. 's 8 r THE ; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY -MORNING, AUGUST, 5, 1917. :tnsrrl9cs.Blrtb. Dcait's. BUSINESS CARDS tiki I r H CO Unrrn bide Vims buns for rent, ail sii Unique. Tailoring Co . 0 Stark st. BUITHS FUNlt AL DIRECTORS (Coatlaaad) asajs astWas Dunning & McEntee oWaE- rry detail. Broadway and Pins sts. Brwdwar 410. A-4558 Lady assistant MAUSOLEUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum f t MI A ESTE L To Mr. aad Mr. J. eaaeatel B. lta at.. Julj 22. a son. C RiEXTEB To Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Csr- paoter T7V Harold ava. . Jutv VS. a daughter. CltAWt-OKle To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Craw " f"rt, 24e 67 1 a vs.. July ltf. a daughter. . BHKT To Mr ami airs. Edgar . Barry, -ratA-lasaet, Jolr 30. a s. . 10 ALU- To Mr. aad Mrs. Eugene V. La- tiaU. 708 A minim st., July Jt,, a ana. '8SAXDEA To Mr. and Mrs. Julius H. Bran--tfaa, 122 E. 2ulh st., July 23, a sun. CtALYTo Mr. and Mra. TlmnUiy J. Healy. W aV Main st.. July no. a sun. Ot. L .V I To Mr. and Mrs. Tvart Ulond. 364 E. ism St.. Juir Z4. a aon PORTLAND MARBLJC WKS. S64-I6I 4th at opp. city halL Mala $164, Pnllto Nn aV Bona for memorials. rBLAESING GRANITE O JJ 267-3RD. ST. AT HADISON LOST AND FOL'AD 21 1100 REWAKD for Information leaJ lnr to the finding of A. J. Bateman. I wandered away August 1. Aged ii, ; weight 15 pounds, tielf bt 6 feet, spare ) ouiw, smooth shaven race; dreaaed in (dark arrav mjit llaTht srrav hat with FATTEKsO.X To Mr. mad Mrs. Hebert Nela dark band. black shoes moderately raKcrauo, it. rem st., July Z7. a Oaaxb- i high, bright colored tie. stirr whlto r?i;,. . . .. ,, j ahirt and white collar. Apply to iloua . , v'v-io anu airs, ijd Mini tain lew aaniraj lum. tiui, j sTvereri. juiy ii. a aau-nier HELP WANTED MALE (OonUaasa) awaasataajw asaaji mi" a CARPENTERS WANTEDAGENTS (CoaUaaad) iiwa.' - a) HELP WaWTED JkOSC. 4d j (Coatiaoad) VACANCY Aug. 11 for competent , TAILORING AGENTS Woolen have , ra;n or ex-I"ercnant, with lagre gona up 100; we bought a year a Cleveland corporation, to cell mer- J supply before the advance; ahowins chanta a needed high class specialty large assortment fine materials on i'J?,le0.n"nd surrounding territory; i which you can take orders men's made- 3VO tO 1600 Mr month. Cnmmlulnna lo-mnxtr. anl I m m rA nviwiata InsaP paid weekly. State experience. Ad- ! than your competitors; we want live drees Sales Manager, box 176, Sta- non j, wieveiana, Ohio. LEARN EXPERT ACCOUNTING BECOME A CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT GREAT DEMAND HIGH PAT LOW COST VERY EASY TERMS WE HELf TO SECURE POSITIONS WRITE FOR FREE INFORMATION MANAGER. P. O. BOX 1 1 4 ft. CITY. ageots. Others make $100 per week on our line, why not you 7 write xor SAmpie outfit. Leeds woolen tuiuu, Chicago. 111. SITUATIONJ -MALE MIDDLE AGED married man. thor oughly experienced in bookkeeping, credits and reneral office work, woaud like to get In touch with a good nouin TACkvl-To Mr. sjid.Mra. U Kay I'ate. Arden- LOST. Aug 2. between Central library wald. Or. Jolr a. a dsuabter. I and public market, large antique J0HN80X To Tdr. and Mrs. Clarence C. ameth vat brooch (heirloom) ; reward : Jobnaoti. e.13 E. 20th. Julj M, a son. i If returned to 601 Behnke-Walker bid A-To Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Bray, laa or phone Marnhall 7Z6. '.r'"-" J"y?--y- I LOST, on NehrJem road between A- :. tons and Portland black babC and Ji DEATHS AU HMJJJi ".. oon tents. Return to 89 E. 11th at. N. I at her l.t. raTte."cT M " d receive reward. Phone Wdln. II:. coille dog. light Drown witn white breast and white rlna around neck, one black hind toenail. License No. 1910. Reward. East 67Z. As we are now assured of sufficient lumber for our requirements, carpen ters ar wanted at American L4 cantonment. Tacoma. Waxes 15. hours, time and a half overtime. Meals stiff whitoe L"1luc.!r i!a;p?i". ley-Mason Co.. Worcester bldg.. Port land. J0IU3 August 3 - ryaacuuTrr are., Mrs.aCiuistlna Jorg. aged M years, beloTed molbrr tit Mrs. Alice 8pad. Eotanuel and Joseph Jorr. all of this ' eity; Fred Jorg. of Katarada. Or.; Mrs. Kate a-a telm" an? laAad. . Hrur Mi of frty who picked Up .old -1- Uoaa. Mt. Iecasl la surrlTed bT 42! "ln 33 2 Larnvtee t. pleaae gra4cMldren and 40 (ml arsndrblldm. The I return to aarne address.' Old keepaake. , remain are at I'paraao'a L'ulrruUni I'arlnra. ! iteward. Kaasell at at t'nkm a . until 10 a. ni. Sun "y. Tne funral kttIcps will be cooducted ( kHoorrow (Mondarl. Aug. 6, 1 :30 p. m.. at 'the Gorman Adtnt Wiurch. corner of Skid more aad Malt.f j are. Krlenda invited. Id- : WniTit mt Kw t'ltr t'-rotery. I LoLMA.V lu this ciir. aurut 3. Boy Crcll LOST L. s. navy emblem brooch, va.- ued aa a keepaake Reward. Phon Tabor 3269 REWARD for Sable CoP.ie. or Infor mation. Disappeared Dec. 9. Owner fretfi. Mar. 3813. HELP WANTED MALE , 1 Holman. ared i"i TMra H mnmhi 1M din. I FUL'XD Durae. Owner can have It br peiovM bnaband of hiir llolmaa. sua of Mrs. ' paying To- this ad ZZ1 West Parrf. ji w , ' '"I FOUND on east aide, .mall amount of . tend rnneral' serrlcea.' which will be held st j silver. Tabor 2$35. .imunbi xunerai m mr. ismi and Mimisj trsets, at 10 a. m ioukktuw iMonday), ! A trust 8. Iniernvnt Kiwun cyrneierr. HA HRlri At Viuniutrr. Wash.. August '(. star was tlarrla. arrd 4V Tears, bt-lorrd etettxr of Sot Ilarri.. Mrs. Sam Hermann ot I'WUattd. Mr. 1!. Idwnblatt of Kan rranrlx ' Sod Kred Hami ot Ixm Aii-ele. l uorral saevlceo from llnlman a funeral parlors. Sun day nnrorng. August 5. Services prlTate. ' liaa otnlt flowtfa. ..- if LANE Ln this Itr. August 4. Klorenr V. arUne of 143 Wlnuia atrrer. aged 2 years. beioTfKl ife of W. E. McLane and ' soother of KIJ-n W. and Minnie A. Mj'Lai.r. ' tVeeral serTh-es will be beld from A. K. Cellar eomvan's parlors Moods. Anirunt t). It t. m. friend are InTlted. . Tba lnter . anent will be In H City cemeierT. kiiaAUKH In this city. August T. Leslie .Jtnrf Khrader. late of IONU. Center street, ' Son of air. and Mr. William J. Shradrr. beotlwe of Karl and ;raoe .Sbrader and Mr. Edward '. Smith. Rrmalns are at Uolman's - taaeral psrkrs. Announcement of funeral aster. Buffs lo. X. Y.. per lea re copy. V'UB1 IXK3GERS WANTED ONE SET LOADERS FOR GUY LINE LOADING. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 241 Ankeny Street MILL AND CAMP DEPARTMENT Setters Doggers Edgermen Offbearers Yard men Mill laborers Truck drivera Shingle sawyers Shingle puckers Pond men Boom men Elderly men. Grays Harbor. TOP WAGES boys, box factory. JOBS FREE FOR CAMPS: f . 1 - i ', ! - I EIGHT MEN OVER 60 YEARS OLD made JI16 or more during the month 01 June aeiling our guaranteed fruit ana ornamental nursery stock. Bust- getting Detter every month i:i tills citr. Aucust 3. Alice Ann Mnrrls of 1.2 Kchuyler st. The funeral sea-T hree will be LW1 M.iir. Aucust 6. at 10 nesa e'esirk a. in., st the residence establishment Weekly cash advance, free Instruc- r "niej m Munnsomrj n old. 110ns and selling outfit No Invest rrietKW lnTite.1. Herrices at the grate private. : ment or experience required. Why not MATCIIKTT The funeral serrice of thm late 1 make some real monev TOliraelf t .Thnaa it Matruett. of 372 E. 37th at., will . Washington Nursery company. Toppen- ww muinncu 1117 tsunniji at p. m .. in ri. v aJin Fallers Rlggermen Choker setters Chasers Log bucks Snipers Whistle boys Swampers Hood tenders Wood bucks TOP WAGES GENERAL JOBS FREE the Caniaa, Wash, rresbrterian church. Prlemla lamed to sttenO. Bemalna are at the Funeral : rarlors of A. 1. KanwurUij h. Co.. 5au2-04 ' V:I St.. In Lenta. STEliBI.N: Carpenters for American Lake, ta for 8 hours. Concrete laborers, city work, J3.25 -The funeral service of the late 'Cora J, Ktebblns. axed 53 rears, will bs ere ducted Mondsr, Aug. 6. at 1:30 p. m.. In the Wortuarr Chanel of A. D. Kenworthr A Co. &ttu3-04 l2.1 st. 8. .., In, Lenta Friends: W E HAVE openings now for several tamed to attend. Interment Mt. Scott I'ark rood salesmen throuxhout Western 'ein.inj. i (.Tfgoti. Idaho. Montana and Callfor AlCOCK Tue funeral aerrtcea of Carl Spen-1 hla. on liberal commlsnlon basis. An -ear Arcork ill t held tomorrow (Monday) especial opportunity for men with o. 11 o clock p. m., from the resldrnc j cars. for full particulars address ayaj-irna- 01 ninrr c. ivenwortny. ia.i.'-, .'Nursery, ttrenco. Or. Intermrnt Mt. Sett l'ark Cemeterr. . I HA E a. well eaLablished office; want paivuvt iv iiauuic CI f8Be one with closing ability; no monev partnership: aive Dhnne. o experience. U-tV3, Jour- cavlL. service examinations Portlana soon. Men desiring government Do- I per 8 hours. uenerai laborers. 30 to 35 cents ter nour. Truckers, permanent lobs: can use middle aged men, z .60 day. sltlons, departmental, postofflce, rail way mail, customs, write for free par ticulars to J. G. Leonard (former government examiner. 753 Kenois Mldx.. Washington Men for short Jobs, 30 cents hour. up- More Joba filled than all other of fices In the state combined. See us at 219 Ankeny street for Jobs or men. i. STOKBAKT -In this dir. Autunt 3. WllU.m tebbart, aged 28 yrsr. late of 61 M E. 24th reouired for - Bt, X. The remain, will be forw.rded t.d.y Xmc an. s . ((taaday) by J. I', fiul. y A Son. to Keokuk. " erence an( where services will be held and lntr- rnl made. GENERAL handy man; steady posi- non ior rignt man; references. BRITISH subjects wanted for Cana dian overseas forces, railway con struction and forestry; good pay, no icst time, everything rumlshed, liberal Reparation allowance for deDendents. Theae are not fighting units, but abso lutely necessary to win. A chance to do your part and avoid conscription; IjLlHiAS la ti.1 c-ltT. ni .1 f.M rti...n Hdwe' & Furniture Co, bff MyL ;;7a-" , , : . 221 Fro"t at. t-venlngs. Home phone B-1180. D. Ste- ruai x v imam Lfiiie tiiaii SA LESMAN Experience unnecessary; w t be In need of hi. senricc nsw .rwi.it nmn.oin- about September 1. will work very sfEr trcaodm;m?J-CoUn 'ti. contract for Orearon: vacancy Auir. 15: tnaa laf.:e l?1?- K m rettables nd 83S weekly for iimi.-. rnntin.nii. responsioie. 1-49K, journal. Jewelry Co.. 18,831 Continental bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED, men and women to qual ify for government positions. Sev eral thousand appointments to be made next ew months. Full informa tion about openings, how to prepare, etc., free. Write Immediately for booklet CG 368, Earl Hopkins, Wash ington, D. C SALESMAN for general mercantile trade In Oregon to sell a NEW prop osition of MERIT; vacancy now; at tractive commissiam contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Co., wholesale Jewelers, 22,731 Cariln bidg.. Cleveland. Ohio. . WANTED Employment as watchman or Janitor in office building, or work around private home. Can give gooa references. Peter Nelson. 959 E. 12th St. N. BO if. 16. with wheel, honest and will ing, wants employment, room, board and small wages, sufficient to Duy clothes and attend Benaon trade achool. Raymond. Daniell, 1000 Glenn ave. No. CANDYMAKER wants work. All around retail man. Many years ex perlence. Best of references. A-934 Journal. OLD gold. Jewelry bought. 1218 Yeon bldg. WANTED Well digging by expert well digcer; guarantee to dig to water. Ed Kotliauge, route 2, mils dale. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions for young women; salary paid while learning;. Apply Pacific Tel. Ac Tel. Co.. bth floor, Park and Oak sts., between 8:30 a. m. and 6 s. io. WANTED YOUNO WOMEN WITH TYPEWRITER EXPERIENCE. BETWEEN 18 AND 26 YEARS OF AGE, FOR OFFICE POSITION. WITH ADVANCEMENT. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN UNION TEL. CO., BTH FLOOR. WORCESTER BLDG. CIVIL, service examinations Portland soon. Women deslrin" clerkships. postofflce, government departments. stenographer, write lor rree particu lars to J. C. Leonard (.former govern ment examiner;, 1 53 Kenois Diag., Waihlni?ton. BY gentleman with son 13 years. middle atted or elderly woman. Light work; small wages. Call Sunday or afrer 6 p. m. week days. Ill East 0th. near Morrison. Mt. Ttbor car to 69th. WANTED Position, bookkeeper, een eral office work, typist, railroad and lumber experience. C-485, Journal. 11 ffUfrfl Will repair your watch no Wliww matter how Daaiy broken. REINGOLD'S, Jewelers. 124 5th st HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomin lng, day or contract work, cheap, guaranteed. East in. TO MANAGE apt. house, run station ary eiiKjiie or jieawnjr piani. r-in Journal. BOOKS opened, closed, kept, audited by expert having spare time; low fees. rhone smith, uroaoway . MARRIED man with family, experi enced farm hand, wants steady work on xarm. rv-323. Journal. YOUNG married man wants work, not too heavy; a good rustler; quick to learn. F-386, Journal. MARRIED man wants steady indoor position; no special line desired; can rumlsh references. Tabor 4681. MAN, -10, position as salesman gro cery, bookkeeper; lumber experi ence B-656, Journal. WANTED Experienced, competent girl to answer telephone in whole sale house: one preferred whohaa had general office experience. Give age, references if any and wages expected. C-493, Journal. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting, good work reasonable. labor i6Qi M ANTED Garden work. Tabor 269: SITUATIONS -b EMALK WANTED Young lady for general of fice work in printing estaoiisnment. Must be good at figures and use type writer. State experience and salary expected. D-498. Journal. WOMEN'S DIVISION PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, CITY HALL. We have several refined, elderly ladies who desire positions as house keepers or care of apartment houses. Also, women who desire work by the day. Marshall 4100 A-4125. STENOGRAPHER or typist; prefer one who has some knowledge of bookkeeping. White Salmon, Wash. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for laces and trimmings. Best of references required. Apply superintendent's of fice. 9 to 10 a. m.. Olds, Wort man fc King. HELP wanted 2d and Union Laundry Co. Columbia. WANTED Good, respectable, refined girl In small family, permcnent for ight party. Must speak German. An- wer in own writing J-4ZZ. Journal. STENOGRAPHER for position at Bend, Or, 1100 to start; chance for advancement. Call for A, D. Boyd. Call today. Ramapo hotel. WANTED By an experienced girl, a position as nurse, ior cnuaren. call Sell. 355. LACE curtains, hand laundered; called for. Main 89o. AN EXPERIENCED primary teacher will tutor pupils, seiiwood Z34SI. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires temporary work. Tabor 431: NURSES tfO EAST SIDE SANITARIUM Specialis ing in maternity casern, we are equipped with the latest apparatus for giving nicrous-oxlde gas In obstetrics, better and safer than twilight sleep. Special rates. Information, call or phone E. 6087, B-26J2, 859 Haw thorne ave.. at 28th. FIRST class maker and trimmer. Reg ister with us immediately. City and country positions. Co. Muller & Raaa PRACTICAL nurse would like confine ment; slight operations; would as sist in household duties. Reliable, ex perienced. Can furnish . references. Phone Broadway 5544 St. Vincent'. (raepltsl, Aug. 3, 41 years, cancer ot alc-Wild. sanitarium. Aus. 3. 2 yars, pleirn.nous i cooa. steady position Give age, expe- care of cows. 609 Ladd ave. TOTtacslus of rlht ntTsl wltn erylpela. ' leuce. rei erence lr any. 1.-819, Jour- East 1511. LUWMULIW rTank WHUam Bloummrlat ' - uauuri uoavttai, Aug nr. eniooitia GOOD, active man in wholesale house. Pn" in stock department, one familiar WANTED Elderlv man to do chores 1th plumbing supplies preferred. . one who understands milklnr and Phone 1, 31 years, tuber- i ELECTRIC linemen, cub-atation men W 1 . . . CEOBtJE-rtbe, George. S33 R. 9th St.. ro" "J 'uJm AOS s, o .nttm. central nervou lesion ',, 7.11 nrV-w . r. sWbaolv I. B. B-.enina-ltls. I iullsy- Call at 415 Chamber of Com- JOsVO ChiistLua J-. Anx. 3. Mz Vaueou- I nierce b'd:.. 3d and Stark at., between Ttt iw., NO years, cerebral apoplexy. I . m and 3 p. m. Bwniii-gimn itirnnru uennett. aw Kara- . STREETCAR MEN From now until nl?J?;.?lFXJi-, . further notice the office of our em rSIi.l ? : P qyment. examiner, room 310 Electric mZU? .lm."nTrv imiiuer 7 ! piog . will Do open from 10 to 11 Ti R VI N Grace May Parvln. Good Samari tan bcwp'tal. Aug. 2. 36 years, peritonitis. SHINGLE R wanted. Call Sell. 3069. HKLP WANTED MISC. 4 STENOGRAPHERS wanted. Com mence 1100 month: government wants thousands immediately, 7 hour dav. Portland examination weekly. Wrte for free sample questions. Frankllj institute. Desk Z0, Rochester. N. Y. .-m Jinan young woman and men wanted to prepare for telearaDh service to help fill vacancies caused n m io receive applications tor positions i. . . . . i u ... i m ii. . . iv.. u. w r i ii ' T ' ' 1 . AU. urriLOD U. i i - . ,r t PlCBISTOFURO Marino Dlcrtotoioro. Good i WANTED Boy with wheel to deliver b' unusual drafting men for war. Po- k A years, nyper. telegrams, iiust be at least 16 vearB suions guaranteed. Call or write. Tele- iT,T,'. v, rr.. o w V,1.'"- iI'c Chief. I rrapn irpi., room dub, r-anama Diag. - rtaoa st,. Aux 2. 33 yean, scute nephritis 1 bide 201 Telephone NOTICE The Adcox Auto achool will give two FLORISTS CT.ARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morii- Bon st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers Tld floral designs. No branch store MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists I i Wash. Main 269. A-1I69. Flowers ; For all occasions artistically arranged. SWISS FLORAL CO.. 412 E 7lh .N t Ptdre 23d and Gllaan Main 1169. WAX M SMITH Klortst. 141 S th st STOCK BOY for women's suit dept. more students a course of instruction iuusi uj is v rain or over, and have l or uue-mira regular price. call gcoo rererences. Apply euperinten- once dent s office 9 to 10 a. m. Olds. Wort- 188 BURN8IDE ST. SOLDIERS-SAILORS need socks; good GROCERY ORDER CLERKS Must be money made at home knitting hos experienced and be able to furnish iery. machrnes furnished on time; we ucai irieiencea. Apply suoerinten dent's office. 9 to 10 a. m. Olds, Wort man & King, pay fixed rates for making the goods. Wheeler. Inc.. 837 Madison. Chicago. FUNERAL DIRECTORS I SALESMAN to sell a popular priced i and well known automobile. Must know the streets of Portland. Answer giving experience and references. S- 44. journal. Edwiwrtl Bolnaa W. J. Uolataa J. X. Warleln TV... ITHE EDWARD H0LMAN "r UNDERTAKING CO. - ETA BUSSED 18TT - Thtrtt Bueet, Con e ot Salaoa -1 A MODERN 8CAC10C8 FAMILY ROOM v , WITH IBIVATK LMKAXCa I" LADY ASSISTANT , PkotMS Mala 607, A-1311 J- P. Einley &. Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private i'rive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. . Wltw A-U99. s.Chambers-Kenworthy Co. , Funeral directors and embalmers of Piedmont. 1111 Kerby at. at Emerson. .- Ladr assUtanL Phones Woodlawn YOUNG man to assist in office and re ceiving room: must write good na.uu. cnance ior promotion. Y-,'06 Journal. WANTED Competent construction ioroman to take charge of carpenter and concrete work. Call on J. W. Ben- nett jvionoay mornln: at 611 Yeon bldif WANTED 2 Japanese with gasoline dragsaw to cut cordwood. close to city, inquire Jeiierson Grocery, 16th ana jeiierson tu. wood CHOPPER wanted Elderly man and wife preferred. Good cabin and tools furnished. Write to E. F. A' "ox gj. ores nam. Or. WANTED A man to aeil our ex ten sive line or nursery product. Cash weekly, outfit free. Address Capital viiT iiurcrjr -o.. aiem. or. SALESMAN, attractive opening for a niarr oi saies aoiiny. call for A. D rmmso notei. can today. a. i tij- Man ror cleaning, pressing and light alteration. Will give half or prorits and free room. Steady work J. A. Conley. Condon. Or. IP. L LER Undertaker K. 11th and Hawthorn a. i Phones E. 781. B-Hal. Lady assistant. t-- At D. Ken worthy Co. tabor BIC7. 1803 2d st.. Lents Tabor Hi. 66th at. and Foster road. 'Arleta. F. S. Dunning, Inc. T Golden Rule Undertakers, n rqer w. rnone East 61. b-ii. iwajit 44. Lady AaaUtant. C-lllI -IV : WILSON ROSS. , ' , Funeral Director. Ino. :- Multnomah at Sawanth .t PIEDMONT UndertaJUng Co. a. J. Groskopf. funeral director. Woodln. Pit, C-1165. KUllngsworth and Kerby. iilLLER as TRACE Y, Independent Fu - . neral Diiectora.- Pricna low aa tie t40. 860. Wash, st Ella. M. !. A-7t6 AR 7ollor Tr. Wlliiams ave. QtPUC Undertaking Co Mainllx. OfNtl VVC- A-2321. Cor. Id and Clay. WANTED A boy about 18 years with' mecnanicai acuity to learn trade F 442, Journal. WANTED Window cleaners. Applv American Window Clean lnr Co, 705 WANTED Auto trucks to haul wood. Long Job ood pay. Call at Wil- Ham, Ave Fuel Co. Monday. WANTED Experienced salesmvan for drevtiiTdiicln" ,dePmnt. Ad dress F-44S, Journal. AvT?Eye"j; mn to d little Job dally. Board, room and 810 Der month, 611 Savier st P TEAMSTER wanted, steady work. 8 WAITED Japanese cordwood splU ters. Box 335. Vancouver. Wash. WANTEDA fTont st. good stable man. 546 Drva P. CnAnl Belmont at ICth. WICCclC Ut OIIOOr TO. DIG or drill welL first letter v.Ait. t.. WANTED A milker Ware- no .r,J board. Phone Tahor 270 Give prices in I. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers: $25 to 150 per week: railroad fare rld. Goodrich Drug Company, dept. 700, Omaha, Nebr. GOVERNMENT wants help. men. women, 1100 month; war necessitate:, hundreds appointments; write immedi ately for list positions. Franklin In jMltutc Dept. 384-G. Rochester, N Y BRAsKKMEN, firemen, positions open on western roads; good chance for men without railroad experience; $90 to 1200 monthly. RAILWAY, 1278 Market St , San Francisco. Cal. SIDE-LINE men, do you want a real one that one order a day will pay you $9? No samples to carry; some thing new; write today. Can field Mfg. Co.. ZQ8 Slgel st.. Chicago. Ill SALEM EN Write for list of openings and how to obtain them; city or traveling. Addreso nearest office Na tional Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n, Dept. 312, Chicago. New York, Pan Francisco. EXPERIENCED hand lroner, enced body lroner. PALACE LAUNDRY. E. 10th and cqrbett. experi- WANTED French or French Swiss girl to care for children; one who speaks very little English preferred. Call Main 3821. WANTED Bookkeeper for general of fice work, wholesaler. Apply 312 Gllsan st. Phcne Broadway 474. YOUNG lady for light clerical work, able to take dictation. Not much experience necessary. E-462, Journal. COMBINATION stenographer and bookkeeper. State age, experience and usual salary. K-818, Journal. WANTED, live girl to work In ball game concession at Riverview Para. Take Oregon City car. WANTED A middle aged lady to keep THOROUGHLY competent nurse, best references, wants invalid or other lopg case to care for, C S. home pre ferred. C-469. Journal. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants, case; doctors' references. Tab. 1387. FURNISHED ROOMS (Oom tinned) PALACE HOTEL. 446 WASH. ST. Cleanest and best furnished rooms In city, at most reasonable prices. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 NEATLY furnished front room, nice location, walking distance; between R. C. and E. Ankeny carlines. East 8670. 60 East 16tlt St. nortr DESIRABLE front room, two large closets, suitable ror gentlemen; waia ing distance. Main 3741. ROOM for gentleman; private home; all conveniences. 687 Davis st., l block north of Washington. Mar. 3708 235 ELEVENTH, cor. Main; nicely fur- nlshed front room, down stairs. NICE clean furnished rooms. 474 Yam hill st., cor. 14th. CLEAN, well furnished room. waJkln.7 distance. 8Z5 JZtn . ROOMS AND BOARD 15 HOTEL CHESTERBURY 20th and Kearney sts.: excellent din ing service; ratea reasonable. Marshall 784. THE MANITOU. 261 13th. Homelike. steam heat; good hoard reas. M. zb.ii ROOMS AND BOARD '72 PKIVATS AHTLY ECELENT "boanl, neatly furnished room with large closet In modern home. 744 Belmont St., near 23d. Phone East 3668. NEATLY furnished room with or without board. 527 E. Burnside st. East 32 4. NICELY furnished rooms, private fam ily, board, reasonable. 482 Vx Mill at. Phone Marshall 2515. ROOM and board, gentlemen preferred; modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 611 Morrison. Main 2722. ROOM and board, suitable for two. close In. MflT. 4298. 322 Broadw a y . WANTED 3 roomers and boarders. e Close to factories. 14 01 corbett. WILL care for little girl. Good home. near school, labor Abao. WANT children to board; good home. Tabor 4937. ROOMS and board reasonable; piano. 325 Broadway, south. Main 3901. WAr.TED ROOM AND BOARD 39 BOARD and room wanted In private family by four young men; on weet ?ide. N-376, Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES , 12 fsaBSBBSSgSsl Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the con venience of our patrons and friends. A service absolutely withdut charge to you Our listings of houses, bunga you. Our listings of houses, buniru YOURS FOR SERVICE. Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill Streets. WHY RENT? THIS IS BETTER 120 MONTH UNTIL PAID 5 room bungalow, good furnace, built-in buffet, fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, oak floors and beam ceilings in living and dining rooms; 50 down will let you move In at once. The monthly payments Include all in terest. Price only 12750. This place is located in Mt. Tabor and has a fine view of the mountains. HICKMAN WILSON. 45th and Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 6868 C-2121 (Branch of J. L. HARTMAN CO.) FURNISHED HOUSES (Continnedj 80 THREE room house, furnished, near Kenton. garden, chicken house voodhome, gas, water, vood rangii. Woodlawn 3298. - 4 ROOM cottage, 2 lots. $11. 10 rms., high class, double corner $50. See Houck, 110 10th St. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace. sleeping porch, gas, electricity, cheap rent. 1627 Fremont st., near 6otn. Tabor 7554. MAN and 'wife to share modern home' with aged couple and reduce high cost of living; references deaired. M. T. Jacobs. 22 E. f?Sth st.. cor. Burnside. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4 room lower flM. lawn, piano one block Seiiwood carbarns. Adults, $15. Phone Sell. 1748. 569 Linn ave. MODERN 5 room house, nicely fur nished. 629 Gantenboln ave. -Phone C-2527. BEAUTIFUL laig. nice clean 6 roaia furnished home. $25 if taken for year or more. Tabor 7392 BETTER THAN RENT 7 ROOMS ROSE CITY PARK" $40 DOWN $40 MO. UNTIL PAID All laree rooms, fine sun room, all modern built-in effects: A-l furnace; 2 toilets; enclosed rear porch; monthly payments includes all interest. Lot 50x 110 ft. Only 2 blks. to car. See this today. Price $3750. HICKMAN-WILSON. 45th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 6868 or C-2121. (Branch of J. L. HARTMAN CO.) Phone Mar. 4600 A-610X. ' MEIER ak FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all timea a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. In all parts of the city. Avail yourself of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. EAST Harrison street bungalow; 6 rooms and sleeping porcn, xzbuo. Powell Valley road and 64th St.. 6 rooms and sleeping norch. furnace. fruit trees; lot 80x100. See this. $1800. Easy terms. sunnyside bargains: 6 rooms, cor ner lot, improved streets. $2400. 6 rooms. 30th near Belmont. $200u. To loan. $5000 at 7. Tabor 1811. A. H. SAWTELL. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rXTKHXSSZS AITS UZTPTmSlsHSO ROOM housekeeping. $9 per month: sinele rooms $5 up. 645 "A Wash ington near lbtn. THREE houses, near Reed College; one has 8 rooms and sleeping porch. one 7 large rooms and sleeping porch: one 6 rooms and sleeping porch; all modern and in splendid condition; rent $30 and $25. Detailed Information and key at office- LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Concord Building, Second and Stark Streets. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. $2.60 and up. 2 Grand ave., cor. Ankeny. 5 rooms, modern $6.00 5 rooms, modern...... 7.00 5 rooms, modern 8.50 6 rooms, modern 8.00 9 rooms, modern 1800 See Houck, 110 10th St. 75 12TH Single rooms, complete for housekeeping. All conveniences. Use of piano. NICE light h. k. rooms, furnished, AFTER Sept. 15, will lease 1 year or private bath and tenet, large bunga- longer. 4 room cottage with or witn- low porch, $12 month. Tabor 865. lout furniture; 1 acre fruit, flowers and NICELY furnished H. K, rooms. $2 and berries, room for garden and chickens $3 week. N. 13 th st. Walking distance. Bdwy. 3068! 95 ICELY furnished H. K. rooms, closo In! also 2 basement rooms, very rea sonable. Main 3539. responsible tenant: references ex changed. O. E. Hale. 4206 73d St. S. E. labor 4124. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6 room bungalow, piano, gas. elect rL', $16. Woodlawn 400. NEATLY furnished 5 rooms down stairs, $15 month. Tabor 542. Haw thorne district. ATAKTMENTS '43 FURNISH EDAND I N F URN 1 SHKI Portland Heights New,' light and airy, tiuilt-ln coi. venienees, old Ivory finish, French doors, hardwood floors, laundry and garage accommodations, lawn, trees and fine neighborhood. On car line. Main 8542. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance; references. PENROSE APARTMENTS Grand ave.. bet. Morrison and Bel mont; new 2 and 3 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bldg.; whits enamel and mhaogany linlsh, walking-distance. Altamont Apartments 5th and College, verv nicely, fur nished 3 and 4 room apts.. walking distance. Muin 6375. THE NEW .OB HILL, Dritk building. 6 floors, all mod. conveniences, 35 J and 3 rot in suites; tew tuimsheU. Lawu. shade, flowers Glisaii at . near 23d st. BENSON APARTMENTS 205 N. 2Jth St. -Newly furnished 3 loom uuartnieniri. walking distance. References. Mul- aliall 4448. BRETNOR APARTMENTS The fashionable .Nob Hill apart ments; absolutely modern 3 loom apartments, near car line, 2utli and Lovejoy eta. - ftam A re Eree bath, hoc cold water VJCill MJJlOi $i week up. 401 1st st. HOL'SEKEEl'ING ROOMS 73 rTJJLniSKxs aits uxrrtTaurzsKEs rarrATE i-amut $40 12 rooms. 204 N 22d st, $20 7 rooms, 709 Marshall st. $12.50 7 rooms. 1071 E. Lincoln at $12 6 rooms. 670 E. Everett sL $12 6 rooms, 991 Commercial st. CARL R. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. Alberta District THREE clean furnished housekeeping rnrm frnnt r(Vtm fainar str.t cool, shady porches and yard, private fore 10 a. m toilet, eitc. lights, water, an ior 3 month; no children. 195 E. 74th st- N. M. V. car. 8 room modern house for rent, fur nace heated. Phone Marshall 3289 be- 2 AND 3 room suites, running water. pleasant view, large shady yard, only minutes' walk from residence dis trict. $10 and up. 391 W. Broadway. 33a Montgomery. A FINE horn with garage, new, with all modern conveniences, furnace, etc. Restricted district, west slope of Mt. Tabor. 1388 Tabor Court, Tabor 6427. C. F. Nash, owner. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms with kitchenette, front rooms modern. Phone Main 24o4. FOR rent or for sale, new 7 room house, Lakewood Station, Oregon City car, 6c car fare; oak floors, fire- Slace, heating ' system, sleeping porch. :ast 4062. OR 4 desirable rooms, completely furnished for H. K.. modern, rea sonable. 641 6th st SLEEPING room and H. K. suite, mod ern, phone, walking distance, reason able. 44 E. 7th st. south. FOR RENT 13 room house, west side, arranged for roomers; party renting can make rent of whole house from 2 rooms. Main 1040. FURNISHED ROOMS Palace Hotel 123 ROOMS FIREPROOF MODERN a a M v-ov. M-r3rSS3S Cleanest Rooms in City. Reduced Rates 50c and Up Free pnonss 441 Washington. THREE furnished H. K. rooms near Broadway bridge. 449 Ross st-, East 398. 3 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath. yard. 625 Thur- man. NEAT 2 rooms, close in, housekeeping, also sleeping rooms; phone, Datn; adults. 21 N. 11th st. NEW 6 room bungalow, oak floors. fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, near Franklin High school, $18. Tabor 170. 0 ROOM modern house, woodshed. water paid, $12 per month; -will furnish if desired. 409 1st st. Mar shall 3411. . HOUSES.' FLATS AND STORES. J. J. OEDER, Real Estate and Rentals. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. SEVEN room modern, $12; with gar- age, $16; near Jefferson nign scnooi; ONE unfurnished light housekeeping room. S3 per month. Adults. 1 D1K. rnmm.rrii.1 and Blandena. Phone rrom car. zsi n. 4tn St. I Woodlawn 187. SPACIOUS 6-ROOM APARTMENT Every room outside. Hooded Willi light, 6 rooms, bath and pantry; id en I location, walking distance. J41 Mum- goniery Marshall 30o9. i WILL share upartment with refined younif woman employed; comfort able apartment, walKing distance, rea sonable; give tuli pariKuiais mat Ict- ter. R-4 i,5. Journal. PALACE APTS.. 1101 E. MARKET Two 4-room uniurnished aVartiuentd, one 4-room furnisntd and one 2-rooin furnished; private bath and ihone. Tabor 2651. KLINE APTS. 5 rooms, all outsidd rooms, front and back port lies, moJ ern. 6 minutes' walk fiotn business center; 17th and Gflsan; rel'ereiic-. Broadway 620. - COMPLETELY furnished 2 room apartment, $20 month, lncluuin I lights; easy walking distance. BEL KNAP APARTMENTS. 18V 17lh niui' Yamhill. FLORENCE APARTMENTS. SHS li:ii St., 3 and 4-room lurtusned apart ments. Desirable locution. WaiKii.it distance. Sleeping porches. Ko"i' garden. . THE DAVENPORT APARTMENft, Jefferson. Nicely lurnishcil J-iou.u apartments, also single rooms. PtioJd Main &4ia. MK1NLEY APARTMENTS Modern 3 room lib per mo. uiid up; private phone and bain, walking dis- tance. E. 7 th and Morn son. Eg st 3luu. ATTRACTIVE 2-ROOM a'pAKT MENTS Well furnished suites; ideal location, walking distance; near parks. 32a Mi.l. THE LEONCE 3 and 4 loom lui- nished apartments, private uuth an phone; rent very reasonable, lot! N. 2d. . a NICELY furnished rooms for rent. I ONLY $12.50 8-ROOM MODERN References. 394 Columbia st. HOUSE FURNACE, NEAR 8H1P- TWO lovely housekeeping rooms. $10. YARDS. CORBETT ST. PHONE MAIN 629 V, East Davis. 85. MR. ALLEN A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St at East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal Eas Side hotel and Is a hotel of dignity RELIABLE eirl to assist with eeneral and refinement. Rates per day. for uuuaewora, care ior 11 mooinr uia VIlc avu i o v. iu a . w , ,ui www v house for gentleman with two small children. 457 Baldwin, St. Johns car. baby. Coll 943 Hawthorne ave. WANT single woman between 30 and 40 to manage coffee house. 0-426, Journal. WANTED Makers and trimmen,. Some good city positions. Apply Lowengart & Co. MILLINERY First-class trimmers wanted, out-of-town positions. Apply ptaadecker & Co., Seattle. Wash. sons. $1 to $2.- Weekly Rates, $3.60 and Up. EXPERIENCED cook; references re- quired; good wages., Phone Main 893. Te e LADIES take work home, spare time, $1 doz. 8tore 733 H Wash st. MARRIED woman to -do cooking. Broadway 819 after 2 p. m. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE mm UL-fiUBER Modern Reasonable Ideal Location Respectable congenial Safe 270 V, FOURTH Opposite city hall. Marshall 6355 HOTEL RITZ PaRK AND MORRISON Elegant furnished rooms with or without private bath, hot and cold CTlinv k,vlIv..r,i.. .Hn-K.n. - , J uiiiwiiK water ana new ' ' . iv, luauu, , room pi .vn lnr aervfct all nlsrht- IhOD raphy. sales mans hi d. Encllsh branches, at an accredited achool. Write or phone Main 690 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. 3ExliS ICE- W A ErvER RUSLNES3 COLLEGE. 167 4th St.. near Morrison. m&im m&m mmm. Est. 1891. 80 schools. Summer .ales. Pay while learning 234 Burnilde st STEEN SEWING SCHOOL B leek a system of ladies' tailoring ud dress making taught: patterns cut to meas ure. Phone East 2359. B-3307. 162 Grand ave.. near Belmont. YOUNG man to leaxn automobile ac cessory business: must know how to drive Ford- A. J. Winters Co., 65-67 6th st. WANTED immediately, names men- come government clerks. DX-456. Journal. hing $76 month. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing unnec. ; details free. Press Syndicate. 194. St. Louis. Mo. NIGHT CLASS STARTING , Adcox Auto School, reduced rates to first five students; call today. 188 Burnside st- $20 WEEKLY made writing names for mail cft-der ' house; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. The Guide Co.. Memphis. Tenn. OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade; paid while learning; position guaran teed. 233 Maflson. ping and theatre district. Special rates to permanent guests. ,R MITEL 128 N, 6TH ST. Bd'way 3413 A-3174. One mlnue 'from Depot. Special Rates to Permanent Guests, SINGLE furnished rooms, suitable for H K rooms or sleeping rooms Will MOHLER Barber School, men and rent very cheap to persons who are women to learn barber trade free paid while learning. 38 N 2d. cor. Couch WANTED AGENTS not in d-uring the day. Rooms in good condition; In an excellent building. 5 47 Yamhill st 271H GRAND AVE. Rooms and apartments by day, week or month; strictly modern, iz jweek up, WE want an agent in Portland to sell our line of personal greeting cards; not the common store variety of Christmas card, but made to order; one " ie most axiracuve lines In ' Bv Week irnn k a m f if a Bv Month America, Season staxt. September .' f2y0V Up" RISTO L "o Up " T strictly modern, unaer new managrrt rer week during season. Fine 12th and Stark sts. Broadway 38ti. opening for woman of the best con- i gPFr.r,r ratfb nections: no objection to men. how- ' special, fe l mmer rates ie Thi. i. . , If you are desirous of a clean, mod- for a capable person. Harcour. a i rn s.t a reevsonable, rate, call at Co.. Louisville. Ky. WE start you In businees, fjurnlshlni everything: men and women. $30 to 446 Washington, Palace hotel. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. ORE GON'S OLDEST. BEST EQUIPPED AND MOST PRACllCAL) BOlUUU HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School. Broad way-x am hill dm. hmucn prlesi for the aummar. Positions eared. Tabor 1HI. HAMILTON irrLebo-r1-!?: Zt T Brrnaa. naw rea idea; Mtabl'L. : WUllams ars. Wdln. 119, C-lliS. I WANTED A man to do Janitor work must be reliable. T-ui ournaJ ? ' W ANTE D Leu on. in buck and wins- ind ClOsF stLam nrlrnr r A A v a m ?WdTaE4ij,Ur,litur Ilal'hr- PhoHe WANTED Painter to tar roof. . Tabor WOMEN wanted, government life Jobs; write for list positions. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 704-Q, Rochester. N. Y. KPirrill. gITMMER RATES MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSI NB8 mi.I.KOK. ALI8KY HLDO UNCALLED for tailor mt4 suits) I -s p Taylor the Talloe. BsnwH VTOLIN instructor $0 cents a lesston." : Pbons C-17H. - r' S200 weeklv ODeratlna our new nvitum specialty candy factories' home, any- wnere; do canvassing; opportunity llfe- TOURI8T8. ATENION! Special arummer rates now prevail In gattjiePalacehotel446s SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN RMS.. BATHS. PHONES. $200 AND UP. time; booklet free. Rags dale Co.. Box TRANSIENTS 60c UP. 422 y, WASH. Z. East Orange. N. J. HOTEL OCKLEY. -Morrison at 10th. RATES 0o day up, weekly ;j up. Running water. Free p nones and bath LARGE MANUFACTURER wants rep resentatives to sell shirts, under. wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, j ROOMS and apartments aireci id nomeat. i i lie xor irea sam ples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York City. I'VE a new line of soaps, extracts, toi let goods, perfumes etc.. for agents; 100 profit; sample free. Write ?ulck. Lacaseian Co., Dept. 56, St. ouls. Mo. . SNAPPY rapid sellers, demand ejnor moua, $t day easy, oomplete outfit to men and women workers; act quick. Crofts A Reed Co Dept A, Chicago. . - .. . v t hotel. $1.76 week and up. in modern 455 Alder. $1.60 WEEK up. clean, warm modern fur, rms.. central. The King. 80 Jef. NICE 3 room apt., $15, and sleeping rooms. $1.50. 88 Grand ave. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam heat, running water. 185 id st. Gentlemen only, splendid rma., bath, phone, hot water, nr. Wash. 11 N.17th UNFURNISHED rooms for reat; cen , trally located. Cavil Broadway 481L NICELY furnished housekeeping rms., WEST SIDE, close to business, 9 room single or ensuite. is 14th st. inoueru nuuac, T-j f7 5 KfT r-jrr- clean, reasonable, good tenant. Tabor H. K. Rnnm55. 306 14th St. 3474 SINGLE housekeeping rooms with cooking gas, cheap. 429 Main. , 9 ROOMS, arranged for 2 or 8 fami lies, can clear rent; garoen grow ing, sleeping porches. Woodlawn Z449. FOR REXV--HOUSES VHrUxtWXSztES 12 GOOD 6 room house, bath, $8. 7 rooms, bath, $10. 634 E. Salmon. East 6604. 6 ROOM modern house, 344 Grand ave. North, near Broadway. Inquire 69 Albina ave. East 2002. NEW 8 room modern house, nice lawn, I 693 E. 20th st.. North. Phone East 3815. . $18 IRVINGTON. 6 room house, large MODERN 4 room bouse, rent $10 per yard, furnace, wash tubs, aaa elec- month. No children wanted. 1186 triclty. East 642. Milwaukle st. CARMELITA APTS., 13th and JeTfei- sorvots. 4 room apt., rurnlsned wen. and o rooms unfurnished, nigh class house. ' TWO and 3 room apartments nicely furnished, large yard, rent reason able. .615 Vista avenue. Wooulann 13S9. - , CLEAN, furnished modern aula, at "The Luxor." Steam beat, private laths. closets, phones. Main 8105. ltn ana .iay i '1HE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway 8 and 4 room lur. anu uniur. apis , walking distance, at very reasonable rent ;best ofser vice. Main 2606, DIEL AiPTS.. 790 E. Ankeny st. Mod ern, comp. fur. 3 room apts. Large, light, airy, clean. Free light, heat, etc. East 1808, NICELY furnished front apartment, walking ' distance. Good homo for nice people. 475 Clay st. WALKING distance, 8 room modern 630 E. LINCOLN, cor. 12th room dwelling. 125. 329 Broadway; $30. Main 7 ROOM house, good barn, chicken house, fruit trees, berries. Wdln. 2211. $13. 6 ROOM modern house, gas. elec tricity, fruit. Room for car. 1378 B. Gllsan, 49th, M-V car. SEE our list of houses and stores to rent and save time. Mill era hip. 724 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ROOM modern bungalow with attic, 2 blocks from Woodstock car. 39th st Tabor 6135. house, bath, barn, garage, large yard. Key across street. $10 5 ROOM house, on Russell, near Union; bath, electric lights, gas. wood range. 619 Rodney ave. $20, FORMERLY $40 now $20. mod ern 8 room house. 738 Hoyt St. Must rent immediately. Main 6016. FOR RENT Nice 6 room cottage, ccr. Williams ave. and wygant, near jei- ferson High. Phone Woodlawn 52i. 4 ROOM modern bungalow; attic, large porch, electric fixtures; lot 80x126; sacrifice. Lents district. Main 8648. GLENN APT.. 984 Hawthorne ave.. have small fur. and unfur apts. for renc Tabor 6100. B-2332. . ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern coa venlences. Marshall 1793. . 8-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS.. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St.. near Taylur. Marsh. 128. 5 ROOM cottage, close In. on Morriso-i car line, only Jo. 218 Commonwealth I r- HiT KM. I V-- 1 a a. NEW modern 6 rooms. In Alberta dis trict, $12 per montn; , iree water. 4 ROOM house. $7, at 264 E. 37th sL and Hawtaorne. nione Seiiwood 3045. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, nice and clean. full lot, paved streec atn ana urani. 112.60. Hatfield. 165 Vt 4th St. $18 6 ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, furnace and built in conven iences. 115 E. 69th st.. Tabor Heights. MODERN 6 room house, 193 McMillen t, 2 blocks south or east end Broadway bridge. East 6790. LIST your rentals with us. Mlller- sihlp, 724 Chamber of Commerce. EXCEPTIONALLY nice modern, fine ly located, yard, iruit, roses. East 1610. ' 549 SIXTH. 9 rooms, lawn. $20. Phone Drake's, 367 First; 614 "Oregonian." 8 ROOM modern house, $20 a month. 70 N. 14th st. WALKING distance, 2 rooms, fur nished apartment, newly painted; large yard; cheap. Phone East 3077. FURNISHED and unfurnished 4 and 5 room apartments, brick building; w al k in f d i a ta n c e. Ea a it 3 2 5 2. , MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and BelmonC Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 par week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. HisLOP HALL E. bth and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 and 1 room apts.. $12.50 up. walking distance. East 182. THE W'ESTFAL. 410 6th at., 1 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building, walking distance, HB.no. 10 ROOM Irvington bungalow; abso- lutely modern; $45. Main 125. FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 HOUSES FOR REN X NICE 4 room cottage with yard; close In.. 809 Williams ave. Main 126. LIGHT 8 room modern dwelling. 22d and Everett, Main 125. trrrRK'tiTHK nf 5-room bungalow com nlet ror sale, nouse ior rent.- bv 41it ave. S. E. FURNISHED HOUSES HAWTHORNE at 31st, modern 8-room house to lease: 130. Main 125. $8 6 ROOMS, west Ade, walking dls- tance. inquire ftzo uiay st; 4 ROOM modern house, some furni ture. Inquire nearest house. 6526 59th ave., S. E. $10 6 ROOM house on Rodney ave.; electricity, gas, oatn. aiain 4bp. 13 3-ROOM, 16 6-ROOM, 18 7-ROOM. Inquire at 344 Tillamook St $C & ROOM house on 66th St., Mount ATTRACTIVE homelike furnished iaror oarnne. jiain i house with large yars. Reasonable 7 ROOM house and garage, 422 Union Corner. 133 E. Taylor. and Ran Rafael st. Rent $12. 16 MODERN 6 room house, 333 E. 1st St., N. Oscar T. Olsen. Main 7862. FOR KENT. Errol Heights modern 6 room bungalow, furnished. $10. Call Seiiwood 48 Sunday from 8 to 4. 274 MILL. cor. 4th. grocery, cor, ta. 6 room house. NICELY ; furnished 6 room bungalow, reasonable rent. 108 E. 6th St., N. 9, 8 ROOM house, near carline. east side. East 6226. $11 NEATLY furnished 4 loom cot tage, 1 block to car. Sell. 2204. ROOM bouse. 4 room flat. Union and Graham. East 2195. - 6 ROOM modern cottage, Sunnyside, Tabor 237. SIX room bungalow. $10 month. East J TWO room bouse. $6. 1405 Oneonta 6213. Sunday: Aionoay. Main bsz. i at, woodlawn car. - 445 8. FOR RENT Furnished house at 4t GOOD 6 room cottage, Broadway. $15. E. Flanders St.. cor, list. MODERN 6 room house, $10. Cole. 300 Henry bldg. Claude I $8 3 ROOMS with garden. 1488 E. j&tn. vvondiawn. Marsnai- aoos. 10 4 ROOM cottage. E. 19th and Sandy boulevard. East 2201. $12.60 4 ROOM modern, large grounds. chicken rious. 888 Union ave. N. BIX room modern home, first class, 11 ti. ita il. norto. juarsncui avsi. 5 ROOM house, furnished, lis, nice yard. 1222 E. Main st- - WANT woman to share my cottage. Woodlawn 2483. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts.. E. 7 th and Belmont. Fur. 2 and 8 rooms, reasonable. E. 23. Harrison court, um and iurno Furnished 2 and 3 room apts.. $li month' and up. 1 ROOMS, quiet, elegant large par lors, sleeping porch, 4u; residentiaL 384 College, cor.- West Park PENINSULA APTS. C-iUo. Concrete bldg.; 2 and X rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phohe. sluni neat, I - up RObE FRIEND APTS.. cor. U'way and Jefferson, Elegant untur. t-pt.. best' service- Welkins: dis. Marshall 141o. CLARKE APTS., 2 rooms, lur.. dis. beds, phone, lights, iti up. B way 605 GRAND OAK APTS., corner E. Oak and Grand ave.. atr.ctly modern. 2-$ room apts. First class cervice. E. tlOit. NOKOM1S, 666 Marshall Modern 2 room furnished, priate bath. dress Ing room and phone: $16 to $22.60. JULIANA APT.. 45 Trimly place, i rm. furn., front, beautiful view: also 3 and 4 rms.. reasonable. Mar. 983. THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room apts, strict. ly modern, reasonable naat Z401. ROSENFELD (brick). 14lb and Stark, a rooms, 17, 820. lil bv. ?3F AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. 6. r. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7616. A-llTfi! EVELYN APTS.. 267 N. 21st si, i room turn, apt.; low rent, war. 1133. BANNER APTS., 489 Clay, modern 3 room rurnianed. iz up. Mar. 2074. UKAcsi Arts., iin vna xsortnruD 1- room. partly fur, ape Marshall 1079. THE ALAMO, 494 Market S room un fur mod., brick. 112-$14. Main 2686. HADDON HALL. 414 11th st.. 3 and 4 room. ants., reasonable. Mar. 1161. I THREE large outside rooms, rent M7 . FOUR room cottage, gas, electricity. I sonaoie. iss itn st. caxune, lawn. iu, Aaoor vw. - i (OoaUaaed. XT eat 2fags)