THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY : MORNING, SEPTEMBER. : SO, 1917, . 5 COWING YET SEASON THREATOJS TO DELAY ! PAVING OPERATIONS it Contractors Give Assurance Rock Work Will Be Left in Condition for Travel. "CAR ' SHORTAGE HAMPERS tn lCQM la Umatilla Couaty Xxpected to Be Completed Seeavlfaelr ' Oradlag Betas; Son. As the dry season grows shorter It Is ginning to look as If all the paring contracts on the state highways will not be finished this rear unless the eon- tractors "hit the ball" livelier than they hare thus far. Jn any event, tn contractors gjre assurance that the unpaved parts will be rocked and left In condition for win ter traxflc. If weather conditions remain normal about alt more weeks of working weather is expected west of the Cas cades, East of the Cascades the eea- jmh will be longer and the probablH ties are that the 10 mile contract in Umatilla count. will be entirely com pleted, as will the macadamixing work la QUI lam and wheeler countlea j -. . Hallways Stamper Deliveries .h On the Rex-Tigard road the con tractor has just, begun to lay the sur- f see. ' Oreat delay was experienced by .Inability to get railway transportation . for material. If the plant can be run at full capacity some 1S00 lineal feet of pavement can be put down daily. , In .Clatsop county two plants are to be worked. One at Swensson Is to pave ,ftve rabies west to the John Day river, where the second plant is to be oper ated on the remaining five miles be- tween swensson ana Astoria. AH the grading work of the John Day section in Clatsop county is prac tjcally finished. ' Zxcavatlon Zs Completed -At Ooble in Columbia county the earth excavation is practically done east 'of Reuben and nothing- remains but rock work, which will be prosecut ed during the wlnt:r. Between Reuben ' and Ooble the Bowlby survey has been modified somewhat. Instead of keeo- , ing under- the bluff the road will be thrown out on the flat, where a sand fill will be made. The change will .shorten the road 700 fee- and reduce fthe'Cost of construction. At Ooble a 'rocky point containing 7000 cublo yards will be eliminated. This will be a win v ter Job. In Clackamas county t'.t New Era , grade js finished east of New Era and tne grading crews are now working between Oregon City and New Era. It . Is planned to pave the completed sec- r. non or tne grade this season. At New '.Era there is another rocky point of approximately 7000 cubic yards to be .removed. This will be another winter 'Lincoln County Eoad .; ; mn up to Voters . The voters of Lincoln county will pass on the question of issuing bonds - to the amount of $200,000 for iraprov . Ing the main highways of the county '.'-xuesaay. Among ice roaas wmcn it is proposed to Improve are the east and . west road from Newport to the Benton county line and the nort'u and south road along the coast from Tillamook .ounty to Lane county. This road will 'form, a link in the coast highway of . the state system. The state highway commission has promised, in the event . the bonds are ordered, to match the .. county appropriation for the main ' .roads,', r ', -:'j"VsaleS'Fqrc'e-:for' m itch ell; sixes v I pi i p 1 1 i ii ij. i ii mi iiii ( ii nj -ifii.i.1 nrij'Vm"r 1 ." '-mimmttrnvc ","""-''" ? t!t!!v! . i . ' ' LJLS , '" - rtT jl 'v . V v " -' - . v ' ' - ........ ; : VASHINGTONIAN GOES II OVER HIGHWAY AND IS Horn Returns Prom" East With His Bride ii E SON BOOSTER - 0.VF. Bora. - bead of tha Appersoo Motor Car1 company's office in Port land, returned, with his brjde last week, after spending tha past three weeka In the East., r - ' " Mr. Horn rather surprised his-friends in this city; for, upon cleaving, hi stated purpose was for getUng delivery of more ears." His trip East was made vU Bait Lake, his old 'home town, and . , , Atpi iii. was uiere nwi uib m;uwiiii v Letter tO tiarVeV U tSrVani his marriage was made public. . . -rf .- , -. - ... .. I .... A A; Buckley of Tacoma Writes . Glowing Account of Trip in Plea to XXL Weshlngtoaiana Xs to Sew the Highway lor ? ThamaelTea, Which Cannot Be Disappointing. A. I Smith, new aales toanager for Mitchell Sixes, who succeeded H. S. Rodebaagh, of the retail de- partment of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver, and his sales force. . Left to right -H. E. Jaggar, A. L. Smith, Ed pstendorf anQ C. If. Werten berger. UPON 0 il ROADS TO COMMENCE IN EARNEST IN 1918 Very Little Actual Work Be Started This Season; Preliminary Plans Develop. THE- INTAKE Present indications ar that but very little construction work will be done this season . on tne rorest roaas Included in the cooperative agreement of the state and national government; It is hoped, however, to have the brelimlnary arangements concluded so that work may begin eany next year on a number of projects. Some roc it excavation may be done this winter. The forest service has accomplished a great deal this season in the w of preliminary surveys. Every oe of the neads Included in the three year construction plan have been reconnoitered by the engineers of the office of public roads except the one in Tillamook county. There has been no survey of this coving to the fact that . location of the state road ' be tween Yamhill and Tillamook has not been determined. It is possible that the forest serv ice will undertake . some construction on the three .mile stretch between Crater .Lake park and the forest boundary in Klamath county. It is proposed to do this work by force account in order to get a line on costs, etc., to be used as a guide In future work. The first Important construction to be undertaken on the forest roads in Oregon will be applied to the three following which are regarded as the principal ones, the Enterprise-Flora road In Wallowa county,' the Mitchell Prineville road in Wheeler and Crook counties, and the road between Can yonvllle and Oalesvllle, in Douglas county, which form a link In the Pacific highway. Oil Found In Great Britain London, Sept. 29.--3overnment geolo gists have found oil in Great Britain and the government is pressing the discovery for all It may b worth- Boring for oil lias been made a gov ernment monopoly, and operators say the revenue from these fields will help materially to pay the expenses of the war. Elgin Bepresentetlve Visitor. O. A. Marks, factory representative of the Elgin Motor Car company of Chi cago, visited A. C Stevens, local dis tributor, last week and was very much pleased with the splendid showing made since the appearance of the new car. ' - . '.-. A. . O. Zdae Xs riaoed. The Elec tric Service Auto company has taken the agency for the A. B. C. starting and lighting system for Fords. The A. B. c. company is formed of of ficials 6f the Ford Motor company. " WiUard Executive Kere C. S. Har per, branch manager of the Willard Storage Battery company for the Pa cific coast, visited W. C. Allen,' mana ger of the local ' Willard service sta tion, last week. Mr. Harper is on his way to San Francisco after establish ing a new organization in Seattle. JBwina? Xiocated Sere-Clvde Ewinr. formerly Michelin : tire representative of San Francisco, has been appointed manager of the Portland branch to succeed C. A. Hogaboom, who has been promoted 10 territory man. Hemphill m Hew Work. OUie Hemp hill, Dodge salesman for the Covey Motor Car company, will handle the used car department for that concern during the absence of Earl F. Heym, wno win leave for the east October 1 Appersoa Official Here. T. E. Jar- rard, vice president of the Apperson Bros. Auto company of. Kokorao Ind., maae a snort visit ' to Portland last week and spent the most of his time m conferring with O. F. Horn, local distributor for the Apperson cars. Mr. Jarrard's visit was shortened on ac count of having to return East to at tend the Automobile Chamber of Com merce meeting, October 8, 8aulres Xetams From Honeymoon After spending a three weeks' honey moon in the Canadian Rockies, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires returned to Portland last week, Mr. Squires is the president of the Portland Motor Car company, distributor for the Packard and. Nash cars. Hastings Sees Highway. C. A. Has tings, factory representative of the Hudson Motor Car company of Detroit, Mlch,. spent a few days in Portland last week in the interests of his fac tory, from which he has been sent out to gather information relative to con ditions on the coast. During his stay he was taken over the Columbia river highway by a L Boss, local Hudson distributor. RIGGS RETURNS AFTER mmmmrnmmmmmmmi fmmmmtmmummmmmmm&fmmm- i I t"UU NMHntMGiiaiMMniMMtiiMnm w E take1 pleasure in an nouncing the opening of our Four-Story Modern Fire proof Garage and Ford Sales and Service Station at 254 Sixth street, corner Madison, . rendering' day and night ; service under the personal supervision of Mr. W. H. ; Wallingtord, ;withra staff of g cbrnpetejnt expert assistants. ' rWe solicit i your continued patronage with assurance of absolute satisfaction. A complete line of Genu ine Ford Parts and Accesso ries always on hand. Also several used Ford cars at special prices. Close - out - prices on nearly all kinds of tTires. ' ' . ii 1 -. t W. H.WaIlingford, Authorized Agent, ' Ford Motor Co.' ' ,r ' Show Room, 254 Sixth St ' at Madison ii Hal-12 Uriven to Big Pendleton Show One 'of the few dealers cars which made the run to the Pendleton Bound up was the Hal 12. driven to the East ern Oregon show by Roy Hemphul, manager of the Western . Motor Car Bales ' company It Was necessary to ship the car to The Dalles, on accoant of the road construction . at Cascade liocka . Accompanying Mr. Hemphill were James B. McNaughton. president of the company; Kmil Fehr. M. Oi Wil kins, president .of the Motor Car Deal ers' association, and 'two newspaper men. , As the guest of Mr. Hemphi.l, Queen Iula Matlock spent some of her time In the big Hal, when she was not attending "court" at the Roundup park. On the road from The Dalles the party found the road badly cut up, many of the deep holes In the road being cov ered level with dust AtHeppnerMr. Wilikns'-brother pro vided dinner for the tourists.. Pendle ton wan reacned in the early evening. The notorious "Buick": hill at the out skirts of Pendleton succumbed to the Hal. Hemphill at the wheel drove over the top with five passengers with ease. On the return trip; to The IJailes Kat urday and Sunday, steep hills, dange-r ous turns and deep mud holes were en countered after the heavy rains of Saturday, but from Olex on a terrific dust storm of the proportions .of cyclone was run into. iAt times the dust filled the air so thickly that It was Impossible to move the car on account of the obscured road. Hepp- ner served as a stopping place Satur day evening, and the party arrived in Portland Sunday afternoon. Stevens Takes Over Haynes for Oregon . Among announcements of important note on automobile row last week was the appointment of A. C Stevens. Win- ton and Elgin dealer, as state distribu tor of the' Haynes. which has been heretofore handled by Henry I Mann. ' Henry Mann, who has been handling this lln for the past several years under the name of , the' H. 1 . Mann Motor Car company,:, haa retired from the automobile business and notified the factory, to appoint a new aistribu for Th earlv part of the summer Mr. Ktvens bought out the factory branch of the Win ton company in his own name, and about the first, of August took on the agency for the Elfin Six for the state of Oregon. During that time the sales force was reorganised ana le I' Gilbert was appointed sales n,n...r with the addition of the Haynes line. Mri Stevens wUl handle the three lines In, his present place of business. Successful experiments are under way W India "with the manufacture of an automobile fuel from the blossoms of the mahua tree, which grows pro- AN EXTENDED TOUR OF EASTERN MARKETS General Manager of Willys- Overland Pacific Coast Makes Study of Conditions Frank C. Rlggs, general manager o the Willy-Overland Pacific coast or ganisation,' returned to Portland yes terday after a month's tour of eastern cities He has been studying manu facturing, and market conditions li Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, New York. Boston, St Louis, Denver and Bait Lake As a result he Is most op tlmlstlo over the outlook for the aj tomobile ' industry. ' "Our company.' says Rlggs. "Is shipping twice as many automobiles into Canada as we did ba fore the war began, and we expect tie sale of our cars to Increase in the same proportion in the United States." "The demand for automobiles,'' he says, "has been greater during the pat summer than ever before. "As the government demands upon the resources of the country increase. raw materials will be proportionately more difficult to obtain, and ' trans portatlon problems will have to bo solved, so that prices will have an up' ward tendency for a long time to come. There is no doubt about th fact that right now is the time to bay an automobile for those who want to avoid paying a . higher price later." t Sales CoagTsss Attended The principal magnet that drew Riggs to the east was the John N. Willys congress of retail salesmen, of wmcn Mr. Rlggs was appointed an honorary member. The congress wa composed of 3 0O star salesmen of the Willys-Overland organization. All of them won their seats in the congress in a nationwide sales contest, which covered a period of three months pror to the meeting of the congress. P. II. Dunn, of the Overiand-Paciftc, Inc., was the winning contestant from Portland. The first day of . the congress was devoted to an inspection by the dele gates of the Willys-Overland plant. The last three days were given over to business sessions while on tour of the great lakes. Mr. Willys chartered the largest of the lake steamers, the South American, for the exclusive us3 of the congress. Meetings were held on board twice dally. Stops were made at Detroit, Mackinac island and Chi cago. -At Detroit and Chicago the de.e gates. visited the Willys-Overland service branches with the Idea of learn ing how modern service stations are conducted in large cities. After visiting the Apperson factory at Kokomo, Jnd and several other cities, Mr. and Mrs. ; Horn arrived In WANTS TO D 0 IT AGAIN I Portland th latter part of last week. Farmers AgainTake. Grain to Lewistpn It has takes a' Washington turn to prvn j Concrete evidence of the value of $1250 1204nchWheeIfea 40 h. p. Motor A - For Gasoline Economy Gasoline economy demands that you keep your motor tuned up to tho highest point of efficiency, and that the machine itself moves with the min imum of effort, ao that you can utilise the last possible atom of energy from each drop of gasoline. POPULAR- SALESMAN NOW SALES MANAGER i rSe 'Z'5'.C..rf v :: : . v.'S. :-:" :-.)v-: .-:-??:r-:S .- 3 Si' mm E. N. Howe, 'EL N. Howe, who has been recently appointed sales manager of the North west Auto company. Is well and favor ably - known in Portland motor car circles. -'.After serving on the, selling end ' of several prominent automobile concerns In this city .Mr. Howe took charge of the ; Marmon sales for the Northwest Auto . company until lately, when he -was " promoted - to als th following rede for maklnc an S??1 1 improved roAn found In th tt t j m ii if a 1 a. e - . -4a& - sk A --- Mea Vea . vttt gl joyed the bighwar riK - itra ij WXJ,, .. been marketed at Lewtatoa from the KrtteiMl friend, H.rrey Brru abwt it. Thl l ' the result etributloa to to dScripUve uterature of the of the eonstrucUon of the Lewiston I I Wfl,, L . A . . n- a Rnckler 1 When the highway was ' first ' Is- T 'i:.htrtonU. which WeansUlf.TA?. thai it nrlda and conceit . oi ray l - . , . naUve -state I !!i. !&JmTii market for farmers of the Bimrock ing oniy a son. qi 1 district. The highway has not been for any other. . I finished, but it already has sufficient But all of that is nanl traffic to confirm the predieUon. , s taken a trip on the uwumoi r vffTonus'afr ' Chirw.' of -'Batteries V . When only a few miles on your isri, -. you find, though-possessed or aii we on w . xam wt. adjectives the "unaDrjasea V A you are unable to .KXVlIVrSi heart feels, ror it toucnei i" w I that wonderful Columoia river njs ... with t he&utiful scenery. You know tflere is a Creator, you view his K.nillvnrk nl worsnio iueour. But I must tell you of my trip as best I can. then take, the trip to prove to yourself, that no description c imriiM risina- earlr one of these cool mornings which promises a Kor- I ious day and in your car, diuw agreeable companions, are all kinds of rood thlnrs to eat. wmca ywu ujr appreciate later. Glad, Oregon Zs Neighbor nd as vou drive along vn.i think vou are to have a "lovely" time, though your host is rambling on in an Insane sort of manner, about the highway's unsurpassed oeauty, etc You know he is a Portland booster, so ravine affect VOU little. Soon, however, you una yum murmuring other adjectives besides lovely, though at heart you are still loyal to your native state and have decided not to enthuse too much. Just enough to be agreeable. a. vou drive through beautiful pas toral scenes on either side, you begin to feel rather glad that Washington i ao near Oregon. It seems to have quite a thrifty looking country and reaJlv aulte desirable as a neignoor; the road your car Is smoothly rolling over Is fine and then when each turn the far makes reveals more wonderful scenery, and finally you reach the highway and are told that there are many miles more of perfect road and magnificent views from every point far surpassing , those already passed, you find yourself gradually under standlns? Tour host's enthusiasm and bearin te rave, mildly, with him. After lea Vina Crown Point, ; which is not far from the beginning of the highway, you look back and-up at its height and wonder how any road could be so perfectly constructed. One is hardly conscious of any grade Jn making the descent; so it is all through the trip. You Dass cars from all parts of the United States and wave at those from Washington; visit the interesting fish hatcheries at Bonneville and mar vel at the wonderful, substantial look ing bridges over .which you so often pass, ana men tne many peauuiut falls! Just to look at them from a distance seems to be all that one could deserve there is so much done for vou but when the car stops and you m ... a.l get out and walk up to tnem over wen made, winding paths showing now comDlete in every detail is this won derful highway and when you feel the cool spray gently falling oa you, you wonder what could be more per fect. At several points are stores and ta bles for the accommodation of the hun gry tourist who has his provisions and for those who do not believe in pre paredness there are chicken dinner houses and lunch rooms where he can appease his appetite. It will be keen. I can assure him. Sueeumbs to Charms All this, arid X have not mentioned the wonderful rocks which rise above you all along the way; perhaps because feel they are so grand, so mighty that it is impossible to describe them; but there they are--towering in their majesty before you, and to me they represent such strength; silent senti nels truarding the beautiful country be low. Inspiring you with thoughts or greater deeds of good and somewhere, deep within your heart, you feel a reverence for them. - When you reach the end of the 4B miles of pavement you are as enthus iastic as your host and the other guests. Your really have not forgotten your native ' state, for "' she Is right across the beautiful: Columbia all along the way. to remind you, if so Inclined: but - you almply have ' added another love to your first.:- for surely nothing can' surpass the beauty and' grandeur of that highway trip in the picturesque state of Oregon! And you have suc cumbed to Its charms. "! Having reached the end of the high way 'you .feel there could be noth ing ' left to see, but in that you are mistaken, for homeward bound pre sents the scenery from a different viewpoint, and you begin all over again and rave on with your host. "After you arrive at the point from which you started in the morning, ao happy after such a perfect day. not I a bit urea or austy on account or the wonderful ' Toad mentioned. ' what do ycu t eel most like 'doing? Well! Jest this getting up early the next morn ing and taking the trip all over again; and when you are told to "just remem ber and boost the Columbia river high way when' you go north.'r you feel It is, I in comparison with your gratitude, only a little -thing to do for your Ore- con friends who are so nroud. - and Justly so, of their marvelous highway. to say to the people of Washington, e I said before., take the trip and Judge for, yourselves, - for I assure ' yoa no disappointment ' could possibly . a-vait you. , - The.Des-M(Jsier VRoad Job Awarded A remarkable disparity in the fig ures , ef contractor characterised - the mas submitted to tne wasco. county court for the improvement of the road from The Xalles to Mosler. The difference .between :? the lowest and the next lowest' was 1 4 4. 17, and the difference between the lowest and the highest wss 169.451. t Three bids were submitted as fol lows: Elliott Contracting company, 170.124; S. T Johnson Son. 11S. 041; United Contracting company, 9129.882. The contract . was awarded to the low., bidder. -. - : This section of read is to .be paid out of the county bond Issue author ised one year ago... An effort was made by the Wasco county court to have It accepted - as a portion of the Columbia river high way, but the commission ' could not see Its way clear to do so. ' The maximum grade is approximately 7 per cent, which is in : exeess . ef the state .standard. S per cent. , Futher- more -L the road, runs over what is called- "The Seven- Mile : hill. Instead ez aiong - tne nyer. -; in t view oi ins highway - commission the river - route will- ultimately ; be f the" main trunk highway. I ; - - ' ' Standard ';MiUtary,' !-: Triickthdrized Washington,. Sept. 29-A -. standard ised military truck, the second great achievement of American, automotive engineers since the United States" en tered the war; has been announced by Newton D. Baker, secretary ' of . war. The chasajs will be-completed by the middle of October and final t tests -made at once. . . - fifteen-' thousand of the trucks al ready have -been ordered and are to ' be delivered In the first six months of next year.: Deliveries will ' begin January 1.-. . e " -. A new material for electrical Insu latlon made from fish offal, has been Invented by a Danish chemist.' " SAFER LI TE";;' , A Voa-aiare, ' Shadowless Auto Keadlight liens - . ' Oxflolally Ap oroved by the , OREGON HEADLIGHT COMMITTEE " "Like Pushing Daylight Ahead of You9 . V 1 Up to 8 U inch diameter (Ford sizes) ... . . . . .". . , .$1.00 per pair 8H to 0-inch diameter. ..... . . i .... .......... . $1.50 per pair 9-inch te 10-inch diameter... ... . .............. .SI. 75 per pair S2.00 per pair r n t i. j; WTrr iviau wainwivr. .... .. . ........ W. P. FULLER & CO. 8XSTKXXTJTOMI orrxCX and alearoomt ' Front and Morrison Bts. : rosTAjro. omxoosT Sast Sid Storet lOaUM oraad Ave, - - , Adjust Bearings . It is ' Just as bad to have parts fit too - tight as it is - have . them - too loose. A bearing which is too tight will -loosen rapidly and will pound while doing so. , It Is bad practice to have the bearing taken -up merely by refitting the movable half. The whole bearing should be refitted, if the part $1525 F.cwb. Racine 1274nchWhee1baa 48 p. Motor 1 Exclusive to the Mitchell TT v Cn il 1 One -great 'interest in tHe MitcHclllexhibit lies initKe new-style bodies. .There are eight new types, and each type' is distinctive. ; . ''.-v-'-?: - '-' -sCM No radical innovations the models are not unique. .The adopted trends, are simply carried iarthetvThereare added 1 luxuriesr extra features. All the known attractions i are cbm-g bined. J'hey show the present zenith in the body-building art. Our Advantage Most bodies, you know, are not built by the car makers. All Mitchell bodies are. We hare a model body-bufldingr plant. We have our own artists and craftsmen. So each Mitchell body is a Mitchell creation, exclusive to this line. " Then our own body plant, with its efficiency methods, saves us a large sum per car. All this saving goes into extra luxurjr and beauty. Since we occupied this body plant last Novem ber, we have added 25 per cent to the cost of finish, upholstery and trimming r all out of factory wrings. 257 Cera in Ono The first step ia de signing these latest mod els was to learn what all others had, done. Our ex perts examined 257 show models. And all their best attractions are combined in our new designs. .e No other single . car embodies so many wanted features. In fact, there are 31 features: in Mitchells which ' nearly : all 'cars omit. v- 3 jvr There is heat-fixed fin-: ish "which stays new. There is extra-grade leather which lasts. There are shock-absorbing TWO SIZES $1525 UMach pasesaesr BtauHai MfWOptd asMBOfaVsypOWsT sasMsWe springs--the easiest-riding springs ever pot on a car. And not one has ever broken. . . - Even the touring car- has a light v in the tonneau." There is a locked com- ;. partment for valuables. There are So ladies can drive, each car is 1 equipped with a power tire pump. Also an engine primer at the drivers band. -M There are two all-season model. In the Convertible Sedan, in pleasant weather, the side windows disappear. In wiaterram or dust, the car becomes Itmjrieejsi Sedan. Seats for even, ; all cceapactment. Oswj-tjrpe Cesbrsolet is a Coc?e which changes to an open t fe&dar'GoitQt, Town Csrll sad- Limpusme are three of the smartest models'" built.- ; ' Our 4-passenger Road- .; ster our sport car is. a,; stunning new design. ' . : ' Cll Ttn-il mm m 1 MA opanVsiaa. eaals.lsls 'AlsoTows Car and T tiiu sslss ' ter 1 i-t Uses. wHh lTseli be and a 10ei sepowei saeter. JMachsmaDerbore.f , VV " caft wisssisr. tl Sisee - aaPriceate.h. See these new designs. In. each you will find some ' scores of attractions which no', other, one car offers, v And each is a study in ar tistic , body-building. MITCHELL MOTORS -COMPANY, Inc. . Racine, Wis., U. S A, Reliability in Car and Dealer MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAVER CO. SALES SERVICE W PARTS East lt and Morrison St t.t Portland si g jfUMiijiiimwuuumwuiuwiiitjimuiiciii manager, - - " ' is to give reany good service. ' .