THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND. SATURDAY, AUGUST IX. 1917. r.TAfi'S HEART FOUND UPON RIGHT SIDE OF BODY BY EXAMINERS (Twelve More Stores To Sell Ice Coupons tPMtol Xmwm Ureter Mumaom, tor City, Selects t3f fluM lasted om the But Sid of th SUVO. Twelve more Place bir Ice coo poo for small quantities of lee may be obtained ha been selected by Iran Uaffluoo, special Investigator FARMERS WARNED AGAINST A POSSIBLE tOSS IN HAY CROP Physical Oddity Declared toi;,'tt hS-tS? .,.?.,!BewarB of SponianeousCom- Have Been Discovered by " bustion, Subject of Appeal, a V A w rnysicians iviaKing lesi. not tha Bubmarine but tba mowlaj m chine wlU UU the tale nt version of Water Asked 6alm Or- Am. 11. The Eaat Side Land and Water company of Los Anj les. Cat. Friday mad appllcatioa U State Engineer Lewi for the diversion of til second feet of water from Deep and Twenty-Mile creeks in War ner Taller. Oregon, for the Irrigation of li.OOo acres In Surprise alley, California. The plan contemplates the reela OREGONIANS SEVERAL AT PRESIDIO SLATED TO BECOME OFFICERS SUCCESSFUL ONES NAMED AaMJtloaal Call WlU Be Wade to Oe- talm the Complete Qaote ! Prosa District, It Is Declared. pone may be purchased for It cents- The places are: Simmons st Hep pner. Ill Russell street; a K. Fisher, 77 Williams avenue; Russell Drug nnlnPn , , , company. Itt Union avenue north! DANGER IS POINTED OUT Nichols Drue company. 1149 Sandy I boulevard; Broadway Pharmacy, tlJI East Broadway; V. P. Lcacb, 74 East Broadway; Wallace Drue coro nation of 70.000 .acres m ceit Qualify at Training storing Nevada, Oregon and California : X i . ri said State I flmn ann W HfiPR Vfi Their Commissions Soon. waters in Cowhead lake,' Engineer Lewi. From StatP FrP Marsha! recent California legislature rium oiaiu nre ivid.oHdi. ( enlM;le. a tow pei7nittlnff reciprocation i n the granting of Interstate waters along the lines of the Oregon law." " Bend, Or, Aug. 11. To 'Deschutes county's quota for the first call on the draft of J7 men. the con scription board here ordered the noti fication of 110 more, whose exaralna .' Unas wlU begin August 14. Out of 74 ISea examined only 10 were acceptor .Pbralcally and have not filed claims ' tor exemption. They are declared qualified for service and are as fol low s: James A. Blackatone. Cheater Irvln Moore, Forrest H. Miller. Lyle M. 'lllchardson. Ralph J. Urland, John W. Garrison. Loren A. Campbell. Charles v K. Royer, Frank O. Oray and Lester Vaughn. . A physical oddliy declared by phy sicians to be roost rare was revoaled - today-wben the examination of Laurlrl Jiedlfer of Redmond showed th-t hU - heart Is on the right aide of his body ': Tho misplacement would have been passed over, but other reasons forced ' his rejection. Twenty-one claims for ' exemption have accumulated to dale. Planting of Winter i Potatoes Now Urged J San Francisco. Aug. 11. (I. N. S.) Plantlna- of winter potatoes in the back yards and vacant lots throughout ' the entire state is urged by the state . council of defense. In a bulletin sent - to the county councils of defense and various patriotic and agricultural or ganisations. The state council believes that the price of potatoes will skyrocket this - winter owing to the heavy demand for this necessary product by American troops and our all lea It Is pointed out that this is the proper time in which to plant winter potatoes. pany. Thirty-seventh street and Haw tLorne avenue; Laurelhurst pharm acy, 1111 Belmont street: J. C. Clark. complete East Burnside street; T. W. I eott. it: easi unsaa street; Schwsrts' Pharmacy, 128 Holtaday avenue; Church Pharmacy, Union avenue and Broadway. wetlAr of Xay Declared to Bo a X en ace; Conservattom of Supply a Preseat Tint Urged by Expert. Colleger Ar Fat ri otic Immigration Man Taken in Custody San Francisco. Cal. Aug. 11. (U. P.) Patrick J. Farally, employed at Angel Island as a United Stale im migration inspector, was taken lnt3 custody Friday by federal officers on suspicion of being a Germa-) agent. His arrest followed an al leged visit by Karally to Fort Me Dowell. where he is ssld to have offered a bribe to a United States army officer in return for certain Information regarding array move ments which would have proved val uable to an enemy. Sheriff Hikes Afar To Arrest Prisoner Dallas. Or.. Aug. 11. Deputy Sher iff T. B. Hooker made a trip to the most remote logging camp in Polk county Friday and arrested E. Ander son, a donkey engineer. Anderson Is under indictment In Washington county for a statutory crime. It was necessary for the officer to walk IS miles over mountain trails to secure his prisoner. Salm, Or., Aug. 11. Take extra pre cautions with the hay crop. Don't stack it where the air will not circu late through It and -thus subject it to! possible spontaneous combustion with loss by fire. Tnis is me subs tan ce of an appeal college: Marlon. Willamette unlver- belng sent by State Fire Marshal alty; Multnomah, Reed college; Linn, Harvey Wells to the country naner- nf Albany college; Folk. Monmouin nor the state, throush which it i. hnn.A , mal; Tamhlll, Pacific college to reach the farmers. The fire max- I McMlnnvlUe college. nil says: i San Francisco, Aug. 11. (I. N. S.) While names of those of the reservn officers' training carnD who are slated Salem. Or.. Adg. 11. -There are nine f commission, will not be officlallv universities nd collagee in Oregeu I .... and every county but one In which I announced until next Tuesday, it Is such a school lm located aupplied its I known that several Oregon boys are quota for th new national army by aiong the successful candidates voluntary enlistments, pointed out 15. Jud George N Davis of Portland F. Carleton. assistant superintendent will bo commissioned , an infantry of public Instruction. This is cited major, according to report. The same - m n tl ucrratlnn or ma DALriOLUDl ( n ' " - . .. . -f which is being taught. The counties "Oregon this year must use every Bootleggers Stntenred Dallas, Or., Aug. 11. "Red" Conner and I W. Watson, arrested at Black Hock for bootlegging, were sentenced to 0 days each in the county jail by Justice of the Peace R. W. Baker of Independence- effort within its power to conserve Its ! Jlllcd u 1uot hay crop. The destruction of our hay means less meat for the boys in France; higher prices for those at home. "How Is the hay In your barn T Is It 'sweating? If your system was clogged, if the pore couldn't cast off the waste material, a physician might aay you had a fever. "If your stack can't eliminate the waste material. If the vegetable matter that begins its fermentation in the field is out off from an adequate sup ply of air. preventing proper circula tion through the stack, your hay will be suffering from fever. Real 'hay fever." "It behooves every man to bear In mind that sweating hay produces spontaneous combustion. The chemi cal process which begins In the field continues in the stack. The hay in the center turns yellow and chars. The chsrred remains suck what little oxy gen there is from the stack. Kuln is the reward of reaping. "You who take the field by tilling the field remember this: Six feet from the bottom of the stack is the danger point. 'A stack or mow burned by spon taneous combustion is a challenge to your ability, an acknowledgement or your carelessness and neglect. 'Not the trenches but the furrows; I and Washington county, in which ia ! located Pacific university, has not I famous halfback of Harvard univer which have college ! ,tv- ... and which have filled their quota In kk-k. wen Known Muitno tho army are: Lane, Univeralty of man club member, will get a commls Oregon; Benton, Oregon Agricultural 'on as captain and the two sons of I and William Burgard, are also among I' the lucky ones. The former will be a first lieutenant and his brother will be a second lieutenant. ( Approvals Save Been Secelved I Approvals for commissions -for the 1500 students still In the first offi I cera reserve training csmp have been J received by Colonel F. W. Sladen. The commissions win oecome euecuve on August 15. Colonel Sladen has been notified that the war department re serves the right to recall or cancel for cause. Forty-five men from each of the ten companies and three batteries are to be ordered into active service at American Lak almost immediately. The remainder will get a brief offi cers' leave to return home until they are called out. One of those slated for a majorship Is Dean David P. Barrows of the Uni veralty of California, who has quali fied for the cavalry, dismounted. Prominent San Franciscans aTamed Others besides Judge Davis who have qualified as infantry majors are Henry G. Breckinridge, former asalat- ant secretary of war; Attorney uen L. Cadwalder and Charles M. Dodd. well known Pan Franciscans. Thomas A. Driscoll, director of the Hibernla bank, and Erlck Kobbe, son of Brigadier Qeneral Kobbe of Pasa dena, will be captain of cavalry. Jeaso C. Colman, San Francisco merchant. ill be captain of infantry, as wiii Joseph Rosener of San Francisco. Among the lieutenants or iniantry 111 be Benjamin Webb Wheeler, aon of Benjamin Ide Wheeler, presiaent IfooYer's Plan Opposed Salem. Or.. Aug. 11. At the confer ence of northwestern governors to be held in Portland Saturday, Governor Withycombe will urge the governors to go on record In opposition to Her bert C. Hoover's announced tentative plan of keeping off the market during th period of the war all calves and lambs. Mr. Hoover says this should be done as a food conservation measure. Governor Withycombe takes the po sition that it will be economy to mar ket in the fall the spring lambs and that it would be foolish to force dairy men to feed to maturity the ateer calves in their herds. e High Corn Prices to Make Meats Costly Beeves On Boof Briar 9X4-35 Pe XoAdred ana Text Beaches SIMS Potatoes TJp, nut Drop Xg forecast Chicago, Aug. 11. (U. P.) Beef and pork will continue high as Ions a the, farmer can get $2 or more i bushel for his corn, according to Chi' cago wholesale and retail dealers. Beeves on the hoof sold at $14.35 a hundred pounds, a record established yesterday, while pork sold at fit. 95. 25 cents higher than Thursday's record price. Pork is SO cents a pound retail and beef S5. Lamb is high, due to homesteadlng in sheep grazing sections cutting down acreage. Potatoes were higher than they have been in weeks. The Virginia variety, comprising the bulk of receipts here now. sold at 15.60 to $5.75 q, barrel. Ultimately prices are due -for a tum ble, however, commission men de clared. Files in the district attorney's office here are said to show that a Cali fornia concern controls more than half of the canned fruit on the market and that prices have gone up 100 per cent In the last year. Tomatoes and cantaloupes are glut ting the market and are cheap. WOMAN ACCUSED OF ANTI-DRAFT ACTIVITY SURRENDERS HERSELF New Agent Wanted Salem. Or., Aug. lL The public ser vice commission has received a peti tion from 144 persons at Garibaldi asking for an order requiring the Southern Pacific to maintain an agent at the depot at that place. John Day Draft On John Day, Or, Aug. 11. Fourteen men were examined for th draft Fri day. Four claimed exemption, five were turned down for physical ditfa- bllltiea and 'five were passed. Man Given TJp for Dead Is Home Again Hanford. Cal.. Aug. 11. (U. P.) Walter Wheeler Hardwick, heir to an Indiana estate, who disappeared In the high 8ierras July 19, and who had been given up for dead, staggered into a camp in Giant Forest early today ex hausted and in tatters. For nearly three weeks he had been wandering aimlessly in the mountain wilds, liv ing on wild fruits and berries and on such game as he coold kill. His first request after his hunger had been satisfied was for a chew of tobacco. He declared that he found an aban doned cow camp in the wilds, with bones of what appeared to be a human skeleton scattered about. of the University of California, and Edward Valentine, well known Berke ley man. James C. Ray, Berkeley civil engi neer, will be commissioned a captain in the quartermaster department. Stanley Richardson, former Univer sity of California football star, will be a captain of field artillery. Lawrence Fox, Yale football star, will be a lieutenant in the same serv ice, and Leonard C. Hammond, who has already been on the French front, will be a captain of infantry. Twelve Persons Have Been "Arrested in San Francisco; Hotels Being Investigated. San Francisco, Aug". 11. (I. N. S.) While a corps of secret operatives was rushing to the city hall Friday to begin a sweeping Investigation of charges of perjury in exemption af fidavits, Mrs. Margaret Malloy KraU3 of San Mateo surrendered herself to the federal authorities on a govern roent warrant charging conspiracy to resist the operation of the selective draft. v On elmilar warrants. Thomas G- Hawley. state secretary of the So cialist party, and E. A. Benedict realty broker, were arrested In Lodl by Deputy United States Marshal Otis R. Bohn and are being brought to this city for arraignment. The last of the 12 persons accused in federal warrants were arrested this afternoon. The secret service men began their probe of perjury charges In the ex emption affidavits on instructions of Don Rathbun, special agent of the United States department of Justice. The situation was brought to Rath bun's attention officially by Thomas S. Mulvey, secretary of the county council of defense. Two San Francisco hotels are under investigation. The authorities have been notified that guests of these places were overheard making treas onable utterances. Foreign Trade in Breadstuffs Grows Washington, Aug. 11. (I. N. 8.) The foreign trade in breadstuffs in the United States during June was almost treble that of June, 1918. it was an nounced by the department of com merce this afternoon, the total reach ing $73,442,447, against 126,823,243 a year ago. For the fiscal year ending in June, the total exports of the United States totalled $1,719,618,415, against $1,241,766,684 for the previous year. , In June, the exports of mea?t and dairy products reached $34,801,839, against $2.1.933.409 in June, 1916. Cot ton exported was valued at $27,54 6. 861, against $37,504,120 in June, 1916. Forest Fire Victim Lived at Shelton Dan xaroqno Bad Been oa Payroll of Oregon bomber Company as Xoeert Owens f Property Xtosi 910,000. Hood River. Or., Aug. 11. -Dan La roque, engineer, entrapped by the forest fire and burned to death Tues day, and who was on the payroll "of the Oregon Lumber company under the name of Robert Owens, waa a resident of Shelton, Wash., where his mother resides. Correspondence in tho hands of the coroner indicate that Laroque changed his name to escape being located by I. VV. W. A letter from his mother pleaded with her son to return home and join the army. The estimated damage to the Ore gon Lumber company as a result of the fire in loss of the engine, bridges, cars, etc., is $10,000. Portland Man Given Place at Palo Alto Expert Accountant to Xave Charge of Book at Encampment Where Oregon Troops Will Drill. c Camp Lewis, Wash., Aug. 11. W, D. Whitcomb of rortland, first sergeant of field hospital. Company B. organ ized lh Portland and In active service training here, has boon appointed field auditor to have charge of the construc tion of tho military cantonment at Palo Alto, Cal. He has been granted an initial leave of 30 days from his company, and will leave for California at once, lie was In civil life, to which he now returns temporarily, a member of the firm of Whitfield, Whitcomb & Co.. chartered public accountants of Portland, Seat tle, Spokane and Tacoma. His firm is performing similar service In connec tion with construction of the Ameri can Lake cantonment. LW.W, Headquarters At Oakland Raided Oakland, Cal.. Aug. 11. (I. N. S.) I. W. W. headquarters In Oakland were demolished Friday evening by a mob consisting of 600 soldiers of Batteries B and D, Coast Artillery, national guard and civilian sympathizers. The soldiers were from the Presidio and went to Oakland to avenge an insult to one of them. They were joined by an ever increasing army of civilians. . When those In chargj of the I. W. W. headquarters saw the crowd they locked the doors and fled out the back way. FIRM'S BUSINESS IS NOW FOUR TIMES WHAT IT WAS ONE YEAR AGO MANUFACTURERS' DintCTORV Peikmlog Is aa alphabetical directory of all SCvertlarra oa !MM tw Dice. All are mas af actor r of tb artleiee nieot iooed. and set . aairily Oalera la aad arllera of ttie g-oods aa4 . wares. Taelr srodurttooa win be round I eaai f aa te b had. and ahouM hat the - scteotiaa of Portlaad a ad Of b'ijr: Armtront ajaekiserr Cav.. H Tbnrmao at. Sjaaafartorera ( ice asacainarj and refrjgar- )? plaota Applegath. C. O. 1. P. Rammello Boo). BBaaufartarer ef far farwnta. sd and Waab. Aate Top Co.. aiaaaiaeturer or autv topa, r- - frarildrr ul astoa, six a class garage. 11th asd - Harsaidw ata. . America a Brease h Braae Works, worker In copper, braaa, aiajajlatua. etc SAO t'pabor at. - Adriaa .Nackwvar Co., saaaafaetarera of aeck Ua. ftoodnoufh bldf . Arrow t'eiucat Laundry Tray Co., eemeat laamlTT traja, 54 t. loth at. Urfttoa A Cleie (Portland alaeklnery Co.). Boaters of drag aawa, 62 lat at. Ball Uaaaf altering Co.. dm kefs ef women" ! elaaa walata. N. E. cor. 4ta and Couch. ' ltrgaaaa Sboe Co.. manufacturers of men'a Sad auja' abora. 031 Tbanuan at. Weatararta Irwin Auio Worka aeto topa. . rebuilding and repairing. 2d and Taylor iti. CTaecaat Cbeojlcai Co.. Janitors' eup plica. 524 Waaalagtoa at. Ooopor I baa, military and dvtl talk. Boyal bMf .. Uorrlaoa and Broadway. . Cryatal Spriaga rtolaulag Worka. weal bata. SMttrtaans. I Si loth at. Carman Mfg. Co.. faralrara manufacturer 1214 Macadam mad. Ouasel Lombrr Co.. Sam. ready cat booses, 34 Aakaay at. Columbian Carbon Paper Co.. manufacturer Of earboa paper, K. 334 md Broadway. Ceaet Chemical Co jaaitor'a asppllea. 133 X. tb at. - Cloaaet at On., eaffeo maater. wholesale cof fees and lea. 12 12th al. N. California Plating Worka. gold, allrer and . aletel plating. 2)1 id at. Carter. 1 L.. manufacturer ef ha ad concrete .Hera, 1163 Uoore it. Ooalter Co.. manufacturer Ttnlloa. rait art, . Pank, akalelea. La 6b bid.. XS7 Waah. . Coia Machine Mfg. Co.. manufacturer! ef praaa. copper, atcei and Iroa products, 0S4 17th at. Dvauae, naetd U.. manufacturer of paints. - jeth at. aad Sherlock ate. Datable Booting Co.. anker ef highest grades rooflag paper. Kenton etatlon. Portland. . Darla-aeott Beltiug Co.. laather belting nit ' era. S4O-2O0 Hawtbern at. Doerabecher Mfg. Co.. furnltare aanafactur era. K. Sftth at. and O-W. R. a . track Portlaad Ualeaaislag Work, gaitanlalng. , tSd at. N. and Reed at. Kaaatel Hake Oreaa. auto aad "other enamel ing. t04 Burma toe at. rtelachaver. Mayer A Co., manufacturer of Overalls and am' work ahlrta. TOT A ah at. GUI Bn. Seed Co.. dahlias aad aaed, rout J. rortland. Or. Ceaa Wis oer Co.. tatting abottle wind era, 101 eth St. Graedma Ooofcle Co . wholesale cookie bak . era, JO-4 K. Stark at. Ooidsarod Milling Co.. sssnaraerarers ef floor, health foods, poultry food. AM Oak at. Hearts ice Marniae worn, ice macalaea and fefr t(er ting plants. 1T4 B. Water at. Heane-Martia live work, foundry aad ma .else worka. 4S4 kelmoat at. Uaaawe Mfg. Co.. ammoala aad lloaid bluing. , 3IS Powell alley road. . t Hewer t'sdea Iroa Worka, foundry aad . vacate worka. 23d at. N. . Hlraeh-Wcis M.g. Co.. overalls, work abtrts Water proof clothing, teats, etc.. sfa Bamako. ladepeadeat Cracker C . crackers, coofee tlsaw, etc.. 4J0 K. Iaets at. , Iadeoeedeat roandry Co.. foundry, 743 York. J areas, lac., aaoe'a ahlrta te order. 327 k Waah. iaaee Bros. e Co.. logaabam ioles, apple Cider. in far. 4 AlMaa are. Jooat. Kdward T Wilholt Springs mineral Water. Labbe hidg 237 H Wash. at. Kortnek Reastdr Cex. atoek asd poultry r l ia edtas, Derby at. aad Colombia bled. 'J.J. K adder It, kLsddwri furnace. ISO lat at. Keet. Tbos. mea ahlrta te order. Sl asaelrer hJ!g.. 4th and Wash. at. Knight i arklog Co.. Dickies, fralt Jaioaa. Cider, vtsegar. etc.. 474 t. Aider at. telle. Ir. D. Isrprvred opUrsJ nose adore. 706 Wllrox bldg. . Lsateroi. H. 1. Behwaabarg. piaao aad fumi- fare panes, eaio weoosrors - Lroea. Geo. hire. BehVsl'a egg noodles. S9 B. I ts st. . Leopold dt Torlpet. manufacturers sctentifle IBSinaaasirs, ivi a. ivu ai. MeMoaloo, W. It. Oa., hsrsa eallara, ante tires, etc., w laarors at. Btiuaaaew a. oaiainictioa lol. reony Bent gar. ages. sic.. nooei aw. Moo tana Aassy Offies, nm B Sd at. Meant none eosp t, laaaary ass rrna totJet JOURNAL ADVERTISING Whole Grain Products Wheat Meil. Oat Meal. Cora Meal. Rye Meal, ground fin or coareo. Old Fashion Milling Co., Ml Holladay A re. Xast I7tft. C-1141. Old Autos Made New Id appearance by enam eling Hood aad fee. dera 11 ks do at Factory J. C. WARNOCK Xaamal Bake Ovoaa, hed Buraaid at 14th. Mala 134. A 34. WUl make your Car look like new--also your piaao and fuirxiture. Phone Sellwooel 55 for SAMPLE. HAS BROUGHT RESULTS TO PORTLAND FACTORY Hundreds of Letters Come m Response to Requests fo Willows for Furniture. When you boy an AUOW CZXZ2TT Steel Reinforced Laundry Tray Ton hare t that nerer will crack. Tta la OUABAlTTXEDr AllOW CXJtlhT L. T. CO.. C64 ot Tooth. Sellwood 1230. Autos, Hearses Trucks Largeet Rebsjlldlaf. Rena'lfing asd Rcflnlshlng plant n Oregon. DtsuiDators ef G. M. C. TRUCKS faeoad aad Taylor Its. KORLNEK REMEDY CO. Xlanutactursrs of Veterinary Medicines adapted for diseases of horses, cat tle, sheep, poultry and pel in'T11 Compounded ty graduates of the tbrciuoai Veterinary bcuoola. Dtrhy Keatos aad Oolombla BotUerard, Btatlom. rortlaad. Oregoa. htam Ufa. 4Mi Carter's Concrete Mixer OPERATED BT IIAJID ae flee men'a work and nay I I CAR TIB. Pstsatoo. 11U Moors St. PAPER BOXES! Tn old reliable factory, third floor. 241-243 Stark between 2d and 3d. a alwaya at your service with beat to be had at booeat pruea. OKtaUON PAPER BOX FACTORY f. DIELCHXr.IDKR. Prop. The Bergmann Custom BCaae Webfoot Saee for the Busxsrrss. BThtxsTCavm. wtt- BVOAX OB rOiaCXMLaVM. Awarded Oold Modal T. T. X. W. llg leaps. 174) GUsas st. . h'-sitnatnah Trvak Oo, tresis aad hag, salt, eesre, dd B- Water St. Korthsrast Lead and, Michtaary Cav, load pe.. load. was, etat. maohiasry iwssirtag, 114 rye. aad Orseoa Paper. Bos F artarr. . irne. 24a stars h. Old Paahaaaod Milling Oa., wheat; eeta. Maui ruin, zes trssny - Oracea Brass worka ahtnaiaaam. 3A and Brarott sts. Oregoa Dour Cw doors, aash. ete feet Spo kane eve,. - Oregoa Chair Ck. rhatrs. tlt Maeadam rd- Pordha Base., garbage- cssa, airtight stores. (Iianstbie caanplbg atoess. lmt taasa see. rsruaaw Aoto ua (A sttinalec. 8 id Alder at. Pacific I fee) Worka. fo ea. aaacetatats. tflsrsvihaed a Jdezt rage) Paints That Stick No better oo earth and -nad la Part la ad. Direct from factory. DATZD hC ith St. Sherlock Ar. AXBTT CO, Bd y SOS. A-UU Have you tasted KNIGHT'S NEW Rogue River CATSUP? It is delicious. Ask your Grocer. KNIGHT PACKING CO. Portland, Oregon Montana Assay Office eoLo. rLATurcM abo iiniii AsMiars. aaaeltora. Ueflawrs asd ataters of wold, PMtlssaa. ailesr. U)gh Grass Ursa. Jew. oarrs awoeptsgs. roto cUiear. ail tr a las. atta. Prodseera oX Lwatsl aad Jewsiara" sad a Stlrsr Fist xock. Wars soeaara, Chlsrtdoa. h) trates and Bds s4reaglh Alaag. S4-as-M ad at. MarahsU 271. CLOSSET & CO. Roasters and Jobbers of corrxxs. txaa, kficss, ix TsVAOTB, BTQ. lbs 12t st, reruaad. Oracom. I rheae Broadway 44. 1 A Home for Autos CAST THIRD AJTD BUTINSIDI We Care for 'Em Like a Mother Floe Gar re Splendid Machine Shop WTT.r.A MXTTB OAS EBQUTB B MACK IRE WORKS.') J A. Weaker. Pros. East Wl "Our business has more than trebled Is four times as great as when, al most a year ago, we Inserted our lltti Inch and a half ad on the Industrial I page or' Tne Journal," says Jamee L. JOulley of the Thayer. Shaver & Oulley company, 193 East water street. "And more than thle." Mr. Oulley added, "from all our other advertls irvg we haVe received but meager re sults. But The Journal has certainly paid us," and he said this with an emphsjeis tho earnestness Of which was unmistakeacle. Xaadreda Bead X. otters A few weeks ago It was announced tn these oolumns that the Wlllowcraft Furniture company was in the market for all willows offered at S to 10 cents a pound. "Say, we had about 400 letters In relation to that announcement." said C. ' H. Brlstow, secretary treasurer of the company, all of which chows that the people generally read those paxes carefully." Similar expressions come from nu merous concema which have their cards among the manufacturers, and so sensible has the feature appeared to others that it Is being taken up by the manufacturers In many of the larger cities both east and west. One of the principal parts of the Thayer, Shaver & Oulley Machine worka bu sines- consists of changing automobiles over Into trucks, at small expense. For example, a one ton Ford truck is produced at a cost of ilTO: m tons, $420; two tons, 1470; their client, of course, furnishing th auto. Many second hand machines are, therefore, changed into valuable trucks, and the expense Is trifling. The scune may be said of Cadillacs, Chalmers. Buicka. E. M. F.. Over land, or almost any. other machine. Tracks Supplied Man Plrma Among the more than 1000 automo biles thus remodeled, may be men tioned those done at the Instance of the 8t Johns Ice company, Star Ice A Coal company. Mt Hood Ice Cream company. Crystal Ice company, Oaas by & 8 on a, W. O. McPherson company. Church ley Bros., the Savlnar company, etc. Several paxes of the company's register are filled with names of par ties using trucks of this character, with the result that the Thayer. Shaver & Gulley concern Is "driven to death" to keep up with orders on Its books. Honolulu Order Is Filled in Portland The Lutke Manufacturing company Is at this time fabricating a com- outfit nf interior fixings for B. F. Ehlers & Co., the largest depart- ment store in Honolulu, tar. owm- dells, sales manager for the Lutke ; company, says 11 win compere isvui TKX THRIFT FOOD That ia- mad nnder most asitary condition la a aoaahino factory. ask rom THZ BJEO LASIX PACKAOB ably with anything of the kind in the United States. The local racvory aisu is manufacturing an 118.000 equip ment for the T. W. Mathers 4 Co. ae- . a.AVA PaaarfAna a CO n - uai uncut j - . . . . jC..f m-4k hsttH 1 iraci secured 111 tuiujreu""" Phoas Marshall 8233. 'hbsJEdKent Portlaad. Oregoa, MADE TO ORDER Finest Imported Fabrics Soon 515 Ifaeleay Bldr 4th aad Washington Sts.. DRAG SAWS Cuts cord of wood In 15 to 20 minutes. Economical: weight 265; cuts timber to 6 reet. Send for circular. Portland Machinery Co. SS rX-ST ST. Fhoae laala 197 r coast and eastern houses. Industiial Notes It was a great week for the Port land Stove works. Buyers piled up orders until the management Is scratching- Itself with a Mongolian scratcher and wondering hor It ever can fill them. ess And they even bought the David M. Dunne Paint company almost out. Its workers will have to burn the mid night oil for a few weeks now. s s s The Portland Auto Lamp company Is going Into It big. This Is a brass and copper spinning enterprise, ana the shipbuilding industry Is calling for great deal of stuff in its line. s s The Orandma Cookie company say a. "Avoid the high cost of living by eating cookies. They are the most palatable food on earth." And If one could only see how cleanly they are made, and the excellence of the mate rial going Into them, he'd never want to eat anything else. PacificIronWorks Structural Steel and Iron f oi Buildings and Bridges We carry In stock a complete line of Beams. Angles. Channels, Tees and Mill Plate. PORTLAND, OREGON Ask Your Dealer for FAMOUS Doernbecher Furniture Made in Portland Portland Stove Works MANUFACTURERS OF axan obadb. Stoves and Range3 A8X TOUB OHAX.EB. OEDEH YOUR KADDZXX.Y FURNACE Now; and we can glee It beat attention., fxia't wait until the cold of Winter. We make tbeia of steel and boiler rlrst tliem. WUl last tut decades. J. J Kadderly ISO TIB ST ST. XAIB Mi. Wool BalS"J Mattresses AIT BIBB AS9 WHOlfT. Bit Direct Press SfaatU sctnrer. BlaaAeta. BCattreeeee a a 41 Peataers) BVonowatod. We do Castona CareUag. CrjsteU Sprinjs firidinx Worb 1SS llth. Ba Aide. PBaaax Mala SC74 HANSEN MFG. CO. dSlS Powell Tails aW wuvis auinif svarx ise season sauy. sar yeu aasaj bstko OBXbV PETTIT FEATHER & BEDDING CO. SIS sT. XSTX ST. POBTXAJTD. OB. aoaaof aetorexs ef OoaaforV. aaumoi .. Pillows spread BCattreas, see thesa. Ask peax ae&iea FBQBB XLABT STS for hi eft sat Tad tyse writer and PeoclL CARBON PAPERS Hesse -Martin Iron Works Corner. East 7th and Belmont Sts. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS Elevating, Conveying, Screening tnd Transmission Machinery Contractors' Equipment snd Saw Mill Machinery PACIFIC COAST PRODUCTS FOR PACIFIC COAST INDUSTRIES r ICE MACHINES Prom the oalp complete fact ery ta the satire) BTorthweet. ARMSTRONG'S IVIcIntosln &l Kelztialb, ttLIVorJZ. Blade la Pwstlaavd aad . j. THE VAUGHAN KuTd1 471 EAST MAIN STREET Builds and repairs all' kinds of machinery. Makes Vauphan's Celebrated DRAG SAWS, produces FINE GREY AND SEMI-STEEL CASTINGS OtT SPXCZAXXZBB OAS ESTQrsnB O-rrrBTSBBS. PTSTOB'B sUTS PABTB AXXa B3BTB OP COBSO WOBJL Leonard Schad. Foundry Superintendent. - Phone East 71 B It Is fine to hare wtmld be if w could tell those boyers that the roods we are sailing are all made ritUt here and ara guaranteed to be Joat as represented and good as the best. Aa these merchant represent the producers of the vsrlMis parts of this and joining states, they would be pleased to bur borne made goods, know Ins: that psT-roUa mesne customer for them. (ErtaA. Practical Tailor (Soopdu & San S04 Boyal Bldg. Thayer, Shaver Gulley Machine Co. General Machinists and Builders of "EVER-READY" TRUCK ATTACHMENTS for all makes of cars. l.toa attacaineat , lto& attachment g.toa attachunaat . ..8340 419 Phone Xast 737. 193 XL. Water St. OREGON BRASS WORKS, iac: BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Bronse. Brass. Copper. Aluminum and Composition Castings, Finishing. Pol ishing and PlatingSash Bars and Brass Kalllnga. Second and Everett Sts Portlaad. Oa. Fbooat: Broadway M7I, A-tl7S. aaa aaW""?; y eeaaa G smS&M P A ZTml O D V 1"C T V . J K Pacific STONEWARE Co. J JACOBS SHIRT CO. SHIRTS TO ORDER 837 44 Washington St., Cor. BltB Northwest Bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Haln 1S47 Ait BUmda ot aepalxlag. THE AUTO TOP CO., 11TH ABD BUBNIIDB MAKES OLD AUTOS NEW Only higheat elaaa of work dose or solicited. si. "cheap aiuii w est. Pbsae for particulars. Bala SIS. BEIL 3. MclZAJT. BOB. far real Wasleat lavtraatrats. Bads te be the best, rather tbaa te sell. Visit tka Csalte Cs.' riddle Shop. TioUa. ilandolia. SsiUr. I Ssaje. Ukalala. Ill to (Ik 1ASBE BLOC.. ' OTH WASJUBOTUJi SX.. fonlaad. Otsares. BAJtUPACTUBfBS OP C BOOXCBS. Ajrs Portland, Oregu. ' hit nf trsvm wBtri" PENINSULA IR0I. WORKS oundera. Mawiiiats. Pattern makers. "Peninsula" Gray Iron bcml-riieei t.asungs swr firpcaea. iraiunuaaivB atuu epecisu Lachinery. UU. Jdarine and Uen oral P.epair Work, paoae oou Ola 14. MS. -okas. Portlaad, Or. ASK YOUR DEALER Te Show oe Our Uattresse "Superior Quality" . PBITEO BtATTBESS PAD CO.. w'holsasls Bsjasiaotaxers Independent Foundry Company rortlaad, Oregoa. QBXT XXOB AJTX WMOX-VtXXU CASTINGS Grsatly Ealarged Bsw Zo.uinmsa4 XArgsr Capital Am. Bronze & Brass Works Mt UFSHUft STBKXT. Kad qaleklr to order, caaUug of eoravMav rial bras, aiachlnsry red braas, dipping metal. . alloyed aluminum, proaphor. .aluminum sad Busslsa faruDss of any ethar eastluaa Writs for aetleolsra. Ice Machines Aad . all kinds ef refrigerating work' Pips betiding and coils made Harris Ice Machine Works 17-17 EAST WiXIJ ST. MACB1BB SHOP, Bawcasrae Ara. d Thud St. fbsasa, aaat S, B-llil. rOTJJiCaif aad XATlt&M UUOt, Vtulm Are. aad ast Stoeaas Bb fheaas. East 14. hvllsi. Phoenix Iron Works BwUI rOBTLABD. OHEOOB. rsaadsra, MaohlaiSto aad Boiler Basera. Bafld. wc aad Suuotural Weiaw Bepstr Wats rrssiat Atteeti.a. SAOa IB OBXCrOV." PORTLAND BOLT & MFG. CO. Xoda, Bolts. Upset Buds. Diss aad Pergloge BaUdiag iea t all kinds. J. li, LLEWELLYN. Mgr. SOt 13th St. M.. Portlaad. CARMAN'S GUARANTEED FURNITURE Of ail Ocsiora. Mad ia fsrttaad.. . 9. Boost I.M. BeCaalsy RELIANCE Wire & Iron Works alaasfacinrer ef all glads ef . wTBS AJTD IBOB WOBX BAUATBOS APB JZBCB. Ora.tssaUl Iroa Work, Spark Oaarda, Bts. B. ltth aad Plaaders. Paeae Bast IMA WB SATS BCOTXn, Western Tool and Die Works ANIJV VR1TZ. PROP. ; Idanuacturers of : Sheet ZCetal aimpttB' ' HOW A! THUS iVD OXtXSAJt ITS. Tela. Broadway 37 SS, ..3837. Portland Galvanizing Works. 83d aaa Steed Streets. - "WE SCABS JX BVIT PBOOP." ' BULBTUr saElsgB, ataaager. Kai twos'