THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, , JULY 4, 1917. ;BVVELLA'. WINNERl he Meier & rr&me Swinr elufr I will pnd on ear each wek - -JL . daring the ittmrntr Hwtoi tor v tne Red Cross, th meetings t all day affairs held in tli park of th cltr. 9 Th laat ntln of th elate was In the nature of a ta ! br th Meier Frank Co. for .too club member, lira H. K. Staler WU toast- (mistress and an address was siren by I Mrs. M. B. Woodburn, chairman or me welfare committee. Mrs. Woodburn ' reported that 10 garment had been mad and given to the sick and needy during the winter. Miss B.Feheen- f backer gv tbe report of the aampler committees Th treasurer's report" was made and Mrs. Sot fray gav a fine - tribute to Madam Coats, Tner were ' 60 present. . . - ' Femdlatos Women. Bnsy Red Cross " thimbles i were sold on the streets of boys for 10 cents each and almost "everyone on the street bought one or more. ,,Th funds go to. th Umatilla ..county chapter,' ;-WUl Work for Bed Cross The F. E. O. sisterhood of Tacoma will devote Wednesday during the summer to Red Cross work. Girl Join Bed Cross At the last Mtinr of the Tenas Polaklle Camp . Fir Olrls, Jessie. "Gertrude and Flor v enc Woodhouss became members 'of th Red Cros. " JMTed WOmaa Sees Her Blv A little lady, 71 years old. of Vaahon Island, lias ''done her bit" for the cause of the Red Cross war funds. She is Mrs. tor '36 years, and loved by an who know nor. v She lived through th tir- sing days of the Civil war and lost ; . lovld ones in the strife and she wanted - to do something for bar country, again 1n th throes of war. She sewed and jnade bandages, but still she was not content; she wished to do more. ' ; She Is gifted with a wonderful mem- ry and ability of recitation. Many - times she had pleased her friends by "recitations. Now the thought came to : her : that perhaps she could give an - entertainment and let the proceeda go " to. the Red Cross. So the idea matured. A e-year-old grandson, Fielder BeeJl. ' opened the program with two songs. . Other musical numbers were given, but the treat of the evening were the recitations of the little great grand mother. In all she gave 15 selections .- excellently rendered, but the three most loved ones were "Orandmother's jQuilt, -The Old Front Gate" and "The Old Log House." The entertainment netted $25, thereby bringing the con tribution for the Red Cross fun from ; :vasnon and Maury islands to the 900 mark 1300 over the amount allotted lor the district. Meatless. Whsattess Bar One wheatles meal each day, using corn bread or other cereal; one meatless day each week; no butter In cooking; use : horn products and release freight cars for other uses, preaoh the "Gospel of th Clean Plate" and "Get Behind iioover." v This waa the program adopted by the Los Angeles County women a committee of the Councils of Stat and National Defense which met last week. The committee also adopted a food Pledge as follows: MI am glad to Join in th exercise of food conservation ror our nation, .and . Hereby v accept membership Jh the United States food imi.niatMtii pledging myself to carry out the direct nona ox we rood administrator la the oontrol and administration of my cwiiinoiii) , Diamonds exnosed to radltim tonm highly radioactive and remain so for several years, according to a British scientist. . Jf jT-yr '-.v.v: s jL, ..y. . : . v,;,Hfc. and - their v friends are welcome. - A pleasing program has been arranged and much Interest is alreay evident. Zinxcheoa of Frtmary Oonnofl Pri mary and iklndergarten teachers and others Interested In the work of these gradasv ar Invited to attend th lunch- eon gives cy the Primary Council Thursday noon.":- Th subject of seat work has been chosen for discussion.' wnurd traioa to FieniCv The wil- lard iy C. T.-U. wUl hold an all day picnic at Peninsula park Friday. Thar will b a Mothers day program at 3 m. All members and friends are asked to be present. A box luncheon will be servejd at noon. ; Photo by Grave Sirs. J. Coulsen Hare, who will assist at the tea to be given Friday afternoon by the Psychology dab for the benefit of the ambulance fund of the Third Oregon. Wtvaf S oclety l&Dblivg' DY NOMA ,LAWLER At the Theatres A3irsE5iiarrs BAKXA Broadway ant Slith. at Morrison. A Li JOLBON and NSW YOSK WINTKH ABIKN COatPAlCT U BoMoaoa Craaoe Jr. B:l 9. m. Sixth aar Waanlnetoo. CUARLCS BAT la "THB CLOD- rtte- COLVMJila toeUr. t "Th Batrayai oX Macgto." 11 a. a, to li v. m. - ' COUNCIL CREST End Portland Balsbta ear. una. oetoooc aamanaeata. Feature. HONTS AUSTIN, bey alagar. la populu aaosa. 1' a. m. to 11 n. as. HIPPODKOMK Broadway' t TamMlL Vu- omua. ticaauiicr: rKJNCKas m, vain- llra oaBCer, aaatated by OeKroee B. Bacb aaas. . Paotavlav; O. H 1:10 n. m. fo 11 n. MejEvrii PEGGY ; wirs ieory's "Me glory. . UESDAY evening a dinner dance ' I , as given by tn management 1 of the Portland hotel for the men f rem -Vanoouvea, barracks of th engineer eompany, - Sixteenth provisional training regiment, who cam .several week ago from th Pre sidio at Ban Francisco to pass two months or so at Vancouver barracks and Clackamas There wer about SO of th men present and many addi tional dinner parties were made up for th occasion with a merry assem blage being present. Dancing con tinued from 0:30 until 11 o'clock. Mrisv Corbet Hostess - Mra Halen lAdd Corbett entertained with a dinner carty at Forrest nau on the Columbia river highway Tues. Am-r .vnnr. antertainlns- for Ted WU cox and his auest. MoCttlly Sudler of Chicago, . who returned from college with Mr. Wilcox to pass the summer here. Others In the party were.: Miss Virginia Menef ee, Miss Elizabeth Men efee. Miss Elisabeth Miller of Provi dence. R. I., wbo came west with the Misses Huber and la now Visiting Mis Virginia Menefee. and Page Shin dler. Miss Menefee, with Miss Miller and. her father, Lee Bruce Menefee, will leave Thursday for San Francisco to pass a week at th Palace hotel and V-mzi Xe Menefee, who U.tth. Cond7 pdr. Fataa Pictured Nawa. OAKS Taka Oaks tboroe W1U Oracon Jooraai-Hearat. . U a. to 11 a. ear on rirat or u Oetdoor Wcat Extravecanaa menta, raatare. O. Wnt Extravee-anaa coaeanr Is "ALLAH'S GABIEN." Eloiae Anita Hall, prima donna. Mclror's band. 10 a, to 11 p. m. Pa NTAGES Broadway at Alear. Tandevllle. HeadUner, Gaorga Cbooa playlat "HELLO, JAPAN. Photoplay, chapter "Th tier Wcted M'lfe." 2:30, 7, :15 p. m. PKOPLES Weat Park at Alder. Photoplay. Bex Beach's "THE BA&KUUt." 11 e. m. to 11 D. BV STAB Waahlnrton ay .Park. Pbotoplay. HIUHIBU BXKTT ID GOODS.". Added artractloa KTJLOLA COSi- PANY. natlr Hawallaa alnsers and daocera. 11 a. d. to 11 D. m. STRAND Park at Stark. VaodaT&le. Head- I Presidio. On their return the girls will go to Gear hart to visit a few week with the Misses Huber and their sister, Mrs, Kurt Koehler. To Visit North Beach Miss Katharine Hart, accompanied by Miss Rhoda Rumelln and Miss Mar tha Whiting, left today for the James T. Hart aummer home at North Beach and will pass about two weeks at the coast. damaged I Mrs. Lonlsson at Seaside Mrs. Julius -Louisson left with her family last Saturday for her summer cottage a.t Seaside. liner. HAIA. AND HALL, abootlnc novelty. I ' ' " Paotophyr, 'Tta Car oc caasoe," leaturins For MlUs College President rnAn.nxn FAnnuoi. mud. m. 1 b. m. SUN8BT Broadway and Waablactoa. Photo . i . . i.ivnu a vnAAn mis nriBV ni THB NATION," featartng Harry Horey and Alio Joy re. 11 a. m. t 11 p. at. ABT MUftBUM Fifth and Taylor. Honrs S to 5 week days; 2 to ft Sandaya. Free after. Boons of Tuesday, Tharsday, rriday, Satur day and Sunday. Oa Monday afternoon the Associa tion of Collegiate Alumnae and the alumna of Mills college will glv a reception from 4 to 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Helen Ekln Starrett. on Portland Heights, in honor of Dr. Au- relia Henry Relnhardt. president, of Mills college. All members of the two associations and prospective patrons of Club News National Honor Bend Women Organise. -A few of the women of Bend met at the home of Mrs, Agnes O'Brien Thursday after noon to organise a club which will be known as th Woman's Club of Bend. The club has for Its object literary. social and dvio work. Mrs. Agnes O'Brien was elected x temporary chair man and Mrs. Averll Burton was elected secretary-treasurer. Th next meeting will be held on July 10 at the horn of Mrs. A, J. Colvin. Seaside Women Sleet At the Tues day afternoon meeting of the Seaside Women's club. Dr. R, O. Mess, presi dent of th Chautauqua committee, ad- uressea tne memoers m rgara to tn ticket selling. After Dr. Moss had completed his talk a resolution was adopted to assist in the promotion of tne and sale hf the tickets. Mrs. John 0ane was elected chairman of th ticket sales committee and Mrs Edgar Blackburn will be In charge, of th Junior Chautauqua sales; After Bed TirsveTaaleJL 0' The Feannt Vine ktm day in the pleasant summer three little children planned a beach party. They took sand wiches and cookies, cake and pickles and all th good things'that make pic nics such good fun. four Inches tall. But when they were about ready to Start, the oldest little girl said. "Oh. mother, w haven' anything to cook!" "To cookr exclaimed mother, "did you want to cook something?" "Of course w dot" exclaimed all the children, "it wouldn't be a. beach party' without cooking something Let us tak some potatoes to roast." - That wouldn't be much fun," said mother, thoughtfully, "potatoes take so long to roast and then you always get the ashes inside when you try to eat them. . Why don't you take peanutsT ' "Peanuts!' cried the children In sur prise," peanuts are already coasted!", -. Their mother laughed. "Perhaps the ClearSkinandGoodHair Produced by Cuticura Make Cuticura Soap and Ointment your every-day toilet preparations and watch your ; sain, nair ana nanas improve. Their use is safe, convenient and inex pensive. Cuticura Soap clears the pores of impurities, while touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then prevent little skin or scalp troubles becoming serious. For iree samole each bv mail address post-card: Catieura, Dept. 9G, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. Soap loc, . uintmeni a ana 0U9 Sirpcrfluoas Hair XfJlliraefc Trve , risnai 11 qui a' storey - -tS. - OaJyaVplUar h A real little rine quite three or kind you buy are, but the kind X mean are notr She went with them to the store arid bought a great bag full of fresh un roasted peanuts. "There you are!- site announced laughingly, -roast those all you please or as little as you wish and sUU no harm will b done!1 The children set out srallv for the beach, They gathered th wood, thev btfilt th fire. And when the ashes were hot, they burled th peanuts tn among mem ror roasting. Then they went off for a War. But so great was their hurnr for Play, that they were none too careful about getting everyone of the peanuts in cne xir. soma way, on little peanut rot dropped out of the bajr into the sand- not much wonder that! He felt very badlv about it thou a V That is, h did for a little while. Then the children came back and a got trampled down into th aand so far. that h couldn't think of anything much except that hs must try to get oaca up xo in Hgnt. For days he tried his best. Then at last he suooeeded as everybody will if they try long enough. He stuck his tiny head up througtt the sand Into tne sunugntl k . , Maybe be wasn't proud and happy! Alter that it was easy work. Th sunlight helped him.. The raindrops helped hit everybody helps when on really tries, you know. 80 he grew and grew till he was a real little vine, quite three or four Inches talL - Then on day cold winds oame and they said to th little neanut vine "You can't grow any morel We're com ing! we'll soon frees you up "Never mind,- replied th littl nut. vine, sturdily, "somebody!! tak cskr ox me: r.-v- vv'i "..' And they did! For; would ytm be liev It.- that vary day. a. littl girl went walking on th beach. And as she walked, she snled the neanut vina ( Sh dug It up and took it - horn and pianiea uua pot in her window gar een. . And ther j it ; grew aU winter long.- ; vv- iv?:'i ';:.ap;s:;.v 's1-;-.-" "I'm not very Mg.- th vln: would say to himself, "but Tm happy that's w . , - ami, UlUWIi A( 43c -i t the meeting; th members wer sur prised when Mrs. Lu K. Hum and Miss Clara Oilman served tea for all. Mrs. Seines, chairman -of the ticket sales committee, has named Friday of this week as the day for her committee meeting, which will be held at the Civic club rooms. The following offi cers were unanimously elected tor th ensuing yer: Mrs. V. O. Webb, presi dent; Mrs. J. Seines and Mr a. I 8. Ball, iflrst and second vice presidents; Mrs. Olivia White, treasurer: Mrs. R. O. Ralston, secretary: Mrs. L. R. Corns- ton, assistant secretary; Miss Virginia uraxe, press agent. Woman's Pennsylvania da's. Th Woman's Pennsylvania club will glv a plcnio at th Oaks Friday aft ernoon and. evening. Men are invited to go from work for the pionlo dinner at p. m. For further information call the president, Mrs. Charles Fisher. Woodlawn 443S or chairman of th so cial committee. Mrs. W. W. Dusan. Bast 1754. Kindergarten at T. B. A. "Kinder garten activities the Basis of Demo cratic Education is to be the subject for discussion at the session . of the kindergarten department of the K. &. A July IS. The speakers will be Ed ward B. Shallow of Nw Tork; Miss Edna D. Baker, National Kinder garten college, Chicago; Miss Grace Brown, teachers' college, Colum bia university; Miss - Orace S. Barnard, Berkeley. and Ml as Mary Adair of Philadelphia. Th three session will be held in the Lin coln high school July 11, 18 and IS. All educators and others interested are invited to attend th kindergarten din ner Wednesday, July ll. Reservations may be obtained from Mrs. Allen Welch Smith, Main 301. A-1141, or Miss Maud E. Stevens, Tabor 6161. College Women's Committee to Meet. The committee in charge of the ar rangement for the National Federa tion of College Women will meet Thursday at 3 p. m. in Central Library to complete plans for the entertain ment of th visitors. Orad Teaohers' Inaohon Th Portland grade teachers' luncheon Tuesday noon promises to be one of the most sucoesef ul affairs of the con vention week. President Aley has sent his assurances that he will be present and many other notable rueeta are ex pected. This luncheon is an informal affair at which all visiting teachers Bill Finely Balanced pRANKLTN FARNUM. in th role Un. eollege are cordially invited to rot a happy-go-iucay society lion, De present- , cut off In his father's will with 1100 and a seven passenger car. turn- Honor Guard Notes inr iltnv driver and heatlnar the street I 'mere will do no meetings or any railway company Into submission, 11 B or to umi the effervescent comedy drama, en- "uara waajr titled "Th Car of Chance," that bal- ake&aw W Sfc vaAeanw Vklll wktlVt AASnAll B th Btrsnd theatre today. Th vaude-1 ATL rVT wr Z ll vllle half of the bill ha a striking I"-' ' . X.' V. feature In Hall and Hall with their " twV. sensational shooting novelty, which isl""1" cr ulBD1"' staged In special settings and is start-q society Notes img au i Mrs. Fred Mundell of Salt Lake City ultra ui u . wui ., vtaltlne- with frionda In Portland Sorority to Meet IP WV. ... .i ' :tt . -'5i"'-"-"iAcv:-,. r-"...t V ; ' 1 " ' Bank Clerk Eats to ; - 6et Mo -Marines Saa Francis Toung Mam Toras Oo. xaaad to Fnt on Weight to Beeom oldier of to Sea Veeds 11 Feuds. San Francisco. July 4. ft N. B.V W. a. Perry, a clerk In the Bank of : California, is determined to eat hi way Into the marine corps and a little ining use 13 pounds underweight Is not going to stop him. Several days, ago Perry applied to tlfe recruiting r- seant, a.verytning waa O .K. until h ; stepped upon th weighing scales. Th . weight required of a marin la ltf ' I pounds. Perry moved the scales only to lit. f i Since then he ha been taklnsi the following course of treatment. j Three raw errs and three e-lasses of milk before rolna- to bd. ritn hours' sleep, three full meals a day and three or rour glasses of malted milk during th day, whenever he can get around the corner of the bank to th soda fountain. "I have set mvself six weak, in which to make the weight," waa Per ry declaration, "and within that Urn I am going to b a member of the ma rine eorps." AMUSEMENTS dlaos with a big bump of versatility. for their act offers not only singing, talking and dancing, but acrobatic! work. George HalL In a singing and talking bit. has a classy and likable j for the summer, Mrs. Phil Metschan Jr. with her two daughters, Phyllis Jane and Dorothy, hav gone to Seaside for the summer, Th following not of prominent Al way of entertaining. Singing songs bany people will interest their hosts mat ar up 10 tn minute ana o.eaung ot friends throughout th state. F. P, in a delicious line 6f comedy patter, Nuttlnr is one of the best known news wiin a piano etun on me siae, won paper men of the valley towns Tomorrow A Rainy "Pretend'4 Land, Day Play In ardaon and Newman, blackface duo, glv a decided touch to the bllL President Deoides For Wooden Ships Washington. July 4. L N. 8.) President Wilson has settled th ship controversy. The wooden ship pro gram, supposed at one time to have been successfully submarined, will be In full swing early next week. An nouncement of th president's decision Is held up pending the outcome of the food legislation before congress. There is no indication whether General Ooethala will be Instructed to build wooden ships or whether a new corpor ation will be formed for tbat purpose. Mrs. F. P. Nutting and Miss Violet Nutting have left for Portland, where they will make their home. They were mat bv Mr. Nuttlna. who has been there for several months, being employee In th Internal revenue off lea They will make their horn In th Laurelhurst seotlon of th city. Many friends were at th station to see them, leave and say BAKER Broadway and MoiAsom BCalB a. BAaOAnf BATnrra today to to ii.h Asierlca's Forvomet Cosdiaa AL JOLSON IB nOBXYSOV CxTSOg J. ' Tremendoua Caat and Proilectlos. Nlgsta. 0Oe to S3J0. PANTAGEC X MATIN EE3 DAILY. 2i30 KJ BXXXO. 7ATAV A BrOllaat OrieaUl Operetta With Large Beaaty Ckoma. a OTBZB BIO) ACTS Tkrae Pettiaimaeia DaUjr. Klgkt Ottrtals at T aed . L Y,R I C Oca Week.- Com um clef Xsij J. t P. M, Ooattaaetis tbx rsAJcc rr ititu m tbb sab yBAMOlSOO BOMB TalALS" la rive 3 arte A Wonder Picture of Today, aas Otter ill 1 features AAmlaaW Ue ChOarsa le Sirs, William F. Proppe (Ethel BXatthlen), a recent Portland bride.! goodby. They wer very popular in Al. bany and have a good many- friends In Portland." Mrs. Xnrln Brunn and little son have returned home after spending a pleas ant visit with Mr. Brunn' s parents In Seattle. They motored both way. Sportsmen to Honor Widow of- Sportsman Faad Will Be Balsed Among Oregon BTrmters as Tribnt to yadg-e Bemmy, Who Introduced Chinese Fheataat. Corvallls. Or July 4. Sportsmen 'of Corvallls are planning to honor the widow of the late Judge Owen N. Denny. A subscription is being taken to raise a substantial fund to bs pre sented to Mrs, Oertrude Jane Denny. Judge Denny will be remembered by nearly every sportsman of the state a the man who Introduced the Chinese pheasant into Oregon, spending about 13000 of his own money in the work of giving Oregon a game bird. CASTOR I A For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Ye&ra TONIGHT- COUNCIL CREST - - Always bear the Qgnctnrs oa 0 Hearst -Pathe Newt OREGON JOURNAL News pictures of northwest ana national events will appear eaeh week at leading theatres through out th northwest, lncluding Mejeatio of Portland. WHERE AND HOW TO GO fa; irMLJt - mruLU 'iCQJf UJ Jiiic IXULU u iustw aa irH a mo Great Mortfiwost -America's Natural Roson section . WHERE TO STAY WHAT TO SEE SafeTtlUk Infants a.d InralidJ 77r ORIGINAL MALTED 171 ILK Rich rralk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids a4 growing children. For intents, invalids asl growing children. ' ' Pure nutrition, upbuilding n whole body. 1 I nvigoretee nursing mothers ssi th aged, f More nutritious than tea. coffee, etc Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking. Sttbttitntes Cost YOU Sams Prica Multnomah Lodge Columbia Biver Blghway 3 BUe Prom Portlaad Startlnar BAinf T a ..h Mountain and Multnomah Fans trails. CHICKEN DINNERS Btrlotlv Btans Roovtux Ideal for summer vaca tions. Excellent accom modation for over-nlxht guesta. a. J. "KATJ7MANN, Prop, wf swiano xaa. Shelburne Station, North Beach The Shelburne A quiet and restful summer hotel Justly famous for Its terries and appointments. In slfht and sound of the ocean. lLonf distance phone In hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station. Address T. J. HOARE, Prop., Seaview. Wash. Shipherd's Hot Springs COUrXBIA aiTTJt'S BEIT BXSOBT A Beeort foe Health asd Pleaaore. Strlmataa, Peol, quoits sad eroqoet srooada. Teat ee Urea tor rest. Located la tee heart of the Caa cadea. Excelleat riablag. Aato meeta all trains Ail wkite tela. Ateerlraa asd Kora peaa plan. For rates and reaerratloRa adAraaa Mineral springs Hotel taraoa. wiw. SEASIDE, ORE. TENTS famished boesekeeptoc tents. Eleetrle llfbta. od and water furnlabed. rtear tl oceaa. Rates reaaooabla. Addreae I B Uomptoa, 111 Broadway, Seaside, Ore. TeOcs Along a Box o .a in - sr aasv mm. aw sm i aw 7 a ssv . . rw wm. a - A bit ef gwltserlaad la Asierles S'A hours fro 01 Portland Accommodations tne -beat UATSTBATED BOOAXST MXXZ a W. J. Aecsere, Best. White baiaMS. Wa. BOTJTBC BZACX VrWTOBT, OAl.QOJi Comfort able and eonvenleat, I end 3 room cottages, tarnished eesv plate, with tree wood, tS pec week, teat hovees 1 4 per week. A fine plane tor the klddtee seed beach aed rise serf bare Toe;, trewt flahias. claaaa asd basting. For reservations or further Information call ar writ room 0S Stork exchange hand ing. Portland, or phone Male TA. BIVEli ItKSORTS j&astr. GEORGIAN A ASTOKIA AITD WAT XAVSOrOS. Leaeea T a. aa. eailr. uadajs.a7:S0 d. Bernralng, leaves Astoria S B. a., arrires Ferv lana p. am. STB. XtrXXnrx leaves T:4S a. si. daOr ex cent Saadar. fceterauis leetaa Aateria T a. m. Xaia 1438. Waahlartoa St Dock. A-412S. t l r mm f ' -. IM'I ale ea Cedar laland or some of th ether beaa- A lot of the fiiB depends on the Iimch--- rs'fZu?. 9 Thest ariiazingly good cakes make a deli .doiislimax.for a picnic luncheon. There's a kind for every : taste in every package. Your Grocer Hen Then . Fall Potmd) ' Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Orexon : V KITTY MORAN The new sseedr sleaaare .atanoraa heat tJt Ins mm rortiaae to uregoa uty end war points. Way not take your friends for a pto week ears sad S a. aa.. 11 a. S a. at. and 1 & p. an. oa ttoaoaTa. ran eoif we raeae khteie sail or a-ewu - - CEDAR ISLAND ! A eniet asd ntctniesuae resort ea the WU. ; Unette, spleadld beach (or bath inc. elvtag nrer, spnns; soarn. - ire Data aouset tine isuiac anotav . DeBCtae everr evaatae and iftnndar afternoon, we not camp oat here (or e wees er snore tnie eummeri Take autti Moraa at root el Alder a treat. Phone Oai lSS-al. er write n jenmnsa. M(t AUTO STAGES. Mte Hood Autot Stages lilTH seaaoa ef nZXXABXZ net Its. eaUr S a. an- te Welch's. Tawaer'a. La Caaa Uoate and KbododeneVoa. SO round trip; geterunaent Camp SSAO. Tlcketi, tsrormetloa end reerra. tlons st DOBSZT B. SBXTK TXAVIL BU- KIAd, lie Xnlr at,, corner Waahtaata. WanhaH tT. er IBYTSBTOif AiAQS AUIO CO.. .Zae., I. U S. Seead. Prea. Can Us, OUKa. Kasa seorweAta aaa nreecwar. 850 MILES Trist and Stag TRIP la 7 daa fur S3A.0O from any point, and re turn bt war of Salem, 11.60; Bareee. M OO; Roeeborf. 17.00; Grants iaa. 110-25: hfedford. til 2ft Klmatk Valla. Sift. 00. Pare Klamatn raus, rerarn ny jwno, eiv.w; to Dalles, $15 00; br Corambla Hlghwar t Port land, 119.00. Wemake tbia trip both wars with aeren-paaeenrer ants. Stopovers allowed. .tner rearing everr otl dar proTldlns we have two paaaengers for Klamath or Reaad Trip. If ron are on this trip la anr war. call and re retra (Qlde and hotel book free. . Cramer Stage & Realty Co., SIS BaOwav Tx. Bldg.. ertlaad. Or. MAmSHALL sm TRAVEL TRAVEL S. njA -n j:Li..i 1V1USI eilgUUIU July Trip Out of $ Portland FOR SUGGESTIONS TO TRAVELER '-S- i HAZELW00D CANDY ZBT BCBVXO BACXAOBB Adds greatlr to the pleasure f a vacation trip. Bent or Parcel Post er Express to anywhere In United States er Canada. Satisfaction aad deliver guaranteed. THE HAZELWOOD Cafeotloaerr aad Bests araat Waahlnrton St, t Tenth Portland, Or. Walther - Williams Garage CLATSOP BEACH Q XXA2JLZAV 0BZ0OB ' Esstsra Oreaoa's iarsest Ore-oreof Siraa-e. Ofea dar aad eight. We ; are prepared a tm is yoe aeeeptahl with oil. gae, atocase. ee nenobUe weaafein end expert repair. Assets Btaoseeker, - rere. Dodge ears, -resnata ea Oregoa anon 14 set fall te visit this hi t arte eity wit It wealth ef eeeele caana. Phone Kea soi. im paiiea, ur. To the restful seashore resorts by North Bank Road Limited Trains. Columbia River at fkxxi stage & tnag- ... . rf-M If T 1 nuicent signi. woservauon x-rior vis. - o Week-End Round -Tnp TiMfrr tn farriart and lN Seaside or North Beach, return l jSfTZK ci. " Tkkwt at Office) of TOBAT - filiiis Developed Free! when prints er ordered. "W par retura .postage. -Five-hour expert aervlce, . largest Pbdto Supplr Uous in ta Northwest Woodard. Clarke & Co. Vood-Larh- Bldg Alder at W. sk TRAVEIi naoDnnnonnnnnnBnnoii a a H - n t Breath of the Pines a TUS0H feet abor seslerd, fas tfcft a n Powder River Mountains, n near Joseph, Oregon. Eat sleep. If play, lire outrf-doors. A dellghtC It nd nxuntainlAka resort Good tl fiahfrfr - . ;'.. r v-, J -X For fun Wonuibm,fam. q efasSfcaJafiaV afians vKtak - t. v OTY TICKET OFFICB -Xn n X WASHINGTON AT TKSD : v D V Bmdwtf 4500s A 6121 -. - fl 3