THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, TUESDAY. JUNE 26, 1917. 15 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD REPORTS GOOD CROP OUTLOOK NEW POTATOES ARE Edited by Hymen H. Cobra STEAD ER VTH OD STOCKS OUT MARTS Practically Nothing Ig Now Avail- Prod uction; New Stock Holding Well at 4 He nt 5c a Pound. Willamette Valley Crops In Very Good Condition Excellent mt tmucti in tha Willamette j valley and South. rn Orexon nre forecast by rn report issued by II. A. Huishaw, general freight agent of the Southern 1'acUic. The rei,rt from varloue cut lot shows: I A'esrberg Small araiiia, maklnc rood srowtn. i Ilay 1( being cut and niaklng an average yield. ! Potatoes ami bean nude a derided linnrovi-- able for Shipment Of th 1910 j nieut (luring tbe ck. AH frulta making fc'am irugrvss. 1 nu win Know awni .-r cent decrease as compared with laat jesr, which was an abnormal crop. Med ford Pears, apples and reaches mw- Ing rapidly; thinning of fruit 1 in progress. eorable to growing crop. small grains and, hay making good progress. Latter ts now be ing cut. I'otatoes. onions and beans growing rapidly. AU fruits continue in good condl tion. and with present weather conditions will continue to Improve raiiiCly . Ashland Wheat, oat and barley are Joat heading and In gorxl condition, liar la being harvested and yielding a good rrov. Apples, peaches and pears making splendid growth and there will be a heavy crop. Hoeurg l'at week haa been fa Tor able for all crops. Apples and x--rs will make about normal yield. Prunes are making good prog ress. Beans, pulaUws aud other crops looklug Pea Canning Time Is Here; Supplies -Big and Price Low Sales Along Street Down to 2Hc Pound; Too Much Coming to Clean Up on Street. With the practical withdrawal of old po tatoe from the leading markete of the cmin- try, there Is a steadier tone rhown f't new j stock at leading centers, even thoufen jncres'l : supplies are eliown from Ihe earlier producing i auctions. I Along Front street new potatoes are selling at 4 V to 6e a pound generally for Ihe day vitb whit.; stock lu lug ami garnets In sacra i at the lower price and garnets lu lug " "c a pound. There Is atlll a rather fair call for old po ti'tnes f.-oiu the ml.1.11" west and the south west b.:t ttie Weal trade has quit shipping and no additional carloads can now go forward vilh. mt incurring - too inuih expense In as sembling. The new potato crop In eregon to looking well, but Is Tory late. There; will be no curly stock from local sections and acre for i i re the crop will not be aa heavy as a year ago although with the Increased area the total yroductlou will be somewhat heavier. LARGE IfAIJUUT 13 SCARCE While there are quite fair supplies of small sHl, halibut coming from off the Oregon con at, lnrite slses ate scarce and prices remain blgh. ITacllcally all the boats operating In this vl clnlly are fishing off Flattery. STRAWBERRY MARKET LOWER Ixwer prices were again named for straw berries on the Kaat Side Farmers' nvtrket. when sales were gencrslly reported at $1.204j 1.40, alttionih late In the day some bualnesa was down to IL. Along the street sales were St Sl.UO'ul-W. hugar beets sre growing rapidly and Indi cation are there will be a a-ood Tieid. Fall I fine grain in very good condition; apxlng grain U j Eugene Warm weather prevailing during in need of rain. oBih show an Increased acre- j past week with slight ehowers, which be age. I! cans, tomatoes and potatoes continue I aided the growth of ali cni s. Ilay is being In; good progress. I hurvested aud yielding good crop. llesna, po- Sulein Fact week baa been warm and fa- I tatove and fruit coiiti;iue In good condition. VKAL MARKET 19 ERRATIC Wlill. In sotne Instances sales of eminfry killed calves were better slong the street dur lug the last 24 hours, snd were made up to Kc. some of the rrceiTers were unable to se cure over 14Hr- Uog held steady. Valley Hay Weak; Trade Is Slow but Interior Is Firm Central Oregon Demand From Feeders Excellent; Up to $13 Is Paid for Alfalfa, NORTHWEST GRAIN RI5CEIPTB -Cars.- Wbeat. Barley. Fir. Oata. Hay. rortland, Tuee. . 4 Year ago 9 Season to date.. 0.SO4 Year ago 10,4ft3 Tacoma. Moo... 23 Year ago 14 Sec eon to date.. 7.5(4 Year ago 7,222 Seattle. Mon 15 Year ago 8 Sep son to date.. 6,586 Yoax ago. 8,012 3 2 7 3 27 15.70 2331 223 1527 196S 1133 2hftl 9 1 .... 1 7 in2 818 2141 52S 437 2222 6 8 12 1 2 10 2o WW 1810 1282 ISCd Z133 1143 43K3 THREE CARS CANTS ARRIVE Throe carloads of cnnlalor-;ea were rexrted In for the l .cal trail? iliiring the dy, the en- tire lot coming from California. The market coiitlnncs to reflect nn easier tone, with fur ther thadlng of Talues. EGG MARKET JUST STEADY Market for ckk Is Joft about steady along the atreet. with no further change indicated in prices. Chickens continue slow around former prices. BntteT market also steady, with prices gen erally maintained. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE f Wire nails show an advance of oOc a keg for the day. Oomeberrlcs are selling well at 3 to 5c a pound. Merced tomatoes In good demand around $1.7j42.15 for best. Fresh talrnou n.rket remains firm, with Shipments frolu Pugrti Sound, Suutl.eru Oregon and California. California cabbage la holding ateady here at 8c for the beat. Crop Prospects Responsible for a Cut in Corn Price Chlcngo Market Starts Weak and Eower; Coarse Grains Show a Like Condition. Pea canning time Is here and It la up to the housewife to secure her auprllea at this time. Not only can the best quality be ob tained Just now but Talues are down close to bottom figures. First class home srowu peas are now arrlT lng and they are being freely offered In the wholesale trade at 2m. (33c a pound-" So liberal are auppllea offering from The Dtl ee. that the trade is completely blocked and It may be ncesaary to dump offering unless the housewife gets busy and after her winter's requirements. w ---. ., i Friday """ V" - ' "" . ' IThursda iresnjy incaeu on ine on J uireeM, mrn very little call for supplies eren from such a tl.ort distance aa The Dallca snd other Colum bia rWer points. The canneries are now about to start on their season's pea operations and aa soon ss geuersl work la started supplies, on the mar ket will be less liberal. CATTLE MARKET NOW MIXED WITH QUALITY STUFF IN GOOD CALL Finished Heavy Staff In Beat De mand, Bat Light Steers That Are Fat Would Sell Well; Poor Stnff Neglected; Lambs Are Lowered. Wild Demand for Rail Shares With Good Initial Rise Belief of Trade That Freight Rate Increase WiU Be Granted Give Market a Booat Finance: Timber : Industry Unit of One Fiftieth of One -Per Cent Fluctuation Established la Liberty Loan Trading on New York Exchange Bond Market Subservient to Government Bond Iune. Tuesday . looks ; Monday ., i Saturday PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUM Ilogn. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau i-dTls: Protect shipments . during the next 4S hours ss tar north ss Se ;att) ngainst mnl:nuni tempei alurt s of about ; 70 degrees, norlhcast to Spokane, K) degrees; southeuet to Ilolse, .81 degrees; south to Awh Isnd, KS degreeB. Maxi.outn tempersture at Portland toutorrow about To degrees. JOBBING PRICES VA PORTLAND These prices) are those st which wholsalera sell to retailers, etcept aa otherwise atated: Dairy Producta BUTTER t reaiuery, pilnts In pnrafflne j Wrappers, extrjis, 3ftc; prime firsts, Vlc finds. K!ic; cubes, lc lems; cartons, lc ad- Vance". I BUTTERFAT Portland delUery No. 1 , cieam. 38u. I FOGS Belling price: Case count. 30c per ' dozen; buying inrics, 294a jUc; selling price, ' cauoled, iit 3c. I.IVB POl LTKY Hena, heary Plymouth ; Eocks, lftc per lb.; ordinary Chickens, 14c per t lb. ; staita. 13c pT lb.: brellere, l'U2oc prr 1 lh - turLv 42(Mii'21i' ner Di r) ro...! f....w ;2CiU28c per lb.; cuils. ai!i2ic; squalM, 2.iW per aoxen; geese, live ); i'ekln ducks, young. 2bc per lb.; Indian Ittinners. old ducks. 'l.yibc per lb.; pigeojis, S1.2& per dozen. ' C1IEESK Selling price: Fresh Oregon , full creem triplets, assjittc; Young America. rj(a-c. ithimo Jobbers, flats There was little change In wheat prices at any point In the country during the early trading? aa compared with Monday. Trade at Pacific northwest polnta Is limited, and con sists of very small lots, and generally of mill ing wheat. The market for bar Is rather badly de pressed at the moment. But little demand Is Indicated Just now. There la quite a fair vol ume of old crop hay offering, and growers are showing a dlerioeltlon to contract the new crop for early delivery at Willamette valley points. tin the othtr hand there la a ratber strong tone in the hay altuatlon at Interior Oregon poiuta. as high as $15 a ton being offered In the stack for alfalfa In Ollllam county by cattle feeders". Local stocks of hay are rather liberal, and shading of prices Is generally Indicated. llroomball cabled from Liverpool: Liverpool wheat dull and easy, arrivals lib eral, export offers free. Corn firm, good gen eral demand, liberal continental absorption. (ais dull nnd steady, arrival liberal, but Bpot uetmnd better. Flour eaaler, with more liberal local mill offera and free arrivals foreign w heat. WHEAT Elueatem. 82 45; club, 12.30 2:32; foityfold, :i.31ff2.33; red Ruaslan, $J,30 per bushel, tidewater track delivery. OATSNo. 1 feed, $40.00 pei ton, tidewater track delivery. BARLEY No. 1 feed, 845.00 per ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. 811.80; Wil lamette valley. $11.10; local straight, tll.OOfd) 11. 40; bakers' local, $11.002 11.40; Montana apriug, 812.fW12.80; exports. 8H.10; whole wheat, $12.00: graham, $11.80; rye flour, $1.75 per ban-el. HAY Buvtng price, new crop. Willamette timothy, fancy, $27.0028.01); K-astern Ore- fon-Wasblngton fancy timothy. $3o.o0; alfalfa, 18.00; valley vetch, $18.00; cheat, $18.00; clover, $16.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal, No. 1 Calcutta, 13'(i I'i-Ttc In car lots; less amounts higher. MILLSTUFFS Selling price: Bran. 838.00 03C.OO; shorts, $38.00039.00; middlings, $47 per ton. RIM.LKD OATS Per ton. JM.OO. HtdJ.lil) BARLEY Per ton, $31.00(852.00. CORN Whole, $72; cracked, $73 per ton. Bjr Joseph F. Pritchard Chlcsgo, June 28. (I. N. 8.) The entire grain list waa lower today, the buying power being of a half hearted kind and those who were short backed away from the offerings nti on i decline. Loseea were shown of lc for wheat, 2i(3Hc for corn, HiV4c for oata and 36(375o for hog products. Cash buslneaa here waa email 1 1 5000 buAhela of wheat, 15.0u0 bushels of corn and 13u,000 bosh els of oata. In addition to the above aales of octa there were 500,000 bushels sold to ex porters over night. Export clearances of flour snd wbest as wheat today were 088.000 tuwhela; no corn and 303.000 buahels of oats. New flour was offered for August delivery t prlcee $1.002.5O per barrel below the current ralea. Chlcaro. June 26. (U. P. ) Heavy selling. Influenced by favorable weather conditions over the corn belt. Bent that grain down 1 to 2c today at the opening. July opened no 1 Vic at $1.K, but'later dropped to $l.oft. September opened at $1.474, off C later losing me December waa fac lower at the opeuiu, luter losing 1C to $1.0S. The wheat market waa unusually dull. There were no sales In July until an hour after the opening, when It was quoted at $2.10, the same as yesterday's close. It remained st that figure. September opened unchanged at $1.60, coutinulag at tuat figure. Oata was generally lower. In eympathy with com. July opened Vac off at S2ic. but subse quently gained c. September opened at 03c, down 'tic later losing c. December opfcied Vic off at r4Vc, later going to 64VSC Provisions were lower on a dull and lower bog market. Range of Chicago prices as fnnrlabed by the United Press: WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. iUO 210 209 200 166 HI lolt 184 CORN IP 159 154H lf6 147 146 140 HO 110 loo 107 OATS 824 03 2V4 62 63 63 f2 12 Ws 04 bH MVj 1-OBK AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago. Jane 20. Hogs opened weak to 59 10c lower, with no Indication as to how the "J 12U 103 12 231 1333 1400 81 SCO 82 SI 2 81S 423 118 678 107 842 1 4 870 227 199 ' 12 1388 141 133 8 828 21d 23 5 80 153 9 430 704 144 IS 843 V ednesdayy" . week sgo Yeai ago Tw yeara ago Three years ago. Four years ago.. Only three loads of livestock enterM the yard at North Portland over night following the rather fair auppllea of Ifsnday. Trend of the rattle trade la rather badlv mixed. There la aa exceptionally good call for fat steers. While the demand la beat for market will finish, a heavy stale atock of , heavy stuff, light steers of qaaUty are flndlns trash being a handicap. Qiolee heavywelghta j favor. On the other hand, the market la really were quotable np to $15.00, but there were few sales above $13.50. and considerable light mixed staff sold below $15.00. Cattle were strong at 1013c advances for the week. Uve muttons were slow at 25 (3 50c declines from the high spot last week. Denver Hogs $15.65 Denver. June 26. (U. P. j Cattle Receipts 700. Strong. Steers. $10.00(312.73; cows an! heifers. gS. 00(5 10.23. strikers sud feeders. $8.O0ge 26; cvilve. $12.00013 90. ' Hogs Receipts 2200, 10c lower. Top, $10.06; bulk. 315.nfH.110. 40. ISM, -.TU July September .. July September . . December July September .. L'tceuiber .. July September July September July September 8X0 8930 LARD 2102 2162 2170 2170 1UB3 2170 2170 21i5 Zl 8600 2110 2130 2140 2 loo 8000 8l 2u S110 2133 2140 2133 Big Bend Prospect For Wheat Is Good; Prunes Look Poor W. C. Wilkes, assistant general freight and ptssenger agent of the S.. P. A 8.. 1s also optimistic regarding crop eonditlone In the In terior. He hae the following report of the Big Bend from Waldo G. Paine, general freight and passenger agent of the 8., P. S. railway at Spokane: "Big Bend crop conditions are Improving steadily. Weather la warm enough for growth. No hot winds so fsr. Will need s rsln shortly. grain will yield 25 ? aeedlng fields free of weeds. Good Increase In spring acreage. Ilay and graaa crop above par. Everyone op timistic." The agent of the S., P. S, railway at Van couver. Wash., says: Prune crop does not look promising. Grow DEFERRED OPTIONS RISE IN N. Y. COTTON MARKET Mew York. Jane 26. The tone wss firm at the opening of the cotton market today. July Sheep Kecelpta 4S00. Steady, gK) .00, lambs. JIS.OOQIS.&O. Omaha, Hogs $15.50 Omaha, Neb., June 28. Cattle Receipt 6000. weaker. Ileevea, $10.30(813.78; cows and heifers, $8.001 1.50; atockers and feed ers. $7.00311.00; calves, $10.0014.50. Hogs Receipts 12.O00, 6310c lower; mixed, $14.86''15.40: good and choice heavy, $15.10 013.30; rough heavv. $14. S.'.ta 1.10; light, $14.604113.30; bulk. $15.00f(15.2&. Sheep Receipts 3200, slow. Wethers. $10.00 (fill. 50; yesrllres. $12. 002113.30; western lambs. $15.00(1050; spring lambs, $16.0OQ 18.00. Seattle Hogs $15.75 Seattle, June 20. (P. N. S nogs Re ceipts IS, steady, prime lighta, $13. U3w 13.73; medium to choice, $15.40iil5.50; soiotl) besv les. 14.90gi5.50: rough besvies, $14.40' 14.70; pigs. $14.4014.70. Cattle Receipts 127, steady. Best steers. $10.004tl0.25; medium to choice. $9.25.B0: oo mon to medlmm. $6.5O4iV0rt; best cows. $S.'K(a;,.30: common to medium cow. $o00i 7.50: bulls. 84.00i7.oo: cslrea. 86.60U10 bo. Sheep Recelpta oone, steady. Lambs, $13.00 gi.1.60; yearlings, $12.30(312.75; ewea, $10.00 ttll.00; wethers, $12.00Q12.50. Kansas City Hogs $15.$ Kansas City. Mo.. June 26. (I. M. .) Cattle Receipts 13.000; slow, steady to un- evenlv lower. Steers, $10.0013.33: cowa and heifers. $d.00 12.70; etockera and feeders, $3.0ril0.00; calvea. $6.00014.00. Hogs Receipts ltj.ou", steaay to ioe loweT. Top, $15.80; . iMilk. $14.73(313.70: heavies. jio.wi'ijij.i; meoiuma, ,i9.wv.iu; ugnu, $i4.eo(u i5.:io. Sheep Recelpta TO00, 25173c lower; lamb. $17..0'uilS.25; ewea, $9.0O210.0O; wethers. Chicago Hogs l.9 Chicago, June 26. (1. N. S.) ITors Re ceipts 12.000, 6c higher. Mixed and butchers. $14.tW 14.85: good heavy. $l5.2G215.yO; rough, $14.WX315.20; light. $14.80tf 13J0; plga. fl2.0OfJ14.10; balk. 14 90(ftlii.5. Cattle Receipts steady, ueeves, O130: cows and heifers. $C.25tll4.50; atock ers and feeders. $7.50til0.13; Texans, $10,709 12.30; calves. $13.00Cttl5.0. Sheen Recelcts 7000. steady: native and western, $0 73(311.75; lamb. $12.70(313.25. New York Sugar and Coffee New York. June 26. (U P.) Coffee Bfwt. No. 7 Rio, 10c; No. 4 Santoe, 10?c Sugar Centrifugal, $6.02. Clarke Realty- Transfers Vancouver, Wash., June 28. Real ica so iar aa Mgnc unrmiahec stuff la eon cemed. Offerings of thla character are nee- lected by buyers, who scarcely car to take noia at lower prices. General cattle market range Best beef ateera S10.20Q10.00 Good beef steers lO.OO(d10.15 Best beef cows b.OOJ 8.50 Ordinary good cows 7.0 7. SO Best heifers 8 75(3 9.00 Bulla 6 00 7.50 Calvea Kiui a -.n I Stockera and feeders 6.00a 7.00 Hog Xarket Batisfactory It la a satisfactory trend all throngb the swine trade st North Portland, althoua-b there wsa little stock avallsble for the market at the opening of the day bualnesa. Total run over nlgbt waa but 12U head. While $13.60 was obtained tor hogs on kfoo day, the lot that brought that price waa of exceptional rigure. In fact, the quality is better thsn la generally quoted here, and would be placed In the extra fancy elaaa. Oood first class swine are quoted firm at $1S.409, wbicn la substantially the same aa Mon oay ror similar stock. General bog range: Prime light $13.40013.30 Prime heavy 13318 40 Pg 12.001 12.28 Lamb Market Lewer With a much better movement of sheep and Umbo expected from the country, there Is less bullishness Indicated In thla brancn of the North Portland trade. Top lambs are qnoted nere arouna iz.ouiiiz.73 for the day. thl being a decline of 25 to 00e from previous fig nres. ror mutton tne demand la good for yearllnga around $950(39. 76, with old wethers around $9.00 for extreme tops. Cood average top quality light ewea are In ateady demand around $4.23(38.50, and It would not be snr prlaing If $9.00 waa obtained for soluble quality. General mutton and lamb market: Valley arrlng lambs Eastern Oregon syring lambs. Shorn yearllnga old wethers Shorn ewea JTew Tork. June 84. (L V. SO The atock market losed firm. It rallied in the last boor, Steel eonunon moving up to 130V, with moat of tbe ether industrials showing about the same amount ef gains. Btudekeksr, after declining about S points, rallied a point. Bales for the day ware $31,800 sharsi, bonds, $8,785,004). New York, June 2fl (I.'N. S ) The feature of the trading st the opening of the stock msr- ket today wus the w lol chase or toe raiirrmoa o higher figures aa a result of the general be lief that the Interstate commerce commission will approve the request for rate advancee t go Into ef'ect on Sunday. Prices of numerous railroad stocks resmea the highest figures touched in some time. Rock Island sdvanced Plnt to 88's.; Erie point to 274; Ilaware A Hudson iVi, rolnts to 116'; Union Pacific point to 138 T. Plttsborg & West Virginia made a gain or 1 points to 33ft. The strerrth In these stocks naturally can sea a dlmlcUbed trading In other Is rues and price cbangea In the Industrials were In most cases to fractionally lower ranges. Ohio Cities Gss dropped 6 points to 127 H- The vigorous buying which made the rail road storks active and strong all through the early trading, ae followed by a brisk selling movement, which bad an unsettling errect on the Industrial, lasnea and checked the advance in the railroad stocks. Steel cmoffli. sfter selling at 130Vfc points, declined to 12, and Bethlehem Steel "B" sold down from 141 points to l.?0- Money loaning at 0 per cent. After general selling around midday on which prices generally showed losses ranging from 1 to 2 points, the market developed a strong tone, snd the steel Industrials were lu Increased demand. Plttaburg Ooal became the moat prominent feature, advancing 3 points to 56, aud Pacific aiall made a gam of 2 points to 30. Range of New Tork prlcee furnished by Over. l.k 4t Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: DESCHI PTION jOeii i HiKin l"'w t lQ( Alaska Gold Allis-Cbalmera, American Can, e American Car Fdy., c. American Loco., c AtueWcnn .smelter, c... American Sugar, c American Tel. Ttl... American Woolen, c... Atchison, c Baldwin Loco., c P.altlmore lc Ohio, c Butte Jt Superior Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Chesapeake & Ohio.... Cub-ago Gt. W, e. . . I I I. ago. M. Si St. P... Chlcaico a N. W.. c. .. Clilno Copper ( olorado F. Sc I., C Cons. On a Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, c , I. Sc R U.. ntd DlsUilers Krle. c Goodrich Rubber Ot. North.. Ore Lands Gt. North., pfd Greene t an Hide St Leather, c 5Vs 31 49 80 '4Ml 5m 82 Hi 54I 5H 804, 2-V 49 '1 49Vt 49 7ti 7!.t 73 73 V: Tin lfrHS.KHV!107 107V 121 121 119V4;110 12JH 123H 1-3 123 MVvl 53 V 33 M 102V lO-J.lOlilOia T3 j 74i 71 I 7?-, 74m 75Vi 74U' 714 42 S 4:!M, 42 U ! P3Sl 95 42 H 10") 9;vt fi2' 2-s 12 liS. 76 78 iiovno':iios) 61 t 76 ei1 l 71 llo 36 4 52 lori S2Vi MM, la's. li IlllnoU Crmlrmi $12.0043)1160 hndtiktrlal Alcohol i4.Wjiiz.7D Inspiration w.ovi .(0 lntexboro. c 9.00 Kan. City southern. C i.votd H.OOI lsi-xawsnns tueei Tuesday LWestock Rhlnners- Ixblgh Vslley Cattle George Kohlbagen, Rose burg. 1 load. W'U "T Bheep W. I. Dlckaon, Koseburg, 1 load. w?Xlf,'V S2 leu Mixea sum m. w. lioetor. GoIdendaJe, Wash-, 1 load cattle, calvea and hoga. Comparative statement of recelpta: uatue. calvea. Hoga. 9.810 23.271 53Vi 53 Vti 525, 108 ,10 108 32 H ! 32H 32 87 8H 83 IG'-,! loH 22Hi 21 2: 27 21, 27 .-.1 J 31 49, H 33 I 33 Sl 31 ll P i lt 11 41Vs' 41H 41 41H 15 I 15 14V4I 14 o3'l03!lO '! 04 H Ws 23, 97 W 49 Month to data. 4.67S Same 1916 6,5dT Gain 1917 Loss 1917 S8 Year to date.. 89.833 Same 1916. . . .31,77 Gain 1917 8.126 Lose 1917 467 869 98 13.432 112.09 164,197 was down ll points, but other motitha advanced I estate transfers were filed for record 13 to 22 points. Range ot , New York cotton prices aa fur nished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 214-217 Board of Trade building: year. Late runs and unfavorable weather con dltlona probably accounta for brown rot which has shown up badly In majority of orchards. No Increase In acreage bearing and few con tracts made. Poor croj of cherries, and atraw berry crop also short this season. More acre age baa been planted to potatoes and veg etables than evsr before. Although planted lata are looking good, and some still planting." BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Clearing Monday Tuesday Clearings Balances 23u,24c; Young America. 2oC, f. o. b.; crea.n """V; 7Z,JZ, "'lr,, IbrbkT A'a. Limburgcr. .31!ij32c; bWt end If forthcoming spring ' bwiaa, MW35C. to 30 buvhels. Account lat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ! FRESH FRUIT?! Oranges. $3.Jj'if 3.03 box; ! bananas, 5VjC per lb.; lemons. $4.60(iJ 5.30; ; California grapefruit, $3.0O((j'i.5O; Florida, ; S6.OOftl7.00; peara, $1.402.A); cantnlouis, ipt nies, $3.60(4(3.75 ; sLantlaid, 4.25; special, ' $2.70; fiats,. $1.75; watermelons, 8r4, ; per lb. t cherries, ilali'io lb.; apricota, $1.73 ! 4J2.W per crate; peachea, $1.73; plums, $2 00 BBKR1RH Strswberrlea: local l.O0iyi 0O; blackberries $2.00; loganberries, $1.00; goose- berries, 8 a 5c per lb. APPLES Local, 2-303.25, according to quality. ONIONS California, new red, $1.75; yel low, $1.80. ' PirlAlORS Selling price, table atock, local, '8J.60. Buying price, ordinary ahlpplng, $2.73; 'itew potatoes, 4(23c, , VBGWrABLES Turnips, $2.00 per sack carrots $3.tK) sack; beets, $3.00 ssck; par , ; snips. $2.30 sack; cabbage.. Csllfomla, 2c lb.; ; green onions, 20c dosen bunches; peppers, 40c lb.; besd lettuce. $1.732.00 per crate; cel .ery, $0.00 per crate; artichokes, 90f(; -cucumbers. 6ocig$l OO per dozen; tomatoes, Mlaslsslppi, $l.a5U$2.00 crate; egg plant, 20c lb;, atring beans. lOQlOc; rhubarb. 23c Itier lb.; peas. 6Vij7c per lb.; cauliflower, tloeal, ( ) per doaeu; asparagus, tl.vo&1.10 per uosen ouncuea. S Keats. Fish and Provisions DRESSKD MKAl'S Selling price, conntry .killed bct hogs. 19319Vfcc per lh.; ordinsry 518c per lb.; beat veals, 14 gillie per lb ordinary veals. 12J13Vc; heavy HQllUcj gout. 4 4it)c; Umbs, lfltflTc i er lb.; inuttua. I2'l5c; Iveef. 9v iwr lb. ; SMOKED MEATS Hams. 2S29 per lb.; .breakfast bacon. 21(B27c; picnics, 22-; cot Jtnge roll, 2tic; short clears, 25tt27c; Oregon ieuorta. smoked, 27c per lb. I..VRD Kettle rendered tlerees. 24Ua th .stsnriard, 23MiC: lard compound, 18c. OYSTERS Olympla, gallon. $3 fx; canned, e.fiem. 50c per an, $6.60 leriozen; eastern 4n shell. $l.b0 per 100: eastern oyalera, per gallon solid pack. $2.73. i FISII Dressed flounder. 7c; Chinook sal non. 10c; p.-rch, 10c; soles, 6c; flounders, ie, salmon trout, 22c per lb.; halibut, 1 1 -jt a3- pet lb.; black cod, 8c; herring, tic; rasor Seisms, 2oc doxen; hard shell, 4e lb.; $2.78 ox. t CRABS Large. $2.50; -medium, $1.7$ deaso. Orooeries . SUGAR Cube. $9.13: powdered 8S.86; fmlf -or berry. $X23; Honolulu, $S.0; beet, $3.03 tlry granulated. $S 25; D Vellow, $7.tl0. ' ; litiiVEii ,wt, .i.wuj. jier case. RICE Japan strie, o. J. 7 let.ns head, 9c; blue rose. 8We. T SALT ( oarae. half ground. 100a, $12.40 per 3ori; HUB, a-l.s.ij; nun oairj, ps, 100s, Month January .. March .... May July August . . . September October . . December Open. .. 2B21 . . 2Hl . . 2H54 . . 2053 2066 .. 23i0 . . 2G17 High. 2IS8 2700 2706 2001 2013 2U07 2iT0 Low, 2019 2037 l!d54 Z"85 2610 2000 2."90 2612 doee. 2603 2ol 2t!92 26t 2603 2067 244 2656 The market closed steady at a net advance of 00 to 72 points. PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHAN G E erg say about one half qnantlty picked Hut I Jrin Clearings Balances . Clearings Clearings Clearings Balances Portland Banks This week. . . .$ 230.693 08 ... 2.S08.633.83 Seattle Banka Spokane Banks Tear ago. $ 1923.734.71 1.786.57355 .$ 3.W2.860 00 466.405.00 .$ 802.615 00 100.202.00 San Francisco Banka Lea Angeles Banka .$14,229,803.00 $ 4.084.93. 00 $ 490.971.00 101,745.00 DAERY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Prices) between dealers: B UTTER Week Toes. Mon. Sat. Frt. Tbnr. Wed. sgo. 3t 361 35 30 5 80 85 84 80 Cubes Extras . firsts ,. Dairy .. Current receipts Oregon triplets ...83 85 83 80 89 80 ...B0 80 80 80 80 80 BOGS ...80 80 80 SO 80 80 CHF7ESE ...23 28 23 28 28 23 80 San Francisco Grain Market Baa rranclaco, Juno 26. Barley calls: June 16. June 18. Onen. Close. Close. Jnly lflOB 197A 2O0B December 190 1S7 193 May 197A 197A 202 Berley feles: 600 tons December Wheat Per cental New Honors. SS.Ksa 8.60, f. o. b. Interior ahlpplng point; northern ciud am ilea Russian, nominal; uo bluestera. 4W(S4.t0. Barley Per cental New feed, $2.1032.20. vrai nnrie, ei.iuu--J- ic; New Or- 816.73; bales, $2.40; fancy table and dairy f2:t.tO: lump rok. $2t.00 per ton. I BEANS Small while. 17c; large whits, 38c per lb.i pink, ,14c; , llcnaa, 17c; bayous Live; red. 14c. Hepa, Wool and Hides HOrS .Nominal; buying price, inj n. crdlnary, 6(&bc; selected, 6c; contracta. lvc W lb. f. WOOL Willamette valley coarse Cotswold t9(.61c lb.; medium Shropshire, 00 63c; fine' $8fti0c; Eastern Oregon, 62(jJ61c. niuuEr-Qsiieu uiuwi ao iusw ana up, zts?; alted stags, 50 lbs. and up, 15c: green and alted kip, 15 lbs. 22c; green and aaited rait skins np to 15 lbs., 32c; green hides, 23 lbs. and np, ISc; greeu staga, 50 lbs. and up, 13c; dry hides. 86c: salt hides, 2Sc; dry horse J.ldes, $1.0062.50; salt boras hWes, S3.00 , ; horse hair. S0c; dry long wool pelts, S3 sfliioc; dry short wool pelts, 25c; dry sheep .bearings each. 10(25c; salted sheep shear ings, each, 26330c ; salted long wool pelts, each. $1.6O4.O0; aaited abort wool pelte. ach, 60cJl.OO. I TiLLOW No. 1. 14c; No. 2. 12c; grease, (Uc per in. Seattle Market Seattle, June 5. (U. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube, 88c; do brick, 39c; fieah California, cube, 88c; do brick. 88c. Eggs Select ranch, E6(g 37c Cheess Oregon triplets, 27c: Wisconsin trip lets, 28c; do twins, 2Sc; Young America, 28c. Baa Franc is oo Xarket San Francisco. Cel., June 26. (TJ. P.:) Butter Bxtraa. 86c: prima flrsta. 86o. Eggs Extras, 80c; extra flrsta, 2ej ex tra Dulleu. 2SMic: extra flrsta. millets r- Cheese California Gats, fancy, 20c; 'firsts 19c. Los Angeles Karket Loa Angeles. June 20. (P. M. 8.) Per pound. 36c Eggs Per dozen, 81c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market Seattle Jnne 2o. (U. P.) Onions Ana-tri-lia, 4c; wax. $2.25; CallfornJa red, 2c; crystal white, crate. $1.75. Potatoes Yakima. Gema. $90.00; seed. esu.w; iocais, a m.wsy.iAi per ton. San Franoiseo Karket Kan FrsncWKO. Jnne 26. (U. P. Onions New Stockton red, OOcdx J 1.00 per sack ox, the wherr; do yellow. WH-ial (JU. New potatoes Per pound, 282ie; Garnets, 6ia i. o. d. uiuna. New York Metal Market New York. June 26. Metal prices: Spelter Quiet. June and July, 9c; later deliveries. 9 Mr. Tin Easy. Bpot, lg20. Lead Dull. June. 114 (211 c: July and Angust, lliWlle. t ' . C . n I 1 M y . . July, ovic; late Jniy ana A.nguat, 32'$(9Zc; Beptemoer, aMvanjoo; sa( quarter, auc. quarter, 80c. with the county auditor Monday as follows: Henry C. Burgess to Charles A. Oslund, the north half of soutn half of northwest quarter of north westquarter of section 9, township 3 north, ranee S east, $450; William A. Woolf to Koy B. Woolf. 16 acres In section 33, township 3 north, range 1 east, 110; William A. Woolf to Elsie O. Woolf Galbraith, 10 acres In sec tion 82, township 3 north, range 1 east, $10; Columbia Aerie No. 26S, Fraternal Order of Eajrles to Emma L. Rochester, lot 5. block 66 in Van couver, west or -Main street, iu: Henry B. Miller to Alice M. Mcln tyre, lot 16, block 5, Moody & Roth rock's addition to Vancouver, $10, Dance for Red Cross Vancouver, Wash., June 26. The to tal amount of the pledges for the Red Cross has not been ascertained as yet. Reports are coming In fast and theoorrv mittee are busy checking up the sub scriptions. At the Elks benefit dance last night $71.50 was raised and turned over to the Red Cross fund. All who are Interested In the Red Cross work are requested to meet at the Chamber of Commerce rooms to night for the purpose of arranging for refreshment booths for the Fourth of July for the benefit of the Red Cross fund. Reports of the work done by all the auxiliaries In the county will be read tonight at this meeting. Ho. 4 steers 8 ateera 1 steer . 1 steer . 1 steer . 1 steer . 28 steers 12 steers 6 steers 2d steers 1 cow 1 cow . . 8 cows . 1 cow . . cows . 9 cows . 2 cows . 8 cows . 1 cow .. 1 bull .. 71 hogs .. 22 hogs . . 20 hogs . . 8 uogs .. 22 Ismbs 18 lambs 37 lambs 67 lambs 2.840 1.929 411 B1.49 Monday Afternoon Bales STEERS Ave. lba. 1048 130 1380 1010 ...... 730 9S0 873 897 -30 81S Bceep. 14.0T7 18,901 4.874 83.834) 71,000 COWS. s 12 ewea . 18 ewes 7 rear 11 ngs 18 yearllnga 236 8 wethers BULLS. "ilOGJk LAMBS. EWES. YEARLINGS. WETHERS 1060 1160 980 1100 Si 2 797 10.35 803 1170 1260 130 196 141 184 66 69 00 4 12 123 94 80 93 SO 11 17,248 Price. 8830 8.50 8 30 8. 60 7.00 7.83 T.85 7.83 7.00 0.70 .00 7.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 7 Om 7 50 7.30 6.00 Miami Copper Midvale Steel Mo.. Kan. A Texaa, c Mlawiourt Pacific Nevada Consolidated .. New Haven New York Central ... Norfolk a Western, c Northern Pacific Pacific Hall Penn. Railway Peoples Gss pressed steel car. c. Rv Cons. Copper Railway steel springs.. BesOlng, o Ren. Iron iSteeL c. Rock Island Shsttuck Studebaker. c Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway, a. Tennessee Copper Texas Oil Texaa Pacific I Union Pacific, c United States Rubber, c Rep. Iron a Steel, e Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, c... W. IT. Telegraph Westlngbouse Electric. 64l 63 9. 23 22 97' W 66 06a 49W 47 9 7 97 90 41'i 41(41 i s. 82 32 23 23 40 40 114 1164 162 l(Vt 63 9X, 0 47 96 41 oo oo I 7 7 32 R2 3.0 a. I nv I 1 " . . T I 93 93 92 93 I 125 126 125 125 1 104 104 103 103 28 28 29 , 53 53 63 63 79 SO 7S 7 78 78 78 77 28 Vs 57 67 57 67 99 99 82 98 91 92 91 92 87 88 87 h 274 P2 82 75 78 90 K 95 96 29 29 28 28 V. 1.44 19 " lVi 213 213 213 213 16 16 16 16 138 13 138:138 60 60 60 60 91 92 91 l 92 111 111 1101110 43 43 4-3 43 92 93 92 I 93 52 52 51 M Frtvate Housm Xasdle Tana X,oaa Bonds. The federal farm loan board, on behalf of the 12 federal land banks and at their request, has concluded aa arrangement by which a group of In vestment houses will participate in the marketing of farm loan bonds soon to be issued by the banks. The preliminary negotiations have been had with Alexander lirown ok Sons of Baltimore; Brown Brothers A Co. of Philadelphia; Harris. Forbes tt Co. of New York and Lee, Higginson & Co. of Boston, who are among the oldest and most conservative houses In the coun try, having lari;e lists of customers. and facilities for the distribution of bonds to Investors. While such secur ities as farm loan bonds are well known in Kurope, where they gener ally sell on a parity with government bonds, the American investor is not yet educated to them, and it is be lieved that by utilizing the facilities of these Investment houses a larger number of investors can be reached in a shorter period of time than would otherwise be possible, and that, in thla way a brond and continuing market for farm loan bonds can be promptly established. The four houses agree to form" a national group, including houses in every land bank district. which will market approximately half of the bonds issued by the banks dur ing the next six months, up to a total of $30,000,000. The other half will be sold directly by the banks to invest ors In their respective districts. It is estimated that the total issues Of bonds by the banks within a year will amount to between $100,000,000 and $150,000,000, and our agricultural, ex igencies require that there shall be neither uncertainty nor delay about providing these funds for American farmers. In response to a request from Secretary of the Treasury Mo- Adoo. Attorney General Gregory made' a careful examination of the federal farm loan act and rendered an opin ion fully sustaining the constitution ality of the act, and approved espe cially the provisions relating to the Issue of farm loan bonds, the validity of such bonds, and all their Lax exemp tion privileges. Xr. Freeman Ooes East. On a busi ness trip that will occupy a month or six weeks, F. A. Freeman, vice presi dent of the Lumbermen's Trust com pany, left for the east Saturday eve ning. Mr. Freeman goes to New York and afterward will visit other financial centers, combining business with a pleasure excursion. He Is expected back in Portland about August 1. Xjwaraace) Convention Abandoned. The Travelers Insurance company of Hartford, Conn., has called off tbe annual convention of its agents, which was to have been held in July, ad vising those who Intended to attend the meeting to divert the expense mon ey to some patriotic channel. Pettls Grossmayer tt Co., agents In Port land, were recently advised of this ac tion, and other companies throughout the- country are understood to be adopt ing vne same course. Xrooa Take Copper Declare nirldeaa By declaration of two Initial divi dends at the rate of 1 cent a share payable July 10 and August 10, Loon miles north of Spokane. WagtL, b- . comes the nearest dividend paying mine to that city, wresting the dlstlnc- tion from United Copper company of , Chewelah. Wash., about 20 miles far ther north. Loon Lake Copper com- -pany'a disbursements will add anoth er to the dividend paying mine Of the state of Washington, which, uatU ; this time, has numbered but three . within its boundariea The capital of I the new dividend payer is $is,oo. In l.soo.voo shares of par value of 2e cents. Nearly three fourths of the , entire capitalization la held in pool and. in declaring dividends under such conditions, Loou Lasts Copper has es tablished smother precedent in this part of the world. Bond Market. In the bond depart ment of the stock exchange as in the stock department everything has been subservient to the Liberty loan, says T. IL Price In the current issue of Commerce and Finance. Trading la It commenced at 12 o'clock on Friday. -June 1$. The unit of fluctuation es tablished is 1-50 of 1 per cent. Thus, a quotation of 100.1 means that a 1100 bond sold at this price would bring; $100.02. A quotation of 100.41 would mean that a 1100 bond sold at this price would bring $100.88. and a quo tation of 101.13 would mean that a $100 bond sold at thla price would bring $ioz. 26. On the other band, a quotation of 9 4 would mean that a $100 bond sold at this price would bring $99.98, and a quotation of $1.1 would mean that a $100' bond sold at this price would bring $.02. We are thus particular in explaining the sig nificance of these quotations because great confusion has arisen In connec tion with them. Shortly after 11 o'clock on Friday when the subscrip tion list waa closed with an announce ment of an over subscription variously estimated at from $800,000,000 to $1,000,000,000, $166,000 of the bonds were sold at 9.4 and $S5.00O at $ 48. On the total of $201,000 thus sold below par the loss on the issue price waa $47.20. The sale of the bonds at less than par has Inspired much ad verse criticism and has crystallised public sentiment id opposition to fur ther transactions at a discount. In other departments of the bond mar ket the tendency has been toward lower prices, reflecting presumably the fear that congress will not much reduce the Income taxes provided for in the revenue bill passed by the house and now under consideration in the senate. Foreign government bonds are on an average from to per cent lower. New York city bonds have been rather more active at declines ranging from 1 to 2 per cent. It is generally expected that the city will shortly issue a loan of from $50,000, ooo to $75,000,000 at a rate somewhere between 4 and 4 per cent. New York city 4s of I960 are quoted at 99 which would seem to argue some what badly for the success of a new 4 per cent loan. Several issues of public utility bonds have shared In the declining tendency and the whole market seems to be gradually adjust ing Itself to the expectation of a high Income tax which will automatically compel people of large means to sell Lake Copper company, operating 43 taxable bonds and buy government. Knlzek Sells Timber Chehalts. Wash.. June 26. Otto Knl- v- nt Tint v raoorts the sale of his 7 00 timber holdings In Jefferson and Clal- I. . i IT . t,urhr,aft m i 10 ia An I IBul CO u I intra. ns t . . . 10 KJ" I , a ..v. tn a lh..l. fan- lS. 40 I acre iniiiruivu miivu ... - . - - 14.23 ada. Otto Knlzek win remain to lane 15.40 rhana of the home ranch and his brother Joseph will take charge of the ranch In Canada. $12 76 12.73 12 71 12 73 $7.00 8.23 8.0U $9.00 8X0 $9.56 9.71 Tuesday Morning Bales. ST E Ella Ne. 21 steers 15 steers 8 steers COWS 1 cow 1 cow 1 belter -Butter CHITTIM OR CASCARA BARK Bnrinz 31 ce, per car lots, 6&7c per lb. . Sops, fa lata. Oila ROP BlisU dark. 22ei w&ite. 22c per 5 Kansas Harvest to Start Great Bend, Kan., June 26. Wheat harvest In this part of the tate w l t:irt .n e nrcat In the next two or three dnvs, aul will con tinue in full blast for the next ihree veeke Barton county's wheat cror will be nboot two fifths of what it haa len in years when a gooa crop was harvested. Money and Exchange iew ioti, June i. (u. p.) atoaey on can, o per cent; six months, 0b; commercial paper 5 per cent; bar aiJver. London, 38 d New York, 78c; demand aterllng, 4-1.75 . lb.; standard Manila, 30c LINSEED Raw. bbls.. $1.32 per gallon; kettle boiled btiia.. II U- raw i n boiled, cases, $1.41 per gallon; lota of xfij gallons COAL OIL Water whits. In drums and iron parreis. iuc per gauon. WHITE LEAD Tun lots, 14c lb.; 600 TURPEN 10 NTTNE Tanks. 82c: eases. 6A: GASOLENE Basis price, 20c per gallon;, awsje per gaims). Vancouver In Brief Vancouver, Wash., June 26. Marie Templeton. alias Marie Dillon, 15- years old, was picked up by the police last evening. She had run away from her home at The Dalles and was re turned there today by boat. Miss Gertrude Bartlett of Dallas, Texaa, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Lulu McCoy and Mrs. Caroline F. Clark, 608 West Tenth street. She reached here last night and will remain for an indefinite time. 1 stag 7 ewea ..... I 1 buck sheep 15 hogs 8 hoes 2 hoga 1 hog 13 bogs HEIFERS STAGS BWES BOGS Ave. lbs. Price .. 1179 $ 75 . . 870 9.23 .. 1003 8.66 .. 1020 $ 5 50 .. 050 8.00 .. 500 $ 6-50 .. 1110 $ 7.50 ..143 $ 7.00 P ... 160 $8.50 ... 191 $15.40 ... 203 15.40 ... 270 16.40 ... 220 10.40 ... 188 1.$0 Central la Doubles Quota Centralla. Wash.. June 26. V.'hen the 10 teams that managed the Red Cross drive In Centralla rendered their final reports lest night, the subscriptions totalled $14,169.1$, nearly double the city's allotment of $8000. The sub scriptions will be still further in creased by the employes of the Martin Lumber company s ; camp, who were unable to cet their list In last night. E. T. Thompson and Frank Walker. two messenger boys employed by the Western Union Telegraph company. showed their patriotism yesterday by glvlgig $6 o piece to the fund. Oregon City Personals 1 Oregon City, June 1$. John Hales- ton, a local boy. who is attending the United States military academy at Wean Point, is in the city visiting friends. Chat-lea Overstreet, a local barber, employed at the Depot shop, leaves Thursday via boat for Los Angeles, Cal.. his former home, where he will reside. Race Track Man Weds Oregon City, June 26. County Judge H. S. Anderson Monday afternoon of ficiated at the marriage of Effle Ediff Robblns end John T. Wallace. In his office in the court house. The groom, who Is past 70 years of age. Is a trainer of race horses. The couple will reside at Salem until this fall. When they expect to take up rheir home on the Robblns homestead near Woodburn. Mrs. Boone Asks Divorce Oregon City. June 26. Kathyrn I. Boone of Portland Monday began suit In the circuit court of this county for a divorce from Benjamin E. Boone, alleging cruelty. One Lola Ruble is named. The Booties were married In 8eatUe. March 6. 1916. Going to Estacatda Oregon City June It. Not leas than 75 Live Wires and Commercial club men will go to Estacada this evening to attend a banquet of the Commer clal club gt that place. The trip will be made in automobiles, leaving Ore gon City at 5:30 thla afternoon. WOMEN WISH TO AID IN COAST DEFENSE OF U. S. American Wheat Options Dulntb Winnipeg ... Minneapolis . Kansas City St. Louis ... July. . 244 .1H6 . 233 . 191 . 203 Sept. 180 1S2 153 Petitions Are Filed Vancouver, Wash, June 26. A pe tition has been filed asking that the will of S. H. 'Miller, who died June 8, 1917, be admitted to probate The es tate is valued at about $7d0. Alex A. Higdon has filed a petition asking that the will of Eliza A. Hlgdon be admitted to probate. Mrs. Hlgdon died June 17, 1917. The estate is val ued at close to $4000. October. In the Courts Oregon City, Or., June 26. Alleg ing desertion. Alma Woodcox asks the circuit court for a divorce from Wal- Mills Nearly- Ready Chehalls, Wash., June 26. The new mill on the Fleetwood place near Shanghai, owned by F. H. Green, la nearly completed, and will be ready for cutting shingles soon after the Fourth of July. He is maving the ma- Mrs. Wells Loses Insurance Suit Oregon City, June 26. Mrs. Mary C. Wells, whose three houses and furni ture were destroyed by fire at Oswego the night Of August 18. llo. lost her suit in the circuit court Monday to recover $1400 insurance from the Firemen's Fund Insurance compan. The suit had been on trial several days with Judge Tucker of Portland pre siding in place of Judge CampbelL The jury was out only 20 minutes. One of the chief witnesses for the defense was William Newman, who is serving a sentenco of from three to seven years in the state penitentiary. ho, together with Mrs. Wells, the plaintiff, was Indicted about a year ago for the crime of arson In setting 1nra T . . iffA frTr q n n oIqa tha ana- tody and care of' the two minor chil- chlnery from his old mill at Carrol Is A to the houses in question. New iir.n or- ai ii i,i t-.. tho M)..r to me new plant, ana win nave a wen woo . 7u ui con 7 vr. . n.i is r,t, ro- .v.i, ciulDDed claTiL He exDecta to hire a I f essed to having set the y.-rz.y .1.1 7. Cnmsr?-9:.4V ? ft Wf(w.w,estira"si . m-i-yw mjuu mm a rsHar.'.-x-.-Mi'- a. ae. -:. sv v-- hsk s s - i tv, i M ' to it's f " Z i 1 fire. On care. The couple were married at Har vey, I1L, March 10. 1902. Kathryn I. Boone Monday began suit in the circuit court for a divorce from Benjamin E. Boone, alleging cruelty. The Boones were married In Seattle March 6, 1915. Llllie C Schroeder and Minnie C ocnucaeiser sisters, Monday were awarded a judgment and decree of I foreclosure against M. T. Duffy in , tne sum or $1200, with Interest, on lot In Maywood. this county. truck to move the shlna-le to the car. the stand in this suit Newman testi- as there la a rood road from Carrolla fled that he had been hired to set firs to me nouses by Mrs. wells, who had agreed to pay him $225 and who had paid him onlylS. to the mill. Chehalls Slacker Arrested Chehalls. Wash.. June 26. William Phillips was today arrested In a log ging camp by Sheriff Berry, charged Marriage License Record Oregon City, June, 16. Marriage U with failing to register at the recent I censes were issued to the following registration of ellglbles for army duty. fy County Clerk Harrington Monday: Dlputy United States Marshal Secrlst took Phillips to Tacoma to answer to the federal grand Jury. - John w.' Warns taff of Bend, and Anna Bach man, and 2. T. Wallace of Hubbard and Effl Ediff Bobbins. i I 1 a , it S J ' ' vs. s. .v.'j.-i- -iV.v.V.- s -. m r t w - s - - m T ffSi--i7if 7 2 RED CROSS ORGANIZER REPORTS PROGRESS HER COUNTY EFFORTS Miss May Geoghegan Enrolls Six-Weeks-Old Baby and Four-Year-Old Lid, Vancouver, Wash., June SI. Miss May Geoghegan, who Is busy organ. lng auxiliaries to the local Red Cross chapters throughout the county, has reported the good work that Is being done in the way of added membership at Sara and Fellda. The auxiliary was organised at Sara yesterday afternoon with a member ship of II. Mrs. Charles Deako was elected chairman, and Mrs. Amanda Thurman was chosen as vice chairman. Mrs. Maud Daniels Is secretary and Mrs. Clare Custard Is treasurer. Among the charter members of the auxiliary Is little Waunda Z. Watklas, s wesKo 01a. Master Joe CLeary, 4 years old, Is also a member. Until yesterday Catherine Schwars. a nlaoa of Miss Qeoghegan, held the honor of Deing the youngest member, at least In this county. The auxiliary which was orranlxad. at Fellda three weeks 4 go with a membership of 47 reported 1T new members, making a total membership to date of 162. They have decided on the last Monday in each month as the regular meeting night, when plans for the work will be discussed. Tomorrow night Miss Qeoghegan 111 go to La Center for the Durnosa of forming an auxiliary at that place. Vancouver Marriage Licenses Vancouver. Wash.. Jun 16. Mar riage licenses were Isued to the fol lowing couples Monday: George W. Shannon Jr.. 25. and Norma I. Mm Cord. 2$, Haker, Or.; Otto Hoffman. 17, aad Irene Haffey, 19, Capo Horn, Wash.; Darrel C. Montgomery, 21, and Ora M. Bates, 19, Kcio, Or.; John H. Wetxler, 22. Seattle, and Margaret Mlebus, 24, Portland; O. J. Lewis, 25, Burllngame, Cal., and Ross Luparlnl, 12, Vancouver, B. C; Oeorge Suther land. 2 7. and Mabel G. Psrrlne, 11, Vancouver, Wash. Enjrine Jumps Track Oregon City. June 26. The engine of a northbound Southern Pacific freight train and the front trucks of the tend er were derailed In the local yards at Eighth street at 9 o'clock Monday night. A derailer was broken and girder and steel rod supporting th Seventh street steps were bent and torn loose from their fastenings. , 4 astTjWA rr&r L The above photograph shows Miss Vera Kltchln and Mrs, William Duffy, two of California's Aerial Defense) league, who have of fered their aeroplanes and their services to the government for coast tlefense work. The entire corps is" composed of six women who are expert aviators who are now taklxis A course) ac - the California training ground In war work , Stacks. BoBda, Cottaa, Cralsw Cta. 216-217 Bwa ! Trasie ZmiXdmt Oyerbeck & Cooke Co. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES hers Cnleag Bar et aitaU yt eVsejaa H CUmt. JTew xm - - f V