The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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. '.- . . ; ,
.-. :' i- i 1 1 i .ii- ;-i - J .(. .. '
Clamps Are . Beginning - - to
Squeeze Nation . JougjvJLJ
S. Takes No Part,
Coaaidarad - Xmprobael .Unless 10
QrwB Wofktit in :H ,
' Out-lsaUssallCsrely Traaf v.7
''V.-'-.ry;! :V
Washington. ept ll, (U. F.) Tbs
clamps are beginning ; to squeese on
Sweden. . The ; allies but not the
United States have mede hr mw
senger service' for Oermany- diplo
matic Issue, and for the present . at
least, wt -allowing- Sweden to
send cipher to her legation bare. ;
Whether requests for an explanation
made of Sweden by the- allies portend
a break In diplomatic relations is un
known here'. They probably do not
unless Sweden feu to rid herself of
pro-German workers.: . The dismissal
of- the first secretary of ..the foreign
offle- proved today to hate been, only
a trensfer to'the Swedish Justice de
partment, and this- apparently-, J, only
a sop to. the demand that the. higher
officials in the Swedish-Teuton.', alli
ance - step down. ' - '
The reported Teuton, reply ? to., the
Vatican peace note caused scarcely a
ripple here today, And there was no
comment forthcoming on it other than
It' does not appear to have any ele
ments of settlement la It. - "
The embargo against Sweden Is still
on, and because of It Germany Is get
ting lees , and less outside supplies'.
The state department denied today t
recent . revelation anent Sweden would
have any connection" with the embargo
situation. But despite this It does have
th obvious effect of working- Latln-
Amerlca to shut off credits and sup-
rile because of Oetman ueacherr.V"-. Z
Te disclosures also serve the purpose! ?frl?.f:ri-lif fl.Ti
of arguing to Swedea that her. rbeedar
raifht be less it she were-not ln league
with Germany. t r. :
v ... ', . . v r. -,1
, v Agreement Kot Ldmitea , ' ;
- tdndon, Sept. : lsr-.(XX, P.) Deolal
that the Swedish; government' agree
ment -with, Jamgland, jnada in IBIS, .was
limited to message 'transmitted . for
Germany jria .the - United BtatesAwas J
made' by "th- foreign; office : tonight,
The statement takes direct fssu wlth v th watsrs'ar'li thesea Itself, they
th, xplatlo,-fthaLlttburs: 'vpl;;id;rre-eahlas la.oitr ' '
sode recently -lBtt.c:.r'th; Swedish t r, obttly Irwsalo ertti .""i"
foreign minister.--- r r , , t )l,n.:.rt,iLK.M .it.M .t
The British forelgtt Vbt ftc:. asserted.' -
t tn a,re vn th: Hriih:
that the assurances given the British
government -by the Swedish, minister
in London ; and $ th British ' minister
at S tockholm,- the latter by the ; mln t
later of foreign affair himself, were
general 1; their; application' - V'
Officials notnted out It wit obvious
that objection- to -the use" of J BrUish
cables, for elpher " messages 'by an
nerojs goverameat. would -b;ih saia
from, whatever country themessages
came; ' The", Swedish pledge of 15
Empftasls was, 114 on the factr that
such a Pledge: wouldrbe ivalueles to!
.rrritflo7whch itlw'd
.lnate if the Swedish .ittr,4 dAAthii wnI
..a i.. .r i fiarinsjOf - eras? -torches'1 alonsf - the
stop th
. to eliminate
meat, had .only v promised tranamia
slon via . one slnala oountrr. --J
, Diplomats Jlrg'Blained v
, BUenOa' Atrea, i Pept t JR-iVi ?
Count LAixburgwas still packing up
today while maised, police cuirds pa
trolled the Oerman legation to ' guar
him from v'posibl -demonstrations.
President Xrigoyen. UCJas announced,
would grant th departing envoy -
reaaonable time t in 'which to utilise
the passport handed him because of
America's revelations tf how Luxburg 1
secretly cabled Berlin through, the
Swedish legation to -sink ' Argentine
ships ''without-leaving a trace.'-
From authoritative sources, vit -wa
reported Latxburf 'hopes to -go to para,
guay. Instead' of Germany, -betng-ao-'
credited there as minister and retain
ing the Argentine post until some mort
propitious time for his return. -
His admission into Paraguay Is an
certain. The press of Asuncion, com
menting today, declared fcuxbur
would be personally welcome,' but not
officially so. Th government Itself
has not yet mad Us position clear.
President Irtgoyen was today under
stood t b preparing a plan for la-
oeranmcauon or oerman ' property
owners whos bulldwfs and belongings
were destroyed la Wednesday' rioting.
PMninM..nM.i.. .
. vi viroi av s
formal resolutions la t ntxht, blaming
l.uxburg for an th troubles .a numi!no" aujetiaces win never .fade .frjom
ber of representative Swedish cltiatns
likewise met and resolved that Mini.
ster LOwen of Sweden was entirely re-if
sponsible. -,-.- ..
' Llndmaq Iklay Resign'
Copenhagen, Sept. IS. (lj Nr 8.) .
Admiral landman .the Swedish for-
mgo, .minister 1s expected to resign aa
said a dispatch front Stockholm t
to iay. it added that the conservatives
v-cre greatly worried over the obvious
the rZ?flZZL ln .ontvuited th additional group of corpses
the general election, yv M they cam la from dayftoay; Th
rrvwi si "
" r ""r-
.'tea '. i. ' 'ir- .
(Ooothiued from Pace Oaeil
order to torpedo them;at night whea
the hope of rescue for their precious
It was out of th ken of any llsteaef
1 1 at human belns-a would fir into
iron iAnnhf -k4nb.. .vi
- - m j eaeasaaasa eaaiaiaaa
r: a destroy -th lives of noti-rombit.
rt men and women orOically atrug -
l,iHg shoreward a theirfraglte erattu
Attacks Axe Ss easing
'Tr. Frost called th submarine of
"e Oerman th "coyotes of th sea."
He spoke of the awful prank of'the
remain the Mm arloa as kefera
r at kUBKKSTZIjf'S. Ua la aa
r-'lri. and aa very raaaoaabU eul
s x.xciara lds... 1T6 lair itrait.
. i t.
CIic!:ea:. Dinntr
- I- I
German submarine crews as worthy -the
loathsome sport - of a" band of
orang-outangs. He said their attacks '
were like - stilettos thrust . Into the
back, always sneaklngvand 'cowardly.
They" would torpedo -without. the
slightest warning and ' then, " rising,
rake the .sinking vessel with gun fir.
They9 would refuse to help lifeboats
toward land, they would with waves
mockery empty lifeboats of their pro
visions, cast the little trinkets - that
i sentiment had enwrapped in handker-
J chiefs into the sea and refill with salt
Ut vitcp tht vitur ? eiiki. f Th
would gloat ever the number and plte
orsness of the casualties caused by
their horrid 1 cruelty. Not since ' the
age of barbarism, declared tfce-consul,
has any foe made 'war on women and
. . aCal- Decorates Woman Slayer '
F He 'related that the captain of ' the
submarine -that ' sank the laiaitanla
Ml decorated with the iron cross of
the highest degree, then he recalled
that smiling morning oa the seventh
of May, 1915, , when : the great , Lusi
tania was- passing - along the Irish
coast: (.-- ,
"A . goodly, .'company .- of America's
greatest men and. finest women were
looking- with Pleasure from . the deck
of the devoted .vessel at the enchant
ing emerald' green -of Old' Kin sale. But
suddenly .at - eight minutes past X
('clock, a swift torpedo cam leaping
through ; the ; surface - from landward
and ' with - it - exploding: detonation
that splendid scene was converted Into
the most appalling catastrophe the hu
man v rsc i has vever.experienced. , .
"Confident la her floating capacity.
thvhip'e officers forbade the .man
ning of the lifeboat and when the
huge vessel foundered IS minutes later
1200 peraon were thrust headlong- into
eternltyCSOO men, J5e women and 100
Children. -. perished -by this - abysmal
crime and ) of the children were In
lnu la rm.'y;.-,-.';' , r
i-r ' rat 'Amerleens- Drowned -
"Out f'I80 Americans, only 8 lived
to tread 'God's - earth aaaln and' our
death roll included ; Elbert Hubbard;
Charles Prohmafi',-Charles Jtlein; Hei
bert Stoar X4odoa"iBates;r Capta'tjs,
James B. Miner and urr v. s. Person,
th creator of modern-ain, a fine
,type of the- coastractive" ldee,Hmu
pur 'American business ? world has ever
produced. w rf. .'V .''.?-,
i .fTo the credltcf. our face, be It said,
there" was never a trace of tanl'to
thai swful event.' Burthere was con
fusion, of -the heart rending "ktnd-r-hus
bands .beh61dln7tTeir;:-wves crushed
S1,k. V...1tMlS'l(1f .'dtAKMla MrWUA
self control iandl'chlldreft : drowning Hn
speechless; .terror while - looking Into
the "vyes', their" powerless mothers ,
Arsurvivdir told; m of standing " high
on.; the vessel's gteraAs 'the bow wai
disappearing; nd gaiing.down- 60 feet
or rnore' upoa- the - impotent -human
creatures' swirling I madly iik; flies
beneath-: the surface and upon It. And
at the mstaat ;when; the-ocean, closed
a' 4 - A tVi. .kin WtrfvA
at last upofi-'th ship, A curious, minor
keyed sound f oftrror-pTng alonj
. ,?J, ,XaV yX
rleftl 'TBteeldrum broken out from a
Uferaft andas-on" as-ne -wasaoie
toTcllmb upba K, Jt rolled and- toppled
hlnvoff oir th far side until cur- genial
veteran .. jJhJJmaopher presently gave
-ay to shock 'nd expoanr? . The Icy
fingers of that Aea, indeed.' were abl
to search wltttv paralyzing - surenesv
Ihtorthe heart's Chamber of Ven the
trongesC-menil; Ohr lifeboat, rowing
above, ooservea nysnoji iwun w
a distant wave land --found a lif ebuoy
clasDed ' by . a' drowned: woman's -hand
MB tB f
i Vtsaw ah g.aetly proees oa of
tha? flarlnar - aas! torches i alon the
Queenstown water front. 'B6at after
boat came, up out of th darkness, dis
charginsy -braised .''and" v shuddering
women, maimed and : half naked ' men
and a tew wide: eyed litUe-children
whose innocent '.minds .were wreetUng
blankW- wtththis stranfe new-manifestation-of
llfaf:- - '
; ' ?Trenxied women 4 begged f m for
their husbands";'-';and men with piti
able, choking efforts " at matter-of
factness ;wnt Veaslessly from group
to group '' Ipoklnit"' for their " little
daughters, their, brothers Arid la. som
cases for their American brides, les
of ..corpses, like 'jcordwood crew ' higher
aad.hlgher along the 'oils of rope and
ship' store e& ; the dark ' old quays.
B?Very Vole In that great mixed throng
spoke ,1a undertones, varied only hero
and; Jhere' by"I V Painful coughing fit
or a mot4seredlpurst .'f sobMnK.
"The-tncJdeJMs next morning tn- the
Improvised - morgues were ' even amore
poignant, as the police and the search
ing relatives1, moved carefully amonit
tfh mute 'corpses.'. . x saw a ; woman
recognis a dead . sister '? with two
drowned- babies clasped 'to 'the' cold
bosom that had so -recently been their
warm " nestling - place.' X looked Into
aJawIc 01 -narif . . fT-ohraan;
V-SSf.iS?? ViV16 tbat 'm
.frett adventure' of hl.- -
. , . t . a i. r - . -it
: Th lpfat traaauJftty t -all-
,nnr eye.? reaceiuiness was the
XD"on. and yet tempered .with a
ntlre,1. purxled -and aggrieved
iook as though some friend had eleven
L j 4 ruue, ioe tney s cua ., not y et.' uader--lataaa..--!..-.UVA.i-
' -
V. . ""joii wueens-j
town lived in a. toirhtmare.-r Grown
men and women Staggered :la" and out
or- my ' ornce. literally lnsana- rrnm
some freah nha r tr.rt .
som fresh phase of Ugeay;aa4.voe
wui niinu ana near Terused tongef to
rljror mortis soon relaxed :intn- ihiah
ate f labbinesr snd living features rrew
ixpreposterouiy retfulelve.: Later on th
uiu iigiej .ntrs, eaten orr by sea-
- ' wA. Mil V u . . m r . . . .
i intsiarinsj
wa wh011yigon-fromthe arrihrtitiD-
ibkulls. whUe from the. Bloated trunks
there projected limb partlaUy. chewed.
viz, or pinen ctean -oif by fishes.
- Wber th Lusitania. the Iconia.
th Aboskcv the - Calif orala,' -the ' Gal-
ZTUi f wir,a 'ia Arabic
I na. ."co or inr w unk by
i ruuuess uermsn, warfare. th Str
e . . . - .
; ana'winpes wav today la sign that
l JolB m. th defense of
plv1tion the destruction. of the
enemy that slaughters women and rTin
i -wot in revenge or ? hatred must
Amertea .fight," tsald Prost, "not to
wreak vindictive -vengeance 'foe these
enormities, out to end them, lo-xerml
nate thla unutterable bus in earn, a
"In hia BDlrit only dara w In
dire-hour of -war.. utter our hearts to
th deity la the words "of Beatrice
oarry: ... . - ,
7 rThat. little Children may In aafety
? BtI?Jf clean , waters, of Thy splen
That Jk,ntt.4!hrla-K nn
Nor mock Thy justice with his blas-
: ' puemies,
We comebut not with threats
- braggart boasts.
Hear us. Lord God of Hosts."
, Jacobs Asks Damages
Oregon City, Sept. 15. Lee Stanley
.'"obi -cT. ttarrri r f!ll s't f
-xvO against it. .c." tor a..r
clrculation of false rumors.
r i
Vigorous Offensive Is: Begun
V' on" Two-SxtpFs ;-of:5the
" Riga ;Froni-' ''T4'a'
Reported Capture of: Moat. Saa
Oatotel - Wot CoaXlxmed Treach ,
London... Seat.- IS. Russia started a
vtgbrous offensive on two sectors of
the Riga front today, f, y . , "
Two' sections of the 'front which It
was . feared had been . torn -by .- the
Korniloff forceg were those which. the
official statement today 'declared had
made good advances agalnsf the posi
tions' gained by the enemy in tn re
Cent: German .advaace. V- v V"
Ko war news of the day gave great
er satlafacQon her tonight , than this
refutation of apprehension that i Kor-
nilofrs '-rebellion ; had" split, the Rus
sian lines, open to the Germans. ;
- The Petrograd statement Jtold of. es
tablishing of, advanced Russian posts
in the village of Medug and - of v the
capture "of Kroaberg. Both -cities are
, to the Klga sector, not far from th
coast..' The war orrice asserted ' prls
oners had been taken. -
- - jvillar Ar Ooeaviad - -
kSUrthr l to tTTe V V. on th Pskov
road. ther city jof Felnwa occupied
by,' th, Busshln-drlv.-..,; Therattackina.
troop,, according to - the. war office,'
moved on toward Lemberg, " occupying
the -village of vKletzenr ahdv Slasefai:
On the 'western front, official stated
menu, today iindicated -the -French has
ra-gained practically all of, the around
in Caurlere-,1 Wood i(Verdun-Msector),
which- th powerful -German attack
of ; Friday morning had iralned for-the
tanemy, -Bitter- etruggles'ox the hand
to- hand .order.- waa rnaridng: the f ight-
ingT. there.;! Berlin claimed the -capture
r-. -eigot - near lunaume - wood
(Chemln deaJDames) -'--.
Benin, i reportedthe repulse of a
British attack la' Flanders- and of the
French 1 assaults - In : the Champagne.
Slr'.Douaflas Halg announced a, alight
advance 1 to 'the- east of - Westoeck, in
Flanders.. The Teuton ; heavy .-guns
continue to 'batter the British poeltiono
north of Langemarck.. f "
Sntlsa - Bornb 3Htry. "Works
. British-' airplanes "dropped heavv ex
plosive char -es ' on -various German
military works yesterday, iZalg lie
ported -tonight. r.",T'
North of . Charlerol railway station.
we ' dropped ' 11 heavy, bomb arid "75
others on railway stations, billets and
encampments - nearer s the - German
lines." he stated.' 'A,
: Half's nlht report - detailed great
aerial': and around;, raiding activities.
He told of "explosives dropped - on the
various German" military; works Ja Bel-
glum and. added. z-i
"North of iverness -Copsey-w car
rled out a successful operation, a Lon
don regiment capturing a "strong Ger
man point ana ta uig $ e prison r&- and
4 machine gun. ' ; iy -r. x v
west of Cherisr in 'the. -afternoon
the Durhams carried out. a au4cessful J
Kelglit's Oaptar Vot Coaflrud..r.
;'Ia the neighborhood of Neuve Cha-
pell the enemy attempted a raid "but
was repulsed by the Portuguese.-' - -
BOUtn Of Armenneres. hostile raid
ers were 'forced' to -withdraw; -
Testerday three hostile nlanes were
brOUgttt 'down nd-felx driven down -out ,
or control. 7 rour' of oflrs are missings"
,The." Italian War off icrfalled today
to confirm officially the' reported, cap
ture of the peak of r Monte 8an Ga
briels byrthe troops : tf - General Ca
dorna. The latest official report from
Vienna, to be'recelved here -is 'dated
yesterday. It asserts that "while clear
ing our- trenches on- th -y northwest
slop of Monte. San Gabrlele" the Aus
trian otts Thursday captured 2 J - offi
cers - and Sfti men. - The mountain' la
under :.terriXl Italian shell- fire, the.
statermsntr says.- " V't-". ;
Russians . Resume Offensiye ' -Petrograd,
-Sept.15.(U. P.) Rus
sian - troops tonight were "vigorously
.assuming ' the initiative in the Riga
region. , .progress in a rormiaaDie ox-
fens movement: -reported tn - the day
statement of the war office, was em
phasized In th night report.. .
In the direction of the ' Bts-a : re
gion,-' on the Pskov'- high- road, after
capturing an important -.enemy sector
riear Kronberg - Karm,- further progr;:
ress was repulsed by & counter attack, '
the war orxice- aaid. , --"jofthweat of
Hsuiatkne We captured a wood near
Earrzlsk;.vk - A
"Jn the 'Caucasus. - Wednesday. : the
Turks pressed ' us- back from the . line'
running' from Shiva to Xtlchtuln In th
Bobarest mountain." - , ; -vr.--
f , .,..1. .ir, i i
'Bhoea for French' Poor.r.
Parls.-'Sept.-lB. Jialf a-million pairs
of' ioots ar - to be mide,-available
monthly f or vth poor: by the- French
government.' At..:prlces f varying f rortf
$6.80 for men to 4.Jf K fo women -and
less for cbudren. - , - j
fHAVE ; vsed ' Saritlseptlc f or "the
past six years,"- writes Frank T;
Kogers,- proprietor or s one or Port
land's finest barber shops. "If I could
not get it, l - would d at a loss toi
know wnat to oo, it nas been so
Fleaaina to mv trade. It has no equal
or after shaving." ' Santlseptio Is, In
Bad. - an lndiSDeneabla after-ahavinsr
retiuisite. Its application relieves Inw
mediateiy.any irritation whatever, and
preveit ' cubsequent , irritation, n
matter how close the ehave. ltiaves
the skin velvety and pleasing in ap
pearance cool and comfortable, and
reventS' infection. - - ;- ' . :
" Santiseptic is different
It Is 'Htl-fi
A Delightful Place to Eat Tour Sunday
'y ' ; '. ; -1 Diraer -.'.';; "'-"'V;' , .V'--: ..-
Moderate 'in price, " Rood, wholome,'- -wellr cooked -foods 'of
; every description served xt all hours. s- I , .
Cozy Cafeteria' and Dairy Lnnch
323 Vaehinfton, Near Sixth. . , ' Balcony tor Ladies
Delicious pastries of every' description. " Coffee with that fine
' flavor.. ,
Young Portland Man I
Is Made Lieutenant ,
Philip. ?W Jackson, Who Ptalsned Har
vard la Tun, Sacelvcs Telagxapblo
Botlo of Appointment; Soon.
Philip L, Jackson, son of Mr. and
Xtrm r ' ft ... .Tai.lrn fca . f MvAA telA
...... w "
graphic notice ot his appott,tment: as
first lieutenant .tana wi sieave xor
nVashlngton within a few days to re
port fox duty to Quartermaster i Gen
eral McCain. Ilia Instructions Are that
his assignment Will b to the mechan
ical shop unit. . ,
Mr. "Jackson last June completed 1Us
master's derree at'Ilarvard,-where hi
kpecialised In business administration
la the graduate 'school. .H is agrad -
uata Of Poruand academy of the 110
class, af terwardr- studying -at .. Haver- J
Princeton, belnar graduated from the
higher Institution in 1915. - - f
M JarVimn MneplB to start for
W ashington probably next Wednesday,
i. (Cootlnnad From Pegs On x-
plana for protecting th vessel -wer
Carried - out. It -was learned tonight
that'threaular Patrol force off th
Atlantic--coast was deemed well abl
o perform this duty.. .The report that
additional, destroyers-naa neen nuxriea
to the-scene wasvigorousiy denied. Up
tn . in.t hour tonlrht no further itp
fortpation-had been received.
tying on coast" patrol - work may b
published. - It U. known, however, that
the navy's own craft are aided by a
larg-e flotilla . of high ;speed : yacht
Of all sixes, manned In many instances
by the wealthy men who 'formerly
owned them and who hav been com
missioned 4n"the naval reserve. . - r
i i.j' ;- .. '- , . t .
v An'A6antloPort, Sept.:l5: (U. P.
A report- that'a eubmarln had at
tacked an. unknown ship of f: Nantucket
lightship yesterdays morning,-; brought
her today, by th captain of a British
merchantman, - remained .-unconfirmed
from any official. source' tonight
"Th British' skipper 'declared his ra
dlo operator picked-up. a -Wireless call
for '; help from ? vessel j which said' a
U-bqatwas attacklngMfc. - Wireless op
erators i of thre other ships arrlvlns;
at Atlantio-porta today asserted they
had also heard the calL,
"i-The ;Brftlsh ' veaaet''operator de
clared he beard the. government wire
less at Siasconset reply; to- the calls.
PespU this, th " navyf- department
early .tonight had; received no official
word f row' any government : station. ; .
t '-. Call "Seat- in 'British Code "
"' The British , captain -, reported that j
the call "was sent in British, code. First ,
nnlv off arHr T waa . .fiS vnlA
'flclals-of tha 'oomDanv. to-whom the
British', aklpper Jmade ijs report this
miles "-'front ISaatucket. ZZi V
y- Ah navy lieutenant late-i today met
captaiu ' ox av; American taua.
ateamshlpvlwhich': ;i reporjiedj having ,
heard -th distress- eigaal..The cap
taia of this: ship declared he "was only,
so miles worn tne vessel wnicn cauea.
None-of. the -nperators Wh heard th
'5S. a. j3. was able to -.-decipher - th
name of the shin which waa calling."
The-nearest to It they could get was
the .word ,'LAbby. - t 'Kep''Awa'f Obeyed. -.v?-;
- It -was laafned In naval circles tonight'-.-.'that
-no -general - submarine
warning ha been iven to vessels pre
paring to- aail "from- American, porta
- - Vessel which heartr . the help calls
failed to go to the rescue because of
standing orders 'to get, away, from th
scene- of submarine operation as
speedily, as possible. , J .
Although. - t is Zt hour since thd
signal were heard .no further report
of submarine, activity; has been heard.:
UnlteJ States patrol Vessels found no
traci ,jf ' U-boats this afternoon, ac
cording to 'Washington report.
; Commandant Scouts ' Story '
' Washlns-tbn. Sept. 16. (U. P.) Ie-
stiroyers, scouting out around ffantuck
et" lightship -near the. graveyara or
several British ; freiirhtera ; U-M vic
tims,. Had ' been unable up to tonight
to find any trace of a German u,bma- .
rin reported by a Brmsn saipper to
be shelling- an unknown veaael yester
day. :''-. , -
- Th navy department learning that
the captain, bad told of intercepung an
-'S. O. S." call, which apparently waa
signed "Abbey." took jrvery precaution
to learn the truth thereof and to roundel
up tne enemy. - - - .-
- During the day Captain Rushy com
mandant of the New York navi dis
trict, investigated, but' so far as th
navy naa revealed up to tomget, xouna
nothing; to -confirm tne skipper's tale.
Rush reported this afternoon that he
' -This apparently ' was abased - on ln
formation he nad xrom destroyer pai
tro!." ,v - . - - . - '
-?;The navy .took extra precautions be-i
Cause - distinguished parsons wer"
known to. have been traveling' the New-
England coast, who must he gnarled.
nae-. any " ot ner preparation - u sed ror '
this purpose.- It is unperfumed. JLt
leave no odor. It Is not stickv or
greasy, It obviates, the necessity of
usins; powder, and leaves a - finish r
wmcji wouia oe oiiiicuit to inrprov ;
upon. - asiae- rrom - assuring v after-
shaving comfort and a healthy skin. ' - (I
DunusriiuB ; is v aany ; procurea atj
most drug stores, a - sood-slxed
bottle costlnsr- but. SOc. If our drug--gist
- cannot- supply - It. y twenty-five
cents lnjtsmjp8 or roin. sent to tft;
manufactnrera.' the Esbencott Labora-
torlen. Portland. Oreirnn. . wn ii'' I
poaipaia, a large - introauctory totr
' .
Surgeonr Wjthin;MmiitevAre
Busy Collectings and', - Atr
tending; Wounded, -
rirtn-n a am' a. a in'ii n.m
r U H I UAivUM AN Id'lNJUntlJ
vl - J f . . iT
. - - . -. - - v -: - j-
Xiieutanant jta ' Wbidden ' Amonit
' Wonaded) All Ar Keportad by Ma--
;Jorttarphy as Solar Wall.
Washington. SepVlS.-(t W. ,S.)-
How -. German airplanes attacked the
Harvard t hospital unit ' In t France,
dropping bombs .among the wounded
and jilek ' men, is told ' In a message
received tOdav b -1 ha . Rtd , Ctnam . vsr
council from -Major Grayson . M. - P.
"That' Beneficial ':Iueri'whdl;c6In:trom" Uvirig'.in'-alic,.attoictive and re-.1:
fined surrdtincbngs-is-mthb reach YOU
; 1 :: take-advantage of '".EDWARDS-EASYTOPAY-WAY."
3 Rooms Full
New Furture v . . . ii.
Sent directly to youf home
payment. Balance, arranged, t0.iit;ur indhridaal convenience. ? j
Ghariiiiiig Eight -
; Oak Dming
.45-Inch, quar
sawed, flush rim top.
table iarf ouffet
i - with quarter-sawed
- top Nind front six
., very sturdily .?. built
" solid oak c h airs.
Complete set at , the
. special- price of only
'-- 60 Cash, tl Weikly
Lustered "Old Ivory! Set
.Stamped with an "ait of refinement, that places it pn a -plane ut
the ordinary Tnat memng-iasie
lone looked for is possessed.
fay tn avawaros way iov w fii,nwa.
Faji-Qenirig SaleBeautiful
j b e o
y; In th
- Hare
Cook With Coal or Gas or
Both at the Same Time Vr .
-A tim saver a lanor saver a ui " a
- Equipped with . vry sanitary 4-feature atnown Ir-S
to ranse ieiic,;, t - . - , llJi
different sire and different ,tyie now .on
. display. Call at any time. All aSrafitac of
a Monarch will b gladly .-explained.' -
Should you decide to tmy a Monarch Range, -
your old. stov Willi b taKen" in exchange.,
: " Balance- arranged - to 'fit your Individual - con
' venicsce. - -- -. ' -' !"" -. .- , -
Your Greditls Gold!
V; ' ;lWhetherlYou Need OnelPiece or'i:Do2eii: '-i
' 'Z . 2 Blocks Kbrth of Washington S, r
$ so Worthl : : 5.00 cah, jji.o6 wei
75 Worth- J .'a'. . ... . . . .$ 7.50 Caah, $1.50 Week
$100TWorth , ... . . . . .10.00 Cash, $2.00 Week
$125 Worth. . . . $12.50 Cuh, $2.25 Week
$150 Worth ; : ; . VT. - -.V . $15.00 Caah, $2.50 Week
la aooo
Murphy. Red Cross : commissioner In
Europe. Th message was made pub
lic - by rHenry P. DaMdsonrch airman
of the Red Cross war council, -and
gives ths detailed story f; the Oer-
man': attack. :w:-" -s"; i.V;:.";'-riv :
"Art-Amefleanf Red Croa: Inspector
who- has -Just returned ; toheadquar.
ters -lni Parls.f says Major Murphy.
cablegram, ''has brough t ',;" ' rom - the
United- States army base hospital unit
f. Harvard university a. 4etalled nar
rative . of . th i bombing :4t ; that -j hos
pital on th night of Septemher-4 and
the" characteristic pluck .and prompt
ness . with which the' emergency - was
met. ,5 -' - ' : ,
' Portlaad Kaa Is Wounded ;
" "Five bombs wete "thrown. Th x
ploslons instantly- .killed; Lieutenant
WIllami-T. lmroons of the medical
reserve corps, . United ; State army,
and three army' privatea and wounded
Lieutenants C A. McOolre, Thaddlns
n. Rmlth and Rae A. "Whldden, O. R-
C ,V.- S. A-. th Ust of ; Portland, Or.,
six privates, , a woman- nurse and 21
patient from the British lines, .who
were sv under - - treatment .ther v for
wounds already received.- .
- rrhe alrplan 'attacked at II
eclock at night." Just at that: Urns
fortunately "no . convoy of wounded
was baing " received or ? the Ust. of
casual tie would have j ben- far great
er a on of th bomb, zeil - into me
center, of the- Jarr"tcptloa - tent " to
which the wounded are -first -borne
o We?$
onfthis small cash
at puces it on a piane out 01
which has, been Q7Q fiC
Four pieces.' specially priced V e- w kJ . w Vv vihi rvw
s. '.
Piano arid Reading
" wlA44taih 4sk 1s. VsWl AAWtl
a u a e th - . price i
i. i
1 i. ' Straight through -th .lamp ,
stock price have beta -
? - dumped. You are right, long Winter ev.
DUmpeO. XOU ar ww n ini puiug JJ"."a
face b reaay to enjoy inai iwn
you u iuia tamm yum ww
It t Jt2iJ -1
rn i issi ii u n,xjn ii 1 1 .
i . . v r 1
puadrto TTvrir? r
T - 1 U I
- OAKbl.
''t! Hind cf FtOTx&in3 Ycu U: Er:t,;
for examination. . Tea seconds suf
ficed for the dropping of the bombs
from th. first Xlyin plan and with
in . less than, a minute afterward, the
surgeons of the hospital wer at the
task of collectinp and attending - to
those who had been struck down. ;
Xajaxed Al Boba WeU ' .. r
"TThe hospital, "which is on ' the
French f coastlas 1160 beds under
canvass :" in J a quadrangle 800 - feet
square in a' district ,1ft -which there
ar xnany similar 'institutions and is
unmistakable . a a - hospital. -.At the
time- th German aviator4 flew over it
most, of the -aurgical Jataff WM: en
caged "? in makinr" the round " of the
ward. " Lieutenant Fltsslmmons, how
sver.f waa. atandin .at' th door flap
Of hi -tent. - There had. been a brief
warning- of the preseno of the bomb
lnr airplane in x th neighborhood,
because a Quarter tr a; minute before
th - sound . of - exploding bombs was
heard from a point perhaps 3 00 -yards
away ."j - X T "' 1 "
- In Jth 'operating 'room' Captains
Horace Blnney "and Elliott, with their
assistant, worked, all night lone." v
i Major Murphy ' reported all of ;the
injured wer doing . well, J , .;. .
. -j,... t :
; y vH- 5 I Vlaltt" Japan -
Tokio. Japan, Sept. 15. Th cost f
living In Japan Is mountlnr to figures
that foreshadow radical . compromises
In the labor situation - - - - r
tsh,Vs. '.An -exceptionally ijf value. QAQ ff
f our pieces as
i4S pounds felted cotton; mad
in ted layers. -
Guaranteed all new , and ' sanitary ?rna-
' .: terials only need - lnimaklnrdwarda'
'Tifor 60 night; if not aaUsfled,
return- ax awsra
. The---'
ward - Wa"
When Bnytaf
Just 91.50 Cast, Than SOe Weakly
Heavy Gmige31ueSteelBody
- . v . f.. - ' 1 " -
IJCifli--ai-0 kt SnAllOL KflPPC
j-Beautlf ul M a hoe; a ny
P tan t amp. with
.' ; shade, priced for this
sal at
rv j
;,ooua.y UK
.. ..
-Whatt Well, then, if It'
. coal you're going to burn
this Winter. tak a peep to
you right at the, , .
heater that need
troduction. r. - . , .
AppearancaT mr.
a bouquet of red carnations
in a sick room out of. th
running. Heavy cast Tire-
pot so ahaped that -"maxl-,
mum heat"- from Tnlni-
mum" use of coal is se
cured. "Ob, ye" n pric
iS'Only - . r r. . s
$22.50. ;V:A."
rayatl ; flM Weekly.
Fall Opening Sale Fine Blanlcets
- , V.; Oand Comfort ;
Fin Waits and Gray ' Cotton, r
Blankets, full doub4-bd U.- -
x-nceq, now sm tne inur. ; v - .
'"Wool-nap,' th - most popular '
blanket on th market today;
i i they're warm. too. Tour choic
.of blue, tan and gray plaids, in
'.'.'.- full double-bed else, . per pair,
-"All Wool the Viivd you think
about, but Seldom . All ar
gray with neatly striped bor
ders. At the present cost of
wool they are worth $10. Fuil
double-bed aixe, th pair. - ( - '
07 0
Counties Lining' Up : :
; In Big Food;prive
Aaltam ColUre Campalra Bear
laff Pralti XeTelopeateatia aad
Chamber of Conuneroe A4aaK;: "r;
: ;.'As a reul:ot tlie i idme of th pasV"
f vtt. day .by the Oregon ' Atrloultural
college and the food campaign backers,
assisted by the chamber of commerce .
through the Oregon- envelopment bu
reau, represented by Secretary Craw .
ford, eight more counties of the state
have been added to the list of those
having county agents rt'tie" '
Only- three f the eight counties, '
however; ' have, actually, secured - their ;
agents so far, but ; th : others have
given promise to do so as soon aa they
i can -find the rttht men. ; Th threr
countie are Clackamas, Marlon. and
Benton.- "With headuuarters at Oregon
City. R. J. Werner is th Clackamas .
county agent F. R. Brown has been
employed by Marion county with head
Quarters , at : Salem, and , George W.
Cab has been - engaged. by Benton
county, with, his headquarters -at Cor- .
valiis. .The- remainder of the eight
couhtle are Wallowa, Baker, Waah
lngton Polk and Umatilla, - - --.r
" ' ' " ' -.
Wbea wrlHBg t ncealliag ea advartlaere,
pleas mention The Journal.
HAILt ' The k Season's Sensation t-fou could pay
more, Imt you'd never jet more in rest, comfort " 5
and -v satisfaction solid oak Settee, . Rocker J and ;
Chair to. match Cwith leatherette upholstered auto
cushion seats;' Library Table has 42x24-lnch topi ,
either hand-rubbed f'goldeti -wax" or fumed flir-7
pictured. . .
Pay, $5.00 Cash 1.00 Wekly '
in lam- (frSCJZK
:"Supreme,Edwards, New.
Wood Heater, $16.75 1-
To y o u r I ef t Is a -iven
sketch of the heater that
eouals itsnaas. .
;? Jnu:laL, -. . - -
Body is polished steel. In
; ' ner linings ar of corru---
gated casting; has large
..'front door and swina-tOD
' opening-: for knot and
- blocks, .double drafts.
.., nickeled foot rail,- band :
top and urn. , - , -
no in
it put ;
8 1 1 ko 11 n e Covered Cotton
.Comforts; '.well - mad and
- sewed. Tour choice . of colors,
each at
Very - thleK-"Comforters ' with
.fancy bordered solkoline. ' Pull
,:4otibIe-bed sis e, - all- colors,
' priced special
Wool 'Comforts" that -wer ;
, bouaht nearly 's'ritr - ago,'
(when wool was not so 'cost
! ly) priced now, with fin
mercerized, well sewed cover.
v t '.' Tag . , -I
s -1 4