THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PQRTfcANP,, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1917. IS NOW THERE IS A REATHORT APPLE MARKET GOOD : -ALL OVER COUNTRY; HELD HIGH PRICES Eastern Markets Overflowing lyith . Bayer and Northwest Sections "Are Cleaning I'p Early Stuff Value Very Satisfactory, Are Busy Grindinz and Will Quickly. fakf Cax of Orders Wholesaler 8ay . They Cftnnot Make Profit Handling Flour, . Ther U not only entire absence of even ta fit a teat aicn ef etailbliied strenfth la a. present position ot tha aopl trad of the Sarthwest ana the entire LoWd Stat., tat I'setleslly til tlfua re point to to further gla la aeUvltlrs. -j Mld-aeoa varletle f apnflea are now ton. Us forward u tb Bortleuq. market fa aom- what bat tar quantity ttt daman la exeallent f til line aad -priae aret blog well main tained, J Ialtla) (rlo4 'hlpstat ? ef Jeoatbsna Ut tw Mason baa lwu reported In: tba firat cr had coming to lien Lew A Co. Initial aa'.ea re shown to tbla virlalr at f 1.60 lor cooii aaa fi.ia fur fancy, iber being no extra fsi-a avjn a aTnii. A law Ua uf winter banana ara comlna for ward and tba la tauo ef frl other lata vartatiea. Nona of thes ara matured pat aurriclcut to uiak tieDj general) avail bto fr tba trada.-" I Eastern atarketa ara ao keenly activ that ' fearere (row tbrrs ara ovbrflowlij' all sections t ul te hockl and ;Ij fact r try Inn to frab . ampllca lu lliw leadlu- Kortbwant atc lou. aoine of tba latter liar already suit brainicaliy all tlietr early Bluff. It w r ftLtly autad tbat Wenattuee bad aula about ft per rent of br iwlt output foe the year, the averags pW ' baUifj around flX'O pr box set to ma grower, tiew ot ti wenatenva onatbua ara umuiIiI. i f ' "-IT. &AST .CAlt ELHEItTAS IJEItE What la believed to, bi tba. laat carload of Klberta paavnea to be offered tbla aiarkeC by V'akloia, baa already baau received In axueJIent audition. Markvt xeutrallj la tkilUln- Jlr u ur peacnea it ittwc. ' )'' . . CUBAN QltAPICritUlT QUOTED Msnsxer K. L. I'billippl bf tba Ualte Brokerage company report tba offering ol tbu first Cuban grapefruit of. tba aeaaun to the trad- Tba Murk Is offered at fT.UU pvrci a oar lota lauded at; fmrjlan.d. POTATOES COME IN BOXEki Head Ulver U neter Hfbe" outdune to doing tba- trick a little belter than the otber fellow It la marketing .It potato crop aluioet en ilrel In apple boaea at tbla time, bale ara reported at guod prkei. )tUSUR0051S AllU QUITE fJOOI) Tbla la muihroom gathering time la, the Jlllod Mlough aecibin of tita . owes Columbia, or rather liberal auppllre of aura gut4 atock ara coining forward from there, iteuiaml la JTatle wtib price likewise. KWAIXA WALLA ONlOXS .POOn A very poor carload of walla walla onlova bf been unloaded by the local trade and Ik ulllnr belo the reeular- market. A carload af late Yellow Daavera from there baa been ordered and la eipected to ba in fuod abepr. BIUKF NOTES OF THE TIUPB Tomato marker ateady at ttofa'TOc generally Concord grapea not so actlv at )1 ViSK email baakat. Lobntry Killed boga fu-m; also fancy veal, Wklla heavy .uura aluw. Egg trade U ataady with movement aloar at attain prlcea. Hutlar OJaiket firmer bat naobaoged In f vjrlni. ' L'beesa valuea expected to abow further rlae ajulckjy. SlllTPEliS' WE ATI! Ell NOTICE Wtatber bureau advisee: frotect ablpmeata during tba next Uu boura against the foilowiag maxUiiDU temperaturea: Uolng north, ttu de gree; nortbeapt over 'the Kpokaue, l'ortland A brattle -railway, TO degree; east la tsaxer eu deneaa. and south to Ashland, 78 degreea Uaxlmum temperatura at l'ortland tomorrow . about 70 degreea. t JOBBING PHICKS IN POUTLANU ; Tbeaa price .re those at which wbolesalera f Mil to retaliera, except aa oiuerwia siaieu i . Dairy Preduoe f BUTTKE Cresutt-ry, (.rime In paraf fine wrappeara. axuas, tac; prime tirata, ; r Urate, tit; uba, le 1m; carivus, la 4 vance. BlItTERfAT - Torf-.-nd tteJvery, No. ill. , .CtliEaaJ Celling price; fresfc Oregon fancy ('full cream triplets, STc; Young- America, 1 2Ua. frtca U Jobber, flfta. Stic Veung 3 Aatcflca. XOc. I. o. p.; cream brick, itf ; Me; umouraer, ones awisa, ouisyoic. EOOaV Belling price: Case- count. 42c pel : tfoaea; buying per doaen; aelliug price, candied, 4tc: a tor age, 43c. T. U Vli r-ULiL.TUX tlena, baavy Plymooth Rocka, lb per lb. I ordinary cbiekeoa, 17c ' per lb. j ataga, liVc par lb-: brol.ra, lUc , par Ikj turkeya, li32ic per ib.; dressed. J fsoey. i7too pr lb.; r-L.r jjoaaie: squsb? 1 &2juS ner dose a: gee. Ilea, lOe; fekla ducka. yeaag, le lb.: lnduta Hunuers, eld ducks. 4 14 loo per id. ; pigeona. ai.ia per a oxen. ' Trsah Frulta and Veaetablaa - I'BKan a'atUlTaV-Oraaaaa. S3.butfS.TH hoe baaa&aa, 6 per lb.; lemoua, $3.607.00:11 toraU grapefruit, -2.0ja.G0; Florida, (); caataJoooas, ataadard, $1.74 par era t at Water aaaluoa, $t.00(a)l-bw per cental; peach, ore-goav-fS4vO; pluma, US'ic per eratai Ciaabaa. Ifci2'ter lb.; peara, $1JJ32.50 par dux; ireaniga, tiwui-ii per box, I BKttKlES Mlackberriea, $lAKiMl.i I UrriM, ,6u9c per lb.; buc$lberr)ee, ' AM'LM-twal. VOOQ.0. acrordiaa tuallly.f OMloks Walla Walla. t333.S0; CaU, lorn la, $.60. FUXAIOKS Selling price, table atock. I Weal, J$-Jb- Buying price, ordinary ablp- pl. ft-?tt eet poiaioe, sjoj I ' vkoKTABLEH Turalpa. $1.7Sa2.00 aack I carrW. -7i3.W) aavk; bceta, $2.00 per i aacai.i psiaaios, fi.a per aaca, ctooaga. local, ' .SJ'e lb.: greeo ouiuua. c doa. buacbea cppera. He lb.; bead lettuce, 73c doa. bunchea vcoaabers. SitfOo du.( tomatoe, Oregon. 63 tiiu . hix: f xi uuut. nr lb arviftv lfl e-vaiM, SUM per lb,; rhnbarb, Uc lb.; peas 7c f. pea; ,jb.veanIlfrower, California. SLaTcraU. ataata, rug gag rrevuume . DBKSSKU MKAT8 Selling orlca. amtn killed beat bo fi2V,C lb.: ordlnar. HhA i per Ib.l ixst veal, li' st 16c per ia.i ordl- 5 asry veals, 111S per lb.; rough heavy, 414 il pw lb. goats, afexac par lp.; lambs. iga lie pv . w". xao rw .jo.i peel, 1000 par lb, breek'sat bacon. Satttyoc; picnics, Savie; cot, lag roll. Soc; abortcleara. auj3lc Oreajoa Bxnor, inwa, oc (icr id. LaBD Ketlle rcadored. tlercea. S7a , Bk-I atandard, MVie; lard anas pound, S0e. y OT STfc KS Olyojpla, gallon, a.6o; canaod. etsleio. to per can. ta.OOfber dusea: eaatara- la abet), per loO; easurb oyatara. ot gaiKi. auiin fjaca. 94.1, FISH Dreard ftouodera. Or; Chinook ; poa, IBc: -tuuiea." Uc: percb. Tc: aolea. ve; aaiuivB uowi, ac 10. ( naiiput.- iuc lb. 'leB; hard abell. ,4c b., i,7S hog; crgb. $4.t42.0 per doaea. Sraoeeia OVER MiUSTUFFS , TO BE OFFERED SOON BY THE MILLS HERE leading 3Ianafactrnrers of Nprth- J Prncti!aliy OiIy Arrivals DiirD NPBTHWEST GBAIJi RECEIPTS - ; ' . mi. i. . Cms.. t i vrsrau oartey. air. uata. nrj, Portland, Wcdfi Xi M ago.. :s 19 Beaaao to date,. 074 ' Year ao.. ...... 1612 Toconta, Tuea... 63 rear aroi hd Season 14 da,t4. 715 tk"le.fVa7.r 'lit Year aco 11 Sw-aoolo dsU,. 727 Jo....,. 1714 ear Z 63 i IS- 7 ,1 212 m 17 3S " fl. t 8 4 S 78 113 9 IS 831 652 440 1U oai U7 2 1S3H 1219 MerckMt EgcbMS October bids: ; oats wk ta.' 1 UCS. xirin. Kat- rrl ' Tbitr. mtra mi isia .... , , , fan . r'eed - 6000 4930 4900 4900 C00Q B000 H4HXKI Fead ... t.,. 6000 49oo eooe Brewing. . . 6250 6100 5130 5000 iieo 3130 6250 6100 B2S0 No aeaalon Wedheada. Despite the fact ibat mlllatuff nrlcea ara be ing forced lower, there baa been practically no ai4tpleaoifered aa vet a( tbeaa alaea. Within day o ao It la believed that mlllara will viucai 10 ; ort ax - arecty, as eves towgr prlcea may be the puftomc. Wholesale (nxr are mucb concerned over tne proposco ruling or tba milling Interests tbat they are to receive a groaa Kcofit of 26c a barrel for tba handling of flour. Tbla real ly meana a sat prom ot usa taaa ue a barrel. a prta faia py wnpicaaiera to De too low for tbem to continue In the diatrlbutloa of tni product. 8o much bulk wheat la being offered for axle at primary Pacific northwest point tbat Stor age room baa been Allied, and there greao longer factjltlea either at tidewater or in ilic oouuiry to uanaia stocks. Millers say that It U1 be absolutely neceaaarx for the country to either bold the wheat un tba farma until needed or else al)ip it in kicks, which would urn kb it-more easy t rina etorsge. FLOt'U iielling price: Patent, $10.20: WM- lawetta valley. ra.bO: local atralaht. S9.40ta 9.M;. bakera' loeal. $10.00(310.21); ldentana prujg.; export, ft.oo; wbolp nueai, fiv.tu, ; grul, fUJ.jw; ry floor, $11.73 pir barrel. 1IAV Bnying price, new crop, Willamette timothy, faucy, $4.t03.00 per Ux; bkatara uregun-HsUlf.gEon fancy tlmotby ( k; al falfa, $3.00(akl6.00: vallrr vetcb. S22.00a 23.00 cbeat. $U2.OO?3.0Oi clover, $22)0. tiui. t aionuDai. ho. I Calcutta, 13bc In car lota; lea amounts big tier. UlIXeVlUFF8r-SeUlns: urlce: Bran. 1.10 OOia 81. 0O; aboru. 3.oo(itJ4.V0; middlings, $42,00 p:r ton. HULLED BAKLtY-rPer too. S33.00(237H)0, CUKN Whola. ftsl.OO; cracked, $S4.00 ton. Slow Opemng for - 'Grams -at Chicago By eloseph f, Prltchard Chicago. Oct. 8. (I. N. B.l Th corn mar Ice: averaged higher, recovering ltte from the toweei leveia raaeuea ana cioamg at gain Of Hc for the day. Sborta led In tba buying ... . up ut ut cioge ana wsga were the principal aellera. Tbcre were advance of Alc for oata bnf hog producta were unchanged to 2Vba4c lower ith greater weabneaa In pork. Chicago, Oct. 8. (I. N. S.)--A forecaat of generally fair weather 'bad - little effect on trading at the opening of the grain market to ia and the mrtet a featurlaa. Prlca held within a narrow range with limit trading and the general market undertone rather easy. 'lb oat market opened steady with price snguiiy signer. ; tner was conaiaerabi buy lag. Ktowness of the corn and oata market'1 waa -reflected, by prevision which opened alightly lower. Chicago rang of price furalehed by TJnlted CORN Open. High 120 December .... January May , . December .... May January ..... October ..... November January October January 119 1164 116 OATS v BOH 80 61 82 P0BK 468o 4700 LARD 2430 2460 24 HO 24b0 2390 2393 BIBS 2645 8663 goOtt 2MJ0 Low. Close, 118'A 120 ..... 1134 6 60 m 62 462S 46T6 2489 2460 2437 2470 2S05 2392 CS40 2657 4G9 2487 Ban Fraqcsco Grain Rfarket Ban Francisco. Oct. 8.-r(U, P.) Cb grain Wheat Per cental. No. 1 grade (60 pounds $2.10, per buabel f. o. b. tan Franclace, 4e added for aarka-on ageked wheat. No. 2 (38 to tsj peunas), ixa aiscount of g per uuniiri. u 'ciuo (tHfi ua isotrar ukbb i diacoubt of 4c per buabel from the quota Barley Par cental. Xo. 1 fd, $2.47 2.30; do shinning. I2.63Uffl2.60. ' ' i Oata Maw fead, 2.ii ao aecd gtada, 3J0 38.28 par cental. , oariej caj; - ' a rv . -w. v- v v-1 . a Open. Close. Close. December 230 250 258 Ma P..M ........ 258A. Bn6A Money and Exchange Kew Ifork, Out. 8. (I. N. 8-) Call tnooey pnr the fbtor of the New York atock exchange teaay ruiea at o per cent; blgh, 6 per cent low, per cent. , Rate ware. 60 daya, 9 -per cent. the market for prime mercantile paper wti ateady. Sterling exchange was 84.75. io. with bbbinea -4a bankera' bill at $4.714 for da wfH, ti-wH i uc ou uay wiia. Bar ailier New iork. )ac; London, 47d. ' i , - - , . , " s . Horse Trade Active Eaat. Bt. Louia, Oct. 8. (1. N. 8.) There waa a brisk trad In horses today, gnd a strong market for southerner. ' - Ther waa a strong market for all cUsseg of mule applying to the present trade. - 'NetrYork4 Sugar and Coffee Np,w York, Oct. 3. (U. P. ) Oof fee Spot No. 7 Bio, 8Hc: Na. 4 Wan to, psc, Sugar Centrifugal, $6.90. . ' AMMcn m u ounnT i nniiTnAn VflTH NO OFFERINGS BULK FROM CONDENSARIES : IN ! T STUFF IS OF; OFFERINGS - SWINE DIVISION wes( Not, Only Refuse BpslpeBS! at Thin Time, but Actually With, draw All Their Quotations. Day Arts Those) Tht; Corn D Guuanteed Price of 14.SQ o Willamette V$01y Offfrtngs, t f V.POBTLANB LIVESTOCK BDN . k poga. Cgttl. CgUea. Sheep. Wednesda jfy ' . 7M) 2 -20T Tuesday -it. 1107' 83 " 4 2t8 Leading manufacturer of fanned milk bar entirely withdrawn thela product front tba racifla. ftcrtbweat market. Ka Dr1re are being named bv the esailanaartea and ba or. 1 faonday 2113 deya ara therefor belna aeoMtedJ , I Saturday ti-Ri i .,.-, 124 Among; tboae that bv withdrawn tr Hh j i1' Jv - fj' Id Ilk comnanv f flKh ' itVill i. I IKK- I Week 8. ' . 8ft the Mount Yprnoo Wlk twrnoiuy; &mt t i? "l',i'v ??f tb .mailer caunera bar been out 9i 1b I Tiraara " U2 market for an extended tvrlrul. " x 1 - - " . uc hhnui iriiuutarat .as mm IDAHO CUTS OREGON FROM SELLING SPUD rrean gLosj; vus Kw Tork. Oct,' SfX. H. B.1 Tba rtook xaaxkek closed wak today. Bathlakan Bta4 SUPPLIES TO TEXAS Growers There f With Already 4 Lower Prjce Than1 Offered Here, ' Beduoed I$ stilt Blore tq ' f . :4 QentalyrpigU ; Rt Aid; 2058 27 119 W SI 87 134 9 12b 708 J 30 188 b the aexioue question tbat now confront notlffr T i,1 if I only the w bo less la and retail trails of ttaa I - - ! gptlre Pacific coast, but consumers as well. J10" Vf6 bPmntg cm from WiHamctte witn isa rapid 'y rising price of rresa mil I I v rw .v . , " wv tLera baa kvn null, lnpMau m. I $It.10 for too, and tbla Was about tk extreme etntly for tba canoed product, creating a fur- j during taa day, although the market waa by no ther ahortaa In stocks and forclnar thereha I means weaker than at tba at art of the week. till higher tker price of rar milk at country j "rhe mateijIaUy bigr f ignrer were quoted. aaV il'iJ i Li fa LViute, a, 'ak ataaa uua. a-s au7 uuj wvuuiUTU , lu kU SJV1I neport indicat tbat the United. Eta taa arat awine trad of tee eouBtxy was lnclloed tai government is a very heavy bidder and buyer abow gtrenptb, with, price fdvanc nocd i of canned milk at thia time and additional leading marketing oenter. liberal bualpeaa la atlll being offwred by the 4nttral hog market rapge; allied nation. In th meantime the condep- Prime light ,..,,..$18.1031853 or lea have beea unable to keep up with tba demand. Houser Announces Rules for Handling Of Wheat Supplies By Max H Houser Agent : Food Administration Grain Corporation Jf.iii. Prtm bear I7.7ttaia.un PJ j......... Cattl 81tatian BUMr Only two full loads of cattle cam forward to the North Portland yard over night, and no rea tops, were available, la general tba mar ket for cattle remains with a good steady tone, ana no lndtcatUjns ol eren the slightest change in quotations. ue eneral cattle market rang: - Best beef steers Good beef leet ................ tseat peer cow a Ordinary t good eow f ., Beat belfer Bull .$9,004 7.604 ; .7t4 . 4.0043 $-78 . 7.00 8.75 8.76 7.50 8.00 4.00a 6.30 'e.ooiij .sa blocker and feeder stccrf., 4.iuJ fjii Bvv-WIai )TVfJPU Wish- to announce that the Pood Admlnlatrs- tlon Cjratn Corporation Is now ready to pur- licensed warebonae, elevator gnd docks, as VZi.,JZt tZZ ZTVL , w.i. v.a . f I nd demand for mort atuff than i at preaejit r Tr": I comlns forward, mirlnt ft.r ,hr, uk. rortuMAlbe doST Albteg dock. I lob. Kth Jf" cl..ntn rk.i, nr a w mo "i even noeia ,TniVi't iwTrf in i iw ? l'""'11 lntereatt, who are auppoaed to took MuBlelpal Dock No. l.Munk;ipal Dock 2,out for th. .if,r' . th, m.rkfr-,.,b,. Seattle Albers Dock, Port of Seattle. Bmltli I ;,":.:, u . , Cove Elevator. West Seattle EJevaioe. T . " ' . - ' : : i - l irnura iiaia ........ Not-ThM mav hnd , mnnmn m a. I i - , . ' 1 ' , " , . " t r i vuer ismns ............. Tacoma Balfour Northwestern Dock bpnse Co. W beat wUl be irarcbaseal eo basis federal grawea, ioa. k tau o wont. No. 4, - No. 8. sample wheat, aad ' mixed wheat will be an died by sample on merits. . We will pot bny wbea Omt Je- treat- ea. grauca or icourea Dock, afUwauka- i Dock, Northern Craba at Ware. $18.60(514.00 ... Yearling H.261.60 Wether .:. 11 junta 11-60 twea i...... 8.00(3 8.50 Wednesday Lira took Bbippart Ba J. W. Wood, iadCBcadcnee. 1 load: W. Freyer,. praia, I load. " CatUc B. 8. Martin, Gibbon, 2 load. bbcen Northwest Sheep Co.. HUIcxrd. 8 K)4. Mixed atuff C E. Locke, Monitor, 1 load Will appoint tbl week an advisory commit-1 hoga and aheep; L. A. Thorn a a. West Stay ton. j..soaa catua ana Boca: r. it. uecker. Hllrer. ton, 1 load cattle, calve gad' hoc;; Fxaak wiM, nuvBt .u,i, a aaa cbciib ana fio;; G. A. French, Alrlle, 1 load cattle and hoc. The United Statea bureau of market n. win iue iitie onarina or ii that n- ir imiiwi October 1817, fn caxa: Vftue aoa Mixed calves. Hoc. Shaen. atoek. t for pctln4 tee to de terrain the value to b placed on all a;bet not covered by 1, 2 o 3 grade. f syment will be mane her on presentation ef separate invoice covering eecb car accom panied by warehouse receipt and official weight na graae ccrtuicate. u sure ana inroice each car separately. Grade certificates must b signed bit li censed federal Inspector and graded la accord ance with the United State ayain j California An allowance of 4Ue per bushel ' will be I Orecon made on sacked wbcgt where sack are in food I Wathlngton condition, and with the orevaillne allowance I 1 for bad order and woruueaa sacks. I uoiaia rortiajia n A 11 itrx-ba imm whlr4i vheat la mtmJt mint One Week ago. 4 maintain a day and night watchman. Tb p prmaea must ba kept reaaonably well lighted Cr bustibl or ' hsxardous ma,rial or merchan-1 Totals &rtl. ft now develop that oarload at tn.mitea nav to date been- purchased w) hipped front the WHlamette vality thi t to ! -ad Arixona points. ' ' , Tbl small spurt in tbg buying . for outajd gcouunt fv to aomg lntereat tbf lmpraMloa tbat the-market waa about tor beeoma err ctlv with ttbvrai buainosa a vail trie Uu tbl lardly eecm to be fhe ease: Fact of tb mat. tar-, is tbat tba buying aaa caaaad madar tele graphic ordera from tba Boutbwest, canfUIng tba pretloua r4ef to porch aaa. . - - It devalop that while porchssea ner) wart made,at $1.60 per cental fog shipping ptock, f. o. b. country ahlpplng points, Idaho Ira ait that time offering aotatna frelr at 8K10 oat hundred pound and the price ha since dropped au adauHmal dime, making It $1.00 cental fiat, " The freight rata oa potabac from the Northwest to Texas 1- favprabl bum to 'the Idaho shippers. It being 40e fram therg wbile 73c la the rt from Oregon poiutsv. - Btcb with dealers here offering tba extreme price of $140 per cental for aupplie at coun. try pointa, producer showed no real, dlapoat tioit to let go, many of tpem being of tb opinion tbat they would pet higher value later although thl view la by no mean shared by Ua 14 cioea( touch with the Wa Btra. AltERICAN lIVEaiTOCK PRICES Chicago, Oct. 8 L N. B.) Cattle receipt wera moderat and market strong , tfDecbxlly in the case of cheap grade. Oraaasrs abld large ly at $9.6018.o. Hoga advanced 4ioe en tba pproc ef a littla ahipaing 4eman4, being paid for selected lot. onaep aaa lantag war gnong. Omaha Hogs $18.50 Otnab. pet. a.r-(i.'r. s.) Cattt Bo- ceipbt, 10,000. Firm. Beevea, $8.00017.00; cow and belfer. $3.009.25; atockera and feeder. $80l3.0u; western, flu.QQQi3.aa; oar ana medium, yi.ooajsp; caivcs, aa-tvaj Hoks Receipts. 8300. Steady and trong. Mixed, $18.604j 19.80; good and cboic hear Ill.lHW 18.S0: Ton 2 b heavy. ia.OUCi.w ligbt. $18.8518.50; piga, $14.60(218.60; bulk Khun Rer-elnt SOOO. Weak. Wether. $11.0012-50: yearlrngs. $12.06(313.80; feed- era, SU.OO1S.73; lamb. n -&ura 19. 1 . Chicago Hogs $18.60 Otlcaa-a. Oct. 8. (I. N-. 8.) Hon B- eelpta, 13,006. Btcady to 10c higher. Mixed nd butcher, ls.ih(gi.ou; $ooa neavy. aio.ia rougn neavy. io.iomi..K; nam I.S6; nig. giutQU4.wi; Buig, aia. (310.45: Cattle Receipts. 17,000. Steady to etrong. Beevee. 87.20Q 12.00; cow nd belfer. 85.00 312.40; tocker and feed era, a.Z3&fll.2S ga.3SlS.OO: calve. 89. 600, 16.00. beep iteceipt,- iv.av. oinwi a w higher. Native and western, g9.(W(; k.mb. fl3.6018.45. Kanaaa Citv norm IlB.aa Kansas City. Oct. 8. ii. N. ') Catfie lA.iVXk Slow, steadr. Steer. 810.004fltt.i5 cows and belfer. $6.00 15.00; stockers and feeder, $8.0Q3l3.eo; ciTe. u.ii.w. iiogs -Ueceipta, auuu. etrong to i.uc sign- To ira: dadlniaaf from a fcia-at of nu tai SB 14. United States Steel dreuoed ta 108U. Indu. trial AJocJhel fa rroaa 138 ta 1$V4 and 8u Paul daoliaa4 t 48)4 and a new Uw reaord s taia iBOTacaant, -. ; ' Ka-ar York. Oct S. (I. H. . Tradlaa was trull a ad price trvegnlar- a tbaetpeaiif jf tpday'a stock taarkeC vT--'-. United Bute Steal, gftaf aeUlne H Ver at 109, rawed to 41054. Betblebani StWl - H Kt 94 8. 8d ?? tuag Wi gained a Cruclbl and Baldwin. ,: Tag rIUoa4 ahara continued weak, Dela ware ' as - UadMB MUiar off lfa to rU' n4 Caaadlaa Pacific declined 4 to UTV4. ; Te- Uonal lease - were aaaUlned ta ; tb a lock, kiotora opened 14 kswer ta M ! tbB adrgnccd to 84. Butte 4t Superior yialdt ed 1. point to 23A d Central iW'CT d" VCBced to 83H. - v- '; rrnue pneg movfment were aigaty vregw btt U through tba first half ai tb fore noon, many stock were strong. United State Steel buns close ta 110, rally lag from 0 to U014. Belhlebess Steal "B" FP84 ta" 84 ta 82 4. St. Pgul declined to 48 fa bt tjqlckly ral lied to 8014 with later declination to 48. Uotors advanced frcna 84 to 8. New Vork Central, aftat , dacUautf PfaS 8 peine, gaa Ur Ta. ' Tba coDDer atock. ftei early i recesalona. recovered a good part of their losses. .Money loaning at 4 per cent. TLanra nf New York s rices fumlbd by Over. back 4b Copfca Co., 310-217 Bojtrd of Trad 4 4 disc. Tb Food AcxnrtnlsEratloaj Grain Corporation reserves tb Fight to direct and control the distribution of wheat direct to the mill or to any of tba dock that ara aow or later deslg- ngtea- liATE POTATOES MAKE GOOD GROWTH IN STATE Summary of tba crop condition In Oregon for tb week ending September 29. r-1 ported to tba local office of tba weather bu reau by apedai corresponden ta : Moderate to neavy rain la Northeaetern counties -during the first two day retarded fcrm work snd caused some damage; otherwise ideal fall weather prevailed. ' Third croD alfalfa mostly harvested: cap ture starting ftlcely, and stock' is In fair ti good condition, with increased shipments to outside points. Let potatoes making good growth, Picking of lata applea begun: while, some fruit is under a ue it is generally ciean ana iree iron fnncus. Plowing Is becoming general, except In southern districts. Some seeding done, Barly sewn wheat up in Wasco county and looking fina. Present conditions point to the -greateat wheat acreage in the history of Umatll'j county. ' DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattla Market Seattle, Oct. 8. (U. P. ) Butter Natlre I Washington creamery, -cube. 48c; do brick, 40V," atorage California cube, 44c; do brick. of per pouna. TCgga Select ranch, 54c; storage, 42c Cheese Oregon triplets. 28c: Young Amer ica. 528cj block Swisa, 32c: Badger brick. 81c: 1 , Ban Francisco Market Saa Francisco. Oct. 8. (U. P. Bntta xtraa, 40c; prim firsts, 40c. Kggs Kxtra. auue: extra nrts. 4flc: ax. I IT jmifcta,. oTscr, iirt uiieta, .sic. - I Cheese California flats, fancy, 21V4c; first. wc .per ponno. i Lea Anarelee Market 1 lLm Aiigeies, vn:i, n. B.) cgg jrer I wseo, OIK. - Butter Californlg, 49. On week 1 Four week a- 8 3 6 0 14 Ho. 4 tev 8 steers 2 steer B steer 1 cow . 7 cow 5 cow S tow 1 cow 1 cow 8 cow 4 cow 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 belfer 1 heifer 8 calve 1 calf .. 2 calves Tuesday Afternoon Salta STSBftS At, lbs. ..: 882 91 1200 895 COWS tMf tf ga,aa HEIFEES CALVES 840 753 926 820 750 H5 1010 890 840 930 720 888 150 170 BULLS 1 bull ,. 1280 1 bull .t ? 1 . 1810 1 bulL 1154) BOGS 138 S15 170 167 173 870 166 190 175 Wednesday Morning Sales 8 TEE lis Av. Ib. steer 874 tear steer 20 hogs 1 hog 40 bogs 4 hogs 12 bogs 1 bpg 5 hogs, 57 bogs 88 bogs No. fvr 11 11 8 18 Price f T-2 8.50 8.00 $ 8.73 4. 50 6.25 . S. 7 00 8.70 8.23 8.50 8.00 8.00 4.30 $ 7.50 6.00 s t oo 9.00 6.0U $ 8.2S 4.50 8J $18.50 18.10 18.75 18.83 18. Id 17.00 10.50 17.23 18.50 if f saf Pr - ' STJOAR Cube, 8.;6; powdered, SSiSO; trait ( 8r baery fa.M); b yellow. 37.40; granulated. ' 8l tet. $8.; extra C, $7.8o; golden C, 37X0. faoNKt-New, 88.00aa.23 pe? eaaa. ' '77 h 11 r 1 t.. n .1.1. a. A Lt. u. w leaaa head, 9c; blue rose, 8 Vic. aaui-vwrw, pan grounu. luua. 114.00 nar ! Inat 60a t!4.a0t table dalryW 818.00; lOtia, P-..--.-,;,. -. -' - :T Siolu, Bentls, Cotton, CraJn, Etc, 216.217 . Board of Trad Building- r DIRECT. PRIVATE WIRES TO 4LL EXCHANGES Mmtars 'Ckieago BarI f Trada, CerrespondetnU of Logan &' Brrmn 1 .- . vnicafo, rtawi jorit ar. w w warn w m v w waaw. m W $17.80; bale, $3.38 1 fincy table aad dairy. $24.00; -lump rock, $20.00 per tea. BEANS Nominal. SmaU wblta, 14Uet Jr white. 14Vc; ping. oc; lima, lSHoj bayouB, lOic; red. lOtbc ' ' HOPS Nominal. Buying prica. 1S18 aron ?5iTe par lb.; contract. 39iB4lc yOCiL Willamette valley, coaia Cotawold. 8Brper lb.; medium Shropabire, R)c oar lt.7! Eastern, Oregon, 60 33c per lb. uivairsaiifa, o Mm. aaa Bp, lc; Baited lg, 60 lb, and up, 14c; salted and green eslf. up ta 16 Jba 22c; rea fcidea, 26 ib. and tip. 18c: grawo, ataga. $0 lb. gn4 upT He nry flint aide. 28c: 3ry tUutU. up to f lb., SOcr dry aalt hide. 23c; dry bora bldev $1 JSOW2.60; MiMd baraa bide. $3.O04o: horsehair, tall. 80c: borsehalr. pane, 15c! dry kg-wool belts. 42c; dry bort wool pelta! o30c; aalted aheep pelts, long wool, each! B4.u05.00; sajted lamp pelt, each. tlAOii dry aheep - abeactinga, eaeb, 16080c: as 1 ted aheep baarjioga. aacb, 86i60c. ' - . TAIXOW He. L llci No. 8. f pee lb. " ' r CHITTIM ' OB CASCARA BABS Baykta Bxlco. umr ear lot a. 7 tea per ib. MOblAlK 1H1I, 60c pew lb. -, Bcrpe. Paints, Ofla &QPB SIaL dark, 23c; wblta.- 22 lie per tt).J stamlard manlla, 82c CtMSKRO OIL Baw. bbta.' 81.35 .l oat ' kettl boiled, pbl.. $1.37; raw, casea. i.o: twnea, cases, per gallon: lota ut 1 tOO galleas . CO L OIL--Water wblta, la 4mm and lroa barrels, 7 0c per galioav - ' " - WHITE UAfWZea lota, i4e per lb.;' 808 fa.. i4Vtc. r - - - TT TUBPKNTlNlt Tnka,.62e. ease,' 72C; "18 aaaa lata, iaaa,. J.- - , , - BANK L STATEMENT OP t Gearings Monday Tcesday Wednesday .. Clearings ..... Balance Clearing .... jMtance Clearings Clearing Clearings Balapcea COAST Tear ago. $ 2.869.420.10 Z.8-S4.81H.30 2,862,209.93 605.093.00 135, 863.00 1 .$ 4.511.9440 1 878.605.00 I San Franciaco Bank 10.So0.31S.00 La Aaaalaa Baaka .$ 5,000.323.00 bpogana sank 1,549,880.60 . - 319.572.C0 Portland Banks Tbia week. ..'.$ 3,8S0,093.89 ... 3.170,935.90 . . . 3,452.241.43 Tacoma Bank Seattla Banks 6 ateerg 3 ateer 1 steer 4 cow 4 cow 1 cow . 1 cow . 8 cows Jj cowa 2 caws 1 cow . 1. eow , 1 -cow . 1 cow , 1 eow . 5 cow 1 cow . 1 heifer ...... 1 bifr ...... X belfer 1 calf ...... 2 calve 1 cglf! COWS 10 bog ,-. . 2 bog ... 1 bOg jm - 16 bog .. 1 bog .... 12 bog . 8 hogs .. 44 bogs ... ,...., HEIFERS ' "calves" hogs"''" .... POTATOES 4Jjy$Q the COAST 6 Umb LAMBS 1030 920 700 715 870 1012 896 960 1020 930 87S 1043 890 740 780 800 910 770 780 870 00 800 Ho 142 200 110 188 200 196 110 108 Price. f 8.00 . m-mv 6.00 a. 00 8-00 8.60 1.00 8.00 . 8.00 S.60 .60 6.30 6.r) 6.00 6.00 a. 50 4.5J 4JUU 8,00 B.30 f 8.00 6.50 6; 00 f 9.50 9.00 5.60 m.a 1T.73 l.f 5 17A0 16. 75 17.7 16.50 18.00 86 1 $13.23 Beattl Market Seattle. Oct. 8. U. P. Oninna rtrn.. vellow. aack. 2 JW. - rot a toe Locals, new. 6404950 ner ton I -nrcia, U.wi.l per CSSISl, Saa Francisaa Market Baa rranclaeo. Oct.' R. n t n. xtiuwu or yeuow, si.fra.uu for good stock. rew potatoes Delta. $l.032.1O per, cental! . tJ-..S .J. w tf.w,4., sw oaiiftaa. treat. T "V'Tj - I warsenjie a piov, ii &ub9 ,ui. o?s 1 . , ituauan lati. DVa 1929.. Foreign Bond Market; Furnished by Orerbeck Cooke Ot4 216-217 wary, 9s lraue oniiuingi A. P. 3 OcU1920 V. K. 5 Seat. 1918 ........... V. Kl 6 Feb. 1918 U, K. 6 Nov. 1919 i u. K. oa reb. J9W Tt X." CI. IQOI . 7H . v.. . , . . A. r. Sec. 5 Aag. 1919 Sep. Franca fa 1931 ..... Lat Aaa-el e Markat SSir ;-i';rtK. $2.40 ESS: laipriiiOTi';;::; ana- a New . York Metal Market. XeYort. Oct, 3. (L K. 8.) Copper Cb- Tib Quiet. Spat -offered at 61e. Lead yuleU . October, 8c bid; November and eember affpred at Sc. Spelter Quiet. October, $8.008.20: Kovem- uvf inn wwuiwr, ao.wvjo.AO. -.1 Seattle Barley Market i -.f"le. Oct. 3 (I, N. S.) Barley Per ton. Becpiptsr Wheat, 113 car; barlay, aaaa.' Dora. 5 April 1926 Argentine 6' May 1930 . .. . China 6 1919 Dow. Canada 5 1937 French 5 1919 ciq. Aaa 92, 74 V. T 90 89 g44 8 8 -V 09 83 4 3U 5 - 9 - 13tT 144 92 98 - 94 67 69 152 - 155 bk 954 93 93V, 5a 95, 64 94 U 95J . 07 .... 96H 94 84H v -. : ."..'i , - Chicago Produce Market Chicago. Oct. 8. (1. N. S.) Batter Re ceipts. SS60 tub.. Creamery, extra, 484c; extra first. 43c; firsts, 41Vhj42Vke; peeking atocx, deo;sic. . -. Earn Beceints 7833 eases. Corrent recelata. S4Qi4SHc', ordinary firsts. 8S36c: -firsts. aoaJoc; extra, 4i0Vie; caectut, XI C sic us-use, anaaav- lrta r Ton. 319.65: hnlk. 118.75fa 19.60: heaviea $19.35(219.65; medium. $19.30(819.55; light. $18.75 18.40. - Sheep Receipts. 12.000, 2540c higher Lamb, 318.0018.25; ewes, xu.oodjiz.ou. n -it.. iat aa m flet. 8 II. 'P. I Cattle BCiDtB. 2800. Strong. Steers. $S.0O12.75; cowa and belfer 66.50(88.00; stockers and leeaers, t unfair sft- piIth. S9.00tail.00. 119 .00; bulk. iW(Bia-B- T Sheep Receipt. 2800. Higher. Bare, S10-75Q1L2S; mbe, $17.6018.00. GOOD COTTON ADVANCE MADE AT THE START Maw Tork. Oct. 8. (1. . S.) Tb opening advance of the cotton market today or dO t.. 48 nolnta In cotton price proved to b anntlnuation of Teaterdar's upward movement. There. w covering and Laverpooi Buying x the start but also a good deal of selling by soma of tba larger longs, which era go well absorbed, however, that st the end of the flrat 15 minutes tba leading positions were over 70 point net higher. In the last hour price cnange were -r.f .ni vcUi. Above the 26c level realis ing sale tune oa the" niarket in increased volume and aeUlna; from the South lo l came lower. The market wss finsUy teady at a net advance of 18 to l point. Bang of Kew Tork cotton price fnrnihd by uvernecs at v., Open- High. Low. 2510 2000- 2508 2520 2612 2520 2537 2620 2535 2543 2605 2523 2556 Trade building; January . March ... May July .... October . November December Early Losses Then j Eedues m Prices on The N X Market Finance tTimber; Industry 'OKHtJt IHTlOrr tOpeBtHtchl Alaak Gold AlUa-Cbalmera. ...... American Can, e. ...... American uar raj., e.. American Cotton Oil . American Lineed, e... American toco., e American Smelter. . . . Amerlcgn Sugar, e...,, American Tel. at Tel... American Woolen, c... Anaconda Mining Co, .. Atcblaon, e Baldwin Loco.,- c Baltimore ubio, e. ... Bctfalebem Steel i'B".. xrrooaiya n. jranaii,.. uns at Hunexioc...... allf. Petroleum, c-..:. anadlan facille ...... Central Leather, e Chesapeake a Ohio. . . . Chicago A Gt. W., C..i tjuicago, at. at at. r., . Chicago A . y? e..,. Cfaino Copper ......... Colorado V. A I . e... Cons. Gs Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, c D. a B. ii.. c DlstUlvrs Erie, e General Electric ..... Goodrich Blubber .... Gt." North., Pre Lands Gt, "North., at 4 ....... Greene-Can. lea . Securtttea ....... 11 llnola- Central ...... Industrial Alcohol Inspiration T . Inter bora, e Kenoecott Copper .... Kan. City Southern, c. Kelly Springfield Lackawanna Steel .... Lebtsh Valley ....... Louisville A Nabv(H'.. (ax well Motor, c I Mexican Petroleum ... MiaaU Copper .. . .... MIdval Steel .... Mo., Kan. A Tex, c. Missouri PfWfle National Lead Nevada Consolidated .. New Haven KfW Tork Atr Brgk. New fork Central ... Norfolk A Western, e. Northern PaAfic ..... Pacific Mall PennaylvgDla By, .... Pcoplea Gae Pittsburg Coal, a Bay Coia. Copper..... Railway Stfel Spring. Beading, Bep. Iron A Steel, a.. Bock Island Sear. Bnebuck A Cp.. Shattuck ... Stcdebaker, e .... Slos Sheffield ... Sobthern Pacific , Southern Railway, Tfcnnesaee Copper Texa Oil Texaa Pacific .... Union ' Pacific. C . United State Bubber. e United States steel, c UUb' Copper Virginia Chemical, c. W. U. Telegraph Weatlngbouae eilcetria. Willy Overland ...... ool worth 46 28 004 96 Vi 116 46U wa 95t 634 tsot mtZ 08 23 148 86 63 wis" ma PV 101 32 73 40 "A 2014 141 43 H . a. iVA liH 138 49H 89 H4 80 59 118 88 2914 24 10B 99 4U 24 47! 26 6j 8t 116 46 70 96 64 60 93 H 148 85 54 60' ioi 40 20 142 4 41 100 60 89 81 69 ta 119 4 4H B4 61 28 60 20 28H 74 loo iqo Iw ' 4 1 24 t 25 61 S 95 115" 46 6STS4 95 62 69 86 69- 83 147 H 84 53 48 108 48 1101 72 38 19 137 43 33 a, 41 100 itsa 49 8814 90 60 118 83 93 33 27 60 20 28H 78 1DB 99 iCjoa 4 84 464 6 ' 24 00 05 U iua if 70 5 89 62 83 60 34 48 i 61 81 23 44 'ai' 26 162 127 08 '87 46 ii 25 Mi 123. 53 83 63 23 82 82 23 46 1 87 ml 60 24 441 80! 61 23 " V 42 26 14 14 162 160 '87 '85 46 45 28 24 12Q 12Q Vqltl S4atet Treasury May Be Called Vpan to Throw Opett faftQy. 000,000 Silver Itecr fiHli rkfvrrilirer Beat Pa VejJiuis rtCf Reaches ft, QOq. ,.W ' 0.1 .in Unlt4 1 ' J.a "" 1, 1 t,. , 1..JJJ. .Ji Taa Bixvag SltuUOu--Tb. Stataa txaaaury baa oa daposit 1410, 090,$fl8 allvar dollars, bald" aa saourlty, tloUarl tos dollar against th Uv4S eertlficat currency In Ttrulat(oa. There la , a tirobabllltr thai a fjreat porUoa oi tat vast sum , Will t thrown into U snarkt la aa sffort tf stabilise tne. sUrexai1tU-anojld ta price of tat, commodity -wtctt oa Tueavday was $1.08. ca . ta S1.22a per oBoeaJ At that prica. tha silvsr contained' ia tba dolUr. wtit bt vorta exactly- J 08 cents, It Is then tast , in, auvar eoia. win .Jbssrla to becotna - acgroe, tor . boarders will be xiBirint Ue coinp end selllas; tbsnv. or- malUnf thes down fer buUlpn. Tb vax, tba silver market baa been in tnt last. twi or tb.r days,' bosvfvsr. ,be probabUtr of aueb .an occurrence this Is said ta be very remote. Stiver has beep , steadily decll&in tar as v erajt days, and Hongkong; exchange, which, recently reached ht blah point of $8.W was down again Tuesday to 89. The Hat purchases ol stives nude bx the government war in 1811 when 4S ents pr ounce was paid lor ever 4,000.000 ounces. Tba xovfrninent is only using nilyer now fpr the manu- lacture 91 auDsiaiary coin - sucn , aa dimes and auartera There hava been no dollars minted sine 1104. The liver com shortage ao lar baa not been felt to, any marked xttjnt in tbf United States, but in tb southern American countries, tba PhlUlpplnes and soma parta , of Asia, silver coins have become rrltle. Tba coins of these countries ere much higher stan dard la silver Quantity than' United Stages eoiaf and the high prica oSthe commodity soon censed the fpecula. torn to begin collecting and melting them down for bullion. Tha situation becajn se serious that la Peru' and Honduras-tha governments are mint? inaT their aaina with, a much smaller rtT'p eoatant. The tww alternatives ggnjara, aitbr putting out a let t pape 14 1 vurrency-au Hoarding tne pnver, or vvtu-ta tW4 sua uunnniy as stiver usea. ana apparently the latter pro cedure Is meeting , with tba most ivor. Vatea Veciaa Savsauea Xaeraasa Gross revtnues ot tb Union Pacific system for August Increased bv 8288.. Ji H 042, or H per cent over revenues for u n" ams montn or last year, accord 2 1 Ing tp a statement Just made Dublic. 19 Passenger revenues increased $530,871. 138 or 26.4 per cent, but freight revenues 83 ?,r . Ba ArW 8 liaO I V latfjg- SZe-vva I - "v - 13d 40 42 8OH 68 V 33 92 ' ".'a J i t .J'. HI '.- . . .. . 1 Z.osa AppUeaUoa Blaaks Xaraw Tha s9id ; ,brty ! iqan campaign hers -has been some wftat hanmcspped by tba facf that the-ePPlUmtloa auaks, -used , by the subscribers, aa4 aot ar- -rived .Tuesday. ; X large quantity of t these, however,- ws received at Lib. ' erty ioa headqvartara lgte la the dgy, , ftd tbeaf ara 4f iai distfibutfi to the , vrious seiitnf afenciee tody, . - We f Vai - Aaalysis razadTha -war t act is axpUined la a booklet which tba i.umbenaea) Trust com- -pany has la preparation and will dis tribute among in vestorsl Tha act haa v new reached its final stages, and wlU probably become law in ar few days. It is hvt : generally, understood ? that the war income ta law is intended as aa additional tax on incomes dur ing the present war. Tba present in come taa schedules are aot changed. end t&o rates , of - tba i present law, : : which was enaeted September $, lllf, an those of the proposed law, must be eded Toether to make the total t WbteVH M Prapae4 t assess. , peksme'p Qet farpoowa p,f Elliott of the federal reserve - bank ' of -Saa Francisco, who. has been cam paign manager tor the Liberty, loan throughout tha state af vVYasblagtoa: eddreasing Spokane buginsss men rev cenny, saia tne city's bond quota was $6,000,000. Tha city raised I3,O80,80 ia the flrsf loea. . ' -M aaa Companies Seast Oaaatra-Ia view of the recent application ef the roriiane; Mas Coke Co. for revision of the; public service, commission's v rulef retarding the British therme -unit standard tor gas, in which a rev' ductlon of from 70 to b&Q British , thermal units' .Ta as ked,"U is interest ing to note that the gaf companies ' of greater New 4 ork have lust agke4 for a chaags from candle powes ? basis, or standard, to th British thor-- . mal un(t basis. Inasmuch as by tafe tba largest "percentage pf gag used If .v enployed ior hptting or .'or (ha aaa.-. tie form of :ightlng, .watch opera tee I on the principle of incandescence pro ' ' uuicu uy Jiciti, toe puouc aervfes com- . -. mission ot isew lo. -hag the, eppll- ' catlops under consideretiQa H b ' been shown, in hearings Jus- conolu4. e4 bOfore the commission, , that just -AS efficient gas can bf produced under' tha thermal unit bfsis, .a4 at mud' less, cost then under whe t-andle pjwvr ' standard ant) at tha same time vsius tie by-products aad :dus, greatly HMde4 la the. war Industries, are se , cured. ; ' nOity Moose Hall Is Ddiciated Oregon Cty, Oct, . Hfita Jqdg Grant B. Dirnick acting M master f 2 ceremonies, Vhe new. Moose hall lit this 6b2 city was dedicated. $ uegdsy xjlfht, the jJf exercises being attended by a gath ering estimetea at 1000 persons. Mem ber of the Portland lodge, accom panied by their officers and degree teem, came nere on 4 special car, icaq ing ia the dedicatory exercises. -The I several lodges holding meetings in tlie 61 1 nan aio. naa e part in ins evening s I program representatives either tnttk- ins addresses ?r bavtng musical nueriT bera. The banquet waa served ia the banquet hall, where long teblea seated several hundred at a time.. The Moose 26 1 band was in attenaaace. renaerinr sev 156 I aral selections. 49 19 26 1 it 74 108 901, est 49 84 4 SI- 23 44 43 81 26 leu Additional Names Certified Oregon CityV Oct. S. The local draft board has certified two additional names to the district board for serv- 14 ice in the new national army, they be- 127 ling Lyle Dailey cf Oregon City, who was at Bianey, Men., at me time 01 examination, and 1 Herbert W. Holmes of Milwaukie. who was badly burned and whose examtaatioa was postponed at the time all others were esmlned. Atr. Hoimes nas recoverea irom mis injury. 67 90 35H 85 45 24 113 I 2513 2613 2618 Close 2584 2594 2002 2O04 2655 2681 2688 Total sale for the day were 627,800 abarea. P. J.8. Tooze Victor a rtl a 1 Johnson charges Carl Johnson wltit in isniT. tot oianaer ?el? .lnum" ,w"ra",j . 1 in ner com Mrs.' Johnson Asks Divorce Oregon City, Or.. Oct. taaae V, Budget of Clarke County Acoepted. Vencouver, .Wash., Oct. I. Provision y- WAs made foy $J$Q for the purpose of . clearing more land at the poor farm, , but the commissioners struck rom tht budget the 145.000 estimate for bull J-r ing purposes end improvements. The only other reduction madam.-thf '. budget was $$le from the stirost submitted by J.-4i. Garrett, county as-J eeesof, Thj reduction was made at' the request of Mr, Garrett, end with -these two chapges the budget's ad--yertlsed waa Accepted ; by the coras ' ' missionfrs. -;. inn 1: . ..I f ' " - v " " Vancon ver Iarrlega 1 LIceneee . Vencnuver, Wash., Oct. I. Usrrisgf . licenses were Issued Tuesday toth ! following epuplff: - Stewart P.- Davis, ' 27. and Mrs. Lena, Paddock, II, Port land: John Burbsnk, II, and Hast 1 Staalch. 18, Portland; Chester Thomas. II, aad AUa Butfutn, II, Independence, . Oct U. C. Morgan, 44, im Margarette Niece, 19, Portland; Alexander Bros seau. 1 21, Portland, sad Alice Mi r Bruneau. II, Csstlerock; P. J, Ensi-j mlnger 15, ' Portland, and Helen M,'. Toleys, 24, Wheeler, or.; Alfred Wort-' man, 20. end Minnie Rfdmond,.' it,' Portland. T r ... . . f STOCKS, BONDS, MORTxAnna - New 'York Bond Market Bid. Atchison Genl. 4s Bal. A Ohio Gold 4 Beth. Steel Kef. as ...rv,..,,. Cent. Pacific lt 4a C, B. ti Q. Col. 4 St. Paul Genl. 4 Chicago N. W. Gent. 4 L. 85 83 62 80 95 87 it. N. TJnl. 4 INe-w York By. 5 rTJorthernPc. P. L. 4 Beading Union Pi Genl. 4 ec. Ut it p. S. Steel 6 Union Pc. 1st Kef. 5s . Southern Pac. Con v. 6a . Southern Pac. Conv. 4s . Penna. uonv. Ptnna. lt 4s be. A Ohio Conv. 8 84 88 102 81 96 81 101 3 2 82 h Ask. 86 83 4 81 96 80 88 80 85 87 90 90 102 83 e 82 103 93 82 Cohaleii -Ttot Dop' Is Seut to Albany . i i 4 1 U . Washington, Oct. 3. (I. N." S.) All evidence gathered by the department of Justice seeming to Involve Judge francts Cohelaa in German intrigues In the .United Statea has been for warded to Aibany, Attorney General Gregory announced as he left the cab inet meeting Tuesday afternoon.- The only documentary "evidence tne depart ment secureo. Attorney trenerai Gre gory said, was the telegram already published in the official expose of the committee on public information, base J on the papers seized in the New Tork office of Wolf von Igel. . - ; Delay Met in Action On Aitchisons iName Washington, Oct. 8. (WASHING TON OF THB JOUBNAK) tConflrmation of Clyde B, Altchlson. of pregon as an interstate commerce commissioner' by a- unanimous vote, along with other new appointees, is expected but wss delayed by the dif ficulty of -securing- a quorum : of the senate Interstate commerce committee, to which -the nomination was referred. Chralman Newlnde hopes to have tha nominations acted on before the end of the week. . ; - FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR Writs er call for full informeticq about r per cent First Mortaraxe Gold Beads, . secured . by eiose-la in corns property sad issued in denomina tions et ipo aaa $bu. , , - Q. B. aWTT.T.rrft 88 OoJ ' VorthwestarB Bank Bidg. n. J - " - . , j 1 Oregon in her complaint for a divorce, filed ia the circuit court. The couple wera married in this county May 30,- 1914. m a.iiAAi flhmatvtvteamSame I" irZ,' ; i.y Thi plaintiff aays that te dcend- Gets DoUar Tartlet in Action Aeh e onduct toward her beeama so tag 930,000 Balm. 1 unbearable that aha ' was compelled Oregoa.City. Or.. Oct. Damage, Wffi"? T WIWW of one dollar were awarded late Tues day afternoon to F. J. 8; Topse, city superintendent of schools here, la his; suit axalnst Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cart' Udce for slander. Mr. Toose brought suit for. 338.000, alleging mat in ins publication of a pamphlet over a year ago the Cartlidgep bad grretly wronged mm and nurt nis reputation. Drafted: Man En 1 Boute Is Stricken Vancouver, Wash, Ocd t Oscar Chrlatv of Battleground, one of the ine autuorsDip or me psmpniet was dr,md in Vaacouver this mwra admitted by the defendants, oae ot . im.ri,.n'Tik; whom. Mrs 'oartlidse. was formerly a n oa their , way ! AF.ericaalLeke, teacher under Mr. Toose In the local j fell . in a fit just after, the mea had schools. The case haa been dragging I been breakfasted at the Presbyterian through the courts for many months, j church and as they .were lining up far and was finally heard by Judge Wttle- the rnareh to . the Station. , tU was field of Portland, sitting in place or given ieaicai attention. unriiywiu Judgo Campbell, The court, after hear continue en hia way to the csntoa ing the evidence, instructed tha jury nient. but request for exemption pa to find for the plaintiff. physical disability clause will be asked. Clackamas Pioneer Is Killed by Auto STOCKS BONDS, MOKTGAGE3 In Deteimining : th$ Value of Municipal Bond The expeeienc aad arpecial knowletfre which ' result from . many years of specialising la this breach of the Investment , business are valuable- Av only offer , to investors bonds which we ourselves have purchased aad own, gnI which have been carefully se lected. V Luraberaens Trust Company Capital a4 farplae f aPOeQOO i raVneaf ,lf- a"ostrtaa, 0t. V- MORRIS BROS., INC. fUfJwey Pxekangs BaOcliag avs ' a a a a a ' Utaaitsnsq 15s a WAR -T AX Zsaao lVaae Palls Trorn Board of Track and is Oroaad ITadST Wheels of Tehicls, Oregon City. Or.. Oct. f, Isaac Lane, a pioneer of Clackamas county. Who has been living at Camas, Wish., for the past several months, was al most' instantly sailed Tuesday after noon when he fell from an automobile truck on the River road. Just south of us wroye, tnia cpuntr. ' 'ipi fear wneei 01 tne irucit pessea ever t bis Mr. Lane waaviidina out from Port land on a truck driven by C. F. Cot" term of Clackamas, which wss haul ing a load - of household' goods from Portland to Glen Echo. At Oak Grove Mrv Lane swung- down on the running toara t see 11 the load was all right, lost his balance aad fell to tha road. Oregon Man to JudffQ Ataulornja Show Saa Francisco. Oct. W(L N. S.) Frank Brown ef Oregoa will Judge the beef cattle to ba sbowa October SI to ft ia tha livestock exhibit of the Call f ornia land show. Greet satisfaction ia the selectioa of the Judge- hag beea expresses ny sxaiouers. as Mr. Brown has a national reputation as a Judge suia oaiy receai-y rtiuHa av very list- repubiie and judg at tba famous! Amounts mail M fipo mzy be Invested through ti?, ap4 ftJi Buenos Aires straw. I - .order receive as careful ennsidtrafffrn 1 thrt inr larcrr auma , . Wt will mail to par clients a, compute nlyil nd expUn jtlQri of the WAR TAX, In a 3VP&e hook, lnciudinf tables and exam ples of its application to individuals, corporations, tc., imme diately upon passage of tjie Act. , Inasrriuxh as EVERYBODY pays fhe WAH TAXYOU are lav, terested, therefore, la nowia: (a) Upoa what yoei must pay, , . . b) How the taxae are conapwtetl, ' v : ? (e) VVhat credits tvr dedactioae are-aOowad. . (d) : When to piak return. , ....-sv. . a , ta) . When, bow and where) to pay , y ' CO la Pamalfiaa iavolvad, tc.e, 1 ' Copy Qf PavawplsvUt brniMhmd upon nqmrnl Hi t cut. Lewis Bfd. Phone Mar. 653 Investment &6i.$l Preferred, Stocks 1 Cit-Hiavei " I' - .- ,r , . ,tt --t:".svi? vt kv rv v? r""Aj" B"""