c THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, C SATURDAY. JULY 14, 1917. 13 HELP WANTED MALE . (Co-tinned) WANTED 1000 LOGANBERRY PICKER3 Families preferred. Worts In yards adjacent to Balem principal ly. It win bo necessary for fami lies to provido own tenta and amp ins equipment. Work will last four to flvo weeks. Berry crop la heavy this year, so fair wage can be made. Register at Pubiio Employ ment Office. 243 Ankeny at., at once. TWO young men of good family, with high school education and living at home, preferred, to start In at bottom. Must be of good address and willing to work. Permanent employment with old established wholesale merchantile concern and every chance for advance ment to sales force it suitable. Ad dress in own handwriting, stating qualifications and &.. K-S01. Journal, WANTKu (iood ill around black smith; must be good shder and floor man; married man, (4 and more if can earn It. Give age. etc.. in first letter. Steady Job. Address liar ton Implement Co., Wendell Idaho. WANTED Bookkeeper, opportunity tor man capable of advancement in wholesale house. State all particulate and phone number. . E-451, Journal. jjifriVAEjMlSC. 49 Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS Accredited col lege preparatory grade, business, stenographic, electrical engineering, radio telegraphy, automobile schools operating throughout summer, both dav and evening. For information, ad drees Div. A. V M. C. A., Dept. of Edu cation, Portland. Oregon. ARM Tuli TRUCK DPUVERH. ambulance drivers and aeronautic enthusiasts get. your preparation In a first cIhsb school. Special short course; special tuition rale. Begin now. Address Dlv. A, Y. M. C. A. Automobile Engineering School, Portland, Or. ST ENOGlfAi'i IER8 WANTED Com mence v 3100 month; government wants thcuuiids lmmedlatuy, 7 hour day, Portland examination weekly; write . fort fren sample questions. Franklin Institute,- Desk 20, Roches ter, N. Y. . RADIO TELEGRAPHY Great need in commercial shipping for radio oper ator. Prepare quickly to render this great service to our government. Ad dress Dlv. A, Y. M. C. A. School of Radio Telegraphy for special bulletin. Portland, Oregon. HAVffTliORNE AUTO SCHOOL 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. In order to help supply the increased demand for chauffeurs, gas engineer and repair men, we have made special tuition rates from July 1 to August X inclusive. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL S88 Burnside st. e Call or write for full information about FREE TRIAL OFFER HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School Broadway-Yamhlll bids- Reduced prices for the summer. Positions se- cured. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSI NESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDQ. LAD1KS take work home, spare time. transferring, permanent. 733 Wash. UNCALLED for tailor made suits 28.60 up Taylor the Tailor. K9 14 Hurnslde. HKL1 WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Discreel, intelligent young woman with 2 or 3 years varieu office training who desires steadv em ployment, one who is not talkative or afraid or work and who will attend strictly to business. Must understand loose leaf filing system, take short- nanu aim operate typewriter, iterer ences. J-480, Journal. WANTED Middleaged lady for house. keeper for two children and father, J. Vincent, 10th and Harrison sts.. yregon Lity. I housework, family of 4: middle aged woman preferred; references required T , u n'.. v, e i r 1 i m'liq i n. uur u o u i. GIRL for gnueral housework; good plain cook. Mrs. A. G. Long 447 16th at., cor. Ja'kson. Portland lights WANTED Girl for general house work: small family; no washing. fnone ranor nb. WANTjJ -Experienced collar girl. E. 21st and crystal laundry Co. hanay road. WANTED girl to learn optical trade Q-416. Journal. WANTED Experienced piano player for out of city. GX-680, JournaL WOMAN to draw poultry. Phone East 404, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, tele raphy, salesmanship. English branches, at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker Business college, 167 4tn st-, near Morrison. WAJSTTEL 20 cherry pickers at once at Newberg, Or., on S. P. electrio line. Phone or call on Fearey Bros.. 306 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Washington sts.. Main 83R9. A-1772. mMu mwrn mii&m Est. 1898. 80 schools. Summer rate. Pay while learning, 234 Burnside st. OREOON Barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade; paid while learning; position guaran teed. 23s Madison. MOHLER Barber school, men and women to learn barber trade free; paid while learning. 88 N. 2d. cor. Couch STRIPPERS wanted at Gardner Cigar Co., 209 H Madison, upBtairs. SITUATIONS MALE S FIRST CLASS, all around machinist and electrician, thoroughly experi enced with steam and gasoline en gines; also merchant marine experi ence, wishes responsible position U-368. Journal. WANTEI5 Posi tlon as steam engineer by competent man; can handle most any sixe .plant, do own engine, boiler, pump and pipe work. Can give good references. 1563 Water sL Phone Mar." 616. WATCHMAN, doorman and elevator man. Marshall 1718. 65 Taylor st. J. W. B u 1 lard. MIDDLEAGED man would like posi tion as night watchman. 1406 Pow- er8 st.. city. Will repair your watch no matter how badlv broken. REINOOLD'H, Jewelers. 124 5th St. MIDDLEAGED experienced driver wants position as chauffeur for fam lly or doctor. Phone Wdln. 662. SITUATIONS -FEMALE ELDERLY lady wants place in small -family; no washing or children; city preferred. C-453. Journal. NURSES EAST SIDE SANITARIUM B-2632. 853 Hawthorne ave. and 28th st Newly furnished, pleasant home sur roundings. near business center. fac lnr Burrell Heights. Modern equip ment for care or general surgical and medical cases, rates 315 to 336 per week; special rates and accommoda tlons to maternity cases. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 By Week TTOflfC rttBeTfmn By Month 81.00 Up. U Ifil it. IfflfDUiD U W8. 38.00 Up. Strotly modern. Under new managnt. 11th and Stark sts. Broadway 3822. HOTEL OCKLET, Morrison at 10th. RATES 60c day up. weekly 31 up. Running water, free phones and nam ROOMS for rent: clean modern out- slde rooms. 212 Broadway and Salmon. SAN MARCO HOTEL, MODERN RMS.. BATHS. PHONBo. J2.00 AU Uf, TRANSIENTS 50c UP. 4 22H WASH. ROOMS and apartments In mod era hotel. 31.76 week and up. 466 Alder. 1 60 WEEK up, clean, warm modern tut, rms,, central. The King, 30 Jef. 5'HE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam ... aear, running; water. s iu l FURNISHED ROOMS y&TVATB XT SPLENDID rooms and sleeping perch, modern, convenient, suitable for light housekeeping. 2U E. 3 2d near riawtnorne. ONE large room, with sleeping porch, for 2 young men, 681 Belmont, cor. 14th. ROOMS ALT BOARD 15 THE WEAVER, 710 Wash., residentlst hotel, reas. rates. Private bath and phone in every room. Marshall 6170. ROOM and board for business girls, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, 23.60 week. 13 E. 7th at. E. 4732. THE MAN1TOU, 261 Uth. Homelike, sieam heat- rood hoard rea. M. 8670. ROOMS a?:d board PmXTATE -AMXX.T WALNUT PARK, modern home, quiet, pleasant surroundings, good table. moderate prices. 1U99 Urr;eld. Wood lawn 2025. GOOD room and Austrian style cook lng, Reasonable. 331 H Montgom- ery st. NICE room, modern house, board ttonal. Marshall 4410. 431 Park st. FURNISHED roome with or without board. 54 N. 16th cor. Davis, NICE front room and board. 26.50. .29 East Davis. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rVftHTSHBD AHS UKrPgllllHED FOR newly furnished housekeeping apartments apply 2 Grand ave., cor. East Ankeny st.: walking distances. i 75 12TH, single rooms, complete for it. tv. An conveniences. Use piano. r wo -room housekeeping 29 per rnontn, single rooms 25 up. 615ft vv anington, .near iqth. Horn Anc rree bath, hot. cold water uki 1 1 ryioi Jl week up. 401 1st St, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rXTENISKXO AHD UTTJt -! jutate rAMtxt WALKING distance, furnished room. in nice moaern nome; large yard. rnone irfisi lis. l.i. i furnished H. K. rooms, ground rioor. water ana gas. 46o East Ash cor. 8lh. Bdwy. 957. 3 OR 6 room furnished complete, nice for small family, bet. Fremont and Heecn. 732 Albina ave. Woodlawn 8888 FOR RENT HOUSES UXrUBHIIHSS 12 8-RnOM modern bungalow. 16S Stan ton st., furnace, large yard, fruit chicken pen; walking distance; $16.60 HVL room modern cottars with raf ape, $12.60, 788 Grand ave., 1 block from "Union ave. Inquire 794 Grand ave. or t9 Going st. FOR RENT 7-room dwelling. 22C Ma son st., good repair and good neigh Dornoou, jl;. ll. t. Thompson, 7 2 Morgan hide;.. Main 2 " a . MoDEKN 6-room house in A-l condi tion, convenient to car line, 111 pe month. Inquire of Jas. K. Ross, 624 Foster r&ad. Tabor 26. PORTLAND HTS.. 9 rooms, modern, 2 sleeping ponc-hes. garage, fruit roses, 15 minutes walk O., suitable 1 or 2 families, 620. Phone Main 7159. RENT A good 8 room house for only $10. Go and see. Party in house will show it. 791 E. Taylor st. Phone Eat 378 or Tabor 5580. MODERN 4 room house, rent 310 per month. No children wanted. 11S6 Mllwaukle st. EIGHT room modern house, 284 Ham ilton ave.. South Portland; low rent Columbia 265. . 33 FOR 4 room house, wood 1138. Phone Sell- EAST SIDE, yard, fruit. fine location. East 1610. modern.!, SIX room bungalow, 110 per month. i-.ast zi3 4 OR 6 room house. Mill St.. grocery corner8d. 8 ROC1) MS. 570 Graham F.sst 2196. FURNISHED HOUSES SO FIVE room furnished houss. sleeping porch, $15 per month. Water, gas, electric lights, 100 young chickens. 85 hens, for sale; near pestoffice. Maple wood. Or. C. L. Llnch. 4 ROOMS, built in conveniences, sleep ing porch, hot water heat, nicely furnished. 109 E. 30th sU B-2174. 32 7.50 Completely furnished, clean, modern 7-room house, Hawthorne district. 3 bedrooms. Tabor 4679. FURNISHED modern 3 room house. 1077 E. 29th at.. N. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 1793. XnK AiCO K. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room apts., strict ly modern, reasonable. East 2403. 2-4-6 ROOil FURNISHED APTS.. THE DEZENDORF 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marsh. 128. HiSLOP JrlALL. K. 6th and Hawthorn. Modern 1, 2 and 3 room apts., 312.50 up; walking distance. East 882. THE WESTFAL. 41U 6th St., 3 room furnished apartments, modern, brick buiiaing. waiKing distance. 118.50. CLASSIC APTS.. 662 OLISAN ST. 1 and 3 room furnished acts., strict. It modern, reasonable. Marshall 3610. i i.' v: X" ,pt ym 1 1 .i ixj , h m VJ I'l..'., . - " - KIWI ,Q have small zur. and unlur. apts. for rent. Taoor emu, u-iiuz. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts.. E. 7th and Belmont. Fur. Z and 3 rooms. reasonaPls. B. 23 8 ROSE FRIEND AIT S., cor. B'way and jelierson. niiegant uniur. apts. best service. Walklnir dis. Marshall 1410. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, modern 2 room furnished, ia up. Mar. 2 074 HARRISON COURT. &th and Harrison Furnished apts.. i& month and up THE ALAMO, 494 Market 3 room un lur., mod., prica. iz-n. main ROSENFELD (brick), 14th and East Stark. 3 rooms, w, izg. zz.so, iz& HADDON HALL. 414 llth St.. 3 and 4 room apts.. reasonable. Mar. 1163. CLARKE APTfc. 2 rooms, fur., dis. beds, phone, lights, iiz up. a way sojS AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. 6. 6 r. apts. Mar. 3360 M. 7516. A-2676. THE ORMONDE, mod., 4 room front. 656 Flanders; Noh Hill. Main 8251. GRACE APTS.. IMth and Northrup Mod. high class 6 room apt. Mar. 1079 CLOSE In furnished 2 room flat, large sleeping porcn. n.ast sur. ABIE THE AGENT S THE MOST' SUCCESSTVL MAW HERE V'rf TKRn A, ly ot-vi vlIaim S , r- ''"' " To qo r BUViSS CONCERN, &fl W-F S A A 1 k Jmy ') T- V h " HrVJWmBU.SOTStDt.ls 'iJ J ' V -F I, &Awi V SGtV IK ) Y . JKl lj 1. ' , t " : - - -: , T 7 . " .. , , " , . ; . -.,"-'- ----- - - . - - i ) 4' . - 5- - APARTMENTS ,8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED iuii i" "iW The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia fit. - Five mln. walk to Mailer A Frank's store; good surroundings; strietlr mod. 2 and 2 room fur. mirtmanti. all out side, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT villa it-, cxara. 12th and Taylor. Modem, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. WICKERS HAM APARTMENTS. 18th And Flanders. Twn room furnished or unfurnished aDartment and a nix room unfurnished. Convenient to car line, walking distance, quiet residential district, modern. Broadway 2201. Montgomery apTs., comer 3d and Montgomery Strlctlv modern brick uunuiiiK. an outsiae z-room ants., rur nished complete, private bath, phone and automatic elevator; best service; close in; 18 to 126. Main 2466. PE-NRUhE APARTMENTS! Grand i.venue. bet. Morrison aid Bel mont; new 2 and 4 rooms, completely fur.; solid brick bids-.: whlta enamal ana manogany finish; walking distance, NOitTjiAMPToM API'S.. 407 HALL. We have three 3 room apts. and one I room. Al! outside rooms, in clean est condition, ideal for newlvweds of small family. Reasonable. Main 42. inE Ntw NOB ML.. Cwck buuairig. 6 floors, all mod. conveniences. 36 2 and 2 room suites; few furnished. Lawn, naoe. powers, uusan st., near ilia st. 41 MONTGOMERY, cor. Broadway Nice, cool 5 room furnished apt.; ideal for summer; reasonable. Mar shall 3069. M'KINLEY APARTMENTS Modern 3 room 316 per mo. and up; private phone and bath; walking dis tasjee. E. 7th and Morrison. East 3100. onu'ribUJ, 2io Broadway S. 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2606. DAVENPORT APTS.. 008 Jefferson st. 3 room nicely furnished apts., fire proof brick building, strictly modern, free phone, reasonable. Main 5435. LUXOR APTS Strictly modern furnished apart ment in walking distance, very reason able. 13th and Clay. Main 3106. NoKoMiS, bib Marsnall Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress lng room and phone; 316 to 123.60. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 3 rm. furn., front, beautiful view; also 2 and 4 rms., reasonable. Mar. 983. BENSON APARTMENTS. 206 N. 20TH Newly furnished 3 room apartment. Marshall 4448. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and. 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, pnone, steam heat, lit up. GRAND OAK APTS. corner ii Oak and Grand ave., strictly modern 2-3 room apts. First claso service E. 8302. MAUNOLlA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. 31. 60 per week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. FURNISHED FLATS 50 5 ROOM furn. flats; fine harbor view. bet. B'dway and Steel bridges. 280 Margin st. East 2411. . FINE 4 room upper, fine 4 room lower, 6624 Ladd ave., walking distanoe HOTELS 54 Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart meats. Single rooms. $1.75 per week and up. Transients, 60c and up. steam heated, hot and cold water in every room. Only white help employed. 203 Vt 1st., cor. Taylor. Main 42 o 3 SOIMER III REK( ORTS 50 BOARDERS solicited ' at Butternut larm, at fieasant zieme, ur., oy ners. Gresham. Or.. R. I. Box .4 Phone Gresham. 37X2 X uuiio oi v-Jmi" J"t . -i - - -. i. SEASIDE Clean cottage, beds for 4, 10 minutes from beach. 316 to Aug. 1. Call mornings and evenings. Sell- a n A 4 n TENT house for rent chtap. finest location in .Newport. ircone iasi 664. . . . FURNISHED cottags. Ocean Park, Wash.. 2o lor August. ia v. sutn St. B-2174. . COTTAGE on boardtwalk, ocean view Seaside. A. G. lX)ng. FURNISHED beach cottage at Bay Ocean. Phone Woodlawn 2007 COTTAGE at Rockaway Beach. Wood lawn 16il. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE and factory building In South Portland for rent. Modern, 3 story brick structure, trackage: well lighted. Appiy n, w. xiagooa. tii Journal bldg. . . , OFFICE space for rent "in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service in city. Apply 311 Journal bldg 2 STORY brick building, 100x100. at Washington and Burnside sts.; suit able for pubiio market or garage. Phone East 6504. BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W Hagood. 311 Jo'irnal bldg. HORSES. VEHICL! 4. ETC. IS ONE brown mare, weight 1100 lbs. Wnrko anv clace. Also cheap pony. works any place. Take ML Scott car to Lh ave. eta.. 1 block east. 1 blok north. 6825 85th St. S. B. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, ortp pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn ZO. Portland Kenaenng tp. DKAIt atoclt taken ouick.lv. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. ... GOOD horse, weight 1200; trade for cow. 3 more horses, wagons and wood saw. 729 Liberty st. HORSE. 1100. harness, light farm wagon. $50. Spokane barn, cor. E. 8th and Hawthorne. FOR SALE cheaD Good farm horse. weight 1200; no reasonable offer tefused. 65 E. 82d st., cor. Oak st. FIVE head of good work horses, also one wagon and harness. F. R. Board man, Gladstone, Or. GOOD team, harness and wagon, cheap. ;007 E. 27th N,. near Al berta. HORSES for sale Cheap. Call even ings ana Sundays, l spot HORSE and wagon. $l.'5 day; 2 horses and wagon, 32dsv- R4 Front. M. .22.08. FOR SALE Team of mares, wagon and harness. $100. 1140 E. 12th N. HORSES, "VEHICLES. ETC 18 SHETLAND pony, bugfr narness. 676: also saddle or driving pony. ess. 106 Falling- st. Taks VI -A crM,l. IilVEOTOCK Sit SO HEAD of big. fresh dairy cows. with calves, Durhauns and Holetelos, Guernseys and Jerseys. 4 to 6 gallon cows, all first class cows and young. Phone East 1611 or come to Brooklyn Stock Corrals. Sellwood car to Frank fort st. go 5 blocks east to 8. P. tracks. 6 HEAD of fresh cows, 2 Jerseys, X Durhams. 1 Holsteln, 4 and 6 gal lons, fresh 1 to 3 weeks; sell one or all. 2019 East Burnside. M on ta villa ear ONE Holsteln and one Durham-Jersey, extra rood, rounf. gentle, healthy. 2418 Kauffman, Vancouver. Wash. Prions 936-J. , . FRESH cows for sale. Phone Gresham 3. or call on O. F. Ruegg. Unnemann Junction. 2 YOUNG, fresh cows. Jersey and Hol steln. 105 Falling st. Take M-A car. 4 GOOD dairy cows for sale. $60. 370. 3 SO and 390. 61 E. 76th 8. Tabor 8B8. J Two large fresh family or dairy cows, heavy milkers. 424 Hawthorne ave. FOR. SALE Milk ranch and 40 cows; a good business. MX-465,. Journal. GOOD fresh cows for asle or rent. Phone Est 1511 after p. m. FOR SALE You na cow and calf. 604 E. 27th st. Wood stock car. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK POULTRY, egg and butter business for sale; 2 Ford delivery cars and all equipment; established trade; the best In the city. Y-297, Journal. 1 ntr-ATTTTFtTT. nullets. mostly from 200 ere hens. April natcneu. aiso f fine hens. 83 E. lst st. and Stark. FOR SALE: Spring fries and broil rs. Woodlawn lfivs . .. 11 WHITE wyandotta 4 weeka old, 20o each. Tabor 7368. 8 WEEK'S old W. L. pullets. 60o each. Wdln. 5034. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 40 AIREDALE puppies from pedigreed and registerea stoca. rnoai ,ast 04. THOROUGHBRED French poodle pup- ples. 2175 East Washington at. la bor 7528. - FEW Eoigllsh butterfly and angora rabbits, cheap; can Hunaay. 1192 6th ave. S. Ev, W. S. car. AUTOMOBLLES-AC47E3SORIES 44 OAKLAND BUG 1 250 Maxwell Touring $276 Ford one-ton truck $676 Jeffery 7-pass. 600. TERMS IF DESIRED W. H. WALLINGFORD AUTHORIZED FORD AGENCY 626 Alder st. EVERETT i pass., newly paint ed, in fine ohape; name your own price within reason. Worth 1300. Ki.ig. Main 4244. THAYER. SHAVER -GULL T MACH1NK CO. 1 Ton. X $370 1. $420 a, $470 BUILDERS OF 1V4 Ton. EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland 193 E. Water st Phone East 7437 TOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 2lst and Washington, main sz. LAMER' Mfg. A Repairs, 3000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st. CADILLAC 80, in good condition, new tires: run less than 600 miles: sell Mhan 11BA fttT l. T Phnn. IT 238, room 1&, from 7 to a. m. Make appointment. PACKARD "30" Absolutely perfect condition, takes em all on hlgn. uooa tires, i&oa. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Wash. Sts. Main 6244. FOR SALS 2 ton "Universal truck, 2 H. P. Continental engine. Jus overhauled and In good condition. O. Staata. 720 4th st.. Oregon City. MOTORS. gears. bearings. wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at H pries. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway. STUDEBAKEK KUAUSTISK Has eood tires and runs fine: $216. terras to suit. Broadwav Garage, E. 24th and Broadway. East 2666. UNIVERSAL STARTBIi FOR FORDS. (improved Jinyj. ao cays- trial 10 responsible parties. A. L. Breckenridge, gS6 Halsey at. East 6095. C-2260. HIGHEST cash prices paid for old cars, condition no object. Parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change. 129-31 uownsdaie st. M. 1181. TWO ton truck for sale, in first class condition. At a bargain. Will give enough work to keep busy. Call Wdln. 2696. 1916 SAXON This car Is in fine snap; $780, terms to suit. Broadway Garage, E, 24th and Broadway. . East 2 556. .. LATE model auto like new. value $900; some cash as first payment on im proved acreage or small farm. P-440, Journal. WILL pay cash for used late model cars. W. H. WALLINGFORD. 636 Alder st. Main 1100 LIGHT Hun 20. roadster, rood run ninc order. $126 cash. Just thinr for bug. Costs practically no thine to run. Phone East 4986, PASS. car. eleotrio lights and starter, extra tire. Call at 210 Fargo st. . WIT I. make a rilaraflteed on. Inn tiMck of your Ford for $185. Tabor 2MB. 225 E. 47th st.. Portland. FOR SALE A 6 ton truck. Field A Pullman, corner E. Madison and W- FORD attachments for sale cheap. Lancaster Tire c Supply Co.. Broad- way and Ankeny. FOR SALE Good one ton auto truck cheap: no reasonable offer re fused. 12 89 K. 27th st. N. . HAVNE8 40 h. p. 6 passenger automo bile, electrio lights, starter, new tires. 324 18th st- Main 8106. JACKSON Bug, trade for Ford. Elec tric fan for sale or trade. 873 E. Ith st. S. FORD runabout, extra delivery body, for 3380. 696 Union avs. N. FORDPrlvat 6th st car, reasonable. 834 Copyrlkht, 191T. lotarnatlonal AUTOUOBILESCCESSORIES 44 (Oomtiaasa) PALACE GARAGE CO. Authorized Ford Agents 22nd and Kearney Sts. WR HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF USED FORD CARS IN THE CITY. WE HAVE A FEW OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING MODELS: All cars in A I condition; terms If de sired. Main 90 A-2442 Mar. 6000 BRAND NEW l-TON OARFORD TRUCK at wholesale price; this la an. exceptional opportunity to buy a standard, well known truck at a lower price than you will ever buy one again. W. H. WALLINGFORD Authorised Ford Agent Main 1100. 626 Alder C Garages $35 Up. Be Samples, Phntm Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, BABT Wlnton Six. In perfect condition new tires: come In and drive this ear, then make offer. King, at Wlnton Co. Main 4244. NEW TIRES What brand Of new tires do you prefer?. W bav them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tire and do alt manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. is-it Burn side, neaf Broadway. ; WINTON Six 4 pass.. In great running condition, good tires, high grade car; will consider ruh about or 6 pass, car as part payment. Price $560. King, Main 4244. - 1 TTrtrTrRY LIGHT SIX A bargain at $726. Also a Dodge, Packard, ana many omer. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Hat and Wash. Sts. Main 6244. 1116 MAXWELL C-403. Journal. for sale cheap. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 WE pay highest cash price for late model uaea car. A. M. FERGUSON CO. til iM,r ct Main 3166. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR i,lQHi' tJA BROADWAY GARAGE. v-mt ks 24th and Broadway WILL pay cash for used late model cars. Kts AMnr st f Main 1106 LIGHT 6-pass. auto, late modsrThave team, harness and wagon as part payment, bal. cash. 107 E. 27th St. N. WANTED To trade city lot In fine location ror 6 pas. auto in gooa wu dHion. Phone Tabor 431. AUTOS FOR HIRK 82 UtnvC HKHE! V. VnrA tnr- Lire. Columbia high way. $6 round trip. 4 persons; $1 per hour arounq town. . 1 an bum i nnnoti auto service Highway, call lne, shopping, otner trips; reason able rate. Main AUTOS for rent WITHOUT DRIVERS O N. Smith. 3d ana uusan. croau wnv 2629 CADILLAC Crown Point. $5; Multno mah Falls. $8; Bonneville all day $12. woodlawn 1034. atttci for hire: easy riding car, o Id driver. Woodlawn 1471, AUTOS wittiout orivtrs lor nire. .ily raraee. 8fi 10th t n'wav 840. A-4344 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 5 FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motor ev1a. rood condition. Cheap: two speed, 46 E. 10th at, J, twtii am TwiM mntoroTeia tandem. f IN prest-o-lite. speedometer. 324 13th st Main 8105 LAUNLMF ANU MOATS W6 FOR SALE Wreck of Iron sailing ship, now lying West Coast Vancou ver island, contains approximately 1600 tons wrought iron, plates, angles, Stc for further particulars. Bond firoa, '. Co., Vancouver. B. C. ... HOUSEBOAT 6 rooms and bath. canoe and wood float, modern, wall furnished, good condition, good buy. Kunday phone Sellwood 16$; week days Sellwood 985. kok 1.ALK or trade, on 13 ft launch. half glass cabin, , z n. p. engine. What hata vftut Fhone in. or aa dress J. A. Webber. 30$ W. 4th St. Vancouver. Wsh. LEAVING city; will sell almost new houseboat, cost $550. Price 3300; terms. 4 nice big rooms and bath- room. Main 64 66. C-4 47.. Journal. FINE3 runabout motorboat, must be sold; no reasonable offer refused. Fhone Christie, Woodlawn 3167. 18 FOOT 6 horsepower Mulllns steel launch. $0. Woodlawn 993. riANOS, ORGANS ANTI 34 MUSICAt, INSTRUMENTS KDISON Diamond disc phonograph, 60 records; after 7 p. m. 127 W. Wy- gsnt. . WANT bicycl; will trade you Stewart bam Jo. Z-713, Journal. Kew terrlea. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 81 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS iCoatlaued) CLOSING out for cash to first caller. 1276 Boudoir, upright piano, 146 cash; 1460 Stelnway Sons, old model. 76 cash; 161 cash $30 Emerson, large upright. ; $T6 Bennett -baby grand.'1 1: 1326. 1116 model, stored. 341 cash 136 cash; $360. 1915 model player piano. 310 ensh; $100 Burdette parlor organ for $20 cash. $100 Alleger parlor organ for $15 cash. Seeurity Storage Co.. 101 4th at Wash. WlRXlNO Don't buy unimproved, used discard ed pianos compare our 60 per cent more tons and efficiency 1917 model clan os. Terms 26 cash. 26 monthly; no interest for 2 years. Selling asms prices as some used pianos selling else where. Schwsn pisno Co.. Ill Fourth Vera L. Wenger Phonographs and records, all makes, bought, sold, exchanged; easy terms. 142H -2d will iuu Pay casht If ao, you ran more than double it this week at the Security Storage Co. I of oarl ca'rload 88.0 U ?6 -node! soa at 8160 f o llli Blanoi a ilti Bh C.n'1!0. J'h's": aPt' Wa'sMngton sal piano cas STEIN WAY GRAND, fin condition, it terms. Harold 0 Gilbert. ie Piano merchant. 884 i am- 1476. eas The Reliab hill, 366 CASH buvs 8326 Emerson upright piano tnis week at security storage Co., 106 4th. Pianos stored. 60c mo. PI- anos oougnt ana soiaror cssn oniy. 1 HIGHEST essn pice paid lor used pi- I ansa, or will trad up to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Harold S. Gilbert. S.84 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Walnut case. Farhutt organ, like new, 320, terms. 42 Washington St. ACCOUNT leaving town will sacrlflco high grade piano for cash. u-5ft7. Journal. PHONOGRAPHS and records bought. sold and exebanged. Hall ft Cassi- dav. 12 1st. Main 7098. FOR BALE: Good upright piano, high jfc&.W in rood condition. i 421 Washington St WANTED Organ or piano for cash. Must be cheap. S-396 Journal. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod el, 33 per montn. i ou ior monms. Other models less. Remington Type writer Co., k Broadway. Phon Broad- wsy 621. WK save you from 6u to 7 6 oa mikM or tvDewritera stna ro Illustrated folder. Retail department. WHOLESALE TiriiVVKHltK CtJ, 821 Wsshlngtrm st. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro- na dealers. K. W. Pease co.. lie etn. WANT bicycle; will trade you type writer. Z-711, Journal. ALL makes tyDwwriters rented and re- I paired. Royal r. w. Agency. zz mini llUtatiinuiiU iwr s.iiia m FURNITURE, complet outfit for 5 room house. 4 rues, stair and hall carpet: wood range, gas range, 6 rock ing chairs. 6 dining chairs, chiffonier, buffet, leather couch. 2 dressers, 1 beds with spring and mattresses, kitchenette, tubs washboller, etc., li noleum. $190 takes the lot. Bee En gineer. Merchants Trust bldg., cor. 6th and Wash. st. PRIVATE sale, fine furniture, rugn carpets, curtains, eas nlate. blankets linen, screens, dishes; owner leaving city. 249 Columbia. FOK HARGA1NS in used house lur- nlshlngs. visit our eschange dept. Cslef Bros.. K Morrison ft st K 3d. HOUSE for rent, furniture for salt- reasonable, close In, fine garden. 6 E. 7th st. N Phone East 4788. BEST and cheapest place In Portland to buy 2d hand furnitur. Hall i CSSiaay, 1ZS lBt. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 ALL machines sold for less. Renting $8 per month. No asents em ployed. Sewing machine Emporium. 190 3d. near Taylor, Main 9431. A-3626. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." Type writers" and "Household Goods" are senarat classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published unoer ineir ryn n q Lia.nLiit.nuu.. LOOK THEM OVER. FRUIT and vegetable oryers maoe or ralvanlsed iron wire in accordance with specifications or u. a. agnout- $10 TEN drophead sewing machines Sewing machines rented at $3 per month East 8869 B-3367. K- R. fiteen. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont ,1?. .J; Pn iTTPTTTrrn- with attachments, gooa condition- au luaiuoiiiw 1 launcnea or u a .cv-o lf icatlona. A largs listing can be found under these nirreront ciassirications, MOST scientific und everlasting pro cess on earth ror renewing auia pre serving all kinds of roofs. 608 Tourny bldg. Main 6386. VACUUM cleaners, t, guar. 6 years. Phone for demonstration. Electrio cleaning 35c a rug. Jaeger Mfg. Co., 701 Swetland Bldg. Mar. 603. FOR SALE cheap or trad hoan or traia far .tnck ,V,rtor ait s- k ..if lp"J-t0fli 'J'full-'t1 ower, all good ahape. M Advance se fm.rn.A- r,.4 1 Berg. Beaverton, f3r. I IT p. gasoline engine, fiQ cash or trad for 3 tons hay. Cor. Polk anj Crawford. St. Johns. Or. iTi BOND letter heads. $1 90; 1000 $3.90; 600 envelopes. $1.90; 1000 $3.90. . mlth. printers. 104 Btartt st a..,.,. 1 . T. " T-: . . L Jrl,f - ?.J 40,r, ."A"?. ' 5T t. Phon Mar. 56M. WAVNE gasoline pumps for filling ps for lining E. H. RuppiL n 160 stations ana garage. 478 Washington st. Mai CABBAGE plants and new potatoes. Call evenings. Tabor 3630. DENTAL office for sale or trad. Hroadway 331. S-446, Journal. 1000 HEADED kale plant at $3 per 1000. Phone Wdln. 2100. FINE Winchester shotgun, pump, and outfit, for sale. East 1502. BITTMAN Hardware Co.. tools, garden plows, CU 1 1 lvators, bicycles. Main 3611 RASPBERRIES, 4c boxT picll thm yourself Tabor 1847. OREGON cherries. 5c per pound. 6130 B. 44th st 8ellwood 1836. TENT, tent fly and gas plat for sal!, Tabor 3866. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, reot- ed. ech., bought. Bentley, Main ibi. PLUMBING supplies, wnuiesal prices. Stark Dav In Co.. 313 Id. Main 79T. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Com tlx tied) Electric Motors d Bought, aold.rented and re paired. Walker Klectrte Works. 613 Burnalde cor. 10th. Broadway or A-3674. A BEAUTIFUL garden of potatoes . m 1 1. Ai mt hA. to ler Ux safe locality: wlU for half its Value. See li 0 Ladd are aPt aide Ladd ave.easi giae. FURNITURE WANTED 74 PHONE East 7816 when you waat to ell your furniture. We com at once and pay you cash. U. R. Beater, 339 Hawthorne ave. comer e Union. uitr. iuuu lwr your lurnltur. rugs and office fixtures. Main 7714. FURNITURE wanted. Broadway 1661. Tabor 680. IWK pay Manest cash prices for I ouse furnishings. East 462, B- for "ed 1644. SWAP TJOLUMW 2.1 TRADE. BUT OR SELL Household gods." bicycles, moving poturs machlnas. films, lantern slides. Vpf"?",! ""if!1 P? supplies, scales, cash registers, safes. Kverrthlng under th sun. Houses of 1000 bargains. Main 4435. 118 1st near Alder. WILL trade lady's gold filled nec chain and (10 cash lor bicyoie: in good condition. 36-F, Journal, Van couver, wash. WILL luaa suit 10 order for gro- ceries. Unlqu Tailoring Co, 30 Stsrk st. EXCHANGE 1160 I, brown work mars for a milch cow. 1870 Bayard. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT KD J.MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS 37.60 AND UP FOR 2U HAND SUITS HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1 3 29, z 29 MAIMS Old False Teeth bought ; also old Jewelry, gold, liver, diamonds. Randolph, 1216 Yeon bldg, ulAMUNUb 1 to 1H karat, good aualitv. win pay cash: want old gold, platinum, silver and high grade ore. li. M, dickering, 218 Oregonian bldg WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the .highest cash prioee for household roods. Fromot atten'ion East 6707. N. M. Seatef. 1 48 Russell st Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phon Main 23ll. KODAKS I buy. sell, rent and ea change Kodaks, lenses, shutters, see Pandy first, sandy s Koaaw. wnop, s: Washington, next Pnnset tnstre. . 312 I CU AMI Pn 'Portland. Front. ii vjiirviiix uwi Oregon Hides Metals Rubbers. nrlces and shipping tass, Write for Main 16t LOOK1 We nay highest prices for your use furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges etc. Fhone N. W. Fur bx.. Kast 4R WANTED Second band furniture ranee and stoves. Best prices Daid Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 E. Morrison st. Phone Fast 2238. XT . KTTLM I -. . ,1 4 l.lt . I . . ft Jl . M. A j ' , i i' a a. ,'i't wvt,, m nil. rope, donkey engines. W-400, Jour nal WANTED Rifles, . V, n ,,n kodaks cameras, lenses. Hachfleld. 8$ 3d I Main 8581 nnt.n vak-v Household" goods shipped at red. rates. Pae. (joas fw'd'g ro. 201 Wllo bldg Mf 2467 wp pay hlfri,.-t rHr fn- r.t. n.n.. materials snd rubber. East 8064. PAY 8 highest price for 2d nana cloth ing, tools, etc 278 Front. MS'w 4o: WE pay ctlsn f0r your old calcimine brushes 608 Touring bldg, mornings. WlMTf.r-.Fn,,, t .lT I WANTED Four to six good hand nop stoves. EX-466 Journal. .carpets. Marshall 4783. LOHT ANI FOUND 21 LOST One black gelding, 16 hands 3 Inches high, weight about 1300 lbs., 7 years old: 1 bay gelding, 16 hands high, 6 years old, weight about 1260; both horses branded "U. 8. A." on left shoulder, with metal tag In man a read lng "Keogh.1 ing Kaogh." Farty finding horses kindly notify Model Stables, tth and Davis, and receive reward. ., ,;.,,, -'li, "X"- ri ".....,l-."r ket. coin purse, containing currency. --. -r, ;r VSV , cnang ana car ticaets. Man picked d don't have to arlva name but pnone to Tabor 1171, or turn In at Journal office, T"B, WA 11 i ,VP-h!'-m ;ff,fL i if she w 11 return sarn t office, there will be no questions 1 esh bag Known o the asked. is original design and can be easily recogniied H - . LOST Suitcase on Columbia highway Friday morning. Liberal reward. Please notify Hotei Congress or ll. J. Graff, Hood River, Or. LOST Sheets of yellow paper, con- talnln names and addreasea teach ra, to primary education. Return to Journal office or call Mar, 1733. COST. July 4, gold chain, lavalier set wnu .u.tuijni., m v.uiumua rr or on war to Kenton from Peninsula ve- Reward. Phone Wdln. 65?, . , a,v - f - 1 n 1 ' r i ur Bbuicn, utua Dfiiun setter oog. Reward for return or information at 709 Olrard at, city. LOST. July 10th, pocket time book. nam and address inside. Finder please call Woodlawn 4471, $1 feward. FISHING pole lost; 3 fishing poles in on case, lost about s o cioon. .- ward offered. Marshall 1216 LOST Mml rsno bulldof. l.cenjto Jrj, .;;WId-u.ho" , ' 1. ... 7i 1 LOST Saturday nigbt, gold bar pic Reward. Phone Woodlawn 1994. FKRMONAl. 22 DR. V. G. KJDTHUM Women's mala- dies anJ acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg , 4th and Wash., Rm. 441. Mar. 448. VIBRATORY massage, face and aoalp ucaiiiiaui, aa7j naauiiiaivu, ruum 66. third floor. '. Marshall Ti trshall 27. Massage wr- in ii luuriii. oral. Olflc 49. way. TRAINED nurse rives baths, massage, magnetics. 170 2d. 1st floor, rm. 4. I otAxnr Consultation FREE. Main Lawyer 4193. $n seiimg bidg. MASSAGE. shampooing. maaleur Ing i1H Morrison st office 1$. MAT IRVIN. vibratory message 291 H Morrison, office 7. SHAMPOOING; electrio seal d treat ment 163 W. Park, room $0. 3d floor. Wonder What 23 jooatlsnaa ) . QI.A66US AT A AVINO. The same aefnee) and ooslity you pay deuble the fitted classes i low as 3166. Tho sands of satisfied customer. Cfca. W. Goodman, optometrlnt. 2e Morrl st. SPIRITUALIST 3SKS. ii. U LAMAR, 236 5th St.. cor. Main, teaches palm istry and card reading, aiw lessons in the Science of health ana success. Dally, MRS. MABEL BARBER, medium; read lbgs daily. 3 to 4 Circle Tuesday and ihursday, 8 p. m. Main 3316. 3 kit 4tn st. . HAVE your hair permanently waved, Guaranteed to asu toaniiarr Beaut. Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall 1TJ3 ALMA 8. JOHN mum. facial, seal p. France - American toilet artiei. Main 1461. MlLuKtLi CLAKK, scatu treatmvot ' and vibratory massae. Office 616 ' Rethchlid bldg., 2i Vi Washington. - - TTT5 :i .... t . .' ...... ,'! . sweats, aait baths and electrio treatments. 37H VVash., offlc 610.; hh. v. M Ms. sCiiuAi teacties trutnT '. circles sun. lues.. Thurs.. sslock. - Reads daily. 4u je(fcron. A-3813 NOTICES 20. &KALKU pnposli Kklrrwd to N K. Maur. secretary or. to tware el rvseau ureso as rlrsitural colies. Cvrvsllla, w., will S r ceivea l)T tle Mia iMsrd reseats atu o'clock p. m. Jsiy Kl. 117. for the IMUklM I all uiiierUl aad lbs pTfaro,ae eu labor reuulted for tba ifHtlia aad eoaple. tie ! liH iMrtif ulloral by-pruousts kUdiag and ta Tatarinary Iwapltei building fas tS ' agnruituMi Cutiete. atats 01 uregtai. ) - AU biai to be UHloraea "nvpoaaie ror Brt -Mural sy-lrud(.u SoUdiiign aad "Vetwts . ar Hoapluil Buidia." bald proyasals b opeaed apua tl abuv data by Lba said beard ( rrgeota. au wurk asd niter lai Bust fotirorm to to - plan and perltlratloiia tberafar o fU af ta , fttee C tba eolleg. CurnaUM, Ur tad of tk ' architect, Juhn V. tteaaaa, 1MO Ckaaabaar el Coumjerca baUdlag. l ortlanJ, Or. , " sacs brovoaai aiQat u acomDamed or eertl fled check ef 6 per rest ef is amuont of tbS bid aa a guafaule tbat tue saccwarsl blodef win sotar tat a coauact acuaraiag I ei plans and apecirtcatWaa Said cbaek to b . uiada iMabl to Agrlcuitarai Colieas ef the State or tfregon. it for aar man tea bieoer rails t eseessa tha (iroper eontraet tad bund repaired wttalit IV daa after avtlflcatiua ut tlw aaeeptssc mi Ll bid. thrn asld rrrtllied check will beeoCB forfeited t ti,a Akrlculiural cUsss e IM gtite of Otyyis. bAi.t. f Uiiaku. tuiautli ttfi4 UkJtr.aVATioX. Seald Lids Marked sat-' Ida "Hid ' latbead Tl br, Uonab Unit," a4 adXlreeaad to SupartoUadeat af la a b'lataead ladlan acboul. lUMon, Moat., will b racel d. uatil 13 o'rlork. Sooa. BKiactala time, Tvaaw ay, SepteaoUae 11, 117, for Ut pwraaaa ts aaerebaaubls timber ha uttial as at iotted uds aliuated wltbla towsabipe is. Mil aad 21 sorts. raae 1 aad 3d wast, eeax talaisg appraalaiaiviy 67.0UU,od feet ef Um-V bar. trvcr mt per east waatsrs yutrw pi as. ss bid ol lasa tha a M y,t tbouaasd fast fa . lew plna and 31. 2b pr tbooaand feet for uaaf-. laa fir, larcb and other apeel 1 will be se- HutL Th flrkl ta rclert an aad alt bids ia reaervad. ttl-a at ragskatloBS aad etaW -lofor mat km ragardiag the prapoaad Sal, !.' lodius apaclf ia d-ciipttoa of tba aala area., . may bit uiitaised from iha aupTlato4aB I ac ' tha Klafbead ladlaa srbool. UUoa, atoaU'l WaahltigKiB. i. C. alaf 4, JW1T. Cat a SaUa, I'mnmlnldwr nf Indlaa Affairs. IhtASi Ul PKI'AH'IMKNT, S e p e rtkaleg,' Arihlterli Office, WaahMfton. t. O.j.t July 2. 1IT. Sealed prayoaai will be pa wad In thla olflra at a p. m., Jaly SO. 11T. for the InatallatUia r aipKla of as eleva ta olaat. . In tha Uattad SUM Duetofflce, Hurt la ad, Or.. IB accordanra with the drawing and spec!fM catlooa. coiilea of which siay be bad at tbat' i tfflee. la tba dlsrretlos af the atopervlalaa; Architect Jatnea A. M atfuora. Acting Super. I TMUns Afesneet. a NOllCK la brtrby i'a tuat I bare perebaaott tba atock icd flxtorea of tba Trlpolin C. loeatad at 94 llth at.. Portlaod. 'r.. aad bay. one baring rlaline acaloet aald baalaMS Biaat nraaaat iinx wltbla fir dark. Da tad this Ut ay of Jsly. 11". f. W. Rella TKA.NSI'OKTATION San Francisco Los -Angeles tWilhw Caa-sa as (. The aig Claaa Caa-fartaM i-agsauy Appals tad SS. ROSE CITY tails rra Aiaawarth taek t A. -C, lCO-TDAT, XTXT It 100 OStdes Ml We es telaatb! tU-m. All Bates lsl4 fcrrtbs aad Maahv labia abd Ska Usaseeua far aalliag dates slr U Tha Saa Tfs alece Fartlaad 38. C.. Third Hi Wub lagtes atiatj7wltk O-W. BU 4 Bb 03 tai. Braadw.r 4400. A tl.U TRIP TO THE SEASHORE. a. Clatsop c3 dallsr Beach v-y Season round trip, daily. . pleadl river Scenery; mon fisheries; Ma teria Astoria. Limited leaves 1:41 m. m.. evening express 6:39 p. xn., Catur. day Special Ip, m, Tickets ai statloa.- ltrta aaa --0711 nxj xum uiuaa, aad Stark. twm -romnt SAxnr koab. PERSONAL tTWIN PALACES N rOXTLAXV TO BAM TXAMCItCQ TVZIOAT. TH-sDAT. 1AT0-LSAT - Cs-ferata ttessMt tsprea ksvs SUM s. m. ttaaaaer srrlres s. W. 6:30 sect day, rarae $, $13.M. $16, $17 JO aad $30, tdV-TD T3LU 633. Vertk Baak, 6t aad tw-k ncrrr J JT f? W ., orncu i 33 Waa, 7. Br . 164 34, B-rliaartes if. ABIE Had to Pay for It?. vrr v r