THE OREGON5 SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, J AUGUST 26, ' 1017. V SEASIDE (CtannMd mm Fm ngst. This iMtVa) visiting relatives and friends at Sex I sU. ! Registered at Locksley Hall durlng- the past week were R. J. CTKnf, Agatha Holloway, Mrs R. J. Huntlng ton. Miss Virginia Huntington. Fred F. Marlett. Mr. and Mrs. U A. Green. Miss Perle Moffat t. Mrs. Maurice Ooodrnan and daughter Betty. C F. Berg. fcvrl Sandon. Charles Rafleld. W. E. Crltchlow. W. D. Jamieson. F. D. t Evans. B. Simon. Mrs. L. rrMmtn. den. She has probably the finest col lection in Oregon. I. N. Flelschner returned to Port land after spending the past week with bis family In the attractive cot tags on the south board walk. J. Loolsson and Eds r Piper re-, Mr. and Mrs I. Ltdtnntn of Portland turned to Portland Monday. Mr. Piper ; j,,,, Verne Weaver la the guest of was a week end vlritor at the Louis-' Mrs Charles Wesley Jones In the on cotUge on the north b ard Notoma cottage. walk. Among the many Portland people Mr. and Mrs C. 8. McCall of 8po- ' motoring to this resort the last week kane were the host and hcstess at a were Mrs W. E. Miller. Laura Jean deMghlful dinner rarty at the a. ,ore Miller. Edward Miller. GlaJys Fer the early part of the week to a num- rail. Winifred Ridings and Mrs. Rey ter of their Spokane friends that are nnlda. The party motored by way summering at this resort. Among their of Tillamook with Edward Miller at guests were F. W. Miller. Dr. and the wheel Mrs. 8. R Oaten. Mr. and Mrs R. R. Mrs Harry H. liolsmao and daughter Rog3r. Minerva, and son Ralph, are spending Mrs. D E. Lee and family of Port- a few days at the beach. Ralph has land, and Mrs. Lees mother. Mrs H. 1 jUSt returned from Eugene, where he J. Lee of University Plane. Neb . spent was attending the summer .school ses- the rest week at the re.h. They were ,ion at the university. registered at the American. Mr and Mrs. H. p. Hawkins of Miss Marie Iamar and Miss Ada : raducah. Ky.. arrived In Seaside by ' Walker of Portland returned home motor recently and were registered Monday after spending an enjoyable mt tn Moore. They are Just eomplet- week at the Never Ftll cottage. lnc an extensive tour of the North-I Charles It. Booth returned to Port- west, and are on their way home by J iana it stonaay eiter spermine- way or Cailfornla and the southern week with Mrs. Booth and wi:i return route. the latter part of the week to ac- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Schraeder and company her home I their little daughter, and the fofnwr i 1 Mrs. Mary Meyers and daughter. , father, are spending a very enjoyable! jugs, are passing an enjoyable vaca- . week end at this beautiful resort. Mrs. tion here as the sueats of their son i Rchraeder. who was the only contest and brother. Charles Meyers of the J ant to put In an appearance at th an Bungalow orchestra, nual Christmas swim In '.he Wll- Mr. Murlre Goodman and daughter. ' lamette at Portland Iaai winter, is Betty, returned to their home the fore spending most of her time in aquatic part of the week with Intention of feaua In the natatorlum or the surf, returning the Utter part of the month j In preparation for the annual swim and staying until October 1. net Christmas Judge Cleeton spent the week end 1 Miss Annie Domeyer has returned to Portland after spending an enjoy able vacation as the guest of ber sis ter, Mrs. Glenn Robinson. Charles Rafleld, a prominent Port land newspaper man. spent the week end with his family at Locksley HaJL Mr. Rafleld left Tuesday for an ex tended business trip of two months In the East. Mr. and Mr. H. H. Hann and Mrs. Hann's uncle, 3. E Suydarn of Park dale. Or., are among the many people from the Inland Empire that are tak lng advantage of the cool ocean breeses along Clatsop beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charles RosenfelJ an J daughter, Delphlne. were among the many Portland people registered at the Moore during the week of the golf tournament at Gearhart. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Waldo Cos were among the Portland people that en Joyed the oool and Invigorating ocean breeses the early part of the week. Mark Woodruff. Oregon's publlicty man paid Seaside a visit about the middle of the week. Frank J. Ensensperger of the Good rich Tire company, Portland, passed a day in Seaside while waiting for one of the Hill liners at Flavel to take him to San Francisco, where he will join the government transport service. Dr. J. W. Northup, a strong conten-' der for the golf championship at Gear hart last week, wa registered at the Moore. Portland people registered at the Moore during the last week were the following: J. R. Straight. Ed Fro.. man. Dr. J. W. Sternberg. E. Jean Campbell. Dr. J. W. Northup, Dr. J. H. Tuttle. Edith Porteln. H. C. Campbell. Ralph H. Mitchell and son, J E Nelson. Mr. J. B. Holbrook, Elisabeth Holbrook. Minerva Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lane. Fred W. Graves. Mr. and Mrs F. O. Ellis. C. B Hanson, Frank Vortmare, R. E. Barrett, C. R. Kelly. L. A. Means. J. W. Day, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Howard. Mrs. A. Eastman. M. D. Carter, C K. Cochran and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howard, Mrs. F. McCrillls, Kenneth McCrillls. Mrs. and Mrs. W. O. Feenaughty and Donald Feen aughty, B. M. Howard. Elbert J. Burns, Julius Low, Mrs. N. M. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ledbury, O. H. Becker. C. A, Campbell, W. B. C-onin. Miss Mayme Stack, Mis Blanche Clover, Sol Blumauer, Henry Schaefer, Dr. and Mrs Henry W. Coe. Dr. O. W. Elliott. J. B. 8telnbach. Leslie W. Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. John Brooke. Mrs. L. L. Butterworth. Miss Lucille Bristol. Mrs. L. Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosen f eld. Miss Delphlne Rosenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latour ette, Mr. and Mrs. R. 6. Scott, Louis Goldsmith. George H. Lovejoy. Her man Von Bore tel. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McCall. Kr. and Mrs. C A. Morden. L. O. Richardson, Mrs. A. J. McGuf fey. Mrs. R. F. Lyttle. Dorit Lytle, Mrs. McDonald. Miss E. Pester. Mr. and Mrs. L. Talbet, Jtfr and Mrs. M. B. Shea, Milton P. Marcus. Jessie Marcus Jennette McLaren, Mrs. W. S. Bridges. Beulah Bridges. F. Mc Taggart, L. Revears, 8. B. Barker, Joseph Fox, Ida Hogoboom, Gladys Balton, Sadie Ettelson. Blanche E. Small, Mark Woodruff, Gertrude Churchman, F. M. Dempsey, Mrs. 8. J. Qelaler, Ae-nold E. Johnwon, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mercer. Mrs. Harry Hols- man, Minerva C. Holxman, Ralph Hols maa, E. J. Wendling. Out of town folks registered at the Moore Include: Mr. and Mrs W. O. Ay re. Baker, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. W. FX Leppel. Mrs. Paul Wlson. Miss Anna Leppel. Joseph, Or.; M. D. Evans, Mrs M. H. Evans. Estacada, Or : Mr and Mrs. A. N. Minton. Wheeler; Mrs. T. W. McCormlek. Mrs. Alice 8tanley. Galesburg, Wash.; Alice Shaw. Boise; Albert Menke and mother. Glendlve; H. J. Overturf, George A. Jones, R B. Gould, H. A. Miller, Ben J, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobson, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. a B. Sellers, Astoria; Nina Van Allen. Ellen Long, Haines, Or.; Ida Culver, Seattle; Mrs. J. M. Jamieson, Ida M. Jamieson. Frances Tats, Roger Jamieson, Spokane; J. A. Lake, Clar ence Fargher. Arthur Fargher, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. James G. Camp Bell. McMinnviUe; Mrs. J. O. Mack, Miss M. G. Mack, Tbs Dalles; F. W. Bond, Pendleton; Mrs. John Phalr, Oakland, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Latourette. Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. George N. LeRoux. Mary LeRoux, Spo kane: Henry Carstens, Seattle; Arthur Freed, Seattle; Mrs. George Grundy, 8 an Francisco; Charles H. Miller. Chicago; W. 8. Rogers. Spokane; C. A. McLaughlin. A. McLaughlin. Hel ena. Mont.; Mrs. J. L. Wlndexnute, Walla Walla; R. C. Rockwood, Min neapolis; Miss Dora F&tland. Tacoroa: Miss Irene Hall. Wlnlock. Wash.: J. Phalr, Ban Franclsoo; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johncon, Seattle; Alphonse King, Seattle; E. M. Taylor, Butte. Mont.; R. B. Bennett. Hood River; Mrs. F. W. Bond, Pendleton; Antonetts Babel, Pasadena, CaL Registered at tbs Beacon ere M. Rosenburg, Seattle; R B. Folks, A. L. Miles. Tillamook: F. L. Sturxlk. H. An derson. North Taklma; Sergeant Major Kenning, Vancouver. B. C: J. W. Mc Murray, San Franclsoo; Ray Jackson. M. Thomson, J. E. Watson. Mrs. Oscar Wayman and son, Hugh Mason, Veler Oberle. Dr. M. M. Bettman. Mrs. C. 8. Long and son, Miss Elisabeth Devoe, Mrs. Charles Edmonds. Miss Alice Ed monds, Miss El nor a Edmonds. Frank Koenlr. Jr., Dr. and Mrs. W. 8. Rey nolds, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schmidt. Portland. J. W. McMurrsy was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Miller. Charles F. Berg and B. Simon spent the week end with their - families at Locksley Hall. Registered at the Natatorlum hotel are Corporal Clifford Helgerson. Mrs. E. M. Wlnsor, Mr and Mrs A. E. Spalding, Mr. and Mrs. O. Lane, Mrs. D. Franklin and family. Mrs. I. N. Day and Irving Day. Portland; Rev. C. F. Knoll. Chehalls, Wash.; Anna Henrlch. Sheridan, Or.; R. M Smith. Baker; Mary Pahlltseal. ChehaUs; Mrs. E. Teo, Dayton, Ohio; Andrew Rood. Miss Minnie Rood, Heppner; .Dora C Andrewsen. Slavis Andrewsen. Mildred HaraHn, Salem; Mrs.AdAii Jfroser, Miss Kate Newell. Scappooee. Mrs. J. O. Mack and daughter are pending a week at the Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blakely. with their two children Dorothy and Leon ard Jr, are visiting with Mrs. Charles Blakely at Seaside. GEARHART Gearhart, Or, Aug. IS.- Lieutenant James Cellars arrived Saturday to visit his family. Mrs. Henry Kirk and sons, John and Douglas, are established in the Travis cottage until September 1. Mrs. Kirk takes great pleasure in knitting socks for soldiers and giving lessons to the other women in the summer colony so that Uncle Sam's boys will not have to want for warm socks this winter. Mir a Kirk' expects to bave 60 pairs of socks finished by September 1. Mrs. D. P. Price and children. Mar garet. Elliott and Joe, returned to Portland Friday after passing the en tire summer in their cottage. Mrs. Emma: Nelson is the guest of Mlas Ella Hirsch. Mrs. Frank A. Moore of Walla Walla returned to her home after taking part in the tournament at Gearhart last week. Among the strong contenders for the rolf championship was C. M. Weatherwax of Aberdeen. Wash. He returned to his borne the early part of the week. J. W. Chlvers of Helena, Mont., ar rived Monday to join his family that has been vacationing In Gearhart for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dittenhoef fer left the fore part of the week after spending an enjoyable summer with their children at this beautiful resort. Miss Ida Wadell of Portland Is the charming guest of Mrs. John Beard. Miss Wadell will leave the fore part of the week for her home. C. W. Helderman returned to his home in Astoria the early part of the week. Mr. Helderman was also among the many participants In the golf tournament. Dr. and Mrs. Tllser have entertained Mr. and Mrs. Julius GolcUmith for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Metcger have returned to Portland. Lieutenant Graham Glass, Jr.. ar rived, in Gearhart recently to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jllggins were recent Gearhart visitors and returned to their home. Mrs. D. P. Price was the hostess at four course luncheon Wednesday aft ernoon In honor of her sister, Mrs. A. T. Hill, snd daughter, Mary Alice of La Grande, who have been visiting her for the past two weeks. Those present besides the hostess were Mrs. George Russl, Mrs. Harry Durand, Mrs. Rudolph Wilhelm, Mrs. A, T. Hill and Mary Alice Hill. "Mrs. William Fernbacker and daugh ter will return to their home In Port land the early part of the week Mr. and Mrs. George Frost -will re turn to their home at an early date. They are ardent golf enthusiasts and have spent the greater part of their time on the links. Mrs. W. S. Morgan and her charm ing daughter Lillian returned to their home in Portland after spending the last six months at the beach. Miss Lil lian hair been the occasion for many enjoyable parties during he stay. Miss Susanna Caswell was the charming hostess to a number of Gearhart youngsters the latter part of the week at a very elaborate dinner party. Those enjoying her hospitality were tho following: Dorothy and Lil lian Mltciell, Margaret Cook, Joan Chantrlng, Bertha Goodman. Mary Channin?, Ronald Honeym&n, John Channing, Ben Lombard. Douglas Nlcol. James Van Schuyler, Jack Dougherty and Ambrose Cronln. v SEAVIEW Seavlew, Wash., Aug 2b. Mrs. Wil liam Pollman, Miss Louise Pcllman. Miss Edna Pollman and Miss Geleer, prominent people from Baker, Or., are spending a fortnight at the Hackney cottage. " 'r:-'i Mrs. T. Osmund, who Is spending few weeks at Seavlew, spent a few days in Astoria last week Instructing the Astoria Red Cros chapter Rev. c. Perrln of Malta, Montana, was the guest of his brother, H, JB Perrln, at Seavlew, for a lew days last week. Rev. Perrln has returned to his home In Montana. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schoof and family . returned to the . city last Tuesday af ter enjoying a vacation at Seavlew. Mrs. M. Tomkina returned to Ken newick. Wash., last Tuesday. Jacob Schwlnd of Portland Is spend ing a fortnight v-Jsiting with Mrs. Jacob Schwlnd In their cosy cottage near the track. Mr. and Mrs. A. Feldenheimer of Portland spent the week end at the Shelburne. They were Joined by their son Paul Feldenhelmer. who is sta tioned at Fort Canby. Otto Schwlnd of Portland U visiting with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. , Jacob Schwlnd. at the attractive Schwlnd cottage. Spending two weeks at Shelburne are Hopkln Jenkins, principal of Jefferson High School, and his mother, Mrs. T. Jenkins. Mrs. J. M. Ford of Portland is visit ing with her daughter, Mrs Henry J. Schulderman, at the SchulJrman cot tage near Seavlew Mr. and Mrs. Oeorfre L. Putnam and son Iofen arrived last week from Kelso, and are now established in their winter home. The drills given by the Kllpnan Sta tion life savin it company alwxvs draw a number of lntPrrstd spectators and admirers from tin- nmnmor vihIIoi-s at Seavlew. Last Tfiosday morning being an exceptionally rlfur inoinuifr a large number made the trip. Mrs. D. M. iicDniialil and Miss Fla- via McLwtiold of f'ortldn.i arr .-ooum- iftg for a few iluvs nt liolmun. Mr. and Mtk. 1 1 n i y J. Kchulderman and children, Mtine uii1 Petor Schul derman, are establlshnl in ihfir nt- (font lulled on Puce Klrvn Thl Kfrtli.n) Tfw Gnnnt Nnrthwnxt A mTw4jac Maturnl Rosort Section. -WHERE TO STAY- WHERE AND HOW TO GO- nr.ACH REsoirrs -WHAT TO SEE BEACH RESORTS OCEAN PARK Spend )our vacation at Ocean Park. It la by the orean shore, yet sheltered from the ana breeses. It is near the bay. Boating, fishing, surf bathing, clams and crabs aplenty. Living expenses are low here. Rents for cottages or tents are low. Ocean I'ark has excellent stores, carrying large and well-selected stocks at reasonable rates: also high clasa confectionary stores. Tou will find here a restful homelike at mosphere and an ideal summer vacation playgmind. We, whose names are signed hereto, invite you to come: Alts M. Petersom. Zee Cream aad Candy X. a. Campbell, Zee Cream, Candy aad rest Cards. WX K. rarest. Groceries hegrea. Si Son, Batcher fbvo Treads on ft Brows, General Mer. eaaartlse I PEACH RESORTS N BEACH RESORTS '1ARSMFEL and Coos County, Oregon Tbe trip to Oona Bey (a en of tbe wortb while tripe of tb Wrmt. If jrm enjoy betln. Coo tj with lti nameroai trtboUHee offera yon epleodld port. Do joa enjoy ftahlngT The atreane of Cooe Coanty are faaxms for their fly fUhlne. Do roe want to camp oxit. to bant bif gm. to pick bmi. to ylmlt the ocaan beach? Then come to Marahflakl. toe mummer capita) of tbe land. of oat of doors dellfbt. Tbe days are cool and brartae bee do matter bow bot tinj Bay be island. Tbe roads are good; come down and llt tha beeaty spots of Coos and Curry ooostlae. For Illustrated booklets or fur tfcer Inf.irinattoe t . ,t to the Becretary of tbe Chamber ot Cosaww. Marahfleld. Oregon. MOUNTAIN RESORTS. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY OCOPME e Tillamook City 77 Gateway to the Land of Out -of 'Door Delight Oregon's Finest Beach Resort Tbe rttlstos of Tlllaatoek larlte yoe to sr year vacation bare where the aalty taos mt tb will brio im haaJtb ind atiwafta. T.IIimno City la Ux naiaral gateway te tb laod ot M oaotahiborg mtrr dm, of foreat-elad treontalre and eea-ewept ahore. Pactfle City. Nebafeia. Barocean. Garibaldi Beech and man otlier amasT reaorts ara eoally accaaaibie tnm TllUnvofk lit. You will find here la ti,ta land ot rdnr and man? watrra pWnt) of troat atreama where yoe can natch yoar wtta with the flrm-meetrd apvcklcd oaasrie. Hera. ton. ynq will flod clama and craba, mua ala and aaaflth with boatine and bathing aad eenrr uoaurpaaanL lrla qvrr and make Tlllamrok Cltj jaar headquartere dorlng yotir vacatloa. The following proa-roaalre firma will firm fv forthar iniormatloe: HaJtaa'a Dapartoseat Btara. The TUIameok KoW. a sew aad atrtetly mod an batal. Tha Tillamook Oarage. Ou, 00. bWrrtoe aad Aatamebila Aihmiioi laa, The Katal Iuh;. tha pUee af 0e4 Zata," Tha TUlaAoak Cooaty Bank. lUral taarast, TUlajaoak'a loading rae- Uuut. F. a. Baala, Faolf ia City Cajnp wreeada. KalUa W. Wataoa. Baal Zatata aad Insuraaee. HOTELS 22. BUNGALOWS BeaUiag. Pestle-. Ore NATATORIUM Phase Mass 7270 Ooqnille. tbe roaoty arat of Coos Connty. la on. the Uouullle blTer and is one of the nrlnrloal citle on the pew Ouoa Bay line of tbe Koutli ern Pacific. Tbe cttlaena of Coqallle Inrltp ou to come to Oooatila wbathrr too are an auto tourlat. a big game buntar, a flabrrman t a aummer facacionlat. alaka Coqallle our uraaqaarcere wniw tcmrmg uooa Count. (Jo- guuie baa ao excellent botel. Tbe Baxter, and man progreasiT and anbatantlal atorea car rying large atocka. If you are a bomeaeeker or inveator, Coqallle baa much to offer you. For further information along any of tbe above j MOUNTAIM RESORTS. I A m ttw&z ii 1 1 va arm. atmr af-av tv i .-r t i.nv' ii iiirn Hi n n nirii i TCai- ii mm at w ai i , v mi any of tbe progresalTe f Inns ! fh . COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Forest Hall lioes write to luted below. J. I. BAKTOIT, Xgr. The Title Co. COQUILLB TaXLET MXaCAXTIXX THE HOTEL BAXTER. rAKMIBS ME-ICHAHTS BAXX. riJlIT VATIOVAI. BAJTX. VQM trxii, .atomobile sooeasor. ana apviting goaa. TVUBXAS B PKARMACT. FABMXSB' T7VI01T BTOBZ. COQUIXLZ LATJWDKT ft ICC CO. TITLE OTJARANTEX ft ABBTBACT CO. BANDON-BY-THE-SEA THE DRIFTWOOD OPEN ALL YEAR The most unique and picturesque houss In the world. Hot and cold salt water baths la connection. TabU Board a Specialty. LONG BEACH, WASH. Overlooking the Ocean Kandon. oa tbe abort ot the Pacific, near the month of tbe Caqnllle liver, cordially Invitee ine toonat ana uaatr varationiat. Hare yog wiu nod an Ideal climate wbere it la awrer hot. our la It ever coad. liar oa will find all tha pleasure of the aeacoaat combined wlt.i the dellghta of-outdoor lite. Bendoo la tbe Gateway to Curry coanty. where the beat fiablng la Orrjon la to he had. aad where big ium la plentiful Cotoe over to Bandon In your auto, rree camping eite. Itaodue baa a high claaa hoteL Tb Hotel Ualllar. aad progrei aire an up to-iiau atore rarryiag large atocka. An Southern Pacific agent will tell yoa tow to get to Bandon. or you can write for farther Is forma I km to any of lb iprogrnalT firm luted mm; HOTEL MOORE Seaside, Clatsop Beach, Oregon American Plan Most attractive spot on tbe South Shore of Clatsop Beach. Four hours frtm Portland, via 8. P. A fl. Hy.: hO minutee from Astoria, where connections are made with all boat lines. Finest beach this aide of San Diego. Excellent bathing, boating, fishing, golf, auto tripa. walks to Tillamook Head aad. many other Interesting spots Sea foods a specialty. Ask for Booklet- DAN J. MOORE. Prop. NEWPORT hotxx ouim BABK OT BAVDOIT BABTTO OlOCUT flBBT KATIOK AX. JOBV DICXIT. Oaaarai Marebaadiaa BAXDOK SAXirWABZ. Sporting OooAt rAJthtXAS' ITTTPLT BTOBX. wa'l Mare'adiaa O. A. TB0WBBTDOZ. Oeseral Merchaadlaa VXTTtrXX STDCiO HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CENTER STATION Ideal spot, modern family hotel. C own try and seaekore combined. ocean in full view. Large yard for children, croquet ground, beat cuisine and table service, fishing, surf bathing, electric lights. Buy railroad tickets to Beach Center Station. Trains step right at door. Poetoffice, Long Beach, Wash. Rates reasonable. MKS. DEDMAN, Proprietor. Nehalem The NehaJem country Is Oregon's Ideal vacation district. NehAlem is located on the NwbsJem river aad is leas than three miles from the ocean anora. Here you will find heaUth and rworeavtion. boat ing on the Netvalem. trout fishing In the nearby mountain stream, taking long hikes along the ocean's shore. You can mavke Ne halem your headquarters for there Is a most excellent hotel here, or you can find scores of beautiful camping spots ceavr Nehalem. Ne halera's progreaaive merchants carrr largw and well assorted atocka of goods at reasonable prices to supply your needs. If you are looking for a good location It will pay you to In vestigate the opportunities to be found at Nehaiam. Here Indus try and Intelligence find a sure reward. Kor furtl-er information write to any ht the following; pro gressive firms: NehaJem Hotel. II. W. Tohl. proprietor: Tohl ft Anderson, gnerxU merchandise: Nehalem Drug Co.: The La y lam boy Amusement Psrior; D. 2. Peregoy, confectionery and flatting tackie: Nehelem River Transfer Co... or R A. Effenbergcr. LONG BEACH HOTEL LOBO BZACK. WAXH. Leeatae oa tb World Tamoo North Beactt. 11am. crab, aurf bathing Thla hotel la well prepared to make our etay pleasant. Large. airy room, areas 1 etew. Sum rery d4r bl cottage far real. Rate leaaoaabl. tot rarther tnrormetloa addrea X. K. TIXXXX. rrep.. Leag Baa oh. Waah. BOUTBT B1AOX ITWrOal, OXieOS cexafort able aad coartnleot. S and S moat coltage. fnrniobed cvm plrte, with fre wood, (6 pei week, teat bogeee 1-4 per week A rise place for rh kiedles go4 beech aad rise rorf bath ing, rroat flahrag, clam and haatlns. For roaoreattoae r farther informatloa rail or write iwooa SOS Stork Bxchaag bnild Ing. Prrtlaad. or pboee Mala STee. BAY CITY stay City 1 one Of Tillamook oewaty' moat charming aU-tbe-yeer-roaad resorts. So city eajtvg w uregoa ooaai ! mor xaenrasi or pletoraeaaely lrated. It Is la th rery brt ot toe tc lion man. ii rai mayor trout riah tag. digging clam, oaten lag crab, bathlag. Boating hiking along in a abor. then siaa to apeod your eaoatkio at Bay City. Bay tit baa exceuent hot! aad well etocked atore. Whether yoa want te at at th hotel, camp oat or real a aammar bom, oar need re a aw eared lor her. Hay utt ha a fuiur and la worthy of too careful laeee-Ugstton. For tuformation address any of the enterlstag m in uinaii iirm iiaiaa neww: The TUlamook Bay Co. The Bay new Xotei The Weleon Bepartoneat Btere. Bay Olty Storage at risnsrlee Oo. Bay City Drag Co. c Where to Stay at Seaside J Rhododendron Inn. Mt Hood Baastlral Mo take Beaart. Mtwi H hark aad Zig-aUg mownuia. ee Xig-Zag rir esd Brill creak. Large cetneated swusxalag poL madira dasee saU. aaddl hnmi. tesnl sad etas set giaase. kaadqaartefe fee naias Bat sAAO per dry. Ill te (IS see week. rr - raD X. 115. Mala XM. afBAV KMU. yaAKiXTTI. Prop-. Xig-Xag. Oe, The Colonial Hotel and Apartments BJLBXDBj OBXOOjr. one block from ocean. Electric lights and elect rlo stoves for light housekeeping. Free suto bus to and rrom all trains, r. D. Lindsley, Proprietor. The Beacon Hotel Centrally located and atrlctty medera. Large airy room. Reaauaabt rat. Addrea 1 A htclatir. TBI Broadway at.. Sea ate. Or THE AMERICAN HOTEL half black from larg rooaaa, eoaafartabl Mear. AUceM. Smith. Seaaios. strictly high el. opgnmilm Hotel Oregom's Ploaeer and opalar Becrsa. tlon and Coast Bsort No other cot resort has more pleasures and attractions than New port. Splendid surf bathing, boating on Yaqulna bay, trout-fishinj, clams, crabs and rock oysters, rare and beautiful water arates, moss agates and Jaspers on the beach. Many In teresting near-by points to rfsit. In cluding Otter Rock, the Devil's Punch Bowl, Seal Rocks, Elk Tiity and the Sileti District. Newport has many progressive merchants carrying large stocks. Newport is famed for the excellence of its hotels, such as the Abbey House, which has been favorably known for the past 40 years. There are furmsbea or unfurmsnea houses or tents to be had, and you can live as simply as you care to. Why not spend your vacation here? You will Hke Newport. The following pro gressive firms are thoroughly reli able and will give you the best of service: The Abbey Hotel Newport Navigation Co. Taqulna Electric Co. Terex Mercantile Co. Western State Bank. W B. Hartley, phonographs and sew ing machines. Charles H. Gardner, garage snd re pair shop Ollmore Dry Goods Co. Dawson Drug Co. Newport Ice Fish Co. Charles Saunders, lapidary and manu facturing Jeweler. White House Restaurant- Charles El Walt, lapidary and manu facturing jeweler. George H. Wilcox, general mase. W Ik lam H. Miller. lapidarUt ana msnufactvrlng jeweler. i Armitage Drug Co. A. 1 Thomas, agate cutting and mounting and sepia and hand colored pictures of Oregon. Newport Lumber Co. TBB--rarTIiAJK tzzoajbtoob:b BALABXDB BXIOBT. Why not spend your vacation this year on Garibaldi Beach Tou will go back to your work with keener sest after spending a few weeks by the ocean shore. Cllmatlo conditions are iaeai Here. matter how brightly the sun shines Its heat is moderated by the prevailing sea breeze. You will find plenty to do here to pass the time pieananiiy. uo you enjoy sea fishing, trout fishing, boating, catching crab, dlrclni clama or taktna- lnn hllraa f trough the woods or along the shore? ' you do. then this Is the place you are looking for. If you want to rent a furnished cottage or a tent, stay at a hotel or secure private rooms with board or learn more of this district. Write to any of the reliable and nro- gresslve firms or individuals listed below: T. r. XUXSB. stationary, candy aad freit: rooms t rut J- XXXXa. rmrxdxhd eottagea, also privet iwams aad Vaard. rXAXX BXATTT, geasral marohaaalaa. A. O. WAIXIXO. Oamy Comfy, faraiabW est- tages aad tact. 0. O. BTXXS. geaeral mwrobaadlsei eettasaf aad teat far rant. t P-f HAJZa,. baegase aad east ass aad 7- 2TIE- agat far Midway Beach. I C W. BOSS aettavea md l.M. tar I L. L. TAB IfOBTw-ICX. barber, skep. Hl- Uaxdi. howling aad onfctieary. FXAKX HAXT. BTnritor Hart Coatent (Lakt. Ltle). farauhed ecttagaa aad taau iv raax. raene xaarsaau sob. Addraaa all af tha ahara at laskim fic-a, Oragea. GARDINER, Ore. Oregon' aeweat and moat beaotlfnl Vara tie Land. Gardiner la tbe outfitting paint for tbe famous Smith Hirer conn try, wbere hunting and fishing r unexcelled. To the ma a who loeea the great outdoors the Smith Blear country and the Umpqoa district is the ngler'i paradlae and tb sportsman' happy banting grounds. Come to Oardlser aad make tb Hotel Gardiner your beadqoarters. T can aecor year outfit and aspplies for camping oat here is Gardiner from th General Merchandise store bare, which carry larg nd wall selected stocks at ronbl price. Don't fall to Tlalt Winchester Bay, BeedV nort and th other points of la terra t while you are bar. For further lafoxmatioa about thla country writ to any prograiT firms listed below: TKZ 0AXDIXIB H0TXL, T. B. Alias, stasager. BZZS, JAJrxXLX A 00.. Oeaeral Mereaaaais. QAXDUfXB MIT.I.TXQ CO. riXST JIATIOBAL BAVX. W. P. BEES. EBME8T UAaSELL. Jeweler. Any Soathara Paolfie agent will be glad te give yoa a booklet dMcriptle of thla distriot. Forest Hall is distinct, ive and is in a class by Itaelf. It is to Oregon what tho Mission Inn i to Southern Ca Ifurnla r'cieet Hall seeks i cater to per sons of iul tuie, refinement and 11s criminution. Built aftr the style of the old-time mansions in the Soutn, It radiates the spirit ot Southern hospitality You will be charmed by the old Colonial silver -T ana tne crotcn-mahux in the old time was i so universally found in th homes of aristocracy of ntellect In the South. The Southern beaten-oiscults, fried chicken. ,L, Jelly-pie, and Dixie nut-wafers served at Forest Hall are not to b. found" eleewhere on the Columbia Highway. A breakfast, lunchon si'toi i,o,, tea or dinner at Forest Hall will add the ultimste touch of pleasure in satisfaction to your trip over the Columbia River Highway, "lion In advance so that we may make adequate preparation for your comfort .na ansa Ainr ktb-ceb. Hostess. -Phone -forest Kail. B-idal Veil. Oregon. "LA CA5A MONTE" Th most attractive resort in tbe mountain. ' mile from Portland, In a National Foreat on th Zlg-Zag nrer. Inside and outatd lvp ibg quarter. Our own dairy and garden. Good till at any time. All mountain paatlmea ana recreation. Dally mail. Talaphoo thxuuili Zlg-Zag Banger tatloo. Bate reasonable, i'ur dally stage caU AMt U0. or alaia til. JOHN S. G HEX N WOOD. Wslcbes. Or. Crater Lake Lodge on the rim of CBATSJ T-amrsi, Ore gon' greatest scenle wonder. Auto stage make direct connection with S. P. trains at Medford dally. Only 20 hours from Portland. July 1 to October 1. Information from any B. P. ticket agent or Tourist Travel Bureau agents. i nira and Waanington. HOTELS WHEN IN 8 ALEX 8 TO? AT HOTEL BLIGH "A Home Away from Home." STRICTLY MODERN 11 PER DAT 100 BOOKS or SOLID OOhtyOHT Italy Hotel in Bualnea Diatrlcl. Multnomah Lodge OolnmMn iyw KigBway 83 sOlss "Prom -Portland Starting point. Larch Mountain and Multnomah Falls trails aUaaa T1"T'' TiTITIrjhse CHICKEN DINNERS ftttrletlw Soma flmM.. Ideal for eummer vaca tions Excellent acoom moxlatlons for ovar-nle-ht Suesta. . J. KAUFJtANN. Pron XrfaT XMstaaee Phone. The Jewett Farm Resort Tb Jewett Farm Horn la Juat acrue tUe Columbia from liood Klr, on th bloff of rhc Columbia. 340 acre of beauty. Choice of room la eottagee or main dwelling. A charm ing place to arDd a few werha. It has a dls UncUe peraoaallty. Oool. healthful, scenic. Th best of food well prepared and daintily and appetlxlngly aerred. Addrcaa Jewett Farm Home, w hit halmon. Waah. The Todd Hotel JT For ear th Todd Hotel has been well and favorably known for th excellence of lti aerric. Clean and ilr room, comfortable Deoa, weu eooaed mraia with generous por tion ana reamnaDie rate make It a place ou win oe pieaaed to patronise. When you come to xuuimuoK umkc me loaa liotl your ueaoquaxiera. i a. uuantieCE, rrop., lUla niox. trigon. r A hit fmt Kar1f slm eil la. a B 1 R. W. J. iiciawBrm, Hott, WiUt mUdmum, V BlBH. TltAVKli Hood River Valley North Beach Inn L0r 1ZXCH. WASH., racing ocean. Room tl day od dp. lnrlndtnr free nse of A COM. MUX ITT XITCHT AJTD DrXIXO BOOK. H07gXJtXfUfO TEXT SOUSES furnished. S5 week. Phone Marshall 2JCW. i-Ull, or Bos 191. Long Beach. Waah. VILLA CAMP "All AJTEXICAX" Oa Bar View Bab a th TUlamook ghor. J- !T sad.tkrw reom eettag eoovlelaly faraiah4 for light be uac keep lag. rare meua taia water, alsetrl llghtt. uaitary tell eta. Fretsotsd from e krwaae. elos t beaoa. Cairn, erab treat fishing, everiaoks Tilla. meek Bar. Zdal aunusar raoatiaa apot. Tor iaeai num aaa raxa a area 1 i. zU A Sea. Bar Tlew. Or. oe to iBjuvaa uomj aircr alley al a minlmnm of xpena with a maximum of eomrurt ana cwoien lenc aboara tb ML Hood kallroad compaa's room aato rail ear. Me duat so Jolt no Jar. Motor at Hood RJrer connect with Train No. S from Tcrtland oely Hood Hirer te Parkdahm. Ask aay O-W. B. A n. grill, at write A, Wllaoa. uperlntendest. nw utc, ur. lAae. WiliameUe Valley Southern Rj. Oregon city to Mt. Angei via Beaver Creek, iiullno. Liberal. Moialla and Monitor. Four passenger trains dally in each direction, two of which leave Portland from First and Alder depot it I A. 11 and 0:20 P. M, Plenty of trout, wild strawberries and olack berries along thla line. Orgnt B. Dlmlck. president. Oregon City. Or. BE.4.CH RESORTS CervallU 0r-a Tor fun Snfermatlon About m. P. Ticket Agent The CHAMBERLAIN HOTEL Lorn Biaob. Wash. Board and rooan SIS w. View of Oraaa. ftetabllehed SO ywara. gor ree erve tir,e ddr tdlth Kelly. Long Bc. . Ifassattas HOTEL CRESCENT Bates SS s ear. Oood anaaO aad view of oceaa. For reaerra tkw. address Oraes a. nann, Haanaiua, uregosv THE BRADSHAW rarnlastd Booms. Larg Kitchen for aaa ef Ooeet. Pise View of Ocean. Cor. Newport and Brook at. For rate and rwserratloas address Mrs. H A. Bradahaw. Prop.. Kewport. ir. Sea Crest Cottages JTEw-pOXT, OBSOOaT located ee th erwan front at Nye Reach. Two, tore and fear ronra furnished eottage. eVose te sra, aautortuis aad the bathing beach. Esmrig lights sad rity water la ail eottagee. These cottages have a splodl4 view mt tb breaker, are etoaa aad sanitary. I xaeet all boat. Write for further loforma- CHsUB A.BMS, Newport. Or. HOTEL JULIAN Onder sew management- Beat of food, wait prepared, well red. generous portion. akUied chef, well trained corps of waiter. Claaa see air rooms, con fort able bed. Wsea makta "Loop XYlps" through rail stop over sigst st The Jsllaa. V will make year stay bar plst. for r rvatlos addra Ovtel Julia. CsrvalU.' wr. CKXXXT CITT rVXXISHXD COTTA0EJ NYE BEACH Electrle ' light, aldewalk. sear beach 4 teres, for rates and reservations addraa O. Seg. Proprietor. KewporC Or. tt. Ocean Crest Apartments The Hotel Chandler MAX SHrilLD, 02EO0B Make the Hotel Chandler our headquarters white Tloitlng to Coo Bay country or touring BMng i ne uregoa roe ex. 1'ui is toe hotel of leronal serrlce. We will do all in our power to xuake your Tlalt with ua one of unalloyed piearar. tl. i . ncneown. rropnetor. Hotel LQuglilln rntMT nsnw nnuix Get acquainted with th beaut apot In tb Immediate vicinity or I'ortland Portland auto partlca-wiu nnd tb run out to Forest Grov a trip of rare beaut You hare een tbe Co lumbia Highway now aeo the picturesque Wil lamette eaiiey. v will aerr ou dainty nd appetising supper at moderate price, or coins out for year Sunday chlcke dinner. Pbon samoer ia party. Phone 783 forest , L. Gror. Or., at HA. BHBRRCTT. Prep. New Hotel Smeed ETJOEXE, 0XIOOV Botel of penooaJ aerrlce. When touring Wratern Oregon make this botel our head quarters. Aew and experienced management, reuorated arid refurnished. Larg, airy rouma, good bed, best ef meals, reasonable rate. Central locatloa. free 'bus. Remem ber tbe asm. "The New Biased," Eugene, Or. M. K. MacRa. manager. AUTO STAGES RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Leave Third and Waslilugtva Ou. ila..,. a. ni. Saturday 8 a. m. and 3 p. m.. ror Welche, Tawueya, La Csa Moot and Uhodo- dendnio. bound rrlrj aeasoa tickets $1. Govern ment Camp A!t.bu. Climb Mt. Hood or vkiit wonoerfui Glacier ail xpene paid. H4 each when four or more book. Ticket office and watting room at DOXJEY B. BsuTH TXAVZL BTJBXAV, 116 3.1 St.. Cor. Washington. Mar shall 1V79. or call Irrlngtoa Oarag A Auto Co., East 136. C-l2- PliXCX AXX0W CAJL8. XXBEXVAXXOXS IX ASTAigi. Mt. Hood Stages Round-Trip Tickets $6.o0 Ze Arras, Waaaa, La Case Moats, Welch. Tawney'S, xseeaaara aad xtura H rsraswat Oaxap aad Betara S.M. Iai!y Uft frits Beubedg Beed Oe 146 3d. sear Alder. Mais 113. A -411. or AAsarsaa Xros., Us la Sal. Illuatrated Pamphlet oa leo.ut. Ciaremont-Tavern ' Chicken Dinner Crawfish alantes aid. Mala S9 GARAGES : WvA-. A : :-y. ,: 1 iiii.-sw. SUGGESTIONS TO TKAViiLElW HAZELW00D CANDY nr nevtrxo fiokaoxs Adds grestly to tne pleasure of a vacation trip. Seot by Parcel post or Express te anywbere In United Statee or Canada. Satisfaction and delivery guaranteed. THE HAZELWOOD Confectionary and Restaurant Washington Ht. at Tenta Portland, Or. STAR GARAGE T1k Make our Gang your bendqaartsr when you come to Tillamook. Agent for Oakland. Mitchell and Maxwell cars. Btadebakar aarrtaa a i lion. Bar-rice .ear oa call day or night aoKuaoou ocisotis or all kinds. Inclosing wti e.uu simume urea ana sore parts. Up-to-date rascblne shoo where none but ex pert mechanic sre employed. Oil. gas, servies and torage; ladles' restroom. On of the three beat qmppd garage to th Mat. Cor. tint Tnae and yirst st. Fbon Ul Mo tusi. w. b. Alderman. Prop.. Tillamook. Sweet -Drain Auto Co. EDO XXX. OBZOOX While touring Willamette raliey or risltlnf mou sicn.cnsi river risning country mas Bugen oar headquarter and remember we fnralab yon gas. oil. service, storage, reoair and automobile: accessories, guaranteeing satis- rrctioB. Agent ror Max on and sruoebakcr ears. Tb Sweet-Urala Auto Co.. lOSO Oak Ut. Kugene. Or. The Grand Dalles Ferry Co. UNt ferry rates on the Columbia river. Crossing river between Tb Dalle Or., asd Granonalle. Wssh. Day snd nirbt ervtc Most direct route from Columbia kler Hlrh way coiuiectlng with GoldetuUle. North Yski its, Ellensburg, , Toppenlsb and tbe scenic Klickitat valley. Automobile with panger only i. uontMrcra n., f. a. n. n. wits u-w a N. B n. . u. itmitn, oranddau. wa ISarsxfleld-BasAoa Anto BtSsTw White Peaoast Lisa, between Marsb field and Baadou. tlira trip a day. ever th beautiful realc Seven Derlla road. Buick and Oakland six. Be ear to get Wbtt Peasant car MoCOXMICX A EIiX0B. rrepneter. , 1 V Pacific Highway Garage AL.., OXEOOM On Parliic highway, serosa th street from Hotel Marinu. Uaa. oil. service. tnrage, re pair by expert mechanics, tomobil acce- aorles. Make this your headquarter when visiting to capital city or wan - touring fVlllamene rail. HALT EHON A BUHNo. Proprietor. ZXX0BZ TAXX. r m apt a. i . vim. Address Ocsaa Crest Bockaway, fsa for trXca j To) woornni u uim acxnowieOa-ed fight I memnm ror aumsaer resort ma- , Tcrtisln45. Walther - Williams Garage . TiiE DALLi.8. 0XEO0V Ei stern Oregon's largest fire-proof garag. Open day and nigbt. W are prepared to ere ee e-ertably with ell. raa, storage, autosnobll accessories and expert repairs. Agents Studtbaker. lord, Dodg ears. Tourists to Oregon sbotild sot fall to visit this his toric city with it wealth of oasis charm. Pbon Bed 861, The Dalles, Or. MAXX. TBTE-kt TODAT Films Developed FREE! when prints ara We pay return Five-hour expert ordered, postage, service. Largest Photo Supply House in the Northwest Woodard, Clarke & Co. Woo'l-Larx Bid;.. Alder at W.',Park TRAJTSEB COMPANIES NEHALEM RIVER TRANSFER CO. - Buy ' roar tickets tor Wheeler if stat7 te blassanita las. Class te Bids, or the Not, kah-sie Olatrlct. Our lauoco, the "Vaseta. meets all train, fare to Mbaiai eaiy Sg ecsta. W operate as auto bus to rll nearby resorts, fare 1(5 ceat. We safe beats tot rant and also aaak special ante trip t beau era. XlafecrmcD or campers. . Prompt, reliable and satlalactor service. AXLlhUsotf BBOaU Neualeut. Oregon. RIVER RESORTS Str. GEORGIANA ASTOBIA ABU WAT LABDIXCS Leaves 7 a. a. dully. Sunday. t:30 a ts. Returningi leave Astoria 2 p. to., arrives -Portland W p. m. STB. ttTBUHZ leave T.eB a. m. daily ex- rept Sunday. Ueturnlng leave Aatoria T p. m. Main 14ZX Washington street dock. A-4122. KITTY MORAN Th new tel plea aura catamoran boat ply ing from I'ortland to Orrgun City dV way potnl. Why not take your friend for nlc- hlr oa Cedsr Island or some of the other beautiful spot along lb Willamette. Wheu you go to Oregon City go oo th Kitty Moras. Leave Alder street dock s a. in. sad 3 p. m. , ii a. oa., 2 p.. m. and yarn only 16c rbose week day and s a. m. p. ca, oo Sundays. Mnis BS1 or A-Bil. THE JOURNAL' IS THE ACKNOWLEDGED MEDIUM FOR SUMMER RESORT ADVERTISING ' C