'1 THE - OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND, -FRIDAY.' AUGUST. 3. 1917.. -i '"fx NEIL-L.A, Wi Nl KfELR ' I noMUm Hm th first ah ahiolng- parlor - conducted y Slrl. On aeoetiat of th short ge of men and boys, a dozen girl, .moat t of them formerly mployed in th ho factories of Lynn. Uui, bar perfected UiemMlTti in the business of ho seining and last week tber opened a business villi a --. woman a p rln t an d nt In - charge. The artrl wear a neat 4 - uniform, an overall one-Mac a . i ? garment and caps. The onlr '; fi , BJ. smpioye are two men jj'who brush off the customers t -1 1 , after the girl have rubbed and ! polished their shoes. mi .-. ' : v 4t r fee?tffyffai)t -V 1 r I HAT the Qeneral Federation of ' ' I - Women's clubs lnvaaral tic.. A 00 ln Liberty bonds la a fact 1 of pleasing interest to women of the, clubs In Portland and through V J Out the country, for that matter, lor f ail did their proportionate soar in j raising; me endowment runa or the ' Cloneral Federation. This III,. "00 warn the uninvested part of the 109.t0" fund. The sum invested ln Liberty uattfla fiv innlvMnal Hnha J into many figures. The record Is rot i yet compiled. On baa Women Bo Bed Cross Work, j That the Cuban women, whom we i usually associate with the Indecent 1 women of other warm countries, are i. wholly alive to the responsibilities ; a State of war has lmposaj on them . Is evidenced ln the splendid work thy have been doing throur i their efficient and Well organized Red Cross branch. It Is good to hear of Cuba as other than a land of dolce far niento and to picture the women busily knitting- socks or rolling bandages ln place of their former customary ' dawdJUng over teacups. correspondent from that country writes: "Cuba has now taken Its place, not . only aa one of the democratic nations of the world, but as one of its newest Good Samaritans. It has become an Important factor ln that army or mercy, the Red Cross. With Mme. Mariana Seva de Menocal. the wife of the president of Cubs, as chair man of tha women's section of the j Cuba Red Cross, and more than 1100 representative women of the Island actively engaged, the movement for war relief work has just been revived under the most favonable auspices. Madame Menocal called a meeting of women from all parts of Cuba to formulate plans for cooperation with the American Red Cross ln the mak ing of bandages and hospital supplies for the soldiers .In Europe and for the armies of the United States and Cuba, which hope to a man to aid ln the -war on European soil. Whlla Cuban women have been busy making small comfort kits and Sewing stockings and handkerchiefs for the soldiers of France since the firs' year of -the war. never has the feeling; for doing something big and useful for the? allies reacbed'such In tensity. A host of enthusiastic women are ready to leave their sunny homes to enpage in Red Cross work on the battlefields. The women of Cuba have indicated their readiness to maka many sacrifices ln order to be of use to the sick and wounde.-l who. are suffering In the cause of the allies, which Is Cuba's cause. Oroap Work for. Bed Cross. A successful feature of the local Rod cross work- la the organisation of neighborhood groups of women who meet at each others' homes or at the neighborhood club house for work The work Is given out from the sew ing room at Lipman. Wolfe & Co wnere Mrs. -Thomas D. Honeyman Is ln charge and groups hav been rrmde up from the Parlous clubs, churches looge and other organizations, tho following now holding' regular meet ings ln their own neighborhoods: Irv- lngton club. Rose City Park club. Westminster Presbyterian church. St. Davld's Episcopal church, Orace Me morial church. First Baptist church. Calvary Presbyterian church. Woman's Cooperative League, Pro-Cathedral Guild, People's Institute. Daughters of American Revolution, W. C. T. U.. First Congregational church and others. Women who desire to do Red Cross work are advised to af filiate with one of these groups. The lng room at Meier dk Frank's. which has been ln operation since May IS with Mrs. M. McClallen ln charge, is used by nearly 60 women every day. There are 15 sewing ma chines In use and there are other cutting and doing hand work. On I luesaay the workers completed 4H pairs of pajamas, which is enough for a 150 bed unit hospital. morning" the road wao a sea of mud. Miss Huff, her mother and her maid and Lillian Lelgnton ' wero the ' only feminine members of the party. The company started on, but had not pro ceeded very fax until the automobile stuck. They decided to turn back, Dut the roads were .even worse. So for two days, with the feminine members of the company sitting ' ln the ma chines, the other and stronger mem bers nushed and pulled the cars Until a better road was reached Just at the edge of the Llmberloat. Then th sun came out and dried every thine out. Engagement Considered Lucky Portland Is to consider Itself for tunate, say producers of "Come Out of the Kitchen,' which la to pre sent Ruth Chatterton to rxelllg au diences beginning Tuesday,, ln being Included ln Miss Cbatterton's hurried trip east. . A yet, the only large theatrical cen ter ln which "Come Out of th Kitch en" has been offered. Is New York, where the play enjoyed a run of 82 Consecutive weeks. It Is rare. Indeed. me vr Br Veils) WUaer IMAGINARY CLASHING WITH OTHERS Yoa reaiue wnen you men tally forestall a quarrel that you are using up Just so much mora vital force uselessly? No one can be responsible .ror the thoughts which enter the head. But we can always control and direct those thoughts and the amount of "control" we have acquired la always reflected In our faces. Tou may have a grievance against another person. For hours or even days the thing brews; you picture her hurling forth unkind remarks and yourself making counter charges. But it Is asserted, when theatre goers here In the end It Is you who come off with are given an opportunity to see one ol 'i"s .uwn. the moat pronounced theatrical sue- In these imaginary battles you grow ceases of the day 'before theatre goers tense; every nerve Is aqulver, and the of such cities aa Chicago, Philadelphia frr,c'on ths system. 1 almost as .n.i Roston. This -is all explained in " ,u"ul raau ace-no wouia. oa, um the fact that Miss Chatterton deterred without any appreciable result It is, her appearance ln the east until after perhaps, those of as who dread scenes who take this way -of venting our wrath; the woman or girl who is hys terical and Impulsive will have bsr little sortie and come out of it, wheth er -victor or vanquished, at least la a mora serene frame of mind. But If you are ln the habit of -indulging in these disastrous day dreams suddenly briar yourself "to" some day; you will find that your face reflects the turmoil within, the mouth Is drawn down at the corners, there Is a vindictive glint In the eyes. Isn't It better to think of the pleas ant and amusing things of life, when you have an hour's train ride ahead of yon without a thing to read, oven If you do smile "tight out loud" rather vacantly when something particularly funny Is brought back to your mindt Tou find If you cultivate the latter habit that you will' feel rested In stead of fagged out, aljve and bouyant Instead of sullen and defiant SUMMER SALADS c ? m ... . i , . salad Is cool ing ' and refreshing. Use ' two young cucumbers, one half teaspooafal salt, ono fourth toaspooaful black" pepper, four tablespoonf uls vinegar. Pare and slice the cucumbers in very thing slices, put in salad bowl, sprinkle with seasoning, then pour vinegar over them and servo on crisp lettuce leaves with dabs of cream cheese on top. 1 Harloquln salad Is made by mixing a cupful of red cabbage (chopped) with two chopped onions, a few boiled boots and string beans. Dice the on ions, boots and beans and servo with French dressing. Leftovers do vary well for r this salad. Oranre salad served In the orange skin la very pretty. Wash and dry the oranre, cut a slice from the top -and remove the pulp, free It of seeds, cut Into small pieces and mix with It a little finely chopped celery and a few nut meats. Season with salt and pep per and mix with whipped cream. Fill the orange skin cups with this mix ture and serve on lettuce leaves. LINEN RUNNERS Th nmner as substitute for the table cloth is- both economical and artistic Eighteen inch crash makes runners that can walk away from the table cloth ln initial price and when one place Is solledVl a new runner fnay be substituted and the soiled one laundered for the price of -a towel. The runners should hang down over the edge of the table about It Inches and are very rood looking with a ooarse linen Insertion set across the ends above a broad hem. Ono runner la used to each two per sons at the table. They are much cooler looking and easier to handle than blr weather. cloths and pads, this hot FASHION FLINGS RtlB ha. r m m jipearca and Is used in many Instance as an accompaniment of organdy or fine French voile where it Is employed by way of belts, girdles and to edge cuffs and collars. The sleeveless coat Is a novelty. The crowns of the ' best . hats are talL I Thar are coats of periwinkle blue. Leather oardcase are fashionable again. Broad sash belts are much em ployed. I Tulle hats are new and very fashion able. ! ; Beige Is smart when combined with white. j White sergo sport hats are flower trimmed, j -Blue frocks are trimmed with gray muslin. There ! are many box plaited straight skirts. Loose, Rlajd coats wltfi hats match are new.' , A Hero " A r ma who aaiat Wn feaad cut. Band Will Play! at , Eose City Park Club A program of apeclal attractiveness will be played tonight ittno Boss, . City Park club house at Fifty-seventh and Sandy road, by Campbell's AmerV ' lean band. The concert will begin i 8 o'clock. Following la the program ln full: - :e . Flotow (Vlotor HarbMtl? (hi T I , T ( t u . ' ' ' - ' alts "Danube With" freeer T. V. 8burt March "New York IT1 wifiiuh oinoeioi , oarrzuiae Mekxty of tors' Walts' Fantasia "Uarylaod" INTBRMlRsmv Selection "KaUnka" mml-darf m) comic, "ruoeral Uarcb of a ltarioeet" , (Uounod); (b) churacterUUc, "SlinollcitT'' (Moeea). , Fmntstr"A yeaUral In aranjnea". .t. . j . .- ........... Demerefftmaa riaale "Tba Star Spangled Banner".... -r (I When writing ta or calling on adrtlaera. plena mention The JoarnaL ,7 a special season in oaxi x ru"vui where she had aarreed to present "Come Out of the Kitchen" during the en gagement of Uenry MU1 and his play ers, i ' JVorinwQST -America 's jymure i izesorz&eciiQn s FRATERNAL NOTES Tfie Great WHERE AND HOW TO GO -WHAT TO SEE- beach RESORTS Red Men Preparine for Enter tainment of Great Council. NEWPORT Oregon's Pioneer an oplar Kscrs ttoa and coast Jtesors No other coast resort has more At the Tlieatres AMUSE3UELNT3 BAKER Dark. 9 WU.MBIA-8HH betwern Waahlnftoa asd Stark. Photoplay. I'AUUNE FBJ2DER1CK inawrx lail UVto." 11 a. m. I 11 a. a BirPObttOME Broad w.j at TamhllL Vaadav vlUa. HoadUner. Elfht Slack U. In -A DAI IN TMESKJk." 1:30 p. m. te 11 p. m. UBEKTT Broadway at Stark (formerly - Broadway theatre). Photoplay. SES8UB HAIAKaW-a la rOKBlliKif PaTHd." 11 a. in. to il p. m. i LklO Dart). MaJESTIC WaahlBftoa at Park. Photoplay. Aatooto alareao and Belle Braes ln "A SON Of TUB UILX&." Oram Journl-Hrt-' Fetke Picturad Nnw 11 i. a to 11 g. a j OAaa (Taka Oaka car on Vlrti or Haw thorne). Outdoor lOQMiMDta. Featura. F1SK JUBIUii) BiNOi.. WlUls Q. Waat , Mosieal BztraTagaaaa Ca,, La "Abla'a Klakt . Oof ,' FANTAQES Broadway at AMer. Tandertlla. Beadllaar. PAUUM BABR1 AM) COM PANY, la "Hamlat." a Lrarealj. Photw-1 play, serial. "The Keglactod WLfa" 2:30, ! I. aa p. aa. rBOPL Wet Park at Alder. Photoplay . linu Ai IHl BAnLK or ANCBS. . Brltlah war picture. Loaesoaoe Luke eota- eoy. U i. a to 11 l a . -TAB Waskhurtoa at Park. Photoolar. MABT PlCKFOan ta THAN TUB uuot. null acKaooa, ritia serial. "MiS TBKX OF TUB lXtCBllB CB.OadP 11 a. aa. to il p. aa. , SVNSBT Broadway and Waahlarioa. photo ' play. I. WAS&EN K&BBJOAN. "THB SO- . UlAi. BACCAKKB." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m ' glBAu-waanlngtos hetweea Park and Waa Para. VaadarUla haadUner, Stewart Caro lina Stares. Photoplay. "THB SHOW VOWTi." Bluebird, l p. m to 11 p. m. ' ABT WCSKLla aifth and I'ajkw. Bonn I to ft weak eaya; 3 to ft Sondara. Fea after. aoooa of Tocsday, Thoraday, Friday, Sat- arday and Boaday. Film Depicts Patriotism T VITAXi Interest to every American, whether of native or foreign par entage, is "The Slacker," the great seven act production de luxe starring Emily Stevens, to be seen at the Lib erty, beginning Sunday. Descendants of all nations are represented In this patrlotlo photodrama. In turn are 0 AMUSEMENTS TXCXXT OFFICII BAXB OPENS TODAY HEILI.G,K 5 gLV TUEn AUG 7 Bpeelal-prloe Uarlaaas Wed. aad Sat Henry Miller Prwsti RUTH CHATTERTON And the New York Oast. Iaeladtng BK.UCK McRAB IN A. B. THOMA41 DELlOmTCL COMEDY. "COKI OUT OF THZ XTTCHZV." floor, 2, tlJO. Balcony. 1. TSe, 0Oc. OaUarr. 60e. Both Wed. aad Bat afatioeaa: Floer. 11.60. Baloaay, l. 76c. Oe. Oallery. Sue. ' shown Frenchmen, Italians, Ehielish fnen, Roumanians, Chinese and Japa nese, and then these, massed together, dissolve Into one huge American fias. flying free rthe true "melting pot" of the nations. The same universal spirit of patriot Ism is Illustrated ln the story of the production. Native born Amn.n- hasten to enlist ln army and navy anj uo meir nit" A cainaman. born here, offers his life to the country. A Ger man lad, born abroad, decide to cast his lot with the land of his adoption. In one scene 8000 soldiers, with fixed bayonets, advance ln a formidable mass to answer the call of Columbia. ivery solder, whether an enlist ad man or officer. 1 to be admitted free to the Liberty during the showing of "The Slacker." berinnlnn- R,.r,. Every man ln army uniform la to bo a ruest of the manaareme-nt Intimation of the popular regard felt for those who are soon in iair t the front. A special Invitation i. dered to army men to avail themselves of this offer. On out a Bed Ken Meet. Oneonta tribe. Improved Order of Red Men, held a meeting Thursday night ln Sell-lng-Hlrach hall, presided over by L. B". Smith, oachem, which waa addressed nrxTtr t vt fniellarwl of Lincoln. Neb F. L Bourne. Tribe Seattle, and pleasures and attractions than New J. B. Brown. Tacoma. Patriotic sentl- port SpUndid surf bathing, boating ments were expressed and good fel- . . :u: lowshlp enjoyed. J. M. Frelllnger. on aquma 07, uuui-uuuun, chairman of the committee of the 4m- crabs end rock oysters, rare and the great council of Oregon August beautiful water agates, moss agates 21-23. In this city, announced that nil and iaapera on the beach, Many in committee would meet in the past . . 1 ;.; t. .h. hdnuaj-ter- 415 Panama l4,Mta r-by sotnU to visit, in building. Tuesday night to consider eluding; Otter Rock, the Devil's ways and means and program. Punch BowL Seal Rocks. Elk City Annual Banquet Campaign. Seattle anA u cjt FHatrirt ana lacoraa unitea Anuaaa naive uc- cided to pattern after the t'ortiana Newport has many progressive bership, and win serve a hotel banquet merchants carryuic large stocn. to the members securing one or more Newport is famed for the excellence applications between now and Decern- .... , . ... ber 31. and also to the new members, of Its hotels, such BS the Abbey A race is on between the different House, which has been favorably local assemblies ln each city, and be- . , . . .n mi tween the cities. A similar campaign known for the past 40 years. There in Portland last spring brought ln are furnished or unfurnished houses more than EOO new memben to par- v.- j nn can live ticipate ln an outing at seaside. The or teat to be had, and you i can uve banquet will celebrate the entering of as simply as you care tO. Why not the order upon Its twenty-fjfth year. d vacation here? You will Its permanent headquarters are in 1 Portland. It 'ha paid out nearly like, Newport. The following pro- f2.000.000 ln benefit to dependents of Ercssivo firms ate thoroughly Tcli- members since Its establishment, and , . . has Invested nearly a million and a able and Will givs you the Dest Ot quarter In public securities In Oregon, service: Xlrkpatrlok Will ZnltUt Class. The Abbe Klrkpatrlck council. Knights and La dle of Security, will initiate a class tonight and make final arrangements for tha annual summer outing at Crys tal Lake park Sunday, August 12. The sicknesa of Mrs. Fred C. King, presi dent of tho council, will be greatly regretted by all. It Is probable that Gilmore Dry Goods Co, Aa M. i nomas, state manager, viu ",v" riewpvu iv rue y notei Newport Navigation Co. lauina Electric Co. Yerex Mercantile Co. Western State Bank W B. Hartley, phonograph and sew ing machine, Charles H. Gardner, garage and r -WHERE TO STAV- BEACH RESORTS BEACHi RESORTS SEASIDE Come on down to Seaside, Oregon's ideal beach resort. One of Oregon's finest and smoothest beaches; surf bathing here is unexcelled. Trout fishing, canoeing, boating, sea fishing, golf links, hikes on the beach or strolls through the woods, mountain trails and good auto roads, ocean bathing or swimming in the "Nat" ' One of Oregon's finest resort hotels the Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean, as well as other good hotels and summer cottages. Yoiwill find the following progressive firms will give you fair treatment and excellent service. Patronize them : Th llooxo Xotel Ztrst State Bank of Seaald Keif lo Power j Light Oo. The Seine St Wbeatley Dept. Store Th Proa-fey Lnrnbtr fv. i Tha s. 1a. Bmlthaoa SCeat Co. J. . Oate Hatatoriam Th V. aC. BpTLrgeon Curio Shop The Seaside Transfer oompany The Seaald Lomkir oompany Th Con Jk Soth Drsf Stor soyal BaJcery and Kotel XjOcksiy Kail For further information or literature, address Sec retary Seaside Ad Club, Seaside, Oregon. ' Williams Bros. Oarac Hotel Ma are Lewis Si Co. Drag stor Seaside Auto b Fnel Co. Th SCcOolr Kotal Jama raters on Dept. Stor X. O. Ralston Xoafty Co. Dr. B. a. Moss Pr. Prank Tan So ran Th Seaside Drug' Sj Stationery Co. A. at. wasoher, 0n, Mdse. stor JIOUNTAIN RESORTS MOUNTAIN .. V- ft i tJ t ' -Uj- v&i ' , trr'T. ?1 resorts: . i MM,,., I L .T, r I VJ V bl UlliCUl l ' Camp Hotel South Side ML Hood tm T. f ridamora, Pros, 1 - . i .r" won in , .3j-ji1 Elevation 4000eFect, IBB4aMDaut SlAt''JWKW P. O. Zig Zag, Oregon "Home of the HuckleWry Pie'! Pbone Zig Zag Ranger Station, or East 135. s Ml HOTEL MOORE pair shop. Stars Hare Real Adventure Loufase Huff and Jack Plckford can ralae their right hand and aolemnlr testify that th life of a photo dramatio star Is not as gay and festive a the public Imagine. The major portion of "Freckles." the plcturtxatlon of tne famous tnory, to be screened at the Loiumois, oeannnina: Sunday, dealM I witn tno XOmberloflt. a swamp in which valuable timber grow. As it was necessary for the two star and Ilrector Nellan to find such a place, the company journeyed to the north ern part of California and ther mida Inquiry a- to where they oouU rin.1 uoh a swamp. One was finally located iblt Dacjt m tna nuia Not stopping to think that they were apt to etrika bad roads, the party secured their camping paraphwrnalla. loaded it Into an auto mobile and oet forth. Night overtook them while they were etill about 10 mile from th swamp, and they camped ln tent by the roadside. Dur ing th night it rained, and tho next Co. Charles Saunders, lapidary and. factuiing jeweler. Whit Hous Restaurant Charles . Wait, lapidary and mann- j xacturlng i ewaier. Overlooking the Ocean Saaaida. Clateon Rataeh. OwtaamMiMa PH. " . v .. "'t.vv iiwxii Anuria, wutro connection are mad with all boat line. Finest beaoh this aid of San Diearo. Kxcallant bathing, boating, fishing-, golf, auto trips, walk to Tillamook Head and mtnr other interesting epota Sea food a specialty. - Ask for Booklet. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. George U. Wilcox, general mds. William H. Miller, lapldarlst manufacturing Jeweler, preside during the degree wotlt,- - -Xos City WUl Tlalt Estacada Roae City camp, Woodmen of th World, wily hold its annual outing at Kstacada Sunday, August 6. A special train will leave Bast Water and East Morrison streets at 9 a. m. All mem bers of the W. O. W.. families and Armitase Druar Co. friends, are Invited. Captain E. Vahl A. L. Thomaa a rat onttlns aad and Lieutenant C. C Stanley have ar- mounting and sepia and hand colored rangements In charge, anl will present . Pictures or uregon, a program of sports, dancing and I Newport Lumber Co, games. yer M Information Abont Vewporl WUl Extend Xosnltalltv. Tha ntar- Asa Any w. xioxn aim tainment committee of the Donald lode of Mrfsons is preparing to enter tain the officers of the grand lodge and other visitors Saturday night on conclusion of the presentation of the charter to Donald lodge by Orand Mas ter Shellenbarger. An effort Is being maae to secure a committee of mem bers from Portland to escort and sup port tne grand master ln the work. The Hackney Cottage Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach la the Pacific Northwest splendid surf bathing within a few hundred yards of the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. For rates, wire or write JAMES HACKNEY, Seaview, Wash, GARB INER, Ore.! ,k Jl , ao1 ieHurai vacatles Land. Gardlntr la tba outfitting point for ia ataa Sf-WtfiSL!"1 bappy bunting grounds. Com. ToOartlnir and Bakff " oaum a countrr, wnere banting and flanloa are unaiocilad. id the Uiuuaaa dlatrlct ng w Kiwvi usiruiaer your Dnanuavr Terra. vati tn isititr mib m-i - -. j camping .nt her. in Oardlaar from th. Oenwal Mercb.nai'.tor.. bar.. whWc. UrgJ and well aelerfeit atnfca a t . ..r. . ki . n.( u. i . .... . . . . . , , . . . . " -. . --""-"i w.ivv. wui imij u Tiai. vriaeneai.r 1 nrfra. Ilrin'i f. I ,A l t jlt I .. u , r L,.ZZ ZZ". ,lH wul' ou mrm or lurtner lorormation about tnii eountry write to any progressive firms listed below: ' THX OASDnm HOTEL. T. K. Allen, Jaeaagtr, &ZED. 7AHaXLX h 00., General Marohanalaa, OaJLDIHEB KXIXIiro CO. . TIBST KATI0HAX SAVX. W. r. HEID. ., Z&KXST HalKTXt, 7awala. Any Soathata gaelfla agent wfll be glad taW. you a booklrt d.teripUv. of this tiatrlot, Rhododendron Inn, Mt Hoo Beautiful afoontaLa Kmuti. hatwun r7nnk back and Zlg-Zag mountain, on Zlg-Zag rlt.r u ouu creea. iarg. wmeoted awuumlng pool, rnodarn daac. bail, aaddi. boraaa. taania aad rPOIUM rr-ri i n H a ... .1 1. 1 Rates S3.60 per day, 15 to 1S per weak. For is- cau is. jao. or Main oat. alKS. vjuixi KAnxiriTi. frop., zig-iMg, Or. The Shelburne Shelbume Station, North Beach BTWToaX. CUOOi Ooaafca-t- able end eonvealeat. S aad S reosa eottagae, fnraiahed state, wits firre wee. SS week, teat bseaae St per week. A fine slaes tae the kidalea goad base aad Os amrf eats- lag, troat fJaaiag. elans aaarlng. foe raserraUoas fortaar laforaaattoa call or ' room 60S Stock Kxcfcaag. bulld- ar. Port la ad. ar pbon. Mala eraa. A quiet sod restful summer hotel lastly famous for Its service and appointments. In sight and sound of the ocean. Long distance phons In hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburn Station. Address T. J. HOARE, Prop., Seaview. Wash. Aschoff's Mountain Home MARMOT. ORZQOY Spend year vacation reatfuily aad eaJoyably '.w auu una a union, catena ia nssiDg, Acooa modatloas for 100 saeata. frcafa fruit aad etablaa Dally mail, rimoua for So years fur tha excellence of Its eoiatae, Camp ground. Oar 7-paaaenger ear will meet roe at Portland or at nun una. FUone ADQur ascaorr. i ivit, aaaniKK, uzvgoav Locksley Hall axis voinrz soos gilt ITD ALB Upper Boodrlvar TaOey, Ore- IllllHt.l a Kl 9 mj tarfMul-.J a. . . oors fremPortlajld aaomjcoUtWna tb. - aacataa, uan. wUe Halaaoa. WU SXASISX. 0KZO0V Overiookln tba eeeaa. write I ".no, airy aaa eoauonaoie raoui, wna or lulld- I wltnoat private hatha. Celebrated for th. ex goa: flrat elaaa acooaa modatloas; Dot . water mil opes ; H. R. and 11 further information addreae boa tea. ones flrenlaeaa. elsctrldtr. etc. ' Dallv K. B. aad Jltaey service from Hood Hirer. For Allen, or phone Tabor 114. M. H. A tree the leave of which yield an oil from which camphor can be ex- H-xat aSACSt ZOI SXA BATaS BocceMor t MlaUva Betas. Sanitaria Treat tracts hu hr, tWmnw In i,, "I. J"".""'1 WaiC" . W. tralla. BV CLARA.INGRAM 'JUDSON.' addreae Wewport. Qregoa. Z. CROCUS, fines. f lta - cnialsaL For rata address LILLIAN M. PLTMALa. Saaalda Orego. K NECANICUM INN IUVE3 CEDAR ISLAND The Jewett Farm Resort The Jewett Farm Rmm I. lumbia from UoaA IU-r Columbia. 840 acrea at haur Chain at room in cottages or mala dwelling. A eharm- lng place to apend a few weeka. It has a die- Cool, haalttful, aceale. tlnctiTS personality. GARAGES SEASIDE. OEXOOsT A -4 etajeso. resart e the .wit. !t JZJ V'Kf f.L'1-" lamette, aptoadid beach tor - bath lag. aiviag tower, apriag seer, free bet aouae; fUe saimoa. waaa. esmptag apots. Daodag every evaalag aad ZZ " s w4."o7 zz'zjrrztrl Crater Lake Lodtr Meraa at root et Aldar street. Phone Oak Mwaaw UVUX1 (There's No Better Fun Than the Roof Garden Dance i Thousand bar found an real joy of the A a a la th bis; open afcr pavuioa at I COUNCILCRESTPARK A m -- Best mnala ta tow a. ; 1 plenty of room, snsarb x floot.oV elaaa Boon. I : . . I tain air. Com tonight. I uLi ) , j RIVERSIDE Park The WsaaB t f tho WUlaaaett 'I Dancing Every Eyening - ' - afontroWaf. Rlngler. Kgr. Slff Open Air Pavilion. Bathing, Plcnio - ' f JroandS. ' JCllwaukl Cam So rare tTnl Sam's boy admitted free until ; k further no tic a PANT AGE JL . MATINECS ; DAILY, 2:30 Tb Staateat TraTyntr Bnrnaa ' v "MISS HAXLST" ky SUttT Braes aad fliaaj a ii yopia ' ; S-TBia BIO ACTS ; TJT Perfnrmanc Iany. t-" tur.t t.ruia t I and a... Thing to Hake From Leave RB3 you on of th very "before , handed" boys and girls who have L saved some of the pretty leaves you have walked through, on the street and sidewalk this fall? Haven't you noticed the beautiful red and yellow and brown leaves? And haven't you carried some of the choicest home and pressed them ln a book? I'm sure you must have, and now you ar wondering what In the world you ar going to do with those very same leaves 1 They can't stay forever ln the books, for books get. out of shape If things are kept too long between their pagea The leaves are still too pretty to throw out and well what' shall you do with them? Til tell you what yem are going to do! You are golna; to have a LeaT Party! Doesn't that round Jol ly? Tou are going to Invite all your friends to come and brtug the leaves they too have saved and then you will have your party. But what will you do at a "Leaf Party" do you ask? That Is Just the very nicest part of the whole plan I Tou and your little fiienQs will make Christmas presents of jour leaves! Won t that be fun! You didn't know you could make things out of pressed leaves, you say! Ye. Indeed you can nice things, too! When the boys and girls have all " your party, spread the leave out on a big table the dining room table le beet and- sort them over. Pick out all the perfect ones and lay them Carefully to one side, the Imperfect one ar not worth working with and might a well be thrown out at once. Now have ready a warm Iron mrA appoint one of the most careful of your guest as presser. The iron must be run Rightly over a cak of bewax and then outcbitr ,v.. , . . - - J www IUV isaf to be pressed. Wnii 1 Ironing, the other. .t .-X qufckly". to her o she can work A fast aS to lavavaa , A other guest must snraai th. .., on. clean papers to dry and cooL Tou or qffya and a-trta t ..i. v.. . . f uiavt way- i-jen all hava m . MJ they must be aorted a rifts Oa Boardwalk at Seaald. everlooUag eeea Walther - Williams Garaec utZz. z'rzrz jJiiii crater JLaKe Lodge J.. TfTn, SC Jf'w ?L'??tL..Z? WaTw wnJoaJaT al,, on th. rim of CBATEJt T.ARTI, Or THE DAT.I.rs, ORE GOB I reservations addreae Miae B. Deamaaa, seaside. I gon'e greatest scenio wonder. Auto MIlfTB UXVCUSA fcaUKSSBI V a-iXV-IMVSfa, VTWU. . 11 m w " W m W B & SB, T fa 1 Sira.iraa m Si Lrh Jl-anl Mnt-iaaiaweSlAsa K O tea dar aad alabt. We are aaWratt Sa I . , I .fl I I IKI.IA 1 1 1ZIiZ Xr-TVlT.""!'.'- ft ritl PACIflC VltW HUltL roS I W . r I houTrom" Porud. JulVV to Oct'ob.r k.d-k ri 5x. eax tAmLTZ I taata for housekeeDlnc Faclnx the I . - w a,uu. I inxormauon from any 8. P , ticket nrin.r .u mSt f.ii Timit til. I AAAmm T. v. HarraachouL I loeves T a. am. eauy. .soaaaya. T: a. v agent or xourlst Travel uureai ety wit lm weeltkoc seeeae eaarau FaW I KSST aldaT7iwon. I SViUralag. leaves Astoria , airivea aea Third and Washington, &d ui. The Dai lea. Or. I . I sa s . sa. iu agent a St. Martin's Springs CARS0W, WASH Tbe highly mlsereBaed w tera of St. alarUna SprUiga are felg kly beae flcial for rbeumatlaua. Sidney dlaeaaa and blood dlatM-dera. Oa Wind Blatr. Only M mllee frooi Portland on Norm Bank road. Good table. .EBbl AddreM st. Mar. tlnj Caraon. Waab. v Shipherds Hot Springs COLtnrntA rv'a avan arena .1 A Resort for Haalfl, ana t... LS- aool, enoiu aa eroquet grenede. Teat S Usee tor rent. Located In the heart af tha caa. eada. Iicalleat ilahln. Aat . m Uaiaa. All Whit neln. liurmi i Kni. peaa plan, ror rate and reaerrattone adUreaa allaeri sprlnsa Uotml Co.. I araoa. Waeh. Mrs. Alma Howe's FarmtHoise HOOD RIVER yo ere looking tor aa Ideal vacation apvt that comblBe health, nleaiur. rraail..n ana wonderful aceaerr: If rbti Ilk. Hna Htn atrawberriea, rich crrau, fried eblcken. Loam ruised regeublea, teen plan to ueud 90ar va cation here. Within two mtlea of citr of Hood biter, ror reaeTTatlon. write or phone alti, A lam Howe. Iluud Hirer. Or. ii HOTELS. HOTEL OREGON "i HOOD rivIr ORJtOfijf On the Columbia Rlrer Ht(thwy. If yon want to ace th. moat wonderful ecesery la tl. world. Tlalt Hood Rite. Or- and Mitt-nA a fanr days looking ore the wondVrfut Hood Bifer valley. Blgbtaesra. anglara, toorlats and moan, tela ellnbers make the Oregon Hotel year beedqaarters and yoer trip wfll surely be en. lorabla. plan roar auto tri from Portland tav atoc over nirbt here. r. w. Ofalndlotyd. Frep HOTEL JULIAN Coder now manacement. Beat of f preoared. well aerretl. a eoerona portion, a coil, wu irauaMi eoi airy Oorvaltia Oragea Beat of food, well on Portion, sklllaat rtm of waitera. Olaaa aa try raems. eemrortabie beds. Waa ma kin Leo Tripe" through vaUer Stop over algmt t The Jallaa. W. will make yor stay bar reeerrauons a fl fir ass Betel ft- . pleaaaat, for 1 J alia a, OarvallU, LONG BEACH NATATORIUM WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO. ASTORIA. ORSOOB Tba roads betwawa Portland aad Astoria are good. Come down aad visit historic Astoria and tne aearby seaside resorts. Xea will find tb trip ta Astoria one et aaalloyed pleasure I coast. Large bathing and whan you get here we can aerre your I with ar... watar e.ilr need in the way or gas. eu. earvlce, etorage, I lag room. SO private bath rooms. vp . . , , T . XYTri I P- Clean aa aaaitary, iuv nuuuifw uvtw. TtOTMBa piiw w ua.1 aat Ma w.tev tna A a tori. Or. I OARX BOXSXX. Pros. Cryetal Bath Hooae is eae f the stoat modern and complete e tb pool, niiea ISO oreas- 7 Pacific Highway Garage The Bay View Hotel SALE. ORXOOB " I " I S xsw atvavuaa iseve Tie . a, an a. sept saaday. Returalag learas Astoria T p. a. amaia saw. nuiuina a, um. a -till. KITTY MORAN The sew apeedy pleasure lataaxraa beat tr- i ia from tfortiaad ta Orearaa rat. aBa awiai., vt mJ wt mmm va uwaaa EOT a Pta Sic oa Cedar I aland or some ef to ether ha. a. Uful epota along the Wloamett. Woe a yoe aw ia vii. s aa auiiy MOraa La tea Alder Street nock 9 a. at. aad 2 . m. week eays aaa a. m., .i a. m., p. am. aad I I. a m Sosdays. fare eauy Ue. rKeae aUlB ar .MOVb r a e-raasAasaaua a n a - On Pacific hlxbwar. acreaa the street froea I a-n.w waaa. Hotel Mar ion. Ga. ell. aaa-tic, atoraare. ra I Kewlv Knilt .at ilt tnrmiAmA mwm u. , .Tr..T wna tun 1 aunagemenr; airy aaa eomiortaDle vooaas ea orle. Make this your headqoartars wbaa j eeUeat Uble: oyatera and dam, freak from letting tha Capital City or while touring 1 tb. wahrr. Splenuld fUhlng and boa tin- ta Willamette valley. HALVSRSON at BURNS. I Willap Harbor aa IdeU vaeatia dlatfict. Proprietors. . I For rate aad reservations address Mrs. L. avrtta o.o Boeoert. Mabostta. Waa. SUGGESTIONS TO TRAVELERS I f. - M 1 . . anl r.mn SM Sit Hlnh VI , ui sl.M I ' V mtmmm iviu iw uicuui. urn, a aaa a uintu i uiai ar uooui I ; . " " ' I airt room, oro.s In tlow Uamm wmrw . . . .... i vmomDi uiinm 1 1 .Tn.wa maim ,i, . . , . . - ..... -.. me same color, that is. mostly rao. wb,. four or mor. book tTc77 ofnV. .. I ,b'9. 'tn rent. Rate ronabl. rr K. xL, TIBBIR, Frep.. Long Btanli. Waaa, The CHAMBERLAIN HOTEL I Lmt ,!5Sk' w- oar and room U week. View ef Ocean. KatablUbed 0 yeara. for ree-1 arinwi aaareaa auta a.ny, Log Beach. Wi, TRAVKJU altlng room at PORSST B. SatlTB TRAVSX cor. Tiaahugtoa. Mar- iston Garaa A Ante Co.. BARB akSIRTATIOMS IB APYABCK. Mt. Hood Stages iwuna- a np a icatets o.UCI vhiie ono guet i. ironing, tho RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES LONG BEACH HOTEL Others mast gOrfand hand leaves Lea re Third and Washington St, dally s I LOBS BEACH. WASH. to her. Welciea TawneJa'LT Caa. Vt. TmiJZ m . ?2. North Baaea. deodroa. Roond trip aeaao. Uekata ST Oorern- ' !w ' ,!.f.f:. i?.1!.??1 f .w ment lima SS.oO. Cllab lit Haa ar t.tt wonderfol Glacier all expense paid. 1 each vr mosuy ysiiow, ana sup mem 10- waiting ru getber la a big envelope marked BURBAu, US Sd St.. Cor. Waahiagtoa. Mar PLACTE OARnS" Theaa ran ha ". r can irvinKton Oarage A given to som mother or auntie who like to give pretty dinner parties. Another dosen can be put ln a box and marked "TABLE TRIMMINGS"; these should he all colors and iss and can be used to trim th center of a dinner table.. A t of big- leaves can be used as a trimming- around the f relxe in a bedroom. Th few that are so very perfect that you want to us each one some way that will show, can be used as trimming Sojpr blotters or calendars. A C ( Isn't It fun' HopawL things tJ make? And then. mayb. when you ar all through your work and each boy aad girl "ha som nlc gift ready . for Christmas, your mother will glvs you all som good apples and 4oaghnutc or sandwiohe. I'm ur you'll all decide to hav , a Laf Party again Baztc yar-it. : .v'; - Te Arrak Wanna. XVaCaaa Maato. Welehaa. Rhedadendren aad Ratnrn f. tZTZZ ZZ'sFR. T-2d Willanettc Valley Souther Rj. V-1." .. Oregon City to Mt. Angel via Beavi Mala 831. lllBotrated Paanpblat aa Reaneet farshflld-Baadon Ant Staga Oregon City to Mt, Angel via Beaver Craek. Mulino. LJbaraL Afoialla and Monitor. Four passenger trains dally Whit fenoaat Use, between afanafield and I in each direction, two of which leave Baedoa, three trips day. ever the beaatlfnl Portland from V'irat . and Aldar denat peaie Seven Dcvlla road. Bslck and Oakland I at a a M and C-ia P U Pi.n. eliea. Be sure to get a White Peasant ear. I trout. viM- atraarharria. t &iair. HAZELW00D CANDY nr 8CTBTX0 PACXAOZS Add xreauy to ta pleaeur 0 a vacation trip. Bant or Pare el Post or Ezsraaa to anrwher ln United fitataa it Canada. Satisfaction aad delivery guaranteed. f . THE HAZEL WOOD Coafeetioaery and BstnraaS Washington Stl at Tenth j ; Pertlaad, Or. COOL CARESS OF CLATSOP BEACH AIR NOW MOST INVITING SEASIDE GEARHART The sandj esplanade is better than ever before. Beach life gay. The place for the family and the kiddles. Fred camp sites and inexpensive tents, cottages and reasonably-priced boarding houses and hotels. ; ; Qatsop Beach Resorts most convenient for Weelc-End vacationists. . : ; Daily ffi:.8:45 A. M..i,i.f.6:30 P. M. Tomorrow Wha Was Afraid T - ... . th .' Most stoCORXICX rrrZRSOB, rrearieWra. TRAXS-LEK COMPAjSLKS N1ALM RIVER TRANSFER CO., my year tickets xor waeaur u getag t Msasaalta Inn, Claeai Ridge, r the Veea-kah-nie District. Oar laaneli, the, "Janeta," meats all train, rut te Maoalesa ealy 7 rests, r We operate aa aat bas ta rU nearby reaorta,- far 25 .ceata. - We save beats far rent aad al naek special seta trips t haat era, t ktbarmesv f aampara, Prampt. rellael. tad eartfrtorj eervlcy. ABDXRaoX BROS 10101, Crs v. . ' trout, wild- atrawberri and berrie along thl line. Grant B ptmlck. president. Oregon City, Or. Hood River Valley 1 See tbe fames Beod' Rlrer Tallef at - S mlnimam ef espease .with mailnam st comfort d eoneenteoce aboard the. at t. Hood Railroad company roomy aat. raMcar,'' N duat e. lole 00 Jar. Motor at Hoad BJrar eooaecta with Train Na. 2 from Portland ely. Hood River te Park dale. Ask any O-W. B. A N. agent, c. write A. WlXaoa, auperlntant, lood iiirer, Or. - ' (Aat.) , attAXjr. TMXBt ZOO AT Films iDeveloped Free! - when prints ar ordered, Vvpy rtura postage Five-hour expert rvtc. targest Photo Supply Ueus - iM th KrUtVC . Woodard. CIarkeH& Co. Woodttrk BIdw jtlderit W. Par Saturday - - Afternoon O P ' Special.... r. lilm Week-End Trips $3tf Season $4 ; Ticket Of f ice, 5th and Stark Station, 1 0th and 'Htjyt