.-'"V"'-''-. THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY; JULY 8, 1817. 15 ill CLARKE COUNTT HOME, 0 acres, j 6 in cultivation; lerel. black soli, rood creek through pasture. 100 bear- ing fruit tree, lumber, fence post, wood all pUed on place; big barn, chicken house, ho house with me yarcs, wooa nouse, separuior room, m- mant cream house. good 10-room house, . uirs- , uig i'i-ut., v" , how. good well at kitchen door.ce- merited in; 8 good cow, 4 Just fresh; 2 - P' 2. aron5i 1 bIlgey' eedrr- niower. r--. kuuw, ic iHwruwi- tivator. new separator, milk palls and cans; new platform scales, some .urnl- ture. new shades on all windows and . doors In house. There is everything on this place that Is needed. Lots of i tools not mentioned HiFh .rhnni half routes-2V4 ml es to routes. ivt mi les to in house. No lncum- mile; two cream town; telephone tr er fob: 8AUEJ fabms ranee on place or on personal prop- I - V" rty. Must sell on account of death in I A TJrT4 wLtn wheels, over amlly. Come and see the place at!,.'6; bicycle repairs paid, steady work, .. xt. w,, a -on Am if' V to 75 rer month : rhuno tn lar family. once you se the p'aoe. Owner. W. E. Gan- 1 non, Ysroit. wash I 148 ACKK dairy farm, all stocked and j equipped, f or . sale on easy terms. For particulars write H. C. Tatro. Ore- town. Or. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WE CAN LEASE TOUR FARM Have clients waiting for 15 to 100 acre farms. Will buy stock and im plements. Send description. , RITTEH, LOWE & CO.. 205 Board of Trade hidg. - HOMESTEADS 47 OREGON. California U. S. land, book- I let free. Write Joseph Clark. Sacra- ! ' mento. ral EX CI! A G E- RE Ali ESTATE St CONTRACT on real estate $800, pay able 850 quarterly'; will exchange for good building lots. Owner, S-398, Journal. BARGAIN In 10 acres on Mt. Hood road; summer home on rlvr; also l7t &z beach; part cash. 301 Globe bldgT ROOMING HOUSES 53 r'UH BALE CHEAF Kooming house with 4 lots -nd 2 cottages. For par ticulars write owner, box t3. Newport, (irKin. , CLEAR city property and cash for rooming nouse. uui ui namoer Commeroe. BARGAIN In well furnished rooming house, account of leaving state. Mar- shall 4889. ii ROOMS A money maker, west side. Must sell on account of poor health. Mlpht takft some trade.. O-404, Journal. HLtLNES OI'l-Olx'l i AlVii.:. WANT TO MEET PARTY With rrltl who would like to engage m prof itable k, , ,,c.&pk-syMMEK RATES manufacturing business. I have soma MISS DKOKKR'S PRIVATE BUSI new special devices winch will great;! NKhh COLLEGE. A LI SKY BLDG. facilitate work In. wooden shipyards i and use less men. No competition; sure winners, l am experienced in manufacturln g. Address A-03, Journal. HOTEL FOR SALE Hotel on fucific hlgtiway, on 4Vi acre place, fine garden, orchard, food business. Inquire Box 21. Wolf Creek. Or. COMPLETE job plant Including No. 6 linotype. Husband's death neces sitates cash sale at once. Price 82500. Mrs. Kdith uidion. Kreewater, Or WANTED Yortng woman with $3000 to Duy y interest in an extra line ! old farm. This is an opportunity of ! a uretinie, v. inuerwooa, uurur. ur. ; ,r- r r- ..,i , J' V x orvi-.u 1 I I Ul,l J HU LIOU IUIUACU good location; residence district, west siae: aDoui iuuu requirea. i-i 887. Journal, ; RELIABLE business man wants part- ! ner for good going business; 100 ; required. Call 431 Chamber of Com-1 meroe SOFT snap cheap for a live man or j woman. Further particulars address ' B-6J1A. Journal. " i ONE chair barber shop; established 6 i years. Good location. A bargain.! Marshall 4418. . ; AUTO' PART 8 BUSINESS FOR SALE Small Investment required. Call A- ( S419 Sunday, or Main 479 during week, j TRANSFER business for sale cheap: ! must sell at once, leaving city. Phone Tabor 1215. BARBER SHOP, good location, one chair, a bargain tor $80. Call Broad- way 143S, 8 to 5:30. DON'T WORRY I can sell or trade anvthln any- where iVymgn. 4? ChST off"7 r; .- ; , rr . , ,, . . itjup ininoBi in wu Mimiina auto truck. Thne Woodlawn 177. MONEY TO LOAN 27 . . -, K K AJLKSTAT M OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or j;i.:4 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $1000 lc4n and Interest Other amounts m proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. ' " No commission charged. EQUITABLE BAV'OS St LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. BULUDLNG loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 815 Failing bio. Main 3407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A H. BELL. 201 Oerlinger bldg. LOANS to buy or build homes! Fig ments less than rent. Write C. W. Barrick. New Martinsville, W. Va. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, $600 to $60006. FRED 8 WILLIAMS. :."; TST ST $200 $240, $400. $1000, $5000 On city or farm property. J. C. CORBIN CO.. Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE loans, o and ?. Louis Salomon ft Co., 408 Selling bldg. $200, $350. $600, $900, $100, JIS09. Cora" r rea y . oerman uo., 7a t cnam. Cora. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 to 7 per cent w. tn. sens, r-ast 633, Derore noon CASH tor mtgs.. loans contracts; mtg. loans. F. H. Lewis. R. 4 Lewis bldg. $1000 to $&0UU to loan, no commission. principal. S-117, Journal MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 BY OUR METHOD We can furnish you MONET On short notice to pay your present bills and you can pay us back in easy weekly or monthly payments as you llks. WE LOAN MONTST To salaried people on their own notes, easy payments, strictly confidential ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Having loans elsewhere does not prevent you from setting loans here. We Jso loan on household furni ture, pianos, etc., without removal. Call and See Us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. k (Licensed In both city and state.? 317 FAILING BLDG.. 8d and Washington ss. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rates. Business confidential; private of fices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 806-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS3 N Established by Portland business men to. protect borrower. C. MTERS HERRMANi Mgr., 894 Stark LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED SO WANTED on Improved property. $300, $400. $600. $800. $1060. $1800. De shon A Hawk. 615 Chamber of Com. FIN AN CI Air 51 ' 1st and 3d mortgages purchased, also sailers interest la contracts. Or. and '. , Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. HELP WANTED MALE 1 Flanders, requires service, of helper m lozengers- room; helpers In bard candy dept.; helper in caramels and penny food dept.; helpers In cream detp.; marshmallow dept.; helper in gum dept.; helper in milk chocolate re- umrg; neiper in tin room. Apply Su- I : perlntendent. J a 1 KJiv 1 (JAR MEN From nnv until tarther notice the office" of ourtm payment examiner? room 7 O WP tid Flrst Aider" over Int'erurban waning room, will be open from 10 to n a. m. and from 8 to 8:80 p m. to receive applications for positions as carmen. P R. L & P Co 77TgT7 r- ' ' ' . - wiS" 'Li?'". fV? wmS h.ou.8t A 1 1 , "'raen,- 10 nanaie a patent f"'ief w4hih, readily sells. Call and investigate, forenoons. 410 Stock Ex- chanee bid- arri nn v ufii f tradp and advancement. L. Lol- ; "' Mf'i - !v.anle,d. to pUt cord wood, wife ,r0 - d?,COOTklng.' ff men to split wood; I5cj;orcl - Inquire Standard Wood Co.. E. Water St. ar,d Hawthorne ave. V, E have an opening for 3 men to leafn tire repairing. Oregon Vul canising' Co., 385 Burnslde. Ask for Mr. Weaver, SPECIAL delivery and wagon boys: must be 18 years or over. Apply superintendent's office; 9 to 10 a. m, viuu, v unman r K.m;. WANTED Experience man to-work on . poultry ranch. Sunny crest Farm. Harrison St., Mllwaukie Or ELDERLY man. Janitor in hotel 120. "'J room. Give telephone number. w AfM i n,Ljvneet nieiat workers and tinners. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. Kenton. Or. ' BCTCHER wanted for Sat. at Douglas Sanitary market, 2d and Yamhill 4. WANTED Bell boy and elevator boy MAN tor wood saw. $2B wrek guaran-tc-ed. Mlllershl'i 11 f'hmhF f-nm wAivt aiuk bouse man on a dairy. n-432. Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 HAWTHORNK AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHDRVR- AVUl In order, to heln snnnlv th i n, aa demand for chauffeurs, gas engineers and repair men, we have made special tuition rates from July 1 to August 1 Inclusive. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 3S8 Burnslde at. Call or write for full Information about FREE TRIAL OFFER HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School". Uroadway-Y'amhill bld. Reduced prices ror the summer. Positlona se I cured. T'NCA LLED for tailor made suits 88.50 up Taylor the Tailor. 289 M, Burnslde. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 VOUAN CANDY CO., East Uth and Flanders, requires services of choco late dippers, chocolate pachers, caramel and penny goods droppers, glrla for u.eui. A.ppiy superintendent. j HE FINED, intelligent girls who live l non"' M ushers. Apply manager's : unicw. ijoeny meaire L to A n m '""""y "no MurK or woman ror general house- work and cooking. Must be- compe- y:l" neierences requirea. pnone ia.- bor 4353. after 9 a. m. . WANTED Young girl for apprentice uunonnoie ana otner power ma cnlnfis- lay while learning. J-481. WANTED Middle aged lady to work for husband's and self's board and I room. Mrs. Gamble. 521 Bavier st YOUNG woman with some experience on a hemstitching machine. O-403 Journal. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework for room, board and $10 per month. Woodlawn 4 445 A WOMAN to stay with elderly lady for a home. Inquire 209 Meade st WANTED Girl for general house! work, no washing. 687 Northrup st 1 1 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE - v'.v,v ...f; STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg- raphy, salesnuLnahip, English branches, at an accredited school. raptone "f1",59,0 fr catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions. uennKe-valUer Business college 167 4th st.. near Morrison. srlnJiQJU tSAl2iSii COLLESiS Est 1S93. 30 schools. Summer rates. Pay while learning. 234 Burna'de st. OREUON Barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade; fata while learning; position guaran eed. 233 Madison. SlOHLER Barber school, men and women to learn barber trade free; paid while learning. 38 N. 2d. cor. Couch SITUATIONS MALE- MARRIED man wants position on dairy; care for 25 or 30 cows. No children; separate house. State wages. Z-963, Journal. !5l (Hlfffi Will repair your watch no WUJP matter how badly broken. REINGOLD'S. Jewelers. 124 5th St. MIDDLE AGED man. steady, wants to be night watch; good wages. G-545, Journal. GOOD barber wants steady job, city or- country, at $18 to $20. No bad habits. Marshall 4418.. ELDERLY man wants steady position on small farm, A-l farmer, best of references. S-399. Journal. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; rood work reasonable. Tabor 4367. GUARANTEED papering and UnUngT Cheap. Tabor 6258. MAN wants painting, tinting; do any Kina or worn. enwooa o. CARPENTER wants work by day or contract, fan raoor YOUNG man wants position drlvtn car or truck. Keterence. Sell. 30 GARDENING, hoeing, etc., 35o hou: tools furnished. Tabor 6656. EXPERIENCED gardener wants work on gentlemen a place. Phone E. 688g SITUATION -FEMALE MOTORS. gears. bearings. wheels axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at Vi price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 9 N. Broadway. EXPERIENCED" woman desires house- work in small family of adults. Good plain cooking; city references. Main 2276. WOMAN wants day work. 3872. Marshall WOMAN wishes day work. East 8006. SITUATION WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2 KLDEREY -couple want work farm or orcnara. u-siu. journal. NURSES 6 EAST SIDE SANITARIUM a-l 68 2 859 Hawthorne ave. and 28th at Newly furnished, pleasant home sur roundings, near business center, fac ing Burrell Heights. Modern equip ment for care of general surgical and medical cases, rates $16 to $35 per week; special rates and accommoda uons to maternity cases. FURNISHED ROOMS 0 RYAN Hotel Annex, 169 bth. New one-; not. cold water, steam neat; transient. Odd. cltv hall. Main 9375 DANDY modern furnished rooms, near ureibuit nrt Bummer rates, Dennison Apta $4th and Belmont, eunnysiae car, HOTEL OCKLEfY, Morrison -t 10th. -i rAD sue a7 up. woeuj up, Running water, Free phones and bath ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel, $1.78 week and -op. 488 Alder $1 60 WEEK up. .clean, warm modern . : fur. rmw central. ThSa; 309 Jef. 91 Oontanea) flwvt TOE ilSSTOLW Strctly modern. Under new manas'nt. 12th and Stark ats. Broadway 8822. THE! HAZEL Furnished rooms! steam heat, running water. 888 8d St. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 raZVATX TAMXX.T -- ssWi i NEATLT furnished room with sleep Ins porch 776 Olisan. Can do light housekeeping. rooms ai:d BOARD 72 7UTATB rAMXX.T BUNGALOW home, modern conven-' lences. good table, cheerful surround- ' ings. home privileges. 1099 Garfield, near Union. Woodlawn 2028. ; WILL give child best care. Large yard ! cow; no other children Reasonable. Tabor 8655. ROOMS and board, reasonable; piano. Mam 3901. 826 s. Broadway. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE WEAVER, 710 Wash., residential hotel, reas. rates, private Dam ana phoM In every room. Marshall 5170. ROOM and board for business girU. modern conveniences, warning ais- tance, $3.60 week. 12 E. 7th St. E. 473?. THE MAN1TOU. 261 18th. Homelike. siesm heat: good board reas. M. z7 0. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 -"CTHHISK-O AITS XfTXTTTSLVTSltlSD PORTLAND'S COOLEST. MOST BEAUTIFUL DISTRICT Dandv 'A and 3 room strictly mod ern, completely furnished suites, pri vate bath, private pnone, . everyming first class, disappearing beds. $15 month. Dennison Apartments. 84th and Belmont, Sunnyslde car. Phone Tnbor 546. TWO very pleasant housekeeping rooms with Kitchenette, all conv., - blocks from Broadway bridge. 828 Benton st. Kast $1.60 up, single housekeeping rooms, all convenlonces. Use of piano. 175 U'th st. P A.i. Tree bath, hot. cold water. UCIH npiOiJl week up. 401 1st at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rTBsrxs-ces ajcd- ijinrrmNTtxi FBOTATB PAIOLT TWO NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, hot. cold water, gas range, phone. 700 Flanders et. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.25 and $1.50 week. 147 13th su, near Alder. TWO large light H. K. rooms. $2.25 week. 805 8rd st. NICE H KL rooms; free phone, light, bath. $1.50 and up. 609 Davis. H OUSE KE EPING and sleeping rooms at 475 Main st. $2.50 WEEK, first floor suites 2 and 3 rooms AH eonvenioives. 170 13th. FOR HEN' HOI SES .18 FOR RENT Nine room house, Ladd's addition, at 349 E. 20th St. Hard- JllUKSS' SrlmiiV in conveniences, garage on premises. Until 8 p. in. FOR RENT, 5 room house, lot 60x450, 16 bearing fruit trees nice barn, chicken, pigeon, rabbit houses; good yards for them; gas in house, $1J. Including water. Tabor 8029. for RENT Beautiful 6-room bunga low, hardwood floors, nice yard with ! garden, $18 month. Call Tabor 749. ) $10, SEVEN room house on Borth wick st; electricity, gas, bath. Main 9485. MODERN 8 room bungalo furnace, . -i?lco ya. .?rult- hru.?.b?.ry: A1? i $16.60. 168 Stanton. Wdln. 2042. 5" ROOM modern bungalow, adults, $18 435 k. M6tn. pnone sen, nz. . MODERN 5-room house. 366 Stephens St.. cor. E. 3d. HOUSE for rent. 284 Hamilton ave., low rent Phone Columbia 265, & ROOM modajrTvouse. nice lawn. Slat and Hawthorne. Main iz&. FOR RENT 6 room cottage. $14. 446 Union ave. N. Phone Fast 4z. ROOMS, 370 Graham. East 2196. FURNISHED HOUSES BEAUTIFUL modern 8-room home, across Eaurelhuret park, piano, parage, rent or lease, si n. a sua. corner Stark. HAWTHORNE ave.. completely "fur- nisnea, clean moaern I room nouse, bedrooms. Tabor 4679. FOR RENT Furnished 6 room cot tage, thoroughly clean, Westmore land; $20. Inquire 1794 E. 17th st MODERN 5 room house, nicely fur nished, east side, $16 month, no chil dren. Phone Marshall 3086. 8, MODERN 5 room house on 66th at, Mt. Scott carline. Main 94S5. MODERN 6 room-' furnished house. Marshall 3451. 5 ROOM modern, fruit large vegetable garden. Tabor bZ48. FURNISHED 5 room bungalow. 487 Keniiwortn ave. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE SHEFFIELD, 1170 Broadway S. 3 and 4 room fur. ana unfur. apts.. walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2606. NOKOMIS. s665 Marshall Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and phone; flS to $22.50. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Elegantly furnished 2-3-i rooms, walk ing distance rpason.ihla Marshall 983 water baths, phone, isteam heat. $12 up. GRAND OaETaPTS.. corner E Oak nnd OrnnH ava Rtrlr.tlv mndorn 9.S room apts. First class service IS. 3802 MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 ner week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. ELEGANT 5 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 1798. AN ideal apartment of 2 furnished H. Jv. rooms; light.- ana cool. 448 i Clay near 12th st THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room apts., strict y modern, reasonable. East 2403. 3 BIG rooms, big sleeping porch, un furnished beautiful place, close In. reasonable, Woodlawn 16. DELIGHTFUL home apartment, fur nished complete, including phone. farge. w coamwn 2699. - 4 - 5 ROOM FURNISHED APTS.. THE DEZENDORF 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marsh. 128. HISLOP HALL. E 6th and Hawthorne. Modern 1, Z and 3 room apts., $12.50 up; warning qistarre-e. iast . THE WESTFAL. 410 5th st. $ room furnished apartments, modem, brick building, walking distance. $18.50. GLENN APT.. 9S4 Hawthorne ave.. have small fur. and unfur. ants, for rent. Tabor 6100. B-2332. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts.. E. 7th and Belmont Fur, 2 and 3 rooms, reasonable. E, 238. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts.. best service. Walking dls. Marshall 1410. TWO and 3 room furnished apart ments; reasonable rent Highland Apartments, 490 Morrison. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th and East starR. 3 rooms. $17, $zo. $22.60, $tf. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, modern. 3 room furnished. $12 up. Mar. 2Q74 HADDON HALL. 414 11th st, 3 and 4 room apts., reasonable. Mar. 1163. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6, 6 r. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7518. A-2676. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison. Furnished apts.. 816 month and up. THE ORMONDE, mod., 4 room front 656 Flanders; Nob Hill. Main 8251. THE ALAMO. 494 Market 3 room un fur., mod., brick, $12-814. Main 8688 FURNISHED apt. light, phone; rea sonable. 554 E Madison. E. 8065. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup -Tfc-a) KtarVa alsss K am .. -. A CLARKE APTS.. 8 rooms, fur. dls. ' beds, Bhne, lights. Sit up. B'way S0a jFubnished rooms APARTSIENT8 FURNISHED SD UNFURNISHED (Oeotlaaed) The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia- Sts. Five mln. walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly mod. 2 and 3 room fur, apartments, all out side, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT VILLA ST. CLARA. . 18th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. W1CKERSHAM APARTMENTS 18th and Flanders. Two room furnished or unfurnished apartment and a six room unfurnished. Convenient to car line, walking- distance, Quiet residential "'strict, modern. Broadway 2201. PENROSE A PA RTM KNTR Grand r.venue. bet. Morrison and Bel mont; new 2 and 8 rooms, completely fuf.; solid brick bids-.: white enamel 'and mahogany finish; walking- distance. N OKTHAMPTON APTS 407 HALL. vVe have three 3 room apts. and on 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or small family. Reasonable. Main 4299. THE NEW NOB HIL.L.. brick bunding, 5 floors, all mod. conveniences. Si 2 ana s room suites; few furnished. Lawn, Bimue. iiowers. uusan si., near itsa St. A FURNISHED 5 room apartment for indefinate time to right party; rea sonable west side, walking distance. R-442. Journal. EVELYN APT., 267 N. 21st st.. 8 room furnished apt; low rent. Mar. 1328. FOR RENT FLATS 18 UP-TO-DATE & rooms. Just completed, steam heat, not and cold water. Kitcnen wnite enanseiea, linoleum. $27.50. 240 E. 16th. FURNISHED FLATS SO 5 ROOM furn. flats. Fine harbor view, bet, B'dway and Steel bdJges. , 280 Margin st. East 2411, - HOTELS 54 Hotel Australia Two and 8 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms. $L75 per week and up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water in every room. Only white help employed. Z03ft 1st., cor. Tayior. Mam ?08 HOTEL ROWLAND. 207J4-J1H4 4tS st 165 rooms; strictly modern; brick building; ideal location: popular prices. SUMMER RESORTS 50 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping and housekeeping rooms, furnished tents, tent grounds. Beautiful grove on river. Prices reasonable. Box 273, Seaside, Or. HOUSE at Seavlew. Wash.. "Seldon Inn," completely furnished, on ridge, electricity; month of July $50. Phone East 2661. . WILL SHARE furnished Seaside cot tage, nominal rent. Telephone Bell. 1712 arter 6 p. m. (WANTED Respectable young lady to ahara expenses of tent at Seaside for 2 weeks J-474, Journal. STORKS AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE and factory building In South Portland for rent Modern, 2 etory brick structure, trackage: well V?ri M5E Jrnalbldg lighted. Apply K, W . ilagooo. 811 OFFICE space for rent in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No Bet ter service in city. Apply, 411 Journal ! Mas'. Ttronn i ' x-.i ?rrz7 class tailoring establishment: will . I give long lease at reasonable rental. . i Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. LARGE front room for office. 167 H 1st st. $6 per month. Mar. 239. WANTED TO RENT WAOTF.n Modern furnished house On Heights or near Council crest see S J Levitt 144 8d St WANTED, furnished house, 8 to S rooms, modern, with yard. Phone East 7184. WANTED--J or 6 acres close in. small house, frwit trees, garden, barn. W- 920, Journal. HORSES. VEHICL?. 4. ETC. 18 DEAD horses and animaU hauled away free; 88 paid for cows, crlp- ?led and played-outs. Call Woodlawn 0. Portland Rendering Co TEAM ponies weighing about 1000, light express wagon; have driven across mountains: cheap. Star Stables, 308 Eront st FOR SALE or trade for stock, one 4-year-old bay horse, works single or double; cood traveler. Fred Fritz. Phone Tabor 4108. $165 BUYS ranch team and harness, mare and horse; guaranteed true pullers. 606 Williams ave.. near Rus sell st DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. ' FOR BALE, brown works mare, 1154 pounds, cheap. 1870 Bayard st. THREE good horses for sale cheap. Call 483 Union ave. N. ONE bav horse. 1100 lbs., good work er. 45. Phone Broadway 4811. WANTED Trade lot for team about 2S00 lbs- C-1636. HORSE and wagon, $1.?5 day; 2 horses and wagon. $2 day. 646 Front. M. 2208. LIVESTOCK J3 ; near Mt. Zion church. Council Crest. i JAr.Eev' trea. geiiwe 10 nauaie. I TSDOr 16 I ' WANTED A place to keep a few cows. E-446. Journal - WANTED Two cows on terms. L-460, Journal. FEEDING THE JINX VICTIM No. 631 1 J I pVU ? lCTT-. IT i "j. SgV MAArtut ,oT -TEMDCRl , . ) "TO VA f in A Sl'AJ6 IM SS (aHo cm j " $ " V S 1 AI I O-UtT" Hl5 WIFS M ' r . j . hr ; S5 FOR SALE 10 head Durham-Jersey hellers 1 vear old. ali from heavy milking cows. Rose City race track. Phone Tabor 2237. FOR SALE Fresh and soon to be fresh, dairy and family cows, all breeds; terms. Rom City race track.. Phone Tabor 2237. FOR SALE Eight head of purebred Chester white s months old Digs. Rose City race track. Phone Tabor 2237. FOR SALE A young cow and calf; nave to move. 808 E. 27th at. Wood stock car. WANTED To rent a small dairy- F 888. Journal. THREE bvrge fresh cows, large milk ers, id im mvision st. HOLSTEIN cows and heifers. Terms. Bruce. Stockyards. Phone Wdln. 2400. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK FOR SALE 7 weeks' old Whits Leg horn pullets, 80c each. Phone C-224o. 346 E. Lombard st. NEW ZEALAND rabbits $1 each; dress form $1: boy's wagon, $1. 6317 Bruce at. Tabor 1927. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 40 FOR SALE Pedigreed Persian kit tens; also a beautiful brown Tabby male, blue ribbon winner. Phone East 8967. PAIR of Oranre birds, also females ror sate. Mam B7. AUTt l BILKrt.ACC WSSOKI KS 44 "FID" Delivery Bodies "40 Styles." Ready to Attach Write or call Barnett Body Co, E Madison and 1st. Portland. This Body 812.60. Phone East 891 Garages i. CbOU up. Bee Samples, 644 Hood st Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all maftner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-335 Burn- side, near Broadway. THAYKR. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $370 ltt Ton, $420 3 Ton. $470 BUILDERS OF EVER READY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portiana. fph 193 E. Water st ore East 7437. GARAGES PORTABLE OR READY CUT $34 TO $70 CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM POWELL LUMBER CO.. BROADWAY 149 864 ANKENY 8T, FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main LAHER' Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guarant'd springs In stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. FOR SALE 5 passenger CadTllao in mod mechanical condition; will make rood light delivery or flue bug or win xraae ror iigm runaooun Garage, 108 Hawthorne. Tabor $948 1917 DODGE 5 pass., brand new condi tion, taken In on new erles Chal mers; bargain for quick sale. Western Motor Car Sales Co.. Broadway st Burnslde. Bdwy. 6868. UNIVERSAL STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy). 80 days' trial to responsible parties. A L. Breckenridge, 888 Halsey st East 6095, C-8880. CAMPING CAR Studebaker 25 touring car, built-in bed. stove, ftreless cooker, etc Car in A-l shape; fine buy. Le.no, 274 N. 21st HIGHEST cash prices paid foi- oT3 cars, condition no object. Parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex-kange!129-31 Lownsdale st. M. 1181. 1916 OAKLAND "Six." Call Main 780; ask for Mr. Garley. 1916 MAXWELL C-403, Journal. for uale cheap. FORD TOT'RING CAR, also roadster, MUST BO SOLD. 211 Washington. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE pay highest cash price for late model used cars. Call us up, A, M. FERGUSON & CO.. 614 Alder at. Main 3968, WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR LIGHT CAR BROADWAY GARAGE. East 2566. 24th and Broadway. AUTOS FOR HIRE S3 RELIABLE auto service; 5, 7 pass., highway. Mt Hood, any service: rea sonable: competent drivers. Main 7780. DODGE Auto Service Highway, call ing, shopping, other trips; reason. able rates. Main 25S1. DODGE auto service Highway, call ing, shopping, other trips; reason able rates. Main 2581. AUTOS for rent WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. Smith. 3d and GUsan. Broad way 2629 AUTOS without drivers tor niro. City garage. 86 10th st. B'way 840. A-4248. LIVESTOCK (Coatta-ed) . r r---J sr a sslaJ-l ii MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 65 $100 WILL take fully equipped motor cycle an4 bicycle repair sod: de sirable location, established trad. Must sell acct. sickness. C-442. Jour nal. ILL trade 4 h. p. Reading Standard" motorcycle for. bicycle. Equipped with a Smith motor wheel. Write to 19 I 734 Hawthorne ave. CASH paid for motorcycles and bP cycles. 276 Taylor. Main 1018. LAUNCHES AND ISCAlS tf$ FOR SALE or trad, one 82 ft launch. hair glass caDin, zs n. p. engine. What have you 7 Phone 381. or ad dress J. A. Webber. 808 W. 4th st. Vancouver. Wash; 5 ROOM houseboat 40x28. good shape; come out and cut down high rent; have a good time same as at beach. For particulars call Main 37. FOR SALE: New 14-foot skiff. $15, or trade for tents. Phone Col. 876. PIANOS. ORGANS AND 84 MLSrCAL INSTRUMENTS firflRINO out for cash to flret p&llAra 3275 Boudoir, upright niano. 345 casn. $460 Steinway Sons, old model. $75 - i $300 Emerson, larre upright $165 I cs.ah. I $750 Bennett "oaby grand. $345 I . .V. .... . v'-MiJ' I l2iQ' iliz moae. aiorea, io casn. 550. 1916 model nlaver niano. IZ'JO ..amv . m . r j., . . A.A.r , i cub. $100 Burdetta oartor organ for $30 casn. I 11 AA A ll.. . . , - i cash. v.vv 4ftft.or uft ftLftr ui.au xuft m x , Security Storage Co., 109 4th. at Washington St WARNING Don't buy unlmnroved. used dlscard- -u piwira compare our ou per cenv i mora ton- -nd ffll-- 1917 mnill pianos. Terms $5 cash. $6 monthly; no Intona-t fnr i v..r- ftollln- aam prices a some used pianos selling else- I wnere. aenwan Piano Co.. in i-ourtn RECORD EXCHANGE PHONOORAPIIH and RECORDS bought, sold, rented, exchanged. 12 1st, near Aider. Main 4486. Vern L. Wenger Phonographs and reoords. all makes. benight sold, exchanged: easy terms. I 20. wiu. liJU i-ai tABHi If ax, you can more than double it is week at the Security Storage Co,'- WILL. YOU PAY CA8HT mis ween at me security Htorage w sale of part carload $360 1916 model I pianos at $160. or $375 pianos at $19J casn call ion 4th st.. st Washington $65 CASH buva $325 Emerson upright piano this week at Security Storage Co.. 103 4tn Pianos storea. Boo mo. PI- anos oougnt ana eoia ror casn oniy. HKJHEST cash price paid lor usd pi anos, or will trade up to date talk lng machine and allow full value Harold S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st. PHOftN'OtlRAPHS and records buugnt. sold and exchanged. Hall & Casal- dny. 1?6 1st. Main 709S. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINftTOM rtl nl.n with manufacturers' guarantee and rent- ai9 applying io purcnase. visiute moo- i el, $3 per month. $7.60 for 8 months. Other models leas. Remington Type- writer Co., SS Broadway. Phorfe Broad- I WE save you from 60 to 7 .. ,i ,V . makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder. Retail department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, Z1 Washington et. . . . . : . . ft. It i, Ls 1 1 . V tVT)awrltftrn aunrtllAS- Coro- I na dealers. E. W. Pease ALL makes typewriters rented and re- paired. Royal T. W. Agency, 282 Stark. HOUSEHOLD CjOODjtor SALE 65 FURNITURE. nlano and Victrola. Wilton rugs, gas and wood range. lots of nice pieces cheap; going away. Main 8570. FOR BARGAINS in used house fur nishings, visit our exchange dept t-aier nro.. K. Morrison Bt.. at ri- a. PGR SALE Furniture for 12 room house, cheap, will exchange for lot or acreage. Alain 1715. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ID A U T O M O B ILE8. MOTORCYCLES. launches or boats are senarate ctlT siflcatlona. A large listing can befound unqer these airrerent classifications. VACUUM CLEANERS 82 to 8200 each. We sell. rent, exchange or hnv. EXPERT REPAIRS, Duntleys and all uentiey c tjo.. is noyt. Main Sboz. VACUUM cleaners. $. guar. 5 years. Phone for demonstration; all makes repaired. rented, exchanged. Jaeaerl Mfg. Co. 701 Swetland bldg. Mar. 60. iint.ij.ea coolers, single, aouoie and triple nests. Price 14, 85 and $6. Fireless cookers made to order above prices. N-863. Journal. at SINK. 20x80, $4; lavatory with long apron. $8. and other olumbinir. 887 Division. CHOICE Danish Baldhead cabbage plants at 81.60 ccr 1000. Phona - 3979. TT rjv-r. vTTm es. U V 1 ftl ' y . . ICV LCI ll,US ll.JV, 1VVU 82.90: 600 envelopes. 81.90: 100J 11 90 Smith nrim.r 504 Sf.rlr .r WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations and garage. E. H. Ruppell. 478 Washington at. Main 160. FOR SALE Kentish pie cherries at 1839 Peninsula ave. Woodlawn 1369. ROTARY White Sewing machine, like new 120 Barealn 1B1 14th at nearWtamhill. Barga n- 181 1Uh "U F(i.R,5ALSl 1c!" cJoverLV on,At10 field. Fred Frits, phone-Sapor 41 Ji PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. starg uivu o.. zi3 so. Mam 77 IIaV $15 delivered in the city. Easl 0284, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 (Con tlanea I TRADE. BUY OR SELL Household goods, bicycles, moving picture machines, films, lantern slides, typewriters, musical Inst, phono graphs and records, v cafeteria, hotel supplies, scales, cash registers, safes. Everything under the sun. House of 1000 bargains. Main 4495. 188 1st near Aldeiv - "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.- "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are senarate rliaslficAtions. All adver tisements of these goods sre published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. FloMrir Mnrkrc? LleCtriC rVlOIOrS Bought eoWLrented and re-j D aired, walker .iectric i Works. 418 Burnslde cor. 10th. Broadway or A-B674. AU. macmnes soia w less. Renting $z peri month. No agents em- nlofl Sewing machine Emporium. lo o, near T.vlnr VI. In 9411 A.3626. 1 m.j . . - - . i $10 TEN drophead wa ,1in" with attachments, good condition. " m rr - . r i b E R, Steen. ' sr: . -i ... ji i ONE 8 H. P. Erie City Doner wnn. an equipment Inspected by Hartrora ms. co. isauonai aunary -o., hib . J . KrJl1 K.l(JilKATUtt, craxiie. aresser, hut t t. i.r.t.rin iron and cooker. East . . . , . 16012. I Q ..... i S. j . ' I nvrocil, ftumiiuiio. cw, a mvjKir wvv. , FURNITURE WANTED 74 fits, and tools of any description; full value for them assured. Til KTont M , 07, 4,7174 Maln Aj-ill. PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell.your furniture. We come at Once and Pay you cash. M. R. Beater. 80 naw.nyroe ave.. om.r c;.o. WOHK money for your furniture, rugs and office fixtures, ftlam i7i4. MONTANA firm pays best prices for all kinds of furniture. Wdln. 1877. , , FURNITURE wanted. Broadway 15ol, Tabor 6809. 'U.-c ,r v,i-k. -..K nrli-. tnr. itaad I houTe' furnishings, feast 462. B-1944. .- .. .. I SWAP COLUMN 25 I wTt t .-.u. i nM f. " it-- .iwV. "i. Unique Tailoring Oo, 80 I Ctarlr at EXCHANGE Lot for team, about 8800 ik! r-l8 u'-.iu! ,,i,,- -,.,U. . . :ad-,j,.u ,.,!,, -,.,U HORNLESS tAlking matins for sjiy TiTIl Zm Ti.. . It ii T..i ming m ""- i tuuljMmA uraionoia, laioai mouei, I for nia.no wood ta. CHICKENS .-Va f ,.r niira Main A ak vfIn pm Morgan. for To OH False Teeth hniiirhr- tl tn 120 naJti aat V,m rA I sets sre most valuable. Old Jewelry gold, silver, cnamonas oougbt. Bring or mall. Randolph, 1918 Yeon bldg. bW.'ONU-HANU CLOTHING W A.S 1- ED -J ' MEYER THE T LOR PAYS ai.uu l ur r ym a iwaa. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 229 MADISON DlAMO.N LS 1 to lVt kaxat good quality. w HI pay cash; want old gold, platinum, silver and high grade fore. 1L M. Pickering. 218 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Tha people of Portland to now x pay m "nuwi cua prtoes I r . n,,..nr,i.i vawii k'rnnnnr avv. i vr v.,. mwu . . . . . wftwu. i TT .ii til r ix 7 Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 8888. , , . ; ,, . kouAko-1 buy. sell, rent and e- ..Jr. 5. I tvo??I,J. Wt,hl c nan go n-oaans, lenses, luuiura. dw irsu ciauv a ivuuu ouuy, a-a gton, next Sunset theatre. 818 L. SHANK GO. 'SSfcSS: Front Hides Metals Rubbers. Write for prices and snipping tags Main 169. LOOK. We nay highest prloes for your nsed furniture, rugs, carpeia, stoves, ranges. etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. East 888 WANTED Second hand furniture. ranges ana Btoves. vest Prices paid, Morgan Furniture Co.. 890 E. Morrison st Phone Kast; WANTED Riries, snotxuns, kodak a. cameras, leases. xiacniieia. as 8d Main 8581. I GOING EAST T Household goods shipped at rea. rates pae. coast Fw'd'g Co.. 201 Wilcox bldg. Mar. 2487. 1 HIGHEST cash price paid for furni- ture and gen. mdse. Slmmonds. E. 6868 pxYlThlghest price for 2d hand cloth- lng. tools, etc. Z7 irront Main 4QZ. PARTY wants to buy furniture, stoves. carpets. Marshall 7i. LOST AND FOUND 81 THE following articles were found on 1 cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. July l. im: un ring, 3 griivs 1 go-cart 1 package clothing, 1 book tickets. 1 registration card. 1 oar. I . , , O Ir . . 1 m t m 1 t -r.V- rTVl;- racquet, i oajtaci. tuau, x ,acft wui- ua i nnra i lunrh twx. 1 hurkut ftA y ai.ww, ..w. . . and contents, 1 muslo stand, 1 baby shoe, 2 handbags, July 1 and 8. 1917: One basnet ana contents, l nroom. l can. 1 sack pipe and fittings, 1 can conee. l glove, l ounaie naraware. l ?afuikbo,x' hUL .mnie. PSeilJ.'ila 1 book, 1 book samples, 1 piece lead P?e, 5 purses. 2 bunches keys,! brace- bag. 1 knife. 4 pairs gloves. 1 trowel. g boxes, 1 umbrella, 1 egg crate. 1 pPer box, 1 package overalls. 1 O LB.C Mfli Ki A IIUVS, O I 1 gV. iaCUit-l" cornet in case, l earner, i vucanix-er. 1 Bible, 1 hatchet. 1 nln. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder st station. LOST At Eagle Creek, on the Col urn - bia highway. July 4. case containing one nickel and one green covered ther. mos bottle. Return and receive reward at 529 Railway Exchange bldg. LOST, July 6, In the vicinity of East 9.1A anA TlAlmAnt riarW rnv mf : has Kellogg Toasted Cornflake Co. or der book in pocket. Orders signed H. ftU. Driver, pnone raoor 7oes. newer a. LOST Tuesday. Beta Phi Sigma frat pin. Finder return P. J. Barbare. care N. W. Eiec. Co. Reward. Phone Bdwy. 580. LOST Bill fold containing money, in Portland or between Portland and Goble. Return to W. H. Tlckner. Hotel Benson and receive reward. LOST Ladles' purse July 1, near 80th and Morrison: contained watch, tick et, small change. - Please return Jour nal office, receive rewarq. LOST, on road south of Fist sea da. a leather handbag containing a ladies' gold watch and chain. Reward. Earl Day. Estacaaa. or. LOSTJune it), five keys on ring; also pocket purse. Return Nortonla hotel office LOST Red silk umbrella, either In Circle theatre or Portland Heights ear. 303 cnerry st Ktwtra. LOST A smoking jacket Hawthorns ave. between S4tn and 50th: liberal reward. Phone Tabor 4687. flBI Tul 1 nn Ram r1 r Vmmi- man K.oaax in case, isoury easier, jaiarsneui tei. newara LOST July 4. on Oregon City or 2$d st car, tan nana Dag, containing money, etc. Liberal reward. Wdln 898. LOST, a couple of weeks ago. platinum diamond iaveiier. Reward for re turn to 818 Chamber of Commerce. LST Small pearl emblem on way to uas. Mewarq. rnons 1 aoor 4 oil. LOST. check book. Bynchold. (81 Martin ave. Bellwood 610, B-2019. PERSOXAl 23 SHAMPOOING: el ec trio scalp treat- anent. ibz w. rarg. room se. q noor. MASSAGE, nxanlcurm. 145Vi Brcad way. Office 49. MAT iRVlM. yibralory" massage. , 2l , Morrison, office 7. S3. tm'm 4 GLA8SES AT A SAVING, i The same service and ; quality yon pay double the una. glasses as low as $L0. Thon anda of satisfied customers. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist. 199 Morrlnon St.: MRS. 1VERSON S Poison Oak Cure re-. lieves ia three days. Imperial, ho tel barber shop. Mr. Davles, agent, or r-All Vl'AnjltBwn l rw i. K w ft. ft V . . SPIRITUALIST MRS. M. L. LAMAU, ,. 238 6th at. cor. Main, ttichu nalm - stry ana cara reaaing. also lessons :u I the science of health and success. Dally., REV MR. SCHOKI teaches truih; circles sun.. Tues.. Thurs.. o'clock. Reads daily 40$ Jefferson. A-$1S. v iokatory m-aaage. face and scaln treatment 386H Washington, toum 66, third lloor. Marshall 477. alma ts. johnsun. tacuti, scalp. trance-American toilet articles. Main 1461. TWO ladlet. -ih room with ntn Mrtv to gai. T.k. tT.,h iiuurnu, -r . HAVE your "hair perman.nUy wavd, ; Guaranteed to lait San itary Beauty t'ariors. 4uu ueaum. Marshall 1708 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price. tjirctes tuii.. a. n. m .: Huns., s n. m - Circles Tues., 2, $ p. m.; Buns., $ p. m. TMl1in n- .s-f-i. mV fsso ' - - 'U. 7. . "iv- "-. ! U1CI U1U KUl BIBUKI Dl mu. ws. kl 1. ..V. J cr-. k T ... ... - uiuK.. ill ii i r an ivi i m r mmm . . , , , , - 1 ? -RAINED nurse gives baths, ma- r m-Kneuca. so, IlTSl rioor. room 4. DR M A K I V, JOHKSON r)irnAv - ; -. . " : , . . r . ' blanket sweata with salt batha. I -i i-..v.. ... r ",71 "'c II avAvtJr v-uuiion k.iv. '. Lawyci 4198. $12 Selling idg. -f MASSAGE. ah&moooln-. nunlour. . ing 291 y. Morri&on st- offlceUS. NOTICES 20 S-i.S " llBtt. rLATUKAD IMOiAJf t HKSKHVAXion gii Wi.wW wij't - r- --r - -r---,; -T.':, Trr.rir., . iuui .cbooL Ulion. out.. will ba reolTol " autu 12 u'vlock, nuoa, atuuEtala lUse. Tbii PERSONAL J. fl-teuui- ll, 1-17. lor u viuaiu ( v f "e1rvli"U.V .U.mblr.t,upo ? . lututd lauds Uuated within towsaSipe la. gs - ,Bd ai nvrth. raogss It sod Vo West, eoa-? talulus sppruxliustcl 67.OOU.OOU (Ml oZ tlm- ir. tf ttO per Cent WeSteTB TSlluW UllMV. Ms ? L." ? ft v w pioa mau ao..J am wouasaa iat for LH 11.2b Dor Uouaud (at tor Unu. cspted. Tk rlgbt te reject ui, iu sua avDBr apsoi W1U Be Be ear ai sad all bios !T7T7' " . " . " eiadiag spedae seecrlpuoa et tke sale :7."". ??:? ' B.S.7 IX OBlIlM la riathead I frost tse suBertataa sat ( .'"." "r, .1 m iu 1 1 v, ssnlng ton, u u.. May 4, 11I, c WaWT.'t """f A,Uln- .salsa school. Disss, Most. i. i te txvi ilh iu U11U - - T - Notles Is brbr lUta U-t Ua aadersigaed vrvu apiwuiiea mi ijua lor us peaellt eff in craonors oi J. n. iMtfu. u lnanlTaat "I-'"! uoar lua iiama an o mil tm ac u silort U- "o n duly tiaanrled as V sucn. All peraooa barlaa cUltua ami out ta I ald InaoiTOBt debtor ar beraby aotiltad (e prwu tba duly verlflad by law ra. 7 " uuitcq. io Die si mj oinee, xoo. ecm yaatiMi " Duuuiug, fociiana, ur(ua. oa or beuire tares mourns i rum uv uik uereoi. a Uated st 1-ortlaad, Urrjoo, this 8th day e Juua. 1917. JOHN l. bozobth. . Aatauea of J. E. iWflD. ail lnaolvnt laKtw-,i. BKALlvD prupuaals will ba ,K-clTad a tilTioa twu- a(Bku. -TSr -n- Saa-vuHB-aT. (BU VA4V ' m T . t- .1 w 1 1 1 1 1 U IQ17 . . t . f Iinaralnf1 k 1 f afl I uuiaa a-. all a ",.. ".". 'I- 1 urtt,. Jja.n of j la ryud tot ' plana and Kuadficatiasa , alch nvay be es - tkliM-d st ofrtce of IT. A. N'arastor. Mperio . tnuirut of ppovrrtlea. 80S Courtaouaa. Oartt- (led cback tor 10 uer cast o( aaeuat a4 mo. i, paaoui to a. tt. loomsa, bcoom clera, -j uuat iccuuimnr each propuoal. Board oi. dl- rcrtuni reaanm tba rljlit to rt tact say Bad , all prtusala. H. 11. THOMAS, . t v Uuu-ii. July S, 1W1T. Sctvuol Cbfk. --s UuLtli .rupuaala Ul ba lecaifad at utiles oc unariin?a. oi rouruouae. until p. ni.. i .. i i u ii.it ... ...... ... . , .uwwAmj. - u j -. .v. but w a m , Bids' win im vyenaa ia room ova cvui-uwuae a p. B . -y-Jii' 1.S riT.fr of fie of r. A. 'NaTs kits, saparlateaesat mt MODSi-tlea. 803 eoarUioaas. Cartifiad elieek foe . I 10 par oast of amount if prupoaal, pa j able te ., a. "g. TUomss. school clrs. most socompsny i Mcb pfepoaal. Board of directors rasBires tke . i rint to rrc maj soa su proposals. Dated July 8, 1U17. K. U. TUOlfAI. Br boot Clerg. riVB d-7S after date I will aot lie raapooaibl - for any aeota eootraeiee or T ua, uarrUl a. KilHan. J. R. Kllllan. Jalj 8. 1917. TRANSPORTATION - Steamer Harvest Queen To Astoria and North Beach iVorrs AK Strmvt Deck daffy. xc9t Sunday, at A n turning exirs AuortaatTa.m.dattr.xcpt3vnd99, Tkktu. etc. at th dock, or CtTYTCKET OFFICE V 3ni & WgthlaKtta aotnnoimn San Francisco Los .Angeles tWltaest Ca -s ea Boat.) The Big r tb Camfn-UkU tias-BUy AaaolstaS $18 SS. BEAVER ails Tram Aiaavortk Deck 3 F. JC WrroZXAY. JT7I.T XX 100 GotOCS BtllSB a taaoaibU Elver. All Kates iBf lixta BrUiS sad BlsaaV labia sa- Earvlce bBaScallea. far aailiag 4s tea asyiy Tke saw iaee rartla-4 88. Ca., Tklx4 ui Tu tactaa atraau (wtt .O-W. m. ah Oea Sal. Siraasway eaosw A-41X1. TWIN PALACES rosTX-uro to max r$f caoo TUX-SAT. TKXTX-BAT, lATUXHAT Canta-U Itaamer Kspreas toeves a. b. ItaaBter arrives I. W. 8:80 aezt say. raxes $&. $1160. lis, 1TJ0 aaeV 80v, zovn rxxf 932. . Verts Bsak, Bth sad lUlfc omcu 848 Wash., 6. x. Ky. -100 84. atarU-rtea &y m. iBMkVig-aaon SAW r'KANCIbCO , . IXa ANGEJLCS--3AN DIEGO ATU-B-T. :80 . at. 0X.T ' Im k-ra-ciaee. forttaad Lee AssbbW Staamahtp Co; ftmmk ateU-aa. Asset. U4 IlilBP gTXXBX. A-e. Mum sa. r VI ta-?'iTiiii ' r