The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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    --r ; JHE WEniER;n i
-A Portland sad tidalty Sutty .fair. " l
cooler. 'Westerly winds. -: Z
. Oregon--Pair, olr. worthwesierly . s
. winds. - - .V -
WuhUfUi Pair, eooler east; per
ilea. VNtMlr vtita. . . - "
Idaho Pals, ocUg. , . ; -
meuo 1 Otaerel Yew. r wru
estiea Spartai eelt,'Bnfldiag,,waa
---- Ada, Markets: Ftnaaee, starine. , J ;
Beetles Photoplay, ,ITjaiMio, ' jlditorW. -- ,;
Autoraobiies, Koeds, Base festival.
etetle 4 Society, .Clues, atusie, -f-eesieoa. '
wntru iwnm.
Beetioa e Fiotioa Xsgasise.
leotiea 6 Comiiii .. ... i -. , .
VOL. XV. NO., 13.
4 " . 4
BY ROOT 0. 5. IS
America's Official Spokes
man in Russia Warns That
Triumph of Germany Means
Death to Russian Liberty.
Predicts Solution of Russian
Problems' and Triumph of
Free Peoples.
Petrograd, June 17. (I. N. 8.)
Ellhu Root, America's : of flclal spokes
man tn Russia, last night delivered a
oirlted address to the council of
With fiery vigor .he reaffirmed
America's disinterestedness in the war,
saying the conservation of democracy
In the world was ner .only aim. Mr,
Root's speech could not have come at
a more opportune moment, for the
suspicion of what Russian socialists
have come to call "American imperial
tsm" has spread far and wide- through
new Russia and it is assiduously nour
lshed 'by the pro-Teuton elements,
The- Russian masses have been at a
loss to understand why the United
States entered the war unless it was
for selfish aims. The publicity given
Mr. Root's address today is believed
to have gone a long way toward en
lightening the public mind here.
. Mr. Root said:
Text of Hoofs Address
" "The mission comes from a demo
cratic republic.
"For 140 years our -people have been
struggling with the hard -problem .of
self-government. With many short
comings, many mistakes, many imper
fections, we still- have, maintained
order and respect for law, individual
freedom and' national independence.
. VUnder the security of our own laws
w. have grown in strength and pros
pcrlty. But we value our freedom more
than wealth. We love liberty- and wo
cherlth above all our possessions the
Ideals f of which pur father fooght And
vtfm& and ' sacrificed that" America
might befrep -n'7w5w
America Welcomes Democracy
ewellev in the competence of
-tflo ' iower of democracy: and, in our
heart of - hearts abides faith in th
coming of a better world in which th
humble and oppressed of all lands
may be lifted up by freedom to a
heritage of justice and equal opportu
The news of Russia's new found
freedom brought to America, universal
satisfaction and Joy. From all the
land sympathy and hope went out o
the new sister in the circle or dem
ocracies and the mission is sent to ex
press that feeling.
"American democracy sends to the
democracy of Russia a greeting of
oympathy, friendship, brotherhood;
godspeed. Distant America knows lit
tle of the special conditions of Russian
life which must give form to the gov
ernment and laws which you are about
to create.
World Freedom Predicted
"As we have developed our institu
tions to serve the needs of our na
: ... i , v, .. . ,rrr , , ......... . '"' 1 1 . 1 1 - .. '' - 1 .- . 7 , ', : ; r-r: tt, : 7. : T """"" ; : rr
''i ..r. f.'r"" "mi,'-; " ,'.,.1 1 "r' V ; " ; ''';-'t'ti ' , . ". 'V'"" ' j ' . ' ' '', ",'-'''''. -,. ' ," V : ' : 1 ' - ,' ; ' ' ,' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' 'i "' 1
npHE "HEAVY ARTILLERY" in?the Portland Red Cross drive for a $200,000 contribution to the national war, relief fund of $100,000,000. The leadership is in the hands of W. B. Ayer, one of
I Portland's best known captains' of ifidustry. Associated "with him are 20 men ofaffairswho have enlisted ascaptamsuhderhim; Left to right, Guy. W. Talbot, Charles F. Adams, Walter
; J. Burns, J. CAihsworth; A. HADevers, JuUus LV Meier, Ajlen LewisEdward Cookingham,.T. B Wilcoxt.W. & : Ayer, genera' chairman;' :Edw. Newbegin, I. Lang.'W. D. Wheelwright,
W. F. Woodward, T. D." Honeyman and E; L; Thompson. . Other captains" tiot in the picture are C C. Colt, J.B..KerrrDr A. C Smith, Ben Selling and John B. Yeori. (Photo by Angelus Studio.)
. , z ; : : : " " ' . t ...... ,. , , , , ,
i: iy:. f, x,- ..,,4 f ,,y.. -- ' r , w--a I
. I
I- Hi
Food Control. Bill- Will iBsi
Placed Before Senate and
House ; Monday Heated
Debates Are "Predicted, z
National.' Investigation Must
' Not Wait Further on Con-r-
; gress, Says Wilson.
News Index
1. Root AddratMi liniu Council.
State 8t for Bad- Oroci Week.
8cm mer and Plumra.r Elactl.
WiUon Tjuousms Toed Consoratioa.
S. Raterrs Officer Candidates Aii(ncd.
. WiImb Hu Tim for Play.
Bubmaiina Horror Snow, Ko End.
Penliinr, Lunelle, With G.H. F.taln.
1. Hnta Cru.r', Body Found.
' B Qlioa OVriub,cTiption Seoias Carta in
B. Labor la JUnirad BTotactiea.
Former Czar la Kindlr Traatad.
... Sinaott Seeks Praf.renoa. for Hona-
.. - ataadar.
, V; fiad Cfeas Dedicated to JIamanity,
f s : presoa ArciiMd ta Bad Croat 3raeda;
aV-'NeaV Gome JI. E.' JL. CcnreRtioat
Annua) Aoca Bhow TU Weak.-,
Bummers Approach
Surresta Kilk
Candidate,' Affenta Xwt TO Expama
Aooonnt. -...
10.. Dr. . Howard, Miller a Bnioidow
: Chin., to Be Tried for Xordar. t
11. Oataopatha Willina; , f or Berrica.
Captain and Crew Aboard Sinaloa.
Bcbooner Westerner Beaoh.i Astoria.".
Aabland Bootta for Bound-Up.
12. Chamber lain Addreuea Keaaafa , to
Pag - -:- :
1-4. B porta Nwa and Gossip.
6. Boil Estate and Boiidica.
-11. Want Ads.
12. Marine.
; ;' . s 1' : i a. i ' yv''iw1
1 0rganization. .PerfectedliQ
uonauci unve ion me rais
ing of:t$2d0,0.0Ot,Fiind in
wnnifr'- eyen ; uays.
Americana Are Warmly Welcomed
Photoplay 'Nt-wa
In Vaudeville '
In Staseland
Brief Inforraatica
' - Town Xopioa
" ' lleral Parade Winners
Girls' lienor Guard Camp
S-9. Bcaa Festival in Pictorial Beriew
10-1J. Automobiles and Gocd Boads
. V. - . . .Ill ,1 A . - n 1 n v tHatlt,ilAn I
Ll.ftl UU mil v, . wut inn,ikukivuo
to serve the needs of Russian charac
ter and life.
"As we look across the sea. we dis
tinguish no party, no class. We see
. great Rusria as a whole, as one
mighty, aspiring democracy. , We
know the self control, essential kind
liness, strong: common sense, courage
and noble Idealism of the Russian
character. We hara faith In you. We
pray for Ood'a blessing upon you all.
We believe you will solve your prob
lems, will maintain your liberty that
our two great nations will march side
by side in the triumphant progress of
democracy until -the -old order has
passed away and the world is free.
War&lnff of Germany Otvea .
"One fearful danger, threatens the
liberty of both nations. The armed
forces of a military autocracy, are at
the gates of Russia and the eJlies.
The triumph of German arms will
mean the death of liberty In Russia. .
"No enemy is at 4he gate of Amer
ica, but America has come to realize
that the triumph of German arms
means the death of liberty in the
world, that we, who love liberty and
would keep it, must fight for It and
fight for it now, when the free democ
racies of the world may be strong in
union and - not delay until they may
be beaten down separately in suc
cession. TJnitad Action Zs Urged
"So America sends another message
! Russia that we are going to fight
and have already begun to fight, far
your freedom equally with our own,
and wo ask yoo to fight -for our f ree
dem equally with yours. We would
A .. 7. i .-
The Week in Society
-. What to Wear .
." Wcmen'a Chifa Affaire '
Knitting- Again in Vcgue
is tteaun oi jauaie
Daughter's Bomnier . Wardrobe
Bow Children Learn to Lie -
Beauty Cbav by Lillian Kuaaell
fashluiabla Suggestions By Km, Qui
Vive -..' . 1
Trem a Woman's Point of View By
Mary O'Connor Hawaii . - - .
The Week's Best Stories
Woman in. Industry By Congress wo-
man jTaannett Baakin
Illustrated News Review
War Zone . Observations '
Battle of Sunitr' Mill By Oeorgeae
a anmner ? . - -
Keaaage f .the Stars for July ' ' "
- - Food ' Protection Measures -"By David
f .' Houstcn, SetreUry of .Ag-tioulture
r (fiction Magasina.)'. -
Sir -
- - " ' -: .
w . - Volnnteer Workers) Wanted
; The Red - Cross must have
. njore -help. . , .
... Portland has pledged itself
io' raise ,200,000 rh one week
for the American Red Cross war
relief fund.
,To make the drive a success, $
"everybody must help., lit
Immediately 1000 volunteer
4w solicitors are required for the $
k house-to-house carivass for Red '
Cross funds which is to begin
4k- Wednesday, June 50, at noon. '
Men ana women willing to
4r aid in this tremehdously vital r
eTdrCTVesddyTthe ! r rar-
S addresses ami tho nu -v ;- t
.election 'precinct in wM; -. ; ---iarie--
reg'.stertd, -to lie-
4r 'p- ' . t
to-house division,; Red . Cross
-carnpalgn.2B0 Morgan building.
. . ....
; Red Cross Facts
THE. Rd, Cross must be financed by private. subscriptions., not by the
.government. If financed by the government . it would lose its
status as' a neutral and its work upon the battlefields nullified.
The $ 100,000,000 Red Cross emergency war service fund Is to be
spent for' American military' and civilian relief. Portland's share of the
fund is 200,000, and Oregon's sharerexcluding Portland, $400,000.
The .president of the United States is the president rof. the American
Red Cross. , William ,G McAdoo, secretary 0f the treasury, is treasurer
' Of the Red; Cros. Tft'e accounts of the Red'Crdss are audited by the
' war. dep.artra'ntv? ;.-,ir?.t vv-Vr 4 v'i.''i' -'':
Tht'f iiriooo.Qfltf furti wfff b'e spehT under .tfre imnrediate direction
Vftne'it(6nafbuclJ,v having
' v vid are for base
- Th
ef bear
ages an
by enlisfi
the Red
British Bring
Down Zep in
Raidon Coast
Two Monster. Drop Bombs
No Loss of Life and Little
Damage Announced. . .-
Washington, June 1LV p.) Na
tional mobilisation of the volunteer
food forces of "tha country must n't
wait further on -congress. President
Wilson declared in a letter tonight
Herbert Hoover. r . ,- -
Realising that it probably may '. b
necessary, to .depend Upon -- patriotism
and public opinion alone, ' instead of.
congressional action1 to- back . Hoover
during the early harvests. tha Drl.
dent writes that the situation "adnata
of no further delay." " ;
The president's letter- follows: J
-My dear Mr. Hoover: x. . .
"It seems to mo that the Inaugura
tion of tho portion of the plan fgp
food manipulation which contemplates
national mobilisation of tho great
voluntary forces of tho country which
are ready to work towards ' aavln
food and eliminating waste admits of
no further delay. ,
Bcosorn X Trr4. Vv-T. l
"The approach lo a- hinMiinr ih
Immediate necessity for wiss saving,
not. only tn food, but in other ex
penditures, the many undirected and
overlapping efforts being made to
wards this end. all press for natiopar
direction and Inspiration. While' U
would In many ways bo desirable to
awatt complete lagistatloa stabllsh
lntT tho food administration. ap
to that so far as voluntary
ffort can - b . assembled wo - should
not wait any longer and. therefore,
would b very clad if you would" pro
--C'-' '"y-ssVsssV ' Ajfts Wslf tflV4TI aw -rati ' i'
a).w.ineS '!
' 1 p " '
Jlains Isolderisv.ounded
I- i . . ;. ..
ffetsv.3T4f,- Beach 2728.
. -unces. stretch
,a.i Xtnd. bartd-
iierAnirtnettappornDf"dei?HdeQtJ left vithoat provision
fross is the universal service of mercy. . Dollars given to
r- ' I v , a c. j
Portland school district .yesterday in
an election tns.t -was featured by a
vote ofordy about 10 per cent of the
iotu registration, tsommer was nign
in a field of Is candidates, with Plum
mer - about S0O behind hltn. ... W. li
Hickman, ' who ' was reckoned one of
Plummer's keenest opponents, fell be-
nina .nummer ty approximately 100
A trifle more than 9000 persons
voted at yesterday's school election!
This was a larger number than have
voted hitherto, but tho now election
laws gave the franchise to all per
sons Qualified ta vata at rtnral alao
r.rcmtincr Ky-I I mil hi A in SPtt lO tt f- rh'rrf -Jsnlase) t oisrty, .owocrs
JkvrrtaW--'l A : W14K : VT I lenwotvt Juno .riT-OMir, t-:
.iBiMiii..awr.miA ...aa - )-Two
PI AW I Otner UCCeSStUl an oarly morning- bomb raid on tho partin this, eur groatMt
Candiriate;3243;: Rickman
I : "I it,. I . . 5"y eaexing to Co
i .' ' ' .. : tOonilo.)
Robber Discovered -
Bifling Register
With enthusiasm at a high pitch and
too machinery of .a powerful organlza
tk.n perfected in-detail , and ready to
be set Ira motion. Portland's Red Cross
wforkers JwllI ' launch -their '.$200.00')
artye cuonaay. ox. noon,. Deginning at
afrousiof session at the weekly Cham
ber -Of Commerce luncheon, and fol
lowed. ba a-mobilisation of "all forces
at the ,15tel' Portlandlat ":ls' o'clock.
Xt this Ivenlng session the first re
ports of results win bemnde, and It Is
exrcte.1 ? that the ball will bo started
pe;.ir. . by.- some big . pledges from
rt:ap j -U. II
tie t 7 cr.
TaaajSa.Q NSCaaWa
Thug and Van and woman Proprietors
Havo 'SkralTlo Which but Two
Woro- Hurti. reUow aSakoo Escape.
Screarno emana'ting ' from the little
store conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Manoa
Boxer, atrifth nd Hall street early
Saturday morning aroused apartmentJ
bouse sleepers nearoy io -tne fact that
s robbery was being ' committed. In
vestigation .snowed that : Mrs.; Backer
had ., been 'struck over the. heart -and
K ' n : Anffllni, . with V i J ,,.. I rl """ ,""
. V -T. "ur truden- hadvesished -nis hand on the
ihuwmm C4Vi 01 ,rm auiance In mld-forenoon a..young man called
makowo of. victory over our com- .,tore t6 make a Purchase. Mn?
mon roes. ? I s.... ..,..Aiiiiim-f ,K.t. ..v
"You will recocnlxo your own mntk-iZJJJ
1 ,"L " -i,.' Vl-.C" J" 7uru 05 with Vtho ; nocturnal raid could , bo
luMucut, . uvu w wi iiiiericaui con- I fguQ d. I ', " '
wneo, oa iawOTaoiJipriUMt Th-robber "lurged the cash reeiittni
he advised a declaration of warakainst 2uri!?5!i5!!L!l?
iniuim i autum ijiswaoa
Mr. Root hero quoted at length from
President Wilson's address to oongross
in which be referred to Russia as a
'fit partner in a league of honor." and
continued: ; .: ----.-.
"That partnership of - honor la tho
great struggle for human freedom tho
oiaest or. the great' democracies now
seeks in
Sinkmgfdf flJBoatl
ByfSteamer Denied
; Amsterdam.5 June 16. I.jN.; aV
fraternal iinini. with fh. 1 Tho German - admiralty denied s today
.youngest. Practical and specif ic meth-1 reports from New iTork which reached
.- ioas ana tne possibilities of onr allies' I riv v aioimioo io w iieci , u
cooperation the members of tha .mis-1 ln nnw vrooniana
slon would bo glad to discuss with tho I ranimed r ond xank a,, German subma-
memoers ot the aovernment of . Eut. I w ra iwr ii uip,
sla.,fc- -
M.- Tereschenke, minister of foreiem I ' Th Rose Festival ' is presented
affairs, in responding to Mr. Roofs in Pictorial Review, on .pages 6' 7,
(Concluded en Pase Two. Coinirn pivei . 8 and 9 of Section Three.
ards andOefin
gvvery.Next Step. ,
"Vyashington, Juno (U. P.)
With tho mighty registration rolls
Beating xff-Three '.'
Men, Report,4lAi.
s- Seattle. June. 17 (U. P.) (Sunday)
W. E. MUler, a eoldler in tho United
practically complete, tho aecond step j states army, was shot in tho leg when
towards calling America's army to the! six shots were fired from a window
colors was taken today ' I in' tho I. "W. "W. hall at-Second avenue
Regulations for guidance of VSJl&
tiorr boards were Uld before President , bers of the j w w lMt nlffht. ;
Wllsftn this afternoon. Issuance of a. T shooting was ho climax of
proclamation creating xemptlm trouble which originated when Iho I.
boards and, defining their powers is , W- w. organised a'street meeting bei
set- tor eariy nexv v . x i 1 tween Jirst- and Second avenoes on
hel. of local exemption boards in about Washington, otroef earlier in the eve
2 states has been picked and will be ning. Search of tho J. W, W. head-
announced probably fTuesaay. r.stao-, quarters revealed an automatic pistol.
lishment of other exemption-boards
vrlll follow immediately.
mltteo. and there are. four distinct' but
coordinated branches leompfislng the
organisation, eacn oranen wuh ita own
efficient- staff, ,'yet -all are. bound to
gether; Dy irequeni y conferences and
rarUe3,'thowhole drive oehig under th
leadership rjof General t Chairman W.
B. Ayer. -: " - '.-,. .- -;ct' (
... Preliminary Work yrf ectod 1 V
For' "nearly a ; month! :.tho -. work, of
preliminary organisation, has been un
der- way, - and - scores of- Portland's
ablest business men and most public
spiruea civizens-nave given ineir time
and ability towards its perfection to
the end that the city's quota of 1200.-
vuo will: do in nana Dy, tne end of the
week.:,;;- - ' ' -.- . ; .
. Tho plan of, tho campaign, ; briefly
outlined, is as follows ; i . ,
" ' ' . SzoentlTO Comndttoo .. ;
i'. The executive committee has charge
of all off Ice details and general super
vision of all -phases, of tho campaign
and its members bave been working
shoulder to shoulder with the . leaders
of tho :other ..branches of. tho drive.
They, assisted in-tho selection of - the
field i workers, . tn tho organization of
all departments -of the drive and ' dis
cuss and settle matters of ipolicy that
arise from day to day.: They have been
holding meetings almost dally - sine,
tho middlo of May and have laid aside
their: personal business affairs for trie
period of tho campaign;. " Tho commit
tee consists i of t Elliott R,, Corbett.
eft airman; ruoer il strong, campaign
manager; Charles F. Berg. JACL. Err-
jllsh. manager (of speakers', bureau, and
v,:v stranaoorg, puoucity- manager,
- . A Twoaty; Teams Selected w -U;
-The first of the two big attacks for
Red Cross funds that, have been organ-.
e ' r ; it-' of. July possibly
; t i fitlc human lottery
out t:s men'for tho first
evyTfr&uv rnore than 9.500,000 on tne
registration I'.st. 1 Although the meth-
hod.of drai Itit thelnaraes for tho "first
500.000" 1 scttlelat will bo kept se
cret until ttie publication. or president
Wilson's ff r"1""' " r-iation because of
in the chamber of which was ono. dis
charged Shell. The' run showed erU
jdence of having bRu'rrT,'w'
woodriasiin;c' "ieslgrreti. .
board. - Plomraer is a men:
present ' board, his term h
eurtalled by action of the l ..
laturo. 1
Tho vote in detail from'
precincts showed the fol
Bommer, 4171: Plummer,
man, mi; J. v. Beach.
Maxson. 1175; Mrs. Ferdik
J7; D. R. Norton. 744; Ori
ards. 6IT; Mrs. Maria ' L.
4J1; W. B. Streeter. J60; Mi
man, SI7 ; Mra George. M.
Emilia A. Beyer, 240; -B.
104; Clarence D. Porter,
Myers. 74.
Mulkey withdrew from th
tho ballots had, boon print
voted for him an
English coast at 1 o'clock tMs mornJ tho maintenance of ou national Ideals
meni vj - oi toe xooa aamintstrotlon -and cheer
tho British homo defense forces. . fuUy scceptlng Its direction and l7d!
One of tho monsters gilded out of I vic. d m rr.a .,u
the night acros.thsr AngUcan coast th. .urplu. of food svsJlablo for our
and another at Kent. One was V?Moa rmy and for oxoortts Yhi -,i?r
plunging toearth In names oy tne To provide adequate sspplles for tho
combined assault comlnt year Is of absolutely Vtui im!
anU-alrcraft guns as It bombed , the portarrco to tho conduct of tho war
coast town. and without a very conscientious
This Is tho second Zeppelin bagged ellimlnatloa. nf w... "
by the British within the last week. economy in our food consumption w-
N loaa of life nor extensive prop
erty damage was announced in tho of
ficial statement.
cannot hopo to fulfill thta nnma
duty. ".'"-r:'
Gifts to Charities
mr ti m I to me rooa administration i
May Escape Taxes Uiwss,-
Waats Msly Prom All '
"I trust, therefore, that tho women
of th country will not only : respond
to your appeal and aecept tho pledge
to in rooa administration which yo-j
men sUo
personal dlstri
butlon of food will cooperate with ih
Senator Hollis of Hew Xampshir Tn-1 Mm earnestnass and In th sat
a.Siawt tavWtriBtmsi v o iuh sratnonty to
poses Amendmsmt . " ndrtak any steps necessary for tHo
Bill Backed by Philanthropists. proper- organisation and tho stlmaia-
Washlngton. Juno If. -(t K. S.) tion of their efforta". -z. -
Exempting contributions , to charlUbU fSSL
organisations from taxation vnder th tn administration fight to piac In th
new taxes proposed on Incomes, is hands, of Herbert C. Hoover powers ta
aimed at in an amendment Introduced direct conservation and distribution oi
twu tuf)fiii uui L&ia 11 4 WSVa. i
en print ti
y way. .
(Conetasled an Pass SU, Column One)
bo tamped
in readlni
tho next 1
boards bi
must be "a
llons of Jh
must be a
Every 4
tho exemD
before rthj
the name
nation bs
the day;
' When
New Mexl
from Keltu
strallon lists might
ahead - of - Provost
r dbefor everything Is
rl tho drafU " During
eks 4000 exemption
ill ; and , appellate
I and certified. Mil
- -e being , printed and
td to- tho boards. v
jsls Stili Absent .
4 th appointment, of
trds will be arranged
I . data E f nr - drawin
fed. : Another-procla-t other man of
jnt "Wilson, will nam I armed with a b:
t '- ' - -- !oulcMv rrlievee
and was filled vtth .heavy c
, ,. Echo f former. ?:. " '
Patrolmen:' found1 five . '
alley - behind th3e rhaU--and Ton dis
charged cartridges 7$ i .'
The trouble last evening; V enlisted
men In the .navy said, was an ' echo of
trouble started 4rly. in the' week when,
a sailor. ' a roar in 'and sv coast, artil
leryman were 'attacked and beaten by
members, of thef I. V.ljfr. . . i -'
More than- liO -..oallors .yesterday,
cam -to Seattle) from f tho 'naval sta
tion, Puget Soufd, andgs a preventa
tive measure, the, commandant ordered
a party of sailors to Seattle asja spot
clal. provost guard. A tfumber of -soldiers
cam to Seattle, from Fort -Law-
X," w. w.
When, police
r with-' some
tho.l.,-W. W.
ad raseball Bat
nd detectives, togeth
the sailors, reached
all practically overy
fee crowd withlni was
efcaJl bat-. Thev wera
quickly relieved of thcist weapons and
f nant HatchU. 8,
t ra t pollc headquar-
were booked.-
the b hooting a crowd
state Wyoming TEnrAtneJ-tu Te ncard-BfE-iorrTha.iroOO(rfeaUiered in front of
from. Tho grand total of registration
was .11.S1 - f i' v-:.---..'V-'
:V Th - report- from tho - governor " of
New Mexico showed a total registrar
tion of 2,2 Of. nearly C per cent of
estimates. v With seven counties still
to report. . Kentcky- showed 171.295
91 per, cent of tho estimated registra
tion. ; ..-T:r. iV x-p. '
JCleTelsyiHl's Daughter Engaged
'."Prince ton,'. N. 'J.J Juno 1 Lr if .'. 8.)
The .engagement " of i Marion - Cleve-
the L W. W, hall and near tho scene
of th shooting.' Th provost guard
and police had difficulty for a while
in keeping traffic, open.
On. Slacker Charge
Joseph Boeder laborer, aged 9. was
arrested - as a slacker ' by Policemen
land. 4 younses-eTIaughter of th lattlxng and Schad - Saturday ' night -at
president.' to .William Stanley Dell -of i Second evnd-Couch- streets. ,. Tho man
New. Tork"" was announced by herl had no blu card and gavo no.explana-
motner. airsr rnomas j. jreston. today, tion why ho had none.
gates' an(TtheIfrt'rriendsTfteras ap
parency but little. If any more than
ordinary.' interest displayed in th elec
tion. V 'V . .
Throughout the oarly hours of th
afternoon th voting was very light, as
has been tn nistory Of all of Port
land's previous "school-election As
Coatiaacd'o Psce Tsrov Coin ma Two)
TJ,S. May Sue for ;
Value of the Lands
AppoQato Court Bosios Statvt of T.Inv-
ttetlsms ' Bars . Action, for ABorsd
ZrfUsd.TrasUl Against W XL Jomos.
San Francisco. Jun !. (p. N. 8.)
The gdvemment today won th right
to raopan. Us -suit - brought, in tho
United States district court of Oregon
against WUhurd N.. Jones. Oregon land
operator, for liJ.OOO. by a decision
handed down today, by tho x circuit
court of.appoals.
Th '(OvtromeDt . brought suit last
year . arainst Jones .for tho value -at
lands in tho BUets reservation in Ore
gon, which.- It was' charged. Jonas ob
tained .through th us of. "dummiC
ntrymen and fraud in-190 and Jtl.
Jones set up the statute of Umltatlon
as a defense - and was sustained , bv
this - court. - Th circuit court holds
that- while prosecution for fraud and
criminal liability has been eliminated
by j tho- statute, the government - still
baa th right, to an for thraluo of
tho-lands. and - reverses - th , lower
court,- which - sustained - a . demurrer
filed by Jones to .the complaint. ' - .
today by Senator Hollls of New Hamp
ariir.. H wishes tho scnat commit-
teo now at work on tho war revenue
bill to refrain irom taxing.
-Contributions or gins corpora
tions or associations organised and op
erated exclusively for religious, char
itable, sclehtinc or eoucationai pur
poses no part ot tho net- income of
which enures to th benefit of any
private stockholder or Indivlduel."
Telegrams 1 rum xi. mum Bvnu
Felix M Warburg, both heads of many
prominent Jewish charities, back Sen
ator Hollls in - his more. - Mr. War
burg says h fears that, with the
heavy war taxes tho'peopl must al
ready "rightly bear.- many Of' th
charitable institutions might hav to
clos their doors If levies were placed
upon gifts contnnuieu xo tneir sop-Vrl-
. ... L .,m
Th Senate linaun cvwuiiws
no meeting today, but experu to re
sume its' work on Monday.1
InTreason Charge
Texas SaloomkMpoT and Aaasteam Sol-
flier Are Xsld em Oosmplata of V. S.
Soerot Servic Official. -
San Antonio.1, Texas. Jnn !- IS.
p.) Herman Kramer, saloonman, noar
Camp Kelly, tho great aviation post
bare and an American oldlr whoso
fast bum authorities admit Is Ixidwis,
weret arrestod here early tonight on
a complaint sworn to by Edward Ty
re!!. chief t tne government secret
sorvlc - hor. ' charging consplraoy to
loUto section 1 of tn federal ponal
cod. ' . -". -. ; .. -- ''- . -' ' -Section
1 defines treason, and " th
defendants - aro specifically- charged
with having conveyed military infor
mation ta a person whom. It Is J
leged. Kramer and Lcdwlg believed to
be a German, an enemy of the United
States, but , In reality was aa agent of
the United States department of Jus
tic. .;::). .--,-;--''. ,
Kramer v-cs taken befor R. la. Ed
wards. United States' commissioner,
where ho waived preliminary, hearing.
His bond'to appear before the federal
rrand jury In December . was fixed at
$210.. which he rav. Ludwlg is be
lli held by the army authorities. Au
thorities refused to state anything
further regarding Irudwig other than.
trjvt "he Is en eni:sted man,".
Tb money bill is yielding to food bv
th mandate of the president. : -
"Th food situation. must bo In ham
before America's army can go into tn
field," Is th government contention. ,
mobbery wm Be Stopped
"Families must not bo robbed ' hi
high prices while fathers ars fighting.'
Is th order. "Labor must-be content
or the whole- military establishment'
will crumble.
As a result, while preparations C
forward toward . selecting th .first-
Sd.OOO of America's eltlsen army, th
president and his officials sr' center
ing their drive on food control.
The bill will com -up In the nous
Monday and at the same time Senator
Gore, chairman of the senate agricu.
tur committee. will recommend it t
mad business I the day In the se,i-
(Coattesa a Psg Twe, Oolama rwer)
Duroc Jersey, Boar-- :
- 4 Cyc Gas Engine
IVoet aad round ; " tl
LOST m th grandstand'
Thursday afternoon, - diamoax
set tins; from engagement ring.
Liberal reward. Y . ,
Xowshold Ooods for Sale S3
MOKKJB chair, leather, cushions: -silk
floss mattress, - Ha Hand
. china, books, kitchen utensils, etc.
- - Tot t'U- MlscsUaseoms - 19 ,
FOR SALkV 7 sacks first class
' Burbank potatoes.' $1.11 per
. 190. freight rate to Portland ic
" Prl. -.- :s.,.V;-;,i.V -
Swsp Oslasan ; ' gs
; WHAT have you- In horse or
'- buggies to exchange for a fine .
diamond ring? . '.- -
. ' ... " . . , . .
Tissnf Ties aad Boats M
i 4 CYCLE OA8 ENGINE lor sale,
in - fine order, compiete. Igni- .
tion. wheel and shaft. Will dem-
' onstrat. " -
: f
FOR "SALE A - Defender Duroc
- Jeraey boar, 4 years old. one of
"th beat In the West, worth $100
to anyone for a herd boar, wtn
sell for til or for one
- equally aa good. Several very
tin Lmroo pis for sal.
eSBBBBwaaBBBSweaw "- "
' . ZdTttsteek ' SS .
' Be consistent and persevering
la Want Avertlsin don't hesi
tate to order a number of lrceer-
tions If the first Ad doosn't ao
conipUah th desired object.