THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL,; PORTLAND, j SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1 191Z. m - BIG LOG RAFTS ARE TOWED TO SOUTH TO RUSH LUMBER MILLS Cigar-Shaped Craft Sent by Sea to Provide California With Needed Logs. tine June II. fir, big eJrar-enaped rafts have Xtn towed south from tbe Columbia river, arcordlnc to Mer chants' Exchange recorda The first of th teD waa en Jane II and "as towed to Fan i. lero by the tug Her cules. Tfce rafts TriM about I.AOI.OOO feet of lumber. In eaons past rafta KtTgtng "f'O feet hare been seat out. tut tho. of the present time r a lltH. snaller. Concerns en gaged In preparing these rafts are the Hammond and the Btnson rompnl. I K r , . , . .. . . i ' omyn. The ParlfUr northwest la fumUhln pra"tlrellr ail of the lumber for gov ernment cantonment and ship ron- pirariiirn, I n. 1 " F Kir pvw-j up 1 11 i ( th mll.s at an Llo and from trier, are distributed to various potnta. the past week. Is expected bo ma Monday. Inspection of the rrrotorahlp Guana Costa, first of the vessels turned oat by the Columbia Engineering; worse for Captain M. T. Snyder, will be held about Vionday. Delay la finish las; np Interior toucbea ta responsible. Continued fair weather for today and Sunday, with temperatures little shore normal la the weather predic tion. Edward 8. Hooch of an Franeiaco, designer of the Hough type of wooden Ship, was s visitor In the city Friday. He met a number of loeal shipbuild ers. He waa acmompanled by Cap tain Vtagee. traveling Inspector for the government. With 12 passengers and a ful) cargo of general freight, the steamer Break water of the Emerald line got in at 1:1 a. m. Captain O. R. Rankin has resumed cotnnand of the steamer Beaver, hav ing returned from hia annual vacation. First Officer A. D. Tlbbets was In command during Captain Rankin's ab sence. C. R. Phillips has replaced John Ofer as master of the oil barce No. VS Trie ship Golden Oate has been placed on the berth from Ran Fran eisoo for Sydney, direct, by Hind. Rolph A- Co. (October loading). The schooner Sehome has been chartered to carry lumber from North Mackall Ac Co. (March- frasi tea rraartoea fla Carets aad Cms Bay. Raited at p. sv. steaswr Jobs a PoaJaea (or Baa rnHf o. 8aa rrancjace, A Kg. 11 Anred: Beiwr, Is Aaevkna. a a. sv; Qariaalt. Brookings La ad las. a. am.; Ksw City. Prt AsseMe. a. m. ; yeartees (with TalierUm Is tew). Pert rUa Lata. S a. si.: lietoa f. Drew. Ornsw g. a. St.: Harrard. Lea Aogeks. : a. . : Armm. Was Sag. lO 3u . at.; Bnwwkk, rrt Bragg. 4 a. sv Salted: EattMC fcaoa. LyHletos. K a. St.; KtrtAara radfle. Auarta. lotaA a. au Mara field. Or.. Asg. 10. Arrtted Tag Ctraaer froan Oardtaav. 4 p. m. Sailed Aeelise Saurih far fmm Trme-e. 5.30 p. bv Baa rraortaen. Aug- 11. Arrlred. Aag. : SVs-taera raetflr. Astoria. HX5 p. n.: Seat. Blta. wtrb arboonar W. 1. Itcrre la tew. 1 p. be. ; tfoveraor, Loa Angetea. g:45 p. St.; Wstotoaw.-lnrt Saa Lni. 419 a, aa. Sailed IVeaUM, Albion. p. as.; Orsya rtartar. Ckatosaias rar, 1:0 p. SB.; Persia Mara. Hfcnraj. I U p. m. ; Sonoma, gydaey, 2.35 p. o : KirwL La Aegeiee 2.3 p. SB.; -alltler. Part 8 a La la. Ji S. st-i Atxulral Krklrr. Lne Asgelea. 431 P. au; Nro. alriaaviuu. 4 p. at.; Preaetie k. Eel tn(. U Krfna a. sa.; W eat port. Caksa Itxliag. i. IS a. a.; I a rase L tieaya Haraar. id p. nv; Maadalay. tos AagekM. OKtt p. au Portlanders Gain Commissions in East5:r.!a,.to CENTER OF GERMAN VEST FRONT LINE IS BELIEVED IN DANGER Pressure in Flanders and to the South May Cut Off Re treat of Kaiser's Armies, back by rifle and artillery fire." the Hale; report elated. "All positions were held - and fur ther trains? were mads in the Ypr sa il en In road neighborhood." April). BIG DITCH STEAMER S.inVi Korrakartr. (lesra With Lnmber Csrjto for the Orimt. The' Dutch steamer Soerakarta cleared early this morning with a full load of lumber for oriental porta, prin cipally Shanghai and Batavla. A big .portion of the lumber was loarird al the Inman-Poulaen mill, while the ret was taken on down the river. Since "Wednesday, the vesel haa been at tha bunkers, coaling up for the voyage. 6ome delay was experienced in her departure Thurtday because of some extra cargo taken on at San Fran cisco and on which llcenae confirma tion had to be received. The Soera karta, when she put In here, had a short crew and new hands had to be Imported from the orient. Most of them arrived during the week from San Franciaco. - Kenry CabeD Oivsa Second Usaten- aatcy at Fort ltyer, Oakley Waits a First Xtiectenastey at Fort Sasrldas. "Washington. Aug. li. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOL'HNAU) llenry F. Cabell of Portland was ap pointed a second lieutenant of Infantry in the off icera' reserve corps now train- ling at Fort Myer. Va. Oakley Walte. Arrrraia Aagaa 11 of Company E. Third Oregon, in train- Han rraaetaro Mnr at Fort KhrMn 111 waa nim.j Oo Bar. paaaoere and . NEWS OF THE PORT Paris Reports French Gains Paris. Aug. 11. By Agence Radio to the L N. 8.) Another gain for the French troops in Belgium was reported by the war office today. This fresh progress was scored in attacks against th Germane south of Langcmarck. Twenty German prisoners were captured. Hesvy srtlllery duels raged through out the night in the sectors of Pan theon and Eplgne Chevregny, north oi the A lane river; on the heights Just sround Auberive (Champagne), and on both banks of the Meuse (Verdun) front. Despite bad weather. French airmen were busy., The war office atated that German camps and aerodromes pear Col mar and Habahelm were bombarded. By Henry Wood With the French Armlea Afield. Aup. 11. (V. P.) The Germans are figur ing on the possibility of the British snd French offensive In Flanders retreat to their next A desperate hope of . retaking po. ticna that would permit an eventual retreat northward from the Alsne ahd Champagne reglona is what inspired the German crown prince to this violent assault against the French lines, it appeared today. Profiting by the temporary lull in W fM 1 Waa- a u. . "o" Prince Ba at Chicago, to be tried by court resumed attacka along both the Chemln ' J7ln, nn Hertlon charee.. KAY CHARGES THAT LUMBER ILLS ARE TRYING TO "GRAFT' State Treasurer Objects to Prices on Fuel Wood Of fered State Institutions, Draft Dodger Will Face Oourtmartial! Cleveland Ohio. Aug. 11. (I. N S.) Cleveland federal officials today or dered Julius Chader, draft dodger, be turned over to Major General Thomas and the Moron villlers Chafer waa arrested In Chicago, and authorities there wired federal agents ALL ALONG THE WATKRFROXT Captain T. M. Potts. 1. S. N.. who waa here Friday under the direction of the navy department to Inspect the former German ships ureadnojght and Gamecock, expresaed himself as much pleased with the condition of th,. vessels. Captain l"otta waa ac companied by four as.iiatanta. They left this morning for Seattle. Robert Warrack. lighthouse inspec tor, who has been at Coos Bay during t Knrrka frrlrkl. XWpartarae Aagust 11 Wtlaei. Am. tr.. fur So I'erlm. hinuSer. riktrt. 11 tea tr . b KbLucbal. MibiIxt. Marine Almrnsc Watler at aUvar s Kaalk Nrvtb Head. Aag- II- Ouodlrema r the SvvitB of tb rtrrr at Bono, a tod oreth. 14 trJir-u: weather, partly caJud; aea. imuotli; faamldlty. M. Baa Saeorl far Angait IS Has rUea 3 07 a. m. fkin eta. 7 25 p bo. Tidas at Ajwrta tiuUay HlgS Water lerw Wlfer a. iii.. 5.7 feet 314 a. nu. 0 1 foot. 8 Vfl p. bu. 7 fear 3 " p. in.. 2.1 fast. Daily River Readings firat lieutenant of infantry. Mr. Cabell and 'Mrs. H i 3 3 - - i 7 . ? HZ 1 as 2 a a u i: w' J lawiatno I I 12 0.2 O.lO l'nia:illa 23 f S.S 0.4 0 00 Albaaj ' I 10 0 0.f Haleai . ( 0.3 0 0 00 (irrfia City 12 j 1.8 O O.i0 f.-ll.-l j , T.i 0.4 O.fQj is a son of Colonel C. Cabell, who are now in Washington. I. C-. where Colonel Ca bell ia cn active duty. Oakley Walte is a aon of Mr and Mrs. Msrk W. Walte of this citr' n. waa a reservist in the national guard, but haa been in business at Wauke gan. Wla.. for some time. When the gruard was mobilised for Mexican bor der duty last year he came to Port land In response to the call, paying bis own expenses, for which the guard or ganiaatlon waa unable to secure a re fund. On this consideration, however, he waa given discharge from active service, being assigned to the reserves. Hia appointment to the Fort 8herldan camp waa on hia application from Wau- kegan. des Damea Create. Lniess uie crown prince can anve ,n Cleveland for instructions. Chader the French from these two dominating jeft Cleveland after receiving the sum- pofcitloas befor, results of the Fland- mona to appear for examination era battle forces a shortening of the . German front, the French from botn j the "Lad lea' Road and Moronvllliera ! will be able to cut off and massacre) any attempt or me German center to retreat The German attack which haa been growing stronger throughout the week. culminated in Friday morning's ter rific assault from Pantheon to Che vrigny. There the Alpine Chaaseurs, who on July 13 advanced 800 meters on a 1100 meter front, repulsed th Germane with the heaviest losses. The German morale la weakening Thia ' waa Indicated throughout th week by the constant surrender of their attacking troops. The French took prisoners in almost every attack. Capture of assaulting troopa haa been extremely rare in the past. ( ( I t ailing. RlTer- Forecast Tbe Willamette r'rrr at Cortland ka-ljr for tbt aei: f-w lj. At Neighboring Torts tog Astoria. Aug. II. Sailed at 7 a. m Warrior, tomii Ho barxea for Seattle. Astoria. Ao lo Arrived at 11:30 a. si. ami left cp at 3 p m.. atecmer Breakwate,-. Other Northwest Men Fort Sheridan. HI.. Aug. 11. (U P.l Colonel Nicholson, commandant at the omcers reserve training camp, loaay announced the asaignment of commlei sions In the Tenth provisional training regiment. Among those who received commis sions were: , Second lieutenant. Infantry, Robert S. Raven. Monroe, Wash. Second lieutenant. Infantry, Gustaf B. Llndberg. Tacoma, Wash. nn tin Counter Attacks Beaten Off London, Aug. 11. (U. P.) Violent German counter-at tacka were made east of Tpres in an effort to retake, ground captured by the British, Field Marshal Haig reported today. All were beaten off. Six attacks were made by the enemy In the region of Westhoek Ridge, taken early yesterday by the British. In spite of these attacks, however, the British made further gains along th Ypres-Menin road. "In fierce fighting yesterday eve ning for ground captured earlier in the day, six enemy attacks were beaten Government Critic Is Held Sterling. Colo., Aug. 11. (I. N. 8.) A man refusing to give any informa tion about himself but carrying a reg istration card with the name of Jess Kirk Williams of Plalnview, Texas. Is being held here today for investigation by federal authorities, following his arrest last night for criticism of the government's war policy. It is believed he cams hers to open an an ti -draft agitation. Hearst Nominating Petitions Circulated Salem. Or.. Aug. 11. That lumber mills are trying to "graft and hold up" the state in connection with slab wood, was charged by State Treasurer Key at a meeting of the state board of control today. The state treasurer was referring particularly to the Mill City Lumber company, which had quoted the state price of IJ.50 for slabwooa on the cars at Salem. "You tell them that It Is ' a graft and a hold-up," said Mr. Kay to the sec re tary of the bqard, as he denounced the price. He said that within the last week or 10 days the mills were sell ing slabwood for $2 snd $2.50 a cord, snd as soon ss they learned that the state could not depend on fuel oil, which it had been using, they Jumped up their price for slabwood. The board met the fuel question, so far as the Oregon state hospital for the insane, the laxzest state in game warden, was -not Inclined to ap prove. Gams Warden Shoemaker does not want the hunting season closed unless, everybody, can be kept out of the timber, and even suggested pre viously to yesterday's interview that if the hunters are to be kept out that the logging camps should be shut down, as many fires originate from them. ' . Owing to the long dry season, the state forester said today It Is with the greatest difficulty that the stats is being saved from heavy losses from fores fires. Forest fires are now burn ing in nearly every county in Western Oregon, he pointed out, and almost every available man Is engaged in fighting thvm. Another Leaves Asrloln Salem. Or., Aug. 11. a a Nellta eloped from tha Oregon stats hospital for the insane today. He was em ployed in the fields with a crew of patients from the asylum. He was committed to the asylum from Mult nomah county on April 1. 1317. Greek Government Attacked by Deputy Athens, Aug. 11. (By Agence Radio to the I. N. S.) During debate In the chamber of deputies on the recent dec laration of martial law. Opposition Deputy Cavallieratos violently attacked the government, charging that It is suppressing the liberties o the people. Premier Venizelos, In replying, said that martial law was made necessary Gas Company Is -.;? Sued by Its Kivals stltutionj is concerned, by contracting j by the virulent press campaigns and for stumpsge on the Porter farm, near pro-German propaganda. Salem, at T5 cents a cord standing. It "If the circumstances require it, we New York. Ang. 11. (U. P.) Peti tions for the nomination pf William R. Hearst as Democratic mayoralty candidate are In circulation here to day. Democratic signatures are being solicited. Baker Visits Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio. Aug. 11. (I. N. S.) Secretary of War Newton D. Baker unexpectedly arrived In Cleveland this morning. His party consisted of three army officers and a secretary. While the purpose of his visit Is unknown it was intimated he came here to con sider the feasibility of the establish ment here of airplane plants. is estimated 10.000 cords are available. The wood will ba cut by convicts end the total cost laid down at the asylum is placed at S2.90 a cord. The board also Is negotiating a eon tract with the Sllverton Lumber com pany for a six months' supply of Slab wood at $2.50 a cord. f. o. b, the cars at Sllverton. The larger state institutions have been using fuel oil. the supply of which cannot be depended on any more. ' r Fires May Postpone The Hunting Season State Forester Elliott will Ask Got. ernor Wlthycombe to Make Opening la Western Oregon September 1. Salem. Or., Aug. 11. As a protec tion against additional forest fires. State Forester Elliott will ask Gov ernor Wlthycombe to issue a procla mation postponing the opening of the hunting season in Western Oregon from August 15 to September 1 or later, unlesa there ia a heavy ram. Mr. Elliott was in Portland Friday conferring with State Game Warden Shoemaker about the matter, and the shall demand dictatorial powers," de clared M. Venizelos. The chamber approved a resolution to expose the secret correspondence be twen former King Constantino and the kaiser, and also the text of the treaty of alliance between Serbia and Greece, which Constantino disregarded. ai Suffrage Banners Torn Down by Mob Washington, Aug. 11. CI. N. 8.) Led by government clerks from the state, war and navy departments, to gether with a number of soldiers and sailors, a mob of several hundred peo ple tore down two "Kaiser Wilson" banners in front of the White House this afternoon. The banner was held aloft by Miss Lucy Burns of New York. Mrs. Made line Watson of Chicago, Miss Elisabeth Stuyvesant of New York and Miss Na talie Gray of Colorado Springs, Colo. TSe militant suffragists were forced sgalnst the iron fence and were bruised In the melee. Police charged the crowd and cleared the sidewalk. No arrests were made Borta Coast Sewer Company Starts " Fight for Control of Utilities fm tfce Tualatin Yallsy, Salem, Or., Aug. 11. Formal com- , plaint was filed today with the public , - j service commission by the North Coast Power company against the Portland Gas & Coke company, charging that the gas company is duplicating the com plainant's heating and lighting system In the Tualatin valley without first Ob- , . talning a certificate of public conven ience and necessity. This is the beginning of a fight for the conirol of the Tualatin valley tr" ritory under the provisions of chapter . 1S4 of the laws of 1917. which provides that a public utility cannot enter the -field of another without first obtain- & ing from the publio service commission a certificate showing that public' con venionce and necessity require the ; duplication of service. The gas company haa been contena ing that a gas service system is not a V duplication of an electric service sys-'' tern, and that, anyway, it had begun to extend its system to the Tualatin val ley before the new law was enacted. German Submarine Barbarity Eepeated v I Captain Jornson of American Votorsklp . Carmela gays JHver Submerged and r XmlX Captured Sailors to Fata. ' . - An Atlantic Port. Aug. 11. (U. P.) -i : lnntlir Inatano of finrmon auhmarln barbarity such as resulted in the death of 88 members of the crew of ths Bel- gian Prince was reported todsy by Cap tain John A. Jornson and 20 members . of the crew of the American rectorship ;. Carmela, arriving here. The Carmela V ; was sunk by a submarine on July 24. t After being stopped by the subma- rlne. Captain Jornson and the crew 9 were ordered to row to the U-boat from their ship. They were ordered ti to board the submarine. The Carmela I was looted and bombs, exploded s board her. , Bmoke was then seen and ss a Brit- -,-ish destroyer appeared the U-boat hastily aubmerged. leaving- the Car mela' s crew floundering in the water. The destroyer picked them up.. a i, V ' Oxman Case Is Continued San Francisco Aug. 11 The case of Frank C. Oxman, charged with trying to induce F. E. Rigall of Illinois to testify falsely against Thomas J. Mooney in the latter s murdrr trial in 'r connection with the prepargtiness pa rade bomb explosion, was continued to- day until Monday to be set for trial. .? Attorney Shortrldge, for the defense. said he was expecting word from fx- e- man at Durkee. Or., as to .when tx could come here for trial. , - ? FARM1LR AT B1LND INVENTS SUCCESSFUL GIANT TRACTION PLOW MAXUKACTUREKS DIKECTOKY auactural ilttl aad Iron ala Mat th and Clack. I ortlaad Farnltare kffs. Co. . filroirsre, up- bt-latertos. 124S-OS Ma--adani road. Iaatnaula Ikxi norka. Tmalrj saa asd Bja cktotfta. Alta aad Bradford ata. Puritan Mtg. Cut. all ma oner of aofl drtaka. Kaat Si h aad Oak ata. PaBdiatoo Woolva MUla. nolrm cloth. In41a a blank xa, l' Or fartiarad Ta War a, rasfBa, rooking sad bra Hog i;uTre, I'arbT at. aad Columbia bl- lsnaii 1 roa Works, foundry aiao. aiacklaery, Mai Uaalbiat i . f a.iflc Hrd Tack 4 Toast Ca.. hardtack, 11 k. ma l. I'ariflc t. in Worka. pottery, (toaawara. riuait twi. ao'-eai heerlock a. l-ortlJad Baaket A ilaudta Wurka. baskets, billies. Matadam ruad. l-urtlaad Uijfra a Hjdrocro Co.. oxygra tui Djvlrtfro. liit 17th and Crater ata. I'altit albr a Brddins Co.. featbrr bed ding, ma t trvaan, aprlcfa. -13 1 2th at. N. Cortland Uoit a Mtf. Co.. bolls. XV 13tk St. . fortla'nd Rubber MUla. T-rytblng ta rub ber raM r hrela, o!ea. 368 K. Bib at. Ballaocr "t Ira Iron Work, bask and tara futures, vtra work, kVaat lutk and riandara. Raaaiuaaaa Co.. pauata. Taratabca. 3d aad Taalur ata. summer. C. piano auaafaetarar. raooUslag. rrtalra. 247 3th at. rcotUrasa a S UtUma. aiataUle his sbtaglaa. i aV Haataoma it. KSarkrj. P.. a 80s, yuk Bread Bona cel lar, lalasi ara. ttaiiih Wttaoa Iroa Works, JoaadryaMa. ma-iDiata. li r'roet su ' Tirjer. Faarr A Galley. Sato truck balld er aucBlulaia. 1SJ East Water St. LalirrMl lira Killer Co.. aua nonet are sate Urea. 4a 1-443 liawtborna aa. L'alted Mattrraa t'ad Co.. aiatLraaaea. rrn 4ratora. 4X7 Haoeovk at. Yi aatern Kwla W orka. soft drUka. XX UlA t- VS aaiera Tuol A We Works, tooia, dlas. Baa- CfctDe wort. and (iilaaa StS. We Make It Ourselves FAINT FOR ALL PURPOSES Rasmussen & Co. N. C Cer. 2d aad Taylor Streets BC J. Halaar. Xaa. yfeatM Xaat M ' Helser & Ucden Machine Works, Ioc CAad; aseA4l aVstaJ 1HTB t Special Machinery l-S-T-S y. ttd St.. Bat. Terk aad . Fsaaaa Broadway 711. A-Tilt. JONES' Loganberry Juice Wits twenty-fire years experj enee In the FRUIT JUICE BUSI NESS. It has made It possible fe ns to manufacture rKaiKt HFVERAOE. IN ordering Loganberry Jolee, sak for JONiCal BRAND aad be lUUVlllttd. Jones Bros. & Co. roTiAjn, ouara. nwigga, oxxaov. WATSOXTlXXaX. OJLZ. FIVE 14 INCH PLOWS CAN COVER 150 ACRES IN RUN0F24 HOURS Sixty Horsepower Engine Is Driving Force; Four Drive Wheels Pull and Guide. ADRIAN NECKWEAR CO. Btaaoi aetmrers eX HICH-CRADE NECKWEAR. SUSPENDERS aeedaoaga B4dg reruaad. eog. VUUatttta Gaa Csgloo A Ml china Works, i f a u(laca. tula raatrloj. (ax(. Ml I ' gaa auflaca. jjumalje. Zaa Broa.. Inc.. broom aakara. SO-&3 frost. Now for Robert E. Grant k- Affiant rVwMtllTltlaai A young captain named Ulysses Lee haa Just been assigned to duty in the regular army" Which etrlkea ono ss being about the last word in the ob literation of "aectlonaliamr Brass & Copper Srlc&la Caadora. get Bowl. Jardlaieraa. Sak Trays. Ckindallara Lamps. Badlatora. WUdablaida Kepatrad. Portland Auto Lamp Co. H. ABKLB r. A. BAaVMCOTT It ALfiSX ITXXIT SUla TSM 7. D. w healer. D. X. Waaela. GRANDMA COOKIE CO. Laxfesi Cookie Eakerj in America. M ast Btaxk St. Cos. Ualom Aa Abaeiutaijr haailary Best Ma- I itrlals used niy Anywhere 1 Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co. LASrZS' BICXWIAS " Biaadwar at OS Acrardloa. Bid. sad tUtaburst PUltlng. HfB ...... . . -i . .w Tm iU VI . SIIIPBIBS iwi lariiH vw rtilne aad Hand Kmbroldarrns BraldiaJ. Raom m, US rtftk gtraet. rertlaaa. Oragea WA.a hay lag V 00 does, always aak fes Mrs. SCHIELS (Beranaa gtylel Egg Noodles DaddeeUy tae Beat aad a Hesse rrodact. PACIFIC HARDTACK & TO-AST CO. Bread Bre Toast. DIUCATZtni BTB A B7XCZAXTT. Prompt Shipment and Delivery, noil gsuwoos lai. Xas irva aad arredenea atreets. Durable Rooting Made ta ForUaad te salt eal eoa siUeas y DURABLE ROOFING MFG. CO. yn?ca Statioa. Portia ad. Or Dayis-Scott Belting Co. Oregea Made Fnre Oak Taixaeu Leather Belting 10S-1 10.112 Usvios. Aea. East 30A I.L Eaat 30 S. Portia. Orax Folding Camp Stoves CarrT aa ta jamr grip er at tet ta aate. Ellckast Invaatloa oat. iaaar gaaiss saeeld have 'at. alad. bcra. PURDIN BROS. Xast 4SS1. lsS-Ufl vaasa Ave. PIANOS MADE HERE Awardrcf fsd Modal al S. T. Czsa. Vac. Batter la lb world. PlaaMa raseired. tsaad aaal aiarnBied.' CSOMMERACa iT rem si. siihiti. ira G. P. Rummelin & Son IBs 14. aea Wasa. gv Mfg. Fnmers CtAFPliGATfl ' SUCCZBBOB rstaa. xrro. Main esx. Pendleton Voolea ftlilk taadlstem. Or. M A HTTP A CTURERJ OP PURE FLEECE WOOL BLANKETS ladlaa Bekes. Bteasaer Bags. Bata Befcss aad Aste Be sea. MuItnomahTnink& Bag Co. Waili li staaaas af Tnaaka. Baliaaaaa. Bawa. T.laaripaa. lata T ran km. Eta. seas X. Wata gtW ISstlaae. Oa, Baaaaa Xast Si. Stttt. BROOMS ! Manufactured -by Zan Bros.. Inc. SUNSET BROOM WORKS Office 50-52 Front St. PORTLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO. Makers ol COUCHES, LOUNGES. lJPHOLHOLSTRD FURNITURE. MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS 1249-1259 Macadam Road Mala 809 A-3S13 The Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co. Blanofsetarers of V saVT aravav wa mm wmim ar Bydsogea. fee aU tadastnai. aaadlclaal aad terSstoel parpsssa. a BBBaa m.. Bai ajWAa. Blaillaual MS BABT 17TB ABB OBBTAiB BTB. BOT XB TXB TBXTsTX INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. UnnfiiliiMM mmA TWkaf.eai fa Crackers, Cakes, Italian Paste 438-00 Bast Darle gt. Bertlaal, 0s sast lsee. suu Mala 117 Telepkeaee X-sai7. Smith & Watson Iron Works Foundry and Machine Shop, 412 FRONT STREET intact nr. aad repair all 11a as of saaeiuaery. aad caas aarwari Let the Arabian Nights tales be forgotten. They are a back number. Here ia a story that so far eclipses the best of those yams that in com parison reading them would make one drowsy. T. F. MoCalllster Is a farmer at Bend, Or., and for nine years he has been engaged in perfecting a plowing machine which, he confidently ds clares, will turn over the top side "f the earth at the amasing rate of ISO acres each J4 hours if kept on the Job all that time. It will be operated by a gasoline 64 horsepower engine will pull five 14 inch plowa. will travel about as fast ss sn automobile and will not sling the furrows over into the next county, either? This is provided against in the mechanism of the invention, now being manufa tured by Thayer, Shaver A Gulley at their machine shop. 19J East Water street. Will Go It Boms, Aayway "It will be a valuable machine," Mr. Gulley says. "My flgurea are that 't will plow 9C acres each 24 hours, but perhaps Mr. McCalllster is the most accurate in hia eatimatea The cost complete will be from 13500 to MOO), and the tractor part, separated from the plows, will perform any aervice ordinary to such machines. In fsct it is an automobile remodeled and re built to suit the purposes for which :t is Intended. "The idea .s radically new and dif ferent from any almllar Invention and I believe it will work to perfection. The machine has four drive wheels. Each la a puller and eaujh is employed in steering the appararua. Mr. Me- Caatlster has been a lone time think ing the thing out, but I believe he had It perfect before its blue prints were brought to us." Other Big Flows Operatlag It may not be known, however, that the McCa 11 later ia not the first plow wonder In actual existence. The Oliver I- California People Buy Home Products "It ia refreshing to observe the loyalty of Callfomians to their home industries," says Walter J. Holman. secretary of the Edward Holman Un dertaking company. "If la a pecu liarity of the people of that stats." he added. "Mrs. Holman and I toured much of the southern part of California in our car. and I made it a point to feel the pulse of merchants in regard to their fealty to their local factories. In one store I Inquired for a cake of a well known soap. 'We do not sell that soap.' explained the dealer, 'but a m.uch better one.' Asked where it was made, he replied. 'Bight here in Los Angeles. It is the best that money will buyf "We followed this up In msny places, both In Los Angeles and in other cities and towns, with almoat invariably, the same responso and ex-. tMH.An1' T 1 1V1. -.... a a . , V. ' 'Alin X k 19 L 11 i ll'"l builds up our southern neighbor. If ! 1W. . n 9 - .4. 1 . w A a 1 in; uiauiuaviui ci ui at buuiiuiuiij tw- sires its sale in California. he must establish a factory there. Cur neigh bors. Albers Bros., hsd to do this. Nu merous makers of cereal feeds, sup plied principally from eastern fac tories, could not do business in Cal ifornia until they put in their own factories. There are scores of in stances of this character, and this is what helps to make California pros perous. The same rule obtains, to a very large extent, in Seattle, but in Portlands-make it where you please anywhere on earth it's all the same to us!" f MADE IN PORTLAND Chilled Plow company. South Bend. Ind.. operated a gang of SO plows at Purdue, Ind.. university last fail, which turned over an. acre of ground each 4 minutes and 15 seconds. It plowed seven acres each mile it trav eled. 14 acres an hour, 2000 acrea every six 24 hour day a, and if con stantly operated III working days ot the year, would bring 104,000 acres under the plow. This area would form a square' 13 miles on each side; three engineers and one plowman will han dle the immense rig. and with night shift and no delays, this single outfit could plow every foot of ground in four townships between New Tears and Christmas. As things appear bow, about the time the war is over a farmer may cultivate 40 or (0 acres of land beforo breakfast go fishing until noon and spend the balance of the day resting in his hammock, reading The Journal and cultivating his mind. Cut Full Carefully Slxed Ac s' curate t Prooortioneo Roomy ind Comfortable. A "Warranty Bond" Fully Guar antees Every Garment Fleischner, Mayer & Co, Xaasfaetarers af sTT. HOOD Skirts. Paats aad Overalls. trjrrVERSITY Bn4 Baeki saw Coats. "Jaania aad Jo." Play Baits 1 USB. 11 aaaaaMaBaaa.aBBBBaBBB4aaBaBaaa Live Acaata Caa BaAe Sura. Quick Maaa The "MANNING" Kcro-gene-Oil, Gas-Producing rvsM Breedwa Mil RHRNFRi UUIHILJl I -i 1 BAarnrACTOTtzs r H. W. MANNING Lighting & Supply Co. S3 m ru sw an., wnrtiad. Or. Crown Flour, Unbleached Manufactured by Crown Mills, PORTLAND Golden Rod Cereals and Golden Rod Poultry Feed, Manufactured by Golden Rod Millingr Co., PORTLAND Willowcraft Furniture Company 86 Delay SU Bast 4080 XAvrrrACTUiEai ot nn Willow Furniture, Baskets, Hampers, Etc. Sold by All Good rural tar. Stores aa Ute Fadfle Coast South African WATER BAG A Boon to Automobile Users 111 mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmr SOUTH AFftlCAN WArre sao TO-MlaraHl n a ainn aa L J ALWAYS A COOL DRINK ON THE HOTTEST DAY Inquire at Your Dealers for Them Others Are Not as Reliable Made in Oregon Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co. PORTLAND, OR. v Is TUI AT VmLBNCB TM! M4PPV MOey DRIf 'SIMM IMBtmHB MINN Weinhard Makes It. eroccrs Stir it. Janitor Supplies GREATEST TABIETT IN PORTLAND floor and UaeMa Oils. swptas Oompooada, Wmt- Ulna aaa airrai r aUaa. Lion id fotlat Saaa. inslstretaata. Bos aad ftoach folaooa. Crescent Chemical Co. raahtartaa Stra Mala lie. A-14U P. SHARKEY & SON XVOVO IIAAW TKXOAX HORSE COLLARS Largest factory of its kind oa the aaciXie Coast. All Goods War. , ranted. ' Xast Oak aad Oaiea ATaaae. General Manufacturing The Finest Machine Shop on th Pacific Coast DIES AND TOOLS A SPECIALTY We take Liberty Bonds at 101 in payment for work Cob Machine Manufacturing Company 9S4 East 17th St. (Sell wood 100) Portland, Oregon VAN fiOETER'S BLEACHING SOAP It la BMds Is rorUaad. searsatsed aaa to lajara tee fliwac fakrlcs. ta. aaaat eaU eat. rotara. or lb. ksada. Baa asoaotlamal tlaa aalns eealltlM. aad a amaj waaa. Goaa fartbCT tbaa a4Br aoaaa. Order fress yoer dealer. MT. HOOD SOAP CO. 108-110 tovxvtm sr. m. W. H. M'Monies & Co. Makers ef Horse Cellars. Rasor Btrops. Auto Tires rebuilt and double treaded. yulcaniainf and repairing. We buy old auto tlraa. Gem Tatting Shuttle Winder 10c Bold st stl deDartmeat storts. ssoetat stoia j sad Ue stera. r or 10c sad roar dealer's ssste we'll smII oo. direct. Gem Winder Co., 101 6th St. a . ' . ft u f 0 v, it . V- t raon X4-V raetory 440-443 BTaaeoek tm Cor. 70. Ttm NON-SKID Rubber Heels OregonGroYVTiSeeds,Dahljas,Roses&Pereiiiiiafs Bits Uxe beet res alts. Wo kae tno tareest coQectioai of Danllas and pores tale ia tLe west. AH oar stock yaaraateeai true to ma. ortlanl, Oreson R. P. D. No. 1 Pkono Tabor 2683 GILL BROS. SEED CO.," WaaM it bo auk. ta. aLaaanra trlna oa) ara taklaa abaolatelr taanMa to eoald take as iaarssy raa tad ylsnnad Biiuoat a Ure treeale ec aa feiadl Xsat la abat moaai Sapfwa U ro aad i . UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER Tear nr woeld rf1e tbe Basse aa It yam mmt air. asd TI 0TXABABTZ1 uit. ta la reatp llres. THE rrXLEB TO XAST 1M.0M all ITS. Ke atoawy aatll joe aae aeUsflad. rliW s trial. FRO BB BAIT sal i DHITEESAL TIKE FILLER CO 441-C BAWTKOBXB ATTBTTB Right and lert sleel fUtee Meant 20, More Wear Wade in Portland. Ask (or Portland Non-Skids DR. D. W. KOLLE MAZEB MOST TEBTECT Eje Qass ,a2d pedicle Moaifiiigs A STRAIGHT TIP House clesnln liquids sre sruaran teed It bouabt Iron ua. Same as to rat and cockroach poisons. Coast Chemical Co. 133 Z. ttX art. Korrtsoa aad Alass. East 7080. Aax toux szalzs roa "BALMAID'' WAISTS THZT'BZ atAWE ZB TOBTXAsTS "KT0. CO Tsarta aad Ceeeh a- Bauu M4 Hood st. Boadar Wood law a till. i U A HAUAs tie aad ei. Portable 'Csa i a bouses. a i a- made Con st ruction Co. slain 117. erettlBaCa. Western Soda Works Uakars of toda Water. BarsaparlUa. 01aar Ale, Wat tarn farter aad Srrass 2M arxt it. rHOBi xaib mii A, J. TCCBKMICU. ITop. GRAPE BASKETS ? We sr. equipped te farnlsb. en abort eetles. larca eoDiltla of grip, baskets, la-eltear h Quart or 4 ssrt slssa er ss large as deslrad,- v PORTLAND BASKET r & HANDLE CO. Kafa WI Utl-tS Maesdaai ttrest Make sails; " W.-'oVArr'aad' -Was an Oererst Ceitaaaack, PACfflC TOT & AWNW6 CO. i strat aad Aakosr. YavUae Bdvr ISSI, A-lMt wiU set ! era I A aaoA. Ikau fas Bartiamlaja. 1M-I I .Wlteas Bids. 3Uia ail. ' HOT ABT9 COIVS GALVANIZING A new and up-to-the-minute plant lust ' Oold. SQTor aad sTlekol llat!BV Ice Cream and HUk Caos Re-tlnoed. California Plating Worki, ( , 1B Beeond, Street, at SaZmoa. - Leupold, Voe!pel& Co. atakavs at SCIENTIFIC lfOlKUMENTS Surveymf , Hydrof raphlc. Nautical 107 EAST 70 1 H ST. NORTH , TOBTLAS0. 0BO0 r ' t 1 1. Ready-Cut Houses MADK IS PORTLAND ' tmeeitu akywhkkii -Sam Connell Lumber Co. 35 str.ot.. Bfeas Bresdarar. Vbeao Breadsrar lis. FesUaad. Or, Snodgrais & Wyiiams. atafcers ef S. W, strTAXXIC WS BTB. tS mif aterUs.A- is aalsfUs asaaer , ciSuasaTTlalaia. ate. M JtawUsrse Ara. ft