric lights, auto control, auto top, with side curtains, arm chairs; also boathouse. What have you? Phone Main 2516. I Want Some Chickens Will trade typewriter, rifle, soda- fountain, heating stoves, tables, all or part, ror cnicitens. teu. Z55Z. RAISED deck cabin cruiser type mo torboat, 37x6 H. 20 horsepower en gine, all In good condition, for Ford or other light chassis. Sellwood 1024 Sunday. Marshall 2191 Monday. FINE ladies' diamond ring, consist ing of. five diamonds, each weighing about one fifth carat, value $175, to exchange for good piano. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. TO TRADE. Grafonola and records, nearly new. Large heating stove and gents' bicycle for motorcycle or chickens 4322 52d St., S. E Tabor 6490. WILL trade for good auto truck, 6 room house, full basement, new gar age, lot 60x100, bearing fruit trees. Call East 551. WILL sell or exchange two pair of canary birds and large breeding cage for small Victrola or grafonola, or what have you? Tabor 3525. WE move trunks and furniture in ex change for farm products or any thing We can use. Automobile Trans- fer. Main vuza. taz lbtn st. SWAP 80 acres, unimproved. Centra! Oregon, $800, clear, for what, clear? Want auto, livestock, etc. Columbia 899. WILL trade equity, in 4 room cottage en, ft'E have been in Portland over 13 . n ... kn.,A ...otu nva, 1 IE OftA patients and never had a death whlie under our treatment; we have Invested more monev In modern, machines and electrical apparatus than any physician on the Pacific coast; we get results in thousands of cases where medicines failed to help and have saved hundreds' from iperations after all hope haU. been given up; we will be glad to con sult with you; we make no charges for that; we use no medicine and do not operate; we use every electric and mechanical means, baths, massagt heat, light, etc.; we can cure, do cure and have cured cases when others hava fayed.,. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Main fjlOtf. 600 to 6C5 Broadway bldg. Call and talk with the patients at the office. See what I have done for them. Thou sands of testimonials will prove to you what 1 can do. LUU1SE NETZEL, trained nurae and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralia, etc; tub bath, massage and electric blankets; lady assistant. Marshall suss. zss 13th, near Jefferson. Open Sunday. i-fa.i.oljl-A "ug vtui .a tujf uU urircl wtaviug. 151S Hattou Wundlmrn .Ti. Vvtilt-ix.N rLLit u.Ct tu. I'liUNE EAST Sltfl. B-1476. FURMACEB J. C. BAlfcli a UU.NACK CO. Wa aeU boy u ion and Xbatclior furnacea, lib eral lernw. Wa carry repairs fur Boyntoa, TUatcbrr. Detroit Jen el and Internals luruacaa. Main 4HI. office 1 runt and Maraet. GRINDING CUTLZBY WK OIUM) bVfcKV'lHlNU tbat requires aa edge. l'ortlaud lectrlc otuiilauup, Sol Star between Urondway and l'afk. ldwy IftJV HAIR GOODS AhD HAUL iid.LhBlVQ tkliVal At ua.Vk.Uo 1, leaati.- mis aud tvut aakara, ftuot atuck tit auinun Hair r'l balr oreaaing, tuanlcunn(, tace bud acalp traat Dent. Keuiued to 6Vt AlCer near Brvadway. OaXENIAl. GOODS Uiuitaa ctutMiiuiu, a aaurriauu, Vi la. aiwta bdwy. Cbiinre. Japaneeuwla. and enrii. P AIM TIM Q. TIM TIM Q, f f taMt01HO GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same atervlce and quality you pay double the money elsewhere; correctly fitted glasses as low as $1.50. Thou I sands of satisfied customers. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist zo Morrison st. DR. MAR IE JOHNSON, chiropody, cabinet sweats, electric treatment. 327 Washington, office 513. Open eve nings and bunuayB. SPIRITUALIST A1KS. M. L. LAMAR. 225 5th st.. cor. Main, teacnes palm istry and card readings, also lessons in the science of health and auccess. Daily MORNINGS AND EVENINGS. FIRST-CLASS $35 Seneca camera and case. Price $15. $5 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Mor- j rlson (exchange dept.) 100 BOXES of apples, for sale fn orchard. 6 miles east of Vancouver, T mi. south of Orchards.' Frank Reed, R. 1. Box 147. Vancouver, Wash. WONDERFUL antiques Jn rosewood, mahogany and walnut, a Very choice lot of books at a very moderate price. Th- French Shop. 410 Morrison st. ' PRINTING PRESS 10 by 15 California Jobber, $50, 6 By 9 hand press, $10; 'both for $55. Phone Main 3561. V-519. Journal. FIRST CLASS Pianos PRICKS REASONABLE. TERMS it dlrel Wilson's Auction House, 169-171 2d st. I FOR SALE One birdseye maple dress- riANOH. OKfiANS AND 4 I EXPERT player and electric piano, ri"vJSi,.f '.? nlv5V"rE Ul cirii tvBTuituvtKra organ tunlne: renalr: refinish. Push y-- . -s s "tr"n w for id pianos, v. war Isi ea i in nnisn manogany upright piano, "laraei. opposite auditorium. pMuwru iiimrb. a milDUll Old. AlUSt I sell. Call Main 6699. FOR BALE or rent, upright piano. itrun giveu io responsiDie party, KNABE GRAND PIANO FOR SALE Genuine Amatl violin. $1000: imported bow riven with It free; will send to bank for examina tion. N. M. LewJs, Silver Lake. Or., lr ck box 314. hot plate and 12 ft. of tubing. $3: one 4 pVf" hole gas range, $8; inlaid linoleum for rnone large kitchen, spendld condition, $10; rocners, a, a, i. teaving city, 5312 41st st. S. E., Woodstock car. Phone Sell. 307. - Owner leaving city; bargain: private. I FINE baritone horn and leather case. Ma n 8790. - Cost 355. Price 326: 35 down RENT a piano, most reasonable trm. n."nh-. Hyu Talking Machine Co., in Portland. No SOUares or thnn.a " muniaun vexunange aeijW MAJESTIC coal and wood range; pol ished top, 18-in. oven, fine wate iron i, gas axtaenment, in line conai- tion; $45 delivered nd connected. This is a .snap. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Z04 1st. RELIABLE gas range, S burners, large oven and broiler, good condition; sell or trade. Reasonable. Williams, 229 Whitaker st. Marshall 352. o. 2 Sharpless cream separator for $40, as good as new, by Thomas Strelff, one mile BOuthwest of Council Crest carllne on Shattuck road. AUTOMOBILES. MOTUKCiCUi launches or boats are separato clas sifications, a large listing can oe louna under these different ciassirications. X 9xl0, 1 9xll equipped donkeys. and 1 10x12 Willamette engine. See Houck, 110 10th St. WOODSAWS, horse and tractor outfit complete: not junk; also one old steamer that would be good for farmer or woodyard. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. ' Rendering Kettles Complete, In first class condition. Wilson's Auction House. 169-171 2d st. for auto, farm anything can U-739. Journal. Implements, stocl no real estate. MILDRED CLARK Massage, baths and electric treatments, uiiice in Rothschild bldg., 287 Washington. Open evenings and Sundays, TWO lots. Lane Co.. for Piano. If suited will assume up to $50 on monthly payments. C-626, Journal. BIRDS to exchange for anything I can use; good singers, beautifu colors, aiar. lioa. WANTED to exchange ladies' clothing and 3 singers tor anything in nouse furniture. Call Marshall 1048. OAK chiffonier and new steel cot, hall rack and dress form 638, for bedroom furniture. Tabor 1351. WILL exchange Victrola and 24 rec i ords for 10x12 tent and fly. Wood lawn 4510. I WILL exchange, music course for den tlstry. sewing, launary, nouseworic jvjain auis. PK1MEDA BALM, formerly causa Balm of Figs, for cuseases or women. 844 E. 33d st. Sell. 2213. Phone morn ings. BEAMER & CLARK'S billiard palace, formerly McCredle s, za iioor. xeon bldg.. 6th and Alder, 33 tables. Zlnest equipped parlors in Northwest. MISS ANDREWS entertains private parties with phrenology, caro read ing, palmistry. Main 7548. 11 AY hi you aeen our 6c wall paper; kwt prices lo painting and papar banging la the city, itmue 'lauor 7j93. luouta rAiAiiAii cu., iiaiu.iii. tuiiuia. paperUapgius. t4 Maranall ac. Main 44la.- PATT AVxOaEYj bULUUtKu, u.. i nmoealef uius. Main ia. PHYSICIANS lu tt. A. tuitui'ft, vou iirwadway luua. Aatbma. NeTouaueaa, rriMlatic Aruani. ltb.'i.maiiaro. riUMBlMO aUgfLLEJ UB.1A11. Heinlng, i'J.CAli..U 11!' tn at. Main 7aoo FR1MTIMO AMD EIMDIMtt mi.itab A1.D EHMAY83I OtUtii.ti UAaaAM, "CotUa i'riul AMP, iambill at. Main 4ao. 882 Stark at. 'Aiiai I VI 1-ttL.SJ Broadway 40. A-401 REAL tXATK DEALERS taut, M. jots. WUooa bids. RUBBEK BTAMrS AMP BIALM AJUSU aieucila, Xrada Cnecka. llraaa asa. 63 Broadway at. Broadway 71Q.A-g71. THE FUR SHOP iriira to order, remodeling, lowest prices. 606 Swctland bldg.. Sth-Wash, CABINET BATHS AND MASSAGE. IRONSIDE INSTITUTE. . 327-9 Plttock block. bl'PERFLCOL'S hair, moles, warts re moved Dy lo-neeaie t meinoa; iriai 81 Josie Finley. 614 Ellers bldg. M 63 6 S MEN'S good overcoat, $4; Ladles coat $2: heater $2; sewing machine $3; almost new linoleum; numerous other things. 751 East Ash. LADIES' and "girls' fall hats at auc- FOR sale Or trade. 18-ft. motorboat, 3 I SWVer 493" 612 Selling bldgi Main WILL EXCHANGE fine new Victroia, Grafonola or Edison diamond disc phonograph for good piano. Hya.t Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison fct. tlon Monday. 2 p. m 191 2d st. CONCORD grapes for sale by the row; reasonable. P. D. Newell, Jennlnjs Lodge. Or. h. o. engine, running order. 626 E. Richmond st., St. Johns. ONE house and lot in Montana and 1 lot on Long Beacn, ior nug or 4 speed motorcycle. Call Tabor 3221. WILL trade good 'gas iron and-six- foot hose for rabbits or what? 1749 Flske st. WANTED To adopt a baby boy about 2 yrs. old. P-528, Journal. LADY barbets, shave 10c, haircut 15c, massage 35c, sza misan st. SHEET METAL WOHJCS MfaiiUAb ua aiai rai rwuta. jotn. 10 lat at.- Pboua Main 4t. ILOt i.O boot. l ualta, auu-lreaaugaxa.. au. laiiiata kirj imvuim. w, and aubnrban 702 ttotbehild bldg 4tb and Washington its. TOWEL gCggtT Vvttil-AftU UACftUHt CO.. tut ftvm clent erTlCT. fnoua Broadway 41U. A-44M. X KAN BEX B, AMD BTOKAOE FINE 368 Beuscher B flat cornet ony $37.50. Used three months. $5 down. $5 montniy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison, j RANGE boilers fixed and guaranteed to stay fixed, fjee us before getting new, boiler. 189 Adams st. East 7659. HOLLY trees cheap; single plants or I fmon iruitar and case for adjustable 1 . 1 . 1 T C-An.A OC T7l I ' - - - . . . . dress form, uurning ouiin ior iaji mirror. 293 San Rafael st. Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabllabad 1S79 Transfer and forwarding Agents. tora Vrmm Tracings, Offlca and Mtoraga 474 Ulisaa at. mih and misan, Broadway 1381. A-Hfl. Viu.aVH "F1CK" TUai AtsMT aUiLSKtOi.U 1 1 P ' J. . a.naf A lull klliaMaa naatltlSaa VIBRATORY, massage, manicuring, Uotm m iata nu! iirnrft isiai. A-7a . . vo.. " j , - : . UPRIGHT piano, mahogany case, good conauion. fiio. 191 2d st. boxes, Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhll' ICHICKERING and small grand, abao- I ur .Tiwa 0n PRIVATE party Would like to purl JSiW JSZiJl !aDor tak $L75 Tup; we havens fine a selection cnase good used cabinet Victrola or Jf.V.' " wuwni. of stoves as there is in the city. Call v uraiern. l anor 107. I CONCORD grapes, 4c lb. at vineyard, corner E. Taylor and 76th st. Bring baskets. C. A. Leppere ' LIST your donkey engines for aue . with the-' one who ' can sell them, Houck, 110 10th st. - trsfonola. No BJCALjTIFUL Victrola with Red Seal SEE the new store, new demonstrating -records; cheap for cssh. Tabor 1924 ,.rooms' lew "tock of Hyatt Talking 125 E. 33d at., near Hau-thnrna Piacmne YHONOGRAPH. $100 late cabinet , -. styie, ana recoraa; sen cheap. Main 18S4. RWAP piano cr ta,lklng machine for 1 or Co., 331 Morrison. Edison. victor, tjotumoia. i!asy terms. and be -convinced. OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st. Decker Son unrieht tK 190 Talklnar MirKin jTntflt tXK Harold S. Gilbert, reliable Piano merchant. 8M Tamhlll St SEE - the new Grafanola electric, no winding; 10 hours for one cent. Prices $100 up. Cabinet terms. Hyatt taming Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. FIRST class Willard piano, mahogany case, iosi sza. trice xi55. 310 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 331 Morrison. v WANT good piano for storage; would buy later; no children. 3930 69th at. anj 40th ave. 8. E. Tabor 3235. STEINWAY grand, ebony, worth $700; fine condition, only $475: terms. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. A FINE toned piano for sale cheap: I at van. c . , -i . . a .1 . . mi rj. Aiuer t.. near tin at large safe. Give br take different , N-ezft. journal. 41 PARLOR organs In good condition. - Ester. $20. Genuine walnut organ, U. Call 14 6th st. - 1 bQUARHl Kranich, Bach At Co. piano. in urn cias cunumon; sis caisn. jX'Bza. Journal. PHONOGRAPHS, records, bought. sldT 1 exenantso. 11 ail as caasioy. 1x1 1st. HUB 70, mahogany player piano, stand. make, $390. Terms. Call 149 Msm 7 T i ard ' 4)th st. WILL 1. rent my new $350 piano. $3 ;.' per momn.. xmo cnuaren. aus Mor- --ion st.. room 40B.- A COMPLETE 6 room set of furniture. Just as it stands, for sale, to right parties. Phone Tabor 7780. before 1 p. m.. Sunday. WARDROBE, rocker, gas plate, stoves. . oiue name oil cooker, curtain stretchers, - kitchen cupboards. 939 Belmont st. Tabor. 632. $45 MINNESOTA cabinet sewing ma chine, as good as new, $15. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st. , FOR BARGAINS In used house fu nlshings. visit our- exchange dent Calef Bros.. E. Morrison st. at E. 3d. WELLINGTON MARVEL strawberry plants, cheap. Sell. 3948. 4219 48th ave. S. E. - ECONOMY tars for sale. 76c dozen. Boy's Studebaker wagon cheap; East 6057. NATIONAL cash register,, total adder, with tape and clerks Initials, penny keys. 4 1 ZM Stark st. - ,.; WILL TRADE Edison phonograph and records for rabbits or potatoes.' 127 W. Wygant. ; BEST and cheapest place in Portland to buy 2d hand furniture. " Hall & Cassiday, 126 1st; SIX hole steel range, in fair condi tion, hot water coil, $5. 795 Vaughn cor. st. EDISON phonograph with 25 records cnesp; conamur uaae. xapor 8ii4. 'PIANO- Must sacrifice, as Z need cash. - Monday, Main- 3570. ' '-PIANO Cheap; need cash very badly ; good condition. " Broadway 1675. PIANO for sale Must raise cash. . 1,: , Standard.- Like new. P-S30. Journal. if ANTED -Piano to rent. sL ' Phone Marshall 876. 314 Mia T3VVC 43 A T 17 1 ' a " .iumiu 1.01a. I ..nt.. t.Kl. rttm.. one TT ill GOOD wood heater. price. Phone D-; IBia arter punaay. FOR SALE 3-burner Vulcan . gas : range, with oven. yBone Tator'70i9. LADY'S coat, size 28, brown and tan, good condition, $3.50: Marshall 2654. LARGE tent in good condition. 261 14th st.. city. - Apply CLEAN rag carpet and couch,, cheap. 2047 B. Salmon. ihone Taoor 6433 FOR SALE at a bargain, a new set of mink furs. Berkley apts. Apt, zz. TYPEWRITERS 77 BEAUTIFUL 9x12 Axminster rug. IJLl practically new. Will sell at your TYPEWRITER. Just as good as new. Price. 164 Front st. Marshall 1822. perfect condition, for sale at a bar-J FIVE rorris of furniture cheap. Wood gain; terms if desired. J-550, Journal I lawn 1873. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corrw na leaiers. E. w. Pease Co.. 110 th. FOR SALE 3 burner gas plate cheap, 65th and Oregon. Tabor 7 502. - WIGH-POWER automatic -rifle, clips and shells; all for $21. Tabor 6165. ALL makes typewriters rented and .1 paired. Royal T W. Agcy 94 A 5th." FOR SALE, nearly new buffet. 9xl : fog. - 666 Hoyt. Main 6781. $150. FURNITURE of 8 H, K. rooms. Rent 20v 282 Taylor. HOTEL dresser, good as new. Denni son Apts.. 84th and Belmont. INVALID wheel chair for sale, $20. 325 Glisan st. LARGE OAK sideboard good as new. $16. 430 E. Burnside st. - . BUCK steel stove range; a . good one. by the hundred. L. Stopper, 852 E 14th st. N. Wroodlawn 5255. , SliAMl'nOlXU and electric massage. 188 West Park, room 30, 3d floor. NOTICES 2 WAYNE gasoline pumps tor filling stations and garage. E. H. Ruppell. 47S Washlna-ton st. Main 160. WILL 7098. trade heating 126 1st st. stoves. Main 600 BOND letter beads. 31.9V; loos. $2.90; 600 envelopes, 31.90; 1UQ0. 32.90 Smith, printer. 204 Stark at. WATCH main springs $1, cleaning 31.50. Aider notei jeweiry onop. la. M. Reynolds. 285 Alder, bet. 4th. 5th. SECOND-HAND gasoline tanks and numpa ana air compressors. 473 Washington st. 100 CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Trr M-Mthon. Macleay bldg.. Port- WANTED Small potatoes in exchange land." a chiropractor of experience, for good guitar. Sellwood 3192. past-amateur, a 100 CHIROPRACTIC WILL- trade new Victrola for good SPECIALIST, with highest ttlmo- furattnre; Tabor 4367 nlals from , Pat-ients from Eastern EXCHANGE Singer machine gat. s fa wi best . also for trunk: phone East 5057. ing unfortunately had less, than 100 PIANO bench for rug, furniture or chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course. what have you? xapor 6SZ3. I corresponding disappointment In de- HAT have you to trade for Aus- I layed relief. FOR SALE; Tinner's tools, used 6 months. 1Z1 wuiis oiva., roruana. Write box 43. R. 3. Newberg, Or. FOR SALE cheap, 32-40 Winchester. almost new, . witn ammunition 4na ease. Phone iast (saa. WHAT tralian ringneck doves. Wdln. 1217 GOOD French bargain. portable range at a i 191 2d st. iviB SALE Best well drlllirttr mi chine maae. any 01a price, an van-! iuver ave.. Portland. Or. ' A $15 Washburn mandolin lor $7.50 Tabor 521j. W WANTED MI SCELLA XEOUS 5 SPECIAL buyer of second-hand fancy dresses and good clothes of all kinds. Broadway ?932. CASH for old Jewelry and diamonds, name your price. ZZx Washington near 6th. WANTED Second hand 24 in. to 30 In. engine lathe. W. R. C. 311 Lum bermens bldg. Phone Bdwy. 427. LOOK Second-hand clothes, trunks, Kr- hlrht nrlccs paid: We call ROYAL furnace good as new, cheau. I imediatelv. Broadway 355. 1447 E. 17th S. ; I T,,,-.rT-aT nrirn nairl WOOD saw for sale. 1165 Montana .-- aye, phone Wood lawn 566. - 12-24 H. P. kerosene tractor. HX-697, Journal. ; BATH tubs, sinks, toilets, pip and fittings. A. Li. nowarq. tu tn .t. uirsHF.ST nriceai naid for old watches; no objection to condition. 323 Washington hear 6th. rkt rash urices paid for used of fice desks, cnatrs ana ailing caui- 1 (.B,rolr ot tmnm uanaing, rorutoa, ur. These different classes of patients are fullv satisfied with my 100 chi ropractic philosophy and experienced and superior skill demonstrated tn con sultations, examinations, adjustments, rates and, finally, results. Recommen dations on file for years. Eighth year In this city. Rental East and West Rtde nffices $300 a month. Credit arood All cases PERSONALLY examined anrl adiusted BY MYSELF AT ALL TIMES. Phone, -call 'or write. Six phones Installed. Day or evening treat ments. tuc rate, ol suijustmeuts, ia 4th and Washington. . . 21st and Hawthorne ave, isius for tue erection of tbe proposed Medical I o..4t,lfnir for- fhi. DnlveraftT of Or.rnn mriU I be receiTed br the Secretary of the Board of Resents f the Tirerslty of Oregon, on Thursday. October 25, 117. until 4 o'clock o. m., at m orrrces or in arcniucn, juzi nH morlnr. soeclal freht-t rat to (.11 points. n PICK TBAKSVEK VroatAOB CO. BMood snd Pins. Brosdwsy 680. i-ACKINU. WOVINO, BlOUAOIt. aECUKlTx" 6TOKAGE TRAJiSlfliH CO., 10 Ifaik St. fctaln 6136, AUU - rXA"KUP'ACTUDrlC?5 1 jftRRgRSWHOLESALERSI TLVTt T1Q AMP B.AO KPOt Send Us Your Old Carpets raipiF wa sfads ttvai old loiraia. BrnsMls. Aamlnster. BinyruIL Also r."ua, aU aus. -fcUU ordar. piurnpt. Send tor boo 1st Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Etc 12 nifs. steam or slsctrle classed $1.0 SalO rusa. steam or eleotrle cleaned. .... Is W EST IS EN ITUiry BUO CO., M CnJonars. wood nre WANTED 2d Tabo? 3a64, hand girl's bicycle. netaa Pac. Staty. & Prtg. Co. Main 1971. wiNTKD-To rent or buy an up-to- date player piano. Main 4760 or 408 Panama bldg. ; . PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Pa vis Co.. 3d wt Ms in 797. WANTED To chestnuts, u. buy Oregon grown Mayer & Co.. 168 5th. v Una and anedflratloos may be secsred br applying st' the offices of Lawrence A Hol ford. architects. 1021 Chamber of Commerce Baildlnc Portland, or prnltenoaae Ac Fonll honic. architects, Bsilway Excbsng Building, l'crtlsnd. Or. Separate bids are desired for tbe following: General eoo tract, beating, plumbing, wiring and electrical work. Th Board of Becents reserres the rlxht PAYS highest prices for 2d Hand clo'h-' to rejeet say or all bid. . ing. tools, etc. 273 Front. Main 4S02. Successful bidder will be required to far- 2DN HAND BICYCLES, etc Main 3611 BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. trST Bfttman Hardware Co.. 213 Front. I Scandinavian Book Store. N. 3d st. contracrs. J0HWOr high , oven Isecretsrr of tae Board of Bageats, BaiTsrslty VoHTLANU WOOU VIM CO. ac lory au4 offios near 24ta and York sts. Mala 340. "iKAMtr-tiH I Al ION A. Str. GEORGIAN A A8T0KIA AW). WAY lAjrDMOi Leaves 7 s. si. dally. Bonds ya, -"til S. "m. Betornlng.- leaes Aatoris 2 p.- ta., arrives Portland 9 p. m. . - ' BT&. LVXISHZ leave 7s43 '. nm. dafty. ex cept Bandar. Returning fesvas Astoria 7 p. ro. Xais 1U2. Wasbiagtsa ft. Deck. . A-41M. USED Majestic range in A-l condi tion $35. 430 E. Burnside st. i WANTED Rifles, shot aruns, camera. lenses. Hochnid. Mam 3pi. VACUUM cleaaers sold, repaired, rent ed, exch.. hoie-ht Bentlev, Main R2 ONE De - Laval separator, condition. Tabor 1533. i 1 WANTED Second-hand gaa range. Phono C-1275. -ot Oregon, SAXLt UUaXOX 1TOB - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO KOsTBAT, OCT. 9. tOO . K. gaa Iraaolsoe, PsrtUae Lse Asslss ttaamahis Cs. fraak Bollam, Arast 'SsTHlftP S.TBCTA- AftsTkalirS U-7Z4, journal., ' ' is , ' - ! 1 ,i v-