The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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    1. f V.
' - -
iicpnucni Aun n avq
Two" Rousing Rallies Are Held
" in '.Racine' and' People
: "Shame" Their Solon.
'Racine, Wis., Bept. ? 8.)"
Invading Senator Lay Follette's terri
tory Thursday night, Colonel Theodora
Roosevelt delivered a heavy onslaught
on La rollette and pacifists in general
before two large audlencea here.
He waa introduced by Governor ?hl
Hp at the auditorium and later at Dan
ish Brotherhood ball.
- "I hare tba word of your governor, a
true ' American, that tha attitude of
Senator La rollette doea not represent
tha real sentiment of Wisconsin toward
tha war," declared Colonel Roosevelt
Cries of "shame" followed his reminder
that La rollette lately condoned the
sinking of tha Lusltanla.-
He waa cheered mightily many
times! If there were any pacifists In
, either audience they were well dis
guised. .
" - ; TTlseoasln Spirit Za Loyal
. 1 "Wlsconaln's record In the civil war
baa been clean up to now." the colonel
went c n. -I have often coma to WU;
consln. for sympathy and reassurance
when, I felt that there waa aomething
wrong with Americanism in other
states. I feel like a Wlaconalnlte be
cause I am the product of the earn
crucible that Is producing Americans
. In -Wisconsin today."
He told of hla ancestry. German,
Dutch, Welsh and English Quaker.
. "Fortunately,' be said, turning t
Governor Phillip, "I have partly gotten
over some of my Quakerism."
-Aa a principle to govern future im
migration h advocated, barring , frjm
thla country any person whose grand
children we would not be willing to
bare marry ours.
- Here, aa In all hla speeches lately,
ha took a fling at the Wilson admin
istration for baraing him from raising
a volunteer division.
' Only . Americanism Wasted
' The position of tha copperhead in
tha Civil war waa precisely the same
' as that of tha new copperheada now
tha professional, German-Americana,
, pro-Oerman editors, L W. W. and Sen
ator La Follette." he thundered.
. ; "Tha time baa come when wa ahould
Insist that any man who believes in
Germanism or any other 'Ism, except
pure Americanism, la a foe to tha
. United States. There la no room here
any longer for fifty-fifty allegiance.".
. Tha former president had bitter
, words for newspaper editors, especially
native born ones, who are urging peace.
"Those who demand peace without
, victory for the right," he asserted, "are
." endeavoring to weaken and embarrass
; the United States in thla war. Thla
' la treason."
He renewed his attacka on the Wll-
' aon administration for alownesa in
. preparing for war.
'. t'r ;;;. Wat Waa Inevitable '
MIn' the laat three years." 'be de-
' elated, "Germany has perpetrated
Worse- crimes than George III com
mitted agalnat us in hla day. It seems
inconceivable that any man could have
failed to aee that we were destined to
. be swept into the war even ao far
back aa February, llli, when Germany
inaugurated her sob marine campaign
agalnat cargo and passenger ships
without regard for the passengers."
"-; Resolutions attacking La. Follette,
' almllar to those passed In Chlcaco
- Wednesday night, were adopted at the j
uaiivnum nere, wnere me ieague OI
Wisconsin Municipalities is holding lta
convention and under whose auaplcea
tha Rooaevelt rally waa held.
Dr.Labbe WiU SaU
' -T5f'TkATD OATnVlQT 1 K
Washington Sept 28. (U. P.) A
' third detachment of Red Crosa child
welfare doctors and nurses will sail
for France before October 16. Included
la the party are Dr. J. B. Mason Knox
Jr Baltimore; Dr. John B. Manning,
Seattle; Dr. Florence Chapman Child,
Philadelphia; Dr. Edmund J. Labbe.
' Portland, Or.: Dr. Ethel Lyon Heard.
Clalvestan.t Taxaa: Dp. tJel Hit TV ws rl
; ruffe, Ocean Park, Cel.; Dr. Dorothea !
Chlio, Philadelphia; Dr. O. IL Sellen
, ings, Coluirfbus. Ohio, and Dr. Hugh
lit aton, Melatone, Mont
Starvation Causing:
- , O
liermans to Uesert
An American Port, Sept 28. (I.
N. 8.) starvation in the German
army : is leading to thousands of de-
aettnnfe ,iiiAnfln tA I f.nt,.,. v..
brand DeKempenaer, of the Dutch
army. , who arrived here Thursday.
Li.n.n.t v.. K
Lieutenant DeKampenaer baa been
on duty on the German frontier.
Despite the bad food conditions Ger
many Still maintains a gigantic army.
Lieutenant DeKempenaer eatlmatlng
its i site at -from 10.000,000 te
12.000.000.; . .
r 11 1 ' " - "
o Water Comes
From Vein of Gold
; ValleJo.1 CaU Sept 28. L N. B.
, Gold has 'been unearthed on city land
at the Green Valley source of the local
water- supply.-, The find was made
: Wednesday by ' ene of the men em
ployed In sounding for hardpan foun
' datlon upon which to build a dam. The
gold waa exhibited here Thursday, and
while not enough to indicate any great
quantity is "the real thing."
, A process has been Invented for con
verting water . into hydrogen , peroxide
with cheralcala that afterward are re-
covered for further uae. .
. ' . . '.V ? . .
In Can Francisco
;- HOTEL- f;
Ceary Street, fast off Union Square a
rvom 01SO a Day
Eresifasi COc lonch tOe C!nner 81X0
Students.' Are Being
V Weeded at Presidio
,V San Francisco, Sept.' 28.r-Weedtng
out' of men temporarily or physically
unfit to bold offieerships in the new
national army continues at fhe second
officers' training camp at tha Pre
sidio. Two candidates, found to nave
physical disabilities, were discharged
from camp Thursday. Two others,
who could no longer stand the rigors
of training, were discharged at their
own request. A fifth man waa dis
charged when It was found he waa a
native of Australia and has not taken
out his final citizenship papers.. Fre
quent cuts are expected from this
tima on. The instruction is proceed
ing at such a rapid pace that only men
mentally alert and In perfect physical
condition can , hope to - gain commis
sions. - -' "1 ' '
North Yakima Plant to Start
. .on 100,000 Ton Run of
Sugar Beets Coming Month
North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 2$.
The flrat three carloads of sugar to
be produced at the factory of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company at lta
new factory hero waa aold Thursday
to the Yakima Grocery company Just
4. few hours before an order came
from the Tacoma Grocery company
for the flrat carload produced. Man
ager T. R. Horne made the sale and
aaya tha local firm waa Just in-time
to get the honor of handling the first
output of the new factory.
The new million collar factory
stands complete except for trans
formers needed to atep down tha high
voltage for use In the plant, i These
are expected October 4, and four
daya la reckoned for their Installa
tion. Unless calculations fail, the
factory will' begin operations on lta
big season's run Mondar, October' 8.
The company's experts who have ex
amined the crop say there will be
from 90,000 to 100,000 tons of beets
to be handled. Tha crop is scattered
from Prosser to Ellensburg and the
Northern Pacific has ' set ' aaide the
use of an engine and cara for hand
ling the beet crop. '
Government to Cut ,:
Ocean Freight Rates
Washington, Sept. 28. (I. N. S.)
Cuts In ocean freight rates in some
Instances as high as 75 and 80 per cent
were announced today by the United
States shipping board. The new rates'
will apply on all tonnage requisitioned
by the government for ocean service
above 2500 tons dead weight carrying
The new rates become operative Oc
tober 16 and are expected to save the
government millions of dollars in
transporting troops and supplies to
Europe. The rates are based upon
recommendations made, by Balnbridge
Colby, who made a lengthy Investiga
tion of carrying charges and expenses
before presenting bis figures to the
other members of the board. ,
Vallejo Recommends
Closing of Saloons
Vallejo,1 Cal, Sept 28. (I. N. S.)-
rltory adjacent to the Mare island navy
yard, "the Vallejo Chamber of Com
merce has sent the following request
to the navy department at Washing
ton: The Vallejo , Chamber of Com
merce, by a vote of lta members, re
quest the navy department to recom
mend -to the president of the United
States that an executive order be is
sued closing all saloons within the
sons of the Mare Island navy yard for
the period of the war."
Temporary Bridge,
Unopened for Fair
Salem, Or., Sept. 28. The people of
! Pols county and of Salem were much
disappointed . over the failure of the
contractors to have the . temporary
bridge over the Willamette ready for
use during atate fair week. County
Judge Bushey said the temporary
bridge probably will be ready for traf
fic next week. The new inter-county
. ' ,u"i A .nea",ea Ior completion cy
' A,u,K,uj?h 19 - T,nt cintact pr,c wa"
1 227.000. of which Polk county will
pay 141,000 and Marlon county the
, . -
Portland Fruit Men
Are Sued for $1199
Eugene, Or., Sept. 28. Thomas Ayer
has commenced suit In the circuit
court asking damages in the sum of
81188.80 from the Oregon Fruit com
pany of Portland on the grond that
they represented to him that they
had a market for apples at a certain
price and Induced him to buy - the
apples and then refused to take or
market them. He asks s-that they
stand his loss.
Houses Of Congress.
Honor Late Member
Washington. Sept ra. it. K.
Both the aenate and the house ad-
lournea snortly arter - convening
Thursday afternoon out -of. respect
to the memory of the late Reifre-
aentaUve Ebeneser Hill of Connecti
cut who died; Thursday morning at
nis . noma in Horwaik, conn.
4 Corses Foea Kills Selt
s ' Butte;. 'Mont,' Sept- 28.r-U. ' PJ
Alter writing a letter in which he
cursod ' persons whom he said oad
wrecked hla , home, W, M.- Moyle i at
tempted , to kill his i wife, severely
wounaea a mena ana committed sui
cide here today. . ' -
s i Macjeay H Postmaster ' -v,;
Judges Announce Their Find
ings in All Classes Excel
Poultry Raisingr: Feeding
in ni -.,.- 1
tngS in Ail UlaSSeS tXCepI
Salem. Or-'Sept. 28. Prize winners I
in the children's industrial cluD con-1
testa at the state fair, with the ex-1
ception of poultry raising and pig feed
ing, were announced Thursday, as fol
lows: ..: -v-:- -,. :.t. ' :
Corn Growing Junior Blake. Salem,
Route 8: Claud Hart. Tvarh Valley;
Vera Owens. Medford; Eaxd Dial; La
uranae; verta tirover, tagie r-oini.
Potato flrowlne Andrew Stevens.
Talent,- Route 1; Noah -. Richards,!
Beaver; Annie Herat, "aus miy; mar
Dial, Lai Grande;- Elmer VAnder beck.
Salem, Route . - "
vegetable uardeninar ieo . rnoran-
on. Ontario: Cecil Tnomcson. untano;
Mac Butner. Roaeburg: Cameron Lar-sen,-Astoria;
Earl Dial La Grande. .
Dairy Herd Record Keeping Allen
Jaquet, SUverton; Dillow Smith, Til la-
moon; ioya jtox. : Biiverion. , -
Baklna Thelma Boettrer. Salem;
Catherine Marshall, Gervals; Catherine
Schmits, Oregon City; ttoae Alice
Stark, Portland, ienta station, route
2, Box 640; Helen Gaffney. Oregon
City. . . . - .4 ..... . -;
Home" Canninr and Preserving
J ones, yairyiew; eta Stevens, xaient; i
Alice uoiiara. uervais; viviaa arr, i
1 Vacation' Cannlnc and Marketing-
Beatrice Angus, Hood River, 4720 I
quarts, truit ana vegetaDiea. . I
-.?,?w-ln5'..olvlion """U?,-?!
tiZVZrnkttZ." T&r: eth:
from. Monmouth: Gladva Caldwell.
Jennings Lodge. A I
uivjsjon, 2 Aiargarete uonnsen, i
aaiem; vera yowma, neppntr; ucue
Holdrldsre. Talent: Ava Conner. Sheri- I
vHlJ?"1' LOUi" Morsan,,en' ?rgh
Farm ana Home uanoicrait, mvi-
sion 1 Burton Hutton, , Wilbur; Cecil 1
Ager, jacKsonviue; otto u. tiiume, ai- i
bany; Roy. . Martin, Wilbur; Carol I
BIVJrtr,lePoPntr- . , .
Division 2 Louise Moraansen. TvRh I
Vaxie. . ' . M. I
Agricultural uuc isxie Aiorgan, x ne
Dalles; Rudolph Mullenhoff. Boring; J
Walter Mackie. Rickreall; Roy Wal-
Derg. uaiiaa. . -
"Lucky" Baldwin's .
Dailffhter DiVOrCftdl' SundaT' conference will be mo
170UglXLUl XXVUXUUU mentous because it will be the first
1 ; 1 1 '. j
Ran Francisco. Sent. 27. David F.
Selby, head of theJSelby Investment j
compear of Oaklanir, former husband
of Mrs. Rozella Baldwin Selby, -ob
tained from Superior Judge -William
T. Conley la Alameda today a final de
cree OS oivurc aao jcuaiuaf ox ineir
7-year-old daughter. : Desertion was
charged- This paves the way for the
wedding of Mrs. Selby and Don Oil
'"urc Tr... J. .7.. 1
raemoer vi v.,vcB.
Cora, awuvueu at w. rixoiuiw. I
her Claremontjome Mrs. Selby ad-1
" vw, u , .v,
Gilmore. - I
Before her marriage to Selby Mrs. within that distance of the govern
Selby was Resell Robinson, an ac- ment buildings. Many enemy residents
knomedged daughter of the late E. J. have been attending playhouses within
Wholesale Thefts
Of Copper Eevealedl
Miles City, Mont., 'Sept. 28. (U. -P.)
rWholesal. robbery of copper ship-
meiiM vu meir way irum xutte mines
to Enrland was revealed her today
when Lew Jones and James Williams
were arrested and bound over to the
17,400 pounds Of copper from a CM
in the Melstone freight yards.
The two men are alleged to have
shipped an-entire car of stolen metal
to a Fargo, N. D.. metal dealer.
Authorities say their operations ex
tended over a period of months and
Intimate they will reveal the theft of
still greater quantities of the metal.
Montana Sheepmen
Get Rid of Flocks
Missoula, Mont., Sept 28. (U. P.)
Montana sheepmen are getting rid of
their flocks as rapidly as possible, ac
cording to R. J. Dee, traveling freight
Pacific. Dee completed a trip through
me sneep aistncts toaay.
Hit It IHO a ton 1H some nuria nf
are shipping their sheep to eastern
10 iceu aurini in winter. A
severe winter is forecasted.
Only Aliens Favoring
War. Secure Papers
Butte, Mont.. Sept. " 28. (TJ. p.)
Only applicants, for ' citizenship who
- . .i ..w ...
iul me war m
Europe can get their papers In Butte.
This was made clear here today when
Jtirls-e McC urnan v-renteA mnlv nnftl
ot 48 application. for final papers. He
closely questioned each applicant on
his war -Views. ' V .
Fourteen - Thousand for" Mnrnanes
; Boston, Sept. 28. ftecelpts of over
Itvvv . were tavaeu ia at tne neneilt
same between the Boston Amerinavna
and an all-star team of American
leaguer, yesterday. The entire pro-
ceeda go to the family of the - late
T. H. Murnane, dean of American base
. j . i . . . . , . . .
Si-.- . .il?- - 1 .Cr V1
ui .tinu iucujus w
vsuicjus; , ujq same..
. Batchers Win Without Strike)
Butte. MonU Sept, 28. (U. P.lA
butchers' strike was averted here to
day when the union's demand - for . a
Il-a-day wage increase was satlsfac-
tortly adjusted. The , old scale was
84.80. The- new wage was. not 'made
public . " t
Choice: 4 and. 5-roora unfujv-
-. nished ' apartments in a modero
bcick buUdinf, High-class, with
modern conTenieijces. ? ,
t? r
Los Angeles .Draft,
Boards m uontlict
Los Angeles, Sept- J8 (I, NV S.)
A. complete tie-up of Log - Angeles
draft machinery was threatened Thurs
day whan a letter was sent to Gov
ernor Stephens threatening the" res ig
nation of every local exemption board
official unless Joseph Scott, chairman
of the district board of appeal. Is re
moved from -office.
From some time there has been a
conflict betweea the federal board and
me local oo&ras vu men tenuira j.wr
the . draft, and the climax came when
Scott sent a telegram to Adjutant Gen
eral Borree asking for "peremptory or-
flers forthwith' instructing the local
boards to obey the orders or me ais
trtct board.
Manufacturers" of ' Machi nes
and Parts to Meet Sunday
to Discuss Problems,
vr r r r .y '
ureaier rapiaity in airpiane proauc-
tlon in, the United States la necessary.
It V'wa learned today that this is the
real motive for the calling for a con'
ference. beginning Sunday, of air air-
Plan manufacturers in the United
Invitations to every manufacturer
making any part or an airplane have
been sent out broadcast by the air
t.t-n ,v.. n. c
ciety of Automotive Engineers. The
. . vvu
hold over until Monday night, if not
Standardization of airplane parts is
to be discussed. This Is given as the
,MfnmriiMAn hn, will tttlr, stAna
r - " , "
to speed up America's aircraft output.
Prominent makers of airplanes will
be called upon to solve questions which
seem likely to deter the progress un
dertaken -by the aircraft board. Prob
lems will be worked out by the manu
facturers themselves,
meeting of leaders In airplane con-
struction In the United States. Ad-
dresses wil be made by men high in
tne science or tne air.
Windy City, Theatres
Taboo to 8000 Folk
Chicago, Sept. 28. (I. N. S.) Warn-
lng them to keep at least half a mile
wnv Tmrrt V.o fAr knnt,..
the United States marshal Thursday
Danned cmcago's sooo alien enemies
from man v at tint th,tr. vrilt ?-
- , Beal Estate Transfers
Leonder Lewis to Beth' Wlnmilst. L.
23. B. "", Multnomah cemetery.. . .$ IS
Henry C. Allehoff and wf. to East Side
Mill 'Lbr. Co., L. 1 to 18, Inc.; B.
j, ana i io o, inc.; a. X MortB-
Tlew ........... 10
. J. Lee to Bose Miller, L. 6, B. 14,
Vernon 1
.3. Lee to Jodith Miller, U 6, B. 14,
CuZ dbmn 'aid bM. to -Marlon
I Sheriff to Mrret D. Killeen. U 2
h. W. Unit and wf.'to Tred WlndleV;
L. B, B. 1, Orchard Homes
I Slck Olson and wf. tu-Ore J. Strand
and wf.. L. 19, B. ft, Kirerslde Add.
to Airuna
Sheriff to C. C. Newcastle, land beg.
where center Una. of Lownedale st.
ertd. Intersects S. Une of Market st- 17,792
Herbert B. HcBwen and wf. to North
western Natl. Bank of rortland, L..
I Oregon Dairy Lands Go. to Emery Q
a, , o, is. z, irraau's Bqnare Ada.
lk 7, 8, B. 1, Beaumont ..
Hydraulic " Co. to Nelaoa
Lew ta
V. Deanl. part ot l. 10, B. 3, In
dustrial Center
Meant Hood Batlway Deyelopment do.
to Augvaius uoooricn, u, iz, rtuDy ...
Sheriff to Oregon Bealty It Tr. Co..
L 8, B. 2. Aronla
Adam H. Wright and wf. to Mary H.
Haas, L. 13, B. S3, Bossmere
Laura M Gamma na to William Lafe, L. .
o. a. , sou to fairiawo
. C. W. Swoboda and wf . to Central
Door & Lor. Co., L. 7, 8. , 10, B.
e, axeaoowDrook . . . . . . . .
: ' 1
J. M. Burroughs and wf. to Ulysses Jf.
Mackey and wf., L. 7, B. 6. Subd. of
Tii. Smith' and w to Joseph a
and Laura M. Bauer, U l. 2, B. 4,
Elmira ...........
I 7,8, 9, 10, B. , Meadowbrook......
A. N. Bush et al to A. C. W. Swoboda.
It. J, 8, 9, 10, B. 6, Meadowbrook..
Hugh Bowley to Howard 8. Amos, L.
14, lo, VX, a. "A", OuDuroaa llomes
Club tract
Howard S. Amon and wf. to Balh K.
Barnes, et ai, L. 14, la, zu, is. a ,
Suburhan Hosnes Club tract
; 1
E. M. Wlngate -and wf. to G. L. Brown
et aL L. 1. 2. B. 24. Alameda Park-
Q.. It Brow a and wf. to E. M. Wln
gate, L. 7, 8, B. 1. Brasee St. Add..
C. Clayton Went i and wf. to James M.
Botslord et at, E. w it. it. 1, 8, .
i l. une
I 3oha Middleton and wf. to Henry
I c. . :Aki. a. 23 2-a ft. L. 2; n. 20
I ft.- 8, B. 10. Portland .
. 10
. 10
cnariea v arauaow. auu wi. w aw
B.sTetTl to PorriandSst
i 2. r. 14. walnut Park
The Joseph A. Strowbrldge Bstate Co.
to Mary a. sunn, it, oo, ao, a. o.
Erroll Uts.
I John Finer and wf. to colonel b. Freker
v tT Vinn1''.0 t
1 '"L S t it i b "a r AV view
S; '.V.e.
- " 12
I 6. W. Kenny and O. L. Winters,
- 1 H .,.. IKlILil ?-
..I WalliMi
TMtment Co, L. 4344. B
11, U
i grory tits.
Leon E. Howard and - wf. te Greg-ory
InTeatmeot to., L. SS, 40. -B. IT.
uresory nu. ..... . ..... ,
H. r. Soren and wf.j to Levi Bodluo,
It. 10. 20, 21. also it. 19. 20, 21. 22,
B. 90, all ia Point view ........... ;
W. H. Cook to Title Xrnst Co.. U
12 tn Kent : .
O. J. Kelson and wf. to lira. Bra
JVnd h7 to rt w!
i $mrt and wf., H. w ft. L. 8, B. 24.
1 Brentwood ........ ..................
A. C. ttaggemaa et vnaries a.
MjeraT l 17, 8. B. 58. Sannyslde
Double Suite v
8th Floor Offices
-1 k
A j: Very desirable. Journal
bldg. Reasonable - rental.
:: Call 311 Tourtial building-.
Any amount on lmnroved cltv and I
farm 'property! will consider good I
uuuaing . oans
The Lawrence Company
Main 691B. IBS th St. A-J8H.
OREGON CIRCLE No. ltl. Women of
-. wooacraiu ' jaemoert are requesiwi
to attend funeral services of our-late
row teaiuraayj, at 3 -o ciocK, ai tn i
residence parlors ot J, P. FinleyA Co.,1 S
Montgomery at 5th, B. B. Brintxen-1
tnsailm,61 jaeaeBri JUrSh!
Pns. cnarms. jaeger ros.. ui-a ato.
Delbert V. emahlser, 20. 14M Kanngtworth
are., dty, Beatrice Koowltoa, 2u. ltofc . &UI-I
el a! DeTln 25 swrnr Or Edith
E. Miller. 1ft. 1302 kL 8th at. N.. dtT
Thorn M, Kirbjr, legal. Maltnomah station.
Or., Matilda Kldgwajr. legal. 2009 B. Cooes
t.,- dty.
Arto H. Well, legal. 612 Hancock st., city,
Bath B. Thayer, legkl. 780 E. VamhlU t city.
Austin Drue UcUindley, 21, 918 K. Main St.,
dty. Florence C. Bnmell. 22, 1 B. Main St.,
city. -
Fred Baeser. legal. 405 S. 12th st. N.. city,
Gladys Mabella. Applegate, legal, ' 1434 Wis
teria are., city. ;
William J. Hauselman, legal, 1817 Delaware
eve., city, Harriet Boss Clairmore, legal, 101$
wooney t.. city.
tortTr apwS, &
JkJk M"
M'l i . A." V aim, 23. WW-15. JKltn'St., oouin
Portland, Esther Louise . UarlsoB, 21. 1253 K.
TaiSahUl at., city. 1
Albert B. Vorbea, 28, 85 Nebraska St., Elisa
beth E. McCarthy, 27, 89 Nebraska st.
C. E. CargUl, 30, (03 Kelly St., Adell Pred
well, legal, 1037 Belmont st.
Ferdinand O. Myers. 39. 639 Tlbbets St.,
Jeanne Lewis, 28, 839 Tlbbets st.
Albert K. Wlesendanger, 24. 1902 Berkley
St., Cteo V. Foubert. 20. 6821 87th st.
7L'wS2$iX BU
Phlaeas H. Hammond, legal. 1244 Barrage
St., Ana M. Burgea, legal, 1235 Delaware at.
Osro HolloweU, legal. 873 E. Hot St., Mary
Etta Boss, legal, 124 E. 24th sU
Lloj-d W. Suilth, 27, 1S8 12th U LUUs Mar
lowe Hopains, ii, ius iwa
Forrest C. Markham. 22. Mlddleoert. Wash.. I
Karlirrn MorthroD. 22. . M. C. A., dty. .
Percy J. Bailey, 26, 1747 Wilson St.. Basel E.
Ooldren, 24, 148 B. AlberU St.
Lester BayleU Smith, legal, 411 E. Morrison
st., eBatrlce P. Dalsell, legal, Clifford hotel.
SMITH & CO. Morgan bldg.
DKESa SUITS for rent, ell sixes.
Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark at.'
PI.A NCI CH September 27, at the resideace,
808 North Twentieth, Ana Plancich, age 2
years, beloyed wife of Frank -Plaaclch, and
U'l. rf. I
nTrr h
residence tomorrow (Saturday), September 20, 1
at-8:30 a. m.. thence to St. Patrick's chorch
earner Nineteenth ana BSTier sireeis. woe
Bmss will be offered at 0 o'clock. Friends In
vited. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery.
Dunnlna; & McEntee, funeral dlrectom.
Belied wife of Jacob Wlsmer mother ot snoe " Stlni asT s
Mra L. Drsae. Walter. Otto and Joha Wlsmer, I ciats. Apply at once, stating age, x-C5-
i ikrf ..5 svS. wSmer weTience and eaUrry desired. Good
Funeral' serTlces will be ' held at the German
iTeaoyienan caurcu mi ixuuu; v
Hundav. Heotember 80. Interment at Bethany
5WeJ1Ia?ery' -HrnIUnU
or Miller A Tracey. ,
HILDAHL At 9003 Woodstock avenue, Sep-
temoer , jaeiua ' xtcixv nuuatii, . mw
months, dausrhter of Axell and Alice HlldaU.
Funeral senrice will be cnadncted Satwday,
Beptember W, K s P. ? .. S
chapel or A. !. wony, .
vneTunrret Mt SU krkl
QANZBMILLEBThe funeral serricea. of the
late Imini Gaflsemiucr will be neia satar-
day, September 29. at 2 p. m.. at the residence
MtabllaEment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Montgom-
err at Fifth. Friends inTlted. lntenueut at
Lone Fir cemetery. -
WELLS In this city, September 28, at her
late residence, 46Z 'xwenty-tnira street norui
Anna TT.rrlet Wells', ased 67 years. The re
The re-
mains are rniucuw c-l-""""'r
,p. Flnley ASon. Moauomery atiifth. IoUee
IT ' " . , . r; -
ijoi ai nis jam j"iucy", a w " ;
and Mrs. WO. Nii. wUibi
(held at P. U Letch, undertaking parlors. Bast
Eleyenth and Clay streets, Saturday at 10 a
m. ; Friends lnrlted.
cvf r-rvr i - this rlt-r. iteotember 23. Bey.
I Ee-bert It. Smith, ace 72 years. Notice of I
I nn-m imtm Rinulni are at the resldental
! ntrinr of Miller A, Tracey. WaehinctOB at I
Ella street -
CLARK BROS., Florists, 287 Morri
son st. Main or A-1805. Tine flowers
and floral designs. No branch stores.
MAKT1N At xOKHitei CO., Florists. 864
Wah Main Cfi9.-' A-1268. FlowSrs
ior ail occasions a.tiatca'y arrmgwi.
MAX M. tjMlTH. Florist. 141Bttt at.
Edward Bolmaa -
' W. J.
. Pres.
'- J. E. Weriein, tress. ' . . .
Third street- cor. Salmon
Phones Main )7. A-1S11
Progressive Funeral Directors.
Private Drive Women Attendants.
Montgomery at Fifth.
Main. - A-KM.
A. D. Ken worthy Co.
Tabor 6287.' 8802 8 2d it, Lents. Tabor
6896 64th st. and Foster Road. Arista.
Dunning & McEntee 'Sffittffik
f,T", 4,ti ij?m 't; J,? .taru
Brpitdwy 480. A-4668. Lady assistant.
r- r r.. r
r o uuiiuuig,! invi
The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E
Alder st. Phone East 62. B-6226.
East 64,
Lady Assistant.
Wilson & Ross
Multnomah at Seventh at. ' 1
East 781
Mrs.' Larch,
UCIIVII '. Assistant.
E.; 11th and ' Hawthorne,
, Chambers-Kenworthy Co. .
111! Kerby " st. 1 Wdln. ,8806. C-118S.
PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J.
urosKopr, . zunerei director. Wdln.
1940. C-1168. Kllllngsworth and Kerby.
MILLER et TRACET, Independent Fu-
B40e8iO S a't Ella CM 1?M Y M
64Q. wasa. at Ella. M. 2661. A-7885
Ai n ewar a;
CICVAPQ Undertaking Co. Mala 4lii,
Or tV C.OA-2221. Cor. 8d and Clay
Breeze Sp Snook mSff'
HAMILTON ieralIb4i?V
R. T. Byrnes, new residence establt
861 Williams ave. 'Wdln. 820. C-1943.
4th st.. opu. city hall. Main 8644.
VRiverview 'Abbey
r MfllKfttPlim -
. ; . . . . -
fittocn qiock. ynone proaowiTjai,
THIS following articles were found on
cara.or Foruana tiauway. juignt at.
Power company.
suitcases, I baskets. gloves. 1 water
melon, luncn ooxea. z mis. ;
cloture. 1 .key. 1 valise.. ! go-cart. 1
sack rult. 1 shoe heel, 1 pr; gloves.
a pas. curuuua, A yuww, : a vb.
2 purses.
eptember $T, 1917; 6 umbrellas, 10
mis. pkgs.. 1 hat pin, 1 doll. 1 book, X
euitcaae, z luncn ooxes, i pr. ruooers,
pr, glasses, i purses, - 2 valises. 1
rope, 1 necklace. 1 ear-ring.
owners may ooiin
LOST - Gintleman , combination card
mnA w.unwftir Mnt,inini pun
a tn,r mr KTHTinn.
rency, papers and check. Finder please
return to Pettis-Grossmayer Co, 50
Wilcox-bldg. Reward.
LOST off, a transfer truck, bet. 27th
. and Brasee st. Tabor and Mississippi,
! a bundle of e-ras rugs. Finder please
i call Wdln. 48857
LOST Electric spot light on East 4l&
at. near Holgate, Monday evening.
Call 173 Hawthorne. Phones East 4160
or &-IZIT
FOUNDLaundry sack at 19th and j
Morrison, containing towels. Inquire
90 Thurma-n.
LOST Chester White sow 8 weeks
old.. Tabor 2181. . Liberal rewkrd.
GOLD cuff button, old. English "F.
B-1262. .
WANTED Wilson Bros. Log-
ging, Co., Independence,
Wash., wants men to work on
skldroads, - rail rba'i;-grades
and section. Wages $3.75 per
day; : board $6.30 per week.
Modern camp. Take 0-W.
Railway, '
We can place young men with abil
ity. Constant calls coming for the man
who can deliver the goods. A Y.-M. C
A. membership costing $5 guarantees
von will secure employment or refund
of f Also arlvea vou 2 montbs' full
privileges. 10 months. social ano use
of this department for- I year. See
Secretary J. W. Palmer.
With or Without Wheels
MAKE 840 TO 890 MONTH.
Learn Trade. Chance for Advancement.
, A. L. WIST RAND, 268 OAK, ST.
WANTED Good salesmen, canvaasiug
among farmers, scnooi aisricts, ana
.mail towns, selline the COMMON
make from liuv to xzu a oay
It is
guaranteed or money refunded.
Portland. Or.
require the -erviceb ot JPerlenced
j positions open for rrght kind of men.
BOTS. 1 to IS. Apply between and
I 21 m .jPerlntendenfs office.
j Basement Balcony, Meier & Frank. Co.
KTKD Reliable' younsr. man be-
is and 18 year of as-e to
'V : ZZ-f .Tore: must tkve refer -
enceV Apply at Nob HUI Pharmacy.
1 mm uii.B p-.
WANTErNeat refined manbeuaO
,hr itratlon nn
reblrwr,,vtl??. "JS Tih rwhf
men's clothes; a. good job f Of the , right
man. XX-412. JOurnaL -
AUTOMOBILE. machlnisL Must be
thoroughly experienced and furnish
heat of references. Apply managers
office 9 to 11 a. m.. ss is. 7th at. w.
JANITOR and wire, lignt work, in ex-
W Change for apartment. rooms and
I bath, inquire i xtouuey ere, or n, ji
Cross, Oregon city.
FURNISHING goods salesman also
Apply Simon . Salvage Store, 1st and
Alder. -
PHYSICIAN wanted to take charge of
an established practice while owner
la away 8 months at American Lake.
Call 669 Morgan bldg.
BRIGHT boy over 18 years, to learn
. trade of lithograph, pressman, uooa
wages while learning. Bushong & Co.,
il farn st.
WANTED Grocery salesman to solicit
fmUIa hntl find lars-n eanium.
J er-. Furnish reference- and age. L-
I aoR TAnm,l
STRONG boy wanted, over lti.
land Furniture Mfsr. Co.. 1249 Ma
cadam roaa,. ruiton car.
HIGH school boys over 17 years of
age to work on Saturdays. Apply
Simon Salvage Store, 1st and Alder.
PICTURE FRAMER Must understand
- matWUK. - DC ui icieinivu rcillUIW,
Answer,' X-4 14. Journal.
MEN. boys for factory work. Apply ;a
peraon to general timekeeper. Amer
ican Can Co., lth and Thurmaa.
! YOUNG boy to work on dairy. 818 a
month, room ana boara, yue 7Hin
st. S. E V '
OFFICE boy wanted. 16 yeais or over.
801 Fsbciric ueiepnone piag.
COATMAKEK wanted. Nicoll, the
Tailor. 108 za st,
for furniture work. VaI-
entlne Mfg. Co. 600 IS. Lincoln.
BOYS wanted, all day work. Apply
Central library, mtn anq lamniu. .
468 Hawthorne Ave.
In this school you actually do the
work. Learn by EXPERIENCE and
nrnn that tou have learned the busl-
uess before you leave the schooL It is
I not tneoryi j j, PRACTICE that makes
I you a vaiuaoie man.
NUMBER young women and men
antd to nreoaxe for telegrauh
'service to help fin vacancies caused
by unusual araiting men ior war. a-v
sitlonS ruaranteed. Call or write. Tel.
graph-lept.i room owe uiun,
Learn expert-; ACCouNTtNa. v"
p 0 BOX 11 48f PORTLAND. OR.
, , , TORS
I Complete course given: position se
cured. BHERIXJJ1V. worceexer, r vranu.
1 IJOaKN to oe aa ouiuuintui vlf
J tician. The De Keysef Ins Xi Itute of
tometry. Columbia.' bldg.
Also re-
nlng eiasses.
1 OREQOtJ Law School - opena - Oct 6,
I w i.vV Ml,r -a -nA- Morrison. Phom
m I a t.1Ja "9 A liAvtHaMti Uiiama
Day. b eve. classes, esa
wfg Kl
Hot. made suits S8.t3
Tailor. 2t BumsMe
WANT girl to take care of small rro-
eery ana eontectionery store. c;ail
694 Alberta St., after 4 p. m. today.T
EXPERIENCED mangle girls.. Palace
Laundry, E. 10th and Everc
' (Continued)
. sent positions for young women;
salary paid while learning; Apply Pa
cific Tel. & Tel. Co. sixth floor. Park
and Oak stav betweea tf:S(f a, m, and
S:S0 P. m.
WOMEN- and irtrls for factory wora.
Apply in peraon to general time
keeper. American Can Co, 14th and
Vv jim i'tui Experienced chocolate dlD-I
A 1 1 . . , . tK ill a 1
- . -
n's.r'iJKii.iNCHiu saleswomen for rib- I
Don aepartment. Apply superintend- I
enfs office, to 10 a. m Olda, Wort-
man fc
WANTED Girl for general houae-
wora. 3 in xamuy, gooa wages. Mrs.
C. f . Berg, 1124 Frannun mU Main 7088.
WANTED Girl for housework.
WANTED Middle aged woman for
delicatessen. Ouod wages for rood
worker. East S17.
GOOlJ girl, assist 1 general housework
ana coo King. .Many privileges, uooa
home. 681 Marshall st.
EXPERIENCED sewing machine op-
erators and aDDrenticea. Utility
Garment Co.. 167 lat st -
STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg-
rapny, saieameusnip, uoriilD
branches, at an accredited school.
Write or phone Main 690 for cata
logue; graduates guaranteed positions.
unburn iiav- vv a rt auaiKiatia
187 4th at- bear Morrison. 1
mnim iMra collesi?
Est. 1893. 80 schools. Summer rates.
Fay while learning. 284 Burnslde St.
OREGON Barber College will teach
vou the barber trade in 8 weeks:
tools free; scholarship diplomas Riven;!
paid while learning; positions guaran- I
teea; tuition . jaaaison.
Teachea men and women the barber
trada in 8 weeks. vinr a dlDloma.
scholarship, tools. Paya while learn
ing. 2S4 coucn.
EXPERIENCED, reliable yoyng 1?
desires DOOsCKeeuixist or Bimiian.r
vnrlr "wiiitrinflr trvniit S hAiira Hsi
I OiOl OllVCS . 1 gUUU&UlB. v A"B8U JUUr
MIDDLE aged man wants bookkeeping.
second bookkeeper, or any kind cj
clerioal or office work. The very best
references. Room 321 Hoyt hotel.
WANTED Home for 13-year bov with
good family, consider adoption if
wanted. Woodlawn 719. or 463 E. Jes-
sup st. -
WiMTfnnK.nn fa rm .t.XH u
perienced farm work; no mllklnjr.
X-417. Journal.
YOUNG man over draft age living at
nome wouia iiko steaay inaiae work.
uooa woraer. c-2134.
A-l CARPENTER, builda and repairs,
cneap, ,py contract, wan wain, lac.
PA1NT1M1, tinting si room up; paper-
hanglnar 31.50 room up.
ar. Pig -
rtoaltion as housckeener in or near
city; no objection to ennoren, Z-831,
WANTED The managing of a room
in e- house for small salary and
' BDartment.
Mr a. oeo. w. Burnett. 390
i Salmon st.
FRENCH lady, native of Paris, wishes
yuyia. anttr. ogou, alter a p. m
WOMAN want, day work. Mar. 2672,
LADIES' suts cleaned, pressed, re
. paired or made over, reasonable
prices. Phone Mar-. 3992. Mrs. Black,
186 Park st.
lns in .maternity cases, we are
equipped with the latest apparatus for
giving nlcrous-oxlde gas in obstetrics,
better and safer than twilight sleep.
Special rates. Information, call or
phone E. 6087, B-2632. 868 Hawthorne
ave.. at 28th. -
By weeklTIUlC l5)nB31T(ffl8 By Month
12.00 Up. U milt IBJUBUiSO IUfB.88.00
trictly modern. Under new managnt.
12th and Stark sts. Broadway 6822
brick bldg., hot ana - cold water.
steam beat, transient, opp. city nau.
iNJCe BLtSBIU uvaieu , UUUl., mm.ttv
and up. 162 W. Park (and Morrison).
HOTEL OCKLEY. Marrlson at 10th.
KATJUS aoo aay up. weeaiy z up.
Running water.' Free phones and bath.
RYAN iiOTEL ANNEX, 26 8 4s Fifth.
xsncK uiUK-. uvi uiu wi aic . ,101111
heat, transient Opp. City Halt. M. 9878.
ROOMS and apartments 4n modern
hotel, 21.76 week snd up. 466 Alder.
81.60 WEEK up. clean, warm, modern
fur, rms.. central, une K-ing. jet.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam
heat, running water. i5 a st.
NICELY furnished, large room, with
lMiilnr Dorch. 'beat, bath and llrht.
reasonable. 884 College, Call evenings
after 6 . - ...
FURNISHED rooms, bath, beat, rea
nnahl. ? Fro nf.
FURNISHED room In a C. 8 borne.
Walking distance. Main 4681.
RbOMii ASU hOAKD t.1
pnnM anri board 1 01 business . air Is:
modern conveniences. - walking dis
tance. 68.BO.wk. 12 K 7th st. East 47I.
The Martha Washington. 89 Kath,. for
a 1 1 t , mm Jk am Mkm am U am e 19K1
THE MANITOU. 261 18tb. -Homelike,
steam heat; good t-oard. rees. M. 267
WANTEL-hildren f rem 1 to 16 to
care' for; motners care, jrnone aaar
shall 4624. ..
ROSEBUD- HOME A fine .home for
children. - Kast eevs. ' . -CHILDREN
to board in private home,
Phone East Z48.
TTrBxTxascxo Airs vTwrvrnMinxxo
CHEERFUL room, complete house
keeping. 8 week. Free ainen. elee-
trie light, steam neat ana coo Kins; g-as.
DtnnUon Apta, 84th and Belmont
Sannyslde car.
Attractive S room suites complete
for housekeeping; also single rooms,
167 Stoot St., nar Wash. Mar. 4866.
ROTCREST, "176 Ifth-Single : rooms
complete for- housekeeping. Use . of
n.n.m A ne Free bath, not. cold water
401 1st st
FOUR furnished H E rooms 8. , 4 12
Vancouver ave.
$10 TWO neat clean furnished IL K.
rooms. . inciuams uiau pnone, cam
out of town. Call H road war 280 ho. 1 1.
tween 8:30 a, m. and 6:80 p. m. IViS.?; gf,roauway "' ;
WANTED Woman to care for 1 smvl I a nruxt ;' .
children. No waahlng Inquire 187 W. SM,ii.ou55: ?ll?fii XM ,ln m ov4 ;-
Parlr ... I
- OoBtiaed " - '
wi - EAN. Ught H. K, rooms.
distance, isi itih , (ii'u,.i.A.
TWO extra larae front H. If. "room'
Urge front H K. room,'
Call, see them. - 305 H ' 3d.
low rerrt.
Portland's Larreai Rental Office
No. 7 Chamber of Commerce blag- N
4th and Stark sta. I
h wva 4Vuui OCITiVS POrfle
- - - - - r " ' - w.- wraum
1 nh, 1 1
"" mi- roruioa nauway, iagbi
6 ROOMS. 782 Alberta su. cor. 2 1st
l. over erocerv nor, rent h -. --
Apply at grocery or M. Burk. 247 f
Washington st. - - ;. -U.rt1
RTaHT- MWtm mAi1.H -..It.l.' T1
?l " , w ... '"unci (i .iwuw, n iai 11
uioiniuD, vuuice location, west siae.
quire 2S East Stark.
1 KOOM modern house, good ior -l '
families. 864 E. 2d t. innnir.
,-a.v -
house. - ,
$16 6-KOOM house, walking dlatancel
freshlv tinted. 888 Grand v n
Woodlawn 4748.
6I.r0?ibHn?l??l il0.month-. . Mia
or vau a e ernnsjer niag.
9 KOOMti, 1 litn, near i.ayior. a.aa(
io. - t - -:
1 15, FURNISHED house, 4 rooms, J7i
Mill; 2 furnished H. K. rooms, ill
Mill, $10.
SIX room house, electricity, gas. t:ur
nace, cement basement, big attic
East 1828.
modern, plan
room house, strictly-.
modern, piano, all nicely xurniahed; .
will lease. Phone East 238.
827.60, CLEAN, ruodern, completely -
rurnished 7 room house. 2 bedroom.- -
Furnace. Tabor 4679. C;
MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 26th near '
B. f. car snops, fn. East 822s. .
FIVE room furnished house, 31u. - 783
Williams ave.
Woodlawn 410.
home. 161 E. , 43d, :
222.60. Vacant Oct. 1.
6 ROOM bungalow, best furniture. Al
moaern improvements. Aiairt) wam.
FURNISHED 6 room house. Tabbr
I 6 ROOM modern. Main 8976.
I jjs' - m..
I r- -
I a am a w a to see atwiMmsi
ivisninrinn Him Kins? yures -- -
I . A few S and 4 room apta. left.
Every modern convenience.
I White maple floors, electrlo ranges,'
wane ensmeiea apartments, -j
12th and Taylor i- .'
Modern, completely furnished apt, '
Walking distance; references. ! ."'
DAVENPORT APTS.. 606 Jefferson aL i
Nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; fireproof brick building; strict-.
ly moaern; tree pnone; reasonable.- -
Main 6436
rlMnJ .ii. k.t V( r itn mmA TI1 .
1 rnont; new 1 and 8 rooms, completely-
rur.; solid DricK oidg.; wnite enamei
and mahogany finish walking rllsfo.
aev-m V-veAV -,' aW .
heat, private baths, closets, phones. De.
slrable location .Reasonable, Main IQ. 1
PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete,
bid sr.. 2 and 8 rooms, hot and cMd
water, baths, phone, sfm heat. 61? up ,
JULIANA APTS 46 Trinity placev t
rm. fur., front, rteautuui view: also
2 and 4 rms.. reasonable. Msr.- 686. -j
NICE 3 rooms and bath in the Alt.
E. 29th and Asn. sis; new oiag.. an
outside rooms. L!!"
BENSON APTS., 205 N. 20th St, Ne'
lv furnished 8 room ants., welkins-:
distance references. Marshall 4448,
THE ALCO, E. Couch, and Union ave.'
Nicely furnished 2 room apt . strict-!
ly modern, reasonable. Kayt02. -
208 16th St., near Taylor. Marab 128
MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. Sd and Belmont.
Modern 1 and 8 room aptir, $1.60 pes'
week up: sleeping rooms. East 212.
HISLOP HALL, E, 6th and Hawthorne,
Modern 1, z ana room apis..
up. Waiaing distance East 162,
ROSE FRIEND APTS., cor. Bway and
. Jefferson. Elegant unfr. apts, best
service. Walking dla. Marshall 1410.
NOKOMIS, 665 Marshall. Modem ,2-V
room furnished, private bath, dress
ing room and phone. $16 to $22.60 - -:
AMERICAN and Marlorough. mod. 4,
6, 6 r. apts. Mar. 8280. M. 616. A-2670
, I " III l l - " , ,l I -I "I .
LOWER 6 rooms and screened sleep;
Insr porcb. modern and . dean. 4
E. 42d st., Hawthorne car; good lo
cality; furnace, aty next door. Altt
UNFURNISHED flat, 9 rooms, modern.
steam heat, janitor service, 6 min
utes' walk to business center. $61 UU-
san St., cor. 17th st. -
MODERN 6 room flat, 294 Margin at.
3 diocks soutn 01 jaroaa way onage, ;
foot of Halsey. $14, including water.
East 8612. - v X
FIVE room, clean, upper, 406 Vi BroaU
way south. Reasonable. Optn SundA.
Marsnall 805.
FIREPROOF upper flat,, convenient
walkins- distance, cheap. . 181k.
and Salmon. Main 8596.- :- -;- -".-:
THREE room flat; beat, light an4
water. 66 E 22d at. S ; -.
STORE, 4 Uving rootna above. 1271
Macadam st. Manufacturing distrist
Goqd place for grocery, bee M. Burk,
S47 Washington st, u
iUH Kti.l' -MlSCELLHtvOCU 3J
CHICKEN plant with- acre of ground.
Tabor 4811 from: 16 to 6. r j y
DUCK shooters wanted ' Malrr- 81 65. UhJs f
WANTED To rnt 8 or 9 room house:
suitable for 2 families. .Piece to keep
a cow. Mair. 771 . -t- --....v,...
tOkt HALhr-tlUtatLb
Lots 7 and 10, block Sunnyside,
$8 l-8sl0v feet (paved "street end ce ,
ment sidewalk. 110 6 E. YamhUl st.
Large 2 story . 7 room house semt- .
modern), lair condition, -v surrounded. ;
on three sides by r large, beautiful -shade
and - fruit trees; also grape,
arbor, shrubbery and rosos. .
Ons of best. located and most sights'
ly properties in bunnyside, block o
car.-stores and market. " . ' . .... - :
Price 13600: mortgage 11806 t;;t
: - C. W. HA XHh Rb'f . Owner. i
24 Stark at. Main 442y, A-4488.
FOR SALE One large 2 room bouse
and one large room,; bouse with
bath an4 large pantry; v'price 8120.
Applr to Mrs. Ruth Darnell, box 8 H 2,
Kalama, Wash. ' - "
A '. BEAUTIFUL nome- in Rose ; City
A Park at a price that lav astounding ;
deal - direct with .owner. - Woodlawn -
$ 1 2 00, - tTEBM8,V KW - ROOM
bouse, double floors basement, gas,
chic ken ; park,, gara ge, - j 1 00x1 0 0 : cor ne r,
fine soil. Tabor 1118. '
FO K ,. HA LEOood
. 1