THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. 11 Ui&Ll' WAJiTED MALE Continued) bTREETCAR MEN-From now until further notice the offices of our em- wnuMt examiner, room 7. O. W. P. 5t and Alder over Intfrurhiin waitlDg-TjeScjm, will be open from 10 to IV tu in. and from & to 8:30 n. m.. to receive applications for positions as carmen. P. R., & p. Co. MAN with amah auto truck or auto mobile can make from 350 to $100 week for next 8 wf-eks. Care A-596, Journal, or phone Wdln. 1&3S between a and 8 p. m. WANTED For second shift, experi enced door machine men. Bander men, planer men and stock cutters; steady work and good wage. Henry McCleary Timber Co.. MeCleary, Wash. tAt tuxxiL.-.iL.D weavers anu apin ners. Good wages. Stb&Uy work. Also use limited number to learn weaving and spinning. Apply Port land Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Or. ; "WANTED Janitor and wife for apart ment house; must he experienced, with references. Cambrian Apts., cor. 12th and Columbia sts. ANTED Experienced Dl.ilng ma- chine operator for shipping office, wholesale house. Splendid opportu nity fo r advan cement. J-463. Journal. WANTED Wood chopper, middle aged, married preferred; good cabin, fruit and tools burnished. E. V. O'JJell. R 3. Box 83, Orcsham. Or. XT A KTTL'Tl. ( ' .-.. A i. ,,,,1 I take half Interest In well established county seat newspaper. $750 will handle. WX-913. Journal WANTED Counter and kitchen men. Lelghton's Dairy Lunch. Broadway and Washington. I1KL1 VVAXTKI MISC. 4 A'lTOMOBlLB SCHOOL, Just moved Into our new building; It's especially built for this purpose; the equipment Is excellent new class rooms, labora tories, shops: details tciven on reouest. Addrefcs Y. M. C. A. department of education, Portland. Oregon, Dlvv slon A COLLEGE preparatory school; nw classes Just opening for summer term: all work fully accredited. For com plete bulletin address Division A, Y M. C. A., department of education. Portland, Oregon. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. ' 88 Burnside st. Call or write for full Intormation about FREE TRIAL, OFFER. HINSDALK'S COMMERCIAL, School. Broadway-Yamhlll bldg. Reduced prices for the summer. Positions se cured. FIREM-&N. brakemen. beeinners $100. $150 monthly; permanent; railway. jm-38. Journal. SPECIAL HUMMER RATES. MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSI NKS3 mi.T.KGK. AT.. I SKY BLDQ, UNCALLED for tailor made suits $3.60 up. Ta vlor tho Tnllnr. 7hrV Burnside. LADIE. take work home, spare time, stamping store, vvasnington HKLP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper, compotent In all tranches cf ae counting and office work. In apply ing state qualifications and salary ex pected. A -553, Journal. "WANTED, experienced chocolate dip per; cood wa-ges. 347 Market st. basement. WANTED Married couple, lady to do few hours chamberwork m ex change for 2 rma. 422 Vi Washington EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, good wages, steady position, at Acina, res taurant. 91 N. 6th st. iRS for power sewing ma chines wanted, 1G7 1st. Utility Gar ment Co. r WiANTED Middle aged housekeeper bv worklns man. Good home, small wages. Apply oai UoFthwlck NEAT young girl for general house work. Apply mornings. oas Love- JoV Ht WOMAN, general Irousework; Hood River; family 1 lady: desirable po eition. Marshall 6170. Room 421. WANTED A girl. 18. prefer a school girl; nmnU family. 812 Tillamook. A ' GOU13 lu. me fori a woman who is willing and kind : waggs. East 650il. GIRL to hflp housework; good home a hdw agea. Tahor 311 8. B-l 610. GENKTML housework, low, $30 pr month. 6 room bunga 460 K. 17th N. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 KTUDt booKkeeDitig, snorlhHnd. teleg raphy, salesmanship. English branches." at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 590 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behrrke-Walker Business College. 167 4th t., near Morrison. ewLa $Mmm muzm Est. 1893. 80 schools. Summer rate. Pay while learning. 234 Burnside st OREGON Barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade; paid while learning; poeitiou guaran- teed. 233 MadlBQn. MOHLER Barber scnool. men anJ women to learn barber trnde free, paid whilp l.'urnlnif. 3 N. 2d. cor. Couch WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS make money selling phono graphs. Carr & Hon. Glpzen. Indiana. SITUATION S MA LE ?5l fTO fTH Will rapalr your watch no Wllyiu) matter how badly broken HKlXiK LT'S. .lewclera. 124 Fifth St. FIRST class machinist, capable of taking charge, open for engagement. 55-795. Journal. WILIj Kive $20 for position as black smith; If not satisfactory, no pay wanted. B-611. Journal. BOSS caulker in open wooden ship yard- 37 years experience. S-443 Journal. EXPERIENCED, . man to drive Ford auto vructc or touring car. wood lawn 3883. CARPENTERING, repairing and m.oaellng. fnone Tahor 234. FOR good painting and tinting, call 1 anor sift. j WANTED, garden work. Tabor 869 1 SITUATIONS. FEMALE WELL KNOWN Portland lady would like to take charge of small apart ment house or hotel for apartments end, small wages. Mrs. Patterson. Mar- snau vJ. HOUSEHOLD helper to assist cook In private family. Good place for Bmart girl who wants to learn. Wages $2. Apply at room 908. Electric bide-. OU NO girl would like to do hous- work or take care of children for room and boara with small pay Phone Woodlawn 2267. WOULD like day work from 8:30 until 5 o'clock, for car fare and $1 per day. Call Main 4020. Phone after 7 P. m. FIRST class choc, dipper wants post tlon as manager or head girl In canayssnop. Address Krma Knott, 903 83d sore., Seattle, wasn. TWO women and young girl want to pick or pack berries near city and return nome nigntn. n-tz4. journal. WOMAN will laundry curtains; 20c pair. Phone Broadway 5434.-. WANTED Work by the hour. 25c, East 5752. DRES3MAKING 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker of 10 yrs ino patterns required; satisfaction gniarantepTi, $3 per day. C-I3Z6. : ' ' NURSES , ?Q fccAST SIDE AmTIU MS"-JM 85 Hatwhorne aye. and J8th St. ' Newly furnished. Dleasant home sur roundings, near business center, fac ing Burrell Heights. Modern equip ment for care of general surgical and medical cases, rates $1(3 to $35 per week; special rates and accommoda- tlohe to maternity cases. EXPERIENCED practical wishes cases of any . kind, nurse Phone MRSTMAF MARY CHAPELL. nurse, moved M tl4 w." A'arK. Main 6837. - FURNISHED ROOMS -9 $1.60 WK, up; absolutely clean; large, llPTht rooms, hot wa.tsr find bath fre at all hour. Cadillac. 8d near Jef ferson, tlXht TOE bRISTOL?;? Strictly modern. Under new-manasnt mnan stark sts. Broadway 3823. hotel Rowland, 2074-211 4th St. 166 rooms: modern: brick building; ideal location; popular REDUCED rates for the summer. Rooms are clean well furnished and clean. Palace Hotel. 446 Washington. KiUDUL'ED rates for the summer. Rooms are clean, well furnished and clear. Palace Hotel 446 Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th. RATES 50c day ud. weekly 12 11 n. Rnnnintr water. Free phones and bat) SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN RMS., BATHS. PHONES, $2.00 AND UP. TRANSIENTS 60c UP. 422 WASH, PALACE HOTEL, 446 Washington. Rates reduced for the summer. Come and see ouj rooms. PALACE HOTEL, 44 Washington. Rates reduced for tha summer. Coma and see our rooms. ROOMS and apartments In modern hotel. 31.76 week and up. 456 Alder. 150 WEEK up, clean, warm modern rur. rms central. The King. 809 Jet. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam neat, running water. 385 3d St. FURNISHED ROOMS POTATO PAJCTXY FURNISHED rooms, sleeping porch una Karaae. Lietu ic iisuia una iaa Tabor 190. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent: free bath, hot and cold water. B3 N. 20th st, FURNISHED room in modern home with board, walking distance: 823 per month. 255 Halsey at. East 1383. ROOMS from $5 a month up at 234 10th st. Phone Main 1715. 1 I, ARGE unfurnished front room, close in. Telephone aeilwood 735. NICE clean furnished rooms. 474 Yam hill, cor. 14th st. LARGE, pleasant front room to rent. rPflgonahle., 5404 37th ave. o E. ROOMS AND BOARD 13 THE WEAVER. 710 Wasn.. realdentla hotel, reas. rates. Private bath and phone In every room. Marshall 5170. ROOM and board for business girl, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, 13.60 week. 13 R. 7th st. E. 4732 THE MANITOU, 261 18th. Homelike, steam heat; good board reas. M. 2670. ROOMS AND BOARD niTATS TAMTLT 72 BUNGALOW homf, modern conven iences, good table, cheerful surround ings, home privileges. 1099 Garfield near Union, Woodlawn 1025. WANTED Children to to board $15 per month. 1176 E. Belmc mont at. Ta. 1284. ROOM with or without board for gen- tleman. 64 North 16th. cor Davis. NICELY furnished front room and bortrd. $5 per week. 629 E. Davis. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 30 BEST care given children. Delicate ones a specialty. 637 Borthwick. Miss, car to Russell. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 TTTHHTSHED AND UHFTTsl WISHES THE cheapest rooms In city, clean and close in; everything furnislfed. 183 Holladay ave. near Steel bridge. Phone Fart 7741. RYAN HOTEL ANNEX 269 4 5th". Brick bldg., hot and cold water, steam heat, transient.' opp. city hall. Main 93 ?5. ROYCREST. 175 I2th. Large first flojr suite; bath; suitable for family. fcam Ant Free bath, hot, cold water. UCIII nULi $1 week up. 401 1st St. o HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PTxawxsaxD ass TngrintzrzsBxs ranrATB r AXZX.T 1 LARGE fura, H. K. room. Clean and light, gas. electricity. Walkine dis tance. B-2065. 166 E. 12th and Bel mont. H NEAT housekeeping suite; also sleep ing rooms, close in: phone, bath: anuiis. 2 N. 11th. NICE clean housekeeping, sleeping roums. Everything homelike and convenient: 2 blocks from P. O. 229 6th. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. $2.60 and $2.75: west side, close In. 195 11th cor. Taylor. ONE 2-room H. K. suite! must be seen to be appreciated: walking distance Phone EL 5065. 476 E. Burnside. ONE. 2. 8 large H. K. 429 Main. rooms, first floor. LARGE H. K. room, gas, light, phone. Datn, ween. zuj. lbtn st. $6 TWO room Bultes, furnished housekeeping. 4 92 Clay. H. K. rooms, furnished with every, thing. 713 Sandy blvd. East 7666. $6 3 LARGE outside 1L K. rooms, 232 Mill St., corner 2d. rOK liiN I UOLSE8 PORTLAND HEIGHTS home, modern: sunaDie one or two lamiiles; sleeping porcnes, rruit, roses, garage, grand view, walking distance postofflce; only j'none ftiain io. NINE room house, Ladds addition, at 349 E. 20tn st. Hardwood floors. sleeping porch, all builtin conveniences. garage, on premises from 4 to 7 p. m. FOR RENT 2 room house. Oregon City car. Evergreen station. 4 blocks west of station, $4. inquire of J. M. Hoover. bUC mis: Jiz; modern 10 room house, arranged for two families. 1294 Corbett; right in manufacturing district, owner. Main 5730. room nouse, iuuxiuu lot, corner Alma and Hayes st., South St. Johns. near shipyards. $15 per mo. Key next aoor; iome pnone u-iitss4 PORTLAND HTS. 5 room bungalow. 770 Upper drive, near Fern ave: vard. trees and flowers; rent $12.60. Main 5456. A MODERN 6- room bungalow with lawn, roses and fruit trees. Take V" car. 944 Cleveland ave. Main 7616. 5 ROOM bungalow. 728 E. Oak St. Modern, good order, rent $15. Main 5724. FOR RENT 6 room, modern house. oak floors. 871 Clinton st Call from 1 to 4. FRESE rent to 1st. Modern, newly decorated, near Park; cheap for fam ily. Apply 60 East 32d st. 10 A MONTH. 6 room house, 4 blocks from Broadway bridge. Phone Broad - way 4oxt. MODERN 7 room home with sleeping porcn to rename people. call at 1334 E. Yamhill. Tabor 4436. MODERN 6 room house, newly tinted, close in. 8. 1, near cars. $15. East 5867. A FINp bungalow for rent, $15 per month. Tabor 3830. 69th and Divi sion. FOR RENT 6 room cottage. Flanders, East 836. 466 E. WEST side good, clean 4 room house, bath, basement, yard. 635 Clay Bt. SELLWOOD. 3 lots, 4 rooms, garden all in; $6 month. Main 8199, owner FOR RENT 7 room modern house In Rose City Park. Tabor 515. $8.00 Modern 5 room cottage, garden Woodstock. Sell wood 1335. 11 YE room house, close in; gas and niectno lights, woodlawn 3626. NEW 6 room bungalow, $1J. 28th st, cor. FrankHn. 642 E. FOR RENT 4 room modern tile cot tage after July 1. Tabor 2440. FURNISHED HOUSES SO MODERN 6 room bouse, east aide; niceiy rurnisnea; -17 month; no cniiaren. Phone Marshall 8086. FURNISHED s room houso tor rent for summer; sleeping porch; nlcs BEACH cot tage, new, reasonable, mod surroundings. Tabor 1817. I em. Main 4190 .- . FOR RENT 6 room furnished cot- '' L " ' - - - I l&g Seaside, .East 7J6. - 36 (Coytlanaa) BIX room house; rent very reasonable. 958 East Davis. Call next door, 850 East Davie. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia Sts. Fire mln. walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good euroundings; strictly mod. 2 and 8 room fur. apartments, all out side, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATED . PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. McKinley Apartments Modern 3 room apartments. $16 per mtnth and up, private phone and bath. walking distance. E. 7th ana ALorri son. Phone East 3100. AN IDEAL, HOME, Five room, and bath, all outside. large porch, completely furnished; many desirable fixtures, two bed rooms with large closets. Ideal loca tion. 341 Montgomery t. cor. Broad way. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References WICKER SHAM APARTMENTS, loth and Flanders. Two room furnished or unfurnished apartment and a six room unfurnished. Convenient to car line, walking distance, quiet ' evidential district, modern. Broad way LZO 1. UNFURNISHED 3 room apts.; $15 and $18; brick bldg., hardwood floors: light, heat, prone, gas range. Powell Apts., Hawthorne ave and 87th. Ta, hor 3788. PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave. bet. Morrison & Belmont; new 2 & 3 room, completely fur.; sol id brick bldg.; white enamel and ma hogany flnlsn: walking distance. GLENN MARY APARTMENTS Modern 3 and 4 room H. K. apt.. furnished or unfurnished: heat, light. and gas range; $15 and up. East 478S. 6 floors, all modern conveniences, 35 2 and 3 room suites. A few furnished. Lawn, shade and flowers. Glisan si near 23d. NORTHAMPTON APTS.. 407 HALL. We have three 8 room apts. and one 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or small family. Reasonable. Main 4Z8J, THE SHEFFIELD, Z70 Broadway S. 3 and 4 room fur. and uniur. apts.. walking distance, at very reasonable rent; Pest or oervice. Main zoos. LUZERNE APARTMENTS, 8d an Mall sts. Furnished 2 room apts.. with or without private bath. Rates reasonable. Marshall 4637. CARMEUTA APTS.. 13 th-Jefferson Nicely furnished and unfurnished and 5 room; reasonable rent; walking distance. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 614 Jefferson. Two and three rooms. furnished, wallKng distance. adults, only. $10 and up. " LARGE and clean 1 and l room fur nished apt; light, phone, hot and cold water; $9 month up. 167 Stout, near 20th and Morrison. BENSON APARTMENTS. 205 N. 80th. Newly furnished 3 room apartment. Marshall 4448. SUMMER rates, 2, 3, 4, furnished or unfurnished, hardwood floors. Port- nomah. 200 E. 13th. COMPLETELY furnished 2 room apart ment, $17. BELKNAP APART- MENTS, 187 17th near YamhllL THREE big rooms, big sleeping porch. outside, unfurnished; beautiful place, homelike. See this first. Woodlawn 16. NUKUM1S, 565 Marsnail Modern i room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and phone: $15 to $22.50. HADDON HALL. 414 11th at., 8 and 4 room modern apts.. rates reasona ble. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Kleeantlv furnished 2-3-4 rooms, walk- lng distance, reasonable. Marshall 983. FURNISHED apt., hot water, heat. light and phone. Reasonable. 64 i. Madison. East 8065. I-ENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, $18 up. GRAND OAK APTS., cornor E. Oak and Grand ave.. strictly modern 2-3 room apts. First class service. E. 3302. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2-room apts., $1.50 per week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. ELEGANT 5 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 1793 DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny st. Mod. light, clean 3 room com. fur. apt., 1st floor front, lawn, garden. East 1808. THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union ave. Nicely furnished 2 room apts., strictly modern, reasonable. East 2403. 8-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS.. THE DEZENDORF 208 16th st,, near Taylor. Marsh. 128. HISLOP HALL, E. bth and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 ana 3 room apts.. $12.50 up: walking distance. East 8S2. 2 LARGE rooms with kitchenette phone, lights, hot. cold water, bath free; nice and clean. 655 Wash. Bt. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th Bt.. 3 ;-oom furnished apartments, modern, brick building, walking distance. 618.50. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts.. E. 7th and Belmont. Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reasonable. E. 238. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service. Walking dis. Marshall 1410. EVELYN APARTMENT. 267 N. 2 1st st., 3 room furnished apt; low rent. Marshall 1323. BANNER APTS., 489 Clay, modern, 3 room furnished. $12 up. Mar. 2074 AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4 6. 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516. A-2673. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th Ac E. Stark, 8 rms. $17. 620. 8ZZ.50. 8ZS. HANOVER APTS.. 167 King 8 room fur, or unrur. witn paicony. THE Ormonde, mod., 4 room front. 656 Flanders: in op mui. Main HZol THE ALAMO. 494 Market 3 room un- fur.. mod.. nncK. nz-n. Mam Z6i FURNISHED apt, hot water and heat Reasonable. 554 E. Madison. E. 8065 GRACE APTS. 24th and NorthruD. Mod. high class 5 room apt. Mar. 1079. CLARKE APTS.. 2 rooms, fur., dis beds, phone, lights. 112 up. B way 50o6 TWO. 'three or five room apartments, furnished, cneap rent 454 11th st FURNISHED FLATS BO LARGE '6 room upper corner flat, lawn, porches, fireplace, etc. $20 includinar water and removal of gar bage. Walking distance. 444 Rodney, W ood lawn 1241. UPPER 6 room flat, well furnished. Also lower 3 room flat, walking dis tance, reasonable. 575 E. Salmon, cor. 14th. $15 3 ROOMS, modern, clean, com pletely furnished. 674 MilL Broad way 3412. $10 MODERN. & rooms, all outside. 998 4 Commercial. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5 room flat 424 Stanton. East 1868 or East 6177. HOTELS 54 Hotel Australia Two and 8 room housekeeping apart mentsf Single rooms, $1.75 per week and up. Transients. 50c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water in every room. Only white help employed. 2031,4 1st, cor. Tavlor. Main 420$. II CLAYTON HOTEL WS 106 12th near Wash., st Strictly clean, respectable house under proprle. tor's management. . Modern, homelike Transients. SOc up. Marshall 2790. MAKE the Bushmark your home, hot and cold water, free telephone mod ern. $1.60 per week up. 665 Wash, st SUMMER RESORTS 56 I BEAUTIFUL Keasid ratttn 4m- nt' 1 - - L , . Inquire at ti FURNISHED HOUSES SUMMER RESORTS 50 (Continued) MODERN ( rooms, also S room cot tage, everything furnished, reason able. Particulars. Postmistress Twin hocks, Oregon. FOR RENT Aloha cottage, at Sea side; four rooms furnished. Ad dress Box 315. FOR RENT near Rhododendron, fur nished house. $20 month, $50 season. Tabor 702. SALTAIR has a cottage for rent. Tabor 1527. STORES AND OFFICES H WAREHOUSE and factory building in South Portland for rent. Modern. 2 story brick structure, trackage: well lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal bl eg. OFFICE space for rent in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service In ciVy. AddIv 311 Journal building. - BEST location In Portland for first class tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply k. w. M a (tooq. an journal mag. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 3 room houseboat near city; must be furnished. Call Wood lawn 6381 after 6:30 p. m. for par ticulars. William James Williams. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS TWO chunky horsee 8 and 10 years; good workers; Z300 lbs.; 8lZb; one chestnut sorrel mare, 1260 lbs., well bred and good breeder, and gay horse mate; win sell separately 11 desired 780 1st st. J. WALKER. 780 FRONT ST. MATCHED team, mare and horse, C and 8 years old: sound and gentle; 2600 lbs.; first class farm wagon, good double set of harness, light farm wagon; $260 for quick sale; worth $350 780 FIRST ST. FOR SALE 6 head of mares an geldings, weight 1100 lbs. to 1400 lbs., good workers and gentle; also light farm wagon, buggies and har ness. 292 Union sve. S. DAPPLE gray mare. 5 years old. sound, gentle, with nice two months mare coit; wui trade. 780 FIRST ST., 8 $275 BUYS good work team and har ness. weight about 2800 lbs.. 7 and 8 years old. 606 Williams ave.. near Russell st. 11 Art T Ti f A Pp. BAiinri arnrtA trBVlr cheap. Five year old pony to trade for top Duggy. jonn Marks, Aurora, Oregon. FOR SALE Team of good serviceable gray mares, 7 and 9 years old: good young gelding, and others. Modern Feed Barn. Vancouver. Wash. DEAD horses and animals ha UTed away free: $6 paid for cows, crip pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn zo. Portland Rendering uo. THE best pair of Shetland ponies In the city; fine harness and buggy, Come and drive them: will exchange for horses or cattle. 10:9 E. lammu MUST sell: leaving city: 2400 lb team, suitable for ranch: also good 1050 lb. horse. Any or all of them v e ry cheap. iozg k. tamniii st. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead ana crippled stock. Tabor 420. GOOD farm team, harness and wagon George Walters, Kernsvuie, .Esta- cada car. Zhi INCH truck Studebaker wagon. In first class condition. 2d and Colum bia. Mar. 4926. HORSE and wagon, $1.26 day; 2 horses and wagon. J2 day. M? Front. M.2208. LIVESTOCK WANT to buy from 10 to 20 good dairy cows: must be tubercular tested. F. Kosher. Route 1, Box 986, Portland. Or. Phone woodlawn 2424. FOR SALE 4 big sows going to far row soon. They are extra good ones, IVi miles southwest of Oswego. Or. P. L. Embry. FOR BALE Good 7 year old Jersey- Holsteln cow. milking t gallons dally. Phone Mllwaukle. 64-R. WANTED Duroc Jersey sow ajid pigs. G. D. Rlchey. Kavenswooa xianan. Deer Island, Or. HOLSTEIN cow, 2 years old, giving 4 gals per day. 395 Larabee st. HOLSTEIN cows and heifers. Terms. Bruce, Stockyards. Phone wain. Z4uu 1 FINE family cow and 1 dairy cow. 274 i- 7th st. near n.awtnprne. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 87 PET STOCK THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY DAY OLD CHICKS Tn nrder to clean ud our last hatches. we are making a special price of $12.50 rer 100 on high grade Barred Rock chicks. 1534 E. 12th st. N. Wood. 14S5. 60 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn hens, 70o each: 10 White Rock hens, 20c per lb. Main 6244. Ask for Tom Morgan. Address. Beaverton. or. FOR SALE Fullblooded Barred Rock cockerel. 860 Thompson St. East 8366. CHICKS, White Leghorns. 10c; de livered free. 74j hi. 10m, roruina, Or. Sell. 3192. LAYING Leghorn, young hens, $10 dozen. 787 Oregon st, k-vj car. .cast 1S05. S00 HIGH grade R. I. Red chicks, $14 per 100; ready June 30 ana juiy v. Magulre, East 1805. 787 Oregon st O. A. C. White Leghorn pullets for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 69( 5969. FOR SALE Golden pheasants. 860 Thompson St East 3366. DOGS, RIRDS. PETS. ETC. 46 BEAUTIFUL orange colored canaries. Exceptionally fine singers guaran teed. Woodlawn 2371. 2 REGISTERED Boston terriers, fe malcs; one In season. Marshall 5268. YOUNG St. Andreasberg singers from Imported stock. Phone C-2394. DOGS boarded. Main 8165. WANT home for kittens. East 6491. FEEDING THE JINX VICTIM No. 624 W Sifsi fVW-could yooaup ntL M0A A couple or srflCKS titu ncht My I THEM rTLL fM I ' t V p y HIM AND PICK I ) I V-TH6- SOLD DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 40 (Continued) IRISH water spaniel dogs for sale. f. Ai. soose. Aiuunoman. or. Main 8165. ENGLISH bull pups, 3Vi months oil, pedigreed, brinaie male ana lemaie. Tabor 4883. Box 279. Portland. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Prices cut from 1-3 to Vi. See us before you buy. Here are some of our stock: Overland, model 80 $475 Mitcneil 191Q touring car... sou Michigan elec. system 225 Dodge touring car 600 191b light car. elec starter 4bU Ana others. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Cc. E. 1st and E. Morrison Sts. East 7272. B-1216. Garages i $30 Up, See Samples. 544 Hood S' Pnone Main 1167. Milimade Construction Co. NEW TlKS,t. What brand of. new tires 5r von oieferT We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (aewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcar.lzing Co., 333-335 Burn Bide, near Broadway. BRAND new 2 ton UARKOUD TRUCK at wholesale price; this is an ex ceptional opportunity to buy a stand ard, well known truck at a lower price than you will ever buy one again. W. IL WALLING FORD Authorized Ford Agent Main 1100. 6H Alder St LIGHT car with electric lights and starter; nearly new Chevrolet; speedometer; tire change and bpaxe tube; excellent shupe; $475. SEE JAMES, at BROADWAY Oarage, E. 24th and Broadway. East 2666. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton, $370 I BUILDERS OF ltt Ton, $420 EVERREADV TRUCK 2 Ton, $470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity 1 Mfg. in Portland. 193 E. Water 8t. Hhone East 7437. GARAGES PORTABLE OR READT CUT $34 TO $70 CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO., BROADWAY 149. 354 ANKENY ST. PACIFIC GARAGi: 266 11th Bt.. Main 1092. 1915 Oldsmobile, like new $600 1916 Chevrolet roadster i20 1910 Chalmers touring '.':0 FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet Baby Grand model. In good condition. Run 3000 miles. Price $700. terms. Phone East 4449. J. P. Claybaugh, 91 v Grand ave. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main ez44. LAHER-CO Mfg Repairs, 8000 guarant'd springs In stock, prlres reduced. 34 N. 16th at. CADILLAC roadster, electric starting and lighting system. A good buy at $450 Easy terms. A. M. Ferguson t Co., 614 Alder st. Main 3966. MOTORS. gears. bearings. wheels, axles, we wreek all makes of care snd sell their parts at y, price. Auto Wrecking Co.. R9 N. Broadway. UNIVERSAL STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy). 30 days' trial ta responsible parties, a. l.. oretntunujo, 836 Halsey rt. East 5095. C-2260. BOSCH MAGNETOS Presto tanks. STORAGE BATTtnlts. f-Mil.M.3. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 129 Lownesdale. Main 1161. 5 OR 7 PASS, foredoor car, gooJ shape. Exchange for good light de liverv. Must be 4 cyl.. good power. Marshall 429. $250 BUYS $1100 Studebaker 1912 model bug auto cash or on terms to suit. Security Storage Co., 109 4th. GARAGE to be moved. For salj very cheap. 249 E. 46th st. S., near Hawthorne car. FOR SALE, Cadillac, 6 passenger. electric lights, 5 tires. 4 new; good buy. 4214 RTth St., P. E. 40 H. P. Haynes auto, electric lights, starter, power pump, new tires. $550. Main 8105. FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell, good as new; snap for $395. Apply owner, 630 E. Lincoln st. WHITE delivery car for sale. $375; In . first class c onditlon. Woodlawn 3436. AUTO truck in good condition, 4 cyl., for $225. Worth $500. Peters. 15 N. 5th $125 REO delivery, good order. 996 Commercial st. FORD TOURING CAR, also roadster. MTTST BE SOLD. 211 Washington. 1616 MAX.VELL for tale chea;. C-403. Journal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR. YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. K 1199. F.t 13th nnd Hawthorn WANT late model light auto as part payment on 10 acres land near city. Woodlawn 8 873. WANTED Used Ford touring car. 498. Journal. J- LATE series Franklin for spot cash. Marshall 6139. YKr FOR IT- . fceT5L-" vie him nr-rwv buck's 61 MONTHS AbO- THtt & rfci4. 9 1 I Pe. N. I J X. "Sa 78 ( Continued ) WILL. PAY SPOT CASH FOR LIGHT , CAR 1 BROADWAY flARAOE I East J556. 24th and Broadway. WK pay highest casn price for taie model used cars. Call us up. A. M. FERGUSON CO.. 614 Alder Ft Main 39M ROOMING house for sale, or trade for uio. none iast 7338. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 LOOK HERE! New Ford for hire. - i.uiunVbla high way, $5 round trip, 4 persons; $1 pr hour sround town. Marshall 3397. DODGE Aulo Service, highway, calling. shopping, other trips; reasonable rates. Main 2581. CADILLAC Crown Point. $5; Multno- man ans, $8; Bonneville, all day, $10. Wood'awn 1034. I'ELI ABLE auto service; 6, 7 pass., highway. Mt Hood, any service; rea sonable: competent drivers. Main 7730. AUTOS witnout drivers tor nire. City garage, fit 10th t B'wav 840. A-424. MOTORCYLLKS-HICVei.KS 5ft FOR SALE cheap, a twin Thor mo torcycle, newly overhauled and painted: fully eqqulpped with Presto light, speedometer tnd dream tandem; no reasonable offer refused. Call or phone Broadway 8868 195 N 16th st WANTED Motorcycle; have 14 Inch wood turning lathe, complete, and cash for good late model, equipped. P-440, Journal. INDIAN Twin motorcycle, prest-o-lite, speedometer, tandem, new tires, $75. 824 18th st Main 8105. FULL value In cash paid for bicycles, motorcycles and parts. Main 4495, 128 1st near Alder. FOR SALK Cheap coaster brake bi cycle. Tafcor 4904. LADY'S Crescent bicycle, $5. 3426. Tabor WANTED Motorcycles, bicycles, any condition. 276 Taylor. Main 1018. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE 5 room house boat fur nished. One of the best on the river. Furniture good and clean. 35 Rarred Rock hens, 100 young chickens with house or separate. Good chance for some one. Phone Main 9?7. FOR SALE or trade, on 22 ft launch, half glass cabin. 25 h. p. engine. What have you? Phone 3S1 or ad dress J. A. Webber. 308 W. 4th st. Vancouver. Wash. HIGH class hand design. 22 ft hull. Oak decks, mahogany finish, ready for engine. With or without good boat house. A rare bargain. See McMillan 306 Oak st. FOR SALE or trade, pleasure cruiser type launch, 25 H. P., 4 cyl., 4 cycle, good condition. Phone East 8723. 16 FT. launch with 2 cyl. enin. Good condition. $65 rash. 691 E. fcth st. S. 12 MILE launch, trade for auto or will sell cheap. 207 Madison (days). PIANOS. ORGANm AND MUSICAL INSTP.I MKNTS a 4 SECURITY Storage Co. has lined up specially for out of town cash buy ers sorno stora.(je pianos, viz: t.11'5, 1916 mod., only stored, $135 cash $.450, 1916 n.od., only stored. $160 cash 37o, 11)16 mod., only stored. $190 cajsh $i50, 1915 mod. player piano, $290 cash $'100, 1315 mod, player piano, $315 cash $275 Boudoir, upright piano $45 cash $325 Kmerecn. upright plajio, $60 -cash J3I5 Kimball, motiorn upright, $95 cash $j00 Emerson, large, mah, $166 cash M50 Steiinway &Sn3, old m'dl, $75 cash $750 Beiuiett " grand," man., $345 cash. $1100 N. Y. pianoforte grand. $165 cash $100 Burdett parlor organ for $20 cash $100 Alleger parlor organ for $15 ca.i Boxed and shipped f. o. b. or deliv ered in city. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. $5 CASIL $5 monthly without interest for 2V years places new 1916 model piano In your home for $260. Compare wun j;u pianos soia elsewnere with 8 per cent interest added. Scbwsn Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. at Washington. Vern L. Wenger Phonographs and records, all makes bought, sold, exchanged; easy terms. K2U. 2d. $160 CASH closes out a few $350 new 1916 model pianos from storage. WE STORE for 60c monthly, buy and sell pianos for cash only. Security Stor sp" Co.. 109 4th st $96 CASH secures $500 Weber upright piano; must be sold at once. Security Stor age Co., 109 4th t. $100 CASH buys $425 Smith & Barnes large ma hogany upright p!ano. Security Stor apa Co.. 109 4th st. HIGHEST cash price paid for used pi anos, or will trad) up to date talk ing machine and allow full value Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. PHONOGRAPHS and records bought sold and exchange.!. Hall & Cassl dav, 126 1st. Main 7098. HORNLESS talking machine with m records, very cheap. 1st and "olumhla. room 35. FINE Edison diamond disc Rnd records rhoap. 127 Weft Wygant. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee snd rent als applying to purchase. V4s:ble moJ els, $3 per month, $7.60 for 1 months. Othfr models less. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway. Phone Broad way 621. NO 5 Standard Underwood typewriter Excellent condition and a bargain! for sale or trade. Hail & Casslday, 126 1st st REBUILT typewriters, supplies, Cor ona dealers. E. W Pease Co 110 th. ALL makes typewriters-rented and re paired. Royal T. W. Agency, 182 Stark. HE'S GOOD HE VChi r X, - L LOANED sAve NOThiaJ' Vg OUT OP vweeklV wsytT- IF H2 FOUND ONLY UATf it- nm.rt 1 A WILD VMB I HED LOSE WIS "ALArJOE, LET WIM Borrow- AUTOMOBILES WANTED TYPETOUTERS 77 (CoaUnned) WB save you from 60 to 76 on sll i makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder. Retail department. wnni.Viiil.u TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. WE QUIT's AUCTION HOUSE Will retail at wholesale prices for two J 1, - 1 .,,AHnn V. a hi inn In lota i to suit, or by piece. ? ft!1"1 I UliriUK ilVUI LUQ av- Call at 84S-S60-36I Hawthorne ave. Special price to dealers. LEAVING town, must sell my house hold goods at once. Have stoves, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, writing desk, sofa, folding beds. etc. 292 Clay t. Marsnail 3di, a-i-. FOR BARGAINS in used house rur nishings. visit our exchange dept Calef Bros.. E. Morrison St.. at E. 8d. FOR SALE Used furniture In good condition reasonable. 1195 E. 10th st. N. Wdln. 644. FURNITURE 6 rooms cheap. Call 510 E. Sherman st. city. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale at 440 Jefferson. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 TRADE. BUY. SELL Household goods, bicycles, moving picture machines, films, lantern elides, typewriters, musical lnsts.. phono graphs and records, cafeteria, hotel supplies, scales, cash registers, safes Everything under the sun. House of 1000 Bargains. Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. ALL MAKES Guaranteed 84 Morrison Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside. cor. 10th Froedwav or A-6S74. PLANTS for sale: broccoli plants from Imported or domestic seed at $2.50 Der 1000: V O. R. oacked st Roseburg. Put your order In early. Write Thos. F. Fletcher. 617 Short St., Roseburg. Or. ALL machines aoia tor less. Renting $2 per month. No agents em ployed. Sewing machine Emporium. 190 8d. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-8!. $10 TEN dropnead acwmg niacmues with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 Pr month. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave . nenr Belmont. MUSICAL LNoTKUMEN IS." Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. FOR SALE lagging engine, 9xi0 Washington wide drum, 1800 feet of 1 Inch main line, 30o0 feet of 5-8 trip line, 6 blocks, 3 chokers, etc A-545, Journal. A U T U M O U I LES. MU'i'l)KCl:i.ta, lanches or boats are separate classi fications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications VACUUM CLEANERS J to J:ut) eacn. We sell, rent, exchange or buy. EXPERT REPAIRS. Duntleys and all. Bentlpy & Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 5K2 VACUUM cleaners. $8. guar. 6 years. Phone for demonstration; all makes repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger Mfg Co. 701 Swtland bldg. Mar f.'K WHY PAY MORE7 Best and cheap est place IN THE CITY to buy 2d hand HOUSEHOLD GOODS. HALL Ac CASS1DAY, 126 1st M'CRAY ice chest77x6H ft 6 com partmente. Good as new. Cost year ago. $175. Our price, $75. 166 1st st FOR SALE 1 800 lb. Fairbanks plat form scale; 1 handcart, with springs. Sunset Creamery, 281 1st st B1TTMAN Hardware Co.. mechanical tools aud bicycles. 21$ Front Main 8611. WAYNE gasoline pumps for filling stations ' and garage, E. II. Ruppell, 47 S Washington ft. Main 10. A BARGAIN in a tent house, 12x14. in good condition, Mt Scott car, 4712 61t st S. E. b(jD BOND Utter heads, $1.90; luuu. $2 90; BOO envelopes. $1.$0; 1600 $2 00 Smith. r.rintM., ?04 Stark t PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797 60 000 KALE plants for sale at $2.iu oer thousand. East I34. L C. S. steam ong., set 6 books, $4. 60. Broadway 3302. FUMED oak library table, cost r-.argaln, $10. 276 Stark st. $35. FURNTTURE WANTED 74 WE will pay cash and best price for your second hand hotel and rooming house or residence FURNITURE. Give us a call before selling. Phone Marshall 2675. Hartxell Furniture Co., $35 let st. PHONE East 7M5 when you want t sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater, 380 Hawthorne v, corner of Union. MOKE money for your furniture, rugs and office fixtures. Main 771. WBpay highest casn prices for use4 house furnishings. East 452. R-1944 SWAP COLUMN 25 SHIRT waist box. chiffonier, lady's shoes, size SH; ice box. new fluff rug size 26x72; for birdcage, groceries. etc. or rash. East 6012. wl LI. make suits to order for gro ceries. Unique Tailoring Co.. Ptark st. 309 WILL exchange expert piano tuning snd repairing for groceries, books or what? Taror t7in. PIANO to trade for good launch. W- 912. Journal. FOR SALE or trade, twin Reading; take chickens, cow or piano, ben t WANTED MISCKLLATfEOUS 5 OH False Teeth bought; $1 to $20 paid set Very old seta are most vaiuaoie. vjiq jeweiry. gold, silver, diamonds bought Bring or mail. Randolph. 1218 Yeon bldg. LOOK. We pay highest prices for your used furniture, rugs, carpeis, aioves. ranges, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. East 36 TO THH HOUSEKEEPER. Will call with macnine for your junk, paper, rags or clothes; we pay absolutely hignest prices, airsni. WANTED Second hand furniture, ransea and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 390 E, Morrison st. Phone East zzan. WANT cheap for cash, one colonial mahogany dresser and 1 tee box. ca pacity 100 lbs. Home phone C-1112, must be in Al condition. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention Eaat 6707. N.M. Beater. 143 Ruseell st Want Household Furniture Will psy cash. Phone Main 3331. LOOK! 2d hand clothes bought Phone Broadway 3&i. We call immediately, pay nigncsi prices. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, kodaks, cameras, lenses. Hach field, ti 3d Main 3581. WANTED Your diamond to sell en commission. Beldlng The Jeweler. 245tt Alder st Main 1633. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANf ET MAIN 2705. HICiHE&r una vrice paid (or furnl fire and pon. mdse. Blmmondn. PAYS hicnest price for 2d. hand dath. I ing. toots, eto. 2i yront. Main 4303. PXRTT wants te buy furryture, aievas. " vr aacnange. sour large HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE Q5 ruh'v'ou'with f&dcS? FURNITURE for saie--Koii toy , HtaeeMetsls Rubbers Wrlta rZi chairs, tables, filing cabinet; mutt vric, shipping tag's Main li..' sell this week. Broadway 708. Man- , ' '- ' ray!; Main ning Warehouse. . -TT"' sunl"y. Will pay $ mn i rw WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 3 . (Ooatlaueai THE LEVIN Hardware et Furniture Cr H.L I. n , - , furniture snd hardware. Ws bur hotel ' and restaurant ontflta njt tu,i.... ?hrTlptioil; wlii pl th toP Prices lor ; second-hand CLOTHING WANT- I'ti I x.' a.-. f AND UP FOR 2D HAND 8U1T8. LOT HI NO. MAR. 1229. 22H MADISON 1 tjUy- sU. rent and ex. R.vVnS? a.1". lenses, shutters. See w ffi Sandy-s Kodak Bhop. - "i.. nri ounsei inearr and high grade oie. if. M. pYcklrin,' Mrg. Jewelr. ilg Oregonian blda- tK)l'U . EASTT Household goodS shipped at red. rates pic Coaa? F-wdg Co. !Qi wileo, bldgfMir t4T - LOST AND FOUND 2t tup . : " th- owinK "tides ere found on bo'.lPota.o :-planter;uSf.cV ,.?wrera. .mHy obtain foat proper lunch property at -"u s iar sts LOST Black talning about $80 and pV"" .'"" oai. aiternoon in n. . ket on Yamhill st. Liberal reward if returned to 1134 E. 0th N a lf bitt Iday.ared boar o .J7rr . "Y was siric When tfona. iotiry route 4 box -S6. Beaverton. LOST I'laln Saturday In business district or nai T"f fpTBOn Ft n Alain 1(16. brenf inll,uthttt fou'1 Ten Silk urn: -"cgj.'A'-l -- for reward T i .KlrrTi,.esday- K'asse in case. Mar- p " 11 a v . L?T?iedT.t,n'iem. cushion on 173 l ,s lv Phone Main 1025 or B-l 991 i.-ri vt . , y.V1-' uio tire, Sunda. lo- laT 44th tt. PERSONAL, 22 Why Suffer With- ROSE FEVER tii ASTHMA " -J TIAY FEVER OR - wrien you can receive quick relief arid permanent-result, with uiy methods! DR. L. c. MIZNER. Phone East $811. Cor. Burnside. 14 Grand are. N. The same service and quality you pay double the f!trrt -i. eiaewnere; correctly l llira glaSSfea n , r n ' n" Vt """el customey." Chsi W. poodman. optometrist. 209 Morn. 7t i 'I V V x. . ""toLwii) taKen. Briiht, cneerful rooms In nicely fh."'? with larsc- beautiful "'""w rooms in nine h, 1 . . ted grounds, view. SPIRITi: A LI ST MlTS v t TTTTTTT 23 5 6th tt 7; k;i'".' h- L.and cd r(:ad'nK. alto lessSna In the sclenc, of health and surras, Daily. Daily. VIBRATORY massage, face and 66 t'htVJwi1- 3"i3 Washington. 66 third floor Mamh.i scalp room TRAINED D nurse gives bath, mas- sage floor, room 4. "r,t DR MARIE JOHNSON Chiropody" .nkel weat. magnetics. 5$7Mf asbinKton st Office 610. Main 604. uuarantrert tn u. ..' r, JvT rurlnrs. 400 nltum VI r-.K.ii t v' 1 IV, AL.MA S. JOHNSON. fMd.l ianCO-Amerlc;in inii.r l..lTi bl,KI,A A l.ltjM Kov M. C fries. r, C1;.Cl 7V, ' 2- 8 m - Suns 1 1 Peaking dsllv. 29t Clav Mar ftc Vtl. v. ti. KETH L'M Wnm.riT dies an 1 acute d nr m n m..k ' au., nm. Mar. 446 ASTROLOGICAL Studio. 306 Central bldg. Scientific Instruction tn,. ca''t- t c; 7 y r .f erec ast In 1 lesson. AKAMS Astrological school i.Kl lilud 20 years: rIlahi rnr...,.- 350 Morrison et. toll AM 1'OOINO and electric acaln treatment 163 West Park room 10 third floor. AiAV 1RVIN, vibratory massage, 21-1 H Morrison st , oftlce 7. iiASAliiNG, snampoolng. manlcur. nig. IH Morrison st.. office II. I awVPr Vr."uUaMon FKEa- Mala Let VV V CI 49sg 512 Helling hldg. NOTICES 2f tUI.K OK J'l M 11 KK. KLATHEAD IHOIAN K1.8KUV Al 10N. Healed blda marked out aide "HM lUilit-id Timber. Rooan Unit," a4 addrioed to SuiirtnteDdeot of Ua riatba4 Iodine acixiol. UUoo, Moat, will be receive until 12 u'rlork, nuun, muuctaln Urn Tsaa Amy. (Mt'trnlr 11, 1(1T. for tba purcoaae of tha mvrrbaoubla timber upon tribal and aw ' lotted land situated within tnwnaatpa 19 39 and 21 n rth, ranges and 2t wast roo tainlnc appruxluately 07.OO0.OfMj feat of tlo-' bar. er N per cent Weatern yellow plna. Ke bid of ieaa tliao $3 per tbatiaand fet Car rtU low plna and $1.2S per Uiooaand (evt for Done, ka fir, larcU and other species artll be ae cvpted. Tbe rlfbt to reject a 07 and all bide la n-erd. tuples of regalatkna and otbar Intormation regarding tha prupoaod I. ig. rinding sperific deacrlptlun of tha sale area iu Oe ootalued from tba anpartntandaet aC tbe Flatbed Indian a hooL, Dlxoa, stoat asbliigtiti. 1. C. Max 4. 1017. Cat Sella! fVitnmteKloner if iDdlan Affaire. ti;ansiortation San Francisco Los Angeles (WlUeet CbmMm am Koata.) Tie Bl Claas Comforts Ua Elagastiy Apolst4 SS. BEAVER Sails Frew Alaawerts Seek 3V.K TKT7HSDAT, rUVM 0 ' 100 Oeldcs Miles ea Colombia Ble. All lutes lBclode bertha and Meala. labia and Sanlce CseaceUed, Fer sail lag da tea ssvty ta Tbe laa TVns elaca rertUaS SS. Ce., TkirS sa4 lTaaaV tngtas atresia (with O-W. st. Si at Oa) let BreaSway ifrOO. sV-Sltl. TWIN PALACES roKTLAjro to sur rRAJrcnoo , TinSDAT, TinntSDAT. fATUsVBAT ry infomla Steamer Kipreaa leaves 040 a. I Wt Rt earner artires S. F. 8:30 aezt day. Fares IS, $12.90. 1S. 17.80 ss4 a0. lotnrD tif 32. Worts Bank, t I Btstios, lOts sj S Mud Xerriso -l H Wash.. O. Worts Bank, tth aa Itauk TTOXXT 03TXCSS tots sad Bays striaoa. V. K JLy, u. O. Jr. Br. : 10S M, Saxliartee &y. Fu need m home or elaewbere. 221 rant. Me'n M72. A-7174 - I V A . I WAMl m Portland! - - 1 r i (in 1 1 a alii rt 11 11 1 . 1 . " Pair glove,, 7 suitcases. 2 bi.kets n t b';r ,,I"f rod,- I pin- 1 bo" 1 Pair shoes 1 ii Jr' J''""'"- ,ult 1 pal? snoes. 1 glove. 2 boxes fruit 1 Vw 1 sTrVlf 1 vCA?r. A 1 1 v carpeia. - Aiarsuaui itu ",' - - S ' "