vT v; ',r:- -.C'.' T: .' '; ? v '.5 "-- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1017. 13 PIG PRICES FLY TO NEW HIGH RECORDS IN BIG MARKETS Edited by Hyman H. Cohen EASTERN POTATOES BE BROUGHT IN IF LOCAL PRICE HELD TOO HIGH Dealers Say ThJit Eut Will .Make the Market This Season and If Local Producers Won't Sell They Will Get Stocks Elsewhere. Potato idi i are neeta mm tBrllaeil to So Iwlin at Uila tin, and tlier ar bow qnit fair supplies offering to tbe trad oere trvm torsi section. Uttl real fancy stork la aa yet being of fr4. a ixl for that reaaon a wide price ring con floor la tk baring field. Eastern market are dropping fact wltb ei pectatkw of farther abarp drop there wltbln tk Immediate future. Ttiie baa scared man, f local rrox rrs who Id tended to bold for till feigner price. Ilr recent it Bade tba statement Uiat the western grower la not sotug u make tte mar. at for potatoea thl season by holding. They a f rt that tba crop In tbe east are ao bfii; and jirlce there promt to rult ao low that easier potato will be brought to this mar ket nleaa grower bera begin to eupplr tbe actual requirements of tLe trad. If Ibis Is Son it would tborocguljr demoralise tb mar Let and price and Lk bom producer would be tb aufferer. WATERMELONS ARE LOWER further lowering of price en watermelon waa ahown along the afreet on the opening dar oT tk week, with cheaper price In U oath. Sale art gen era 11 shown at H,c a pound. PEACH MARKET IS STEADY Jnat about a stead, ton la abown for pm he kx-ally. with steady market la th ourb. Tbla la (r gnud alxe and quality. Little fruit la atlll acUlsg at former low Ur al along tb street. TOMATO MARKET IS DOWN' With rather liberal offering of tomatoes from Tlie Dalle and other Columbia rlrer ai-i -tloi.a, a veil a food auppllca from California, local t aloes are n fi th day. with tb bulk of tb aalea around 73 J 15c a box. Horn fraction hl-ber. Canned Salmon Is Dragging With Big Buyers Holding Up Eastern Interests Continue to Re fuse Early Delivery in Hope of Lowering Value. . Market for canned salmon la waker. al though no aales have aa yet been mad at lower price. Th better ran of flab Id tb Columbia, and th promise of hear hank la Paget Sound ear strengthened tbe trad some what, eeen tlxmgh to date tb Alaskan pack haa been some hat dlaappolntlng. It Is not tb promlae f Mg atoeka that ta I. acting rb trad ao much aa ta fart tbat tew of tb Mg eastern bnyer of canned al- mon are willing to take dellrery of their purrba.es a offered. Many of them are Inclined to belle, tbat tb price will be reduced folWwlng a big pack on I'nget Scunl. bat tbla Idea la not carried oat by packer. bo ay that wltb the world'a storks of uirpou at low ebb It would take a rery beary nut pat to again fill tbe sbelres f rtallrr without creating aay real aarplua. Uni uf tbe notU-eeole frature of tbe trade la th dealre of th retailer to tk bold of tbe rheaprr rarities of canued flab In prefer ence to tbe better grades and rarietU-s at tba bigr.er TI-e. SWINE MARKET HAS NEW HIGH RECORD IN N. PORTLAND YARDS Best Hit 916.15 Early in the Day Few Poll Loads Come, bat Total Offerings Increase Steers 23c Up for Superior Quality. Premature Picking . Of Prunes Said to Be Loss to Growers Offer of Premium for Early Deliv ery Is Rock Upon Which Many Are Wrecked. PROVISION' PRICES ARE UP Adraoce of 1c pound are generally abown for hatra In tbe local market for tbe day. with a further rla forced la the price of lard, due to tbe extreme cuat of hoga la tb Ureatock market. POULTRY STARTS SLOWLY Poultry ibarket atarted the week rather Vnt ly. with qi It fair etocka of am all alaed hlrd carried over from last week oo account of tb UBMtlafactnry condition of tbe trade then. Heavy ben acarc and In good demand. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE - 'rl tealT for .d stuff. Butter market atlll Inclined to ahow streps-h. ... ii ouilrh'u .n i -bees ,nl ann"d milk. 'I iy tiiaiket bai greater supphe, market nut so h i Ire. - O'uatry killed meat are again show log a good tone. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE leather bureau advises: Protect alilpments daring the next 8U hour against tb followmg aaaxlraam temperature (.oing rxa-th. SS de, greea: northeast oter S.. P. M. R R., 10 de aree: east to Biker. 83 degree, and south to Aahland. l:J 1.(reea. .Maximum temperature at Pwund lonwroe. about KS degree. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND Tbes price ar those at whlrh wholesalers ael: to ratallera. except aa otberwlae-a'ated: Dairy Pradacta Bt'TTIR Creamery, prlnu la parafflne wrapperaa. extras 4c, prim flra'a. 41 V. firsts. Vtt, cubes, 1c leaa, cartons, lc ad riti.ee. ' Bt TTERfAT TortUnd d-Ilrery. No. 1 cfam. 4c CHEtSSU Aelllng price: Fresh Oregon fancr full cream tripleta. ic. Young America arc. I"rtc to oboers. flats. 23c. Young America. ? f O h iwam KfH.k 9V ,W Aw I n,h.iF.at ltrw: Dhick swiaa. .Hft KU:S Helling price- ('aa count. 3T.c per oooep. Miytag fclce 5J i& sc per dui.-L. aell log price, caurlled. 3Sc. LIVE POl'I.TBY Hena. heary F"lrnKiith Rocks. l.H,a'V Ih ; ordlnarr chickens. Hit MVjc lb.; ataga. 12c per lb.; brollrra. le per lb ; tnrkaya. lQ22c per lb.; dressed Taney, riajjoc per IB.; cuiia. 91x210: aqnah. (!.00 per doan; geeae, lie 1rte; Pekln dn k. jonn iaQ20c lb. : Indian Runners, old docks. izejijc per id.; pigeons i.je per dnan. Fraah Trulta and Vegetables PRFJtH V RUTS -((ranges. $.1 7T it .i TS r..i bananas. V per II. , lemons. j. California grapefruit. $.1 g:t.at- KWrla M.toaifln: eantaloiiiea. at.rv.lsr-1 12 2.".J 2 .." fiat. Jral crate: watermekna. 1 , r prr il.; cberric. luaxiic ID. ; apricots. II Ml per crete : peacbea, jsic: plums. fl..xl so. BtCRKIU Strawberries: 1 at. f ( - banc k bar rle. I1.T5; kiganbertiea, $1 .tft l.OO : jrooaaheiTle. Stxftc per lb.; cur rants i!1.2Ci.40 crata; raspterriea. S1.25U1.X. APII.E Local. $Iu53.20, according to email ty. ONIONS Walla Walla. 1123; California. 11.00 POTATOES Selling prlc, table atock. local. S. 23. Baying price, ordinary ahlpplag. I2.T5; awaet potaioea. per id. rarmU. 2aiiIV aack; beet. 1175,32.00 aack : paranlpa. vi sa aark: rabtMge. local. 2i2Wc lb.; greea oalona. IV Ven banchea; pepper. 10c lb.; bead lettuce, 2-V- per doaen. eelery, 90e doaea: artlchokea. PV,$1.10; en en m bera. S0cxfl.0 dvaen: ionut., Cali fornia 1.00 per box; Oregon. 7.Vtfw5c box; egg plant. VUlOc lb.; atring beis 04, 7c. . tbubarb, 4c lb.; pes s, 7c per lb.; cauliflower, local. ( ) per dcaen. MssU, Tisa sad PrvTlaleTsj DREiWiEt) VI K ATX Selling price, country killed bet bogs. Iwg2uc per In.; ordinary. IV- per lb.; best Teals. 14Ulc lb.: ordinary reala. Utfinc per lb., btary. 10tllc: goat. 4CV lb.; lamba. lA&lTc per lb ; mutton. laftl.V: beef, ftc per lb. 8MOKED VI F. ATS Ha ma, 2329e p. lb.; treakfast bacon. 2a4il-; picnic. ?lVc: oot tage roll. 2V: abirt clear. 2A"7c; Oregon export. ntked. 'SSc yx lb. IvARD Kettl rendered, tierces. per lb.: ataadsrd. 23c: lard compound. lS,r. 0YRTER3 (Myrapla. gallon, V0: ranne.1. eaatcrn. 56c pr can. $ i per dosrn; caa'.ern. hi ahell, $M pr 100; eaatern oyatera. per galKw.ar.Md park, t'2 75 flSH Dreased flounders. 7c, Chloonk ail nvoa. lie; perch. 8c; a..lea. Rc: salmon truut. lc per lb.: halibut. 12ilSc per lb . black rod. 8c: herring, de: raanr clams. 1- per o.n ; hard sbell 4c per lb.; $2.73 i-r Ikjx; crsb. $2.SO per doaea. 0reriea ST'OAS Cub. flOOA; powdered $.0. fralt or berry. I. 15; Honolulu. . 05; beet. S4.S0; dry graaaUted SS.15; D yellow. MAO. . RICK Japaa atyle. No. 1. Tc; New Or leaaa bead. Se: bio ma. Vie. SALT Ooara. half ground. lwOa. $14 00 per ton; 5Ca, 14JW: tabM dairy. . gia.rsi; inr. (17.60; bale. 2.U: fancy table and dairy. $34 00: lump rock. fSO.oo per ton. BEANS Small white, ITe; larg white. I "He Pl. 14c; lima. l1c; bayoua. 13Vc; red. le. Era. Wl aa4 Hide HOPS - Nomlaal: buying price. 1916 crop, loc per lb.: eontracta, SOc. WOOL Wlllgmett Taller eoara Cofawold. of e-)c lb.; medlaa Saropahtr. SOObc; Eaatero Oregon, &243lC- HIDES Kalted hid. 3S Iba. a ad np. lBc; salted ataga. BO Iba. and up, lac; aalied and greea kip. IS Iba. to U lb.. 20r; aa.ted and Ka calf, u 14 U lb.. SOc; greea bide. 20 . and op. ITe; greea ataga. v Iba. aod op. 14c; dry flint hide. &c; dry Hint calf, op to T Iba., 40c; dry salt hide. .10c: dry bora kJde. each. 1.5042..V). salted bora hide, eech. 14 Ofi'g VoO; horsehair, tail. .0c: borae balr, maae. lie ; dry kuagwool pelts. 0i42c; aaari wool peita. naiteo. an. ep Fear of Government Seizure Forces a Big Loss in Wheat By Joseph F. Pritchsrd Chicag. Aug. It (I. W. S.) Th md f th wheat trader tk maa wh daala la grain without arar asatag a bushel of It waa la sight today. The wheat control measure, de tails ef which hare bea announced ry Food Controller Hoavar, la tba medium which will absliah th trader, at least for th period of u war. Th la t!w waa expressed be board ef trade n-.ambra and. In spit f th dlaaatar It Vrlagi to tam. thar waa a diatinct anirit apparat that th grrnmBt took th only logical coora. "Tba gorernmant haa ehcaan a pretty good vay to ga about it." a id Jaaea A. Fatten, kaswn aa th "wheat king." Sahara today as id the wheat ooatrol plaa had tared th baking Indastry and a h angry public from aim oat prahibitlra prici. (Tilcai-o. Aug ljTTl-N. S I There waa a sensations! laa In tbe September wheat market today, the closing for the day being 11 a.oi compared with S.. 13 on Saturday. It waa aa high as $2 16 early today. Sample corn at Chlcugn off 54j 2fc and oata sbowctl a lone .f 2iic. The cash corn mar ket haa declined 7ic In the paat eight daya. Corn fntnrea here were unchanged to i(r( c. lower, and nati futurea were y S' lwer. Corn at I'e.rla waa off 6ti3-. at Omaha 4c. at St. U-ula 11c. and at Kanaaa City 10c. Wheat at St. Louia waa off Sc. at Kansas City "ftl-V lower and at Mlnnrapolta b OJuc lJasi-r. Hn poducta at Cbicar" were Irregular with larl ."c l"ir and ork and rllja 2.")'aJ0c blgl.rr. (Tilcago. Aug. 13. il". P. 1 Peeplfe the fact t?:at the g.'Tcmnn'nt s annoii:i.-nent f being prepared to take orer tbe 1017 wheat crop waa generally anticlj.atrd. sli at ilecllred Pc t xhiy from Haturdsy'e dialing. hieptember. tb only future on tb market. ..pened at $2.14, and later went down to $2.0)1. torn as off because of reporta of farorabla grolDg weather. Iecenibr opened it $1.14, or Tc lower, and later waa $1 14H. May opened e down at $1.11 V, and later, ad- rancd Oata as off. In armpatby with corn. Sep-tnj!-r ienc.1 l,ncr at ..7,i-. and later m.M cIa n at .".74c. Iei-einber declined H,c at an .;.coing price of S7Tc. snd Iaf.r was iVn '.-. lay opened at c, being un changed, and later waa tWVc. Pri.rlstont were higher oa a itroug and higher hog market. Range of Chicago price aa furtrlabed by tb: luna rrei Hira rout for Hori Tops. St. Louis $17.50 Cleveland 17.50 Chicago 17.40 Kansas City 17.36 d North Portland 16 25 v Denver 16. 60 Hog. Oattl. CslTea. Sheep. 1140 1MO 13 tte 10 40 So ZV 2X1 II 011 870 229 29 IS: ZT9 14 83 241 815 9 70e 79 J 745 S3 272 3311 03O 1 941 an tail 1 2isi 203 Sll 16 1404 13 1111 88 11)6 WHEAT , Open. High. Iyiw. Close. Sept. 214 2ld VH 204 lec 114 114S 113S IMS way llli, 112S 11H, ii2a OAXb fept RT h B7 871'. Iec S7 a 7's ' f.7 Bji, May f 604 4W'4 PoRK Sept 43V 43.V) 4.TW 4333 'ft 4SS 4330 432J 4330 LARD Sept 22H5 22H3 225T 2270 Oct 2-100 23O0 2272 2S2 KIRS Sept rwi 2372 2.kV 2370 iK t. 2.i.- 2.14S 2323 ::iw MOTORS SAVE GROWERS OF WHEAT -MONEY IN HAULING Willi Walla. Aug. 13. Tfcer la a notice able . hange In tbe method of tranp"rtlng wheat from tbe field to the warehouses this ac,.n. a large nnitiiier of farmers now own lug two and three ton motor trorka, which are replacing tie wheat wagona and mule trams. One farmer estimated yeatrrday tbat his three ton trn. k is doing as much work aa waa formerly done by three mule hauling outflta and at the same time sarins him m.Te thau $50 a day. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN afcr)1ay 1146 c tarda Friday TXuradar Wedneada Tuesday W.ek ago i e r a go Two years ago.. . Tbre yrara ago. Foui years tgo. With an increased run of bog la am II Iota at North Portland for tbe opening day of tbe wees as compared with th aatoe day a week ago, th market her reflected tbe great atrrngtb abown In the awlne trade at all lead ing American renters dnrlng th period. Hog market receipts at North Portland orer Sunday totaled 1140 bead compared with 793 isst week for the same period while a year ago there was s showing of 331 bead. Tb market showed only fir full loads of bogs daring the day but there were very lib eral offering of mixed lota. Top awln went quickly at $16 15 during tb early week'a trad ing, an adrance of Juc to 0c oyer the ex treme figures quoted last week. This la by far tbe highest phlce erer recelred here on the open market. Real lop quality would bare bronght a dime more. Oeneral bog market range: Prime light $l.15ai6 23 Prima beary 16.0"&t 18.1. Pigs 145015.00 Good ttoars Ar Wanted Whit tliere waa a rather liberal run of cattle In tbe North Portland yard orer Son day and aome Ww sale were made, the beat offerings aeillable In tbe ateer dlrlalon aold at a rlae of V over what the same class of ataff would bare brought last week. Staff that waa below the top quality went tip to $3.75 while stork tbat aold at $3.75 last Vlon day would bare brought $9. CO this seek, U It had been offering. General rattle market rang: Beat beef ateer $ 8 25 '3 73 Good beef steers "V,f 8 25 Beat beef cows .0(K 7 00 Ordinary to good cows 4.0f"tf 1 (0 I text be'ifera B 27 7 Z Hulla 4..Vi$ H Kl Calrea S.W'tt 5( Stocker and feeder steer 4 5a 6.75 8 been Boa la Nominal Oyer Snnday there waa ouly a rery small run of aheep and lamb Into tbe North Port lend yarda. Total recelpla aver .Vk bead coni pared with 272 last Monday and 944 bead UUs ane day a year ago. In general there waa a good strong tone In the mattoo and lamb trad. Valley lambs war 26c higher. Onersl a beep and lamb range: Western lamb $12O012.T8 Valley Lamb 1 !..'($ 12.0" Yearling 8 75 9.23 Wetbere 8 OOtff H..V) Ewe 3. SOU 7.(J Monday LiTstck Skipper Hogs ii. W. Of field. Midland. 1 load; C A Silver, Walloara. 2 loads; O. K. OorsUue. 1 load: C. H. Llbby. La Grande. 1 load. Cattle Benson Bra.. L'nlon Junction. Oregon Agricultural College. Corralll. Ang 13. I "rune growers stand to lose good de I of money when they allow tbe in scire to be Uurrled Into too early picking. Tbla wasteful business ha been fostered by certain packers, who offer a premium for early dellrery. It is also caused by tbe fear of early rains. Tb premlama offered for early 'dellrery art not enough many times to offset tbe lose from early picking, sad tb weather records show tbat It Is Just aa likely to rala early In Sep tember as late. "Often if harvesting Is delayed the early rams will bat ceaeed and good weather set In," saya tbe new bulletin, Tb Evap oration of Prone , Issued by tbe O. A. C. ex periment station. "In 1914 tbe majority of growers were well under way with their bar- resting by September 0, but we did not stsrf picking nntll the 11th. Picking waa not com pleted until the 2tb. when It waa found that bad wa waited longer we would bare gained more. "By harrestlng tbe fruit from a few trees after they had abed their fruit naturally, a grower found by comparing th return with those from fruit rigorously shaken from the tree, that be bad lut 0 per cent of hi dried fralt by aha king It down. The Immature prunes dried away more than the mature. making another 0 per rent losa In the total crop. Tbe total losa waa 12 per cent, about $1.1 per tatn." An additional coat 1 tbe shaking of tbe trees, which amounta to $1 to $2 per too. By tcblng the fruit carefully tbe right Din for baryeating it can be determined. MILLERS ARE AWAITING WORD FROM HOOVER TO OPERATE IN WHEAT 91111 Men Less Anxious to Tako Hold In the Country and Market Remains on Nominal Basis Canada to Have Record Oat Crop NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Cars - Wheat. Barley. Kir. Oata. HaJ. Portland. Mon.. fi 1 3 A 7 Year ago. 42 10 is Season to date.. 10 12 b0 91 138 Year ago. 45 30 261 238 23N Tacoma, Sat 2 Year ago 18 1 Season to date.. 103 2 19 119 Ver ago 4t5 9 2o 15 Seattle. Sat 8 Year ago 10 14 2 12 Season to date.. 07 18 14S 2 37 Year ago 322 23 Ml 159 423 Broomball cabled from Liverpool that wheat AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago, Aug. 1. (I. V. .) Zrary market la th country waa abort of bog and prices bar advanced liQjibc, a $17.60 aale being ex pec feed. Tb bulk moved at $16.6017.18. Cat tle trade waa strong ta 1015o higher, oorn fd showing most of tk advance. Sheep and lambs war strong to 10c higher. Chicago Hogs $17.40 Chicago, Aug. 13. Hogs Receipts, 26.000. strong to 23c higher; mixed and butcher. $16 9ofrlT..i; good beavy, 15S0lt 17.40; rough beavy. $15. S0 10.00; light, 815. 80(3 26; pigs, $11. 30a 14.75; bulk, $10.5Oia 17. 15. Cattle Receipts 13.500, firm and 10c higher. Beeves. t-H.OOe.14-35; cowa and heifers. $4.ja 12.25; atockers and feeders, $3.9uU 9.35: calves. $7.901 10.65. Sheep Receipts, 11,000, strong to 5c hjgh- er; native and western, Si.ioteu.iu; lamoa, $9,904(11.15. Denver Hogs $16.60 Denver. Col.. Aug. 18. (L. P.) Cattle Receipts 90i). strong to 25c higher. Steers. $. 754x11. 00; oows sod heifers. pl.OO'n S.36: stockrra and feeder. $4.008.00; calrea, $10.00 4212 00. Hogs Recelpta .VXJ. l.ltlWc higher. Top. $!.. bulk. $13.506 ltl.OG. Sheep KiH-elpta U..W, Elgner. cwea. a.iia 2o; lambs, $14.75'4l5.25. Seattle Hogi $16.36 Seattle, Aug. 13 (I. N. 8. ) Hogs Re celpta 145, ulgber. Prime llgbts. $18.15 16.35; medium to choice, f 16. loiai8.); smooth beavles. $15.0015.95; rough beavlea, $15.1oy JS.45. pU-, $15.10alo.45. ' Cattle Receipts 17, strong. Beat ateera, $S.5K9.iO; medium to choice, $8.008.23; common to medium, $.00a7.50; best cowa. $6.."X37.00; common to medium cows, $4. 00 'J 4.50; bulla. $4.50a6-50; calves, $6,00412 Ou. HUeerj Receipts none, strong. Lambs, $12.50 O12.70; yearling, $12.00(312.00; ev.es. $7.50 f.9.00; wethers. $S.50S.75. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 1917.. 1916. . 1915. . 1914. . 1913.. Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug. 12, 1912. Aag. 14. 1911 Aag. 15. 1910 Aug. I'i, 1900 Aug 17. lti Aug'. 19. 1907 IIEKCRIITIMN Alai-ka tiold Allls-Ctialmera, c Ameclmn Beet Sugar.. Arm r Iran fan, c American Car Fdy., c. American Cotton Oil. c. Aiuerlcau Linserd. c... A merlcan Lk-o. . c ; American Smelter, c... American Sugar, c. wa easy. Influenced by America and contin ued liberal worlds shipment. Corn steady. Iut lea firm, increased consumption expected, floating quantity increased with local mill offers good. Oats dull and easier wltb con tinued American ahlpmcnta, consumption light er. At tb meeting of tbe Portland Merchant Exchange practically no action waa taken 011 grain standard. Another meeting will be beld Wednesday at nooo. American grain vlMe, aupply In bushels: Bushels. Buebela. 8.018.000, decreaae 801 .000 48.7M-. increase 4.5!.k0 7. 378.000, Increase Ml.O-XJ Jt KMA 4M)0 iterress 4,'tl) XI 44 427 Otai increase 2.8X1 OHO ! American Tel. A Tel... 18.0i3.000. decreaae 758.0H0 1 American Wool.-n, c. 47.972.0flo Increase 2.O9I.O00 , Auacouda Slluliig Co. 18.S7d.0OO," Increase 3,7H4.(t : Atchteon, c 8.2K3.000. lm-reaae 88,000 , Baldwin Loco., c 17. 4-13. 0OO. Inert sse 446.0UU Baltinu-e A tHiio. c. 49,271.000 tucrcae 786,000 ; Berhlebeni Steitl. c... Wheat market is srsln marklnr time, with Lethlehem Stft-I R" millers less Inclined to take bold at DrevaUlne- 1 Brooklyn R. Transit. prices, although there la practically no depo sition on th part of Interior growers to offer stocks freely. Millers are awaiting definite annnuncemen from Food Dictator Hoover in regard to new working condltlous, and for tbat reason are playing safe with the market Coarse grains are stead to firm, wltb very limited activity Indicated In the trade, owlog to the limited offerings. Word that Canada was going to bsve a record crop of oats this season threw cold water temporarily on the buying, although no weakness waa Indicated In the trade generally. Hay market continues wltb a strong tone. and values well maintained. Alfalfa is, sill! the strong feature In this trade, purchasing at country points by atockmen being made at further advances In price. WHEAT New crop, nominal. Blaeatem, $2.40; forty fold. $2.30; club. $2.30; Rusalan. $2.28; tidewater track baala. OATS No. 1 feed. $00 per ton. tidewater track delivery. FLOCK Selling price: Patent. $11. B0: Wil lamette valley. $11.20; local straight, $I0.$ Stocks Are Strong, Active Tone With Advanced Prices . STOCKS CLOSE BTE0K0 , Vtw Turk, Asg. 1$. (I. M. S.) Th market elosd strong. Tb demand for th steel stocks ta tba lata dealings earn chiefly from bear traders trying to cover abort. Hortbarn Pa cific aad Grwat Vortbara Railway both ad s-aac4 S noiats ca tba xtra Burliagtea divl and. Slight recessions occurred in the final trading, but the general list held its large ad rance. steel common held around 124 Liberty; boada, after telling at par, reacted 10 points. Oorerament bonds unchanged; railway and otaer Dcnas strong. New York, Aug. 13. (I. S. 8.) Trading waa active and tit market was strong tbe opening today of tbe stock market. The steel stocka made fractional advances. Steel common rUlrg V to 123V Bethlehem Steel "B" to 110. and Baldwin 1H to 70U. Tbe motor stocka were exceptionally active General Motors rising 14 to 10S. while Stndehaker advanced more than 1 point to B3 . The tobacco storks were strong. United Cigar Stores advancing 1 point to 126. while Tobacco Product and American Tobacco rose about half a point Strength which was noted In the stock mar ket during the morning wc more pronounced in tbe afterncoo Bethlebein Steel "B" moved up over 2 points to above 119. General Motors 3 points to HIT and Steel common roxe to 121. Tbe demand fur Liberty Loan bonds also beld good and ilea were made at par. Total sale of atorka. 31 000 shares: bonds. 82.878,000. Range of New Tork prices fifrnlshed by Over- beck Jc Cooke Co.. 216 217 Hoard ut Trade building: iOperi I Hixui Low . los 29 94 95 4tlH 4 6il T7H 2M34 29 )I4 aim 73 , 2SV, 28 2S w7a 7ot , 9-ii la.4ilO2HlO0S Butte A .Superior Calif Petroleum, c... Canadian laclflc Central Leather, c. . . Chesapeake A olilo. . Chicago A Gt. W .. c. Chicago, M. 4 St. P Uiicugo A N. W., c. . ft ilno Coiiper Coiiirado F. A I., c IVm. Gas Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, c l. A R. U., c Distillers Brie, c General Electric (xxlricb Rubber Gt. North., Ore Lands. Gt. North., pfd Greene-Can Hide A Leather, c Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Kciiiiccott Copper ...... Kan. City Sotithrn. 123 120 7lUjl 61 h 1 123 Ml 76 6i 11914 614 934 00 . .!HJ s 54 48 1 81 95 6V' inoh 53 4H'i '3;t 2fl-) 24,! 24 1544153 40 , Tt :n I 34 100 1107 123 119Ti 73 i 99 iio' 61 Vi 60 'iH 10U 54 4S Xi'i 81 24 134 4 lMVj 494 49 334 1 H.S 100 loT 421A 14' is lVt 14 14Vi 14'! 14V 144 : 102 5".! ,, 55 I 55 534 4.4 4iVl! 4.1 5 29 Vi 4Ti 76 Vj 38 2814 70 Vi 102 12314 120 754 99 H 71 69 120 "7 60 38 11,4 ir 94 00 1014 .17 109 55 4H4 lOfU, 3 82 7 27 21 Finance : Tim her : Industry ) Mineral Output In Oregon la Incrca -1 Transportat ion Company Iaii Incorporated by Three Portland Men Secretary of National -j i ; Lumber Manuactres Asa'n Says V. S. Timber VI11 Win WUV j5 Tlmfcsr to Wla War "When ths. fight for democracy ia won, do UtUa credit for th victory will b due to' '.J the forest resources of America," said . H. 8. Kelloc;, aecretarj of the Ka tlonal Lumber Manufacturers' aasocl:;-:S-ation, in an address before -the sum- fr?1' mer school of Cornell university. Ths - timber of the New World is contribute l Ing directly and powerfully to the lify' final defeat and vangulsbment of tbe yi' last remaining military despotism of the Old World.' - Buildiar DecUaiBg- Build In. as iv whole Is declining, particularly in the - ,', large cities, and to a somewhat lesser ' extent in the country district, ssys ' tJ u. . Charabtr of Commerce bulletin. Il is ascribed to the diversion of cap : ' ltal to government loans, and to tbe ' : exceedingly high prices of all building - - -materialg. Iaterim PlnanciBg. The interval V between the first and second Install cf ments of government financing Is vJW being taken advantage of by railroad, . r- -public utility and Industrial companies , to finance their most pressing needs. v The majority of this financing has - ?'--: been done by means of short term ici -? notes issued at the unusually attrao- : Vft; tlve rates which present conditions . demand: ,;:vt!' Ksaufsotniing' Handicapped. Manu ' faoturing of all kinds, says a special bulletin of the U. a Chamber of Com-, merce, is exceedingly busy, being . overwhelmed with orders but suffers, "f however, from difficulty in procuring . I raw material and the very great and ' ' constant changing personnel or labor in its employ. It finds it very dlffl- . cult, consequently, to work out sys terns of efficient production with these handicaps. Mine Output Increases A bulletin Just issued by the United States eo loglcal survey reports a steady In crease in tbe output of precious metals in Oregon. Cppper and silver are both being mined more rapidly this year than they were in the corresponding period last year. Although the deep mines are yielding less than they did formerly, placer mines are more than making up for this decrease. Towing ipompany Incorporates Daniel Kern, John Klernan and T. H. Ward, all of Portland, have filed arti cles of incorporation for the Swanson Towinc company. The new company Is capitalized at $50,000 and will do a general tuwing ana uauaporianuu business. State Buys City Bonds. The state of Washington has purchased H4 000 worth ot m per cent bonds of the city of Walla Walla. The sta new holds ;31i,000 of this city s bonds. Oovenunent War Orders The con crete evidence of how the money sub scribed to the Liberty loan will re turn to the channels of business is being announced in reassuring quanti ties by the "Official Bulletin"' of the administration. The orders for shoes. blankets and all kinds of clothing, run nto the millions: 4a million yards of olive drab, cotton cloth. 21 million yards of unbleached drill- in f. 6 million pairs of shoes. 1 million pairs of woolen socks. 6 million Markets. 01 minion yams 01 Doooinetie. 2 million cots. 7 thousand auto trucks. 8 hundred locomotives for use France. In SOLDIERS FIGHT FIRE TO SAVE THE FIELD'S FROM GRAIN LOSS More Than 100 Men at Van couver Garrison Turn Out at Request of the Farmers, EASTERN OIL TRICE IS AGAIN SHOWING ADVANCE PlttalMirs. Anr. IX (I. N. 8. Tba Joseph A. Seep a run j today announced an advance of 15c a barrel in the price of HI, Penn sylvania crude beltif quoted at $.') 25. the highest price la So years. other grade were quote.) as follows: Mer cer black. 12.23; ornin-. 2: Cabell. 12.47; Somerset. :U). Rarland. SI. 10. IYRKCAJST OF RAINS HAS BEARISH EFFECT ON COTTON" dry abort wool Delta. 23iWe; Bella, kxif wool, each, 4.0O4t5 O0; salted Umj pelts. ca. ft. Oivgl .SO; salted short wocl pelts, eaeh T5etJtl.2S; dry abeea sbearltns. cfe4 lS4330c: salted aer1ins-a. each. S56fi0c: rears valley wool, 5SSQc- mediam vUy wool. 604g65c; dry goata. (one hair. SSc; Cry- feet akaarllug. each, 13&30c; dry abort heir toats each. 8Qc$1.0O. TALLOW No. 1. He; Kfc 3, iue;gra. f ic per n. CHITTIM OK CASTABA BARK Boyln prlc. per car lota. T4;c awr lb. MOHA1K a"jeuc. &pa laiata. Ofls ROPE IaaL dark. 22c; whit. 224 PT - Sv; standard Maaila.- Sue. UMUO OIL 1U. bb.. fl-SS pr emt ' aaa( aauie koUd. Mat. tlM; raw. caaea. New York Aif. IS. tl. N". S ) The cot ton market had an active and lower cpenlnr tcdav. first prices sbowinic dellues of 2-1 to S points. Psrt of tbe sellinr ws based on local predict ions for good rains over Texas In the Dei t 24 hour. At tbe end of the first 10 minute the markrl wss unsettled but recovered from 10 to 15 points above the opentne. After aelllnf Into new lew jrround nesr the- nl of the last hour the market bad a sharp rally on active roverln Tbe rle was steady t a net decline of 10 to 40 points. M. nth. January March April May July uiuat . . . September October November tecember Open. Hl-h Low CVe. . :tio 34S7 J42S 244 3 . 241 2474 2441 HV 24tt . 24V) 244 2457 2471 24X1 2590 SSOS . 2490 2490 2451 2473 . 2440 2440 2440 2445 . 240 24SS 2425 2445 POTATOES ALONG T1E COAST aWattla atarkat Seattle. Anr. 13. (L. P On loos Wax cae. (1.73; California yellow, sack. I1.504J 17.'.. IVUtoe Locala. new. $50460; California. $70 per ton. Saa rraaciac atarkat San rranctaco. Am. IS. 1 1". p.) Onions New red. S570c per sack 00 the arbarf; do yellow. 70QMV: do brown, S5f5c per cental New potatoes Delta. $2.4Oj2.e0 per cental for No. 1. Lo Aayalea Market Lo ln(lei. Aua- 13. il. N. 8.) Po tatoes oncbanired. 1 lrad: N. K. West, La Grande. 2 loads; C. S Wells Caklwell, Idaho. 1 load; J. C. Loner- can. Pilot Hock. 5 toads; A. A. Yager. Tllla nook. 1 load; Jemee Kosyber. Toledo. 1 load li. W. Rotise. Myrtle Polst, 1 load; J. W. ltvla. Kelnu, I load: C. II. Martin. Grand Gallea. Wash.. S loads; H. Adktna. 1'lT mouth. Wash. 3 kda; H. W. Buckingham. Harrls- bnrg. 1 lfrt: C. 8. Nlcbol. A1I..OT. 1 load: T. I. I'atton. Tulsa. 1 load: H. K. Neel. Condon. It loada; Fred Wei.. 2 loads; W. K. Couroy. 1 load: S 1. Coonelty. 2 load; P. A. Johnson, 1 load: F. W. Le. 1 load; C. 11. Barnard. 1 kM-d. W. J. McUreer, Sbaaiko, I load; Ixtas Robliwon. Hcppner. 1 oad. C. Yi . Brock man. romeroy. Wash.. S loada; O. U. Stone, Vol rrer. Idaho, 1 load; M. D. Wheeler, Lebanon, 1 load. Sheep C. P. Ketchnm. The Dalle. I load. Mixed Stuff J. S. Applegate, Wallowa. 1 kwd bog and aheep: O. K. troraline. Joseph. 2 load csitle and bogs; F. E. "irjhsnj. Elgin. 1 Insd rattle and noga: Coles a iKxId. Haines, 1 load cattle ami hoga: Grover Hr. . Payette, Idaho. 1 load cattle and hoga; Sc. I Dlckersnn. Welsrr, Idaho. 2 load rattle and bogs: Plkett Rros.. 1 load cattle and bogs; Madison A Adunu. 1 load rattle and bogs; G. W. Eyre. Salem. 2 loail cattle, boga and abeep; J. W. Iavls. Uidgefteld, o cattle. 2 calves and 52 braja by boat; II. W. Buckingham. Harrlaburg, 1 load catt e. calves and hogs; Mont at Snnd grae. Lebanon. 2 load rattle, hoga aad aheep Cattle and Calvea W. W. Couper, L'nlun Juuctioo, 1 load. Monday Morning Sales STEERS No. 2 steer 17 eteers 6 ateera 14 s leers 22 steers 5 ateer 2 steers 3 steers 1 1 elefs 2 ateera 13 ateera l:: steers 27 steera 5 steer 22 steers 14 steers 1 steers 4 ateera ? ateera 2 steers 3 steer S". steers 2 steers R steer 2 steers 27 stera &J steer 7 ateera 1 ateer R ateera 1 stxer 2 steer 4 attars 2! ateera 27 steer 2ti ateer a. ateer 15 steer 2 steer COWS Higher I fogs Forecast Kanaaa City. Mo.. Ang. 13. iL". P.) Eighteen dollar bogs before tbe first of the moots waa predicted by coeamlasrlea men today. woe hog Jotnned SO te SOc. Top prices here today war $17 SVV $1.39: boiled, caaea. $1.41 per aalloa: lota af 250 galleaa. COAL OIL Water white, la drama and Iron barrels tOe per asUna. WHITS LEAD Xoa tots. le par lb.; SoO lb.. 14 We per R. TURPENTINE Tasks. S3e; rases. 09c: 10 cas lots, le less. . OaSOUNK Baaht prle. tfte per gaOoai; glsUUata, l)Vt Par gala. I cows . 4 cowa 14 cowa 1 cow 2 cowa 1 cow 1 cow .. 2 cows . 2 corns 2 cow 1 cow) 5 cows S cow 2W cost s 2 ei.ws .. 2 cow 1 cow 3 cows . . 10 cows . . 2 em . . 13 cow 1 cow 1 cow 2 cow I U Cows . . I 1 COW 1 COW 1 1 cow . . 14 cows . . 1 cow 1 cow 7 cow s . . t heifers 1 belter ' 9 calves . 1 calves . HEirZRS CALVES I ban 1 -n - - Z nulla BLLLS At lbs. Price. .1107 $ 8.25 . K4 7 nS . toa 7 7s . in 7.75 . nso 7 so . 802 7.00 . 1010 7 00 . 1170 7 00 . ioe.7 8.75 . 51S 4 60 . 1062 7 75 . 1 10 7.75 . 1100 6 20 m2 5 5o K& n.35 . P12 15 ) 7.0O . 101 J 7.00 . 10fr5 H 00 7.50 !1 7 f . 1122 7.r. . 10.-.7 7.00 S4I .:) . 1113 SAI0 . 117 8 35 078 " 7 25 . two 8.35 810 tl.'B . 937 6::0 o.'al 8 00 . 91 8.2S 415 .25 . 10.14 H 25 . IIOO 7,.-,o . 1 li 7 JWI . li-2 7.23, 12- ). 5o w0 71 I innrt $ 6 13 1155 8 75 H2 e.7 e 00 m5 a ) 1110 eoo 5!0 4 11S5 7a) I24M 8.73 1120 SO) t:to 4 1 i io. 7.00 10 si e.ii 071 T.a 1040 3 .' f 3.00 lOtai ft;,, KHO 8. IN.) V70 8. (Mi S)i3 d.35 OT." 8..Ci (KM S.Oll 6 Hi 8 50 lino S5 l5 T.a 1070 8.50 12-0 $-50 1133 8 15 41 8.13 liso T.50 1VW TJM) 1103 8 SO MO $ T 23 740 8 13 143 $ S.73 h-J $00 141S. 9 .54 S-al I.IM 1144) .; $.29 1300 650 Kansas City Eogs $1S.$$ Kansas City. Aug. 13. Cattle Receipts 13.aju. strong sod active lo 10c blber. Steers, $.0014.00; cowa and heifers, $4. 00 y 13 .25; atockers aod feeders, $5.004l 10.2o; calve $8 00412.00. Hogs Receipts 7OO0. 25330c higher. Top. (17.35: Iralk. $18.nOCd 17.2.; heavies. 11 .. 17.35; mediums, $18 S517.2D; lights. $16.00 4J17.23. Sheeri Receipts 40"0. 29350c blfher. Lambs, $l4.joaL5.JO. no rat sneep BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Clesrlnps. alonday Clearings Ba lancea . Clearing! Balances Clearing Balances . Clearings Clearlnga . Pertland Banks This week. . . $ 3.120. 71fl 67 Seattle Banks Tear sro. $ 2.200,723.06 . .$ 4,506.0000") 5o3.841.00 .$ 675.SSO.00 88,807.00 $ 1, 310.435.00 zi8.ooe.oo Los Angel Banks $ 5.301,284.00 Saa Francis oe Banks $16,228,161.00 T a cum a Banks Spokane Banks San Francisco Grain Market San FTanclaco, Ang. 13. (I'. P.) Wbeat Per cental New S..tx-s. $3.603.7 f. o. b. lnterl .r ahlpplng olnt: California club, $3.40 (fH.75: northern bluestem, $3.85ra4.0O. Barley Per cental, new feed, $2.50(82.55. Rrr California, nominal. ata Per cental New red feed. $2.7.V32.SO. Barley ca 11a: Aug. 13 Aug. 11 Open. (Hose. Close. December 2J0 2;kv, 24l May 235A 235A 245B American Cash Wheat Chicago Cash hea4 No. 2 red. $2.33: No. 2 hard. $2.53; standard oats StVaC St. Lout- L'asb wheat. 3c lo STAGS 1 atag 1330 $ 5..V) 1 stag 860 6.30 HOGS IO hoga 718 $16 0S 7 bgs 183 13.80 2 bga 2- 10.7.1 2 bug 10U 15.03 04 hoga 117 15.00 1 bog 25 15.00 16 hots 137 15 00 6.: bos 236 16.15 0 bugs 3fiO 16.13 3 b'Ss 163 13.00 3 hogs 2Mt 16.15 1 bugs 1X0 13 8) tl hoga 123 15 i 3 b.acs 14 00 I 4 bogs 15.50 TS boga 240 I6.00 It V 197 lO.tiO 81 txigs - 181 16.0" 1 hog 36" l.Vtsi 68 Uva 218 15.60 2 hogs 2IO 15.50- 0 hogs 123 15.00 3 bus 2:k 10.13 1 .ts 1 13 Wj 6 hog 120 14.75 3S hog 11 18.1.-) 0 boga 3.13 15.13 3 bugs 123. . 13.00 i bOK 218 15.0O 15 boya 17 16.O0 15 hoga 10 15.13 17 hogs ISO 15 i 4 bogs 237 15 00 SO hogs 10 15.00 3 bop 814 13.00 7 hogs 138 13.00 3 bogs 181 1H ls 2 hgs 270 15 3 hoga 186 15iO ( hogs 18 15. 5 18 bora 138 16.00 10 bogs 106 15 35 10 bogs 2o8 15 . 44 bogs 1 13.00 31 hog 188 16.1X1 34 bogs 184 16 K) 43 hogs 138 13.73 111 Wl- h. Iters' local 1 1 1 4MtI 1 l.HO: Montana i ""'7 pringl leid anrii.r ll'JUMI''lr eanorta 1H.00: whole ! Lackawanna Slcel wheat, $11. MO; graham, sil.uo; rye Hour. $11.75 per barrel. HAKI.K1 ,o. 1 reeu. 47.uoa4."J per ion HAY ButIiie price, new crop. Willamette timothy, fancy. $20.00 per ton; Eaatern Ore gon-Waahlngtoo fancy timothy. $26.00; alfalfa $23.00j25.ia; valley retcu, t )i Cheat, t ) clover. $18.00. GRAIN -SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 13Wfai3c In car lots; less s mounts higher. M I LLSTX" FTS Selling price: Brsn. $35.00 shorts. $38.00; middlings. $5. 00 per ton. R0IJ.ED OATS Per ton, $56.00. ROLLED BARLEY Pet too. $33.00. CORN Whole. $94.00; cracked. $95.00 ton. c. . DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle, Ang. 13. (C. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube, 43c; do brick 44c; storage. California cube, 40c do brick. 41 per pound. Rage Select ranch. 40c. Cheese Oregon triplet. 24-S2.V: Washing ton triplets, 234j24c; Yoong America, 2S27c. Saa Francisco Markst San Francisco. Ang. 13. (L. P.) Butter- Extra. 40c; Tprime, .flic. Egs Extras. 40Vc: extra ft rata. 3c extra pulleta. 36c; extra firsts, pallets. &3ViC. eneese Laiiromia rancy. Kic: nrata, aic. Los Angela Market Lo Angele. Aug. 13. (I. N. 8.) Butter, 4c; tggs, Sfic. Foreign Bond Market Furniabed by Overheck A Cooke Co., 216217 Board of Trade building: Ask 93 4 88 ! w WH4 84, M 150 84 85 75 215 W P7 85 or. w 87 85 88 , Bid. A. T. 0s Oct. 1920 83 1. K. 5s Sept. 1818- 874 V. K. 5is Keb. 1818. 8!i i:. K. 5s Nov. 1918 88 L. K. SJs Keb. 1819 80S V. K. 5i,s Nov. 1021 9t A. y. Sec 5 Aug. 1819 851, Rep. Francs 5s 1831 145 Psr 6 Oct. 1U21 , 83 V4 Marseilles 6a Nov. 1818 84 Ruaaia Extn. 5V,a 1021 72 Ruaslan Intl. 6"4 1826 210 lorn. 6 Aug. 1817 86H Dom. 0 April 1821 86 Pom. 5 April 1931 84 Horn. 6 April 1826 84 Argentine 6 May 1830 88 China 6 1918 94 Dom. Can. 0s 84 French 6H New York Bond Market Range of prices furnished by Overheck A 216-21T Board of Trade building: Bid. Ask. AtrfaUoo Genl. 4s S8 88 Bsltlnre A Ohio Gold 4 85V 86 14 Bethlehem Steel Ref. 5 86H 87 Central Pacific let 4s 83 83 V4 C. H. A Q- Col 86 'it, 86 St. Paul General 4a 82 4 92 Chicago N. W. General 4a 80 ' 88 L. A N. Unl. 4a HV 1 BO New York Ry. 5 23 24 V, Northern Pacific P. L. 4s 87 87 yf Reading General 4 80', 91 Union Pacific 1st 4a 91 81 4 T. S. Steel 5 104 104 Vi i nloti .Pacific 1st Ref. 84 84"4 SriUtbem Padfl.- ( onv. 5 8SVi 88 Southern Pacific Coov. 4 81 4 81 u, Penn. Coiiv. 4Hs , 100t lol 4 Penn. 1st 4s 94 84 1 Cue&upeake A Ohio Coov. 5 ... bd ' ra ; 57 SI 6 33 80" I high Valley Ixmlrvllle A Nashville.. Maxwell Motors, v.... Mexican Petroleum .... Miami Copper Mldvale gteel Mo., Kan. A Texas, c. . Mlosourl Pacific National Icad Nevada Cxmeollda ted. . . New Haven New York Air 'Brake.. New Y'ork Central N Y., OnC A Wetern. NorfolU A Wetarn. c. Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pinnaylvauta Railway.. Peoples Ga Ptttaburg tVaJ, ctf Pressed Steel Oar, c. . Ray Oons. Copper Hallway Steel Sprlnir. Reading, c Rep. Iron A Steel, c. . . Rock Island ..4. Setrs. Ruebuck A Co.-.. .SUa t tuck Studehaker. c .Sloaa ShefMeid .. Southern Pacific . Southern Railway. Tennessee Copper Texaa Ofl lexaa Pacific ... Third Avenoe .... L'nlon Pacific, c. I'ulted Statea Riiblier. ci... Cnited State Steel. c..il23 1 tah t pier Virginia Chemical, c. W. I'. Telegraph Wetlnghoue Electric Willys overland Woolworth ii4, 21 V . ...j 22 SKI ax S I 33fe 22K 8S 21 21 OIVs! W I 64 128 29S: 314 102 '52 7r 69 73 27 '94' ' 33 6o4 94 2NS ITv; 1S8 1 137S lot! -j 94 ' 81 W 10CI '52 75 60 !4 73 27 Vs 80S 33W 'is" I 54 93S 1 'a ISSS 137 124 10G 94" 48 121 v 37 S 67 32 Vs '22 34 W 102S '52H 75 73 27 80 , 32 e4 53 95 37 as 32 54 22 34' 133 88 121 103 52 74 5i. 72 61 94 V. 801, 32 2-S 63 17: t 18714 .1X ITS 137 i23 103 '3 31 S 21 136 1(17 r4Si 1 4 93 48 125 V125 lolal sales for the day were Ji.WXi shares. High llorso Prices Dallas. Or., Aur. 13. W. J. Ilnriis of Lewis rillc proved this week that It still pays to rale hordes on tbe farm. He brought two teams of draft horses to tlila city and sold them to Wllliaai Tatom, a government buyer, for $900. Money and Exchange New York, Aag. 13 (I. X. S. ) Call money on the floor of tbe New York stock exchange today ruled at 3 per cent; high, 3 per cent: low, 3 per cent. Time money was quiet. Rates were: Sixty days. 4t4 Per cent; 90 daya, 44(4 per cent: 4 month. 4 'a 5 per cent: 5 month. 4Sr5 per cent: 6 months, 4a3 per cent. The market for prime mercantile paper waa quiet. Call money In London waa 3 per cent; sterling exchsnge wss stesdy. with business In hankers' bills at $4,75 9-16 for demand: $4.72 for0 day bills, and $4.08 for 90 day bills. Ttar allver .New York. 82c; Londoo, 42 1 16d. New Menus to Be Introduced by Herbert Hoover Washington, Aug. 13. (U. a 4$ P.) Herbert C. Hoover's war on high prices turned on publlo & Ut eating places today. His ex- jS aTerts are compiling full 'de- 4t taiU of America's eating habits from soup to nuts. Dt He proposes soon to Issue a ft e new national menu card de- 4 M signed to reduce both portions S and price from a third to a half in dining cars, restaurants and hotels. ... ft Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago. Aug. 13- (I. X. 8.) Bntter Re ceipts 11.081; creamery, extrs. 3Q.T9cj extrs first. 38t3Dc; firsts, S7tt38c; pscklng stock. 33j33c. Eggs Receipts lo.itu cases; current re Ipts. 26431c; ordinary firsts, 27 '-, 30c: first. n43S3c; extra. 37c; checks. 15fe 20c db-tiea, 2ue26c. Ohio-Kentucky OH Up Lims, Ohio. Aug. 13. (U. P.) High crsd? crude oils of tbe Ohio-PennsylTsnla valley. In cluding tbe new Kentnrkv field, advanced to day for the first time this yejr. Penusylvanls high grade Jumped 15c a bar rel to $3.25 and Kentucky high grade to $2.3) per barrel. Tbe advance Indicate a lc hnt to com on ceatral west gasoline aaf Jiy-pro-dneta. New York Metal Market New Y'ork. Aug. 13. (I. X. S. ) Tin Quiet. Spot. 62i3c. leao Muiet. epox, ivonc; oepiemoer. 10 H 4x1014 c. CoDoer Onlet. last aaarter. 26tJ36c. Speller Weak. Spot. 27c; September. 2Bc; lTe. AU Dosltlona. 8Q8e. Seattle Grain Market Seattle, Aug 13. (I. X. S.) Wheat Bluestem. $2.31; Turkey Red, fz.31 forty fold. $2.26; Barley. $47.00. No receipt. Red Cross Workers Now Ready to Knit Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. IS. Begin ning tomorrow the Red Cross work ers who have been meeting each day in the Red Cross workroom In the Blaker building, will begin knitting. The work of making pajama suits will be continued, however, and Mrs. J. L. Sutherland, who ia in charge of the work, desires it understood that women do not need to be members of the Red Cross before they can coma and donate their services. All the help that can be secured is needed and no effort will be made to In duce any one who wishes to come and sew to Join the Red Cross. Under the direction of Mrs. George W. Ford the gauae work is bfln,' done on the second floor of the U. 3. Bank building. Mrs. Edward Burr. wife of Colonel Burr, who nas re cently completed a course In the art of using gauze in the making of arti cles for hospital use, will assist in the work. Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 13. Acting under orders from Colonel Burr, com mander of Vancouver Garrison, 125 soldiers with non-commissioned of fleers in charge were sent out to fight a fire that had gained consid erable headway in an old clearing near the Russell schoolhouse, about three and one half miles east of Vancouver. The fire is between the Fourth Plain road, and the River road anl it waa to keep the fire from spread ing In grain fields north of the Fourth Plain road that the soldiers were called. Requests for Colonel Burr to send men out came from farmers. The men were conveyed to the scene of the fire in all the autos that could be found In the gar rison, but a great many of the sol diers were required to walk because of insufficient machines. Last reports were to the effect that the fire was under control, but that approximately 600 acres had been burned over. No buildings were reported burned. Vancouver Marriage Licenses Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 13. Those who received marriage licenses late Saturday evening were G. A. Ham mond, 23, and Mrs. Lillle Chrlstner 26, Portland; C. K. Gullickson. 32, and Clara A. Timm, 33, Portland: Cecil Spauch, 30, and Olive Copley, 18, Tortland; Archie B. Mosier, 24, Clackamas, Or., and Belle Copely, 18, Portland. Rumors of Fight at Sea Are Investigated Chrlstlanla- (By Agence Radio to the I N. S.) Aug. 12. Heavy firing was reported from the direction of the Skagerack Saturday night. Rumors of a sea battle are in the air. Norwe gian torpedo boats immediately set out to Investigate. Railway Employes in Spain Back at Work Madrid. Aug. 13. (By Agence Radio to the I. N. 9.) Railway em ployes who joined the general strike at Barcelona, Saragossa and Lugo, hav0 returned to work, it was an nounced today by Premier Da to. The situation is quiet. SECOND CALL NEEDED TO COMPLETE DRAFT LIST IN LEWIS COUNTY 145 Claim Exemption and All : but Dozen Are Excused by. " District Examining Board, Chehalls, Wash.. Aug. li. The work of checking over the exemptions i claimed by men examined last week .' was completed Saturday by the ex emption board of Lewis county. There were 145 in an who claimed exemp- tion, but the local hoard disallowed ' about a dosen. The first examination did not yield the full quota of 18J required of this county, so an addi tional 260 men -have been notified to report for examination August and 16. 12 Bridge tJbmmission To Meet Tuesday Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 13. A meet ing of the Interstate Bridge commis sion is scheduled fsr tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock. In the commlslsoners' rooms at the courthouse. The question of paying for the repairs to the Van oouver approach of the bridge will ptobably be brought up, along witf the question of supplying power for the bridge from this side of the river. It is expected that the question of the division of -jcolpts from the in terstate bridge, which was carried over from the previous meeting, will be settled. When the forms from the concrete handrail on the west side of the ap proach to the Interstate bridge are re moved sometime today the repairs made necessary by the high water tht spring will bo complete. The total cost of the repairs is approximately $5050. There was a question as to where the money for this work should, -come from. At first it seemed to bs between the engineers and the bridge commission. It is possibje that th money will come from a fund set aside) for bridge repairs, from the recelpta : of the bridge. Entire Family Killed In Chicago Accident Chicago. Aug. 13. (TJ. P.) Motor accidents tooK eight lives in Chicago in the last 24 hours. One crash took an entire family. Klickitat Pioneer Goes on "Long Trail" Goldendale, Wash., Aug. II. Edwin W. Oldham, a pioneer Klickitat farmer, died Saturday at his home In Golden-j dale. Mr. Oldham was born in Jack.: son county, Mq., in 1850. He married Molly A. Harris. In Missouri. In 1871, In 1881 he crosed the plains and cam direct to the Klickitat valley, lo cating on a farm near Goldendale. Soon afterward he moved to Lewis county, Wash., near Toledo, where hs resided 15 years, and then returned to Klickitat. He is survived by his wife, and five children as follows: Carl and John Oldham of Portland; Syl vester Oldham of Stafford, Or.; Sara. Eva Vanhoy of Portland, and Bud Old ham of Goldendale, Wash. - ' When wrltla; te or railing 00 adrartlMr, p'.eas mention Trie Journal. New Ship Yard Opened Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 12. Hun dreds attended the grand opening of the G. M. Standifer Corporation comnany shipyards Saturday night. Dancing from 8 o'clock till" midnight wss enjoyed. It took 410 gallons of ice cream, 2000 sandwiches, 100 gal lons of punch and the hmonade from two crates of lemons to appease the appetite of the crowd. One sack of sugar was required to sweeten the lemonade; 2000 buns, one whole cheese and three lare hams were used in making the sandwiches. The music was furnished by the Elk's band. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc, 216-217 Board of Trade Building Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ' New York Sugar and Coffee I V, w. i.w Tl Kew Tort. sag. 13. (U. F.) Cof fee Spot .J--. l Laearf A Brw Ko.7 Kio. ai-7e; Rev 4 Saa to, 10c . j Ccir-spoodaoU of a-ogarf & ttrya gst-ar Centrifugal. S7J2, I C&icago, New York -- -!.- . - - ' s - " STOCKS-BONDS-MORTGAGES SECURITIES OFFERED BY PORTLAND HOUSES INCOME TAX EXEMPT BONDS Yielding 44 to 61 950, $100, 9500, $1000 For Cash or on Partial Payment Plan Lumbermens Trust Company tL . . --.if Ml i 00, Lewis Bldg. Phone Mar. 653 Investment Bonds Preferred Stocks Local Securities. : " Amounts as small as $100 may be invested through us, and such orders receive as careful consideration aslhose for larger sums, " MORRIS BROTHERS, INC; HAILWAT EXCXAafOX BTTZX.SZarCr BST A BT.TSKgP ltS3 WE OWN AND OFFER. SUBJECT; TO PRIOR SALS: , a $16,000 v,a&"-;" ...;'V.-': Greater Winnipeg, Canada, 5 Water District Bonds -' PRipB TO NET t.t a asu ...y