10 THE OREGON DAILY .. JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0. 1917. CORPORATION FLEET PREPARED' TO MAKE ""-.'V ! PAVMPfJT PPnMPTIV I fll IIILli I I IIUIIII IL Ilng to report at Vancouver, B. C, credited to reliable source, t Whether J or not the attempt will be successful la a matter of speculation in shipping circle. ? The recovery or the boilers is worth while at this time, as all ma eclnery for steamships is At the hi ch est ; mark in history. , Practically everything; movable has been taken -from the Bear, with the boilers 'and ' engines still in the vessel. 1 The work of removal has been go r 1 1ns on almost- steadily since the sale " ' , .: y ". . ' , 'of the wreck by the San Francisco Admiral Caops r Sends Tele- i wrecking : company. The two boiler ' , " . ' i i i ir weigh' 42 tons each and their recov- Pram Tfl . I . Vl. VVPI1I Wllllllt lerv will he the hardeat task the nn- ' 2 ' ..-: .- i , . ers , have set for themselves. It la supposed a contrivance wilt, have to be rigged to receive the two bis con- 4 talners - .after ' the . water v has been l"fVal "" rt?a'n&-' nTcori I cn PumP "t of , them and ; they have L1CAL FEARS iDISPtLLcD n plusted up. If the boilers would i tost in laaa wouia-oe comparative ly simple, as they could be rolled into the sea by cutting out the side of the ship. But experts expressed the opln ion that ths boilers would not float. V- Representative of Board.. ' Veesage' Zs la Answer to Wire JUport j? That There Was realta Vs. ' ' eertalaty ta Bone Quart, The policy ef the Emergency Flt Corporation 'is to make - payments on contracts with ail possible promptness according to a telegram received by i HEAVY: SEAS, ESOOUNTERED Port Tug Oneonta. ' 72 Honrs Trip Up From Eureka., 'J. Wentwortb, confidential represent t-1 - v.apin cnaries Jonnson Of the port nive in this district for the shipping , u Oneonta says .he sncounterel board, from Admiral Capos, head of www mo -way uy irom tbe corporation. , ;-.., . The telegram Is in reply to a Query Vrnm luff Wnlarirth fnllnwlnr. A I a. covtry of a feeling among shipbuilders mniing to load lumber for the Rolph tnat prompt payment wouia not m i":"'1"'" "v"""-, s .. Captain , Johnson says ' it took 11 hours to make the trip from Eureka to the mouth of the river as he had u on Eureka, where he picked up the barge C.' B.- Keeney in tow. The barge was delivered at the North Pacific mill this forthcoming. 'It. was said that asms of the shipyard, who finances are ' limited, would find themselves In an embarrassing pesttlon if the shipping! head Into heavy- northwest wind board did not make arrangements to. nearly all the way and also high seas, Ordinarily the -, trip . can be made in Reimburse them promptly. 1 Admiral Capps' telegram is asfol low: ' . . K .. , , Replying wire. You are authorised to say in my behalf that fleet corpora Hon1- proposed to make payments on contracts with all possible promptness compatible with proper business cau tion and the term of contract. It Is . ur deair and intention to make a rec ord for prompt payments and we have organisation and all facilities for doing Ahls.- :Ws cannot, however, permit p jnents to be made In anticipation or in sees of contract stipulations, neither will -we reimburse. contractors for ex traordlnary or special expenditures Which they hay presumed to make foe our account without first obtaining our authority' therefor. 41 to 60 hours. The Oneonta is towing: the schoner Lizzie .Vance to Prescott , this aftsiV noon, where the schooner is to load lumber for the West coast. She came off the Port of Portland drydock' this morning where she underwent . clean' ing and painting. After delivering the schooner at Frescott. the Oneonta will return to. Portland for "a stay of sev eral r aays, during which . time ner boilers wlli.be washed out. FORMER ; . SYSTEM REVIVED LAB POCK Commission ORERS . GET ftRAlSE Awards Contract for Job of JDredglnff. Ctntract to remove a small amount ef sediment that collected In front of municipal docks Nos. 1 and J after the ; cargoes having been carried by vessels went freshet and from sewers was chartered or ' owned by the United awarded to the Pacific Bridge company state Emergency Fleet corporation. McCormlck - line to Send Steamer . " to Atlantic Port. Ban Frandeoo, Sept. SO. (I. N. S.) The Charles R. Mccormick Steamship line yesterday put. the steamer Prinx waldemar, now at Seattle, on the berti here for a general cargo for an At lantlo port. . The move marks the first venture of a private shipping firm In Atlantic port business since war was declared, RED CROSS AND HONOR GUARD DEAL OUT GOODIES jfoc itroV'X' v s '' - - - i ' J,'- ',, i aseesj(- '.v..:.yo.A',vfc,-.lL,J:l'l ijj.' :". .- '-l f - ' '. nbulance Drivers -:t In Federal Service Kembers of Ameriean rild Service la , ' rrame Blag flwora Zato Aaerloaa Army. v , . t't t ? ''-As rapidly as U can be accomplish-d the members of the American field service in France, transport and am bulance drivers,- are being swore Into the Army ot the United States, accord ing to advices received by ;, Wells , OU bert, Portland . representative; The tnllltarisatlon ofsthta trait 1 being doae under the direction of Colonel ICeaa, sent over to France several weeks ago by : the government for. this purpose. TheX last issuing Af ' the American field service takes4' place October t. After that time It is presumed the unit will go . ahead a : a regularly . cons ti tuted part of the federal army. I Of the too or 400 ambulances "which had been accepted bys the A," F, S: ar to June.. 1917. about a third of that number have already gone to the front. The ' rest are being built -and beinc sent: out at the rate of about IS or 40 a week. ' ' (' ' . The government has agreed that-y of the cars still In reserve at the timi that the American field service is taken over will be gotten out, ' named and maintained Just as would have been done by the volunteer unit. ci The - lntenjrbany oars : me, head-on near Brlgham City, JJ miles north ut here. :! Two of the 'passenref a are In a critical condition .Steel equipments Mr. Law.'state. is all . that , prevented, wholesale f aUlltles " . f , t Astonishing Power of Iron , f;, ; r v tc ) Give Strength to Broken i 3? V , - : Down Nervous People 7 Tounjr women who meet every: troon train, that passes through :lVtland.j 3Iostr of us ,do; not , know .anything about these trains, but Uncle Sam never fails in some "way to v tip off to the girls m - ample time, arrival in Portland of his- boys. , . " ; :-' . - v..r' ' ' : ' Ten thousand pies. Ten thou saivd cakes. . .. i Ten thousand slices of cheese, pack ages of candy and '"the makin's." Twenty thousand cookies ginger cookies, like mother made. And a thousand times ten thousand good wishes with "good luck and Ood bless you," straight from the heart, . That's what the Red Cross and, the Girls' Honor Guard are doing tor out soldier .boys as they pass through Pcrtlaad on . their way . to American Lake. ; s ' . The rest of us don't know precisely when the troop trains arrive and pass through but Uncle Ham .tip off ..the secret to the Red Cross; he appreciates the kindly touch for his warriors who were but a few days ago boys at home. Every train will be met bjr. the prac tical f miesloners - of affection. Every soldier will get his , lunch box filled to the brim with the good things.' the frills, if you please, that he plaid fare, furnished en- route .to icamp, omits. : . ' As if by the wave of a magic wand, the : big room at Second and Stark, formerly, occupied by the Canadian Bank of - Commerce, . was transformed into a busy -commissary of delicacies this ' morning. 3 - There were : pies in stacks and pyramids on long counters. There-' were plea in carriers.- There were pies brown" of crust and tempt ing., w . . . ... ... - .-.- : Mindful of the close fellowship be tween pies made of the best of Oregon apples,' and cheese,' the. finest' golden yellow product of Tillamook was in cluded " In generous portions. There were, big pans of : cup . cakea, covered over with chocolate and no man lives, however. Indifferent to cake Itself who doesn't hunger after the chocolate Icing. There were buckets of candy from which big handf ulls were thrown into the boxes. Bustling- about among the - whole by the commission of public docks at ?-nl!t.'n" !-moiv!T'- Ti1, ?! ;ALL ALOG THE .WATERFRONT previously called for bids on Septem ber , . but all were rejected, blng .considered, too high. The lowest at Ahat time was SB cents. . The dock laborers wes cra-jted a lse of 10 cents an nour. the schedule pow being SO cent. The laborer had previously requested a rise, citing the high cost of ljvlng s reason therefor. -. An ' ordinance, granting the Pacific iMfaboat company a permit to con struct an 'elevated track over East Alder-street was approved. , Commissioner of Finance Kellaher pf the city commission presented the matter ot ths city being allowed to lease vacant space In municipal -dock . No. S tor the storage of coal, but ac tion was deferred. WILL TRY TO SALVE BOILERS " . " . Wreckers Preparing' to Attempt Hard Task on Steamer Bear. Wreckers are preparing to make an attempt to recover the boilers from the wrecked steamship Bear at Blunt's Iteef,' off the California coast, accord' '.HDon'4 Suffer .From LBUeo four maated bark, tirobablr. Golden Gate, for Tacoma. at 8 a. ,m.' , Pert Toneud. Seot. 19. Paased out Tuz Sea Borer, Wing barge Willlxa H. Smith, at 6 9. in. ;. . ' . Port BUkeLr. "Scot. 20. Arrl Ted Bark e n 1 1 ne BtelU. from San Eranciaeo. -thence Aug.- 19, rla Port .Ibwnnd,.in tow of tag. Wanderer. , San Franclaco, Sept. 20. Arrlred Weatport, The schooner Ltssle Vance, havtaff Redoodo. a a. m.; Novo, Mendodno,. I.bo a. fieen cleanedand. painted r floated 1'.. 1. iviu atin - a wayw vj, vruauu ui uwArgsjg, XA TO- Wednesday, and has begun loading ft.tied r-n. Graye Harbor. lO a. m. lumber tor the west 'coast. " I 8 a Frncico, SepL 20. Arrived, sept 19: The McCormlck steamer Multnomah, I Kom Oitj, from Port Apgeiea. at t3-v) p. The motrship Esperanea was let out of the Oregon drydock Wednesday afternoon after having her hull I painted. .u . ......1 . m.: bark McLanrln. from Brlatoi Bar. at 2 lumber, left down last nixht. bound I 5;r fc,rkentine City of Sydney. 'frVra Nak for sea. , I nek,, at B:30 p. m.; bark Centennial, from With a cargo of beans for Albers I Kaknek, at B.a p, m.; cieone, rromunion rtrr,ty,i th- snwnn I Ltndlng, at S:40 p. m.; Soatbeoaat. town toe . , J ' .Z l i n 7Z J. . I Angeles, at l:4f p. m. ; . bark Star ot Peru, rived from, the south, Wednesday aft ernoon, Bound for San iPedro, - the steamer I giego, . -n.l.A a Sa Kn h irvot orwwi av a.w . ua. . , Aftoria, t 9:50 p. m.; Umiaiy at 10:15 p. Olenm, from rrotn nan Smiled: CoqulUe from Sl6tb, Camp Fremont, Waah., to 21at. Camp GraBt. Bockford. JU. Firat Lieu tenant G. B Becker to command-' ing officer, englneern' training camp, Vncou ver Barracks, Waah.. aa ataaent-officer; B. W. Dobon to Cani Kearney. Cal. - Captata H. R. Uaaey to prtwldlo, San Fran clacu aa qnartermaater of mobilization camp. NORTHWEST DEATHS t..,.i-i. txt.x aim, tor ron ij B 1 dena. for Albion, at 2:65 P. 1 . . . 1 . . u W A . . .. , - - , . A,' . n. ; j aiauno- mini, xor . -sad rex 1' Trial Twstmtat- ; . K6 matter how long of bow bad -tgo td oucirugut - today aod get, a 60 cent bos... of 1 Pjrramid .Pile treatment, ll . . .. ; v MM . j ' , I . San Pedro with lumber. Changes In masters: relieves H. T, eon: H. A, ker on - the Jack . Burnham. A new boiler in every five days Is E. H. Berry T. Stay ton on the Hender- f f e- Parker replaces M. E. Par-i5rr.fi Honolnlu, at 8:35 p, m Yokohama, at 3:69 p. m. Tolan, for Mant. tar Yale, for Loa An- elea, at 4:20 p. m.; Anrelia, for Uoeneme, at 1. m,; Axctie, ror iwi nragT. 11 p. tlaa. for Portland, at T p. m.j Waeblng- ton. for Eureka, at 10:40 ' p. aa. j tm -wi King, (with Simla is tow), for Port Saa Leia the constructions chedule of the boiler- ft -vfiy. sliop at tne Willamette iron Steel TMarahneld" Or..r Sept. 19. Arrtvea: Ga inwir M owauuj output I acBOonervxrarop,, irom iwgw junr, i . p. Is -, six. Arranged tn a row a whole month's, output is in storage on Front afreet. - These boilers " are the kind being Installed in the 8800 ton 'steam ers. Each steamer requires three such boners. 1 m. alleo, r. a. 11:4 a. m. KUbura, . for Portland. , at Army-Navy Orders ; Notice to Mariners Waahlnctoo.' Sept. 2a(L N. 8.) The fol lowing army ordera were iaaned her; today:. Of flrer of duartermaater coroa. . national The following affects the aids to I pnsrd, are drafted -into service:-v Major ; J. U' CaVlsatlon in-the Seventeenth TJVit-1 Bollea. Waablnctoo; and Captain U. B. Winn, houai d fatrtct ! vatntn UW- aod wiu toi Boatoc and report to com- UOtumoia river Martin Island ", to I . Iliuiiti. nartennater eoroa. na- vviiiemeiie river St. Helen bar buoy, I tlonal army, to proceeo to iJnoa viata. z. reported missing September 17. To be replaced as soon as practicable. Puget sound Seattle harbor Du wamlsh Head gas and bell buoy, 2. rc- portea extinguished September 1S To be relighted as ; soon . as r-racticable. nooert warrack, lighthouse inspector. immediately for duty aa aaaiatanU to qnarter- maater: E. J. Dletrlcb, I. i. - D0de, B. H. llelnlcki. H.' F. Jenklna. J. B. Page.' !. 8. Keerea. J. Btewan, ; v.- is, ttw, . a. Wrpkairl. R A. Wbeelock.i i Captain 1). A. wuuama ta assigned vo.wmp Iewla; L. G. Grlffla to acti? dnty lir thla department; . Captain. A. B.- Lwl - relieved '.''; T. J.; Ardray - , Roseburg, ,Or ,Sept." 29. T. 3. Ar day, for. several years proprietor of a hotel at . Sutherlin, died Wednesday at Red Bluff, Cal. He warden route to his home at Sutherlin when he died, having,, been in: California for his health. He. wa about 60 years of age and. is survived by his wife. The funeral "will be held in Sutherlin. Henry:' Hector . " Corvallis. Or.. . Sent. 20. Henrv Hec tor,, one, of. the best known ' farmers In Benton county, living six miles north of Corvallis, died suddenly at his farm home Wednesday-! morning, from dia betes.' w Mr. Hector was. 69 years old. was a wealthy farmer and was known' as one of the beet road builders in this part of the Willamette valley. ' He came 'to Benton county in 1882,, purchased the farm on which -he - died. Wednesday morning '' some neighbors-' came ta- him place to look at' some stock. Mr. Hec tor .went with them to the barn, when ne suaaemy coiiapsea . and aied . in a rew minutes. . -. - Funeral . services 'will be. held from the farm home Friday afternoon, eon ducted by the -Elks lodge of . Albany. -! Heatedl by? a gas burner, a new ma chine Doils,steams and washes clothes Without them rbeing removed. . Crew ofSpe6ialIs jjiamea ior uomsion Ogden. Utah, Sept.. 20. -(X. N. S. In a etatement . today, W. B. Law, tralnmaater of the Ogden, Logan & Idaho railway, places the blame for the collision late yesterday afternoon. In -which 52 persons were more or less seriously injured, on. the shouldersot the crew of a special southbound train I which he claims disregarded orders. Fhysiciaa Bays Ordinary Vuxated Iron Will increase fftrengtfc of Delicate TolX 100 Par Cent la Two Weeks' Tims : la . SCaay Xastaaeea. ' New York, X. Y. in; a ; recent dis course Dr. E.. Saner, a Boston phys; clan - who has studied - widely ; both in this country -and. in great European medical institutions -said: "If you were to make an actual blood test on all people who are ill you would prob ably be greatly astonished at the ex ceedlngly large number who lack iron and who are ill for no other, reason than the lack of iron; ; The 'moment iron is suoolied all their-multitude of dangerous symptoms disappear. With out iron the blood at once loses in pow;r to change food into living tissue. ana inerexore notning you e. aoes you any good: you don't set the strength put of it. Your food merely nassea throuah vour svstenr like cord through a mill with the rollers sowide apart tnat tne mm can t gr ma. f as a result of this -contlhuous blood and nerv starvation. neoDle become aren- erally weakened, nervous and- all rui down, and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. - One - la too thin y an other is burdened with unhealthy fat; some - are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; some can t sleep at night; others are sleepy and tired ail day; some zussy ana lrniam; some skinny and bloodless, but all lack Dhv-sical power and endurance. In such cases It Is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines, or narcotic drugs, which only whip up your fag arinar vital now era for the moment. maybe-at the expense of your life later on. -No matter what anyone tells you. If you are not strong and well you owi it to yourself to make the-following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becom ing tired. Kextnake two five grain ? tablets ot ordinary nuxatad iron thrwe times -peri day after - meals foe two wwii. 1 nen test your strengtn again . . and see for yourself how- much you' ' have rained.' I have seen dona of nervous, run-down' people who - were- ' ailing all the time double and even triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid er their symptoms; , ot ayspepsia, liver ana omer irouo;s In from 10 to 1 days' time-simply by, taking iron m a the, proper form, . and irus. arter tney nad in some cases beta doctoring for months without obtain ing any benefit. You isan talk as you please about all the wonders wrougnt by new remedies, but when - you -come down to hard facts there is nothing like good old iron to put color ta your cheeks and good, sound, healthy flesh -oh your bones, k It in also a great nerve " andstoraach strengthenar and the best blood builder In the world. The only trouble, was that the old forma -of In organic iron, like tincture of iron. Iron acetate, etc.. often ruined - people a teeth, upset their stomach and were not aeaimilated, and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. - But with. the discovery of. the. newer forma of organic iron, all thl has been overcome. Nuxatd Iron, fjr example. Is pleasant to take, does not Injure the teeth and is almost Imme diately beneficial. -NOTE The .manafartarera of Nuxatad Iron have sock- onboonded confidence la its potency., that tber ant horde ike announcement that they , will forfeit flOO.00 to any Charitable Inatita tion If they cannot taka any man or woman': under slaty who lacks iron and increase their atreagth 100 per cent or over la four weeks time, provided tney have s serious or rant trouble. Also they , will refund your money in any case In which Nnated lna does not at ' least double rear strensth In tee days time." It 1 dispensed in this elty by The Owl Drug Co. and all other dragglsts. A4v.) array , were Fred. H. Strong, manager of the Ladd estate, usually. 1 but . ex clusively manager of this -fascinating business today: ; W.j W. i Watson, the railroad steward, whose ' generalship of the annual O-W. R.-A N. dinners, has. brought' warmth' and cheer to many a lonely man, and. the girls of the Honor -Guard, .bubbling over with good cheer as they swiftly-packed the boxes. Over the door was a big sign, "Red Cross Canteen-V- Under the sign. among others, came "William M. Ladd, banker. The crisp, ..brown, - savoriness of those apple plea seemed to fascin ate him;- He picked up. one and gased at It with lively appreciation. When est W IDE - SPREAD USE OF BITRO-PHOSPH ATE "But that's a. mighty" good pie, de fended Mr. Ladd. declared Mr. Strong, conclusively, sill ' Putting of which goes to show how much the soldiers will enjoy the dainties if they appealed so much to the : banker. Doctors Say Weak, Nervous, Anaemic and Thin Folb Should Be Careful What They Use! Investigation By N. Y. Jotinialwt and Writer Show T For Restoring Wasted Nerve Energy Increasing Strength. Power of Endurance and ,for 11 Putting Flesh On Bones of Thin People Explain How, It Quickly Makes New. Healthy Living, Vigorous Nerve and Tissue When Taken Into System. ; . . . . ( NEWS OF THE PORT A fHsiSilal atssi I a 11 1 mm jm w, isa StssSi f - - A. Cnanalor, American a tea mar, ell. from San Pedro. i. j w : Herrta, American steamer, oil. from I JF Kt"r Amertcaa -schooner, ballast. atviu aua watts Never Take Soda-NlinU i f2 ; For Indigestion , Tk rviasals SaaOe Frees a StasJetrlaL will giro relief, and atncl -box often eurea. A trial pneknge mailed free ta plain wrapper If you send as coupon below FREE SAMPLE COUPON FTRAMl n'DRTJO CQMPAWT, tm Pyramid Bids. MarthalL Mich. Kindly send 'me - Free sample ef ryrassid T9m T tsaaet, in plain wrapper. 1 , . . , ..... - - , . ...... Name. ' ., tT fttate .na.. rJuice of Lemons! H6w:to Make Skin, White and Beautiful - At the coat of a small Jar of ordl Xary cold cream one can-prepare a full, quarter pint of the' moat- wonderful lemon skin softener - and complexion eautlfler, by squealing the juice, of two Jfreah lemons into a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard white. C ar - should be ' taken to. strain the I ulc. through a fine cloth o ne lemon ulp gets In, then - this " lotion ' will -eep fresh for'montha Every woman, , nows that : lemon Jules Is used to - ; leach and remove such blemishes as reckles, sallowness-and tan, and- Is ihe Ideal skin softener, smoothener and Leautlf lr. ; -5.--LV.1' '' -' .' Just ,tr itf Get three ounces of 1 rchard white at any pharmacy and t wo lemons from the grocer and. make ; p a quarter pint of this sweetly frs rant lemon ltkn and inasaag It - ally Into the face,' neck,-arms and ; ands. It should naturally help to hiten," soften, freshen and, bring out ie roses and beauty of any skin. It 1 truly marvelous to smo$then rough. a xxanas. ., People who are" frequently troubled with sour, acid; stomach and indigestion Btro?r' AjlnerteB ateamer, geaeral. from seeking, relief by takingawda' or sod-t mints after meals need a warning. The continued use. of -soda may aot only Irritate the stomach watts causing them to secrete more acid and increas ing the trouble,vut soda liberates Car bonic -Acid Oas In s your stomach - and this added to the' gas you already have may: distend your, stomach wall and i!.."'1!. 8ti Oondltlooe at the I .edlna-lv rlifficult . disease to cure. ; rain mr wnm nTM r mm? . . wi&ii ,iit,i i - . r or neuirausing - excess acia in ia stomach when food ferments and sours the best thing is to take a teaspoonf ul of pure bisurated magnesia in a little not or coin water siitr muia. j.ma will generally give reiier ?m irom oq to live i minutes anc xnea -your, ioou will disrest naturally and Jiormalry. : . Bisurated . Magnesia is- prepared In both rjowder form' and tablets never milk or liquid. In the bisurated form it is not a- laxative ana cannot injure the stomach.- Sold by druggists every where, v , .lAav.j Arrivals SsptamVsr San Francisco. ' SaOad Saptatnaer SO Bearer, Americas ateamer. passenger and T. w..iw mwnM OMi rcw Sailed Saetamka IS Tsmalpsis, American ateamer. lumbar, , for asue icuav v ass lUUC - Daisr M atbewa, American ateamer. lumbar. Maa Basse Tr flasaa " , . i, Marine Almanacy JsTsatber at KiTSfs Xanta mrttth f the rter at noon: -.Wind, aonsbeast, " w,uwr, cmmayi sea, smooro; San Kaosrd far SaptamVar II r sun risea...A:0T a. m. Sua aeta..S:U p. m. nasi in snoru mar High Water ? ..' Low Water ' Wl m 5 fseti 8:8S a. ra.... 24 feet S:4S p. m-...8.a feet :4S p. m....0.4 foot ; Daily tUrer Readlacs STATtOXS Lewis ton ............ t'maUlla AHMay .v --y rortiana I 22 ss 20 20 13 15 I! el "1.0 S.T 1.1 -1.1 1.9 S.O O.V -rO.S O l0. 5 tl 31 Alkali Makes Soap t . Bad For Washing Hair Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which la very injurious,. as 'it .'dries the scalp; and maaes tne hair brltUe. . J The best; thing o use is Just plain mulslfied cocoanut o'l, for this is pure ou ennrejy greaseiess. it s very cheap,': arid "beats the most expensive soaps : or- anything else ail to pieces. you. caa gets this: at any drug store- ana a; xew ounces will last the whole family for montha . - V Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. about a teaspoonful Is all that, is required. It makes an abund ance Of ;rich, creamy , lather, - cleanses thoroughly,.and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh , looking. . bright,' fluffy, wavy "and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens avnd takes out every particle of oust,1 am -Mitt .oanaruii. Adv. - - Constipation Makes Baby Uncomfortable When its tender little organs are bound up with a congestion of stomach waste In the bowels, Baby Is a mighty uncomfortable morsel of humanity, and reflects Its dis comfort in Its disposition. If Mother will lust a give it a tiny dose of a mild laxative, such as' Dr. Caldwell's- Syrup Pepsin, the congestion will quickly loosen and be expelled, and her child be nor mal and happy once more. Dr. Caldwell's Byrup :Pepslif is especially desirable for children, because it contains no opiate or narcotic drug, beink a combination of simple laxative herbs with pep sin, mild and gentle In action, positive in effect, and very palata ble. Children like it and take it readily. - Druggists' sell Dr. Cald well's Svtud Peosin for fifty cents a bottle; a -trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4SS Wash ington St M ontlcello, Illinois. "Putting Bitro-Phosphate Into Bodies of Delicate, Nervous Emaciated, Run-Down and Thin - .1 si T C 1: . f rA I"). n N1awml Rnnm" Cava fas Vrmrt f OIKS, IS aUae turning uuiuiud iuiu a. wwas, ff ' , .7 - erick A. Kolle, Pioneer In the Application of X-Rays In U. S.; Author of Medical Text Books and Editor In Chief of Physicians "Who's Whoi' in N. Y. , J "It Seems to Supply the Power. That: Electrifies AH the Organs of the Body" -i Says Dr. . James Louis Beyca, Formerly or tne ixow 1 otk nomeopaimc meaicai wjiiege. v Jr. Joseph B. Karrlgaa, Tormwly Visit. lag apeciausx to an morui mwa spadary, H. V Bays--"Herre Waaknaes.Xs a Curs to theWa- '. tloa Xegloas of Stem aad Wo- -mea Have Become Prema turely Old, Simply for Xo ! i-r Other Season Thaa tne -- Vast of Xots Bltro--7hophate la Their Systems." ''New York, N, Y. "No wonder we have 1 so many pople with .shattered nerves and other complaints," says Dr. Joseph D. Harrigan, "I tell you with all seriousness that weak, nerv ous, anaemic delicate folks, especially those who are thin and all run down, should. be careful what they use.. Too many of them have foolishly gone iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis. I along for years, acting upon the ad vice or rnenas ana inline tneir siom- - I aehs wUh stimulants and drastic drugs, when they, might be well and strong, - robust and vigorous, if thev vrnuld but et at the real . cause ( Don't neelect.a nain auAvwhatra." n'i I their- troubles lack of nerve vitality. find . out what causes it arid conquer I Nerve weakness, in my. opinion, is a ui gause. . a pauB in w t Kianey re- curse 10 xne nation ana our women giona may put. you on -your back to- are as deficient in nerve energy as morrow. Don't blame the weather for our men. Without sufficient healthy swollen feetrlt .may be an advanced fterve tiaepe, a man cannot be strong warning - of Bright's Disease. A, pain and vigorous, a woman cannot be In the stomach may be the, first symp- beautiful and charming. On the con- mm ui apiienuicius. A creaK m a joint I trary, tney win most. iiKety De nerv- ACHES AND PAINS may be the forerunner of rheums tlm. hronlc -headaches -'more " than likely wsrnj you- oi-eenous; siornacn - irouDle, :rne pesi way is to Keep in good Condi iion aay, in ana aay,oui.'Dy regularly taking GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL capsuies. tsoia oysreuaoie aruggista eua. weak, irritable, timid. aODrenen sive, down-oast or melancholy and often thin and emaciated. Scores of once prosperous business men have gone down to financial ruin; many happy homes have been- broken up; rauitiiuaes ox Deauiiiut ana youui- In boxes, three sixes. Money refunded j ful-looking -women have ;become pale ii ,iut; - uo aui neip juu. X) a ware OI substitutes. The only nure lmoortd Haarlem Oil Capsules - are -the GOLD MJJAU. - For sale and. guaranteed by me uri.urog- o. - . v.- . (AOV.) Both Men and Women suffer with , backache, 1 pain - In kidney j and bladder regions, headache, vertico. Oixxy xeeungs;- and sometimes fall to recognize where the trouble Ilea Con- gested kidneys cause, a lot. of distress I and should tiever be neglected -Take vViU;fM!a!Ui'7gl anaemic or run-down take a natural. harmless, unadulterated strengtn ana tissue building substance, such as bitro-phosphate. for two weeics or so, and you will soon see most astonishing results In many instances in esses under EO vears of sure, while Others vhn n i. nramaturalir feeble will Often feel to a marked degree the Increase In nerve vitality, strength or nooy sna mind, power of endurance, tCSX desire to oe up ana aomg. ruy, uw have in mind the case of a gentleman well advanced In years, who has been using bitro-phosphate only - a short while. Formerly he complained of various ailments, but now ne snakes hands with a grasp and a smile that tell better than words, the remarkable increase of nerve energy and strength that . has taken place in his body. . I have- often said, and I again unhesi tatingly assert, that physicians aa well as those who suffer;-should be f rateful to .Pelous, ' the French sclen 1st, who discovered thiaform of or- franie phosphate, which, when taken Bin he .wtm 1 fiirklv con- bearing substance in the nervous sys tem is quite - pronounced. III then , that bitro-phosphate should be taken, ' in order to restore the enervated tells with the vitality that has been lost. It would indeed be a, God-send if wore men and women were aware of the ef ficacy of bitro-phosphate. - ' - i ir 1, naa my way oitro-pnapnais should be prescribed by every doctor, end used In every hospital, especially in such disheartening diseases as con sumption, aiaoetes, rneumatism. etc, where the use of other medicines are , needed. Bitro-phosphate. does not in terfere with the taking of other treat ment and on the contrary, invariably iBEYEA-MD and haggard, their charming magnetic oualitles a-one whila ' thousands of right away if you -would be 'well and I both sex have become prematurely old tree from distress after urination, such I in appearance and habits simply be hnmin .mmi.. mA .K cause tney were oericient in nerve agonies. - , . Adv.J 0.00 I .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 How to Judge .a Woman " by Hear. Hair TT ' (-f BUUis. ( raiiins77 Tba ' Wirtasietta rter t Pilurf ' wm mala smiIv atatiooary daring tbe next tw or three dara. t s-:. -'-' "-,r. . KeiabAring Ports' v---'- Astoria. Seot. 10. rWited. at S-a.' m km-. er-MaUaomat. foe San Pedro via Sas Fran elaeo. arrlTsd. st 6:30, and left ap at S av so., ateamar J. A. Ohaacelor,' froas Utmttfji Arrived dews at 7:80 a. n.. schooner Mlodoro. Astoria, Sep. 18. Left up, at 40 a, sx-faoooer C. B. Kaatney. Arrived, at H aad left op at 30 p. nv, steamer W. r. Herrtn, from Saa Pedro. Sailed, at 11 p. m., ateamer Santa Barbara, for. Saa Pedro. Arrived, at Baa Padre, Seot. lSArrived. 8teamer Boas Oty, from Partlaod via -Baa Prandaee. - o . jjaj.-ewi iv-eueo, at a p. m., 1 makes 'from W amasES SV . aSSaa 4TV ASSESS SS, . Seattle. Meet. ao. A.rr1 Vranelaeo. at 11 a. m.: ; rii sorts, vis Hainngaam, at s:ao a. si. . Sept, i ArrlTed Lrsaaa 8ts-rurl Port Saa Latia. it T a a . Joaeaa. Sspt. Is, Bailed Hamad, sooth saena. at a p. as. Ketctskaa. Sept. IS. Railed AOmlrai Farra at. aortaeaand. at mldnlrht. ; - - 1-. Damn sa, B-t. Sfl, l-aawd is Qaesn.' for oeat ua, at a. sa.; wanceena, tor Beam at a a. an.: . lag tueBsra aaasa-aaa. losnias There is real common sense In Just noticing whether the hair is well kept to judge of a woman's neatness, or good taste. If you are one' of the few who ; try , to make the most ot your hair, remember that it Is not advisable to wash the ' hair with any cleanser made for all purposes,' but always use some good preparation made expressly for shampooing. ) You can enjoy the very best by getting some canthrox from your druggist," dissolve a tea spoonful in a cup of hot -water. This full - cupof -shampoo liquid. I enough so it: Is . easy , to . applr It , to Som Atastaa I the hair instead of Just the? top 01 ins neaa, - uanaruii, excess oil, ana dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear.- Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its lustra and softness will also de light you. . while the stimulated scalp gains the health which Insures hair STowth. " , . ; , ' CAdv.). M iypii aiit' lieaiali ' you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the stomach strong, the Uver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of anything wrong promptly take Beecham's Pills. . yon. certtainly, ne&A-- 7 the nelp and relief of this world famed remedy, to . keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor mal conditions, so the organs perform their functions ? : j as Nature nntended. No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate' . the bowels and quickly improve the general health as Directions of Special Vabaa to W ar writh Every Box. ' Sold by drugjisto tiwMgjioiit tba workL . la boxes, 10c, 25c vitality; simply , for . no other reason than tbe want of more ' organic pho- pnate -oitro-pnospnate, - in tneir sys tems to offset and- counteract the ex cessive waste of the phosphate bearing substance in the nerves. Many peo ple exhaust their nerve energy through various " excesses -worry, fear . and late hours, while -others Mose it from being overworitefl or-unaer-rea. Bum ulsnts and artificial means as reme dies only tend to increase their weak nesses and -to lurtner, tne process ot anile decay (serine of 'the. body. Sconer or later through such methods, many find themselves elbowed to tne wall to make room for the men and ; women who have plenty of youth-like l their oodles, and brains. : nerve energy in Clinical and hospital report. ' Plus my ' personal - experience. - have con- vlncea me tnai tne nerves neea organic 1 phosphate in a state of combination e ! sentially th,e same as that naturally I assimilated, such as bitro-phosphate. i And people ' cannot get - this in suf ficient quantities from the . cooked foods they eat, nor from the so-called "blood tonics." - Patients who were apparently- physical -wrecks.. -who fool ishly thought they needed only a blood tonic o enrich the blood, have come to me for treatment, trembling and snak ing, their nerve lorce almost exhausted and in - manv such cases the admir.ia- l-tering of bitro-phosphate has produced Seiuina;'r niagicsi rcsuiia vuiuiiwn sense as -well as experience snould I teach those. who suffer that the most i logical and sensible thing to do is to put into tneir systems tne very sub stance that is lacking and that is or- gani-j . phosphateH bitro-phosphate, -'not simply-a tonic to enrich the blood nor i mixtures containinar . stimulant dmas and , diluted phosphorus in combina tion that often upset the stomach and do little or no good, - but on the con trary do " reat harm in many instances. jjmt tiwM wru are weak tbla. nervous. Trederlck . Kolle, K, t Vloaeer la the Applloatloa of Xays lat the V. 8.; Aatkor of ISedloai TVext , Books ; Member Author's Oonimlt tee of America, Esaltb LaafM, wnyr.'daae legialatlve- Taeagae, ST. T.s aad Editor ta Ohief of physi cians aos iWfco" la Jf.-X.r.,4 verted into healthy, living nerve 'tis sue.' - ' ' - - . - ' -- -i-'w--Dr. Frederick S. Kolle, the eminent medical authority, , says: "A micro scopic examination of ths nerve tis sue in women who are anaemic, nerv ous, thin;- undeveloped, care-worn and run-down ' from -overwork, and i other causes.-would show them to be very deficient in organie phosphate. When the nerve tissue begins to lose Its vi tality, woman begins to lose her youth and vlvaciouane. Her lively, pleas ant - spirited disposition fades away she becomes irritable, uncompanion able, moody and despondent. Then she hss to resort to artificial means In ner efforts to regain her strength and youthful- appearance. Naturally ?-my heart goes out to these poor unhappy women and girls, for they are usually pushed Into a corner and discarded for the vivacious, magnetic women with halthy normal skins, who have plenty of red-blood corpuscles -in their , veins end sufficient organic - phosphate la their nerve structure. One can easily pick out ths-women whose systems are lacking in organic phosphate, And It is i not difficult to t. detect those who have. plenty of nerve vitality; nerves that are rich In organic phosphate. (This is equally true of men- as well as women). The women ere usually Cheerful, magnetic and pleasing, wrho have youth, vlm.and vigor at 60 and 0, and they are bubbling over; with vitality, good cheer and power of en durance. Too don't find , thera wrin kled, pale, weak, nervous or haggard looking at 40, nor complaining of this or that ailment which their- sex heir to. :'.-.- :-'-' ' -.-' . -' -' " 4 Without snfficlpnt nerve "energy '- a woman has little or -oo chance. -so far as success in - business or Intellectual progress In society .-'is concerned. But just put sufficient organie phosphate, such as bitro-phosphate Into the sys tem of -ths-woman--who is weak, thin, nervous, anaemic, timid end lacking in vigorous, womanly development, and it is like taming sunshine Into a cold, damn, neglected room. - At certain pe riods, when the strain is area test noon most women waste of the phosphorus Increases strength and nerve force, of -the patient who is thus rendered all the more able to successfully combat disease." - ' - -" - - -. - "Nerve deficiency means lack of ; health, flesh, strength, powers of en t durance and beauty," aays pr. James Louis Beyea, formerly of the New York Homeopathic Medical college. "I -have all along contended that neither ; male ' nor female, regardless of as, : can be strong-mentally or physically so long as they are lacking In nervs tissue that men cannot be vigorous, nor- women .rosy-cheeked, fully de- veloped and beautiful while the nerves J are shattered or exhausted, or the body and brain deficient in nerve tissue. Take for instance thin folks; they lack sound healthy flesh because they do -not assimilate their , food properly., -They may eat heartily, but their food ; does not make flesh, simply ' because . the assimilative organs are lacking Ira nsrve'force. ,And ; that- is why ; they -suffer from various -disorder. r And there are scores of men and women, retting along in years, who are almost physical and mental wrecks who feel ' '"all In,"? despondent and have no cour- -are to again try and restore ths nerv vitality that once enabled' them to live nappy. --. prosperous, contended, lives. Organic phosphate is one of ther constituent elements of r nerve tissue and energy and unless the system la supplied with the nerve tissue making elements so necessary to robust healths -strength and . longevity, the sufferer , might go along .doctoring for years ; without benefit and finally die a pre- v mature death. Organic phosphate ta .v be most effective, should be in an uim adulterated form, such a bitro-phos - " phate. I myself take It whenever my .'. nerve vitality gets Jow from overwork It seem to supply the power- that else- -trifles all the organs of the body, advise everyone who suffers in this ort any other, city, to test and see what -the taking of bitro-phosphate will doj Before taking It, howeyer. make a note . of your weight. Also see how stead ily you can point your finger at a eer4 tain spot for one minute without be, coming nervous, shaky, or your arm tlrln. ' After -trying this simple ex- periment, take one 6-graln bltro-phos ' f hate tablet ajtr each 4 meal, three) tmes daily for a fewdats, then try - the experiment again. If the results 1 justify what I have stated, continue Its. use for a while and you may happily note from day to day th increase of! nervous energyr power- of endurancej healthy tissue, celerity of thought an4 ' action and-improvement in generaL" -I -; SOTsJ Aerardla' to sotboritstiTS Baedicaf A invrnaU the form of resnie phesphat swa tiosjMl abave which is Slspeaaed hr drag sta-a -ta tbi eoostrr as bltm-tmptsU: la raeonw tnesded bf - the' great CaslMi - aatbsrity Sir James Birr and sue noted Burepeaa apedal. 1st a de PsaquaW, Bahrsr. fWuce. Bokay aad TalerH. Tb dnae .eaoally - preaerised - is -one '-S-craln tablet, three times per day. Ixi tbose ska-wfSi to nersonshf "test this aitbstsnee are ' csattened asaimt eMSpomxta or sstztaree wblrS . aar contain rmlr ' a small fterrrataaa -ef Jhi -a-ecslne orsaale pbotste. - As Dr, faerea saa pMBted oat. is enter to Seriv the greatest, benefit It should be takes la It per snaenU tented state, end It I well, t bare fur, t as neeiber to ssk for Bltro-Itiasphat. - -