THE WEATHEn Tonight a n rt Sunday, partly cloudy; cooler; :outhw esterly winds. Humidity 34. ;oclock 4i v TOCLOCK IT'S ALL. TRUE" VOL. XVI. NO. 30. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 16, 1917. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. ow trains akt irrwi ITAKDS riTE CEVTS KAISER OFFERS RUSSIA PEACE, PAPER REPORTS Stockholm Social Demokraten Says Offer Was Made Through a Member of the Swiss Federal Council. Millionaire Must Pay FqrWooing Octogenarian, Sayg Court, Agreed to Wed and Jury Mast De termine Damages. New York. Juno 16. (U. P.) Miss Honora May O'Brien will be awarded damages for her experience with the fickle heart of Millionaire Frank B. Manning, her 84 year old wooer. Jus tice Cropsey in supreme court so in structed the Jury hearing the evidence today. j Justice Cropsey today told the jurors I tliey must consider an agreement for i marriage had been entered into and 1 that there is no question but that this ! agreement was broken. On these grounds, Justice Cropsey said, damages should be assessed in .keeping with Manning's financial ani i social standing. j Punitive damages are also war- normon Mbinritu SftP.ialtets ranted, he instructed the men, on three Ubl IIIUII IIIUJVI llj wwwimiiw.w p0ints JI Put Forward Their Scheme for Peace. REVOLUTION IN SPAIN; LONDON HEARS REPORTS Censors Refuse to Pass Mes sages Apparently- Because Cables to England Have Been Quiet Since Tuesday. SWISS REFUSE TO ACT FOR A PEACE PARLEY London, June 16. (X. H. 8.) Ger many has offered Basel a separate peace, said a telegram from Stock holm today quotlnr the well-informed newspaper Social Demokraten. The offer waa made through a member of the Swiss federal counoil, It was said. Berne, June 16. (I. H. S.) The Swiss government has returned a negative reply to numerous requests from all sections of the repuouc that it attempt to brine; about peace parley. Stockholm. June 16. (U. P.) What may be considered to approximate the , German government's peace terms was ; outlined here today when the German, majority Socialists gave out their pro gram for peace. The striking points of 'the plan were: No indemnity for Belgium because "it would be difficult to determine which belligerents were responsible anning charged, he declared, there was a conspiracy to get money without marriage. This, he said, had not been proved. Second, he said. Manning declared the girl had insisted on a previous settlement and he said this had not been proved. Third, the charge that the girl never Intended t) wed was not proved. As Miss O'Brien's attorney addressed the Jury, she wept copiously when her unexpected publicity was brought Into the proceedings. She sat up In sur prise when he declared, to refute a charge by Manning, that Miss O'Brien never threw asklrt over the old man's head on' the night of his proposal. "There wasn't a skirt made in New York In the winter of 1916 that you could throw over a hairpin," he declared. GERMAN PROPAGANDA BELIEVED RESPONSIBLE BODY FOUND IN NEW YORK THAT OF MISSING GIRL New York Police Uncover Body Buried Under Eight Feet of Earth and Concrete in Cellar of Repair Shop. RUTH CRUGER, 17 YEARS OLD, WAS GIRL SOUGHT Boy Scout Slugged By Waiter Who Did Not Uncover Head JPl Because he struck a Boy las Kg Scout who asked him to take B. fea off his hat while the "Star fca JBI Spangled Banner" was being )tt HQ played at the Festival Center fe. Ra Friday night, J. Wooldrldge, Ha a waiter on the steamer Beaver, IBS ft was almost mobbed, spent the tta tog night in the city jail, and Ma lOl wound up this morning by pay- tea Ml ing a $25 fine in the municipal tel IE, court for disorderly conduct. tea. Ka Wooldrldge. according to wit- tet tea nesses who appeared against tefl tea him, was too much Interested tea tea 'n the femininity of the crowd tea to recognize the strains of the FOOD CONTROL BILL IS READY FOR DERATING Measure Goes From Agricul tural Committee to Senate Without Recommendations Strong Opposition Seen. EMMA GOLDMAN, the an archist, who, with her part ner, Alexander Berkman, has been held for conspiracy against conscription. tea national air when played by the tea FIGHT IN BOTH HOUSES tea band. tea . , ... lb tAPtUItU MUIMUAT Crisis Between Premier Dato and Army Leaders Indicated. HOWARD MLLER DR. J. PLUNGES TO HIS DEATH FROM MORGAN BLOCK London, Jun 16. (U. P.) Behind the heavy veil of the Spanish censor ship another drama may be occurring. Vague reports of an assumption of power over the whole nation by the army have been received here. No di rect word has come from Spain In four days. When the censorship curtain dropped last Tuesday, a crisis was seen be tween Premier Dato and the army leaders, and one of the last dispatches received direct from Madrid quoted Dato In denial of the report that the Bilbao garrison had revolted. It was the demands of the army leaders which precipitated the crisis resulting in the fall of the Romanones cabinet but It was supposed these had been adjusted when Premier Dato took hold. Spain has been a hotbed of German propaganda and all British newspapers today attributed much of Spain's in ternal dissensions to the Prussian agents. Owner of Shop Disappeared After Girl Last Seen Located in Italy. for damages on the various fronts and maran m1emnuyy would merely Fall From Fourth Story Win- Return of the German colonlei under the Socialist doctrine of "no annexations." Retention by Germany of Alsace (Coocluded on Vuft Two. Column BliJ dow ' Believed Suicidal; Gaspipe Adds Mystery, JAPAN WILL NOT JOIN U. S. IN ADVISING CHINA TO COMPOSE AFFAIRS i Dr. J. Howard Miller, a well known '.Portland and Astoria dentist, died at St. Vincent's hospital this morning 10 minutes after he had fallen from a ! fourth story window of the Morgan building. The police express the be lief that he committed suicide. theory of the family Is that he leaned too from the window in an attack of vertigo. On the basis of a report by Detec tives Golts and Howell, Acting Coro ner Smith this afternoon decided to hold no inquest. Great Britain Also Opposes American Action, But Rea-j Dr. Miller had entered the office of son Is Not Known. I Dr. J. C. Tamiesie, 401 Morgan bund ling, about 7:20. No one was in the 1 office at the time, and It has not been Washington. June 16. (U. P.) explained just what happened there. J.ipan has turned down America's re- Pedestrians were startled a few mo- Ambassador Has no News Washington, June 16. (I. N. S. Senor Juan Rlano, the Spanish am bassador, had received no reports of revolutionary activity in Spain to day. The ambassador was surprised that London had been cut off from communication with the Spanish capi tal. "I have received nothing today,' he said, "but yesterday anu the day before I got my cablegram' from Madrid without any trouble." $Ti200,000 MARK IS PASSED BY OREGON IN LIBERTY BOND SALE Chairman of Coast Federal Reserve District Compli ments State on Showing, tiuest that she join the United States in her recent advice to China to com pose her Internal difficulties. This fact developed officially today, fol lowing receipt of advices showing that Great Britain, too, had rejected the American suggestion for Joint action in the Chinese situation. Japan apparently was sensitive and somewhat' embittered because the United States in the first Instance did not consult her about the Chinese sit uation. Japan's "paramount interests" in China evidently influenced her to withhold her support of the American position, but Great Britain's refusal to come in on the move perplexes authorities here who thus far have had no official reasons from England for the refusal. The United States secretly asked the allied powers to Join in her advice to New York, June 16. (U. P.) The body of the girl found buried in the cellar of Alfred Cocchl'B bicycle repair shop on One Hundred and Twenty seventh street this afternoon was iden tified by her father as that of the long missing Wadleigh high school girl, Ruth Cruger. Cruger, who hurried to the shop when told of the grewsome find by the police, would not look at the body. now hardly more than a skeleton, but identified it as that of his daughter by a Wadleigh high school ring on her left little finger. Cocchl disappeared three days after the girl was last seen, but was located in Italy recently. The disappearance of Ruth Cruger had 'promised to go down among New York's unsolved disappearances along with that of Dorothy Arnold. Zast Been rebruary 13 The girl left her home on February 13, going to the shop of Cocchl to have a pair of skates sharpened. She was last seen walking east on One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street about noon. Cocchl waa detained by the pollc and questioned but waa released and disappeared. Various clues, all of which proved worthless were received by the police. A few days ago, at the Instance o? Grace Humiston, a lawyer, the police began digging In the cellar of the Cocchl house, following a mysterious "tip." A corset cover and a man's glove were found. Mrs. Cocchl, who insisted that nothing would be found, could not account for the wearing' apparel. -Towel Tied About Hack The day following Mrs. Cocchl re fused to permit the digging to con tinue. An order was obtained to admit the police. Late this afternoon the body waa found. The body was found burled under eight feet of earth and concrete. It was decomposed to almost a skeleton. A towel was tied about the neck and the body and legs were bound in rope Ruth Cruiser was 17 years old, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Cruger, a well-to-do family. She was a teacher of a Sunday bchool clash and stood high in her studies at Wad leigh school. B. Every other man In the crowd removed his hat and Ross Lad- IB Pa ner, 14 year old Boy Scout, who IBs a is crippled, stepped up and am jBa asked him to participate In the Ha. )Ba general act of respect and pa- tea aai triotlsm. am pa Wooldrldge retorted by strik- aa )ai ing the boy In the face and IBB fe knocking him flat. C. P. How- JB ard, president of the Central fen feat Labor council, was standing feel FBI nearby, saw the act and chal- fed ka lenged Wooldrldge to a man's fe Ba size combat. Wooldrldge re- Ka Ba fussed and Howard then took fetii feat him by the arm and walked feg fefet him to police headquarters. Dr. fea Mfet Alan Welch Smith, a member fed ffei. of the school board, as also feat feat a witness of the episode and IBB, feQl appeared against Wooldrldge feQ feB before Judge Stevenson today, feat fefet Wooldrldge's only defense fea fea was thot he is a British citlxen feat fefet and didn't understand American fcj feat customs. fefet Large Tentative Appropria tion for Carrying on Work . Opposed. GENERAL PERSHING BEG NS WORK IN HIS PARIS EARLY OFFICE Washington, June 16. (U. P.) Re sponding to the mandate of President Wilson, the senate agriculture com mittee today reported out the Lever food control bill, putting the initial fight on the measure directly up to the senate. The bill Is sent out of committee without recommendation and will come up for debate In the upper branch early next week. Advocates of the bill think that the appropriation of $152,000,000 for ad ministering food control is too high and an agreement will be reached im mediately to reduce this sum. Two Debates Oa at Once Otherwise the bill will be pushed on the floor of the senate as it is Introduced in the house and owing to the fact that the house begins consid eration of the measure Monday, the debate will be carried on in both branches at the same time. Senator Hardwlck, Immediately after the measure was reported, declared he would raise the constitutional point that the measure could not originate In the senate. Hardwlck, Smith of Georgia and Heed of Missouri will constitute the nucleus of intensive opposition to the bill. Senator Gore, chairman of the com mittee unrriendiy to the measure asked Senator Chamberlain to direct LIBERTY LOAN TO BE NEARLY 3,000,000,000 AKARCHIST LEADERS HELD UNDER BAIL OF Officials Believe First Esti mate of $2,800,000,000 Will Fall Below Actual Sub-' scriptions to the Bonds. ARMY AND NAVY TAKES $3,000,000 OF THE LOAN Tabulators to Be Kept Busy AH Tonight and Sunday to Finish Work. 25,000 IN NEW YORK ments later when the doctor plunged from the window on the Washington street side and struck the sidewalk about 10 feet east of the main entrance to the building. Piece of Oas Pipe Adds Mystery Detectives Goltx and Howell inquired the meaning of a piece of gas pipe 18 inches long, carefully wrapped in pa per, which was found In Dr. Tamlesie's reception room. Dr. Miller's private ; papers were found scattered about, evi dently having been emptied from his ' pockets. A . chair was found over- ! turned. Their conclusion was that these complications had been made by Dr. Miller himself to give the lmpres- j slon of murder. ! Dr. Miller had left his home at 642 East Nineteenth street north in the . best of spirits this morning, it was said at the residence. Thedoctor, his wife and their adopted daughter had ' attended the Rose Festival carnival after dinner Friday night and after- Liberty loan subscriptions in Oregon today passed the mark of $12,200,000 set by A. C. Miller, federal reserve bank representative, when the cam paign closed Friday noon. New totals from outside banks are still trickling into the campaign of fice by every mall, and with an add! Schooner Is Sunk in Collision With Liner Commander of the American Army in Europe Is Guest of General Petain on Front. Simplicity Keynote of Head quarters. Parts. June 16. (U. P) One bare wooden table, on which there are piles of various let ters and documents, is Major General John J. Pershing's "work bench." It Is the main article of furniture in the Amer ican army headquarters In the Rue Constantin and on it the American commander is plan ning his work. Simplicity is the keynote around the headquarters build ing and action. (Concluded oa Pace Two. Coin ma Hi) RED OS CAMPAIGN II FORIREGON'S'SHARE OF FUND TONIGHT First Guns Will Be Fired To night by Street Speeches on Both Sides of River. Emma Goldman and Alexan der Berkman Charged With Conspiracy, New York, June 16. (U. P.) Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, an archists, arrested on charges of con spiracy against the government, were held today in $26,000 ball to await action of the federal granJ Jurj . A motion to dismiss them on the ground that the bill is unconstitutional was denied. Both Miss Goldman - and Berkman may also face deportation, as official say they must furnish naturalisation papers or be amenable to an old law that allows them to be aent out of the country. Great Importance is attached to a long list of names confiscated In Miss Goldman's apartments. Over a wagon load of documents and propaganda material was seized. Ieonard Abbot, who haa been identl fled with the antl-conscnptionlsts here, was forcibly ejected Irom tho federal building when he attempted to make an anti-draft speech in the cor rldor. Washington, June 16. (U. P.) Overwhelmed by the rush of last mln- ute liberty loan subscribers, the treas ury department today wired tabulators asking them to continue work all to night and Sunday. In an effort to de- -termine the amount of over-aubscrlp- tlon. Indications were that the definite result would not be known befora the middle of next week. Reports received from all over the . country Indicated the loan would probably exceed the first estimate of . $2,800,000,000. Only estimates In each dlMrlct are available. Requests for hundreds of thousands of Liberty loan buttons were -received. Officials believe 3.000,000 of fiese but tons ma be required. Army and Vary Bclv About $3,000,000 of the Ll'-erty loan was subscribed by the eniistea men and officers of the navy and army; according to reports received by tha war and navy departments. At noon Secretary Daniels learned applications for $2,639,000 were In and more com Ing. Robert W. Woolley. Liberty loan publicity director, declared today that the loan was a great success,' but refused to estimate the over-subscription, saying It waa impossible. Treasury officials checked up today' ! New York. June 16. (I. N. S.) Tugs and patrol boats raced down the harbor shortly afternoon today to lend tion of $178,000 today, the grand state aid after the ship Carazal of the New total is now $12,371,700. There is . York & Porto Rico line struck the every probability that the ultimate ! two-masted schooner Sallie E. Lud grand total may reach $12,400,000. I lam off Governors Island. Upstate Town Oversubscribe I Failure properly to observe signals The additional amounts from the!18 ascribed as the cause of the collis country today elve the stat. aitaM ' ion. The Caraxal rammed the smaller of Portland $3,554,750 and the city! craft amidships. The latter listed rived, Captain Thompson and wife, the mate and a crew of five were on the schooner. They made their escape in a lifeboat. China after the note had been dis patched. Great Britain's official an- , ward had gone to a theatre. awer had not reached tne atato depart- Murder Theory Bug-fasted infill Luuajr, uwi iiieio waa uu iovu to doubt tho unofficial reports that lier reply was a rejection. Officials attempted to minimize the Importance of these two refusals, but . it was pointed out that they will prob ably embarrass any further American efforts to compose the Chinese inter nal difficulties. What the other allies will do is un known. While authorities are loath to dis cuss the Japanese angle, recent devel opments in Japan are not encouraging. Japan apparently is resentful of America's course and took exception to what purported to be the text of America's note. This later proved to be only the copy of press comment from Washington on the Japanese Chinese situation. ! Mrs. Milltr was prostrated by the : shock of her husband's death this ' morning. A friend of the family ex ' plained that the doctor had been sub i Ject to attacks of acute Indirection for i several years, and she believed he had j been seized with one of these at the I office, had gone to the wndow for ! air and toppled out. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund expressed the j murder theory this morning, asserting that the gas pipe could not be ex ' plained otherwise. Dr. Miller formerlj $8,816,950. The city total was boosted ! heavily and waa sinking when help ar jdu.uuu more tnis morning through an addition made by the Southern Pacifio in San Francisco banks in favor of Portland. Among today's reports on concre'e campaign results was one from the bank of Oregon City announcing $40, 700 additional subscriptions. Xate Comers Turned Sown The Peninsula National bank re ported last day subscriptions of the rollowing large amounts: E. F. Day. $3000; Peter Auzzen, $7000; Jacobs Milling Co., $1000, and the Peninsuli National bank, $25,000. Would be subscribers by the scoro were turned down at the banks this morning. There were more applicants for bonds today than during some of the early days of the campaign. All applicants had to be turned down, how ever, and about $3o,000 of over late subscriptions mailed direct to Willis Goethals Explains .Commandeering Plan Vessels, of Greater Than 3000 Tons Capacity, and With Speed of 10 H Knots, Drlrsn by Steam, Affected. Washington, June 16. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL. ) Senator McNary today conferred with General Goethals regarding plans for commandeering ships under construc tion, and was Informed that no dis tinction will be drawn between wooden and steel vessels in carrying out this policy. The government wants only steam propelled ships, however aa the value of oil burning ships for long voyages has not been fully demonstrated. Ships must develop a continuous speed of 10 knots, must be of not less than 3000- tons capacity., and have proper li accommodation for crews. Veaselavbulldlns on the Columbia river coming within theae requlre , ments, Goethals stated, will be com-. mandeered . by tha government. -- was associated with Hedlund. "Hallucination," Says rrlend The presence of the piece of gas pipe was further explained this after noon when one of Dr. Miller's friends telephoned the police that in a con versation with the dentist a week ago. Miller told him that he greatly feared a dark man who had been -following him of late. " 'He's going to get me, I am afraid," declared Miller. "I could see that he wasn't well and so laughed it away with som8 remark, not thinking his hallucination would lead him as far as it did." Several months ago Miller trans ferred his practice to Astoria, but his family had remained here until he could establish himself. Plans were complete, however, to move to the coast city within a few days. the household effects having already l teen packed. When he came to Portland, Dr. Hedlund said, he often used the workrooms of his dentist friends and had free access to the offices. Mrs. Miller was Miss Louise Web ber, a prominent society girl of Cor vallis. Dr. Miller was about 50 years old. He was one of the first conductors on tha old City & Suburban Railway com pany linea after that system waa elec trified, running on tha Lower Albina division. Ha left that position and be came cashier of tha-First Albina bank, owned by Charles; Pittenger. i He then studied dentistry, i ' ... . -v (Continued on Page Two. Column Four) Town of Needles Is Threatened by Flood San Bernardino. Cal., June 16. (U. P.) Half a dozen houses lrl the low lands of Needles were destroyed when the Colorado river went out of its banks today. Fear is expressed that loss of life resulted. Calls for help from tha flooded town I got quick response when the Santa Fej railroad rushed a special train from Barstow. Latest telegraphic communication from Needles indicated the worst floM of its history, and the river atill rise. Unusual heat in the mountains melted snows and caused the flood. The heat is intense. The mercury registered 117 yester day. There appeara to be no relief today. American Woman Rewarded in France x Paris.- June 1C(L N. S.) Mrsa Grace Gazette of Chicaro was, today decorated - with; tha insignia ot.-,. tha Legion of Honor for her hospital aerv- Ices; '' 1 r, ; . ' - ' ,. x -J .-?V -, Patrol and Steamer Collide An American Port, June 16. (I. N. S.) The United States steamship Wa- chuset, a patrol boat, and tiio passen ger steamer Old Colony, of the Nan tasket Beach line, collided in a heavy fog today. No lives were lost, but one wan, Charles H. Evans, a machinist's mate aboard the Wachusett, was prob ably fatally injured. Senator Gronna Is Facing Opposition Langdon, N. D., June 16. (I. N. S.) Cavalier county Republicans at their county convention today framed a de mand to United States Senator A. J. Gronna of North Dakota that he re sign his seat "because he does not properly represent the wishes of the state in respect to war." ' Senate Gronna has vigorously posed war with Germany. jlLHL Paris, June 16. U. P.) By arising at an early hour this momlr. and at tacking a huge pllo of letters with relays of stenographers. Malcr General Fershlng cleaned up his pressing busi ness at American headquarters early end motored to headquarters of Gen eral Petain, generalissimo of the French army. He was to lurch there, and expected to return to Paris later in the day. A number of Pershing's staff offi cers accompanied him. The round of receptions, banquets end social formalities over, the Amer ican commander began- bright and early the real task that faces him as head of the American expeditionary force. Had a typically American break fast at the Hotel Crillon, ahead of almost everyone else in that hostelry, and motored at once to his office headquarters in the Rue Constantin. There he Jumped into an enormoua accumulation of correspondence. Consults Staff Offloers The first rush out of the way, the general began calling foi his staff officers, and after short, snappy con ferences with them, went back again to his stenographer. A vast amount cf detail work faced the aeneral and op- (Concluded on Page Two. Column Fire) Big Cross to Tell Story A giant Red Cross is being erected today at the intersec- tion of Sixth and Alder streets, to tell the daily story of the Red Cross drive for $200.000 Portland's share of the $100.- $ 000,000 fund that is needed for immediate war relief purposes of the Red Cross. This cross will be 30 feet high and will be equipped with a dial 16 feet in diameter, whose rim Is divided into seg- ments, each representing $5000. t An arrow will register the ex- ' act amount received each day. The Red Cross next! That Is the slogan of the army of Red Cross workers, who are about to make a patriotic onslaught upon the pockets, pocket book a and checking ac counts of the Portland public. Now that the Rose Festival, bril liantly successful with its emphasized patriotic features. Is a thing of the past, and the Liberty bond crusade at an end and generously over-sub scribed the patriotic men, women and children or tne city wm be asked to turn their attention to the Red Cross and the big $200,000 drive for funds that will be opened tonight. . with street speaking from automobiles at Ellas Doty Accused of Treason Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 16. (I N. S.) A warrant was iasued today for the arrest of Ellas Doty, one time candidate for governor of Iowa, on charge of treason. Doty wrote a let ter to his son, who is in Jail at Water loo, Iowa, for refusing to register on June 5. in which he is alleged to have violated federal statutes defining trea (Continued on Pace Two, Column Two) THE ARE ARRESTED ; IN ANn-CONSCRlPIH RIOTING NEW YORK Women Use Hatpins and Teeth When Told Mayor. Will Not Receive Letter, Submarine Shells American Schooner But Craft Escapes 1 Washington. June 1. CU. P.) Tha American schooner Anna R. Heidrltter waa at- tacked by a German submarine and damaged by shell fire, the state department was informed today. . The vessel was attacked off Gibraltar and was saved by the timely arrival of French and British patrol boats. ' The schooner waa on tha way from Genoa to Havana, laden with tiles. Dispatches to tba department . of stata aald tha boat waa . towed into port. Whether any or roa raw , were - injured by . . tha shell t lr waa not stated. : - -- -c- . - -; J. P. Morgan Has New Son-in-Law Miss Trances Tracy Morgan, Second Daughter, Becomes Bride of Paul Oeddes Feunoyer of Berkeley. New York, June 16. (U. I.) Miss Frances Tracy Morgan, second daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morgan, was married at St. John's chapel. Lo cust Valley. L. I., today to Paui Geddea Pennoyer of Berkeley, Cal., in one of the most fashionable but quiet wed dings society has seen this year. Only immediate relatives and close friends of the couple were invited. A. Sheldon Pennoyer, brother of the groom, was best man. The mother of the groom, Mrs. A. A. Pennoyer, was not present, owing to Illness. Miss Jane Morgan, the bride's sister, waa her only attendant. The ushers were Junius Spencer Morgan Jr.. H. S. Mor gan. John C Talbot. William C. Van Fleet Jr., and W: Lothrop Allen Jr. Westerner Hits Columbia Jetty Astoria, Or, June H. (P. N. 8.) The ateamshlp Westerner, bound from Portland to Ban Francisco, struck a jetty at tha mouth of tha Columbia river last night in a heavy foe She sustained alight damage, bat was able to back off under her own steam. She arrived here today In tow Of the steam schooner Waukena. : . . , . ;-. -. (Concluded on Page Seven. Column FlTtk Federal Reserve Statement San rrandxio, Jnn IS. Statement of con dition of Federal Reaerre bank of San Fraa eiaco, cloae of baalnea Jon 13, 1917: RE80UBCE8 Gold coin and cold certificate : In own vaults 1.34.000 In gold aettlament fund 11,075.000 In gold redemption fund 33.000 Total cold Win S28.04C.000 Legal trader not, allTer, etc 124.000 Total reaerra a?s.l 06.000 Bilk) diacountcd (membera) 2.864.000 Acceptances bought 9.152.000 Total btUa on band I3S. 183.000 United State bonds owned 2,429.000 United States certificate of lodebt- edneaa S.557.0O0 Treaatiry note l.SOO.000 Municipal warranta 203.000 Total earnlnga accounts $43,901,000 Federal reaerra note on hand 2,497,000 National bank notea and note on other felral reaerra bank 97,000 Net doe from other federal reaerre banka (collected fund) 2.851 .000 Dae from dapoaltory banka 2.143.000 Exchanges for clearing boose 8.434.000 Tranafera boucbt S.ftTS.Ono Other oncodected items 3.M0.OU0 All other reaource 138.000 Alleged Anarchists Arrested New York, June 17. (I. N. S.) Thirty alleged Russian anarchist were arrested in a raid on a private house here this afternoon. A large quantity of pamphlets and circular? opposing conscription were seised. Two of the prisoners were setting type for more circulars whan ar rested. All of the prisoners were turned over to the federal authori ties. Information Filed Against Oman San Francisco, June t. (U. P.) Filing of an information against Frank C. Oiman, chief witness in tria trial of Thomas Mooney, win the only activity today in the preparedness pa rade bomb cases. The information waa filed by Dis trict Attorney Louis Ferrari. It opena the way for a trial in the superior court of the perjury charge faced by Oxman, who is declared to have sought to Induce F. E. Rlgall to testify false ly in the Mooney trial. The trial of Mrs. Rena Mooney will be continued on Monday. When the trial is resumed the prose cution will seek to connect Mrs. Mooney with a conspiracy which re sulted in the bomb outrage. It is believed that a decision, ren dered yesterday by the supreme court, will now make it possible for the state to Introduce ita "old conspiracy" evidence. 300 Men Fight to Save Oil 'Wells New York, June 16. (U. P.) Three women are under arrest and further, arrests are expected as the result of anti-conscrlptlon rioting in City Hall Park this afternoon, during which hat- pins were uaed freely on policemen who attempted to break up a small - mob. Nearly J00 women began to gather In the square early in the afternoon. Police, who had been .eased tntre la . anticipation of the visit, attempted to ! dirceroe them after clvlna assurance that Mayor Mitchell could not ba served with a letter protesting; against The police began to break tha crowd into groups. Men Joined in tha acram- ' ble and. to overcome the fighting, tha police commandeered passing automo biles, dumped several leaders into them and rent them to police head- ." quarters. The women under arrest are Mrs. Sadie Hemmell, Mrs. Bertha Amper and Mrs. Jennie Baron, all Rus. . slans. Mrs. Baron's 15-year-old daugh ter alao was taken to police headquar ters, but not placed under arrest. First reports were that the women . had gathered to protest against tha arrest of Km ma Ooldman; but tha police finally determined that they demanded Mayor Mltchel receive a let-. ter protesting against conscription and war. The women were from the lower east side. The greatest confusion prevailed In the park for a time. Many of tha . women became hysterical and, scream ing loudly, rushed the police. When men Joined In. the police used their clubs on them freely. Hysterical women were quickly overcome and . hurried into automobiles. Repeated attempts were made by some of tba women to enter the city hall and it was half an hour before the park was cleared. Total i est mrce Sts).367.OO0 LIABILITIES Capital paid la $ s.944.000 United States gore usent depoalta.. 17.023.000 Doe to oieaaber basks (reaerre aer't) waasier ana -oar caeeas oatatano- log 19.000 Other eoUaetfc t tanas 4.224.000 AM ather liabilities ............... . v4oi.O00 Total TlsbfUtles ; . . . . . .$09,367,008 N'ewhall. Cal., June !. U. P.) The village of Pico and the Standard Oil wells and plant nearby were threat ened at noon today, as the foreat fire raging In that vicinity bore down upon them., driven by a heavy wind. Three hundred men are fighting the flames Residents of Pico are fleeing. Tha flames are only a Quarter of a mile from the oil wells, where thousands of barrela of oil are stored. All of Petrolite Crew Are Saved ' Washington, June II. TJ. P.) All tha Petrollta craw ara safe. Tha stata department waa ' advised Teusan Maru Sunk Off English Coast Boston, Maas., June It. (I. N. 8.) ' Another Boston liner, the Japanese steamer Teusan Maru, 2443 tons. " which haa been in the Boston-Man-cheater service for several months, has been sunk off the English coast ' on her way to Manchester. News of the dlxaster was received here today. No details are given of the vessel's destruction or the fata of the crew. The Teusan Maru car ried 27 officers and men. Captain Q. ' Nishlnkawu was in command. Tba ateamer sailed from Boston May 7 with a cargo valued at J 800.000. The vessel was built at Newcastle in Hit ar.d was formerly the Charles Tennant. , The Shoshoyoko of Japan is tha owner. ' today , that the miaslnr- matt "of this perished. Tha r torpedoed vessel ' had been . landed. ' 1 la safety, Steamer Sakakl Torpedoed Tokio. June 1. (U. P.) Tba Jap-' anese ateamer Sakakl baa baas tor pedoed by a submarine in the Medlter- '. ranean,.lt was officially announced here today. Four officers and 14 men remainder reached port