The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 15, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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    , - f '
Endeavorers, . Leaguers and
. ;YP. U, Unite to . Form
Class In Every, Society.
;.' ' ;.- 'J . .. , "'. i " . r
W1UT Attend ya vmaing
. Classes to Be Condacted at T. M.
MV O. TluroCliotit October.
'."Anrnhtr: provided it bo forward-
Is tho slogan chosen to inspire me
work! of an Immense mission otudy
drive to be conducted by tho Willam
ette B. Y. P. anion, Portland dtstr let
Euworth league, and Multnomah
County, fjnnsiian uiuearpr. wmvu ...
cooperation with, the J'ortUmd Minis-
"tensf association, wim . -
formation of a mission study cUss in
very society by November 4. i
A leaaer If Id n leiwica i rum vmKit
class, who will attend the six normal
fralnlna? classes to be held at the T.
M. OA., October 9. 11, 1. 1. 2 and
15, the. hours being from s:o to .to
The. books to be studied are "The
Lurs of Africa" for the seniors and
intermediates and "African Aaven
.lire" for the Juniors.
The members of tho committee
launching' the missionary drive are as
. tiut Tlentnrv nrssldent. and W . H.
"Warren, mlaalonarr chairman. Port-
Jiilrtnt .r.nwnrlh lMrut: Mla
; Fay Steinmets, president, and Mlas
' Violet ' Johnson, missionary cnairrnan.
Multnomah County C. K. union: V. l.
'Berts, president, and 8. W. Brasare,
missionary chairman, Willamette B
a. r. union.
"-The folWwIna; are the Instructions
sent out by the committee:
"l. Make up your mind that your
society will have a mission study
' "3. Begin now to be a booster,
Work and pray for it, and remember
Livingstone's .words, 'Anywhere, pro
Tided It be forward.'
. "J. Select a leader, and send that
person to attend the BIX NORMAL
TRAINING CLASSED to bo held at
tho T. M. C. A OCTOBER . 12. 1,
ID, It Mid 21. FROM :10 TO 7:46
P. M.
"4.. An HONOR ROLL will be pub
llsbed of the SOCIETIES promising to
ORGANIZES A CLASS. Don't let your
society be a 'slacker.'
are "THK LURE! OF AFRICA- or the
i v vr ' - '
TT. TUT m TIT'11
uuxin vv. iroy vvm
:Lead League Service
John . w.. Troy, the singer asso
elated with Dr. Bam J. Reld in the
services being carried on at tho Sun
nyslde Congregational church, will
lead ths- Epworth league service at
Centenary church. East Ninth and
East Fine streets Sunday evening- at
:J0. Mr. Troy Is not only a singer
of unusual merit but a man full of
Three Laymen Will
: Occupy Pulpit of
" : Central Methodist
, : Kev. C C. Rarick. pastor of
', the Central Methodist Episco
. pal church, announces an inter-
eating program for the morning
service on Sunday. . It will be a
platform meeting addressed by
three laymen. W. L. Mallory
' will speak on the topic. "The
. Past Record of the Church."
J. VT. Day will preach on the .
subject. "What Other Churches
Are Doing." "Our Program for
, Next Year" will be the topic on
. which i. A. a Oakes will speak.
" In the evening Rev. Mr.
' Rarick will resume his pulpit,
t ' preaching-on "A Religion That.
Will Not Play Out."
16th Sunday After Pentecost
' Baptiat '
' Flrit Wklte Tmpl 12th and Taylor sta
Tlov. Bow land Edward of Seattla, U. "riea,
rnllow. right." T:45. "Ubarty."
Swdlah-Fianlah Mlaaloo White Tempi, S.
rt Side East afta and Aakmj aU. Bar.
W. B. Ulnann. 11, "la the Chores Worth
Waller.; 1:44, Tne . Tragedy of an Bmpty
. Hlfhlaa t 6th and alberta Rev. Cbarlea
Mletr naator. Vranpllat H. B. Maraball,
II.1 "Wng With the Gape.' T:0. "Twe Jail
tlrda With Wlnta."
L'otvralty Jrk E. W. O. Haadlcy, aet
Ina aatnr. lit
Swodlah 15th and Boyt Bar. Oldeoa
SJolamtaa'. naator. 10:80. 7:80.
Ort MontrlUa Bv. H T. Ch. 11, 1
The Call et the World." t:30, "QlTlng.Ia
RoUwaod Rt. P. Tt. Bayea, pastor. 11,
h. O. C. Wright. 7:45.
Kt, Joeoe Rot. Bl V. Bnrdee. peator, 7:80.
taiary - B. 9th and Oraat IUt. J. B.
Tbnmaa, saator. 11, 8. - . - .
Mt. 0alTry Xaat rlne and Orand ava.
Ev. a. M. Murhac-k. If. 8.
Third Knott and Vtaroaw it. Rev.
Wrbly J. Baavea. 11. "Klf btaouaocM at
iix.'f T:30. "Uraat Kaltfe."
Chlnaaa 80S l)aU at.
fiWirtoe V 46th and Main Rv. A. B.
Vfaltm. 11. "A ChrtatUe Natkn Depandeot
tar Paaeo.' - S. "Parfoctad Infliwnra.1'
Mount OMt Bev. W. A. Uaarctt. 11. 8.
ltU MlMloa Bjt. rrancMee gannalla.
11. s. - ,.
rtrt Gar ma a 4 th and Mill Bar, J. Brett
11. 7:30. .
8nnd Oarnas- Morris and Bedoey are.
11, , -
North rerthmd Mlaaloa 800 Kteolat st m
dy. . s. - ... ....
Knanvine MUalon.
I t barnacle B 42d and Botgat Harlay K.
- J..-,- . Chrlatiaa ' '
Tirat Park and Coiambia Bar. BareM IT
Griff la. 11. "The Maw Tratamant Marka nl
a Tlrua CThrllaa." 1-M, 'The Tratlmony of
Kern Park 11 end T.
I Side Chrlatiaa K. 12th and B. Taylor
!'. ii. nawyar. li, m Way to Wla.
I ,v. -The Fotindatioa of Ufa." .1
SeHwoo 13th and Teniae Bev. J. B, Joha-
mrm. . j 1, o. -
St. Jobne Rt. Herbart 1. Jonaa.- 11. S
Bethel JC 82U and Thotapeos Bar, aobrey
W. Wilaon. i ,
MnotiTlUa B. TOtk sad Hoyh Bar. Bagahe
ai1tooa Rav. Ror Dutm. 11 a
iUMtney Avaana and Knott Bev. J. Oarloa
wondiawi vnrunaa Tta and Llbertv Rar
eph U,
Boyd. . 11,
"in Clirtat" : a .-,..
, -. . mm
Final Rally to' : ;
Held , Sunday
' By Young" People
.A final rally wUl' be held 1
f Sunday night at , the Bunnyside r
Congregational e h u r c h for
members of all the young peo- .
. pie's Societies of Portland, , to .
hear the last of Dr. Beld's lee- m
m turea on -Pilgrim's Prog-:?
ress." The topic will be "Cross-i
In the River at Flood, TideC
"Dr. Reld has , for the 'last
4t two week been portraying- the
v most striking characters in the
story, with 'the aid of stere
W' optlcon views of the same. .-
; Although these lectures are
. being held for the special bene
, fit of the young" people, every
W one else will be just as much
m interested in the splendid in-
terpretatlona of each character
met': by Christlan4 on his - pll-
m ' grimace and . in - the choral
songs which are coached by Mr.
Tory, the "singing evangelist,"
from Chicago.
Second Synod of Province of
Pacific Promises to Be an
Important Gathering,
tt! H.I: :itf:;::-;::-'m.t;:ii-!::-it!:!
9 T '
Jri ' ' '
Bishop William Ford Nichols, pres
ident of the provincial synod.
A delegation from the s Episcopal
church In Oregon will attend the
second synod of the province of ' the
Pacific, which meets at Boise, next
Wednesday. Tne , province ? : over
which Bishop Nichols will - preside
will include the Pacifla states. Hawaii.
Alaska and the Philippines, and prac
tically all of the dioceses therein
will be-represented by bishops : and
clerical and lay delegates.
In .addition to the regular business,
a large program has beeni prepared,
dealing with missionary work, war
and social problems.. Bishop Sumner
will five an address on 'Some of Out
Problems on the Pacific Coast," : the
subject being related to ' the general
topic of social service.
The Oregon delegates as elected at
the Diocesan convention in May are
Very Rev. E. H. , McCollister. Rev.
John .D. Rice, Ven. H. D. Chambers of
Portland, and the Rev.- W, B. Hamil
ton . of Medford, frank Spittle of
Astoria, A. S. 1 Auterson, Dr. H. C.
Fixott and Judge 'W. T. Slater of
Portland. The alternates are . Rev.
Robert 8. Gill' of Salem, Rev. John
uawson, Kev. John O. Hatton and
Rev. O. W. Taylor of Portland, and
Messrs. J. C. Robinson, Wm. Whit
field, S. Claire Morris and ' J. N.
Dezendorf, all of Portland. Prom
these two bodies : the deputation at
tending the. snyod will be made up.
Arrangements are beiny made for a
pilgrimage of prayer in! Portland,
under the auspices of the woman's
auxiliary. It will begin Sunday,
October 7, with-a corporate commun
ion for women at. the various
churches and will continue through
Bmaljw 17th sad Court Frank B. Jonea,
paator. 11, 8. '
, Oathelle
10:80. " LeDU P- "t1'
Cathedral 15th and Darla-Rer. B. V.
O'Hara. . 7:15. 8:80, 8:45, 11, 7:48, .
St. LWTenpe Sd and Sherman Bev. J. C.
Hugbea. , 8:80. 10:30. 7:90
w8t Patricks 19th nnd Bavler Bev. B. P.
Murphy. 8, 10:80, 7:30.- '. '
,8t- ncl B. flth and Oak Bev. J. U,
Black. 6. 8. , 10:80, 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary WTtliama are.
7.8tBfa0ReT- W' A'
iji' Korr E 8d and Clackamas Bev. B.
S. Otaon. S, 7, 8. . 11, 7:80. .
St. Kcm K. IUUI mnA iUnOJ. Tt
O'Farrell. Maaa 8, high maaa 10:80, benadic-
St. Andrewe E. 8th and Alberts Bev.I.
Kleman. 8. 10:30. 7:80. tT -'
The hfadeleiM R. airh d
George . Thompeon. 7:30, 8. lO:0. ' '
Aarenetoa B. Yamhill and E. 76th Praiiels-
Bkaaed Sacrament Maryland are. and Blaa.
Bar. r. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7rsoT
a ,:V Snr" Barmond.
St. Igaatlua 8230 43d at. B. B. Jesuit
Pvtbera. 6:30, 8, 10:30, 4.
St. Stepbena t2d and B. Taylor Bev. War
ran A. Waltt. , 8:80. lO:80, 7:3oT
"fc rimip rssiist Fathers) B. lth
and Hiearnt-T Ree. W. J. rartrih
Si 8:80, 10:30. 7:80
St, ClemeTitB Smith and Newton Rev. Jo
Ph Mlxton, Bev, Thomaa Neakm, aaabtaat.
s'9 ""art E. 11th and Center Bev. O.
Bobl. 8, -10:80.7 :8a - . -. . -
Holy BeAeemer Portland bird, 'and VancoQ
ver are Br. F. H. Millar. . 8. 10:. 7:30.
St. Agatha B. 15th and Miller Her. J,
Or-mmlnaky. 8, 10:30, 7:80. .
aJ?M 8t"1,Uo (follah) MaryUnd ave..and
railing Rer; F. Matthew.- 8, 10:80. 7:80.
Joeeph (Oerman)-t.5U end Conch Bev.
B. Dnrrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30. .
. g Michael (Italian) th sad Ml B Bev. U.
Balaam. 8. 10:30. 1:30. .
-i' C2JT7P,plul HU1 TrajclacM rath-
era. b,t.30, v:lo.- -..s . .
..St. Chariee 3d and Alberta Bev. O. gnl-
; f v:" i;'-Ceogretleaal
"Tirat park and Madlaoa Bev. Lather R.
DyottT 0:30 My Soul and 1." T5""The
Pope'a Peace Plee., .- . .(...-. - ' .
Atkiaaoa Memorial church E. J9th and Ev
erett uev. warren Uorae, paator. ,11, "TVeS
cnuni Bexrice.- , me lunatratloas and
Kea lit lea ef Ufa."' '
Ifat Oerman E. Tth and Stanton Rer. 'K.
Pilgrim MIsaoarl ST, and Sharer at. Rev
W. C. Kantner. 11. "A Keqneat Granted
inoBga nciuaaa.- , :o, -UhruiUaa Science.
P" i "Ah-,'- "Jig
D5-7 ' J'"-1M
w J4- f'i
fib ft if I -V i
My " J ' I i ' v
m El ii iia i iimmiih immiiiiiiiiimA 'rfajj ki
i .rLnvi ' Rev. H. E' Marshall of Salem
- U .-w;.l A rf V- V ''Holding" Special Meetings
i A !'v;J V:Vvill ' y I " at Highland Baptist Church
V i - n'-HI V l II '"'"'jiiii , in 'mil j m
g's ! 2? J
Above, left to rlgbt Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes, who will preside; new James A. ' Ebbert M
morial church at- Springfield, where" meetings will be held; Rev. C..;. C , Barick, secretary of the
conference. ' "-: ' -' 1 . i.' '".''!.".''''
Below Miss Nellie Curtis, superintendent deaconess home, Portland, who will preach at the deaconess
. home celebration to be held September 28; Bev. 'W. W. Youngs on, Portland, district' superinten
dent; Rev, Dr. C. E. Clino, noted Oregon Methodist preacher. . - i-
The Oregon annual conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church which
will meet in Springfield, Or., this year
will be held September 25 to October 1.
The people of the Springfield church
are making elaborate preparations for
the entertainment or tne state ooay
which will be presided over by Bishop
Rector to Deliver
Sermon on Request
The rector of St. David's parish.
East Twelfth at Belmont, announces
that, in response to Questions asked
during the week, rising 'opt ' of the
sermon last Sunday night, he will
(reach on the coming Sunday wight
on "Why . .Men ' Do Pray for Their
Dead." - In the morning the sermon
will b'e a call to the. year's work, on
the text, "The People Had a Mind to
Work.". Holy Baptism will be ad
ministered at the 9:30 service. The
night service will be preceded by the
singing of bymns. . .
Presbyterian Church
'Pastors Will Meet
The Presbyterian Minister's assO'
vlat ion will meet in the annex of the
First Presbyterian church Monday at
10:30 a. m. Dr. B. Carter Mllllkin.
educational secretary of the board of
foreign, missions,, who is - conducting
mission study classes in the "city, s
expected to aaaresg me meeting.
the week with morning, afternon and
tvenins services. ' Missions.- church
unity and the war will be kept in
mind , throughout , the week and imade
suojects, oi prayer among tne mem
bers of, the Episcopal church.
Bishop Sumner has issued a war
prayer to be used at every service
through the diocese.
Why Noty -v' ;v-7..;v
L" ill Ten Ity Park Haven it. near Lombard
Rt. V. J. Meyer, paator. 11. S.
Wa-rerhr Heights 33d and Woodward
Bev. A. C. Moser. 11.
Snnayaide E. 82d and .Taylor Rer. J. J.
3Uub. 11, "The Final Purpuae of the Scrip
turee." 7:45. aermpn by 6r. Sam J. Reld,
erangettst. 1 ..- .
Highland Edward Conetant1, minlater. 11,
"A Heftige for Humanity." 7:45. "TesUsg of
XI CRMS ' .. w .'
Zlon (German) E." 9th and Tremont Bev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30. -
- Norwegian Daoiah. OotHtresaHnnal chnrch E.
23d and Sumner Her. Morton Olson. 11, 7:30.
, St. Johna Ray. J. H. Barnett, paator. 11. 8.
Flnnteh Mlaaloa 107 Ktldmore at. Bev.
Samuel Nevala. 7:30.
Laurelwood Conareaatlonat ehtirph Mh are.
and S6th aC S. E. Mrs. J. J Handeaker. 11.'
Ardenwakl Ardenwald eta tion Howard W.
Hopklrk. ,. .
; ' Chnatlaa Science -Subject
leaaon -aermou: ' 8abatance."
First chnrcb-Srerett between 18th and 19th
aU. li. . - . - . , .
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. S. i ,
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Taneonver.ave.. and fcmeraoo. 11. 8.
Fifth Slxty-aecand at. and FortT-eeeond avr
S. e. 11. . t ....
PUtb--Portland Hotel aaaembly halt . 11. S.
Chrlatiaa Science aodety Holbrook block.
St : Johna. '11. - '- " ,
. ; Bplaaepal ' -Trinity
18th and BTerett Bev. A. A. Mor-
rlaon, rector. 8. ' 11 8.
Fra-catnextnti. il st.,, Stephen tne r Martyr
13th' and Clay Rt." Bet. W 'T.' Sumner. blah.
op. Very Rey. K. H. McCoUlateVr dean. 7:4.1.
:, 11, 1:40. : 'meaaay. i:i(M, m.; mnraaay.
S:30 a. m. - Holy daya, 9:31) a. m. . Ten'a of-
iice oonra, iv ta u a. m. except aionaay 1, -
8t. DaTlda E: 12th' Jind Belmont Key.
Thomas Jenkins,1 rector. 7:30. :0. 11. The
People Had a Mlnd.te Work.'' 7:&0, "Why
Men Do. Pray for Their Dead."
St. Marks 21at and Marshall Bev. 3. E. H.
Slmpaoa. rector, . Rt. J. O. Hattoo. aaaodate
rector. 7-:30.'T5. - r ,r." 1
St. Anorewa Mereiora -at... rwumoau
Archdeacon Chambers Is chanre. ' 9 7--.30 p. m.
Grace .Memorial Weldler-and E. -17th N.
Rer.. OnriM W. TaYlrarj a 11.-- . -,
uooo snepnera .vancoarer ana wraoam
Rev John Dawaon.f -11. T:30 --
St. Mlchaele' and All Salnta E. 43d and
Broadway, i . Bev. T.v r. Bowm, vlcar.,;..T:30,
10 ti, a..- . . , . - i
Church of Our Sarlor OOth ave. and 41st at.
S. . Archdeacon Chambers la-charge.- 11.
St, Paola Woodmere RaT. Oawald W. Tar
Bishop Morris Memorial chapeL Good Samar
itan bospltai Bevv Frederick K.. Howard. , 7.
A1I Salnta 25th and Sarler 3tT. Frederick
K. Howard. 11. - - . 1
, Hi. Johna Corner Bv 15th, and Harney. BeC-
cr. i Ni 7m -' s
The business which will come before
tho conference, it is expected, will be
largely of a routine nature. It will
be Important, but not of the same gen
eral public Interest which has featured
some of the meetings of the past.
Tho program indicates that every
phase of state Methodism, will-bo dis
cussed from many angles by the best
Distinguished Paulist
Father Win Lecture
Rev. James M. OtlUs.a- diatia
guished member of the Paulist com
munity. with headquartersv in New
Torfci is announced to give a series
of lectures to non-Catholics, at St.
Marys cathedral, -Fifteenth and Davis
streets, beginning Sunday night, at
:45 . p. m.. and continuing every
evening throughout the week.
The oblect of the lectures is to
explain the teaching . and practice of
the Catholic church in a . kindly and
non-controversial manner. -
Any person who desires special
in formation may" call upon Father
Olllis at the cathedral - rectory, 6
North Sixteenth " street any morning
during' tho week between the hours
of 10 and noon or In the . afternoon
irom 4 to 6. -
It is Intended to distribute a large
quantity, of free literature . to '.. persons
attending the lectures. One thousand
copies of ; Father . Conway's - great
book, "The Question' Box," have been
received for this purpose.
Rev. - Edwin V. O'Hara, pastor of
St: Marys cathedral, has addressed a
letter to his non-Catholic friends ex
plaining . the purposes -of the series of
lectures. .. ; -j
; Norwegian : to Preach
Rev.. Vaale of Christianra. Norway.
will preach at Bethel Lutheran . Free
church, corner Wygant - and Rodney
streets, Sunday,' 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
All Scandinavians will find a wel
come. ' . I'vj.i.- .-.v. .; -
cod Archdeacon Chambers in charge. " it, I
st. Martnew uornett ana nancrorx era. uev.
W. A. M. Breefv-vicar. 11.
" Pvathyterlaa
First 12th and Alder ate. Rer. John H.
Boyd.' 1O.30. addreae, B. Carter Milllkeo.
7:80, llluatrated lecture by Bev. IL 8. Vincent.
Central E. 1 13th and Pine at. Rev. Arthur
F.. - Bishop, D. - D. 10 :30, -' 'Chrlatiaa Oonf i
dence.',' 7:30, "Christian Character."
' Weatmlnater E. 17th and Schuyler ats. Dr.
Edward Pence. . lO:30, "The Preaenee of
OreatBeaa."' 7:43,s"The Dlaconraged Man."
Arbor lodge? Rer. George R. QrocnJey. H,
7:45. - . - -
ialTary lltu and CMy ats. JRev. Wallace
Ii. Lee. Key.1 ueniei a. anacaeai or uoiiage
GroTe. 10:30, i"rhe Chrutian . Prtvuege."
7:30, ;Tbe Prime Element of Sneceaa"
roortn rirat ana uidm in. iveT.j a. uio
a. 10:30, 7:30. - -j
Kenilworth B. 34th and Gladatone Bevf B.
P. Lawrence. 11, Rally Day aervicea. Mo ro
ll, k -eervlce. G. Evert Baker win -apeaa on
"Caw Enforcement." . Evening service at Clin
ton Kelly Metbodlar. ,
rornes (jranam ana uantenoein area. uer.
William MacLeod. 'll.?T!30. -
Vemoti E. lth and Wygant ata. Bev. J. n.
LendVhoroiigh. Preaching 11 a. m.. 7:SO p. m.
altnen B. ' 19th anil UlTlaloa ats. Her. u.
A. Thompeon.' 11. 7:45. : - A
H ne -Moot aril la. 7Pth and EX. Everett Bev.
S. W Seeman. ; 11. "The Opportanttlee of Onr
Church." . 7:30, "The Rellglaa Tbeee . Timea
Need." . 1 ' -
Ml. Tabor B 55th and Belmont sta Bev,
Ward W.McHeary, Snoday school, 9:45. -11.
"The Narrow Way." 8. "Cnn.He Make UV
' L nlty 71at and : Sandy aiyav-Kev.- w. ls
Pledmonr Cleveland and Jarrett ata. Her.
A. Ii. Hntwhinaoo. - 11, 7:30. - , - ;
Mtlhird Aeenna 7241 56th are. BL Bev,
W. Amos. 10:80. ... '
Roee City Park B. 45th and Hancock ata.
Rer. J. M.. Skinner. 11. . -Snofcaae'
Avenue E. 16th and Spokane Bev.
W. S. McCollatigh. 11. 7:30. - . ;
- Uantbail street I Ttn ana MariDau era iter.
A. J. Hanna. 11-7:30. - - -
Trrnity Corner Vlrsinla and Nebraska eta.
Dr. A. J.- Montgomery, 11, 7:80. i v .,'-- ; f
Chlneae 145 V. 1st at 7:45.- - '
Auabel Pth at. and 37th ave. g. B. Bev.
Jobs E. Nelaon. IT, 7:ao. '. ; '
First German 12th 'and" Clay Bev. G. Haf-
ner. 10:4s. a. :
Second Columbia blvd. and Od at, Rev. E.
A. Wna. 11.- ,
Third iFlftk- sve' Lents Bev. W Q tJen-
kemper. n. . f ,
- . . , saianaaa aTvaaayxenaB .
- First t Church Minnesota - and Alaswortk
Bev. F. U. Fraser. 11. 7:30. - - .
minds in the state councils of the
church. The church iri which the con
ference' will be held is a recently com'
pleted $30,000 edifice and is one ef the
finest church structures in the entire
state outside of Portland. Rev. Dr. S.
A. Danford is pastor of the church and
the entertaining pastor of the. confer
ence. . ' . . , .
St. J Stephen's Plans
v tor JNew Activities
It is expected r that i Bishop -Sumner
and Rev. E. F. Gee of Oakland; CaL,
will have charge of the services at
St.,, Stephens Sunday morning. Rev.
Mr. Gee is a delegate to the provincial
synod meeting in Boise next week.
A large program of fall activities has
been mapped out at St. Stephen's Pro-
Cathedral. Both the , guild and the
woman's auxiliary have received many
new members. A general campaign tor
increased attendance at the . services
and, membership for the various or
ganizations will be inaugurated soon.
Bishop Sumner will conduct the serv
ices during the first three Sundays in
November, bringing forward matters of
large interest to the diocese in general.
Dean McCollister has . also '. opened up
an office at the Pro-Cathedral, his
hours being from 10 a, m. to noon,
and) a telephone is being installed.
Among the property- Improvements s a
furnace that will heat both the church
and the parish house. j .
i New , Clergymen Welcomed
Two new. clergymen have ' recently,
been welcomed into the Episcopal dio
cese of Oregon, with their families.
These are Rer.-vC.-H. L. Chandler, late
of San Luis Obispo, Cal., who. has en
tered upon his duties as rector of St.
Paul's, Oregon City, and the Rev. J.
C. Black, who " comes, from . Chelan,
Wash , and has assumed charge' of
Emmanuel,' Marshfl Id. Both" were rerr
successful In thetr ' former fields of
labor. . t: - . . -J,-... .-;
Seventh Bay Aaveatiats
Note Regnlar -aervtces of this denomlnatloo
are held on Saturday. ,1
Central B. 11th and Everett Elder P. C
Hayward peator, 11J5. 1
Tabernacte West Side, K. of P. ball. 11th
and Alder.' 11.
Montavilla B. 90th and E. Everett Elder
8. F. Beatty. -!
Lents 94th at and BStk are. Elder D. 3.
Cbitwood. 11. .. .j ,
St. Johns Central- ave. , and CharleatDB
Elder A. B. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. eoth and Belmont Bev. 3. M
WUIonghby. 11. . I , .
Albina (German) Skldmore " and Mallory
Minister, A; . A- Meyer. A, O. Scbleltser, local
elder. 11:30.
ugoea hall. Mississippi and Sharer Rev. O.
K. Sandoe. 11 : , i.
Salvation Army'
Corns No. l-24: Ah mt ain.
- ' uw.M. UU Ui,.
corps No. 4 128H 1st aBnalga Florenee
Pogue; Lieutenant Olive Scott. -
Dweaisn vor-w 30 Burnslde.
Servfees' for the Deaf
United Preabrterlaiw-lVaani. nA A
Rev. 8. Earl Du Bola. . 10:30, 7:30.
: . Swadenaorftaa - : '
New. ntitteeh Rm.. ttfk ' - - .
- w "tun Ml n.DfT.
Winiam. B.; Recce. ,11, ,"The Parnoaa) of Ra.
Ufcion." .... .. i - . J
' Evangelical Aaaociation - '
Firatr enr1tk n - u-r, ma rw. r m
D. HortwchuchT ii. 8. T .r
tirt titerinan cvanjrerlcal 10th and Chy
Bev. O. F. Llening. lo:4.V g.i .
Portland Mteaion cfaareb Ceraotf eurhts
Bev. Nj Shnpp, naator. '2:30. :3o, 7:30
Sufediah. Mlaelos Tabernacle GUsaa and N.
17th Bev. C. J..Ledln. 11. 7:30. -" f
' " ' Evangelical Synod -'. - ,
-..i',ti. . vuiarcBiw Tx aroma
are. and B. lduv-etev. Blias K". Hegert. 10:45,
. Tree Xataedlst
OntMl S.".th ,! V. rl.nrUM. M r
Coffee. i Rev. B. H.AjberU will Dreaek. ii" a'
First E. 9th and Mill Rev. A, Beers. IL
. - . . 1 , -.oTngviieiic
service, eondacted by Bev. B.C-Je.wey.
. ,niur-au:iuwtn ana nnnanit ata. " Mra
M. 3. BUlr. paator. t 8. 11. - . ,
, Third Bev. R. H, CUrk. 11. T JO. .
AlberU Free .Methodist Bev.. E. jl Harring.
tOO. 11. 8. - ' ...- . f i
- - - -rrieada' Charek , - ' -,
Flrat E. 85th and Main Rev. H. L. OoxLlt.
LentsSoaUi Main a, Rev. John Riley. IL
7:30. Quarterly meeUnr and EL IL rail-
Went Piedmont . Frlenda 'chnrch Corner
Borthwlclt and Jeeaa9 ata. Cheater Av Ehadley.
Congregatloa- Beth Israel I2tk and Mala
X ReTvH.' E.BIarshall "
Rev. H. . B. Marshall of Salem has
been" holding special meetings with
the .Highland Baptist , church all this
week and Will continue for two weeks
n'ore." Mr. Marshall .has. had a varied
experience. He t has been a sailor, a
steel structural worker, a pastor, a
field' missionary and An evangelist.
He has tho ability to cause others
to grasp the results of his own, expe
rience. He Is not a sensationalist but
a strong, virile man with strong sym
pathies for his fellowman. He deals
with topics that are practical and dis
cusses experiences that . either tear
down or build up the moral character.
He is severe In his condemnation of
sin. '
Services are held every evening : at
7:46 o'clock. Alberta at Sixth street.
Seattle Pastor to
vSpeak Here Sunday
'- Rev, , Rowland Edwards, pastor of
the Tabernacle Baptist church of
Seattle, - -will S reach at the First
Baptist 'church : (the. White Temple).
Sunday. His morning topic will be
"Flee, Follow, Fight." and- in the
evening he will speak on thethemo,
' The' new- Tempi quartet 'will ren
der the anthem, "The Billows -Swell,"
by Shelley, and : for ths morning of
fertory, "He Shall Feed His Flock"
from Handel's "Messiah." , In , the
evening . their numbers are' "Tarry
With --Me" (Beethoven) and "Calm - as
the Night" (Goetse). , .
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m.
Congregation Ahavla Bholom Park and Clay
streets Rabbi R. Abrahameon.
latbsraa''- -
St. Jamea. Engltab West Park- and Jeffer
son Rer. William Evan Breokbam. 11. 8.
Imtnannel 19th- and Irving. 11 8.
West side Norwegian Lntheran 43 X. 11th.
Bev, Wllheltn Pettereon. 11, 8-
Bethsnla Danish Evangelical Lutheran eburch.
TJnloa ave. and Morris at. Bev. L. P. KJoller.
Ida. an. and 8 p. m.-
- Immanuel German gellwood Bev. ' H. C.
Ebeling. 10:30. ,
St. Paul's Genres B. 12th and a in too
Bev. A. Kranae. 10:30, 8.
Trinity German (Mtaaourt Synod) Williams
ave and Graham Rev. J. A. Bimbach. 10:15.
7:30. - -. - - . -.
Grace Bngltsk (Mtaaoari Synod) Albina ave.
and Maaoa at. Rev. K. Probst. 9 :30, 10;30.
7:30- - -- -:..---
Kvangeliral T-uttieran Eloa (Mlaanuri Synod).
Salmon and Chapman Bev. H. Koppebmann.
German. 10:15: EnaltMt. 7:45.
tt. Jotin-a renlnaular and Klrkpatrlck iter.
K. O. Santmann. 10:45. 7:30. , - . i
Swedlah - Aurntana Rev. H. E Saastedt.
10:45. 7:45. , . .. -
Bether : Norweglao Lutheran Free ebardi
Wygant- and Rodney. Rev. J. A. Suvney.
uev.- vaaao oi Kerway-wtu-eneatt at 11 ana s.
Trinity (Nonreclao) Porta mouth Rev. Slew
A. Steoaeth. - 11; bv - Services st Loades ball.
15th . and Alberta. - .
Onr Savior K.- 10th- ami Grant Bev. George
Henrlkanfe' EngHah. -10:16: .Norwetian. 11:15.
Germair. Evanselical Reforraed Lenta Rev.
W 0,f Laenksewper.' -ll. -, . i '
. . 4 Xatter Day Beista .
t Ctmrch of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Salnta
'Mormon) E.- 25th asd Madison. Bev. M. 3.
Ballard.' JO.-30, 7:80. ;.. -
The- Beorgaaised Otrarrb of Jesus Cbrkat of
Latter Day saintar (not Mormon) B. 76U. and
Irving ata. s C. E, Jonea,- paator. Second aassa!
eeslsreaes. Jr-.- .-rv- 4 V-; . ' '
'pii'if "!s,jrdistrstaepalV'; 't
v - Brentwond Her. Paul F. Green. Preaching
at 11. r-f..- - -
1 Bethel Xj M. Bv W H. Prince. pa,ior. m
tilSfj J-r-v : -i z - - . .- -i:
Kendall Bev. Paul Pi Grees. -Preaching at
t:W. - .Jir--y.. V-2 ;
i CVntral Vancouver ave. - sad Farge sfc -Bay..
P.. C.' Rarick. Platform meeUng. ad
dreases by three la yaaea,r S, "A Religion That
W1U Not Play Out." ' - . - - '
Ci-atenary. th- and Pine ats. Rev. 1. "W.
Lane. D. D. 11. "A Coeetloo of .Love.J; T:45,
'Some Aatoniehlng Doctrlnea . ' ; ,
O Id ton Kelly Rer. A, B. alder. ll. S,
Carton ,aer leea. Rev. A. C. Moeea to preach. .
Ftret Cfaareb Hev;. Josh a Stasaf laid, I. D-.
Rev. Walter Lee Airbeart.' aeaiatant peator.
10:30, "The Other Belt." .-7:5, "The -Dlvme
Churchmen Are to :
- Be' Guests 'of the
.Pastor at -Dinner
Next Friday ' evening at t :0
o'clock. In tho First Christian
church parlors, the pastor. Rev.
, Harold II. Orlf fls,. will enter-
. tain at dinner f for; tho men of
the church, i A program of spe-
clal r addresses has: been pre-
pared. .Plans for the season's
work will be presented for the
consideration of the men and -
an ertort will be made to en-
list the .cooperation of all the .
men or the church. towards
making the coming year the
nest in the -history of the First
Christian church. j
How one may know he is a
disciple of Christ will b ex-
plained in the sermon delivered
by Harold -11 Grtffls- at the
First Christian church Sunday
morning, his subject being "Ths :
New Testament . Marks of a
Genuine Christian." , In . the
evening tne discourse will deal
wiin the authenticity of a.
Divine Being .or The Testi--
mony of Subpenaed Witnesses,"
Church Efficiency
Will Be Discussed i
Sunday morning Dr. Hlnson win
discuss the question, "Is theChurchl aaetr.ti
w .v. ii-v-ii--.- ii m v-l"oc,e"es
question whether in the .present re
arranging of values, the church is
of insufficient value to be really
worth saving. And If the answer of
some be true, that the church is a
spent force, and no longer an asset I
in the thought -of the world or the I
lfe of man, what substitute for the I
church is worthy of acceptance by j
us? While, if the church Is of serv-1
Ice to an ifcxtent'that makes its exist-
ence desirable, wherein does that!
usefulness of. the church to the good I
of man rest?
At night Dr. Hlnson's topio will be I
the suggestlveness of the sign "Fori
Rent Being Found Upon the Human
Soul." the "Tragedy of the. Empty
House" In the realm of the spirit of
man. This theme will evidence that
the general, war now being raged is
the outcome of individual conflicts
within the spirits of certain. men and
It will bring to light the fact that
tne ienema oi tne soui uetermine an I
outward manlfestationa of conduct.
Man's Higher Self
mi Ci i
iflcine ior oennon
-' 1 ' . , ,
"The Other Self will be the subject
of Dr. Stansfleld's sermon at the First
Methodist Episcopal church Sunday
morning, in which will be shown the
potential, though too often undiscov-
ered, better self of man; also the pow-
er and means which can best find the
higher self. The sermon will be a dis-
tinctively new treatment of personal-
ity, under the light and power of
Christ. '
In the evening the sermon theme
will be "The Divine Element in
Destiny." or the fact of God in andj
xor every j
... "l,v u" ,::"wJrB;" . r
a iw m'nuiea- oyenu.g . . i "
ring gospel hymns, beginning prompt-1
ly at 7:45 p. m.
Practical Sermon
Sunday's Feature
Using as his theme. The Pope's
Peace Plea," Dr. Luther R. Dyott;
rastor of the First Congregational
church, will delivers a timely and
oractical sermon in his' chut ch Sun
day evening. Among the questions
Dr. Dyott will answer are: "What
peace talk, if any, is in order at this
time? Is there a peace which war
cannot destroy? What are our great
est needs at times like these? Dr.
Dyott will be assisted by the new
auartet. composed of . Miss Eloise
Anita Hall, soprano; Mrs. Mitylene
Fraker Stttes, contralto; Walter J,
Gill, tenor, and W. A. Montgomery,
baritone, with Mrs. Leonora Fisher
Whlpp, organist and directress. At
10:30 a. m. Dr. Dyott will preach en
"My Soul. and L"
Mrs. Owen to Speak
Mrs. L. W. Owen, president of ths
Fathers' Day National ' association,
will speak in the Lents Evangelical
church Sunday at 11a. m. and 7:0
p. m. . '
Ewortb Rev. C O. MeCulkKh, D. D. U.
Lenta Rev F. M. Jasper. Preaching st U
and 7:30.
First Norwegian Danlab 18th and Hoy
Rev. Ella Gjerdtng, paator. 11. "Thioga That
Remain." 8, "Positive Religion,
laurel wood Rer. C. B. Carlos, V. D. 11.
Holy Communion." 7:46, "Fraternal Mend-
ahtp.. v - "
Uncoln Rev. W. T. Kerr, D. D. Preaching
11. 7:30.
Linnton Rev. 8. H. Dew art. D. D. Preach
ing at '7:30. -
Mount Tabor diet and Stark ats. Bev. B.
O. Bldredge, IX D.. 11. "Moan tain Top View."
8, "Forglveneea of Sin."" . ' ,
MontarlUa Bev. tX L. Hamilton. Preach tag
11. . .
Patton Rev. .O. IX. reeaeC Preaching St 11,
8, comaiunkai aervtce. 7:30.
Taylor Street M. E. Circle tbeatre. Dr. M.
H. Marvin, paator.
Roee City Park Rev. A. A. Heist 11, 7:8S.
'rVltwood Rev, A. R. McLean. 11, 8.
St. Johna Rev, J. H. Irvine. Preaching 11
and 7:30.
Trinity Rev. T- N. Standlrur. 11.
SnnnyaldeE. 36th and E. Yamhill Bev. B.
E. Smith. 11,. Dr. W. W. Toomnon, district
Mnertatendent, church rally day, 7:30.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Da nit Corner
Skldmore Rev, H. P. Nelaon, paator. 11, 8.
W eat more lan a-r Err. t. N. San dl fur. Pr each
tar 7:30. " .
Unlveriaty Park Bev. J. T. Abbett, D. P.
Preaching 11, 7:80. " '
Woodlawsi Bev. W.. . ajoaxer. rreaeoug
Woodstock Bev." I- C Poor. Preaching 11.
7:80. . '
Swedlan Borthwtrk and Beech Bev. jobs
A. Well mas. 10:45,7:45. i '-
. German Rodney ave. sad Stan ton Bev, r,
A. Srhamami. -10, 8. -
African Zlon 421 Williams sve-Bev. W.
W. Howsrd. It 8. ',;,,';
.- Fh-at Oerman Rev. A. F. Cramer. ,!, S. n ;
KendatWBev. A. B. WUson, 7:30. ' -; '
- Diatrlct avpermtendeot. Rev. William Wal
lace Xoungaou. p. l. 991 B 2d St. N. Tabor
M. Z. Church fttMjiS
Flrrt M. B. Chorch South, eoroer TJnloa ave,
sad Multnomah at Rev. W.G. Feeton. . 11,
( v . ' f 'f, '4 Mlaaiosi ' :, y ;
i Bethel Free chnrch Ivy st asd . WltlUms
Rev. J. A. Stsvsey.11,
Fleat Pentecoatal E. 7rh asd E. Couch -ata.
11. 7:30. Mieeloiiary sad BvaogelUtie eoavea.
SeJlwood B. 9tk and Spokane Bar. H. C
Baker. Ii, 7 JO--2i - J;-
. Brentwood OOth it, P'sat : 6th ?avaV i'B. . B.
Bev. J. M. Batehard ' lis - ' i
ScasaUaaTian 948 Oarflaad,;; 11 f 0, : ,
B, Xarter MiHikin Foreign.
Missionary of New York, to
Bev. sr. a. Tlaeent, ; Principal of ' the
Xen&eth Mackenzie Memorial School
of Krjoe. STeMaf Xiectnzer.
The First Presbyterian church.'
Twelfth and Alder streets, will havs
visitors in its pulpit tomorrow morn
ing and evening. In the morning at
10:30 an address will be given by B.
Carter Mllllkin from New York city."
j Mr. Mllllkin is educational secretary
or the Presbyterian board of foreign .
missions and is in Portland for the
purpose of holding an institute to
tram mission study class leaders. This
institute, will be held during the first
four days of next week. ' Tomorrow
afternoon at 3 "o'clock there will be a
conference on missionary education in
the Sunday school and Young People's
Classes to Be Pea tared
Daily. Monday to Thursday, there
I1" a class In "An African Trail" -
,"0 T1W lo i . m.. ana a-cia" VI -
"ur" AW irom
P - m- , Anyone is welcome to these
"asses, wop aesires to iouow a care-t ,
study of these books -on Africa. "
These are the books which are rec-
ommenoea oy ii me aenominauonat ,
boards ror study this winter. Mr. MlU
"kin, as an expert W missionary edu- -
canon, nas come nere io train leaoen ;
for the classes in many churches later - .
this winter.
Sunday evening an illustrated lec-
ture will be given by Rev. H. s. Vln
cent, principal of the Kenneth Macken-
ale Memorial school in Siam. k
This school is of asocial interest to K
the members of the Firt Presbyterian,
church because it is named for a for--;
mer member of the Sunday school and, 1
has been supported in part by mem-
bers of this church. .
t School Zs Pioneer
' The school is a pioneer in Slam in
manual training and has drawn atten-
tion from educational experts in - the ;-
far east Dr. Vincent wm use lantern, v
,ide to deDict th wrk f theschoou?:,
This school has a leather manufactur
ing plant and tannery, the only on
of its kind in all Siam. At the pres-t
tnt time the government is buying its
entire product.
At 1S:15 in the Sunday school room ?
Superintendent James . Ewing will f
give an Illustrated talk on 'Th His-
tory of the English r.ltle." This will
show the different editions of the
Et-gllsh Bible from the time of Kin;
Alfred to the present time. v,,,
Rally Day Sun3aj 5
, w , wni h hmii
at thft Sunnyaide Methodist church,
iccrner East Thirty-fifth and YamhiU .
m- unaay, yr. wu-
perintendent, wUl preach. The Junior
VMted choir, will sins for the first !
time since their summer vacation. Ths
adult choir will also render speciaf f
mvsic -
Ministers1 Day to C.
Be Conducted at
CalVary Church
Tomorrow at Calvary Bap-
ttst church. East Eighth and
Grant streets, will be "Mln- . .
latere' Day." In the absence, of
Rev. and Mrs.. J. E. Thomas, "on
vacation, the members will have
a" chance .to speak their minds
in regard to their pastor. This,
the morning service will be
In charge of the men. The
women' are looking after the
evening service. There will be
special music. Dr. and Mrs. ' .
Manley of McMlnnville, who
are about to go to India to take
charge of the new. Baptist "i
hospital In Ongola, will speak. '
Ths young people are provld- m ;
ins for Sunday evening, Sep-
tember 21. ,
;;- -v:- - -
Highland Park 1139
P. Beebaugb, 11, 8.
B. 14th. N. Bev. W,
; . . ITaitariaa - ' , '
Ctmrch of Our Father Broadway and TaaW
bill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D.. minister emeritus.
Bev. W. G. Eliot Jr., paator. H "The Re
etvatructloa of Edocatloaal Ideals' Evening
ftaruni Intermitted. ', ..j-..
Tslted Bretkrea - -'.
: Alberta 07Qi and Alberta. - "'.--' .-.-.
. First B. 1Mb and Morrison Bev. P. ,0.
Benehraka. 11. S. . ,
Fourth 30th and S2d are, S. E Mrs. C. T.'
Blanchard. ..'...
Third 7U and 32d ave. 8. t. B 0. 8bep :
herd. 11, 8. . - , M '--r -V -v.T
iFmrtli Rev. J. E. kiierl tfcj.v'gjj-jj
- tnlted Zvaagalloal r) ; V JSft
Radical Jaasap at-Bev. A. . Havdersoe. -
11, 7:80. - - -:.- - -
- Manor, Circuit Sn Res Cherry Crave. 1 p.
rki. " -- - -
sr. It. 11. riranam. 11, , 9. -. . '
Firat B. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A. Ooede.
St.- Johna Rev. A. P. tsytoa. ; 11 T:80,
Bishop W. H. Forke. ,'
' TXaltsd Presbyteries :
Flnst B. 87th and Hawthorne Bev. Hagk
rraeer Given. 11, "The Rule for Intelligent
tad Useful Prayer."; T:45, "Why We Uara
roar Gospels." - '
Ctmrch. ef ' the Strangers Wasco ' st," and :
Grand svs. . Earl DulMs, pastor, i 10 JO. !
"Waking Un a Chorch." 8, "Aa Example of ;
Vhtorkmf faith." -'- - .
Kenton United Presbrterfaa rfturr4 Lors. r
bard sad Cbathau at. Bev. J. C Cols' pas
ton. 11:13, T:30. " -. ..... ;
,v - . '. - vjalveraaltat ' ' ' '
Church ,of ths Good TWidra Broadway'snd
a. uev,- Tmsr t. acoir Bervicea . inter;'
aatted during July and August.
. ,.-'- T. K, O. A.T. W. 0. A. " " '
4T. Ar.C Av U and Tsylor-H. W. Stone, -general
secretary. 8;30 p. av , -
.-If.-; WO.ABroadway sad Taylor. 4:80,
vesper servles.; .-
: - . ' ' Kiseenaaeeas '
; Advent Christian 1 2d at V near Bail st.V
Bev. J. S. Locaa. pastor.- 10:30. 7:30. - - y
AaaocUted Bible Students (L B. 8. . A.V
Cbrtateneeu a bau. lltb and Tambilt 8. pablle
lecture by A.- A. Tferes.' tThe Overthrow of
Ssias's Kingdom." - S, dlsatmrae, C' W. Field.
t Bahal aaaembly Friday, S p. St., la room Sid
ef the BRera baildlng. :-.-r v
' Peniel Mission 208 First StS'8. BeW W. . -Ooffee.
8., Miss Lauretts StodghllL -
i Ctjristiaa and Mtsslosery - AlUance sV- 9tk
mtJl r-1. m ., ttm f Su - ' -
Bible atady; Tueaday evening. 7;43. pre rer
Irish evag.auat,
: win speas auooay morciDg,
'4 -