The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 30, 1917, Page 18, Image 18

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1 1 " A
China Pheasants Reported ;
Second Week Should Show
Barnes' .Stepper Shows. Wor
' . Coaches About What Their
Plentiful ..In Counties; Ad-
'joining Multnorhah.'i
.,v 'esjBssBssssBBSMBasBsBSsssssssaBSB
derful Stamina and, Wir
Last Three Heats at Fa!
Pupils Can: Do,: ; .,
WMHlafftoa, Bmmi and Jefferson to
Suck Kaksej of lWas Willamette and
Idy Ral Takes Two Heats out Caax
" Clah Wlffe Oth sr Teams Toss-
.- v y 4 tra4y.
ColunhU Said to Xs Tall of
: Qoack Quaek Towl.
Beat Off Winners at Xnd Xing
oloolt Tint U i ilg rso,'
n fwf r J V - ' X Y 4 ,v ? K ' " -i i C?p,
i f;v- " ,. , ,,, ' v'f -3
I r. " V r if-
Xatsrscholastis &MIM
Oalne Polote
' . Woo. lost. 'Tl. Won. Lett.
trenails'"...'. I Si 2
Incoln 1 0 JJ
totambU ......V.. 0 0 , I
im iohm 0 ..
washing tea ....... . '.. . : , '
flenaoa ........... '..'
Hill 2
Commercial S I
' rour'Kima will be played In th
Interacholastle football lesjrus
Multnomah field this week. Ths con-
. teats scheduled are:. -."V
. v, . Tuesdsy Washington vs. Benson,
Wednesday Jefferson vs. Lincoln, j
' Thursday-Columbia vs. Comrosr-
' Friday Hill vs. Franklin. . V
Three of the teams, Washington,
' Benson and Jefferson, will maks their
' first appsarancs this week and the
followers of ths cam are anxious to
est a. llns on the -teams to see bow
' they stack up against ths other teams.
Two Teams Heart est
: We thing ton snd Benson, teams .are
1 regarded as the heaviest in ths league
; and Indications ars that theas two
! elevens will depend on Old style foot
' ball for their yardage. Jefferson s
4 squad Is of unknown quality, but
Coach Jamslon can alwaya be depend
' sd ypon to turn out j. good aggre-
... gatlon.
James John appeared to be ths best
of ths teams which played last week.
' jTnis was due, however, to the stiff
" lopposltlon put up - the Columbia
- srs have plenty of dash and pep and
' lose no time In getting their plays
started. This was demonstrated when
' the Peninsula boys took the Columbia
: team off Its feet with a long forward
'bass on ths first down following the
m. is: blsja l .
Ssaiarkey's Team Good
' ' Coach Malarkey of the Columbia
team has a good aggregation. With
' a little more time to get hie plays In
1 Shape Malarkey will have a team that
. Will be hard to ' eat
Whether Franklin and, Lincoln will
be contenders for ths championship
this season Is hard to say. Neither
of these teams vs forced to extend
' Itself last week. Franklin beating
Commercial, 1 to 0, and Lincoln win-
nlng from Hill, 39 to 0. The Com-
. merclal and Hill teams were hand!
i capped on account of ths short time
they had to prepare their teams.
. , Coach Dewey has a good squad of
? players at Franklin, and whether they
- Can hold their own against the other
r. "teams Is a question. -Lincoln's team
looked good, but they did 'not have to
put up a stiff battle.
This week's games should be closely
. contested.
i" -
s. , ,
' - Will TtmsJm at Tnrn Vmwin
Professor Richard Oenserowskl, ath
i letlo director of the Portland Social
Turn Veretn, declares that there Is no
? truth in ths report that he will resign
bis position to accept a similar berth
has received an offer of another po
. sltlon. bt says he is -not conalJer-
. Ing it
December will mark the tenth year
that Oenserowskl has been connected
With the local turnera. His classes
this year are bigger than ever before,
. 0 being an average number of seniors
In attendance at each class.
f irr -"r r r f'TOiM rfr fur r rnnrf ri Ytfr'-'-Yia
Here Is the battery of big gnu thaf Muggsy McGraw will turn toward the thite Sox trenches In the coming championship series. The
Big: Berthas and Jack JohnsonA, from left to rlghtf tu-e ms follows rol frertitt, "Jeff" lesreau Rube Benton, Fertile Schupp, Al
Deniaree -oi lef t . handers. ' .
Angels Fall Before Pitching
of Chief Smith; Stand
ridge Weakens. .
Los Angeles, Sept. 29. (I. Ni .
Rallying in v ths seventh the Seals
chased four runners across the plate
and won today's game, 8 to 1. Tha
series now stands 3 to 2 la favor of
the Angels.
Indian Smith and Fete St&ndridge
fought it out until the seventh whn
Btandridge cracked. Hall finished the
game for ths Angels. Smith allowed
but five hits. The score:
IB. M.OJL., a o l
Terrjr.. ... 4 13
Hrnw'tbj-.Zb 2 12
A.B. K. O.A
Pitnrr'd.rf 4 2 4 1
Pick. 3b.... 4 2 2 2i
MalHel.lf.. 3 10 0 . 4
Hunter.Zb.. 8
Koernr,lb. 4
CorhaiM... 4
Stevvua.e... 4
Bmltb.u.... 4 1 0 St
4 1 O
tKourftlerao.. 3 O 14
Standridge.p- 2
Totals... 34 11 27 111 Totals.... 23 S 27 19
Batted tot Davis la ninth,
f Batted for Hall la nlnla.
Sao Francisco . 10000040 8
Hits 2 0 O 1 0 2 4 1 1-r-ll
Loa Antelea 0 0 0 1 O 0 o 0 0 l
Hit 01000120 1. .8
Rons Fltcgerald, Huater. Koerner, Stereos,
Biuitli. Vuuralef. " Krrora Dmlth, Koaroier.
Three liaie bltn Smith, Stetnia. Tw baae
bit E1U. Sacrifice hlt Eill. DstIb. mii
Struck out By Standrldfe 2, Smith fl. Bases
on ball Oft Smith i. Standrldee 2. Rnna
responsible (oargUadridse 8. Pitching record
ciu, o runs, io ai Dai. on Btananaee in
0 1-8. Double pUji Stnlta to Corfaaa to
aoerner. siugeraia to Bmuu to rick.
Madden May Judge Show
John E. Madden, one of the largest
breeders of race horses in the world,
has been invited to judge the thor
oughbred classes st the National Horse
show to be held In New York Novem
ber 12 to IS.
Oakland Wins Fifth
Straight From Bees
San Francisco- Cal.. Sept. 2. Te
Qaks fell on ths Bees in the fifth and
eighth innings this afternoon and
pushed the', fast moving Salt Lakrs
farther down in the league percentage
column. Harry Krause was in fine
form for Oakland and held the enemy
to six hits. .Score;
AB, a. O.A. 4
Rath. 3b.... 2
8beely.ll.. 4 .. 1
Crandall,3b 8
Orr,cf..i... 4
Qulnlao.Cf 4
Hannah, c. 3
Hugbs,p., 3
Dubuc.c... 2
GUUasoa,2b 2
1 2
0 1
1 lO
0 0
AB. H. O.A.
Menaor.lf... 3 1 6 0
Mlddletoo.ef 3
MnrpbTjlb.. 3
Stumpf.aa... 4
Miller.rf.... 4
Oardner.b.. 4
Murray, c.. 8
Kraune.p... 8
6 O
1 2
0 4
? s
2 2
1 ,
0 0
Totals... 32 0 24 13 Total SO 10 27 8
Salt Lake 0000000101
Hit 001102110 6
Oakland 0 O 0 0 4 0 4 0 8
HUB 0 1 O 0 5 1 3 0 W
Bubs Qlslaaoa, Mensor, XUddleton. Miller 2.
Orrdner Arlett 2, Krause. Krrora Sheet? 2.
Erik KrattBe. Stolea bases -Tobln, Gardner.
Home runs Miller. Two base bit Miller.
Base on balls Hushes 2. Krause 1. Struck
oat Hughes 1. Krause 2. Sacrifice fly
Murphy 2. Double playsstomp to Arlett to
Gardner. TV'Ud pitch II ufrhes. Buns reapou.
stole for Hughes 4. Krause 1. "
Doble's Team Wins Game
Annapolis, McL, Sept. 29. (U. P.)
Navy's football team, won Its first
game of the season here this afternoon
from Dickinson college, 27 to 6. Gil
more Dobis, former TJnl vers! ty of
Washington mentor. Is coach' of the
navy team
Cross May Land Umpire Job '
Monte Cross, veteran shortstop of
ths Philadelphia Athletics, who in re
cent years has been umpiring in minor
leagues,, is hopeful of securing a job
in the major leagues.
Pacifio Coast League
- - WV. Lest.
San Francisco ...101 82
Los Angeles 91 S3
Salt Lake ................ 89 83
Portland ........... 8T 84
Oakland 88 8.1
Vernon 73 110
Rational League
New Tort ................ 65 83
Ihlladelphla 85 61
St. Louis 82 68
Cincinnati 76 74
ChicaKo ; 74 73
Boston 6S 74
Brooklyn 68 78'
Pittaburf 49 104
American learns
; White Sox Break Eren
New .Tork. SepW 2.---Williams and
Danforth took a fierce pounding from
the Yankees In the first game of a
doobls header here today, losing; 8 to
13. - Ths White Sox, however,, won be
hind Clcotte, 3 to 1, in the second game;
Ths batting of Jackson and Miller fea
tured. Scores:
At New York First game: B.H.E.
Chicago: Hi i
New York ..12 15 3
Batteries Williams, Daaforth
Schalk, Lynn; Shawkey, Love
Nunamaker. .
Second game
AB. H. O.A
J.OolliBB.lf . 4
Jackson, rf. 4 . t
Weaver, as. 4
Schalk.c... 3
Lynn.c... 1
Cicotte.p... 3
AB. H.O.A.
1 2
0 11
1 2
Pewster,2b., 4
li Walters,., a
OITbormalen.p 2
lBrady.p.... 0
ITtlenaryi.. l
3 9 27 10 Totals 33 828
Chicago ....
Cleveland ..
Detroit ....
New xotK
St. Louis
... 78
... 57
... 04
FVlsh hit by batted ball
tHendry batted for Tnormalen In eighth.
Chleago ......J 0 0 O 0 0 2 1 O 0 S
Sew York. ...J... 10000000 01
Runs McMullIn, Felech, Gaudll. Miller.
Errors E. CoUlna, Ward, Walters. Tnor
malen. Two base hit Tick. Three base hit
Miller. Stolen bases Felsch. Tick. Bases on
balls Off Tnormalen 4, Cieotte 1. Struck
out By Tbormalen 4, Clcotte 6. Doable
plays Oandil to . JJckaJk, Weayer to Collins
to Oandil. . -
Indians Drop Two Games
Washington, Sept. 29 (U. P.) The
American league season closed her"i
today with the Nationals taking two
games from ths Indians, 11 to 2, and
i to 3. In the fourth Inning of the
first gams Menoskey drove the ball
over the right field fenc with the
bases full, accounting for four of
the seven runs the Nationals scored in
that session.
Alexander Gets Drubbing
St. Louis. Mo,, Sept. S9. In the
opener of the last series of ths Car
dinals, they trounced tho Phillies hers
this afternoon, 7 to 2. jtiorstman
yielded but three hits While ths Car
dinals mopped ths field with ths great
Alexander. Ths ..score:
AB. H. O.A.1 AB. H. O.A 4 a 1 O.Smyth.rf... S l .Z
0 O 0 4
O 1 2!Betxel.2b... 5
O 1 0Hornb,as.. 4
0 4 .Cruise, If.. .. 4
0 11 4
O 1 4fBaird.3b.... 4
O 8 l Brok.c 4
Schulte.lf., 4
Stock, sa. . . 4
Cravath.lf.. 3
Whltted.ab. S S
Bver,2b... , 2
Klllifer.c... 2
Alexanders S
AdaniS.c... 1 0 3 01
ToUla.. .29 3 24 13
HorstmaA,p. 4
t 1
4 8
2 O
1 10
1 0
1 5
1 1
Totals.... 88 14 27 10
.;. O 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 O 2
St. Louis ............... 30012100 17
Euns Cravatb,- Alexander, Smith 2, Betsel.
Hornsby 2. Cruise, Batrd. Errors Smyth, Bet
ssL Two base hit Paulette, Brock, Alexander.
Paskert. Hornabv 2. Three base bits Balrd,
Smith. Sacrifice flies Ersrs. Utolsn bases
SJiith. Balrd. Double plays Betsel to Paulette,
Hornsby to Betsel to Paulette. first base on
ballt Of i Horstmann 2, off Alexander 1.
Struck oat By Horstman. 4, by Alexander 6.
Left on bases St. Louis 8. Philadelphia 8.
Umpires, Kiew and Bransfield.
Braves Win From Cub
Chicago,' Sept 29. (U. P.) Boston
took the opening game of the final
series, of the season here this after
noon, 8 to 6. ,
The score:
AB. H. O.A
v v" ; By George Dertx
Tomorrow marks ths opening of the
upland bird and water fowl hunting
Mason. Reports arriving from vari
ous sections stats thaf both are plen
tiful this year and indications are that
great, numbers of shooters will ,taks
to the fields and ths blinds 'Shortly
after sunrise, - - i '
Keepers at various ducft lakes in ths
Columbia river valley say; that ducks
ars coming- in by the thousands, while
reports from ths Willamette stats that
ducks are' numerous in the valley as
far south as. Eugene. .
. XUngnecks Are, Fleatlfnl
fr China pheasants are very plentiful
in counties adjoining Multnomah. In
eastern Multnomah county, tVers are
great numbers of these birds and with
the passing of the law prohibiting ths
killing of the female pheasants there
should always be an abundance of ths
famous game bird, which was intro
duced in this country by the late Judge
O. N. Denny.
Ths eesson on upland birds will
close October 31. except in Jackson
county, where the season lasts but 10
days. There is no open season in the
following counties: Coos. Curry and
Josephine of district No. 1, compris
ing all counties west of the Cascades.
In the counties east of the Cascades
the pheasant season Is open only in
Wasco county and
Bar Units for Towl
The bag Ulmt ori China pheasants
snd grouse in district No. 1 Is five
birds in one day, and 10 in any seven
consecutive days.
The duck season closes January 15.
The bag limit is 30 in any seven con
secutive days..
Before Burls After October 16
Arthur O. Xch, who has been ap
pointed graduate manager of the
Oregon Agricnltnral college. lie
succeeds lieutenant Everett May,
now stationed at American Lake,
Jake Rlsley, Errol Briggs
Johnny Murphy, Eugene
Murphy, Mike Bloch Out,
AB. H. O.A
Rebc.rf.... 6 2 O Oi
Klar'DT' 5 S
Coy K ton, lb 4
Smith. 3b... 4
Kellv.lf.... 5
Bawllnga.2b 5
Traeressor.c 3
Budolph.p,. 8
4 0
8 S
1 11
S 1
O 0
0 4
0 0
Flack.rf..., 4
Kllduff.2b.. 6 5
Deal. 3b 4
Merkle.lf... 4
Leslie, lb.
Klrst earns
Clevelana .....
Washington .......11 15 3
iJatteries TorKeison, itieprer ana
Billings, : Deberry; Harper, Walbauer
and Alnsmith, Henry.
AB. H. O.A.I AB. H.O.A.
Graney.lf.. 3 0 1 1 H.Mllan.U.. 4 1 8 O
oi roster.oo.. w 3 2 0
0 Elce.rf 4 4 4
Smltb.rf... 4, 4
ETans,3b... 4
Turner, 2b.. 4
Deberrr.c.. 3
Oaumbe,p. 3
Good Looking Isn't It?
Well It's One of
Hart Schaffner &
New Trench , Coats
You'll like them the minute you
slip into one. The high standard,
all-wool quality, style and tailor
ing is in every one of thenu You'll
find all other models here-also, in
the big, "roomy Bali, and more
conservative styles. An endless
variety of beautiful mixturei and
plain patterns to 'choose from.
4 ' " ' " i
ak ,ais. .
Priced Ecoripmically
$20 and Up to $50
You'll find the tame standard quality in
r , v in our Shirts, HaU, Neckwear,
Underwear, Etc
V bopifh t llsrt ScWIaer sVVtan
The Men's Store' for
Quality and Service
Southeast Corner
: Fifth and Alder:
Totals... 33 9 24 15l Totals.... 81 lO 27 10
Cleveland 0 0 0 10 0 2 O O 3
Washington ..00310001 1
Buns Howard. Bran. Deberry. H. Milan.
C. Milan, ' Shanks, Bhaw. Errors Chapman.
Unarnty, A ins worth. Base oa bails orr Shaw
(Jouuibe i. Etrucs out HT naw 4, txmmbe
Xhive base hits Shaw, gbenks. : Stolen
bases Ainsworth, Chapman. Double, plays
Shaw to bhattka to Gbarrlty, Evans to Wambr.
lilt bj- pitcher O. MUan.
Athletics Annex Two Games
Phlls-delphia, Sept. 29. -(L N. S.)
The American season closed here to
day with the Athletics taking; both
parts of a double-header from De
troit, 8 to 4 and 12 -to 11.
The scores:
First arame- - XLH.B.
Detroit ..................... 4 7 8
Philadelphia 8 10 t
Batteries- James and Telle; Schauer,
Meyers and Perkins.
pniLADKT.rniA .-
AB. II. o.A.
7amleson,lf. (5 2 8 1
Wltt.II..... t 6
4 Palmer.Sb.. 3 D
K.H. E,
2 7 6
0 O
1 1
2 1
2 4
1 10
2 1
Aldridge.p.. 0
t Doris
$ Williams..
Under the watchful aye of Dominic
then only for 10 Calllcrate, former captain of Notre
Dame and an "ex-Winged' &I" player,
ths . Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club eleven will start signal practice
this morning at. 10 o'clock for its
first game of ths season against the
University of Oregon, October It.
"Several "new players will don the
club uniform for ths first time today.
Under federal regulations shooting among them l.eing Eugene Murphy.
will start at sunrise and close at sun- wno was captain r ine rootre uarae
set each day -until October 16. when university freshmen team last season;
duck hunters will be allowed to start Johnny Murphy, all-star end la the
shooting one half hour before sunrise Interscholastie league last year; Mike
but tho Closing time each day until Bloch, Jack Risley, regarded as the
the close of ths season remains tht greatest center -piayer ever aeveiopea
W. L,.
Fihley, who Is ths Pacific
at the University of Oregon, and Er
rol Brlggs, who was a member of the
Northwest representative on the ml- University of Washington freshman
tratorv bird advisory board, appointed i team mat season.
br t. F. Huston, secretary of the de
partment of agriculture, has received
&a to Beport
Elmer Leader will report for the
a copy of the-recommendations, that J fjrt time today, and an . effort Will
2 2
1 l
2 1
1 12
1 1
1 ' 8
1 2
0 1
Gharri ty, lb. 4
Morgan, 2b.. 2
8banks,sa.., 4
Alnsmltb.c 8
Shaw.p 8
Totala...S9 IS 27" 151 ToUla....S9 19 27 14
Ran for O'Farrell la the seventh.
tBatted for Donflas In the seventh. -tBatted
for Aldridge 1a the ninth.
Boston 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 8 S
V 1
0 0 O i
0 0 0 4 6
Runs Rehr. Maranrllle 9, Powell 2, Coving .
ton, Smith. Kndolph, Markla, Laite, pecnoua.
O'Farrell, Williams. Errors Smith Deal. Lea
lie Pechons 2. Two base hits O'Farrell 2.
Powell. Flack 2, SmlttV Corlnfton. Three
base hit Maranville 2. Sacrifice hits Dons
las, Rudolph, Covington Stolen bases Ma
ranville.. Bases e balls Off Dooflaa 1, oft
Rudolph 2. Struck out Dong Ua 2, Rudolph 1.
Donble plays Smith to Covington, Maranville
to RawUnga to CoTlnston 2. Wild pitch
Hecdrix. .- "
Giants Beat Matty's Team
Cincinnati, Sept. 29. (I. N. S.)
The Giants won a well . played close
game today from the Reds, 4 to 2.
After the first Inning Tesreau and
Benton kept the Reds scoreless. .
The score:
AB. 11. O.A.I .. . 4 2 4 0
Baird.2b.... 4 12 4
Thorpe, c... 4 4
AB. H.O.A.
Dyer,as,. 4 .
Vitt.8b..... 6 4 4
Nlcbolson.rf 4
Killeoo,lb 4
Yonn.2b.. .4
Telle.e 4
Con'gham,p 4
2 2
O 0
2 O
0 12
8 1
Shannon, ss.. 8
O rover. 2b . 3
Lawry.2b.. 1
SchaDg,.... 2
Mayior.p..,.' I
Bnsh.p.. ,.. O
Keefe,p. i. .. O
tBodle.. . ... 1
icAToy.... i
4 2 0
0 8 4
1 10 0
2 4 4
o- 0
0 o
Totals... 3fl 15x25 11 Totals.... 40 12 27 17
One oat when winning run made.
Batted for-Graver in the seventh. , .
J Batted for Bush fa the seventh.
Batted for eKefe In the ninth.
Detroit 10 112 1 1 8 11
Philadelphia 1008 llOO a 12
Rons Dyer S. Vitt. Cobb. Teach, Klcnolson
8, Young. Cunnlnrham. Jsmieson,: Witt 8,
Palmer Melnnia. Shannon. 8. Lwrr. Scnaca
S. Krrora Drer 4. Ellison. Jamlesoow - Sher-
nrflit. Palmer. SLanaon 2. -.. Two base bite
Obb. Xouns. Dyer.- Veach. ' Three -base hit
Witt. Sacrifice hit Dyer"' Sacrifice flies
vYoung, Schang. Cobb, Cunningham. Struck oat
tw iuan z. Aeeae a, umuunKoun'' . xBases
on balls Off Bush 4. Keefe 3, Connlngbam
7. Passe baBs Schang, 1'elle.. WU4 pitches
At Boston Irst gas: It. H. B.
St. Zxuls J... 6 1 1
Boston ..k.......,..U l l
. Batteries Koob, Wright and Hart
ley: . Foster and Mayor.. :?-x;
Second game ; . ' . - M. H.1 xU
Stl4OUUi.iWjii;;.Vi-:'0,i; '
Boston 11 13 SO
Batteries Davenport and Severold;
Ruth and Thomas.' y -.-"
Junior Football Teams ta Play
Ths Ouaker i Juniors, ? composed of
Interscholastie leagus players too
H srht to make the regular scholastic
teams, wil' play - ths South Parkway
club this afternoon t i: ociock oa
ths Franklin field. Several . former
Commercial nigh players : are in X the
lineup i of the- South v parkwar ; team.
Manager Reams of ths f Quakers ' has
secured Brers, Campbell ' and Nicholas
for ths Quakers. T " , ' . -
Barley gave- much better results
than oats as a sheep- fattening food In
tests conducted by English farmers.
Onalow.c.. .
Benton, p..
Groh.Sb 4 2 12
McK'bnle,3b 3
Chase, lb.... 4 .. .. 8
Cueto. 1
Magee.lf.rf. 2
Oritfith.rf 8
Mitchell.lf., O
Kbean,8b.... 4
Wlntro.e. ... 8
ORegan.p.... 8
OitKopf...... 1
HH. Smith... 1
IBressier.... I
ToUls... 85 10 27 11
be made to line up ths first time, 'Os
Day will also turn out
Ths club players havs been work
ing out for a week and are in bet
ter shape at this time than any of
the teams that .have represented the
Multnomah club. They ars all anxious
for the opening gams of ths season.
"TheTeAson'a schedule has not bean
complete! as ret- An effort Is being
made to schedule a gams for October
2J so as to glvo ths local football
fans an opportunity to see th club
men in action.
has been forwarded to the department
of agriculture by ths board. These
proposed regulations will ' not be
passed upon in time to change this
season s regulations.
Ths Kewly Made Jtnles
Following is the copy of ths pro
posed regulations:
"Ths proposed regulations to take
effect on the passage of the Canadian
Treaty Enabling Act as submitted ny
ths department of agriculture were
approved except in the following re
spects: "Regulation No. 3 was .by vote
amended to read as follows:
'J?.ei. rv ",vW?;kn; Sherman. Union and Wasco countiss
?..,,!r'ry,.b'rf " I October i to October 16. Closed at all
with a gun. not larger than 10 gauge.
fired from ths shoulder, unless other
wise specifically permitted by these
regulations. They may bs taken la
open season with the aid of a dog,
from the land and water, from a row
boat, blind or floating device (other
than an airplane, power boat or sail
Boms Xsft to State Control
"It was recommended to leave
use of batteries or sink boxes to s
"Regulation No. 6 was amended t
change the shore bird season of th
interior states to conform with th
wildfowl seasons of these states.
"Regulation No. 1 was amended t
read as follows
times In other counties
Sage heni August 1 to August 81.
Quail Opjtt season in . Klamath
county October l to October 10 Closed
at all times in other counties. . '
Doves September 1 to. October 21.
Bat Xiimlta
Buck deer with horns Two during
any season. .
Silver gray squirrels Five In any
seven consecutive days.
Ducks, geese, rails, coots and shore
birds Thirty in any seven consecutHs
Chinese pheasants, native pheasants
and grouse Five In one day, and 10
In any seven consecutive days.
Prairie chickens and sage hens Five
Totals.... S3 7 27 14
Batted for Hale in the eighth.
tBatted for Griffith In the eixhtfc.'
IBatted for. Regan in the ninth.
tBatted tor Wingo la the ninth.
New York ....... ... O O O 1 1 1 OO 1 4
Cincinnati . 2 00 0 00 000 2
Runs Young. Thorpe. Hemingway, Rodrt-
axex, Nesle, Oroh. Errors Onslow. McKech
nie. Sfaean, Grob. Two base hits McKechnie,
Hemingway. Three base nits uron, xonng,
Hemiogway, Rodrignes. Stolen bases Mc-
vhnt IVmhlK nlsv Becan to MrKvchale
tot. base. Bases on oaus yni xesrean i, ski
jMnton it.
At Pittsburg First' game: R. H.B.
Brooklyn 8 7 0
Pittsburg v................... z 1 v
Batteries - Cadore ana Aiiuer;
Jacobs,, Grimes and BlackwelL
Second game? - . H. &.
Brooklyn ..................... 7 11 2
Pittsburg ........ S 2
Batteries Marqoard and Wheat;
Miller, Fonder and Smith. ,
: ; rassaassBBBssaBjBsBiBBBBsssajBnajB
t , Football Results .
At Enld Oklav Phillips university
3, Southwestern college 2.
Ames, 47; Simpson. 0.
Marquette ' university, 14; Orsat
Lakes Naval Training school, 79.
Crelghton university, ; Coiner uni
versity. 6. ; - ,
More Tlian-1300
New Members Are v
Secured by Club
Tonight marksrths close of ,
V ths - September membership i
drive of tns Aiuitnoman Ama-
Hr teur Athletio club. - m
4r ' Over 1300 new members
tjfr have been secured, more than H
m 260 applications belag filed at 4r
m the club yesterday.
President W. W. Banks 1 is m
4t -elated at ths success of ths 4ft
Ht campaign and predicts ' that
nearly 1500 new members will.
4r do enrolled before the . curtain
4r ' falls. ; Too much credit cannot .
be heaped upon - President
H Banks and the board of trustees ' a
4ft : and the team, members for the 4ft
4ft great success of the campaign, - 4ft
; 4ft4lr4ft4r
'Shipment1 and Transportation I in one day and 10 in any seven cons
Shipment and transportation of mlgra- ntlve days
tory birds, unless accompanied by tbel Quail Ten in any seven consecutive
hunter, is permitted only in ths case I days.
of wild birds bred in captivity, or I Doves Ten in n day or 20 In any
birds taken for breeding purposes I vn eonaeentivs davs
under provision mads therefore, in 1 Qeess killed in Wascol Shermat.
these regulations, and may not exceed Gilliam, Harney. Crook, Morrow and
the bag limit for one day, except in Umatilla, counties may bs sold after
the ease of non-residents who may u.Hnr mat.i . .t't..
1 1 OUB)JU b fcllT? Wig .lUMb IVf iwv uakjrsi
Th recommendation, of th- advi.. 1 Indianapolis Beats Toronto
ory committee wers transmitted to th Indianapolis, Int, Sept, 2f. (0. P.)
secretary of agrlcultuers by ths chair. Indianapolis defeated Toronto, S to
man." 2, in ths class AA championship series,
Ths following shows ths lene-th f makins three victories for tU
the season in the two districts of ths I Hoosiers. If Indianapolis wins one of
stats and also ths bag limits. I ths double header tomorrow ths series
" District 2ffo. l I will be decided. Toronto has won bt
Combrlsina- all counties west of thai I one game.,- Scors: R..K. Z,
Cascade Mountains.
Buck deer with horns, August 15 to
October 15.
Silver gray squirrels September 1
to October 31.
Ducks and geese October Ma
Jariuary 15.
Rails and coots October 1 to
January 15. .
Shore birds, black breasted and gold,
en plover,-Wilson or Jack snipe, wool
cock and greater and lesser yellow,
legs October J. to December 15. (Fed
eral law).
Male Chinese pheasants and grouts
October 1 to October 21. Jackson
county October 1 to October 10. No
open season in Coos, Curry and Jose-1.;
phins counties.' ;
Quail Open seaton in Coos, Curr,
Jackson and Josephine counties Octo
ber 1 to October 81. Closed at all
times In other cosotiea.
Doves September 1 to October 21.
' v ZMstzlei Vo, a
Comprising all counties east of ths
Cascade Mountains, :
"Buck deer with hsrns-SeptemSberTI
to October 21. Klamath county Au-
aruac ill to October 1 S.
Silver gray squirrels -Season clostd I I? T'"
In Uuvl niver anil Wasco rountlas bv I fi,ir
praer ox tas aisis uvaiu vi t-imu auu
gams commissioners.
Ducks and geese October 1 to Janu
ary 15. Malheur and Harney counties
September . IS to December 31.
Rails and coots October l to Janu
ary im-j. 7
Shors birds, black breasted and
golden - plover, Wilson or Jack snip,
woodcock and greater and lesser yel
lowlegs October . 1 to December ' 15.
(Federal law.) - .
Mais- cmness pheasants open . se-
Toronto 3 S
Indianapolis S 13 i
Batteries Justin and Kelly; Fillln
gim and Oossett.
Balem, Or., Sept.. 89. Seven haa
wers necessary to detertnlns wlnnc'
in the exciting f ree-f or-alr paco tod '
ror a purse of liooo, and it provsdj
grand finish, for a week of .'good -r1
inf at the stats fair, Thta wasW
only rac0 of the week which' require
more than three heats to pick the wl
nsr, . . i
Ths racs was fun of Surnts-r
was finally won by College Gent,
was so cioseiy crowded by tady Hal
the last heat that the iuda-e.
draw a bullseys bead to see which j
wa in ins lead. This gave Colle;
Oent first money, Lady Hal" secor
Hal Paxton third, and Whits 8,
fourth. " i -
Wlansr Zdkss Zagr 3soats f
Hal Paxton took ths first , toe.
Ldy Hal claimed the next two -a r
won the hearts of the .fan until-i
the fourth heat White Bos displayed
burst of speed that set the,crowd I
edge and chalked up' one heat for hit
self. College. Gent, who had beetl e i
of the "also rana" in ths first, fo
heats, spruced up and tucked ths Bel
three heats in his stall In one-twi
three order. However, he had to fjg
for every one of them.
Protest Mads oa aaa'-'- v
The free-for-all pace, which went
split heats, is ths cause of a,-vigor o
protest on the part of the owner
Lady Hal, who would have taken fir.
money If the race had been ended i
the fifth heat, while by golnr to sev4
heats first money was given to Colle,:
Gent. ,..--:--
Tits owner of Lady Hal bases t '
protest on the fact that the stake hoi
Issued by the fair board and Oft whlj
Lady Hal was entered contained tl
rule of the American Trotting ;as
elation that no race should to mo
than five heats and th money mu
be awarded on the Standing atv t
end of ths fifth heat
Secretary Let, of the fair board sa
that after the stake hook' Was issue
ths American Trotting associati
clanged this rule to require a horse'
win three heats to take first money r
gardless oi the number of heats th
had to be pulled. He said tha he
rule was followed today.-
How ths'SCorsas Saa , .
In ths race In question,: the tW
horses involved in the contest scor
as follows:
College Gent..... 6 4 3 V'l 1
Lady Hal.. ...... ,2 1 1 4 2
Another protest was mads-by 3.
McCulloch, owner of Hal Stewar
against the action: of ths judges in be
mining Tillamook Maid to partMpa
in n z;i6 pace. -1
McCuftooh alleges that Tillamocf
Maid made a record of 2:13 late la
fall at ths Greshara fair and, 'ther
fore, was not entitled to enter in tl!
2:15 pace. She won the money in tl
2:16 pace. The owner of i TiiJamod
ia id aenies she mads a " record .
2:13. An investigation is belnar mad
King Zolock won the 2:18 pac lj
three straight heats, but with DaW
D arm-Helen Hal making Jtim. hustll
In tnia race, Witt, driver of Daisy 1
aroused the suspicion of ths judges t
ths manner in which his mare acte
and he came near being ruled Off t
course, until Charies Ouyon, owne
who drove her in the third heat, , li
formed the Judges that ths mare we
sick. , . -
Ross King- won two out of thjre
heats in ths 2:22 trot. Jet Lock too
ths first heat. i ...
Old Dobbin Has C&aaee . j
Ths one-mile go-as-you-please rar
for farm horses owned in Oregon an
driven by owners In f ourwheeled v:
hides-was won by George Ramp, drlv
tng Cap.
The summsry:
r&EB-roa-AtL pacb
lnn. C1Mn Thraa In fls:
Cetlere Oeat B. Barnas). 4 8 3 1 1
Laar Hal i. oprinfsrr. .
bite imc (W. O. Dorfree,
ttwtrt W. HAMboosa
u-i IK. n. Trneadsle) . lilt
Time 9)07. 2:91, 3-Ottt, 8:0 -i09?
t to s.,s pm?
Pnrse 750 Tbree ess mils beats, re r )f
King Zotet-k . Brats) 1 I
rsir n. twitt. oaies Guron),..,.. 3 j
Helen Hal J. Snrlnfer .... 2
Br 11 (R. Wren) - . .......
Time 2:134. 2:16. :M-1 w . -llocjboom
drove t"r Witt to tnlM beat.
22 TftOT -
Porae 400 Three one aula beat; every be
S rsee: - " - - - - '
Rose King (H, nngobooa) ,...... tl
Jet IiOek MCattlir) ",? 1
Onv Wsiil (BtalB.- W. HofobOM&J 5
mm SidarrMV Mart!ni -,.... , 4 e
Oresoaa- 40vMaoo
yinrlaMsl j W.' WoribomB) "2.V,V" ViM-
Tiaw2:lH. 2:WV4. . V-
W.- UotoUavra drove for Praia IB third bea'
v . :':7r.- ' rABMBRvBACB-'."-:-. t
One mils, beat go yxspless for bops'
owsad la OregoB, anTSS jny awwif; w avu
wheeled veblrles - Vv--r,.v.(i:irf
Cap tOeorc Barnp? ..,.4..
Jlnmtle Brt Uons ,..,:,.,.,......
Tooy C- W. C rBlkasp.i.jrtM
ft. V: S- P, Jenes) .........w..a)1....
Amhnsb Berfe t. fipbia) .......T.,.,
Time 2Ji3.' ' - ,
And How, laiinV Bottles? r
Vrm tlia CWvetasd Leader
Those dinners - which cost 350 p
plats would be mors understandable
if ws knew how much per bottle.
as)..,,.:. 4 8 8 1 1
irfrae.,.. 4 4 I
boost) .... 8 J JK
Ai ;
son in Union county October x to Oc-1 Hy "Brans -who has been named
uber i. , cjpsea at an times m other I head of the pacific Athletic
rTT-.Art 1S 0he, s"l hlch WW Stage 1U flrtt
: Prarie chickens Open season la I smckei October 12.
; " TO DAY :
Recreation Prk,
Cou Vaughn and 24th Su.
. -v$-
; ; Game Begins 1 3Q PI.
Reserve- Box" Scats for sale z
Edwards Cigar Store, Sixth an.
Washington Streets. v .
Ladies' Days Tuesday, Vc !
nesday, Thursday and IYi -