The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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a I'obUaoee' nr 'a,- sfteraoea aae
4scept Sanaa aXtaraeee) - at"' The
- fcuildtoc, Broadway , ass IsssklU . auseta.
jtwd at ilia poatofflca at jt'ortlaad. Or for
ment,: predict that Mexico - will de
clare war on , Germany within 3 0
days. This may: be an -unwarranted
forecast 'But it haa Its value. The'
"watchful w'alting" policy of pres-
Joeraal i firat trnrfhlA erf van m - a. friend
Instead of an armed antagonist tnj
; 'aaxkI'-UuHIlB Mala TlTtt Baste. A-OtBl,
t , AH aWparUsanU rvacbad . by - taaae saabara.
I-, Sail Ute uparaUw ut ityuutwl fM
. Beajambt at kcataar Ce Bfuaswick Bids..
- Za ntth Ats, Kt Xerk.. UU ,fMt''
- um Wag,. Chicago. -.V v- i- W-7
, Sobacrlptloa terns fcy mall or to an adores
I . i Umi UulUd SutH or Masieas . v-
Om .SUM I una. stents. $ M
' Oaa year.......S2Jw I Oaa Bjoota. .-.'.-.. M
I.- . . SUNDAI
- Ooa yca........7.M Oaa awota.. .....$ .68
la vain do wa traea magnanimity and
terolam, in rain do wa traca a descant
'from the worthies of the earth. It wa In
herit not tba spirit of our ancestors. .
Joalah Qalncy,
N ALL its brilliant history the
National Education Associa
tion never had so remarkable
a setting for its annual con-
; vention. s
1 mmUm-m Jf m.mmm-. J iU.
'educational field, the counsels and
activities . of the association are
more needed in America now than
k ever before. In its leadership of
the races in self government, in its
i; present gigantic attempt to reclaim
jj the world, for democracy, America
J must "'"herself be an ever illustrious
Jl example' of a successful democracy.
The ' school is th3 bulwark of
self 'government. , Instruction must
RITING from Chicago. J. P.
1, Smetanka, secretary of the
Bohemian - National Alli
ance, writes The Journal
a letter which appears on this
page.' Ie says In part: - '
There is no element "of the Ameri
can . people so keen pa winning the
war In which we" are engaged as
citizens of Bohemian (Czech) descent.
They believe firmly that the war
with the central powers Is a righteous
war; and they believe. In view X
President Wilson's declaration that
no people shall be forced under that
sovereignty under which it does not
wish to live, that the victory' of the
United States will mean the libera
tion of Bohemia from the Hapsburg
yoke and the creation of a Bohemian
republic .
There is no mistaking the drift
of world thought. The whole hu
man race is groping for democracy.
China is fighting in ctvil war for
it. Par away Bohemia; restive un
der the Hapsburg yoke, Is hunger
ing for it. Russia has won it. The
years of bloody sacrifice in Mexico
have been to perfect -and preserve it
Greece Is at the threshold of de
mocracy. In Spain, in Sweden, and
in the heart of Hungary, the fires
are smoldering with a fitfulness
that may burst forth into confla
gration at any moment.
The one dominating thought in
the human mind all over earth
at this time is resistance to abso
lutism. The kaiser over played
his hand when he set out to belt
roads-when . the . Adamsbn 7 elght
hour. law, was pending and' after.
It discloses that those predictions
were pure bunk. With the Adam
son law in full effect, and with ad
vances all along the' line' In the
cost of things required In operat
ing the roads, the net profits are
smashing all past records, with In
dications that they will by the close
of the : year shcrw ; net ; earnings
never before paralleled.
It is disquieting for the hollow
ness of contentions made by 'the
roads to be thus disclosed. The
lines are a tremendous ' and neces
sary, factor 'in the national life.
Their profesclons -and their per
formances should so square with
respectability and high character as
to appeal to the' public confidence.
The conduct of their managing men
should ' be such that their state
ments could always be trusted.
When they go to the commission
and the publio for higher rates, It
should be with clean hands.
Their hands were not clean, as
every new report of net earnings
for 1917 shows. In their late im
portunings for a 15 per cent In
crease in rates following an in
crease of 'about that- amount no
later than December 31 last.
hare to keep tab on all automobiles large number of untamed animals and
passing certain points on, the high- thir younC wm no ngrht J-
: r. . - 4V- . after a Ions period of hard work more
ways. .Fortunately there wit- than. 160 of th mOBt unraJy ha4 to be
nesses in the Kirkendahl case and left behind, havinr stampeded every
the truth will come out.
pobitloV thS drt-i.t SSTwrii: to the Wsinwrtght reserve. TM . n-
tea an ante ana mtA W h hm,. aaaaM Hi I Ural incraajla, In the herd has DrOUgCt
Bcecd soo words la length, aad stoat ? ee-1 (h number to nearly 1000. Jn the
eompaaled by the cam aad addraaa at tba ri " Tm .nilronment It Is
eoder.' if tba writar does sot -tra.ta aa present favorable anTircmeni
I ! be universal. Illiteracy among the
Lpeople Is " the best Bupport- of
'thrones. '
The school Is the nursery of
Uhought. It . is the. developer of
mental , potentialities. ; If men but
v think and are given the power
through training and information
r to think, they will not choose to
1 be governed; they, will elect to
govern themselves. And If they
think and vote as they think they
will govern themselves wisely
With-this as a basis, the possi
bilities of a national Organization
concerned directly and intensively
with promotion of the best schools
and the best training for the
Vi 'schools, are vast at all times. But
In a time when tle world is writh
ing with stress, and when cyclonic
rhunnii Rpm Imminent. thA noanl.
j bllltles of such an organization are
Thus, national unity In America
Is on trial. The country is known
to be Infested with secret agents
of a foreign government with which
we are at war. Foreign money
Is, being used to foment disturb
-ances, revolts and violence. Our
fxiational life is honeycombed with
secret intrigue against the pur
poses and plans of our government
In the conduct of the war. Unler
the mask of bettering labor condi
tions, secret Prussian agents are
fomenting strikes in coal mines
to weaken our power at the battle
- What kind of school training is
toecessary to prepare a citizen unl
versa! who will not listen to the
foreign tempter in such a crisis?
What can the schools do te for
.ward the assimilation of the natur
allied so that in America there
will be one allegiance, one country
one i people, one flag?
.How to bend school training to
ineet the conditions laid bare by
the tremendous current events
nasslne4ike a hitherto unheard of
I panorama before -us Is, as it should
: be, the theme of the great educa
; .tional convention which opens In
Portland today. While it deliber
ates the congress of the United
' States will be deliberating upon
vthe unprecedented proposal to give
Jtne; government power to purchase
; and sell necessaries of life to ae
' enre - reasonable pricesM Effort
-will be made to Include the power
to regulate coal prices and to take
i.over and operate coal mines Even
Jf. temporary, these are mighty
changes, and their own mightiness
s earnest of the remarkable , con
ditions under which fate has
'placed us. "
- The weight of these mighty re
eponslbilitles will naturally pene
trate the place where those who
are-guiding the schools are gath
ered.t For the time, the common
place In school activities is to be
forgotten. A sturdy, and : stable
citizenry must be grained for ac
: ' tlon, and the required quota cannot
safely be only a fraction but the
whole of the citizen mass. "
f Portland with its greenery and
.'its colorings, with Its new audi
torium and its delightful environ
ment, - places all she has at the
' disposal of the N. E., A, delegates.
The welcome is complete.
LEAR-ETED, boyish, frankly
curious; he stands on the
bridge with his gun resting
In his bent arm and watches
Europe and-Asia with a military the train go by. The passengers
empire stretching from Berlin to I glance at him through the window.
Bagdad. The agonies and catas- They are carried swiftly past and
trophes and massacres which he I n a moment forget him. But the
brought on by his dream of power hoy stays there, he and his corn-
have, in their horror, set the races raaes, Keeping watcn ana warn.
aghast and made thoughts of free- on the bridges only but In
dom epidemic. lthe railroad tunnels, on the long
It will be a. reversal of th in- trestles, where the tracks skirt
exorable rules of cause and effect I lofty precipices, wherever the spy
if the clock does not soon strike might lurk or the Incendiary plot
the' doom of absolutism. 1 his devilish work, there the sen
tinel stands doing the lonely duty
The offer of T. K. Campbell, 1 the country has laid upon him.
former Governor West and Claude The trainmen gather up the pa
McColloch to turn over to the city I pers and the magazines which pas-
the Superior coal mine operated by I sengers leave upon their seats and
them to be used by the city in I throw them out to the sentinel. So
combating the . advancing cost of his lonely hours are lightened,
fuel will be, by its publicity, if Down on the docks where the
nothing else, a Jar to aviating fuel ships come and go, about the big
figures. By their statement, there 1 industrial plants where busy hands
seems to be no occasion for an fashion the things the nation re-
advance in coal prices. They say I quires, in .every place where there
New York society throws up Its
hands and refuses to try. longer to
regulate Gould marriages. Within
a week, two Gould sons in the
family Of George have performed
In unexpected nuptials, and pre
sumably to "nobodies," as the smart
set would style them.
Letters From the People
fCommoiileatloaa seat ta TO Jooroal far
time an attempt was made to drive
them toward corral. - .v. - ''' '
V An especially well organised effort
will be made to ship' these a little
later. In addition 76 buffalo now con
fined in a parte at Banff will be sent
Ute as ma published ha abauld so state. J
A Bohemian Republic
expected that they will multiply rap
idly. ' "
Although kept within the boundaries
,. 1 1 , " , ii ii I i . ., " i i, I. ii ' -". . 1 . 1 ... '
. i Storie.1
he would get so badly flustered that
m would lorgot his Um
By their canned fruits shall ye know
them. the thrifty, loyal housewives of
America la thestdav of wax.
In view of tUc actuation at Lens,
now Is the time for all good optome
trists to come to the aid of the storm
ing party.
a a
A war profit reverses the scripture
not wiinouc nonor save tn
Chicago. July S. TO tha Editor Oil - " . Vantlvithe Other falloara nmnlrr mnA antAnv
Sr JJi "oT.-.nnnnement rSS -er f elloW. kin.
voiunialr. i ?T- r'".," avarsea stamping ground covers an area ox The weather man Is hereby advised
frJll.i, lVlir, JTrnm 107.000 acresl8 square mUes. It J that ;rain" always rhymes with
forces, several of the boys being from . . .. tft ionte,t way sraln.- Or, by way of making It
Portland. The text by which you ac " ta l fVethlsb Slwri Vud rhymes with
company the cut speaks with great """j !nth encloses it -P"-"'
sympathy of the Bohemian people. J.! . lt The fera. trtn ....
rermit me to thank you Tor wis ex-1 V :- -nA one retailers "are now miking profits of
cellent article, Bohemia, Is so little " f.Cn ?Sfll 10 Pf cent canedgoids
known in this country that citizens of I wapiti had been fenced in. Klgfttecn Whlch will cause the home canning
Bohemian blrthare greatly pleased mau ' " " , , vCT. t7ZroT f k .?U1K lo. m
with evarr .vr,athafin maniion of are within the park. Prairie chickens, Uonal objecUve. .
their native land. I can assure you of ducks and other game find a resting jn. a eoupi of thousand years there
on thing: there Is no element, of the I Plc here undisturbed by the nunter. wni probably be persons busy in the
American people .o keen on winning The park U truly a buffalo para- effort to show that Von Tirplts ws.
They firmlv blleva tha.t the war with I favorite haunt for the lords or ln-ra,i
rtaJSSi iJ -iii.WWlr. DUIns. Everywhere are outlines of I "White Caps i.ow Numerous." Is a
I plains. Everywhere
and they believe. In view of President l buffalo trails and wallows.
headline that gives one a distinct hn
. I pression of Justice meted out to thlev
Delng -reopened I ing neighbors, non-providing husbands
Wilson's declaration that no BeODle l Thu wallows are
ih.11 h tnrtA im.. thol .nor.lmtv I K. ,. n.w nt and anca aKaVin 1 auiu aucn 11KB. ijut on Iurtbr n.
under which it does not wlsji to live, I the trails are being marxea oy mo --- i iasmoa
uni me victory ox ids ussiea oisiri ooou ox me oioun. im - i a
will mean tha irharatlon of Bohemia I tha ldnl that the buffalo specially Tommy Atkins calls our fellows
from the Hapsburg yoke and the crea-jllke. As the ordinary span of buf- the Portuguese in the
tion of Bohemian republic. f ale's Ufe is a hundred years it may UhVaiinmiei ind tS. ToniK ZTA
3. T. SMETANKA, I be that some of the herd are revisiting i sports and are accepting the handles
- Bee Bohemian National Alliance. I scenes of tneir youtn. I tne oiaest boy in school sticks on
I Michael Pablo, from whom the Ca-1 , As for the Germans, now called
- uumv wiuivi .m;m i na.fliB.Ti roTtrnmuit ourcnasea im . " -""""
Vancouver, "Wash- July 8. To the herd. Is a pure blooded India and
Editor of The Journal A settler came I one of the wealthiest of the redmen
to Clarke county. Waah., over a decade I He received S200.000 from the Do-
ago, and bought a tract of land to I minion for 600 head of buffalo.
make a home of. X helped him chop. I Aroused by the loss of these buf-1
;ro Everywng,
Journalism has parchased a typeset- I M UTttad toToauAmt? tu iaal aaati faa
t.iam . I t ra aairoaeptttca usamauaa i
What with shipments of r ttliuV4Sttiw
id lumber, the depot at Prairie City I SrSSaliaZLfT
The Worm in th Barber'g Chsjr
is an extremely busy place these days.
tne- journal says.
uauias. Ulf uourTW uikui vm -, 1 w-trm . . .
Ing marked progress In at least one dl- I I e.ern oaroer was reminiscent,
rectlon. thai, of home beautlflcatlon. I . I suppose barbers ask aa ' -
More pretty yards than ever before many unnecessary question &a any- '
are to be seen thre. body else." he said. "I got a lesson -
The Eugene Reruner amuses Itself ia that put me on my guard "
oy reiiecung "wrist a congregation i o . nave ceen under doukle wraps
"I had Just been turned out asT'a.
Journeyman when a bald-headed man
With four itava vrnK- rm t. ... :
tb -Ti??i and sit in mchalr " " T ,
Shave, slrr I asked. ".'- ?
'No.' he growled. 'I want ta ha
some enterprising minister
gather by holding hts Sunday services
somewhere on the banks of the Mo-Kenxle."
Sawmill notes fiom
Leader: "The 6 o'clock morning
whistle does away with the old family
alarm clock. Summer bugs are not
the only things flying in Toledo now; I measured for a suit of clothes.
we have fresh sawdust flying in tne i inis isn't a
taller short.'
wnat is itr
" 'It's a barber shop.'
"What sort of work do yon do In
this shop? .
' 'Shave men and cut their hair.
'Do you think a man with no hair .
on his hed would -come la to have'
bis hair cutT
" 'No. sir.' ,
'"Do I look like a lonatler
"No, sir."
" 'Then, presuming me to be a sane ?;
plenty of men te Harvest tne coming un, aitnougrt bald-headed, what
The first public drinking fountain to
be erected under the authorltsr of the
water commission has been installed
at the corner of Commercial and Six
teenth streets, Astoria. Seven similar
fountains will be placed In different
parts of the city.
So far there has been no lack of
farm help In the vicinity of Union, the
Scout aava. and waxes have not been
exorbitant, all things considered. Un
less something happens there will be
mum of obstruction.
ROSEBURO NEWS: Oregon la right
saw, amf burn out a spot among the fo, the United States has established P to Us old tricks agln. In answer
logs, on which to erect a shack In a national bison range in the Flat- to the president's call for volunteers
which t live while making the first head mai, reservation In Montana, to bring the army up to its full war
development. The . tax on the raw comprising 12 600 acres near the strength, this state was asked for 1S44
land was fourteen dollars and some town- 0f Rava.ll and Dixon, and it men to fill Its quota. As usual, and In
cents. Wo procured dynamite and wm .tocjeed by the American Bison keeping with its spirit of patriotism,
went to work. Directly following the Soclety gome animals for a nucleus the old state Just "slipped one over"
uiuuiii vi iu """" I mar be obtained from a herd Of about va 1x10 w"-r aeparuneai ua wuh
began to rise. They doubled, trebled, aT with 1260 husky Oregon men
quadrupled and . sextupled, till now l,. , 7 OUT a'." ready with that kind of a "punch"
to materially assist in making kaiser-
they are around $400. and still on the I upei'
up grade. I said to myself, when
they were first settled In that shack:
"If you are there five years from now
something Is wrong." Now, at the
ism acknowledge Its defeat.
I son of the year, it Is only Lane coun
ty's fine macadam roads that can be
driven over at good speed without dan
gon's motto Is "she flies with her own
wings." It would seem that the avi
ators generally also fly with them.
that "outfside of a moderate wage is something to he Baved f fbm the
ncrease, no additional financial I bomb planter or the Incendiary's
burdens have been thrown upon torch, vigil is kept by the boy in
mine operators." The latter tea-j khaki.
tlmony from men in the coal bust-1 On this youth with his ready
ness will enable people to breathe J rifle and his sturdy courage, the
more freely.
HE high cost of booreswill be
a terrible blow to New York's
pleasure seeking population.
Many of those human creat
ures spend their lives eating and
drinking,' mainly dlnking. If
booze rises to prohibitive prices It
will go hard with some of them.
nation leans. It can He down to
Its slumbers with Confidence while
he watches and guards.
He Is the glory of democracy and
a mighty people's pride.
Blollycoddlee? Not Much
from tha Phlladeliphla Breolnc Ledger
General Apathy that most dlsheart
midway of the third Installment of I enlne commander seems to hav i
five vears. thev are In that shack vet. I fnMarf Tit. tnt Ilka tha Arab and si
They are plain, economical livers, do lently stolen away. His departure Is ger to springs, yet the mud In the
not use tea or coffee, have not called revealed In the war department's an- roads has long since dried up. The
a lawyer or a doctor in 10 years that nouncement that nearly half a mltlon trouble Is, that our old friend, the
I know of. However, there have been I men havo volunteered and been ua- cnucK noie, is still wttn us. we near
four bright children added to the fam-1 c opted In the American army and navy much of paved roads these days, and
ily in that time. I in the Imb than three months sine within a reasonable time Oregon's two
The main cause of this financial I tha .t of wax was declared. principal through highways Will be
condition la that they are paying a tmi la. indeed a thrilling achieve- paved. But lt will be a long time be-
good rental price In taxes for the use I ment, whoso meaning is enriched by I fore all the market roads leading out
of the SO acres of the hard stump I tv,. Vnnvir- that wa ham altorether I of the various market centers will be
land, one half of which amount should! been spared the spectacle of a hysterl- surfaced with pavement. The chuck
be in a suitable home fairly represent- j campaign for enlistments. There hole will be a menace to the comfort
Ing the 80 acres that have been de-1 n. v. been natrlotlc calls for volun- of travelers for many years to come.
veioped for Clarice county In that time, j iq but such appeals were no'. The answer to the chuck hole Is prop-
lumuiucauu wins " ru ob frenzied. The assmrance of a great I er maintenance. ir our main roacs
the live and let live principle. I rn.i.iini armv vwv nronerlv al- were properly patrolled In the- rainy
J- c- !srOLlSH. I iayej any fears of our not contribut- j season which is the time when most
Ttvsfr nnMHntia I lnT OUT OUO snare tO tne Iieuo OI mm- eurcmo uiuiib) wura. vau w uui
israii, vucatiw I n aMi. haml tha we should aoon sea a tremendous
Portland, July 6. To the Editor of I e h... rtrt irl.n decrease In the annovfna- denresslons
The Journal Kindly answer the fol- .,, ,,k. .. to th .Timt of in the road that rack and strain motor
lowing In regard to the draft: A man j permonaj patriotic Initiative. But that j cars and pound the shoulders of loaded
""" sentiment Is now seen to nave Deen team.
Is solely dependent on him for sup-1.. .i if mf-t almost I
- - -w -".fc i iinKtniatv. kirm t n . war riaoiuuoi - . . . .
on those grounds, must he have at- adoniod. The regVlax army, navy ""i"" l.'T
rldavlt of wife and ant of a diatn.l . . . -,i i . I --'" w -","" '
-- 7 - i ana nauonw tuuxu, 17 ivmuiwu-
1.r.tM nrv h.fnM mMrm tv.fv. tn, I . . - . .
; j. - -- " ins; nave mcreasea in wou uoiiw ,1,. r.a. a .nv. t,.
board? Must these affidavits be -jTL . ftft to between 700.000 and !hAret !.r !? ??V1
or before a local notary? I logical microscope falls to disclose the I . 1.. wxi.i.
entertainment at such times should be
HE signs are pretty clear that
the allied cause has not lost
much by the pause in Rus
sian activity during the rev-
All their happiness will vanish at olutionary days. It is coming out
one stroke. Of course it is people that under the czar's autocracy.
of moderate means who will shed with all its "efficiency," the mill
most tears. Itary arm of the empire had fallen
High prices will not affect mil- Into paralysis through corruption
llonaire booze worshipers a great The Springfield Republican tells
deal but they also . are threatened I a story that shows how things were
with a terrible danger. Prohlbl- Koine on under the czar. A car
tlon grins in their enameled faces! load of expensive automobiles was
with awful portents. Suppose their (bought in the United States for
booze were wholly cut off. How use in the Russian army. They
would they manage to spend their were shipped by way of Vladivo
days and nights? Istok, passed through Siberia and
The days they could of course I Russia and reached the front-safely.
spend in bed. as they do now, hut but they did not stop there. The
the nights are another matter. The crafty Russian officials sold the
time from 9 o'clock to 8 without automobiles to the Germans and
booze to swim in would be noth- passed the laden car xm through
Ing but a desert wilderness to the the lines without unloading it. The
New York bibulous. And they proceeds were divided among, the
may have to give up their booze, thieves.
Prohibition grows more and more This sort of thing went on every-
likely as congress ponders the ..sub- where. Russia was betrayed in Its
Ject. Prohibition in New York own household. The army must
would look like a cherub in Tar-(presently have dispersed for want
tarus, but cherubs sometimes wan- of food and munitions.- The new
der into unlikely places. I offensive shows that the revolu
tion has supplied its needs and re-
The increase or depth at the Ivived Its spirit.
mouth of tne Columbia goes se
renely on. Late soundings show a
channel depth of 41 feet, and it
is predicted that by late autumn
there will be a 45 foot channel
zuuu ieet wiae. 'mat win be a
better channel than the entrance
to New York harbor.
EVLTj deeds
-Prominent Mexicans in close
DW much truth there may be
in Kirkendahl's' story of
Lloyd W. Jacobs' perform
ance in Rock-Creek canyon
we do not profess to know. Kirk
endahl says, as reported, that. Ja
cobs, driving an automobile, met
his four horse team on a danear-
HE net earnings of the Union ous road, frightened his horses
f acme ror May biiow an in- over a precipice and ran into one
crease or ZB.l per cent over 0f hla B0D- Th, he dId aithonsh
the earnings for May, 1916, 1 he "had been warned to ston. When
and the earnings for May, 1916, the, mischief was done, Jacobs, it
emasnea a.11 previous May records, is said, sped on without of ferine
union racuie May totals of net help.
earnings ror tne past three years If this is true he deserves no
run thus: JL915, $1,827,390; 19l6,jmercy frotn the court: Ordinarily
i is iainy saie ior an automobile
The figures confirm the wisdom driver to commit a murder on the
or tne interstate commerce commis-1 highway. Machines are so com-
Ion In denying the increase of j mon that he is not likely to be no-
rates. Tbe union Pacific total for I ticed much by the neighbors as he
May, is 17. is more than 2.3 Umes flees from the scene of . his crime
as large as for May. 1915. It U and escape is not difficult
an increase over tne total for May,! The papers had the account of
1916, of 3850,999, or 25.1 per cent such a murder committed not far
Such increases in net profits reve&i from Salem the other day. The
the emptiness of the arguments victim was a bicycle rider. He was
used by the roads la their appeals found crushed into pulp with his
for Increased rates. machine. An an tomobilA had at ni.v
This extraordinary railroad pros-1 him : and whizzed- away without
perity -, ronows t closely the ? dire I asklnst f anv ouestlons. ir auch
become too common we shall
Jtouch- with vthe .Mexican .govern- j prophecy" of calamity to befall the I crimes
would YOU natural V .nn.. T .
.a I . - rrmm aoi t
The Courier. In benalf of the people I ,n . B're rorr
of Grants Pass, complains bitterly dl I For a shave.'
the fact that the raiiroaa yara at i xnen why did you ask me whether !
that place is directly across tne main i wanted a shave when I took a. aaat
thoroughfare, and that when freight ln OUP ch-1 r ? W aa n '
switcbrng Is in progress the crews ? urt '..J 01X,!? t0
seem to produce the ultimate maxt- !r "oncsT If you would cultivate
t inierence irora easily ob
talned data. Instead of developing '
powers of catechism, it would be of
material aid In advancing you ln your
chosen vocation and ln exnandinr
your profits. Do you comprehendr $1
" res, sir.'
"Some speech. h? I memorized It '
lster. And when I beeran to lath-
BURNS NEWS: When one would that mans face I had mv mind nartiv
meet a struggling settler on this (Red made up to let the raxor slip."
Cross) soliciting campaign and the ob- ...
Ject of the mission was stated, one -no Lightning Bug
was assured by the man that he had Mrs. George Qulne yesterday re
no ready money at hand, but that he cetved a letter rom her son Ralph la -would
haul a load of wood to the city, which he said he was enjoying army
or he would grub a few acres of sage- Jle at Fort Riley, Kan., and expected -
brush for Mr. So-and-So, in order to to remain there for some time, says the '
pay something and sign the petition Koseburg Review. There are at pres
binding blrnself to make the sacrifice cnt about 25.000 men stationed there to
aid in the great cause, it certainly d others are arriving dally. The -displayed
a spirit of abnegation that ycung man said he was awakened -demonstrates
to the world from what few nights ago and upon peering from
source America expects to really win tent noticed thousands of small'
the war, either ln the service on the lifc-hts flickering about the grounds,
front or at home. Always alert to duty, Mr. Qulne arose
COQUILLH s5nt?INEL: It take. 0m "jLTV! iuw-
some people a long time to see what is t" fh"- '"l' J"" in"
fool heads .off fighting grass aH sum- toItohMr. QntaJ jSd '
, " " . "- tneir unusual pranks proved Quite lrL-
1 r or nnr off to a.nd mnnw to I 4va .MIT
"..m 7".- -- Z"' "irung.
have plenty of land to raise them and
an opportunity to store all the water
tn the winker that we can possibly
need to keep our gardens growls g 1
through a few weeks of dry weather
ln mid-summer.
a a
We un-
, tiniest element of mouycoaoiing
A long and highly detailed state- ThT. brilliant tef ormance. Our habit .tr""""
ment of the procedure to be observed 1. almost' as chronic I '..w
by local an district (or appeal ex- t of England. The trait ha. xta . slnV Uv cmZoT. 1m
" ' r 1 COOQ EOIDU. CBVCWU a m i -a .m.,.w 4 h 4 V
pages 1 and J of The Journal or OVorccmfider-ce and a spur to further j " t in a rut of desnond-
Monday. July X. to which the Inquirer endeavor. But surely once in a while JiJ nn ct ln or onl
Is referred. In answer to hislt mv.nt ba permissible to sound the
Tne person
who Is able and will not contribute
specific questions, lt Is stated j exultant note. America has a right
ln tha article cited that ln cases I A ioio in the unnrodded devotion
where dependency Is the ground of the I of her 600.000 new fighters. It must I something to one or more of the vert
ex emp tlon claim, the claimant must I be remembered, too. that probably five I ous organizations which are working
furnish an affidavit asserting that times this number actually applied, ror I ior pnysicai ana moral woizare or our
claim, and must "bring another affl- enlistments. 1 soldier boys isn't worthy the respect
or decent people and mould be ostra-
Show Mel cizea oy everyone who loves liberty.
From the Manchester (Mass.). Cnloo. I 8UTHERL.IN SUN: Those brave
davit from the dependent affirming
the dependency and another from a
head of a family, stating the samo
grounds. It is not stated, but the m-
a notary is the proper procedure.
A Cabbage Worm Remedy
i -ii mn. Tito, and roraantio for i mnnr Wllllan who dafted tha a-ovarn
f erence is fair that attestation before Mi8Sourl jtrls to "adopt" American ment and refused to register are now
bluejackets, the plan being ror eacn whining for mercy. They are awaken
girl to send letters, magatines, knitted ing to the painful fact that the gov
onmfi.a randies and Castries to the eminent was not blufflne. and that In
Canby. Or., July 2. To the Editor .-1n n v.-.dontion: but let the boys refusing to register thev sls-ned their
iut x ow uy juur "Jkwp everlastingly in mina. it tney own Jail sentences.
.m. -ir Th vr v; aopi .v; t:. woodburn independent: we
- ' 'liera, vuavk mvirw - i w
... . wily. ..w.. yviwvuv.. . mil .v. J j ajQUri
wmcn x nave usea ior years is to sirt
common bread flour very lightly ovet
each plant. Repeat after each rain
when necessary. I think farmers would
appreciate lt If yea would print this
remedy. MRS. V. OSTMAN.
ill learn In time whether Woodburn
business houses will get a lower Insur.
ance rate. It Is understood that the
rate on residences is as low aa we may
hope to get It, but when busln
hauiH talce thair owm rlalc. d.n.ndlnv
Prominent Educators Here I more on an efficient fire department.
n.nata ln the city for the National ! the same as the lnerarance companies,
Rebukes Parents I lunation association are occupying lt Is time for the rating bureau to lis-
Or inn. b t mnt of tha attention at the hotels ten to reason. The present new code.
of The Journal I would like to have from now until the convention Is over, which seems to please the Insurance
someone explain why you see so much Many prominent persons are arriving Boiupuues, win, wimoui aouot. oe re
in the papers nowadays of young girls in the city dally. Among the most pealed by the people or the next legls
gelng wrong. I read ln tonight's paper recent are: John R. Kirk, president of lature if a disposition on the part of
of a car conductor Jailed on the ab- the Klrksvllle Normal school of Kjrics- me rating Dureau to cive the policy
duction charge of a 15-year-old girt. vllle, Mo.: jonn ir. iscy, state director i uuiusra a, iair aeai is nai mown.
Now, oon t you tnmic ner parents were of tne w. ta. a. ior mmm, mw v" SALEM JOURNAL: One of the
at fault for letting her go and not erine D. Blake of New Tork; it. A. thlngm expected of Uncle Bam In the
knowing where she was or what com- Schofleld, president of the Eau Claire Bcrap Wjtn the kaiser Is a fleet of alr-
pany she was keeping and not teach- normal school of Wisconsin; George L.. 8hlps tnat wlll opmblned with those
mg ner me auue ota gooa namoT ii iowne. "-""- --- of the allies, give the latter full con
seems mothers nowadays bring chll- ucaUoni t-UDiisners u,ociuun trol of the air. Without airships to
ureu WW iuc nuuu auu ici wa raise i bw "iv give the range ror the artillery and to
uiemowin vu u ug uuair wm m keep track of the movement of troops,
" aavvms; t, i.. . ttnlfn... the Kaisers army would be. as one ex
a. uiinju. iuui uicae poor, simple, i A" , , . i pressed it. "made blind." Here la
mothers and fathers will wonder Why New arrivals for the association at her. Oregon comes to tne front.' as
r s ma i iuo l'r ' n I usual, for it Is from her spruce for
men. iney never stop to tmnic mat I Miss Anna iavura. ruiw ui est down ln Cooa countv that th.
it's no place for a young girl, gadding Miss Mary C. C. Bradford of Denver. bJ70 ahlp. comei oS?
h -... at nlht.'n. . I . Ul.. Ama rtohartv of Rt I "r airaaips comes. we-
wav w-a a.S aw ai u uwulli SB. a J UUU I VV1V, a a ' - -af -a- -
on the arm of some sport around town. I Minn, with her mother, Mrs. c. T.
and maybe a married one at that. They I Doherty; J. H. Wagner and wife of
snouiant raise cm jar en ir they are I Santa Fe, New Mexico; jonn truonnor
auoh faahlamlndtwl nurttita . . tn hmi ..j if. Af Rinta Wa ' Mprlrn- H
out a srlrl at 14 or IK and nn lrri I u and wlf. of Cedar Valla. I FOOD SENSUALITY HARMFUL.
where she is at night, or whom she is I Iowa: E. G- Gowans and wife of Salt There are many people who soorn sen
... I .... - - .... Til mm A . . a a I , n mm k.1 M m m 1 m w J
aroine Wlin - a miithth T.k.- um nartn. i. Atnn or focs.
a r: . I tello, Idaho; Walter R. Siders and son oeasuy. yei woo aaaiy mauige m
Answers Cballense on Spuds c.t.un tAahn- a. w Riddmor. and I sensuality of taste. Men and women
Portland, July To The Editor of p h. Hansen of Brlgham City. Utah. I who may otherwise lead hlghly moral
i ne journal xeq, we aug tnem ear
lier. We dug our first new potatoes
on June 19 and they were then as big
as hen's eggs, and have been digging
them every day since. They are new
as big as your fist, and we did not
sprout them ln the kitchen, either.
Yon Can Imagine Anything '
Let us imagine, says the Indepen
dent, a man in a Woodburn church
handing around a contribution basket.
He Is getting along nlcelv until a
nian puts ln a handful of silver dol
lars, wnen the basket slips from his
Pendleton's experiences r esterday gave I fingers and there is a crash on the
a splendid Illustration of the danger "oor. it demonstrates thst any one
and silliness of allowing a promlscu- handing such a basket around does
ous use of fireworks on the Fourth of not expect much weight and. there
July. To thousands of people the fore, does not keep a firm grasp on
pleasure of the day was seriously the basket to meet sny eventuality. :
marred by the disturbance from fire-
crackers, large and small and by evl- rf,19t nnille
deuces of hoodlumisra here and there. Thy av It 1 the fashion
Petty accidents and noar-accidents Wnh i'teVy Jatl
were numerous, awl It la a marvel that As everybody knows
the town escaped with its Ufa. Why But it doesn't matter very much.
people should be subjected to this sort If your clothes are not in style,
of treatment when they endeavor to when you're walking down the
show their patriotism on independence ' ,
day 1. hard to understand. In a town Tott wer Pl"snt smile.
ilka PendletAn. with a huslneaa district I t. -. V
always congested with auto and pedes- To keep from looking glum,
trlan traffic, the use of giant fire- When the money that you rs needing
crackers on Main -street Is ln about Is so very slow to come:
the same category as a bonfire in a Bu.t" "re,.e" look prosperous
- .J And may add some to your Dlle.
dynamite factory; If wn5n your walking dowii the -
needn't worry about the health of the Tou wear a pleasant smile,
army. General Gorges Is looking aft- Lo0te peasant, my dear brothers i 'M
er lt. He's the medical officer who The world Is not half bad; J J
drovs yellow fever from Cuba. maCe And if you'll only try a bit r
the Panama canal sone habitable and 'ou can help to make It glad. "
cleaned up typhus-plagued Serbia, not Don t -wear your troubls ; f or a coat,
to mention various odd Jobbs In South 0ur.waVki d- ,u
America' and Africa, Like Pershing And triet. uown the :
and Hoover, he's the best man in the Just wear a pleasant smile,
world for his tusk. v -
HOOD RrVERNEWS: Behold the And fufl'of palnand loss' K
apple, adapted heretofore to the pur- it wUl not help It any
pose of peace, will now do Its "bit" in To go round looking cross; " '
providing the sinews of war. Apples And it msy help your neighbor
produce vinegar, vinegar piuceifor- ,,k?'i,.,Jf;?"0;iV,
mlo and acetlo adds, and these ele- w.t?eeJ walklnr down the,
ments are now largely used ln high- Tou wear a pleasant smile '-V
powered explosives, such as cordis, Anna Baecher Boldriek. ' -
whsch is used exclusively by the Enc- iTi I ;
llsn government. w ... . . 4
..jtm-ftmm . ... I need to stag of rmXii7, wacky, blcky
BAKER DEMOCRAT: The "41 dula maidens) - .
camp was not overdrawn. It was just Of Walklkl, where . they would hula
a foroeful . reminder to old-timers of dally; .
the sroenee enacted In Baker not so Bu BOW.1 raT ofv?n,"Jd' or J!. -
wa?Vl'r.eth a-by0- I've A Vfi'yM M
sent was a part of the social life. The . . T, ! J. .
old faro Uyout. the roulette wheel and Mey, KidGet This 7 - f
the other paraphernalia of times past One tobacconist and confectioner ln .
almost smiled as they were brought Portland lt wouldn't be fair to. tell
out from their storage places and on as who or where has this sign on hts V
again set before the gaze of a sport- counter:
loving public The old sport of a long "Minors must show their reglstrt-
ago was there dealing from the silver tlon cards before buying cigarettes V
box, and for a time was as Intent upon U. 8. Law."
his work as though the things hap- - . . .
penlng were truly a reality. The sub- Insoluble
stltute currency was bet as recklessly Question marks confronted the news
as if it were genuine, and the whole man this mornlnr save the Salem
camp, from bar to twenty-one, was I Journal, as many people Inquired why
typical of the day never to return.
ay j. assisr.
! the aeroplane did not fly. The news
man could not answer, and cannot yet.
Tne reason why has not been given,
and the parties who probably know
cannot be reached.
Captain Blain in City
lives are often food and drink de
bauchees. Yrtu i. n m i asg f.i. In iian tKa
Castaln John T. Blain. representa- m,t v...,- i- . JS-,.1
Uve of Col.. George Goethals, for the but the u controlled by apirlt-
government prjl1n . Lmit' al Uw, of hygiene, which call a halt
log ln i the Northwest. Is ln ths city and dem-,nd penalty after the pleasure
xroui oiu. ' I m-mrnm Ka-rond a eartaln aaatir nnlnt
Guests lat the Imperial for the N. I cornaro. the Italism nobleman who
W . . - a-1 . W mm II. nT..m- I.. . . - - m .
Tha Tamnwt Ttnffaln.lT.Ma I A- wciuae uh umun nuui.u, UTea ouu years ago ana I rem wnom
xae Ajargesx rtaiisio xtera I vr,.... w and a. Halt and Raymond w. h. i,r fir.t ,VB.i.nin mm.t..
vaBonoTar ia. u.i wona lot Ui.v,.. .11 nf Ran Joaa. and I. W. I 4i.n...,ui h .-n.rtm.m .it ..
The largest nera or ouxraio la tn uiiinnrh of La Grande. I ivimr. nv.d th. r
world Is now owned by Canada. They I Ravmond W. Logan Is at ths Oregon nMMMxllT arood for him. Tt waa a
form a picturesque group as they roam I u aranHa I v. .. i i. it..,
ever, the new national reierve set! A Tohnann oflvou like a thi'nr.-it would do vau ne
mPi n!S mJaH ! -aatskanle. Or., are at the Perkins. harm. He disproved this theory by
fi.t7 l2S J- east of Bdmohton. on and Mrs. Roscoe Howard and actually trying lt out.
the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. J Max M make a party from Rich, highly seasoned foods are the
. wMDi rtwimiM tni neeo w . N Terk at the Portland. ; f Invention and demand of sensualists.
Ion If the tnson Were to be.preserveJ. I t , of aihanv la at th. I Whan only the amount of fond naadad
and purchased practically the entln. Wiahington. for the best of health of the body la
herd of 00 or 700 from Michael Pablo I -M.rv M Godfrey Is an Oresron sruest Uken and when It Is trrooerly chewed
of Montana who , had carefuUy rath-lf, Long Beach, CaX ' and prepared la the month, a normal
Cred them together and protected them I vrt... T..r4 Elit., and Vr.h.1 Rnnlral nlpaaura and satisfaction m obtain
on: his great ranch near 'Ravalli. $ , I r- the Perkins from Anacortes.1 from simple foods, such as whols
Jn; the Walnwrlght -national park 1 xv.h I wheat bread and buttar and mil .
were placed more than BOO buffalo. I -t J. W. Curdle, a resident of Preston, eUbles and fruits, as well - as such
which were transported across the In-ftdaho, U aUying at the Washington, cereals as oatmeal and hominy. When
teniatlonal boundary . line by train I w. T. Burns and family are Coburg. hunger Is Jaded and only the appetite
from, tha Pablo ranch. The rounding I Or- residents who s re atavlnr at the of sensuality leads one ta tha
up and loading en the cars of this I Perkins for a short Ume, ifood has to be highly exclUnsT and
sensuous to meet the demand of the
The momentary pleasure Is boughtl T?0w VoaYoVfna -.
h. m-r-.m-.m-. m.0 v.i Zmm I ow ooesn t tnat seens arollT
tl. VL .!xp.enf..,-0..,.'.'r Vlnl7il It's time to get you furnace fixed S
" ju ,u me Ana -tuy your winter coal; : .. "
with bad health, especially to him For quickly minutes fly away,
who has only his animal senses to And quickly dates draw near,
draw on for happiness. ' An4 oon w shall be in the month . ' '.
NatoreA has laid down certain fixed Th rer,Mt f th ar' ' v
rules for the welfare of the body. But dont let that thought sadden you; j
They do not allow of richly seasoned November Isn't nia-h. , .a-ii
foods or the engorgement of large I Besides, before October comes
quantities of It. If such habits are I It's, possible you'll die " ; -
continued over a length of time, noth-1 ""JiVi. ""u.r? W"V" '"t i
i., km in hultii m.n ...,.i, I Moongn xranxiurts cost a airoe, .
to".v VL! S. , -I An meanwhile let yourself enjoy ; '
MWkuer m y.,,inuii Tna good old ittiamer time. .-. .'
ffommervllle Journal, i
one's sensuality ln any direction Is
that it never stays satisfied, but de
mand!) greater and greater excitement
aad indulgence. The toll against health
runs larger and larger, like the roll
" TJncle Jeff Snow Says: .' . ;
Lien Meachara lows to pin . on a
badge down to Portland next; week
ing up of a snowball, until the pleas- and pass hlaself off for a Injeanny,
are of sensuality Is consumed by its I schoolmaster so' a to git showed round ::
The highest pleasure !s that ob-1 tality f the Portland folks. He was - J
talned by adherence to the laws of tellln' that the Portland people- is 4
good health, for lt Is then normal and anus so perllte to vlsttln' tranger " ;
enduring. These law demand that that he likes to visit the town when ;
our food shall be used for the pleas- anything Is going on and ferglt about
nable satisfaction of hunger, but shall oomin' from Injeaany 10 year ago '
not be a means for the development next October. Llsh'.b'leves that 4s a
and indulgence of low animal sensual- mighty good reputation fer a town te - 1
It y. Food is not meant as a source of have, and he tells how delighted the
pleasure la Itself, but as a pleasure- average Portland chap is to show him ,
able mean of accomplishing other ob- how to find ..The Journal bulldln aad '
Jects. . . . ' the postoffice, ths CoUunbU rlyer S
. Z; ' . " ' ' ' " - : - highway, th flacajawea , statoe and
. Xext Monday: Dusty bedolotheav- Mt. Mood and things like that ;
-' - - ; - - ' . '- ;,
- - . . - - ' ' - . - ' '" t