The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1917, Page 26, Image 26

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    Ifl " 'i THff . ftPffftOM CTTMnAV TrtTTOKf AT ' - TD"TTI T AMn CTTMHAV ' MHOMTMr. TTTfV 0 "1017
. t -
Th complete program of the met-
- Jngs follows:
r?In public auditorium No. 1:
Monday, July t. 2:00 o'Cloek
',' Iavld B. Johnson, presiding;.
-8crlpture reading, Nancy Cattell,
College of Speech Arts. Denver. Colo.
' .Addresses of welcome, James Withy
t. comb, governor of Oregon; Mayor Ba
ker, Portland; L. R. Alderman, super--'
intendent of schools, Portland; W. "I.
- JToster, president Reed college.
-'Response, C. H. Keyes, president
: 4 Skldmore School of Arts. Saratoga
- gprtngs. N Y. .
; 'President's address, Robert J. Aley,
president University of Maine, Orono,
''. Maine. .
. : Imperative Necessity of a Food Con
ieervation Program. Charles R. Van
"Hlse, president University of Wlscon
' ln. " .
Address. Ernest Lister, governor of
WahlngtoTi, Olympla.
L,; Monday July 9, 7:00 o'Cloek
; v The Legends of Seaside," a song
f - Vycle for women's chorus and soil. Mu
i le by Emll Enna. words by Virginia
'rlJrake. A typical American composl-
' t Ion. The story is pertaining to leg
ends and true happenings on the Pa-
l ? f.ltle. rnnst
I' if '-."The Pre and Preparedness," E.
B'Piper editor of the Oregonian.
vt,How the Public School Can Foster
the American Idal of Patriotism.'
Bara H. Fahov, Seward Park school,
! Kew York. N. Y.
: . ' -"The Normal School as an a gene v
f t Of Teaching Patriotism," J. IT. Acker
1 "man. president Normal school. Mon
' xnoith. Or.
'' Newsboys' service, address, 'Oppor-
1; UJVity for Educational and Vocational
C Service." Anna Y. Reed. Seattle.
u Tuesday, July 10, 8:00 o'Cloek
i:::music. "
"? fWomen and Preparednpss: Tneir
Mrt In Nationnl Ilre. Kspeclallv in
Time of War." Josephine Corliss Prefc
, ton, state superintendent of public in
struction. Olympla, Wash.
"preparedness, a Veneer or a Funrtn
' werrtal: Which Will Our School,, Give
t Oui Children?'1 Mrs. AlexanJer Thomp-T-
on. The Dalles. Or.
L t "American Education and the Inner
' Life " Ella Flaeg Young. Chicago,
t Tbe Public S-hnol. the Laboratorv
'for Citizenship." Anna Iaura Force.
' principal Lincoln Fchool. Denver. Colo.
Address. Julia Lathrop, chief chil
! Aren's bureau, department of labor.
I. Washington. P. C.
)VX Wednesday July 11, 7:00 o'Cloek.
.'"-' ft Illustrated lecture. Mesa Verde n
! :; nSrV W C MfRrldn Pnrtlnnd
Address. Kate IK-vereux Wake, pnn
V'i ' elpal Public School No. 6, New York.
if K. Y.
. "Maintenance nf Standards in AH
"Schools- as a Necessary Element oi
" Preparedness." F. K. Bolton, dean col
i lege of education. University of Wash
": lngton, Seattle, Wash.
'; rSocial Hygiene irf Relation to Ni
tfOnal Defense," N. I'.' Coleman. Ree.t
."Art-Teaching and the Nation's Serv
ii'iti'' Arthur W. Dow. profesnor of fine
. arts. Teachers' collec-e, (olumbia unl
Verslty. Now York, N. Y.
.'' Thursday. July 13, 7:00 o'Cloek
.-".Final hearincs on petitions for nat
' ' uraltzatton. and administration of oath
Of allegiance, sreclal session of clr
':.jCUlt court of Multnomah county.
'..Address, Caroline Hedger. Amert
" eantzatlon committee .worker, Chica
'('. cago.
"Illiteracy and Preparedness." Cora
; Wilson Stewart, chairman state pom
'K; mission on illiteracy, Frankfort. Ky.
' "The Reformation's Influence on
Education." David Starr Jordan, chart
l.''eellor Iceland Stanford Jr. university.
Address. Charles Ei Righ, school of
education. University of California,
i Friday, July 13. 11 o'Cloek
ii Annual business meeting of active
';.w members.
':f:4i. Friday, July 13, a o'Cloek
r'-lj i Special Program
'Beauties of Hawalla" (Illustrated),
v Fred J. Halton. San Francisco, Cal.
' . ''Life in War-Time France" (Illus-
t rated). Ruberta Tanquary, Technical
; tligh school. Oakland, Cal.
' S 'Legends and Languages of Oregon
Indians." J. D. Lee. Portland. Or.
(-'. - Friday. July 13. 7 o'CldCk
ji ""Oregon Wild Life" (Illustrated
lecture), William L. Finley, Portland,
' Address. .T. Kerr, president Agrl
tUltural college, Corvallls. Or.
"The University and the Nation's
Ideals." P. L. Campbell, president Unl-
I verslty of Oregon. Eugene.
; V I Address. E. O. Sisson, state cbmmls-
S isloner of education. Poise. Idaho. - .
, The Maktne of a National Charac
: ter," Henry Suzzallo. president Unl
j ' verslty of Washington, Seattle. Wash.
j ' Maetings la Ballroom, Multnomah Eotal
A'v.i- Saturday, July 7, 8:00 o'clock
- General topic. "The Obligations and
V -Opportunities of the Schools During
.' ' the War." Open discussion by mem-
bers of the national council.
; i. Saturday, July 7, 8KK) o'Cloek
''Topic, "Agrlcultral Preparedness and
"yood Conservation."
' ''A Study in Thrift," Arthur H.
" Chamberlain. secretary California
' i. Council of Education. San Francisco,
j ji-.i . Possibilities of Increased Food Pro
; ductlon," R. H. Wilson, state superin
: .. tendent of public Instruction. Okla-
boma City, Okla.
VSources of food waste
"In Buying, Handling. Distrlbu
tlon shd Public Use. J. A. Bexell. dean
Of -school of commerce, Oregon Agrl-
cultural college, Corvallis. Or.
V (h) In the Household." Kate Dever-
attx Blake, principal Public School No.
f ;5. New York. N. Y.
f.i.-'i-'?Food Storage and Preservation,"
; Henry R. Daniel, secretary American
: 8ocIety for Thrift, Chicago,
i-f Adaptation of Courses in Domestic
; Economy and Industrial Arts to Meet
i Existing Demands," C. H, Dempsev,
i ( superintendent of schools. Haverhill,
i:;MM,; MUo H. Stewart, principal Tech
. . nlcal high school, Indianapolis. Ind.
V V'."Necessity for Economic Equllib
' . flum." a W. Straus. New York.
4 Monday, July 9. 10:00 o'clock
j ; Annual business meeting.
Wednesday, July 11, 10:00 o'clock
X.TThe Social Function of the Kinder
garten," Henry Suzzallo, president Unl
; . verslty of Washington, Seattle.
. -.!The Unlaue Function of th If indr
! rarten In the Modern School" iihr
" Shleis. superintendent of schools, Los
j-'i" Angeles.
"The Kindergarten as an Organic
i 1 Part of Everv Elementary School
: 2 -Anha Laura Force, principal Lincoln
school, Denver. Colo.
4 - "The Peculiar Fitness of the Trained
; Klndergartner for Effective Work
Among .foreigners," Caroline Hedger,
, Americanization committee worker,
, --A' Kindergarten Extension Cam
paign " Rudolph Acher, State Normal
f school, Valley City, N. D.
: Discussion. E, O. Holland, president
s estate college or waanington. Pullman,
i ? tvasn.
: X'-" Wednesday, Jnly 11, o'Cloek
-. .tv.IHnner at Benson hotel.
" vninrsaT. July 12. 10K o'Cloc
1" Joint session with department of
L f rnentary education.
' lTSTfachers' Problwn df Maintaining
IHt.'-Standards at the Present
l-JVX-'Si'r-iag Young, cnicaeo.
-, f iices Illustrative of kln-
J1916 flTUIMKBATiementary school ac-
t - tlt lavinr e
Tone Eet Z83. hit ia. Voom
' iX)RD TC?RINcsn hotel
.. STER. .SMti-r 13. iOO a'Claolc
ton. ; MaJgjpdarrarten Activities the
riaizuf Democratio Education."
' rhs Kindergarten as - Preparation economics extension division, Unlver
ior Wvin: la a, Democracy,". JKdward glty of Washington, Seattle, Wash. .
B. Shallow, associate superintendent of
schools. New York. N Y.
"Dramatic Arts in the Kindergarten:
Story, Song and Game," Edna D.
Baker, National Kindergarten college,
"Play Materials as a Stimulus to
Self-Direction and Social Cooperation"
(illustrated), Grace L. Brown, teachers"
college, Columbia university. New
York, N. Y.
Discussion, Grace E. Barnard, Ber
keley, Cal.; Mary Adair, Philadelphia,
Pa., and others.
In Lincoln High School Auditorium.
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'clock
Topic, "American Efficiency Through
"Education for Democracy." Henry
D. Sheldon, dean school of education.
University of Oregon, Eugene.
America Means Opportunity
"Whv Vocational Training'"' Mary
Schenck Woolman, Boston. Mass.
"Why Instruction in Art?" Lew a.
Pall, Supervisor of Primary Grades,
San Francisco.
"Why a Visiting Teacher?" Lydi
Herrick Hodge, vUiting teacher. Public
Education association; New York.
"Rural Education as an Element In
the Strength of the Nation," Adelaide
Steele Baylor, state supervisor of
household arts, Indianapolis. Ind.
"The Public School and the Nation
In 1917," L. R. Alderman,- super
intendent of schools, Portland: discus
sion. Mary C. C. Bradford, state super
intendent pf public instruction. Denver,
1 01.
Wednesday. July 11, 8:00 o'Cloek
Topic, "Democracy in the Making."
"The Democratic Trend in School
Administration." Mary D. Bradfora.
superintendent of schools. Kenosha,
Wis.; discussion. C. R. Frajsier. pri
mary superintendent of schools, Ev
erett, wash.
"Supervision as Liberating the
Teacher.'" Susan M. Dorsey. assistant
superintendent of schools. Los An
geles: discussion, Louise Diets, pri
mary supervisor. iouibvii 'e. Ky.
"Democracy In the School Room," E. Pyrtle, Lincoln. Neb.
"The Enfranchised Woman Teacher,
Her Opportunity," Margaret S. Mc
Naucrht. state commissioner of ele
mentary education. Sacramento. Cal
"The Democratic Significance of Re
cent Educational Movements in the
Community. Horace Ellis, state suoer
intendent of public instruction, Indian
apolis, inn.
Discussion. Gertrude Andrus, Seat
tle, v ash.
Thursday. July 13, 10:00 o'Cloek
Joint session with department of
kindergarten education.
In the White Temple
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'clock
"Conservation of the Teacher,"
Charles E. Hugh. University of Call
fornia. Berkeley, Cal.
"Conservation of the Pupil." George
i.. Jensen, principal union nigh school.
T-11 ' . .
"The Girl Problem in the Hien
School," Elizabeth Rowell, adviser of
gins, iiroaaway hic-h schoo . Seattle
"The Evening High School. Its Needs
ana 1'ossibllltles. William Q. Osburn
assistant . .superintendent of schools
Thursday, July ia, 10:00 o'clock
The Intermediate School or Junior
High School." A. C. Barker, superin
tendent oi scnoois. uakiana, cal
"The Junior College, or the Six-Four-Four
Plan." C. R. Frasler, superinten
dent of schools, Everett, Wash.
"Education Through Socialization,"
Ethel Percy Andres, principal Lincoln
high school. Los Angeles. Cal.
Thursday. July ia, 8:00 o'Cloek
"The Responsibility of the Hign
School for American Ideals,"" A H
Reinhardt. president Mills college
Oakland. Cal. .
"Sociology in the High School," Will
iam F. Ogburn, Reed college.
"Orienting the High School" E. O
Sisson. state commissioner of educa
tion. Boise. Idaho.
Xn Main Building
Address. Edward C. Elliott, chancel
lor. University of Montana, Helena,
Reed College
Tuesday, July 10, 10 KM o'Cloek
"War Measures of Higher Educa
tional Institutions," Charles R. Van
Hise, president University of Wiscon
"The Relation of the Governor to
he Administration of the State Pub
ic Educational System. Governor
Stewart of Montana, Governor Lister
of Washington, and Governor Withy
combe of Oregon.
ixiucational Institutions." J. W.
Crabtree, president State Normal
school, Ijivcr Falls, Wis.
Tuesday. July 13, Noon
College and university presidents
guests of President Foster.
Thursday, July 13, 10:00 o'Cloek
"The Four Quarter Plan of Univer
sity Operation." John A. Wldtsoe, pres
ident University of Utah.
Critical present Day issues In Ad
ministration of State Higher Educa
tion," R. B. Buckinham, chief "tatlstl
clarf state board of education. .Madi
son, Wis.
Discussion. Henry SuzzaJo. C A.
Duniway, F. L. McVey.
Meetings First Methodist Church
Wednesday. July 11, 10:00 o'clock
"Vocational Guidance a Distinct
Function of the Public School." Lester
W. Bartlett, vocationl adviser Pomona
city schools. Pomona, Cal.
""The Training or Girls ana women
for Trades and Industry," Mary
Schenck Woolman. manager , National
Association for Promotion of Indus
trial Education. Boston, Mass.
Extension or tne Field or Home
Economics in the School Curriculum,"
Alice Ravenhill. formerly extension
lecturer. University of Cambridge, Lon
don. England.
vocation or tne Home MaKer. cree
T. Work, supervising principal Union
Polytechnic nigh school, Venice, cal.
Discussion. Agnes Houston Craig, di
rector department of home economics,
State College of Washington. Pullman.
Thursday, July 13, 8:00 o'Cloek
Joint session with department of
"The Vocational Content of a Junior
High School Course,' L R. Alderman,
superintendent of schools. Portland.
Recent Changes In the Philosophy
of Vocational Education," Henry Suz
zallo. president University of Washing
ton. Seattle.
"The Training of Teachers for vo
cational Schools," Frank H. Shepherd,
assistant professor -of industrial edu
cation. Oregon Agricultural college.
"The Relation of Practical Arts to
Science," John H. Francis, superintend
ent or scnoois, coiumDus. Ohio.
"Vocational Guidance," Anna T.
Reed, Seattle
Friday. July 13, 8:00 o'Cloek
"Industrialising the Manual Arts."
George H. Jensen, director Department
Mechanic Arts and Prevocatlonal
School. Stockton. Cal.
The Growth of Art In the Schools
and in Industry," Arthur W. Dow, pro-
iessor oi nne airs, teacners' college.
uoiumoia university, new York. In. Y
"The Relation of Art to Vocational Ed-
u cat ion -and Manual Training," Ben W.
Johnson, dlreotor department of man
ual training and Industrial education.
seatue, wasn.
"The Development of Homes In Ru
ral Communlties r Through Extension
Work In Hnm t!pnnnitii vr r xr
IRausch. assistant professor of home
Wednesday, July 11. 8:00 o'clock
Xa Boom B, Publio Auditorium
-"How Far Should the Principle of
Standardisation Be Followed by the
Normal Schools?" C. G. Pearse. presi
dent State Normal school, Milwaukee.
Wis.; J. G. Crabbe. president. Normal
college, Greeley. Colo.
PhysicaL Education for tne Ameri
can People a Responsibility of the
Normal Schools, John H Finley. state
commissioner of education, Albany, M.
y.; Mr. Fischer. New York institute.
"Th Responsibility of the Normal 1
sscnooi ror Training Teacners ror ah
Lines of School Work," G. W. Nash,
Belllngham. Wash: J. W. Crabtree.
River Falls. Wis.; J. Y. Joyner. Ra-
itlgn, IS', c.
Friday, July as, :00 o'Cloek
"The Commercial Arts." A. M.
Sproul, principal High School of Com
merce, Portland.
"The Claims of Scholarship Upon the
Normal School," William T. Foster.
President Reed college. Portland. Or.
' America Forever and an Unstratl-
fled Democracy," John R. Kirk, presi
dent State Normal school. Kirksville,
"The Normal School and the De
mands of Industrial Education," H. H.
Seerley, president Iowa tate Teachers'
college. Cedar Falls, Ia.
"The Practical Arts." Frank E. Barr.
director manual training department.
State Normal school, Cheney, Wash.
"The Household Arts," Mrs. O. Shep
ard Barnum. state board of education.
Alhambra, Cal.
"Agriculture." W. A. Lewis, presi
dent State Normal school. Fort Hayes,
In Unitarian Church
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'Cloek
"The Place of Music In the Public
Schools." A. C. Barker, superintendent
of schools, Oakland, Cal.
"A Plea for the Enlargement of
Music Work in the Public Schools,"
William Alfred White, supervisor of
music, Des Moines.
"The Music Preparation of the Grade
Teacher as Provided in Teachers' Col
leges," Laura J. Soper. Harris Teach
ers' college, St. Louis. Mo.
"Music Appreciation in the Element
ary and Grammar Grades," Xathryn E.
Stone, supervisor of music, Los An
geles, Cal.
"Report of the Committee on Stan
dardization of Songs for the Grades."
A. J. Gantvoort, chairman.
Wednesday, July 11, 10:00 o'Cloek
"Music, a Required Subject in the
High School and Patriotic Music In
All the Grades,"' Herman E. Owen, su
pervisor of music, San Jose. Cal.
"Music Appreciation In the High
School," M. Teresa Finn, supervisor of
music. St. Lovis, Mo.
"Instrumental Music In the High
School," Glenn H. Woods, supervisor
of music, Oakland, Cal.
"Interpretation of Music In Our
Schools," Mrs. I. V. Sweesy. supervisor
of music. Mills college. Oakland. Cal.
"Music In Our Soldier Camps; What
Will It Be and Why?" Lucy H. Cole,
former supervisor of music, Seattle,
Thursday, July 13, 10:00 o'Cloek
Round table discussion.
Boom C, Publlo Auditorium
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'Cloek
"Pan-American Relations." U. G. Du
bach, Oregon Agricultural college, Cor
"Adjustingr Ourselves to a New Era
in Business." Harry C. Splllman, New
York. N. Y.
"Modifications In Commercial Train-
nine Susrsrested by Present World Con
nitions. E. r . Uahm. University ot
"Teaching Salesmanship to Girls In
High School, Cassie L, Paine, Boston.
Thursday. July 13. 10:00 o'clock
"How I Would Teach Salesmanship
in the High School." F. H. Young. Pen
dleton. "Vocations fom High School Girls."
Mary Schenck Woolman. manager Na
tional Association for Promotion of
Industrial Education, Boston, Mass;
I "Expert Training Methods, Their
Necessity ana Application in xour
Typewriting Department. " H. F. Smith,
State College of Washington, Pullman,-
First Methodist Church
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'Cloek
Topic. "Reorganization of Science
Courses to Fit Three-Year Interme
diate High Schools."
"The Legitimate Vocational Content
of the Intermediate High School
Course," Charles Kirkpatrick, vice
principal Broadway High school, Se
attle. Wash.
"The Extent to which correlated In
struction in Practical Arts and Science
Can Vitalize the Work." L. M. Hig
gins. head of department of science,
high school. Tacoma. Wash.
"Biology in the Intermediate High
Schools," Mabel B. Plerson, head of
biology department, high school, Pasa
dena. Cal.
"'Science in the Intermediate High
of biofogy. Reed college. PortW Or.
School ' William C. Morgan, professor
Wednesday, July 11, a o'clock
"General or Elementary Science,"
Arthur Deamer, superintendent of
schools, Fargo, N. D.
"Physics and Chemistry." Charles
Kirkpatrick, vice president Broadway
high school, Seattle, Wash.
"Earth Science and Biology." L. M.
Higglns. department of science, high
school, Tacoma. Wash.
"Training of Science Teachers,"
George H. Black. president State
Normal school, Ellensburg, Wash.; K.
R. Edwards, state high school In
spector, Jamestown, N. D.
Thursday. July 13, 8:00 o'clock
, Joint session with vocational educa
tion and practical arts department.
(See that department for program.)
Friday, July 13, 9:00 o'Cloek
Tonic- "Military and Industrial Pre
"How Trade Schools May Serve the
Country in the Present Crisis A De
scription of the Experience of Went
worth Institute In Ortranizinsr Practical
Courses in Military Engineering for a j
Regiment or tne Massachusetts .Na
tional Guard, William H, Trlmhie, di
rector applied science department.
Wentworth Institute, Boston,
"The Public School Is the Place to
Prepare the Heart, Mind and Hand of
Young America for Service to His
Country." Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor
First fresDytenan church. Portland.
"War Is a Highly Organized Science
The Soldier and Industrial Worker
Both Need Training in Scientific
Thinking and Application," J. A. B. Sin
clair, m. l., surgeon u. S. navy. Port
land recruiting station. Portland.
Preparedness Through Teachers.
F. E. Clark. Seattle, Wash-
Room D, Publlo Auditorium
Tuesday, July 10, 10:00 o'Cloek
"What Should Be the Outcome of
Physical Training in the Public
School sr C. l Frazier. superintend
ent or scnoois, niverett, wash.
"Preparedness Based on PhnlMi
Training," A. C. Strange, superintend
ent of schools. Baker. Or.
"The Value of Physical Training."
O. M. Plummer, member of board of
education, Portland.
"School Spirit,"' Ethel Percy Andrus,
principal Lincoln high school. Los
"Physical Bases of Character," C.
E. Rugh, University of California.
Berkeley. Cal.
Thursday. July 19. 8 KM o'Cloek
Address. William T. Foster presi
dent Reed college, Portland.
"Physical Education and the Teacher
of the Elementary School," Signe E.
Hazelthorn. department of physical
education - for women. University of
California, Berkeley, Cal.
Address. John H. Finley. commis
sioner of education. Albany N V
I "More Corrective Work on Special
tinea In th G cades." Christian Bro-
car, supervisor of physical training.
Spokane. Wash.
"Physical Training in Work With
Defective Children," Ida H. Manley,
supervisor of department of defective
children, Portland.
Note. The' department of physi
cal education of the Portland public
schools will show work each day of
the convention under the direction of
Mr. Krohn of the public schools and
Mr. Convlll. superintendent of parks
and playgrounds.
Auditorium, Shattuck School
Wednesday, July 11.' a :00 o'Cloek
"Sanitation of the Rural Schoolhouse
In Oregon,"' M. L. Pittman, Oregon
normal school. Monmouth.
"Getting Results in Medical Inspec
tion." Ira C. Brown, chief medical in
spector, Seattle.
"The Tacoma System of Health Su
pervision,' E. A. Layton, chief medicajl
inspector, Tacoma, Wash.
f nysieal Training versus Atn-
letlcs." Charles H. Hunt, director of
pshyslcal education, Lewis and Clark
high school. Spokane, Wash.
.freventive Medicine in tne scnoois.
N. K. Foster, chief medical director,
Oakland. Cal.
'Factors In Human Efficiency,
Alice Ravenhill. Fellow Royal Sani
tary Institute, London. England.
Friday, July 13. 9:O0 o'Cloek
A State Program for School
Health, Horace Ellis, state superln
tenaent of schools. Indianapolis. Ind.
"Some Phases of Child Welfare
Work." Martha Randall, Portland;
Emma Grlttenger. Portland.
The work or the School Nurse."
How to Prevent Speech Defects In
Public Schools." Walter B. Swift, Boe
ton, Mass.
"Oral Hygiene." Henrv Cllne Flxott.
foruana, or.
A Suggested Prorram for Bex In
struction," Bertha Chapman Cady,
iierKeiey, iai.
Room A, Publlo Auditorium
Mrs. Addison W. Moore. Chicago
Til ni..lil(nff
Symposium: The part of the na
trons' department in war aid.
"Volunteer Aid to Education In War
Time." Mrs. O, Shepard Barnum. Al
hambra. Cal.
"War Means Increased School Rev
enue,'" Mrs. W. S. Jennings. Jackson
ville, ria.
"Rural Schools and the War," Marie
Turner Harvey, Kirksville. Mo
"Guarding the Health of Children
Under War Conditions," Sarah M.
Hobson. M. D.t Chicago. 111. ,
"Conserving the Children of Work
insr Age." Mrs. Addison W. , Moore. Chi
cago. 111.
"Maintaining Educational Standards
In War Time," William" B. Owen. Chi
cago, m.
"The Patriotic Services of Affili
ated Organizations" Association of
Collegiate Alumnae, Gertrude S. Mar
tin; Southern Association of College
Women, Emily W. McVea: National
Council of Jewish Women. Mr.
Charles Long: General Federation of
Women's Clubs, Mary E. Parker.
Wednesday, July 11, 8 o'Cloek
"The Patrons' Department- Past.
Present and Future," Mrs. O. Shepard
Barnum, vice president state board of
education. Alhambra, Cal.
"Some Phases of the Rural School
Problem," Mary C. C. Bradford, state
superintendent of public instruction,
Denver. Col.
"The Child." Rt. Rev. Walter T
Sumner. bishop of Oregon Port
land Or.
Friday July 13 Noom
Luncheon Multnomah hotel.
Room A, Publlo Auditorium
Wednesday, July 11, 10:00 o'Cloek
The topic for the morning session
will be "General Administration." Va
rious phases will be discussed In 15
minute speeches by O. M. Plummer
Portland; Ella Flagg Young. Chicago;
Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop of Ore
gon, Portland, formerly member board
l of Education. Chicago: E. Shovroolr
Seattle, Wash.; D. W. 8pringer Ann
Arbor; Carl G. Pease, Millwaukee": Mrs.
O. Shepard Barnum, Aihambra, Cal.
Luncheon In honor of President Aley,
given by department of school admin
istration, 12:15 to 1:45 p. m.. Mult
nomah hotel, $1 a plate.
Wednesday, July 11, a o'Cloek
The topic for the afternoon session
will be "Schoolhouse Standardization."
Twenty minute presentations will be
made by Frank Irving Cooper, archi
tect, (chairman standardization com
mittee, Boston. Masv; W. B. Itter,
school architect. St. Louis, Mo.; Wil
liam C. Bruce. "editor American School
Board Journal. Milwaukee. Wis.; J.
J. Donovan, school architect. Oakland.
Cal.. and S. A. Challman, state com
missioner of school buildings. Min
neapolis, Minn.
Ten minute discussions will be given
by Edgar Blair. A. A. McDonald, F.
A. Naramore, A. Shiels and A, E. Win
ship. Thursday, July ia, 10 o'Cloek
I 'S. ff,,m' Pr-
paredness and Conservation.
Addresses will be given by Robert
J. Aley, president. University of
Maine, Orono. Maine: Caroline Hedger,
Americanization committee worker, Chi
cago; John H. Finley, state commis
sioner of education, Albany, N Y..
and William T. Foster, president, Reed
college. Portland.
Library hall
Wednesday, July 11, 9 o'Cloek
"Problem Method of Instruction and
Its Probable Correlations In Library
Service and Administration." Herbert
G. Lull, director of training, Kansas
state normal school, Emporia. Kans.
Discussion D.-D. Johnson, Seattle:
Willi3 H. Kerr, Emporia, Kas ; Los
E. Bailey, Portland, and Emma E. Bar
ette. Portland.
Thursday, July 13, 10 o'Cloek
Round table for high school libra
rians, Louise Smith, librarian Lincoln
high school. Seattle. Wash., presiding.
"The Librarian in the High Schooi
Her Status, Qualification, Salary and
Definite Duties," J. A. Churchill, state
superintendent of schools. Salem. Or.
uare or Clippings, Pamphlets, etc..
Estelle Slaven, schools division, public
library, Seattle. Wash.
"Student Committees In the High
School Library," Marion Lovis libra
rian Stadium high school. Tacoma,
Question box Harriet A. Wood.
scnooi iiDrarian, liorary association.
Portland. Or.
Thursday, July 13, a o'clock j
"State Supervision of School Libra
ries," J. A. Churchill, state superintend
ent of public instruction, Salem.
"Library Opportunities in Junior
High Schools," Laura C. Bailey, Salem.
Friday, July 13. 9 o'Clook
Presentation of reports of coUege,
high school, normal school, rural school
and elementary school committees.
Ladd School
Wednesday, July 11, 10 o'clock
Topic. "National Preoarerino. n
Its Relation to the Teaching and Care
of Special Children.
"The Juvenile Court In Its Relation
to the Constructive Agencies of So
ciety Which Prepare Young Boys and
Girls for Citizenship," King f)yke
man. Judge of the superior court and
judge of the juvenile court, Seattle.
"Special Classes and Preparedness,"
Joseph P. Byers, executive secretary,
committee on provision for the feeble
minded, Philadelphia. Pa.
"The Oral Method for Teaching Deaf
Children," G. S. - Tllllnghast, school
for the deaf. Salem.
"State Care of Crippled Children."
Fred D. Merrill. University of Oregon
Thursday, July 12, 3 o'Cloek
"What Special Measures Should Tt
Inaugurated for Those Special Chil
dren Yet Unprovided For in the Public
Schools r Arthur Howard Sutherland,
psychologist, public schools, Los An
geles, CaL
"America's Model for a rxmrhnant
of Speech-Improvement in the Public
Schools," Walter B. Swift, M. D., grad
uate School of Medicine, Boston, Mass.
"Public Responsibility for the Edu
cation of the Blind," Joseph Wood,
Thursday, July 18, 13 SO o'clock
Luncheon Benson Polytechnic school
for girls.
Friday, July 13, O'Cloek
"Th Special Child and the Visiting
Teacher." Dallas D. Johnson, assist
ant professor of education. University
oi wasnington, Seattle, wasn.
Care . of Special Children in the
Schools." Robert Hall. M. D.. Portland.
"Child Life In School and Factory,"
Millie R. Trumbull, secretary board of
inspectors of child labor, Portland, Or.
Auditorium Shattuck School
Wednesday, July 11, a o'Cloek
"A Program for Rural Education In
the State," Thomas E. Flnegan, dep
uty commissioner of education, Albany,
N. Y.
"Teacher Training in Its Relation to
the Teaching of Agriculture as a Prac
ticai Art." Z. M. Smith, department ofl
education, iaiayette, ma.
Discussion, W. G. Hummel, depr ,t
ment of agricultural education, Uper
sity of California. Berkeley. Ca?
"Rural People and Education, Prob
lems," W. H. Campbell. Centl City,
Neb. -.n1
Thursday, July 13, 10 'o'Cloek
Round table discussion .
(a) "The Provisions Af- the Smith
Hughes Bill as Relatedfcto Agriculture
and Home Economics."
(b) 'The Relation of the Rural
School to the Problems of National
ism." Thursday, July 18. 8 o'Clook
"A Typical Case of Rural Education'"
(Illustrated). John A. Doelle. superin
tendent of schools, Houghton, Mich,
"Results Aofiieved in Secondary Ag
riculture "Ak the Methods Pursued in
Actual Practice'- (Illustrated), H. N.
GoddarcLv.- department of education,
Madison,' Wis.
Unitarian Church
Wednesday, July 11, 8 o'Cloek
Topic, "Essential Factors In Educa
tional Preparedness."
"Moral and Physical Values Versus
Academic Standards of the Classroom,"
Frederick W. Roman, professor of eco
nomics. Syracuse university, Syra
cuse N. Y.
" ocational Guidance," Anna Y.
Reed, author of vocational guidance
report, Seattle, Wash.
"The Exploitation of Children," Ed
ward B. Shallow, associate superin
tendent of schools. New York. N. Y.
"The Education of Girls," Mary
Schenck Woolman. manager. National
Association for Promotion of Indus
trial Education, Boston, Mass.
Thursday, July 18, at 8 o'Cloek
"Demands Made by the Public on
the Teacher and the School." Anna
Wlllson, president. Indiana State Asso
ciation of Teaciiers, Crawfordsville,
"What the Teacher Should Demand
of the Public," Isabel A. Ennls. presi
dent. Brooklyn Teachers association,
Brooklyn. N. Y.
"Organization Among Teachers as
Related to National f repareaness.
Sarah H Fabey, New York.
"The Unmeasurable In Teaching,'
Grant Hayes. Chicago.
HOUSES First Presbyterian Church, Tuesday,
July 10, 10 o'Cloek, Friday,
July 13, 9 o'Clook
The department for the promotion of
a wider use of schoo'.houses was es
tablished at New York and will hold
its first meeting at f ortland. The fol
lowing topics will be discussed by ex
perlenced speakers: "The Education
of the Adult." "The Schoolhouse as a
laboratory for Citizenship." "Th
Schoolhouse and Recreation" "The
Schoolhouse as a Place for Political
Meetings." "The Schoolhouse as a Mu
sical Center," "Activities in the School
house illustrating democracy. -EDUCATIONAL
Room C. Publlo Auditorium
Wednesday, July 11, 10 o'Clook
Topic, "The Textbook; a Sympos
ium." "Free or -Rented Textbooks." R. H.
Wilson, state superintendent of public
instruction, Oklahoma City, Okla.
' Jstate Printed Textbooks," E. Morris
Cox, Oakland. Cal.
"Uniform Textbooks." Edward C. El
liott, chancellor. University of Mon
tana, Helena, Mont.
Friday, July 13, 9 o'Clook
ment of School and Education Jour
This topic will be discussed under
the following heads: "The News and
Professional Side"; "Broader Educa
tional and Administrative Phases'";
"Problems of Finance and Manage
ment"; "The Official Magazine."
THE N. E. A.
First Congregational Church
Wednesday, July 11, a o'Clook
"Outdoor Education1 Samuel C.
Lancaster, engineer, Columbia river
highway, Portland.
"Gardens of the West," O. M. Os
borne, head agricultural department.
Normal school, Livingstone, Ida.
"Gardening and Vocational Educa
tion," N. C. Marls, state department
of education, Salem.
Thursday, July 18, 10 o'Cloek
"The Child's Share in Food Produc
tion," T. C. Newbill, state club leader,
Pullman, Wash.; M. O. Evans, super
visor school gardens, Tacoma; Thomas
A. Bonser, city schools. Seattle;
Thomas Grey, city schools, Spokane,
Wash.; E. E. Smith, principal. Martin
school, Birmingham. Ala.
will be held at Fulton Park school
At noon tne scnooi garden luncheon
garden. Tickets may be secured at
Thursday, July 13 3 o'Cloek
Excursion to the school gardens of
Portland and the Columbia river high
way, conducted by Samuel C. Lancas
ter. Parties will be made up at the
headauarters. Multnomah hotel.
Tuesday, July 10, 10 o'Cloek
Auditorium Shattuck School
Topic. "The State Education ao.
"What It Should AceomnHuh tnw it
Members." O: C. Whitney, secretary.
State Teachers' association, Tacoma;
Eva M. Fleming, president, Iowa State
Teachers' association. Decorah tow
S. H. W'eet, president, New York State
xeacners association, .Rochester, N Y
J. Fred Anderson, secretary Utah Ed
ucational association, Halt Lake City
Utah; Hugh W. Caldwell, secretary;
Maryland State Teachers' association
Chesapeake City, Md.; Willis E. John
son, presiaeni, souin uakota Educa
tional association. Aberdeen. S. D.: G
Ii. mauucii, yresiuem, Arizona state
Teachers' association. Ganogles, Ariz
C. A. Hawkins, chairman executive
committee. Missouri State Teachers'
association, Maryville, Mo.
"Methods of Financing." A H. Cham
berlain, executive secretary, California
xeacners association, ban rrancisco
Cel.; Nellie Mlnehan state director N.
E. A., Milwaukee. Wis.; Martha L
Powell, president. Nebraska State
Teachers' association, Omaha. Neb.;
J. H. Wagner, secretary. New Mexico
Educational association. Santa 'F j
M. ; R. E. Williams, secretary, Kentucky
Educational association, Louisville
Ky.; E. D. Ressler, cretary, Oregon
State Teachers' association. Corvailia
Or.; R. C. Moore, secretary, Illinois
State Teachers" association, Carltn
vllle. 111.; F. L. Plnet, secretary. Kan
sas State Teachers' association. To
Delta. Kas.; H. B. Smith, secretary,
Colorado Educational association, Den
ver. Colo.: Anna Webb Blantan. nrvsi.
dent. Texasw State Teachers , associa
tion, jjenion, x ex.
Library Hall
Tuesday, July 10, 10 o'Cloek
Address. Catherine J. Mac Kay, dean.
Iowa State college, Ames, Iowa.
"Service to Be Rendered the Coun
try by Home Economics Teachers."
Henrietta W. Calvin, specialist in home
economics, bureau of education, Wash
ington. D. C.
"Sequence and Correlation In the
Teaching of Home Economics in the
Public Schools." Ellen P. Dabney. su
pervisor of home economics, public
schools. Seattle. Wicsh.'
"8cope of Home' Economics and Its
Subject Matter lir- University and Col
lege Courses.'" Ajice Ravenhill. profes
sor of household economics. Utah Agri
cultural college", Logan 1'tah.
Tuesday, July 10, 8 o'Cloek
"The Value of Home Demonstration
Work," Edith Parrott, state agent for
South Carolina.
'What the Association Can Do to
Decrease the Death Rate of Children
In Aiperlca," Mrs. Max West, children's
bureau, department of labor. Washing
ton D. C.
.he Influence of the Trained Con-
lAjmer in Raising Standards," Mary
"richenck Woolman. manager National
Association for Promotion of Indus
trial Education. Boston. Mass.
Thursday, July 13, Noon
A luncheon will be given under the
auspices of the National Council of
Primary Education at the Hotel Ben
son at which there will be an Informal
Thursday, July 13, 10 o'Cloek
Problems in literature will be pre
sented under the following sub topics:
Living versus- Preserved Literature ;
Seein Classics as Wholes"; "Litera
ture for Vocational Courses"; "The
Use of American Literature in the
Present Crisis."
Room A, Publlo Auditorium
Wednesday, July 11. 12:30 o'clock.
luncheon at University club.
Thursday, July 18, a o'Cloek
Problems in composition will be
considered under the following head
ings: "The Student's Rla-ht of Way ';
Is Business English a Menacer
"The Social Aspects of Composition."
Room D, Publlo Auditorium
Wednesday, July 11, 10 o'Clook
Jessie McGregor, president Portland
Grade Teachers association, presiding.
An informal meeting of the league
will be held at which the subject for
discussion will be "What the League
Has Done for You. All members of
affiliated associations are invited.
Wednesday, July 11, 10 o'Clook
Library Llnooln Hign School
"Ideals of the Profession." William
A. Cooper, Stanford university, Cal.
"University Training of the High
School Teacher of Modern Languages,
With Particular Reference to French."
Oliver M. Johnsten. Stanford univer
sity, Cal.
"Directed Observation and Practice
Teaching." Lydia M. Schmidt, Univer
sity high school. Chicago.
Round table discission, "Profes
sional Periodicals and Affiliations."
Wednesday, July 11, a o'Clook
"Upward Expansion of the High
School Modern Language Curriculum,
and Departmental Supervision." E. J.
Dupuy, Girls" high school, San Fran
"Downward Extension of the Modern
Lanruaf?e Curriculum. l. C. Hatch.
Polytechnic hiKh school. San Francisco.
"The Place of a Foreign Lcnguage
In an Education, KuDerta Tanquary
Technical high school. Oakland. Cal.
Round table discussion. "Direct
Method and Expansion of Curriculum."
Thursday, July 13. 10 o'clock
"Interest as a Factor in Modern
Language Teaching." Anna M. Tletjen
High School of Commerce, San Fran
cisco. "Practical Classroom Devices for the
Modern Language Teacher," Carleton
Ames Wheeler, Hollywood high school,
Los Angeles.
Round table discussion (French
German and Spanish sections), "Text
books. Do They Lead or Lajr
Thursday, July 13, 8 o'Clook
Romance section.
""The Place of Poetry In the Teach
ing of French," Laurence H. Pechln.
High School of Commerce, San Fran
cisco. "How to Prepare for a Year in
Spain." Mary P. Cox, Manual Arts
high school. IjOn Angeles.
"The Organization of High School
Work In Spanish." Margaret C. Dowl
ing. Mission high school, San Fran
cisco. Round table discussion, "Self Help
and Dally Growth."
German Section
"The Standardization of Instruction
in German," F. W. Aletsnest. Univer
sity of Washington. Seattle.
"The Use of Wall Pictures for Con
versation and Composition in German,
with Demonstrations," P. E. Schwabe,
head of department of German, city
high schools, Portland.
"How to Spend a Year In Germany
With Profit and Pleasure," Charlotte
AjKnoch, Standford university.
Round table discussion, "Self Help
and Dally Growth."
Wednesday and Thursday
The National Federation of College
Women will hold their third biennial
convention in the ballroom of the Mult
nomah hotel, July 11 and 12, to which
all college women are Invited. The
federation Is broad and Inclusive and
welcomes any woman who has had
one or more year's work in a college
Wednesday morning the convention
will be welcomed by George L. Baker,
mayor of Portland; Mrs. G. F. Frankel.
city hostess, and Mrs. Charles H. Cast
ner, state president of Federation of
Women's clubs. The topic for discus
sion in the morning will be "Vocational
Aid." introduced by Myra King Miller,
ADDie wriint ana Jessie Mctjregor,
' Pref1fnt Pr.tland Grade Teachers as
sociation. Wednesday afternoon will
be devoted to reports of Individual
clubs and all members of college
women' clubs are urged to be present.
Thursday morning there will be an
address on the "Science of Solar Mag
netics" by Emma J. Reid. Grammar
grade teachers are cordially invited.
Thursday afternoon the subject of
"Better Films" will be presented by
Harriet H. Barry. At 6 o'clock Thurs
day a college dinner will be hexi ai t.i.
University club.
Headquarters, Benson Hotel
Meetings in Room 318, Lincoln High
Tuesday. July 10, 900 o'Cloek
Address C. W. Pugsley, director of
extension. University of Nebraska,
Lincoln. Neb.
Sectional Conferences
Club Workers' conference, H. C
Seymour, presiding.
Cooking demonstration given by
four girls and Helen Cowgill, College
of Agriculture, Corvallls. Or.
Home Economics conference. Mary
Hoover, presiding.
The rural woman demonstrator and
her equipment Jessie Hoover, Uni
versity of Idaho, Moscow, Ida.
The cooking .demonstration Mary
F. Rausch. University of Washington.
Seattle, Wash.
"Dressing ,h Awkward Girl,"
Louise Waller, Washington State col
lege, Pullman Wash.
County Agents" conference, R. B.
Coglon. presiding.
"Cooperation," P. V. Maris, Oregon
Agricultural college. Corvallis, Or.
"Ideal Organization." R. B. Coglon.
Washington State college, Pullman.
Tuesday. July 10, 1:30 o'clock
"Extension Education in th Univ-
sity of Iowa," O. K. Kllngaman. direc
tor or extension, university or Iowa,
tows i".
"Psychology of the Camotlrn in lev
tension Education," Perry G. Holden,
mieraaiioiuu jiarvesier eomoanv. t m.
cago.-IlL . . r.
"Rural School Extension," H. H.
Seerley, president Iowa State Teachers
college. Cedar Falls. Iowa.
"Business Cooperation With Exten
sion Work," O. M. Plummer, secretary
Union Stock Yards loupany, Port
land. Or.
Wednesday, July 11, 9 SO o'Clook
"Relation of Smith-Lever and Smith
Hughes Bills to National Prepared
ness in Agriculture and Home Econom
lea," C. W. Pugsley. director of exten
sion. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Discussion R. D. Hetsel. director
of extension. Corvallls, Or.; O. D.
Center, director of extension, Boise,
Sectional Conferences
Club Workers' conference, Elisabeth
Jone, presiding.
Interstate canning contest con
ducted by George E. Farrell. United
States department of agriculture.
Washington D. C.
Home Economics Demonstrators'
conference. Ava B. Milam, presiding.
"The Woman's Part In Rural Devel
opment." Mary Sutherland. State Col
lege of Washington. Pullman, wasn.
County Agents' confo-ence, P. V.
Maris, presiding.
"The Farmer s Wife. Preparedness."
M. S. Schrock, McMinnvllTe. Or.
"The Method of Conducting Evening
Meetings," Flov Rader. Seattle. Wash.
Discussion S. B. Hall. Gresham,
Or.; H. C. Cooney. Goldendale. Wash.
Wednesday. July 11, li30 o'Cloek
"Extension Teaching as a Means of
Continuing Education." Thomas P.
Cooper, director of extension. Agricul
tural college. Fargo, N. D,
"Home Genomics and the War."
Jesse M. Hoover, College of Agricul
ture, Moscow, Idaho.
"Sending the University Out Into the
Country," W. J. Kerr, president Oregon
Agricultural college, Corvallis. Or.
"The Organization of Young Men for
Agricultural 8ervice During the War."
B. H. Crwheron, college or Agricul
ture, Berkeley, Cal.
Thursday. July 18, 9 AO o'Cloek
T,mint ruMorm ajid Demonstration
Materials."" Perry G. Holden, Interna
tional Harvester company, Chicago. 111.
"Discussion,"' B. H. Crocheron, Col
lege of Agriculture. Berkeley, Cal.
B actional Conferences
Club Workers' Conference, M. J. Ab-
Thornber, Presiding.
Movies (showlrur demonstration ma
terials, canning equipment and model
Horn Economies Demonstrators'
Conference, Agnes H. Craig presiding.
"The Woman County Agent, Anna
Turley, Agricultural college, Corval
lis, Or.
County Ag-entr conrerence, w. a.
S. Thomber Presiding
"'The Agent In Harness." Perry G.
Holden, International Harvester Co.,
Chicago. 111.
Thursday, July 180 o'Clook
"Organizing City Extension Work."
Mr. Crooks, assistant superintendent of
schools, Seattle, Wash.
"Increasing Production and Organis
ing for Economy and Conservation in
the Northwest," W. 8. Thornber. direc
tor of extension. State College of
Washington. Pullman, Wash.
"The Value of a Program In Food
Conservation and Production." O. D.
Center, director of extension. Moscow,
"Cooperation With the Public Schools
In Extension Work," M. J. Abbey Col
lege of Agriculture, Bozeman, Mont,
"The Organization and Results of
Extension Wtork In Cook county." Edwin
J. Tobln. county superintendent of
Schools, Chicago, 111.
Meetings in Room 817. Lincoln High
chool. Wednesday, July
Jl, 10 o'clock
"The Need to Define Anew the
Values of Latin," Milton E. Blanchard.
Mission high school, San Francisco,
i "Classics and the Man of Science."
Norman C. Thome. Lincoln high
school. Portland. Or.
"Classics and the Man of Affairs."
W. L. Brewsler, former city commis
sioner, Portland. Or.
"The Continued Tale of the Histori
cal Novel,"' Frederic 8. Dunn, Uni
versity of Oregon, Eugene. Or.
Wednesday. July 11, 13:30 o'Cloek
Luncheon at the University club.
Wednesday, at 12:30. a,t Vi cents a
plate. Send reservations to Julianne
A. Roller. 1 145 Ivon street. Portland.
Friday. July 13. 9 o'Cloek
The Direct Method. Three Years
After." A. P McKlnlay. Lincoln high
school. Portland, Or.
"Teachers of Latin," Susan M.
Dorsey. assistant superintendent of
schools. Los Angeles. Cal.
"Exaggeration and Other Elements
of Humor in Roman Literature."
Frank F. Potter. Washington stats
college. Pullman. Wash.
"Correlating Iatln With History."
Leon a Larrabee. Lincoln high school.
Portland, Or.
"The Correlation of Unguistie and
Scientific Courses," Stephenson Smith.
Portland, Or.
Richard X. Campbell. Commissioner of
Naturalisation: Raymond F. Cstst,
Deputy Commissioner.
Headquarters Portland hotel.
Meetings in First Presbyterian
church. John Speed Smith chief na
turalization examiner. Seattle, vW'ash ,
Wednesday. July 11. 10:00 o'Clook
Address of Welcome, George L.
Baker, mayor of Portland, Or
"Compulsory Education for Aliens'
L. R. Alderman, superintendent of
schools, Portland, Or.
"Practical Citizenship, the Basis of
World Democracy," William M. David
son, superintendent of schools. Pitts
burg. Pa.
"Seattle's Public Schools in Coopera
tion With the Bureau of Naturalisa
tion," Nathan Eckstein, member of
school board, Seattle. Wash.
Wednesday, July 11, a.-OO o'Clook
"Cooperation Between the Rureau nf
Naturalization, the Public Schools am
the Courts," Charles C. Kelso, director
of social center, Los Angeles Hish
scnooi, ixiB Angoies, Cal.
"Education for Citlzerishln In th
Denver Public Opportunity School'
Emily Griffith principal Opportunity
scnooi, Denver, Colo.
"Night Classes for Adult Fortln-
ers." Linden McCulIough. superintend
ent of schools. La Grande, Or.
W omen's Organlzation In the Amer
icanization Work." Grace H. Baalev.
chairman Americanization committee
iaiionai American woman surrrage
association Norwood. Mass.
Wednesday, July 11, 8 o'Cloek
"The Friend of the Court and of the
Alien." Henry B. Hazard, naturaliza
tion examiner, Portland, Or.
"Importance to Community and
Country of Night Schools for Adult
Foreigners," E. C. Hartwell, superin
tendent of schools St. Paul. Minn
"The Meaninr of Citizenship," Wal
lace McCamant, associate justice su-
sreme court. Salem. Or.
w "Citizenship and Patriotism." James
Wlthycombe, governor of Oregon.
Thursday, July 13, 10 o'Clook
"Some Ways of Americanizing Our
Alien reopies." r. smitn, principal
extension scnoois, jjirmingnam, Ala.
"Suggestions for Rural Citisenshlp
Classes." Paul Lee Ellerbe. chief nat
uralization examiner. Denver, Colo.
"Educating the Allen In Wyomlnt
Joseph E. Burch. superintendent of
schools K.emmerer, w yo. .
"Citizenship Preparedness." Jose
phine Corliss Preston, stats superin
tendent of public instruction, Olympla,
xnnnoAy, uiy ia. s otaoek I
"Education for Citisenshlp," J. cl
Wricht. director vocational and man-1
Thursday, July 18, taeek
ual training instruction. Kansas City,
"Education of the Alien Based Upon
Character and Conscience," Rev. John
H. Boyd, pastor First Presbyterian
church. Portland. Or.
"Night School and the Immigrant In
Kansas Ctty. Kan.." I. B. Morgan,
director of night schools. Kansas City.
"Some Duties and Difficulties Con
fronting the Naturalised Cltlien." El
mer M. Wentworth. president-general
Sons of the American Revolution. Den
Moines. Iowa.
Thursday, July 18, 7 o'Clook
City Auditorium
"Public Naturalization Reception,"
John Speed Smith chief naturalisation
examiner U. S. department of labor,
Seattle, Wash., presiding.
"Final Hearings on Petitions for
Naturalisation and Administration of
Oath of Allegiance, Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Multnomah
County " John P. Kavanaugh, presid
ing Judge.
Present: Thomas M. Hurlburt. sher
iff of Multnomah county; Joseph W.
Bfcveridne. clerk; John B. Easter, dep
uty clerk, and Samuel W. Poole, DalUff
of the circuit court.
Presentation to applicants for citi
zenship of American flags, James E.
Ewlng, vice president Oregon society.
Sons of the American Revolution,
Portland. Or.
Address to Applicants. John P. Kav
anaugh, presiding Judge.
Renunciation of allegiance to for
eign sovereignties and taking oath of
allegiance to the United States by ap
plicants. "America." audience, led by W. H.
Boyer. Portland. Or.
The Unitarian Church
Friday, July 13, 9 o'Clook
An informal meeting will be held at
which the following subjects will be
"Object and Aim of Teachers Ad
visory Council From the Standpoint of
the Superintendent"; "The Personnel
of the Teachers' Advisory Councrt.";
"Object and Aim of Teachers Advisory
Council From the Standpoint of the
Teacher"; "Relation of the Teachers'
Advisory Council to the Superintend
ent and to the School Board.
General topic, "Social Hygiene In
Relation to National Defense." Revised
programs may be obtained at the reg
istration and Information desks.
Wednesday, July 11, 10:00 o'clock
City Auditorium
William T. Foster, president Oregon
Social Hygiene society, vice president
American Social Hygiene association,
Topic "Sex Education and the Pub
lic Schoola"
The Oregon Social Hygiene society
will present the motion film "How Life
Begins." The running of the film will
take about 45 minutes.
Speakers: Norman V. Coleman, pro
fessor of English, Reed college, Port
land. Edward O. Sisson. state commission
er of Education. Boise, Idaho.
ChBrles E. Rugh. profesnor of educa
tion. University of California, Berke
ley, Cal.
Bertha Chapman Cady. representing
the Ameirlcan Social Hygiene associa
tion. New York. N. Y., on "Personal
Observations of Some Promising Ex
periments In Sex Education."
Henry D. Sheldon, dean college of
arta. University of Oregon, Eugene, or.
Friday, July 13, 9:00 o'clock
Room A, City Auditorium
Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop
of Oregon, presiding.
Topic "Tbe Community and the
Speakers:" Harry H. Moore, executive
secretary Oregon Social Hygiene soci
ety, Portland.
Walter Clarke, field secretary Amer
ican Social Hygiene association. Chi
cago, 111. .
May L. Cheney, appointment secre
tary. University of California, Berke
ley, Cal.
J. I May, colonel Third Oregon in
fantry. David Starr Jordan, chancellor Le
larwi Stanford Junior university, vice
president American Social Hygiene as
sociation. Stanford University, Cal.
Meetlnrs In the Unitarian Church.
Wednssday, July 11, SUM o'Clook
Topic Essential Factors in Educa
tional Preparedness.
"Moral and Physical Values versus
Academic Standards of the Classroom,"
Frederick W. Roman, professor of
economics, Syracuse university, Syrs
cuse, N. Y.
"Vocational Guidance and Educa
tional Preparedness," Anna T. Reed,
author of vocational-guidance report.
Seattle. Wash.
"The Exploitation of Children." Ed
ward B. Shallow, associate superin
tendent of schools. New York, N. Y.
"The Education of Girls," Mary
Schenck Woolman manager National
Association for Promotion of Indusi.
trial Education, Boston, Mass.
Thursday, July 18, 8 too o'Cloek
"Demands Mads by the Public on
the Teacher and the School." Anns
Wlllson, president Indiana State Asso
ciation of Teachers, Crawfordsville,
"What the Teacher Should Demand
of the Public." Isabel A. Ennls. presi
dent Brooklyn xeacners association.
Brooklyn. N. Y.
The immeasurable in Teaching,"
Dudley Grants Hays, supervisor of
vocational training, Chicago, I1L
"Organization Among Teachers as
Related to National Preparedness,"
Sara H. Fahey. Seward Park school.
New York. N. Y.
ur w U MJHM
Meetings In T. W. C. A, Auditorium
Monday, July 9, 8 o'Clook
Monday, July 9, to 10 o'clock
Reception in ballroom. Multnomah
Tuesday, July 10. 9:30 o'Cloek
"Greetings From N. E. A.." David R
Johnson, vice president, N. E. A.
The Function or a Student Y. W. C.
A. on a Campus," Eliza R. Butler. New
xork, N. Y.
"Vocational Guidance In Colleges."
Anna Y. Reed, Seattle. Wash.
"Democracy, College. . Women and
War," Rhoda M. White. State College
of Washington, Pullman. Wash.
Tuesday. July 10, 1930 o'Cloek
Luncheon at Multnomah hotel.
Tuesday, July 10, 8 e 'Clock
Round Tables.
Y. M. C. A., Leader. Jane Seott, Port
land. Or.
"Qualifications and Preparation of
Dean of Women." Leader. Anna Y.
Reed, Seattle, Wash.
"The War, Women and Education,"
Leader. Ethel Hunley ColdwelL Uni
versity of Washington. Seattle, Wash.
"Technical Problems."
Wednesday. July 11. too o'Cloek
"The Department of Physical Eduea- .
tlon for Women. Its Organisation and
Relation to the Institution," Signe
Hagelthorn, University of California,
Berkeley, Cal.
"Greek Letter Societies, Their Re
lation to the Campus and to the Ad
ministration.' Anna L. TannlhlU, Lew
iston. .Idaho.
Wednesday, July 11, S o'Clook. .',
Round Tables. - -
"Pan-Hellenie and the Dean of
women, leauvr mimocio r vox. I7iln
varsity of Oregon, Eugene. Or.
-Resolutlons . --.
-Technical Problems. j - ?
-fc- 5-