THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1917. PORTLAND. OREGON. PACIFIC SYNOD OF 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH f WILL MEET TUESDAY ' Delegates Will Be Present r iuiii vji cg,uii vv aoiiinsiuiii . ; California and Canada. (NOTED MEN ARE COMING Woman's Horn and Foreign Mission ary Convention Will Be Held Blmui taneoasly with Svnodical Meeting'. Women of the First PresbyterianChurch Plan Red Cross Unit On Friday, June 22, a Red Cross unit will be formed by the ladles of the First Preaby- terlan church in room A of the church, beginning at 2 o'clock. $ It Is desired that all Red Cross work done by members of this congregation be done under the auspices of this unit and it Is hoped that a large number of women will be out for this Initial meeting. Resurrection Body, Dr, Hinson's Topic CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO CONVENE FOR COUNTY MEETING WEDNESDAY An Interesting Program Has Been Prepared; Secretary Swander to Speak. PRESBYTERIAN PASTORS TO HAVE OUTING The Presbyterian ministers and their families will have an outing Tuesday at the Plummer residence in Hillsdale. At 10:10 a devotional serv ice will be conducted by Rev. Ward W. MacHenry of the Mt. Tabor Pres byterian . chu rch. At 2:30 Dr. E. H. Pence of the West minster Presbyterian church will give an address and conduct a symposium on the "The Church's Responsibility During the War." This will be followed by a short business meeting and election of offi cers. The outgoing officers are: Rev. J; R. Landsborough of Oregon City, president; Rev. W. H. Amos, vice pres ident, and Rev. E. P. Lawrence, secre tary -1 reos u re r. The greater part of the day will be spent in a social way, and allow tue ministers and their families to get acquainted. : . The Pacific synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church will hold Its annual convention from June 19 to 2. :,. : Delegates, ministers and laymen will he present from Oregon, California, ... Washington and British Columbia, Can, i Among ministers of note to attend the convention are the Rev. J. C. Kunz Inann, general superintendent of the board of Home Missions of Philadel phia, Pa., and the Rev. Perry I. Bais ler, Field Missionary, of Winnepetr. , Canada. Woman delegates from the several ;" states will attend the Woman's Home j and Foreign Missionary convention, to be held simultaneously with the syn odlcal convention in St. James church. A laymen's banquet given by the Brotherhood of St. James church will : be held in Y. v. C. A. building Tues day evening at 6 o'clock. - Following is the program: Tuesday, June 19, 1917 St. James church Opening service; confessional service and chief service, Kev. Walter 1. lick, The Dulles, Or.; sermon, Kev. Merrell K. BouKon. Ev- titu, iobii., ttumirusirauon or noiy communion; appointment of credential' ) .committee; li p. m., devotional service ., and order for opening of synod; organ ization f synod; president's annual ... report; treasurer's report; election of officers; 6 p. m., laymen's banquet, . Y. W. C. A., 8 p. m., illustrated lec ture on "Martin Luther," Rev. Wil- Ham E. Brtnkman, Portland, Or, Wednesday, June ao. , : ' Wednesday a session in St. Paul's -.Church, Vancouver, Vash.; 9.30 a. in., ; devotional service, Ilev. Andrew Knge teet, .North Yakima. Wash.; business . session; report of semlnaxy board; re i port of treasurer of seininiary board; ; i p. m., devotional service. Kev. H. N. Bvinth, Roy, Wash.; report of frater , wal delegates and greetings from synods; audiess, "Our Missionary Program," Kev. J. C. Kunzman, D. D., . Philadelphia, Pa., superintendent gen . eral council home mission board; 8. p. m., uuadri cententary celebration; address by the Rev. Perry E. Balsler, Winnipeg, Canada. Thursday, June 31 , - j ' In St. James church Devotional service. Rev. William R. Kraxberger, ' Oregon City, Or.; business session; : election of committees, boards and , delegates to the general council; con slderatlon of matters referred to synod; 2 p. m., the Synodlcal Women's . Home and Foreign Missionary society .. meets in the Sunday school room of : (Saint James' church; devotional serv . . ice. Rev. Fr. Th. Lucas. Aurora, Or.; aper or address, "Our Duty in For elgn .Mission Work: 8 p. m., service Jin the interest of the 'Women's yome and Foreign Missionary society; uA ' dress of welcome, Mrs. F. II. Pageler, ' Portland. Or.: response. Mrs. Levi " Koch, Seattle, Wash.; missionary pag eant, presented by Gleaners' society of St. James church, Portland, Or.; - address, Rev. Carl F. Knoll, Chehalls, Wash. Friday, Xus 83 , . Friday's sessions In Zion Lutheran . church, Oregon City, Or- devotional service. Rev. Franklin w. Bussard, - LaGrande, Or.; business session; 2 p. m., devotional service. Rev. Harvey M. Leech, Berkeley, Cal.; paper or ad dress, "Religious Education of the Youth of Our Church," Rev. Elmer O. Hotfmeister, Vancouver, Wash.; 8 p. m.. address by Rev. J. C. Kunzman, Philadelphia, Pa,; Saturday, "Sight seeing rnp on me uoiumoia mgn "way.'r Sunday, June 34 St. James church Sunday school, 10 a. m. ; chief service, 11 a. m.; 3tev. William E. Brinkman, Lit torglst; sermon by Rev. D. W. Michael. Tacoma. Wash.: 8 p. m.. in stallation of Rev. W. E. Brinkman as The third of the series of sermons connected with the "Second Coming of Christ" will be preached by Dr. Hln son on Sunday morning, when his theme will be the "Resurrection Body." At last Sunday's services 13 Joined the East Side Baptist church. Five were by baptism, four on Christian experience and four by letter. Tho crowded congregation shows how urgent is the need of a larger church. Plans are now being consid ered by the committee with a view to building just as soon as the kind of edifice can be determined upon. In the evening. Dr. Hinson's sub ject will be "The Sin Against the Holy Ghost." He will show how there Is a sin against the spirit of God which can be commuted by the believer, and against which Christians need to be strongly admonished and solemnly warned. The ordinance of believers' baptism will be administered at the night service. The annual convention of the Chris tian church of the Multnomah county district will be held, at the East Side Christian church Wednesday afternoon and evening. A program of more than usual In terest has been arranged, end a large attendance is expected. State Secre tary C. F. Swander will be present and will deliver an address on "God's Share." Dinner will be served for the visitors at 6:30. The services arranged by Rev. Mr. Friends Are Holding -Session at Newberg atertingv of Oregon, Washing-ton and Idaho Members Will Bs Continued Through, Tuesday. Newberg. Or.. June 16. Members of the Friends church from Washington, Idaho and Oregon are in attendance at the afaSual session of the church in this city. Meetings will be held dally through next Tuesdays Dr. Robert E. Pretlow of Seattle delivered the open- Sawyer for Sunday will be along lines j ing address Thursday morning, preparatory for the convention. The i president Levi T. Pennington of new merger service Is becoming popu- j pacific college presided at the opening lar with both old and young and will business session, with Mrs. Anna W. probably become a permanent feature. , Benson of Greenleaf, Idaho, as record The second of a series of sermons j ing clerk. The day was occupied 'by on "Boys of the Bible" will be given ! the annual reports of the different at the morning service, and In the ! meetings and with the temperance ses evening the pastor's subject will be ! slon. "Beyond the Gates." I Pacific college has volunteered to take the lead in outlining war-time wui K 1UI icuua WiU vine o i'uo:u to war. Effort will be made to afford relief to alien enemies in need of it, to act as a clearing house for farm workers and to help in other ways. Perplexing Subject Will Be Discussed PORTLAND PASTOR IS ORDAINED mm AT PHILADELPHIA, PA. Rev, Wm. R. Reece Attends Annual Convention of the Church; Meeting Is Large, In his Sunday evening sermon at the First Methodist church. Dr. Stansfleld will deal with an ever perplexing ques tion, his subject being: "What Is in the Darkness T' He indicates as his purpose in this sermon to show that what Is hidden in the life of the lndl- vMnjil th v n f that rn nnfit hA fnrft- . . lem seen, me circumstances iu&l uajitiui be determined are all known to God and that behind the darkness he la surely keeping watch over his own. The quartet and chorus will sing spe cial muslo especially applicable to this theme. Gaining the distinction of being or dained under circumstances that can not occur again for 100 years, namely at a centennial session of the general convention of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) in the United States. Rev. William R. Reece, pastor of the Portland Society of the New Jerusa- made the Journey to Phila delphia to attend the national conven tion of that body and received ordi nation at Its hands. The annual convention, held this year in the Quaker City, was attended by nearly 1000 delegates, coming from 33 states of the union and from out- Red Cross Week to Begin at St. David's Sunday has been designated as the beginning of Red Cross week. The rector of St. David s, East Twelfth at Belmont, will preach a sermon appro priate to the occasion in the morning on the text. "Because We Love the Brethren." At night he will continue the series on the Lltlny under the title "The Atoning Christ." The church Is open every day for dally prayer. Every 8undy at the first Eucharist at 7:10 all those who are serving the country In this hour of need, and especially the many young men from the parish, are remembered at the altar. An honor roll containing the names of these Is posted in the porch. "More things are wrought by prayer than thU world dreams of." EPSCOPA SUNDAY I Churches Are Urged To Use Press Agents Morning Topic on What Future Holds The subject at the First M. E. Church South for the morning hour will be. "What the Future Has in Store for Us." "The interpretation of the subject will be based on certain great funda mental laws that always bring sure results," says the pastor. "These laws have not yet been recognized, or at least they have not been put Into practice, by the people of the world, and yet their truths arch above all our wars and seisms, and wretched class distinctions, like a rainbow of prom ise." The quartet wlU sing and Robert L. Crane will sing a solo. There will be special music at the evening service. Memorial Services For Odd Fellows Topeka, Kan., June 16. (I. N. S.) A press agent for every Episcopal church In Kansas was the recom mendation of the publicity commit tee to the fifty-eighth annual con vention of the Kansas diocese of the Episcopal church. The committee was named a year ago and has been Investigating church publicity. In its report to the convention the com mittee said in' part: "The publicity work of any parish should be centered In the hands of one person. If a parish Is fortunate enough to have among Its members a newspaper man willing to under take the task, he is the Ideal man for handling the publicity. In the aver age town or city, th newspaper is the most effective means for obtain ing publicity for enterprise." Dr. Anderson to Speak The pulpit of Central Presbyterian church will be occupied Sunday by Rev. Thomas S. Anderson, D. D., who will preach at 10:30 on "Attention." At 7:45 his subject will be "The Stair way of Vision." T K mnrnlnv a.tvlft. will hff1n promptly at 10:30 and Dr. Stansfleld , ,d Plntf ? dl,,tant "s uJapTan will preach, taking the theme, "Chris tian Sonshlp.' Children's Day at Highland Baptist The Sunday school at the Highland Baptist church will observe Children's day Sunday at 11 o'clock. At the eve ning service at 8 o'clock E. C. Cofer will preach. Following is the pro gram: Song, by school; scripture reading. K. Gudnason; prayer, E. C. Cofer; song, by school; exercise, Miss Knowlton's class; solo, Aranel King; recitation, White Law Braid; recita tion, Harold Gudnason; song. Mrs. Usher's class; exercise, Mrs. Black's class; recitation. Miss Nisley's class; song, primary classes; exercise, Mr. Grimm's class; solo, Mr. King; exer cise, Mrs. Shank's class; exercise. Miss Janin's class; recitation, George Nich olson; song, by school; recitation, Naomi Hohman; motion exercise. Mrs. Flsk's and Miss Waldron's classes; solo. Miss Mabel Nisley; recitation. Stanley King; exercise. Miss Etchell's class; song, by school. Scandinavian Army Branch Service Set The Scandinavian branch of the Sal vation Army will have a series of special meetings tonight and Sunday. Commandant Richard Goode from Seattle will have charge of these meet ings and will be assisted by Adjutant C. FJeld and Sergeant Major J. P. Johnson, also of Seattle. Tonight there will be a specially arranged musical program, ice cream ana caxe win De served. Sunday meetings will be held at 11 a. m., 4 and 8 p. m. The hall is located at Tenth and Burnside streets. On Sunday the visiting party will be increased by several songsters and musicians from Seattle. Program of Song William Paul, tenor, will give a pro gram of songs at the men's resort service Sunday night at 8. There will be short talks and orchestra music. The Junior and San Grael C. E. will also assist. Will Speak at Y. W. O. A. Sunday et 4:30 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. vespers. Luther -R. Dyott. D. D., will be the speaker and Miss Beatrice Burchill the soloist. L CHURCH'S SCHOOLS TO PICNIC NEXT TUESDAY Inter-Parochial Gathering in Peninsula Park Promises to Be Well Attended. BISHOP OFFERS MEDALS and the Island of Mauritius In the In dian ocean. It marked the completion of the first 100 years' growth of the body In the United States, also In the world at large. It also marked the centennial of the first convention, held In the same city In 1817. when only five states were represented. Rev. Reece came to this city In De cember last from Los Angeles. He ministered to the local society as licen tiate until at their request he re ceived further powers by ordination. His work here during the past winter has been supplemented by two suc cessful courses of lectures at the Central library on the philosophical and religious teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, on whose writings the New Church bases Its claims. Nathan Whealdon Dies The Dalles, Or., June 16. Nathan Whealdon, prominent resident. died Friday morning following "a long ill ness. The funeral will be held S?un day. He was representative from this district In 1903 and state senator In 1905. He had been active in public life for many years. Oregon Man With Pershing Pendleton. Or., June 16. Word has been received here that J. W. Clay, formerly a student in the Pendleton high school. Is among those who went to France with General Pershing. He Is a sergeant of engineers, and he left Pendleton about 10 years ago. Average of Cows Tested $58.49 Net County Agrtealtulst JLeporta Xomlta of Tirst Tear of Ores ham Columbia Sloug-h Association. In a bulletin Just Issued, 8. B. Hall Multnomah county agriculturist, re cords the results of the first year of the Gresham Columbia Slough Cow Testing association, as follows: The average cow in the association returned $58.49 over cost of feed. The average cow consumes $66.02 worth of feed. The average cow produced 276. 6 pounds of fat. The 10 highest cows averaged 464 21 pounds of fat. consuming $88.71 worth of feed and living a profit of $129.52 above cost of feed. The 10 lowest cows averaged 160 pounds of fat. consuming $21.62 worth of feed, and giving a profit of $3.97 above cost of feed The cow that headed the associa tion was ownd by C. H. Johansen. She produced 525.4 pounds of fat with a food rost of $108.74. giving a profit of $113.55. There have been 40 cows sent to the butcher from the association that were not raying. The herds feeding silage made a raving of $6.21 per cow on the cost of feeding over those without silage. These results show that at the pres ent price of feed it is poor business to keep a cow that is not giving good returns and the only way to find the ones that are profitable la by the use of the milk scales and the Babcock test. Garden rets Will Be Held at Keti dence of Dr. and Mrs. Blackweil Wednesday Zvening. Wreck of Steamer Bear to Be Saved CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES 3rd Sunday After Pentecost The pastor of the Vernon Presby terian church will give the annual me morial sermon for the Alberta district Odd Fellows and their families Sun day night. An unusually fine pipe organ program will also be given at both morning and evening services by Miss Verl Butler. The vocal num bers by the quartet will be helpful and pleasing. A special vocal number will be furnished at night by Miss Beatrice Burchell, a pupil of Charles Montelth, entitled. "The Unseen Kingdom," and the evening topic will be "The Mean ing of Brotherhood Today." White Temple Topic Announced by Pastor At the First Baptist church (The White temple) Sunday morning Rev. Calvin B. Waller, D. D., the pastor, will speak on the theme "The Cripple at the Pool." Special reference will I be made to the Red Cross campaign. In the evening at the evangelistic service Dr. Waller will speak on : address to the pastor. Rev. Harvey m! "Halting at the Cross Roads." a time- Leech; address to the congregation, i iy topic ior ioik who are nesiiaung on 'president of synod. j the question of a life choice. I wniiam Aianseu wilder win ieaa in ! the gospel song service at 7:46 and I the Temple quartet will sing, at both i services. Sermons Will Be Appropriate Ones Sunday May Close At tne nrsi tresoyienan cnurcn i n jr i the pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D. IieVlVal MeCtinS will preach both morning and evening. . -LVV' A v tWA "VJ umO The topics will be appropriate to the times through which our country Is i Sunday evening may close the evan passlng and concerning topics which j geiiBtlo meetings which have been con ;we are all thinking about. I ducted very successfully by Evangell- At iu:30 sunaay morning ur. uoya . ist Harry E. Tucker for the past! will consider the topic, Keacmng tne three weeks at the Montavilla Chris Higher Life Through Sacrifice." This tian church. East Seventy-sixth and will be a treatment of the question as i Hoyt streets. to how a nation or an individual can j Rev. Mr. Tucker has given his ut reach the higher and better things by ! terancea on many topics of Interest the road of sacrifice. At 7:45 Sunday .t the present time In the light of evening Dr. Boyd will preach on "The i Christian thought and his Sunday Religion of Mr. Brltllng." This is morning sermon on "Shall Tour Breth based on the book by H. G. Wells, "Mr. I ren Go to War and Te Sit Here?" Brltllng Sees It Through." It Is gen- j promises to be one of the most lnter erally understood that Mr. Wells was I estlng thus far. Sunday evening he - using the autobiographical method in ! will speak on "Growth," his description of Mr. Britllng's re- - . Uglous experience and this is further ; to be seen in his latest book "God the .Invisible King." Dr. Boyd's address will be a discussion of the religious Ideas contained In these two books. Lesson Toplo Chrtirtan Endearor "Wliet Is Reverence and Why Should We Be Reverent T" Bpworth League "Students' Recognition Night." Baptist White Tfitnlt 12th and Taylor sts. ReT. CaWin B. Waller. 11. "The Olpple at the Pool." 7:45. "Halting at the Oroaeraeds." Swedish Flnnlnh Mission vmite Tempi, o. Bout Sld East 20th and Ankeny ats. Rev. W. B. Hlnsoa, pastor. 11, "The Resurrection Body." t:45, "The Sin Against the Holy Ghost." ' Hlxhland E. Ui and Alberta Rar. Cnarlea Meier, pastor. 11, Children's program. T:4S, E. C. Cofer. Arleta Rev. W. A. Sptifga Unlreraity Hark 11. T:80. Bwedtdb 18th and Hoyt Rev. T. Gideon SJolander, paator. 11:18, T:30. Grace Mootavilla Rev. T. H. Cash. J. Dr. A. M. Petty. 8, Rev. Cash, "The Ohnrcn a One Foundation." . Sellwood ReT. F. H. Hayes, paatar. 11, 7:30. St. Johns Rer. B. P. Borden, paator, TJO. CaWary B. 8th and Grant Rev. 1. B. Thomas, pastor. Mt. CaWary Bt Pine "d Grand are. Rer. A. M. Macbacek. 11, 8. Third Knott and Vancouver ee. Rev. W. J. BeaTen. 11, T:30. tliinese SOB Darls at. Lents ReT. J. M. Nelson. 11, Getting Acoustnted with. God." 7:45, "Salvation to the Uttermost." Second German Morris and Rodney are. 11. 7:30. . Glencoe B. 45th and Main Rev. A. B. Walts, 11, 8. Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrett. 11, 8. Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Saonella. 11, 8. First German 4th and Mill Iter. 7. Kratt. 11, 7:80. North Portland Mission 800 Nlcolal at. Fri day. 8. Russellvllle Mission. Tabernacle E. 42d and Holcate Rev. Wal ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30. Christian t Will Do Missionary Work in Japan A service of commission will be held at Patton Methodist Episcopal church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock for Miss Rhoda Mae Hopkins, by the Columbia river branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society. Miss Hopkins has resigned her position as head of the denartmpnt nf V.nclieh In v g,un elgn Mission societies, will preach j high school in order to assume the ?vaS, f 1 V kclocb V Gre work of a missionary to Japan. She Methodist church. Montavilla. Dr. ls the daughter of Rev. G. H. Hopkins Petty J fresh from the great meet- j & former pastor of Patton church. She S ,1 ! Nrthern BaPllt conven- is to sail for Japan in August via tlon held In Cleveland, and Is on a j Seattle. Rev. George Feese and Rev Baptist Secretary .Will Speak Sunday ?--Dr. A. M. Petty. Joint secretary of the American Baptist Home and For- wur ui mo cvjumry, giving inspiring i w. T. Kerr Wil speak addresses to the churches. In the eve- i fclng the pastor. Rev. H. T. Cash, will preach on "The Church's One Foundation." Bible School Day c Will Be Observed ' ' Bible school day at Westminster . lresbyterlan church will be observed &t 10:30 Sunday morning, and will take ih place of the regular Sunday school. .There will be songs, recitations, exer- - cises by members of the school and 1 : m talk to the children by Dr. Pence tn the subject "The Boy and His Bar ley Loaves." The Sunday school or chestra will - furnish special music. The even ins; toplo will be "Dangers In the Dark.-. . , -f - . Dr. Dyott Announces His Sunday Topics I A timely and practical sermon will be delivered in the First Congrega tional church Sunday morning by Dr. Luther R. Dyott, the pastor. Dr. Dyott will take as his theme, "When We Depend Upon God," and will show that while there is grave danger of our not thinking clearlv in then times of distress and confusion, there ls a way out. Dr. Dyott will also deliver a most practical sermon In the eve ning on "The Power of Personality, in behalf of persons who have not realized the power of personality, to which many of the seeming failures In life may be attributed, - First Park and Columbia Bar. Harold H. Griff la, pastor. 10:30, 7:30. Kern Park Re. G. K. Berry. 11, "Our Duty to Ench Other." 8. East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor. Rev. R. H. Sawyer. 11, "Bora of the Bible." 8. "Beyond the Gates." by EvangalUt Harry E. Tucker. 8. "Growth," by the same. Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. R. John son. 11, 8. 8t. Johns Rer. Herbert F. Jonea. 11. 8. Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey W Wilson. Montavilla E. 70th and Hoyt 'ReT. Eugene Burr. 11, "Shall Your Brethren Go to War and Ye Sit Here." Gladstone Her. Roy L. Dunn. 11, 8. Rodney ATenne and Knott ReT. J. Carlos GhronuT. 11. 7:30. Woodlawn Christian 7th and Liberty Rev. J. H. McCoIlum. 11, The Memorial supper.-' 8 "The Ark. a Type of the Church." BuagaVow 17Ui and Court Frank E. Joneb, pastor. 11, 8, Catnollo St. Peter's Lenta KeT. P. . Beutgen, 8, 10:30, 7:SO. . Pro-Cathedral 15th and DaTla ReT. E. V, O'Hara. 6, 7:15, 8:30. 9:45, 11. 7:45. St. Lawrence 3d snd Sherman ReT. J. C. Hughes. 6, 8;30, 10:30, 7:30. St. Patrick's 19th and Savier ReT. E. P Murphr. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Francis' E. 11th and Oak Rer. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:30, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Willi. me BTe. and Stanton KeT. W. A. Daly. 8, 8, , 11, 7::;o. Holy Rosary K. 3d and Clackamas Rt. E. S Olson. U, T, B, w, li, -au. St Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J OFsirrell. 8. 10. 7:30. St. Andrew's B. 6th and Alberta Ber. J. Klernau. 8. 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev Oeorre F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 1U:30. Ascension B. Yamhill and B. 70th Francls- tan miners, o. .. Blessed Sacrament Maryland are. and Blan- ibu-Hn. F. W Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Huly Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond a 10:30. 7:80. St. .Isnatlus' 3230 43d st. 8. S. Jesuit r.ha 0:30. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylor Rev. War m A. Wsitt. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St. FhUio Nert K, lth and Hickory Rev. XV j. Cnrtwrliht. tL 10:30. 7:30. 8t. Clements Smith and Newton ReT. Jo- seoo Cnapoton, t. ibouu rueajou. axaistani. k!iO:30, T:30. Sabred Heart E. 11th and Center ReT. G snhi M 10:30. 7:90. virT Redeemer Portland bWd. and Vancou .er ,TeBeT. F. H. Alllier. 6, 8. 10:30, 7:30 St. Agmina a. ioio ana Annex uct Cummlnsky. . 10:3O. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and v-.tllne Rev. F. Matthew. 6, 10:30. 7:30. St Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rev, liurrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. M. Bateatra. 8, t :w. St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers. 7:30. 9:13. St. Charles S3d and Alberta Rev. G. Snl- derhorn. T, :30. i:30. - t'; : . " Congregational. . Vlrat Park and Madison Rev. Lntbar B DjotV minister. , K:S0. When We DepssU Upon God." 7:45, "The Power of Person allty." , Atkinson Memorial cnurcn e- atn ana ur erett. Rev. Warren Morse, pastor. 11. "Reat and Rebuilding." 7:45, "God. the LoTlng Father." First German E. 7th and Stanton Rer. E. O. Willman. Pllrxim Missouri its. and Sharer et. Rer. W. C. Kantner. 11, 8. UnlTersity Park HaTen at-, near Lombard ReT. F. J. Meyer, pastor. Highland E. 0th and Preecott Rev. George Friw-Mrif Twla. naator. WaTerly Helrhts E. 83d and Woodward Rev. A. C Moses. 11. "A Jewish Republic In Palestine." 7:48, "Two Great Words." Stmnyalde E 8 2d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Stanb. 11, 7:45. Zion (German) E. 9th and Tremoet ReT. J. H. Hopp. 10:30. Norwegian Danish Oongrefatlortal church K. 23d and Samner ReT. Morton Olaon. 11. 7:30. St. Johns ReT. J. H. Barnett. paator. 11. 8. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore at Rer. Sam Bel Kerala. 7:30. Leurelwood Congregational church 45th are. and 65th at. S. E. 11. 6. Ardenwakl Ardenwald station Howard W. Hopklrk. Christian Seieaoa. Subject lesson sermon: Ood. the Preeerrer' ef Man." First church Everett, between 18th and 18th its. H. 8. Second E. 6rh and Holladay. 11, 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth VancouTer are. and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth Sixty-Second street and Forty-Sec ond aTenue southeast. 11. SixthPortland hotel assembly balL 11, a Christian Science Society Holbrook block. St. Job as. 11. Enlsconel. Trinity 18th snd Everett Rev. A. A. M ar son, rector. 8, 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stepbena the Martyr 3th and Clay Very Rer. &. H. McOolllster, dean. Rt. Rev. W. T. Stunner, bishop. 7:45. 11, ReT. B. T. Kemerer. 7:45. St. DaTid's B. 12th and Belmont Rer. Tnomaa Jenktna, rector. 7:90, 9:30. 11. "Be cause we Love the Brethren. ' 7:SO, 'Tne Strong Chriat." St. Mark l ziat and Marshall Rer. J. B. 11. Simpson, rector. Rer. J. G. Hatton. associate rector. t:so, 11, 7:40. St. Andrew's Hereford St.. Ports n ontn Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7:30 p. sa. St. Matthews corbett and Bancroft sts. Rer. W. A. M. Brack. Tlcar. 11 a. m. Grace Memorial Weldler and B. 17ta H. ReT. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd VancouTer and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11. 7:90. St. Michael's and All Angels' BV 43d and Broadway KeT. T. r. Bo wen. 7:80, 11, 6. Church of Our SaTlor 60th its. and 41t stt. S. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11. St. Paul's Woodmere Key. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. Blshoo Morris Memorial cbaoel. Good Bamar ltan hospital Rer. Frederic K. Howard. 7. 7:45. All Saints' char en 25th and Barler Rer. Frederic K. Howard. 11. :30. St. Johns church Corner E. 16th and Harney. Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11 7:30. Trinity (Norwegian) Ports moo th ReT. Slrw A. Stenseth. 11, 8. services at Lnndes halL 15th and Alherta. Our Sartor East 10th and Grant Rer. Geo. T I ... I ,n l-. . 1 V. 1ft. 1. V .1.1. German Eraugellcal Reformed Lents KeT. W. u. Lleakaemper. 11. Evangelical Association. Carson Heights Kev. N. Sbupp, pastor 11:13, 7:30. First Knglih E. 6th and Market KeT. E D. Hornscbuch. 11, 8. First German evangelical 10th and Clay Her. l. r . i.ienuig. iu:u, 8. Portland Mission church Carson Heigh ReT. IS. Shupp, pastor. 2:30, 0:30. 7:30. Evangelical Synoa. German ErangeUcal Friends' church Taco ma ave. and t- lain KeT. cues . Hegert 10:45, 7:30. Free Methodist. Central 5oth and b. Flanders Rer. W. N Coffee. Morning. District Elder F. L. Burns. First K. 9th and Mill KeT. A. Beers. 11 "Christ's Victory Complete on CajTary." 7:3o tt. Johns blt ana 5itb are. 11. Third Ker. K. 11. Clark. 11. 7:30. Friends' Church. First E. 35th and Main rt. Ber. Cos. i .30. Lents South Mala St. Rev. John Riley 11. 7:ao. West Piedmont Friends churchT Corner Bortnwick ana .eseup sis. uoester a. Uialej pastux. Jewish. Congregation Beth Iarael 12U and Main Rabbi Junan a. wise, rriaay, a p. m Lutheran. St. James. English West Park and Jeffer son ReT. William ISraa Brlnkham. 11, 8. Immanuel l'Jtu ana irTing u, 8. West Side Norwegian Lutheran is N. Jim KeT. Vtllbeliu Felterson. 11. 8. Bcthanla Danish Evangelical Lutheran church Union ave. and Morris at. Ber. L. P. KJoller. lo a. m. and B u. ni, liuiuanoel German Sellwood Kev. H. C. EbeUug. 10:3o. St. Paul's German E. lath and Clinton- Rer. A. Krsuse. German. 10:30; English, a Trinity German (Missouri Synod I Williams ave. and Graham Ker. J, A. Kim bach. 10:13, TiM. ' ocaee English (Missouri Synod) Alblna ave. and Mason St. Rev. X. Prutet S:30, 11 Erangellcal Lutheran Zion (Hlwwrt Synod) Salmon and Chapman ReT. H. Koppeh mann. German. 10:15; English, 7:49. Pt. John's Peninsular and Klrkpatrlek ReT. K. O. Salsmann. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustan a ReT. H. E. 8antedt. 10:45. 7:45. Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church 7 :30. Westmoreland ReT. F. K. SandlSsr. Frearhlmt. 7:30. LnWerslty Park Rer. J. T. Abbett. D. D. Preschlng. 11. 7:SO. Woodlawn ReT. W. B. Kloater. Preaching 11. 7:30. ' Woodatock Rer. L. 0. Poor. Preaching 11, 7:30. Taylor Street church Dr. M. H. Marvin, meeting place, Circle theatre, 126 4th. 10:15. Dr. Clarence True Wilson. Swedish Bcrthwlck and Beech Rer. John A. Wellman. 10:45, 4, 7:46. German Rodney are. and Stanton ReT. F. A. Schumann. 10. 8. African Zion 288 Williams sts.--Rev. W. W. Howard. 11. 8. First German ReT. A. F. Cramer. 11, Kendall Iter. A. B. Wilson. 7:30. District superintendent. KeT. WlUlsm Wsl lace Yotingsoo, D. D. 091 E. 62d St. S. Ta uor 2700. Latter Say Saints. Church of Jesus Christ or Latter Day Saints (Mormon). 25th and Madison. ReT. M. J. Ballard, 10:80, 11:45, 7:30. The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (not Mormons) E. 76tb and Irving sts. C E. Jooes. pastor. 11. 7:49. Methodist Episcopal. Brentwood KeT. Paul F. Green. Preach ing at 11. Bethel A. M. B. W. H. Prince, pastor. 11. Kendall ReT. Paul F. Green. Preaching at 7::). Ontenarr Rev. T. W. Lone. D. D. It "Blar Business." 7:46. Song sen Ice and sermon. Central ReT. C C. Rmick. 11. "What Is Education?" 8. "The Unsaved Sartor." ( llutou Kcliy Ker. A. H. Calder. Eoworth ReT. C. O. McCnlloch. D. D. 11. 7:4$. First Church ReT. Joshua Stansfleld. D. D. Rer. Walter Lee Airbeart. assistant pastor. li. "inristian sonshlp." 7:so. "What la in the Darkness!" First .Norwegian Danish 18th and Hort kct. ciias UJeraiug. pastor. 11, S. Laurelwood KeT. C. K Carlo. D. D. Lent ReT. F. M. Jasper. Preaching at 11 anu I :l. Lincoln KeT. W. T. Kerr. D. D. Preaching at li ana 1:30. Ltnnton Ker. 8. EL Dewnrt. D. D. Preach lng at 7:30. Mount labor Rer. E. O. Eldredge. D. D. 11, "The Life That Counts." 8, "Conquest of me LrisagreeaDie. " MoutanUa 11 t. c. L. Hamilton. Preach. lng. 11. 8, Patton Ker. o. 11. reese. Preset tor at li. B, commission aerrica. T :su. Taylor Street M. E. Circle theatre. Dr. M. U. Marvin. 10:30. "Scarred Bodies and Scarred Souls. Kvse City Park Rct. A. A. Heist. Preach lng st 11. Viier serrUe st 4.30. Sellwood ReT. A. R Maclean. 11. 8. ChU dren'a day program by Sunday school. fci. Johns Ker. J. a. Irvme. Preaching 11 ana f Trinity ReT. F. N. Sandlfur. Preaching 11. ancuuTer ATenue Itorweglaj-Danlsb Cor ner Skidmore Ker. H. P. Nelson, pastor. Woodstock ReT. Lester C. Poor. 11. 7:45. X. E. Church South. First M E. Church South, corner Union ave. and Multnomah st- Iter. W. G. Fenton. 11, 8 Missions, Swedish Mission ReT. B. J. Tboren. 11, LUm Chapel KeT. B. J. Tboren. 10. Bethel Free church iTy at. and Willis BeT. J. A. StaTuey. 11, 8. Vaxaren. First Pentecostal E. 7th and E, Couch sts 11, Mrs. Morse, i :MJ, Luke Kader. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Ker. H C Baker. 11. 7 :3. Breotwood OVth at. and 65th 8. K. KeT. J. M. Botcnaxa. li. 8. ScaudlnaTlsn U48 Garfield. 11. 7:30. Highland Park ll.iO E. 14th N. KeT. S, L. Menuel. 10, 11, 7:30. Presbyterian. First 12th and Alder sta. ReT. John H Boyd. 10:30, "Reaching th Higher Lit 1"U rough Sacrifice." 7.46, Th Religion of jur. nritung. ' Central tL 13th and Pin sta. Rt. Arthur F. Bishop. D. 1). 10:30, Rev. Thomas 8. An aerson, also at 7:o. Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler sta. Dr. Edward Pence. 10:30. 7:4ft. Arbor Lodge Ker. Geo. at. Lromley. 11. 7:49 csiTixj ma ana Clay eta. Wallace u xe oi Aioany college. v:au, " XTeaalng on li allowed irouna. ?:n, "Hung in th La der of Grace." Fourth rlrst and Glbb sta Ht. H a. Hanson. 11, 7:30. Keollworth E. 34th and Gladstone Rer. K. P. Lawrence. 11 "What th Presbyterian Church la Doing.'' 7:44. "Borderline Cbrl.-tlanity." Forbes Graham and Gantenbeln ares. Rt William MacLeod. 11, 7:30. Mispah E.-19tb and DlTtsion sta Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11, "God's SelectlT Draft." 7:43, "Wrestling With God." Hope MontaTilU, 78th and K. Krerctt ReT. S. W. Seeman. 11. 7:30. Mt. Tabur fc 56th and Belmont sta Rer. wril..W- Un'Z- 'n Jericho Road." 8, "The Three Voices." Vernon 19th and Wygant srs ReT. Ver non K, Todd. 11, "The Supreme Confidence ox Christ ta Man.' 7 U. 'The Meaning f Brotherhood Today. ' Unity list MMl Sandy Ut4. Kr. W.' Lc Gray. 11. T, Dr. L. T. Nelson, Sooth Aaaesl ean travel experience. Millard Avenu 7241 Ufa are. 8. B. Rev W. H. Amos. 10:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev. A. 1. Hutchinson. 11. 8 Rose City Psrk E. 45th and Hancock sts ReT. J. M. Skinner. 11 7:80. Spokane ATenue B. ldth and Spokane ReT. W. B. McCu.laagh. 11, 7:80. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall sta. ReT. A. J. Hana. 11. 7:46. Trinity Corner Vlrainla ami v.bmi. .ta ut a . j . Montgomery. 8. B ReT. St. RT. 11. 7:S0 Chlnewe 149H First it. 7:4fi Anabel 66th St. and 87th an John Nelson. 11, 7:80. VancouTer Helrhts 33d and "I.' C. F. Bennett. 11. &formd PresVyterUa. First Chnreh Mlnnsants a Rer. F. D. rrsnar. 11. 7:80 Rtsrmd. rtmGermaa 12th end Clay Rer. G. Hsf. Second Columbia bred., and 83d st. Rer A. Wys. 11. Third Fifth to.. Lsmta. In w n 1 1... ken: per. 11. Salvation Army. Corp No. 1. 24 M Ash at 1 . j Mrs. Fran Genge. 11. hollnea meeting. 8 15 pralae serric. 8, Mrs. B. R. Jeho. Uorps No. 4. 128U 1st at. Eniin I'ogue, Lieutenant OUt Scott, oweoiso orps .M Burnald. BeTenth Day Adventiata. Note Regular serrlcea are held on Saturday. uentrai K. nth and E-rsratt Elder P. C. Tsbernscle W and Alder. 11 MontaTtlla B. 80th and B BieinM. S. F. Beatty Lenta 94th St. and 88th ave. FM., r r Chltwood. 11. St. Johns Central are. ami r-h..!.. Elder A. K. Folkenberg. 11. Mt. Tabor E. Wrth and Blmt n t M. Wlllougbby. 11. " Alblna (German) Skklmor and Mallory Mi4tor1- A',,AM"T- C. Schweltaer. local elder. 11:30. Ogden hall. MlaalaslDDl and 8hir p.- n E. eandnea. 11. Bureko. Cal., June 18. (P. N. S.) Within the next few weeks, if favor able weather conditions continue. It Is not Improbable that the bisected hull of the steamer Bear, ashore at the mouth of Bear river, for more than a year, will be floated. There ls nine feet of water In front of the hull bow and the back portion of the boat ls not burled deeply In the sand. Big steel cables have been run out from the boat to anchors beyond the breakers and a power donkey engine on the beach ls to be used In putting the strain on the steamer. It ls believed the steamer can be worked out to sea without difficulty. Much valuable metal, including the big bronze propeller, has been taken from the steamer. The boilers are to be removed, it ls said, and floated to San Francisco. Cable Breaks, Four Hurt at Steel Mill A cable on an elevator at the Wil lamette Iron Sc. Steel Works, 482 Norm Front street, broke yesterday after noon and resulted In the injury of four passengers In the cage, which drop pel about SO feet. A. Perry, a laborer, suffered a frac tured leg, and John R, Merrlman, 20 Grand avenue, has an Injured back Sprained ankles were suffered bv Charles Africa, laborer, and Morns Qulneback. The lnterparochlal picnic of th Kplscopal Sunday schools in rortlsnil at Peninsula Park next Tuesday prom ises to be a well attended event. fc?pe clal cars will be provided to and from the park. A well rounded program of athletic contests has been prepared, including races for the children and their elders, and a ball game between the clergy and the laity. Among the prises offered are six medals given by Hlshop Sumner, each inscribed with the event and the name of the winner. At .St. Michael and All Angels church last Sunday morning, the fifth anniversary of the Rev. T. F. Bowen as Its vicar was observed. In his sermon, the Rev. Mr. Bowen reviewed the growth of St. Michael's during the five year period, showing a develop ment from small beginning to a worn that overtaxes the capacity of the present church building and has cre ated a demand for a new and muca larger one. He received many con gratulations upon his successful and fast developing work. A garden fete win be held at the residence of Dr. and Mra. A. M. Black, well. 226 Shaver street, next Wednes day at 8 p. m.. for the benefit of the Good Shepherd church. A playlet. "The Enchanted Garden." will be ap propriately staged, and candles, cakes. ice cream and a fortune telling booth will be in evidence. All the friends and members of the parish are In vited. Quite a number of clergy from out side the diocese are expected to be present at the Oregon summer school for clergy lo be held at St. Helen's hall. June i6-29. B;shop Webb of Mtlwaukle. a member of the faculty. will probably accompany Bishop Sum ner on his return trip from Chicago, arriving about the 24th. 10 Pianos Evidence In City Court Case After Intricacies of the law had ex hausted four days In argument, and the municipal courtroom had taken on th) appearance of a piano store's display room, a verdict was returned by a Jury Friday evening declaring the Fchan Piano company not guilty of deceptive advertising. The charge was broug'.t against the company by the "betfr business" bureau of the Portland Ad club through its secretary, Charles W. English. Before the case was settled It was found necessary to move 10 different pianos into the courtroom, in order that the attorneys might demonstrate to the Jury the tones of the various grades. k'est Side. K. of P. halL 11th Borvloe for th Deaf. United Presbyterian Wum .nil ... Rer. S. Earl Lm Bols. 10;30. 7;ju. 8wdnbrgln. New Canrch Socle Lr 142 Bra.!)-., .. William R Bc. 11, "Th, World War and th Last Judgment. ' Unitarian. Church of our Father Braautwa . v hill Ber T. L. Eliot, D. D. , minister ,n,er ltus, Rer. W. G. HI lot Jr.. pastor. 11 "inn clple and Standard In the Spending of Money. Tnited Brethren. Alberta 27 th and Alberta First m. 15th and Morrison Rs Booebrak. 11. 8. ' Fourth eth and 82d are. 8. B. Third 67th St. and 32d st. 8. E . Whit, pastor. 11. 7:80. First 17ih snd Harney, Vancouver, Wash Rer. John 1. NlaewonUer, paator. Fr'eacMi.,. 10:30, 2:30, 7:30. 1' United Evangelical. Fourth Rev. J. K. Conner. 11. 7 30. Radical Jessup su ReT. A. S. Henderson. 11. 7 :dO. Manur, Circuit Services Cherry Grora i p. m . Brash Prairie, 7:30. Ockley Ureeo Willamette bird, sod Qsr Rer. H. II. Farnhani. 11 3 8. ' First -K. lttth and Poplar Rer. J. A. Goods. it, ohno ReT. A. p. Lay ton. 11. 7 so. Bishop W. H. Focke. Uaited PraahyWrlaa First E. 3. th snd iiswkburoe Rer. IIus-j Fraaer Glren. 11, "Who Pays the Debt When Sin ls Cancelled)" 7:30, ' Judgment." Church of th Strangers asco at. and Grand are. 10:30, 8. Kenton United Presbyterian church Lom bard and Chatham sts ReT. J. c. Cole dsa- lur. 11:15, I JtU. . ' Vaivsrsalist. Church of the Good hidings Broadway asd E. 4th RT. Y. T. Scott. 11. "Th Vole of th Red Blood From th Ground." Y. M. 0. A T. W. C. A. Y. M. C. A. oth and Taylor U. W. Stoaa general secretary. 3:30 p. m. 1". W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor a 30 evr serTlce. ReT. 11. L. Marshall. Misoellsaseui. Advent t urtitlan 12S Second St., sear Hall St. Rt. J. n. Loco, pastor. 10:io, 7 80 Associated Bible 8 1 orient (I. B. 8 A ) 3 F. McKercher, "Superman." 8. W. A. Baker' Bahal assembly fnusr. 8 n. sa. 1,. ! 610 of the B.uers building. me cnurcu w w i inning at, H G Seal, pastor. Service 11, 7:30. Church of the Brethren U24 Borthwlck and Brainsxd sts. 11, 7:3U p. m. CLrlsrsdelphlan Sunday, 10:30. 621 x.. Washlngien at. First IMTln Science 11 12th.. cor. Aider ReT. Thaddeus M. Minord. 11. The Universal Church of th Master Rer Edward hori. pUr W. O. W. halL on 11th at. Penlel Mission 308 First St. 8, Ooea Adarna and Tina Wilson. 25,000 Boys Await Chance Upon Farm "vVoshlngton. June 18. (I, N. nVV California has 26.000 boys waiting te work on the farm. This message was wired Friday afternoon to th depart- ' ment of labor, which has organised the boys' working reserve. Professor B. II. Crocherson of the University of California, who has been appointed state director for the boys' reserve, stated that those 25,000 young men be tween 18 and the age of enlistment, are only awaiting the coll. Validity of School Law Will Bp Tested Eugene. Or.. June 16. A suit wss filed In the Iane county court Krida to test the validity of the act passed at the last session of the state legis lature changing the term of office of school directors In districts of ths first class from five) to three years IHstrict Attorney I.. Kay Instituted the litigation by filing a petition for an injunction to restrain Luke I.. Goodrich, as chairman, and J. K. Moore, as clerk, of the school board for the Eugene district, from calling an elec tion of officers under th new law. The annual school meeting had been scheduled for Monday. President Issues Pardon Washington. Jun i. (I. N. 8.) By a proclamation Issued early Friday evening. President Wilson extender! amnesty and pardon to all persons u der arasponded sentences In United 8tetes courts where the sentences, are lea than the period between the dat lm posted and June 15, 1917. wm x xt AModern Principle M For grouping small flags about th tops of lamp posts a bracket has been Invented in wnich tn stair of each flog helps support th staff f an other. . f- .: 4-:.--- ' 'ANY can look back to the time when the prices of goods were never marked. It was then that we heard the saying "Let the buyer beware." Today we shun the firm which fails to mark its goods in plain figures, however honest may be its intentions. 'Many years' ago we adopted the policy of a plain, marked price. It is one of the rules of this establishment" MONTOOMER,Y AT FIFTH PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS to -I a es ' sr