r . ,. . 14 (THE , OREGON ' , DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14, , 1917 - d i t IliSTRlJCI NS-GMEN Of ADDRESSING HAIL TO AM ERICAN TROOPS Location, of Military Division Must Not Be Designated on .-Letter by -Sender UNIT SHOULP BE NOTED TtUpuu Will Be AfldniiH to , "Amsxforoe, , XVoadoa p ' Ouuoot M ,,'""rllud With CThrlstln yam. Colonel Young, district recruiting "chief for Oregon, has received instruct . tlons for Information and guidance ol personal eorreapondence between the United : States and American .military : forces la Europe. . "Under no circumstances will the ; location . or station of a military or ganization be Included In the address ' on a letter, telegram, postal card or -, any mall for a person or organisation In Europe," Colonel Toung said. , Mall addressed to members of the ex. pedltlonary force should bear the com , . plete designation of the division, regl ,' meat, company or other organisation to which the addressee belongs. ' subject to Someette Bates All-postal matter originating in the United States or any of its posses- , slons for transmission to the expedt- ' tionary forces is subject to tne united States domestic classifications and rate of postage. Money orders payable at the United ' States postal agency or its branches la Europe will' be sold to purchasers In the- United States or Its possessions, and money, orders payable in the United States or Its possession will be sold to , purchasers at the agency and its branches In Europe at domestic rates. 4 . . v; -, f- -, , Money and valuables will not be ac cepted' for transmission by registered mail, a Important papers which may be duplicated tf lost may be accepted for registration, ' but indemnity . wilt not be paid for lost registered mall. X'V'.I rros, Vost i .' There is no provision at present for parcel post service between forces m Europe and the United States or' its possessions. ' - . ' v;. Private ' telegrams to be cabled to members of the American expedition ary force in Europe will be addressed, "Amexforcc, London."- with " the ? ad dressee's name and the official desig nation of the unit to which he be longs appearing as the first words of the text. When so addressed they' will reach an official who knows the loca tion of the various - American units and who will forward the messages by mall to the proper destination. Every message must be signed. The surname . may be used alone, but such a signature as "John,'! -Mary, Mother,"" will not be passed. '. . Mail addressed to persons in fho United States or any of its possessions will be addressed in the usual way, but' nothing will be written in or upon the letter to' Indicate the place or sta tion' of the writer, or of any ' person or organisation, of our own force or of those of our allies. United States mall service estab lished in Europe is prepared to sell postage stamps, postcards, etc., to our military forces. .. In cases where the soldier may be unable, to purchase stamps to prepay postage, the letter may be indorsed by the proper officer and forwarded to its destination as provided by postal -laws and reguia tlons. Paraguay produces , about 70, per cent of the world's supply of petit grain, an essential oil extracted from the leaves of the sour orange. Tickets via California T Eastern Destinations are now on sale. One Way and Round Trip at Low Prices Plan Your Winter Trip Now To California "There's so much to see and enjoy. San Francisco that gay metropolis, Del Monte, Monterey, Paso Robles, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Riverside, Pasadena, San Diego and many others. ! ... . A Round Trip Ticket to Southern California, with stop over privileges, takes you to all these places. v OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, SEPT. 24-29 Low Round Trip Fares from All Points in Oregon - . , ...... All Trains Direct to Fair Crowds City Ticket Office, 131 Fourth Street Phones Main 8800 A 6704 ' John Mi Scott, General Passenger Agent V - V SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 'a.. sMaas' m eeZL . .. , V r"V V ' m. Ma t ff-UYt u mis course ot 90 kwxa ffetM te'tke a : select . tar eerrlee is the , Nsnoesl Army ss prseUeil feels to gettlsg started Ik Ik. Hrht wa.- It U InCnmal la tooe eBd does set attempt to give binding Totes asd dmctlons.. niM are eoataiaed is tbe Tarloea a-aneale and resulationa or tbe United State Arsur, to' which this coarse merely lntro- (Iesaed by tBe War Department ana su rights ta reprist reeereed.) ; ; Home-Reading Course For Citizen-Soldiers Alps, Rivers, Gladers, Totem Life; The Romance of Gold, Hustling Industry, under the magic of a Midnight Sun. Its wonders begin with the 1,000-mfle journey jr Northward along the sheltered "inside route" on the perfectly appointed . Canadian Pacific f PriiiceSs" Liners For full particulars. iU or write about Tour No. T-. XV, Hmr, Cfea. AeU rassV De. SJSTUreiSem rerUams. C&nadlan Pacific Railway 'A, , Lesson No. 28 Why We Fight . EVERT American knows the causes ot our war with the German gov -ernment.:. Yet this course would be Incomplete if .it did not. contain a brief review of the eTents that finally forced us Into war, when at last there remained, "no other means of defend? ing our rights. ' The soldier of ah autocratic kaiser may fight best when he understands. least of. the true meaning of the war. To tell him. the facts would be to chill his enthusiasm. But the citizen sol dler ' of ( a Memocracy, is entitled to know for what purposes he enters the struggle. He fights best when he sees most clearly why he fights. The resolution of congress declaring; state of war (April 6, 1917), ex presses the immediate cause In-these few words: , "The Imperial German government has committed repeated acts of war against the government and the peo ple of the United States of America." Chief among the acts of war were attacks by German submarines on American ships and on unarmed mer chant ships of other nations carrying American passengers. "Vessels of every kind,' . said the president in his address to congress on April 2, 1917, "whatever their flag, their character. their cargo, their destination, their er rand, have been ruthlessly sent to the" bottom without . warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neu trals along with, those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships, carry ing relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the prescribed areas by the German government itself and were distinguished by unmistakable .marks of identity, have been sunk with the eam reckless lack of compassion or of principle ... The present Ger man submarine warfare against com merce is a warfare against mankind." German Insults and Aggressions There were other acts of hostility iu addition, to the. submarine warfare. In his Flag day address delivered at Washington on July 14. 1917, the pres ident summed , up the events tnat brought on war as follows: It Is plain '.'enough how we were forced into the war. The extraordinary insults and aggressions of the Imper ial German government left us no self- respecting choice but to take up arms in defense of our rights as a free peo ple and of our honor as a sovereign government. The military masters of Germany denied us the right to be neutral. They filled our unsuspecting communities with vicious spies and conspirators and sought to corrupt the opinion of our people in their own be half. When they found that they could not do that, their agents diligently spread sedition amongst us and sought to draw our own citizens from their al legianceand some of those agents were men connected with the $t f iciai ' embassy of the German government it self here in our capital. They sought by violence to destroy our Industries and arrest our commerce. They tried to Incite Mexico to take up arms against us and to draw Japan into a hostile alliance with her and that, not by Indirection, but by suggestion from the foreign office in Berlin. They Im pudently denied us the use of the high seas and repeatedly executed the!" threat that they would send to theK death any of our people who ventured to approach the coasts of Europe. Ou liberty and Safety Involved Yet even this list of "extraordinary insults and aggressions" does not teU the whole story. Our motives for war go even deeper. - Not only our rights and self respect, but . our liberty and safety are Involved. Speaking on July 29, 1917, at the officers' training camp St Madison Barracks, N. Y the secre tary of state said: "The evil . character of the German government is laid bare before the world. We know now that, that gov ernment la Inspired with ambitions which menace human liberty, and that to g&ln its end it does not hesitate to break faith, to violate the most sacred rights,, or to perpetrate Intolerable acts of Inhumanity Let us un derstand once for all that this is no war to establish an abstract principle of right. It is a war in which the future of the United States is at stake." The record out of which grows our deep conviction that It is necessary at once to put a curb on so powerful and unscrupulous an enemy is set forth In an official publication "How the war Came to America. "Judging the German government now in the, light of our honest attempt to Keep tne peace, - we could see the great autocracy and read her record through the war. And we found that record damnable, .. , . With a fa natical faith in the destiny of German kultur as the system that must rule the . world, the Imperial government's actions have through years of boast ing, double dealing and deceit, tended toward aggression upon the rights ot uinera. Ana ix mere gtui be any doubt as to which nation began this war. mere can oe no uncurtainiT ta which one' was most nreoared. most exultant at the chance, and ready in stantly to march upon the- other na uons even those who had given no offense. The wholesale denredatlons and hideous atrocities in Belgium and in Serbia were doubtless part and par cel with the Imperial government's pur we o terrorize small nations Into ab ject submission for generations . to come. "But, in this autocracv has been blind. For Its record in those coun tries, and in Poland and in Northern France, has a-iven not only to the iiia but to liberal peoples throughout the world the conviction that this' menace to unman liberties must. be utterly worn or us power to narm. wt German Soheme Unsafe, "For "the evil It has effected has ranged .far out of Eurooe out unon the open seas, where its submarines in defiance of law and the concents - ot numanity nave blown' up neutral ves sels and covered the waves, with the dead -and tie dying, men and women land cnimren alike. , Its agents have conspired against tne peace of neutral nations' everywhere. - sowing the seeds of ' dissension, eeaslessly,: endeavoring uj iui muuo uiquiuus vs. aeceii, oi orio ery, false promises and Intimidation. to stir up brother nations one against the other, in order that the -liberal world : might 'not be ' able .to unite. In order that ine autocracy might emerge from the war. , : "All this t we know from our own experience with the imperial govern menu As they have dealt with Europe, so .have they dealt with us and with all mankind. And so out of these years the conviction has- grown that until the German nation Is divested of sucX democracy can not be safe." . -r- .Vot KostHe to German Yeople ' One thought which you should keen always in mind is the clear distinction between our attitude toward the im perial German government and our at titude toward the German people. The president said in his speech of 'June We are not the enemies of the Ger man' people and they are not our ene mies. They did not originate or de sire this hideous war or wish that we snould be drawn into it; and we are vaguely conscious tha we are fight ing their cause, as they will some day See it. as well as our own. Thv are themselves in the grip of the same min ister power tnat , has - now at last stretched Its ugly talons out and drawn blood from us." ; Every American soldier in, this war i ignis ror ; objects dearer to all of us tnan life itself for freedom and de mocracy, for the safety of our own hordes and families, for the honor of our country. You will think often of these. i objects during your period of training ana after you actually enter the trenches. The more you think about them tlje greater will be your vnue mai you are one or tnose - first chosen to defend them. "The world must be made safe for democracy." Tomorrow Warfarein Europe. Bobbers Blow Safe, Old SuitcaEse NEW I TODAY Making j a Changf?? FUXERAIT DIRECTORS - OoBtinned) help wanted ansa 40 2 Chambers-Kenworthy Co. Funeral, directors and ,mh,lm.,. . ? Piedmont- llil K-rh -t 1 rK ? r : Look over officesin Th.tdv ,.,istanfc wdfn.-aae,: it . . Tournal buildiner. No : bet- ter office structure in Port land. Apply 311 'Journat building. iFhones JU. 7173, A-6051. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on! improved ity and farm nroperty: wUl consider ; good build In a; loans. : The Lawrence Company Main 915. " 158 4th st A-28U. MEETING NOTICES 41 OKEGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. & A. M. Special communication tomorrow . (Saturday) evening, afc 8 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the W. M. - LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec MAUSOLEUMS 'TP'sse'jsW'aar'ejWa n n sj i Riverview Abbey HAWTHORNS AUTO SCUOOU T4I Hawthorne Ave. ' In thla school - vou - actuallr do the work, learn by KXPERIKNCB and ouat- e von leave tne scnoot. it is not theory, if is PRACTICE that makes you a valuable man. " Mausoleum P1ttfKc Work Phono Brolway 3H. MONUMENTS PREPARE yourself for an inside -po- ! sltion ror tbe winter, we win qual ify you for an automobile mechanic in I S wk. time. Dav and nie-ht school. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemp. mil- Trade wcnoois, uaw- thorne ave,. ------- - - PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. tC4-SC 4th St.. opp city hall. -Main 8S44. Philip Nen tk Sons for memorials. BLAESING GRANITF1 G U M7-? FP- ST. AT MQlSQfNj IKKfAKK yourself for an inside posi tion xor ine winter, we win quwu; you as an automobile mechanic in eight-weeks' time. Call or write for free catalogue. HemphiU's Trade Schools, 702-799 Hawthorne ave Port- tend.' Or. . . - . - - - LOST AND FOUND T21 NUMBER young women and men wanted to prepare for h telegraph service-to helD. fill vacancies caused THE following, articles were found on I by unusual draftingmen for war. po- cars of Portland Railway. LiKht & I sitions guaranteed, can or write, reie- Power Co. Sent. 11. 1817;. IS umbm. I gran Dept.. room 006 Panama tia EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Brow.. 131-3-Sth. ZJttel Statistic tBarrlagts.Blrtbs. Dealt. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lloyd Naaby, 20. 550 5th at., May O' Calla han.' 17. 186 Lincoln at. John Freialnger, 24, Lenta. Or., Mary Cles Unskt. 25, Lenta. Or. I - W. HI doo Park. 20, 714 Gttaan, Laura KanHy, 18, Berkley apt. Howard G. Bradbury, legal. Cbehalla, Wash.. Lucille M. Unmm. leeal. E. 2Ui at. L. D. Oraln, 25. FrlnevUle, Or., Zelma. Cox Bally, Zt, caifford hotel. ' las. 1 box. 1 hand washer. 1 oka-.. 1 1 UNCALi.bu lor tutor must uu It.iu camera. X lunch boxes, 1 glove, 1 apron, I up. Tsvlor the Tailor. :8H Rurnnlde 1 auto tire. 1 basket. 2 grips. 1 order 1 book, 1 pr. stockings. 1 handkerchief, HELP WANTED -FEMALE a 1 pr. gloves. 1 broocn. 1 book. 1 coat. I ' -JZZL Sept. 12. 1917: .2 valises, 3 grips. 2 WANTED Operators on coat, pants baskets. 2 pkgs., t umbrellas. 1 auto and shirts, to operate 2 needle ma tire. 2 purses, 1 brooch, 1 book. 1 pr. I chines. Bone Dry Man. Co., oor. 6th doois. t gas applications, l cniid s ruD- i and Everett. rbn.T lunSSuc'kVti. Tp'rr rubber WOMEN and irW. for factory wrj. ioi jeweiea bigma cm fraternity U,1K,Tn-wTn.nn haH imn. pin on Hawthorne car or in down town district; initials on back "L. A. sa. I." Chapter No. "BI"; valuable keep- 5: Mce; liberal reward. Notify Tabor 61D4. J W; Apply In person. zist ana Crystal Laundry sandy no. LOST Pair ANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. Portland Vancouver and watering trough, on Heights. Telephone Main 79Z8 Fourth Plain road. office. Vancouver. Wash.; reward. Leave at Journal GIRL for general housework, suburban home, Close in. 16161 243. Phone M. 4446. B LOST In downtown district, nurse's sliver wrist watch on black ribbon. I GIRL to care for child and do nouee- rinuer return to uooa Samaritan nos-1 work: to go nome nignts. a pi. n Pltal. . ... . Bene court. Brookston. Ind Sept. 14. L N. S.) Robbers entered the Farmers' Bank at Brookston today and blew open a safe .containing $2000.. The exact amount obtained by the thieves has not been learned. An, old suitcase, bearing; the name of George Patterson and believed to have been carried by the robbers, was found. John Brown Seeks Freedom in Ohio Mansfield, Ohio. Sept. 14.- (I. N. S.) John Brown, in the" county Jail in default of bond of $5000 to await the coming of the sheriff of Clarke coun ty. Wash., to take him back ' to an sw.eE f. chape made by his 15-year-old half-sister, has applied to the court for a writ of habeas corpus. Real Estate Transfers Stella J. Robinson to Gladya U. Ref ers, K. 84.70 ft. of I 8, and W. O . " ; McMahon's Add.. Arthur J. BalUrd and wf. to Frank W. Bryant et ai. U T. B. 7. Ci&mZk AOO. Edltti Of. Ballard and wf. to Frank W. Edltb Raberabeoi Lowe et a! to Eltea UE Ijberhain. U 10, B. 21 and L. 9, B. 24. Woodlawn. .......... . ... K-A. Habersham and wf. to Eliza Ana berehani. L. 10, B. 21, and I. . B. Si Woodlawn 7!. .77. Ldd Estate Co. to H. B.. Stralrbt et si, L 2, 3, B. 17. EBmorlanf ..... Lenu BapUat church to irma L Nel- 'a B. Peat and hni.' to" Lafayette' "k!"' - . A. Highland ffL to My A Finnegan,' U ," b! 1 llr ilXJUJf (VUU e . a . . Eoman Catholic archdeacon to Mary"!'." ' ,p . iuo c. "i," or "A." . Mt. CalTarr rnnittm . . Tboroas D. Winshin and wf. to (Mm K. Getty, moat of L. 10, and part U 0. B. HO. Limlhmt ' c- Harrta to Lixsie D. Harris, "LI Sheriff to L. Ciirtatenaen, U 4." B." LAtmlhnnt L. Cnrtia and wf. to R Oortlvini! 1 S.. H. 2 K. .7 . -Tl. . ". B. Curtis and wf . to J. I Cartls. 'nnd. 2 W. 2-3 of L 1. In Sec. 11, Herbert Groorock Sr.' and " wf .' "to Her7 13. 6S0 800 800 100 400 10 2418 82 1 3,532 10 10 10 800 847 WEiiiiG!INV,ThVd0fir um SMITH & CO. Morgan bldar. DRESS SUITS for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark sC BIRTHS CARL To Mr. and Mi. Fred Everett Carl. . zvi uroaoy arreet, September 4. a son. IjOXNES To Mr. and Mrs. Borden J. Loynes. Seoond and Jefferson, September 11. a dabehter. WHITS-To Mr. and -Mrs. W. L. White. 127 Oook arenue. SeDtember 10. a daoarhter. GILLES To Mr. and Mrs. George -C Gllles, 2018 Clarenden atreet, September , a daughter. m Elisor to Mr. and Mr, f. . Netaon, wi Kast Ham atreet. Beptemner 4. a daucnter. WHAKF1 ELI) To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wbar- field, 35 B. 78th at Sept. 10, a danghter. DANIELS To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danieta. 68 14. 74th at.. Sept. 10, a aoo. DO LAN To Mr. and Mra. Mike Dolan, 51 S. 84tb St., Sept. 8, a aon. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 GOTEXiU At the residence, 705 Tenino ave nue, feter J. UotellL ace 23 rears. oelOTed aoa of Mr., and Mra. John Gotelli, brothev ot Ktmna, wuiiam and inea uoteui and Mra. O. E. Watkinai. Benulna are at the parlora of Milter A Tracey. Wasblnxtoo at EJla atreet. Mesa will be offered at S a. ra., tomorrow (Saturday), September 15, at St. .Asatba's church. East FlfteeBtb and Miller streets. Friends are lnrlted. Interment at BXrerriew cemetery. - BIN GOLD At the residence. 061 Milwaukie enue. September 13, Francea Bimroia, ace 65 Teara. beloTed wife of John Biazold. mother of Leonard Blngold and Mrs. Mary Gardiner of Portland, slater of Mi. Anns Wae-er. . Be- mams will be at tbe parlors of Miller A Treeer. W shins-ton at Ella street, until 8 u. m today (Friday). September 14. Fnneral will lea re the famllr residence at 8:80 a. m. tomorrow (Saturday)!, - September IS. Msss will be offered at 9 o'clock at Sacred Heart church. But Elerenth and Center streets. In terment at Moant CaWary ciMnewry. RAMBO At Salem. Or.. Seotemoer 12. Steob. ea Hambo, age 82 years. He lea res to mourn nun besides bia wife, urs. Locena Krmbo of 22 Bast Sixtieth atreet. nine chil cr, moat ot- whom reside in and around Portland. Funeral serw.cea will be. held at H. Hamilton's new funeral chapel. Rt Serenty-nlntn and Ullsan streets, tomorrow, September 15, at 10 a. m. Interment at Mult nomah cemetery. ' ; . M'CLUKE September 12, Loren McOlure, are 3 Tears. beioTea orotner or Mrs. a. a. Henilee of this city, Mrs. Frank Knlg-ht vt San Dteco. and George McClure. Funeral ser- Tices will be held from A. R. Zeller company's tiarlora. Satnrdar. SeDtember IS. at 2:30 p. in. Frienda are inrited. Iatermcnt st Lone Hy cemetery. 1 LOST IjidVs ams.ll rolri nin with 'WANTED Neat Eirl for light house blue set. betw.een 6th and Madison I work in family of 8. Nice home for sts. aad the Auditorium. Keepsake, i a good girl. Phone Wdln. 8187. ttewarq. Main 1398. - I giri to assist with housework in LOST Airedale dog. Woodmere. Re- small family in Laurelhurst. Tabor ... .A eAO OA.W O 1. I M n . Tabor 6111. ; WANTED A younr ariri to help with LOST Blue silk umbrella in public I housework East 6033. Auditorium Tuesday eve. Reward. fexPERlENCEn operators - for power Call Main 9018. LOST Small black purse containing Small coin tickets and broken scarf pin.- -505, Journal. machines. United Mattress & Pad Co. GIRLS wanted. Steady vork. Crystal Laundry oo.. zist ana gsnqy nq. LO-SBlatk-Trid White English setter QnUffffiy h1P UDia dog. Please call Main 1722. Reward. HELP WANTED ruALE KINDERQARTNER wanted lmmedl ately; out of town. M-614. Journal, HOirSEKEHPINfJ ROOMS I TxnunMxxxi Ajrrj TjHrourusu ' r:- fOoBtlBedi iS: - - - - - j i. - THK JKFKRSON 1 unfuminho Ji'nii4ilnliir siritus also l single riom, batwindow -iew) ; o minutes warn rrotn ffottoiiice, sva Jefferson st. " i0 ': " THK DEL MOKTE. f V Attractive S nvim iiiIIh romRl,tl for housekeeping; also slnar: rooras, 187 Stout St.. near "Wash. Mar. 4305. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ! J ruMUHED axo TjwrTjmsnajrxii NICELY furnished rooms for house seeping, electric lisht. aras. bath and ; stationary tubs; fruit and roses, $J a k month per room. 1199 Hawthorne w, near 40th. H. K, ROOM for rent. 1410 E. 6 2d I and Hoyt. Tabor 4937. ; . FOR RENT HOUSES, r 13 usrrTamsHED TO LANDLORDS AND TENANT The "Old Reliable Service" com- . pany will be pleased to serve you with-i light and power. Phone us. Marshal -.' 5100. A-Slil. Portland Hallway, Light cfc Power Co. .. MODERN up-to-date 4 room bungalow With hardwoor ftonra hiiillln heda. r buffets bookcases, window imats aelfi - lighting gas ranges and water heaterai i ner St.. 8 blocks nortL of Alberta car, i Blanchard & Clemaon, 702-8 Selling bd 10 ROOMS completely furnished 8S, 8 rooms. Oriental rugs and rurni ture to correspond, $45. ' J. C. Corbln Co.. Lewis bldg. MODERN 6 room hour, fireplace, fur. nace, laundry trays, paved streets, block from car. 644 E. 86th at., neal Clinton. Rent 820. Call Main 8199. FOR RENT Almost new 8 room' Irvl ington house, $35 per month. Broad' way 1678. NEARLY new modern 5 room bungs' low. $11. 930 East 30th. Main 5233, EIGHT rooms, suitable for i families. 679 Union ave. East 2 195 ' FOR RENT Unfurnishod. ii ' i""KIr 76th. E. 6226. 7 ROOM house, 367 6th st. next door, forenoons. GOOD 5 room house. $s Apply 8S9, 8526. Woodiewo SCHOOL girl wanted to work for board and room, small tamHy. Taoor 44Z1. U1UL who can go home nights, near East Broadway and 9th. E-6131. WANTED Girls for factory work. Portland Paper PKg. to. taast 7o. FURNISHED HOUSES I 'f BU NOALOW in Mi 1 wau kfe." modernltr all respects, Including fireplaca hat ? water heating plant, hardwood floors. full cement basement and two full lots. Furnished or unfurnished tot -i particulars call 37 W. Milwaukie.. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT. Y. M. C. A. We can place young men with abil- lty. Constant calls coming for the man -wKn imn AM lha nvul a V f O. A. memDeraniD costing sa s-uaramees WAwitu ompeieoi. sriri w uu suuv- yoh will secure employment or refund I ping. 205 Columbia bidg. of fee. Also gives you 2 months' full I WAJJTEL Waitress. privileges, iu montns- social ana un 344 Morrison st. 01 111 is aepanmeni xor X year. see Secretary J. W. Palmer. 6 ROOM bungalow, modern, fireplace, , iuu basement, laundry trays and completely furnished; restricted dls . trict. B-Z547. Tabor 49Z0. ' . Royal Bakery, LADIES take work home spare time. 91 dosen. store ixxvi wasw st HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2 WANTED MILL and CAMP LABOR .... App1v 414 E Ask st! We want a number of experienced , to 'lclfe- Apply i fa. Asn sy Eagermen Trimmer men Lumber handlers Yard men Choker men Upright shingle sawyers Knot sawyer j Good pay and 'steady work. APPLY 509 OREGON BLDG. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg raphy, saiesmansnip, , n g 1 1 s n branches, at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 690 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. . COLLEGES. 187 4 th st... near Morrison. WANTED. BOYS. 18 YEARS OR OVER." WITH WHEELS. FOR NIGHT WORK. A. L WISTRANX. 263 OAK ST. mim wmwm en Est. 1898. 30 schools. Summer rates. Pay while learning. 884 Buraside st. S ALES MEN TO SELL THE FORD DIMMER . Ford lights -are classed as GLARING LIGHTS They are obliged to have a dimmer. .tiurry up. Tne ora owner for you. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. ' Buraside st. at Broadway. MflHLER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women the barber trade in 8 weeks, giving a diploma. scholarship, tools, .fays wmie learn ing. 234 Couch. ORGEON Barber College will teach van t ha barber trade in 8 weeks; tnoia free: cholarshiD diplomas given; - I paid while learning; positions guaran- is waiung I teed; tuition reduced. 238 Madison. SITUATIONS MALE bert A. Groocock Jr.. L. 18, B. Emma K. Frailer and hun! " to ' 1 nrai ' LI i Farkhurst Add. .. Sheriff to Julia, Ttrarm, S. L. L 4, Poland Oremation Aesn. to Miss A. uiik ikirKvr ana Mrs. a. Im Duras. Niche J2. tier 8, See. "B," Ly Obam ber in Columbarium Portland cremato- Sberlft to Sarah B.' Bennett," " 5 sicrea". KBiBuuii o- cj. corner or ri. at. M. of See Si. T. 1 t si B. D. Orierson and wf. to Kris' "j.'smltil L 6,0, B. 18, Highland Hlbernia Sainga Bank to Charles Brds- inrnoas, oeginnmg on K. line of street laid out on E. side of Kent 1649.8 ft. northerly from S. line Sec. 8, T. 1 8. R. 2 B., also beginning on B. line of Weet laid out out B. Side of Kent 17S2 ft northerly from 8. 11 De See. 8, T. 1 8.. B 2 BL Charles J. khnabel and wf. to Simon J. Hess, L. 7, B. 1. Meadow land Ad1. . L. M. Lee and wf . to G. JC. Grayson H v. o. IWI1C AUU Hoi comb Realty Co. to Fredericy Davies et al, L. IO. B. 37, Irrington Park. .. B-M. Lombard and wf. to C B Munco, L. S, 4. 5, B. 1. Manitou .......7777. Tbe TJmbdenetock A Larson BomebuiM- viw iut. .jk 10 ueorge K. Boebna et al. I. 1. .. ft. A n A lw-Tr Ladd Bstate Co. to Orrln Kellogg et a'C - J"" n. 12 re, u 11. B. 11. Ladd's Add.... Marion M, German and wf. to 'Adolob " '. -' . xo, x. , nrainara. . .. H. E. Noble and wf. to Claud Allen, L. 12. 13. B. 14. Woadlawn Clinton A. Ambrose and wf. to Perr . eiytn et al. 172 acres of D. L o. of WOliam Cornell and wf. in See. 80, T. 1 Nv K. 1 E.'. bpglnnlns at & B. corner f R. w 14 t u. Sn Iars M.MJammaas to' E. Ends. U j'g; Sberrlil W, Blasdel to Samuel D Pen John Irvlna-'a First A? Edith J. Smith to Title True Oo.. ,land beginning in B. line of B. S, Oar ter' Add., a Point 151 ft. nortberly from S. SL earner 1 A. Panl B. Palmer to Allen T. GrlbMel W .10 ft. L. 11. B. a tMnw., MyTCi.W51.1' MT Z-imwalt. U 19, ' Kdwin A. Taylor and wf. to Joim'lL "Iil wuitob, yuruun os Lu ia. Baveos- .v.-. io .a. ;;. . .SBBMSksasaMMBawisSSSeiswaBMsssHSsay v"'''" , , Bnlldiris; Permits " . 8cbool District No. 1. renalr 1 e. .Vwl D.. V..' ' - .JT.vrAr .Z " ana s. f tSrct tfme garage. 1134 Has- Bt ieer: .. 850 - - . - B-'i aUndtn. erect frame garage. 402S ra tut ana; muld- err same; S30. . ' .-.- T92 grand are. between Fremont and Baeeb: 702 Grand ars. between Fremont and Bcrh! 8. Golden. bnUderr 8275V r' tZZ JZ??".:? T and Dr. B. C. Oof fey. repair 2 'atoix framv 'bee piul. 611 Loreioy between ipth and aotk: i K. rtrna; bnllder: 81S5. . - . M United Carriage Co., repair S story brfck or dttary theatre and stores, 421-42T ' Morrison between 11th and 12th sts.; Portland Wire ft Iron Works, builders; 3250. TT ;. , Wllllass F. Dwyer; -repair 1 Storr frama rwtdence. I31S E. 14th H. between. Bolmaa i. rw.T. ' i vmr' w ueroon Bona, C K. Sevier, erect frame "garase. '22 E watts between Pattoa are.', and; af on tana: boilder. same: 100. . IT. nali ? JS'JCepa1 1 tory ' frame w,wv. - ousiw sts.; . DoiMer. saire; 1 73. . ' - M. A. Zeller. repair 2 story fram resldeece. Union tw. between B. Ankesv and Ev ouiwui; ouriuer, same; asv. v ; L. D. Watford, reoair 2 . atnrw frama rmmt. deuce, S81 Weldler between ISth -and 14th; l W. Banshman. butliVr; iliK . . BRAND In this city. September 13, at his late residence, 862 Thirteenth street, Henry Brand, aged 76 years. The remains are at the residence establishment ox J. jr. vmiey st bob. Montgomery at Flttn. HAMEiL At tbe family reaidenee. 287 Tilla nook street, September 13, Matilda B. Hsmel, age 60 years. He mains are at the new parlora of Breeae A Snook. Belmont at Thirty-fifth street. ' Notice of fnneral later. SAWMILL LABORERS WANTED. .Wages 85c to 70c per hour, steady work, swell boarding houses or jou rain IIva in th t t V W want n. rrnw for our planing mill also. Meet me at I Portland. room 610 Oregon bldg 5th and Oa sts. at once. painting Tinting 31 per room up, Paper hanging. (1.50 per room up. MamViall 6139. MARRIED man, experienced farmer. wants ranch Job. ISO Alnsworth ave., WANT steady work for lVfc ton auto truck. Phone TaDor too PACKER of houcehold goods for long distance snipping wan mui IF you have any short Jobs call Ta. bor 8064. 60c an hour or by Job. 8,428 10 10 10 640 10 1.875 2,083 10 10 2,750 10 10 100 STOKBY John Storey, St. Vincent's hospital, Sept. 11. 67 years; cancer. MAHONET Timothy alahoney, Etoannel bos- pltsl, Sept. 7, 60 years, cerebral heinorrhsge. OVDBTON S. M. Overton, Good Samaritan hospital, Sept. 12, ITS years, heart disease, LEITHHISER Bartholomew Letthelser, SCI Nicolat, Sept. Ill 61 years scuta cardiac dilltation. I UILI-isaae Hill. 400 B. 54th St., Sept. 12. go years, carcinoma. KESSEV Nellie Wlneferd Keasey, Clyde ho tel, Sept. 10, 23 years, taking Jysol (sul- cWsl). ' FBKRY Minnie May rerry, uooa eamantsn hospital, Sept. lt. 51 years, apoplexy. BARKER Mary Barker, Erosnnel hospital. Sept. 11, 9 fnontha, acute enteritis. HTJEBLB Barbara Hneble, St. Vincent's hos pital, Sept. 10. 84 years, fracture of femur. BB1S Emll Fredrick Beis. 28 B. 42d. Sept. 10, 33 years, eerebralr hemsrrbage. YOST Robert Yost. 2001 Dlriaion, Sept. 10, 8T years, cerebral hemorrhage. SHINGLE WEAVERS. My mill is going to start up Mon day and will pay 19o and 21c for up right sawyers and 12c for packers. Meet me todav at room filO Ores-on bidg.. 6th and Oak sts. Fare advanced. I LAIY, neat, quiet, wishes housework. Congenial iamiiy: uomw privileges, SITUATIONS XMALB MARRIED man. 25 to 40 years old. to no washing, (20, (25; references. Wdln. take charee of naving tea and coffee 1 1429. route; good salary and commission to TRAINED nurse with general office siuv. u " swvu. vau -vrvrienre desires do anion in oorsi reouired. addiv jewel xea t;o.. mc : ', . i .t.. i 81 Grand ave. ' A YOUNG laay wouta w OI naoy etna uu ww. Call East 5879 make (100 per month and better at the lcn or hospital office. Small sal start- Bond and the beat of references i1. .-flrenres. C-609. Journal. CLARK- BROsJ Florists.' 287M6rrl aon St.. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral .designs. No branch storeev MARTIN & FORBES CO., Florists. 854 Wash. Main 2(9. A-1269. Flower for all occasions artisticauy arrangeo. M AX M. SMI 1 -L florist, 141 th st7 FUKKILVL JJUiKCTOKS Seward Betaasaj-'."'" W. 1. Botassa - Pres. I jr 1 - Seev m 2. B. Werleln, tress. THE EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ' BSTABUSBKD 1S7Y - Tnird street cor.- Bslawa . A BfODKKN SPACIOUS FAMILV BOOM WITH PtiVATB BNTBAMCBi . 1 LADY ASSISTANT pnooM Mala SVI. . A-I8U , CANVASSERS A couple or live men to take out attractive selling plan, house to house, selling staple articles. Good proposition to rirrnt party, com mission to start. Salary and commis sion if can produce results. Apply at once. 21 Grand ave. SITUATION WANTED HALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife would like position on ranch: gooa nana wun norscs. r 501, Journal. NURSES 4Vil JANITORS wanted. Apply between and 11 a. m.. superintendent's office. basement balcony. Meier & Frank Co. I bast SIDE SANITARIUM Specialis ing la maternity - causes, w r .i.n.i with the latest aoMratus for castt giving nicrous-oxide gas in obstetrics. . . . - . i . n.i uru man iviiiui iisn. . . 1 a r.it.i rtv Nururv I fioecial rates. Information, call or " ct X" ' 1 nhons IL 6087. B-2882. 859 Ha MARKER and assorter. also waahman. fT- ' z,ln- ea bALESMEN WANTED Better casti I gi wthoroe ClnnA hours. Pleasant working con. ditions. Home Steam Laundry. Mc- "wanS after scnooL boys with Fo.TllsE IlSTOLt wheels each day & Co., 89 Park at to run errands for two hours Strictly modera. Uner new msMsTnt and on Saturdays. Bushons 12th and btark sts. Broadwsy 8822 WANTED A messenger boy 18 to 18 yars. at weather bureau In custom house. Educational advantage. WANTED A driver who knows how to drive Ford machine. Auto Trans- fer Co., 231 6th at. MEN, boys for factory work. Apply in person to general timekeeper, Amer ican Can Co., 14th and Thurman. JOTfcL, ucXLhiY. Morrison at Awta, RATES 50o day up, weesuy z u Running water. Free phones and bat : HOTEL, FRANCES " Nice steam heated rooms. I J. 58 week and UP. 16Z w . rsrn tana awnwn) KoOMd and apartments in tuvosra hotel. 81.78 week end up. 4 Alder MODERN 7 room furnished bouse. Rose Cltv Park. 825 month. Tel.. Mats 8427. Tabor 1706. (27.50 CLEAN completely furnished v 7 room house. 8 bedrooms: wood In basement. Tabor 4679. THKKK. 4, 4 room nouses. waiKtad distance, inquire S4 TlHsmook. ---. Ai-AHTilENTS 4J FTJRNlSHKi ANU U.NKCHMSIHK'J JAEGER APARTMENTS ; '( ' Washington and King Sts. . A few Z and 4 room apts, left. . Every modern convenience.. White maple floors, electric range w nita enaraeieu apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA , 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance; references. - PENROSE APARTMENTS Grand ave. bet. Morrison and Bel mont: new 2 and ( rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bidg.; white enamel and mahogany finish; wslking dist'ee. PTUL' T nvnO 14K tnA fmv Rtm t . . m mwlarn ants St .a M host, private baths, closets, phones. le sirable locstion. Iteaaonsble. Main 8f05, ROSE FRIEND APTS., cor. B'wav and service. 'Walking dla. Marshall 1418. , NOKOMIS, 565 Marshall, Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress-' Ing room and phone. (16 to (22.(0. v; Mn'In'SiJla APTS. U-1170. Cosereli' bidg., 2 and 8 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, st'm heat, lit up. ; J LILIAN A APTS., 45 Trinity place, i rm. fur., front, beautiful view: also 2 and 4 rms.. reasonable. Mar. 9(8. THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union ave, - Nicely furnlahed 2 room apts., strict-; 1v modern, ressonable. East 2498. . BENSON APTS.. 205 N. 20th st. Nw, ly furnished 8 room apts walking distance; references. Marshall 444. - g 5 ROOMS, rent (16. Lots of view, down to (7 for taking care of school boy,;. East 6240. ' . . "8-4-5 R66.Vi FURNISHED APT 6. ' THE DEZENDORF , - v 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marsh. 128, NEWLY furnished 4 rooms; sleeping v porch; also 2 rooms. . Portnomaa V Apts., 200 E. 18th st. ' . : MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 8d and Belmont, ? Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. (1.50 per , week up: sleeping rooms. East 812. . HISLOP HALL, E. 8th and Hawthorn. 't. Modern 1, 2 and 8 room apts., (.2.(0 , up. Walking distance. East 8(2. . I AMERICAN and Marloroush, mod.-4, ;, 5. 6 r. apts. Mar. 8360. M. 7518. A-2878 BANNER APTS., 489 Clay, modern J room fornisneo. Hi up. Mar, zvit. FOR RENT FIATS 13 LOWER 5 rooms and screened sleep ing porcn, modern ana ciean. . E. 42d St., Hawthorne car; good Jo-. cality; furnace. Key neat door. Main, 8935. ' FURNISHED FLATS 50 THREE furnished rooms for rent, 294 Eugene st. ' UOTL19 Hotel Australia Two and t room housekeeping apart -merits. Single rooms. (1.75 per wees and up. Transients 50e and up. S teens heated, hot and cold water in ever ; room, Only white help employed, tutu. 1st, rnr Tsvlor Main 4203. 816o w tiba up. clean, warm, modern fur rms.. centrsl. The King. 309 Jef J, P, Finley & Son ' ProsressrTet Funeral Director. Private DriveWomen Attendants, - - Montgomery mf Fifth. VTaln S - A-1SSS. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 6802 82d sU Lents. Tabor 6898. estn SV ana remtr K o a k r. Unaeriaaers. UUnning Gi lYlUCTIieCModern in every -detail. Broadway, and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-4lt8. Lady assistant F. S. Dunning. Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers 414 & Alder st. Phone East 63. B-5Si5. L4y Assistant fiast 54. Wilson & Ross 1 Multnomah at Seventh st c-sie. East J81 B-188S Undertaker. 1 rDfU- Mrs. Lerch. L.L.I1UI1 . Assistant, g. nth and Hawthorro. PIEDMONT - Undertakings ;. GroskopL funeral director. dln, a9to7c-1187 Kunngsworth sr.d Kerev nt r u- M1LLER & TRACE lndepeuaen t Fu al,'. Vflv.-r Prices loe As (28. inTo. Waah. St Ella. M. 91. A-7m5. "a Pei wiiiiauns ave. A. Ht Zellaf bo.East ie oua ot C m u LUBOensKiiii ui. aisia'iiu. orC Ml L.JA-rgzi- t:or- a ena v;iay Breeze & Srlook UAMII'-THM ms.Kv Glisan at I iniviiLj vsi Belmont at' Si th. Tabor 1258. F I weraj serv. Tabor 4814 R, T. Byrnes, new residence estabit. - 801 Winiama are. Wdln. 220, C-184J. I'ICK and shovel laborers wanted; r work inside city, 32.76. 8 hrs. Apply N. K. corner Zd and inanoera. THE fctAAELr 'urnisned rooms, sieaui heat runnmc water w mi. FURNISHED ROOMS rJUVATB TAMXXtX vj x KTK.n First clasa barber. 820 per week. Wire or write Wra. Pick, Stanfleld. Or. 1 I wnvrH aiu Colles-a. cor. W. Park. ONE or 3 men with or without teams j desirable large room. (10; fine larg to take contract, locuzuig turuwwu i room witn Sleeping porcn, osm, oew on cars. Taoor bizs. I i.hnni and lignt. -ii mprniags ana A MAN. for cleaning rugs and wash- I evenings. lnar windows ana oiner jnsuae wora. nicely furnisned room witn nre- 800 Taylor st. Main 8046.- I r,lnr in modern orivate home. Rca. WANTED An auto truck driver. Give I sonable rVent. . References exchanged. phne ana p. u. aaaress. journal. F-50?, j phone East 4287. DRIVER for dairy wagon, also milker. Phone worn. , a. m. ; - " FURNISHED rooms, heat, bath, rea sonable. z rargo st. , WANTED Boy to learn Jewelry man-1 ufacturing Business. v-im, journal. ROOMS AND BOARD 1.1 WANTED Experienced newspaper so licitors. B-8Q1. Journal. The Martha Washington. 880 10th for .-- business rtrlit and students. Mar 1251 SMALL boy for delivery. 231 Stark. The Whitehall,. Z68 6th st, room and DOara: ress. rates. - asr. s-nee. iii. THE MANITOU, 261 13th.. Homelike, S teem neat , sooa ooarq. ress. wi. n 72 ' HELP WANTED- MISC. 40 . LEARN EXPERT ACCOUN TING. LOW COST AND EAST TERMS. t.A SALLnt EXTENSION UNIVER- , , SITT. . r.f 1 0NE . or two children to board and p. n; OX Tll, PfHTTAKr. mt. room: best of refertnceaV Call 892 LEARN to be an optometrist and op- i th St.. Mrs. At. rratt. I10031S AND ' BOARD rxrVATT rAMTXT tictan. The De KeVser Instituts of I Nice front - room .and board. (8. Ontometrv. Columbia' bids. Also eve-1 rut 12th LN. nine cis 71 tvTl.T. take dental college students to . - . . . . . ... . r . j j 1 . m v j-- . T. . . , . . . . Mv coarse-allows you to uecome-et-i flcient within ii to 60 davs. Positions secure. Mr. sneriorar. woriier 7 llOL'SEKEKI'IKO JTMMJMS wtkitXSHBD AJTP TJaTTPBtsTIgMBP Rr-dwavTY.rnhTii hiAV Redu3 175 12TH Single rooms, complete for &&X&?2A?$?VZ housekeeping. eonvenlenceUM cured.-.-- -- -- of piano. M1S3 DECKER'S PK1VAXE BUS1- Qom AtjtS fl weekiB0' Aai" EtL. NESS CO T LEO FT. ALISICT teUiG. IVIOlll riVW II WM8 Up. 6i ISt St. STORES AND OFFICES '11. OFFICE space for rent ta Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service In city. Apply 811 Journal bidg. - WANTED- TO RENT LARGE dairy farm within 40 miles of roruand. uooa transportation za- cllities. Phone Wdln, 4888. a. m. - WANTED To 'rent concrete Call B-2070. mixer. FOR SALE BUSINESS , PROPERTY tVt BUSINESS and income properties; cos I (40,000; monthly income (240; must sell; price (31.600. Phone Sellwpcd 140.- Terms. Owner. . FOR SALE HOUSES 8 ROOM and bath,, 2 sleeping porches, 8 large closets. Built for home by ; owner. Trees, shrubbery, rood out- look. On E. 7Zd near Base Line road, . . 8qoo; terms, owner, pnone- iJ-1861, SIX room home, good plumbing, on carline and hard surface street. Price (1100. Terms. Phone evenings, Main 3451.- " FOR SALE, modern 11 room house, v small cash payment, balance month ly payments. Close in, near school, car. A-80J. Journal. -- COTTAGE - 543 Greenwood ave., pave ment lot 76x180; bargain at (1500; fhe win nanoie. none ast us. SEVEN room house, 4 lots near Co lumbla Park. - Part cash, feaL terrnav Phone 'Main 6622. -j-ff - T00- equity modern i rented flats, til E. 43d, 1160. Mtge. (3600. . 205 Lil-Mer Hotel, -.Ay . FOR SALE 7 room modern house, good location, phone Wdln. toil.