6 THE: OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND, : SUNDAY , MORNING, f JULY 22, 1917. - EX.Ci UttTOfiTl OCEAN PARK Ocean Park, Wash., July 21. Ocean Park la fast becoming the mecca for automobllists. Every Sunday Ocean Park Is visited by many motorists from other points along: the beach. The broad expanse of beach, which extends from the Fishing rock to Ocean Park, affords an unexcelled automobile drive for a distance of 15 miles. From the .north motoriets come from Nahcotta, Raymond and South Bend, stopping on their way to visit the wreck of tha steamer Alice or the barnacle covered bow of the once famous Saiona. " Among the motorists who stopped at Ocean Park last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jacobs of Spokane and party, consisting of Mrs. P. Howard, P. Howard and daughter. Melvina Howard. R. W. Smith Jr.. a student at the University of California, is spending the summer with his parents at the .Smith cottage at Ocean Paik. Occupying the Nobody Home cottage are Miss Lydie Fennel and Oscar Fen nel. Numbered among the visitors at Ocean Park last week were a party of tourists from the east. The party con tested of Theodore F, Ingerman of New York, Charles J. Richardson of Philadelphia. A.; Olelland Brooks of ' Baltimore. Md., and Leonard Atkinson of Harrlsburg, Pa. Mrs. H. Kettener and chllaren have Opened their cottage along tne ridge. Domiciled in the Curran cottage at Ocean Park are Mr. and Mrs. C. Erick- null and familv of Portland Mrs. H. Gray and von of Vancouver, j Wash., have opened tneir cottage near the ridge. Rev. an.l Mrs. Myers of Fairview, Ore., have returned to their home after having spent two weeks at Ocean Park. A merry bunch of Portland boys is Camping near Ocean Park. The camp ers are Ben Reed. Nile Coman. Stuart Belcher, Robert But roll. Robert Don ald, Nathaniel Gamble. George Henney, Oeorgo Uronauprh, Kdward" Parker Nel " son. William Brewster. Teddy Ames and Howard Allen. LONG BEACH Ixng Beach. Wash.. Julv 21 - Fast coming into prominence as the social center for the young folks of north beach Is I-ong Beach, which Is every day attracting more and more young folks from ti cities. Dances, skat ing parties nnd merry bonfires are the most prominent social affairs at this lively summer resort. Dust week was ideal for crabbing ,and clamming, better weather condi . ttons could not have been made to order. A stiff northwest wind was ; blowing almost all week and sent In hundreds of crabs for the early ris ers. An early morning pa-ty which Claims to hold the season's record for ft morning's crabbing was composed of Lewis Howes. Ralph Teai. Edward ' Knight and Herbert Cook. This party caught 44 crabs in two hours. Domiciled in the Wide Awake cot tage near Newtons are Mrs. J. P. Schade. Mrs. E. A. English and daugh- - ter Dorothy Ann, and Miss Genevieve Hinkib. ' Mr. and Mrs. A, O'Hanlon anJ daughter Adallne are located in the Ardi'e cottage for the season, near Newton. Registered at the North Beach inn are Mrs. O. M. Roe. Los Angeles; Mad- u-yji WHERE AND HOW TOGO- BEACH RESORTS N E H A L E M The Nehalem country ia Oregon', Ideal Taratkm district. If you want to have the vaomt n)orable racatlon yon eer bad come to Nehalem. the land of erdure and beaoty. where bunting and fialilng are unexcelled. Nehalem la located on the beautiful Nehalem rlTer and Is leaa than three milea from the ocean'a shore. Here you will find health aad re creation walking through the pritneal woods, boating on the Nehalem. trout fixhtng in the nearby mountain streams, taking long bikea along the ocean's shore or shorter Jannta to Mansanlta Beach, Neah-kah-nle Mountalc and other beauty spots of this district. You can make Nehalem your headquurter for there Is a most excellent boel here, or you can find scores of beautiful camping spots ir.ercnsnfs carry larxe ana weu aaaortea rr 1 your neeas. while her confectionery stores hanging heaTlly on your tunas or an evening. f you are looking for a good location It ties to be found at Nehalem. Here industry and intelligence find a sure 'feward. ro' further Information write to any of the following progresaiTe firms: Nehalem Hotel. H. W. Tohl, proprietor; Total at Anderson, general merchandise; Nehalem Drug Co.; The LaFlambor Amusement Parlor; D. C. Peregoy,' confectionery and fishing tackle; Nc lem Rler Transfer Co., or H. A. Effenrerger. Tillamook City The Gateway to the Land of Out-of-Door Delight The 'citizens of Tillamook Invite you to spend your vacation here where the mlty tang of the eahreeae will bring you health and strength. Tlllcmook City is the natural gateway to the land of Mountalnboru itreama, of forest-clad D:ountalna and sea-swept shore. Pacific City, .Nehalem, Bayocean. Oarlbekll Beach and many other summer reaorta are eoally accessible from Tillamook City. You will find here in : tl.la land of verdure and many water pjentj of trout atreanw where you can msvtch your wlta with the ftrm-meated speckled beauties. Here, too. you will find clams and crabs, mua el and aeaflah with boating and bathing and scenery unsurpassed. Drive over sad make HOTEL MOORE Moat attractive Portland, via S-, P. & 8. Ry.; 60 minutes from Astoria, where connections. are made with all boat lines. Finest beach this side of San Diego. Excellent bathing, boating, fishing, golf, auto trips, walks to Tillamook Head and many other interesting spots. Sea foods a specialty. Ask for Booklet. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. The Hackney Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacific Northwest splendid surf bathing within a few hundred yards of j the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates, i For rates, wire or write JAMES HACKNEY, Seaview, Wash. . :: aaaaaaaaa-aaMMMi -i i sajnm nam n . .m aaaa I The Shelburne .,, 5 A quiet and restful summer hotel lustly famous for Its service and appointments. In sight and sound of hotel Special rates for families. Buy Addrea. T. J. HOARE, HOTEL SUNSET ' Ideal spot, modern family hotel. Country and seashore combined, ocean in full view, large yard for children, croquet (round, heat cuUine and .table service, fishing-, turf bathing, electric lights. Buy railroad tickets to Beach Center Station. Trains stop right at door. Postofflce, Long Beach, Wash. Rates reasonable. MRS. DEDMAN, Proprietor. HOTEL CENTENNIAL (.eht rally lucated and strictly modern. Large, airy rooms. . Reasonable rates. Addreaa i A kicintlra.. 7S3 Broadiray St., Sea aide. Or. V . A 1 v v ffi"y . ju, . aaisvai v ;-' .- 'Z'y.r-'"Z"Jr''3!?-''i'r"' rvTV?l 1 i " 'J "fT f"" I J V- "''$ ,y. f'" it '''Zjt&h'-S'' i x'. y-:- i ,- f Jim -v I ilr ii c , - , J f i i ft - f - - - -' v - - ' Gone are aline Shabber, H. G. Clyde, T. J. Ham- Numbered among last week's week mer, Senore Egbert and N. Anderson. ; end visitors was Mrs. W. B. Donald- J. H. Booge returned to Seattle this ! son of Chinook, week, after having spent several days ! Lieutenant W. H. Lilly is sojourn with Mrs. Booge at Long Beach. Mrs. ; ing at Ixng Beach preparatory to leav Booge will remain at the beach for , ing for th Presidio, where he will the remainder of the season. I take examination for a captaincy. w The Great Northwest -Am&Tica Natural Resort Section. BEACH RESORTS near nenaiem. nenaiem a progressiT.. aiccaa oi prams ii reanouauie ync-a ij buuijij ana amusement parlors wm aeep iime iroai will pay you to Investigate the opnortuni Tillamook City your headquarters during your vacation. The following progressive firms will give you further Information: Haltom's Department Store. The Tillamook Hotftl, a new and strictly mod ern hotel'. The Tillamook Garage, Ou, Oil, Service and Automobile Aoceaaoriea. The Hotel Ramsey, the place of "Good Eats." The Tillamook County Bank. Royal Keatauraat, Tillamook's leading res taurant. F. B.. Basis, Paoifio City Camp Grounds. &olli W. Watson, Seal Estate and Insurance. Overlooking the Ocean -American Plan Cottage SEAVIEW WASH. Shelburne Station, North Beach the ocean. Long distance phone in your tickets to Shelburne Station. Prop Seaview, Waah. BEACH CENTER STATION GARABALDI COVE UP.ht """J"?- iT?1- ""at In: m J "i.- J.Jv . ?7. IS per week.-K.v.w, Staebr. Garabsldl, or. - Pr ir the cares of business and the worries BEACH RESORTS EASIDE Come on down to Seaside, Oregon's ideal beach resort. One of Oregon's finest and smoothest beaches, surf bathing here is unexcelled. Trout fishing, canoeing, boating, sea fishing, golf links, hikes on. the beach or strolls through the woods, mountain trails and good auto roads, ocean bathing or swimming in the "Nat." Une of Oregon's finest re sort hotels the Hotel Moore overlooking the ocean, as well as other good hotels and summer cottages. You -will find the following progressive firms will give you fair treatment and ex cellent service. Patronize them . 'lhe. Moore iloiel First auLte ttau of Seaside i-M-iufic tower at iisbl co. The Seines et Wnealiay Leyu Store Tne rTuuiy LiUinoer t iux Co. The U. i. Siuuabon Meat Co. J. tu. Gates Natatoiium Xbe V. M. Jsyurcou Corlo sihop iua beasjtfo 4.rni;r cvmpau Tne beauude l.Uuitcr Co. Tne Coun at Koiu uru Store ' Koyal tlttnery auid Hycel Vv Uliuaiiit Uiui uaxac Hotel Hears lewia 4c Co. Drug Store. Seaside Auto & Fuel -Co. The AicGuire Hotel James feter.on Uept. Store. R. O. Ralston Kealty Co. tr. R. G. Musa Dr. Frank. Van Dor en The Seaside Urug & Stationery Co. R. wascher Oe&erai Merchan dise Store. LKcksley Hall For further information or literature, address Sec retary Seaside' Ad Club, Seaside, Oregon. t Ocean Crest Apartments I ELMOKE AB.K 2-room apts.. tar. fat Ugh I A- moonm wafer: , ! Dik. mom t J - -Adders Oceaav. OreeV Rocks wsy' Or, ;! Photo by Eutmaa Kodak Go. of war. Henry Gerwig . returned to Long Beach last week after having spent a few days in Portland, Mrs. Madison Sturgill and daughter of Baker, Or., have returned home aft er having visited Mrs. Sturglll's par ents. Judge and Mrs. W. F. Compton. -WHERE BEACH RESORTS SOUTH BZaCX RWN1I, OKkQOV Ooaofort able and coovemlent, I aad 3 room eottage. (nratsaed eons pleta. with free woodf l per week, tent bouaea (4 -per week. A floe plaee tor the kiddlea foed beacb aed Mae aart bathos-, troet flablna. elame aad bunting. For reservations or further information call or write room 403 Stock Excbenf-e balld lnc. Portland, or phone Main S7tU. Locksley Hall BEA6ISE, OSXOOH Overlooklac the ocean. Lrce. airy and comfortable rooms, with or without private batba. Celebrated for the ex cellence of Its cnialne. For 'rates address UIXliH If. PLXUALE. geaaide. Orejom. NECANICUM INN SEASIDE, OKXQOH On Boardwalk at 8esao, overlooking ocean. Fare one for Home Cooking. Borne Oomforta and dahliaa and profualon of old-faabtooed flowers. All white belp. Sea foods our specialty. For reservatiODS addreaa htlse E. Deamann. Seaside, Oregon. The Colonial Hotel and Apartments SXASTSS. OXXGrOV. one block from ocean. Electric lights and electric J stoves for light housekeeping. FYee auto bus to and from all trains. F.'D. Tvindnley. Proprietor. THE CLARK HOTEL Ocean ttA, Waab Desirable rnrnlsbed rot- tac-es aad tents: also roome for rent, low rates. Just what yon are looking for. Address aire. E. O. On mm. Ocean Park. Waah. HOTEL CRESCENT Manhattan Rate 2 a day. Good meals aad' rooms.. Tine view ef ocean. For reservations, address Grace I. Huston. Manhattan. Oregon. :f Where to Stay at Seaside THE AMERICAN HOTEL halt block from ocean, etrlctly high dais, large rooms, comfortable beds; opposite Hotel Moore. AUce M. Smith, Seaside. Or. Hotel Broadway 1 block east ot depot. Ontslde rooms, hot and com water. Rates reasooabM. Address B. u. rfswr, Mean dd. Or. roii NATATORIUM HOTEL next 45f to Oatea Baths, close to ocean, -res. anoable rate, modern. For rates and reeerva- tlor. address J. . OaUes, pr. Mrs. N. Saater, Seaside. Or..- m 1 .i H ' The Beacon Hotel Oeatrally leeeted. UV. airy rooms. 60s sa SI a day. 3 OomnerSJ at. . For reserratioBS addrees Mra. Emma EJork, Astoria, or. PACIRCrVIEW HOTEL Purnlshed f IltH nUIUL rooms and teat ;s lor housekeepln g. Facing- too ocean. - Addres I P. larraschou. ivs, ciihiiiis. -ri iiajinu r- HI'" xljw i r M I 1 1 - JTrwi AJ Numbered among- the recent arrivals at VQpg Beacb are F. Hlnckle of Port land, Jack Ford and A. J. Dolmice of San Francisco ana Miss Rose Backus of Oakland. Neb. Occupying a cottage near Newton station are Mr. and Mrs. J. Saucier. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kobb and chil dren and daughter, Mrs. William Hig gins and William Higglns of Califor nia are visiting at Long Beach. Domiciled in the Elk Horn cottae near Newton are Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stout. Visiting at Long Beach are Mrs. Ben Shipley and family and Miss Nina Taylor. Miss Nina Smith is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Pompie, in the attractive Pompie cottage near the ridge. Occupying the Point Loma cottage are Mrs. J. E. Merrick and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Mary Merrick, and chil dren, Marjorie and Patrick Merrick. Carl J. Merrick was a weekend -visitor at. Point Loma cottage. , Registered at the Long Beach hotel are W. F. Bover, E. Calquit, E. A. Dunham and Miss G. French. Sojourning at Ixng Beach, "for tre summer are Mr. and Mrs. St D. Har old and family. f" Visiting at the Roelf ottage are Miss Elsie Franch an5' James T. Franch. 8ix young men from. Long Beach are members of an American ambulance corps which is awaiting the call for federal service. They were guests of honor at a banquet given by Misses Loralne and Bewlah Hart last Wednes day night. TJie six young men are Charle StraunMl Billie Pearson Wal lace Wray,' Melvin Wray, Harvey Wray andrRaymond Baker. Mr. an? Mrs. H. L. Piers and family retnmejf to. Lone Beach after having visitetS in Portland. D. G. Leitch and family have re turned to Portland after having spent several weeks at Long Beach. Domiciled in an attract lv cottage along the ridge are Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and daughter. Miss Hazel Brown Mm TTonnie T.eleh of Portland Is I spending the summer with' her daugh- j ter-in-law. Mrs R. S. Leigh, near New- i ton. R. S. Leigh has Joined his fam ily for a few weeks. Mrs. L. Sperry has returned to Port land after having spent three weeks in her cottage near Long Beach. Five young men from Long Beach have successfullv passed the exam ination for naval militiamen and are waiting to be called Into training at Bremerton navy yard. Those who 1 were successful are Ernest Jacobson, I Frank Resch, Louis Stoler. Wesley 1 Stout and Ed Kroll. Miss Metta Gregg of Portland is vis iting her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bethel, at the Bethel cottage. , Sojourning at the Pliter cottage are Mrs. F. M. Pliter and daughter. Miss Lydia Pliter Domiciled in their attractive cottage! on the ridge for the season are Mr. i opened the Jamison cottage at Sea and Mrs. Ralph Cook and family. Miss ! view for the summer. Domiciled with Ada Harlow ie their house great for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Delury. Miss Geneva De!ury and Miss Vernor Brooks ae domiciled at the Filter cot tage near Newton for the summer. Occupying the Isensee cottage near Long Beach are the Misses Elsa, Emma, Martha and Gertrude Isen see. Mr. and Mrs. L. Shank. Mrs. M. Wasser and Miss B. Herman have opened the L. Shank cottage at Long Beach for the summer. Mrs. M. Shank is occupyine the Christensen cottage near Long Beach. Sojourning in the Louise cottage at Newton station are Martin Schade, Mrs. Hermon Schade and Walter B. Schade. Occupying the Nichols cottage at Ti oga are Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wells TO STAY- BEACH RESORTS NEWPORT Oregoa's Pioneer aad lropalar Becrea Uon aad Coast Kesort No other coast resort has more pleasures and attractions than New port. Splendid surf bathing, boating on Yaquina bay, trout-fishing, clams, crabs and rock oysters, rare and beautiful water agates, moss agates and jaspers on the beach. Many in ter es tin near-by points to visit, in cluding Otter Rock, the Devil's Punch Bowl, Seal Rocks, Elk City and the Siletz District. Newport has many progressive merchants carrying large stocks. Newport is famed for the excellence of its hotels, such as the Abbey House, which has ' been favorably known for the past 40 years. There are furnished or unfurnished houses or tents to be had, and you can live as- simply as you care to. Why not spend your vacation here? You will like Newport, ine touowing pro gressive firms are thoroughly reli able and will give you the best of service: The Abbey Hotel Newport Navigation Co. xaqulna tueciric uo. Yerex Mercantile Co. Western State Bank W B. Hartley, puoaegraphs and sew Ing machines. Charles H. iiardner. garage and re. pair snop. Gil more Dry Good Qo. Dawson Drug to. Newport Ice tt Fish Co. Charles Saunders, lapidary and manu facturing jeweler. White House Restaurant Charles Wait lapidary and manu facturing Jeweler. George H. Wilcox, general mdse, William H. Miller, lapidaxist and manufacturing jeweler. Armitage Drua; Co. A. Lk Thomas, agate cutting and mounting and sepia and hand colored pictures of Oregon. Newport Lumber Co. Tor roll laformattoa A boat BTewpon Ask As y S. r. Ticket Agent North Beach Inn LOBTO BEACH, WASH., Facing ocean. Rooms $1 day and up. Including free nee of A COM MUNITY KITCHEV AkTS DUTTKO B.00M. HOTKEXXEFtHQ TEXT HOtTSES foratsbed. S3 week. Puone MarabaU 230. A-ailB, or Box 191. Long Beach. Wash. COLBURN HOTEL WHITT BAXM0B, WASH, lo going to or from Troet Lake or Mt. Adams arrange to stop over eight at tbe Hotel Col bur o so aa to make the trip by daylight to the Re sort district. You will find here Urge snd slry rooms, comfortable beds and well prepared and well served meals at reaaosibia retas. C OeilMp. sjmpi ishsj i and family and Mrs. R. D. Sweet and son Dwight. - SEAVIEW Seaview, Wash., July II. Camp Multnomah. Boy Scouts of America. Is located directly back of Holman sta tion in a little grove of trees.. The camp was pitched abd set in readiness by 35 lusty Boy Scouts from Portland Monday morninr. These scouts are the vanguard oV pathfinders for more ; than 40X scouts who will arrive during ' the next four weeks. They left 'Port land last Monday on the steamer Geor gians and disembarked at Astoria. From Astoria the troopers crossed the bay to Ilwaco by launch and then hiked to their 'camp site at Holman station. Accompanying the vanguard are Joe Knowles. the primitive and nature man; James Brockway, scout executive; S. M.'McKenzie. scoutmaster of troop 19; Mr. Armstrong, scout master of troop 4, and Mr. Anderson, scoutmaster of troop 33. Mrs. L. Krause and son William are located at the Baum cottage near Seaview. -v Domiciled in their attractive cottage overlooking the ocean are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Green and daughter. Miss Elsina Green. Mr. and Mrs. William. Vaugh of Portland are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shawk. Mrs. Charles Smith and family are occupying the Selling cottage near Sea view. Miss Effie Meyers is the attractive house guest of Mrs. H. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schacht and daughter. Miss Rose Schacht, have opened their attractive cottage for the summer. Miss Florence Holmes, ropular O. A. C. belle, is visiting her family near Beach Center. Among those who spent the week end at Seaview last week were the Misses Myrtle and Selma Olsen. The Shelburne hotel register shows the following iruests: Mrs. R J. Smith. K A. Wells. Mrs. W J. Wells. Mrs. G. M Roe of Los AnKeles: Jack Price. Raymond; Theodore Thiel, Portland; Dr. E. L Zimmerman, Eu- gene: Miss Elizabeth Zimmerman, William McBeth, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Brown and Jack O'Bryan. Domiciled in the attractive Albee cot tage on the ridge near Seaview are Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tomlinson. Mrs. J. V. Bennes, Mrs. Vera Cason. Mrs Krma Maeply, Miss Monte Maegly. Miss Esther Maegly, Sybil Brown and Tom Swivel. Miss Louise Watson is the house guest of the C. W. Lelck family near Seaview Mrs. Wa'ter H. Guild and family are occupying the Woodford cottage on the ridge. Mrs. F. A. Jackson Is the house guest of Mrs. F. W. Harmon at the Harmon lodge. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jamison have Mr. and Mrs. Jamison in the Bide a Wee cottage are Mrs. D. L. McDanlel and son David of San Francisco Mrs. M. Versteeg and family, Misses Helen and Gladys and Master Claude, are domiciled in their cottage near Holman for the summer. Domiciled in the attractive Botefuhr cottage at Seaview are Mrs. F. Bote fuhr, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Beno. Mrs. E. A. Tyroll and daughter, M'ss Helens Matil Tyroll. and their house guests. Misses Amanda and Claudlne Rasmus sen. Mrs. F. Botefuhr and grand daughter. Miss Helene Matil Tyroll, recently returned from California. Miss Sarah Porter is the house guest of Mrs. Sanford Smith In the attract ive Smith cottare near Seaview. Mrs. H. W. Corbett and family are expected to arrive Friday. Mlsues Dorothy and Barbara Elliott BEACH RESORTS TTLULlffOOX'S ETCX-rOFTJXAS BEASXDE XESOBT. Why not fcpend your vacation this year on Garibaldi Beach? You will go back to your work with keener teat after spending a few weeks by the ocean shore. Climatic conditions are ideal here. No matter how brightly the aun ahines its heat is moderated by the prevailing sea breeze. You will iind plenty to do here to pass the time pleasantly. Do you enjoy ea fishing, trout fishing, boatinp. catching crab, digging clams or taklnsr long hikes through the woods or along the shore? If you do. then this Is the place you are looking for. If you want to rent a furnished cottage or a tent, stay at a hotel or secure private rooms with board or learn more of this district. Write to any of the reliable and pro gressive firms or individuals listed below : F. P. MIIXEH. stationery, candy and fruit; rooms to rant. 3 J. KHEB8, furnished cottagea, alee private rooms ana board. FRANK BEATTY. renaral merchandise. A. O. WALLING. Camp Comfy, furnished oot- tarea and tants. C. C. BYERS. general merchandise; cotta-ea and tents for rent. WM. D. BHAFEK, baggage and axpreaa aad wood for sale. W. A. DAVIES. a?ent for Midway Beach. 0. W, BOSS cottages and tenta for rent. L. L. VAN NORTWICK. barber shop, bil liards, bowlinr and confectionary. FRANK HART, proprietor Hart's Content (Ikk Lytle). furnished cottages and tants for rent. Fhone Marshall SOS. Address all of tha above at Keckaway Foat oflre, Oregon. BAY CITY ity Is .ie of Tlliaiiixk county's mnst cbsrmlug all t be-yea r-round reaorta. No city along the Oregon coat Is more favorably t.r picturesquely situated. It Is In the very heart of the vacation land. If vou enjoy trout fab. Ing. digging clams, catching crabs, bathing, hooting, hiking along tbe sea sbure. tben plan to spend your vacation st Bay City. Bay City has excellent hotels and well stocked atore. Whether you want to atay at tbe botel. camp out or rent a summer home, your neeala can cared for bere. Bay City baa a future and Is worthy of your careful Investigation. For Information iddrMS any of the enterprtoLug and pmirreiwive flrma listed below: The Tillamook Bay Co. The Bay View Hotel The Nelson Department Store. Bay City Storage tt risheries Co. Bay City Prog Co. LONG BEACH HOTEL LONG BEACH, WASH. Located on the World Famous North Beach. Clam, crabs, surf bathing. Tbli botel la well prepared to make your atay pleaaant. Large, airy rooms, ocean In view. Some cry deair able cottagea for rent. Ratea reasonable. For furthtr information addrees H. H. TINKER. Prop.. Long Beach. Wash. HOTEL JULIAN Oorvallia 0rga Coder new management. Best of food, well prepared, well served, generous port loos, skilled chef, well trained corpa of waiters. Clean aae airy rooms, comfortable beoa. When making "Loop Trip" through valley atop over siget at The Julian. W will make your atay here piesaant. For reeerva tloos addreaa Hotel Julian Corvalll. Or. Tbe CHAMBERLAIN HOTEL Loa; Beaoh. Wash. Board and room $12 week. View vf Ocean- kVrtabliahed 30 year. For rea errattoas address a-alia Molly. Laag Beaca. Wa. VACATIOs? OK ITTmmt BTOSCalBZAft. Wbes gnlng away tor tba sammer or oo year vacation, bar Tb Jouraal follow Jon at the regolar rat of IS ocota a week; or the following ag-aoU will eupvly you at tta regular city rates: Bar View. Or. Rodney Farley. Ha j City. Or. Mra. J. C. MrClar. iiajrocean. Or. (Jwrge J. Burcaard. Cannon Uearh, Ecola. Or. L. W. Crone. Caraoa. WaalU Carl B. bmita and Shlp bcrd'a Mprlnxa. Garibaldi. Or. D. C. Ellla. (irarbart. Or. Joe Prlc. Lake Lytle. Or.-Wemial Byera. Long Brarh. Waaa. Walter B. Sen Ida (all point, on liearh). Manhattan Bcarfa. Or. Mra. G. 1. tluatoo. Maoaanlta Beach. Or. U. B. Nona. Newport. Or. M. 8. Hunt. Ocean Park. Waab. Walter B. SrHade. Borkaway Beach. Or. Wendal Byera. Seaatde. Or. Will A. Butler. Hotel Moore (all points oe the bearh). Rravlew, Waah. Walter B. Schade. Lakralne. Or. Ten Mile Lake, Or. Tbrk hamth abrdloam Tillamook. Or. John I'laiker. Wllholt gprlnga. Or. F. W. McLeran. and Miss Anna Wheeler are visiting at Seaside for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Llnqulst and daugh ters Helen and Marie returned to Port land last week after having sojourned at Seaview for several weeks. Miss Margaret Slaussen has re turned to Portland. Miss Slaussen was the house guest of Mrs. Sanford Smith and Daughter, Miss Louise. John Cameron of Walla Walla was a visitor at the Elliott cottage last week. Mrs. D. R. Atkinson of Portland and Mrs. C. N. Payson of San Francisco, who will be house guests at the Bote fuhr cottage, are expected to arrive next week. Baird's Hollows was the scene of a merry picnic party from Seaview last week. Those who made up the merry group were Misnes Dorothy and Bar bara Elliott. Miss Anna Wheeler, Miss Katharine Wheeler. Miss Mary Slaus sen. Miss Louise Smith and John Cam- eron. Domiciled in the York cottage near I Seavlew on the boulevard are Mrs R. vr t,,u, rmilv n.rlM Led-! o"rrf K.ih.rin. Tnrlcer and M irts Helen Doyle from Glenwood. Colo Warren Thorsen has returned to the beach to stay the remainder of the summer with hi fnmty. after having spent two weeks fishing In Southern Oregon. the house guest of Mr. anJ Mrs. L. Mrs. T. F. Bearingcr of Portland Is B. Gollehur. Wallace Livingston, former Lincoln high school football star, is the house guest of Jack O'Rrvan. A farewell bonfire was given last week in honor or Miss -Margaret iiaus- , r1av tM(.rf. wr,. approximately 4000 sen. who was the house guest of Miw i per,. on ,hf. i,oa,.n w, on tlme Louise Smith. Those who formed the ; Mr (;..rl;p V Mlath has re merry circle around the fire were Miss turn,.d to ,.r rottHKP tn Uermosa park Margaret Slausson. Miss Louise Smith. aft(.r a,tP,din(r tlie N K conven- Mlss Katnarine layior, .is Anna Wheeler. Miss Dorothy Elliott, Mis Barbara Elliott. Miss Mamie Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Smith and Sanford Smith Jr. Frank Kternan. a former stuoVnt a Notre Dame, is the house guest of Miss Viola Thorsen at the attractive Thorsen cottage. A merry group of Seaview folk made merry .it the Ixing Beach nata torium last Wednesday nisbt. Those in the party were the Misses Mildred Seufert. Helen Thorsen, Viola Thcr sen. Jane McGowan. Mlnnin Harland; Messrs. Waltace Livingston, Jack O'Bryan, Walter B. Schade. Victor Christensen. Warren Thorsen and Frank Kiernan. Mrs. William Chambers of Pullman, Wash . Is visiting her; sister, Mr. W. B. Struble. at the Rocks. Registered at the Hackney cottage are Miss G. Jones and Miss K. Wyke of Vancouver. B. C; Mrs. H. G Humphrey of Portland. Max Stupl of Chicago. III.; Dr. D. Bremer and R. Ferriss of Portland, George D. Nelson BEACH RESORTS Ocean Park, Waihington In you like aea fishing, trout fiabing, anrf bathing, and have you that longing to rstrh rrabe and rlama along the aborea of the Pa cific? If so. come to Ocean Park. Situated on tbe very sands of the Pacific. It afford It giients all tbe advantage of surf bathing. Extruding on eaeti aide of tbe park for over 10 milea la a broad eipans of sand ar.d (irlftnxiod. Here one may bave all tbe pleasarea uf clammtne ami crabbing. And at Dlght tbe driftwovd furiilabe excellent mate rial f'W bonfire. One half mile east of Ocean Terk is plrturvaqu Wlllaa Bay. The Bay and Its tributaries furnish eicelleut trout fish ing and all nxinnor of cuatic aporta. No njsfter now warm tbe sun may shine nor bow bard the -lad msy blow. Ocean Park is well protected by tree and ridgca. The N'crth Bank railrrad make excellent connectloun with tbe atramer Nahcotta for this n-sort. For Information or lltcratnr". writ to any cf the foliowlna; rrogreeive fttnw: Parent Grocery Co.. Fancy and Staple Goods. Tavlor Hotel. lUomi and Board. Bhagreen A Bona, dealera in meata, milk aad egatablea. Mta. E, 0. Con-an, Furnished tents and oet tages. Mrs. A. M. Petersen, Confectionery. T. A. Beechey, Express and bagrag transfer. H. E. Campbell. Confectionery. W. C. A w. L. Bently, Billiard parlor aad Hupmoblle Aato Trios. VILLA CAMP AM, AMERICAN" On Bar View Beach en tha Tillamook Shore. On, two aad three mm cottagea oomplately furnished for light housekeeping. Pur dou taia water, electric light, aaaitary toilet. Protected from sea breese, close t beaoh. Calma, crabs trout fishing, overlooks Tilla mook Bar. Ideal summer vacation spet. For reservatteaa and rates address L. J. Telia A Bon. Bar View. Or. im BBACX HOT SXA BATHS Boccesaor to Mints wn Bathe. Sanitaria Treat ing Komu wttb experienced physician in at teudanee. Housekeeping rooms. For ratea and reservattosa adire W. T. CBOCkEU. Prop, Newport. Oregon. CHERRY CITY FTTRlflBHXD OOTTA0E8 NYE BEACH Electric lights, sidewalks, near beach and etore. For ratea and rrservatiooa addreaa U. O. Savage. Proprietor, Newport. Or. HOTELS, LANE'S HOTEL MANZ ANITA. OREGON New bote), overlooking Ocean. Jnst com pleted ready for guests. A restful bom atmosphere, good fishing, beautiful scenery, splendid nrf bathing on Manzanlta Beach. Home cooking. Boa ts and auto meet all trains. Reasonable la tea. Mra. It. H. Lane, Mansanlta. Or. HOTEL ALBANY 0 THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Albany'a Load ing Hotel. "n of tbe beat of good oaee. New, op to date. Steam beat, bot and cold water, telephone In every room, centrally lo cated. Plan to stay here over Sunday. Special attention to tourists and auto parties, B. R. WESTBROOK. Albany. Or. New Hotel Smeed E 176 EVE. OREGOsT Hotel of eraotal service. When tearing Weetera Oregon make tha hotel your bead- quarters. rw and experienced managemetit. . renovated and refurnlabed. Large. airy room, good beds, best of meala. reasons bl ratea. Central lorattea. free 'bus. Res sa ber toe pease, "Toe I" Or. M. kw Mae Km. of Ocean Park. George F. Markison and family of Holse, Idaho.; Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Goutld of San Frandacct, Mrs. A. E. Porter and Arthur Porter of Portland. Harold Say ot Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Colegrove and Mr 'and Mrs. E. Burness of Seattle; Evan gel tne E. Phillin of Portland. Mrs. M Snyder of Waila Walla. Mrs. W. E. Ixwel1 of Pendcton. A. J. I nna of Portland and Ruth Purvin of Salem. Or. GEARHART Gearhart. Or., July 21. James Nlcol of Portland is at the beach with hi I Etrlng of riding and driving horses, i Miss Florence Bloch. who has been ) the house guest at the Rothchild cot ! tage for the past fortnight has re I turned to her home. , Miss Elsie Holmts has returned to ; her home l". Enterprise. She has been th guest of Mrs. E. J. Jaeger and daughter. Mrs. J. Joseph Hogan of Seattle Is spending the summer season with her piMer Mrs David W. Ferguson, at the latter's country home near Gearhart. C. M. Miller and family of Portland have c peneo the Billion place for the summer searon. Mrs. J. V Lew has been hostess to her brother, Emanuel Beck, for the laM two weeks. Mr. and Mrs John Card and family recently moved Into the Sidney cot tage for the summer. Oskar lluber has returned to Gear hart after passing a few days In Port land attending to business matters. Mrs. John F. Daly is hostess to her mother. Mrs. J. R. Wiley. 8. Solomon and family are among the more recent arrivals from Tort land for the season. Mrs. G. Thielman will arrive at an early date to remain in Gearhart for the remainder of the season. F. T. t'rowder was a recent visitor to his family In the Weathome cottage . . ... v . ?v loss is ine.nouse guest 01 MrB- lukehart daring July. 5,r anl Mrs. Robert Irvln have re- 1 11 rn e'1 to their home in rortland after spending a delightful week as the guests of Mrs. R. A. Stewart. SEASIDE Seaside. Dr., July 21. Krom reports received from the 'uslncss men of ssi.l. it jn evident that the summer season at the le;irh Is more popular this vear than heretofore. Crowds throng the beach from earlv morning lllllil lute in t Srt pifinini I n k Ktin. Mr BMd Mrs. G. H. Davey of Kalls- ipell. Mont., are taking n short sojourn in Seaeide. Mr. Davey was a dele gate tn the X K. A t-onventnn. Mrs Ella Flagg Young of Chicago Is aninnii the many N E A delegates who are passing a few enjoyable .lays along Clatsop beach. In her party ar Hlshop Walter T. Sumner and Misses Brayton and Walker, also of Chicago. Irma L. McClaran is the charming hostess to a proup of merrymakers in the Shamrock cottajre. jer guests are Miss Eva Host ovich. Miss Anna Kltzpstrick. Mis W. Mayo. Miss Lc nora Bennett, Mrs. E. A. King. Mrs. R. B. Turley, Miss Hazel Muller of Port land and Mrs. J. C. Flora of Orenco, Or. M. Linnehan, English teacher at Washington high school, is spending part of his vacation in Seaside, ac companied by h; sister. Mrs. William Kern and her daughter of New York. Mr. Linnehan will pas the remainder ((Vntlnued on FVHilne Pare) WHAT TO SEE HOTELS WHEN IN SALEM STOP AT HOTEL BLIGH "A 1 l'ie Atkny from Home."' 8TRH.TLV MOMF.KN-tl I'KR DAX. 100 ROOMS OT SOLID COMFORT ' only Hotel in Business District. The Todd Hotel For years the Todd Hotel baa been weD aed favorably known for tbe excellence of tta aervlce. 1ean and airy room, comfortable bed, well cooked meala with generous por tions and reasonable rates make It a place you will be pleased to patronise. Wbon yoa some to Tillamook make the Tudd Hotel your headquarters. L. b. Huahbeck. Prop.. Tilla mook, Oregon. Hotel Laughlln FOREST GROVE 0REG0M Get sc4)oalnted with the besuiy spots la tbe immediate vlcluity of I ortland Portland auto parties will find tbe run oat to Forest Orove s trip of rare beauty Von nave aeen tbe Co lumbia Highway now see the plctureaque Wil lamette valley. W will sve you a daluty and appetising supper at a moderate price, or come out fur your Monday rhuken dinner. Ptoone numbvr In party. phone "M Forest Orov. Or.. URH. K L. EHKRKKTT, IT..p. THE BRADSHAW lernlahed Koran. Large Kitchen for ose ef Owtts. Fine View of Ocean. Cor. Newport sad Brook sta. For rste and reservations address Mra II A. Bradshaw, Prop-. Wewport. Or. IUVO KKirUltTB CEDAR ISLAND A qaWt an! pctaresqoe resort e tae WS. lamette. splendid beacb for bath lag. atvukg Uwer. cpriog board, free bath beeaei Use camping spot. Isaadag every rvejilag ase Hunday sfternooo. Why not caap eA sore for a week or more this eaasBBerT Take Kitty Uorao at Foot of Aldar street. Psoas Oag urvt. 13S-M. or wrti Job a Jacmsaga, Mgr. Str. GEORGIANA ASTORIA AHS WAT 0X0001. Leaves I i. a sally, ukdaye, a. am. Returning, laave A-suvla 2 p. as., acrivea Fr lann p. m. STR. LURXXKZ leave t-M a. sa. eally ex cept Suoday. K turning tears Aatozas t s. sa. ma iwa. WIMUCtM U vqmMm KITTY MORAN Tbe sew apoedy pleeaore .staasoraa boat at. Ing from Portland to Oregoa Uty aad. way polsts. Why aot tak your frfcnsd for a fa, auc oa Cedar Island or soaae of the ether baas tlfsl spot akmg the WL tawti. Waee yea go to Oregon Uty go ea the Kitty Meeasv Leaves Aider Street dock t s. as. aad sj. sa. week days aad a. II L a I p. m. oa ssw;i. Mala aW or A-cAlL. aan eavuy tea. THE JOURNAL IS THE ACKNOWLEDGED MEDIUM FOR SUMMER RESORT ADVERTISING .