V. v 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1917. r ij i EiaLlNGEIlEAL ESTATE 2. ! . I Gomtlonad 1 ' ,.. 200 ACRE firm ta Mil. (lnnf 1nl . good buildings. Will trade lor, two 1 . room moaern bungalows.- tame cam. i balance) on Urn. agents.. Se owner, ' journal. ROOMINO HOUSES 41 ROOM rooming house in modern I brick bia., sy walking .distance. I In suites ot 2 and s room. rnt only SI per month; Income 130,7' Willi Blear f 150 net: price only $i$ud; $900 leash, balance $40 per month; no inter .at. ! -A. J. DE FOREST. r- tOT Hoard of Trade bide. Terms it Wanted ' Hotel special, $2SvO; only first claaa notel in email manufacturing city, big fayroll; always full; you only have to look to buy; we have other good ones for less money, tjaclflo Asjency. wetland bldg. 23 APA HTMENTH, modern brick, west ilCl,;iif"yr-r aCSt 117K !llJJkf?1aaA1'Mfh,1lau, in ' month net: $1000 cash veil! let you in. A. J. DE FOREST 207 ftoard of Trade bldg. i $65 Net Income ; ; i 16 rooms, good furniture, nil full, rent 136; S blocks from P. O.; snap terms. L. A. HALL, S12 Panama bldg. il UOOMB. fuinlshed complete, cbeap- est rent In city; every apartment full-, Income $200. Lady can run. $1600, 91000 cash, balance ' easy terms; no trades. K-9-15. Journal. i, 47 Rooms, $750; Terms Rent $70; hounkeeplng; full; bargain. BRUCE OODDARP, 502 COUjCH Bldg A UUOU paylns hotel, 3u rooms auu lobby; strictly modern; In one of the best little eltlea In the northwest PX. S04 Journal ! BUSINESS ""TUNlTlEjO 'CASH bunlness, non-perishable goods, doing $1000 a month, est. nearly 2 years, profits 35 to 40 per cent, no credits, no deliveries, best location on Yamhill mkt.. between 3d and 4th; Inw runt inH m trnnti 1eAM. ' Can ODeratd bv rinn mkn und a Clerk I Owner leavtna Oreron reason for sell- I ing. A. wonderful buy; no agents. J-506. I Journal. 1 ri ' k a a L Vld.lnU.tl iVimii ALLbllLIUIl i.j - - i The only exclusive shop and gsrai I In big Eastern Oreeon city. Invoice 4.yefr:',1 "oistein heirers; 1 fels $l$.w00. Doing $10,000 per mo. Bulla-1 1? months old Holstein bull; all In 160x100. Big sfock of tires and ao- i ceasories. pacific Agency, 614 Bwet-lfw. land blt-g. tH bAX.E A well cuuteped -machine Shop and foundry. Located in ."the biggest town of its sis In the world" and In the best location in the town. Uood business. Well established. Part cash, tems on balance. Write M. L. Akers, Sec. Pendleton Iron - Works. IPnrtleton. Or. s ; Grocery Snap i Dolns 140 a day cash trade:, anart- ment house district: no delivery; Hv- ng rooms; rent $22.50; invoice. we lave other ones from $400 UD. r Pa- cino Agency, 614 b wetland Diag. ; Pool Men The time Is now rlDe to gst ln.O business for the winter. We have some $0 good halls for sale In and out of Portland-$400-$4000. Paclflo Agency. 614 Hweflsnd bldK ; Country Stores Have 10 general merchandise stores In valley. $4000 and $36,000. to trade for Improved valley ranch. These are good .choice trade Padfio Agency. 614 Hwtlanrt bldy i Grocery .Store Snap, $700 .' Cash corner utore: no credit, no de livery, doing $50 day; living rooms; best store In Portland. Stock worth the mcney. Ooddard. 603 Couch bldg. Dandy Pool Hall . ' Complete, will exchange for clear rropcrty: price $1500; first class busi ness. Pacific Agency. 614 ttwetland ' 'General Mdse., $3000 Cash,' doing good business. In the dslrylng country, established 4 years. Pselflo Agency. Iil4 Swetland bldg. Pool Rooms . 16 Pool rooms in and out oT Port- Innd. some good buys, $500 to $3000. 'aclfic Agency, 614 Swetland bldg. Will Trade for Equity 1 ton truck, commercial route, guar antee $13 a day. What have yu? ; it. "A, HALL, ,612 Panama bldg. Big Garage Snap - $2500. big storage and repair. Cornel look ana you win buy., raoilie Agency, 14 Rw 2TooT etianq rnog. i PART time, buys the leadinz confectionery store in live small City near-Portland. A, J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. : If You Can't Sell, Trade I have some gllt-edjred propositions. U A. HALL, 612 Panama Bldg. IfeT CLASS" CoTJnTr-4' H6TEL. Commercial trade, good town In Cen tral (jregon, ior particulars see A. J, r Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. PRIVATE Dartr wishes to buy good j garage location- owners only need reply: answer, plying location ana par ticulars. D-7l1Journal. " BON'T WORRY I can sell or trade anything any. where. Layman. 481 Cham of Com. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 1 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 33 months or Z1.Z4 ror so monias or 16.17 for 96 months, pays a $1979 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We lean on improved city property. 'T for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE 8AVG3 LOAN ASSN. 141 wtarK at., rortianq tr. L MOKTOAUK LOANS Any amount on Improved city and farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6915 163 4th St. A-3S1B BUILDING loans on city or suburban progresses. W. O. Beck. 214 and 11 Kslllng hid. Main 8407 $266. $$&0.' S4t0. $600 and laj-gee amounts ikbu S7&s iiai.1 it current ratVa W. German l Cut OulcR action. Fred W, 712 Chamber of Commerce MONEY to loan in amounts of $U0 to $606C on city property A. H BELU $01 Gerllwgey bldg. OK (MOHTUAOB LOANS see OKkl - GON INV..& MORTCAGB COl. Stock Fvrh Mrla-. d snd Ysenhill sta $6.uuv to loan in amounts to suit on city property at e ana ivo. a .B.r 7AVj & CO.. MS Oerllnger bldg. CITY MOKTOAGE 1XJAJSS - $500 to $6000 9 FRF.P . WILLIAMS. 9tH 1ST ST IToo to $1609. c-mkider lots. . H. M 86f Dowllng. 416 Cham of Com. 00 TO $7(00 to loan on city or, farm security, e-iii. journal. Mortgage loans llKTUAUH loans e ana iye. Psiemon It Co., os welling Diag. CASH for rotas., loans, contracts. ' rt. Ijwi. rt . iewi ninr. main e MONET TO 1X)AN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 If You Need Money See Us SALARIESCHATTELS Loans jnad t persons on salary or fixed Income, on nouaehold furniture, pianos,- diamonds and other personal property: Ugal ratea.- ' . . PORTlix NT I.OAN CO! f Licensed) 67 BT , OVH METHOD Wv can furnlah . jroa - MONEY. On abort ' notice to pay your present billa and you can pay us back In eaay weekly or monthly payments a you Ilk, - ,,- - , WE : LOAN MONEY to salaried people on their own note. easy paymenta strictly confidential. absolutely no security Having- loans elsewhere dos not pre vent you from getting loans acre. We also loan on household furniture. pianos, etc., without removal. can and see us. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO (Licensed in both city and stats.) i 117 FAILING BLDO. 'Id and Washington sts. Portland remedial, loan ass -ti Established by Portland business C.MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 394 STARK. liASa -ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRV, pianos household FURNITURE men 10 protect borrower. LOANS WANTKD 30 WANTEDt-$1000 on 160 acres in jviicKitat county. Washicaton: ao agents, A-823, Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and WANT to loan 91200 or part. 7; pri. vate party.- H-521. Journal. HOU.tvs, Vfc.KICLK. fcTl'C. 18 ON account of retiring from business we are offering for sale all of our horses and wagons. C. W. Townssnd Co., 380 Front. DEAD stock taken quick. We pay the most for aeaa ana crippiea siock. i a nor 4ia. FOR SALE Heavy team of horses or nire Dy day or month. East 4989. UUKbfc: auu wagon, f l.e Uay; t horses and wagon. 12 dav 54S Front. M. 2 209 LIVESTOCK 83 FOR SALE Good" family cow. frh ' 2 weeks: Drlce 942: also 2 year heifer. fresh 3 weeks, price $60; take Estacada or Gresham car. aet off at Stanley sta- Hon. first house past store. Phone Sell- wood 416 V" aJhhl7T.2.3 . h.ed. n'n greuXe, 2- luoercuiin tested. Adress O. W. Bur Kidgerield. Wsah. ONE larre Jersev-Diirha m fresh i b yr. um; i noisiein, ifesn 3 wits., 3 yr. old; dandy cows. 466 Sherrett ave, eellwood car. BUNCH choice Jersey heifers, bred all from heavy nrodimprw' aoll nna or all. Box A-818. Journal. FRESH gal. 6-year-old Guernsey. 2 young family cows. $30 apiece. 734 Tacoma ave. FRESH cows for sale at 704 Ellis ave. - Take Sellwood car to Ellis ave., go 3 blocks east; will trade for dry cows. 2 YEAR OLD. coming fresh in Decem ber. sell or trade for fat cow. 619 E. John st. St. Johns. VERY gentle Jersey family cow. wood 8 IE. Sell- POULTRY,, PIGEONS AND PET STOCK 37 WHITE LEGHORN hens 86c each. McKenna Park Poultry Farm, Mc Kenna ave. and Lombard iL. St. Johns cnrltne. Col. 814. 60 YOUNG chickens for sale. 2 to 4 months old. R. I. R.'g and White Rocks. K903 97th S. E. Mt. Scott car. SOU FINE pullets for sale White Lee horn.- Reds. Rocks. 787 Oregon. East 1806 UOUj, BIRDS, PKT3. ETC. 4 FOR SALE: Eng. setters and pointers trained, to be sold; a bargain; also Airedale pups. Bird dogs for rent. Lei trim Kernels, 93d and E. Stark. Ta- COLLIE puppy, recistered. nndiereed. splendid cattle strain, mother per fect heeler, very gentle with children, good bargain. Sell. 2039. F. F. Bailey. 1028 K. 39th St. 8. FOR SALE 1 thoroughbred setter, well broke, $25 if taken at once. M. Meach. 3209 W Vancouver. Wash. Phone, 710-R. I A FEW well bred Fox and Walker hound puppies (crossed) for sale. W E. Mumpower, Oregon City. Route 2. 1-1NK setter cheap. Fulton. 276 Kelley st.) AUTOSIOHI LKS-ACCI TSrOK I ES 44 AN ENCLOSED CAR. WITHIN THE REACH OP ANYONE CADILLAC COUPE, IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. OWNER WILL SACRI FICE. 6425.- HOWARD AUTO CO. BDWY. 1130. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. A-6241. Used Car Bargains 1 1913 Ford, first class condition. $250 1 1916 Dodge touring. A-l condi tion 650 1 1917 HuDmoblle roadster, fine shape .....750 1 191? Chandler touring. A-l con dition 1350 Manv other cara from $100 and up. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Wash. Main 6244; FORD 1914. good condition, engine Jujt I overhauled; $2"?6. ton truck, solid tires on rear, pneumatic tires onront. all new, goad condition. 3150. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 I.ownsdale or 15th and Washington. Main 1161. WE have several late model light weight 4 and '6 cylinder used ' auto mobiles, all of which can be bought at very low orlces and on easy terms. WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.. Broadway at Burnslde St. Chalmers Distributors. ; Hal 12 Distributers. I HL.DSON, 6-pass.. in fine running shape, all 4 tires practically new. ThJs is the best, snap offered for a Food running car, $235 cash. A-l Auto Works A Painting Co., 625 Alder st. 1818 NKAUJUX new rord touring body. sloping hood and radiator shell. Will sell all for 6U. wain 1093. 1917 GRANT "6.", extra tire and bumper, run only 2700 miles, private use; must sell. Marshall 8712. Call any day before 1:39. 1916 MAXWELb louring, just over hauled,. 'new top, seat covers, .; four brand new tires, a oargain at, 1450. Main 109Z. MOTORS, gears, bearings. wheu. axles; we wreck all make of cars) and sell their parts at H price. Auto Wrecking Co.. n, uroaaway. 1 CASH paid for old cars, condition no OOject; pans ior aut muu i cars. Oregon auio kwimbj, ii Mwosuia gon auio wcnaoK, izv a iRrh urn) Wash. M. 1161. K. 11916 MAXWELL, good condition, good 1 tires. 15ao: will taae some terms: E. 24th nd Broadway. MONEY TO LOAN CHATX4X8, HALA1UE3 1916 FORD chassis, in fine condition. 1 Owner will sell for $325. Call Main 1098. . - - OVERLAND roadster, in good condi tion, goes for $250. Phone owner. Marshall 4884. - AUTO parts and accessories for leas. aiuiua ranta'airu, vaa -?R-!7 Bnrnalde st. Bdway. 328$. , DUBRUILLE '- TOP CO . AUTO TOSS AUT03IOBILES-ACCESSORIES Continued) ' 41 Main 1143.. 1 A-2445. Coniey's Used Car Center ONLY THE BEST . -USED CARS BOUGHT ANI BOLD INTERSECTION-OB WASHINGTON. 1 5TH AND BUR' SIDE STS, BRICK. BUILDING A few of our s-ood buys: 1917 8axon alx. fine shape 1917 Studebaker. lust new . k m ISIS flrint mir. rrf eet . . 1917 Ford, just nxe new ; 1916 Ford, looks like new $; Ford roadster, runs fine 137 26 euicK . i .. j "! .. if hauled "'!? 1011 Wlntfin It illlt l'k new . ..iooOl w i9vv 1914 Packard; some buy $853 1914 Michigan, just overhauled ..$';? 1914 Haynes. 96 new ,,.....;.$60 Franklin limouaine. perfect .....$463 60 other good buys; iook tnem ovor. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUlSUAin THE USED CAR BUSINESS r At one time used cars were bought and sold on the horse trading plan. The methods used were often open to question. But the steadily Increasing demand I this until today the used car business has come into its own. It is built an! conducted on a sound, economic basts. To give honest value for every cent you put into a usea car is our amoi tlon. And we realize our ambition very day. call ana see us. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch. "BUICKS." 4917 models taken In trade on our 191$ models. All in fine mechanical shape and some have been reflnished. 1917, 5-pass. touring light six ..$1009 1917. 6-Dass..- almost like one above " 960 1914 roadster, C-36. fine car.... 650 1913 roadster, electric lights.... 400 HOWARD .AUTOMOBILE CO., Broadway 1130, A-6241. 14th and Davis sts. Light. Six Roadster Original cost 51025. Run 1600 mileal on pavement; like nerr. .,. I $850 9350 UUWIS, )&U ftLt raPtxxi. benj, t, Boone & to, 33 N. Broadway, Broadway 106. 1917 MAXWELL TOURING Run only 3 weeks; excellent mechan. leal condition. Circumstances force owner to sell for $675. The Used Car Exchange y 827 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. - Garages $35 Up See Samples, 64-4 Hood st. Phcne Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. 1915 Ford Touring Good mechanical condition, good tires ail around. This car goes at $250. The Used Car Exchange 827 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. ' THAYER. SH AVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $370 - BUILDERS OF 1t4 Ton. 8420 EVERREADY TRUCK Ton. $470 I ATTACHMENTS .8paciiy. 1 Aixar. in ruriiana 198 E. Water st. Phone East 7437 NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer 7 ' We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sawed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul- runlzlnsr Co.. B33-D nurnaiae, near Broad way. LAHE Mfg. & Repairs. 8000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reaucea. in. istn sc. 1 .i in mi i -i i.i. ...... SraViHATT BOUGHT OtXeAT SCoTr? THAT RU&AT THB K . BARths- T TKE RED CR055 STAIRS . fX " A NX7 P30T ' !j " - efa, ' ' - " "V' - . ,,. , - J ' AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 fConttaued) FORDS , . FORDS FORDS FORDS - ... 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. l17 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford delivery. 1914 Ford delivery. 1914 Ford touring. -.. 1914 Ford touring. 1913 7ord chassis. Don't fall to see these cars before you buy, for they are sell in finest con dition, some of them practically new, and lots of extra equipment such' as wire wneeia. aemountame rims, shock abso-bers nd speedometers. Terms dulnil .IHA downnd US iMr qown ana zo mm.lh nr irar'ii fro Korvlr-o an all minor adjustments. " - - w" - ' FRAN5C1S MOTOR CAR CO.. East $770. E. 1,3th and Hawthorne av. For Sale' One 7-paas. Marmon; late model. In use less than year. Wire wheels, good tires; exceuent condition. One 1912 7-nass. Chalmers. In good i mechanical condition. Just painted: good tires. Price includes new top. One 1912 5-pass. Reo. Good mechan- i i.ior,- ti. - Pri. i?sa One 7-nasa. White "40.to touring car. In good mechanical condition. The White Company Park and Cow:!! Streets. Used Car Bargains - Cadallae bug ..i $178 H ton truck 200 Mitchell Six 350 And several other cars to select from, Xfi.JMS lilViiilN. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co East Morrison at 1st Street. East 7272. - B-1216. Brand New Saxon 6 Touring Original cost of car. $1060. Has been run only 20 miles. Owner needs I the cash and win seu ror sou. Pacific barage V266 11th st. 'Main 1092. For Sale- One G.M.C. -ton truck, with or without body and hydraulic hoist. In fipe condition, ready for service. One Willys -ton utility truck, with or without body. In excellent condi tion. The White Company Park and Couch Streets WE have a large stock of touring- cars and roadsters, many different makes. These cars are in ursi-ciass conamon. Will be glad to demonstrate to you, Call Main 6244, Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Wash. sts. 1916 Chevrolet Touring Rnarsnteorl tn he In flrt class con dition throughout. Will sell for $835t Tire Used Uar txenange K97 Wsshinarton St. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. COME and see this 5 passenger Ford; has W" radiator, shock - absorbers, out out. electric light and Just painted, for $250 cash. 610 Leland. Woodlawn RS59. 1916 MAXWELL for gale cheap. X-406. Johmal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7 I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., g. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave- THREE lots. 60x100 value $750, for 1917 Dodge, Maxwell or Chevrolet. Call Tabor 6232 Sunday or evenings. FIVE acres good land, Tillamook, and possibly some cash for1 good used car. no Ford. U-7S3. Journal. J WANT a late model Ford for cash. Call Woodlawn 5359. - WILD give clear c.ltv lot for light car. Co3t $900. Tabor 2397. WANT to rent Ford roadster by month without driver. T-626, Journal WEDDING BELLS AUT03IOBILESL-WANTED 78 (Continued)- -j ' :! T FOR SALE 20 Weres. all slashed. 1 rnilda west of ScaDDOose! the best of red shot -soil, running water. 91250; will take auto as Xirst pay merit . bal ance easy terms; inquire 39s ja. Broadway. . WILL trade my equity of $1200 in good room modem oungaiow sum iou . nf and Alberta, for lata model 6 passenger auto. Dodge, Buick or Fiank- in preier-ren. u-i i, -iioiinmi. "AUTOS FOR HIRE 62 AUTOS for rent without DRIVERS. O. N Smith. 3d and GliSan. Broad - way Z6Z9. DODGE auto service. 7, 6 pass. cars. All rvieen. RxisonaMe-.: Mam aat. AUTOS without drivers 'for hire. City nm-i.. ?ft tsth nt rfwav S4fl, A-4i. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 68 CUT tsrlces on 2nd hand motor eyclea. k.. it. mocicer, cor, or tn ana -rayiwr PIANOS. ORGANS AND 54 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SECURITY Storage Coi. Closing Out. aaw roenier & Campbell piano. ! suo uennett upright grana. casrt fxwv. ii ivraeger uprignt geana. casn $350 old model upright cash $85. $275 old model upright, cash $45. EA )J -.... - Pianos stored for 60c montn. 109- 4th st., at Washington. $5 CASH. $5 month, no interest for 24 years, buys $350 Singer u aright Pi- buys $375 1917 model for $230. and $10 cash. $8 monthly. buv. $550 Pri- matone player piano for $340 during factory clearance sale at ' Schwan Fi ano Co.. Ill 4th et.. at Washington. era Phonographs and records bougnt. sold, exchanged, rented. Expert repair lng. 142K, 2d. Upstairs. , v. FOR SALE Genuine . Amatl violin, $1000: Imported bow given with it free: will send to bank for -examina tion. N. M. Lewis. Silver Lake. Or.. lock box 314. Decker " Son upright. $98. $90 Talking Machine outfit. $45. Harold S. Gilbert, reliable Piano mercpant. 884 tamnui at. BEAUTIFUL Kingsbury piano. $185 A Kohler for $145 and another for $115. Soule Bros.. 166 10th st. Main 2820. RENT a piano, most reasonable terms in Portland. No squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 3$4 YamhIU exchanged. Hall & uassldy. us ist, Main 709S. FOR SALE Good upright piano. 6660, 44 E. 6th N.. any day East except Sunday. . WILL buy used mandolin and case cheao. H-b22. journal. COLUMBIA Grafonola. latest modil very little used. Tabor 31Z4. WANTBtt Phonograph records. Main 7098. - PJ ANO for sale 'Must raise casn standara. Line new. f-oa'j. journal TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW Remington, rental plan, rent -applies 'to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co. 88 Broad- way. Phone Broadway 621. WE save you from 60 to 75 on makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder. Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. sal wasn. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corf- na dealers. E. w. rease to., it ocrt. ALL makes typewriters rented and "- paired. Royal T. W. Agcy.. 94 A 6th. HoiHQLi) goods for sale ,w FOR SALE, Single, 6 rooms furniture like new; leaving city. Sibft union aye. N. FOR BARGAINS in used house fur- niahings. : visit our exchange dept- Calef Bros.. E. Mirrison st. at E. 8d. BEST end cheapest place in Portland TAKE a tip: Sell your furniture to relation, the name of the person or corpora te) buy 2d hand furniture. Hall & Ford Auction Co. Mam 8961. Uon for wbom aocb trustee is acting. Is glen; cassiqay. 12,6 1st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WATCH main springs $1; cleaning $1.50. Alder Hotel Jewelry Shop. L. M. Reynolds. 385 Alder, bet. 4th, 5th. GRAPES for Jelly. Woodstock car to 63d ave., 3 blocks west, cor. 38th st. Maddock. GOOD second-hand lumber, doors, win dows, extra good material." - East 1806. 787 Oregon st. . ELECTRIC hair dryer almost new, $8. 0-547. Journal. BATH tubs, sinks, toilets, pipe and fittings. A. L. Howard. 212 4th mt. FOR SALE 3-bAirner Vulcan gas range, wttn oven, fnone -iaDor 7019. TOMATOES cheap. Tabor 4213. 230 East 9 2d. Mt. TaDo; car. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co. 212 3d st Mnin 797. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent ed, exoh.. bought. Hentlv. Main Xf2. HAMMERLESS Tabor 170. 12 - gauge shotgun. UPRIGHT piar.o good Instrument and condition, aiuu. seiiwooa i02. RING OUT! FOR SALE BnSCELLANEOUS 10 ,f OonUnjaod) Wfl AND SELL ONLY N a t i o n a I Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest- prices.- Small mo nthlv Davments. No Interest charges. Wrl t te n guarantee. uia registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold ana xcnangea. J. R. MUMMA, Agent The National Cash . Register Co, Phone. Broadway : '16. 254 Burnslde St. Electric Motors K Sought, sold, rented and' re paired. Walker Electrlo Works, 41$ Burnslde, cor. 10th. Broadway Or A-S474. U11CIPA T. tKKTBtTUrUTE ttom I eparaie cmsBiiicauons. au laTsr! uiemsoii ok mese gouos are puoiisavu unaer meir respective ciassiiioauons. i look, them UVEK. ALL machines sold for less. .Renting $2 ix.r month. No agents em- tloyed, Sewing Machtce Imponum. 190 8d ncr Taylor Main 9481. A-36Jt. $10 TEN drophead sewing machius 1 witn atiacnments, gooa conamon. 1 sewing macnines renea at )Z pti rnnn.kT Fn. OfCQ O.OMI T Ola.,!. I 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. BARRELS and kegs for sale. We have just received a large snipment 01 hardwood barrels and kegs from CaL Come while -they last. PANAMA COOPERAGE CO.. 248 Front. LOGGERS. ATTENTION! - 15000 feet -in. plow steel cable. LEVIN HDW. A FURNITURE CO. I 221 FRONT ST. FOR SALE Forty tons of first-class oat hay, baled. J. Bchmauaer 33d and Grand ave., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 751. AU TOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLE launches or boats are separate clas sifications. A large listing can be found under these fllrterent classirlcations. HUNTING coats, special bargains in sample- line or excellent coats and' shell vest. Levin Hardware & Furni ture Co.. 221 Front St., THREE BEAUTIFUL M E X I C A N I COUCH COVERS. EXQUISITE COL-1 ORINGS, BARUA1N. 384 CODJUEGE, I MORNINGS AND EVENINGS. 1 $45 Columbia grapnopnone, iirst class I . , - . . . I rn9AtfT' will trnrlA fnr vnAn API chickens, or what have you 7 Marshall J ?826. 1 I in"1 "'i" " "ii?. - ii.-i.1-. " I BEAUTIFUL COUCH COVERS. EXQUISITE COL ORINGS, BAIIGAIN. 384 COLLEUE, MORNINGS AND EVENINGS. WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations and garage. E. H. Ruppell, 478 Wsshlngton ft. Msin lft. 600 BOND letter beads. $1.90; 1000, $2.90; 600 envelopes. $1.90: 1000. $2.90 Smith, printer. 204 Stark st. 2DN HAND BICYCLES, etc Main 3611 Blttman Hardware Co.. 218 Front. FIJRNITURE WANTED 74 THE LEVIN HDW. A FURN. CO. buys Furniture, hotel and restaurant out fits and tools of any description; full I value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072. A-7174. PHONE East 7816 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once ana pay you casn. m. i-t- eeaier, su , Hawthorne ove. cor. UnloM. WK pay HIGHEST PRICE for used furniture: stoves, oto. au ast zi. Qran(j Rapids Furniture Co. FURNITURE. RUGS. STOVES wanted, pay full value in cash. Main 4486. ABSOLUTELY highest prices paid your furniture, ruga, etc. xaoor izsv. FURNITURE wanted. Marshall 4788. FU RNITURB wanted. Main 7098. SWAP COLUMN 2.1 Wanted to trade for 6-pass. auto, the classiest motorboat on the river; built this year: length 28 ft.. speed 17 miles; fully equipped, electric lights, auto control, auto top, with side curtains. arm chairs: also boat house. What have you? Phone Main 2516. . Good Heating Stove . To trnde. What have you. Main 449". ,RED fox fur to exchange, for fancy work or whst have you? 872 Alberta st. Wdln. 8234. PHONOGRAPHS, typewriters, musical Instruments, etc.. to trade for bi cycles. Main 4496. WILL trade heating 126 1st st. BlUVCB. iO.rn.ltl . . . 1 7098. PRINTING for furniture or anything useful. 529 Yamhill. Main 4135 PIANO tuning. $2.60, or exchange for groceries, etc. Tabor 5718. WANTTEDITSCT SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT ED J. MEYER THE TAPLOR PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND I CLOTHING. MAR. 1299. 229 MADISON. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash price' for household goods. Prompt attention .East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 RusaetTst. WANTED Second" hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture do., 80 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3332. I OUL n Portland, Front. l-i OliailN LU, Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers. -Write for prices and shipping tsgs. Main 1699. WANTED 2d hand furniture, rugs. ranges and stoves. fAx cash. PIFER-HAMILTON FURNITURE CO., 90 Orsnd ave. Fnone East 77s. REPAIRS YOUR WATCH AT THE CRESCENT JEWELRY CO 294 WASHINGTON BT. 231 Dir. lL On MAIN "T7T FRONT I uvl 1 1 v JUIIN UU, 476S HIGHEST PRICES' for any kind Junk, "i TO THE HOUSEKEEPEBL I pay highest prices for junk. rags. bottles, paper, clothes. Tabor 7289. BEST cash prices? paid for used office - desks, chairs and filing cabinets. Pa cific Staty. & Prtf. Co. Main 1971. i i . . GOING EAST ! 'Household goods shipped at reauced rates, rae. coast F'w'd'g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 2467. 181.00 WILL repair your watch at Reingolds Jewelers. 124 6th St.. near Washington. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras. lenses. Mocntieia. wain sai. WANT -good rug oheap: have things could trade. A-4Z1. journal. PAYS highest prices for 2d hand cloih- ing. tools, etc. za rront. stain 46uz. I WANTED 40 to 60 acres plowed, trac tor preierrea. oeii i?i. WILL pay $8 to. $12 for your discarded wcoi mattress, rnone u--ta4. BOOKS bought, s of and exchanged. gcandiffavian book store, 4 w. go st. PERSONAL 22 ELECTRIC CABINET , TUB BATHS. Scientific massage by graduate) mat. scute. 3Z7-z nttocK piock.. - 1 1 nxiiar Consultation FREE. Main Lawyer 49ss. 512 sempg wdg. , - SHAMPOOING and electric massage. 182 w est fara. rtoom au. aa noor. VIBRATORY' massage, manicuring. m Office) 49. jaar. z2. itax jeroaaway I T (OonUBtt) t . goiter, easesaa, rheumatism, tumors, i scriptlon and kind cured in tb short U! FERSONAIi est- time possible at the least cost. T y U.TkW ITBliflQ) .ni. rwZ The finest equipped office In the west. . kOHTHW-tliu co : ' " - " CaU and eee. the wonderful equipment, j ,M B g, ,K f&es kTt sww. IMfrO No charges for consultation or exain- ' H i t s- 'ulii-U t iiV 'm'au viuu way bldg. Main 6709, , , !ftXK or LABGKtsT PLANTS IN MOktBWEST. LOUISE NEfZEL. trained nurse and! W. r. ROO CO.. PHONE KA8T ll.' B-14T masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matlsra, lumbago, neural la. etc; tub bath massage and electrlo niangets; lady assistant. Marshall 033. 288 Cut 13th. near Jefferson, Open Sunday (LOOK, girls! d lore's your chance to ao your mt ty corresponaing wnn H. B. Ppff. E. J. Hefferman. cook: Wm. uoiien, care ta Oregon, mi., co. u, Medford, Or. GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same service and Quality you pay double the fitted glasses as-low as 11.50. Tbou- eanas ot satisnea customers, -nas- w. erim i uaiubi mna. ju. li, uuuaa, no o iu st... tor. nun, avan iiu- isiry ana cara reaauigs. aiso icssuns a tne sciencq 01 neann una uuccpsb. uny MILDRED CLARK Massage, baths and electric treatments, otnee 411 Rothschild bldg., 287 Washington. Open evenings and Sundays.- BEAMER & CLARK'S billiard palace. formerly McCredies, 2d floor, Yeon bldg., 6th and Alder 33 tables, finest egmppeu puion m nvrumeiu vD -Il- MARIE JOHNSON, chiropodist.' cabinet sweats, electrlo treatments. Main (04. Office 613. 827 Washing ton. Open Sundays. THE FUR SHOP Furs to order, remodeling, lowest prices. 606 Swetland bldg.. Sth-Waah. biffcJHDLDOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by 10-needle method: trial $1. JoBie Ftnley. 614 Ellers bldg.M.6368 MARY WILSON. 82? Vi 1st St.. wants her husband to come home. NOTICES 21 STATEMENT OF THB OWNERSHIP, MAN AGEMENT. CI RCUIATI ON , ETC.. RE QUIBKD BX TUB ACT Of CONOUESS Off AUGUST 24, 1912, Of Oregon Dally Journal. ' pnbllsbad dally six daya at Portlaad. Or., for October 1, 1917. State of Oregon, ) County ot Mulutomah, as. jielore me. a notary punuc ta aao ror ue aforesaid, peraonally ap pea red A L. Flab, ing been duly aworn according to law, deposes aad sayoJ ln,t J lno oasineaa manager 01 iae uragon journal, - ana taai ine loitowug is. 10 . vv, V, U.W KUVn U . V mr uesi ox uia Knvwwart bbu iwuti, m ruw statement of the ownerablD. manasement and it ri.11. ..n.. . .lwmr.tuuik .t. nf the aforesaid publication for the date ahowa In the sboTS caption, required by tbe act of Ar.ruat 24. 1912. embodied la aectloa 443. I'nit.l I.iw. and ReiruUtionB- nrinted an the raeerae of thla form, to wit 1. That the names, and addressee of tbe publlaber. editor, managing editor, and bust aeaa. mana'cero are: Name of publlaber, .0. 8. Jackson, postofflce address, Portland, .Or. - - Name ot editor, C. S. Jackson, postofflce sddreaa. Portland. Or. Name of managing editor George M. Trow bridge, poa toff lee sddresa, Portland. Or. Name of bualneoa manager, A. L. Flab, post office address, Portland, Or. 2 Tbat tbe owners are: (Give asmes ana addreaaea of Individual owners, or. If a cor. port t Ion. glTe lta nam and tbe names ana addreaaea of atockboldero owning or bolding per cent or more of tbe total amount of stock C. S. Jackaoo. Portland. Or. Joseph N. Tear, Portland. Or. . Estate of George W. 11a tea, Portlaad, Or. Gordon .Voorblea, Portland, Or. Mra. Margaret Cohen. Pendleton, Or. Mrs. U M. Bates, Portland. Or. T. B. Wilcox, Portland, Or. 8. Tbat tbe known bondholders, mortgagees, -and other security holders owning or. bolding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages.'or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) , C. S. Jackson, Portland, Or. Gordon Voorbles, Portland. Or. 4.' Tbat tbe two paragraphs next above, giv ing tbe names of tue owners, atockbeldera, and-security holders, if any, contain not only tbe list of stockholders and security holders aa tbey appear upon tbe booka of the company l.ii t mtu tn -.SIM vhr. th stockholder of aecurity "holder appears upon tbe .books of tbe company aa trustee or in any outer nouciary also tbat tbe ssld two paragraphs cvntalu statements embracing affiant full knowl edge and belief as to tbe circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and se curity holders who do not appear upon tbe books or me company ao iruaieea, noiu bioi-b ami securities in a capacity other than tbat of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reaaon to believe that any other pert 00. aaaeeiatkui. or corporation has any lntereat direct or indirect la the said stock, bonda, or other aecurittea than as so stated by Sim 5. That the average number 01 copiea or each laaue of tbla publication solo or ais tributed, through tbe mails or otherwise, to peid subscribers during the ' six months pre ceding the date shown above la 56.608. (Tbla Information is required, from daily publica tions only.) A. L. FISH, Business Manager Bworn to and subscribed bet era-- aa this 1st day of Octwber, 11(17. ' ... f I . V. , fSEALl Notary Public lUy eommlxatoa expires April 0, 1921 ) NuTiCli OP BOND SALE OP PA YKTTK-ohh GON 6IA1PK 1UE1UAT10N DISTRICT, fe. csieo iu uiueiu nraui, oiais or Oregon. Until 2 o'clock D. m SeDKmber 20 luit the board of oUreetoes of the PajetlaOrcroa Slope Irrigation uutnet will receive aeaiad propoaaai at u.ir omce 10 asaineur county. State of Oregon, aald office being located la 1 in. on. .LurT trauiv u w rtiiu, uvuh or in. mmiit I T7-.l " ..(.!.. 1. J, ,1.-. . . " UJ .LI ... , Ml. WW vwwstuwu SB DC 1C B locsud in the Loutbeast ouarter of north quarter of section 2. townablp 1? soatb. rasge 4 1 gi.. w t., iu Mwmu iwuij, ur . tor tbe purchase of bonds of tbe aald district as bonds of Psyette-Oregoo Slop Irrigation Dis trict la tba sum sod amount of 100,000 to refund, cancel and retire all outstanding feuowa: iwtnir jmr iwsotiapie eoo bonda of the o .iric: ta wen as all outstaod. lng coupon on bonds aad all warrants laeued Ior miereei ou wbui, hiu reiuuumg poods to bear Interest at the rats of per cent per annum. Interest psrsbie tbe nrt day of January and. July each ear, tbe bonda ma turing serially after tbe fifth year in annual amounts so aa to be approximate!) equal pria cipal aad Interest, aud 2u year uegotlabie coupes bonda of the Paette-Oregus Slope Ir- rlgattoa viitnci w om BBU .bq anaoant r $5b,00v to refund, cancel and retire all out atspding warrants of tbe district other tbss warrants leaned tor payment of Interest on bonda, aatd refunding bonds to bear Interest St the rate of S per cent per annua Interest payable tbe .flrat day of January, and July of each year, tbe bonds maturing aerially after tbe fifth year la annual amoonta oo ao to be approximately equal principal and Interest. GEORGE LATT1U, iC. M. JOHNSON, A. A. GUTTEKlbo. OTTO O. MILLER, P. M. BO ALU, Board of Directors of Pajetve-Oregoa Slope Irrigation unmet P. M. BOALS. Secretary of Board of Directors of Payette- Oregon Slope immiw inirin DEPARTMENT OP STATE. SALEM. OH Notle Is hereby given thst by sutbority of Cksptrr 187, Oeoersl Lews of Oregos. - 1916. ih. cnilnwine stats warrants laeued for a Dart ed of more than seven years prior to July I, 1917. Wul OS QKimrvu tviu - auu fiwcni thMMB refused by tbe aiate treasurer ef ntwran. nnleu nraseated for PiTKient at tbe OLIjCe or Tne fciaie wrm.urir. KMWiu, V7i .. wita in an rf.v from tbe 12tb day of September. 1911. toe oate 91 toe lint uutu.iwu w, MUw rotlce: Warrant Pete . . laxurd. Is whose favor, Amt. S2241 Oct. 20, 190...Long A Hell $10.0 41 Dee. 9. 1S0B..McK night. D. B.... I BS la testimony whereof. I bate hereunto set sir band and caused tbe seal of the state of OrraoD to be hereto affixed this 2tb day of September. 1917. BEN W. OfcCOTr. 8eaU rieeretary of State, PttOmsTONHTAiNB iUS!NKSDJRKTQRYj AgATTf CTTTTTirO ATTD MTO. eTTwYXIRl AUATK3 cot and polished. Jewelry and watch retiring. MUlev's. - Washington at. ACCORPIOg PtEATiyO KTbTEPUAN. bemetitcbing. bralilias. cbaia stluhlng, box, socordloa; side sod onburt plaiting,- scalloping, button covered. Goods sponged. 82S Plttoek Hk. Brwadwsy Vm. iXiXBtletustltcblug and- Button Sboo. Uenv stitching, bnttos and pleating;' real 1 orders prorKpt attentkm. Ji4 Moerismi. Male ?2 BLAITX BOOK MAKERS, MAVIS A UuLMAN. INC., It id St, blsak book msnofeturr.-A-lsa. Ita 188.- BSAS9 A BP HACHTWE WtmK8 - BARPKRli BRASH WORKS. Braes eaatlnxe and niaehln work. 10 W. Bth. B'way 1141 CKIROPRACTORSJ DR. McMAliOM is making good; 81 adjusv mesta, $15; seven $5. Easiest tefms. PROFESSIONA r AND BUSINESS . . DIRECTOR - (Continued) caspxt CLXAvnro trow old erpij ioVCK BHOS. iklwrtrle ClMaltiff Work Cc Beta cleaned aBd laid refittlns oar cislty 440. B-1063. 804 K. lPtb st. Jit ' - JT COAt A1TO WOOD "'J . 001 WOODWOOD Notice to fael dealers d part meat hooe: , Am hrtinlnc - eordvood up I be rlfer and witolMllntvoa the dock; "save inooej. Pfcoo t , Best 6f.l. B4466. ' - . f A OkKUUN KUKL CO. .W . Woodliwa 6210. . Beech sear Dnlos sve. , All kinds of fuel at market nrlces.. Oreea (4.SO Immetllate elellyere-. " ' ; .; Monarch Coal $5 te $0. WlHxrUl I - - urteee-. to hotels, pertinents, biwioess ssasee. Cbeliails 9sel Co ;- BrwiMlwsy 14BT. 1M N. etk St. - -' --a-- country slab wond, 4 ft-, fl-DO; prunipc ae- mery. - biock weoo ana etx eord woot. grt 2041. KEKK A ITAHR AO. kinds of green sad rt J rt. nr for !. 803 Water et. . 45PS; aixr-. COBbWOOU 1000 CORDS eaewne(t,.lB yoo. Nirgein. Kat 6732.. POO Ai-'P .CAT HOSPrTAI. ' , -OR. O. U. OUXHMAN. VETkRIMAkl kSl: nof'til 41S E. Ttb at. K 1MT. nti. EDVOATTOHAL DAMCIMO ' . ' ItlNtiLKH Dancinf A' Heinj. All brsaebr t modern fsoey, atc aad ballroom SaneiOf. Claaees and prfvsts laaaoos for adults en4cfeiur dren. Main 8380. ; Montrose Hinglr. dtrxtrir. UANCHKJSTtB UanetBS Aeadamy. SAW ib , bet. Stark and Oak: 4 pfiealo leaaoes. 61 . S- m.. p. ., e0.; latest dances gaaaaotoe! elaaaea 11mra.4 Sat. ee.. 9V. Hensilway tlSO. MB an4 Mrs. Ileatb'a Scbuut-Faney, stag aortal dancing Uoght. Uaaa. Tes rrl. see. Learn the latest dances, riasbla, Jaaa.- toddle. HSUU, wh. et. LrMoni. dae or eee. Main MO. DANCING 1 taugbt la 0 private laseona. Uchid-n Ins ball room practice, ss, arnor uaroen. iw , n. tn RtXA n. m. Marahall 119." MISS IKHXAND 60S Uekum bldg.; 10 privet 'leaMtn. $5. "Hrtura. :BO s. to 9 a, LAW SCKOOU ORKGON LAW 6CHOOI, a ihorooga prae-, tlcal eourae 10 lsw. tceeiiaooas evaauasay Main 977. Altaky bldg. - - - - " 'aTlTBIO BCHOOTJi AITP TEACKTkt ' ' t. TUlbXHuKN Violin toacber. nopll '-JevelkiP-'.' 207 meaner bids. Broadway 162. ' . 1 PROF. X. K. LAWbOS. Piano Lessos at youT' borne.. flOc. Pbose Tabor T2Q6. -V10MN llano, saandoUa, KeUcDbeek, 0l Yamhill. , Zi;tlMA L. REflW.V. Piano, student of UaK' Manafeldt. 612 Ellers bldg. Woodlaws gfw, rxTjyy guoa ajtq kao gtrat NORTH WKtiX ".UU CO EstabUabed 190. Flnft Bugs and rag sags woven. iu sisrs. E. Rth and Taylor. Last kiwi. oat B-l0. PENINSULA Pag Works Hag rof and carpet weaving, lftia ratoa- are. wwwwwv nr.. WEifTEUN Kl.Urr HUG CO. PHONE EA8T SISI. BVI4TS. nraicAces t. C'BAIKK rUBNACE CO. , ." ,t: v We sell Borntoa and Tbatober faraeees, Bk-, . eral terms. We earry repairs foe Boyatoe,.. Tbatcber, Detroit Jewel and lateral ate furnaces.' . -, Main 4S1. Orfir rront sort Market." , HAIR -GOODS AV9 HAIS DEI8I0 ;. jv tEB fET A UANtBUT, leading wig and toupei , ; maker, finest stock of human hair r"'.)' balr ureaaiog, maaleuriog. face end scalp treat-? ment. wemoees to sn, aunt sesr BBsiwirn.j - ORIEWTAX OOODS Cbtaeae Emporium. 8S Morrison. bUt. .above Bdwy. Chlnee. Jspsnese goods, ana faros, PAIKTIaTO. TISTINO. PAPERHAgOrif O ; TOCULE PAIKTINQ CO" paloUbf." tllng.j paptrnanglng. B4S aiaranan mib -'. PATEatT ATTOS.METS l.H.tBKRi. ail VVoeeesier bttlg. Mais 36Kn. : PHTBICIAM D&. R. A. PHILLIPS. 906 Broadway bld. Asthma. Nervousness, rrostaae iwwayv Rhmruatlrm, - ' PLTflCBIWO bTJrTI,Tgl ""RETAIL- PLUMB1..U gUPPLIE yienrlng. ll 4tb et. Main 7900 . PRIKTTNO AWT) BUTPniO PRINTING-: V, W. 41 ALT ICS 7CO sd Oak eta. M. 15. A-l law- PRIMTXRB AKD ERORATER6 THE IVY PUKS4 K2 Stark St. Broadway 40. A-4flMS REAL EbfATE DEALERS EAitL B. JONES. 404 Wilcoa bldg" RTTBBER . STA MPS AIIP SEALS HSO atenclkfc-iTtade Checks. Brass Sigsa. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 68 Broadway at. yfoaawey 7H.A-27I. . SHEET METAL WORKS P-KPA11UNO tin and grsvel roofs. Loall. 110 1st at. Phone Msia 1494. 81X08 NO hoops, no nails, aatl-frae garagaa. eeatp and suburban booses. Stay Round SUe Ce., 702 Rotbcblld bldg. . TOWIL StTPPLY 'Voit'i LANO LAUNDRY CO.. fot prompt. e'tW 4 ; dent service. Phone Broadway 41Q. A-441Q, , TRAK8EER ARP STORAOE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1970. Transfer and forwarding Ageats. Storage Pree Trackage. ,, Office' and Storage 474 Cflaaa st. : f 1Mb and Gllaan. Brosdwsy 121. A-11SB. r ; iLWIVs ;-pick!" frill. Ukue wolisikUoLu (JOODS SPECIALIST Storsge, . paekiog. - 1 shipping and moving.. , Horse e sabs van, j j--Soeclal frelg-t rat -e te all points. .. ., ,. . 'a O. PICK TRANSTEB BTOBAOS Cdy. Second and Pine. - Broadway IWO. A-tPWI. . p"A klNG. M0V1NO. STOttAGE. SKCURlTt -Tl 7 STORAGE A-TRANSIfEtt CO M Park gt. Mais 51-6. A-106L JOBBERS WnOLESAufrRa jxptt yrrcKi ap rao atTfot - Send . Us Your Old Carpets .:; . FLLODiFtF wmm Made from old Ingrain. Brussels, Area raster. . Smyrna. Also rag rags, all stsoa. Mall orders I n.mf,. Kn torn booklet Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Etc e 9x12 ruga, steam or eleetrte elesoed. ....$!. 00 I BxK) rugs, steam or etecrne rtsj...,....ijs t 54 Union sve. N.- Phone -Esst Sftls. B-14T9. WOOP MPS lxtHT Ukb WOOD PIPS' CO. -e" setory and Y l n. - - -in of flee -near aeia sso ion sts. ii v-o. TRANtlFOKTATION ncisco fWnliatrt Caaags Za Easts! The Big, - J Ckssa, .. CeaafsrtaMe. Ilagaaliy Agaetate. - boagelM V 'y, S.S. ROSE CITY ' SaOa yreai Alsa worth 3ae - .3 . J. MOJrOAT. OCT. t. , IM 4WI4- sfuaa ea Celemtoa Rtvee. . All states lael-4e Borths aad SUals, . . . Xabie aae arvoB ba The tea rraSelsos PerHaa ft. S. Chw iaird aad WashiagUs SUeou, (wltt O-W. R. a M. Ca.)- SaL Braedwaj- 490. aV4Ui aAiigeles Str. GEORGIAN A- i ASTOSLIA ABP 'WAT ltjrBtjTai ? I - Leave t a. im. dally. Snudsys, !- sta,."; Betureiog. leave Astoria 3 p. ox, arrlv : Portlaad p. m. - -.v 'vt ; STR. LTTRLnrE leaves T:4S S. tav dally. - ' ; cept anadsy., Bewrsisg leaves i Astoria l.f Mala 1423. . Wsablagtoa BU Pock, . A-4184W , m - m'v .U 41 - C- 1 - $04-301 Dekum bid. ; ' th Oak. B'way 1644. 1