THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 7, 1917. 13 -1 . J- HORSES. VEHICLES ETC. 18 r -n,gtlmg) - JUST in from .the -country, nlco spaa Ot nurei, weight 1100 lbs. each, 5111; also twm and harness, weight 400 lbs.; team Is guaranted sound In wind and trot pullers, pries 1168; team 6 and years old, good and trus work sirs, weight 2700 lbs.. $260. I will hitch any df these horses and let you try them out. , 6 . Williams ave near Ruaaeli st. - - . T- AUCTION SALE -r" . Horses, wagons and. harness every Monday and Thursday at 2 P.'m. We ell for, everybody on commission. Star t BUM! SOS Front St.. Main 171.' John ' it. Williamson; Prop. ' .GOOD deliver horse, harness and FLEMISH Giant -rabbits for sale, all ages, various prices: soma are as low as 60e each. Remember I have the largest tn the state; oni dot weighing IS lbs.: another one 12 Vt. lbs. at months old. - 741 Linn eve.. Sellwood station. Portland. Or. Sell wood 2830. FOUR St. Andreasberjr singers anl cages. 3 tncu oarers, l Z50-egg, l i l or. iiens. also z iiurr uo Cypher. chin . bantam sens 702 62d st. p. E. wagon: 919 -jawo 6467. Union ave. N. Wood- FOR SALE Kng. setters and pointer. trained, to be sold: a bargain: also Airedale pops. Bird dogs for rent. Lel- trim Kernels. aa and e. ptarx. la- DOr 120 LIVESTOCK AUCTION at Pioneer. Wash.. 14 miles .north of Vancouver on Pacific high way, and mile west. Friday. Oct. 12,. 11 a. m.; 20 milk cows, high grade Jerseys, one registered. Moat alt are from registered bull. Some fresh, others soon. Mont all large. A tot of heavy milkers. The entire herd tests nearly 6. All young cows. 2 horses, 10 hogs, weight about 150 each. Some machinery. James Dolan, owner; W. S. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. AUCTION BALE October 8 at S. S. Freeborg place 2 miles' south and 1 mile east of Brush Prairie, 11 a.m.: Nine milk cows, mixed Jerirev and Dur ham: "2 fresh in last six weeks: 2 are to be fresh this month; 4 to be fresh In March. Seven heifers, all to be fresh In soring. Pies. horses, chick MSB n Ba 4 m nla rr Ansa dwvlsi kstriass stc. O. H. Snyder, owner; W. S. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver, wan. COLLIE puppies, registered, pedigreed. . spiencta catus strain, moaner per fect heeler.- very gentle with children. good bargain: Sell: 2039. F, F Ba41ev, tn. m st. o. sale. V4 ro'le north of Da Take private road go AUCTION miicui. Or. lng north out of Damascus Tuesday, Oct, S. S high grade milch cows. 1 find Ouernaev adw. fresh in a week or two. 1 beef cow, 4 heifers. 1 registered Jer sey bull. J bull ca ves. Sale commences at 1 d. m. G. E. Reed, owner. W S. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. bUROC JERK Elf weaned piss for sale, $10 each. Out of thoroughbred boar and high grade sows. Healthy, plump and thrifty. Can be delivered In Port land. J. H. Kimbrlck. "White Rock Farm," La Center, Wash. THREE A No. 1 Jersey cow, fresh next month. $60: three 2-year-oid Je&sey heifers, $40; one 300 lb. fat broJyi sow and eight young pigs, $83 I nwii f'winoe. Mirmn, r. VlH feALE 23 head hlgn grade. ? year-old Holstsln heifers: 1 regis tered. IS months' old Holsteln bull: all tuberculin tested. Adress O: W. Bur row RiriXtftHd. Wash. FOR SALE 10 head of fresh cows, 4 largo- Hol- stelna 3 Durham. 3 high trade Jer seys. fresh from 1 day to three weeks 45 Sherrett ave., Bellwood car. THREE cows for sale. 1 Jersey. 1 Holsteln, 1 Durham. Take Gresham car. act off Linneman sta. Inquire at a. tion for Rodlum's mill. Peter box $4A, R. , Oreaham, Or.j FOR HALE Verv nice 2 year old hei er. fresh about 8 weeks: orlce $50 take Estacada or Greaham car. get off at Stanley Station, first house past store; feiiwooa 4 7. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 4W (Continued) .. with baby chicks. 1 CAN AKlErf end other cage birds, kit tens, pups, pets; cages, foods, reme dies and supplies. Illustrated bird and pet catalog free. Routledga 14$ 2d st near Alder i-iAo i of this season a stock: 4 canar ies. 1 brooding cage for sale. J6: all gooa stocK. wt. jonns car. iiz uaw son. Alma station. ' BEAUTIFUL orange colored canaries, exceptionally nne ameers, guaran teed: one very choice green linnet, all selected stocx. Wood I awn Z371. AIREDALES, puppies and grown stock, best strain in northwest aic- Kenna Park . Kennels, Lombard and McKcnna 'ave. St. Johns earttne. HIGH thoroughbred Irish setter and pointer for., sale. 410 E. 11th at. N Fast 1187. FOR SALE Yellor rollers, males and females. (HZ Sar atoga street. Hartz Mountain e males. 642 bar- Woodlawn car to 17th AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORXES - " (Continued) . 44 WE CANNOT OFFER TOU A CHOICE .FROM 40 OR SO CARS, BUT WHAT WE HAVE ARB ALL AT T HE RIGHT PRICE AND GUARANTEED AT A PRICE RANGING FROM 3 SO TO $1000. TOU OWE IT TO TOUR- SELF TO LOOK THEM OVER BE FORE BUYING. WE HAVE MOST OF THE POPULAR MAKES. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. YOUNG female canary and small bird cage; ji.ou taxes jc u taxen at once. Mrs. Duthle, Stockdale. Llnnton roaa. WANTED St. Anderasberg trainer. Must be first class and reasonable. Tabor 821r HANDSOME male English Pointer; trained; 2 years old. 846 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1249. Look These Over for Bargains In Used Cars You can not afford to be without a car at these prices. The following are a few or the many Bargains we have on band: FOR SALE Fine young canary slngert, and females, all good stock. Also breeding eapre Tabor 1000. CHOICE 2-year-oid. female canaries. for trading stamps, fancy work or cash. Main 311. FOR SALE English pit bull pup. 3 mo. old. Marshall 3901. TWO pedigreed Airedale bitches. Eadt 404. AIITOMOKU.KS AC4TFOniKS -4$ iMlETTillWIW FOR SALE One brown Swiss Jersey hull. 15 months' old. A beauty and a dandy; perfectly gentle; $50 if taken by the first of November. R. 1, Box 70. noble. Or. SALE very reasonable 1 16-month Holsteln heifer. 1 -morith Jersey heifer. See owner, 512 Journal bldg. Phone Marshall 2595. VVA NT4'".D 4 or . S good milch cows, wintered for their feed; beat ,care. Phone Tabor 4115. J. I. Bacon, Oresham, Or. GOOD milch cow to trade for small young Jersey. See J. Duthle; Stock dale. Llnnton roas. MIES mi TOO CARS Francis Motor Car Co, East 3770. K. 13th and Hawthorne avo. FOR SALE Jersey cow giving 3 gai lons rich mtic; will freshen in De-cember;- ft64 WI114 ams ave., room 25. F0R PALE Cow. fresh next Jan.. $35"; 7306 65th ave. S. E.. Mt. Scott-Fremont station. BRAND new Saxon six touring ca NEVER BEEN" RUN. Original cost oi car, owner needs the cash and will sell lor fSaO. 1916 Maxwell tourine. new ton iil fw tires and eau'oned with slinovers. This car has just been overhauled and is a wonaeriui bargain at $450. HUNCH ch:ce Jersey heifers, bred; all from heavy producers: sell one or Jll Hnv A-8t Journal: 6 FRESH cows, will sell or trade for beer, cattle. 105 Falling st Take Mine, car. a TWO Holstrlrt cows and 2 Holsteln heifer calves for-ale cheap. Tabor JAEGER APARTMENTS 701 WASHINGTON ST JKuSEY cow, 4 years old. gentle, easy milked, freah 3 months ago. Phone Main 954. FIVE young fresh gentle dslnr and family cows'; more to. freshen soon. ' " I f't ABU, : i bar- I OH SALE Two brood Bain. Tabor 4039. Kihihl Toggenhurg buck for sale vr reasonable. 360 Grant st. FR SALE 2 V.. B5th. Call i'al cows. 1 fat calf. 3 evenings. , FOR SALE Three fresh 4-gallmn cows, fj m tly or dalr y use. 424 Hawthorne. .2 FIRST-CIvSS cream separators, like hw. reasonaViie Bast 5504. FOR SAtJS. dairy. 18 cows and route. 23 4 lth st. N. GOO I fresh Jersey. Call Monday, 1594 Division et. GOOD, gentle family cow for sale, $65 Main 8260. POULTRY. PIGEONS JLXD PET STOCK 87 FOR SALE Breeding does and buck cheap, New Zeland and Bedglan. at a bargain; take Mf Scott car. get off at Archer Place. S blocks north. G. II. Morrow, 6zo usth ave, 8. E. FOR SALE White Leghorn and Rhoue isiana Kea early hatched pullets, also hens. Cor. Foster Road and Len nox ave Ttxt car to Kimapo station David Trout. FOR SALK Whit Wyandotte cock- ereis, uiagnouse strain, also Rufuw Red Belgian hares. 50c up. m. i:ast sol. 28$ Knott TWO dozen hens and April pullets. W r Wyandot's and Lea-1 nrn E. 84th BEAUTIFUL Feb. horn R. I. R. cock erels, Elliott strain. $2. P..O. box 1 1 h. n-smif FOR HALE Rabbits and chickens 4230 58th ave. S. E. Woodstock car. Ben wood jit?. j S. C. WHITE Leghorn puilets and cocnere; rrom prise winning stock 1451 E. Salmon. HI IF 13 RED does for sate chnn 6425 S5th street southeast Mount SIX Barred Rock Woodlawn 2397. cockerels, cheap, $27 PARADISK brooder for $ Journal. 5 V-5i3, A MITCHELL. Orenco. Or. breeder or men Class pigeons; breed- 14 kinds EIGHT large '.pullets. Barred R "I. ReVls 801 FrVmonti Rocks, FOR SALE, White Leghorn pullets ,rio cuiis. rnone woodlawn 3878. FOR SALE. Rufus Red and New Zea lAna rabbits. 5412 47th aver S. E, BELGIAN hares for sale or trade for chlcKens: Sellw'd !. 1613 E. 16th st WHJTE Leghorn hen for sale 1010 Kirny st. Prions Woodlawn 4821. AN does $1 an, up. East 1242 IMKJS. ItUlllH. lr.TS; KTt . v 4 A I'CW well bred Fox and Wlk hound puppies (crossed) for aaWPW t.. mumpower. ureron citv. Rout SALE .Young FOR chean. Phone FINE setter, chea ton. ah. 1 caoarv ad way- 717. .birds 27 Kelly st, Fu -"SBf,1 Wtten:for sale; Main 6450 ... Hillsdale. Or box 22. . FOR SALE, 10 choice yellow singers. i?inaiFB, . vvwaiawn- lib KO.-jJON puapieg for sale. Prices right. 858 Kerby t:. Mlsslaslppt car. FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terrier yuya. liyiaipn St. 18 POT 1217. THOROUGH RREU fox. terrier pups for . sale. 281 Monroe . st. - .. . ' fRADE . rabbit f or" chlckeAsl Phone RABBfTS for sale or trad for layin nnw. lanpr FOR 8ALE A parrot which talks Washlnston at A. FEW. fine, singing' canaries -Washington at. Marshall 6421. ' - , -... 520 520 padsfec mm ,266 11th St. Main 1092. and 4 rooms. Modern Conveniences White Maplo Floors. Electric Ranges. (OewtiBtMd) .USED JMITO 'BARCMIH8 irauuuiiruuuu J Terms 'Given " Mitchell, ; 5' pass,, 6' cyj. Oakland Roadster, 4 cyl. Studebake: Couper-4 cyl. Mitchelr Koadster, 4 cyl. - 1 1-2 Ton Truck : Havers, 5 pass., 6- cyl. 12 pass. Hotel Bus, 6 cvl, Stoddard, 5 pass,, 4 cyl, Cadillac, 2 pass., bug Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. " Used Car Dept. East Morrison at First St. East 7272 ' B-1216 -(ContlXMd) tKE-SPEEl How would you like to drive a car that can step to miles per any old day In tho week? Guesa therell b no passing you. on the roa and no dUBt to digest for yourself. - WE'VE GOT THE CAR. ITS A TJSED NATIONAL, and It eoes to the first man who appears wiTh . $250 .- We guarantee this to he some speed demon.. NORTHWEST' AUTO UMPANY' Broadway and Couch. See Goodfellow. 1916 Dodge, 5 passenger. 1917 Dodge, 6 passenger. 1914 Ford. 6 uasseneer ., 1913 Ford. 6 passenger . 1916 Ford roadster 650 775 325 250 225 750 1917 Hudd roadster . ........ 1B17 Chandler touring ....Il3o 1S16 cadiiiac ignt ittu 1917 Chevrolet roadster ..$400 191S Chevrolet 5 passenger .....1450 1917 Scripps Booth roadster. .... .$725 These cars must be seen to be ap preciated. Call today at our used car department ana let us aeraonstraxe these cars. Covev Motor Car Co,1 21st and Wash. Main 6244 PARTS AUTOMOBILE PARTS AUTOMOBILE WRECKING THE LARGEST" WRECKERS OF CARS INjTHE STATE OF OREGON 'ENGINES. TRANSMISSIONS. GEARS, WHEELS. AXLES, SPRINGS. UNIVERSAL JOINTS, RIMS, RINGS WHEELS. CYLINDERS, PISTONS, SHAFTSTREAR AXLE HOUSINGS. LAMPS, BRACKETS. IN FACT. IF IT'S FOR THE AUTO. WE HAVE IT. WILL GET IT. -OR IT CAN'T BE GOTTEN. ' MM 0VERLAKD8 M BY TT A3 THEY MOT WIEMK GO. 80-03 N. BROADWAY Ford. 6 passenger Buick Six, 5 passenger . Studebaker, 5 passenger, Reo, 4 passenger Franklin. 4 passenger . staver. & passenger .... Warren-Detroit ... Mitchell Six 1917 Chalmers roadster . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 1 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES ; 44 1 AUT03IOBTXES-ACCESSORIE3 41 (Coatlnwod) (OraUnad, ir-TT-r-r- The Golden Studebaker - Car Trje World's Masterpiece in Automobiles Will be hers tits week. Don't Fail to See It And Incidental! uk to tha fol- lowinif bargains in nssd cars. ' Studebar 1115. S passenger. ...t 550 ctuaeoaaer XV lb, tyi. l lass. . . Studebaker 1917. 4 Crh 7 Pass.. ..$750 Studebaker 1917. CyL 7 Pass $995 Studebaker 4 Cvl 7 Pass. . . .1900 Studebaker 1918,' CyL 7 Pass... $1300 Oregon Motor Car Company otuae&aaer uistnouiors. Parte and Davis. Bdwy. 61C. A-4C16 4 cyl .9350 .$850 .550 200 200 200 350 750 .'..$1000 NtANLEY IBS), llth and Oak at Burnside. Broadway 217. . TERMS IF DESIRED. 131 Ford with iipotligbt. speedom-1 ier ana otnsr equipment, sssb. Series 18 Studebaker. 4 cvl. 2-uajia. roadster, brand new. never been run. : Big aiscount. - 1916 Velie Six. first class shaoe. all ! new tires. These have been traded tn nn new Velie care and offer rou m ononr. tunity of saving nearly one year's de- preciauoa oi your new car. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. VELIE "BILTWEL-SIX" DISTRIBUTORS 68-CO N. 2Sd sir Main 7S0. Cars registered In the state of Ore gon. August 1 to August 31: 1st Ford 16.143 2d OVERLAND 3.35S i ed Buick 3.053 4th Studebaker 3,013 (Including E. M. F.) Three years ago we were 7th In the state Today we are second. .The an swer is we give satisfaction and serv ice to our customers and have the car the class of automobile buying: -publio want. ' Get our book entitled "Judging an Automobile," for reference when you are buying a car. Overland Pacific,,. I ac. Cor. Broadway and Davis Sts. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS f 1917 Ford touring. : 1917 Ford touring f 1917 Ford touring 191 Ford touring. f ,- , 1916 Ford roadster. t 1916 Ford delivery. f . 1914 Ford delivery. 1914 Ford touring. ! , 1914 Ford touring ' 1913 rord chassis. . Don't fail to see these cars befo-e you luy. for they are all in finest con dition, some of thehV practically new. and lots of extra .equipment such as wire wheels, demountable rims, shock absorbers and speedometers. 'Terms if desired. 4100 down and 925 per month and a year's -free service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO- - East S770. E. 13th and Hawthprna av. FORD BARGAINS We have several almost new Ford cars- at bargain prices. Auto Reconstruction Co. XJor. 3d and Glisan Sts, WE are closing our store. The follow ing automobiles, used by our sales men to be closed out. il wiitte, good condition. 1911 Cadillac, good condition 1917 Briscoe, like new. Come and see them nxlre will iHt Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. i 10th and Stark sts. 1916 FORD touring car. A-l condition. d urano new tires. 1914 Buick. 5 nasa.. trood mecha.nicn.1 condition. 2 Dodges. 5 pass. Other bargains oo good to overlook. East Side Auto Repair East 1300. 717 Hawthorne. B-1114. TODAY ONLY 3 ton Standard truck in fine prn- dltion, tires all practically now: a real bargain at 91200. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch. Broadway and. Davis. Open Sunday. LOOK Seldom can you Dick un a second hand Hupmoblle. "Here is one worth more than a new one at the price of a secona nana car. uan d seen at Cotil lton Garage. Phone Broadway 423. 913 OVERLAND. S-pass.. sDlendid condition. Has new radiator nnri Dixie magneto, good top. Presto lights. wmsue, gas saver, eta. gooa appearing car. J325 takes it. Tabor 3282 or Broadway 291S. P A PARTS T S No -matter whaf make car you have, we can supply carts at half nrice Come in and see what an endless va riety of parts we have, and what quick action we can give you when you need something for your car. Motor Parts Mfg. Co. 325 Burnside St. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY mm TRUCK- 1916 FORD, good as new; electric eaulDPed: front seat fixed for bed. Cost over t650 Bargain at $400. Cail Sunday. 136 n. Btn st. FIVE pass, auto for sale cheap for cash. Might take part trade. 109 LI 30th st. Tabor 7336. Gt a Federal and always be satis ned. Potato hauling is begun. Wood season is on. vve nave several coni- yieieiy reouiit j eaerais. xney are bargains and the terms are right and then, our Federal service helps too. We carry a complete line of Federal parts. We also have some' trand huvs in Reo, Jefferey and Buick trucks, a,ni a late model 1500 pound delivery. A uanay. Pacific KisselKar Branch Broadway and Davis Sts. Open Sunday. PAWS 80 Per Cent ' Off We smash 'em up and sell all good AN ENCLOSED CAR. WITHIN THE REACH OF ANTONR CADILLAC COUPEjIN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. OWNER WILL SACRI FICE. $425. HOWARD AUTO CO. BDWY. 1130, 14TH AND DAVIS STS. A-6241. parts for most every make of car. carry the most complete line of carts in the city for over 435 makes and models. We can save you 60 to so per cent. Auto Reconstruction Co. Corner Third and Glisan Streets. ! 6AKLAND 6, S-pass., practically new, YVa ' oniy ou, witn -c spare tUDes, extra ins uuu rim, siwuigni, mirror, mi lock, new seat covers, patent - head lights, extra tool kit. duster, gaunt lets, lap robe included. Car is in a pJ end did condition and has been run only by private owner for own use. has .had practically no country use and is a sacrifice at 6&o. The new price or these cars Is $1045. Send your address and I will call wita car. owner, K-&18 journal. 7 Passenger iStujdebaker . $400 Good condition; terms. Open Sun days. Winton Co. Main 4244. Maxwell Touring Car, $75 This 2 cylinder Maxwell is In good mechanical condition; will make a fine delivery. The Used Car Exchange 537 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. X3 MMBMi Mmm mm tmm. , ' .'USED n ' s e t A After all. satisfaction is the moa 1 1 Important feature in the buyinx of a Used car. When we sell a used olar at a great reduction from the new price and, after severs tsst. th I party is satisfied with its per-:, for mane a and the low cost of pera tion, then. w ha vs. indeed, made a V. L U . WMW. f Satisf action is the by-word In o I ur ealabllshment, and we want you -to' know that it is strictly adhared I to. . ,you eanrtot afford to ovenoot 11 !hTOlt Roadster, Royal . aiau; cost new; seu for .......II7f - -1915 Hudson Six. 7 pass., fins ' condition ,....,.$675' 191 Saxon 8ix Touring, flo order $609 1915 Col Touring, a very lux- , unous car, equipped with all.' new Cord tires, ana extra; rrlos ... 1180 1917 7 Passenger Empire: cost 91350 new, run three months: for outek sale ........tgS Ford Roadater. 1915 motor. cood condition ...1?T' A Qlassy Winton Six bug; 'this . car is worth eyo; must he sold at ones for .,....,.....$275,. If In the market lor a. used ca these -bargains: ' iy 1917 Ford touring; good running' order: starter. sDeedometer. cutout and lots of extras. .$Stf 1916 Crevrolet - Tourtnx- elec tric lights and starter $325 1915 Oakland Touring, fine shape, i....$37S 1916 Overland, model tti elec tric lights snd starter, rood tires: cost $865 new $450 1915 Maxwell Tourlnr: good condition .9375 1917 Maxwell Tourlne: rua three weeks $975 Classy little Overland Road ster. 1916 model: cost 9866 new; sell for .-. . ... .$525 527 Wash. St., Where Was hlngton and BuYnside Meet' 1 t UlCTuS MAIN 3843 A-2443 Conley's Used Car Center ONLT THE BEST USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD intersection of Washington. 15th and Burnside Sts. nJ.i ni J . rJ r-i ducn DKjg.j noor 0 1 wAre For Our Advertiserri'ent' it's oo?friot Magneto and Magnet-' arts PALACE GARAGE GO. Authorized" Ford Agents 22d and Kearney Sta We have ths following used Ford cars: 1917 For.d touring, like new. 1917 FoTd touring, with extras. 1916 Ford touring, with extras. 1919 Ford roadster, like new. 1914 Ford tourine. with mlR bortv. 1918 Ford touring, with 1918 body. a uargun. TERMS, IF DESIRED The Automobile yon are look in x for I nn .v r-r,r . 25S lW..f Wl" th tlTne I CARS AND POSITpVeLY HAVE TflH and call on us. j LARhest stotv no kb-w a vr. USED PARTS IN THE STATE. Main 90. OPEN SUNDAYS A-2442. Mar. 000. uonest vaiues at nonest iTices. WB ATRn wmrrv Tmrrva i-m CAN FURNISH YOU PARTS TO I 9-CI III T 1 A . IT" I VI? T J TTT'V 1917 Saxon, a real buy at.... $?M NEW ACCESSORIES AT ASTONTif. Grant SiX. perfect ?5" I I.N'GLY LOW PRICES. anARANTE.n 1 1,1 I . W C7 to B . , T- n I rm . . . .. c . . i?ib ijiaiuicia OIX. O I1CV, Lil C. . JVff 1914 Haynes. 5-pass. family car.. 85C 191 Buicx six. overhauled 600 1916 Studebaker, It's new 600 1914 Packard, a real car ........ 850 1915 Studebaker Six, 7-pass 6001 1914 winton. newly painted 600 1913 Franklin, 7-poss cord tires.. 600 1914 Winton. cord tires, all extras 950 1919 Cadillac, 7-pass- ( Just Think) 850 Manv other makes and models to select from. Come and see for yourself. WORD T Bargains In Used Automobiles FORDS. Hit TFrA l.nW. 14V,- n- . Ford roadster, a rood one with fins I Mnc ?JL?a non-skid, tires vfr bttii tfres. repainted, $27R. ' ' J"d, cah. 985 Hoyt st' " GOODS ANY THIN Q TOU NKL. mi wmmm O3N.BB0ADWAV-- OPEN TODAY . A: SEE THEM ' " ' LAST YEAR MODELS -RUN VERY LITTLE -1 Chevrolet, 5 pass., touring.- -i Overland. 5 pass., touring. . . Oakland 6 pass. 6 cylinder. f All cars electric llchtd and startltiw with extra tire, bumper, etc tlVlUlt BAUfcW t-OKPUKATION, Oakland-DtsLributorH- 344-49-48 B&rnside st.. near Broadway. : Phone Broadway 83. FOR quick sale wUl sell my 191?' Ford in perfect running, condition, overaiss tires, all around electrie tait- o - Always Remember That when you need any parts for your automobile, an Inquiry here will bring results. We can furnish parts when all others fall. Auto Wrecking Co. 89-93 N. Broadway Mr. Prospect, did you srer stop to conquer in money you can save Dy seJectlnr one of the manv bararain used cars on display In our used car department? Why buy a new car when we have Just what you want at a pries mat zits your pocnetoookT Covev Motor Car Co. 21st and-Wash. Main 6244 Stoddard-T)svton automobile. 8275 Chalmers "30 automobile. 1360. ChaJmera "40" automnbilft. 1250. 1915 Maxwtoll. electric starter, good conaition. repainted. zs&. 1915 Maxwell automobiles, ths small wonder car, half a dosen to select 1918 MAXWELL 6 pass Looks asd runs like new. A bargain, $615r A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO- ' 625 Alder, St. ' T 1918 BRAND new Ford, never owner gone away. oap. rtMu froVt hiTs in up to'date small I A-l AUTO WORKtf 4k PAINTINQ FORD with truck attachment. Ford used 60 days. Attachment new. Price $695. Fully guamteed. Went- wortit & IrWin. Inc.. 200 2d st. Main 2892. A-2824. . . 1917 5 Passenger Maxwell Sandy can fine condition. For quick , $600. Terms. Open Sundays. Winton Co. Main 4244. FOR SALE Light 6 passenger auto, A-l order, Just overhauled. 70 6th st. HUPMOBILE 20. good tires. $100. Will demonstrate. 492 V4 E. Burn- side. Apt. 14. COLUMBUS electric $85. Battery alone worth more. fore noon. Tabor 7288. Call be- WANT to exchange. 5 acres of cran berry land for anto: of good quality. Address 435 6th. SKJbl Rossiter. Auto tops recovered. -cushions repaired, seat covers, aftto pumps repaired. 41 Union ave. East 364. REO, 5 pass., lots of extras, electric starter, lights. For quick sale, $353. 960 Macadam st. 1916 FORD 1 ton .truck, $500. terms; new -Mitchell wagon gear, $80. leiepnone 484-vt Oregon City, SACRIFICE Franklin 6-cyl. car. Cost new 83500; first-class condition. Cash $600. B-822. Journal. SIX pass. cyl. American, electric: starter and lights, cheap or will trade for smaller car. East 1706. 1916 6 passenger Buick; car runs and looKa-iyKe new; reasonable. Main 90. FOR SALE Chalmers bug, cheap. Call Tabor 7738, Monday' evening. 1916 Hupmoblle; fully equipped. Sell wood 814. 1-TON auto truck for for late model auto. $125 -REO sale or trade Tabor 7142. perfect order. delivery. rt l tit . . . .. mono w tun, hi. ; LEAVING city. 1917 5-pass..Ford. fh condition. $385 casht Tabor 8090 FIVE pass. Tabor 422. Franklnt good condition. WILL pay cash for good bargain In used car, xuain ta4 Monday. WANTED", a Ford delivery car. cash. sauo 7tn. xaoor i4. TWO toh truck cheap, or trade for car. 400 Kussen t. $386 buys 1916 Ford touring car, A shape. Call Tabor 630. s FORD roadster .-or sale cheap. Tabor 630. ' 1 WILL pa cash for used cars. 444 BELMONT. East 4878. FORD delivery.- 8215 cash East 404. Some Snaps in Late Models TOURING CARS. 1916 Overland .....$495 Hupmoblle y..$5fl0 Light Oldsmobile .. $550 ii7 stuoeoaKer . . . $600 Uldsmobrle Co. ot Oregon BROADWAY AND COUCH. Broadway 1640, 1917 FORD roadster, run about 1000 miles; dem. rims, extra tire and car rier, shock absorbers, tool box and "JJfrZfh hKTl- i wiH a?rirf?ceUt;rcaer" East 1800. 717 Hawthorne. B-1114. We have a late model Chevrolet roadster in fine shape. All new tires. FOR SALE Light 5 passenger anto, A-l order; Just overhauled. 70 6th st. LIGHT weight 4 pass. car. divided front seats. West inir house stnrt.r Best of equipment. $450, terms. A-l AUTO W'ORKS & PAINTING CO., oto jiaer est. FOR sale or trade. FIAT, all aluminum oociy. good mechanical condition, good tires, dami-rims; will sacrifice for cash or trade for clear property. 444 BELMONT. East 4878. - HUDSON 5 pass, in fine shape, prac tically all new tires. $225. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., Aiaer ot. WOULD like to buy an Overland five passenger or good car for cash. 'Want id is moaei or later. M-628. Journal. EVERETT SO. rebuilt roadster, good aiecua iucki 'oonai lion, tuiiy equipped. AUTO parts and accessories lor les. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO, -8g-37 Burnside wt Rdwav. 9239 DUBRU1LLE TOP CCA. tb & Oak. B'wav 1C64. TON BUICK truck, good running order. Oarage. Just overhauled.! East !58. MAxy's FOR SALE Winton Six. A-l condi tion; might take soma trade. Phone, wppqiawn ass alter, z p. m. 1916 MAXWELL for sale cheap, X-40B. m .rnnmai 1916 FOrd roadster. A-l . Terfrhs if- desired. Main condition. 90. Stoehr I Vinevard. Oregon Citv lin I FORD lourinr l.t.t modnl il.n small aaxusjU my a pass. car. iast tt6. t Ford truck, cheap. 211 .Washington Pacific KisselKar Branch Broadway and Davis Sts. NEW TIRES ' What brand of new tires do you prefer? Ws have them. Also we make the famous Q-V-C Double Tread (sswed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul canizing .o, 333-33 Kumside, near Broadway. MARMON "AX" 3 pass, cloverleaf Marmon, 1918 modeL excellent condition, just llxa new, classiest car in state. J: L. WelsC- Multnomah hotet Bdwy. 4090. 1917 6ir CYLINDER Grant, run 4900 miles; in periect condition; 4 new tires. 1 extra tire run 1500 miles. Must sell. Bargain at $oo cash. 741 Al berta W woodlawn 1441. 1917 Six Cvlinder Grant Tn nink of rondifinn Trtva oor $750. Terms. Open Sunday. Winton Co. Main 4244. LATE AM LEAVING for the east; must sac rifice my 1916 Dodge roadster; first class condition; $600 cash, terms If de sired. Apply Covey Motor Car Co.- list and wasnington. .Main 6244. WE CARRY A BIG STOCK OF BOSCH MAGNETOS AND1 ALL OTHER MAKES 9-93 NORTH BROADWAY model Franklin, self starter. electric light, all cord tires. This is vi-ttct .n m, r r-v.. 'i tne oest Duy in 4-oruana. 9BO0 rorf condition, new tires all around in lU-iCAUT WORKS & PAINTING CO., tkli h.tMalSad70k- .SSStrSS 525 Alder St. -TON Lippert Stewart truck In first class condition, good tires. A bar gain, $600. Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 2d st. Main 2892. A-2824. - FOR SALE Light 5 passenger auto, . A-l order; Just overhauled. 70 6th st. LAHER' Mfg. & Repairs. 6000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 94 N. lath sL dept. Ask for Lasljy after 4 p. m. STUDEBAKER. i-4, perfect running order, eood appearance: 5 crood tirta: $450 cash.' liberty bonds or good se curity, fnone 'Aaoor 39; evenings, Ta hor 4629. - 1914 FORD In fins -running- condition. fzso bargam.. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTTNO CO. 525 Alder St. .FIVE pass. CadiUac. good conditio. Want, 2 or 3 l. P. motor, A. C: also snatting, nangers ana. puueys. 324 N. 17th st. weeic days Kdwy. 1Z97. OAKLAND. 1917. brand new, at VELIE, 1915, 6 pass, Uks now. CADILLAC. 1918. DODGE. 1915. SAXON ROADSTER. -. TERMS IF DESIRED tftitchell & Wailingfdrd Premier and Libertry Six Agency itn and Aider sta automobiles: prices $425. $476, $500, ,00 isno aao ihzii. 1917 Maxwell automobiles, new mod els, at Dargain prices. 1915 Hudron 8-4. ths light six; spienaia snaps, new urea t0. 1917 Chandler, fins mnnlng condi tion, looks like new. 5950. 1916 Cadillac Kleht beat bnv of itm kind; first class condition, $1300 e-54 iiuoson automoDtie. nne a nana. looks like the $2500 that It originally W81, .VII. C. L. Boss Automobile Co. 816-817 Washington SL. Portland. WaJ TEIJLate 6 ss, ' stands rd make auto snd around $2o9 cash, for $1870 paid equity In double constructed, full plumbed, electric -lighted, gas Piped, plastered, tinted, artist i bangs loW. Five cheerful rooms, "DMbrvam. Dutch kitchen, buffet; mirror door, full -basement;- cement walks; fawn; flow ' era; desirable neighborhood1. ao'om- missions. A splendid horns cheap. -Come see C. M. Thomason 4481 63d -ave. southeast. ' 't ' WANT Ford or light runaboat for i i rooal furnlsnsd houseboat at Wit lamette mooraire. worth $400. Phono Kenwood T394 todav i Jr?lJ-frl r'33JX,fcia t ,i Garages $35 Up Sea 8am plea 644 Hood st. Pbcne Main 1187. Millmade Constricton Co. 1917 demonstrator with lots of extras, a snap. 1916 touring in perfect condition, 9300 1914 touring, lust overhauled.... 9225 1918 delivery car, newly painted. ,9196 191 roadster,' ta good shape. .. .$290 Rushlightj Ransom, & Penney . Ford Agency UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. bAI WILL i-Ay loii fcfoT Cash oti YOUR FORD. , FRANCIS MOTOR CAR STJCt f B.r1199. B. 19th and Hawthorne - TRADE a 9 room houss asd lot " at jenmsgs Aoage. valued at 6oo. sad sorse cash for late modal Dodge -sr Maxwell roadater. Z-942. Journal. WANTED Ford. 6 passenger. In- trass on vacant lot ' siook eariine. Phono Tabor 628 before 7 a. vu9t after p. m. - , - THAYER. SH A VER -GULLY MACHINE fYl 1 Ton. 8870 I RTrTI.niTRS or 1H Tod, 8420 IEVERREADY TRUCK a Ton. 8470 I ATTACHMENTS-, Capacity. Mfg. In Portland. 199 E. Water at. Phono East 749 7 A Little Six Lozier. In great shape. Might consider Ford -or. light runabout as part payment. See it Sunday. Winton Co, Main 4244. ZAST 7950. OPEN SUNDAY A. M. Ownjer Leaving State ' Wilt sacrifice almost new 1916 Over land In ths very best mechanical con dition. Almost new tires. East 18M. 717 Hawthorne. ' B-1114. Latest A 917. Maxwell Run 2700 miles, just enough to break In; powerful and smooth-o'unnlng motor: ear used' privately snd in fine condition; liberal discount and terms Woodlawn 8694. FEDERAL 2 ton - worm drive. 10 months old. In first class condition- tn every respect. For sale chean Wentworth A Irwin, Inc. 300 Id st. wain zssz, a-zbz. $250 Cash FOR SALE or trade, a good garage in a thriving country town 40 mlies from Portland, on the Pacific highway. Best of reasons for selling. $375); part cash, balance on easy terms. BX-929, Journal. - : - STUDEBAKER bug. $275. Setf start- er and demountable rims -A-l ' AUTO WORKS' & PAINTTNa' CO- 525 - Alder St. . FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster, good condition, good "tires, $325, some terms to right party.- ? s - 444 BELMONT ST. East 4878. STUDEBAKER Flanders light 9 Pas - sengert 1st class condition, new tires, electric llghta A snap $250. Tabor 73 before 11 a. m., atter 6 p. m. ; MOTORiJ, gears, bearings, waseia axles; ws wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at H price. Auto Wrecking Co. 9 N. Broadway.. FRANKLIN bug, some real bug ata bargata.. 9275T A-l AUTO -WORKS St PAINTING CO 625 ? Alder St. FORD one ton truck, gear drive, new tires, good body; will sell or take rood Ford delivery In trade. Call Tabor 2742, Stone, bet. 11 and 12 a. m. CASH paid for oid cars, condition no 1 object; Dart a for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Exchange, 129 Lownsdala. r i-,o,rt.w.rt M. 1181. REO in A-l 'Shape, new tires, 2 extra electric lights and starter. Ths first person with 980 takes It. Wdln. 4197. Manes first payment on -,19 acresJ ricn lana, 14 miles lents. 8 tn culti vation, no gravel, biggest snap on the east side. Price only $2500. J. G. rtainey. o neon oiag. Alain 3672. - Ford Snap Slightly used 6 pass., lata Ford. In excellsnt condition as new. Will - sell .for $360. j aoor 48zz or. Kast, 49. model Good Phone 1816- HUPMOBILE. good as new in - every way. A snap at 8950. -terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. t 6 Alder St. , STUDEBAKER 1917. 7 pass.. 4 cyl inder. 40. h. p, for sals cheap, $400. Woodlawn 43lf. J. " TWO cyl. Rso. touring or 4 delivery, food running: order. $70. -Good tir s. 1st st. American Theatre Co. CHEVROLET. ;. frood c condition. 19 17 CHEVROLET. . frood oetter than new, 9500., -444 BELMONT. - East 4878 Some Exceptional Buys 1911 Chalmers 89. light dellYery. .$175 iu tnaimem so. light, 6 pass... 175 1912 Mitchell, light dell very 160 1913 Overland, light 5 pass. 20 1918 Buick, small car, 5 paaa.... $25 1918 cnauners 8-40, 7 passenger, never nsen driven a mile. 1917 Bcripps-Booth roadster, llks nswi 1917 Chalmers 9-30 with all-winter v top, new tires. Just ths. car 'for tne winter season.- Hudson Super-Six Also a numbsr of 1914-16-16-17 mod els taken ii on our lata series Chalm ers, all in nrat class condition, good tires ana roost ox tnem repainted spec 41 lnr Western Motor Car Sales Co. Broadway, at" Burnside ; WE have alarge stock of touring cars ana rcaasters, mnny dirrerent rnuv. These cars are in first elass condition Will hs wlad to demonatrate to you. Covey Motor Car Co.-. 21R ana - wasnington sts. - 1919 Ford touring -car with 1918 foody Shock abscrbers an4 -other extras. 1918 BABY GRAND Chevrolet, cord tires In rear, vacuum feed, private ownea. ocv. . sen. ' . . . OVERLAND roadster, in sood coodi tioru goes for $259, Phone owner. 1919 -STUDEBAKER. C cylinder cetient voraiaon; tires almost sw rtn z-714. Journal. - , Jo 1ST 97 Ford touring ear with xtras. i erras 11 ussired. Main o. .- - WANTED AN AUTOMOBILE t. 29 acres of un improved laad In Yarn- hill county, for automobile. Call Eart 82. .' A-l Automobile pa in ting at mod rat - prices; touring cars, wont ana matsrtals the best. A-i Auta Works & Painting Co., 626 Aider st. - WILL'give clear tlUe to completely famished beach cottage and lot for light auto. Houck, 110 10th at. WILL pay cash for late model 8 cylin- . ' der, 6 pass, touring car. Must ba bargain. East 3749". , ' "- WANT good automobile for grocery tors, fins fixtures, low rent. BDleu-. did location, li ving rooms. Phono Col, i. ATjTOMOBI LE wanted. WUl trads choice city property for lata, road ster or bur. O-540, Journal.' . :i TF you want to sell. your car See i'ui w s-s w war a sn aaii aiiivsb - a a. 1 soap y, "V s -vsa-as - ssivnsi, Anto Works A Paining Co., 625 Alder. WILL TRADE 10 acres White Saimjn rruit land or good auto, can M. 1 157, 1918 FORD touring wanted oa terms. . . , rv-ai journal. J ' WANTED, an automobile. Tabor 1466.- f AITTOS FOR "II IBB IGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Mar. 901 Drivers rigfc Prices right. AMY wbers. Drivers right. nin time. AUTOS, for' rent without DKIVERJ. j o n emiuu xj ana uusas. uroaa- - 1 way 2629. . - . Tf . f IXiMlfc. auto service. AH H enna 7, 6 pass.- cars. Li WANTED 4 persons for highway trio - wunosy: prrvatesnro. jaaTn'SyS7. AUTOS wunout ortverv lor-Sirs. Cltr MOTOKCVi;LliV.KiniCLKS SS 1S17 OraUy-oqulppe! - electric. $j speed Indian. 18 txrse power... .$278 19142 speed and , tandem. It1 S 1919Llghtwetclit, 3-epeed,.. .,$160 1912-7 horsepower Indian....... $ J912 Singls, 4 horsepower Indian, 40 -A good 1914 enstne 7 Hi P. and "i :.; ma sains v. , . ;. , , vV.. s . . .$ M 'l--fg78 6d st. - . : : Maln-139,; " MUST pell today.l15 speed DaytpAT fully equipped with Presto, lamp and Dream tandem. Just overhauled And in A-l shape, $145, - WIU. givo terms. Wdln. 9112.-" - -.- '- . , JOETS BICYCLE REPAIR KHOPj LARGEST EXCU'SIVE BICYCLE DEALERS JN ORRCfON. 204 4TH ST. 1918 LIGHTWEIGHT Indian in first, class fondStisn. Call 2 Hawthorns. NEW 1917 Henderson motorcycle; aax , - gain. Call V at 8014. ' (Coauamea oa Vast 7axa) saarsnatt 8S.-&. , : ,. i v . . r- 1 - .... " ,.-,.'.".