THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; -AUGUST 5, ' 1917. AIArrTMEXTS 4.1 FURXISHED AND UXFUItXISHED (Coatiined) ! FOB SALE HOUSES 01 I (Ooatlaned) ; DO ycm want a. home and ret a bar gain? I am th owner of the follow , rir described hom, that, for a, quick . ale. I will sell at a sacrif Ice, cash or i term; 8 room cor. East 80th and Tamhill; large roomj and furnace; modern con i vanlences; fully furnished, all for i $3000. 2 room East 71th. near Rom City . cartlne; furnlahed; all for $0D. I 6 rooms at 1291 Glenn ave.; among I the trees; end of Aberta carl Ins; ele- ' Sant rm m . 1 I mwlpn vnl0nc ! for 13000. i 3 room, oor. 43d and Hancock. Can NEW IRVINGTON APTS. a v.j . ..-,. i.i, ' nmras, cor. iia ana Monooca. cat all ouT.Td ?ntf m,U, F.e?t 4422 and cow; a quiet neigh all outside corner apts. Mir. Fast 4f2Z. lborhooo. cbeap at $900; loin a mompson The Cromwell Ith an1 Columbia sts. Fire roln. walk to Meier Frank's ; r",rr ore; good surroundings; strictly mod. j 'on axe--and t room fur. apartments, all out- I ac 01 ' FOR SALE BOUSES - Ooatlaaed ) 01 4 rooms: new house: 6 lots: on East 85th, 2 blocks south of Mt. Tabor car una; cheep at 11200 4 rooms on Bast 84th street near Hawthorne. 1600 6 rooms on Buffalo ntr-et. near Un terrain at 81800- See owne Worrmlfr building Prospectitve Home Purchasers tore 2 aide, with French duors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT Lucretia Court Lucretla at, bet. Wash, and Everett Today we are not going to advertise ts. . Host beautifully located high ! any particular but we want to ciass apts.. Z-3-4-5 rooms, ai. mmum say t0 you that we have a very larK conveniences, first class service- Prices ; listing of homes that for various rea reasonable. References required. Man- t sons can be bought far below their tT, Marshall 111, . true value. They are of all deacrlp- . : I Hons from a little two-room home to FOK KENT FLATS 13 1 tna finest home In the city, and the . ..... , - - .terms are so easy that It Is a shame 4 BOOM flat. 1.8. 6 room house, $10. for anyone to be paying rent. Come Watea, garbage, large yard, formation call Tabor 2S. For In.- ! to our office, tell us the kind of ' home you desire, what terms you want fnAi.-;. i it i.i.. ,.ih ana we win snow you tne ones most ey nd virr-i,,n kov nnnr 471 SiiLh likely to meet your requiremnu. We rhoVVliwo llT " , 3T -. nyon. a home they or Dh iiOLKH.V clean 9 room flat SIS Cornell st off 23d and WasrOngton. Main 1839. 3 RcOM modern upper -fiat, sleeping tt win not re satisiiea witn. Come porch. Kiu, hot water he ran g. 11 noleu m. 251 E. 2d iter, gas it.. X. THREE nicely furnisned rooms for $ and care of my home while I'm away. Tailor 445. LoWER llat, private residence, rooms furnished, modern conven iences, ref, exchanged. 541 Sixth. COZY 4 room flats, 2d and Hancock; fireplace, totalis. Marshall 2432. 5 ROOM lower llat. Rent $12. with water. 753 Cortett st. FOK KENT 5 room modern upper flat, 56" Belmont st. Main 831, MODERN 6 room fiat, if. Main 1962. i HUi and Hall The Oregon Home Buildes 1330 Northwestern Rank Building. $1900 6 RM. MOD. RES. SI 900 All the up-to-date feaures: roost beautiful home; east front, 68x 100 lot; fruit, shrubbery. etc. ; built 8 yrs. at cost of $3500. Owner In tight place; must sac rifice Only $100 st. ltens: 1 blk. K. Glisan car; terms; photo In office. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg FURNISHED FLATS TWO 3 room upper and lower flats, furnishe1, absolute.y clean: airy lifc-nt rooms, convenient to mills and foundries. 424 24th N'., opposite base ball park. Kent 110 and Call Iji Vaughn. 1'hone Marshall 3b7u. J. J. Mannlon, 3(17 29th st. N. LEAVING city, lease eifcK-ntly fur niehed modern home, overlooking river, piano, large lawn, flowera, good lelghborhood. walking distance. tit A BBAUTIFl'L HOME $4000 sacrifice; $5000 will buy one or the nicest homes on the west slat. 23d near Glisan st. S1200 will hand!; I bal. 5" pr cent long time. Ownt-rs are goinjr eat and have to sell. This is the host buy In the city. Th'-s hone has all modern conveniences and 16 strictly up to date. Call at our offices . and we will be glaad to show this beautliul home: (Bender) G. S. SMITH & CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. neigh COMPLETELY furnished, modern. 6 i room.i, hot and oold water and j phone. Tabor 2515. ' 4 ROOM fiat, new'.y furnlahed and ! tinted, sleeping porch, bath: rent $14. j Including war. Tabor 6690. S14 NEWLY clf-ancd. furnished 6 room upper flat. E. 12tii and Mill. East 1206. I FLIIMSMKD llat. $10 per raunth. 621 11th st. S. Fi'RNISHEL 4 room flat. 26 Cock av. HOTELS $25 LMjWN. $10 MOTTHLT. All of the following can be pur chased on these terms: 3 rma, Woodstock. $425. 3 rmi., Woodstock. $760. 4 rms.. Sellwood, S60. 5 rms.. paved at., Montavlila. $960. 1 rms., Gregory Heights, $50. 4 rms., Gregory Heights, $665. 5 rms.. Reed college. $476. 4 rms.. Lent. 1650. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 73-' Chamber of Commerce. FOK SALE Only 11800: new 7 room bungalow. sleeping porch. Dtch kitchen; plumbing and wiring done but no fixtures In: phone, large wood- r i shed, garage, chicken house; 1 acres; 25 bearing fruit trees, berries; only 3 . blocks from city limits of Albany, Or. i urao ims u you want a oargain. win In th Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping art- r O Sh.iZ i SLK .vi' nta. Single room. SI. 76 per week RrJf ? SP. Snelvi. 3S46 Banks ave.. SPECIAL HOC8E BARGAINS RITTER, LOWE tc CO., 207 Board Of Trad Bldg. $1750 4 room house, fall basement, 1 block from Kenton car. 2 blKs from school; easy terms. 1554 Alary land are. $2200 $ room modern bungalow, room for more In attic; sleeping porch, fireplace, built-in con veniences: several large cherry trees. 3419 57th st. S. . $2450 S room modern bungalow, fire place, built-in conveniences, near Franklin high on East 6 2d St.. ?2750 7 room house. 100x100 corner lot, a big bargain at the price. zzd and .Cast Irving. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. 8 ROOM bouse, large bleeping porch. modern. 4 blocka from Uecd college, 1 block from Eaatmoreland car Will be sold for 25 per cent less than it can De duplicated rcr today. i nis is splendid home for a laige lamlly, is well built with high class environ ments. i rooms and sleeping porch, recep tion hall, large modern bath, full ce ment ba3ement. corner lot AuxlDO. coo a lawn, lots of roses, garage, fine neighborhood, paved streets, in West moreland addition, close to Reed col lege and c&rline. Price $4fi00; $2100 payable at S30 month; J250J can re main on mortrage, A house that will please you. CalL us at once for ap pointment. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark Pta. $2650 VERY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW Cost owner S3 800 4 yrs ago. Furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors; o large airy rooms, attic, cement basement; very complete; 15 minutes' ride. 31st and Has salo. adjoining Laurelhurst. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. A GENUINE SACRIFICE New, double constructed 5 room bun galow with all built-in conveniences. Book cases, beautiful pressed brlca fireplace, buffet, beam celling, hard wood floors, white enamel Dutch kitchen: full cement basement with laundrv trays: on a 100x100 corner lot. Value 34000; will take S250O and give terms. Owner. 851 Jarrett St. fnone Wdln fi46. $2500 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms, all good slr.e and finished room upstairs; hdw. floors In main rooms, full cement basement. This place only occupied 10 months; paved ets. : g-ood location; cost S3760. Hurry up. This will go "quick. Hickman- Wilson. 46th and Handy. Tabor 6b, C-2121. (Branch of J. L Hart man Co.) ACBEAGK Oom tinned) 37 CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $260; $10 down, $5 per month buys 6 acres of land, between Portland and Centralis, on the main lino of S ratiroads). 1 Vk mile from a town otf 800 population, sawmill and Mhingla mills. Soma of this land is partly cleared; running streams some bottom and some benoh. Some of this land Ls good onion, and. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. S and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanle- Clatskanie lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Catskanle has a population of 1000, cheese factory, cannery and creamery. Lies one mil? from town; from $35 to $50 per acre; $2 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 31 S Railway Exchange bldg. YOUR chance l in CantLda Rich land and business opportunities offer you Independence: farm lands. $11 to $30 acre: Irrigated lands. $36 to $50; 2) years to pay; J2000 loan in improve ments, or ready made farms. Loan of livestock; tixes average under 20c an acre: no taxes on improvements, personal property or livestock: good markets, churches, schools, roads, tele phones; excellent climate crops an-1 livestock prove It. Special homeseek- ers fare certificates. Write for free booklets. Allan Cameron, general su perintendent land branch, Canadian Pa clflr Ry.. n; 9th ave. Calesrv. Alberta. FOR SALEFARMS ' (Ooatiaaed.) 17 Wasfhirwnon county, between Forest urovs and Gaston oa goou macadam FOR SALE FARMS (Coa tinned) 17 FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUX 48 A FARM BARGAIN 174 Acres for 8S600 This Is a splendid dairy and gen- ( Continued) ranch, on shares. 47 WANT to rent mnvbe cash. Orefer eoulpped. 1811 road; nearly 60 acres la cultivation, era! farming proposition. There are I Esther st., Vancouver. Wash. H. K. b. slopes Just right for good drainage: "' acres, in nujes irom fortiami; w , 60 acres now in pasture, lies wall to 'acres in cultivation. 60 more easy to HOMESTEADS L, TJL Inftn. nsa crek: Tv'gTTZa fair houVe"' good HOMESTEAD relinquishment of about " Vll'ltuZ- "irn aid utbuUdings: waer oipedo I 1 acres of level, sandy loam garden pnoe is oearocx. TX McCHESJET. 332 Chamber of Com, bidg. Main 710S. $6600; terms. Owner Crippled in acci- acre: would make a flno truck fruit aent ana will consider any reasonaDie i w cmtii ii r ,t V. oner; 400v cash, balance 10 years, I 'nmci etrning mi i jr. ion r.m o. per cent. . HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 4381. WHERE one can make good, wheis wheat alfalfa. In fact for fa CrODS ana rocastutrs or an ainas grow aiiu do well. Good climate. Gcoa son. florid water and ulontv . of it. Loca- iA Amira im hit ire attt I firm fA rA&Rnnahle IT vou are inter j uiiin . a in xujirta a i : -- - . . - . . This ls a splendid farm home 3 miles ested and wiea to get back to tne fou. can ana ieru tuuxe nuuui ui. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS 4 acres, Rldgefleld, Wash.. $250, 6 acres. Garden Home, S210O. 6 acres, Capj Horn, Wash., $1250. 6fe acres, Orecco. J1000. 9 tenths acre. City Limits, $800. 6 acres, Durham station, S1675. 1 acre, Durham station. $400. Most of tho above have buildings and con bo purchased on easy terms. wo have photos of some of these. JJKED W. GERMAN L.U., 712 Cham, of Com. Logged Off Land Snap 43 acres fine soil, no waste land, 4oW ACRES, 1 mile from good town on hard surface road; 22 acres under cultivation, balance easily put in. Good orchard, fine water, new 6 room bun galow, all necessary out Duiirungs, hlth arrade cows. 8 horses. 14 hogs. all farm machinery. S7600. I nhr An ,,.,-., .n i - hiK ui 263 13th st .J- - y.1. Lrewis toiag. j cultivation, lies perfectly, no rock, best MAP of Oreaon. Hhowinir th location -I ALKbS. 4 mlleS from beotnOn, nf anlti)l Inir hnn p a lrn n-i t h 1- r K - -inn. . r.llfnmli lanrl on fine macadam road. 25 acres urepiac another 6 room house, laie grrants. tarse agricultural bodies, when under cultivation; fine orchard, ber-; barn and outbuildings; 4 acres pruat classified and restored, to be opened to ' "V .'"'. m , orcaara, witn prune oner, rice uj i. homestead; map price. Si postpaid Spring water piped. Livestock, ma chinery and furniture 33700. Terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 Lewis Bldg. MODERN DAIRY FARM Highly developed dairy farm on high way. 46 minutes by auto or train;. 360 acres, 200 under cultivation, about half balance cleared for pasture, rest easi ly cleared; beautiful stream with water for power and irrigation; silo capacity nearly 3t0 tons; one sanitary barn, 6'J patent stalls, cement floors: full set of other buildings; full equipment of machinery and dairy and cream fine cattle, mostly about SO head of sheep, horses and nogs. R. F. Bryan, 609 Cham, of Com. Will cut Into two 20 acre tracts witn I Rowland Man company, 411 Henry buildings on each HARGROVE REALTY CO 12$ N. 6th st, Broadway 4381. SEVEN-ACRE BARGAIN bldg.. Portland. Or. GOOD 320 a ore homestead relinquish ment, 220 acres tillable, nice south slooe.- 10x12 foot house furnished, 10 acres cleared.. 1 mil fence. Price $175 for aulcK deal, only i miies irroi Prineville. J. Q. Richards, box 398. I Bond. Or. 23 ACRE BARGAIN BASE LJNE Directly east of Courthouse, 10 miles. Base Line road, right at sta- Pecidedly best acreage buy around iai) inin hnmasiMd Marlon county. roruana; 10 nines out. 3 diocks irom 3 room house, mile to scnooi, station; acres, all In cultivation, no oheaner than R. R. land: 11 mllPB south county road tnrougn , evenings, on ram- Journal. paid S3400 fs- full equipment of tauon; acres, an in cultivation, no cheaper than R. R. rrilements for farm, ! "ock. Pllii trout stream, neat 4 Scotta Mills; 001 ery about 90 head of room bungalow, outbuildings, bearing place. See owner, ly high-grade milkefs; i orchard. -Price only $2000. Owner hill st. or C-476, . This ls a bargain. HARGROVE REALTY CO., SO ACRE homestead. Tillamook coun- ... 1 . .K. I1 A 191)11 122 N. Stb. st. Phone Broadway 4381. 1 .1 ,'lr,rv hitler FOR SALE 640 acre wheat farm, rich sofj. all in cultivation, jno acres good summer fallow, heavy crop now being harvested; good barn, modern 5 OREGON. California U. 8. land, book let free. Writs Josepn Liarn. Sacra mento. Cal TIMBER 29 easy clearing, plenty water, on road Price only S6000. $2000 downT balance house, a miles fronT railroad stat 40 ACRES of timber, four miles rrom near station, only 30 miles out; some assume straight loan i of $3000 was ' wm sel lSDlemu aid ti-k rSiSS Vancouver on Pacific highway, improvements; all ready for you to offered loanSf ?0M. cit M ' Siit'' "'Jr wWHSl 1 viSS move In; work nearby. Price $28 per owner $10,500. This is a snap. Owner consider first offers. N. t. Young, term8vv.. Ax,dQrs,, & ? I,aTel- vancou- acre; half cash, balance to suit. needs that $2000 this week. Hatton. Wash,. Adams county. ver, wash , itoute . Lueddemann Comoanv H&ay&22: eo acre farm., so miiea fro7m.port: i o -rtn r. 1 I m 41, w was. sw s uviiv VI vau n r 0 1 4 913 Chamber of Commerce, 5 Acre Sr.ap 4 Miles Court House, Faces on Scholia Ferry road at Inter section of new boulevard to Beaverton. 3 blocks station. 7c rare. About all in CHOICE FARM. STOCKED EQUIPPED. mues to gooa town rail ana , 7I'" ,ri, ZnA A .n isportation. splendid farming m uJiC0a iAJZ?n jm 2!d at N 10 cultivated and in crop. 10 cordwood. Andrew Heln. 831 22d st. N. ute. come good timber, good FOR SALE N. W. of sec. 12. town- river transportation, district; 20 open past soil and lays fine, fair buildings, run- ship 10, range 6. Wahkiakum Co., EXc6lA.GE REAL ESTATE 2 (Continned) , Portland Property to'lTrade! -Frame buildings on good busings corner, stores below, flats above; price $16,000. Will trade tor farm, 40 acre or mora. Apartment house, SO furnished Apart" ments, nearly all filled and payln-f better than 10: price $36,000. Tajt farm, or rmproved Portland property, to $6,500, balance mortgage. -"2 100x200 on Wast Side, upper Broad.-, way; some Income and fine Xuturs. Price $60,000, Trade for farm. Lueddemann ComDanv-?7? r 918 Chamber of Commsrce. A Going Farm 97 acres 1 mile from -Mt Angel, pras tlcally all In cultivation. 60 acres bot tom land: 7 room house, with watwiC and electric lights, good barn, new silo, other buildings; 10 milk cows, Jersey bull, 3 horses, 2 brood sows, 1SS ehick ens, full equipment of farm machinery Win take small farm or lata worta, $12,000 for equity. (1 Lueddemann Company i?1 1)13 Chamber of Commerce. 30 ACRES. FULLY EQUIPPED i ' With 7 cows, 4 head young stockj . team, poultry, farm machinery and all the crop. 27 miles Portland. mile town, on country iuad, 20 acrs-?a crop, 10 timber and pasture, all lis, well; good farm buildings; spring, water piped; 36O00. Owner v nab Is to do the work offers an ODDortunltV for ' you to turn a city home or suburtiftTC acreage to S3000 towards a paying' - farm. D. McChesney. 332 Chamberpot, Commerce bldg. Mats 7102. ft WANT PRACTICAL FARM ' Have busineaa Dronortv on lot S3xS8Ts - feet extending from Hawthorne avsn4r to Madison street near 8th;' valuo' $15,000; income about $80 per month. Prefer stock ranch in valley. -1 jt NEILAN & PARKillLL, NOTICE If your property, wither city, farm' Qf, acreage, has merit sal is for ex aha nc a or sale, call or wiss full particulars; no Inflated valuu Considered; have, - first class list to select from. Geo." P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. Reference Portland Realty Board. ' ?t FINE stock ranch. 120 acres. Claxw Co., Wash., 45 acres cleared, farnf buildings; 15 head cattle. 8 horses;-!! K .. 7Iii,r;rn K m,- A.i ning water and-good well: well stocked Wash., 6,000.000 ft. at $1 a thousand. j ' -;-7; -.t-VTTiT.- tim'har: timber, good buildings and fences, and equipped: everything goes for Sellwood 3048 or B-660. Journal. plenty ' outrangu. Pries $9000. WM oi'jcuuiu, 10 ueu miiib, - ,,A r JZ, ki 1 SMAIjL. soggiua, umiiujs h.u-u wiuwwu consider tuuu city nume. norttes. otner siock. ail crops ana com -1 " .b. 1 proposition near Burlington. Also journal. MODERN 7 roomed" house and garage. on prominent corner. 66x80. opposite Large school and park, between Union and Williams avenues, 3 minute car service, 10 from town; Just remodeled. No Incumbrance; city improvements in, $2500. Terms to suit- Owner. 33$ Beech st. FOR SALE or trade, nice 6. room bun galow, corner lot. 1 block from car. Dutch kitchen, basement and attic; all mortem; lawn and berries; for only 190; will take city lot as part pay ment; terms, owner. 1720 K. Flanders. M.-V. car. mnA nn TnnllMill KOo and un Rrn BUtte, MOnL tested, hot and cold water In every room. - Only whlta help ccnployea. 2iJH lt. cor Tavlor Main 4303 SniMEIl RESORTS 00 3 750 6 ROOM COMPLETE BUNGALOW $250 cash; 3 blks. R. C. P. car: about Vs val. Lot cost owner $4 PER WEEK for furnished tents at Sunset Leach wood furnished. Wn .e ' FRA,'K L McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. Mrs. Q. J. Frankel. Warrenton, Oregon. 8uny-t B eac h . I j 7 Room House $2500 M extern house, 3 years old. 5 rooms FURNISHED cottages and tt-nts for rent, modern prlcea P. Bchrant-. Kockaway. Or. SEASIDE 5 room furnished cottage, dowstalrs. 2 finished upstairs; corner good location, irom 16th of August, lot 60x100. 1 block from car; full baae- Broadway 17 Si. ment. fireplace, built-in features. Will SEA. VIEW, Wash, comfotrab'.y fur- sell for $2500; terms if desired. Lued- nisned cottage on ridge, trees, run- demann Company, 913 Cham, of Com. nlng water. 1 none Mtlwauk 51X. b'lORES A.VD OKHCES 11 fUH SALE i room modern house. J toilets, bath, full basement, furnace, lot 50x100. hard surface street and .. . I .4 .a-, n.t a O . n . li . . Ma w. .n i . fiie wni wurin 0'iu . A lOLNG man having his own type- ! 3 blocks to car between 31st and 32d writt-r can have desk room in of- t6o E. Davis. Don't look any further fice with-the privilege of doing com- until you come and look at this prop morcia! work for small services In re- erty; cash 3850. balance mortgage, turn. Apply in person between 2 and Phone B-28S5 6 p. m. in room 12. 345 H Washington. iM .llng iH-story hous. furnished. .VAKKHuL'sK and factory bui.ding in, 8400 leas than cost to build; 1 bed South Portland for rent. Modern. 2 I room downstairs 2 and bath up latin story brick structure, titckag- well ! dry trays; good basement, fireplace, lighted. Apply R. W. Uaguod. 3il buffet and electricity. Price $1800; Journal bldg. 1 terms. One douM block to R C. Park Or 1 ICE apace for rent in Jouroil w. upen Sunday p. m.; week days building. Kent reasonable. No be- Main M3t. b,i ciut ave. R').SE CITY PARK BUNGALOW HO: Vi block to car; paved st; dandy location; nobby little place; new and ni'xlern; mighty good value; terms. Hickman -Wilson. 46th and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121. (Branch of J. L. Hartman Co.) FOR SALE In Hawthorne district, a new modern 5 room bungalow, hard wood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, cement basement. Laundry trays, large attic, garage; lot 60x100; 2U0, terms Tabor 2148. BEST BUY in Hawthorne. $2950. large rooms, hardwood floor, mir ror doors, beautiful buffet, bookcases Dutch kitchen, also built In conven iences, fireplace, furnace, east front. Call today 365 E 42d st. Tabor 651. I Tilitrit nn. pnnlniriMir- I rr a T fl tMnltA Tit I nhtn .HA Y'n r It r A ' M vv tLR n - 1 . ...... : . . . ty- ,J '. iZtiu AJS'nS SI M tilwril- (Or.- T ACRES; MARION COCNTT Kn ril W..1 i f li IZvVwS 40 acres or more; price reduced to A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. to school, 3 mi. station. Offering at NORTHEAST .corneT ofsec, 6-8-j , 4 pait. Btdr? $16 per acre: fine running water; lots ,. MIT FrnnM portiNB 1 sacrifice. $2000 cash, bal. long .time, mdllion feet timber. 1 mile to R. R.: ,J.C. CORBIN CO... 80S Lewis Binjg of grass for stock; few scattering ,02 Tln tC Wtif ul Tuilltln ' ". c- Gibson. 3o6 Gerlinger Bldg,, cheap. H-746, Journal. 400 ACRES All fenced, good build stumps, macadam road close; 4H miles -J,V2r?tle sloot fm road to rive? . PortJand. . . .- . , .-,"77 ,ngs, good well, 60 acres cultivated; EE J" W rii'n n7&ZACT julck; SHOO cash; 30 acresTs EXCHAMbL-KEAL - s ? i" untTJdric; camp where tou can get work. $53 anA - h. hrvni .nrf mile from Morrison bridae. west- 2 PT -r 1 i0.1".01 outrange county roaa. "ric w . 1 1 . ... 1 . v ..'li n n v . w. w. w... , v . i t , .. . . t i rr a m n r n mhiiim i i m a r ia. an. n in in laim'ur Seachrest. 248 Stark st. New Subdivision OSWEGO LAKE New tract. Just opened, prices rang 1350 per block. Lake Grove station. water, lights, telephones, rock road. Very easy terms. The Atchison-Allen Co., 500 Concord bldg, 2d and Stark sts. OUme Ulll LUgD liaUCO Southwest Washington, WUl agaum.cJ . 1. . I .. ,... 1 ... l. IJ. ' Grocery store for auto ana cau; rnnunw, -..cinnpei on daJiv milk mute: team 8 cows. , acres fruit, 2 acres beans. 5 acres po- young stock, farm maomnery; on.y laiueo, imu pi m ""- -. . . t m . n a r a irBAr a a 1 r r vaar inv rt m r a r i tizt an acre. Milk cnecK aione i'.u : y" "V" "V," Jn rrH mir fnr afore: or.n a a r m ...... .k.i, a mnnfh rtnrvrl terma mt E nor cent .ana young neiier, plow, narrow, cum- iy . - . - - --- - v.n. unuc or iiwin, vv vuvw- a nionin. ooa terms at o per " . , ' . t , . I ph innd lot and ranh for a tore: barbr I f.rm i. nH 1 1 in cultivation, faia , T aiUl , OUlllC til.. UCOSC I'ttl I -, , . - - - - " " ' a to January i. can renew, on journal i uui ii. uoubo mu wi, v., uunumi bldg. D. M'CIIESNEY. 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. FOR SALE CLARKE COUNTY" FARM 80 acres, considered one of best buys in Clarke county: 8 acres cult.. about 35 a. slashed aitd seeded to pas Only 14 miles from Portland, oa elc- tur. bal. good Umber, with mill clobe trie line. 6 acres; all In crop; small nousw. Darn, chicken mouse and wieo email fruit trees, berries; good well; large team, harnejas, wagon, plow, disc and cultivator. All for $2660; terms or some tracte. Phone Woodlawn 1S67. r dl.l'MHI A HinllWiV TVo.1- A n..i near Knight's corner, 1 mile west of -v.. ... li i .' ..... AH LUL way, 1000 ft. on county road, making h. -ranches In Oregon. Mostly deep lve and conspicuous location "V' 'u. . i"" by; all can be cult, when cleared. Finest kind of soil. Lies well; soma bottom land, 2 wells, running water. ' -room house, good large barn, some fruit. Price for quick sale $2250 cash. Inspection welcomed. Geo. P. Henry, 32S Henry bldg. 870 ACRE STOCK FARM This is one of the finest stock or WHY PAY RENT? 825 down, 810 per month buys S rnnm hnusa furnlahed. 1 blk. to car. 50x100 lot, cement sidewalks. Rented for $9 per month. N. I. Farnswortb, 287U Oak st. 6 Room Modern Bungalow Built 4 years ago: Hawthorne dist: snap at 32500; 3350 cash, balance terms. L A. HALL. 612 Panama blJg. HOME 4 room modern, lot 100x100 about U, block to O. W. P. 20 min utes to went side; $12.60 per month j I , . TT" 1- T C . .. .. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3617. $25 8 room furnished shack on leased gronnd. Hall. 612 Panama bldg. ter service in city. Apply 311 Joursal i CASH bargain, room house. 10 lota, bloe all cleared: 3S fruit tri rMrh BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment: wl'l give long Uaae at reasonable rental. Apply R. W. Ha good. 311 Journal olds. 810 Grocery store, fine location, on corner 82d and Mt Scott carllne; only one store near Tabor 7044. 3D ST. store. $10 mo. North of Audi torium, Ti 8d st. WAATtgLWTO lUbLYT T WANTED Furnished house. S adults East side. "Must be moderately priced, clean and in good neighbor hood; prefer location near Franklin high, will consider unfurnished mod ern bungalow Phone Tabor 6359 WANTED 8 housekeeping rooms In private family by middle aged iaJy. W'est side preferred, reasonable. Cail Marshall 4 907 Monday. f'ear, plum, apple and cherry, all bear ng, besides small fruit. Two blocki from car line, also 2 chicken house and parka. Cha. F. Smith, 1127 Cleve land ave. Phone C-2419. . r)H SALE by owner 5 room modern bungalow. Alberta district; practi cally new; an unusual bargain; see mis piace oerore you buy. call sun- aay oetween 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. 1016 K. 2th st. N. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN IRVINGTON Corner residence. 1 block from car practically new. with garage; grounds landscaped; Marine price; terms CHARLES L WHEELER CO., 51 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4 OR 5 ROOM bungalow or house, fur nished or unfurnished, modern, with yard, close in. Marshall 3482 Mon. morning WANTED To rent 5 room modern House. 8t. Johns. Kenton or Wood lawn districts. Woodlawn 1039 IF YOU want to rent your home see me. Millership, 724 Chamber of Commerce. 6 OR ROOM modern bungalow by permanent tenant. Rent must be reasonable. Phone Sunday Tabor 7204 WANT 3 or 4 room fur. house by Aug. 13. R-484. Journal. WANT to tint and paint for rent of small fur, house. Q-428. Journal. RAISE CHICKENS AND SPUDS ON BRYANT ACRES Price only 3200 per acre and up; some with water and lights; only 30 minutes out; station on tracts. Call at 600 Concord bldg. Owners. I AM due to leave Wednesday to ray family; must sell my 6-room house and lot. Will take H price. 1 blocks from ML Scott car. 6c fare. 25 min. to city. R-479. Journal. WANT cheap housekeeping room on wwt side. D-494. Journal. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTx' 09 $00 FEET of water frontage at St. Helens for shipyard or otner manu facturing purposes. East 2159 or H 480. Journal. FOR lease or sale, one of best sites for shipyards or sawmill on Colum bia river. A) res & Englehart Co.. 629 IF taken at once, will sell at sacrifice my nearly new. modern 6 room bun galow; also furniture, 444 E. 42d st. N. About 600 feet N. or Sandy blvd. Take Beaumont or Rose City oar. Tab. 1299 FOR SALE Six room modern bunga low. Irving ton's besrt district; very reasonable. Phone East 7192 between 10 and 8. V4 BLOCK on Montgomery st.. with 4 good house; asweiocd value $21,000. Make me an offer. P-485. journal. HOUSE and lot snap; 100x100. 6 rooms, Mt. Tabor; bearing fruit and berries; $100 down. bal. easy. Qulgley 202 Wilcox. $25) SNAP $300 down, balance monthly, buys beautiful modern bungalow, Hawthorne district. 431 Chamber of Commerce. $2100 MODERN 6 rooms, sleeping porch and furnace, lot 60x150. gar age. Call Wdln. 2251 or 614 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALri LOTS 16 FOUR LOTS. Fairport. $550. Lots 1. 3. 8. 4, block 7. Resident owner paid $1330. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE cheap, 100x176. at 146 N. 13th St., city. Inquire KILLINGS WORTH ave.. corner lot; price $200. Owner. Woodlawn 4906. REACH PROPERTY 49 BEAUTIFUL front lot, on Cannon Beech. Owner. Box 295. R. 1, Mil waukle, Or. ACREAGE 57 FOR SALE 4 acres within the limits of the town of Balls ton. Or. Most of it in fruit trees, 6 room house, large barn, two wells, with good water the year around, ror information call on or write J. R. Bowman, aauston, or, an attract for garage, hotel, or restaurant. Level nioe grove. A sacrifice for $1260. J G. Ralney, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 8872. cultivation, fenced with woven wire. tarn nn a mil rrom (iervaia. r. for auto: Portland lots for house boat; For full particulars, also exChangeSiOf MUST BE SOLD 40 acres near Battle Ground: 30 In cultivation; fair buildings; plenty of -abater; all renced want 84000. Might consider some trade Make an offer. J. B. ATKINSON. 112 West 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. 272 ACRES. den soil: ood stream of water: tlm- eod af?fclri?".-, ber can be sold for $3000 cash. Prico, 310,880 less $3000. or $7880. Only $29 per acre. w-537, Journal. clear Coos Bay propertj for business, all kinds and a square deal,, ses R.,J im (jew ouuuAttiJ, 1 uavis, .14 U. S. iiank uiag. vancow-i Enl Couch bldg. I ver Wash - MINNEAPOLIS FOR PORTLAND OR 90 ACRES Sllet valley. 88 bottom.- VICINITY I cultivation, large barn, small nouses Two mnrlem flat buildinrs. 8 duplex I on Amity road. Store, school and tVl- housea and 1 dwelling house, all In A-l O- across fond. Lots of outrange. condition; tocome over $500 monthly. Price $6600. Sale or trade. What ha v Wsnt income property In this city or you f MiLriPJitSMip, 724 cnamoer commerc SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 226 Henry bldg. 80 ACRE mountain ranch ready to move on and go to work, all crop, stock and chuck, Tillamook county. 14 mues irom n. rt., o neai sioca, x SICKNESS COMPELS MOVE TO COUNTRY 1 Want 40 to 60 acres 100 miles Port land. mo Arnrc WHEAT FARM i-lliiaill vouiiijr, Biiiaii iWHor, vr4 close to school. Lot outrange, $20 per acre, 3500 mtg. Will exchange lav, clear house and lot. Claude Cola,. 80. H e nry building. .'ft ; improved and equipped. Have 2. Wrr l trado mv 84000 rssldcnoe for? - good buUdings and about 10 acres fine i mare. $1500. TeaTns If taken at onco. ?toI7 brtck-.l!u,nA' IH1L.Ia. fzZ smaller house with larger around orchard. Plenty running water, almost arouna entire piace. -or pnoe terzna H9ill15.p!f,Lr' J,nllSltelV cSltl.e or further lnfofmation. see 43-ti sj is, j iu vau, a j 113 i."?L,co. x1 a-l i - banks-Morse water plant; 2 lakes. 3,- 000.000 ft. great timber; 700 acres, one-sixth adjoining prices Sold be cause moving east. Peckham. Bull O ITTt.' U T nwi? Mm i"V AVA A A AJ.A AV, , . A UL 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. river, British Columbia. GOOD Cheap land down Columbia highway and river; dairying and dl- FINE HOME FARM 26 acres, gentry sloping land. SO in cultivation. 4 pasture. 2 acres grove; assorted family orchard; much bettor nuuoungs tnan usual on D-497. Journal. this size with spring water piped; good road to large town in Willametts val- FOR SALE 600 acre stock ranch. 100 acres in cultivation, all fenced. stock. Lots of ou placa of , and fishing. Will In? rnnfpctlonerv business. Value $7200, mortgage $1000; will ufuma NEiUAiN at r aaivii i li a. 803 Stock Exchange Bldg. CALL Monday for real sacrifice, de- nM I m nmvart cinae in acraaara. v. ' ir " hn. nth.. I for Portland anartments, or nruns.or tion. all fenced. No holdings; belt watii? at station, 16 pear orohard; valued at $35.0i0. J. K trange. fine hunting Ynutei Into city. 6hi acres in cultlva- Wolff, 618 Chamber of Commerce bids? 1 sell fdr less than T.rmll n nart or all. Mlsht ui.-at. iri'ovf A A v v . . 1 m uj V. V. . 1. ..1 1 . it V head of cattle. 2 horses, 2 pigs, over 100 chickens. farming implements. crops included, price ssuuo. it. A. Nydegrrcr. Lyons. Or. up to $2600; have also a house and lots) in suburb or Kansas city, m w tnra for Portland property;- value- $268 K-478, Journal. Los Angeles Apartments TZAtaietJ'Zngt'ZitXTa y: 10 l-y: convenient to sdhool; $3700; In- 517 Chanmber of tSnt bldg. Portland, housohold . EY, FOR SALB Two half acre tracts. J32 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 7102. noui modat o good pale. Would separate. Owner. D-496 Journal. 7 tirohTkeVnne; S5" 53S- LJ?li ther in cultivation. 3 blocks from . "i ".YJ. "L. r"""' '? 7"!. J." 6c car aervica. Prim for nuink acres in cuiuwiiuo, uuuee soou uni .,,1,I?lie:t V",c. J..9". ?.K ber: team, harnesa 3 cows. 100 hens. -0JV. il.DV IClJclJltJO IU A Li I L. I Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close In car- line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 16SB or Sellwood 476. John H Gibson, owner. TIGARD. $225 PER ACRE. A most sightly tract of 10 acres. wagon, buggy, farm tools and imple ments, crop harvested and under cov er; new cottage and cement basement barn and ou-t houses, phone, near school. $13,000. Terms. Will sell in sraaJl tracts. Geo. A., or JJ. B. Winters. Forest Grove, Or. il ACRES Within mile of graded school, store, church and postofflne. All good land; lies well; main road, mile from nation, large first growth cream route, close to cannery; small iir trees; ouo casn. taiajic-. to uit. House, bam; good spring water; well Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of I fenotad: 3 acres cleared mo, verv Commerce. I naailv cleared, about 1 acre in nnta. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, on good toes. Price $1000 $600 cash, ba.1. 6. tlon Terms on Dart or all. Might take some trade. 61 is. 3d st. Broad- 60 of cost. T-407. Journal. 37 A., well improved, adjoining good I wav 3910 S5000 HOME WANTED some trade, Journal. TV .A Ii A A A niU ItltA acres wall Improved, $26 per acre; wilV -exchanee for city or valley farriu. . -. , , . . . a I . i . . .am ,i V.1.. ' 160 acres or line isvei iana, aii in uiuae oie, auu xienry umg. cultivation, wheat land, in Morrow CITY PROPERTY WANTED Ys4" tuuui, . ,!,, '.. . . - . , I i-l ave yd acres line ricn mra,, -viwi. FOR RENT x'ARMS 14 Elow- anaTrft,?11'!ic Vr i iiUrf: i. to station, running creek, 90 rare rroia i-k Wi Tt'lllanialta vallkv T Va W JUCUIIV I W V V 1; J a VIS l.CU electric, at a sacrifice. W ill consider Terms. Owner. H-407, MODERN DAIRY house in Portland, coo a. Aietienna & portiand. Price $$000. CO., li cnamoer 01 i.unmitur, I 300 Henrv B Me - . v Clauds, Cole,' lift A 'V? 1 A m 1 im nut Om nrlvl tt -5n . a t Tn W . a-.i 1. wo- "blvoCalfmodern cityTefe- - . 100x126. "xit w bV "760 Vui 1 ethese Tot's, phone. For rent at $780, 4 year lease, ragie? chicken parks and houses; FoVd c'a7.n f irnt clan conltUm? al 18 cows, hogs, plenty farm equipment nouee 6 rooms, in Peninsula district. ZttfriZtf two prices for car and winft Ford truck, hay-feed and grain, milk for email modern horns in walking d!s- "?"nn,? kZZi BVown. 207 Panama bid contract at o per quart, an goes ror I (,na jatr.mnn Me-h amohool : 13500. 1 - - . $4600. See H M. Maloney. Rltter, phone Woodlawn 4571 lApwe at ix)., ui rvoarq ot iTaae oiag. HIGH CLASS PRUNE . FARM- auto road. 6 miles from Vancou ver, near good school, no buildings. CHARLES L. W'HEELER CO.. 617 Chamber of Commerce building. tjioe iouu, t,uu casn. oai. Yfarsat 40 ACRES. Clarke Co., 1900. . 1 i-wiil. mi. A-i . i rviii rrj la, a A M TTCBi I 6th st., Vancouver. Wash. TWENTY ACRES. S600. $1 fare from Portland, close school. station. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. SUBURRAN ACREAGE PARKROSE ACRE TRACT WILL SELL ON RENT TERMS 815 down. Slo month. Dandy loca- 40 acres. Tleard 84700. 80 acres near coast. 27i9. 160 acres. Silverton, $1600. 161 acres. Silverton. 81600. 140 seres, Silverton, $2500. All of the above have soma build ings and cultivated land and can be purchased on easy terms. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Commerce. A SPLENDID BUY $4350. 83 acres, 2 Vs miles from a 20 ACRES close to Portland. 16 acrei Improved with En gl rah, walnuts. tp nu ha.aiaa aito Tj-aArn Tar Portland. , I all fenced, woven wire; 48 acres: 40 bearing fruit, 80 prunos, I or Seattle property. 818 Railway in hay; good buildings. 24 4 cherries, 3 pears. 3 apple: 1 T mllea Change bldg ' n ng stock. 30 goats. 3 hogs. ernrv, tn n- nw iarea modern build- J ,c '"' . . 11 -n ' XCHANQE 7. lots at 'ins Daues,cisr of incumbrance, for Portland vac an lrafB nnli TMfar In Rose t.ltv CarK Of Monta'vfila. Call evenings Aftefr;.i o'clock. Phone Tabor 3862. . FARM WAIN TED '-fir TtavA IncAtn. rltv nronertv frornT $2000 to $10,000 clear, wsnt farmk?, Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg, , , 15 ACRES, $1 fare irom Jr-oriiano, inMat in Bfhonl town; clear: will ex. change for clear' bouse. Clauds Cole.. 300 Henry bldg. ; ' 7'1;' NOTICE. I have several Alberta wheat arrd-, 1020 ACRES all fenced, woven wire; 1 0A anrA In h.v rcirtA htilMinra 91 - - . , , oncri its, Ltrza-Ao. d ayiiw, 7i ""(v1' rhfinpn bids' cows. 31 young stock, 30 goats. 3 hogs, from town; new large modem build- UyT. v,nT, Tha Bailee ci 68 tons of hay, 6 horses, all farm im- jagg. prsCe $30,000. Will exchange 1 EXCHANGL 7. lots at ,rLi"'J piements zu crucaena tverytning for clear income city property. Claude s mr uv, a iaui icass uu p.ajje, i cole, iov Henry Diag. Iiiiv year. MILLERSHIP, 724 Chamber Commerce 1 WANT HOUSE. acres, dandy suburban placo, 60 ACRES for rent. Stock, crop and roori sou. all In cultivation, small implements for sale. 20 cultivated house, barn, etc; crops, cow and chlck- and In crop, some open pasture, run ning. water and veil; . 40 miles to good town. Call and get particulars. Neat Brown, Z07 Panama, bldg. WHEAT farmof 320 acres in Morrow county, about 200 acres ready for seeding. Buildings, fine water. Horses, oowa, pigs, machinery- Must under stand wtieat farming. McKenxie 4c Co. 515 Gerlinger bldg, 60 ACRES. 40 acres in crop, 32 cattle, is miiKing, 4 norses, iou chickens for $2800': V4 cash, rent $260 year. MILLERSHIP. 724 Chamber Commerce 5 ACRES and crops. 4 room plastered house, barru etc.; 10c rare, Oregon Electric; $2500; 3 acres without house. Ssoo. Owner, 605 Couch bldg. Main 6522. A-2272 FOR SALE Half acre, rine utile coun try home. 6 room house; In crop. fruit and shrubbery; 4 blocks from i-iawtnorne car, i,m uin.iun su rtar gain. SNAP 1 full acre, east side, $1000, 1-3 cash. balance 69. 6 years; Bull Run water; no gravel and sightly. Phons today. Main 1377 or A-4163. I ROOM boathouse elegantly fur nished; dandy location; close to car ' 724 Chamber Commerce. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 j FOR SALE CHEAP Double con FORCED sals to settle estate. 2 par-1 tJ?Ct.,boT,: n" ,oc-u'on : "rl--cels of lncoms business prcpsrty on I 00,.5TkA,.1i0. to Pl't Base Line road, near E. 78th st. Mod- Yours for $1100. 986 Gleam ave. north. ern. room house, lot '60x160. E. 47th MAKE ms an offer on my $1600 equity ?? sLr1 caj. and make us a In 7 room modern house; lot 80x113; O. P. Fotts. 1980 E. Stark mU mtg. $1500 at 7 ror cent. Portland Phono Tabor 300. Heifhts ear. O-430. Journal FOR KALE-HOtHr4 Cl '-"coo W?. OWNER'8 sacrifice, 6 room house on sold st once, also 2 lots 60 by 100 each. E. Emerson St.. 1 V4 blks. from Union Inquire of 1703 McKeaina ave.;.,:,l?' 1100 ch- bJL $S0 EQUITY in 8SS0 lot Lenox adV, terms. Mar. 849$. Myers. Portland, with 3-room housa. Salt HAWTHORNE ave. district bargain; or trade Make offer. Jack Woodman. sacrifice my $470 equity, built-in Columbia City. Or. conveniences, stationary tubs in base- new modern 7 room bungalow, 60x100 rnent. 333 E, 2d St. N. 0t; easy terms. 681 75th st ATTRACTIVE price; uncommonly at- north. Phone Tabor 6713. tractive new house, heart of fine FIVE room house; gas range, elec- nSfill-rJtZ Tt2?.mon.1am trtdty. Bargain at $1600. 692Llber H&&ny are Phono Woodlawn 8899. ty st. fi5JMjRN ft room bungalow, corner lot, MODERN ft room bungalow garage, 3 1 ;ioc -tJPJV term. Phone blocks Rom City Park car; S14&0; Woodlawn 47805 tsrm s. Tabor 7437 Vvwfnrs. .KICHVjrom house for e-aJe by owner ft ROOM house, 8690 Electricity, plas clvsa. Can ScUirood 17JJ. - . .. I , trsd. Wjain. - 178 Ui mU & a. FOR SALE or trade 10 acre tract, on countv road, all In cultivation: 7 acres in young bearing tre-es; 1 mile from Vancouver, Wash. Write to J. Prayer, 7 71 Missouri ave,, Portland, Or. FOR SALE By owner 160 acres o? land in Tillamook Co.. or. Price SI 600 cash. Inquire of Jos. 8. Clark. 1 235 Myrtle St., Oakland. Cal. FOR AL13 4 acres near Vancouver; orchard, berries, good well, small house, near graded school. Price $2000, part cash. No trade. Sellwood 2511. 10 ACRES and liberty. Picturesque 6 r. bungalow, bath, etc. Park, crop and pasture; Pacific highway. 10 m. Portland. CX-4 86. Journal. IF looking for acreage or email homes near Portland see my list- 2 to 20 acres: some great bargains. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. OARDEN ranches near PortJand; 8. 6. 10 acre traota $46 to $209 per acre, easy terms M- Farland. hfib Yeon bid . Portland. SMALL acreage near Beaverton and car, fine soil, water, gas. cheap on your terma- Dubois. .21 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES, lees than cost, close in on Salem electric, call mornings Sell. 1931. or write 746 E. 27th st. city. 1 ACRE and house with modern con- veniences. Fine soil, good garden. Close In on S. P. E. M-487, Journal. S ACRES at Clackamas sta.. all- im- p roved: terms, inquire Martin Horn- oerger, ciaenamas sta. 40 ACRES. 13 cattle. 6 rnllkins: 3 horses, 3 nogs, 19 chickens, 6 room house; all furniture; farm tools; price 81200 cash. Rent $125 year. MILLERSHIP, 724 Chamber Commerce tlon, water, gas and elctrlc connec- fine town in the best part of the Wll- crops, household goods, everything tions. now is tne time to buy an acre, lamette vawey. .v acres in cultlva- ; goes ouiia a smau house ana get the ground I tion, Daiancc pasture, rair Darn, small ready to put In an early garden. Citv I house. This ls good value. Coe A. store mako daily deliveries. Good McKenna & Co.. 727 Chamber of Com -car service. Sandy boulevard, a paved I merce. lugnway io ine city, can us up and FOR SALE or trade, 46 acres, 30 acres set a time to let US show you this I in fi-VMr-olrl Italian nninai K nnri property. Monthly payments includes aorterl fruit, rumtnra. interest, straight contract no mort- For sale 170 acre. 845 per acre; gage. Hickman-Wllaon. Tabor 6868 or also 262 acres, $65 per acre; another, C-2121. Offlc e45th and Sandy blvd. 144 acres, $60 per acre. For parUcu- iora ncn oi j. narxman co.) lars write Jack Byron, Sheridan. Or. SUBURBAN chicken ranch. Rlsley so ACRES, diversified Oreson farm. Sta., $1100. Terms. Main 3617, na.f Columbia rivr ' hlirhwav in leriM rood leveJ farm lanrf hal.nn 8LBURBA' HOMES 79 pasture and timber; V4 mile from small : 7T7 r rr . town: $750 will handle. REAL BAR- DAIRY of 80 cows for sale, place for rent; electric lights; everything first class; 20 acres kale, lots oLhay and pasture; close to Portland, w s. John son. Fairylew, Or.. Route 1. 3 ROOM houseboat for sale cheap Apply Sunday morning. Phons Sell wood 500. iS.crR1KSM, 18, mil" from Portland. GAIJ and opportunity for poor man. 80 rods Clackamas, river frontage p-336 Journal. Over 1.000,000 feet timber, pure spring ok'tdm t ANt- walar 21 a, fa. Kttm- 1 . 1 UXNlUiN XaAIM V fish fake on plsxe; best location on L 80 a1res' 6, lncu.1Hvti?n' river for summer home and auto parx. ?ou"e' barn: is dyked; 4 miles Vnrtk miAa nriA inmuir M,,ff .i to transportation; exc-lent soil for Clackamas county cavea County road onions or trucking; only $8500; $2000 through place. Price reasonabla Phoaa down, balance easy; will sell 40. C. O. owner, D-1284. Sundays or evenings. Reagan, caatierock, wash. FOR sals 30 acres, s mil of town. good 6 room house and barn, all cul tivated, living creek, good soli. 20 rods if 10 mlnuts walk of clool, fine Uttle home. Price I ft 00? terms. ',2.?a00- t VV;,11J ,o1l.c",h,- 10 BARGAIN - FARM BARGAIN 40 BfreK. 18 cleared, bunmlnv ham woodshed, excellent soil, good roads, i miles to good town: only $2250; S500 c. jr. Reagan, NEAR TIGARD 4 acres, nearly all cleared, small house and chicken house, fair fence, small orchard, we to station. 11c fare. NEILAN A PAaRKHILI 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. IF YOU want a beautiful suburban home, 30 minute out, with 2 to 5 acres, as desired: fine house, garage, prtvato water system, fruit; will deal with owners only. Adiireas B-634, Journal. WILL sacrifice 2 beautiful acres with house overlooking Willamette. 20 mi ride on electric line. Elec. telep. and f as. Easy terms. - Call Mar. 3163 be ore 2 o'clock. t 2 ACRES, in crop, splendid modern house, all fenced. 8c car fare, for sale at a big bargain. See H. M. Mal oney. Rltter. Lows 4 Co.. 207 Boaid of Trade bids'. 4 ACRES of land. 4 aeres cleared, house, barn, 9 miles from Portlands 4 blocks from station. Price S180O U cash Peters. 15 N. 6th st. FOR SALE FARMS 17 40 ACRES close to Portland, all In cultivation, finest kind of soil, good Improvements. Big bargain. Owner. VX-434. Journal. 200 ACRE Umatilla wheat ranch on snares; no implements on place. fj-ouo, journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR RUY 88 VALLEY FARM WANTED In exchange for a nice home in Port land having large grounds, shads. shrubbery. Clear lor clear to 318.000. Or win go higher and Include moome property. Address with full informa- tion, 1255 Halsey St.. Portland. "WANT 15 to 20 acre farm; prefer stocked and equipped, on good roaJ and convenient to cnurcn; will pay all cash, 81200 to szooo. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. down, balance easy Caatierock, Wash. FOR SALE 43 acres. haiL In 1 1 - vation, good outsivie range, good 332 Uhamber or com. Diag. Main 7103 FARMS WANTED FOR CASH. 80 acres or more to $12,000, prefer witn some equipment. D. iICHES.NET. m. Hn. vmoiuw a M'S RVUU nouse. rair Darn ana everytning to WILL PAY CASH RENT X,0 T.V.Vi w,fcC.V 1 i?"!? S00"- 1 Wanted 100 acres or more to leas. Old:iJ0V.EL- rrJf i".1 F1AB- $0 acres in cultivation with buildings. gerald. Dover. Clackamas county. Or. h H. M) Maloney, Ritter, Lows & Co., s AcrtiJs. upper coiumoia nignway y, orchard, balance partlv cleared fine soli; level. Make fine home. Pric 8450; terms. BAR ly. P-339. Journal 207 Board of Trade bldg. WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM 1-7. i, . llAnt wait tn ar text- fiA In 1 YO BARGAIN. ACT quick- turn. Will buy full equipment. c., if nnv kiiim- tj.-m e. FOR SALE or trade. 140 ac:-j. paroy Co.. 207 Board of Trade bldg. lmnroven: anna n 11 11 n : n r nava. r.A - town; a big bargain. V. E. Newcomb, C res wen, or. i WANTED IMPROVED FARM Will trade A-l apartment house site, KA-.-IIWI nftrf, or Marli sa n urtA V. 1 R. V, 141 ACRES good dairy land, 1 mils , Pries $3200. Address owner, 424 Hart- to depot, b creeks, gome timber. iSaijiman st, fortiana. an acre. Vi casn, in cincom county. 8704 60th ave S. A Tabor 6048. FOR SALE, cheap, a sood . oouitrv anch. 18 acres. A. Frere, Monroe. Oa. acres, all in potatoes and beans; sacrifice. Marshall 6145. $2000 29 ACRES, partly improved. nouse, earn, plenty or wood, 9 miles from city, macadam. road, recently sold for $3500. 412 Fenton bldg.- 120 ACRES . near Boring, Improved; will consider ths best offer mads this wsek: . must selL 413 Fan ton IT pays to see our list of choice farm bargains; we are tha farm special ists. $2000 up. A. K. HILL. 41 Henry bldg. FOR SALB A 14 acre farm, near Beaverton, easy terms; Inquire of owner. I7S Brooklyn st FOR SALE or rent. $2 acres in eultira tioo new McMinnviils; new build- Inc. R660, JournsX . - : rv 1 ' i L i . .. "... --- WANTED Immediately, improved or unimproved farm land on hardsur facod road within 25 miles of Portland. P-837. Journal. WANTED Improved ranch, suitable for farming and stock raising, it price Is reasonable, give legal descrip tion. CX-472, Journal. WILL trade ray Portland home - for your work stock and cattle and rent rour farm or trade tot s small blacs. $ Insley eve. , , r s, .... ens included; near car. Tice snuu. Want modern house equal value. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. SMALL apartment house and stores with established grocery ana mar ket. Must sell on account of health. About $35,000; some cash, trade and time. Y-203, Journal WB ere get tine- results: call or m us complete description: we special ire: farms and city property sold or exchanged; absolutely no Junk handled; try us; it costs you nothing. A. ic ttiisL,, 4i tienry ping. m dairy farms to exchange, for Orcro farms. Claude Cole. 800 Hennrbftg. or GOOD valley stock ranch to trade for1 Portland resiaence to souvo; a uiie cash; terms on balance, Pries $17,000. Call Tabor 7217, evenings. ? , m MM 400 ACRES, all itr cultivation or pas ture. 120 head of cattle, 6 horses, some nogs, implements, moderate in cumbrance, xou.uuu; want city prop- . ,. .... . i f. . erty. R. F. Bryan. 609 Chamber of WHAT have you to exchange for One ; Commerce. I or two acres genuine crncrry iwiu, DAltSAIN Best income proposition ever offered. Will trads 60x100 lot in Sellwood. 2 seuwooq iva. blocks beyond hard surfaoe. on Ne- 2 FLAT building, with house, olose halem ave., for Ford touring car; must in, to trade for farm up to $10.04)0 be in A-l eonaiuon, Aaaress VU4 4tn will imudw or pay casn timer cut. a . s--m a I ah. a. a. wa a. a a. n L ia . U mt a- DA J O ' St.. uregon JlDyk I zz rj. xa St. rnn aim . WILL exchango $1000 equity In 8 room GOOD second mortgage $1430; bear modern home in nae residence dis- ling 1 payable on or oeiore years. ina lur uiimiyivvwA ti.r or wiunrr. i i rana zor isnu. This week only. Y-205. Journal. j. o. CORBIN CO., 80S Lewis Bldg. SPOKANE 6 room house, clear, fori WILL exchange 6-pass. automobile, in Portland. 83500: 2 Oklahoma City food condition, and other property lots, clear, ror roaiana, jvugnt i ror grocery, rooming nouse or ciear uwiur, xt-450. i resiuence. hwi. ivsq. teke auto for lots. Journal. GOOD valley ranch, 80 acres, 50 in 14 ACRE fruit and berry ranch at sta- tion .7 mues or Vancouver, wasrui cultivation, set of buildings, in good eauitf for house equity. George Moral order, spring water, orchard, to trado Jennings Lodge, Or. ' , ror roruana resiaence, ciear oi incum- nooo riOUSK and lot, Sellwood, treet brance H-423. Journal. UB pyed to tra)ie tot store. Whs 160 ACRE wheat ranch, Morrow ooun- hA-e you? Write box 163, Sherwood ty. partly equipped, trade for Port- Oregon. ' . .i-l ' 1?"Aj Hsi3enc,' fre of incumbrance. FOR exchange, 80 acres of land facing 1-4-424. journal. v. UVala rlv.r nati Rns-ena.' vajv ...... ... " f . TO TRADfe A modern 10 room house,' for good houss and lots in Portland. loo rt. corner, near snipyara ana i wain. 6. - . factory, for small unincumbered farm. WANT a house, will exchange 2 -or F-444, Journal. a rmnherrv bos. easv to clenr HOTEL, apartment house and city I end bist income proposition in the .r w-tl? ,ntl,A tlA AOH' In .Ml. rmm I AV. It Ifl.C J A-. A-''f i J , ,..u7 ..v.v ,v, ,l. AUQ A Vi I ,11 1 X. lift., farmland, part cleared. F-464, Journal, jinn 'fUfry m a rr'm hnu.. ami MEAT market for sale cheap; rent or J lots; water and gas in; price $7 iraae; easy lenns. rnone naoaiawn I traae lor acreage or improvou ao 3585. Write Jones. 4228 41st ave. stead. Tabor 7739. , $1600 EQUITY In 8 room bungalow for FOR SALE or trade, small improvei. $800. near Jefferson high school, or I farm with or without Stock aai tt-aAtA fnr flear lnta Wriln 7A 1 .... XX? A Hawiril rtwn L OCF.AN PARK lot and cot.ta.a-a fnr Route 6. Box 114, Oregon City, Og ;--rr , will assume your mortgage and exchange a- urst - preferred). Tabor 7024. 11 LOTS. 7 room house, barn, chicken h r?-A "tntiSnif - house, fruit trees, aU under -mIm. Payment. C-8.0, Journal. -r? vation. Sellwood 680. WANTED, to exchange acreage. Wirt take good piano as part payment ill SOI Cilohe bldg. -t 160 ACRE timber claim close to Port- land: trade ror porttana or Beat lis East St. Johns, for auto, rrocerv or CsU 801 Globe bldg. rooming nouse. j ournat RESTAUTJANT'lloing; ,85 per day for seile cheao Or trade for clear rltv property or Ford. Main 4890. RESIDENCE, auto and cash far gen eral merchandise or rrocerlea. T- IIIAVE some large and emaB farms to sell or exchange for city property. Wolfstein, 212 Morrison. . . ' UO ACRES mortgage $900. .Trade for -Portland residence. -421 Chambar of Commerce. property. 818 Railway Exchange. bids FOR SALE 6 room house in Portlaivs for farm or acreage ; -owner n agents, A-933, Journal. ' : , ' OWNER, fine aoYirruit, near car, 14; acres. Sell or exchange for homsjl East 7240.. : . . , .77" 9 ROOM houee, A lots in Portlnad sh3 urbs: trade for partly- .Improved farm. ?42l Chamber of commerce Nd. (Continued om Xfsrt ?ags