. . " : . . ' THE OREGON DAIJy JOURNAL, POR TLAND, TRIP AY, OCTOBER, 5, 1917. Ji V 2 ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRIAL OF 1. V. V. ARE ILY 'Have You Paid jn I Your Taxes? Today is xne lias l vaj BE SENDS GOING AHEAD 'RAPE Conspiracy G Is Charged in Each -of Five Counts in Indictments, - .1 2 CHARGES FILL 40 PAGES 6 . ' S .. Cssas WUl X Callad Is CMcafO, yrob g .. ably In Dacambsr Conspix 5 ' oy Is Caarfad. 1 ! ! i I Nsw York, Oct 6. (I. N. S.) Gov ernment officials are rapidly arranging JOT tn trial Of tha I W W Art ttnd. g ant a in Chicago, tentatively set- for "aom time In December." f? Frank C. Dailey. aaalatant United feStates attorney general, who returned g from Chicago to New York today, la j buaily engaged In final arrangements. STha Indictments are based on five 3 counts. Z The certified copies of the indlct 7 ments fill 40 closely written pages. When condensed, the counts are simple, C yet broad enough to cover all high t crime charged to the defendants. TJi word "conspiracy" appears In each count. Each count goes Into a mass of detail. j Conspiracy Charred la Each i Count 1 charges conspiracy under section s of the criminal code con . aplracy to .prevent the United States from executing its lawa p Count 2, drawn under section 19, L charges conspiracy to interfere with the individual rights of citizens; for g Instance, "the right of persons to pro ' vide the government with supplies! for Ms army and navy. Count S, darwn under section 37, charges conspiracy to commit an of fense against the government, the specific offeree being violation of the conscription laws. Count 4 charges conspiracy under the espionage atft Count 5 charges conspiracy to de- !iauu v j tiiv mbw j a w ' - mails. Th fifth count Is what Is known to government officials as the "sabotage count." and. In their opinion. Is the most Important. Stubborn right Anticipated No trouble Is anticipated in gather ing all the defendants tbgether In Chl- I cago, and it Is explained that the ex- tradition" so much In discussion" Is I merely a matter of an order for re j movaL I "There Is a mass of detail to. be 1. cleared before we can set the date of t the trials." -said an official. "We anticipate a stubborn fight. This matter has been under considera tion for many months. It will take quite a while to examine the mass of evidence" obtained tn the, raids, and then will follow the preparations for the prosecution." Of the 1S( persons under indictment, only about half that number has been apprehended. It is understood several persona prominent in L W. W. and So cialist circles are yet to be arrested and that a few of these have their headquarters In New Tork.etty. r m Today Is the laai day to pay 9 taxes. Saturday. Willi find them -jr delinquent and subject to a ( charge of 1 per cent per month, The tax office Itr the courthouse will be open until 9 o'clock this evening, however, to. take caie . of late comers. i , Three long lines ' of people strung but from the cashier's windows all day Thursday and today. : Taxpayers with statements m already cn hind and a bank account to back thefr up may I w mau checks today amd will be safe from penalty; provided their letters bear a postmark of today. j . Letters dropped into the mail box at 11:69 p. m. will not do. r They must gel Into the post- office in time to be postmarked October 6. - i The largest payment of taxes so far Is that of the Epokai.e, Portland A Seatle Railway com Ki pany which, paid in I71.176.8S. The Oregon Electric Railway company raid $4158.96, OUT OF DATE DRESS, T SHE HAD GIRL TO WET GRAVE Hazel Pudoff, Slighted by Co workers in Factory Seeks Death iri Willamette fiiver. t DIVORCED HUSBAND AT FO SHOOTS DOWN IL OTHER MAN IN CASE William Peters Slain by Henry Wilson Who Gives Himsel Up to Sheriff, i ossii. or., Oct. 6. Visiting the home of his divorced wife. Henry Wil son found William Peters there and shot him twice with a large calibre automatic revolver. Peters succumbing to the wounds In a fewl hours. Wtlmn walked to the shertffs,cf f ic mH . inmocii up. All concerned are Fossil people. ne Wilsons were divorced about one . year ago, Wilson seeking the de cree on the grounds of Infidelity, Peters being the cause of the trouble. wuson rented a house for Mrs. Wil son. In which she was to live and take care f the two children during the bchooi season. Wilson went to see the children Wednesday night and found Peters mere. He told Peters to aet out R. turning the next morning, he found i-eters sua there and the shooting It is understood the men are cousins. Colonel Baker Recalled Washington. Oct. 6. (I. N. S.) uoionei iranic Baker, retired, was re called to active service today and named commandant of the Benecia. arsenal at Benecta, CaL He relieved lieutenant colonel Herman W. Scull wno is ordered to the office of the cmer or oranance ror special duty. Hazel Pudoff. 15 years of age. whose body .was found floating in the "Willa mette river at the foot of Sheridan street Thursday morning,, committed suicide because she was abused at home and because she could not wear clothes as good as those of her girl associates at the biscuit factory where she worked. This is the Opinion ot Coroner Smith and Detectives 1a 3alle and Pat Moloney, who have been con ducting: an investigation since the dis covery of the body. The girl was the daughter of Aiex Pudoff of 669 Water street. Neigh bors of the Pudoffa told the detectives Thursday that Hazel was mistreated at home, and that her parents ire quently beat her with a broomstick. Child's Movements Traced It is believed th. t he girl left home Friday evening with the Intention of ending her life. It baa been learned that her younger sister started from the house with her, for the two fre quently attended the movies together. and that Hazel cruffly sent the child home. The last person to see Hazel alive was William Berowsky. a neighbor 16 years of age. He says thar he saw her In the theatre, took a seat beside her and spoke to her. She got up with out speaking, he says, and left the place. , Shunned by Companions Mr. and -. Mrs. Pudoff, speaking through an Interpreter, told the detec tives that their d-ughter had cried all day Sunday because the other girls at the factory refused' to have any thing to do with her on account of the way she dressed. It is the belief of the parents that the girl took her own life. An autopsy performed Thursday by Dr. A. O. Schmitt failed to reveal any signs of violence. She haL not been attacked, and a scratch on her fore head was held to be of no significance. scions in their homes and bound hand and foot. Miss Esther Thayer, one of the victims, was attacked yesterday for the second time in three days at her home at South Park. i Her assailant, after beating her tn-. conscious, left a note which read; j .-I am an L W. W. The next time come it will mean death." Aroused at the unchecked wave of crime, residents In all parts of the city held meetings last night Mid organized ; Montana "Rookies" To Banquet Tonight Tacomai, Waah., Oct. 5. (tT. The -Anaconda. Mont, contingent ai r-amr. Twi 101 strong, will lay off army fare thls venlns to enjoy a ban- j quet at the Tacoma hotel as the quests of State Senator J. B. Gnose of Mon tana. Senator Gnose, whose home town la j Anaconda, arrived yesterday ior ino purpose of giving the cantonment the "once over." he said. Out of his visit to the big army post was born the Idea of entertaining the "whole ding busted bunch' at a "regular feed." Permission was obtained for the Montanans to be absent from camp for the occasion and everyone of them will be tesplendent In a brand new khaki uniform. The men will be brought Into the city in autpmcbiles and returned to camp in the same manner. ' ' . Seattle Citizens Trailing Slugger Seattle, Wash., Oct. 5. (L N. S.) Organized bands of citizens are today cooperating with the . police, deputy sheriffs and ' special policemen in combing Seattle for the "woman slug gers" who have carried on a reign of terror in this city during the past few weeks unequalled in local police his tory. , Four attacks on women were report ed to the police yesterday. Three of these attacks were made la daylight and. the victims were knocked uncon- Santlseptic Gives Skin Comfort Inatantty relieves, enrca and praveota chafed or Irritated akin Coola and aootbaa. You'll like Ita cleanlr. healthy odor. 50c. All dracsuta.. Adv. Our New Seventh Floor Piano Department exhibits only the standard makes of Pianos, B a b y Grands and Player ; Pianos. For instance: Knabe, "The " k World's Best Piano"; HAINES BROS. SCHAFF BROS. & CO. BEHNING are typical examples of the high character of our displays. Piano purchasers will find satisfaction and pleasure in store for them in this unique Piano mart. Convenient4 terms of payment are yours to take advantage of. We welcome inquiries from 6ut-of-town residents. rMorcl-nd.aWfc Merit Onb j Strange Absence of Boy Causes Worry The mysterious disappearance of Randolph Hartley, aged 13. has Caused the parents, who reside at 1S84 Mon tana avenue, to appeal to -the .police for aid In finding the boy. a search having failed to locate any trace. Young Hartley was last seen Thurs day morning at 9:30. He was tiding his bicycle in the vicinity of his home. The boy is S feet 6 Inches tall. He has dark hair, cut pompadour style, and wears' a blue work shirt and bluo overalls, black shoes without stock ings. He is described as being a good looking boy, 'one of his distinguishing features being a stubby nose. Accord ing to the parents, the boy .bears an excellent reputation, and had never made threats to run away from home. THE WISE HANDLING OF MONEY Generally speak ing, the judicious, handling of money is never learned until the individual or group of indi viduals, such as a family, have be gun depositing' their earnings or income in a good strong .bank, either in a savings or i checking account, or both. ' Learn to your1 profit the safety, c o n v e nience and profit of an ac count in this old established bank. Inquiries 'are wel come. JEallst Tour Dollars la ' the Xiberty Xioax . LADD & TILTON BANK : Waahlagtov and Third Ml it h i 1 1 . t Golden West Coffee r YOU You cannot afford to ignore this legitimate and therefor most interesting of all PIANO SALES Reed -French Piano Co. Retiring From Business . True it is- that piano sales, so called, are of frequent occurrence, but few if any bear the stamp of genuineness that is conspicuous with this particular mammoth sale. Over, $100,000 Worth of Upright, Grand and Player Pianos and PHONOGRAPHS are being hurried out at prices at.d terms that mean profit and convenience to piano buyers. A very few contract instruments ro excepted. You need have no fear of extras., such as salesmen's commissions, etc., to pay. Every instrument marked in plain, under, standabl figures. Our intention is TO GET OUT OF BUSINESS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, and there are several substantial reasons for this move. IN THREE GROUPS is distributed a stock of NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS FRESH FROM A LEADING EASTERN PIANO CON CERN., SPECIAL at $167 are New' Upright PIANOS that sell regularly for $275 t SPECIAL at $189 are New Upright PIANOS that sell regularly for $300 . SPECIAL at $210 are New Upright PIANOS that sell regularly for $325 f OTHER NEW UPRIGHTS SHOW BIG REDUCTIONS AS FOLLOWS! T v Formerly $375, NOW $257 Tormerly $500, NOW $348 Formerly $650, NOW $418 Splendid Bargains in NEW and USED GRAND PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE are in-1 vited to come in or write for any information or particulars of any, instrument or instruments. .WOPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE c SPECIAL PAYMENT TERMS ARE A FEATURE OF THIS SALE REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS 1 TENTH and J "Merebanclioe rfdffotOnljf Our Volunteers for Economy and Service ! represent BOYS' New Fall SUITS And there are hun dreds and hundreds of new ones here for boys 8 to 16 years to choose from. All the newest motiels and most of them with 2 pairs of pants. $6.50 to $20 1 represent BOYS' arm New O'COATS Clever, warm coats for all the boys -those from 24 to 18 years old. The trench, Balmacaan, pleated back and man tailored box styles are featured. In splendid materials! $5 to $20 represent BOYS' "Department of Rain Coats And my, but there are dandies for fel lows from 4 to 16 the kind that make rainy .days a pleasure! Rub berized and leather ette coats in slipon style with h a t sv to match. Special $3.95 represent BOYS' Fall Speedway SUITS But there are just 30 "Speedways" and every one of them has two pairs of knickers They're real wonders and cannot be dupli cated at anything like the price! Sizes 6 to 18. Special $7.50 I represent BOYS' Little Fellows SUITS Those cunning little Middy, Billy Boy, Junior Norfolk and Trench models. They are in all wool mate rials beautiful mix tures, plaids, checks and solid blue chev iots and serges. 24 to 10 years. $3.95 to $15 Fourth Floor, Llpmin, Wolfe & Co. Such Cunning HATS for the Little Folks $1.50 to $5 Black plush tams for the little tots apd hats with the chic and charm that sister who is about fourteen demands, and clever styles for girls up to 18. Just see them! Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. DRUGS Peroxide, 8-OZ. bottle J2c Wijch Haael, full pint 25c Painted Rubber Balls 7c Red Rubber Bath and Face Sponge , 10c Rubber Gloves, - all ikes ...... .35c Pluto Water, large bottle . . . .35c Epsom Salts, package. . . . . . .J0c Bocabella Castile Soap, bar.. SI. 00 Sanitary Napkins, dozen 35c Rite Soap, for coloring silk,' etc J0e Pebeco Tooth Paste ...... . -43c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream ' ' 4Sc Lazell Talcum, all odors ISc Household Cotton, 1-oz -10c White Ivory Combs -25c Main 'Floor. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. MEN ! SILK TWILL FIBRE DRESS SHIRTS $4.45 The latest Fall creation! Shirts made in coat style with double soft French cuffs attached. Ex clusive patterns in lovely colors. Men's Silk Ties. Very Special, 59c A brand new assortment of silk four-in-hands,; all with wide flowing ends and patent slip band. An almost endless assortment of Persian, Dresden, bro caded and allover designs. i Men's Globe Union Suits $1.69 High grade suits infeorrect weights for Fall and Winter wearing. Cotton ribbed, of soft yarn in ecru color. Long sleeve, ankle length style. Fine Flannelette Night Shirts $1.00 Warm night shirts; ot extra fine quality, made with military or V-shaped collar, with silk frogs and pearl buttons. All sizes. Fine Lisle Thread Socks at 30c i Fine quality of sox in white, black, palm beach and gray. Good medium weight" for Fall wearing. Seamless and extra fine. Just Inside Washington Street Entrance. $10 Army Locker Trunks Very Special U. S. Army regulation trunk, . made of 3-ply veneer wood, fibre covered and bound, with, solid steel corners, spring lock and bolts. 1 tray. Special $10.v Sub-Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. STOCKINGS Children's Stockings 25c Fine ribbed cotton stockings for girls. Black and white with double knee and reinforced heels and toes. 1 , Silk Lisle Stockings 35c Girls'- fine ribbedsilk lisle Stockings in black, white, tan or pink. With reinforced heels arid toes. Sizes 6 to 10. Women Cotton Stockings 39c Heavy cotton stockings in regular' or outsizes. Full fash ioned with high spliced heels and double soles. Plain black and, black with natural split, soles. j " Main Tlobr,. .uiitLili- Lipman, Wolfe & Co. i represent GIRLS' New School DRESSES , One in particular is attractive, yet inex pensive. It is of cor duroy, an extra .heavy, quality, in blue, green and brown, made on straight lines, '"whh white pique collar, sizes 6 to 14. ' $3.49 represent GIRLS' Dressei-Peter Thompsons Here for girls 6 to 14 years old. They're of navy ; serge on straight styles, with ' deep yoke.; large col--lar arid braid trim-, ming. - Just the thing; for school ! -.? . $4.95- represent GIRLS' Apparel for Gym Wear All sorts of middies and bloomers for Gym --wear. f.' .-ilv , .6 Flannel Collar Mid dies S2JS0. U Gymnasium Bloom ers, ft50 to $30,, Children's ;t Sateen , Bloomers, V?c, 75c."- i,..,y .Fourth Floor, Lipman,' Wolfe & I represent GIRLS' Department of Rain Goats -T-Where t h e r e are new S li ck c r Rain Capes just unpacked ltan or 'brown ones, with plaid lining and plaid - lined r.h a o d Priced $3.75, - Arid all kinds of - Rain Coats, from: : I $3.4.3 to $6.25 represent GIRLS' Millinery and; COATS The hatrare excep tionally attractive the new "Betty" mod el of black plush, with cord and tassel, 95c r-Coats for little tots l'to 6 years old in all pretty styles. Priced $5.00 to $18.50 j. j-