- i, ,1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLA; NDSUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 7, 1917. 12 J FOK 8ALl-oFARMS (OmtlMit)- Equipped 60 Acres, for $5500 This U A food farm. Just short J 0 mere, 36 acre t: cultivation. The whole tract Ilea wel and la very pro- ductive. The bulldlnge are ali In good shape; I room houaa, barn 30x60 T.wlth sheds, granary, chicken houaa, iog houaa. fruit cellar, etc; 215 bear ing prune tries and an assorted farri- . Mly orchard. PERSONAL: Team, double I and single . harness,- wagon, plow, 1 rnower, rake, disc, kinder, cream sepa- I rator, all farm implements, cow, chick- ns. and los of wheat, oat and hay. (About Il mllei out. near electric line, 1 good, achool. etc. Price only 16600. . U m Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th Bt,. near uiisan. - Broadway 4881 V 10 Acres, 11 Miles Out On East Side f 12800 take. thi 10 act8. all la cul- . tiVAflon except one acre. No rocic. - 'si kaet Af 1 nH llt naff at IV 4 room plaatered bungalow, barn, oit t buildings, bearing orchard . and iota .t.arrl.a T.mmhr It la tuat 11 Rliletf 'J from court houae, on east aide of Wll- I iem and it la near electric line. 8 J lamette and the price la only 12800. room house, new granary, poor barn. . FOR RALE FARMS 17 I (Conttoned) j 200 Acres Worth Seeing This Is a, model farm, everything new and in tip top shape. Located in pretty part of valley and right at station; 200 acraa, 150 acres in culti vation. 40 acrea red clover 50 acres used aa paature with living water; modem 8 room bungalow, 3 modern bams, garage, chicken house 24x120, two-brooder houses equipped with dis tillate heaters, good water system; all outside and cross fences, best graoe. woven wire.- PERSONAL: 4 good -horse, 10 cattle, 2. brood sows,, s snoata, 4u nens, run equiproeoi ma chinery. 80 tons hay, lots grain, etc. Price $22,60C. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 N7 6th St.. near Olisan.. Broadway 43M. FOR RENT-FARMS 11 i EXCHANGB-REAL ESTATE 21 1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 ! WAXTED REAL ESTATE 31 THREE GOOD TRADES. BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR, 25' plow, soma beaverdam. running; about ft miles from Roseburg. betwean j land, ail under the dJl Pa in'- ?m!' ho 'Vlffi?1 r- s,,mTi wtV nod buUdinas rent 8260-, Wilbur uui 8thriin. n pacific hlrh-ffaUa, email house and barn. Anybody garage. Zlmmerman& Co.. 311 Board WILL TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY OWNERS TAKE NOTICE We have cuatomers waiting for Best Farm' Buy Between Portland- and balem 0 acres At Carrolla, Wash. 60 In cu.- way and main line of Southern Pacific i . tivatlon. gooa h ouitaings, in iy. uooa house, barn ana otner ouiu soil, rent $400. Full line of Ingsr one team and farming Imple equipment for sale at $3000. ments. - - 47 acres Kear Forest Grove. Modern 1 40 acres of Spltzenberg apples, 40 " house with Dath and toilet, soma ' acres Newtown Pippins. 10 acres beaverdam. fin location. Reat Grimes Golden. 10 acres .Black Twig, $400 per year. ' I 35 acres Bartlett pears. 6 .Acres Winter 70 acres Near Estacada. A well K3pt NelUs. Trees all 6 years old. 90 Eng- up farm. Rent $300. Equipment for sale at iiuqo. . . 120 acres Ideal dairy farm, 38 miles from Portland. Electric station on place. 76 acrea clear, balance raature. Lots of outrange. Rent 400. 34 young Jersey cattle. 13 cows milk'ng, registered bull, some furniture, implement-. Above equipment going at a real nan of 11500. 280 acres-cJackaon Co. 125 in cultl vation. 50 alfalfa lish walnut trees. Treea well cultlvatedij ' Attractive proposition for a farmer. Will sell or trade for apartment or othef -income property.' Address owner. 642 PUtock block. 880 ner acre takes this farm! it lies fine, and there is no richer land be tween Port' and and Salem 150 acres, U 100 acres in cultivation, balance most- f It, .!,hA nnrl Horn NUriJLCPa berries. Remember it la Just 11 milM road all the way from Portland or Sa- I! tte and the price is oiuy Harerove Realty Co, x? u a r ni I aia n 5 Broadway 4381. ' r . WTL : .l 141 acres, 25 clear, balance slashed land -good wood timber, 2000 cords, on f 'gravel road, mail and cream route. 3 miles from electric railway; 16 acres beaverdam land. 2 acrea in cultivation. acrea more numneu. enjr 'running waterand springs; house ana I barn almost new; will include 2 cows T ,t rash this fall. 2 horses, 14 goats, tichlckena. 3 pigs; only $60 per acre; I t1?on will handle, balance lone time. V. A. Manning, owner. R. F. D. 1, Rmtmlr th nrlce is on lv S80 ner acre, and that the soil Is rich; free and easy to work. . Hargrove Realty Lo, 122 NT 6th St. near Glisan. Broadway 4381. For Sale , rWoodburn. Or. It FOR SALE. 28 acres. 1 miles from Oregon City, 12 acres cultivated; 6 room house, barn, 1 acre bearing orchard, 6 acres good timber. This place Is on the Pa cific highway, about 10 minutes' walk to a 20c rare to Portland. Price 13500. Qne half-cash. 51-6. Ralph Ackley Land Co. - 287, Wash. St. . . to , is riuiM buildings, or- ''chard. 3 miles N. E. of North Plains; 40 Acres, $1150 26 miles from Portland, small house. price $60 per acre, or will sell hair on I Barn. 7 acres in cultivation, fine water, easy terms. " I clOBe to neighbors and school, cash. Two iima. l anaira rancnes nwr 1 Daiance to sun. Walla Walla. , . 40-acres, 26 miles out, lies good, A-l 49 ! limn till river raiiom iau 1 nn vrire, ik.U) u. rash near Pendleton; siock ana equipmeni 1 igo acres, 49 mile and orchard; price $6000; terms. See ALBERT HARALA, 706 Mississippi Ave. TUVn RllTTOM DAIRY AND STOCK Situated on fine river bottom branch or the Columbia, wnere me grass a-raen all mimmrr 140 acrea in all. 90 Is best grade bottom land, does nit overflow: balance rolling pasture: a rni 2 helfera. bull, heavy team farm Implementa. ample feed and good riela or potatoes, on macaaam rua : da.llv rout to cheeae house, large barn. $12,000. 1J. McChcc- ney, s- i,namoer 01 commerce ums Wain 7102. 160 acres. 49 miles from Portland. I R. R. through place. 1 acre in cult.. fall" horn 1 A n r Kvttnr, (nA nr a t ar- Price $2500; $800 cash. bal. to suit. 400 HENRY BLDG. A FEW OF OUR FARMS 220 acres. 22 miles from Portland. 348 acres, fine stock and grain farm. 306 acres, on Willamette river. 200 acres, within 10 miles of Port land. 403 acres, stocked and eaulDDjd nacadam roaa. dai,.y farm; near Portland; good, factory, small m acres on Clackamas river. 40 acres. Base Line; fine buy. Full information at office: trades on some. Zimmerman & Co., 311 Board of lugs. Rent $700. Equipment for sale. SEE H. M. MALONEY. HITTER, , bOWE & CO.. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR ALK OR TRADE 320 acre ranch in Crook county, on the southern slope of Powell Butte. All under fence, small house, bo yi sprin-r water: 160 acrea under cultiva- fair buiid-1 tion. 100 mora easily- cleared. It is FARM FOR RENT RO acres'. 46 in cultivation, good '4 rnnm hnunf. V.th. hot and cold Water, new barn, good orchard, 3 miles from Oregon tnty. casn rent iuu per year. 8th and Main Sts. Oregon City. . TO LEASE WINTER PASTURE 1000 acres, all fenced, hog tight; large barn, new house; 6 year lease. 8700 Per year. Hay. stock ana equip ment, $4000. Near Vancouver. Waan. O. W. BIBttis. 723 Chamber of Commerce. can made a good living oa thla place. ' of Trade. Main 1675 h tL aCCepl vacanl ; i0"' r Cn"P INCOME WANTED. nouae. . ; Wanted, beat buy for cash income $2500. 80 acres 6t good land" on Hood ' frfe ftay ' aVs.00' PhD J' River, about 40 acres of good open HPI Broaaway 4QS0. land. Owner would trade tor house WANT bungalow. Some cash, good in iqwh. i ciear iol $4500. 17 acres adjoining Newbarg. ?ooa nouse, air oarn, ioi oi uu rosv pitv Ijit ooU-lSr1 USOOl for btn&low. Rose 5?-"J,.ln t0 $250, balnceiCity or Hawthorne district. L-654. ca" r'ln. "?,r.t-???e- rr, , ! Journal. XKJXU W. iU iV4lil A Qfc VW., 8Afl WaaA- : ber of Commerce. See Houck, 110 10th St. Trade My 50 Acres, Forest Grove For Smaller Place 60 acres, very rich land, lying Juat right for drainage. Located 3 miles the finest ootato land in the world. No irrigation required. Only $25 p-s: !rt? oV "aoml 4 bu.ine, thl ZlXl ! 'm Forest Groe. NeariFiM in euU miSLTw HMh 1 tivatlon except 2 acres nice timber and Ait U!- ,WHU a' owner- 362V4;a small patch used as pasture. Medl- sA . . r.AA. I7CAA Xrt,.a o-a tQ'AA ' Will vane a. oiiiat v ncii iwlva ui wg pauitv. - . Hargrove Realty Co, U COMING HOUSES 53 Rooming Houses That Are Right ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. TERMS. Automobile service at your command. Square Deal Guaranteed Bruce Goddard, 502 Couch 4 ROOM house, lot 125x207. two chick en houses, lots tree fruits and ber ries, good for garden, chickens, near 5c carline, $10 month. Apply 2183 E. Stark at. Mt. Tabor (MT.-88th) car to end. 4 blocks north, one east. More land ob- tainable 6 acres. - GOOD. 4 roomed house and outbuild lngs, 2 acres cleared, 13 miles ' of Portland, mile United Railways, only $35 per year. Also 600 cords of best first-growth cordwood timber for sale cheap. Phone East 7764. farm In Oklahoma. Price 830 oer A. Mortgage $600. Exchange for house In Portland. 2067 acres eastern Montana. Price $15 per A. 366 acres unimpreVed In Wisconsin. $25 per A. Will exchange for Im proved farm west of mountains. Might consider stump land. Frank Readen, 206 Ry. Exchange. 122 NT 6th St.. near Glisan, Broadway 4381. FULL grown commercial orange grove, all modern and expensive improve ments, together with income Droperty In Portland, to exchange for an up-to-date stock ranch consisting of from 70 ROOM WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL Must be sold at once. This hotel is absolutely modern, with lots of private baths.' Northwest heat, good furniture and corner brick building, with very favorable lease and cheap rent. $1600 casn nanaies it. A. J. DE FOREST 207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT 5 acres with outrange for 50 or 60 cows. 4 miles from Port land court - house; best dairy proposi tion around Portland; will sell or trade same. J. Rosumny, 208 Stock Ex chanee bldg. Main 3065. WELL EQUIPPED FARM . 1CA a nana taaI a.nfUn TXTlHam. i i . w acre under c VtI 'fJ"r ranch near th coast in Western Ore pasture; rair b room bouse, anotner J -r,T; iS ?k.- loiiti. Art. 48 ROOM transient hotel, west aide. elevator, laree double lobbv. steam heat, hot and cold water in all the 600 to 1200 acrea. with at least 150 rooms. Rent $168 per month. Price of cultivation. I preiar a , lurnisnings too cash, balance smaller house; large new barn; horses. 18 cattle, hogs machinery, feed and seed: 117.000: take smaller farm to $12,000, time on balance. D. McChea ney, 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. FOR SALE All stock, implements, tools and household goods. Ranch for rent. For particulars write Box 25. Grandvlew, Or. ACRE chicken plants L-655. Journal. FOH HALE 20 acre ranch of 7 to 10 Trade. year old trees in Hood River valley I tinnn nnwic rit.impr in vrR on' Wert aide. 3 V4 miles from the city ' !. of Mood ltlver: soil of the best, plenty I icn rany is mil., fmrr, pn, . ; of irrigation water, splendid buHdings; hand; widow lady can't manage; o- ima iwiiii iiks iiu'j cittiiiMi t c u ten great opportunity; 40 acres cm should produce 6000 boxes ncj year, tivated. 60 acres almost level, balance Ownlr lives in the East and yWill sell rolllnff and hillv R rr nrrhnril old at a vet y reasonable figure, with terms, house and barn; 1,000,000 ft. timber, Addresa. I Price ICfl.lfl- onlv tionn mh hslKnm HOOt RIVER ABSTRACT AND IN- 3. 10 years' time. Better investigate vestment JU.. iiood mver, ur. this. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber A BIG BARGAIN of Commerce. 160 acres of unimproved land, about! 3200 PER MONTH FROM START 100 acres can be farmed, when cleared; $8500 164 "acres of good land in the FARMS WANTED KENT OR BUY 3 I Want a harm Around $10,000 I have a good first farm mortgage of $5000 and a modern "I room house on East 8th st. which I value at $5000. Wish to trade both for a good, equipped farm. Submit particulars to Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th St. Phone Broadway 438L 68 ACRES. JO cultivated. Buildings, fruit and berries, springs and well. Washington Co. 40 acres; 37 cultivated. Building. fruit and berries; running stream. 1 mile to Walker, Lane Co. 160 acres fine timber, 6,030,000. 1 mile to railroad. Will take, house as first payment on either. 314 Chamber of Commerce. dress H. B'. Miller, 1215 Northwestern ann piqg.. Portland, ur, Utah Farm for Oregorr 160 acres, improved with buildings, orchard, well, spring and creek. House furnished, small-tools, only lVs miles from town. Owner too old -to do the work. Trade for 1 to 6 acres Improved In or near Portland. J. R. WOLFF. 618 C. of C. Bldg. I HAVE 6 acres, 6 under cultivation, near Tigard and highway, good C room house, outbuildings, stocked and equipped, one and one fourth miles from electric station. You can live here and work in the city. Want small home in Portland. Phone Slet ten. Main 3517. 320 ACRES, 100 cultivation, balance pasture, house, outbuildings, 13 cat tle, 11 horses, all mares in foal; farm implements; plenty feed, $10,000; terms. C. W. MILLERSHIP. 724 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS WANTED For cash buyers In Willamette valley. The best 30 to 40 acre tract that $6000 will buy, $3000 cash. The best 80 to 100 acre farm not over $125' an acre, nearly all cash. We can give quick results to me 10 acrea haa been farmed at one time: best part of the "valley," 60 acres of right Droposltions aome iimDer on ine lana; uuaoie lanu i cooil hottnm land in cultivation. nnln. I t. w.trfavrv Ilea nearly level; 7 miles from Wash- did buildings, fine orchard, lots of good $32 Cham, of Commerce bldg. M. 7102. abundance of open outrange adjoining place is fully equipped and stocked S.V ltTJ? .8K-tn JISi hi n lana. trice 7.b per acre; you cannot with 27 good cattle. 4 horses, all the V.r" " ' w afford to miaa this buy GEO. Y. MOODY CO., Washougal, Wash. 95x95 EAST of Mt. Tabor, near carline. 2 story store bldg. with modern liv ing rooms above. All kinds of fruit, berries and garden. Cost $6000. Mtg. lauie, noraes. ail me I 7. - - i w ... v.i ioou. win i&xe iouu in exenanse ior . 3r . . , , . . i DULurs uii uisce ur near, L, T . ii UOl W . . . . n.., i , - . tooia anu ou ions or apienaia nay; " h'ni n(1 rBUwa.v West side eSU11'- lne ngai piace ior a store. terms, toe A. McKenna & Co.. 727 ..: j mV -c -&xe. Journal. v. k-- . rt yrnerreu. l&uur iqu. aoq ji. o -. i i COUNTRY HOME IN CITY. 4V4 acres, highly improved, worth $15,000. Will take $2500, trade, cash and first mortgage of $5000 for bal ance, G. W. BIBEE, 723 Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated values considered; have first class list to select from, Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry bid. References. Portland Realty Board. 158 ACRES, highly Improved, near Corvallis, 6 room modern house, 128 acres In cultivation, all good land, on Pacific highway. Price $100 per acre. Will take $12,000 in city property In exchange or sell on terms. r run details, see Mr. Layman, 145V& Broad way " , ' 160 ACRES Yamhill county land, 8 miles from railway, good Dungalow. fenced, 25 acres cultivation, no waste land, county road. Value $6000; will take Portland residence to value of $3000. and gine long terms on balance at 6. Write L. E. Lange, McMlnn ville. Or. to suit. A. J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trade bldg. Bargain Hunters Here It is. 33 room roomlnar houae In heart of city, 2 blocks from P. O Rent $50. N. W. heat. Corner location BUSINESS OPPORTCKlTIfiS 20 (Coatinnad) WE ARE DRAFTED Partners in one of the beat retail grocery stores in Portland are draft! into the new national army and are compelled to sacrifice their good pay ing bualneaa for cash. Business doing 4000 a month. Stock and. fixtures win invoice for about $6000. It will pav anyone interested to Investigate this at once. No agents. Apply C-627, Journal. UP RESTAURANT ANU ROOA18 MAiUS .- Located in Llnnton. doin all the business they ran handle; fine place ror man and wife or counts of women: price for all $550 cash. - A. J. DE FOREST 507 Board-vof Trartg Bldg. BY owiwr, 16 rooms, good buViness, one floor, brick old. Columbia 268. CASH business, non-perishable goods. J aoing mug a raonin, est. nearly 2 yeara. profits 36 to 40 Mr cnt. no credits no deliveries, best location on i am qui mat., between 3d and 4th; low rent and a good lease. Can be operated by one man and a clerk Owner leaving Oregon reason for sell ing, a wonaerrui ouy; no agents. J-&08, Journal. APARTMENT HOX5SE FOR SALE On easy terms. It la banklnar vvxtv month above living and running ex- venaes over iuu uwner haa tne CaU fornia fever and will sell to rusoiu ible partlea on very favorable terms. For partlculara e li. W. Hugh, iunr si., room i LUNKEL'TIO.NKK KTUHK Beautiful store and first-class candy kitchen; business well established and located In a aood town near Portland: will sacrific lor $2600 and give-time Vn pari, A. J. DE FOREST 207 Board of Trade Bldg. tJi 6ALt A wall euuipped macbin hop and foundry. Located In "the bieaest town of its alza In tha world' and In tha beat location In tha loan, uood business. Well established. Part cash, terms on balance. Writs M. L. Akers. Sec, Pendleton Iron Works, $1600 BUYS cash atore invoicing $2200 or over; sales run 366 per day. av erage profits 33 1-3. rent $66; thla is full. Worth $2000; if sold at once, SO nurry $850. terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th st. 60 ROOM modern apt. house in brick building, west side; walking dis tance. Every apt. is with private batn A. J. DE FOREST 207 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 AM KOina to sell one of tha beat paying confectionery stores In this and nhnn. All l.hd r.nnlf, .nl f'.". bchuumj s.iruice, mm i B1UBI ' "LtZi inn iimin nave time to look arter my other in every apt. rented. Price $3000.. $1000 terests: store is located on buav tran. aown. Daiance to sun. fer corner in well populated district. ' -a, I none owner at Kast 6474 puaiu ui j. i gut mu b . tlhna n.nr uvt v m t.w trmA . . "Ai.iiuc,,i Ai-ij. compeilea to sell on account of 1U If you are a real buyer and want a h- h..,n. .n v.n.v.. fi'trLif" in?2 P month net; will Invoice or - , ' -". - a j lump. cheap rent and large income, answer A. J DE FOREST 482 Journal lnenou8e' ' J1 207, Board: of Trade Bldg. UP TO $20,000 Leased business property, conserva tive cash value $2600; -will assume or pay cash to $20,000 for a good farm in Washington or Yamhill. GOLDSCHMIPT'S AGENCY Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. WILL sell for cash or terms 6 room modern house, large lot. fruit trees and berries, 1 block from car, on paved street, no assessment, or will exchange for small place or acreaae with im provement. Call Tabor 3525 or address owner. 1493 East Hoyt. BUSINESS 'OPPOKTUMTIES SO (Coa tinned) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' WANTED JOH HAVE cash for small business; owners only. 214 Stock exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR Installment I'lkft U the beat and surest roeinoa or paying a loan. $32.26 par month for 8J monitie or $11.24 for 60 months or 115.1T for months, pays a $1030 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We lean on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No rommleatcn charged. EQUITABLE SAV'OS A LOAN ASS'S. Hi Biar at l nrt in nu . r. FARM loans at 1 In Hood River and other counties along tne woiumota river east of Portland. Property mat ters looked after In Hood river county. Prlcea are low in Hood River county compared to what they will be when the highway is completed. Write us. HOOD RIVER AJPSTRACT fe JNV. CO Hood River. Or-. - OUR OWN FUNDS at lowest rates on modern residence properties; also loan on desirable buslneas properties . and acreage. Safe deposit boxes for rent, union sate uep. &t it. uo.. zs - Oak. , , MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on Improved city and farm property; will consider good buildings loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Main 9I5 1R8 4th Ft. A-2816 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contractsi nu commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 203 Stevens bldg. BU1LL1NU ,oata on city or eiftjuroan property; money advanced as. wora progresses. W. G Beck. 21 and lis Failtnc bids Main 8407. $26U. $4eJ. 40. $aUU Hbu. 7U. 1UJ and larger amounts at current rata. Quick action. Frd W. German Cu ts j ensmper or t,oniiiitrc. T." t XI a i r u i i . , . . , . , . -n , . . . i a 1 1 . oAbcr-nnnirB,. sluck. lqqii WAiNJ. rooming or apt. nouse ior goya fixtures doln Pond hii.ln.Vi r v.r clear rortiana Droperty. suitaDie ror . .v.r.", '"v.. duck and chicken ranch. Can handle " ,.T, l"vZlVX place up to 14000. or $5000 f. tVrn Oraaon: wrltX f7 nirt cu". hllHK.S' ' I, . . . , - V " iurs. -A-oaz, journal. A. J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trade bldg. 14 Rooms, Rent $25 Good furniture, all full, close in; must be sold within 48 hours; snap. Hall, 61 2 'Panama Dldg. EXCELLENT furniture. mostly leather upholstered, of 7 room flat FOR SALE Photo studio and novelty shop in heart of this city of 6000: ground floor. Fine business. Reason for selling, have a position in the gov ernment service. Robert E.- Willisma jr., Tne panes. Or. WILL pay cash for good equities. See Houck, 110 10th St. iltKfc.l to iO.li in lunouni ui Uw xit $500C on city property. A. H BKLL. tn Oerlinrer bldg. a OK MUHTUAUti LOANS see ORh, OON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO, Stock TTirh M.lr . Bd and Yamhill ata. Ibu.uuv to loan in amounts to .suit on city property at 6 and 791. M KKN- 71F rn. 6)6 Oerllnaer blag. ci'A a Monro a Ufa; loaxso $500 to $60006 ' FRED S WILLIAMS. t2 1ST ST li on iq ti&Ou. cjnsiuer lota E.' rt. Howllna 416 Cham of Com. M 867. WA1LRFRONT ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER 125 acres, closa to Portland, partly I road 2hi miles from two good "valley ciwrvu. Can be WANTED To hear from - owner of good grain farm. Polk, Yamhill or THE VERY BEST LAND $3600.-40 acres on a good county SrZ,'""' thA ".in 7h. f ; rrud "v.l .v" A:' ,,7;. roaa i yt mues irom two gooa vaney in.omft nrooertv and residence ' WilL m2n " W as wns. 30 acres in cultivation, balance dres owner 4765 91st st city reached jy auto or boat. Boat I rnnd n..tur. m.iw riarad t-ki- I oress owner. 4ua aist st.. city. lands on property. Also have the finest land is rood for 60 bushels of barley. I HAVE buyers wanting improved acre wild duck pond on the Columbia river 1 zt tushela of ' wheat, and 90 to 100 I age, stock preferred. lean sell your oaca or wateriront ior sate cneap. m'i i bushels of oats Per acre. We can sell I piace ir pnce is ngni. m sell acrea for $10 cash, $6 montn. ,t Cn the verv easiest terms. Coe A. trial. (Bender) 432 Chamber Com- McKenna & Co.. 727 Chamber of Com- merce Diag. merce. For Sale Land sells from $76 to $125 per acre. BKLL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Hallway Exchange bldg. iPROOM house, all kinds fruit and berries, bearing, lot 50x100, on Fargo st., near Union ave. Mortgage $2600, Interest 6 per cent. What have you for equity? G. W. BIBEE. 723 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL poultry and fruit farm, well improved. Want rooming house or hotel. $4500 to. $6000. 7 n arTA farm ed?e Brood town. 10 WANT to lease about 100 acres with.acres prunes. $6000. Consider Portland Sickness Cause for Sacrifice 108 acres, IU miles from Estacada, ' 46 acres in cultivation, 10 acres or- - chard, mostly prunes; 8 room house. 2 .bams and other bulldlnaa: 4700 Kin '.Banc plants, springs and running: water. -fenced and cross-fenced, 1.000.UOO feet trir timber and laou worth cedar: 36U0U .terms. H. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. INCOME IS WHAT COUNTS 62 acres near Forest Grove, lnclud . dng 9 cows, registered bull, heavy ' team, farm machinery, feed and pot a toes, fair rarm buiidi alio: land Is of the best . acres beaverdam. Nearly all in cuttl vation or practically ready to farm $8760. Terma. D. McChesney, 132 j Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 7102; 83 ACRtiS. $6000. will take dwelling valued at IZ600 in Portland or van couver, $1000 cash, balance terms; 20 v acres in cultivation 40 acres near Forest Grove. 11 acres cultivated. 10 acres good timber, has good 6 room house, barn, and other out buildings. 2 acres bearing orchard, an 1st class sou, on Macadam road. Price $2900; 81200 cash. 73-5. Kalph Ackley Land uo, 287H Wash. St. PAYING FARM STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 60 acres all in cultivation, good build Ings and fences. Place cleared $3000 fair buildings; pay cash rent an! buy equipment. See H. M. Maloney, HITTER, LUWB & CU., 207 Board of Trade bldg. I WANT 25 to 40 acre farm on.a good road, near Portland, for inside clear lota and some cash. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. ' HAVE you a farm for sale? List It with us. wen sen it ir tne price is right Coe A, McKenna St Co.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade $9000 garage and machine shop, including 5 cars; Income J&JOU residences to $5000. A. K HILL, 419 Henry bldg. Improved Farm for Trade 40 acres, with 3 acres orchard, house, barn, etc.. close to town. Klicki tat county. Wash. Will trade for city home, store or business. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. SIX acres, 12 miles from Portland. 10 room house, barn and garage; 2 springs; every foot in berries, grapes or orchard; close to school and church; value $3500. Will trade for some busi ness or house and lot. Peters. 15 N. 6th st. 13 H-ACRE tracts, 3 one quarter acre tracts and 6 lots, 50x100 each, on car line and boulevard, 12 miles from courthouse. All for house and lot ir city, clear for clear. G. W. BIBEE. 723 Chamber of Commerce. ngs Including this year. One" mile to two railroad Pr month; 5 year lease; will I trade fo red W. O st; Includes 6 .towns. 36 miles to Portland. On ac- ?r clear city property. R-9 14, Commerce. 40 ACRES ABOUT 6 MILES FROM KLAMATH FALLS, OR. No incumbrance of any kind: will exchange for small home in Portland, and assume 1 $400 or $500 mortgage. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of WHAT have yoa to trade for 2 small houses, barn and chicken house on 1 acre leased - ground at Milwaukie? 1 house rented. Owner lives in the other. Prefer something that can bo used on a "farm. See Jordan. 301-2 Lum bermens bldg., 5th and Stark. 80 ACRES near Estacada, mile from school, 6 room house, lU acre cleared, SO acres good farm land, plenty water, good road. , Price $3000, ex change for city property and assume. Piling enough on place to pay for It. Layman, 145 Broadway. WANTED Ideas Write for list of in- V.nHnn. U' nnt.rl Kv ,mifnf.iipa rm I 16th near Yamhill. Income from three .nd nrir.. ntir tn inv.niinn. r- rooms more tnau pays rent; iau casn. r 4 DooKg sent free. Patenta advertised uu to ouu 10 loan on uu i -szb. journal. iree. , Victor J. Evans & Co.. 614 Ninth. security. 0-111. journm. Washington. D. C. I uIIHTilAUIS oau a and 1. Louis 46 Rooms, $700; Bargain Rent $70. Income about $250 per month. Located -where it is easy to point. keep run. Terms. . &oz coucn piqg. 25 ROOMS, furnished complete, cheap- Salomon & Co.. -.n Hwiung oiag. FISH AND POULTRY MARKET Doing $70 day, west side transfer jkoo TO $1000 on real estate, no com- lint l m w r AMrl-lI. V. 1 jfl mission, ward, u gpaiuwg muaj C. W. MILLERSHIP 724 Chamber of Commerce. est rent In cltv: every apartment t IVl1,ncon?e k'"1?' can ;un- ness. call and see my confectionery $1000 cash, balance easy terms; no and school supply store. $900 cash, or rw-.u. ""i '. , . mortgage on improved property. D-623, ltr iOU want a country noiei in r i journal, x prosperous little town or 8M popu- TAILOR shop, from new and old work. CASH tor mtgs.. loans, contracts. . H LfcWla K 4. I.ewia niqg wain aav MONK TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 60 ACRES; 45 in cultivation bal. tim ber. 4 room house, large "barn, etc.; silo; 2 miles good valley town. Priie $6000. free and clear. Will take house in city to $2500 or Idaho land to full ! amount, ueo. f. rienry, 3Z9 rlenry Diog. latlon. sen A. J. DE FOREST. . 207 Board of Trade bldg. A GUUU paying hotel. 30 rooms and lobby: strictly modern: In one of the best little cities in the northwest. PX. 604 Journal. . in good location; good chance for BY OUR METHOD We can furnish rou right man to make money; reason for I On short notice to pay your present selling out, am leaving town. zaa a i. in, 149fc I Sell or Trade FOR SALE Furnishings of well lo cated H. K. room apartment nouse. Anything and Everything. C. W. MILLERSHIP 724 Chamber of Csmmtwa SSSw-V ftVV8 a d Uy0Ut- PhOD Wood and coal buslnesa; owner want, T,?t ,o5 XroST geTtlng loan. barV Broadway 1716. rAHnhlA mrtn tn hln him- I FOR RENT 50 rooms in good condl- Its very good; only $700 requiredwhich I Wa also loan on household furniture, bills and you can pay us back In easy weekly or monthly payments as you Ilka. WE LOAN MONET to salaried people on their own notes, easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Having loan elsewhere dos not pre- tion. brick building; 306H First st. will be secured. Call room 436 Pittock I pianos, etc.. without removal. See Mr. Hawkins. 448 Sherlock Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE OWNERS I have cash to pay for one from 10 to 26 rooms. Phone Broadway 402. ROOMING housa for rent furnished. 492 Clay. BUSINESS lOPrORTUNITIES 20 count of death of son. owner offers I Journal place, including stock, machinery and j WANT a farm. Store building on good reed, ror 9500. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 303 Stock Exch. Bldg. corner. 4 living rooms, bin lot. clean stock .groceries, good fixtures, to trade ror stocttea and equipped rarm. i-nce $7000. Owner. P-578, Journal A REAL FARM BARGAIN My 100 acre farm. 2 miles from For- balance pasture est Grove and Dlllev. In hest stHd with running water, partly fenced bog neighborhood, soil rich black loam, Hint, iota or rruit. gooa Dunaings. none Detter Or more .nroductive. An wiwTirn ia nt ,onih witv, Aiit,,na '""k a..v,b i un y ii in worm io per acre, nar tne coast and close to ti K. dui i must sen and will take 170 cash prefer good buildings. F-532, Journal. OREGON AGRICULTURAL college man. plus experience, wants equipped farm on shares. C-631. Journal. field hlirh anhool A It, .TmifOAW "i lit W Itk . WaK 4. Alnwworth bldar. Owner. YOU CERTAINLY -want that farm; 106 acres near Cor nsll road not over 11 miles from court HOMESTEADS 70 ACRE relinquishment. Tillamook Co. 3 acres In cultivation, 3 room house, barn. 26 acres fenced, all fur- Jfrice $650. 411 FOR SALE A resident of the Middle West ha taken over a trit nf land in nouse: notnina around there unaer izuo I Hiastern Washington whloh h i T per acre; only $136 per acre with 75 in terly unable to handle. He will sell niture and tools go. .cuiutiuvu, suuu Duuuingi bjiu nuineiii ior per acre, oo acres in cultiva-I Henry bide, iiiiiuuai iirvycri,;, uu nuu ia."u uu i non. isir improvements, easy terms. una creea. iet us ten you more sdoui inis is a wonderful oDDortunitv. Ad tnts. uoiaacnmiot s Agency. etocK oress KX-&34. Journal .wename aa ana umniii. 40 ACRES on Borinr road. 14 In ml TjruK da LtCd iv aerea wneai iana. ziu iivauon, running creeks 4 room 47 OREGON, California, government land. .Booaiet rree. joaepa wiara. aacra mento. Cal. acrea in cultivation. 70 mora can be: I house, barns, all fenced, flrie nahi,' i?recaaary buildings, 4 miles from town, some fruit, one team, wagons, bencn- I aaauu; t cam, uaiante uuu terma. A mnu, oest ior pigs. stoqK; plenty out - bargain. side range. Price $290(K Terms. Owner, io acrea, ivt mues rrom Madras, I laoor 7667. B OREGON. CALIFORNIA GOVERN MENT land, booklet rree. Joseph Clark. Sacramento, Cal. 74 ACRES, 30 In cultivation, 9 miles from Portland, 6 room ' house and barn. $6000 will handle this, or will trade. C. W. MILLERSHIP, 724 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ROOMS and bath. 2 toilets, lot 50.x 100, young trees, small berries, elec tric lights, gas, house In good condi tion inside and out', will trade for ranch or stock and tools. Woodlawn 903. - " ATTENTION PLEASE If you wish to exchange your farm or city -property we can get you good deal. $2000 to $100,000. The reliable broker, A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. VIEW lot, Arlington HeigW-s. Hard ' surface and all Improvements In and paid. On carline. Exchange for resi dence and assume. DORR E. KEASET & CO., 2d Fl. C. of C. Bldg. ALFALFA STOCK RANCH 160 acres: 140 cultivated and Irri gated, buildings, fences, etc; fine out range. Price $10,000; mtg. $2300. Ex change for smaller place vicinity of Portland. Owner. J29 E. 6th st, PAYING HOTEL Live country town, good payrstl. Ground, building, completely furnished. Consider city prDperty or suburban place, $4000 to" $6000. A. K HILL, 419 Henry bldg. Bring In Your Trades No matter what you have, we'll find somebody that wants if. Quick results and square deal guaranteed. SEE THE HUSTLERS. 602 Couch Bldg. TEN acres, modern 8 room house, all cultivated, apples and peaches, all necessary buildings. 1 mile from Cot tage Grove. Price $6500. Wants home in Portland. Geo. P. Henry, 329 Hcn ry bldg. DANDY POOLROOM. 8 tables. 6 pool and 2 billiards; cost $3000 to install. First class equip ment; cheap rent. Owner wants to re tire from business. Price $2000. Call or write 605 Wash. blk. SMALL grocery, west aide, invoice i aoout zuo, new stock; cbeap rant; living rooms. O. W. BIBEE, 723 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD will of 9 yeara' woodaaw bual- ness. machine and equipment in first class condition, house, furniture and rine location, Dest in Portland. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. What Have You to Trade? Main st Vancouver " ,'" prvpwBiiioiis to Main st.. Vancouver. offer CaU and M- mjr u-t Aa A. HALL,. 61Z PANAMA BLDG. CONFECTIONERY store at the en trance of one of Portland s mott $200 PER MONTH PROFIT popular parks, nice little store for raa:i L""l, tuny equippea, rent u and wife. Price $1200. Rent $35. Sa.cs month- da,n?r l05a,V?,U n'SS'n'"00' from $20 to $30 per day. A. J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trade bldg. C. W. MILLERSHIP 724 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE or sell blacksmlthing property, everything complete: also gas station. What have youT W. F. Maglll. Wamtc, Or. Call and Sea Us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. (Licensed in both city and state.) 817 FAILING BLDG. 3d and Washington sts. If You Need Money See Us . SALARIES CHATTELS Loans mad to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private of fices, PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed) 806-307 Dokum bldg. PORTLAND REA1KD1AL LOA AM ii Established by Portland business C MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 394 STARK, LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PTANOS. HOUSEHOLD FT; ft NITTRK Grocery Store Snap, $700 Doine 350 per day cash business. Rent $26 including living rooms. Stock GROCERY and confectionery for sale, alone invoices price asked. Bargain. I good corner on car line; rent $16. BKUCS wuuahu, 50Z couch BLQ. 2 living rooms in back. New building. A DAIRY eaulDDed for 10 to 16 cows. 1157 Oreelv st. Woodlawn 2064. LOANM UA.VfLD 3(1 county seat, 20 acrea cultivated. 80 1 mora can be: on main road; fenced: ; ." f or $1200 cash. George A. Johnston. wetonus, or. R. A. box 406. 40 ACRE IMPROVED FARM tlOilO . Lies in pretty valley 3 miles from ' town; macadam road, dally route to cheese factory; 30 acres nearlv lev;l: I " 1$ acres little broken; all good soil; v family orchard; 6 room house, fair atied barn, spring on place. IVOOu cah. balance 10 years, ,6. D. McChearney, 212 Chamber of Com, bldg Main 710-'. ' 17 ACRES on Macadam road, 1 hour's drive from Portland. HIGHLY 1M ! PROVED, good house and barn. 5 acres prunes, nice vineyard and garden. 3 . rows, $ horses. 2 brood sows, seveval chlckena. full set farming Implements; ' all goes for $6000; sell or trade for Portland, EMPIRE INVESTMENT ;o.. 401 Board of Trade bldg. S- $7500. $0 acres. 4S In cultivation, 6 room house, barn, family orchard,- running 'water, best of soli, IS miles from Van . s couver, . right in town of Hocklnson, graded school and stores, two auto roads to place. Terms. Owner, 614J : "'Panama bldg. TIMBER 28 Hlrsch, Gresham. Or.. ! i it j j - r t.- V maTTnZJiA 7. TT - I ( a uiv o vtvu Bvwa viiuwci a3aaaa. I containing about 10.000.000 feet of ivABrcKJN client timber, to be sold to the hlKhest bid- has a farm of 100 acres near Forest I der at public auction, Saturday, Oct. 13, grove, in cultivation, cost him $9500; at 1V:30 a. m., at Wilson's Auction must sell; J70 per acre will take his: Rooms, 169-171 2d St., Portland, Or. jubi. i mues irom umev. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill Said property is situated 4 V, miles hack of Stevenson, Wash., as follows: S. E. V CLACKAMAS CO. FARM. ' .41 acres fine land, 22 milea out, gool .auto road, splendid spring and rua- - aing water, good soli, land lies fine. ' . Owner a non-resident. Price $3000; an axceptlonal baragaio. R. F. Feemster, ;I09 Ablngton bldg. "FOR SALE 2t0 acre grain and ai . . falfa ranch, I room houae. barn, 400 , "roda woven wire fence. 6 miles to ' ". Gateway. In Jefferson Co. 80 acrea seeded to grain, ft alfalfa. $20 per acre . If sold In 80 days. A, J. Woodward, Gateway. Or. - - FOR SALE 40 acres 36 miles from 1 Portland, on macadam road. V ml. from small town; new 6 room hotte. fair barn, good soil, good fences. 18 acres in cultivation. Price $340), .. terms, uwner, rAon, journal. ill ACRES near town on electric road, 7 aerea cultivated; 4 acres prunea; klao aoDlea. Dears, c her r lea losran. raao- berries, . gooaeberries, curranta; house ' and barn; fine well; magnificent view. f '" -.wooqiawn 6, FOR SALE 7$ acres 8 ft miles from : Kaiama, is acre in plow, l ft acres potatoes, $ head cattle, team. 3 pigs. farm - implements. Address Route 1, l,t40 ACIttS. about 26 under cultivation. - gooa son. near acnooi; o per acre, 76 down. $19 per no, Sea Draper. 401 oara ci i raas. , li section 12, township 3 north, range 7 east. Willamette meridian. Has 6,350,000 feet B. M. green timber and 3.250.000 feet of fire-killed timber: 1 miles from Wind river, easy slope down grade to said river. Terms H cash, balance can be arranged for with good security. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. GOOD LANn PHE1P 10 acres within 1V4 miles of rail road. 100 acres tillable land- fln trout stream. Price $22 per acre. Terms to ault purchaser. Cedar poles and cord wooa win more man pay for the land. iana uept.. m. Helens Lumber Co. 617 Chamber of Commerce Bide. A BARGA1N IN TIMBER FOR SALE One of be3t farms T.lnn 6.000,000 feet of the very best. county. 220 acres mostly newiv strictly first class Oregon pine and fir; olear-d. 150 unH., 1 KoiV "ITTiX I will sell $1.60 per 1000 feet, close to pasture. Good bulldinns.' Well fonPAdJ Portland, ana airect on logging road. Fine roads. No trade. No Call up . ror particulars, i-none Sell ., . . . r. . j nnnn nuauimDie amount rtown rtaianna. " aww $7600 First class Portland property, TaTq r a rrr maritViflnrl I a a oVAn t A as ' might pay cash difference for goodH stock, J. Jttoooins co., so itaiiway Exchange. ; 80 ACRES unimproved, 15 miles north east Vancouver, Wash., value $3200. Want house in city same value. G. W. BIBEE. 728 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange. 23 choice' building lots in Vancouver. Wash. Will sell on easy terms or trade for land. Will assume. John H. Rhoten, Dayton, Or. ' time. Price attractive. A-816, Journal. 10 ACRES for sale, L-mil from Da mascus, nair timoer, nair siasnea $10,000 Discount Sale Ranch on Cow creek.' worth taK nno for $36,000 if taken soont dlirrHm.i.i between partners the reason; photo at ornce. a. u. wmiama, 605 Yeon bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE Splendid location, -always full, large income: will take some, cash, corner lot. acreage or good farm, G-596, Jour nal. : I OWN 16 acres of good land near Hillsboro and Orenco. Will sell half or less. Ideal for poultry ranch. Terms C-628. Journal. CALIFORNIA property at Redwood city, vaiue aivuu, ror Oregon or Washington; will assume. Talcott, wanmacus. wasn. of land running water all year; , price 3600. write i'eter Thomsen rt. l. Clackamas. Or. I WANT to let a logging contract on a percentage basis. Camp now run ning. I have donkeys, tools, etc. Man must be a cood logger for small crew. 80 ACRES level land, deep red-shot iiuuso, log Darn z acres pr70 , Journal orchard. Juat the nlar tfir- a Vo.nn.. I -. Journal. cheaper than homesteading Easv LOGGER to take contract logging and terma. 22' miles from Portland. Oscar loading on cars fir timber on 80 Freytag. Gladstone. Or acres adjoining tracK; over iz.ooo.GCJ 18 ACRES. 15 in cultivation; good or- cnara. ouiiainss. lmmemer highway. 3 miles from towi a- money maxing rarm; ir you want sometning good, see this. $4500 $2500 imra r r reyiag. Gladstone. Or ft T A . Tt. Ml . 1 . . . Axaa iio creea oottom, 3 acres orchard, new house, barn, close to paved road, 80 acres In all. $3590 Might take good city home as part F- feet. 0-534. Journal. ONE acre and 8 room house near grade and high school, clear; 2 bungalows, small mortgage on each. Will trada for equipped farm. F-577. Journal; TO EXCHANGE 7 room modern house and lot in Vancouver, for o room bungalow in Portland. See owner at ?64 E. I6th st: in., Portland. Or S.a APRKS imar Rnodnna Hill. W..k for auto, rooming house or Portland property, cast bitze. room 12. eve nings. TRADE or sell for land. Wasco county or Willamette valley; take auto truck for good house and lot N. E. Portland, 3 blocks car. Address 1000 Pine St., The Dalles. Or, 199 ACRES, 125 acres bottom, in cul- tivation, fair buildings, also 7 room house, lot 150x140. Trade for city property or valley farm. 606 Henry uidg. Main 6444). with 40 acres of fine pasture, also good buildings, close in, suitable for j retailing milk. Will give lease. 609 Ladd ave., near E. 12th and Haw thorne. I HAVE a client who wishes to bor row $6500 for 6 or 10 years at 1 on A-l security, real property. Mr. Adams. 806 Pekum bldg. WANTED, from private parties. $600, $1000 and $zooo on a-i security. UUI J A '!' I. r.urtv wi.h.a In hit." mrniA garage location: owners cniy mm " reply; answer, giving location and par- j WANTED $600 to $1000 on ranch lm- ticuiars. iJ-716. journal i i provements; no agent. o-B4Z, jour nal. t C"f.V.Xl (SO vaoIiIv In amall K. Knal, ness; man ar woman start anywhere; I WANT to borrow $3000 on gooa real write waay. estate security. R-51Z, journal. FIIVANCIAL WILL TRADE my home, hardwood floors and porches, rtne view, near 14th, and Half, for farm. Price $5500. My equity is $2500. Will assume. Write to 326 E. 1st N. EXCHANGE for 6 room bungalow, 71 acres, 14 in cultivation, close to railroad and station. Cash price $3500. Inquire 9 Fremont. HOUSE AND LARGE LOT Close to car, -cement walks; trade for lots, land or chattels B. F. Kelly, 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GOOD 160 acre timber claim close to Portland, to trade for Portland or Seattle property. 318 Railway Ex- change bldg. 4 ROOM house, lot ,120x100 ft., fruit trees, berries, chicken yard, exchange for larger house. Will assume some. Phone Tabor ?150. G-819, Journal. WAREHOUSE and feed store In vallev town. Established 6 years. Doinar particulars free blsr business. Win sacrifco for cash I Hanslay, 905 E. Main st., Stockton, Cal. on account of leaving, wpi stand in- BEAUTIFUL 10c moving picture thea- reuguuii. aa . Aauiwa, uubjicuv, ire ior savie reasouaoia; one ot larg- I , r i .. . i Oregon. est and best equipped theatres In fins 4 " i .Tr! T r , f . Z'ZZ East Side district. C-63Z, Journal. GOOD blacksmith business for sale In apartment house district. Sell 156 cheap: aood location for automobile loaves bread alone. Sickness compels I repairing; selling on account of bad sale. I health. F-528, Journal, BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLQ. a ' BTR1PT1.T eaah buslnesa. Yamhill market district, profits good, lust the place for one who can wait on cua- Corner Grocery $550 Bargain way. Owners, Take Notice Have some cash, good mortgage and clear Portland lots, to give for one. What have you? Sell. 2562. tjw fni'l Lmnrii etr fall room 436 Pittock blk. i son. Main 1846. Part aallara tntereat In contracta Or. and Wash. H tC. Noble. Lumharmns bldr. FOR SALE Four sewing macnina bug gies, 1 set single harness, just tha thing for light truck gardener. New Horn Sewing Machine Co., 349 Morrl- MERCHANTS' delivery, only one in town, clearing about 3200 per mo a eood business oropositlon. For ful particulars see Layman, 145 Broad- GROCERY and confectionery; good SMALL team, sound, will wprk in any business and fine location. t r ad e. Owner. F-530, Journal. OYSTER and chop house location. Good chaiice to make money. 163 H Grand ave. TRUCKING IVm ton White truck, do ing good express ana transrer dusi- HAVE two fine lots. 100x160,' in Pen dleton, to trade fa Ford. 1647 Van Houten, St. Johns car. BALfU lUI, IVUUU, TTAA WW M. 1 . J harness, sell cheap or will trade for one good horse. Spokane Burn, East 8th and Hawthorne. Phone Eaat 8169. ON account of retiring from buslnesa wa are offering for sale all of our horses and wagons. C W. Townsaad Co.. 380 Front. FOR SALE or rent, 3100 lb. team and harness. Excellent condition. Phone Lewis. Sell. 361, Sunday. Week day. Main 873. FOR SALE Garage and machine shop doing $3o00 per month; storage ness. cheap for cash. F-627. Journal r""""1? ""..UV" ."ui1QI55' CONFECTIONERY and pool hail acoc, " 1 vv.u.ut wuie I clear property, no Junk. R-914. Joum DRUG and stationery buslnass to be wantfD Party to flnanea mlnlns KILB ,?m of mrt' welht sold at sacrifice, good subWn lo-WAIP.ar tf.to Jtlaf?,VL iil 9?'". ilVr cation, estaoiisnea trade, investigate r"i,rr 4ei f.,ai I fle 2F aouoie; gooa nara. jwubhtvi and make offer. 216 Railway Exchane- machine. F-365, Journal. zi th t Main 1690. PARTNER wanted. Hava a cordwood FOR SAL A riding oony. very gen- WlLL trade line auto truck .ior one .u .5ii 7 vl''.. '"5 vn SAi.Khinin- narlor a hair. ' c.". - n7i acre or more. Close In. 211 Wasn- ""chVnce" for eTther man or JVln jd u.lns-o-oppo.lUon; aoT horsT lioob." $1250 will purchase lodge hall furni ture and make you irom 75 to $100 plant dowa tna river and need a .1.1. ,kiM,.n. Vi'i dr-v aintrie . . . . A f ViO " A bA , 1 , L . V ' . ... ' ' - " ' " gooa nonest partner, ivaat !. I n, double: SOS Halsev: East 2844. lngton, WANT 5 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE HAVE 160 ACRES. $20 PER ACRE, TO TRADE. PHQNE TABOR 6196. ACREAGE up the Columbia river; chear; want house; will assume. E. H. Fitzgibbon. 401 Board of Trade. EXCHANGE-10 acres Enalish wal nuts, bearing age; also 10 lots in i vnenans, wasa. uwner. uaDor 74Z6. TWO new small houses, rented, trade for larger house or farm. E. H. Flts gibbon. 401 Board of Trade. CASH grocery and confectionery store: has living-rooms; profits over $100 month; can try it before, you buy. Call room 436 Pittock blk. AUTOMOBILE business, established, fine corner, garage, good repair shop. profits over $300 month. Call room! 436 rntlOCK dk. 1967 K. BtarK st. Trial allowed. woman, see H. u. Terry, szt Yeon bldg. cneap. tn. m, wcwubtiih, ur. i j jft "1L i1 iocation.spienoio cnance. iF(JK gALE Leaving city, heavy work ..-nan iuniura,, -,t- ..wa 4 i . a a m khh h. 1 1 (I (I sua wasii- ply 153 Grand ave. BARBER shop, soft drink place, pool Aftt v horse sound and true io aiV r trad- CaU "MSell cheapox trd- Washington st. John st, St. Johns. Col. 711, RIGHT IN RtlTTEVTT.r.ir " m 80 acres, all in cultivation, between river and rail $110 per acre. GOLDSCHMIDT1S AGENCY Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. FOR SALE or trade, 6 acres all in high state of cultivation, fine house and all outbuildings. 1 miles from city limits, for sale or exchange fur larger place farther out. Main 2246. WE want to go south and will sacri f lea our highly improved farm 13 miles from Portland, - One crop of oeana win pay jor it. r-538. Journal, 13 'ACRES of a choice dairy far si south of Powell Valley- road, for sale chean and on terms Owner, 160S Division at. 422A Washington. , , ., J 6 ROOM furnished house in Portland ! 160 ACRES, star million feet saw tim-1 'or acreage near Glendale, Cal., or: ber. Linn Co.. at 50 cent3 a thous- i cheap for cash. Jno. J. Jones. 4005 and. A-814. Journal. 49th st; S. E. : $5000 CLEAR income property and EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 $2000, first mortgages. Want farm, (Coa tinned) stocked, convenient to high school. 840 -wJ-s.-w, ... x EAnkeny. 17 ACRES on macadam road, 1 hour's ,i Ann. di.a T. z drive from Portland, HIGHLY IM- 1ia wfit tr.. frfr 2SlP l.t?.1 PROVED s-ood- house- and hum clear. Will trade for city property STOCkId Ind EQUIPPED? evt r?I I gb'JS',-4 aifwa Ece" thing goes for $6000. EMPIRE IN- f. Railway Exchange VESTMENT CO., 401 Board of Trade EQUITY in acre. 80 bearing fruit bldg trees. 2 room house, for au tome bile, gTrtr diamond or anything- of equal value. business corner. Jefferson st; ex- IZ'.ZsJT . TT f V change for 60-100 acres, not over 40 TRADE for Improved farm, two larg miles out, on cash basis of $10,000.' houses, desirable location. C-630. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY Journal. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. MODERN 8 room house, good district, $4530 Improved acreage tract near or,,BaIe rV?d f0r good lot' O11 Lenta. Half mile from paved road. Woodlawn 3677. Clear. Will trade for one or mora clear 160 ACRE wheat ranch; Morrow C. residences. J. Bobbins. 304 Railway Worth $4800. What have you? Broad Exchange bldg. c. -. I way 492. - ' , - . . a ' i - ..' t - . - ' ... " ' , 40 ACRES 'at Orenco. near Base Line road. Clear. Will exchange for moJ ern home clear. 304 Railway Exchange OWNER 14 acres, under cultivation, near car; consider exenange moann; home. East 7240. , i WANTED Party with money to back TWO of the best kids' 'ponies' la the a-fw-ui m a.hirt.rtf hitain.,, in iltv l? I . . t . . , -, good machinery business in city. F 365. Journal. , DINING room to rent with lunch coun ter all equipped. inquire OBarr Hotel. The Danes, ur. WOULD like to have partner with some money for excellent small manufacturing business. F-598, Journal. 6. la. 15 cent store for sale, a rood I BOOT 'and shoe location, out of high rent aisirici. transrer toniei, sure deadstock: price $1500; may take WILL EXCHANGE garage and ma- change. E E. Kepner, Springfield; Or. o cWne shop for farm or city propertv. ESTABLISHED grocery doing a large K-8I4. Journal. cash business. If you want a gro- SEVEN room modern. 100x200. beau- eery, see this. Layman. 145 H Broad- tiful home: sell or take smaller way. place closer . In. Tabor 5136. STORE OWNERS ' FOR SALE, OR TRADE section I haye cash to pay for one not too timber land in Crook Co.. .Oregon, large. Phone Broadway 402. Monday. 641 E. 21st st. 8.. Portland. Or. ft per ' C " O I ACRE and small house In Parkrose or UriJg OlOreS rOT bale might trade. Phone Woodlawn 1210. STEIN & FINKE. Oregon Bldg. EXCHANGE lhi acres near St, Johns OLD established wood yard lot to for farm land. P-536. Journal. lease. E. H. Fits gibbon. 401 Board: -w-urA?JS!Jtj?? - lA ' j CASH grocery, excellent location. ACREAGE or smaller houses for 8 clears $40 per week at lnroice. Own room modern, restricted district. er Mr- o47. Value $8600. W-82S, Journal. FOR SALE Two chair barber ship in THE best bungalow in good district Clyde Hotel, cheap. , - that $1500 -will buy. 614 Panama MILK route, with all equipment, for Bid. Main 7309. . sale, WX-S21. Journal. ,s-; ,,..-y" .? : ' . : . .-. - . '":'-.' "- t' -' - . 'v , f - .. . .- - . '", . - a, . - ' money maker; 163H Grand ave. F0.".6AJr9r?drny "abari' 1200 LB. bay horse, harness d iight city: sevtral cheap norses, ouggiea and wagons. 302 Front at. FOR SALE One 2 V ton camelback wagon and cover; complete, and one piano truck. Cheap. 266 Knott St. WANTED Good second hand wagon, 3 inch preferred. Fat beef cow for gale. Bell. 1810. acre, aood garden, bungalow barn chicken hase: 820 Phone East 6962. WE hava a fine location for waffle house; call and see us; 163 V Grand ave. DAIRY, cow a. route, team, etc, for sale. Income between $300 and $400 per month. Call Marshall 2024. SHOE shining and hat cleaning stand. low rent, transfer corner, money i. , r 1 y", . '-- DON'T WOKRY I can sell or trade anything any where Lavman. 14S Broadway. BAKERY, fully equipped, near ship. yard,- ror rent, r ront ai,d Marxet. EWLY furnished apartment house for sale. - Seer owner. Eaat 8818. - vADY barber shop for sale, 8300. D- ,714. Journal. spring wagon cheap. Asa Gubser. 11091 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Good second iiand wagon, s in oreferred. Fat beef cow. for sale. Bell. 1810. - ' - TEAM of .mares, 1200 lbs. each,, good harness and ranch wagon; $110. Mrs. Smith, Marshall 4055. FOR SALE 4 horses and vehicle, at grocery store. 1682 E. Stark. 1 BLACK gelding. 7 years old, weigh ing $1200: $125. 106 Falling St. GOOD cheat. 2800-lb work team at your r rice J1Q2 Front st. -- ONE team of horses for sal. 1659 E.. lOtli st. N. Phone wooqiawn I7l. - : HORSE and wagon, 61.26 day; t horses and wsron. 32 dav. 4S Pront, W. 2101 (CeatlBuad. om fsx w af ) i -