The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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muUr'vork that is likely to stand
I (rKeme in its particular men tgr.
tom time to coma. . v-. . . .
UCS Interest evidenced in
ths dance to be given Tburs
day evening aboard the Swan
by the auxiliary of the Held
hospital and the Ad elub. ; Miss Pearl
I altos la chairman et the committee
ta chars and , the patron and pa
t ronaaes are: Mr. and Mrs. , Walter
1 L laas, Ur. and Mrs. Vred Bpoeri.
Mr. and Mrs. 8am Bratton, Mr. end
Mrs. A. 8. Rosenthal, Judge and Mrs.
r.. C . Bronaagb, Dr. and Mrs., J. H.
rHetew. ' The regular business ses
rlon of the auxiliary will be held this
evening at o'clock at Central library,
when plans for the excursion will be
completed, , . ', . ' ' .
Te Qive Was BesjeflWEntcrlng
upon Its twenty-seventh year of musi
cal activity, the Ladies' Musical elub
of Seattle will open the season cf
1117-11 Monday afternoon, September
2tt with a complimentary concert at
the first Baptist church. The entire
net receipts of artiste recitals for the
season will go for war relief purposes.
Bed Cross Membership. Increasing
at the rate of from 21,900 to 100.0AO
a -. day, - membership of the American
Bed Cross Just paeeed the 1,100,000
mark. , This Is double the number of
members on July 1, whan the totr
was MM(t At the beginning ft
the year the total was 171,000. The
present membership of l.MS.SI is
scattered among the 2400 chapters ot
the American Red Cross which now
are organised In all the principal cities
"and towns of the country, Zn addi
tion there are chapters In Alaska.
Porto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, Hawaii.
Canal Zone, Guam, Persia, Syria and
Turkey. . Illinois leads all states In
the number of Red Cross member,
having 114.101 members the first of
Beptember, New Tork comes second
with 441,217 members and Pennsyl
ranla third, with Ut.iii members.
The membership is divided among
these . several classes as follows: Pa
trons, 1017; life members, 11.114; sus
taining members, 11,144; contributing
members. 14.127; subscribing mem
ber. 271,241; annual members, 1,181.
1H - The memberahln bv atntaa the
first ' of the month was as follows
Alabama, 1070; Arlsona, 7S17; Arkan
as, IMS; California, 141,111; Colo
rado, 14,751; Connecticut, 81.741; Del
aware, 2510; District ot Columbia. 13.
,117; Florida, 15.170; Georgia, 20.617;
laano, 17,7; Illinois, 614, ioi; indi
ana, 05,111; Iowa, 116,(11; Kansas, 11,
4 IT; Kentucky, S5.S94; Louisiana, 19.
215; Maine. 10,764; Maryland, 7634;
Massachusetts, 112.011; Michigan, 124,
040; Minnesota, 62,611; Mississippi.
1802: Missouri. 17.621: Montana 7ile:
Nebraska, 20,612; Nevada, 1685; New
Hampshire. 14,001; New Jersey, 113,
161; New Mexico, 8706; New Tork.
461.117; North Carolina, 16.117; North
uakota, 11,111 ; Ohio. 164.045: Okla
horns, 15.461; Oregon, 24,761; Pennsyl
vania, i40.too; Rhode Island. 72.092:
.Bouth Carolina, 10,241; South Dakota.
ii.isi; Tennessee, it.sjo; Texas, 14.
0111 VUta. 11.511; Vermont, 22,163;
Virginia, 41,242; Washington. 41,604;
west Virginia, I9,iiv; Wisconsin, 44,
227; Wyoming, 2547.
' ' -r ' ' x I
,, ?s' ' it's ' " ''?A - fl
By Veil Wiaaer
Strang Often Rare BUI ; - -"
With the-4aet fresh 1 their minds
that the secret service . of the united
States has scored two of the biggest
NM f the year recently, the photo
play, fans at ths. opening of the now f
bill at the Strand theatre yesterday
watched with redoubled Interest the 1 '
unfolding of the powerfulphotodrama. THE SMALL PERSON
TTho Mysterious Mr. Tiller." With s, - . , - Is eo
clot that works around tremendous surer indication' of the realisation of
ir.t i-nia v f ornu tmrooaes. the drama one'a own lack of Importance than a
feature two clever vl&rers, Rupert constant Insistence .upon homags from
Jnllan and'Ruth Clifford, j Tha'Irnd 'Others. The man, or woman who Is
Trio, "suorema lnaere' aa ; they , are afraid to unbend fr fear of losing
called, have a delightful , repertory of : to some degree the prestige thus pains
judiciously selected songs. Swinging takingly acquired thus acknowledges
and alack wire artists , sro ; tn i his or her own littleness. '
Pttrti. Rmthen and thev nave some I jl sarallel can be found In the nemo
tits to offer in their act that are quite and circumstance attending many of
novel, besides belner srenulns "Dreatn the rulers - of amaller orinclnallties
catchers" when It comes to thriller J when compared to the aimpleoeas and
stunts The Conway Sisters appear In j lack of ceremony of the great tnonarchs
a revue of dances, full of color and of the world. Although Klnr Oeorge
grace. It la a very charmlnr act. f of Elngland, Alfonso of Spain. Victor
Dick Lonsdale Is I eatureaain a mono- - Emmanuel of Italy are hedged in by
logue a rather ; unusual - monologue, I traditional ' cuatoma. they in reality
because It hasn't a dull moment or a I jove nothing so much as to forget their
doll line -in It. He offers a Swedish stations In life and mingle with -their
Impersonation that proves to ue one i people, unattended and unrecognised.
et: tne most compiew: "wwim I had occasion once to see a really
sff . i - 7 , : i
Miss Pearl Dal ton, chairman of the committee) In- chargo -of the)
moonlight excursion to be siven , Thursday ( evening aboard th
Bwan by the Field Hospital auxiliary and ttfe Ad club. '
Houston Conditions
Blamed for Mutiny
Ilouston, Texas, Sept. 12. (I. N. B.l
Immoral conditions and lack of dis
cipline . In the camp .of the Twenty
fourth Infantry was one of the main
contributing causes of the mutiny
on August 22, It was declared lrf thi
report of ths civilian board of in
quiry, made, public lata Tuesday. It
was declared that Chief of Police C.
U Brock is unfitted to hold his po
sition. - Illinois troops were highly
praised. , .
Increase for Care
Of Insane Approved
' Washington. Sept 11. (WASHING
On aeeount of ths high cost of living,
ths Interior department will recom
mend aa appropriation of 121,000 ad
ditional, this year for the care of
Alaska Insane at the Mornlngslde
sanatorium In Portland. Dr. Coe came
to the capital recently to urge the
Increase, which Is on a bails of 126
monthly per patient. Instead of $27.50
as at present.
Jaavwdes? Club Xraaoh XX. Branch
II of the Lavender club met Tuesday
at Central library. The feature of the
afternoon was the presentation to each
member having a birthday during the
past three months, of a pretty water
color, the work of Mrs. R. B. Knight,
a popular member-of the club. Mrs.
Knfght also invited the club to her
home for next Monday, the honor
guests to be those who celebrated
their birthdays In July, August and
September. The club discussed plans
for doing Red Cross work during the
winter. The president. Mra Ida Nets
wanger, will leave soon for Walla
Walla to spend the winter and her
place will be taken by Mrs. Amelia
ainglebach, the vice president, until
November when the election will be
held. ' .
Alrosd mayors' ClubThe opening
meeting for this season ot the Alvord
Players' club was held Monday at 11
a. m. at 608 EUlers building. Robert
D. Searcy was reappointed business
manager and Eileen Brong play reader.
The proceeds of the ' entertainments
put on by the club this year, as. last,
will go to home charities. Russian
drama will be "studied for the first
half of the year. Adeline M. Alord
read a short story by "Schedraln,"
translated by Thomas Seltzer. Mrs.
Herbert-Oar Reed read analitically "The
Rib of the Man" by Charles Rann Ken
nedy. The club will give its first en
tertainment early in October, and its
first play In November.
KoatavHla Electa 2resideat-Mrs.
K. H. Palmer was elected president of
the Montavlila Parent-Teacher asso
ciation at the meeting held Tuesday
afternoon, the office having been mad
vacant by the resignation of Mrs. IT.
V. Reed. Mrs. De Witt Lyman was
elected vice president to fill the va
caticy made by Mrs. Palmer's election
to the presidency. Reports of the
laugh-creators that Strand fans-have
had the pleasure of greeting this sea
son. ;
Bound to Be" Success
If Dre-enthuslasm means anything i
the Baby Home benefit at the Hippo
drome theatre Saturday morning is go-
Ins- to be a huge success. Unusual
preparation is under way for a splendid
entertainment.. Films ot saoy -Marie
Osburn, the Buster-Brownish young
person who takes liberties with dis
agreeable gentlemen's silk hats ana
plays pranks on the kind-faced old
butler, have been arranged-for, and
there will also be moving pictures of
educational value. The musical pro
gram under the direction of KatBerine
Crysler Street and Mrs. M. June
Blusher of Denver will be especially
fine. The crowds will be handled by
Rhoda Rumelln and - a dosen pretty
girl assistants. A unique feature Id
the admission fee. A nickel, a potato.
an onion, a glass of jelly, an orange.
just anything at all. will be accept
able to tne aoor-man. ana win, in
cidentally, nelp mightily to brighten
the lives of those 70 little babies at
ths Waverly home. y
Big Feature ' at Sunset
Belonging to the top rank of melo-
dramatics of the cinema is "Heuvuor-
can's Girl," the photoplay showing at
the Sunset theatre today with Dorothy
Phillips. Miss Philippe splendid char
acterisation of the tough but likeable
daughter ot the San Francisco dive
keeper is one of the principal reasons
for the remarkable suooess of the pic
ture. Deallne as it does with the Bar-
socuu service work or tne association bary gpast when that notorious slum
uuriu un uioistr were, siven. i area was in its most oaroarous eie-
Hgtuuiyslde W. C. T. TT-Sunnyside fS Ey-fU5fff-m
marmalade. They are a. cheap breaa
substitute and much more neaiuii m
than white muffins on account of the
roughage n i granamrnour. :.iww
suear is 7 cheaner than hlU sugar
and cooking; oil cheaper -than butter.
This will serve four people tnrea mux
fins. oach. ... ; - ' , -. r :;;;-v:i
irawi i; twavsarts muscatel ' raisins.
aiiva oil to mix and mold." Put pea
nuts and . raisins through finest food
chopper, add good pinch salt, then aoa
enoush olive oll-to ? mix. -well. Will
keep- in bowls covered with wax paper
any length of time. The rive oil in
this mixture Is not nouceaoie u eaten
between bread.
lotion. ' The refrigerator, even though i !
cold, may Quickly be 'contaminated by .... v.;
a few drao of milld Batik - h smalt 4 I
person whose Investments will not In
clude furs. Bnivers ana cnuisi
More news: the flare has flared out.
Fuooeta, for the coming season wlU tmrtie r rM k.m.u)I...iu.
h-. aa atrairht uo and down aa . the rUc1 -?? mattsr how clean
moral law. They will fit loosely, with tne rerngerator. milk should never be j
no sign of a alp at the hip . line, but kept in aa open vessel. As milk ab- .
a M m. 4. a ' 1L. will " W - - I .
seal having , a band from ths knees f - - '
down ot chinchilla or mole, or moiei - , wrong - ' i
being handed With fox Of sumpin else. e fallaey aaa alee wraag, s . saVterfete i -For
the lady of economical ambition sever 4t se- akrawaiy est tkat tae AUeaiai 1
this wilt mean that she can use up ths Qe will aiseever i paairt tt. ajvareU A
pelts she has in a great variety of
ways. In the sartorial studio the fur-!
rierv Is taking' a jromtnent plaoe. If
he lsnt up to snuff ha might as wall
quit. , Making clothes for. ladles la
some skillful job -these days and ordi
nary talent Is looked upon ; with sor
row and contempt.
from the source of all fashion currents
is that the suit and coat of autumn will
have the high-fitted collar aad a la
has to th wide-spreading shawl thing.
This will be a sad blow to the lady-
The refrigerator vhere milk is stored
should be cleaned regularly, especial
care . being given to keeping the drip
pipe free and clean. The ice raOc
should be cleaned and any place where
food is kept or milk stored should be
scalded occasionally' with sal-soda to-
"great editor," a-man whose .tremen
dous driving force has built up a mag'
azine. with a world wide reputation. I
had expected him to be flanked by
numerous office boys, stenographers
and private secretaries. Imagine my
surprise then, to find a single office
boy and after sending In my .name to
he admitted at once. This procedure
' so unlike previous experiences
that I could not help contrasting this
man with the many figureheads, who.
by surrounding themselves with serv
ile employes and keeping visitors wait
ing any length of time before admit
ting them, strove to impress others
with their importance. ".:.!
It is usually the latter type who
speaks of "my house, my. children. '
etc, in utter exclusion of bis wile, wno
has had no inconsiderable part in the
acquisition ot these possessions. But,
la the end, you win rind tnese people
are correctly gauged.'
One and one half cups graham flour,
cup white flour. S teaspoons basing
powder, K cup brown sugar.: 3 table
sooons oookiner olL 14 cup sweet milk.
rour milk may be used instead of
sweet tnllk by substituting H level
teaspoon soda and using only 1 tea
spoons ot baking powder. Mix dry in
gredients together; add shortening and
lastly, the milk. The mixture should
be stiff so as not to spread in baking.
Drop by spoonfuls on greased baking
sheet a short distance apart and bake
15 minutes. They should be rough on
top. If made very small they are
dainty to serve with afternoon tea.
Split open and serve with jeuy or
J T !
Beauty's Demand
Met With In CARMEN
wAmn nt refinement and discrimination recocnize the
superiority' of CARMEN Ckraplaxion Powder. They axe first to
see and make use of its Beauty Giving and lasting qualities.
That is why CARMAN Is ths) most popular powder among
beautiful women everywhere. r
Get a Box Today
Send or can for a box of CARMEN
today. See for yourself what com
plexion Desuty u wui nring yoa. to
the orsags bos with red trimming.
WkiU, Ptnk, Crnm
MOi SLms Bom. Oo
St. Louis, Mo.
Ease Itching Skins
with Cuticura
It's wonderful how quickly a hot bath
with Cuticura Soap followed bv a gen
tle anointing- with Cuticura Ointment)
relieves itching:, burning- edemas,
rashes, pimples, irritations, etc The?
mission of Cuticura is not only to soothe -"
and heal but to prevent skin troubles;
b keeping the pores free from impuri-f ;
ties and irritations. For sample of j w
each free by return mail, address post- J -card,
"Cuticura, Dept. IS G, Boston."
Sold everywhere. Soap 25c Oint-i
ment 25 and 50c 1
W. C. T. U. will hold an all dav meet
ing with the president at 1110 Bast
Salmon street. Thursday. The mem
bers are expected to meet at 11 o'clock
and enjoy a potluck luncheon. Yearly
leports, election, of officers and ap
pointing; of delegates to both conven
tions will occupy the time.
Social Service Club to Meet. The
Oak Orove-Milwaukio social service
lack of action or emotional fireworks.
Roger CurwelL disowned by his
wealthy father, drifts from the paths
of right to the drunkard's orbit, and
then to the lowest depts of the cost.
Here Hell Morgan's girl takes aa in-
tar est in him. All manner of stirring
complications ensue, but with the first
rumblings of the San Francisco earth
quake, the threads begin to untangle.
and the girl and the man tlnd bap pi -
club will .held a business meeting I aess together.
inursoay arternoon at the home or
r,?- tYrt- tS!ou-. ! Famous Girl, to Ride
which it was planned to hold has been .R" Hnder8on nd ""Jf
postponed. Douglas, two famous cowgirl bucking
I horse riders will make-their debut at
Chapter to Meet Chapter V of I the Pendleton Round-Up next - week.
the P. E. O. Sisterhood wil hold its in-1 Prairie Rose is coming- with the Ifc-
ltlal meeting for the season Thursday I Carty outfit from Cheyenne. Wyoming, j
at the home of Mrs. Joseph Oopeland, I and is reputed to be one of the niftiest i
. Our Assembly
li of the New
Fall Suits and Gowns
Is Most Complete
240 East Fifty-seventh street, the af
fair being a luncheon at 11:20, with tne
president of the chapter. Miss Marga
ret Copeland, as hostess.
VQrs. Works eetgns. At ths first
meeting of the Vernon Parent-Teacher
little riders the west has ever seen.
Mildred Douglas is also a top-notcher.
and both are expected to maker Bertha
Blancett, Mabel De Long, Ruth Parton
and Katie Wilkes look to their laurels.
In addition to the. regular entries, this
makes at least four girls wita national
r " r - i in tne cowgirl oucxing contests.
accepted. A special called meet
ing of the association will be held
Tuesday at 2:30 at the Vernon school
house tor the election of a president
Oekley Oresa to Uset The Ockley
Oreen Parent-Teacher association will
hold Its first meeting at the school
assembly room at 2:80 Thursday, Sep
tember is. All parents are especially
Psychology; Club to Sffeet-The Port
land Psychology club will meet Thurs
day at 2:20 in Central' library. A full
Diva Sucks Poison
From Arm of Child
Phoenix. Axis., Sept. 12.- (L N. 8.)
Ccurtlnr death. Madame - Schumann-
Heink herself sucked poison of a rat
tlesnake from the arm ot little Cairo
Ounsales at Wenden last night. The
bov was brought to Phoenix for med-
aitenaance is especially aesirea by tne I icsl attention tooay. xne aiva came to
president. Mrs. Eaaon J. steels. i Wenden to bid her ron. Fred Bchu-
AXbArta. Tntinmnnt m-n TVi a 1. 1 mann. goodbye as he left for war, and
sang ai m nnt w uvuuiw iwunrt
Sunday night.
berta Woman's Improvement club will
hold a business meeting Thursday at
2:20 at the home of Mrs. Margaret
Smith, il5 East Twenty-fourth
Cathedral todies' Aid. The Ladies'
Aid society of the Cathedra parish will
meet Friday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock
at the Cathedral hall. Seventeenth and
Lttucn streets.
During convalescence
and when appetite lags
brings to the hot. dry
mouth a freshness
and a -soothing1 bairn
that coaxes ' back the
enthusiasm of health.
COLOMBIA 81xtb between Wartinston and HOW She Wll CuTeri. Had
Meadacnes, Uizzy Dpeus,
aien." 11 . ro. to 11 p. m.
U B EBTT Broadway at Stark! Photoplay.
"The Whip." 1 11 a. ra. to 11 p. m. .
MAJK8T10 Wiahlngtoa at Park. ' Photoplay.
"The Beoor .System." 11 a. m. to 11 n. m.
PEOPLES WMt Park Jt Alder. Photoplay.
Mary Plckford la "Rebecca of Soaaybiook
rarm." 11 i. m. to 11 p. m.
STAB WasklsgtoB at Park. Photoplay. "The
Argonanta ol the West." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
SUNSET Broadway and Wasbtorton. Pbeto-
Dorotar PhmiDa. la "Hdl Umu'i
irL" 11 a. is. to 11 n. m. .
PANTAQE8 Broadway at Aider. Headllner,
Jwra Meuiveoey. la "'OUTer Twtot." . Six
HIPPODBOMB Broadway at Yamhill. Vaado-
vuie. -y Tne Venetian roar, musical act;
Margaret Ryan, singer. 1:30 p. m. to 11
! STRAND WuhiBtrton between Park-and West
Awful Pains, Could
Not Work.
raetoplay, Ropert Jolian and Rath CUfford
is .rse Mystenons Mr. tuuk,
UR Nesr Fall Sult2 for street and general wear reflect
the newest idets from the Eastern fashion centers
stmpk models as well as a varied showing of the
more dressy styles are here In abundance. .
- Frocks, Evening Gown and After- ,
osi Drees arc ewQectssl with re.
'. gard " for ssiladrs tastss
Yott are cordially Invited to attend any afternoon and view
the new garments before the formal opening hter.
! ,. - , ., . '
- Mail Orders Filled Your
' Charge Account. Welcome
8 (Si
Omway Staters, , dancers
iv aa v, in. --.t-.'.
COUNCIL CKESTBnd PorUasd Heishts ear
line. Untdoor antaaementSk Uaacipc, 10 s. j
m. to 11 9. m. ,- -
ART MUSEUM Firtli and Taylav. Boors S te
B wvekdaya; z to o Bnndays. Free -after
noons of Taaeday., Tkoradajr, Friday, Batar-
LI KJO "wrta and Stark; Kaatral comedy.
rrolics of the Day." with Al rraaks aad
Bea DUiea. .
Pittsburgh, Pa. I am an orphan
girt and when only seventeen years
old Md to sup
port "myself, but I
would have such
aick spells every
month that 1 would
have to stay at
home from work.
and 1 could not
afford to do It. 1 1
also had head'
aehes, diy spells
and a pain In my
Side. My sister
told me how much
Lydla S. Pink-
ham's V e t etable
Compound had helped her, so X began
taking It. The result la I am now In
good health and never lose a day from
- . J
Thousands of soldiers
in Europe have cause
. to thank Wrigiey's for
its tonic effect.
the Flavor
. Mary Plckford People's r
w ff ART. PIC3CFOKO brings) "Rebecca work 8414 yoirmay publish my let-
life creen at ths Peoples theatre do."Mlss Marie Schmelts. 11 Gard-
today. With Rebecca, one ot the very Mr a Troy 11L N. a. PlttsBursh.
I Mil
I nicest children In American literature.
and - "little Mary." the very sweetest
gin tn, ail nimaom. even iaperiauves
seem inadequate to describe the won
derfully . beautiful ' production. ldlss
Plckford Is the ideal person to lm-
I mortallse the little girl . of the New
i England village, who. . though doroi
nated toy two crabbed old aunts, does
pot permit her buoyant spliiu to be
crushed. - How : she fights " with ths
taiellle children, sells soap to get the
! lamp for Mrs. Simpson, how she gives
a circus in a barn from which ah Is
routed by the cranky aunts and' how
i she meets - Adam- lAdd- (Eugene
i O'Brien) is all brought out In typical
Plckford style. - Tearful one moment,
laughing the nekt. Miss -Plckford fur
, her adds " to her screen gifts the
ftculty of doing Charlie Chaplin Xalls.
- This good old root and herb remedy
has proved unequalled 'for' periodical
suffering of young women; it contains
what Is needed to restore healthful
conditions. . , . .
Wste the L.ydla S. Plnkham Medi
cine Co. (confidentially). Lynn, Mass.,
for free advice if you ned it. (Adv.)
Unsightly Hair
' The rPLlQsSevw
devitaJlse m la. Bay Dellifftse by
aaoae, It amt dUappeJata.
I pi
all 111 )) l) )uu:u!u.iiuu.uudJ.uu.ui)m))
Informal Every Wed..
Sat. Eve.. Opening
Thi Week.
Butterfield the Sweet
Singer and His Orchestra.
Dancing Classes
Begin Sept. 17
Washington St. at l'tfiT
for ths benefit of the British Bed
Gross of Oregon
Frederick Villiers
will give an Illustrated War Lecture.
Official rreach Xotloa War Pictures;
Charley Chaplin will show what his
prospects are for going to
the battle front
eats Boxes. tLBOi Xiower Tloor aad S
Sows of Baloony, S1-O0J Bal. of Bal.
ooay, 50e aallery, gfto. .
ticket orncz IAXX
MWr at Taylor '
Kala 1 A.11SS
Special Price Katie SaUrday.
BriUlast Maaical rare
Exeelleot Caat Btaaatns Chora.
Novelty orrbtra.
Evee rloer, 11 rows $2 .DO; T rows Mi
Balcoor, I1.00. 75c. 80c. GaUery, 60s. '
Sat. Wat. 11.50, t.O0. I8c. 60e.
, Y R I C
XZATZJro AVS 1X009 .
- yreamt " -
ta the Big Mtuksl Sseeeas :
"Frolki of the Day"
, M rele Is the Oast -
; :- rof - owx sroirxxxr
The CeUVrated Znsliah AeUr is Weaserral
Istersretaioas f "OUvm Twlat."
- ;. Three Pertorataaees TJafly
Klsbt CartaUkst T aad S
Hearst - Pathe News'
News pictures e nertli west and 5
national events wilt appear sacs
wek st Jeadm theatres threugb.
eut the northwest, laciudtag
majestic : of : fortlaod. -m , r-s w
f NieMcsr awaao - -1 f f ,
W m mTSJPTs sssisaa wesee's -
ANOTMgR moor or ouauTV
"tusecca - or eunnyorooK mm . la a