THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15. 1917. . 12 ANAPHYLAXIS, MALADY OF POLfUCAL BRAND, . GNAWS HEALTH BOARD Diagnosticians See in Febrile Tendency Alarming Symp toms of Rival Serums, HOOD RIVER WOMAN NEW W. OF W. BANKER DR. HOLT STORM CENTER TAing Xeetlnr of Board, September 1. Belief Trom. Sltaetlon Ow So- erg Soeeeesioa Za Unlikely. DUr'tlclinj who have been feel fnr the pulse of the atate board of health elnce Ha eruption of last week became visible, expreas the opinion that the high temperature of the patient is due primarily to anaphylaxla occasioned by the injection of two opposing polit ical serums In the body of the board at the same time. They believe the crisis will not be safely parsed until after the quarterly meeting scheduled for September 1. In the meantime Dr. Robert Holt is act Ins; state health officer, and in all probability will continue to be until Sepembter 1. If not longer, for the very potent reason that Dr. A. C. Seely of Roseburg. one of Dr. Holt's sponsors. Is president of the board, and there fore not likely to call a special mt- Ins; prior-to that date. Xoberff Bnecessloa at Issue Altogether, the board seems to be In a very pretty little political tangle over the appointment of a successor to Dr. David N. Roberg. state health officer, who has been called into the service of the hospital corps. Dr. Holt, the bone of contention, was the choice of Drs. Andrew C. Smith of Portland. A. C. Seely of Roseburg. C. T. Bacon of La Grande. In putting him temporarily Into office they seem to have had the active assistance of Dr. Roberg. who Is not a particular fa vorite of Drs. M. B. Marcellus R. J. Marsh or H. E. Clay of Salem, tho other three members of the board. Dr. Holt says he fell into the tsngle Without any effort on his part, but upon the suggestion of Dr. Roberg. Dr. Holt had been engaged in the organixa- I tlon of a hospital unit for service in the federal army and held the rank of major. He organized the unit and dis posed of his hospital and private prac tice at La Grande. Feeling himself run down physically, he applied to Ad jutant Oenerai White for two weeks' leave of absence that he might recu perate at the beach. White Seals Lmt. General White, according to Dr. Holt, refused to grant the leave, and Dr Holt resigned his majorship. He In tended later to enter the service as a captain in the medical corps, he says and during the interim engaged In pri vate practice in Fort land, where he lived prior to going to La. Grande. According to Dr. Holt, when Dr. Ro bert was called Into the federal serv Ice he asked the state board for a leave of absence. Because of the fact that the board would not have a meeting until September 1. Dr. Holt says Dr. Roberg wrote him a letter asking him to assume charge of his work as state .health officer until the board met. Sep tember 1. granted his leave and desig nated his successor. This was agreed to by Drs. Smith. Seely and Bacon, Dr. Holt states, and he proceeded to take over Dr. Roberg's work. Other Wut Br. Geary Prior to this, however, Drs. Marcel lus, Marsh and Clay, knowing that Dr. Roberg was to enter the federal serv ice, had decided that, so far as they were concerned, they would cast their votes for Dr. E. P. Geary as the suc cessor to Dr. Roberg. Dr. Roberg. by his suggestion, and the other three members of the board by their accept ance of it, without notifying the three friends of Dr. Gear', spilled the beans all over the office , As the matter now stands, the board la apllt fifty-fifty, three of the mem bers being for Holt and three for Geary, not considering that Dr. Roberg may be entitled to cast the deciding vote In case of a tie. Dr. Marcellus la already In the army, though he has not yet resigned his membership on the board. Dr. Clay has been ordered to report for army duty and has tendered bla resignation to tb governor. In the ordinary course of events It Is probable that both res ignations would be tendered and accept ed so that the new members could qualify at the September meeting. It looks as If Dr. Holt had the deal er's percentage In his favor; for. with ths retirement of Dr. Clay, he will have a clear majority of the board Without the vote of Dr. Roberg, who. under an old opinion of the attorney general, seemingly is entitled to cast the deciding vote In case of a tie. A ' . .-, - . -. , . J Mrs. C. D. Mckelsen Hood River. Or.. Aug. 15. Mrs. C D Nlckelsen of Hood River was elect ed to the office of district banker of the order of Women of Woodcraft at the district convention, held at Astoria Mrs. Nlckelsen has been clerk of the if cod River lodge for the last five years. DANIELS ASKS HEAD OF NAVY LEAGUE TO RESIGN PRESIDENCY Attack on Department's Con duct of Mare Island Inquiry Is Resented. OTHERS ARE ASKED TO GO home, ravaged those things we hold most Jar. We catch -the enemy. He Is within our power. Then another neighbor enters. He suggests that we do not kill the man who destroyed our nappu.ess. tie suggests mi - '"Iir1 -'tew, ontamntlble to deserve the beat his freedom, that a parse be .. .. Real Estate) Transfers L. J. Aadra-ws sad wf to tlernum Hi?' eroaie. L 11. B 1. Soot St.. Johns. . 10 tl. D. IfaBUnia and bus to IWf . Cof fee. L 1. 2. 3. B. S. Floral Park JO If. J. Collins to W. r. IMLkm. L. 17. B. mi. woodiawa iu J. B. Shape sad wf. to M. Sklllmaa. I. IX R 4 Antut Pimahatal'a A All. to Alblna 6,000 Rattla Koavra mnA bam. tn Helen AS- new L. lO. B 2 Leonard Tract 10 Cllvla Kitchen to 8rott-lcClnra Uuid Co . L. 1. H. 7. Hnnart Park No. 3 Add M Auruat V. Comix aDd wf. to Conncll B. Pl-ra r. 19 a Iti, Park 10 Harold 6. Epton and wf. to John Shan non. I.. A 5. S. H. 2N. rairvleir 10 Title A Trust Co. to Prsnk Pagaoo. L. duct of Mare Island Blasttv'i& , WrUraley Land Co. to William L. Ball. U a. .). B. 11. Wellraley 800 K. V. Berrlucd and f. to Helen U. Kenn. L. 15. B. M. Central Alblna... Hirer View Cemetery Aan. to Marrmret Cri Carran. L. 1, hec. 1W. tuer View crnjetrrr ISO Gilmor M. At new and wf. to Hannah L. Kugera. 10 ai-re. becinntng to ruaa W. of 3. E. enrurr of N. K. Vt of 8c 33. T. 1 N. II. 4 E. 10 Alrtn C. Morrlon and wf. to Thoniaa T. Fox et 1. nortberly Va L. lO. 11. O. I. iUdeline 1.000 Wratern Ort-gon Trust Co. to Isaac P. I"urT!anc et al, I. 1(. B. 24. Jen- tonc 200 Weatem Oregon TTuat Co. to aame, u. 9. B. 24. Mentonr T. O. Strain to Altnea Strang. lnd be ginning tUj rt. E. of . w.. corner H. 3. Tblrd Electric Add 10 Percy H. Bljth et al to Mlcbael Uoolaa. U BljtLwood H. U. Nortbrup and wf. to Laura H. Northrup. land commencing at Inter senloii N. Une Eltrabetb at. wltb E. line 30Ui at.; also beginning In E. line Ricbnwmd at. in St. Jocna. wblcb point is SC1.82 ft. N. 23 degrees. 30 nilnntea E. from point set at S W. comer William Caiilea D. L. C. L. 9. B. 1. Manly Lane. L. 1. B. 1. Dane din. L. U, B. 1. lire's Add.. L. 2. B. ft. Taborsldr. L. 7. 3S. B. 2, Kenton, L. 11. B. 11. Tirace Park. N. hi L. 4, Sub. Tract ," Orertoo Park, land b-g. at int. N. line L. 13. RaenaTlew 1th E. line RarenaTlew Drire. L. 25, 3K. B. 11. Hawthorne Are. Add.. L. 12, B. 1. BroadTlew J. W. Starr and wf. to W. A. Johnson, L. 17. B. 2. Irantioe tatsmsat Called HaUldona At tempt to Discredit Sepsrtsaeat Trylag- to TVl aVasponsibilty. BIRTHS HI ST To Mr. sad Ura. Dsn slonros Boat, ftftie S4th at., Aug. a, a daagUter. KLEIN To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Klein, Ml K. IHitIs at.. Aug. 6. a son. BERRY To Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Berry. 424 E. Tyler at., Aug. 9. a daughter. BRANDON To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin 1". Brandon. TJS B. 73d at.. Ana-. 4. a son. BECK MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Beck- man, 1191 36th arc., Aug. 7, a son. HEALY To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert M. Healy. WO Hawtlxv-ne, Ang. S, a daughter. WINTERML'TE To Mr. and Mra. Peter P. Wintennate, 01OV4 E. Alder. Jnly 9. s son. TOST To Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge John Yost. 761 E. 7th at., Ang. 4. a son. WHEELER To Mr. and Mrs. Frederlch H. Wheeler, 688 E. "2d. Aug. 5. a daughter. ELIOPULOS To Mr. and Mra. Mike Ellopuloa, Lambrook ants., Aug. 8, a son. COP ELAND To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Cope land. 91 E. 12th. Aug. 2. a fin. NEL'STADTKR To Mr. and Mra. Edwin Neu- staritrr. m Locretla at.. Aug. X a eon. KAISER To Mr. and Mra. Darld M. Kalaer. m 3d St.. Aug. 7. a daughter. CALLAGHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. (allnfhanL StS: 4RtJi at.. Ana. 3. a daugnter. GILBERT To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Gilbert. wi Mtnnwoa st.. Aug. 3. a son. DEATHS AND Fl'SEKALS 7rt Washington, Aug. 15. (I. N. S.) Immediate resignation of Colonel Hob ert M. Thompson and other active of fleers of the Navy league is requested n a letter ent out to Colonel Thomp son by Secretary of the Navy Daniels and made public Tuesday nigUt. Secretary Daniels predicates his re quest on the alleged falsity of a state ment put out by the Navy league Inti mating that the investigation or the explosion of the Mare Island navy yard In July has been held up by orders from navy officials, acting under "Influence exerted by powerful abor interests.' Secretary Daniels' letter is a bitter arraignment of the present officials of the Navy league, of. which Colonel Thompson is president.' In a supple CAMPBELL The funeral of -the late Jhn A. Campbell, age 54 years, will be conducted Wednesday, August IS. at 2 p. m.. at the ArlPta Baptist church. Friends invited to at tend. Interment at Mount Scott cemetery. The remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy 4 Co., 5802 Ninety -aecood street, Lents. LOST AND FOUND - 21 ! (Con tin aed) HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 (Ooa tinned) Hoppickers THE following articles were found on cars of Portland Railway. Ldght Power com Dan r. August 10. 11 1. 1917: 3 umbrellas. 12 srrlDS. 8 bsthing REOHSTER NOW. suits, 22 miscellaneous packages, 1 Jirg yard on Willamette river, 80 bundle papers, i suitcases. 7 runeh ' mUea from Portland; faro round trip, boxes. 1 bag coffee, ly-handbag. 8 dooKs, ji.j0. Good picking; long employ- 1 shovel. 1 abstract, 4 hats. 7 purses, ment; $1 per 100 pounds. Nice camp 10 pairs gloves, 1 bank book. 1 leather grounds with store, running water, case, 1 beauty pin. 1 pair shoes. I eawed wood. Free camping shacks it ukelele, 6 baskets. 2 pairs overalls. 1 desired. Families preferred. Safe place pipe, 2 brooches, 1 bank check, 1 P- for women and children. APPLY low. 1 hose, 1 key ring, 1 handkerchief. ; A. J. KAY & SON, 2 sweaters, 1 apron, 1 monkey wrench, , 3g Sherlock bldg.. Sd and Oak sts., knives, l doos: ticaeis. a . portiana. or. 1 rnll vi 9 pair trousers, l camera, i row muni., 1 nalp vB-lajuia 1 nacKaare DftPers, x t'p.thinar cap, l tain property station. Main 842. VI'm. rn.r.m.v ob STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg Bible. Owners may ob-. rapny salesmanship. English at 1st and Alder st. or h' at &n accredited school. LOST One tan hand satchel on Co lumbia river highway Sunday after noon. Aug. 12, 1917, .containing pair la dies' shoes and wearing apparel. Find er please return to the Coast Fir Lum ber Co., 623 Lumbermens Bank bldg. rnd receive reward. LOST Last Monday morning. In telc rihnne booth at First and Alder sts.. one pocneiDOOK wim a.uuui .m v,nrilI Harley-Davidson motorcycle Key. win Writa or Dhone Main 690 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. BL'HNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGGE, 167 4th st, near Morrison. REGISTER now for T. A, Livesley & Co. hopyard, at the office of the U. S. immigration service. 424 Railway Exchange bldg. We pay 50c per box. Picking will commence about Sept. 1. Good accommodations; fine river bot- FURNIBHKD HOUSES 36 FURNISHED 3 room 1076 K. 1.1th st. N. house. piano. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED The Cromwell FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. Five min. walk to Meier Frank's store: good surroundings; strictly mod. 2 and 3 room fur. apartments, all out side, with French doors and balconies, ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance; references. mental statement Secretary Daniels Anna M. Martin to Lanra Martin. L. 1. sroes further. He characterises the action of the Navy league and its offi- taken in the neighborhood to restore the loses we have suffered, and that e then go on and ilve in p-ac, beside the man who ruined our faini'y. Peace How Za Xeroltlac The thought is Impossible pre posterous. It Is revolting to even con telve of a peace with Germany based on the terms the pope has outlined There has been no attempt to mini rrixe ttie Importance of the peace move. l omlnn as it does from a source out !de the realm of diplomacy, at a time when the world feels a revulsion at the the ught of another winter campaign at.d when all treasuries but the Amer 2. 3. 4. B. 07. L. 14. B. 85. West Portland I'ark H. L. Williams and wf. to A. Rupert. L. 1. 11. l. Crest View Oeorse 8. Bollock and wf. to Mary H Ca id be 11, L. 3. B. S. Parkburat Malcolm Crrir Sr. and wf. to Wllllsra MdMn (irler. L. 18, B. 10. Willamette La'ld Karate Co. to Christina L. ToeTe. L. lO, B. 30. Kartinoreland Isaac E. ?caile and wf. to Artsteno N. Kelts. . L. 1. and S 17 rt. U. 21. B. 43. IrTlneton Park ' to resign if deemed I Henry C. Reatarff and wf. to Robert . ,K- ... I Krlins, 7 aTes commencing at N- W. nlels. lie then says J9 T 1 8 R 3 K notice Saslsls Is BlUer In his letter Secretary Daniels re fers to an offer from the Navy league to cooperate with the navy department in every manner possible and a sugges tion from Colonel Thompson that the r resent administration in the organ lzatlon was ready proper by Mr. Da in view, however, or trie raise ana tLen'-e K. vsm ft., thence s. 1100 slanaerous statement riven out by trie i rt. to hecinniiiic Navy league. I am writing to say that Cora M. Porter and tins to Charles W. other active officials of the Navy league can render to the navy is 1 10 5 10 10 10 1.290 10 15 A RSTO X The funeral aerrlce ot the late Henry K. Mars ton will be held from B. T. Byrnva realdental parlors. 001 Williams are. ot Mason street, tomorrow (Thursday), Aufrust 16 at 2 p. ni. Interment In Rose City ceme- Krlei try. ends Invited to attend. SWINNEY In this city Aua-uat 15. at bis late resideevt-e, Montgomery Apartmenta. Ttird and Montgomery streeu, Thonuia C. Pwlnner. age 4o years. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Klnley i Son. Montgomery at Klftb. Notice of fu neral later. Sunnyslde Third Add. 10 10 (I llU 1 licit ail l I rnnui rs v w a, lliu a-aiiivt - I . , . - , . lean are at low ebb. it must be reck- :C8'B" J ,n nd Perm1' UafUe Building Permits oned with. To aiJ in forming Judgment, the gov ernment has cabl.-d Its representatives abroad to sound out sentiment and re- port the reception of the peace pro- I possl both in high and low quarters. They have been asked to hasten their reports, lest delays indicate a spirit of indecision. Zatsate Tavors KsjectlOB to be directed by those who. in a crisis Geore I Keeler and P. E. Sullivan, erect like the present, could not permit all story frame aarije. . ,y .77 OUsan at. r- tween M ana -id; u. . ira. ouuaer bupple Ballln. erect 1 story frame ware bocse. between K. 1st and River snd E. Ash statement to be given out to the public which attempts to discredit the entire navy department, and which will be read with disrust and contemnt bv and E. Ankenr: builders, same: $4(0 Knn.. a.i.. I Supple A Ballln. erect 1 urr frame ator iiu iuii:iiiciu.i Biiicuinu niiuc u i u,fr .nj e Ash and E Ankear: builders eecretary Lanieis, alter reviewing tne same; 4jo. efforts made by the navy department SupP'e & Railln. erect from fence between iki.i. ... ...ii.. . u . i I . . . . - : . I ouuoera, sa me : iiju. Htin. island exDloslon. concludes: iv.hi..j i:.i...i.n. w,v . i should know where the United States I a-alle la CIomui frame raiTanlzlna- ulaut. 22d at. between Reed and ner allies auma, especially lr tne I rv. . . ,. r v. ,,m.. I and mxisi: Dniiders. same: ssxaj. offer 1. reiected. L....Y ..T .v" "..Z".- ""de, erect l.tory frame rarag. ' I W 1 LrTU L U 1 11R UC11UCI KLVJ K t I r III!) L 111 iw. t.l.a. ai- taw.- llanl ai ra I n an1 a. a r-'"cul u"",u"' fw'J'iwn ik. rearnail.l. nt nf ih. v.w ruim nr.: W. M. Ward, builder: 1130. loujaun, reiair x siurj innn E. Everett at. between E. 03d builder, same; S150. an Mialp 1 mt.-m-m K-l quarters nere. dnirtmnt. In as much aa It fa nsrr ature. 115 3d at between Gllssn and denee. and r.iinruM, owmu... .uu ,n, ,.ylwa the re.ponsible agent of the Navy courer are. ; W. of the Russian, tends toward prompt leagu. to publish a statement, which. Mr- Etam c rejection of the proposal. The same even lf true .houia nol have been "SJ- J spirit pervades in some government lven out wlthout reference to the ' FraT itn.n But authorltle- realise that, coming fal, the actton ln rivinr it clrcu- A- w bul1Z: 2?1 from the Done, the offer carrleia n. . . ., r .. . M. B. Krana. repair 1 story frame resld -?Th, lv,s rl?Z. 'L i V." J 1't,on "now a rnaliclous attempt to 1209 .vxuh PrlnceVon st. between Alma weight which German feelers and dlacredit the navy department and Ida; builder, same: 10o. mnue in ucrmajiy peace lu.i-auuni lha capable officers Who are doing Oswald Thielemann, repair IV, atory rrsm have Ittcked. that the offer will stir ever-vth,nc po..ible to ferret th xuJSLtt- '" 1"or n pacifist sentiment and cause, ths think- cau8. of th accident and obtain evi- Ypet7er r.Ir'T.tory frame re- ing wona to pause in renecuon. J dence that would fix the respon- denee. BK TUlaroook st. between 14ta and Isibility 15,b; ""llder Kred Quast; 240. "If i were to state to the public L-.rCweenth. "no By specific direction of the preal- all the steps that the officers charged SMb are.; bullcW. Bullock Brown; (loo. dent, officials refrained from all pub- I with this duty have taken, and are Mrs B. J. Rl. -hards, repair 2 storr frame 11 rfl.,..lnn Ih. V.H,..n'. I.VInr Ih. nnl. wnnM I h store. Jo . iwi n si neir. .-en lei Uirurt sou .. .... . ... . . ..,, Overton; J. M. Wild, builder; 15C. pvsais. il was empnuiztM at iqq iiaaueirn w do aiteiiipL iu iuidukq White House and at the state depart- their honesty and sincerity." ment that the suggestions of Hla Holl- The statement put out by the Navv ness will receive the utmost consider- I league declared that the league had atlon and that no snap Judgment will received information "that a time be taken on them. fuse was connected with the powder ilr. Ls-nslng said that while he had magaalne explosion, proving conclu- A. W. Keene. erect frame ganure, 82 E 66Lh at. N. between. Slakiyou and Klickitat sts.: builder, saine ; 75. Pelton- Estate Repair 4 atory brick ordl ncry Mores. Io3 4th st. between Alder and Morrison: George Ketch, builder; $2fiO. A. M. E. Zlrn cnnrcli. erect 1 atorj rrame Auditorium. 417 WUllama are. between Han . . . .... , l coca alia 1 iliamuvs rw. , mwv .0 aiuum nui yn ei me omciai copy or me I siveiy mat tne explosion waa tne builder- tl.vio. peace proposals and had only a brief result of a criminal conspiracy." The O. C. Purdln. erect 1 story frame tool boose resume of them he knows that they did navy department Is accused of having Ooldamlth at. between Benton and AJbHia are.; not differ tn anv wrmm r .vt.nt frnm I . I .. - i i.j ... i I builder. Same; 1300. thYiaa 7. wZ r7Kii-xi "r"1" M"'"ru' "."i" " Hesse Msrtln Iron VTkwk; alter 2 story -.. r ..v.. . lear ls ezpresaea inai tne vigorous frame machine shop. 404 E. Taylor between ACTorainj to tne secretary tne pro- I investigation of the case has been E. 8th ami E. th and Taylor snd Salmon posaia win ne carefully considered r.-hen received. In advance of a de c'slon, however, he said that comment vould Le worthless When Secretary Lansing waa asked whether reports coming via Amsterdam that Germany was Impressing native Americans into her armies would change this irovernment'a attitude, he said that he had no confirmation of any such reports. In any event he said, it would make no difference in I Probable Taat Oregon X.tunbr Com-1 frame toilets. A4 e. Taylor between E. 8th Hood County Fires Now Under Control hampered or prevented because of In- r" , T uT. :i7f. i. riuence exertea Dy powenui laDor tnrm M B. Tayfc between E. 8th snd interests. tth snd Taylor snd Salmon; Trancbell ac l'a- reUns. builders; .TiO. Mesae-Martln Iron works, erect frame fence. 4M E. Taykir between B. 8th and fnb and Taylor and aalmon; Trancbell A Parellua, bullden; I TOO. Hesse Martin Iron viorka. erect rrame black smith shoo. 464 K. Taylor between E. Sth slid 9tb snd Tayka- and Halmon; Trancbell Si Pa rellua. builders; t.tOOO. Heaae-Martln Iron Works, erect 1 story the treatment of Oerman subjects ln mis country. Directed sTot to Co mm eat Officials at the papal leratlon said that they were under direct instruc tions not to comment on the peace pro posals in any way. The situation re sulting from their presentation, they pany Will Be la Position to ,,1.. Operations aVatter Part of Weak. V Nlolaen erect frame nrlfl. IO.W B. 20th I V between Alberta and Wra-ant: builder. Hood River, Or.. Aug. 14. Fire ln aame ;' $35. the holdings of the Oregon Lumber H. N. Lees, erect 1 story frame ga rare. 713 company near nere, that kept the "nV,.: V-. t..iT- r hniM- im r Oreaon Motor tar Co.. erect 1 story frame 20 hours, is now believed under con- garage. 2Vi E. Msdiaon; between E. 49th and . i v. w A m . ka . . . . . i l- Vrth hnlldera aame: SV. ' said, waa extremely delicate. Prema- .i-L. W. Ill Geirre. erect frame rarage. 894 Har. ture comment from any direction, they w.., nhari.. t v. v r,Mn ,r,wrn 12Ul a,x1 11,0 t"-;' ba"'r- said, might result ln comDllcatlona k..i . e . "m':r',JL. . . , .. . w - Il'iV a I U 1 1 taV I. i J 1. 1 1 k'TT V i. I W 1 1 IU 11131 V. A . I IITU, r S w w- ' J aiasiiaw aasaaaaa:, which would defeat the object of the I eccne of last week's fire, in which 7 E. 29th st. between Francis and Gladstone; logging locomotive builder, sstne; fflO. U. S. HOLDS PEACE TALK IS NOT RIPE (Coo tinned From Pag Osa) talk cannot be stopped and will con tinue to grow between now and No vember. , . "In theory the pope's move seems to resemble earlier peace proposals of President Wilson." one French diplo , mat said. "Naturally. It will receive , 'the same attention the president's ut terances alwaya received. It ia appar ent, however, that behind the Vatl . can' a move are Austria and Germany, and In these circumstances it may . rsbound to the Interest of the enemy, score Wilt Probably Pall "It Is for this reason that the Vati can's move will most probably fall. Ths var muat go on to Its logical con ' 'elusion. " - .The Brazilian and Chilean ambassa - dors sought to learn this country's views today, but- were Informed ths psace note hsd not arrived. Prssldsat to Bsfmss Peae 1' Ths president has not definitely de termined upon the full scope of his " Taply. Decision awaits study of the : pope's formal note. The president will reply to It, According to one high in his councils and who actively partici pated In the formation of this country'" policies, ths president will :. Pafuss to accept it. -. Whether or not he makes sugges- V (Uohml that may lead to further nego--tiatlons, awaits an expression of world gsptnlon. A coord lng to this official, the presl- 5 est will outline ln simplest terms rfcy America cannot accept a status -i buo ante peaesx. , "Oar situation Is'thiaT the fflelal toald: . "JL ; neig-hbor . hsi entered ear, uuif a act ion. I t, . , i At the ententa emhaaalea i w. . I . . R E. Thomas. erect 1 story rrame garage. , ,k , " nimr waa uurnea 10 urain, reports M eTada between Virginia and -Macadam; statea tnat may were without any that property damage waa not as great builder ssroe; av. official word on the situation. Offi- as at first reported J- J- McCarthy, erect 1 story frame garage, cials naturally could not com man t on ,1 e..,.K j Market Street drive, near Buena Vista at.; the developments for publication. The of fire, it Is probable that burned '"r.!: Kt,key3'erect 1 story frame garage iiajurny pmaiciy expresaeo tne be- bridges and tracks will be replaced and SR3 Benton between Broadway and LMipooi net tnat tne proposals, as made pub-I that loa-arlnr ooeratlona will b r- I tmiider. same, s-np. 11c. originally were initiated ln Oer- stimed at the headquarters of the west many and that Austria had passed t- I fork by the latter part of the week. tee Vatican at least a broad hint if what would be acceptable Teuton governments. to the Eugene to See Canning Exhibit! Cardinal Deeply Interested New York. Aug. IS. (U. P.) Em phasizing that the pope could not be 'llut"u lo iavor any nation, cardi-1 Eugene, Aug. 15. There will be a nal arley today aald he would watch I series of demonstrations of home can- the outcome of the Vatican's peace pro-I nlng and drying of fruits and vegeta pcsais itn tne most acute concern." bles held throughout Lane county. In The pope, he declared, was the great- I the Interests of the national food con- est neutral figure ln the world and I serration campaign. They will be con would urge only steps of benefit to all I ducted by Miss A. Grace Johnson of "I know that the holy father has I the home economics department of the done everything in his power to miti- I Oregon Agricultural college. She t7ill gate the sufferings of the people in I demonstrate a small pressure canner, this conflict," said the cardinal "Hi suitable for home use, and tlso a cook would naturally desire, as a disinter. 1 stove evaporator. ed intermediary, to use the influence -ne aemonstration at xugene win oe of his exalted spiritual position to ,n connection with the big get-together bring about a peace acceptable to all be 111 ge rents." To lie Published Thursday Kome. Aug. i5. (U. P.) The Vati can desires thst the text of the pope's peace appeal reacn an governments be fore It is given to the public For Ihls reason, it was stated today, publication of the appeal in the Observatore Ro mano, the Vatican official organ, has been postponed until Thursday. picnic planned by the Eugene Chamber of Commerce and the Lane county Po mona grange, which Is to be held in Rlvea-vlew park. Eugene. Wednesday, August 22. s Freights in Clash; Two Employes Dead Salt Lake City. Utah. Aug. 15. (I. N. R) Railroad officials are to day Investigating the cause of a head on collision between the two freight last nigh: Italians Say "Untimely Rome, Aug. 15. (U. P.) The Ital lan public regards with disfavor the I trains at Heafed, - Nev Initiative taken by the pope ln putting I when two men were killed. The dead I err in peace proposals. I are u nmnuMw vm. ov'aa, im. Those commenting on the peace mea- I an engineer, and Ed House or Helper. saa-e todav rerardMl ti .. .ani.n. I Utsh. a brakernan. An eastbound w aw HKVWsBUil a al . m freight train crashed head on Into an extra freight westbound on the South- untimely, coming as it does at the mo. IBM I af imtrlu'i ajHwA mwImImii.. to the war and the rkxlrnW eoru I Fcife at Heafed. near Sparka. or tne am es, including Italy plans ror an.xoienaivw Italian campaign. wrtttac te er eatttag em adrsrtlssra, atloa TVs JoenaJ. , .. Northwee Steel Co., repair l atory rrame tlrrvekeeper'a office, foot of Sheridan at.; Trancbell A Parellua. builders; $300. H L. Starett. repair 2 atory frame resi dence 41 Union are. between Darla snd r.. Couch sts.; East 81de Carpenter Shop, build era- II HO II J. Polph. erect 1 story frame garage. 674 Marlon between t- ioia sou r.. ioia wim. builder, same; $rK. vi a 7.iu, wnilr 1 1X store frame reai dence. 3 Hsaaalo at. between fc. 1st and E. 2d sts.; builder, ssme; $-V). Willamette Iron A Steel Works, repair storr frsme rest room. 463 N. Front st. be tween lTtb snd Hsll sts.; builders. Mcllol lsnd Pr..; fiono. 1-OKCE At the family residence. 812 Sixty. sixth arenue southeast. August 15. Otis Darts Force, age 44 yeara. Funeral services will be conducted Tbunnisy. August 16. at 2 p. m. ln the mortuary chapel of A. I). Ken worthy A Co.. 6o02-fHH .Ninety-second street southeast. In Lents. Friends Incited to attend. RIBBE The fuberal serrlces of tbe lte Anson 1. Kltbe will be held Saturday. Aug ust 18, at 2:30 p. m. at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends lnrlUKl. Interment at Kir err lew cemetery. SWANSON August 14. at the family reai-deiu-e, 21 West ITescott. Llddy Carolin Swanson, age 4 yeara, belored daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swanson. Remains are at Fear son's Undertsklug l'arlors at Kuaaell street rnd Cnlnn aremie. GAKAVKIJ-J In this city. August 15. ti. (Jararelll. age years, late of Milwsukle, Or The remains sre st the residence eetsb llvtment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery st Fifth. ftnder please call East 6025 and get . OREGON Barber College wants men reward9 I a.iiu wuuteu iu ktuiix uui uer irauo, ' " paid while learning; position guaran- LOST from auto Monday afternoon, I teed. 233 Madison. small envelope purse with specta cles, handkerchief. 15 gold, several silver dollars. Key either E. 19th. E. Broadwav, E. 13th or 12th. Reward. Fst 13SS. SITUATIONS MALE Altamont Apartments 6th and College, very nicely furnished a and room apts., walking distance, Main 6375 PENROSE APARTMENS. Orand ave., bet. Morrison and Bel mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bldg.'; white enamel and mahogany finish: walking; dist'ee. THE NEW NOB HILL, brick building. SJloors, all mod. conveniences; 35 2 and 3 room suites, few furnished; lawn, shade, flowers. Olisan st. near I3d st. HELP V A NTE I MALE 1 PEE ME TODAY IF YOU WANT WORK FREE EMPLOYMENT I want men for all departments of large mill. Young men box factory, planing mill men. etc. Fallers. buck ers. engineers, rig rustlers. kid road men. section hands. Few openings for men with families and Seven Lay Adventists. 25 2d St.. corner 2d and Ankeny. Fare advanced. ANY firm or company that is in need of a first class salesman, I would ! advise them to call or write Lew Wal lace at Vend, Or., care S. II., care Camp 5. EIGHT MEN OVER 50 YEARS OLI made $175 or more during the month of June selling our guaranteed fruit and ornamental nursery stock. Busi ness getting better every month, Weeklv cash advance, free Instruc tions and selling outfit. No invest ment or experience required. Why not make some real money yourself! Washington Nursery company. Toppen ish. Wash. TRBFFERY John Treffery. St. Vincents' foi- pital. Aug. 13, 40 years, diabetes. SMITH iiugb Charles Smith. 770 Mason st.. Aug. t. 30 rears, acute alcoholiani. KITXEB Sarah Kutner, 310 Columbia. Aug. 11, HO years, srterio sclerosis. M'XtXTY Paul W. McXulty. 861 Corbett at.. Aug. 9. 21 years, tuberculosis. WIEXSS Laurina Wlensa. Mountain View san itarium. Aug. 11. yeara. ueibrltls. BRITISH suojects wanted for Cana dian overseas forces, forestry and railway. Jou a non-fighting unit if you wish, hut choose now and avoid conscription. 221 Board of Trade bldg.. PortisnoL or evenings, Hen phone B-11?0 D. Stelvens. WE HAVE openings now for several Brood salesmen throughout Western Oregon, Idaho. Montana and Califor nia, on liberal commission basis. An especial opportunity for men with cars. For full particulars address Nursery. Orenco. 'Or. WANTED By young man with 10 years' experience, position us book keeper, timekeeper or log scaler, A-l references. F-461, Journal. CLEAN, furnished modern apts,. at "The Luxor." Steam heat, private baths, closets, phones. Main 8105. 18th and Clav sts. WANTED, by a young man of good character, a place to work in private home. Call Woodlawn 2098. Ask for Harry. WANTED Light work of sdme kind by middle aged man, well acquainted with city. A-947. Journal. WANTED Work on farm by experi enced married man. Sellwood 468. 887 E. Franklin. WANTED Situation as watchmen by two competent elderly Americans; references. C-603. Journal. PAINTING. tinting papering, first class, reasonable. Sellwood 1399. GUARANTEED papering, inside finish lng, cheap. Tabor 5268. MAN wants painting, tinting, by the day. contract. Good work.- Pell 984 SITUATION'S FEM.VLE STENO, 6 years' exp., wants position doctor's or railroad office. Bast 8503. DRESSMAKING 40 PLAIN sewing done. Mar. 4884. NURSES 60 EAST SIDE SANITARIUM Specializ ing in maternity cases, we are MACK William Klack Mack. Good Samaritan WANTED Man with his own truck to nosp.t.., Aug. io, o naul wood ano coai; w)T empiov- equipped with the latest apparatus for . i. r'.'nv Dml.i. A i.. I. A fc fell ill. . i . . . . i i 1 ' 1-3.7.. "-"'i'" i neip iinance ouying oi a true, aisu 8 ;Bv.'r, can use man and team, can at fcller- A 1 1 1 1 r. I Iuiu nsouiei. ri. I miTui Vildl rlum. Aur. 11. 4 yeara. diphtheria. sen Fuel Co.. room 1, Oregon bldg., for further information. FLORISTS WANTED at once. 50 men; free trans Dortation. ware while traveling;, for CLARK BROS.. Florists, 2S7 Morrl- long Job, easy work. 84 per day and son st Main or A-l 805. Fine flowers found. Call room 401 Panama bldg., 3d and floral designs, iso branch stores. and Alder Pts giving nicrous-oxide gas in obstetrics. better and safer than twilight sleep. Special rates. Information, call or phone E. 6087, B-2632. 859 Hawthorne ave., at 28th. GRADUATE nurse of ability desires general night work ln hospital or can act as night superintendent. Phone Sellwood 1979. evenings. MARTIN Ai FORBES CO.. florists, 351 SPECIAL delivery and wagon boys. Wash. Main 269 A-1269. Flowers Must be 16 years or over. Apply for all occasions artistically arranged, superintendent's office, 9 to 10 a. m., SWISS FLORAL CO.. 412 E. 7th N. Olds. Wortman & Kir.g. Store 23d and Gllsan. Main iao. I GROCER! oruer cieras must oe ex- 1 perlenced and nave Dest or refer ences. Apply superintendent's office, to 10 a. m.. Olds. Wortman ft King. MAX M. SMITH, tlorlst. 141 h. oth st. FL'NKKAL DIRECTORS Xdward Bobnan W. J. Holmaa Prea. Bee. J. E. Werleln, tress. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 Third street cor. Salmon A MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY BOOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE LADY ASSISTANT Phones Main COT. A-lfill YOUNG man with knowledge of book keeninz tn assist ln Office. Apply Western Motor Car Sales Co.. Broad way at Bumside. WANTED Salesmen and solicitors. Singer Sewing Aiacnipe jo., Ji Washington st. PRACTICAL nurse, best of references. confinements preferred. Phcne East 366.1. THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. 8 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. ATTRACTIVE 2-ROOM APTS. Well furnished suites;, Ideal loca tion, walking- distance; near parks. 328 Mill. M'KINLEY APARTMENTS Modern 3 room. $16 pernio, and up; private phone and bath; walking dis tance. E 7th and' MorrlHon. East 3100. MOST desirable homelike, unfurnished apartment and sleeping porch on Pa cific coast. Reasonable. 816 Albina ave. Mississippi car. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, steum heat, 112 up. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfr. apts., best service. Wnlklng dls. Marshall 1410. BENSON APTS.. 205 N. 20th St. New ly furnlslied 3 room apts.. walking distance: references. Marnhml 4448. NOKOMIS. 565 Marshall. Modern 2 rom furnished private bath, dresa ing room otid phone, $15 to $22.60. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place, 3 rm. fur., front, beautiful view: also 2 and 4 rms.. reasonable. Mar. 983, THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room aptB.. strict ly modern, reasonable. East 2403. 3-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS. THE- DEZENDORP 208 16th st.. near Taylor. Marsh. 12." MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per week up: sleeping" rooms. Knst 212. GRANA) OAK APTS.. corner E. Oak and Grand ave., strictly modern, 2-3 room apts. First cIbsb service. K. 3.10p. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 FzV.TCilE MSTTiL UoTW. Strictly modern. Under new managnt 12th and Stark sts. Broadway 8822. WANTED Motion picture operator; also young man to learn the same- Clinton Theatre, evenings. MACHINE man and cabinet maker. 8 hours. Freeland J? urniture -o, Kit) Macadam st. J, P. Finley & Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9. A-1599. EXPERIENCED auto washer for nights. Applv Western Motor Car Sales Co.. Broadway at Bummde. WANT team or man and team to haul Piling-. 2c a foot. East 380J. Ua Union ave. north. WANTED Strong boy to help in bake I HOTEL OCK.LEY, Morrison at 10th. RATES 60c day up, weekly 82 up. Running water. Free phones and bath. ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel, 11. ft week and up. 455 Alder, $1.60 WEEK up. clean, warm, modern fur, rms.. central. The King, 309 Jef. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam heat, running water. 386 Bd St. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorn'. Modern 1, 2 and 3 room apts.. $12.50 up; walking distance. East 882. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts., E. 7th and Belmont. Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reasonable. E. 238. HARRISON COURT. &th and Harrison. Furnished 2 and 3 room apts.-, $15 month and up. NORTHAMPTON APTS. 407 Hall St., 2 and 3-room, furnished and unfur nished. New management. M. 4299. FOR nice pleasant rooms call at 1S6 14th st. Phone Main 6908. Gentlemen only, splendid rms bath, phone, hot water nr. Wash. 33N.17th. FURNISHED ROOMS PSXTATX 7AMXXT 70 Chambers-Kenworthy Co. Funeral directors and embalmers of Piedmont, 1111 Kerby st. at Emerson. Lady assistant. VVdln. 3306. C-I13J. PLACE for working girl to stay if she will Day her share of grocery bill. shon light work. Aprly before noou I Much get own breakfast. F-4&8, Jour- Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett sts. FIREMAN and engineer, experienced with machinery and auto repairing. 1256 Halsey st. IF. L UEM Undertaker. E. 11th and Hawthorne. Phones E. 7R1. B-1S83. Lady assistant. WANTED livery. - 6n 1st st Boy with wheel for de- A. D. Kenworthy Co, Tabor 5267. 5802 92d St., Lents. Tabor 6895. 66th st. and r oster road. Arieta. EXPERIENCED Janitor, Journal bldg. Apply room 312. MANGLE help wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and coiumnia. F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. j Drove' tnat you have learned the busl Alder st. Phone East 62. B-5225. I J,es before you leave the school. It Is H ELF V ANTED- MISC. 49 HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Tn Vii achnnl vou actually do the work, learn by liAftitianui- anu nal. FURNISHED room for rent. 3334 Market St.. near Broadway; reason able rent, centrally located. CLARKE apts.. 2 rooms, fur., dis. beds. phone, lights, heat, 812 up. B'way SOSti. ROSENFELD (brick) 14th and East Stark, 3 rooms. $17. $20. $22. HO. $25. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, S. 6 r. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516, A-2H76. EVELYN APrS., 267 N. 21st St.. 3 room furn. apt.; low rent. Mar. 132S. GRACE APTS., 24th and -Northrup. 8 room partly fur, apt. Marshall 1079. HADDON HALL. 414 11th St.. 3 and 4 room apts.. reasonable. Mar. 116.1. NICELY furnished rooms for rent. References. 394 Columbia st. ROOMS AND BOARD in ROOM and board for business girls; modern conveniences, walking dis tance. $3.50 week. 12 E. 7th St. E. 4732. Dunning & McEnteerMndrearknri8n not theory. it is PRACTICE malteg you a valuable man. that every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. I (jjvil service examinations open the Broadway 430. A-455S. Lady assistant. East 64. Lady Assistant. C-31-5. Wilson & Ross Multriomah at Seventh st. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. jT THE MANITOU. 261 13th. ' Homelike, steam heat; good board reas. M. 2670. ROOMS AND BOARD TTLTVATB FABUIiT 72 ROOM and board, gentlemen preferred; modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 611 Morrison. Main 2722. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, modern 2 room, furnished. $12 up. Mar. 20 M AIRY apartments with good view. 708 Union N. East 3S0.1. FOR RENT EITS IH FINE, light, 6 room -upper flat, gas range, Inst, -heater. 328 13th t. Main 173 7. FURNISHED FLATS SO 5 FURNISHED rooms, piano, gas. el-MJ-triclty. $20 13?6 Belmont. HOTELS Hotel Australia 51 wav to good Eovernment positions; T ra n coach vou by mall at small cost; full nartlculars free to any American ' Citizen OI IS or over, wine tuuaj iw booklet CE-368. Earl Hopkins. Wash- Ington. D. C ONE large room with all convenience; board optional, 431 W. Park. Mar shall 4410. Groskopf. funeral director. Wdln. 4940. C-1155. Killlngsworth and Kerby. NUMBER young woman and men wanted to prepare for telegraph ...i . n ii.ln' fill vacancies caused MILLER & TRACE V, Independent r u- ? unusual drafting men for war. Po neral Directors. Prices low as $20 gitlons guaranteed. Call or write. Tele $40. $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691. A-78xj tnh Dent A.oni 606. Panama bin. Ai n. ZLKIItJI lU. East 108R Williams ave. C-1088. C 1 C lACO Undertaking t o. Main 415.1 OfU L.O A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. MORE men wanted. War causing va cancies. Opportunity open to eugioies desiring P. O. clerk-carriers. R. M. C f-iorka customs, exams. Call today. Pa- B P Onnl, Belmont at 85tn. clflc states wmnu. . reeZc OIIOOK Tabor KSS. IhiNSDALE S COMMERCIAL School. Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Reduced eral s'erv. Tabor 4314. prices for th cummer. Positions ss- cureo. II A A 1 1 -mM 19T3 E. Glisan St. Fu n AIVI ILIUIt n WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 ROOM and board in private family, not far from Alblna shipyards. C-496, Journal. Two and 3 room housekeeping apart. single rooms.. i.f per wees ments and up. Transients, 60c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold,,-wa'.or In every room. Only whltfl' help employed. ( 303 V let, cor. Taylor. Main 4203. SUMMER RESORTS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS mmnzsHED ahtj uhtubstzskeb COMFORTABLE rooms, complete for housekeeping, $1.50 week and up. 170 13th st. Prtr-rt A'np Free bath, hot, cold water Uem Apibi $i week up. 401 1st at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rUB.2n.8KID AJKO PJtrTJKlfTHaTBD WANTED Seaside cottage balance of season.' Woodlawn 3360. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE and factory building in South Portland for rent. Modern, 2 story brick structure, trackage; well lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood, 311 Journal bldg. - R T. Byrnes, new residence establt. 901 Williams ave. wain. 2211 t.-i!M3 MAUSOLEUMS AUCTION SALES T0310RROW THE BAKER Auction House. Masonle Temple bldg.. ramhlll ana w. i-arn t snlo st 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty; buttons, Pins, chirm". Jaeger Bros."1j!l-3 6th Vital Statistics marriages. Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Anthony R- Berns. 23. Tillamook, Or.. Agnes Tittle. 24. I'ark Rose apta. TliwVire Alilberg, 23. litacada. Or., Elva Mar AAaiaa. . liMl Uaaaalo. L. C. Unlnmre. 2S. Peodlrtoa, Or., Vada Elliott. 27, l2i Hotod st. Caapar B. Taw. 10, 677 Ladd are.; Toble M. Kanak. legal. 877 La (id ave. Virgil Levins. 20, New Huston hotel, Delia Pitta IS. 6020 fCltb at. Rnwll Clay Stewart. 24. 6127 4 2d ave. B. E alia Tkslale. 22. S127 42d are. 8. E. M. KeuW, 23. 1440 B. Stark. Mlaa A. VTol. rott. 2X 4233 E. 41at ave. S. . Roaaell v. Hururma, x. HUladale. Or, Margaret mhrer. i", 653B Sth sve. S. K. E 0 0 1 &f Q ? N V 1 Thw 1 inw SMITH A CO. Morgan bldg. Riverview Abbey Mausoleum ? Plttock blk. Phone Rroidwav 51. LADIES interested in crochet work or having same lor saie. sena iuc ior 'fTnndsome Book of Designs" and de tails. Int. Trd'g Co.. 215 Flledner bdg SPECIAL SUMMER RATES MISS DECKER S PRIVATE BUSI NESS COI.I-KOK. ALIMtt HLIH. UNCALLED tor tailor .nade suits $s.6j up Taylor tne 1 ai ior. vz nurnimc. TWO downstairs front rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, walking distance. 467 East Pine. Mrs. Comp ter,. East 4795. two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private family, with use of bath. 689 E. Alder st., near 19th. OFFICE space for rent in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service ln city. Apply 311 Journal Did-. BEfeV location ln Portland for first clasa tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonau.e rental. Apply R. W Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. fKItr nw m -.. Anmltm .... ..U - ... S . - . . ... . . i, una w& I'. , good location; rent reasonable. 318 ?'J way Exchange hi d gi TWO large rooms and pantry on first floor, clean and well furnlslied. mod ern, walking distance. 325 12th St. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-21 4th st.. opp. city hall. Main S564. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. BLAESING GRANITE 9 J 267-3RD. ST. AT MADIS LOST AMI rOt.Ml 21 HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions ror young women; sal ary paid wnue learning, yippiy raciiic ti Tel Co.. 6th floor. Park and Oak sts.. between 8:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. tn. LOST Two black and tan females (In heat), between 7:30 and 10 o'cioc-k Monday evening. Reward. 7300 6xtlj ave. S. E. Tabor 4h3. LOST Physician's black bag. contain ing ear and throat instruments, near W. Park and Oak. Return 909 Stevens bldg., or telephone Marshall 2S97. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for laces and trimmings. Apply superintend ents office 9 to 10 a. m., Olda. Wort man & King. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, private family. 294 Eugene at. ln FOR RENT HOUSES TTiryTJBHTSHED 12 AMONG THE FIRS OF PORTLAND HEIGHTS Four room rustic cottage, not mod ern, nearly an acre of ground; 88 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. NICE 6 room modern house, corner Going and Orand ave. Tabor 5135. NICE 6 room house with Woodlawn 3528. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 61 50,000 Square Feet . In manufacturing center of South Portland, with Hill and Harriman track age and deep water frontage. Might consider leasing. Owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank b)6g. Phone Main 8409. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 ONE BLOCK OFF SELLWOOD LINE $1200 Very neat 4 room bungalow, corner lot. modern plumbing. This place Is sasllv worth $1800. $150 cash, easy garage. ' monthly payments. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, ot Com. WANTED Girl to do housework and care for 18-month-oia tDy. taii ia If fMm 77 Inhnann I nr . ..... "-t .. - V r.iot . ..A nknna al hnlTX orange ana wnue aniens, uneru uinu ' . . reward for Main 210. return or information. V-fiSl Journal. WANTED young married woman to SEVEN room house with furnace. 37th and Hawthorne. Heilwood J2S2. SIX room houses, flats. Graham and Union East 3195. LOST Saturday , night on Seaside . u as l aval a-t nil aaas xn ria-i as -n sbbti ts. aaaa. m "u uiunn-i"ui " v-- - -j " - i psano; itwr as. train or at North Bank drot. lady's LAUihs take work home, spare tnua, ' NEW 6 room bungalow. $18 862 E black pocket book. Finder call E. 6865. $i dot Store 7'. Wssh st Franklin, cor 28th. newara. . LOST at 6th St.. near Fremont. Sun day eve., a v iiiard storage battery end Dox- i-ioerai rewara. rnone xaoor S87. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 LOST from 6407 44th st. S. E-. a yel low Persian cat. Reward. Sellwood 2279. L jm i . Hjurj wutllt and bedding n PRESS rti ia, ior rent, sit vises. I East Broaaway Deiween 141 Unique Tailor; Co, SO Etaxk st. I 37th sts Reward. Tabor 122. LOST Black leather purse on Alder PftPL&lr. l2iO. UWttlySK. St.. Meier ft Franks store. Aug. 13. Est. 193. 30 achool8. Summer rates m. jj8t ioiv. newaru. , I Pay wnue learning. rturnsiae su HOPPICKERS WANTED picking snd good accommodations. V APPLY BISHOP BROS., 316 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak sts. raone aiain n. RaOHLESV-BARBEfll'iSCfiOOOL Touhei men and women In $-wMk. Est Broadway between !4th and I giving diploma, scholarship and tools; pays wnue leanuur. n. u, C4tr. toucn I-ORTLAND HEIGHTS House for WHAT WILL YOU DO NEXT YEAR? rent. 504 Davenport. Key at 600. Building prices will be almost pro- house I have to show you can be had on basis costs before prices went up at all. Let me show you. J. M. Reeves, Tabor 1792. . 7 ROOM HOUSE, $2250 ' Modern, built only 3 years, lull base ment, fireplace, built in conveniences, 60x100 comer, one block from car. A snap at $2250; easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. $2500 HOME FOR $1700 Practically new 7 room tr.croughfr modern house on beautiful corner lot, just off the Rose City Targ car line; $200 each, $15 monthly. Fred W. Ger man Co.. "32 Charrber Of Commerce. $10 4 ROOM cottage. E. 19th and I HOUSE for rent by owner. 666 Clinton. I Plann n rA no rt I v furn)hM FURNISHED HOUSES SO 7 ROOM pertly furnished, west side. good neighborhood, cheap. Broadway Hut or Tabor 1901. ELK'S tooth, mounted. No. 357 en graved: 32.60 reward, u. w. walker. Klks ciut. FOUND A black mare with bald face last Saturday. 91 w. Broadwav. Evening East. IbOV. - - - - . WILL rent my completely furnished 6 room bungalow to couple without children. Woodlawn 848. FOR RENT A 6 room modern bunga low; neatly furnished; very reason- Me. tnone l aoor sua FURNISHED , 3-room ' house. . 1077 B. 2th st. W. -FURNISHED ' house, Montavilla . ear line. $12. East 431, luk Iai, K rnnm hriua Iai r.1 tntli1 good garden, 2 blocks to Mt-Scotl carline, $1400; terms. Command see it. 80 4th ave., S. E. or call Tabor 697. $i'60 MODERN 6 room bouse, fur nished, garage, fruit, lot 121 ft to alley. M-V. car. 88 E. 80th st. K. WILL take auto as first payment on -4 room . -bungalow, ; modern, : TaWr S1J. - aContlnued em Vest Xaga) V" i;