12 THE OREGON DAILY; JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. FOREIGN TRADE HAS BEN POT UNDER BAN BY OFFICIAL DECRE President Wilson Takes Dras tic Stfin to Prevent Trading With Enemy by Neutrals, j otherwise ordered by the president or or congress, the following articles, namely: "Coal, coke, fuel on: lubricating oils, hand lantern oil, naphtha, ben- sloe red oil. kerosene and gasoline, ail bunkers, food (rains, flour and meal therefrom, corn flour, barley, rye flour, rice, oatmeal and rolled oats, fodder and feeds, oil cake, oil meal rak ma 1 f inH rtMntifi All meats and fats, poultry, cottonseed ! Striking- carmen and sympathisers at oll, corn oil, copra, desslcated cocoa- I tacked an armored streetcar of ths eYl?" .k,""' .'r!h.' did Dd caJlne ' United Railroads this morning, ston- HARRIAGB LICENSES (OoBtlmoed) ALL EXPORTS tic Step to Prevent Trading oH.0 unl" SSEi iYVS grape seed oil, tallow, tallow d stearic acid, sugar, glu cose, syrup and molasses, pigiron. ferro-sillcon and splegelelsen, steel pcCPTPn ' ln"ots' billets, blooms, slabs and Ml I LU I tU .sheet bars. Iron end steel plates, ln- ' eluding ship, boiler, tank and all I other Iron and steel plates one eighth of an Inch thick and wider than six Inches. Structural Iron aad Btel "Iron an d steel-s t ru c t uYa 1 "shapes. 1 Including beams, channels. angles, ! tees and zees of all sizes, fabrlcatei ' structural Iron and steel. Including beams, channels, angles, tees, zees and plates, fabricated a d shipped Adoina Series. 3. Sherwood. Or., sad rraa- ee Uerber. 40. Perkins hotel. 4 Henry Curtis Tlbbala. 30. Ilwieo, Waah.. rw Martha K n.nfUi rm. tinmln Andrew Jack Km McCaon. legal. 65 Evet TTnitatd i street, and IXjrvthj Ikae Mom. legal. JtaUroads Llitf During Might Rot J- MaacaHn. 22. Rita hotel, and Mae J. TT u.. . vj ' 8. 21. Carlton hotel. Unions raror Arbitration. ( AlTll r Grout. 35, S54 Bart rrty -seven ft street north, and Beatrice Ullj. 23. 8 Laurel street. Alfred Parker Bates, 39. Warrenton. Or., and Laana Marry. 30.675 Nehalem atreet. INVITiAhTrdf.rr SMITH CO. Morgan bldg. sizes. Stoned, No One Hurt Car Are Operated oa Zoar San Francisco, Aug. 28. (I. N. S.) ' DRESS SUITS for rent, all Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark at. BIRTHS latent of GoTsramsBt Is to Aid Allies Z.lbrally and Safeguard American People Afainst Privation. Washington. Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) President Wilson Monday n:M Is sued a proclamation which gives tha government control over every possi- tha knocked down scrap Iron and scrap steel, ferro-manganese, tool steel, high speed steel and alloy steels and machine tools. "Machine tools, steel hardening ma- ! that the terials, fertilizer.", including cattle offer. and sheep manure, nitrate of soda. 1 poudrette. potato manure, potaaseum , Real Estate Transfers lng the heavily screened windows and : marking a continuance of disturbances j that required two riot calls to police, headquarters last night to quell. j line. l..t "h, hi ... i'-i.i rJ.i CERKSA To Mr. and Mr.. Tlrnlno Cereaa. 72 lines last night by the United Rah-1 K. 21a at. E , , daughter. Aug. 20. 1917. roads, which is refusing to, grant the BARHERE'S To Mr. and Mra. Secoodo Bar demands of Its 1700 platform men for Iwra'a. 0 E. 25th at., Aug. 18. a aon. an eight hour day at 13 55. dynamite B,,5u2' T Mr nd Mr.. John Benedict, caps were placed on the track at one j OKOKKO-To M?. and MrJohn oSoerg. 1297 point, trolley wires were cut at an-j e. Morrison. Ann. 14. a son. other and at a third stones were fired ; at a car DEATHS AND FUXERALS 75 Momen were amon the of the armored car that mis morning but no one was injured, aon of James T. and Elizabeth Barron. brutU.r as the substitute motorman .needed of Mra. llioiaa. M. Kltzpatrlck. nephew of his car from the attackers. I'nion men were In session thl3 LOST AND FOUND 21 1 (Continued) HELP WANTED FEMALE ( Continued ) LOST Round, gold broach with coral b&r thrnnrh r.nt.i" f.m4lv lrnuk. betwen Meier & bank's and 2d and : AN ASSISTANT OFFICE CASHIER, Morrison. Liberal reward. W-334. AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER journal. a l.iiU-H.k i.u thrift. A l)M"l All KA fl-t ( Ihf.KAl U A TYPEWRITER OPERATOR FOR ORDER CLERK AM OFFICE BOY Make application in writing and write "application for position' on eninnA No attention paid to telephone calls. No Interviews at office unless re quested. EN ROUTE from Rose City Park to end of paving on Linnton road Sun day p. m., an .old 16x4 United States tire and. rim.' Parties finding same please notify Tabor 4353. Reward. HELP WANTEDMALE passengers ... v., ,,.t ttnh- was stoned ' rrt j.me n. rmn arid 21" Tn 3 motitt.s. ble commodity exported from United States. It Is the most drastic step for economy control taken by any nation during the war. The president. In a statement accompanying the procla mation, says he aims at control and not at the actual stoppage of exports. But the manner in which the procli- salts, land plaster, potash, cyanamlde ne Oreg-nr, Home Bulkloi rnation is divided makes Its purpose i phosphoric acid, phosphate rock, su- Tiltn Bank. 1.. 7. B. certain. ) p er-phosphate, chlorate of potash. All articles of commerce must be ' bone meal, bone flour, ground bone licensed for export to enemy coun- 1 dried l.lood, ammonia and ammonia tries and the countries of the Kuro- salts, acid phosphates, guano, humus, pean neutrals. This will give the . hardwood ashes, soot, anhydrous am- United Stattes for the first time cor- 1 monia. aeronautical macnine m- Mr. and Mr.. M. G. Munlj. Mr. and Mr. t'harlp. T. Whitney. Remains will arrlTe In Portland today (Tueadar). Auzoit 2S. mneral morning to draft a letter accepting j cortege will leae the family rldence. KU the offer of tne board of supervisors 'u atn-et. corner East Semtecnth atrect and city officials to settle the strike north, at 8:HO u. in. tomorrow Wednesday 1 by arbitration, while It was predicted aIjd i.Tl. ,tr-et. where aolemn reuulem bird company would reruse tnn 11114 will be offert-d ror repoe or tue sou I at 9 a. m. FVlenda lnrlted. Interment Mount I ClTarr cenjetery. WANTED AT AMERICAN LAKE ' AMERICAN FREE FARE FREE LAKE Woodard, Clarke & Co, THE Portland Normal and Commercial School has several vacancies to fill in its own faculty, also in high schoo.s of this state and Washington. W ; also have several good office posl rinp Hons. We would like applications for rAriL these positions by letter giving fuil ' ftartiilpi W' a r A trwi hllv with (1 1 1 r 'regular worit preparing pupus ror po 'i""1"' "r num. gitions to give Interviews and to re- . ceive people at our ornce auring I school hours. If you wish to consult ( us phone Main 5816 for an appoint i ment. Do not ask for the manager but i make an appointment with secretary in marge or orrice. BONUS OF BO CENTS A DAY IF WORK UNTIL SEPTEMER 1. Construction work building new military camps. trol over certain munitions and money 1 struments. their parts and accessories sent to the neutrals. The list of commodltl . for which license is required for exports to the rest of the world is widely extended. "This." pays the president, "is for the protection of our own needs." Export Prohibition STot Intended Tbe proclamation was accompanied by an explanation In which the presl- 71 to Ladd Sc Center Add. to taut IVrtl.rxl I Gi i-rg-e YV. StnMiji and wf to Klora A. m. I.. 6 and E. 4 U 7. It. 10. lll ladir Park Add., also 8. 03 8 ft. U and H. 8 of E. W L. 7. B. 2. John IrTiiig-'. Hni Add.; all L. eicept N. 100 ft. and W 8 6 ft. I.. 4. except N. 100 ft.. B. 2. John Itt Ing a Hmt Add ; al all I.. 5 and W. S6 ft. I. 4. B. 10, Ilolladay Park . . i i . i . nuu I Plosives, nitrate oi poiaan. job..., , Jobn J. Fr.er to Cltr of l'ortlnnd. land 'peter, turpentine, ether, alcohol, sul-. rom at nr.. o.r. B. 2. Irrlndale rhur. sulphuric acid and Its salts, sn-ertff to Iximliermeiia .Nation.) Bank ' acetone, nitric acid and Us salt". henzot and its derivatives, phenol i (carbolic acid) and its derivatives. ' toluol and its derivatives, mercury I and Its salts, glycerine, potash and Its salts, all cyanides and films. thereof, arms and ammunition, all e- HARRIS At the residence. 6024 Fifty-fourth areime 8. K., August 27, Ull.be til Jane Harrta. aed 78 year, belored wife of Ollrer r . llama, mother of Mra. AIT. Jonea, Mra Alice Sod ford. Mm. Theoduala Seaaion. Oraoo Z. Harrla. Mra. Ixtira Thorn and Fred L. HarrU. all of Iortland. and Mra. Ediim Saw tell of Poratello, Idaho. unerml aerrlces will be held at 2 d. m. tomorrow (Wednesday) Aaa-iiat 2U. at the realdential parlors of Miller A Tracey. Waahingtun at Klla street. Inter ment Multnomah l'.rk cemetery. dent Tlt-t.iiletl the difference between i the divi..ns established in naming yigeons Also Are m iasx the commodities coming under ths "farrier and other pigeons, antl-alr-rullng. craft instruments, apparatus and ac- "The purj.ose and effect of this j essories, all radio and wireless ap proclamatlon is not export prohibl- r-iratus and Its accessories, optical tlon. but m.-rely export control." the ! glass, optical Instruments and reflect presiuVnt M.itetl. "It Is not the In- I ors. cotton ard cotton linters. wool, tention to interfere unnecessarily j wool rags, wool and khaki clippings with our foreign irade. but our own . ami wool products, flax, sisal. Jute, Ir.nd be. X 7 ft. W. of cor. 7. K 17. IS. T. IS.. R. 2 E.. tbeace aouth 155 ft Benjamin Roy mm to B Rnraon. W. 23 ft. .f S. fo ft. I.. S. t?. S4. Stinny.ide. alao K. 10 ft. of E. L 1. 2. and M. 4 ft. of E. 4 U J. B. 34. Sunnj- ame . R,tiert II IJ11 u X f. UreforT. L. 11. 12. B. 0. ireit'-y' Height. Seymour M. Bell and wf. to Elra KrU ike, I.. 4 5. J. 7. B. 1. Lreht View Add Sh.riff to Joaeph Melich. L. 3, B. 13. Tremont Place EiU V. Appleg-.te and h'l. to Edith t'omerford. L. 5. 6 B. 2. Braie St. Add , n-l-hner Heal Eertate A InT. Co. to E. Tuffer. U 1. B. ft. Sunnyalde 10 1.200 8.S74 10 OLSEX At the family realdeore. 701 Irrtng atreet. August 27, Eran Oteen. age 70 yeara n months 17 day., beloved buaband of Mary Olnen, father of Mrs. Emma Hoi ton and Alfred Evant. Krlenda Inrlted to attend foneral eerr Ice., which will be held at Holman'a funeral parkmi. ITilrd and Salmon afreets, at 2:30 p. in. tomorrow Welneiday ) . AngnM 29. LANK BR In thla dty. August 28. at bta late rt-.Mence. 1321 E--it TuyVor .treet. Jay B. Icnker. age 35 yeara. The remains are a tbc. reaidc-nce eotabllshment of J. V. Elnley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Xotlce of funeral lrler. domestic needs must be adequately safeguarded, and there Is fhe addel i uty of meeting the necessaries of r.!l the nations at war with the Im perial (J'-rtnan government. "After tiies-' neds are met. It Is our wish and intention to administer to .the nee. Is of the ne-itral nations as far as our resources permit. This task will be discharged without other than the very proper qualification that the liberation of our surplus products shall not be maile the occasion of benefit to tho enemy, cither directly or Indi rectly. Two Xists Are Announced "The two lists have been prepared In the Intert-sts of facility and expe diency. The first list, applicable to the enemy and his allies, and to the neutral countries of Europe, under control practically all of commerce; while the second list, ap plicant to ali the other countries of the world, makes only a few additions to the list of commodities controlled by the proclamation of July 9, 191V. It is obvious that a closer supervision and control of exports Is necessary with respect to those European neu trals within the sphere of hostilities than is required from those countries further removed. "The establishment of these dis tinctions will simplify the adminis trative processes and enable us "to con tinue our policy of minimizing the in terruption. "No licenses will he necessary for the Importation of coin, bullion, cur rency and v I 1 e n es of indebtedness until required by regulations to he pro mulgated by the secretary of the treas ury . at h.s discretion " Text of Export Proclamation The proclamation by the president is as follows: "Now. therefore I. Wood row Wilson. President of tho L'nite.l States of America, do hemp and all manufactures thereof. ! lmr.1? ; ' V.'i . , . , , , . , . . . ... : Cora E. Puffer to J. R. Elllaon. land I hides, skins, leather, leather belting, j s linr xlder M v) ft; E. sole and upper leather, leather boots j of SW. cor. frae. B. 324 City and shoes, harness and saddles and j Cl-.rlea Ioerlng to Berth Doering. und, leather clothing, soap and soap pow- j JU K,nT; und; ders. all engines and motors operated, l,. 29. Eaex park by steam, gas, electricity or other mo- I Geirrge F:. Manga and wf. to H. E. tive oower and their accessories: i XoOle. L. A B. 1, ortn iraanoe Add. metal and woodworking machinery, oil well casings oil well drilling imple ments ami machinery and the acces sories thereof, steam boilers, turbines, condensers. pumps and accessories thereof, all electrical equipment, cru cibles, emery, emery' wheels, carbor- . undum and all artificial abrasives, copper including copper Ingots, bars, rods, plates, sheets, tubes, wire and scrap thereof, lead and white lead, tin. tlnplate, tin cans and-all articles con-I ' WALKER Norman LewU Walker. 1488 E. ftth 10 ; at. X.. Aug. 24. 10 day., malnutrition. I MILLER - Rebecca Jane Miller. 434 Montgom 830 , ery Prlre. Aug. 24, 83 year., acute uem- orhhare. UAWLKY Mra. K. H. flawler. 704 Wyrart. 10 Ana. JA. 72 reara. rxbauatton. riSHER Arthur (Tarence FIB her. Willamette river. 11 yeara. Aug. 23, accidental drowning. brings j taining tin, nickel, aluminum, zinc, articles plumbago and nlatlnum. newsnaner. print paper, wood pulp and cellulose ash. spruce, walnut, mahogany, oak and blrchwoods and Industrial dia mond, shall not on and after the thir tieth day of August, In the year 1917. be exported from, shipped from or taken out of the I'nlted States or In Its territorial possessions to Abyssinia, Afghanistan. Argentina. Portions of Belgium Included "That portion of Belgium not occu pied by the military forces of Germany or the colonies, possessions or pio tectorates of Belgium, Bolivia, Brail, i"h:na, Chile. Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Iomlnican republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, her colonies, posses sions or protectorates. Guatemala, Haiti. Honduras, Italy, her colanlcs. possessions or protectorates. Great j Nicaragua, the colonies, possessions ! protect. .rates. Japan, Liberia. Mexico, John Krleger and wf. to George. Derr, et .1. U 5. B. 12. Uncom Park Sheriff to Martin Hoiman et ai, L. 7. B. 2, Scenic Place Sheriff to J. W. E.- IUwHnaon. L. 5. B 2. Katherlne WilWam L. Rdwaxda and wf. to Oorre Elmer Strang. L. 8, B. 14, Klnsel Park W. I- Bdwards and wf. to Parld P. Ktrang. L. 7. B. 14. Klnael Park Sheriff to Frank Olceae, L 1. 2. B. 3. L. 1. 2. 8. 13, 1. 17. B. 10. Alder Spring. Mary Elisabeth Elllaon and hue. to Cora E. luffer. L. 18 and W. 21 23 ft. L. 17. B. a, Suimralde 3d Add O. V. Badley and wf. to Cora E. Puf fr-r. L. 12 13. B 7. Firland. alao 50i 19T. ft. her. S. Une B. IK. Oeatoo. 10O ft E. of NW. cor. .aid block Walter E Pjer to W. H. Medarla. L. 33. 34. B 6. Klrat Electric Add Stella K Ilton and hua. to Maude M. Vanlerrcl. L. H. B. 4 Oleneyrl Add. William E. Krl.kell to Charlotte E. Irikell, hia wife. L. 1. 2. 3. 7. 8, B. 1W Et Portland hi ill. e Martin to Surah H Swift et al. L. lO. 11 B. 04. Sellwood. L. 3, B. 35. Sellwowi Tbe Ilolbrook Inr. Co. to Carrie J. Johnfcon. I. 17. B. 4. Marengo Add. to St. Joans Let1 V. lirmt and wf. to Penlneula Se niritr Co. I 12, B. . SuImI. St. Jolrt llelfhta 10 1 1 10 1.500 1.40S aoi 10 10 703 10 10 00 10 10 J 50 300 10 FLO RIFTS CLARK BROS.. Florists, 287 Morri son st. Main or A-1S05. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Floxists. 354 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged FREE FARE FREE FAKE Apply t HURLEY-MASON CO. Free Employment Office Located at . 26 X. 2d st. 2d St.. bet Burnslde and Couch sts. SEE ME TODAY IF YOU WANT WORK FREE EMPLOYMENT I want men for all departments of large mill. Young men box factory, planinc mill men. etc. Fallers. buck ers. engineers rifj rustlers, skid road men. section hands Few openingo for men with fam ilies and Seven Day Adventists. 26 2d st. cor. 2d and Ankeny Fare advanced. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions for young women; salary paid while learning. Apply Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. sixth floor. Tark and Oak sts.. between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. BRITISH subjects wanted for Cana dian oveiseas forces, forestry and railway. Join a non-f lghtlnp unit if you wish, but choose now and avoid conscription. 221 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland, or evenings Home phono B 1130. D. Stevens. WANTED YOUNG WOMEN With typewriter or Telephone and typewriter experience. Opportunity for advancament. Clean employment. Apply 532 Worcester Bldg, UKW VVAXTED MALE ASD FEMALE 29 ROOMS AND BOARD POTATO rAKTLT 72 APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED . (Contlnwd) $1.76 WEEK UP Completely fur- i TL rr..,i - nlshed housekeeping rooms, abso-! I UC LrOniVVcll -V lutely clean, every convenience; suites. I 41SIrk ,,. . IS.76 up; desirable people only; savo Fj AD CO LUMBI A STS carfare. 288 3d st-jnearJef fgrson 8t SSd suoundingsl Ytrfctfymod! THREE splendid rooms, one witfi 2 and 3 room fur apartments all out sleeping porch; reasonable; batn, : side, with French doors and balconies, heat and phone. 384 College st., cor. j ATTRACTIVE RATES West Park. Call morning and evenings ; PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT ROOM, with breakfast. $3.25 week. 2l K. Couch. Fine neighborhood. BOARD and room, reasonable; 329 Broadwav S. Main 3901. piano. WILL care for little girl; good home; near school. Tabor 3655. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS H rir&ifXsxEX and uxTnansEss NOKOMIS ANNEX. $2.60 and up, two nice front H. K. rooms, including hot and cold water, electricity; phone Bdwy. 2645. ;M5'-i N. 17th St. BO Y CHEST, 1Tb 12th. Suite of 2 large front rooms, first floor. Use of piano. Horn Anc Free bath. hot. cold water UCm MDISi $1 week up. 401 1st St. JAEQER APARTMENTS -Washington and King Sts. - 3. . 6 and 8 rooms. Every modern convenience, white maple floors, electric ranges. White enameled apurtments. VILLA ST. CLARA 1 2th ..nd Taylor. ModVrn. rompk ly furnished apts. Walking distance; refe-ences. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS T3 rxruizsKTo avd tjnfttsitxshzs PUTATE rilOLT 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, walking distance: also 1 room on first floor for light housekeeping. 166 E. 12th and Belmont. B-2065. FRONT housekeeping room with kitchenette free. Phone, bath, lleh:. J10 a month. 509 Davis st. $2.75 3 ROOM housekeeping suite in back: also single: convenient. 170 13th st. PENROSE APARTMENTS Grand ave.. bet. Morrison end nl- mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick lldg.; white enamel' and mahogany finish: walking dlst'ce, COM 1" LET ELY furnished 2-room apartment, 20 month. Including lights; easy walking distance. BEL KNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17th. st.. near Yamhill. THE NEW NOB HILL. lnck bunding. 6 floors, all mod. conveniences; 35 3 and 3 room suites, few furnished ; lawn, shade, flowers. Gllsnn st. near 23d st. THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 : -m lur. and unfur apts., walking distance at very reasonable rent: best of service. Msin 2506. M'KIN LEY APARTMENTS Modern 3 room. $18 pe mo., and tip; private phone and bath: walking dis- i tance. L. 7th and Morrison Kast 3100. THREE furnished. H. K. rooms in private family. 294 Eugene st. LARGE airy h. 13th st. k. room, cheap. 203 H. K. $7 a ROOM, including cooking gas. month. 41'9 Main. FOR RENT HOi SES UHPUENISHED 12 BOYS wanted. 16 or over, with or Without Mc.VelesL tfiO tn 175 ner mr Steady work, chance to learn trade an i advancement. L. MOLLEXHOUR, 253 Oak st. WANTED Married man of good per sonality and address. one experi enced in soliciting, who wants steady; good salary to start: must be able to drive Ford car. Call In person. 1221 Sandv hlvd. MAX M. SMITH. Florist. 141H 6th at. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Doluas W. J. Holm. a Pres. lee J. K. Werletn. treas. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 18T7 Tblrd atreet cor. Salmon A MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY BOOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE LADY ASSISTANT Pbooea Mala 607. A-lAlt - J, P. Finley &. Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth, Main 9. A-1599. Building Permits CTiarlea Heuler"n. repair frame residence. 571 (iidenn teteen 13Ui and 14th rta-; bulki er aame; 100. Martin Heerrtt Rerailr 1 ttrrj fraine atable. N) B. 3ai at. between Ptoa and 8Lark; builder aame: f.V) in., erect I wvorj .... . , , i . . . , V ra VI 1 1 " Lniu v . - . .i.... o. .iMiienftro, .Morocco. .MDa . mi, s..iier m IM7 E. 24th at. corner Schiller: John Blngrjam rmilder; $3000. W. Stralilman. repair 2 murj brick ordinary ...caragua, the colonies, popssesslons or protectorates of The Netherlands, 'man. I'anarna. Parairuav. Persm crety proclaim to all i 1 eru- lortugal, her colonies, posses cone. rn that the public i s:ons or protectorates. Koumanla Rus- F. S. Dunning, Inc. whem it ma v safety rr.pitres t:-at, except at euch i oalvarlor. ban Marino. .Serbia, timo or tn.ies un ler su. h regulations S:ara. Uruguay, Venezuela (excluding and orders i' : :'.;l..i.-ct to such limlta- 1 an' Portion of the foregoing occupied tions and exemptions as the president j b" Germany and her allies, or any ter- fha.l pre.-, r Jamea P. Madlaon E. 2th "t corner Karl; builder; 3.V I). A Netoop. repair It, atnry frame real- n:il otherwise ordered ritory occupied by the military forces ! denc. 230 Argyle ttween Pel wire ind Bur- eon feet lonery. 1617 E. nth t. between Neha- lem inl Tmc win : builder aame; fl50. i.i.n Fot.r 1 ilnr, frame rairtecee Mv'r,,. '.re leixprn Mliwankle anrt 11th I The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. at.: Frel L. Mill, builder: in. Alder st. Phone East 62. B-5225. Ruhr L Madlaon. erect frame garaite. r774 Chambers-Kenworthy Co. ! Knneral directors and embalmers of I Piedmont, 1111 Kerby st. at Emerson. Lady assistant. wain. Jjuc, L-im. rm (i ii re i0 Undertaker, E. 11th and Hawthorn. Phones E 7 81. B-1883 Lady assistant. A. D, Kenworthy Co, Tabor 5267. 6802 92d st Lents. Tabor 595. 66th st. and Foster Road. Arleta. Dunning & McEnteererne 7 every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-4668. Lady assistant. by the presi.lt 1. 1 of congress, tho fol lowing article-., namely: "All k.n.t of arms, guns, ammuni tion and ex jl. si s, machines for their manufacture or repair, component farts thereof materials or ir.gr-dlents used in their manufacture and ill artl- ! triatlon, except as It Cles neces.-ary or convenient for their bullion and currency, la placed In the use. all cut ,-ivances for or means of ! hands of the export administrative transport at lor. on lan.l or In the water Doard. headed by Vance McCormicg or air. machines used in their manu- ! " chairman. facture or repair, component part Tne board will Immediately establish mereor, materials or Ingredients used I orancn oirices in New York. Boston. "i cicuuanjr or ner amesj. or anv I territory occupied by the military forces of the I'nited States or by the i rations 'associated with the United ; States in the war." The administration of the procla- refers to coin. .- I rare Mra v un ago. st. iouis, rsew Orleans San Francisco and Seattle, where applica tions ror export licenses can be eented. pre- British Socialists Meet With French London. Aug. 28. (I. N. S.) Sociai Ists from ail parts of the United King dom gathered here today for the two day Inter-Allled Socialistic conference at Westminster. British Socialists had previously drawn up peace conditions calling for no annexations and the contribution by all belligerents to a common fund to repair the ravages wrought by the war. j The delegation which came from ! France to attend the convention la i headed by Albert Thomas, minister of j munitions in the French cabinet. in tr.eir manufacture and all instru ments, articles and animals necessary or convenient for their use. Wax Materials Under Ban j "All means of communication, tools. Implement, instruments, equipment,' 1 maps, pictures, papers and other arti cles, machines and documents jieccs- sary or convenient for carrying on hos tile operations; coin, bullion, currency, I evidences of debt, and metal, materials dies, plates, machinery and other artl- ! . cles necessary or convenient for the..- ' manufacture, all kin.!s of fuel, food, foodstuffs, feed, f..rag3 and clothing! and all artic.es un.i materials used in their manufacture. all chemicals. ' drugs, dyestuffs an.l tanning materl- ' als, cotton, wool. silk. flax, hemp Jute. sisal and other fibres and manu- , factures thereof, non-edible animal and 1 vegetable products; machinery, tools j and apparatus, medical, surgical, labo- j raiory ana sanitary supplies and equipment: all metals, minerals min eral oils, ores and all derivatives and manufactures thereof. paper pulp, books and printed matter, rubber, gums, rosins, tars and waxes. their products, derivatives and substitutes, and an articles containing them. "Wood and wood manufactures, coffee, cocoa, teas and SDicrs wine. spirits, mineral waters and beverages i Washine on Aug 8 fWASWivn. 5avlofnAuTustnf thlr"MTON ILJi A"ust ln t? year 3817 be Word has been given for the payment exported from or shipped from or of all taxes, penalties and Interest on taaen out of the I nited States or Its 'the Oregon & California land grant up territorial possessions to Albania. ; to date of the Chamberlaln-Ferrlg act Austria-Hungary, that portion of Bel- June 9. 1316. It Is expected that short lium occupied by the military forces j ly payment will be made to land grant of .Germany, Bulgaria. Denmark, her counties on this basis o.m e colonies, possessions or protectorates. ! the lands will proceed. This leaves Germany, her colonics, possessions or .Ptns;tles and interest on taxes from protectorates; Greece. Lelchtenstein : tne date named unpaid, but It Is be Luxembourg. the kingdom of the Xeth- ' l'ved to clear the situation so no fur- ananas, sweaen. Switzerland or Tur- lner ceiay will occur. key (excluding any portion of fore going occupied by the military forces of the United States or the nations associated with the United States in the war) or any territory occupied by the military forces of Germany or her allies. Jfecesiary for Pnbli Safety "1 do hereby further proclaim to all whom It may concern that the public safety requires that, except at such time or times and under such regulations and orders and subject to uca limitations and exceptions as H. Schulti bnlkler: Annlo WinVkl-h. erect 1 atory frame garage. ! E. l'ruther between 33d and 34th: Jn Stronarh builder: SlfiO. S. Reld. erect 1 Btory frame garage. 1109 E. Ilnccm between K. 39th and K. 41it at..; builder, aame; X. H. S. Hndnon. erect 1 atnry frame garage. 11 S3 Laurelliimt are. between E. 39th and E. 41t: builder name: $V. R. E. JSoougb, erect 1 atory frame garage. 11W Milter between E. 3tith and E. 41at; builder ame: C Helm, more 1 atory frame reaidence to 279 E. 5Sth at. N. between Hasealn and Mult nomah: A. P. Moodie builder; $oOO. II. H. Herdman. erect frame garare, 273 fmmit are. near Cornell road; builder same; 7.V O.arlea II. Podd, repair 2 .tnrr frame resi dence, ,"Sfl lat Bt. between (Jrant and Sher man; W. I.. Buckner bulUler; H . Oelaner Erect 1 atnry frame poultry Ixsine. M9 lVortlmlck between Sharer and F.IHi g its. ; builder aame; 173. When writing to or ratting on adrartlaera. p.e mention The Journal. Eat 54. Lady Assistant. C-3165. Wilson Ross Multncrnahat Seventh st. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J. Groskopf. funeral director. Wdln. 4940, C-1155. Kllnngswortn and Herpy 16 wamed young man wun motorcycle. 75 per Must be experienced ln rldlnr, with tt. MOLLEN'HOUR, 253 Oak at. or over. month. TWO experienced drag saw men wanted to cut cordwood, $1.26 per cord. Saw furnished. ABC Fuel Co.. 409 Union ave. N. HOP PICKERS WANTED 1700 hop pickers wanted for t,lveslv yards: tents, wood, water and good camps provided: 60c box will be paid; hops clean and plentiful: register at Federal Employment Bureau office. 424 Railway Exchange bldg. STl"Ii' booTtkeeping. shorthand, teleg raphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited schooi. Write or phone Main 590 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. BEHNKE-WALKKR BUSINESS COLLEGE. 167 4th St., near Morrison. vrmuLix mtmiw gjlilosic Est. 1893, 30 schftols. Summer rates. Pay while learning. 234 Burnslde st. SALESMEN WANTED Better cash Inducement to the man that will sell trees. Address Capital City Nursery t-omnany Salem. Or. ONE vulcanizer, 1 tube man, 1 delivery man. who can drive Ford; permanent for right parties. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., S35 Burnslde t. BOYS wanted. 16 or over, with or without bicycles. Jsn to J75 ner mo. Steady work. Chance to learn trade and advancement. 1 Mollenhour, 253 Oak. names mm ; Teaches men ana women in 8 weeKs, giving a diploma, scholarship and tools Pays while learning. 38 N. 2d, cor.Couch HOPPICKERS wanted. Hovendea hop yard at Broad Acres, 75 acres, good accommodations for campers. Regis ter at 87 6th. between Stark and Oak. J5 PER MONTH will rent small. comfortable house, lights. water. gas. 6 lots, fenced, chicken houses, fruits. block from Woodmere school. Or will sell on easy terms. Phone Tabor 6913. 8 ROOM house, garage, fine location. almost new. 2 blocks Glencoe school restricted district, modern, hardwood floors, wash trays, furnace, etc. Tabor 6427. NEAR Couch school, unfurnished 6 room flat. bath, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace. 696 Hoyt. near 21st all 4290. THE LE( N E. 3 mum furnished npartments; private bath and phone. Rent very reasonable. 1; N 2i!d. FO H I K ST V L. TH 18 st. Phone Marsha MunfcHN 7 r. newly finished, gas elec tricity, bath, good schools and neighborhood, $12.50. 056 Durham ave. Woodlawn. CLFAN 7 room house, 927 Woodward ave. Phone Woodlawn 6072. garden, garage. Key at 919. or BIG ti room upper flat, newly tinted and painted, electricity. Kas, hlg at tic and basement, 15 minutes' walk from town. E. Kill and Stark. No small children. E. 4 ".?! MOIiKKN 5 room-flat. ji4 "Ai.-irglii St., 3 blocks south Urondway bridge, only 8 blocks from Alblna shipyard; beautiful location, $14, including wa ter. Enst312. i.VIn- UiTKI! flat of 5 light, airy rooms an.l sleeping porch, West Side, walking distance. 669 5th st. Tabor 4 553. 3 ROOM, unfurnished flat, with sleep ing porch ami three furnished; adnlls. 504 K. 22d st. S... ROOM tlat, Main 5!t9 7. modern. tint living. LovVr.K flat, with furniture: cheap. or i t houl s.iM Sel!v,.n. .119. 1 IKMSIILII :I,ATS $12.60868 UNION AVE. N.. 6 room modern house, large grounds and chicken house. FOR RENT 7 room house, electric lights, gas. wash trays, furnac. Call Sunday or evenings. 650 Belmont. 8 ROOM moaern house, newiy tinted and painted; rent reasonable. 205 N. 23d st. TO RENT, one lower flat, 44S Burn slde st . lose to 11th .M. One lower flat. 91(1 Kelly St. One upper, t lat. No. 25 East 11th. Peltnn Estate. 1121 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 173 1. HOTKLS OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade paid while learning; position guaran teed. 233 Madison. - WANTED AGENTS WANTED Young man with wheel l deliver for meat markeL Good pay. Call Tabor 6136. BLACKSMITH, all around man, steady lob. Apply 1385 Division st. Phone Tabor 5603. WANTED A do porter work. Ington. Apply 320 Wash- W ANTED Young man for shipping and delivery clerk, retail depart ment. Sherman Clay A Co. WANTED A grocery boy with ex perience. Apply Rose City Park Grocery. 1533 Sandy. SELLING agents wanted: women to .sell city trade; liberal commissions big money. Apply at 226 Abingto bldg. SITUATIONS MALE 3 . SAVE! STOP THAT LEAK! T,et ua keeD your books. Small set of books handled. Experienced book keepers. VERY reasonable. References, Bond. S-45. Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position one half or fart of time good references, rnona .Mar. o. v r.f.- Journal. GOOD position In service department of large garage: good pay; state ex- perience K-K2S. journal. PAINTING. lng, good 4367. paper hanging and mao work, reasoi jle. tint Tabor NIGHT man wanted in garage. Appfy last) Mawmome or can labor ssvz. WANTED Position by reliable mar ried man in any kind of work; fair mechanic. C-olS. Journal. SOLICITORS wanted to sell high grade: tires to tne trade. 81 4th St. . IF YOU need man. call F. whitewash or spray -Murpny. Main 4 .'4 HELP WANTED" MISC. 4v MILLER TRACEY neral Directors. Prices 140 ifio. Wash, at Ella. M Independent Fu- low !691, as $20. A-7885. 0. & C, Land Taxes To Be Liquidated AUCTION S A LES TOMORROW 11 AT 2 p, 2d st. m. at Ford Auction Co., Furnltue. carpets, etc. AT Wilson's Auction House. 2d st. Sale at 10 a m. 169-173 MEETING NOTICES 41 i camp A HERMAN BCHADE, Clerk. CAMP meets every Wednesdo- even.ng ln W O. W. temple, 121 11th st. All mem bers requested to at tend. VlsKors welcome. H. C. 9CHADE, C. C WASHINGTON LODGE .NO. 46, A. F. & A M. Special communication to morrow (Wed.) evening, 7 o'clock, E. 8th and Burn side. F. C. degree. Visit ors welcome. Order of . M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. POP""" .ND LODGE 291. regular meetinc. Moose hall. Broadwav and Mor rison St.. ' 8 o'clock p. m.. everv Wedn--srlr eve ning. Visitors welcome. J. K. KENNEDY. Sec'y. A. R, Zellar Co East 1088. C-1088. CI CACQL'ndertaklng Co OrLM UOA-2321. Cor. Main 4152 3d and Clay THE modern automobile represents i the combined Ideas of thousands of engineers and mechanics whose lnven- -tlons have been perfected . through I A years of experiments. For this rea- ! son you cannot learn gas engineering by tearing down ana reassembling mo ors. You must rirst understand the heory of the gas engine, then get the practical experience. Adcox Auto & Gas Engine School. 388 Burnslde st. GUARANTEED papering, cheap. Tabor 5268. tinting, SITUATIONS FEMALE HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne Ave. In this school you actually do the wrrk. learn by EXPERIENCE and prove that you have learned the busi- necu K fnre a-ri l leave the schnr.1 Tt I m not theorv. it Is PRACTICE that makes i GOOD hand laundry; . wnat von a valuable man i washing. Phone Tabor 42 5 RESPONSIBLE lady of 40 would like to get a job of housekeeping fcr entleman of good standing. Address -311, Journal. YOUNG lady stenographer, thorough ly competent, experienced in law and lumber, desires position. GX-925, Journal. WOMAN would like few hours work a day for room and Doard. G-597 Journal. MEN'S laundry wanted. Mending free of charge. .-z Market st. bundle Dr- 2. CLBelmont at 35th. mCCC 06 OIIUUNTabor 1258 HAMILTON ?, E. Glisan st. Fu serv. Tabor 4314 R. T. Byrnes, new residence establt. "i Williams ave. Wdln 220. C-1943. MAUSOLEUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 626Plttock block. Phone Broadway 351. MONUMENTS MARBLE PORTLAND 4th et.. opp. city hall i'niiip rseu & WKS. 264-266 Main XSS4. Sons for memorials. ifBLAESING GRANITE Ql JJ 3C7-3RP. ST AT MADISON J LOsl A.U HJUXU 21 Vanderbllt to Go to .Camp New Tork, Aug. 28. (U. P.) Pri vate Cornelius Vanderbllt, 19. will start to the Spartanburg camp before the end of the week. He has been ap pointed to the staff of Malor Genera. John F. O Ryan. For fighting fires In cellars or In the holds of vessels a revolving nossle fff. b',? invnted that can scatter 1400 gallons of water a minute orr an area 125 feet square. SAMARITAN I. O. O. F. LODGE No. 2. Reguar meet- 5522p lng Wednesday at s p. m.. at i o. O. F. Temple, 2l' Al der st. Visitors always welcome. C. R. Owen N O : R. Osvold. Sec y. THE following articles were found on cars oi tne Portland Railwav. l.irhi & Power Co.. August 24 1917. tine pair shoes, 1 hat, 1 pkg. meat, 1 shovel. 1 piciures, i Dam cap, z mic. pkg. 2 lunch boxes. 1 electric lia-ht. 1 nr' glasses, 1 book. 1 bunch keys. 1 nurse. 1 dollar. 1 tennis racket. 1 ruler ? knives, 1 wooden case. Aug. 26, 26, 27. 1917: One knlte. i nurse bottle 75 cents. 1 roll paper, l flashlight. bathing suits, 1 book. 3 valises 2 baskets. 2 lunch boxes. 6 a-rio' handbags. 4 pins, 5 purses, 1 package magasines, 17 packages, 2 umbrellas, 1 coat. 1 glove. 1 pair gloves, l bun dle overalls, l sweater. 1 suitcase. 1 go-cart. Owners may obtain Dropertv at 1st and Alder street station. NUMBER young women and men wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting men for war. Po sitions guaranteed. Call or write. Tele graph Dept., room 506 Panama bldg. MORE men wanted. War causing va eanfte Onnnrtimltv orten to ellsrlhles Amiwi-n r r rlrlr.rarHr T? Vf C ! clerks, custom, exams. Call today. Pa clflc States School. McKay bldg.. city HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School. Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Reduced prices fdr this summer. Positions secured. PAT work wanted. Phone Sell. 2034 DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING, alterations, cleaning, pressing, reasonable terms Main 7082. 1S5 Park St. PLAIN sewine done. Marshall 48S NURSES LADIES interested in crochet work or having same for sale, send 10c for "Handsome Book of Designs'1 and de tails. Int. Trd'g. Co.. 215 Flledner bldg. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES MISS DEV'KERS PRIVATE BUSI NESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLIH. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $8.30 up. Taylor the Tailor. 29i Burnslde HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 EAST SIDE SANITARIUM Specialis ing ln maternity cases, we are equipped with the latest apparatus for giving nitrous-oxide gas ln obstetrics, better and safer than twilight sleep. Special rates. Information, call or phone E. 6087, B-2632. 6 Hawthorne ave.. st 2Sth FURNISHED ROOMS 9 $13.60 CLEAN 6 room modern house, near grade and high schools. Key at 2601 49th st. S. E. Tabor 1250. 6-6 ROOM houses in good condition. on east and west side. From $8 to $12. 212 A lsky bldg. 6 ROOM modern. $12: with garage, $15; near Jefferson high school : cor. Com merclal and Blandena. Woodlawn 187. NEAT, well located cottage; bath, gas. electric lights, roses,- chicken run; nice yard. Block to car. Woodlawn 455. WEST side, very fine 5 room, porches, finest view; also 4 rooms, handy to shipyards. Sell. 1370. SEVEN rooms with piano, $15 per tno. or $12.50 without piano. Tabor 73M. 7 ROOM modern houso on Kearney st. Main 6792. 6 ROOM house and good garage. $12; close in. Woodlawn 618. Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooma. $1.75 per weeic and up. Transients 50c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water In every room. Only white help employed. 203 M. 1st. cor Tavlor. Main 4203. SUMMER RESORTS 50 2 BEACH cottages, modern; crabs, clams herring. Swank, fif)l N. W. hid. ST( RES-AND ! I I ES It FOR It lb NT Store looms. n new Moose Temple, Oregon City, r. Best location In best town in ths state. Monthly payroll $100,000. Fine for druggist, butcher and barber. Opp. new dock. Call or write O K Johnson. MODERN 7 room "house, 290 Grant, near 5th st. Rent $17. 6 ROOM houses, flats. Union. East 2195. Graham and 10 ROOM house. 549 Yamhill St.. Mar shall 4887. or Marshall 2419. 6 Kuu.VI cottage, 446 Lnion ave. 113. East 42. N.. WAREHOUSE afld laclory L.cilonig in South Portland for rent. Modern. 2 story brick structure, trackage: well lighted. Apply R. W. ilagood. 311 Journal bldg. OFFICE space for rem iu Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service in city. Apply ill Journal bldg. BEST location in Portland ror flr,t class tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W. Ha good. .111 Journal bldg. WANTED IO RENT R ROOM cottage. 404 10th st. FINISHED JHOUSES 30 COMPLETELY furnished, modem, S rooms and sleeping porcn, second floor; pantry, bath, electricity, gas. flowers, roses, fruit trees; $15 month 361 Fremont st. Take Union or Wil liams ave. car. A COMPLETELY rurnisnea nome. with Diano ln irvlngton. near both cars, year's lease to responsible party. Main 8429. WEST SIDE 15 minutes' walk to P. O.. nicely furnished, rent reasonable, no small children. Call Marshall 952 Mondav or after. IRVINGTON district, nlcey furnished 8 room house, garage. $60. Adults. X-614, Journal. WANTED, within walking distance, on west side, a 6 or 7 room modern house, furnished or rartly furnished. J-913. Journal. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 0 360 ACHES, $20 per lure, logged off all good tillable land, level, weir drained and watered, no rock 'or gravel, well located in the best prune district of Clarke county, jj miles from Vancouver, Vi mile from Paclfj highway, which will be paved soon. Owner must sell, neols $.1000 in cash: might consider selling In tracts- .1 B. Atkinson. 112 West 6th St.. V-tn-couver. Wash. FOR SALE ROUS EH 01 FURNISHED 6 room cottage, piano. electricity, gas; Dig yard. u-'U Bel mont. ROOM bungalow, 'est furniture, completely furnished. Main 9394. FURNISHED 29th st. N. iT rocm house, 107 7 E. MODERN 4 rooms, hot water heat. s eenlng porch, iwin. ivj aum. PARTLY furnisned o room house. 919 E. Alder. East 2911. FURNISHED HOME BARGAIN In Richmond, 1 block to car; 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors fireplace, built-in effctH, Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, wash trays. This place has some high class furni ture and all goes for $JC00, on terms, Phone Sellwood 1036. . APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS, sleepin.fr porch, furnished or unfurnished, hardwood floors, alklng distance. Portnornah, 200 E. 3 th. ; , THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay Sts. Clean, furnished modern apts. Steam eat, private Dams. cioei, iwuum. Irable location. Reasonable. Main 81uB By WeekTlUl-C faiffDSTfTtll f.Month Up. U UU UQUW U W IS. 00 up. S2.00 Strictly modern. 12th and StarK Under new manag nt. sts tiroaaway it'll OUR fall class for free training or NuBone corsetleres eegins on sept. 1. We have several good fields open for neat, energetic women. Apply at once, NuBone Lorset r-arior, zui cen tra bldg.. cor. 10th and Alder. WANTED At Medford, Or., immed iately. 1 second cook. J17.50; z ex perienced dishwashers. $12 per week and board; 2 experienced waitresses. $10 per week ana board. upumo Restaurant. RYAN HOTEL ANNEX. 269 V, 5th. Brick building, hot and cold wat-ir. steam heat. Transient. Opp city haL. Main 937k HuTtL. OCKLEY. Morrison at lutn. RATES 60o day up, weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and bath. ROOMS and apartments in mouern hotel. 1 . 76 week and up. 455 Alder si.au W Leu up. c.euii. warm, modern fur rms.. central. The King. 309 Jef Xli HAt. i t urnianed rooms, sieuiu heat runninr water. 385 8d st. WANTED Bookkeeper and typist ro i operate Elliott Fisher bookkeeping machine. Experienced operator pre ferred Address P. O Box 768. city. Oentlemen on.y. splendid rms., bain, phone, hot water-nr. Wash. 33 N. 17th. LOST Key ring with 22 keys. Prest-j key and magneto wrench. Find- er please notify Corporal Yost, U. S. th Engra. Vancouver, Wash. Reward. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty; buttons, nlns. charms. Jaea-er Bros IJI-J th. Vital Statistics TOsrrisges.Btrtbs. Dzaitjs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Cbrts r Hetrk. legal, But Thlrtr-thtrd Miwt, and Virginia M. Daly, legal. 181 Kaat TalrtT-Ui Ird street. I. Sawyer. 30. SS4 Oirbett street, sad Signs Etrgaa. U, WlllaiHf boaterard. DISAPPEARED Aug. 15. little brown dog with white breast and tips oi tan; nad leainer collar on; reward Teleohone Main 2222. LOST Silver necklace, with pink tour maline on Mt. Scott car or Morrison aL Reward. Eva RaJnes, 186 22d Apt. 19. LOST At Columbia beach. Saturday, pair of glasses. Phone Broadway 706. N ILL party who took black walrus bag out of R. S. car Sunday night bv mistake call Sellwood 1500? $i reward given without question at Oaks bath for white hand carved Ivory heads lost ln locker there. LOST Sunday. $40 and First National bank savings account book. Rewar J for return. Phone Main 425. LOST Big yellow dog. license No. 1170. ffl Delay at. Woodlawn 4477. 4 ... . . . WANTED A young girl to help with housework. Tabor 202b. Call after 6 p. m. W'A.NTtl) Chorus girls, big city snow. Ions: engagement. Salary J20. Re- KA-a., journal. FURNISHED ROOMS PJUVATS TAMU.X 7J A VERY desirable furnished room. easy walking distance, rent reason able (2 home cooked meals across street $15 a month;. 669 E. Main. East 1224. hearsals at once. I NICELY furnished rooms. 394 Colum- n.-ivTPn rjirt tn assist with house-. bia st. Kererenccs. work and spart care or cniidren. Wages $15 per month. Tabor 1478. WANTED Lady canvassers for spe cial advertising. Call 9 o'clock at 27 Union ave. GIRL ln confectionery, experience un necessary. Apply 655 Hood st. after 1:30. NICELY furnished room. modern. DEL MONTE APAR'l M I NTS icely furnished 2 and 3 room modern Apts. Also single rooms, rteaonaoie 167 Htout Bt. nr. w amoK imi. mi u CUT from $iooo to 46oo lor quick sale, a modern suburban home, 30 minutes from heart of city, good ln vestment for dealer. Accept car as) part payment. Terms. M. E. i'arkj 275 Union ave. N. 2 LOTS. $0x100. 2 blocks to Alt. Scott carllne, 6 room house", lots of fruit, shrubbery, cement walks, $1 400, part cash long time on balnri'n. Come and see It. 6830 46th ave H K. Tabor 667. A REAL SACRIFICE Six lots and 6 room house. Division at. between 62d and 66th, $2760. Ta-bor- 1609, r GREAT bargain. Modern i room . house not far out on east side, near grade and high schools; no Incum brance. M. J. Heck, HillBdale, Or. l-KN INSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete hide- . 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold ater. baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up. ROSE FRIEND APTb.. cor. B way and Jefferson. Elegant unir. uu, uem .ervlce.. Walking dls. Marshall 1410, iiENSON APTS.. 2u6 N. 20th St. New ly furnished 3 room apts., walking distance: references Marshall 4448. NOKOMIS. 665 Marshall. Modern J room furnished, private bath, dresa- lng room adn pnont. u iu n.ou JULIANA API &.. 45 trinity place. 2 rm. fur., front, beautiful view; also 2 and 4 rms.. reasonable. Mar. 983. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnish id 2 room apts., strict lv modern, reasonable. East 2403. 2-4-5 ROOM FUKNISrjJSJJ APTS. THE DEZENDORS" 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marsh. 128. MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 ana z room aptsv si.ou psr tek up; sleep). i"1 rooms. East 212. fiRAND OAK APTS.. corner E. Oak and Grand ave.. sinewy moaern, t-i room ants. First class seryice. ago;. H1SLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne Modern 1. 2 ana room apts-. tiz.ou UP . wanting ulBiance. Jn" I oni. A HOME for school girl, near grale and high school. - Sell. 3101. HOUSEKEEPER for Call Tabor 7817. small family. FOR SALE 2 hoppickers' ticket., close In. good place. Call Sell. 691. A KITCHEN helper for small dinlnj room. W-335, Journal. WANTED Collar and cuff press hand, 1 collar Ironer. National Laundry. WANTED An experienced cook. Ap ply 246 N. 25th. cor. Marshall. LADIES take work Home, spar time, $1 dozen. Store 7SStt Wash. at. RnOMIj 4 Vl R04RD 1 New York Apts., E. 7th and Belmont to"-? --5 Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reasonable. E. 238. f OOM and board for"? working" men NORTHAMPTON APTS. 407 Hall st., who will share room; twin beds. 2 and 3 room, furnished and unfur- Marshall 526a. nished New management. M. 4299. KooM and oaard lor uum.:u girls. 2 AND 3 large nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, walking dls- rent reasonable. 615 Vista ave.. Pon- tsnce. ?..5ft week , i; R 7th st F: 471? land Heights. Phone Main 7017. The Martha Washington, 380 10th. for ROSEN FELD (brick). 14th and East business girls and students. Mar.1251 Stark. 3 rooms. $17. $20. $22.50. $25. The Whitehall. 263 tn ,L, room and AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, board; reas. rates. Mrs. Price, mgr. C, 6 r. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7618, A-267.. THE MANITOU. 2ol 13th. HomeliKe, GRACE APTS., 24th and Nortnrup. 3 stesm heat: tnnf, rrd re vf hto room partly fur, apt. Marshall 1079. -,,.,- . BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, modern 2 ROOMS AND BOARD 7J room furnished. $12 up. Mar. 2074. yT.'? EVELYN APTS, 27 N. 21st L 2 LARGE front room with modern con- room f urn, apt.: low rent. Mar. 1324. venlenc.es; board optional. 431 W. ONE t r.. one 4 r.. nicely furnished. Park st, Marshall 4410. V I cheap rent. 464 Utb, Main 7422. I ' .. - .'-j -: , : -. ; --i - - . -; - . - - . . ' - - " - - " 7 c. - . - -v . 4 ROOM modern bungalow, gas, elec tricity, lot 60 by 100, 3 blocks to car. Mount Tabor add. Owner, Main 6440 or Woodlawn 2 583 e ven 1 n gs. FOR SALE Beautiful "and modern 9 room house and 2 lots, garage; best location in Vancouver. Cash only. Phone 128, Vancouver. Wash. NICELY located house, barn, 2 lm proved lots; easy terms at half vajja'' ue. L-517. Journal. FOR SALE. 6 room psrtlv modern house and lot 59x100, $2000 cash or terms. VV-331, Journal. PROPERTY for sale by owners. No commissions charged. 214 Stock JSx. FOR HALE LOTS $225 Klllingsworth ave., corner lot, formerly sold for $700. Owner. P. O box 377. FOR SALE 2 or 4 beautiful lots in Woodmere. $200 each- cost $300; must have money. P-372, Journal ACREAGE 87 10 ACRES. $1600; terms; extra fine, sightly place, all good soil-; no wet or sour land; extra fine loam, 4 acres ln cultivation, balance easy to clear, good pasture, lots of fruit, fair house, barn, and chicken house. 3 miles from Van couver, 1 mile car line. 4 mile from graded school. J. B. Atkinson, 112 W. 6th st.. Vancouver, Wash: Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close In car llne, easy terms; will build -to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sellwood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches, near Portland; 3. 6, 10 -acre tract, $65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. Mc Farland. 505 Yeon hldg.. Portland. - SMALL acreage near Beaverton and fine soil; water, ot Commerce. gas: encao! your own terms. Dubois, 723 Chamber IVi ACRE with good 5 room-house, 5c carline. fruit trees and berries. -Price $4000, half cash; balance long time. K-541. Journal. (Continued, oa Vast ?:), :i