THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. JULY. 11, 1917 30 VANTKD on Improved property. $J00. $400. $500, 800. $106, $1800, De shon &. Hawk. 615 Chamber of Com. FINANCIAL SI lt and 2d mortgage purchased, also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash. H", E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg FOR SALE, a note, well secured, $2000, 8 per cent. 6 months. J-48S, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 1000 LOGANBERRY PICKERS Families preferred. Wort In yards adjacent to Salem principal ly. It will bo necessary for fami lies to provido own tents and camp ing equipment. Work will last four tv five weeks. Berry crop is heavy this year, so fair wages can be made. Register at Public Employ ment Office, 249 Ankeny St.. at once. IF YOU want conrenixl Pleasant work If you want a money making money savins job In a line where men xrom is to 80 years are maxing money write us. Many of our men have been with us seven years continuous! Oreen made 3150 his first month. Let us tell you about It it will make money for us both. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. STREETCAR MEN From now until further notice the offices of our em bldg.. First and Alder, over Interurban waiting room, will be open from 10 to 11 a. m. and from 8 to 8:30 p. m., to receive applications for positions as carmen, f . k.. l.. & r. co. WANTED Good all around black smith; must be good shoer and floor man; married man. $4 and more if can earn it. Give age, etc.. in first letter. Steady Job. Address Barton Implement Co., Wendell Idaho. 3 WAGON salesmen for established tea and coffee routes, guaranteed salary. Place for a few live wires with a chance of advancing. Apply Jewel Tea Co, Inc.. ill Grand ave. SCHOOL boy to learn detective busl ness; experienced office boy pre ferred. Pay while learning. A-5S1, Journal. CAN use few good unskilled laborers. Good wages. Apply Portland Woolen mills. St. Johns, or RELIABLE men wanted for distrib uting circulars. Apply Thursday, 7 a m. Kelly. 100 Front. FIRST class machinist for night work. Apply Mr. Hall. American Can Co., 14th end Front st. WANTED Sheet metal workers and tinners. Coast Culvert & Flume Co.. Kenton. Or. WANTED men to help In foundry steady employment. Columbia Steel Co MILLWRIGHTS wanted to build saw- mill. Applv Oregon Ship Timber Mills. LInnton. Or. FHEET metal worker and helper want ed. 146 Pare St., Lower Alblna. .JHELP VAXTKI MISC. 49 PATRIOTIC women for civil service positions urgently needed to handle great rush war work. Examinations every weeK. splendid pay for clerks. xypists. stenographers, etc. I will pre pare you for the examination at re duced rates to meet this emergency Help America win. Write for free booklet CJ-368. Eajl Hopkins, Wash ington, D. C. V. M. C. A. SCHOOLS Accredited col. lege preparatory grade, business, lenograpnic, electrical engineering, radio telegraphy, automobile schools operating throughout summer, both aay ana evening. I-or Information, ad dress Div. A. Y M. C. A., ept. of Edu catlon, Portland. Oregon. A125iJ IHHSK .iVE.3, nlbulnce r ' ,, "T'1, w uiusimu chool. Special short course; special tuition rate. Begin now. Address Div. jyui picyuruiiuu in a iirst ciass A, Y. M. O. A. Automobile Engineering ncnooi. r-ornana, jr. RADIO TELEGRAPHY Great need In commercial ehiDDingr for radio oner- I. tors. r repare quicmy to render this great service to our government. Ad- oress Div. A. Y. M. C. A. School of ior sPeclaJ bulletin. Portland. Oregon. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE In order to helrj sunnlv the 1ncrn,1 demand for chauffeurs, gas engineers ana repair men, we nave made special tuition rates from July 1 to August 1 Inclusive. DO you want a position for life, with uiR yay, siiuri nours ana sure ad vancement? Then work for Uncle 6am. My free illustrated book, DK $68 ,tlls how to getan appointment. r-rt . fiopKins, Washington, D. C. k ' : ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 888 Burnside st. Call or write for full information aDOUl rii.t.ti Hit A Li OFFER HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL 8chool roaa way-Yamhill bids. Reduced vi ices ior me summer. fos t nna e - cureo. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES nioa uwjivf.KS FKlvATE BUSI- ini-s njLLKJK. A LISKY BLDG. llADtE.q tf.lA wnrlr r. .o n transferring, permanent. 733H Wash. UNCALLED for tailor made suits 18.50 UP Tavlor the Tailor. 2SflU T!imM f iOIALE 2 H?X 'JL in-stlga,lng. experienced rti'i rvsH rv I n a 11 ii m t , i . - i phone exchange, dictagraph, or office . . .iMuDiaiimijK I ir- work preferred. Give full particulars A-692, Journal. ' YOUNG lady for entry clerk, one who nas Knowledge or bookkeeping pre- ferred; must be able to operate comp- tometer. A-575. Journal. ju.vt iiiuMVE.ii tiK.ijs ior notion de partment. Apply superintendent's office. 9 to 10 . m. Olds. Wortman cevinK. WANTED Girl for light housework and to take care of orte child. $20 I'immi. Ti i . i llltllUUUK St. V AIM 1 rD tjin Or Woman a-att 1 housework; wages $35. Phone Tabor WILL gtve old lady good home in re- llKht service, closo In. "nm i.. .iircner, Portland, route 2. WANTED Experienced collar TrL crystal laundry Co.. E.- 21st and runny roan. WANTED Housekeeper to look after i n. roominm noute. Apply 357V4 Burnside St. WANTED, girl to learn optical trade. i p. journal. WANTED, girl. Oregon Bag & Suitcase v-o . j-noenix Ding., otp ana Oak. WAITRESS wanted. Hong Kojik cafe 107 V, 6th st. bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED---Goo4 hand lroner. Diamond Hand Laundry, llth an,l J.f for-r. v ANTED Extra girls afMultnomah notej launory. see Mr. Fayn. WANTED Housekeeper for family of a. wtiyes niTjntn. loth N. HEU WANTED MALE AND STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg raphy, salesmanship. English Drancnes, at an accreaitea scnool. write or pnone Mam &ao ior catalogue: graduates guaranteed positiona ehnke-Walker Business college, 167 4tn st.. near Morrison. muum mmm tunmi Est. 1893. 30 schools. Summer rate. Pay while learning. 234 Burnside st. OREGON 'Barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade: paid while learning; position guaran teed. !3j$Madlson; . MOHLER Barber school, men and -women to learn barber trade free; , paid while learning. $$ N. 2d, cor. Couch ' LOANS WANTED SIT JATIONS MALE FIRST CLASS, x all around machinist and electrician, thoroughly exoeri- enced with steam and gasoline en gines; aiso merchant marine experi ence, wishes responsible position. U-368. Journal. MARRIED man, 34. would like to get or & fiours- work evenings, 6:30 to 9:80. Arthur Alhefefd. 450 Yamhill. YOUNG man, 83 years, of age. wants woric in city; good references. A 589, JournaJ. Will repair your watch no matter how barllv broken. RElNOOLD'S. Jewelers. 124 5th st. SITUATIONS FEMALE WOMAN wants housework in small family, cooking and baking; refer ences; good food necessary. Main 2275. WANTED By experienced girl, house work. 59$ Rodney ave. Phone East WOMAN wants curtains to launder, 20 cents pair. Broadway 6434. WOMAN wants work by hour or day. Reliable references. Woodlawn 4575. WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 3407. NURSES 00 EA8T SIDE SANITARIUM B-2632. 859 Hawthorne ave. and 28th st. Newly furnished, pleasant home sur roundings, near business center, fac ing Burrell Heights. Modern equip ment for care of general surgical and medical cases, rates $15 to $35 per week; special rates and accommoda tions to maternity cases. PRACTICAL nurse, best of references; confinements preferred. East 3663. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 KoVSE T1H1E If BISTOLV.-TO Strctly modern. Under new manag'nt. I? h and Stark ets. Broadway 3822. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th. RATES 50c day up. weekly $2 up. Running water Free phones and bath. ROOMS for rent; clean modern out 12 Broadway and side rooms. SiUmon. ROOMS and apartments in moderx hotel. $1.75 week and up. 55 Alder. $1 60 WEEK up. clean, warm modern fur, rms. , central. The Ki n g. 309 Jer. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam heat, running water. 3S5 3d St. FURNISHED ROOMS PMVATB rAim.7 70 SPLENDID rooms and sleeping porch. modern, convenient, uitable for light housekeeping. 294 E. 32d near Hawthorne. SMALL sleeping room, $5 month, 213 vn est I'arK near salmon. rooms a:.d board 15 THE WEAVER. 710 Wash., residential hotel, reas. rates. Private bath and phone In every room. Marshall 5170. ROOM and board for business girls modern conveniences, walking dis tance. $3.50 week. 12 E. 7th St. E. 4732 'IJ1J-. MANITOU. 261 13th. Homelike, fleam heat: trood hoard reas. M. 2670 rooms a::d board PRIVATE FAMILY 72 FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 54 N. 16th cor. Davis. WANTED Girl to board in suburban home, Jin. Tabor 3655. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ( FURNISHED AND TTHFTJB, WISHES TWO and 3 room strictly modern suites, cool, near Laureihurst park cut rates; one weekrs rent free. Den nison Apts.. 34th and Belmont, Sunny sido car. PQm An o r"ree bath, hot, cold water VJCIll Aplb.$l week up. 401 1st st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FUaSTISHES aho unfurnished PRIVATE PAMXX.Y TWO NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, hot, cold water. ga range, phone 700 Flanders st. large, well furnished room, walking distance. 325 12th st J2 5,0 3 ,rTm Bunny b,a-ck,?ute; single H. K. rooms. 1 0 13th. also DESIRABLE H. K, rooms. 201 16th at layior. FOR RENT HOUSES OTrFITHirXSHXS 12 RENT A good 8 room house for only wiU 8how lt. 79i E. Taylor st. Phone Et 878 or Tabor 5580. 6 ROOM house unfurnished. 408 Balm on st. Call Main 1438. f 6 ROOMS. S?o ';r!mm Fast 2195. FURNISHED HOUSES SO GOING east, lease elegantly furnishe house. responsible people, modern rftnvpnliinrns lAwn nnri flowerK erta neighborhood, fine view. 15 minutes walk. 349 E. Glisan. $8 4 room bungalow, 6555 93d st. Tents, furnishedj APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 13-4-5 ROOM FURNISHED APTS t h !-. riK7.Fnrmp 20S IfitH St.. near Taylor Marsh. 128 HISLOP HALL, E. tith and Hawthorne, I Vmiorn l. z ana s roomams.. iiza ,,n- walkinir distance, tast 882. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th St.. 3 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building, walking distance, 818.50. I have small fur. a-nd unf ur. apts. for rent. Taoor emu, c-aa. tTNOER NEW MANAGEMENT : New York Apts.. E. 7th and Belmon I Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reasonapie. a. 23 ROT "nKlentunf "nr. iZF S - - . I : U'nlL'in H 1 ca Uaraha - At BANNER APTS., 489 Clay, modern room furnished, $12 up. Mar. 207 HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison. r urnisneq ap., m mmnn uu up. the ALAMO, 494 Market fur., mod., brick. $12-$14. -3 room un Main 26S ROSENFELD (brick). 14th and East Stark. 3 rooms. $17. $20. $22.50, l. H ADDON HALL. 414 llth st., 3 and 4 room apts.. reasonauie. jiri. iiw. CLARKE APTS. 2 rooms, fur., dis beds, phone, URnts. i; up. r, way dujb AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6. 6 r. apts. Mar. 3360 M. 7516. A-2676. THE ORMONDE, mod., 4 room front. 656 Flanders; tvon i-iin. wain i-zoi. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup Mod. nlgn class 3 room apt. mar. ivi ABIE THE AGENT APARTMENTS ' .8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED lcoftPyr1- - The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia fits. Five min. walk to Meier & Frank's I store: good surroundings; strictly mod. I 2 and S room fur. apartments, all out- I aiae, wnn r rencn aoors and Dsicomea. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT VILLA 8T. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References, WICKEKSHAM APARTMENTS. 18th and Flanders. Two room furnished or unfurnished apartment and a six room unfurnished. Convenient to car line, walking distance, quiet residential aistrict. modern. Broadway 2201. I MONTGOMERY APTS., corner 3d and Montgomery Strictly modern, brick " ' uuisiaeTu om apis.. nished I complete, private bath, phone lUnr?81UtoC$V5at0Malbnei4erYiCe; and a lose PENROSE APARTMENTS. urana .-.venue, bet. Morrison and Bel- I n?.:.n,ew i ai?d oomn completely 1 nh, "o.T".ri" HAMPTON APTS., 407 HALL. "b'" wmvuiK uiBtqiivc. ' OR We have three 3 room apts. and one I c u .i :., j - I - w . . u Loiun , wills. , u i.icau" mall family. Reasonable. Main 4299. a iioors. ail mod. conveniences. 3t i l nd 3 room nuitea; few furnished. Lawn, naae, iiowers. uit-an St., near zaa st. M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS Modern 3 room $16 per mo. and up; rivate phone and bath; walking dis tance, j-;. ith and Morrison, juast aioo. ii. o.iriLLU, z'iu Broadway S. s and 4 TQom fur. ana uniur. apts.. walking distance, at very reasonable ent; oest or service. Main x:u. NOKOMIS, 665 Marshall Modern 2 room furnished, private oath, dress- ng room and phone; 81a to $22.60. U LIANA APTS., 45 Trinity place, 3 rra. rum., from, Deautuul view; also 'j n .1 A ririfl re.a annrt hi a Map I BENSON APARTMENTS. 205 N. 20TH I Newly furnished 3 room apartment. I Marshall 4448. . . bldg.; 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold 1 iter, baths, phone, steam heat, $12 up. M GRAND OAK APTS. corner E. Oak and Grand ave,. strictly modern 2-3 I room apts. First class service E. 3302. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 per week up; sleeping rooms. jfc,ast Ziz. LLLGANT a room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con- eniences. Marshall ii.i. TnK A LCU E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room apts.. strict ly modern, reasonaoie. nist 2403. FOi; RENT FLATS THREE room flat, sleepinj adults. $06 V4 E. 22d St. S. FURNISHED FLATS 5 ROOM furn. flats; fine harbor view. bet. B'dway and Steel bridges, zou Marcin st. Eant 2411. FIVE or 6 room furnished flat, large porches, low rent. Phone Tabor 6716. HOTELS 54 Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms. I1..U per ween and up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam neatea, not ana cuia wmer m room. Only white help employed. 203 fr 1st., cor. Taylor. Mam 4zm. HOTEL COMMERCIAL. 490 Wash., oor. l&th larxe. ciean room, aiso room apt. ior Hgni noue.eeJviiiB , phone, bath free. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 Vi-ll 4tn at lSh rooms: eiriciiy moaern; brlelt building; ideal location: popular prices. SUMMER RESORTS 50 ROOMS Light H. K., cottages and apts., reasonaDie ciean. i diock iron Chautauqua grounos. tionirey nroa. 4 ROOM cottage. Long Beach. Wash. Main 2384. FOR RENT Furnished cottages, Salt- U l r S i ti l i on. l Llianiuua line FOR RENT 4 room bungalow at Long Beach. Wish, JKroaaway ou.. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE and factory building in South Portland for rent. Modern, i etory brick structure, trackage: well lighted. -Appiy jn r. xaasuwu, six Journal bldg. OFFICE space for rent Hi Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service In city. Apply 311 Journal bldg. 2 STORY brick building. 100x100. at Washington and- Burnside sts.. suit able for public market or garage. Phone East 5604. BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. FOR RgNT -.MISCELLANEOUS 83 "Meat Market Completely Furnished Also connecting 4 house. if desired. B-1820. room furnished Sellwood 1136, WANTED TO RENT WANTED Four room apartment or heated flat by Sept. 1. south of Washington." east from ISth, reason able rent; references exchanged; give full particulars. A-594, Journal. WANTED 3 or 4 room cottage In sub urbs, furnished complete. Call Mar. shall 157 8. HORSES. VEHIC L- . ETC. 18 TWO 9-vear-old farm horses for sale. weight about 1400 each, gentle, sound. C. Balmer, Taylors Ferry road, 6 mile from cemetery DEAD etock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled Ftock. Tabor 4203. TWO dump wagons for sale cheap or exchange for first mortgage.. Main 40t3. WANT steady work for 2 good work teems Phone East 4989. GOOD ttarn, o-yeur-old. weipht UtiOO. Call 894 H Gladstone ave.. W-S car. GOOD work horse for Phone Tabor 2720. sale cheap. HORSE and wagon. $l.?5 day; 2 horses and wagon. $2 day. 546 Front. M. 2208. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC 18 Coif inn eat DEAD horse and animals hauled away free: ft naid for cows, crip pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn zo. iortland Rendering to. IF YOU have any horses, buggies, harness, saddles or wagons that you dorr"t want; bring them to me. I can sen mem ror you. suz fToni si. DELIVERY wagon for sale cheap. 167 r. aem si. raone inuur ur Sellwcod 3111 after 6 p. m. SMALL mare and good grocery wagon at ycaur own price. 1029 k. vamniu. LIVESTOCK 85 so HEAD of big, fresh dairy cows. with carves, Durrtains and Holstelns, Guernseys and Jerseys, 4 to 6 gallon ccrWM au first class cows and young, phon East 1511 or come to Brooklyn cii, rnm.i. e.iiwnnd car t KVunk- fort St., go t' blocks east to S. P. tracks. 5 jjEAD of fresh cows. 3 Jerseys. 2 Durhams. 1 Holstein, 4 and 5 gal- OTim fresh' 1 to . ' 219 B"t 3 weeks: sell one or Burnside. Montavilla I YOUNG fresh dairy and family cows, v. iv. iii.r. a c nl Will take dry or beef cows In ex- 75) E. Ash. ?ra,!erlCllS7loS tti n tat n N. h . r-ar Mnistin rveiiers. t years'oiui rrrz - : . .. .. . D1 i s iei n c t. i. mn. avi - rvT" . v. Phone East 1611 after 8 p. m. FRESH cow for sale. $65. 1594 Divt sion st. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK SIX pair working homers, bicycle or J8. Z74 Hamilton ave. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 40 PEDIGREED dark brlndle white pit bull terrier pups. Home pnone a- A-&C4, journal. IQtS hoarneci. Main gifta. AJJTOtOBILES - ACCE3SORD3S 44 -. , .--r . V RFD CARS Q 1 Hlinmnhl fi I U IIUUMIUUIIC .$900 . 400 . 200 . 750 1011 P.aHillaP 1 1 1 auniao 1911 Stover, bargain 1915 Big Mitchell Six 1917 7 Pass. Studb'ker 750 And Others Terms to Suit You. Manley Auto Co. llth and Oak, at Burnside st- Phone Broadway 217. Overland. 1916, good as new. .$575 .$550 .$800 .$450 .$225 Mitchell 4. 1915 Mitchell 6, 115. UKe new. Meta late model oax iana Mitchell 4. electric lights and starter $300 Several othr r good bargains to select from. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. E. 1st and Morrison. East 7172. B-1218 Garages ;$35 Up. See Samples 544 Hood st. Phone Main 1187. Millmade Construction Co. USED CARS, 1 Bulck UttU 6 roadster. 1 Hudson super 6 roadster, and many others on terms to suit you. These cars are all like new. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. Phone Broadway 887. JMFFERY LIGHT SIX A barrain at 3725. Also a Dodge, Packard, and many others. COVEY MUTUK UAH CVJ. J 1st and Wash. Sts. Main 6144. BRAND new 2 ton Gariord truck at wholesale Drlce: this is an excep tlonal opportunity to buy a standard well Known trucit at a lower price than you will ever buy one again. W. H. WALLINGFORD. Authorized Ford Agent, Main 1100. 526 Alder st THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $370 1 Ton. $420 2 Ton, $470 BUILDERS OF EVERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437 FOR USED CARS Come to tfie Covey Motor Car Co 21st and Washington. Main 6244. LAHER' Mfg. Repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs in BtOCK. prices reuueeo. jlulii pl. PACKARD "80' Absolutely perfect condition takes 'em all on high. Good tires, $550. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st andJWash. Sts. Main 6244. STUDEBAKER Flanders 20 H. P., 5 pass., good condition, good tires, $150 cash. Phone or write for ap pointment. East 6569. after 6 p. m. 1 E. 16 th st. LATE '16, also '17 model Fords; your choice; casn; reasonaoie. noarsnaii 1J75. FIVE passenger Carteroar In perfect mechanical condition, $250 for quick sale. Sellwood 1036. 1916 STUDEB KER, 7 pass., in gool condition; would take Ford touring as part payment. Inquire 526 Alder st. 1916 OAKLAND . Phone Main 7 SO. Ask for Mr Galley. NEW Ford car for sale cheap. Call 490 Burnside. . FRAME garage for sale, cheap. E. 17th st. N. Woodlawn 3963. 992 1916 MAXWELL C-408. Journal. for sale cheap. Ccfijrlirht. 191T, Internatlcmfll m i j AUTX)MOBILESACCESSORIES 44 A, M, Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LEADING USED CAR DEALERS. CARS IN STOCK TODAY. 1917 BUICK light six, cord, tires. 1916 BUICK light six. good as new. NEW GRANT six. never run a mile; will discount. 1918 SAXON SIX. excellent condition. BUICK BIG SIX. a dandy car for stage line. 1916 DODGE BROS, touring car, 1916 DODGE BROS, roadster, like new. 1916 FOUR-NINETY CHEV ROLET, almost new. 1916 BABY GRAND CHEV ROLET. 1914 FORD with ono tontruck attachment. 1K15 FORD with one ton truck attachment. 1914 DETROIT ER. a high class car for little money. WARREN ROADSTER In good condition, cheap. 1914 FORD touring car. a good buy. 1913 FORD touring car. Come in and look these cars over. Our terms are the best. A. M, Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LEADING USED CAR DEALERS. $14 Alder st. Main 3968. PALACE GARAGE CO. Authorized Ford Agents 22nd and Kearney Sts. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF USED FORD CARS IN THE CITY. WE HAVE A FEW OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING MODELS: 1 1 -9 1 9 1 9 All cars In Al condition; terms If de sired. Main 90 A-2442 Mar. 6000 SAY YIU'LL NEVER FIND BETTER Delivery Bodies for Ford Cars than we sell for the price. 40 STYLES "READY PAINTED" Barnett Body Co. E. Madison and E. 1st. Phone East $91. USED CAR BARGAINS SECOND HAND AUTOS CHEAP I WHY 7 Too manv on hand and we traded them in on Hudson Super Six auto mobiles for less money than the own ers would for some other makes of automobiles. j C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO, 615-617 Wash. U Portland. BABY Wlnton Six. In perfect condition new tires: come in and drive this car, then make offer. King, at Wlnton Co. Main 4244. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? .We have thpm. Also we make the fatuous O-V-C Double Trend (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-335 Bum side, near Broadway. WTNTON Six 4 pass., in great running condition, good tires, high prade car; will consider runabout or 5 lass, car as part payment. Price $550. King, Main 4244. NEW Oaklan.l Six roadster. Ford road ster with l&'- extra equipment; aiso twin Indian, fully equipped. Cash or exchange for first mortgage. Main 4093. . ; HIGHEST cash prices paid for old cars condition no object. Parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change 129-31 Lownsdale St. M. 1161. 1915 FORD roadster. $325; 1915 Ford ttouring car. 3325; 1914 special road ster. $275. Talbot &. Casey. 754 E. Morrison. MOTORS. gears, bearings. wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at Vi price. Auto Wrecking 'o., 89 N. Broadway. UNIVERSAL STARTE-t FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy). 30 days' trial to responsible parties. A. L. Breckenridge, 836 Halsey at. East 6095. C-2260. WILL make a iruaranteed on ton truck of your Ford for $135. Tabor 2846. 22"i E. 47th st.. Portland. STUD EBAKE R Flanders 20. hug, in running water. $S0. Box 246. Oregon City. GARAGE for sal cheap, 10x16; must be moved. 249 S. 4fith St. E. Phone Tabor 4279. FOR SALE A 6 ton truck. Fields & Poor man garage. E. Madison and Water sts. Newa Serrle. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 ( Oontlan ed ) EVERETT 5 I ass., newly paint ed, in fine chape; name your own price within reason. Worth $300. Ki.ig, ?1aln 4244. AUTOMOBILES WANTED TS WE pay highest cash price for late moaei usea cars. v,aii u ujj, A. M. FERGUSON & CO.. 614 Alder st. Main 5966. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR LIGHT CAR BROADWAY GARAGE. East 2556. 24th and Broadway. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 LOOK HERE! New Ford for hire. Columbia high way. $5 round trip. 4 persons; $1 per hour around town. Marshall 3597. LARGE easy riding inlon six. Spe cial rates, nignway ana m. nooa parties. Main 2679. Tabor 5740. DODGE auto servlc -Highway, call ing, sh able rate. ing, shopping, other trips; reason- Main AUTOS for rent WITHOUT DRIVERS G. N. Smith. 3d and Glisan. Broaa- wsv 229. AUTO for hire: easy riding car, old driver. Woodlawn 347L , AUTllH witniMU onifn lor mr- ity MOTORCYCLES-HICYCI.J5S 5 FOR SALE Harley-Davldson motor cycle, good condition, cheap; two speed. 46 E. 10th st, N WANT GOOD BICYCLE. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 4495. LAUNCHES AND IIP ATS 6t FOR SALE or trade, one 32 ft. launch. naif glass cabin. -t n, p. engine What have you? Phone asl. or ad dress J. A. Webber, 308 W. 4th st Vnncnn vfr. Wash. 18 FOOT i Horsepower Mulllns steel launcn, i , u. n oou iawnssj . FOR SALE-Attractlve houseboat; wAl give terms. ill. 200 or Main 2ufr launch, ISO. Woodlawn 993. TTANOS, OROANS AND 34 UICAL INSTRUMENTS CLOSING out for cash to first callere. $275 Boudoir, upright piano, $45 cash; $450 Stelnway & Sons, old jnodel. 175 cash; $300 Emerson, large upright. $165 cash: $750 Bennett 'baby grand.' 1345 cash: 1S26 1915 model, stored. $135 cash; $550. 1915 model player Dlano. 8290 cash: 1100 Burdette parlor organ for $2o cash; $100 Alleger parlor organ for $15 cash. Security Storage o.. 109 4th at Wash. WARNING Don't buy unimproved, used discard ed pianos compare our 50 per cent more tone and efficiency 1917 model pianos. Terms 35 cash. 36 monthly; no interest for 2h years. Selling same prices ay some used pianos selling else whfrp. Prhwm Plnno Cv. Ill V ourth RECORD EXCHANGE PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS bought. 60ld. rented, jxchangel. 124 1st. near Alder. Main 4495. Vern L. W enger Phonographs and records, all makes. bought, sold, exchanged; easy terma J 142 H 2d. WILL YOU PAY CASH 7 If eo, you can more than double it this week at the Security Storage Co ale of part carload $350 1916 model pianos at $160. or $376 planoa at $1J cash Call lo9 4th St.. at Washington. $65 CASH buys $325 Emerson upright piano this week at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. Pianos stored. 60c mo. Pi anos bought and a.old for cash only. HIGHEST cash prlc paid for used pi anos, or will trade up to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. MAHOGANY piano standard make. In perfect condition; payments If de sired. Tabor 3124. PHONOGRAPHS and records bougbl. sold and exchanged. Hall & Cassl day. 126 1st. Main 7098. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod el, $3 per month. $7 50 for 3 months. Other models less. Remington Type writer Co.. b Broadway. Phone Broad way 621. von makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder. Retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, S21 Washington St. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro na dealers E. W. Peas" Co . 110 6th ALL makes typewriters rented and re pnirrd. Roval T. W. .gn'"v. Stnrk HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE M.I FOR BARGAINS in use it iiomo fur nishings, viMt our exchange dent, palpf Hm . E MfirHtnn St wt F 3d PIANO, mantle, folding bed. drophead machine, go-cart, steel couch, cheap. Tabor 6560. FOR SALE MI at FLLANKOLS 10 WHY PAY MORE? Best and cheap est place in THE CITY to buy 2d- hand HOI oooum. halij SSiI'AY. 126" 1st. . 50i BOND letter heads. $190. 1000 $2.90; 500 envelopes. $ 1.9 J ; 100J 12 90 Smith, prti ter. 204 Stark St. FOR RENT Cheap, acre raspberries, Lents Junction. Phone Sellwood 1551. 21 ACRES of hay. timothy mixed with red clover, for sale by the acre. M. H Dunham, Rockwood. Base Line road. WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations und garage. K. H. R'Jppell, 473 Washington vt Main 160 FOR SALE Eight ac res standing red and alsacc clover. Phone Tabor 136, or call at 8612 Powell Valley road. NEW ZEALAND rabbits. $1; child's express wajron, $1; dress form 3R, 75c. 6317 Bruce st. 8. K. Tabor 1927. FOR SALE Portable garage, 10x16. 979 Tillamook. East 6860. FRUIT Jars for pale or trade. Tabor 5716. Also j'-wclry. FINE Winchester shotgun, pump, and outfit, for siile. East 1 502. FINE Kentish cherries, 6c per pound. Columbia 345. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent ed, exch., bought. P-ontiey. Main 8582. PLUMBING supplies. v.rioieale prices. Stark Davis Co ?1? art Main 797 HAY $1& delivered in the city. 6234. East li FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Ooattaoed) TRACE. BUY OR SELL . Household goods, bicycles. moin picture machines, films, lantern elidee. typewriters. musical lust., phono graphs and recoros, caieienm. u supplies, sca'.cs. cash registers, aares Everything under the sun. Houses ot 1000 bargains. Main 4495. 12S lat near Alder. Electric Motors Bought. old.rented arid re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside cor. 10th- Broadway or ALL machine sold for less. Kenttng mnntK Ma aeeDtl eRl- ployed. Sewing machine Emporium. 19 o, nr Tavlor. Main 9431. A-3626. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. "Typ.. writers'" and -Household Goods are separate classifications. All dver tlsements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. nkTVTM itrnDhfid sewinx machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $1 per monthT East 2369 B-8307. ri. k. JBteen. 162 Grand ave.. near ceimooi- LEAVING TOWN Will sell my equip ment for dentistry oi uce anu tory at a bargain. Broadway $31. 8 4 4a. Journal. i; -p i t 4 O K ILES. MuTURC I CjujuI, i , , v. u iiniti ara seoarate claa- elf icationa A large listing can be found under these oiiierent ciamtwu. v I'M rlenncra. Ss. guar. & years. Phone for demonstration. Electric cleaning S&c a ng. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 .Swetiand eng. jnar. . FURNITURE WANTED 74 tk. i rviN wnw A FURN. CO. buys Furniture, hotel and restaurant out fits, and tools ot any description, full t. i tv.- t bom miured 221 r ront. Main 9072. A-7174. PHONE Last 7 815 when you want io sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. beater. 380 Hawthorne ave.. comer c union. MOHfc: money for your furniture, rugs and office fixtures, ma n ! FURNITURE wanted. Broadway 165: Tabor 6809. txl' kir)it &ih nrlces fer "ed house furnishings. East 453, B-1944 SWAP COLUMN 25 WILL make suits to order for gro ceries. Unique Tailoring Co, 109 Stork t PLEASURE launch to trade for smal au'to. Fori rreferred. East 3723. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 "tViiINO MAR. 1229. 229 MADISON OH False Teeth dTmhoik UlAMONDS 1 to 1 aarai. gooa quality. Will pay cash; want old gold, platinum, silver and high srade ore H. M. Pickering. 21$ Oregonlan bldg. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goons, rrampi ' Ko.t 6707. N. M. Seater, 1 43 Russell t-t. WANTED Underground gasoline tank, A-l condition. 200 gallons or more. Will take pump If price Is ressonabla Fred Dundee, 575 Jefferson Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main .3t. KODAKS I buy, sell, rent and ex change Kodaks, lenses, shutters. Sea Sandy first. Sandy's Kodak Shop. 8.S Va. h 1 n Kt on. next Sunset tneaxre Vont L. SHANK UU. 'oro5: Hides Metals Rubbers. Write for t,rir-u and shlDoin' tags. Main 169J. T-OOKI We pay highest prices for yonr used furniture, rugB, carm, '"?rT etc. rhone N W Fur. Ex., East 626 WANTED i hand furniture ranges- and stoves. Best prices paid, organ Furniture Co.. 390 E. Morrison Phone f.awx tzis WANTED Rifles, shotguns, kodaks, cameras, lenses. Hachfleld. 35 $d. Main 3Sfil. GOING EAST? Household goods t-d-g ro. 201 Wilcox bldg Mar. 2467. WANT to buy kitchen range, not over o, ft. long. iwruii WE pav highest prices for rags, paper. materials and ruDPer. r.ast bdoi. PAYS highest price for 2d hano cloift Itvr. tools, etc 273 Front. Mw'n 480i PARTY wants to buy furniture. Jktoves, carpets. w.rnn.n mj. LOST AND FOUND 21 i nsT One black gelding, 15 hands S inches high, weight about 1800 lbs.. t v.m old: 1 bay gelding. 1$ hands high 6 years old. weight about 1250: both horses branded "U. 8. A." on left shouldT, wltn meiai tag in ma.uo rema in "Keogh." Party finding horses kindly notify Model Stables, 6th and DbvIs. and receive rewarn. LOST Lady's black purse, containing money, stamps. Owner's name found in lnsid pocket. 212 Madison st. Re ward. LOST On 11:15 Oregon Jiiy car, Be tween Portland and Island station. Sat night, cameo pin. Please call 70 Vv' MilwauKle. newara. L,rST Between city haU and llth and Wash., diamond shaped brooch, nniethvst sets. Finder return to Miss mines. Y. W. C. A. 'Reward r nT Two 15 sxftenDacKS in smai r.anr hr on west side Monday, Owner 636 Miller ave. Phone Sall- i j-iCT niri'a dress at Union depot B.mriiv afternoon. Finder please send to Christie orphan horn. Rs- wn rd Helen McDonald. LOST Sunday" black alfk coat with green lining, on facirio nignway north of Vancouver. Phone East 3115. Rowan!. LOST Collie dog. yellow and white. female; answers to Lassie. Reward. Phone Tabor 5873. LOST July 7, amber beads, between S2d and 68th sts. on Montavilla car line. Please call Tabor 2669. Reward. LOST Sunday. Larch mountain excur sion, loose leaf book of prints. C. H. Palmer. .45$ E. $8th st. N. Suppose V-COND-HAND CLOTHING V AIS 1 -7D J MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS 1- SOANlY UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. t?tAvJ Xiiw vnn RHOES AND 22 OT. ASSES AT A SAVING The same service . ana auality you oay double irnniir luahm corrttctlT fitted r'anne. low as 11.60. Tbol rands of satisfied msto ere. Oiu.W, taoimnn, onto Mrlt ?oe Mnrflans it SPIRITUALIST MRS. M. L, LAMAR. zstt nth St.. cor. Main, teaches palm- Stry and card raadlnr Ibo lutiini In the science of health and success. Dally. MRS. MABEL BARBER, medium': read-' Ingg daily. 9 to 4. Circles Tuesday and Thursday. 8 p. m. Main $(2$. 2$i mn at, HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to IML Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 nekutrt. Marshall ITQt ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial, eala, t ranee - American toilet article. Main 1461, DR. MARIE JOHNSON. chiroDodv" 1 blanket sweats with salt bath. iilV, Washington; office 610. f . MILDRED CLARK. SLalp treatment and vibratory massacre. Offlc 14 -v Rothchlld bldg.. 287V. Washington. REV. MRS. SCHORI teaches truth,;- clrcles Sun, Tuea, Thurs.. $ o'clock. Reads dally. 40$ Jefferson. A-1813 VIBRATORY massage, face and ecalp : treatment. 386H Washington, room, 6K. third floor. Marshall 472T. DR. V. O. KETHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wath. bldg.. 4th and Wash.. Rm. 441. Mar. 44$. I c?VAor Consultation FREE. Malu LdWyt;! 4993. 612 -Selling bldg. MASSAGE, manicuring, 145Vi Broai way. Office 49 MASSAGE. shampooing, manieur. Ing 291 Vt Morrison st.. office 1$. MAY IRVIN. vibratory massage. ZdH Morrison, of rice 7. -SHAMPOOING; electrio scalp treat ment. 162 W. Park, room 30. 3d floor. TRAINED nurse gives baths, massage. magnetics 170 2d. lt floor, rm. 4, NOTICES 20 ' Sl.K (if TIMUKU. FUTIIICA1) INDIAN KlifKRVATlON. Sralet! bid marked oot Id "Biit riatbead Ttmlr. Uonas Dalt." ae4 addmwd to Buperlctrndcat of lb tlatbM Ionian acbool. Ulasn. MuDt.. will be rotT4 . until Jit o'clock, noon, moantala time, Taee day. September 11, 1017, tor Um Mrckaa eC the merchantable timber upon tribal and al lotted landa altuated witbls townskipe le, W aod 31 aorth, reagae 19 and 30 west, tmm talDtof approxlniatal 67.000,000 feet of tim ber. ttt st) pr cnt waatara yellow ptee, He bid ot leas than t3 par thousand foet fer yeW low pine and $1.2D por tbouaaad foot tat Deaf at a fir, larch and othor apoelMS will be ee eapted. Tb right to roei any and all bids la reaerved. Copies of rtgnUtioas and etkar Information rtcardlof tha propoaad sale. Is clndlng apedflc deacrlpttoa of the sale area, : max h obtained from tha auprrintaadent o tha Flathead Indian arbool. DUon. Moat. VVaahlnctou. U. C. alar 4. 1911. Cto Sella '. 'orrm1rMlnnfr of Indian Affair. SEAI.KD inioMla will be recelTeLt oflce"e2 nndera'KDed. 'l rourtliotiM. until 1 . a Thiirsdaj. JuIt 10, 117. fr plumbing of third ' wilt of rra n kiln bl(h acbool. Bid will be otwned 4 p. oi . Mm. day. In room 804 eonrt bouae. Dt-poait ot tlO la reqnlrrd (or fHaBS nd aDtclflcaUons. which mar be obtaloed at office of r. A. Naramnre. auprtBtendaot ot ppopertlea, 90Q crmrtbooae. Certified check for 10 per cent or amount or proposal, payable te R. H. Tfeomaa acnon clrrk, moat aeeompeay each propooaU Board- of diroetors man the rtaht to rrject any aad all Dcvnooala Detail July 10. 11T. A. 11. THOMAS. School Clerk. TUEA8VRY DEPAUTMENT. Cape rrlelng Archltect'a Ofnre, Waahlngtoe. D. C, Jul j 2. 11 7. Sealed pmpoMla will bo opes. 4 In tnla otrice ai J p. m., juij mj, ivii. ror tb inatallatlon comploto of an elevator plant a tha united stateo poaiorrirc. fort J ana. ur.. In aeeordanca wltn tba draw Ufa aud speeMW rations, roplra of which mil it do sad at IB is . bfflee. In tba discretion of tba MeperrUtng Architect. Jam A. Watmora, Aetlag Isper TMnt Arehlteet. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles jrilkwl Caeasa s Boalal The Big Cloas CaaafortaUe Eiasaatly Arpetstei i SS. ROSE CITY tails rroaa Alnawgrta Dach I a, K, ICOarSAT, JTJXiT lt 100 Ooldca allies em Colonbla JUaev. all Batoa laelade Berths aad Uoala, Table and terries tsesceUeo. far eaUlM data e!r TVs las Tnsa dace Pertlaad t. Co.. Third aad raaa iajrtoa atraata (with O-w o-w. a. a. vaj A-alll. I. BrMdway 440, TRIP TO THE SEASHORE Clatsop cO Wjy Beach J Season round trip, dally. $4. StUndll river scenery; salmon fisheries; hi torlo Astoria. Limited leayes 8:4$ s. m-. evening express 6:30 p. nv, Satur day Special 2 p. m. Tickets at Statloo. 10th sad 3oyt; City Tlcke Of floe, atk aad Btark. V01TH BAJnC SOAB. - -TWIN PALACES rOlTLAJTD TO 1AJT TXAVCIBOC TVZS9AY. TKVUSAT. aVaZHESAT . California Btratear Kxpreas Waves t:M a, m. gtaamer arrlTes B. t. 1:30 text day. rsroa $. $13.60. $13. $110 sad $3. itODBO TX1T $&X Worth Beak, ftk asd ttaik ncArr orncu the FelloW Has Proof? fermovatj I Station, 10U aad Bert td aad kerrUea, V. T. I 4J Wash., . V. By. 1M 3d. BnrUartea iy.