f VOL. XV. c NO. 28 CITY, EDITION. PORTLAND, OREGON; SU&DAY MORNING, f SEPTEMBER ; 16, -1917. '1 PRICE, FIVE' CENTS' U. 5. Ill HEEK ' ;.t; .i"" 1 ' - ? 7- - ' j: Congress Sets Record; for ' Legislative Action Regard- ,'Ing Revenues When Senate Aist ' en coo nnn rwi! "Bond Bill Saturday.';; ; H0PET0R RECESS tHIS TALL FELT BY -LEADERS Absent Members Told to 'pet ':on the- Job'. .This .Week; ' La.Follette Fails ln;Attack .. on, Big Bond' Bill ;for War : Purposes.' ': v V : ... :...t . - - '.v i ; ' ' . . ' .Wh1riton, Sept 5. (U. P) -Wlth unanimous - passage by tha senate today c the $11,538,000, 000 bond bill, congress ended a $14,000,000,000' week' ! This Is record' for legislative action -ln-tolTlnaf revenues. The ' senate opened the week' by1 passlnr : the $2,416,000,000 war. revenue bill; the house passed the '$174,000,000 war Insurance' bill on Thursday, and , the senate put the bond bill through, , making a . total of $14,127,0,00,000. ' The house is nearly ready to pass the $7,000,000,000 urgent de-' flcfeoey bHl. ' Senate ,nd ' house CDniBTBHB KID IHKftKCU m U oaui I , k jiVrar.(a.avAi th . riv. l enne Mil. and to. increase it; by $81,000,000..- ; , .. . With th hop of a recess before 'f tfafttbr aeaalon. aenat leadera I fc December .earton, ent inoin tonlal.t setjt out pleas to aosen? mem? berr to8eTfn' th Job' -next wek,'J j ,.U tt thewar ln.urance, bUl J., th. ,ri4lT.t .,.'nn If 1t-iitar nODoaW . the measure, a cloture petition .wu; - . . ... . wnt t- - . a., i..it l.-. .KiLf ff aft.r a . reasonable time. , The Webb export bill, alio wine com. blnatlona of exporters ; ordinarily banned; under the Sherman acf, 'will b, taken up Monday in" the- senate. Tiie' bond bill went through 'the sen ate . today . prarttcally as : the house passed UU aftea La Kollette had failed In seven attempts to amend 1t - . .- Wasted Kataxtty" naedr:; His principal amendment sought to take from Secretary-McAdoo. the tow er to fit the Ufa of the tt.009.000,000 new 4 per cent bonds to be lasued. L Follette wsnted them. redeemed ' la seven - years and maturity 'definitely fixed auto years. . His plan.loav l 1 ttt it. - , ; 'r v 4 . , j . The 'Wtsconsla ' senator made his light the. occasion 'for an attack on , rwspaper which be said called blm an - obstruct lonlaUs , h'',.: "It has come to a point, eakl 1 rollette "U.at -when' d. senator, tries . to do hla duty In safeguarding the people's interests, he is criticized or liamperlng the government in tha con ; nuct of the war. - - - . . . . ta ToUette Years for Saaate V "1 say those senators wbo are strid ing to put legislation through under tha whip and- spur, are not doing their duty. . They are tntrodaclng preoe- Cents which win In time destroy the senate's usefulness.' - '. , Tha bond bill provides ll.00A.00Q.0o for new loana to tha'allles, $1,000,000, 000 to take up per cent already authorised and $588,000,000 to'take up Alaska railway, Danish West Indies and Panama Canal bonds. ? It' also au thorise $2,000,000,000 abort time cer tificates of indebtedness and -the same amount of war savings certificates, to b Issued In denomination as 'low as i 14, bearing 4 per cent Interest ud re deemable tn five years. - - - ' Conferees on the revenue bill 'dis cussed automobile taxes; with - house conferees' demanding restoration of the house tax. of $.68,000,000 in .place wf the senate's $10,000,000 levy. s:-; .r --i AS Spending "Th besji .business w ; have vr ' had." Business Is 60 per cent better than last year."-- 'Splendid' increases . being- mde.,V "Collectlona Improving I00 per cent and mora." ' -. : These 'are some; of the 'expression's ' being heard from: the business i men of Portland,-: Of, more than- a. score ot men engaged In mercantile lines, who , were interviewed at random by Jour nal representatives Saturday, Jnot ' one sounded a pessiraistle note. . -. f The men Interviewed; were asked to give extemporaneous comment on con aitldns. and none had time to prepare In advarice. v All of them were happy over the prosperity that haa come to , them ate result Of th good times that have -com to Portland. rev Bank Accounts Open C tlons ere very cood, it was ' -'. reported.-. Tl.e t -st grade 3 MerQhahts;Report;.Business50 Per Cent BeUerJhan Last; .. '. - ff.-i-'Lf -v ' - - -1 r ; News Index . ' SECTION OXDi-10 PAGES . rs , ',.--.. V V. g. rroridaa Killioo. " Xornilorf Under Arreit. . .. V. B. Vatioaat Absorbs tambsrmsa. Shipbuilding Stria Called. Submarine Horror Kalatad. . Swede lafiwd Clpber PiUf. ' Snulu Suecesset grin- Satiatactloa. XXlftili cf Bomb Ontraj aVeeelvad. ; : Aid 8at for Bia Hospital. Wer Ouirai Tie: EetuiBS. , lafflaaer Beutat for Army. Bocks Contributed for Soldier. ' S. 4. B. a.: Tribute to Senator 1m Today, Wfta rortlaad Bors t Cans 1 Vortlaad Boy at Oaaia Iswla. O. ExtAnaion Cot.rasa Aanovaeai V. of O. Extension C.rae Asnaranood. Alllsd Basaar t. Ba Brltliaat rnnotica. War Library fuad Cartaia of Saceess. ntasra acaia aioant Actmi, -Christmas Boxes far Scldiers. . --r- y Xataai World's OraaUr Crater. . -1 EditerisL i- t, Brtof IsformaUoa, " , . 5 Towa TopHca.. . "Taak" Battlss Pfadietad. . ' SotectHra Jos Say Kettred. Sis Cant Fare Jfataarina CaUad Fares. Mrws f the Courts. . . Woodcraft Order ) aoss Haw . Pelloios. Saasoa sf Ootuty fair Oa... . w..:. - Career f John B. Bowdea. . j :t rroparty to Be Sold for Ium.' v Korthwaat Bpraea to Kslv Win War. ,': ScldiersV Horn Hsarlnc JCoaday. ' if: : ', . 1. 11. ' 14. northwest la Brisf. ; ' Deataa ta Korth waat. s IS. ; Orecoa.Wssnaa Baeiatar for War Work. . Day atnrsery Oooupie Kew Bom. IB. rerariaa Stadia Korthwsst Conditions. SECTIOX" TWO 'tO PAGES . , Sport,: If aw and Ocsiip Astomobilas and Good Koada -Xeal Xttata and Building r Want Ad t V 10-1. It, IB. Camp Orsana, Charlotts, V. C, Wkar uragea xraoy xraia - " "L - Xaria Bsws 6ECT10X TllREE-12 PAGES t rage y - ... . . . ' 1. . XllnatrataA Km Xanrltrw ' - . Msndiar War's . Wnokaf By Jsffsry Boand-.Vy X)n TaU Wak - : 4 In VaadsviUo ' r Photoplay w t x Sta Chattsr In Biatelasd " ' 1 8 Ths Wsek ia Soolsty Ih BssJm of Kusio Women Clab Affaira , ths Biga JtUcstons By Traak Simsnds ' -r - la ths Pnblla SchooU t. 4. T. I. 10. 11, Ths Bosk Corns.- IB. What to Wear By Jf ma Qal ttv Bsaatr Chat By I " Tot the HeaMkeeper SECTION POUR i PAGES " ' (rictisa Mac sxias) SECTION - FIVE rAGES J , . (Comic) ' Presto, and; Trick Watch; Disappeared i - ,, J , i - Bait Franelaco. SeDt. IB.- ill. P.)-- ;iV MmiSS of tem. ber ne trick watch whlh h ald cost him $300. , -;Thl. JvaJcb rang- veT3ri5mlnute, Ane9WrW ut attachmeat and e.'f.gtartcr-. - jf j t - " May era mad rAanjr frlna with It Pretty wnt M Uo- H ClJftd -h WOUld Uy Up for ht M trick watch "' . . . 4 a muni tnimis, : i i. . . . 86curely attached t6 his fold chain, Meyera found aa ancient. model of the watch. ' . - v . s - s - When , he told; the "police about "It. Meyers said . be vu connected with tha Dearborn-, Trust comiiany ; back home. ' " t ' TJ S;JSubmarine . :. , . ?f; Sinks; No One Lost ' TVaahtngton, Sept 1S.-C1- N. S.1--A United1 States submarine - sank at her dock at - an Atlantic port yesterday morning, the navy department an nounced tonight. 'No details ,were' given, r Trre announcement reads: , . . "The cause has not been determined. It is expected that the submarine' will be' raised within a few days--when a full report '.will be made-to the navy department," No lives were lost. i-. t..- (i. , , ,i ,1. 1 n.nia 1 .; .. r Planes iii France ,to , :: Get Liberty Motops TVashlngtonr SepC lS.a. N S.y-i rha" Liberty 1 motor, the mechanical m arret upon which the United State stakes its' hope of taking command- of the air. is to ba shipped Aa France to equip American' naval "airplanes 'al ready there. ' This announcement, wax made by Secretary Daniels today. ' ; , July Food 'Exports A Worth $7610,000 , - - -. i ..- i. : WashIngtoni; Sept7j6V l. 1ST. S.-U Of July exports valued 'at.$J73,000.600, total food - exports amounted to $76, 510,000, 'the department"' of. commerce announced thta "afternoon? The .value of "food exports durlng'July, 1917 was 71.B00.000V- , - .j. Money Freely of merchandise are being bought, and th purchaser pay-s promptly many with checks. Good wages have meant Opening of many bank accounts 'in families ,that , never- knew - what' check book looked like before.' -, ; Many -. reported . that business- was growing- better. Others said, it- was on a steady, " high basis. ; None; said It was : declining. - Here are the opin ion of few of the merchants: ti , Jaeger Brothers,; Jewelers Business is tover . 80 ; per cent better " this' -year than laat. The women, are cashing checks with ,ua rthat their husbands lormeny catsnea in th saloons. Col lections are 100 per, cent better; v Wc are seUing more diamonds than ever before in the history cf the "firm. Peo ple are demanding the best jrrade of goods, solid silver, 14 carat gold-goods, (Coacl-iiei on P ra Ten Column . Taur) U. S. nATlOiJAL i BANK ABSORBS Bank ' Officials : Announce BJg: : ;:Merger ,Jhatr Gives ;fort - Mand One of ilost Powerful : Financial Houses. on Coast. C0IfTANl EQUIPMENT--f M0VED TO NEW, HOME 1 ' u Banks Open 'Monday; One ? in Palatial Building of " --'US; : National t A . Persistent rumors of a-consolidation of the United SUtes National and the Irumbermena national' banka Ahat have been, prevalent for more -than 8v year wera borne out with atartllng sudden ness .Saturday 'when ; 6ffiaJa of th two institutions' . announced ,that jth merger, 'had been - completed and - that the -banks r will open ak - ono Mondat morning, in -the palatial new. . United States Bank building at the northwest corner of Sixth and Stark atreeta. , 'j-- peal Mads With Xromirt&ss -1 The Lumbermena Rational i virtually passed out of business as sa corpora tion, when its doors closed at noon Sat urday.' - Cons urn mat! on of tha long planned merger was , the matter - of v few hours, v The comptroller 'Of cur rency of tha : United' States .treasury department, in a long wire to tha banks Saturday morning, gave permis sion for the merger, to take place. inside of a few hours, the final, ar-' rangements had; bean adjusted.: Move ment of the Lumbermena books, coin and necessary equipment started Sat urday afternoon, and WiU be completed tonight. - ' : afortlaaul Oaias FresUge , (States - bank becomes '. one of tha moat powerful financial .houses on' the Pa cific, coast. - Tha move gives -Portland, in. tke'Unltfed States National and the i'lrsE National, the two ;largest- banks ht ihe "northwest. ,' -. -J- . v. - By, a coincidence, the comptroller of cyrrency - (palled f octh atatement1 of condition of all natiopai banks in the eewttFy'Saturday morning, . Thus tn latest lig-uree o the-two bank that have Joined arer available-' TIM United b'latea bfnk. .Saturday morning bad de pustu of $ 13,7 1,0 15. and Us loans ana raisooums sjnouotea'vYa i; 7rB, B4T.55.,. " J - - ':t ' t . " J , ' Deposit Ylgnres &oom . -;:lTne :Lumbermens National had- de posits of. $5,517,629.47 and loana and discounts of $4,6,52.51, The amal gamation thus gives tha United States bank; deposits 5 of , $2o,288,75.8, and loans and deposits of $li,863,30u.0. ' - Tha capital, stock. of tha consolidat ed bank wia be $ll6x,J0, and surplus $1,090,000. . with undivided; proUta amounting to .over $400,000. Total as amounting 10 .over tuu,uou. Total aa - i sets- f th.:bank,wnt ba oYer n, ujui xrapioyes ,Setalmad ; All the officers and employes of the Lumbermens National are ; to ba re tained' In the-eonsolldUon. There are 233 stockholders in the combined banc ' J.' C Alnswortb.-president -of.-th United States National for many years, w In mm'. itmmAr i In.flfntlAn E. G. Crawford, president ot tha, Lum- 4, n.a sun.i bermens bank, becomea firat vice preal-f r t - dantj-:-; It. JLa'-Barnes;. nlorWlee' presto imiuotr-amuesj:- ouiira rousts ;ana dent of the old 'United States, remeiaa Jbe -extent of the armies along ; Su ae, vice presidents ; - rope's tragic battle-fronts. ; " ' Tackez Is Ties Resident j'; As.:valnly, anJ audiencerthe .Oregon Harrison B. Alnsworth. vice preal- Ovie: leagujst the -Multnomah dent of the old United States. BM-tba.t'"-In '.eA faame 'position-la'.' th new organlxatlon. ' . - r .. . . . . . . rtoDert ; .w.; t iscnmeer, casmer- or toe -.r"v: " 17 r " ' -5-United Statea. becomes vice president"? kn,owtt .VX,? and cashier: A. 1 Tucker, cashier . of ro of Germany xnthlesa ubma the'.Lumberroens, la made vice preal- riii "l- taM '..tA IWa4 dent together with A. M.Wright, jrv 'Th .m5n T tt- ct.A.J ha .neen. assistant . caahier of th r?"L "JIl?. 'wl.. United State for. many.yaarC, , JftSitS The. assistant cashiers Are W. A.j tt! T.!f,7 th. Holt and .Paul S. Dick of the United4" 9 jVlTVrn Statea and Graham Dukehart a M. tax7Xy ,,f ' J. rli'iSrii ffiSLS-Sf C..Sammonof tbf .n li 'nn l..a r. th '2 produce., ,Thera;were morig.Jt.thoae 7rTS I.?f, 4 - ASZ' Phrases, ,"Ho,r , interesting!-", -or -How and is .ftow- training troopailn Okla-".-jfllf, . . ' , . , hema, preparatory to service n France.: His position wilt be held pen,for him. . .J AU Directors JtaUla ? The board -of .directors. Is made -up pf. all th4 men from the boards of both insjuutionav vine aireciorai pons let R. Lea; Barnes, .United: States Senator George E. Chamberlain, Roderick U Macleay. Edward ' Ehrain and I. "W. Wakefield or the "United 'States batik, and George G Bingham; E." Q. Craw ford. Dr. K. K. J. Mackensie, 'Robert Treat Plait. Andrew I Porter nd C S. Bussell of the-Lumbermen bank "The consolidation Is a genuine one of all the forces of both Institutions," said j: Cl Alnsworth,-president,? satf nrday1 afternoon TAU - directors, of ficer 'and employes of both banks are retained. The stockholders of the com bined bank number over f S30, 'and in clude some- of the wealthiest and most influentlal'dtlseni of the entire North west. K i - ,irr , . linmber Zntrta Kept " 'Taken' as a wbolethey represent a great range of -activities.' coverins all the basic industries of this section. The aim- of stockholders, -directors and officers' Is not only- to build 'up a great " InstituUon, . but to make "It. a powerful factor in th upbuilding ' of Portland and Its tributary -terriaory." i The Lumbermens National bank, haa always specialized in business .with th lumbering- industry of the community, end . the -greatTvotam ; of this -will be thrown to the United States bank. It- is predicted. C The Lumbermen bank ,. I rounded itself w.ith a powerful -. group 1 A a. Aa 4 t K n t J . . . "1. v-r. ;v mmici IA11U3 in in Pacific eoast states, and these are no', only -to' be retained In the amalgama tion, but will'-be added to a-'opportunity offers, according to EG. Craw- ; (Ci...cfcl- 1 on rs T 1 Tsrc) T ;USITANIA HORRORiONLY ONE OF ATROCITIES' I )f y HtinsUn diver warfare acbording ,to Wesley; Ff 9$t TTf $ United JStates consul at Queensbwn,Ifeland wha. ad--dressed Civic, league Saturday. His descriptions of cold-blooded rutMessness displayed by'.U-bdat comrnanders;raade auditors : shudder."' "r'"- v- ;,f'- ) f,. . -. - . I - ; ' -" v ' r - ' f -t.'s .-.r .-,- - ::vv,.'ii ' t- ' ' 'v" 1 '- f ' - - - 2 5 ' .-.f v ' 1. , 'y 4- - -7 J ' : I ' : ' 1 " " . -,y-. I ' ' i "'v , i" ir, tv ' ' ' a.' 4 , , . .-.TX.!... ,. .t . V,.i A - .. ' . . V. V"' t '- :1 "'- . 1 s t p- t ' " . -) ' ' v 7 7 ? A , . , - . - v,,." . - : 1 ' i - . . i I ' ' ; - f !. ' - . v. v: , ; :: ' ' I' ; : ? C I , 7 : 7V'- J; v yi A - J . Nw5-4. , , jTwva;.. ti;iv - 7rr -r7t . i' -TJ rV- ATROCITIES OF COYOTES OF SEA :ou ' 1'- ROLE a- 7f - j --'f .,v, - . -' 1 .rr- t'V1 --""V'- Con$ul-Weslev FrostTells Portland'PeopleNaxi- ota tin j, a.4.o;wViitKCi itV'A KJ1 UC1 HC5 ..Ul JCcFing ; 7:Germarij Submarine Comrriariders - arid'treWs : 7Drowhing Women' and 'Children Slaughtereci. i B V.v. ;; 7' r -4 .- '-".t Men :,. vainly have "tried to7 make .1... '. '...wj - - "-, v , i:t ine nearta- ui aepinf 01 'maAtimmm -nf h MMt ItnrV human- dreadfulf' But- it was an '. elemental J gasp ' of holror followed by a dead silence that : greeted th lii i of a series of stereopticon 1 vleWSi wlh which... Mr. Frost preceded" -hlat "address." ; .- : ,: ? Bearers - Ar-' Horror 1- Stricken $-.-, i' In life alia r before .their- 'eyes was an open coffin ejfpairig the mutilated features -"of ra teotheri - and . lnli. th Summer Eeturhs7 ! . - To S'ah Francisco - - - - ..--. ,1 i 1 . , . . , San Francisco Sept'15--(:I: N. S,-U Ntnety-four. degrees in the shade ati 1:45 .this afternoon. Y ; - ff 1 .That wa tn - record announced, ny th weath'ef. forecaster here, and down on the atreeta pedestrians 'moved las Uy along, mopping their-brows ln the scorching sun rays and wisCTng j the weather would turn coelar.', . 'If 'It naa -sver- been . hotter-here at thi time .of the, year than It was today the weather man cannot recall it, And there rs1 no' rerief-m sight. - Plot;Led;to Injury i r 7 Of: German headers - T l f "r7-' " : Amsterdam. Sept. 1 . ( t, N, " SO-' Private advice from Berlin today were'J to the effect that both Field Marshal von - Hindenburg and his "right hand man," General von Ludendorff. ' sus tained th 1 injuries from -.which, they are suffering In a train wreck which wa- the r?sv:H r. a deliberate plot r .:-. t' "- : ' -. . - S3 Same receptacle , the. .slaughtered: body of;,ber;chUd.v; 7 , -r-v : , . i . Th . torpedo. that lsunk! the Lust tan la vwas aimed . at these and other helpless ones. M 1 .V - ; In 'the? audience were women patri otically employing- the; passing liour by: knitting tfer the soldiers.,-;: At first jome - of ahem seemed- morelntent on" their stitches than on "th ' story of ! those tor whom such- kindly 'serv ice will be forever. fuUle.-- Bufas the atoisr nroeeeded. - nellea Amnti-A tin. heeded Into TOofherly -ips,-handker- cwers -sought -etreaminy eyes. At the burning words brought th terri ble, scene - closer - and closer,' one member of the audience after another, frankly unable to -sit; unmoved- by.th recital,', rose and lef t, theTroorh, -Oermans .Mock Orownia ' Womear .. It vwas staggeringly Incredible to be, told" by an i officer ot. the .United 8tats,he .speaKJng-rrom sworn state mental that German submarine of fl eers .had snapped photographs-ef men and women .and - children struggling and sinking ana crowning in. the wind driven, waves far from shore, and hope of rescue, and that these officers, had mockingly, .laughed at -t the spectacle. i It wa - beyond belief -' that they would, as sworn statements declared they, did,; follow 'vessel all day; In ; (OoKiclnded oa Pare Two. Col oma One 7 3 RoomsFurnished , V ; N EW, TOD A Yr .',1a Tnmlshed House , a ' I .. r i renv niceiy lurmsned home Vi i room st -hard wood - floors. . oriental -.rugs, lecplng-porch, t garage. J.-.-. - ill swap v , ; as . ? WILLr -trad Parlor: 'poof, tab 1, for Vletrola, Grafodola,, oc what . ha v you? . . r : 1 '-tew oiat;v:V.." WILL build garare to suit tenant4 'On my U. block at . th-. mnr of and sts.. an ideal location -in the midst of apt, houses. . r The abov7wANT ACS -are few- of the. hundreds of ; othe-' ad to be found in ;Th Classified ' I Section of Today's Journal... .-,, . ' ..sTSW TOXJAT ' - . V " - v . Is the- heading -f the Ads that precede. ; the - - tegular . jClassif ied t t Want Ads. 1 Look these ads ovr , ; and you can readily see 'why'thev' - are called NEW TOD AT. , In thi feature of the 'WANT -AD ectonr a you will find bargain that the : ; Advertiser considers to be out of -the ordinary. -Ads that are fresh, : new -; and . of the .unusual sort. ! Somethtna;- that .-will appeal -ro; targam hunters. - You owe it to . your-'f to lok at tu -AD3 that , are NL.77 TODAY. , - . ... BOTHIOESII STRIKE PLAYING. SillTIIiGfti Men in Wood Shipbuilding PJamS Said tO Ba Making Stand ;f or; Closed C Shop;! wages Secondary, issue. 4 V LOCKOUT AT:AST0BIA .CAUSED WALKOUT HERE Workers in Portland Say They ; Were Disposed to Wait for : . -, Government to; Act. ; ; , "i Following th strike ;ef the w.oodsn shipbuilder In ?the yard of the Wil lamette and Columbia rivers Saturday, both : the employer Jjtd ;tb workmen ar. biding, their- time, ' uncertain, of what will tranaplre: todays Tb num- ber f ' men who went nt; 1 now esti mated to be about J60O;- The yarn at Atorla--those of the -WUaon Brother and the MeEachera Interests, iwhlea were recently bought by Majt Hpuser-f. lost tomt "m enf n't-l'- t.1t'ls. ttt-eaiu4tthx4lii sr strlkinr for a loeed shop, cnJny,.J.n wage demand ax- not , so seriously considered by the- men.- ; : ' ' - " ; It - Is the apparent intenuon or - we shipbuilders to resist th ' attempt, to make, their 'yards closed bxa, ith claim, being pur forth that there i an ample supply of jnea at tne; present tlm.. iV,' V. ; -i- Bop lSintyrm JUtum r - v E. V. Hauser f the Grant Smlth- Porter-Guthrie ' company v which ? oper ate larg yards; at St;: Johns, Stated Saturday night that could 5 see, no reason why th men. at his place ahould go 'out. - H said: v The men are he- ing paid union .wage and they get paid well 4or overtime.- .W are. will ing that they should return ta: their ob Monday and .hope that 'they;, will ee thelr way slear to- do; . . .The men at the Columbia. Engineer- in- Work at t Ltnnton' refused, to- go ou,iauthoughMt ia tated,that three Workmen were aiscnargea xor -iry m g to foment trouble , In the ranks of th workmem mi&v, ,v ; At, the. Coa?tl!hlp.bundIns comjjany only three rmenVareai4te-TMiVe--4 their job. , j.- v- v ;t -;r., - , as lSeetlng- Said i t The union men-held a. mass-meeting Batnrdayat 'Which the entire strike situation was discussed. - It Is 'stated that they never .would hay atone out at thla- time had not- th two big yard at Astoria locked out their em ployes. It i-was explained 1 that ' the workmen were disposed to wait until the; United State shipping board 'bad been given a f ait vhanc to settle tn difficulties. The:' International-metal trades of f iclal,i ha i requested ithat th " coast mentalte no action, tiU ; th government could- act,v . , t vt aatlmataj1 that the average wag of th - men T now ' employed, in th wooden ship yarn .1- ss.zb a aay. Th pay run from $3 . to ;$7.50? Wth SfiOO men : otft the daily loss in wage to - them- ' Would be something . Ilk $13,000.' . ; ' ;,;.' , -.Hany .Tsl ,TJn45oatT ' . - Building . or under contract, in - th yards in the Columbia river and Wil lamette , river'- section are ".nearly 100 vessels - of - "various roharaeter. h Th cost of thes vessels will, it i esti mated,' , exceed i half - million dollar each.- Of the larger contract is that for 20. .wooden steamers for. the gov ernment being? undertaken 'v by the Grant-Smith-Porter company, ;; at i th new yard at SU. Johns. V The' company ha just completed the lay ing of eight ways. v The Foundation epihpany, which has taken a sit at the old .boneyard In North. .Portland, baa . oontract, for 20 (GoBchided os. Pag Tea. Cotaaia One) Nineteen 'Soldiersv v vlnjiir 'A ' ' f... 1 ; J T4-'- aapaBsW.MBBSBSlS '".--ii.,, .. 1 Salt Lakel City, Utah, Sept. v 15. fU--P.) Nlneteenv-aoldier wer in jured thl- afternoon, about 4 o'clock when; tLTi- At R. G. troop train from Fort Logan,- Colo., collided "head-on with' . an -east-bound . passenger r- train two miles eart of Price, Utah. ;- It-1 aid the- soldier -war not seriously Injured AJl. were brought to the Fort Douglas hospital. . - This is the first accident of a troop train sine the United State .'entered th war., - t v ,-: - Goveroripf i of" Ohio y V: becomes 'Benedict - Chicago,; SPt- 18. (L N. 8.) Mi Margaret- A P. Blair and Governor J. M. Cox of Ohiq were married at 4:30 o'clock' this . afternoon. Dr. Washing ton - Gladden of Columbus officiated. Governor Cox was accompanied by two of hi aide, Colonel J, Hill and George -.Wood.-t -t , ,- -r-,---i 'The' service was held In the garden of . th Erskine : winter . horn at Elm hurst. -.Th ceremonies vere very sim ple. Only about 30 guests wer pr enC"'t -.::- " " ; :. ; -". . ' ; - an f .. i if . ' r i. 4?!j Russian Line Saves 7 : Allies; Says Sns'sell 7 New'Tork, Septr;' IStV P.)-U A thin tin nf Rnaatan MMlArfc 4- -11 - itand between the Germany army and disaster for the alHe. Charles Edward Russell, member of the American eom t ission to Ruesia, declared her to- hitrht, . . .- . , ' I:us3ell poke at the patriotic mass meeting of the-American Alliance for L'v-r a-1 Democracy, of which ara- l'--1 Coir . "rs is I : - . t. , (Two Editors ForTredsoh 1 , Louiss Werner, and De Darkow of Philadelphia Tageblatt Indkted by .tX.S; Jury. , 7 v Phflsdelphla;5 Sept. 15.' (V. P.) J Loul Werner, aged editor of th Phila StIphialTageblatt. : nd - Dr. , MgrUn lS&TSSL .TX7oi,ow! ing a .uick succession of blow atruck by th government' to suppress alleged disloyal newspaper, v. . ' .They were indicted today by th fed eral grand Jury en charge of treason ou eight count. --t- -Indictment of avles serious nature were: returned against Herman Letnke, business manager' of the Tageblatt; Peter- schaetf er, president of the pub lishing company, . - and Paul Vogel, treasurer, ; " . ?- The Tageblatt office wa raided by agents 1 of the . department : of Juatlo last -Monday evening. The men had a hearing yesterday. i -. .The grand Jury also returned indic . ment, today - charging' muUny, dis loyalty and - conspiring mgalnat j th army against four men arrested when leaeral agent -. raided th city So cialist headquarters and bookstore sev eral week ago. - ' - " A ' - Jacob -' Baits, ? owner of larg , brew ery Interests, wa Indicted for making an alleged false affidavit In fUing an exempUon 'claim. A. leading charge against, tha Tageblatt -ia : that .news dispatches "clipped -front. English lan guagepaper wer "colored'' in trans lation .on the .Tageblatt office so as to mak them favorable to Germanyi Th? papsr also- published 'Instruc tions for getting letters ' to Germany via a re-malllng agency la Sweden. German Editor Here v TTnderlnvestigation '.'Information paper concerning Maxi milian Lucke. -editor of; th Deutsche Zeitung, a German publication of Port land, have been sent to Washington as the result . of investigation mad by federal , authorities Jer. . -..: - ; Luck was summoned and appeared before; United.. State Attorney Clar ence L. Reames and wa told of th Information .which bad been: wired to the . capital. Ream told Luck that nev couia prepar any defense l be wished. ' '- ' i r v , -. Specific charge In the Inforntatlo wre not mad public and. any subse I quent action1 will awaltrece!Bt.xf 'A hiaif 1 1 'iwtiwii,z . Jr. bi e from . Washington,. Grain Commit lie & Is' r :i Duein CapiMpday U - . ; 7 7C-' . : Washington; Sept. ll (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THIS JOURNAL) The grain 'Committee from the Pacifies coast, la due to arrive' s inday after noon and all arrangement nave been made for a r meeting Monday with the Nor awet .delegation .j-vbtar th sub ject, of making a baslo price on grain for. coast ports will b discussed from all View-point preparatoryt an ap peal to . th president. ; Th dat for the Whit House appointment remains uncertain and will not be mad until the delegation confers with; th grain man. :- : ; Adjutant General y a.?' is,uraerea touuty 4 -7-' r-'Iv' v ' Adjutant- General George Al Whit ha been ordered . to ; duty., with ' the forty-first Infantry division at Camp Greene, North. Carolina, "and Wflt leave Portland in a few days to begin active field, service. ' - ' - , - . " -. He" will be rated a a major, adjutant general and assistant divisional adju tant. " - . - " " j Hi transfer wa ,th? result of hi request that he be given active field duty; with the troop during the' war. ' . , ,j ,v,r- Gold Intended for:; V Diver-Seized Belief . - : , - 7 . - Galveston, Sept it-VL Nva)---Ap-proximately k $50,000 In : gold coin, .be lieved to have been Intended for trans fer to a German suhmarlna, w re moved by custom officers .'from Spanish steamer here today, a few minutes before th ship was scheduled to sail for Barcelona. .The gold, wa hidden in a larg quantity of - ship' tor.. Sensational . revelation are expected from th . Investigation now In progress. , f - ti-, . ' Presidential Yacht prtiises - - i Safe 'Arrival of j President arS? Mrs,-WilsoH Relieves Aiixjely ,; - .Caused by Report of Presence of Hostile ' -:i .v-SubmarinesOff Atlantic Coastfn ' T 7 " " New Yoifcpt.'lS-Fresident and Mr. Wllon attended th theatr bre tonight. When the president entered the boxr reserved for his party- b wa immediately recognised and b bowed acknowledgment of;: the j cheers : that greted .him.- - . - J ' f- The president arrived her this aXU ernoon.-. . ' - " 7 : Washington, Sept.', (t S.) With" th safe arrival !:f President wiibn''on board -th Mayflower at an Atlantic port this afternoon, th mont serious strain under which the navy department and official Waabington hove worked since the war began ha been relieved, . - - . The president, 'Mrs. Wilson ar i the other mergers of the party for h cur were crul 'Z 1.1 C very wa; s in mm People; Demands DeathvPen- ralty: and -Question- Splits ; Cabinet,1ut Official State- ment Says Political Cnsis' was been soivea;; 4 NEW; MINISTRY TO BE-"-" .-SATISFACTORY TO ALL Russians: Resume" Of fensiv3 onvRiga; Front,-'Retaking ;:Twb : Towns; .'Beat Down , Attack. on ftoumaniair Lino ; i Germans Active bh Gulf " Petrograa,! -Sept; '.X 5.-Gensral Kornllpff Ja, ,iader '-arrest,, faclns execution as a traitor. - -. , . Hig chief" lieutenant, Loromsky. regarded as the;, rear , train : and soul; of the, abortive -revolt, also has been taken lato custody, tp gether with a number of other of ficers devoted "to Kcrniloff. More arrests will follow, -t - 7 , General Alexleff. -Kerensky ; new chief .of staffs personally arrested Kornlloff and aupervised - the , gather ingIn of th other rebel chieftains Alexief t ' ba telegraph! ; to ' th premier from general army, headquar ter that h t In complete control of the situation. v -- j nAn official statement ' issued- today by. th .formation of . a. new, ministry, satisfactory to all factions,'. It is ,b- - lleved . that th new cabinet include -four Constitutional Democrat s. u 4 j . -' ' Stasslaas Betake Thr Town Rusalaa troops north of Riga ba. e t'rnet.Jn,.rJnrt"-'.TuXa " imrtmth.Tttm'' tow lis. Tha ok slv continues-' - On - the Roumanian frontier, German attack were beaten Vii - ujr aw iiuuvvni . scions. vcriiiiii airplane and naubmarin - displayed marked activity In the Gulf of Riga. forMhadowlng a resumption of - the long - expected ': naval . drive toward lironstadt. . - - ;-; ' Premier Kerensky is one more' l.i ccmptei power.' tbi tnuanon at tn frnnl an4 a , tinm im iif-a. f.wnr.Hl than- it ha been iftmonths. Th 'Of fensive north of Riga i being Jed 0 "Battalion of Deatbut . . ' '.With v . th - rebellion . -completely crushed, .all ringleaMerseported under arrest- and , th Russian- army proving it loyalty' by. vigorous offensives on at least two fronu, the whol nation was j divided . today on what punish ment should -b given the traitorous leaders... " , , w . t ..Dsata wsaalty Uamaaded' VTh question-ba already split th cabinet. t Reorganisation was still un der .way today. - Th publie- demands ICorniiof Cm death. , 3om of th cabi net, holding the ' revolt ' wag entirely bloodies and ascribing -only patriotic, but misguided : motive to JtorniioXf, want to ar him. i . ' Kornlloff himself . Russia's fore most advocate of capital punishment. He forced t Kerensky , to agree to the institution of th death sentence again In . th Russian army, Kornlloff has probably decreed th xcutlon of man soldier who - military crimes, wer ot far less gravity than hi own or ganised revolt, r The soldier commit-tee-insist he shall suffer death for bis ambitions. " - . -"-" v -s ... ' Caarr A lavstigatd ' l It official - dispatches confirm th capture of th rebel leaders, it ap peared likely j thta evening , that the government would hold1 them without trial until th commission eht to the front to-mvestigat all Korntlofr ac tivities ha reported, Thi commission 1 ,now devoting- particular attention to .charge printed in Petrograd news paper tht. Big wa purposely sur rendered - to the enemy, by .Kornlloff and that stories of recent panicky re treats of Russian troops wer manu factured - by th lata commander-in-chief or f hi -aide to suit- hi- own policy and deceive th, public into be lief that condition -wer desperately grave. - . ,". -i.1, r . .-..,. -.-'- '? , - y -which" two merchant captains reported evidence of - a hostile submarine. It wa known that the Mayflower was convoyed and that her speed makes a poor ' victim - for Teuton sea fright fulness. .-But she still wears her whit paint She l -ene of the best known craft, in the seven seas, a sbe carried a . precious rfrelght. - - Though - the navy department will not admit it It is believed that sum mary order were flashed to the com-mander-of the-Mayflower to get his tection- of a netted, harbor as fast a the well gloomed engine of the pres- M Mm larnt ami mroia iwa,.: r Th completeness of th navy prep arations for Just this contingency was revealed in th smoothness with wiici Cty .a'Jrf 'oa Ff Tw.' Cclur- T:" ')