THui OKiSUON DaH-Y JOURNAL, PORTLAN0 MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917 BEAVERS SPLIT EN M SEALS, HOUCK'S PITCHING TAKING ONE Then Chief Johnson Comes Back With a 3 to 1 Sun day Victory for the Visitors BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManua Retetered Halted Wstee Psteat Ofl-) (Copyright. 117. loterBaUonal News Service) 1N CLAO TO LET OUO-T o lNTERE-riiM: Trt I WANT TO VfEUL-l DON'T NINO L.ETTtHi WELLVrWT rSRE THERE LIKE' AN THANK KNOW IF "YOU'LL LET ME. CO OUT TO tiEE THE EOrt DRlU- -MAQ41EI XOU 0 UNDER THOE CONTlON'b EE THEM DRVLL- IDIOT FOR? . . .-. Hi , how did e i s.j i ft i ? n Vifr?: r r r- s m manage: to t v ' T- V - L-N f e-r- .a. bl AWA( FROM NAMF?!7 7 5 ? LLrMii V . , . . .HEM ORVLU-J , rH'i FOR ONCE n' 'W!! . VJ By R. A. Cronln Wbia Byron Houck spltballed the Seals Into a 3 to O defeat In the first (am of yesterday's double header. tHe Beavers made It fWe out of seven fames from the Seals on the series. Then CMef Johnson came back with a J to 1 vlctorr and the visitors broke even on the day. Red Oldham and K'n Tenner were the oelna; huritn. although axalnst dif ferent kind of pitchinr ch might fcave fathered. From the first until the elshth lnntf llmm r Jk linahl till lil. . W . ' . . A n m. v .. - - father a blncle off Houck s wicked spltter In the first contest- IMck manajred to single to left In the first -frame and f rrnn TTat time until the eighth only the regulation three men an inning faced the Portland deceiver. Seal Saergy Zs Wasted In the eighth, with Koerner a fly out and Corhaa a strikeout. Red Me Kee laid one on the right field runway for two bases and Oldham carr.e through with a drive past Sig II rt. However, it was energy wasted, for Farmer camped under Fitzger ald's fly for the final out. In the ninth Schaller. Pick and Caivo went out In order. rortland stowed the game away In the first Inning. With one gone. Holloeher doubled down the first base line. Then Wllie hit one to the right of Corhan. who had little chance to get Dennie at first, so he made a belated peg to IMck. Wllie stole sec ond. Williams singled through short, putting Holloeher acrtss the plate and Wllle on third. ltUl Off a Double Steal Then Wllle and Williams engl- nirar1 H,.uhl steal th former ,..(, Wllllama Inter stole third but Blruck out j Pearwn 1. Joliaaoo 2. Baaea coring. llUimi later stole itnira. Dui t n fr i. iouble piay-Cairo Oldham ateamed six over to OrlgKS 10 iv,,,,, jcXxnmn to Cnrban t Knerner. Hoi and Hodgers, and tho run-getting was , k i.r to HwJ(n u Urisga. Sarrlflca bit over With two gone In the third, i ina a. ftoi.. bae wiiie. onin. Ourban. Williams hoisted another home run TUw "f im M L-nipiree-)uUrie.snd over in ngnt rieia tence. uui, mi- stead of being dismayed. Oldham whiffed Orlggs and from that time forward pltclied good bail. The deals made a run In the fir- i : Inning of the second came through an Rbout sunday afternoon, following a error. Fltiferald c!ntled off Fenner , nard dark i,rown morning, which to left field. Sciialler fouled to OrlC ! endeJ with an 8 to 1 defeat for the and Pick singled to rlffht. T .en Calvo , iunjre boy r.l 1 n n L-lth - KIrtw tn rpnfpr nut- , vt,, wiiiiatT' messed up the ball Fl'z tallied. Seals Coma Back Again The Seals came back again In the fourth frame and a ..ouble play cut off a bigger count. Downs singled to left anl Koerner beat out a hit to Holloeher. Corh.n laid down a bunt and was safe when Hodge, s dropped Sig41n's perfect throw. Baker singled tl Center and liowr.s acros -.. Johnson hit o Holloeher, tnd while Ifol.y. Rodger, an,. Grtr, were o- tiring the Peal battery. Koerner scored. After that Peuner pitched aplendid . ,. D11- , Portland made Its solitary run in the? fourth frame, and along with It Orlggs annexed a headache. With one out. Wills singled to center and stole. Williams routed to tiaaer-and uriggs beat out one In front of the plate. Chief tried to throw Artie out, but Koaked him In the back of the head aa eoaaea mm in tne pacK 01 ine neaa aa tne ucaver ursisacner reacnoa me oag Jid the billiard went wild, giving Wllie a chance to score. Wllie and Orlggs divided alx of the: seven hits made oit Jotinson equally in the second same. The smoke from forest fires In this the outfielders were almost lndlstln- gulshaWe. which probably accounts for the fact that Biff Schaller fanned tho rirst tnree times no racel HoucK. Orlggs -lso fanned In two of his three trips to the plate. The Beaver, and Seals left last night for California, the Beavers to Ls An- geles to meet Vernon and tho Seals to Ban Pranol.oo to bsttl. the Angels. The scores: Irst game SAN TRANCISCO AI! R IT. PO. A. .4 0 0 O0 ritsgertla, rf fcrballer If .. Tick. 8b Calo. cf Lxnraa, 2b Koerner. lb . . Cirtaa. aa !-K. e Oldaam. p ... Totals o 1 3 o 1.1 1 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 3 24 14 PORTLAND AB. It. H. PO. Tanner. If . Hollocfeer. aa Vl)l. rf ... WlUiatu rf. 4 0 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 a 1 2 1 o 0 1 1 rlca. lb . U.-Jlra 2b rufllo. 3b .. B!dlD. e Uovck. p . . ToUU 7 2T 10 as rrtctco 00000000 0 0 rt'i'nd ::::::::::::::: :i S ? S 2 I ?zj iftmwn Wn oth ltcr- Hits 3 1 1 0 l l 00 7 ! wre pounded hard. Evans man Struck out Bt Houck 5. by Oldbam 5. sed to keep the hits scattered. The Baae on baila Off Uuuck 2. lwo baa bl:a Bees won by bunching hits In the -"f; V Jlr ."7?, -''!' j first and seventh. In the morning Z-Ztrr fXl" Vernon. Lo. Angeles put the .am, token basaa Wi.i 2. WUllaaw 2 Urlgr. away In the second round. Tom Hit by pttbed bell Hollocber. buna re- I Huarheai was wild and allowed five Kstabllshcw "ilUeM Record Chicago. Aug. 27 (U. P.) Chrls tkan Chrlstlanson today was the undis puted champion of a new stunt. Ue ran a mil, walked a mile, pedaled a mile, rowed a mile and swam a mlfe I M in 844.1-5. The Urns was called remarkable br ezperta J.eightonSq lunch Breetdwarr Waahinxtoa Sc Oar business has been built up entirely on three cardinal principles CLEANLINESS PURITY OF FOOD GOOD SERVICE PROFIT-SHARING tO ' aBlbl for Oldham S Hovrk 0. TIbm game 1.3s. t utpire II1U and Cutbn. Second game SAX FRAfOSCO AH It II. PO. A. flfigenild. rf 1 s;w if o I'lr. Ht . 4 O Clho. rt 4 O Io. 2h 4 1 K'mr. lb 4 1 ('4rhan. m . , X 0 Fkfr. e 4 Jijban. p 4 O 1 O 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1" 1 3 1 3 0 0 Totals 3 10 27 13 P0RTX.ASD 1R R n. ro. a. r. o o o i o i 0 rrmr. If . , 0 o . o t o 8 0 O 0 1 Ifc'Uorter. M o 1 0 0 0 0 0 o in, rr William, cf Orlfr lb .. Kcxljeri 2b . 8lUu. Sb ... FUber. e . . J'enner. p Tonl .... Ran Kraneliw-o Hlfa S2 1 7 27 31 3 . 10020000 O 3 . 3 0 2 3 0 1 0 1 010 . O001O0OO i 1 : Portland lllta 11 12000027 utn Oaks nnI Tigers Divide San Francisco. Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) Th Oak nn a arame It umt Aided and abetted by six errors on !the part of the Oaks. Marlon and hi. , teuminates nut over a b to 2 victory. morninf holding tho Tigers to four weU scattert.d hlta He ,truck out Mven whjle Bc-horr fanned eight 0ak9 Tn- ,core,. , j.-irst garnf VEKNON I OAKLAND ; aji. H. O. a ab. H. O. A. ' '"haJh'r.rf 400 l:UetiTr.2b. . 5132 , lhoa;. i 1 MiMi' 43 Jo j 2X1' 3 ? I ,1 1 ? ! ; iiiri. b n. lb 4 o s o Mliler.rf . . . 4 3 3 1 3aii..f.y.3b it 1 1 4 liardm-r.ib. 4 1 o 3 0 2 1 tunpf.aa. . 2 12 1 Siox.n.c 3 1 2 VlarraT.c. .. 8 0 7 1 fcborr.p.. 2 0 0 (Mkrauae.p.. 4 10 1 Ttol-. . "n II 4 24 11 Toiala. .. 33 12 27 0 00000 100 0 1 00100101 14 Oakland 02 000 1 4 1 8 , ' Hits 1 2 1 1 0 Ml 12 Kun 8nu.ltrra. klenaor. Mlddletun. Lane Mun!ir 8. tirdnrr. 8timpf. fcrrora Hnod jtumpf 2. Morray. Two baa hlt- jMr sillier, kllddlrtr. ri.-at baae ca ball off Kraue i. sborr .. Struck out Br ' Kraue 7. Scborr . Hit by pitcher Murrar ! ami Rtumpf t.) t hiiT. iKmble p!(.ri ciltnoo junior to Stuun.f. Huna responsible for : s-h.-r : M.nfri bn -Ile 2. Uallowar 2. Murpbrl. Lett ou baaa Oakland a. Ver- i ' Second fame -,- ab. II. 0. A. ab 11. O. A cbadb' 4 2 0 OiUeaaor.Ib. . 4 0 4 1 : Vaubn.a. 0 2 2 7-Middiet n.if 3 0 10 ! I!"Hl1r..,-tf J if 1 f S n ib 4 1 1? . iliwaj.3b 4 2 0 1 4 o 3 85tnnipf.aa . . n;p - ;;. I " Lard 4 10 4 0 0 4 0 1 4 3 11 4 8 8 2 0 6 3 0 2 1 o 0 Total.. S3 11 27 14 Totala. ! Bailed for Ariel I la nlutb. S3 7 27 22 I. I Vera-n 0 o 0 1 0 1 2 105 r, llita 0 0O2 11 23 211 7. UaklaDd OOOOO00O 2 2 ., , Hlta O20 1UU2U 2 T o ; lunt-'biJbirM, Huodfraa. 1'alry 2. tie a 1 Glmiia Oardoer, Ktumpf. Krrora Murru., 0 Uardner 2, Stumpf 2. Julian. Tbrea baa bit 0 atuuipf. Awu baae blta SnwKraaa. Daley, 0 8tunipf. Bat-rlflc blta Mvlui. AcodfTaaa. ' Baaes en balla- Off Mtrlon 4. off Arlvtt 3. 0 Struck out By MarVui 2. by Arietr 3. Bona ' revpoosll-le for Marion 2. Arlett 2. Wild . ; pit. b kUrton Lett vs baaea Yaraon 7. Oak laa4 7. Tim 14, I my Ire Braabear and 0 " 0 ; Angels and Iieea Spilt Eren oj Los Angeles, Aug 27. (I. N. S.) 0' By winning the afternoon game. 2 w 1 to 1, Bait Lake captured the series, J? ' four fames to three. The morning 0 1 game went to the Angels. 6 to 1. Evans outlucked Curley Brown in the bases on balls. .The scores; First game: SALT LAKR LOS AMJCI.ES AB. H O A " AB. 11. O A. Bath 3b . . 4 12 1 Ia tert.rf. s 0 .1 CHT.a 4 0 0 l)aUilifer.lf. 3 1 6 0 KeuWry.2. . Rraalf... 3 0 3 o. Uauael rf . . Uraadall.ef 8 o s u g'."; J I UlaJaann 2b a 1 II ItI .1t I Ho-t) t.p. . 8 0 i toc.i). . uioius ..i i e o, TiXals ..32 6 14 . Totala . "Baurd fur Unsb In nlotb. Salt Lak 00 1 0O0O0 0 1 Hit Doiiumo i a to arc1 oeoooooo e lilts 1 400SOO1 e Rjin Ra"Jl. Mf(Tt. Keawnrthr. Menapl Trry, DavU. Saun. Kma-s 0ndall. Qa:n Ua. Ka worth. Two Dut hit Kcoarorthr Saerince hlU Qulnlan. KIKlfrr. IXtIs. Strurk tint Br HaniM 4 hr SmIiw 3 rtrf baa no ball Off hatoo 4. ilu-br A. Runa orr HnfbN S. Stolen ta Hannah 2. Ken I worthy 'i. C uplrra Casey sod I'ujory. Tua Second rime - S-i.LT UkK J LOU IXflEUS AB. It O. A.f AJJ. II. O. A. S 1 0 Uacrwt.rf. 5 15 0 liathSb... 4 11 4 113 bl7.1.. 4 1 Kmrora 10 0 4 Ryan. If... 4 11 OlUraselrf . . 4 111 Ill t 1 10 QatnUn.rf. 4 110 Bolrs.e 4 14 0 Htnoah.e.. 4 S 4 I Terry. m 4 0 0 S Slslaun.2b. 4 16 S OTl.3b. .. 4 i I 0 Crass.?. .. 4 0 0 llBrown.p. . . S 1 0 8 )Craodall.. 0 0 0 0 Totals ..-5 11 27 11 TWth ...84 lO XT 13 'Batted for Brewa la -'' Belt Lake iowoOOr-eo 1 Hits 4 0 1 1 o 0 8 1 o u Los Angeles. oo I 04O4D- 1 Kits 1121 110 Baaaaa, steesel. "Crrort Craa- A. (I I O I PHILLIES PLAY BETTER, BALL IN CLOSING SEASON r. o o n 0 1 o o o i Giants Would Have to Poor Ball to Lose Now, Play ny H. C. Ham U ton New York. Aug. 27 (L. P.) While the eyes of the baseball ,worlI have been firmly fixed on the fast action around the top of the American o 0 league tho Phillies are injecting some alp In the National league battle. The Phllftdelphlans are playing- bet ter ball than the Olants. In the last few days they have cllppod off four and a half games from the Giants' lead and now stand nine games In tho rear. That's considerable lead for a team like the Olants, but the fact that the Phillies and New Yorkers are yet to claJh In nine games la giving hope to supporters of the Moraji clan. Hurt Xaxe .700 Clip The Pennsylvania aggregation would have to travel along at a .700 clip the rest of the season If th Olants do no better than to make a .800 percentage; for the remainder of their games. In order to win the pennant. It Is hardly likely that the team John McGraw has pieced together will be so rash as to The cardinals will orrer the re ltance today to Philadelphia and the Giants will b entangled with the Pirates. The Pittsburg team Is grad ually becoming something more than a Joke and will supply some entertain ment for tho McGraw team. It also win be tough for a few days for the Phillies. The Red Sox will be getting a hard test today and tomorrow In Detroit. The enfeebled Yankees will be offering all the resistance possible to the White Sox. Western Tennis for Women Players Open Chicago, Aug. 27. (X'. P.) With a long list of entries from outside tho city, the championship series of th". Women's Western Oolf association opened today on the Flossmoor links. Only twice In two years has the W. A. Alexander trophy of this competi tion gone outside of Chicago. Among the strong out of town en trants are Miss Frances Hadfield of Milwaukee; Miss Ethel Chatfield of Sycamore. 111.: Miss Caroline Lee, champion of Kansas City, and Miss Elisabeth Allen of Rock Island. Morris Eath Crowds Fitz Out of 2d Place cVwi Francisco, Aug. 2". V. V. Rath of Salt Lake has crowded Justin FUsgerald of the Seals out of second place In the race for Ccwat larue bet tins; honors, averages published today showed. Johnny Basal er of the Angels Mill leads with .349. Raths average is .335 and Fltrgerafd's .333. Tobln and Ryan of Bait Lavke are fourth and fifth with respective aver ages of .32 and .316. flail. Brown. Stolen baae Orr 2. Meoael. Two bae hit Oit. Sicrlfire bit KenworlhT. rrandall Htturk out By Brown 3. Erum 1 Flrt baae .a bll Off Brown 8. Fan 2. Hon Off Bmn 2. Evans 1. Double play Uei.ael to Konniler. Time 1:40. Umpire Finney nd (ey Ipeyti (TH1NI PEYTON GRAVELY DID A GREAT THING WHEN HE INVENTED I PLUG TOBACCO. ' YES. BUT gravely f WAS THE GREATEST THING 4 27 fP 1 - V ii V s. r ,tlZrl - NOW THE PATENT POUCH rat.Ki ii i "ir'i-S 1 -TTSr Vj&BILLY POSTDrS SIGNS ARE rfrymr9M ! ; , - . ' ' : '' - : 1 ' 1 1 .' AMERICAN LEAGUE White Sox Win Easily fhlr.ien Atiir 57 I N fi.l was eaoy for the White Sox Sunday; they won, 8 to S. from the Yanks In a batting bee for both s?des. Tho locals garnered 14 hits while New York got IS. The feature of the game was the hitting of J. Collins, who with four times at bat got four hits, brought In half of the runs for the Sox, and made three put outs. Score: NEW YORK I CHICAGO AB. 11. O A ! AB. U. O. A. High. If... 4 1 1 1 I Colllna.rf. 4 4 3 0 Gllhoolrjr.f 4 2 1 1 M'Mulllii.ib 4 1 2 (1 Perk aa 4 2 1 3 K.Collliia.2b 4 2 8 3 Plpp.p 4 18 t Jakaon.lf... 3 18 0 4 1 3 3 'FeJavb.rf . . . 4 2 8 1 Baker.ab... 4 3 2 1 'jaadll. 1 b. . 4 1 7 o Hrndri.f . 2 0 1 O R libera; ti. 2 0 15 Nunatn er.c 3 10 2;Sbralk.c 4 0 6 1 klncrldtfe.p. 2 1 O Mtumell.p... 1 1 O v Ciill'tp.p. . . 0 0 11 1 lanforth.p. 8 10 0 Baumatin. 1 1 o 0llabr&ok.. 0 0 0 0 ty.tifi 1 1 0 i Ward 10 0O Tx.tal . 34 13 24 1 T Totala... 33 14 27 10 Baited fr.r Min-ldge In aeTenlh. tBattt-d f' Cullo In nlntb. tr.attrt fur Hlgb In ninth. I Rati for Ruseell In tblrd. New York 0 1 1 0001 0 03 Clilcajo 102020 1 S Kun Peck. OMeon. Ilanmnn, J. Clllna 4. MrMulMn. y.. C..II11.. Pmif.a-tb. Ilillk. Kr rnn Jlpndrx. TW' bni- blta Jarknon. Dan f'Ttb. Baumarui. J. ( ollna. f tru k uiK By lnrrld 2. by Danforth 4. Flrat baae on halla Off Mogrlile a. off Ruaaell 1. off lian forth 3. Sa-rlflce hlta Ilendyl. McMullan. Iouble playa NunamakT to BakPr, Kiaberg lo Colllna to Oaildll. lck to Ptpp, High to Gldc.n to Nunanialer. Schalk io Mc.Mullln. Hit by pitcher By llugrldge, J. Coina. Jack aim. Time 1 iO. Lmpirea Uwena and U'LougbJIa. Indiana Scalp Senators Cleveland. Auff. 27. (I. N. S.) The Indians beat the Griff men. 2 to 1, Sunday in a pitchers' battle be tween I oc Avers and Jim Hii)v Wamby drove a single to center after two were down in the ninth, scoring Elmer Smith with the winning run. Score: WASnrMTOX I CT.ETEr.AND AB. II. OA' ' AB. II O. A. Menosky.lf 4 0 2 O Hnoy.lf . . . 4 2 4 0 hniik.a 0 3 0( bapman.aa 0 SpVaker.ef . 1 Jniltb.rf . . . 1 HaiTKlb. . 4 Wamly.21. 3 ruriier.:ib.. 'Rofb 2iHward.3b. irNelll.c. . . Bllllnga.c. . Bagb.p 4 3 4 8 4 a i o a o 8 o C. . 4 0 4 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 8 1 1 0 2 O f 0 0 1 1 Bloe.rf 8 1 t.eunard.3b. 3 2 Morgan. 2t. 3 2 4 '1 Alnninitb.e. 4 o Ajera.p 3 1 0 0 0 1 t 2 Total.. 32 20 11. Totala... 30 0 27 12 Two out when winning run made. Batted for Turner In eights. Washington 0 1 000000 01 Clrrrlaud 0OO 0000 1 12 R'ina Leonard. Smith. Howard. Errora Ah'H.iifh Two baae bit leonaxd. Uraney. Sacrifice hit Lemianl. 5tolen baaea Hhanka. Smith. l-uble iilay Leonard to Morgan to Gbarrlty. Klrst ba on balln Off Ayer 8. off lUjft.y 1. Strurk out Ht Ayera 0, by Bagl.y 1. I'aaaed ball O'Neill. Time 1:40. L'uipire Coooolly and Hlldebrind. Brown Annex Doubleheader EL Louis, Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) St Louis took a doubleheader from Philadelphia, 6 to 6 and to 6. The Browns received a present from the Athletics in the first half of the double bill which went 11 innings. It was a crazy ball game with a crasy finish. Philadelphia lost the second on four errors and timely batting for the locals. The scores: Second ST IX) I I S PHILADELPHIA AB. H. O. A AJt. H. O. A Smith. If... ." 3 ft 0 Jamlewm.rf 4 2 10 Micrr.:ib. . . 6 4 1 1 3 i;r"Ter.2t. . 4 0 12 1 7 'B.i,!f 4 2 10 1 4 1 Baten.rb. ... 6 0 1 3 1 3 0 Ktrunk.rf . . S 8 2 0 18 0 lb. 4 113 1 1 4 0 .laley.r 4 2 3 0 2 0 4 liugan.n. . . 5 1 O 4 0 0 OMrera.p 3 0 2 3 Prtt.2h. . . 3 Sloan. rf... 3 Vrrld.c . . 3 Jacnoaon.rf 4 Laran.a. .. 4 Uruem.p... 4 j'lirirrin. . . l o o n Total.. 83 11 27 ' Tot)... 89 11 24 13 Batted fur Myers In ninth. Philadelphia O1O00010 3 0 St. Loul 0102 1032 9 Ron Smith 3. M(ee. Pratt 3. Jleobaon. IT WAS -THE J CELEBRATED 1st p Shewing Plu Quality that BEFORCTHE INVENTIOM fOP OUR FVCTEFfr AIR-PROOF POUCH. CDaVELV PLUO TOBACCO MACE STRICTLY WOULD NOT KEEP FRESM IN Tn t-l urrW THE RATE NT POUCH KEEPS IT a aairv ANUksaia w -. - - O ORDINARY PLUO.. . -J?J3.9ravfyXtacco Cx Oumu.CLmn!Sr9 f. Groom, Jarelesoo. Bndle, Bates. Btrnnk tHuran. Errrara Pratt. LaTan. Jamlesoo SIrunk. Haley. Pugao. Two base hlta Mailt ta HUl&r. Bate. Ttora baae blta 8 ml Lb 2. La ran. Sacrifice blta Jlclnnla, Staler. Severetrt. Ptolen liam-a Jarubaon. Sloan. Mage. Pratt. It Jaii.l-. 2. H"dle. Bate. Wild nitrhea i.imu I, Jljrra I. liaJea on ikiiis wi i iri. in .:. ilifra 2. Struck uul By Utoiu 4. ly ljer First game R. II. E. Philadelphia 6 14 3 St. Louis 6 11 2 Batteries Noyes, Schauer and Schang; Lavenport, Wright, Sothoron and Severeld. s Red Sox Win on Passes Detroit. Aug. 27. (I N 8.) Bases on balls proved fatal to Ehmke and Boston won. 6 to 3, scoring four runs as a result of passes, of which the Detroit hurler Issued nine in eight innings. Dutch Leonard was hit so hard in five innings that he was re placed by Mays In the sixth. The relief man did not allow a hit and only one- Tiger frot on while he worked. The score: BOSTON I DETROIT AB. H. 0. A. AB. II. O. A. YValah.rf . . . 2 1 2 0 Bnah.aa 5 1 1 3 Barry. 2b... 3 1 2 4IVItt.3b S 1 11 6 13 OjVearb.lf Hooiwr.rf . . 4 0 2 Olllellman.rf . Gardner. 3b. 1 0 1 ... Scott. aa. .. . 3 10 8Youne.2t. .. ATTiew,c... 4 0 5 1 lpeooer.e. . a 0 0 0 4 2 11 2 13 1 8 12 0 4 2 12 2 4 0 2 6 2 0 e 0 3 2 o r. 0001 1000 -oruira.p. a z onnmae.p Maya, p. 2 1 1 Q Boland.p. . . 'Uarper. . . Totala ..81 8 27 9 Totals... 83 9 27 18 lint ted for Boland In nlntb Rotton 1 0200003 0 fl I), trolt 1 1010000 03 It'ina Waleli 2, Hooper, Gardner. Scott. Leonard. Bush, Bum 2. Brror Vltt. Two baee blta Barry. Lewi. Three baae hit Burns. Stolen base Cobb. Sacrifice file Veccb, Spencer. Double playa Kbmke to BiiFb to Bum. Veach to Spencer. Bine on bulla Off Ebmke 9. off Leonard 1. off Mar 1. Struck on t By Qimk 5. by Leonard 1. by May 1. Wild pltcb ieooara. rsssea Dan Atfiiew. Newland Is High Gun at Local Shoot H. B. Newland won another leg- on the W. C. Bristol 20-gauge un trophy in Sunday's shoot on the Everding park traps of the Portland Gun club. Newland won from A. W. Strowger and A. L. Zachrlsson in a shoot-off by shattering 23 out of 15 targets. In the regular event each scored 20. Ten shooters participated In the shoot. Newland led a field of 18 shooters in 12-gaugs practice shooting, hang ing up "a mark of 48 out of 60. A. K. Downs scored 82 out of 100 and W. C. Bristol, shooting with a 20 gauge, scored 80 per cent. The scores in the W. C. Bristol cup event are as follows: A. W. Strowger 20, H. B. Newland 20, A. L. Zachrlsson 20. H. R. Ever ding 19. W. C. Bristol 18. P. C. Jack son 17, A. L. Moulton 1, C. B. Pres ton 18, L. L. Mullt IS and A. K. Downs 10. Practice scores 2-' 25 23 23 ..100 E. E. Young 22 22 44 L. L. Mullt la .. . 18 Mr. K. E. Young ... 15 17 JS .. .. B0 A. L. Moulton 1(1 18 IS .. .. 63 W. C. BrUtol 21 20 19 30 .. 80 Al Sesuln 24 23 47 J. 8. Crane 15 19 84 C. IV. Ireton IS 17 17 19 .. 68 A. L. Zarbrlason 13 13 26 A. K. Down 13 21 24 22 .. nu K. C. Jckoo 13 13 II. B. Newland 23 23 4h A. Y. Stronger 1H 11 29 H. K. trerdlne 19 22 18 .. .. 9 Mr. A. JC. Down. ... 13 13 A. Bker 24 22 4 F. t. Atwell 17 17 American Association Indianapolis 13. Kansas City t. Louisville 2. 4: Milwaukee 3, . Toledo 1, S; St. Paul 3. 2. Columbus 9. 8; Minneapolis 6, 8. ay I FOR ITS CHEWING QUAUTV- J af A hVl Mk kW n KbSI E J U .aSBMSl AUTTLE CHEW OF GRAVELY IS ENOUOH I.J . . - . . . nwn.a TU1N AV BIO CHEW Y- BALTIMORE NEW AMERICAN CLUB; WASHINGTON OUT Sunday Game Expected to Pay Jack Dunn to Man age New York, Washington, Aur. 27. (I. N. B.) Removal of the Washington American league club to Baltimore, with Clark Griffith as manager, and the transfer of Jack Dunn from his Baltimore berth to tho managership of the New York Americans were announced here this afternoon by stockholders In the Wash lngton club. The local franchise will be taken over by the holders of the old Baltl more Federal league club, with Grlf flth retaining an Interest. He hopes the Sunday games at Baltimore will enable him to make up losses suffered here. Stockholders confirming- the removal plan declared Jack Dunn is to succeed Wild Bill Donovan. The source of this information was not divulged. Johnson Denies Report Chicago, Aug. 27. (I. N. S.) President Ban B. Johnson of the Amer ican league today said the report from Washington that the Washington American league baseball club was to be transferred to Baltimore was un true. "T,he statement Is absolutely with out foundation," said President John son. President Jake Rupert of the New York Yankees, who was in conference with Johnson at the time, also took occasion to deny that Jack Dunn, man ager of the Baltimore International club, would succeed "Wild Bill" Don ovan aa manager of the Yankees, Connie Meyer Winner Of Coast Dive Title Oakland, Cal.. Aug. 27. (U. P.) Mrs. Connie Meyer of the Multnomah Athletic club, Portland, Or., today was offlcally proclaimed woman's dlvJng champion of the Pacific coast. At Idora park yesterday she beat out a field of competitors and took the cham- fjmmerTourist jj Fridays and Saturdays lfwlpsllH To September 29th . llg8g!L Famous Columbia River Route ill iL i Denver $62.50, Omaha $67.50, St Louis $78.70, k L7 C'cv ' c.- 1 ' Chicago $80, Washington $116, New York $: 18.20. ' 1 jKOCkVr - Sfl Low Fares to aU the Chief Cities East. - WW City Office, 3rd and Washington ym I 1. ' 'l"ff 2f Broadway 4500; A-6121 t&?M7 ' ''' 1 ' ' 4 . " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' s' . ' ' ' ' '"."' ' ' STANDING OF TEAMS Faclfio Coast Laague Won. Lost. Pet. Fan Fmnrlsro HO 01 .348 Sail Luke 74 03 ..'.32 Lua Anjreles 78 70 .M7 Oakland "i 73 .4'Ki Portland C( 72 .47S Vernon 02 83 .4i'S Amerioaa League Chicago 77 4rt .?6 Boatnn 73 49 .613 Clerelnsd AS 97 .R44 Detroit 03 59 .616 Nw York 66 61 .479 Washington 64 4 .4f8 St. Louis 4S 75 .8M Philadelphia 43 74 .868 a plonship, Introducing the volplane dive a combination of the hack twist and swan as one of her exploits. i Miss Evelyn Ross of Los Angeles took aecorld place. Mrs. Mildred Poll alt set a new coast woman's record for the plunge here Sunday, when he covered 65 feet, more than 12 feet better than the pre vious record held by Miss Qerard Oui ton. Miss Aileen Allen of Los Angeles, who defeated Mrs. Meyer In the only clash they ever had at Los Angeles two years aTO, went east several weeks ago to participate In iome big aquatic events around New York oity, and, of course, was not present. Block and Backus in Winners at Seattle Seattle, Wash., Aug. 27. W. C. Block of Portland made a nice clean-up here yesterday In the northwest casting tournament when he took almost all the prizes, along with Walter Backus, also of Portland. Backus won the accuracy fly with a percentage of 99 6-15," just l-16th bet ter than Dr. McFarland of Portland. In the half-ounce accuracy bait. Block's average of 88 9-10 was a win ner in a field of 2J. In the distance fly light tackle Backus cast 104 feet and Block 99. giving Portland two places. T. C. liarmer of Tacoma won the fisher men's contest with an average of 98.4. The 1918 tournament goes to Tacoma. Photomicrographs of crystallization forms of various chemical solutions have been used in Europe to provide new patterns for use in various arts and crafts. Seattle Marathon I Won by Dunn's Bird Jimmy Dunn's stable was flrtt home in the young bird marathon of tle Oregon Racing Pigeon club yesterday from Seattle. The birds, 60 In number, were all bred this, spring and a hard task was in front of them, owing to the condition Of the atmosphere which was as thick as pea soup. Only two birds neg&V tiated the distance in tho day. Jimmy Dunn timed a bird in at 3 o'clock and C. K. Henshaw clocked an ar rival at 4:17. The birds were .Tisably: affected by the dense smoke from the forest fires. The official result s. as follows: Jimmy Dunn, 'first, vel ocity 600 yards per minute: C. - C Henshaw, second, 610 yards per min ute. J. It. Ilewltson won the aver age speed for the young bird races for the fall. Fincher Ordered to , Report for War Duty Pitcher Bill Finchnr of ths Port land baseball club yesterday received a message from his draft board" at: Clarenden. Ark., ordering him to re port right after the first of Septem ber for duty in the national army and he did not accompany the Beavers , south last night. Herb Hunter was taken south by tb Ban Francisco club for utility duty. When wrltlnc to or calling on sdrertlser. pie mention The Journal. Do You i, Know How to Work To PlaV To Rest To Eat? Do You Know "HOW TO LIVE?" It Cost $1. TTi'i 'HTTTT 1J a