v. THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, . SEPTEMBER ; 18, 19X7., 13 PRICE OF FLOUR - IS. REDUCED SIXTY GENTS PER BARREL Edit! by Hyxna H Celm HNESS101IH LOCAL PEACH MARKET; PEARS HOLDING VELL TW- TTmV TTin ATwavif. Plniih that Early Crop of reaches And v . Apple ironing m ato oc ',. Good Quality. , Yakima Valley Fruit , Shipments for Week. Broke Year's Eecord ' Coaoidersble vnkMM fa shown fa the leeai piMk Market. Tb supply f Elberta tlnuet iitOw enallty J greny food though , some are Bailing a loir M SO cants. , Th pric -for totter grade ma (mi T0c to SO. r .. Crawford arc coming la faster. Th qnalltr . la 'esosllenc aad th demand strong. Price nitra from BO BOe. . n.4 Mill w. - . W 1 A ... , -, .W. 1 " . n auw www. VI kuv , . J paeen Be) ana jnarcheses by timm ki the market fairly firm, but tb demand 1a not ' strong enough to take no all tbat are offered. The pries of pear at 111 bold. There ire plenty of Bartlett omlng la to Bepply th d. . Ilia United State bureau of crop report peer: Baldiajwra Demand moderate Market atoady. ?ullty aod condition generally rood. . Oall mki igoo bos Bart let U $2 XQ2. WV, average .eut ' nwa, too box Banietia, .va 1.70. arena S2.6&. Auction nrtcee. ' Boaton Auction price. California 2000 bos RartteUe. $1.4O4)2.0. average 1X34. i WiaV tngtoa 3000 box Bartkett. $1-003... 20, average, $L7X ' Cnleage An-ftou price. Oalifonilaa 2380 box Bartleit. Il.20422.75: irrrui. 606 box Btrttotta. 1.35i2.e3. average. 12 06. Oblo ridiM t box Bartketta. S1.&6221 aeeraae, 11.72. Oregona U2S box BarUetta, tl.4) 1 00, iNttii. ll.flO: 147S bos BartletMt i.eel X-OO, averare, tl.n. Waebiortone 492 box ltartletta, ll.4xai.80, average, ft .91: 12 box ' jMriieiia. ii.idiiiiw, BTerage, ei.o. . Cleveland auction price. CallforaUa 104 box Itertlette. tlA54llJIO. arerare. S1.70. rea. araTbr pour. Korlbweateraa box Bartletts. BH.&O ixil inin tl.UO trreeulor. hard feen to baked. Dr Stipply neeeda demsftd. market fair. Waabloctna and Orecon. all aalee In food. JotiMnf prtrea todar: Box Hal tv-y nmetly $2.00, few $JL23, cbolre r 1.7. CMoradia quality and condition ren- eraUy food, aome email., box Bartmta, l.J04i XJ0w Ie Uotnea Demand rood, qnalltr good. . ; ; Waahlna-tna tmx HmrtUttm l2.0Kf2.2ft. k Detrelt Waablngtoa box BarUetta, 1.7SO a:Ma& Oltv Nn froth arrieala. Demand and moreoMioC aaoderate, market fair. Waeh InrtoiAa onalltr ronera.Hr rood, condition Tart able, eunalderable over line atork on market . k . . atuit. fim hat Itnmi r.ir maaitrv l.0t2.00r rlpea fabejr, . $1.25(1410, eboke aa low aa f lo, l I nnraooli Demand moderate, market fair IVaahtuiloe, Jobbing price box Bartletta,.; $1.W '. QZ.OO. Auction price, waaungtoa dox xar ktia il ia. New York AartloB crleee. California, de Bnr.nd good, marker firm. Bartletta quality variable, condition green to bard ripe; Comic LIVESTOCK MARKET IS STEADY TO ; STRONG; Willamette Valley: Crops Show Better Than the Estimates HOGS AE IN DEMAND fontWrm fteUU Crop Xepart, OamptUal H. Aw Hinaw, Oeaeral Fraibi Ma. for wees raping Beptamaer . Botmrg W eatiier condition during fb beat week ware ahowerr anda faeorabl tar paatarea, fall plowing a ad let potato. Pear eroo baa been ratbered and la rood normal FLOOR DROPS 60 CTS. PER BARREL; $1 0.(30 PRICE OF BEST GRADE Korth TaWma, Bept IT. -awpment of fmlt oat of the Yakima raDer for tba peat' week brok all record for the eeaaoa, a total being laao car. prinetoaUr pear and peacbee. Tb pi'lu week the afclnmetita were 816 BrB BlUa in Wal BP amriatBi TPlir m: I aaawi-Ba. iniB a . . - - ar - . . " - - w ' - . ' I v . f awMn litnlM vlll lkaaal.i r lYWWai none IB t w. m . make total f 308ft ablpped eot of the eel. I sneep ATO (JOTXlUlf; Ja fJOOCUf flum I g 0, 0. eroo wUl not exceed J "MS on All Untaes OI FlOllf UOM berg to .North Portland Yard Bogs Are in Demand and tbo General Tone Is Strong. ley In the neat three week, and 8300 for tb aeaaon to date. Fmlt of ell kind 1 ererronnlnr the early tlmtea. Tb state department arrlcul- tare atlMt4 tb pear crop of tb valley at S0 ears, bat tb railroad abow tbey bar alreaoy moved 1SC9 ear, am aeattertsg aMf aaent will be mad for tw weeks yec Tit t berry blpmeatav estimated at 100 eaa, went t total of 130 car. There renaala ee be bandied aemewhere between 0000 and 8000 ear meatly wlnt apnies, tb picking and parking of wblch will beg la seat week. Market Stiffened By Reports of Peace; Corn Price Goes Up By Joseph F. Prltchard Cbleago. Sept. IS. it. V. 8.1 A wave of abort core ring waa aa la corn, with commis- aion nojmea ana the cai waoerBjaeTy aoy- Two year eg US 115 11 era. and seller of offer bad to protect them- I ti is eelrea. While there were nameroua a mall re r ronr mn ka n 10 with seaboard connoetlona absorbed the ear-1 Aside tram sheep, wbicb earn In good nam. pin In tb pit and tb close was at the top I ber. tht morning receiptn ar only fair. wit oi SQ3 ueeember leaoing. Baring of September oat by bouses with seaboard connection waa coaatroed by tba Lr-e aa agalnat freab export bartnewr and Ptiee remain tb same aa yesterday and with the atreneth la corn, anorta atarted to I ,k. iiitMii, rwv, mMam mtmitm m wyiw m, I BB StronsT iTtmaion wewneorowara Oeoeral abeep and lamb rang: w7iv, - " 1 -western iamb 0 per ewt of iwnuL na bene Chicago. Sept. IS. (I. K. S.) Swln trad . was steady to 10 higher, yard trader taking aa Interest in tb medlma and common gradaa, which got to adraoce, Tb balk snld at 17.e0lf. Quality was poor, and wester market naa the usual mil crop. 11 air tb cresn catu supply was Dranoeo. Price war steady to strong. In tb been bona asmd Brtce war paid. Omatm bad a big ran, but It wa largely at tb iseaer oraer. . Bog. Cattle, cair. Bnp. Ob lata rain was of eaeflt to tbenu Ashland fwhM and near will ail be I gathered - and ahtpped daring tb , present week; ar of good qaanty and mere wiu so good crop. Oathertng of apple will begin be. tweea 25tb of Sestember and October 1 : qoaW ltT rood and there will be at normal yield. Kainlau of ball an inch werauea ounng im peat feek wbicn .ba been beasflcUl to pas- tnrea VJad late plowing. - - minna Ji(iitT-fl ner nit of email grau baa been threahod and ha a been stored. Peaches, pear and prone ar good light Down CO Cents Today Cran and Shorts Not Affected Farther Redactions Expected. GE RAL KORNiLOFFS E FATE IS IN HANDS OF RUSSIAN GOVER NMENT Finance :Timber: Industry C, A. Miller, Ssn Francisco Banker Vo IJjuutged First . lAhertj Loan Campaign in Oregon, Is Reappointed for Second Cam-pgn-Federal ; Farm Bowd Prepares i i Loans. : - - Leader of Revolt Completes ; His Defense Before Investi gating Committee. Toasday Monday Bntorday 1S8 rriday S43 -muraaay ........ las Wednesday 741 Week ago ........ 39 One year ago .... Sift Two year ago S48 2a GO 138 2011 6 69 42 e - 59 M 115 15 11 10S ii a "i 105 seo BTj 282! 1819 676 1 30 147 2 'A redaction T 6fl a kind a all a floor goes Into effect today. Tbia OMkea a tocai aecreaa of SI ner barrel la tb nrieaf taw since tb government fixed tba wheat Prtc. and SS tower than the bleb nrle nraraLU crop and will not exceed SO per cent nor-1 mg early m tb year. maL Apple wUl also be light and will not 1 . . cent of normal. Several ahow-1 f x'1 " era during U peat week were quit favorable 1 n aiu.wj a oarrei. ana the prospects lor pastures, ran plowing ana me pew- I awi a turwer reaaraoai aa "we aear Newbersc Elahtv ner cent of email grain I future. The sale of wtaeat an taereaalna baa been threshed and tb average yield I alowly from day to day. aad It 1 probable tbat to lat potatoes, rrom present umcauons beans will not yield to exceed 80 par cent of I HSU feed ar sot affected by this dtcraas. normal crop. Apple Indicate 70 per cent of but It 1 not anllkely tbat a sharp redaction normal crop ana oc gooa quality; Peaja o wui De mad la tnls tin as wall. Dairymen per cent of normal aufof good quality, lnn and feeder generally ar .latorwtod. Tb JSo.. oUti P1 of bran and abort for immediate deliv- PeT.5?.l,??rm1-gd Srai- i "7. compared witt tb price tor delivery lCbtynfllgrSVo - October. Indira carclty of tSepTS while spring grain of fair quality a&a moat I " v-eu uw. bers, tht morning receipts ar only Eight cars of rattle, sheep and bogs 1 tb total for tb morning. BWtM pain a, tmr rn n2 1 of It cut for hay. About bait of clover crop la I whole situation wtB be relieved greatly nulled ana u yielding normal crop. a.any waen. u xacmer reaeas oaetr wneat, xner potatoes WUl not be benefited by recent haa been om doubt a to tb perm a nancy of rain, while It will benefit the lat potato, the present government price on wheat, and T.?i,tJw harLtfrS taataiit dlssatlsfaettoB aa wH. which baa J?.d Lof"l 'SM1 influence tb. grow holding tb. crop la proximately ft per cent of normal and are of good quality. A great deal of straw, which hMMhrfAM ha - VirnA la fcld this Receipt I eeaaoa on account of tb high price aad abort. aBUz to JKauucu OmatPdlaTaW C A.' Miller, th young 6aa. Frsjiclaco la I asunemt banker, who I "virtually tuA compute) charge of th flrat Ubarty loan campaign In. Portland, has Dn i asked to taka p th work of th s ond campaign in this . Urrltory. Th request was mad Whan the executive committee of th Twelfth federal re serve district met In San Francisco last week. ' Miller' has written to Kmerr Olmat.ad. manaarnr of the Patrcarrad. 8tJ It. fD. P. Qefi-I Northwest am Natlanal hast atatlnf era! Korafiof tm fata is in th hands ef that he will arrive ' in Portland Sua the provisional government. He com day, September SO. in order to take up pleted Ms defense before the special the campaign the next day. " Miller governmental committee appointed to probably will be named chairman et investigate the causes of the revolt, the xOrgon executive committee of ubmlttlng a. full statement in writing, seven men. ... Mnmiiuiar tn chief I 'axm x-a xoara rrpr, 'A. CIS- fn th.rlblon wcontinulnrtpday, 'Washington Monday .tale. but a full report from the committee, '' to ' Atv t rTreoaT it. making r.c.mmendation as to future ZV0Z. farm rtjag. rrSeVto noUi U of his 2f t? .-2?. ! T MJ . . . T . , , maim uvui Aavrwejra. wm. Bw( aaasuo, officers ax confined ta th Hotel Mo- dMlr. u aur Ttory , or American lehUe-A eniarded carfully arms la th present war by eUminat- A i X Ru.VU.1fJL P I,J!I ; doubt from th food situation. Th defense th former genelaalmo ha. fjLrmer, pIan t0 obuin on long mad to th treason charges against j UmJ. TwMemnd n . A - ,:.! credits system so that they will have public that a b xecutd f .thf M th seed. JmplemenU and, machinery possible example to all Russia's troop. ui lator to produce ood- tnat aiseipune is to oe w.-1 Btxltu to fU1 .rsnarles et all the vu ja aa.v., wuww. -. - I allies. I storage. aia-her. Oora May f 1. 154 0 1.15; December, fi.isei.is. Oats May. 61lHc; December. 58 HO 68S; September. 6e. Pork J.ntiary. 43.!; October, S42J0; Sep tember. $42.26. - Leurd December.. $23.20; October, $23.52; September. $23.71: January, $22.62. kibe January, $21.97; October, $24.00; Sep. tember. $24.10. . Chicago, Sept. IS. (U. . P.) kumera thst Russl. would conclude a seoarate peace wldi Germany today overabadowed weather condi tions in affecting tb grain market, and corn $13.6OQ18.50 10.0010.60 S.OOS S.B0 ; Valley lamba Yearling Wethers Ewes Sox Situation Boss ar la demand and ar not coming lb fast enough. .Oonslderabto light stuff baa been marketed and tb price hold at $17.75 and $17 83. - uenerai noar mantel ranee: Prime lia-ht i......17. Prime heavy 11 .1 Plga 14.00I Bulk Cattla Situation Aside from tae recent advance In the price Price xbowed a net gain of 1 to 1. I ?L ...haV,,"S?w,!S light rua of ordinary quality cam. in ti mmm nf hav. Independence Practically all hop have, been picked and average yield about 75 per cent of normal: unui decreased 50 ner cent. Ha la daring past week has benefited sugar beet and lat potato ana very oeueiiaai io pastures saa mi pwwing. LEGISLATIVE SESSION TO (RELIEVE SOLDIERS' FAMILIES DISCUSSED 757tlT.8S 90 17.78 S1J00, 17.75 Strong Tone Marks Opening of N. Y. Stock, Mart Today (Oonttnned rrom Pag One) yesterday' dostne. Uincral condition tbroughont tb corn belt were favorable to the rineninc crop, although uneettletl and cooler weather la forecast for srattered eectkma. - rjereniber corn opened U( tower at ti.lSU. hut later went to $1.174 May opened at SI. 12V.. down K,o. but mbseauently gained 2Uc (fare waa affected by th bulge In corn, and waa Kk to C higher. , quality l . Ronteiaber oata ooened V.C. and gained an- conomou green io naru npe; vnic jhj iic to 58 C. orm.-Ki V"';- . erata opening: Cn-recmber. $1.15-4 to Wilt as a ava aaat I m III ll.a at V tZ )A II 1 'J 1 full ripe; lUrdy.quallty .good, turning , 9m'LVkt to 5V: December. ft7e to 67c; May. OOtfe to OO'Ac. Ik January, Wi.. I.rd October. Sl.RO; Janoary, $22.T0L Rlbe October. $24.0T; January, szi.cz. Forecaat of a fruet In North Dakota waa factor in trading la corn today tbat caused a harp advance after the opening of tb market 'liter day. General cattle Market rang: Tone eualltr. condition good. geau quality condition rloe: uniform nacki 7600 box barletta beat i2.AO6K.0O; fa ivy. $2.e3.2T; fair, $l.tXM4 Sn; ripe. $1.25a2.12H, average for all.. $2.22; ano box llardya. $1.6012.10. moatly $2.06; 1VJ0 box Clalrgeaus, $1.402.40 moatly $2.0O12.4O; 1000 box Cornice, half box, fl.6u4I2.tiD, mrwtly $l.ajj2.00l, duo half box Sartlotta. ft Be 11.00. Northweaterna. onallty variable, rendition gend, demand good, market I at price lower than yesterday's dose, slightly stronger; Mj0 Washington box Bart- I m-as considerable' baying. ' lrtta, $1.8os2.), mostly $1.70i.po. Oregon I oU opened .lightly higher, and the trading T.. o- 1 was fairly active. IM Armour uram company Becelpta. 2119 Beat beei atecr Good beef steer Best beet cows Ordinary to good cows ... Beat belters Bulls Calve 8tocker and feeder steer Tuesday Morning Shippers Ketch nm As Son. Th Dalle. Or., fly cars sheep; Wilson a Whitman, Hpnr, Or., three car cattle. Tuesday Iterning Bala of market trong. $ 9.00 S.TS 7.60l 8.55 6.75(3 T.50 ........ 4.0063 6.75 7.004 8.00 4.004a 6.76 7.0043 .SO sent a supplemental note to the gov ernor, suggesting: that he secure fur ther expression of public sentiment from the state council of defense and othr bodies. "Thirty days is a sufficient length of time to secure these additional ex c res si on and In the meantime an ade Vsar York. Sept, If. (I. V. S.) During I ouate and eoultable measure can be th final trading ia. the stock market today I secured." said Mr. Woodward. The oToveonTpo l' hChIK?". wT. inooT 'd cluing ! committe. said he had not thought of with net gains. National Xnameling waa an I the complications tbat tnigjit oe causea nsnaiiy strong, advancing to ee against a iw 1 at a special legislative session ty tne of StH; United States Steal eommoa reacted j introduction of other and political to 15 V4, Just before the dens. I 4, New York, Sept. 18. (I. If. 8.1 Although 1 uy on Idea is that the promptest roent today. In the streets the great est Interest was manifest In whether the investigating commission, would recommend a civil trial or a military court martial for Kornlloff. Premier Kerenskys proclamation specifically branding Kornlloff as a traitor, it was recalled, ordered that he and his ac complices be delivered to "civil tribu nals of justice.' Officials Not Concerned Waahlnrton. Sept 18. (L N. S.) Reports that officials here are again concerned over th possibility of a separate peace between Russia and Germany were denounced as false at the stat department today. Officials raid that to the contrary the situation at Petrograd looms more reassuring every day and that th strengthening of the Kerensky cabinet can mean nothing less than a renewed determi nation to fight the war out at all costs. Soagias County Bonds S)old Bids for th $111,000 issue of Douglas coun ty highway bonds were opened Mon day afternoon at Roseburg and the sale was awarded to Morris Bros, of Portland on an offer of 9t.it. The Lumberman Trust company was sec ond with a bid of 86.87$ and blank bonds. This is one fifth et the total issue of S5S0.080 offered In August, All bids were rejected at that tim be cause they wero too low. The bond. mature serially in multiples of $50. , betiamiar m flv years. Th le ans bears 4fe per cent, ; ' ; redeml Beserro Xatxeetew Xeraw--A. C. Miller, member of tb federal re serve board of Washington, was in the city for a few hours Monday afternoon and met Portland bankers. Mr Miller, who was formerly head of thev eco nomics department of th Catversity of California, is Pacific coast director of the federal reservo system, and, has: oeen in the west looking over th dis trict. He is returning east - by ' the northern rout for th purpose of vis iting the branch reserve cltie of Pert- land. Seattle and Spokane. He was in formally entertained by several of the local bankers wall her. " j Municipal " Market stsxh rtrraer--Steadily increasing - firmness ta - the municipal bood market la beinar noted dally In returns from th big eastern - sales. . The municipals, together with government issues, are receiving con siderable attention because of th tax exemption feature, a thins that has mad them especially ' attractive to men of large Incomes, apparently the bottom haa been reached in the market for publicly, issued secerttles. . and it is now in th ascendency. - - - ' Tsehantr to '; Q-jssw TJn. founded rumors that have beec per sistently going the renokda to th effect that the New Tern stock exchange was to close for a short, period were officially denied a few days ao. No reason for the dosing- was , ascribed in th reports. - ' '..- Q old gnports ef Wek For i the week ending September 1$, gold ex ports aggregated $8,128,4 JO. of - which . $5,815,000 went to Japan; $188,800 to Chile, $ 1.909,09 to Pern. $108.00 to ether South American destinations.. $1,048,800 to Spain; $28,0fl' to Canada and $Sf 5.0C0 to other places. . " ADVANCE ON MINIMUM CARLOAD OF LUMBER AND PRODUCTS UNFAIR 4.00U I J I there was a good deal of variation in price j most effective means, free of the No. 2 e r tjl.se. jobbing rniCEa of obtl.i.xd K YAHib Selling prlc aVaeai buTlac ortce. price, candied, 43c; extras,' 44c wsa a heavy buyer of Seotember oata. rrovtciona were higher at the opening;. Range of Chicago nricc furnished by United pre: ; COKN Open, High. December ...... 1MM4 118J4 May US no OATS September ...... 68tt 64 December Ji . oo May SOW i4V' rUSa - 9le ptembeV' . .... .... Octobee ....... 4270 1 4270 4260 J Senary 4300' 4317 4300 IARU Seotember...,. 23Si 2388 28TT Cat count. .41 ner I October 2380 2883 2S63 Oc per doaen; aetllag I Jaanary 2270 2277 2267 tree.' 44c. . I .. ntM Hene. . heavy - nymonrb I .I1t-u,ber 2418 2412 StiO October ....... 2407 2410 2400 Thee prices ara those at which wholesaler all to retailers, except aa etberwla stated: Dairy Predaeta BOTTKHV--Creamery, prints in parafflne wrappsra. extra-., 47c; prim firsts. 44e; firsts, 3n cubes, lc les; cartons, lc sd- Bt'TTKrAT Portland 'deli rery. Ke. .1 cream, 4He. - CUEE.sk Bmng price: Freh Oregon fany full ereani triplet. 26e; Young -America. 27e. I'rlc to jobbers, flata, 24c; Young America, S.V. f. o. b.; cream brick, 28Q2&C. limburgcr. Low. US4 11854 ( 68 , "T1 Close. 1104 ,89. 8814 4235 4250 1 302 . 2377 8262 2202 LIVB l'OULTHY' Hocka. WViOaw lb.: . ordinary ehlckena. 18Ue per lb.: ataga, 12He pee lb.i broilers, l20e jVnuary 2203 Kr lb.f turktyr. v W422e per lb.; rmmt I January ........ , fancy, a7j.Je per id.; cuus. aiw2ie; aqua be. $2.00 per dosen- geeae. live, 10c; Pekln ducks, fM'tig. 184j20c lb.; Indian Runners, old ducks, 4ts-Oe per lb.; pigeons. $1.25 per dusea. fraah Fruit aad Verstablea ; ' FKCSn rallllS Orangea. .50W3.75 box; ananas. 5e per lb.; lemona. 86.504(4.00: Call' .. fornix grapefruit. $8.00:1.60: riorlda. $6.50 J7.00; cautaKwpea, atanoard. $l.O04t2.5O; . flat, 75cUt.OO crate; watermrlona. $1.00(3 l.H per rental; peacurs, vregou, Tuqgvt) C4 1 . 2410 2400 2187 AMERICAN LIVE8TOCK PRICES Chicago Hog $18.68 Chiearo, Bent. la. (l- N. eekita Mixed ana nutencra, fir.vuioii. so. Bent. ID Cx. N. B.1 Hog KS- 7000. alow and eteady to So higher, 8.60: good heavy. $16.tKX 18.65; rough heavy. $16.0317.1S; 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 1 bull 8 boll 1 bull 4 bogs ... 2 bogs ... No. 1 -hog .... B0 bogs 11 bogs 1 nog ...... 2 bogs T steers ... 23 steers ... 28 steer ... 1 steer ... 48 steers .... 1 steer - ... T steer ... 1 ateer ... 28 cow 1 9 1 cow 1 cow . 6 cow ... X cow . . . SO -calves . 1 bull ... X bull BUULS. Av)lb. 030 ....1150 .... 820 .... S70 ....1800 ,1010 770 stfgma of charity, should be employed to care for the families of soldiers, and that before th second draft is made," said Mr. Woodward. Would Connties -Actf The chief statements in favor of a special legislative session at the members' council meeting Monday BOGS. ... 167 .......... 143 . .... ... 60; good bear pigs, $18.004117.2-,; bulk, box; plums, 75cf per 0O crate: caaabaa. C22 per lb.; peara. 7orasi- per box; rreab flga, $1.0011.23 per box. BEBglKS Blackberries. Sl.004yi.2S: gooa. be trie. 6A6c per Ibf; buckleberrlea, 1012Vke per lb. APPLES Ijoni. Toe's xx. oo, according to uait'y. uiw.- vraiis it aim. si.uvwi.To: cau .tau a. iw --"J V POT A TO K8 seinni , price, table stock, ig aval. $2.004J2J10. Buying price, ordinary hipping, $1.75: sweet potatoes. I3.75U4.2G. VaX3BTABl.Es Turnips, x1 per sacki arrota, $2.2oi2JM aack; beets, $1.75412.00 eecsr parsnips. ia saca; eaooag, local. avi'Ti'i ' , evpera, 10a lb.; bead lettuce, 50c per doaen; eelcry. iY5e denea; artichoke 9oeQ$1.10; encumbatv.,v!34l65c dosen; tomatoes, Oregon, light. $17.004318.85; S17.K0iail8.45. Uattie neceipm iz,uuu, awauy w iv-s mw. i Beevea. $7.50xl7.85; cows sad heifer, 85.18 412.90: atockers ana :reeaer. o.ovsii.w; Te-aaa. 8ft.7frtflO.50: calve. .12.004.1635. Sueen Receipts la.oiw, sxeaay o ea-oug. ra- tlv and weatern. $9.004il&75; lamba $12.50 Q1S.40. - Omana xogs Omaha. Neb.. Sept. 18. (L K. S.1 Otttl Beceipts ii.otM, aieauy ana wnr, owr, . t9.0O4tl6.50: cows andhelfers, $5.259.50; stocker and feeden, $5??fsai4.0O; weetarna, $i0.6O14.0O: poor medium. .. $7.504310.25; A IV MK.UUM 12.ak ft noes Reeelnta 4080, eteady and Strong. Good and choice heavy, $17.55 f 18. 35; rough heavy, $17,164.17.80; Bgbt, . $aT.40ai8-Ba; plga, $14.006117.00; balk. 1T.8617.7, 8 bog 7 bogs 8 hows 18 bogs Ave. lb. .. 300 .. ISO .....'.....' 22S ........... 470 ,........-.... 200 8TEKUS. ........1007 1 ..1170- .........1010 t aaaav s o-ilH at m - 840 e . J0t2O ...............1360 COWS. 970 740 800 ....... ...124S 970 . 980 ..,.1180 CALVES. 140 Buua. 1460 14O0 HOGS. - . os .... 11 - av ) OS Bajt8 movement during tb first 15 minutes of the stock: exchange, today, the ton was etroog. and at the end of that period the majority of issues showed some amount of net gala. United States Steel ranged from 106 to 1044. with a quick rally to above 108. ahow- p-ift, I uig a gain ox 'ri pomt. Joanne preierrea ma- $ 8.25 i ranced 1M to 81, the eommoa a point to 29, O.70 I ana s-usnae una v.vau a mnimii guia. 8.00 I Distiller securities continued to reflect ab- 4.50 I sorption, advancing a point to 81 14. Bethle-1 noon were made bv Mr. Woodward. A. ,,w hem Steel "B" was an exception, to the gen- j Flegel, Mayor Baker. Qua Moser nX Play of strength, mat atock eluag d w vj- Thompson. W J. Burns M0 2.7 -Snt ta " 1V4 "EesteoLrth?ReT Cro;. cWcare vT5.p?r: for the deDendents of soldiers untU g as mm mitarr tut- iuiv iiatia uvaAtr susjas w-ar ajnwi-j - - i? 7S oder preasnre. with United state Steel trroy the government makes an approprla- Prt ping to 104. and Bethlehem Steal "B" to tlon. $17.70 91 Vi points. Rufus C Holman, chairman of th 17.501 fn Kew.xws arvening m nnancnu review i county commission, declared that a "22ltor' f:! .. . .. . . . special session is unnecessary and 'wrz.? rt ivrot1 JZZtZ I -nMMrMnu. k ii I without th surma of charity tnrougn 9 8 I day's stock market, an influence which spread 1 th creation Of a pension fund to be 7-yliwp. In, the. MtlM.n.njat ee. mam .Ttmt I .imlnl.t.,. Kv a n atvlaArv Kftarii tn "i"'1 " uvi. viuw ummtm io .au regular reuiex uayavri l aiiflc, uthern Ballwar. LoulavlUa Naah- menta To znak this position clear, TniVfL,a11r .8 ?!.a . I Commissioner Holman made, this traneactlona were Keren .ky to Interview Troops Petrograd. Sept. II. -(TJ. P.) Pre mier Keren sky, accompanied by General Verkhovsky. assistant to Chief of staff Alexlef f and Admiral Verderevsky, minister of marine, bar left for main army headquarters, it was announced today. Th premier desires personally to see the lofal troops and ascertain at first hand some of the causes of the Kornlloff rebellion. Council Issues Appeal London, Sept 18. (TJ. P.) The Pet rograd council of workmen and soldiers has Issued formal appeal to soldiers and civilians to refrain from Institu tion of lynch law, according to dis patches today to the Evening News. . in Kronstadt organisation had de-l State Council of Defense and Prominent Manufacturers Object to I. C.,C. Ruling, Salem, Or Sept, II. Th Oregon publio service commission Monday sent the following telegram to the Interstate commerce commission: "Oregon State - Council of Defense and many prominent lumber manufac turers In Oregon have filed a protest with this commission against the ad vance on minimum -carload of lumber and lumber products recently filed by th transcontinental freight bureau. Wo earnestly request suspension of these tariffs and especially th pro- 7.13 8.25 6.00 7.60 T.50 Although th. .ted and .Upptng rmp. 1 ,,,r'Vr ...7.. . in small lots, ss a rule the 1 " sellm- wave left very few Issue untouched. $ 8.75 I United State Steel aold the lowest since last aTu February below 104, aad Bethlehem Steel "B" 4-J8 I common gar way some 6 points to a ree- r-rr I ord low level roe au time. j I I reefs of 3 to 4 point were suffered by the awn I shlnrilng sbsrea. and at the same tim marine I insurance rates were lowered aa tb quel to plan is adopted must be one whereby "Tx ! eneiry submarines la water off th a. near as possible. 100 cents on every "'rr '.,.Zr.. . dollar available for the purpose shall Baste Is Essential Tlrst. I am absolutely of th opin ion that eone provision must bo made Immediately for the proper car of th dependents of Oregon soldiers. "Second, that whatever program or 8.00 e.75 feverish character with constant changes be-1 K Mto eo-uai renui sua as iuu as tweea strength aod weakness, but wits tb 81TW 15.73 17.86 17.75 possible be consumed In overhead costs, such as the expense of a legis lative session, whether it be $6000 or ! $50,000. Third I Believe, thai: wa hava amf. L'ii1 t- rd,ht0f,iH.I:d-c "cient powers and resources in the to 4. Utah Ctopper, which old as tow a M.. . th. majority of important issues aaUing down to lower fhrurea . The copper were weak fee a ttsas bat later developed strength, with Anaconda ad vancing from -68H to 684 and American Ban Tancico trounce maraei Sa& KVanrlmoa. geot. 18. (TJ. P. V . .... .- i . .atx. " TY' r'i't . " JT? ' .... , ihw fmn 1K1U. to laOU. with tranaaetlona at I inI,...ln. th. nen.. tlSu, 46c; extra fTrata. pullets, 46c. "TT , , , k Jtv t ministering the fund. Wo would use 1 fi.f.. fanpv. SMe! flratsv I Money loaning at 5 per cent. I . . . i an n si I wvenw county courts) ox ins suiio to Butter I xS.!5is ...v. --M . .ir,.tin-. ihe vaiianiiau a av.it. iv wssgf mutBa iij m v v v, aus gwaajyj auvvv aw ai.kwaa rishvw Sheep Becipt TOt75c x: egg plant, Se per lb.: a Zr'Vr7 "&TlY .i'trSate! ewi-V tlO.OO!! ataata. Tlab and Proviaioua DBERSEO llaUTS Sening price, eeuntry klllee be-t bogs, l121Vie lb.; ordinary lQ 48,500, ateady. Wethers, suzjuuesiaao: reeo- k. iTJi8.t; l r.nlleta. Cheeoa California flat, fancy, 22c. : Barley Per cental Vo. lfeed, $a.43t 2.45; do. ahlpping, $2.47H 2.50. . ijats per cenv wvw tro .vcu, 2.7: do. ad grade, $3.10i33.2r. union urowst or yeoww, aiwi'W good atock. New pototoeavDelta, i.TfjMlf ,. tol for choice; do. fancy, $2. 25020; Salinas, $.9008.00. Sweets Se pee pound ex. car. Ike stock market dosed steady: Govern- i mnt bonde unchanged, Kailway and other bor.o heavy. Sale of stock today 808,100 shares, bonds. ! S4SD,WBA SCHOONER ANDTHRE ARGENTINA EXPECTS A FORMAL EXPLANATION OF LUXBURG INCIDENT Public Not All Accepting View Disavowal Would Satisfy; Many Demand Break. PENDLETON ALREADY ( STIRRING; fiOUND-UP ADVANCE GUARDS III manded liberation without trial of sailors arrested at that fortress fol-1 vision for furnishing a larger car than lowing the unsuccessful revolt there. I tEat ordered." Chairman Frank 3. Miller of the com mission said that th new tariffs would work a great hardship against the lumber manufacturers of - the northwest, a. they would place them under an unfair handicap in Competi tion with southwestern manufactur ers, who are not Included in the new tariffs. The tariff fixing the minimum carload at $0,000 pounds, he pointed out, would in erred raise the freight rate on finished lumber products for th reason it Is physically impossible to load 80,000 pounds Into a car. Tet the shipper would have to pay th freight on $0,000 pounds. The other provision to which ob jection Is mads would giro the railroad! companies the privilege of furnishing, ar their convenience, a larger car than the on ordered and require the ship per to "-pay the freight for the mini mum load allowed for the larger car, even though th car was not filled to minimum. Again the effect would be to increase the freight rat. Chicago) Arodnce Market r.tm m. Rent 1 'I. N. 11 AAii tozav u-araerv extra. ae extra firsts, 43e; Crete, 4141c; packing B BARGES ASHORE, LOSS I vtav OF 14 MEN IS FEARED Prices .reacted about S points Kansas City Bags $1$.T0 Kansas City. Mo.. Sent. 18. (L If. 8.1 rattle Beeeinta 21.000. aserally steady. Cow I . ... it., kt ...i ids u, tw. I im heifer atrons to ioc niatier. trs.-sis.w I "-srr M mm sw "7- . r , i . ., . . . z. A.A..M.' i seam iwrira, a, -w .t., MBtton, lifflioe par ". oeei. vesper in. 1 . . . . I 21423,1c: dirties. ZS4S34C MIOKBD VtSAT Ha ma, xTHVSOe per lb.: I Hog Keceipra ouuu, Bieauy. -"Tl. JS-'H. ire rol U 37cTbort clear., 27l30c; Oregon I medium-, S1&.50411S.1O; Ughta. $17-50tl8.B0. NeW York Cotton Market xuorta, smoked, sue per in. I Sheep Keceipta vaiv, exuemaiy active ano i K Tt g ' IS (1 N LV Oottan LARD Kette rendered, tierces. 29c par 254oThlgher7Botb packer and feeder took BS; ' rsfcTTo . . i 1.. .rrT.T.A inu. ..3 t.k. in Art- henn.h. ionened steady today, witn, price o to 10 OTsTTCRli OtTenp-At r --, a.o; can r$i&u0QX&. Wo rU gooa 4VM$a wm QZltrmL. 1 gWiw uiiuo. RILm trnsftC ganie Ift hO t AnAT ' SBatorvt I 81. A 4-1 a 1 OK i mfttT fuQ CsVLU a!?,Lti-fc t,e,! "tm oyster-, per p, 8 t 18.(1. . scee-Be- LJiL'0 TL'ra.S rlif ' f'era. Se, Chlneo ..V eelpt. 74l .teidy. Prime tights. $lsl545l8.2S; ZrTle evaS f e FISH Dreiaed flounders, set Olneot al-l-5, . vrJw am otmulio; 'hmwh, kee. I bnllisa eastora beat crop adricee. Trie close .boejlT.To; rongtt neanea, , sii mvq i waa eio-uy - - gs, aiT.uotaiii.zD. ican ei a youw -Beeipta 61. ateady. Beat ateeia. '' X-n ' ' ' I SO JlfMjaJH); meaiuni W.enoic. HWutH; Ttf Vr.rtr- Metal Marrei vrmwrn. ... r- - I eommoa to medium, xo.uwin.8u; neat cows, - I m eVnn .oroaerw I 7.0O7JS0j common to medium eowav $4.0O41 1 K.W York. Sept. 18-(xj S. S.) OaMnwretai J " gUUAK txme, i.wi wwawra, ao.ev; xraatiaoo; bauia. .oof t.ou; caivea, ao.waiu.uu, i par aliver l up lc at i"He- r berry. $0.i0; Honolulu. Bj.j Mat. 88.S0; I Sheep Becelpt none, steady, Laanbev $15,001 Lead Quiet. Spot offered at Sft; October. I B0.OOretherM$SToW0o'-W' IP . IBa. er-ri 1 1 1 mm ' !- - K 7aBIev aSAIaaa 1 srf grannUted, $9.15; D yellow, $8.00. Sugar market d moralised.' with no set quotation oa Srelate4. tnNY New. t3.004TS.25 ner case. ' RICE Japan style, No, 1, Tftc; New Or 1mm head. 9c: blue rose. 8Uc. SALT Ooarae, half ground. 100a. $14.00 per no i 60a. $14.80: tabl dairy. 80. $18.00; lOo. lT.eo; . Baaea. sx.ao; isacy ram . ana dairy, ij on; Itimn rork. 820 00 per toe. BRANS Nominal. Small white, 18 H: lanr White, lac: pins, ubh, aac; Boywoa ' tea. i . Xeps, West aad Eldea HOPS Nominal. Buy tag price. 1918 crop, tOttSl par lb.: eontracta. 854ta0c. . woOleWUIametto valley, eoara Cotswold, BO pee IO. Bwnaji aarwwm as per m. Eastera uresuai. ouauva vrr id. - uinra-itrd hide. 2. lba. and nn t,. green side. 20 lbs. and p. ISc: salted stag! V up, aa-a pi . w, w iom. ana p. lie: aaires ano green sip, in to 25 Ib, THn Quiet. SDOsffered 2i nasnraa- Kan SiaS I Rnelteo Bteadv.lsoot. 805418 - ' -'- is TT v --w I November. 815825. :- """. . - I ..t.T c. en ... ojraa Zofte;, first quarter next year, ajc. our present staff and take advantage of voluntary, non-compensated' service which is always abundantly available for any patriotlo cause. "Fourth, this plan Is not entirely an experiment, as X would endeavor to duplicate the same procedure as waa followed - by Multnomah county on July 21, 1916, when it came to th re lief of the dependents of the Oregon volunteers then stationed on the Mexl-. can border. "Fifth, -the plan that X propose could be altered or eliminated when any bet ter scheme is available. So far aa the stigma of charity is concerned, as a governmental body we can let our re lief take whatever form the state or federal government might give It, for we can assure to those aided substan tially the sain relation a the state or nation, "Sixth, if necessary, this plan can be financed Indefinitely by the coun ties., as readily as by the state for the coufftles have tax levying power as . : v " does the state and are no more re- . , etrioted by fho per cent limitation Orleans. Mass., Sept.. 11.(1. N. S.) tntin ls tn- state. ' Three man, a woman, and a child xeglslature Hot atestrlcted th after! "Seventh. I do not aee tb neces- hou, of the bars. ln after thre f tT O J Kfesavers had been injured. The sur- uld haveTto provide a com vivors were taken off In a state; of piete organisation for the investlga- By Charles P. Stewart. Buenos Aires. Sept, 18. TJ. P.) . Argentina expeots Oerraany to- for ward a formal explanation of the Lux burg incident. Until such a disavowal is received, through the ordinary Indemnity Lands Price Fixed Salem. Or.. Sept, II. The stat land channels of diplomatic intercourse, I bor. at a meeting held Monday, fixed th Onnuii vnlnlatairlail unit h.r. I $18.10 as the price for which the state will be considered vacant. wlU soli to the C 'A. Smith Timber Officials in thus indicating- Argen- 2?pf r th trustees of the Oeorge Una's viewooint todav. inttmstad th.t I Baldwin estate, and the Sllgh Furnl- in wHsiwij uiv niu ei uio siai tv select indemnity lands. This action waa taken in compliance with chapter $78. laws of HIT. which provides that the estate and companies named should have th right -to bur these indemnity selections at current rates because In the past the state had sold to them or their predecessors in interest certain school lands before they were surveyed and to which the such formal apolosrr from Germany might satisfactorily close the inci dent. Not all of th publio today is ac cepting such a view, however. Nu merous meetings are being held urging that Argentina formally break rela tions with Germany. Th strongest pressure is being brought to bear on President Irlgoyen to this end. The anti-German element is - caustically commenting on the fact that Germany I etate could not convey title because I Sixty-Mile Gale and Distance From Shore Make Rescue Work Impossible is seeking to clear no th bald phrases of Luxburgs communications by ths explanation of an under secretary ex- pressingoregret ana Germany's "abso lute disapproval" of th ministers phrases. Count Luxburg remained closely Is his place of refuge In the Austrian le gation today. The Argentine govern ment, it waa understood, wss endeav oring to arrange for his departure on spanisn steamer either the utter exhaustion. Becelpt 1500, strong to higher. Steer. $8.00 tj 11.50; cow aad heifers, $400438.50; stock- R $18.00; Bwos, $10.75 era and feeders, $OJ5100; ii.no. Hogs Receipt 1O0, strong, bulk. $ Sheen nacaipo oamj, crong. 01U; , lamtw, $n.2&4il7.55. New York Sugar and Coffee New York. Sept. IS. (U. r. Spot No,. 7 I Bio. sc; no, e aantoa, 10c SH. o-i Sugaj CJtrlfussl. L90. BANK CLEARINGS Ixirdm Metal Market Londrjo, Sept. 18. (I. K. a) Bar atlver is sp H et B2iid. . Clearing---' ilonday ..... Toeaday ..... Otoartog Pertland Banks tnls week. Tear aso. -$SES& Two Pendleton Men ' a (- Seattla 96,786.00 161,002.00 a w in. lac: ealted and green calf, up to 00 lba, 22c: Sr (Bat Moot, ever 7 lb.. 38e, arr ntnt ealf. under. T lba. ry salt hMes, 23c; I COearlnr -..$ 5,,1TO.OO 'TTFm'i. Ki.-LBala:e ............... exn.osejw TLaa lasalaa New Xork ; Money Market Kew Tork, Sept, 18. (O. P.V Uoaay ee all, par cent; tu . montnn, - o jo; jer- ner aurer, ftw xers. biert uig, ere. 4 eo42cb ry short wool pelts, ttOsoe; sVlteu beep pelt. : kmg wool. each. $4 00O5.00; ailed lamb pelts, each, $1,004)1.00- salted short wool pelta. eacn T0cll.25; dry ahesu Wllnga. .1530c; xalte skae ,aeu! . ling. c. vaiiey Wooo. 6841 Joe: medium valley woo. 6065e; drTgoTt? knag aaar, awi w T .ca, gOr; dry atairt hale goa ta eaeh, 60c4J$1.0C - T ALLOW ,, :ae a, 11a; grsa vea- awe la. - " Tarrriaf OSCA8CAaVAivBAaV-- nrlce. per ear lots, 7 He per lb. ... .1 MOHAia 191T. Ooe per in. , ;.- Stop, Palnta, Oil v - , , atom Slaal. dark, 22c; whit. 22U per ta.! ataadard Mtulla. SOe. a . , .T" . LIN HE lO OIL Have, bbht, $13 per rat. ! harrela 10a ear rtHoa. Jt,.1,-,0,k!i. a..V !i-7; fw. .. I WBltn LEAD Toa lots, lie per lb. t $1.45; .bollsd.teaaa. $L4T per gallon: tots of I lba. 14 4 per lb. : . vjM. -uhw una iron case kna. c -eaa. : Waylaid at Night Pendleton. ' Or., Sept, 18. One holdup tia ma ,,.m and; another 'attempted holduo were maiuw .v. ah. u..j. A- reported to the police Monday morning. John Andrews. . an employ of the Eaer llardwar company, was walking jthe wrecked vessels and the distance .Orleans, Mass Sept. IS. (I. N. S.1 Fourteen men are believed to have been lost as the result of a schooner and thre barges going ashore at .two different points near here during the night, - A schooner, apparently a .three master, is breaking- to pieces on the outer sandbar. ' From the sis of th schooner it is estimated that it carried , seven or eight mn.:,:.-.Ai,-- Three barges are ashore, one and one half miles off - the - Pamet river lifesavlng station, about 499 yards off shore on an ouuide bar. Barge crews number at least two men each, so the total number of men carried by three: barges is i figured at six. at least,-. :' ; The 60-mile wind and high sea make it Impossible to set . lifeboats out . to Liverpool Ootton Market ; TJvernooL Sent. 18. fl. N.'S-l There v good daaiaail fur apot eaetoa today. Sales SOOO baleav .... ,. . horn sn the early hours Sunday morn ing when a man suddenly stepped up behind him,: stuck a gun in his ribs and ordered him to throw up his hands and keep his face to th front, An drews watched his watch out of his pocket as he elevated his hands and dropped it downs his, coatsleeve. He lost several dollars in money. was too far to shoot life lines. At noon th work of rescue wss still being attempted. All of th barges and the two schooner were " holding anchor but all were in peril. , - Thre times the breeches buoy rope was shot acres s th after house and 000 1 I made fast. ; : Three times It ' snapped anart: as the tersre rolled 'ta the trew Clarence Whiteman. employed by the I mendous trouarh of the sea. vOld sea- Taylor Hardware company, instead of j men expressed th fear that the little throwing vp his hands When ordered. I rrouo would ultimately perish before ran onto a neighboring porch, where a f their rescue, The barges were driven lat the close of .the last legislature. light waa burning, and th footpad I in at daybreak by the tremendous I He thinks the initial appropriation flea, l storm, . I need not n large. tton of the need and for th distrt butlon of the pensions in the several local communities of the state, in ad dition to th . cost ox tn session Itself. -All of the above is stated in tne belief that the several county courts of the state ' Will cooperate patriotic ally and willingly in making the plan success." " Any subject which can com before a regular session of the legislature can also' be brought before a special session. There Is no legal restriction on the variety or number of subjects that - can be considered by a special legislative session. , Money -Veft It can enact measures relating to salaries, fees, appropriations, road and same lawn and any of the other mat ters with , which; a regular legislative session deals. There is always the Dosalbllity that the convening- of a special . session will furnish oppor tunity to "put over promotions that a mor deliberate convenina; of th leg islature -wouia ceieat. '-Aa to the suggestion that the legis lature might be restricted . bv the per cent limitation law from making aa appropriation, atr. woodward stat ed that as he remembers a margin of about -$$00,000 was left in th stat treasury subject r? to appropriation within th I per cent 'limitation law they had been taken up as homesteads. In buying the lieu land selections, the state is to give the purchasers credit for th amount that was paid the state originally, and in cases where the land was bought from others, the amount paid for tb land. Largest Bond Fee Paid . Salem, Or., Sept, 18. The largest fee ever received br the secretary of Leo I state's office was paid Monday by the XIII. leaving September 28. or the Relna -Victoria, departing October t The Spanish minister was believed to have taken up the matter of safs con duct' with the allies. Girl's Body Found .' In a Chicago Flat Chicago, -Sept II. (TJ. P.) Police! today were seekinsr tn slaver of Mia a I ttaaA Piv.r rr Me-nt it mtra Josephine Parker, whose body was j hundred1 pioneers of Hood River county Ochoco Irlrgation district for tb cer tification of $109,009 f bonds. There were 1100 separate bonds and under the law a charge of $2 each was made for placing the stat seal on th bonds, maaing is au a xee ox $zzoe Hood River Pioneers Hold Their Beiinion Steers, Ponies. Cowboys! Butt- doggers and Other.; folk Arrive for Great Festival. ' IT: ' Pendleton, Or Sept II, Round-Un weak has arrived and with, -it hun dreds of .people who want to be on the scene earl for the three days of ... frontier fun, - Thursday, Friday ; and Saturday. - Sunday was a busy day for the Ruund-Up directors. Over 1 00 head of stock, including bucking horses, relay horses, pony express horseevi ssddl ponies and steers, arrived in the city and the stall, paddock and corral rooms of the Round-Up barns 'wero taxed to the utmost to accommodate them all. j -Hi.- . s:'Sfi,k'-'&. 80 many have 'been the entries In the - ateer bulldoggtng and roping vents that Livestock Director Sam K. Thompson found that th one carload of Mexican longhorns would not suf fice. Therefore, h secured a second carload and they arrived Sunday. Sacking Contests Tilled f - The bucking contest has filled up so that it will take about all the outlaw - horses in the west to give th buekaroo contestants mounts. Beaidea the fa mous Round-Up string, th Orumheller string of Walla Walla,-the M'Carty string of Cheyenne and th Spain string of Union ars already in the pad-, docks and, besides, a number of new buckers, owned by various individuals, have been sent in. They will all be needed. Ten relay strings ars already in th box stalls and, without question,: the relay races this year will set' a 'new standard for these events. The ta strfngs already' here maka-certaln that there will be at least five entries in both the cowboys' and cowgirls-reels. In the cowgirls' event, Mabel De Long, Ruth Parton, Bertha Blaneett, all for mer champions, Josephine Sherry and. Donna Gard are entered and are her. " Voted sliders Arrive : Nep Lynch, who, on th Parsons string of Montana, has twice defeated Aiian Ltrumneiier of waiia Walla in the past two weeks by ar fw seconds. and Drumheller arrived yesterday, aa did Darrell Cannon' and Bradeo Ger- kinr, other entries, "Sleepy Arm-; trong, who is riding ths fast MCerty string of Cheyenne, arrived - several days ago. ' '.- .- ' - . The Indian contingent will belarrc than ever bef or, as many of th Nes Perce ar coming from Idaho to join their friends, the Umatillas, Cayuses and Walla Wallas. Cowboys 'are her by th scor already, ' among ' thera Tommy Grimes, Buffalo Vernon. Yak ima Canutt, th Wler brothers, Dav w nits, Leonard Stroud, - Sammy , Gar rett, Ed M'Carty, Scoop Martin. Ed M'Gilvray, John Spain and Hippy Bur master, all potential champions. . Weather conditions are ideal at th improved tae roans wnioh means that hundreds of automobiles will come. Al together, ths prospects look mightx good for another great Round-Up. .-- found last night in the bathroom of a flat she had occupied alone for more than a month. The glrTs wrists had been slashed and she had bled to death. The walls and floors of the parlor and bathroom were stain ea witn blood ana a razor and members of - their families at tended the annual t pioneer meeting Monday In X. O. O. r hall. They also celebrated th eightieth birthday anni versary of Hon, is. L.. Smith and Mr. Boarrnan, members of the association, The pioneers presented Smith with a lay on the window silL , She evidently year's subscription to a geographical had been dead asont 10 day a . I magazine and Mrs. Boarrnan with The police were willing to accept at gold brooch. suicide theory at- first, but later dis covered a buctTet of bloody water and a sponge which had been used in an effort to wipe up the bloodstains. Th flat .was bar of furniture. trunk contained a - complete bridal trousseau,' Miss Parker evident! v had siept on a pne ox newspapers tn a corner. Tb girl Is believed to have her from Decatur, Uliiwise - w . Few Prisoaers Taken . - London. Sept.. II. (TJ. P.) Except for patrol encounters in the Tpres sector, where a few prisoners were taken. Field Marshal Hals had 'noth Iing special to report from th British front today. , Milton CDelL tb oldest pioneer in Hood River county, was born her la 1861. - After dinner addresses were deliv ered by Judge Fred Wilson, The Dalles; Roy. William Bliot, Portlands Rev.- Trey Shelly and Milton O'Dell, uooa Kiver. vocal solo was given by Florence Broslus aad as instru mental duet by th Bartmess sisters. T. K rin varaa AiMf-t amMint e H. L. Howe, secretary.- - . i Two pioneers, 1 David 5 Turner and Mrs. Peter Mohr, died durin ths year. 4.40 to 6.25; 1 i the - a Stewlts, afeads, Cettott, Crstsw lUs. 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