10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. 1ST MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL ARMY TO BEGIN WITHIN 10 DAYS y Five Per Cent to Be Called Out for Service Septem ber 3 and 4, Former Ambassador To Germany Attacks , 'Prussian - Irishism' I BELGIUM'S RIGHTS OF UTMOST IMPORTANC PPOCESS IS WORKED OUT Xvery Step xd and Men Will Be Tader Orders Trom Moment Thsy Board Train for Cantonment. Many Will Be Bejected Washington, Aug. 27. (L N. S. Army officials esti mate that fully '.'0 per cent of the men passed for service as physically fit by the local boards will be accepted after examination at the mobilisa tion camp by army surgeons. This means that approximately 88.700 men will be sent home from the mobilization camps. Local boards will be ordered to tall up new men immedi ately to fill su h vacancies In their Jurisdiction. Helena. Mont.. Aug. I". (I. N. S.) James C. Gerard. former ambassador of the United States to Germany. spoke here at a civic meeting Sunday afternoon. He de- nounced "Prussian-Irishism," 4 scoring In bitterest language 4 the assistance given to the cen- tral powers by soma misguided Irishmen. who thought that thereby they were assisting s Ireland to get home rule and freedom Mr. Gerard arrived here Sunday morning from Minneapolis, and Is en route to Hamilton, Mont., to visit his wife at bis mother-in-law's ranch. E, IS VIEW OF CARDIMAL Enter Into Very Heart and Essence of Whole War, Says Cardinal Gibbons, Washington. Aug. 2 7. (I. N. S.) America's first mobilization or he citlien manhood for war will begin within 10 days. War department of flclala Sunday detailed at lrngth each atet of the vast process which will bring 687,000 men to the colors be fdre It is complete. The first move will be made early thia week. Each of the approximate ly 4500 local boards will notify i per cent of its quota to present them selves Monday. September 3. or Tuesday, September 4, for. military service. The men thus called will be se lected from among tho quota called In the first drafl because of their special qualifications through pro vlous military service or their ability to Cook. Transportation Xs Provided In accordance with instructions they will present themselves at the office of the local board of thetf district There they will get instruc tions when and where to appear for transportation to the mobilization camp to which men from their local lty are assigned. In addition, they will be handed railroad tickets and meal tickets. They will travel In day coaches. i the mobilization camps are so located that there will be few long hauls except In the west and southwest. Provost Marshal General crowder. who has worked out every detail in connection with the rais.ns of a draft army, from the first day il was- pro posed, is new engaced in preparing train schedules for the various quotas aji they are orde. d to camp, lie will complete these s- hedules this week and will telegraph them, to the local - boards. Duties of Boards Detailed All the boards will have to do is to Instruct the men what train .o take and give them their tickets. A rep resentative of the board will be at the Station to see that the men ordered out report and are er.tralned. If a man falls to respond a military guard mil bo sent after him a;id Lm will be ar rested as a deserter. The men will be permitted to take with them extra u.iderwear, tooth biu&h, too.r puste. comb and brush and fresh handkerchiefs. They will not be allowed to have any more baggage, they may bring no food with them. On September 6 tha movement will be on. At the camp will be tta line and staff officers of the. division of which the camp is the mobilization joint There also will be the subordinate Officers assigned to the regiments to be made up of the drafted men. Mas Vast me port Arrival It probably win be late in the eve ning in the majority of cases when the conscripts begin to report at camp. Before leuving their horn atatlon. each group will get a tele graph blank from the representative of the oai board with orders to tele graph to the camp commander the time he ex poets to arrive at camp. These telegrams will be sent from several stations ahead as soon as tne conscript is able to Judge whether the train "ill be on time at the camp. In this way the camp commanders will be able to etieck up and see that iat iuu quota nas arrived, that no man tried to escape by getting off at some station along the line. full lists of the men forwarded Will be wired ahead by the local boards, and these will be checked oft ma the men arrive Thia process will continue live days, from September 6 to September t. inclusive. At the' end of that ttm t per cent of the quota of each loca board will have been forwarded to the camps. Waole Career Will Change wnen a man gets on the train to go to tne mooiuxation camp he en ters another life. Ills civilian asso ciations, his entire other world, are left behind him. Nothing is now left to his Judgment. Everything that be is to do has been worked out In advance; he. is under orders every minute. He reports at the camp. There h ;i assigned to a tent and told to take a bath and where to take It. lie goea to the showers, takes his bath, is given something to eat ant roe to bed. That is the end of the first day. Tha next morning tha real military Ufa starts. After roll call and break -' fast tha man Is brought before army surgeons for physical examination. If they confirm the decision of the civilian physicians that he Is physi cally qualified for military service. as It Is expected win be done In 0.f per cent or tne casej, tie win get a uniform and a rifle and other equip ment, and he win be assigned to C company. ejected Km to Batata Home Tha men rejected In the army test will be given tickets and sent home. Instructions will be wired to the local boards from which they were drawn to call up other men to take their - place. Tha next movement will be on Sep tember 1, wh 40 per cent of eaea district' quota, will be called out. Army officials bellev tha men al ready under 'training in skeleton com panies will be able to assimilate this influx and there will b no confusion. The third quota, of 40 per cent com as on October t; a fourth of II -par cent, completing the mobilisation. WlU ba called for a later data. SHIPS LEAVING PORTS OF AMERICA MUST BE PROTECTED, IS ORDER ! i I r I i ! . : i ' l ! Amplification of Peace Appeal, X Be- 1 llevea. Will Qlva Haw Xmnnlsa to Aogost Salliraa and bos. to H. aV. Me Knney, L. 7, 8. B. 18, Terrace Park Add. 600 n. E. MeKeaoey and wf. to D. i. Bnlll vaa. L. 7. 8. B. 1ft. Terrace Park Add. 10 Guatav Jstan sod wf. to Charles A. ip r legate et al, L. 5, B. 1. Tomllnaoa's Add. 10 Casta Kandel and wf. to Charles A. Applegate et aL L. a. 7. B. 1. Toro- lliwoo'a Add 10 Sheriff to I-add Estate Co.. L. 3. B. 11. 'm more land 874 Robert Krlm and wf. to Jamea Manarr. land cotrnM-nring at N. W . corner Sec. 1W. T. 1 8 . B. 3 K 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Continued) Edward Boltaaa Pres. J. K. Werle NEW TODAY WORDS OF POPE SATISFY Olvll Liberty Throughout World. I New York, Aug. 27. (V. P.) The ' rights of Belgium enter Into the very ' heart and essence of the whole war ! and every clairruof Justice must be met to satisfy the conscience of humanity, Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore de clared today in a ststement to tne United Press. Commenting on the amplification of Dental Opportunity DENTIST WANTS ASSOCIATE No Capita Required 455-459 Morgan BIrJg. W. 1. Bolaasa j ' a. trams. THE EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 Third atreet eor. SaliDoa A MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY ROOM WITH PRIVATE ICNTHANCM LADY ASSISTANT Pboewe Mala 607. A-1511 HELP WANTED MISC. (Continued) 41 Chambers-Kenworthy Co. Funeral directors and embalmers of Piedmont. 1111 Kerby at. at Emerson. Ladv assistant. Wdln 330S. C-11J K. T. Byrnes, new 901 Williams ave residence esiablt. Wdln 20 C-IH43. MAUSOLEUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 26 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 851. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MAKBLK WKS.. 264-261 4th at., opp. city hall. Main 8664. Philip Neu Sons for memorials. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW DLAESING GRANITE -LI 267-3RD' ST. AT'MADIsnN MORE men wanted. War causing va cane I as. Opportunity open to ellglblea desiring- f. u. clerk-carriers, xv. At, c cieras. customs, exams. tjaJi today, fa rirtr Whnnl. MrKiiT hide, eltv HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions for young women salary paid while learning. Apply Pacific TeL & Tel. Co., sixth floor. Pnrk and Oak sts.. between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Ol R fall class for free training ot NuBone corsetieres begins on Sept 1. We have several good tields open for neat, energetic women. Apply at once, NuBone Corset Parlor. 207 Cen- tral bldg.. tor. 10th and Alder VVANTKD At Medford, Or., imuied lately, l second cook. 117.50; Z ex perienced dishwashers, $12 per week and board; z experienced waitresses. $10 per week and board. Ootimc Kestaurant. BILLING stenographer. Opportunity in wholesale house. State age ana experience. L.-019, journal. Smoke Producers, Camou flage Painting and Gun Crews Are Requirements. THE BAKER Auction House, Masonlo , . , . . i r . . . 6UI Via UlUft,, 1 BUIIIMl ... . me pti-s p-hi e appeal puunsutu iul f s l at TO a m week, the cardinal further expressed I ' . . the opinion that it will give a new impulse to civil liberty the whole world over." i EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty; button LOST AM IOLNU 21 BUSINESS CA RDS Amplification Pleases I The cardinal's statement, received by ) th I'nited Press from Deal Beach, ! N. J., follows: j "I read with great satisfaction the cablegram of the I'nited Press, arapll- Washington. Aup. 2. (!'. P.) fying the pope's peace proposals, pub-1 Thousands of smoke producers to pro- lished with the approval of the car- I tect Amerlran troop, food and mur.l- dinal secretary of state, and. though ! tions ships from submarines are being they are given to the public only now, : turned out today by a government con- Btln j nave reason to believe that they tractor in Delaware, formed an Integral part of the pontifi- ! On and after October 1 any ship of cal mlnd fom the'very beginning. No any description will not be allowed to ,an of j.. emanating from the holy see can be considered complete that does not recognize every claim of Justice as fsr as the ripeness of the Pins, charms Jaeeer Bros 131-3 (!th. V Ha! Statistics marriages. Btrtbs. Dtaibs. MARRIAGE LICENSES LOST A packet containing registra tion card of Edwin E. Nelson of Ta coma. Wash., and Mason receipts. Please return to k2 Mississippi ave., or phone Wdln. 1671'. i LOST Lemon and white English set ter dog. Eight months old. Notify A. R. Rice 6T1 a 16th st. N. Phone E. 4545. Reward. DISAPPEARED Aug. 15. little brown dog with white breast and tips of tail; had leather collar on; reward. Telephone Main 2222. LOST August 15 on Rainier train, handbag containing keys and rosary; finder please call Main 7f4. sal! from any American port unless fully equipped. On that date all ves sels roust be painted by a system of camouflage worked out by the naval consulting board. Details of thee sys tems are government war secrets. "If I told how it was done," said Admiral Rousseau of the naval con sulting board, "the Germans would know what to look for." The smoke aereens will be used only as a last resort. Twelve smoKe ivoxes will be on every vessel's deck. There also will be one huge tnouen practi cally Invisible, smoke funnel. Should one of the kaiser's I'-boats detect the spirit-like trappings of one of these American trhosts of the sea. the smoke funnel will be started and the smoke boxes dumped overboard. The action of the sea water on one of the Ingenious combinations of chem icals will throw off great clouds of d-nse black smoke ami the ship can silp away. Once used, however, the smoke boxes are worn out. The smoke funnel costs about tllo and the birioke boii-s $25 earh. The government hopes to save thou sands of tons of shippinp by these pre cautions and has also stipulated that after October 1 every ship sailing must be protected with iruna manned by a raval gun crew and muot use smoke less coal while traveling through the submarine xone. Vincent's hospltak . Majwood driT and ' Wasb., Christine , 21st at.. t LOST Sunday, $40 and First National bank savings account book. Reward for return. Phone Main 425 times permits. Belgium' mig-ht Pre-eminent 'Though it must be evident to every thinking man that no peace can be possible after a war as great and ter rible as the present one without a spirit of conciliation and of mutual willingness to make concessions and condonationn. still I think it must be held that that rulo applies only to matters of detail and of secondary im portance, nor do I believe :hat any body will be disposed to confider the Krrd (i. Bell. 2fl, Ht. MHba M. Weateugard, 1, an larva ae. Tral Owen. 2fl. Vancourer, May, 21. face aula. Milton Robliikua, legal. 750 B. Verna Kit, legal. 128 Grand are. N. Jot-.n KilwarU Uyaa. Jb, 2fcO Urand ave. C. Kirk. I'H. Vancouver, Wash- Ddna turn to imperial note!. Stear. 21. Hoyt hotel. LOST Bi veJlow doir LEFT in postoffice Sunday morning l&dy's pocketbook. Reward if left at JfO ten-Benson. FOR general office work, permanent position in permanent concern; sten. ographic experience valuable, but not necessary; prefer young lady 21 to SO. Call 613 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper and typist to operate Elliott Fisher bookkeeping machine. Experienced operator pre terred. Address P. O. Box 768, city. WANTED Chorus girls, big city show. long engagement. Salary $20. Re hearsals at once. KX-539. Journal. WANTED - Experienced feeder on mangle, lT. S. Laundry Co.. Granu ave. and E Yamhill. WANTED Lady canvassers for spe cial advertising. Call 9 o'clock at 27 Union ave. GIRL to assist in housekeeping in small family in Laurelhurst. Phone Tabor 2212. WANTED Experienced body ironer. American Laundry, 140 E. 3d at. N. ROOMS AND BOARD (Continued! ROOM and board for buainesa girls; modern conveniences! walking dis tance. ?,R0 week 12 K 7th st K. 4732 15 APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHEi .li 1 c Air- L'RNISHEIJ toonunnea) THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th St.. for business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. The Cromwell The Whitehall 253 bin bt.. room board: reaa. rates. Mrs. Price, mgr. Trie. .VIANlToU. 21 iiin. liotiiciiKc steam host: rood hnurd rn M "."n FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STft. Five min. walk to Meier & Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly mod. and " room lur. apai iincnia, all out I miii riruin uuuj s ana uaiconiea. All IUITI VK KA 1 Ka. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. ROOMS AND BOARD WTATB rAULT $1.75 WEEK UP Completely fur nished housekeeping rooms, abso lutely clean, every convenience; suites. $2.76 up; desirable people only; savo carfare. 288 Vj 3d Bt.. near Jefferson. FURNISHED room In ldal location. beautiful view of river, good board. reasonable. 640 Grand ave. Sell. 2909. CLEAN finished room, private fainilv. board. 42SVMillt. Phone Mar. 2515. ROOM, with breakfast, $3.20 week. SJ E. Couch. Call Monday JAEGER APARTMENTS Washington and King Sts. 3, 4. 6 ana 8 rooms. Every modem convenience, whlte maple floors, tlectric ranges. White enameled apartments. Modern VILLA ST. CLARA 12th nd Taylor. lern. comply ly furnished apts. Walking distance; relerences. PENROSE APAK'l'AlENTS Grand ave., bet. Moiilson nd Bel mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.: solid hrlck I IHn u.liii. ..... BOARD and room, reasonable; piano. and mahogany finish: 'walking dUt'ce. "'""""v -."'"' .. COMPLETELY furnished 2-Wm i apartment, 20 month, including H i lights; easy walking distance. BEL KNAP APARTMEN i'S, lhi 17th. St., ntar Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING RCK).MS rtmirxsKED awd VHiiransEEO ROYCREST. 175 12th. front rooms, first piano. Suite of 2 large floor. Use of f-Iom Aftc Free ouln. not. coiu w aiti UCIII MLlii $f week up 411 1st -t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 nUTATH rAktlLT '1E it.V .NOB HILL. Ui ick uuildiug. 5 floors, all mod. couwuiuiices; 35 2 and 3 room suites, few furnished, lawn, shade, flowers. Glisan at. ntar -3d st. THE SHEFFIELD, 2iu Broadway S. 3 arid 4 . irn lur. and unfur. apts., walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2508. M'KINLE t APAHTAih.iTS Modern 3 room. $18 pe mo., and un: FURNISHED h. k. rooms, walking private phone and bath; .walking dis- distance; also 1 room on first floor , tance. E. ith and Morrison. Kast 3100. for light housekeeping. 166 E. 12th and j 4 ROOMS, eleeplnc porch.- furnished Belmont. B-2065. or unfurnished. hardwood floors. $6 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping ' walking distance. Portnomah. 200 E. rooms. 646 E. 27th St., 1 block south iA1"- . . 13th and of Richmond car; light, water. THE LUXOR. FRONT housekeeping room wltn kitchenette free. Phone, bath, ligh:. 10 a month. 509 Davis st. lay 2.75 3 ROOM housekeeping suite in back; also single; convenient. 170 3th st.. LARGE airy h. 13th st. k. room, cheap. 20:1 12 LOST Saturday, bunch of keys, one numbered llzz. tinder kindly re- 1 JtM Morrill 1-1, llli lor-. 1 W R 47th at., llaxel Kun-ougUn, legal. 4112 42d are. 8. Carl KellenbTKt-r. 24. IE 17th at. N.. Vio let L. Scanin. . l'.'T K. -HUh at. illlm J. IViri.a. legal, Clarkamas, Or.. Graro Falling. 1 gal, 361 K. 4ta at. Uwjf Addlugiun. 2. 678 ' E. 6th St. X, !rr lillfr. 1H. e7s K. 4th st. X. i.rgr Wallace. 1'7, 307 Market at.. Ar-Tetl-e Watkiiia. 7, t.'entral boKel. Hxrokl D. farmer. l-(al, 31 E. 44th at-. Ciwiflja B. Mnrg. n. It-y a 1. 623 E. 8th at. 1970. Delay st. license No. Wood lawn 4 477. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED AT SMITH A CO. Morgan bldg. riisnis or ueigium as a qucsiun 01 mat : i -KESS SL' ITS Kimi. ana not rather as one OT tne first AMERICAN LAKE AMERICAN for rent, all sizes. rnin'ie Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. importance, entering into the very heart and essence of the whole con flict, wherein, in order to satisfy the conscience of humanity, every claim of justice must be fully met and satis fied. Wide Xnfurnce Forecast "Further, the clear statement of the cardinal secretary of state., that the form of government is to be left to the free "choice of every peorle. mark th vorv no rn i- t nn a tf r t . - i I ,iv .. " . . . . . . ... quieui high mitf wlU be offered for repose of liberty, and it is my Impression that Ib v m ty mnted. Inter that strong confirmation of the Holy Dient at Mount ("alTary cemetery. See of the old American Principle lslu,At lbe f.mllT rnldDce. M K.,t will give a new Impulse to civil lib- TwWfth atre.-t. Ausnat Cora Powell 1 ) hlraTH S AXI KJL'X E R A LS 75 MARUO.V At Eaalngton. Pa.. August 22. Kob. rt Jimri Bamiti, m$r 21 years. 5 month, kw of Jamea T. and Eliaaheth Barron, brother of Mr. '1 "hi. ma M Kltzpatrlrk, nephew of Mr. and Mr. M. U Munly. Mr. and Mra. ( tara T. Wbitjrj. llemalus will arrlre in Portland tomorrow TueaUy) eT-nlng. Angiiat 2b. Funeral cortega will lpare the family reaidMice. 34 Waaco atreet ivrwr East t'T- enieeuth street Neath, at 8:30 a. m.. Wediien LAKE FARE A KITCHEN helper for small dining room. W-335, journal. LADtES take work nome sparo time. $1 dosen. Store 733 4 Wash sL HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2 HOP PICKERS WANTED 1700 hop pickers wanted for Llvesly yards: tents, wood, water and good camps provided; 50c box will be paid; hops clean and plentiful: "register at Federal Employment Bureau office. 424 Railway Exchange bldg. Sts. Clean, furnished modern apts. Steam heat, private baths, closets, phoi.es. D slrab'e location. Reasonable M.imSioH TWO completely lur imuhcKcipiiig rooms; nice place. East J9 h and Morrison. Heat, Has. electric, etc. Phone Tabor 3X5. DEL MONTE A PA 1M .l In I o Nicely furnished 2 ;md 3 room modern Apts. Also single room:!. Reaeonublu. lfiLKi.,iLLs,- nr- Washing t'iiiiM sr. l'K.liaLl.A APTS. C-ll.o. iJunciela $5 PER MONTH will rent small, i bldg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold comfortable house, lights, water, j ater, batliB. phone, ; team he:u. H 2 up. gas 6 lots, fenced, chicken houses, , KosK KRiEND APTS.; iw. bway and fruits. y, block from Woodmere school. , Jefferson. Elegant unlr'. apis., best Or will sell on easy terms. Phone ; ,ervice. Walking dis. Marshall 1410. Tabor 6913. ' UKNaON APIS.". 2u N. iotti al.-.Now- GOOD 8 room house, walking aistance, . iy furnished 3 room upib.. walking Northwestern Steel Co. works; 2 distance; retereiues Alarsnall 4 4 4m. c .rl T fnm knm a Valtflnv H I ) U nr. , Sirtnth PnnlinH ihlnvurilll Soil 1fill' ! NOKOAilS FOll RENT HOUSES rjirx-TKsnsxED NEAR Couch schooi, unfurnished 6 room flat, bath, sleeping porch, fur- ...... , . . . , 7-T7T.Ti7w "TToTT rrMaha?,6l9S!0yt- nCar 1 . "VL J. a. FREE FARE FREE Carpenters $S for 8 hours BONUS, OF 60 CENTS A DAT IF WORK UNTIL SEPTEMER 1. Construction work building new military camps. , daj. Aurtwt 2. Uieuce to U Cathedral. Flf-ir-Kf-h H AKh rKrr hAKr l.rnft, .nd IaTla iimti. where lulfmti re-!1 tlL-L- ' 1 ' -U I L. Apply at bl'tUi oooKKeeping, snonnanu, teleg raphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 690 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGGE. 167 4th St.. n-ar Morrison. ?mizu mM&m muzm Est. 1893. 30 schools. Summer rates Pay while learning. 23 1 Burnside st. MUiibHN r. newly finished, gas elec tricity, bath, good schools and neighborhood, $12.50. 656 Durham ave. Woodlawn. CLEAN 7 room house, garden, garage! 927 Woodward ave. Key at 919, or 20K 16th st j nunc nyuuiawn dvu. 665 iM .11 sua 1 1. .Modern 2- room furnished, private balh, :e.j- ing room odn nhutic. $15 to $ .'2.50. e. i also 2 and 4 rm 1 eusoi.anli. Mar. 983. ThK ALCo. E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnish;! I room aita., slrtci ly modern, reasonable. East 2403. 3-4-6 ROOM KUKM8Hl.il APTS $12.50 868 UNION AVE. N., 6 room modern house, large grounds and chicken house. THE DEZfcNDORv 1. ear Taylor. Marsh. 12$. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d Jiid Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 p. r wek up; sleepl 'oorns Kast 21$. THE LEONVE. ' o I wrnished e. FOR RENT 6 room modern house, V I apartments; private bath and phon acre, fruit, chicken yard. $li.5o per Rent very reasoiinnle. 1st; N Z. montn. ti c. in St., v. js. car. v . , . ,ts: FOR RENT 7 room house, electric lights, gas, wash trays, furnace. Call Sunday or evenings. 650 Belmont. 27 21st st. erty the iERMAN DRIVE" ON RIGA FRONT AT END, REPORT (CTOtlcued From Paf (tar's whole world over. "CARDINAL GTBBONS. Mexican I. W. W. in Jail Hangs Himself Klaixip, wire of Arthur V. iilahop, I). D.. pas tor of Central I"Tebjtrrlan rhurib; mother of Mrm. c. T. Harruot of UleTeland. O ; Edward I". Dlbp ot Kulnmc. N. M , Walter L. Ktahop, I nited Stales army; Mildred K. and Martina Marie Blabop of this city. The funer al wrTlceo will be held at the Central Presby terian church. F.aat Thirteenth and Pine rret. at 2:.1o p. m. Wednodar. Auguat 13) HURLEY-MASON CO. Free Employment Office Located at 33 N. 3d at jd st. bet. Burnside and Couch sts. Frirnals turned. For a-uj lnfomiallon call F. POSITION wanted by middleaged S. Irunnlng, Inc. of Olay, on the night of more than 1000 shells be- the region August 2 0, ng fired. "Taking Into account all of the facts , n regard to the fighting on the Riga 1 front one can say that the German of fensive has ended and has been with-I out any important aucceas. : "German prisoners declared that the German artillery preparation came to n end on August 17 and that August 20 was the date set for the offensive operations by the infantry. "The indecision shown by the Ger man command a well as the lnactlv- ty of the Baltic fleet merit attention. n all the preceding offensives the 1 neet Great Falls. Mont.. Aug. 27. (I. N. S. With a piece of clothes line used by prisoners in the laundry at the police Jail Felix Oorln. a Mexican member of the I. W. W.. Saturday hanged himself in his cell. The Mexican tied the rope to the 1 pper porton of the cell grating and 'htn threw Ms weight on the cora. P:-rt of the'welght of his body rested on the cell floor. He was found by ftllow prlsortrs. Miners Ask Higher Wages, Mine Closes ' ' ment at had cooperated with the land orces. I Redding. Cal.. Ausr. 2: In full accord with the general staff, ' Miners at the Balla Kallali (V. P.) mine nar he central military eVollsh commission i Coram, who are on str.ke for $5.00 a has arranged s-oretly for the forma- 1 day wages, remained firm today and ion of Polish military units, composed ! ,re mine has shut down completely. I r volunteer officers and soiaiers of All the miners there are out and no I man, wno nas a large personal ex perience in various lines. Have ability as an executive, can manage men, good buyer or investigator, a salesman, havn been a newspaper man and publisher. not afraid of work, quick to catch an idea, can be trusted and counted upon wherever placed. Salary at first no special object. Want to get employ ment where there is chance for ad vancement as demonstrated by qualifi cation. I am at present engaged in t xh parlora of F. 8. lunnlng. 1 business at Eugene. Can furnish high xth and Alder streets. 1 est. testimonials as to character and I RBANKK-At the family rrwulence. I""-" ' solicited a C P C T Box k"T Fu ! Corbett street, Auugst 2b, Thereala I rbs- ' frl'flt;- C- F -- BoX Eu" 1 iiek, are M years 4 months 3 days, beloved gtne, ur. , lfe of Jomrih L rbwnek. mother of Mary and Jowjh A. Vrbanek and John Mlers. KYlrada lnrlted to attend fanrral aervlees. which will be held st the First German Evangelical Tenth and Clay streets, at Z:30 p. ouorrow (Tuesday 1. Auugst 28. Inter - iUrerrtew cemetery. netnalns will lb Iti atate in the abore church from 1 p. m. Ir.eaday until time of funeral serrlo?, and a: Holman'a fqneral parlora nntll 12:30, LOUR At the family residence, &24 Mllwau kle street. Aurust 25. Mrs. Frelda Lohr. sxrd C4 year 7 montba 10 days, wlfa of Beury lbr, mother of Albert and Herman Lnhr of this city. A member of Kuraka council, Knlfhta and Ladles of Security, Tnurenelda IikIicf. No. 1. U. I. H. S. The funeral aerricea will be held at the German Lutheran eburcn. Kst Twelfth and (Tin ton streets, st 8:30 p. in. tomorrow (Tuesday ), August 28. FTlendu InTltrd. Interment Kose City cemetery. Tlis rcmalna are Inc . F.aat Hi M03.LER IBMBER l eaches men and women in S weeks, giving a diploma, scholarship and tools, pays while learning 38 N. 2d. cor. Couch HOPPICKERS wanted, Hovenden hop yard at Broad Acres. 75 acres, good accommodations for campers. Regis ter at 87 5th. between Stark and Oak. OREGON Barber College, wants men and women to learn barber trade, paid while learning; position guaran teed. 233 Madison. WANTED AGENTS 11 arms of the service. RUSSIAN FLIERS SEE NEW PREPARATIONS IN GERMAN CAMPS : ore is being shipped. j At the Mammoth .and Iron Mountain j mines nearby there is no unrest. Mine , officials declare the strike Is due en , tlrely to Italian and Spanish miners land that no American miners are participating. :s. i-T-'i. ?;. t'-! Negro Is Suspected - - -' I -a. k a-BM as I IWI- T II Ui lhree Murders w Petrograd. A -.. ... nussian scouts ana Tilers on the Riga front, returning from extensive recon naissances, report that behind the re grouping of their forces along the III. - .. T . 1 . 1 Z V . . . "V"""' Omaha. Neb. Aug .n .m.c..c preparations ior en- 1 Ponce today believed " ins up vi , 0f Vlcksbura- Mlaa important military supplies 1. lnces- j for k,ni p. c' trains are continu.Uy on the move on j k W 0 " h'Zrr "J thc all the routes of communication. 7V w.r'ii J 1, r q f - Anderson. Behind the front, also, a feverish 'Aa d fTUKtnlJ,t mnd activity prevails, showing that the Lemarowa. Tuesday Th" masslnar of troon. rnniimiM nr, . ' . " 1 xuesuay. ine r v m.rn r-a t m r .it . . . . . i M( KtLi. Al lbe boms of hla grandson. H. Kebeusoorf. OUT Liberty street. AofM 25. f;rrlRon 1 'at too Nlckell. aged 66 yeara 3 montha 7 days, huaband of Mrs. Laura Nlckell oi this city; fstber of W. A. Nlckell of l.aka i rrrt. Cr . and Frank M. Nlckell of Portland. The funeral will be held at th eonsTra tory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street, st 10 a. m. tonna-row (Tuesday), Ao (iiat 28. ITlenda InTlted. Interment West Ln ton cemetery. WALKER In lb la city, Aug. 23. at her lata residence, 3f4 Montgomery street, Elisabeth Walker, ared 78 years, wife of Tbomaa Walk er, rhe funeral aerTlees will be held Tuesday. Ang. 3. st 2.30 o'clock p. m., at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley k Son. Montgom ery, at .'lb. Friends lnrlted. Interment at Iahi Fir cemetery, riesae oroit rwwers. SEE ME TODAT IF YOU WANT WORK FREE EMPLOYMENT I wnt men for all departments of large mill. Young men box factory, planing mill men. etc. Fallers, buck ers. engineers, rig rustlers, skid road men. section hands. Few openings for men with families and Seven Day Adventlsts. 15 2d at., corner 2d and Ankeny. Fare advanced. BRITISH subjects wanted for Cana dian overseas forces, forestry and railway. Join a non-fighting unit if you wish, but choose now and avoid conscription. 221 Board of Trade tldg.. Portland, or evenings Home phone B-1130. D. Stevens. BOOKKEEPER Opportunity for cap able experienced man. Answer ful ly. 0-4 4 8, JournaL TEAMSTERS and laborers on Colum- bia river highway, at Fernhlll, about b miles east of Astotla, g hours wore Apply J. W. Sweeney Construction Co. SELLING agorits wanted; women to sell city trade; liberal commissions, big money. Apply at 226 Abingtoi. bldg. SITUATIONS MALE FOR RENT 2 10 room houses in Iadd ad., good for rooming houses. Phone East 2553. K ROOM moacrn house, newly tinted and painted; rent reasonable. 205 N. 23d st. $13. 6J CLEAN 6 room modern house, near grade and high schools. Kev at 2601 49th st. S. E. Tabor 1250. 6-6 ROOM houses In good condition. on east and west side. From $8 to $12. 212 AJisky bkjb'. 6 ROOM modern, $12; with garage. $1 5 . near Jefferson high school ; cor. Com mercial and Blandena. Woodlawn 187. s ROOM house and garage, most new, modern, up to date, fine location. 13 88 Tabor Court. Tabor 64 27. room f urn. not.: Uw r-nt. Msr K24. ONE 3 r. one 4 r.. nlceiv fiirnisheJ, cheap ren t. 4 5 4 1 1 th Ma in 7 2 2 FOK Hi:.T FLATS 1:1 MODERN 5 room fhit. Jf4 APirgln St., 3 blocks south linadway bridge.' only 8 blocks from Albii.a shipyard; beautiful location, $14, including wa ter. Kast 36 1 2. $1 3" 60 UPPER flat of 5 liKht. airy rooms and sleeping porch. West Side, walking distance. 56914 -6th st. Tabor 4553. ( 3 ROOM, unfurnished flat,' with sleep ing porch and three furnished; adults. 504 E. 22d St. So. a ROOM Hat, Main modern. Ci)4 Irving. Lo rt'tK MODERN 6 room house, furnace and gas range. Hawthorne addition. Woodlawn 4784. ilat. 1- with or without some FLKNISIIFU :'LAT8 5t SAVE! STOP THAT LEAK! Let us keep your books. Small set of books handled. Experienced book keepers. VERY reasonable. References. Bond. S-485. Journal. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position one half or part of time good references. Phone Mar. 4262. V ko. Journal. PAINTING, paper hanging and tint lng, good work, reasonable. Tabor 4367 WANTED Position by reliable mar rled man in any Kind of work; fal mechanic. C-0I8, Journal. IK YOU need a man, call K. J. whitewash or spray iurpny. Main 4JJ4 GUARANTEED cheap. Tabor 5: papering, 58. tinting, SITUATIONS FEMALE LADY with experience would Hk elderly or invalid lady to care for through day; permanent position pre ferred. Carfare incluaea in wages Phone Broadway 4699. Cheltenham Apts.. N. 19th st. YOUNG lady stenographer, thorough ly competent, experienced in law and lumber. desires position. GX-925 Journal. . I. N. S.) Charles Smitli a negro arrested L. Nethawax. is KRD In this rltj. Aug?a( 26. Benja min Franklin Shepherd, aged years, late of ITlnerllls. Oregon. Xbe rnneral aerncea will be held Tnesdsy. Aug. 2S. st 1 o'clock p. m st the residence estsbllshment of J. P. Fln- ii-j t-.... .,.t . i 1 Hr.tt p.rk -mt r. k,o., 4u L.nion ave. IX. TWO experienced drag saw men wanted to cut cordwood. $1.25 per cord. saw rurmsnea. ABC Fuel an:er scale and without pause. With ", "heH w.th .V , , V . ivery hour It is becoming more evl-I fd lt,th "0me "harp '"-trument. Explosion on Patrol Boat Injures Two of troop larger scale e dent that a German drive is near and Inevitable. aval Attack Expected There are also unmistakable signs that the Germans hope for the co operation of their naval forces in the Riga bay. on tne uvinsk iront the Germans Washington, Aug. 27. (I. N. 8.) nave neen making xealous but abso- ! investigation Is under way today Into lutely fruitless efforts to lure the . an explosion aboard the scout patrol Russian troops Into f raternixatlon. I boat Elfrlda. Saturday, in the Ellxa These efforts are made. It Is believed, i beth river, near Norfolk. Chief Ma primarlly in order to bring out a vlr-! chlnlsfs Mate M. Morgensen and Fire tual armistice on this front, which ! nmn V. K Kita of th. n.v.i them the cost of an of-I were seriouslv lnlured Th. r.,... e HAWI.F.Y in this city. Ang. 24, Mrs. Frances 11 Hawley. age 76 years. Funeral services wlll'b held Tuesay. Aug. 2S. at 2:30 p. m. from Krlcsona' chapel, Morrison at 12th st. Friend" InTlted. I ONE vulcanixer, 1 tube man, 1 delivery rmanent FLOKISTS would save fensive. Special mention Is made by the war office of the exceptional braverv of UEslgn Popou of a mortar division on tne Kiga front. .-' Zasfara ICakes Attack s Taking advantage of the darkness several nights ago he moved his how itzer to within 300 feet of the r;r. the explosion Is not known. CLARK BROS.. Klorlsts. 187 Morri son st Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral deslans. No branch stores. MARTIN & KOKBaJj CO., florleia, s4 Wash. Main 269 A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. man. who can drive Ford: pe for right parties. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 835 Burnside st WANTED A boy to deliver groceries at 1361 Hawthorne ave. Apply at once. WANTED Man and team to haul pil ing, and wanted men on gas drag saw. "W-333. Journal. GOOD position in service department of large garage; good pay; state ex perience. K-828, Journal. 1 1 1 1 florist I 4 I 14 th st. jBOY wanted for delivery. 231 Stark. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J, P. Finley & Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main . A-l$9. P. L-LBGH Unaertaker. E. 11th and Hawthorne. Phones E. 781. B-1H83. Lady assistant. A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabcr 5217. $802 92d St.. Lents. Tabor fth st. and Kosier road. Arieta. Water Rate Hearing Is On 8an Francisco. Aug. 27. (17. P.) The Spring Valley Water company to- 1 day continued presentation of testl- niinninfr & MrF ntPPX?ZV mony regarding San Francisco water fUHn l, Q 1 1 ICCMo d rates at a hearlnr before the state .man line and opened ud a terrific railroad commission todsy. The testl ciose up lire - against the Teuton de- monJr today was produced In an effort fense works. His fire annihilated theito refute the charge of the ctty oh San strong field fortifications, together Francisco that rates are too high, with all the machine guns stationed ' : nueriakcrs. r n in every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 43t. A-4558. Lad v assistant. THE modern automobile represents the combined ideas of thousands of engineers and mechanics whose inven tions have been perfected through years of experiments. For this rea son you cannot learn gas engineering by tearing down and reassembling mo. tors. You must first understand the theory of the gas engine, then get the practical experience. Adcox Auto & Gas .Engine. School, 388 Burnside st. POSITION wantel by middle aged lady as housekeeper for wiaower or bach elor. 252 Market st. GOOD hand laundry; wnat bundle washing. Phone Tabor 4276. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING, alterations, cleaning, pressing, reasonable terms Main 7082. 1 85 Park st. PLAIN sewintr done. Marshall 483 1 NURSES AO EAST SIDE SANITARIUM Specialis ing In maternity cases, we are equipped with the latest apparatus for giving nicrous-oxiae gas in oosteirics, better and safer tnan twilight sleep Special rates. inrormatlon, call or phone E. 6087, B-2632. 859 Hawthorne ave. at 28th FURNISHED UOOMS 9 ?r.oWim iRISTOL ? Strictly modern, under new manasnt lVth and siam sts nroaqway xazi RYAN HOTEL ANNEX. 269 4 4th. Brick bldg., hot and cold water. steam heat, transient, opp. city Hall. Main 9375. HOTEL oCKLEif, Morrison at loin. RATES 50c day up. weekly $2 up. Runninf water. Free phones and bat h. F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. Alder st Phone East 6$. B-H2. In them. The German attacking operation are particularly intensive in the sector of Kekkav. nine and one bjalf miles southeast of Riga, where the German lines are closest to that city and Bal-tlona. City Guardians not Exempt Washington. Aug. 27. (I. N. S t Members of the police and fire depart ments of large clUes will not be ex empt from draft in the national arm v Provost Marshal General Crowder of the war department ruled this after noon. L Real Estate) Transfers B T. waff oat aad bos. to Hermia R- Rouse. L. a. . B. 87. I nlTermltr 1 Park $ W. H Lanoay to Jeanee A. Ryan. U 14. B. l4. Boaw city Park I. T. Kelly and wf. to R. C. Ooddard. B. 4 of 8- W. Bee. 2. T. 1 8 . R. 1 E.. 60 seres Frank RoiuMa and wf. te Gertrude B. MrGmais. L. 10. 11. IX, 1. B. A Suaiey o, J 1 John W. Aadrews and wf. to Edward Carl in et al. L. Is, B. 4. VlUamead., S.000 Bolenmb Realty Co. te Ooasle F. Ber- rtek. L. 14, B. T3. Irrlagtoa Park 800 Linea vura and wr. Vo Aatnst Ulaei K il L 1, I, I. & Lwter park 2.000 Ob. tv Bsaacbe K. Haass U. B. Crsgery BalgaU. .. . , - 10 Wilson ot Koss Multnomah at Seventh at. 10 -ifciUAsONT Linderlaking Co.- I Groskopf. funeral director. -it. J. Wlii ' 4940. C-116&. KilUnaraworth and Kerby. 1 JalLbbk 4k TRACE k. independent Fu 1 1 neral Directors. Prices low as $20, 'xvash. at Ella. M. 21. A-7 as vian I e aL L. 1. Gregory lav. - L. 15.. 16, 1 A. R. Zeller Co. East left C-1k. Ol C KAli. C Underuuiing .o. anaiu 4i oKLVVllO A-3tll. Cor. d and Clav. Breeze & Snook rftAV HAMILTON SSLS- HAlVinoilAl!. AliiU tochlto- 4(2 Hawthorn Ave. In this school you actually do the worg, learn oy jsjLf i-rtin-iNCu; and prove that you have learned th busi ness before you leave the achooL it is not theory. It is PRACTICE that makes you a valuable man. MjMbtM young woman and men wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting men for war. Po sitions guaranteed. Call or write. Tele graph Dept.. room Rn. Panam blrtsj IP YOU ARB WILLING TO PREPARE FOR A HIGH PAID ACCOUNTING POSITION WRITE US AT ONCE. WE WANT GOOD MEN 0NLT. MANAOER. P. O. BQX 1148. CITY. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL. School. Broad way-Yamhill bldg. Reduced prices for tb summer. .Positions cu red. LADIES interested in crochet work or having saxn ftr aale. send 10c for "Haadsom Book of Designs' and de tails. Int. Trd'g Co.. tit Kltedner bds SPECIAL SUUMfcH-K IkK MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BVBl KK8S CfllJ.FflB, AIISKT RLTX1. UNCALLED lor tailor utad suits $.&r up. Taylor tha Tailor. 2 89 H Burnsid. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN RMS.. BATHS, PHONES. $2.00 AND LP; TRANSIENTS 50c UP. 422H WASH- ROOMS anu apartments in moueru hotel. $1.75 week and up 455 Alder 1. WEEK up, ciean. warm, modern fur rms.. central. The .King. Jns Jef TH E" HAZKb beat. runnmi urmsned rooms, aieuiu water 35 3d st Gentlemen omy. splendid rms.. oatn. phone, hot water nr. Wash. 33 N 1 7th FURNISHED ROOMS rAIVATE TA30X.X A VERY desirable furnished room. easy walking distance, rent reason able (2 home cooked meals across street $15 a month). 569 E. Main. East 1224. NICELY furnished rooms. 394 Colum bia st. References. NICELY furnished room, modern, walking distance. 325 12th. NEAT, well located cottage; bath, gas. To hest one lower flat. 446 Hu di electric lights roses, chicken run;. Bjde Bt '.lose to 1 1 th st. One lower nice yard. Block to car. VSoodlawn 45o. , flat sl0 keiiy st One upper flat. No. spacious 1 25 East 11th. Pel ton Estate, 1121 i.ast j Yeon bldg. Phone Main Ii34. clean, eom- porch. S-ROOM modern house, grounds. Piedmont. Phone 3386. i.S moms. modern. 7 ROOM modern house on Kearney st. pletely furnished, sleeping Main 6792. 57214 Mill. Broadway 412. 5 ROOM modern cottage, $HV 4 2d ave. S. E. Woodstock car. 6 ROOM house and good garage, $12 close In, Woodlawn 618. 4233 5 ROOM upper flat. 15 blocks south t.f Morrison. Kev next door, 471 6th MODERN 7 room house, 290 Grant, near 5th st. Rent $17. 1 ROOM house. 709 Davis, between Kin and 22d. sts or phone Hnliwood Hi 3 ROOMS, modern, newly renovated, upstairs. Inquire 162 E. 20th o. Sun n y sd eca r. , KAST side Z room furnished flat. Urge Heepin!; porch. Phone Kast 30?7. 7 ROOM modern house. 939 E. Salmon st. Will open Sunday. MODERN, fine order, yard. fruit, roses. Close in. East 1610 2 MODERN houses very reasonable, wtrh nice yard. Apply 229 Grover st 6 ROOM houses, flats. Union East 2195. Graham and HOTELS Hotel Australia 54 6 ROOM cottage, $13. East 462. 446 Union ave. 'N.. Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single roomii. $1.76 per week and up. Transients 50c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water in every room. Only white help employed. 203 H 1st, cor, Taylor. Maln 4203. 6 ROOM modern house. $15; furniture for sale. 965 E. Davis. 5 ROOM cottage. 404 10th st. FURNISHED HOUSES 33 COMPLETELY furnished, modern, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, second floor; pa-' try, bath, electricity, gas, flowers, roses, fruit trees; $16 month. 361 Fremont st. Take Union or Wil liams ave. car. SUMMER Ha .SOHTH FOR RENT Sept.. (Jet., a cottage on Columbia highway. In mountains; hot and cold water. East 4 4 73 or J 4K4. Journal. 2 BEACH cottages, ii.odern. craps, clams herring. Swank.601 ...NWd. HTOHKS AND OFFICES 11 A COMPLETELY furnished home. with piano in Irvington. near both cars, year's lease to responsible party. Main 8429. (ton ltr-A i Stoie rooms, in new Moose Temple. Oregon City, Or. Best location in best town In the state. Monthly payroll $100,000. Fine for druggist, butcher and barber. Opp. new dock Call or write ( K Johnson. with aged couple and reduce nigh " ?' ,Vw D...7..: r V.T. ii'r.T. M 11.., . JM 1 O l DUUL1I I UlLlallU 1UI iCIIk. glUU.lll. M V?8l-t 'V'l?' I""e"r," "r.H. ' ''' story brick structure, trackage; well WEST SIDE 15 minutes' walk to P. ( nlnaiv rurnlahun rent roriannDl. no small children. Call Marshall 952 Monday or after. lighted. Apply R. Journal bldg. W. liagcod. 311 COMPLETELY furnished nice, clean E room modern home, iivn Mixter st., near E. 39th and Lincoln, Tabor 2649, MODERN 7 room furnished house. Rose City Park, f2i montn. Phone Main S427. FURNISHED 5. room cottage, piano. electricity, gas; Dig yard. 13Z6 Bel mont. OFFICE space lor rent in Journal building. Rent reasonably No bet ter service In city. Apply ll Journal bldg BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment; will give' long lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W. Ha good. 311 Journal bldg. WANTED TO RENT ROOM bungalow, '.est furniture, completely furnished. Main 9394. WANTED, within walking distance, on west side, a 6 or 7 room modern house, furnished or partly lurnlahed. J-913. Journal " ' WANTED TO RENT MODERN furnisned cottage, water,! House and barn near car line. Phons lisrht. $14. -aciuus. rast Sellwood 747. FURNISHED 29th st. N. 3 rocm house. PJ77 K PARTLY furnisned a room 919 E. Alder. East Z9ll. I APARTMENTS 44 FURNISH ED AND UNKURNISHEO GRAND OAK APTS.. corner E. Oak and Grand ave., strictly mooern. i-t room apts. First class service, fa. zavz. H1SLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorn Modern 1. z ana room apis., u.s p. walKing aiLinjc. l ooa. GENERA L H K;AiL-EST ATEBg house. 36o ACRES, $20 per acre, logged Off. all good tillable land, level, well drained and watered. no rock or gravel, well located in the best prune district of Clarke county, li! mliya from Vancouver, mile from Paclfls highway, which will be paved soon. Owner must sell, needs $3000 In cash: might consider selling in tracts. J . B. Atkinson. 112 West 6th -at., Vsn couver. Wash. HARRISON COURT, Sth and Harrison. Furnisned z ana a rwra ayia. si onth and up. livhER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts., E. 7th and Belmont Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reaaonaoie. r-. 'FOR HALK HOUSES 01 4 ROOM modern bungalow, gas. ORTHAMPTON APTS.407 Hall t.. 2 and 3 room, iuroisnea ana uniur- lshed New management, m. 4Z. AND 3 large nicely furnished rooms, rent reasonable. 515 Vista ave., Port land Heights. Phone Mam 7017. MODERN furnished room to rent. 602 Ladd ave. Phone East 2553. WORKING mothers: Wnere children will be cared for.. Phone; Tabor 606. ROOMS AND BOARD , 1 LOOM and board for 2 working men who ' will' share, room: twin beds. Marshall 62l. COOL apartment for Phone ivest vtiv. rent, 6 rooms. ROsENFELD tbrickf. 14th and East Ctarit, a rooma. e. ev, e.v, AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, TYr. apts. Mar. v. M. 76U, A-27h. GRACE APTS.. 24th- and- Northrup, ' room partiyrur. apt, maratiau BANNER APT8.. .48 "Clay, modern 2 '.- room fumlsbed, 113 up. Jdar. 2074. - - - k ' . -' . - ' - t elec tricity, lot 60 by 100,- 3 blocks to car. Mount Tabor add. Owner, Main 6440 or Woodlawn 268jLvtmlntTij. FOR SALE Beautiful and modern 9 room house and 2 lots, garage; best location In Vancouver. Cash only. Phone 128. Vancouver. Wash. NICELY located house, barn, 2 lm- proved lots; easy terms at half val ue. L-517, Journal. FOR SALE. 5 room partly modern house and lot 69x100, $2000 cash or terms. W-331. Journal. PROPERTY for sale by owners. No commissions charged. '214 Stock Ex. FOR SALE A nice, modern home at a ' bargain. Phone Woodlawn 457; FOR SALE 6 room house,, furnished v ' 'or Unfurnished. - 7108 63d ave, S. E. , (Coa tlaasd om Vast Vac)