THE ; OREGON SUNDAY Journal,, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1917. O FOR KEn HOUSES 12 ITsTrTTB WISHES Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the con venience of our patrons and friend. A service absolutely without chars to you. Our listings of houses, bunga lows and apartments 1b most complete. TOURS FOR SERVICE. Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill its. Phone Mar. 4600 A-6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats apartments, etc, in all parta of the' city. Avail yourself of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. APARTMENTS 43 L'l lUVIOtlvn A mm ffimrmwra 1 1 ly f , t FOR RENT FLATS Beautiful New Irvington Apartments East 13 th and Thompson. All outside corner apt., 4 room unfurnished with built-in cabinet kitchens; bedrooms with real beds; large clothes closets, dressing rooms; thoroughly mod era; flower conservatories. No children. Mar. East 4622. 40-.-12 rooms, modern, 204 N. 22nd st no a rooms moueru, garage, m. 68th and Yamhill. $20 f rooms, 709 Marshall, near 22nd street. 112.60 6 rooms, 670 B. Everett St. iii 6 rooms, 991 Commercial et. CARL R. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. IRVLNGTON. BOWMAN APTS. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUILDING. 2 1ST AND HANCOCK' STS. Ready about June. 1: 6 large rooms. sun rooms, tile baths, extra lavatory, sleeping balcony, hardwood floors, real fireplaces. large grounds with trees. steam heat, janitor service, mahoarany and white enamel, leases will be given now; upper, jto; lower. 165. References ... F. E. BOWMAN St CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. IS I HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 ' fVtm4niiS lna, fiAt fk ffwima and screened sleeDing porch, located 14, Mn Mi- Unron Ditworl K. 4 2d L. Hawthorne carl rent $15 to liUUOG, mi, IIUIOO uuyou desirable tenant. Key at upper flat. Owner 147 6th st. N. Main 6935. Wt are now located In our new 2 FLATS for rent; 4 rooms and bath quarters and are ready to up- ln each: $16 and 118 mo. including t ply you with the best horses water, garbage and phone. 877 East raised, weighing from 1100 to Stars st. I isuv ids. tome ana inspect our ELEGANT 6 room upper flat, latest conveniences, new tinted, large, light, airy rooms. 370 N. 29th at. Wll lamette Heights. CLEAN, 5 room upper flat, walking distance. Key 471 6th. Phone Sefl- wood, 1561, 6 ROOM upper flat, sleeping porch, 3 blocks from Lincoln high school; reasonable. Inquire 881 College st. THREE, 4 and 7 room flats. E. 11th and Clay. East 1525. NEAT, modern 4 room flat. $8. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Blag, stock first before buying, it will be to your advantage; our prices are right. FRAZIER & M'LEAN, 240 East 8th St.. cor. Madison. Portland's oldest and most reliable horse dealers. W HAVE about 10 he d of work horses weighing from 1000 lbs. to 1300 lbs., prices ranging from $50 to $100 each. These horse are right out of bard work and will be sold cheap. . m . uAnrmir e i i. IT W e JUSO 13 CXOreSS BJIO ttCUT Main and 18th. Walking dls. E 2764. j "Iyx;waons- wm U fr very 1oW MODERN 6 room, lower flat, very rea- , MODEL STABLE, Fifth and Davis sonabie. 6Z9 Everett st ONLY $15 per month for this mod ern 6 room bungalow; a nice, clean house with hardwood floors, fireplace and Dutch kitchen, full basement; lo cated on 26th ave. and 62d st. Owner, C. A, Applegard. 2619 62d at, S. E Tabor 790. WILLAMETTE HTS. RESIDENCE At 1010 Thurman street. Modern 7 room house for rent at $35 per month. See Mr. Eckera, Scandinavian-American bank. THOROUGHLY MODERN HOUSED Tnr.lhnr.l 7 rm. tR Arlington llelghts, 6 room $4 Rose City Park, 5 rooms $25 H. C. LONG. 212 Selling bldg. M. 1800. HOUSE, 11 rooms, gas. electric lights, 2 bath rooms, suitable for two fam ilies; East 17th and Morrison. Phone Sunday, EojH 4824, Monday East 9144. K.ey at 170 &ta st. STRICTLY modern 7 room bungalow in Alameda Park, one block from .Broadway canine. (30 to desirable ten ant. Phone Woodlawn 3636 or call Sunday or mornings. 756 E. 25th st. N FOR RENT Strictly modern 6 room house with full cement basement. rurnace. fireplace. polished floor built-in buffet and bookcases. Phone Kenwood 1316. FURNITURE FOR BALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 5 ROOM cottage, $10, with garden and fruit; few pieces of furniture for sale cheap. 170 Morris. FURNITURE for sale, house for reut rooms, 4 iots. mostly garden. 74 Lexington ave. Phone R-2562. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT, modern 6 room lower flat, $15. East 6294. 799 East Pine. 2 MODERN flats ween side, near Washington st. Main 4694. The Cromwetl Fifth and Columbia St. Five mln. walk to Meier & Frank store; good surroundings; strictly rood. l ana room rur. apartments, an out side, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. Lucretia Court FURNISHED FLATS 50 248 FRONT ST. A fresh carload of first-class mares and geldings, weights from 1200 to 1800 Ids. young and sound: also a xew . . . , .,-. m iiiu :iicb.d nurses mm x nava ixen in t aa.KJLflL.ti.SM o r. Bau, lurij., 7i i hne Will ae.11 rhun Ir ..on nr. in Margin St., a bIKs south Broaaway , tn market f0r any Qf this Btock u br'dg?ie10-m,l.i?5rmr,Hni?n!: nd Inspect. Q. D. Williamson. ocii WANTED A team narness an ir.T -rv. x-t't xr ,... . , K i gon. i nnv e some very ucbhui ELlA1SLTLY tZrVzJr LUSZ' llots and Improved income property In with shower teth;wiUimweBMii-i corvallis that I wish to trade for a able for 6 mo. 336 W. Broadway, cor teanx Name your own term- on bal- Market. . - ; . . ance if any. J. J. Howser. 860 B t-. UN u X- la. t roam iurwnea nai. i Corvallls. Or. POCLRr, PIGEONS A-D 37 PET STOCK Contlnnsd) . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) HEAVY laying S. C. White Leghorns to make room for young stock. I am offering a fine lot of 1917 breedtn j hen ana male bird lor aaie, All inor oughbred and good type. W. Zlegler, 1 Oi IT 4 .1 T 1 IS a J m A phone B-2017 POULTRY and equipments for sale. on leaced land, seuea from Jan. i to June 1. $1783.70; sales now $300 per month. Let's hear from som one that mean business, others need not an swer. U-325, Journal. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY DAY OLD CHICKS Barred Rock 113.50 per 100 It I Reds $18.50 per 100 O. A. C. Whit Leghorns $10 CO per 1 00 1534 E. 12th st. N. Woodlawn I486. TEN to 20 pigeons, pure4 Carneaux. lungs, Mondanes, tor sale cneap or trade for R. 1. Red chickens. Call 88S E. Burnside. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, both hen and incubator hatched, with or without mother hens. East ist. .4tn and Oregon sts. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatcn ins ergs. 25 ner 100 2 blooded year ling roosters. $1.50 each. 795 E. 78th and Sandy blvd. FlNJfi L. Brahma pullets. 11 months old. and cockerel. Holyoke strain. $11. Baby chicks, w. i.. io. a. ti.. i Sunshine Poultry Yard, Barlow. Or. Lucretia et., bet. Wash, and Everett i Sleeping porch. Ga. Bath. Extra ; AUCTION at 308 Front st. Star barn: sts. Most lUanttfuliv located high 1 clean, desirable 2 cartlnes and walk- i ? . .." rwTrTt. class apt.. 2-3-4-5 rooms. All modern lng distance. 772 E. Taylor. East 6260. ' an2 horswT and mated team- also a ?2ZlVtCea'J iPt clas" rv?ce MODERN, newly furnished 5 room flat consignment of outside horses, harness reasonable. References required. Man- ager, aiarsnail 1513 McKinley Apts. Modern 8 room apartments. $16 per month and up, private phone and bath, walking distance. E. 7th and Morrl- n. fnone East S100. 6 ROOM PURN18HED APARTMENT Absolutely beat lnrvated and moat Ideal for sumier; private porch; 2 large bedrooms; close to theatre. and ousiness section. 341 Montgomery, cor. Broadway. Marshall 3059. for rent cheap. 1157 Greeley at. and wsona of all kinds, to be sold to Woodlawn 2064, ; , the highest bidder Monday, at 2 UPPE1R 6 room flat, well furnished. ciocK. 122.50. Lower 3 room flat. Walk- FOR BALE Team of work horsed lng distance. 676 E. Salmon st. ; 2800 lb.; I teams of blocky mares, UPPER 6 R. furn. flat for rent, store, fo'bumiSat "2 heat, Nolb HH1 district. References. iJn'iinw1ona' brnes Sa. Main 6781. . 5 r- , , . . 4, 1 i.. WILL sell or trade heavy single work r iunusnoQ rwra i.iu.1, .i..u- h- ond lieht harness garbage removal - wnrk ViajrnesH Or wide FOR SALE cheap, two electric Incuba tors and Sfi H C W. L. vearlings. or will trade for Cyphers incubttor. Call labor 630. CHICKS, White Leghorns, 10c, ii hundred, from best laying strain on coast. Master Hatchery. 415 Jessup St.. Portland. Or. Phone N din. 4J44 FIVE white los-horn hens, laying; portable chicken house, chicken wire ana feed. 1 10. Phone Beliwoaa .1. before 12 noon or after 6 p. m. 30 WHITE Uehorn hens. 70c each White Rock hen $1 each. Main 6244 Ask for Tom Morgan. Addreas Reaverton. Or. CHAMPION Reds win the ribbons ;n the shows and laying contests. Spring cockerels $2.50 if taken now. j. L.. Mardecty. Alain &44. Ayers, U. S. VILLA BT. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Wallclng distance. References. MONTGOMERY apt., cor, Zd an3 Montgomery; modern brick building; all outside 2 room apts., fumianed complete; private baths, phone and i tr ntonn wot ml" n .1 u , rv.a. in cq BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5 room flat, stable. Front and Madison sta. aunnay and evenings, tu. xses. us-jr.. A GOOD team of horse for sale, a E. 6177. 424 Btanton. . bargain if taken at once. Inqulw I WILL furnish my new up-to-date for Matthles' team, at 420 Hawthorne 6 room flat, in choice neighborhood, av. stables, Sunday or Monday. to suit desirable tenants. ij-zet& BLOODED Wyandotte chicks, 4 weeks old. 25c Phone Sellwood 2695, 42J ( 62d ave. S. E. $12 4 room furnished flat. mrm 11 r 11 1 V Virtus water, garbage. Call Tabor 2896 WANTED, mare of about 1200 lbs. $10 6 gentle, wagon and harness, in good Clean, condition, price right. Tabor 225 or 645 E. 62d N CYPHERS lrr-ubator. 244 ear. perfec conddtion. iiz.60. I' none oeuwooa 2695. 4227 52d ave. S. E FOUR Flomlah giant bucks, 2 black, 2 steel pray; 1 Belgian doe. rai car 1 Vj. Z6Q ex. OR SALE White leghom yoon hens, good layers, II each. 4 hL 3d st. N Tabor-612. S ROOM furnished flaU bath and pan- S40 TAKES 1200 lb. good work horse. try, $9 per month Inc. water. 729 Take Montavilla depot car to 90th Williams ave. , on GUsan. Go straight eat mile. FOUR rooms, completely, furnished, call ior r-ete nanson. KOR SALE 100 thoroughbred Rocks. May hatching 20c each or the lot for J15. w-544 Journal. folto'lTskU0 bC8t "erV- i with batrent"taYf. 227 EeTst DEAD stock takTn quickly ice. $18 to $25. Mam 9464. 1 49th gt Pontl Tabor 623. . the most for dead and crip furnished modern 6 Tabor 4Z0. rooms, hot and cold water and phone We pay crippled stock. FOR SALE Very fine thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds, all sizes, labor 197. East 76th and Multnomah. St.: fireoroot hrlnlr hiilidinif ami .COMPLETELY rrWtm al. nAL ... 1 L , w I will . . , , , furnished, strictlv modern mjim hAAt . fcfc'JT hseimoni. laoor lo: private phone, reasonable. Main 5425. FURNISHED flat, sleeving porch, $11 1 1 WILL dispose of my entire herd of 621 E. ntn st. LIVlSTOCK AlUUJiKX"), well furnished 7 room house, convenient to car and store, fruit and garden, hot water, furnace fireplace, electricity, gas range, good tnnuiuon, win intise ior year; reier ences. Tabor 1728 or Tabor 809. IRVINGTON well furnished attractive and homelike. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, or owner tout of city most of time) will reserve 2 rooms and rent for $36 per month. Phone East 4663; NICELY furnished 5 room Dungalow, plastered and tinted; large fireplace, 1 block from Ocean, at Tioga, Long Beach, Wash. Write A. J. Freum. dt. Johns, Or. FURNISHED bungalow, Rose City Park, for rent for summer months to couple, no children. $27.60 per month. Phone Tabor 6621 or call 732 E. 60th St. north. $257 rooms, den, piano, full base ment corner, restricted district, Irv ington car to Skidmore and 21st or Al berta car to 21st. 917 E. 21st St. N. MODERN 7 room house, furnished, ce ment basement, gas, electricity, gar den, fruit. 709 E. 7th st., N corner Cook ave. NlOiLY furnished home for summer. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Piano. Strictly modern. 825. Monday, Broadway 2994. UN FURN 1 SHE L 3 room apts., $li and $18; brick bldg., hardwood floors: light, beat, phone, gas rang. Powell Apts. Hawthorne ave. and 87th. Ta- bor 3788. WELLINGTON COURT : 15th and Everett. Furnished and unfurnished apta, $15 to $22.60, free phone, heat, hot and cold water. Broadway 124 5. per month. HOTELS Hotel Australia PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave. bet. Morrison & Belmont; new 2 & 3 rooms, completely fur.; sol id brick bldg.; white enamel and nia hogany .fini.vh : walking distance 45 head of Holstein and Jersey dairy cows at Woodland. Wash Big, strong 51 : and healthy producers. Friday Juu I 16. 1917. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m In addition to the 45 head of ca- ; will sell the following: 1 registered Two and $ room housekeeping apart- Holstein bull, sire Lunde Oregon Ink ments. Single rooms, $1.76 per week No. 90563. dam Helen Homestead No and heat. room. 208 1st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Langshan 1 j ni. 'T. V. rooster, x years urn. room nuw 8626. FRESH infertile white or brown eggs. 12 doz. lots 34.40; parcel post, bun- shlne Poultry Yards, Barlow, Or. up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam ' 181293: 1 brood sow with 9 pigs bora ted. hot and cold water In every April 5; 1 brood sow, will farrow In n. Only white help employed. July. Duroe Jersey: 3 full blood Durocs, ccr. Taylor. Main '.108 SUMMER RESORTS 00 LARGE, beautiful 2 room furnished apartment to desirable couple for the summer; fine view. $50 monthly. No. 26 Salisbury apartments, 24th and Sandy bldv. Home phone B-7126. I iisr'ht from 100 to 125 Dound. PRES HE1TMAN, Owner, L. N. PLOMONDON. Clark, W. J. HUGHES. Auctioneer. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED Chickens, rabbits and chicken wire, cheap for cash. i'-4 5 4. ournal. CARNEAU pigeons and Squabs for sale; also pair wane Angora rab bits. Tabor 4070. References. B ROOMS, nicely furnished. Adult family. Hawthorne car. 812 E. 48th. Call at 314. A MODERN furnished 4 room house. 5 minutes" walk to shipyards. South Portland. 165 Wood st.. near Corbett. $20 COMPLETELY furnished 5 rm. bungalow. 32d st. near Hawthorne. Main 8700. rent: best of service. Main 2506. THOROUGHLY modern 6 room fur nished house, Laurelhurst. Phone Mr. Pickard. Broadway 920. FOR RENT 6 room, practically new modern, furnished bungalow $12.50 perTnonth. Phone Broadway 4381. THOROUGHLY modern 6 room fur nished house, Laurelhurst. Phone Mr, Pickard. Bdwy. 920. Tabor 4528. WELL furnfahed house at 773 Irving, cheap rent Main 655t. FOR RENT iNew 1 room shingled houses (with curtains), completely furnished for housekeeping; water electric lights free; 200 foot boardwalk! 1 aUCTIuN SaLi Four miles east of nice grove vree; raic o wrn. r Sifton. Tueadav. June 12. at 11 . month. Address box 94. Seaside. Or. 1 m Terms. 11 milch cows, some fresh xiuTuiuumu dti; Tat : FOR KE.T -urntneu cottage on ' ana some to iresaen soon, ah juni .wJlt. .-"It ' Rockawav v. He Petr E fcarm- 9 2ryear-old hellers. 3 fresh, more A"' TV?,. "" soon. All hleh grade Jersey eat nditn "IUIXVI i Sir 1 ! Two yearling heitewHol.tein and J.r- . 11 ";i T "V.- . , v,, rr..- , v. i. ey. una -year-oia jersey ouu. roK- n..mi main run nnn 1 1 o iwiu uuuon imncicij lstered One fine span Percheron THE SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway S. 1 lurnisneo, moaern lutouj.iouL 1 mares, 8 years old; one 6-year-old 3 ana 4 room lur. and unlur. apt. : Drou,. 1 wr "v" tmule: 1 aood McCormack mower; 1 u walking distance, at very reasonable Oates? Seaside. . 1 g cream separator, 1000 lb. capacity. OCEAN front, modern cottages, rur- ADner tttimmers, owner, vv. a. vvooa, nlshed. $50 to $16 per month, by sea- auctlonoer. Vancouver. Wash. son or week. Mrs. E. L. Hart. Twia AUCTION ALh Riverside Dairy Rocks, Or., Tillamook Co. . take 6l Johns car. get off at Dela- wt-.t.t. furnished bungalow at Nye war st. and walk south to west eno. Beach. Newport. All modern con-' of Albert St.. on county road near venience Overlook ocean. Adults. , flouring mills, Saturday. June 16. at Kre.r-e.nrAm phnri. w.sii! Rui S1S9. i 11 a. m. 27 milch cows. Holstelnt", . . , "... ..i.i Sharthorn. Jersey s. a lot of them BMVL f.v. VS. freh; lots of axtra large cow; 3 modern; Oceanlake. facing ocean. year.0a HoUteln bulL Yearling Hoi rent to July 6 ana ior August, mono tein jersey bull. 3 yearling heifers. o raonma oia neuer, a ouve. a&iry u m. i. u i'c equipmervt, West Replnen, owners, RiRMINOHAM APTS 880 12th Mt TV . . - : - t '.'"."T J ' w'8n. auctioneer Two and 3 room nicely furnished DESK room. 1 or 2 desks, desirable' THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL atartment. modern, walkinr . mrntr nhnTi: will lnok &ftr vour : CALF reasonable. Marshall 484. i business when away Public stenogra-I For sal a 8 months old. Mother sal. FOR SALE 1 paine hen and rooster; also 1 K. 1. rtea coca, mono ibwt 811. 241 E. 84th, , CLASSIC APTS.. tii G LI SAN ST. 2 and 3 room unfurnished apts., strictly modern, very reasonable. Mar shall 3610. CARMELITA APTS.. 18TH AND 1 JEFFERSON Elegantly furnished 4 room .apt., all front rooms, walking distance. ELMWOOD APTS., 10TH AND HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern 2 and 3 furnished and unfurnished apt., reasonable. Main 6866. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Wash"-: Pher In adjoining offices. 717 Corbett ! milker. Price 385 ington-Orand. 91 H Grand ave, I and bldgt ; MAIN 8580- 3 room furnished apts.. rooms $10 and up; heat, light, bath. East 4449. NEW NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 3 room suites, Desi location ana out ook. All mod. conv's. Reasonable rates. Marshall 267. Glisan. near 23d st. to right party. Phone 8 ROOM furnished house. 7 51 E. Couch, . $20 a month. Call S. M. Vranson, Mar. 2 800. FOR RENT Furnished room house In Beaumont with piano. $30 mo. 126 1st Modern. NICELY" furnished house, corner lot. near car; chean to good tenant. Tabor 890. FOR RENT 6 room cottage, fur nished, grown children. Tabor 2166. Tabor 77. S ROOMS, modern, partly furnTsSei walking distance, sleeping porch. near snip yard, fin. 4ps noes st NEW 6 room furnished cottage, rent $25: no children. Phone Woodlawn 8S4: evenings Woodlawn 4173 FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, sleeping poron ana garage, sza a month, liose City Park,. Tabor 2725. COZY 4 room house, furnished. 414 E 60th st Inquire landlady over Eagle Drug store. I4iz Hawtnome. UVT T r TTrm m - rw? am tti i It mi a n s garden. 6330 Powell Valley, Mount Scott car. 5 ROOM furnished cottage, no chil- dren 1180 E. afadison. 1T60 4 ROOM cotUtge, furnished. Garden all planted. B-690. Journal. TWO room cottage. $6 month. 1405 Oneonta. Woodlawn car. MODERN 4 room cottage, E, 25th near 8. P. car shops; 817. Call East 8226 FURNISHED cottage on Montavilla canine. East 4SS. FURNISHED 6 room cottage, reasona ble. East 7th N. Phone East 982. FOR RENT Furnished. 5 room cot . tage. Seaside. East 3725. 8 MODERN furnished cottage. $1? and 117, water and light. East 1602 6 ROOM bungalow, partly furnished. isaii is. Dor 2430. NICELY furn. 6 r. modern house, with 2 sleeping: porches. Phone Ta, 8213 110 THREE room house, walking dls tanoe. 897 Hancock. Woodlawn 1480 APARTMENTS 43 FTTRNTSHED AND UNFURNISHED WAREHOUSE or factory building Li South Portland zor rent Modern, i story brick otructuxe. trackage: weil lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. OFFICE space for rent In building. Rent reasonable. Journal No bet- JEFFERSONLAN APARTMENTS 614 Jefferson. 2 and 3 rooms, around tei service In city. Apply 311 Journal floor, walking distance, adult only, building. J op- I BEST location In Portland for first FOR SALE a large lot of fine a boats weighing from 60 to 80 lb. Call and see them, 1V4j miles southwest of Os wego, Or, on L G. Davidson place. Price 14 Ho lb. on place. -. ..... . U o . v-v. . , ' T . ' gals.; also fresh 2-year-old Jersey Holstein, giving 3 to 4 gals. Rich milk era, gentle. Two calves, car to 70th st. Smith. Hawthorne PALACE APTS.. E 3th and Market. 2 and 4 rooms furnished, private phone, bath, large porch, ood sur roundlngs. Tabor 2651. COMPLETELY, newly furn. 3 room. home-like fcpt, with bath. Private Porch. Cor. 43 d mad Belmont Mt Tabor or St. S. car. See to appreciate. class tailoring establishment; will I FOR SALE. 2 large brood aow. ona rlv inner imsa at KMnniih r.ntil Wlin V DUES. I Wim O Din. xail avi ApdIv R W. Haeood 811 Journal bid. Rose City race track. Phone Tabor FOR RENT cheap, work room 18x75. ! i??-Li cor. Front and Madison. Apply 206 FRESH biff Jersey, rich heavy mJElcer, Qerllnger bldg, Boggesa A Ctx BEAUTIFUL mod. apartment, sleep ln porch, free c&s and electrio Mght Marshall 360. NOKOMI8. 666 Marshall Modern 3 room furnished, private bath, dress lng room and phone: f!6 to $22.60. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Elegantly furnished 2-3-4 rooms, walk- lng aistance. reasonapie. Marsnau 93 GLENN APTS.. 984 - Hawthorne Ave. We have a small front apt. for rent Tabor 6100. B-2332. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS 3a BRICK barn or factory. East 4476. WANTED TO RENT WANTED, 4 or f room furnished house, modern, west side; room for small garden: must have anrwer by Tuesday. Address Z-794, Journal. Fsjnilv or dairy caw. Al you rur cow A, P. Ayers, U. S. Stable, Front and Madison sts. WILL provide bookkeeping or stenog raphic course for use of furnished room. F-364, Journal. 8 FRESH Jersey oows; also a 900 lb. horse, harness ana wagon, l axe m Scott car to 97 th st Inquire at Camp bell s place. MILK route and equipment in SZ Scott district fox sal with or with out cows. Milwaukee, Or., Rout box 316 HUlTiun cows and nelfer. Term Stockyard. Phon WANTED Storage room about 6x50. suitable for furniture, etc. Close In. leeping porch; garage, garden, i g;fA ' . ' water, phone, saa. woodlawn 2699. . MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., 31.50 per week up; sleeping rooms. East 212. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with leeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 1793. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny st. Mod. light clean, 8 room com. fur. apt., 1st floor front, lawn, garden. Eaat 180S. BENSON APARTMENTS. 205 N. 20th. newly furnished S-rooin apartment Marshall 4448. 8-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS. THE DEZENDORF 108 16th St.. near Taylor. Marsh. 2316. MICE 3 rooms and bath in the Alt. E. 29th and Ash. $16. Phon East 840, ' HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorna Modern 1. 2 and 8 room apt.. $12.60 op; walking distance. East 882. WANTED 6 or 6 room modern house. yara, partly xurnisneo, is on mu. Marshall 2264. EXCHANGE carpentery, painting tint ing for west aide unfurnished rooms. Lr-417. Joumak to Bruce, Union Wdln. 2 400. FRESH oows and heavy sprtogws Jersey, Holstein aoa lurn m. 144 MUwaukie ava, EN to 20 Pigeons, pure Carneauxa Kinca and Mondanes. for sale cheap. all Ted Clemson. 8X8 E. Burnside. WE HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SELL OUR Here's Your ODDortunity to 8 mm FROM mi to mm 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM RUNABOUTS TO LIMOUSINES TOE WlfiSTON M. 23d and Washington. Main 4244. OPEN' SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS -Used Trucks WHITE delivery $460 LIPPERT 8TEWART. ton $550 WILLEYS utility. ton ..$600 REPUBLIC. 1 ton $760 UNIVERSAL WORM DRIVE lft ton $1400 FEDERAL, chain drive .$75.) All of the above are in first class condition. We will give terms to suit Columbia Carnage & Auto Works Main 2892. 209-11 Front rt AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Coatta) A, M. Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LEADING USED CAR DEALERS. OPEN SUNDAY. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT For the benefit of those who can not arrange to ee our stock, of car during buaineaa hours, w will keep open every evening until 9 o'clock. Come In and see the finest selection of high grade standard make used cars on the coat You will find the followlnr makes of automobiles In stock today: One car load of BU1CK LIGHT SIXES, and all latest models. 1915 BUICK C-25. newly painted and In fine condition. 1916 DODGE touring, ha multi- Sle disc clutch, all new tires and umper bar. CADILLAC eight, excellent condition. 1914 MITCHELL, electric light and tarter. OAKLAND light six; OVERLAND touring, model 81; Babv Grand CHEVROLET? Four Ninety CHEVROLET, demount- able rims: FORD roadster with express body on rear; 1916 FORD touring with shock ab sorbers, speedometer, auto lock, good tires- 1915 FORD touring; CADILLAC roadster, self starter. Several new MITCHELL sixes at $100 off the regular price. New CHEVROLET touring cars and roadsters $570. Terms. $200 oash, balance $33 per month. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. A, M. Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LEADING USED CAR DEALERS. 114 ALDER ST.. MAIN 3966. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES U 'Oostiasedi " 1917 Cole 8 ; Chumy Roadster, JustJlU Dw s . - n Dodge Roadster ill 7 Passenger Cole 8 '2. Overland 83 Almost New Reo, i New Studebaker Enclosed Overland "6f,tt 1914 Cadillac 7 Pass.v 1911 Chafmers. T -I 'V if THESE CARS ARE ALL BIG VALUES 1 NORTHWEST AUTO CO? CORNER BROADWAY AND COUCH, PHONE BROADWAY $$T. i Li Covey Motor Car Co, OUR USED GAR DEPT. Offers special bargains tn many different makes of good uaed cars. Terms given if desired. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Washington. Main 6244. 100 PUREBRED W. Rock chickens. April hatch. 35c each. Tel. 1Z4X uaa Grove. FIVE Barred Rock hens for sale cheap, also chickens. call lapor 1169, evenings. B. A. MITCHELL, Orenoo, Or., breeder of high class pigeons: breeds 14 Kinas. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 46 FTTTNTERH for sale cheaax 2 male and 1 female Ertg.lah setters, B raonvns Id. Owner leavtn town. Will be ready to wxrk this year. All good Driunt weii-Droa noes, nose -ii.y m- ertnary hospital. 416 rx Ttn. tMi ib 1914 Studebaker delivery, not a built over car. but a regular delivery wagon of 1600 lb, capacity. This car has just been completely overhauled. Has electric starter and Lights. $435, on term to suit A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTINO CO, 625 Alder at TK1E ROAD WM: IKIotE GAMMED'' And We Are Assured of 6d6d , Highways ; ; .- WHY NOT ENJOY THEM? . FROM A R EI A ABLE HOUSE $2t EASY TERMS. 1 WE HAVE A NUMBER TO SELECT FROM. 1 . TntMS IF DESIRED. c. Overland-Pacific Inc' BROADWAY AT DAVIS. PUILMAN "30. newly painted, in good condition, good tires; prtc $276; no reasonable offer refused. King, at Wlnton Co.. 23d and Wash. Main 4244. STUDEBAKER SIX $490 OVERLAND, 1915 model 450 MITCHELL SIX, ( passenger 4i0 CADILLAC, rood shape 375 MARION touring car, good ahape 260 AND OTHERS. We also have a fine Una of tranas for hauling, camping, etc. Com In and see them. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East 7272. B-1316. MY 1914 Auburn car. i-pnss. Cost $2100; genuine Remy electric starter and lights. Boach magneto, newly painted, leather upholstered and In perfect mechanical oondilion. Mui"t sacrifice Immediately for $460 caah. No trada See tbi car at 10 Grand av. Phone East 26. WHY walk? Buy n now. Fix your own term. 1916 Super Hudson roadster, run 2000 miles. , 1916 Chandler. Just Ilk new. big discount. 1917 Maxwell; prio 'way down. 1916 DODGE; runs and looks like new. 1916 CHEVROLET; better than new lir, oiuLNT HIX; the car with a record. 1916 CHALMERS: little six; 60 on. 1916 Mitchell lltUa six; 50 off. Every car in tip-top running con dttion. Maxwell. Reo, Mitchell, eaca 4160. MANTLET AUTO CO., 11th and Oak at Burnsid. Phone Broadway 21T. REO. 1915 touring eari a bar gain. See It at once at the COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington. Main 6144. VOR SALE English setter pups; sired bv Leltrum Gladstone, winner or thxM flrata. silver cud- and judged best setter In show at Seattle this rprlng; $10 and $16. 6209 26th ave. B. E Phone rapor i6. AIREDALE terriers. 2 fin male pup- pies, pedigreed, both parents win ners and hunters; $15 each. One choice bitch. 5 month, 620. MeKenna t-arK Kennels, McKenna ave. and Lombard st. Columbia 814. SEE OUR FORDS $260 AND UP USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASH. ST.. WHERE WASH. AND BURNSIDE MEET. FOR SALE cheap, one male and one female registered Boston bull year old. perfectly marked. A L Hoppe. 9th and T, east of Garrison. v anoouver, w aan SEE THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY For uaed Cara. Park and Davis. Broadway 616 FOR SALE 6 beautiful thoroughbred pit bull pupa, dark hrlndle. 7 week old, good with children or for watch dogs. Jocelyn grdcery and nuini station, E 11th and Stephen. FOR SALE Bird doss setters and pointers, pupies for children to taKe to beach. Price $3 and $5. Dogs boarded. Call Tabor 125, cor. 93d and B. Stark. AIREDALE stud "Mike Baldwin." sen sation of recent Sookan show. 60 lbs. and all dog: fe $16. McKenna Park Kennels. Columbia $14. McKenna ave and Lombard st. CANARIES and other cara "birds, klt- tens, pups, pets; cages, foods, reme dies ana supplies. Illustrated bird and pet catalog free. Routledge, 145 Sd at. near Aider. ON account of the war. we are selllng out our cattery; pedigreed cats and kittens for sale cheap. Rose City Cat tery. 1250 R. Morrison. Phone D-1701. FOR SALE Young full-blooded En glish pointer: price $36; well trained Address Box 314. Wlllamlna. Or. FOR SALE Jersey cow and calf: beef cow. Ii. Roberts. Jenning, Lodge, Or. O. C car. FOR SALE Milk goat and kid: can be seen at 1146 E. 16th N. Wood lawn 781. C-1296. i iron RAT.R On XL homlMH Anrln. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18; NtiWaii billy goat, 2 hi year old. Cr7TZ7T, rT"T t 3 ' Address, John C. Backus, Yaqinna, Or, arlefll edraive IT ridecaV" I A FOUR gallon Guernsey-Durham cow JfJVfK 'Irinf second calf, or will trade. Wdln. "roK 9Q7 I 4011. 9G5 Mississippi ave BOSTON bull terrier female pup for s&Te -heap, or trade. 410 6th Main 2079. apt B. FOR SALE Exceptionally beautiful Japanese oriole singer. Phone rjast 3449. WANT thoroughbred Boston terrier have beautiful et ox cut Class, value $36. Woodlawn 3112 Uh.AU horses and lowut bauled away free. 36 paid for cows, crip- ?led and played-outa Call Woodlawn . Portland Rendering Co .. si and ranch wagoiv $166. 606 Williams ave., St. John or Williams ave. car to Russell st. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.: 2 and 3 rooms: hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $13 up. GRAND OAK APTS.. corner E. Oak and Grand ave., strictly modern 2-3 room apts. tnTB class service. B. 3302. TEAM mares, 2400 lbs. good harness and farm wagon, $160. Mr. Smith. Phon Marshall 4055. FOR SALE 2 younr dairy or family cows. Just fresh, at U. S. barns. Front and Madison. Phone Main 2226 FOR SALE. 14 head weaned pigs. Cad at barn 22, Rose City race track. Tabor 2237. 2 FRESH family or dairy cows, heavy milker and just bred. 274 E, 7th st.. near Hawthorne. FOR SALE, large Jersey cow, high test. Just fresh, heavy milker. Ros WANTED A horse for single plowing 1 City race track. Phone Tabor 2237. and cultivating. Must be cheap. Ta-1 FIRST-CLASS Durham cow 6016 62J bor 7987. t S. E Sell. 470. End Woodtock NICELT furnished 2 room apt on" 1st floor; private-bath and phone, $22.50; no extra charge for light; steam heat on all summer. Lincoln apts., corner 4th and Lincoln. Phone Main 177- COMPLETELY furnished 2 room apt $17; BELNAJP APTS., 187 17th. near Yamhill. THE LIN DELL, 269 Market nr. 4th; single and double h. k. apt. $L6 to $2 per week. BANNER APTS., 489 Clay, modern 1 room furnlahea. $12 up. Mar. $074. Clarke apts.. 2 rooms, fur., dls. beds. phone, light, heat $12 up. Mar. 60 o 6. GRACE APTS. 24th and North run. Modern high clas 5 room apt Phone Marahall 10 1 9. $15, FURNISHED 2 room apartments with bath. Harrison Court, 6th and Harrison. THE ALCO. 887 E Couch, nicely fur- nlshed 2 room apts.. strictly modern; reasonable, new management. E. 2403. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 0. B rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516. A-2676 ROSENFELD fbrick). 14th E. Stark. 3 rms.. $17. $20. $23.60. $?5. THE Ormonde, mod., 4 room front 666 Flanders; Nob Hill. Main 8261. 1 ROOM apartment convenient' close in: rent reasonabts. 467 E. PVrte. JTURNISHED .Tt, hot water and heat v vaonaoi. est. lw -Madison, is, I0 THE WESTFAL, 410 6th st. 8 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building, wanting distance. $18.50. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New York Apts.. E. 7th and Belmont Fur. 2 and 3 rooms, reasonable. E. 238. THE HASELET APT 8 large, cool, 'tmtsld rooms; rent reasonable. 268 18th at. -THE ALAMO." 494 Market 8 room unfur., modern, brick, $12-$14. Mar shall 2004. 1200-LB. mare with lierht farm wagon , cr. and single harness, $95. Phone Mar- I FOR SALE. 2 large dairy oows a nan vo. .t Rose City race track. Phon 160O-LB. team, good harness and iw Tabor 2237 inch farm wagon, $216. Phon Mar-1 ONE stripper and 1 family cow for shall 4066. ; rich, heavy milker. Will iv or take FOR SALE Two sets work or farm difference. Tabor 6828. harness. Call at U. 8. barn. Front FRESH cow at right price. Gentle. and Madison. Phon Mam 2236. I 1694 Division- st. LEAVING city, must sell 1 team. 2400 ! FOR SALE 2 good, gentle, mllon lbs., good workers, and double bar- cows. Geo. Zigler. 774 Ham ness; $110; bargain. 1967 E. Stark st ! cor. E 33d st. Sellwood. ley ave.. FOR sale cheap, light rubber-tired EXTRA fine Jersey, gentle for ladv TWO room furnished modern apart- ment. $2.50 a week. 4 block from 10th and Washington. Broadway' 19. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apt, beat service. Walking dls. Marshall 1410. 115 N. 23d. 1 r. fur. apt, modern. $16.60. -Lights, water, phon.- Mala 7766.- buggy, at 652 Weldler st Phon East 2745, . FOR SALE Transfer rig. camel back wagon, cheap. Re. 1(44 Macadam at Stand 247 Madison et Phon A-3180. $46 GOOD workhorse, 1100 lbs., yr. oiq; gooa conomon. xaoor e. MUST sell 2 teams. 6 wagons, 4433 Woodstock ave. HoKSK and wagou. $1.26 day: a horse - and wagon. 32 dav. R4 Front M. 220. $65 BUYS good 1250 pound horse. 193 E 9th gt. East 6205. B-1592. TEAM. 2200 Vlbs.. hasfcess and farm wagon. East 2838 or Bdy. 167. WAGON, fair order. $8. Sell. 1658. STALLS for rent 263 Russell t to handle. t3t E 35th at FINE fresh family cow. Grufke, at Trcce station, Oregon Electric car. FOR SALE Four gal. cow, at 9828 66th ave.. 99th wt.. Lents. A YOUNG family cow must be sold 808 E. 27th. Woodstock car. TWO No. 1 cows. Call A-2688 after- noons ana evenings. TRADE your cows for a homex Call Tabor 2813. 6809 2d St. City. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET MTCKJK " FINE Barred Rock hen and chickens for ly - Tabor 2759 evenings. WANT at once, (0 hen. Tabor 4305. YOUNG St Andreaaburg roller singers from imported mock: remaie 3 old. 390 Shaver st, phone C-239 A WHITE and a tortolaeshell female pedigreed Persian xltten. 92 eacn. Tabor 36. CHOICE female canaries for quick selling, win sen today tor 6c &u Sumner st FOR SALE, Persian kittens. $3.69 and up. 1590 Williams ava.. cor. it us sell Phone C-2096 SPITZ pup, $3.50! WTll swap for gal aen nose. e.ast 3341. i n. zutn. TOY fox terrier pup and Persian kl. tens for sale. Woodlawn 4333. FOR SALE Very fine thoroughbred Persian kittens, ail colors, sen. 21 it dog for sale. PEDIGREED Airedale Woodlawn 3097. ST. CHARLES spaniel pups for sale. $16 each. Woodlawn 2112. PERSIAN kittens for Box 3Z, MU.aiaaie, or Main 5450 ANGORA rabbits. Tabor 7524. ArTOMOniLES-ACfTSORTES 44 100 USED AUTOS To select from at Hemnhlil'a nsd car center. 127 Lownadal at., cor. lata and Wash. Main su. A-3446. SEE THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY For Used Cars. Park and Davis. Broadway (16 GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $34.00 to $74.00 CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO BROADWAY 149. 954 ANKENY 8T. LAHER' Mfg. Repairs, $000 guarant'4 ap rings in atoca, price requcea, 4 I. ltn at FOR USED CARS Com to tha Covey Motor Car Cw Slt ana Washington. Main C344. 1916 METZ ROADSTER with demount aille rims and Uirhtln and atai-Unir system. Car never bem used, Tarms. MAIN 90, A-2442. Garages c , $30 Ud. I Be Sample. Phon Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, WINTON SIX. 3 pass.. In per fect condition; greatest buy In Portland. Wire wheels, cord tires; price $1650. See Sunday, King, at Wlnton Co., Main 4 244. NEW TIRES. Whai brand of new tires do you prefer? V bav them. Also wa make tti famous O-V-C Double Tread (aewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing Oregon Vulcanizing Co 3S3-33& burn aioe. near Hroaiway. Remember the Placed If you ned a part for your autO,f mobile, come to the , Auto Wricking Co, : 4 We are the ORIGINAL auW wreokera. We have everything for the auto. If you trad wlttt us we are sure to give you th i be-at of .treatment and will re- . fund your money if goods r' not aa reireenied. . 89 North Broadway. r". 9-J Tires Used tlrea and tubes for sal. i Iouhle Tires. , I Hlgh-"l-ir vulranlxlng worav . Factory Kxperlenc. Beet Prw Paid for Old Tires. 4 GUARANTKKI BItWOUT PROOF4 INSIDE TIRES. Akron Tire & Rubber Cdr. 3:3 Burnside. Phone Btoadway XTt. I " i Rebuilt Federal Trucks These trucks are rebuilt not over-" hauled. Every truck guaranteed asm as a new one. If you ar looking for an honest value investigate Federal and look over our sto k of parta bef pr buying. - " BOLD ON EASY TERMS. ci The Pacific KisselKar Bra'rjch BROADWAY AND DAVIS. i ' OPEN SUNDAY. " SAXON SIX TOLItlNG An Ideal car for family and pleasure In U pink of condition. 7.5. USED CAlt EXCHANGE 627 Wtash. st. Where Wash, and Hurnflde meet. THAYER, SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $370 I BUILDERS OF 11a Ton, $420 EVER READY TRUCK 2 Ton. $470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity ) Mfg. In Portland. 193 E. Water Pt. Phone East 7437. SEE THE . OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY For Used Car. Park and Davis. Broadway 616 MOTORS. gears. bearings, wheels. axles, w wreck all make of cars and sell their parts at hi prloe. Auto Wrecking Co., 9 . Broadway. TWO ton auto truck, good condition. new tire, cheap for cash; will trade for light touring car, pay some differ ence. Miller. 188Z Hlsklyou. Tabor 6.7. 1914 model Ford, 6 pass.. In good con : dltlon. Price $360. P. O. Stacy. Fashion Garage, 188 10th at. opp. Pubilo library. PAIGE roadster, first class tire all around A-l mechanically. $335. East t300 717 Hawthorne WE WRECK AUTOS Pcyt for most all makes of cara, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ex. 129-31 Lownadai. Main 1161. 1916 OVERLAND, starter, generator, electric lights, lots extra, perfect condition. Leaving town; $426. 225 W. Park. Main 6108. UNIVERSAL STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy), 30 day' trial to responsible parties. A. L. Breckenrldg. 36 Halaey at. E 6095. C-2260. $300 BUICK roadster, model 26. See It at Howard Auto Co.. Blecbinger' car. FORD delivery body for sale cheap. Raymond Auto Body & Wheel Works 24 N. 16th st ENGINES. ENGINES. Many makes and sices. Prices from $25 to $150. These have lust bean overhauled ana are in the pink of con dltlon. AUTO WRECKING CO., 89 North Broadway. EVERYTHING in the way of parts for your auto, we oismanue all makes and models. Less than hi price. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 3d and GUsan sts. "WE pay caah for used cars for parts; conaiuon no oojeci. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Cor. 3d and GUsan st. BARGAIN, Studebaker touting, model 35, fine condition, only $350. Cor. Base Line and E. 72d at. LIGHT 5 passenger car, repainted, good shape, $226. Wdln. 3963. ' MAKE offer on Ford touring to b de livered june i. Toor 7601. 1117 FORD- touring-,car and roadster. . -a(!9. JaarnaL-. - . v. $225, DANDY little touring car. aelf b tarter, electric light, fin shape. Main 1093. OVERLAND roadster, fore door, home made body, newly painted, $204. Terms If desired. Mar. 429. FOR SALE 5-pass. Ford. Just over- nauiea. 6257. Cash. 327 Fremont Wdln. $490 CHEVROLET, with demountifa rims, starter, etc. In fin condition. Can be had for $425 at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 627 Waah. t. Where Wash, and BurriHde meet. FOR SALE An Overland, Just over hauled. In good running order, with Al tires; suitable for Mg'ha delivery; 8175. or will accly for first payment on a new Ford. For particur phon Woodlawn 967. FORD touring car In excellent shape, equipped with aeat covera, demount able rims, master vibrator, Yale lock and all latent equipment: the flrat person with $300 takes It 1436 Alb In ave Woodlawn 4117. ON MOVING into our nw building, wa are going to clean up all .csir uaed cars at reaonable, low prices, ij -BUICK light six. 5 pass. s FRANKLIN touring car. rl OVERLAND roadster. .4 The following could be converted Into light trucks or make excellent ataite cars: -A - Wlnton I&IO . Plerce-Arrow 650 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COV Cor. 10th and Burnside. We Tear 'Em Up Palace Garage it 3 NON'SKID tire and tubes, 36x5. in good condition, and Bosch magneto; will aell or trade for Junk. J. R. Potter, 256 Hooker st. FOR SALE 1 WUlard storage bat tary, 12 volts, regular equlpmnt for Dodge car, in good condition. Phooe Broadway FOR SALE One 1912 Regal roadster. under&lung, new tires, high tension CMkgneto and in good nuuunar condi tion, $175. 480 Williams avsv. East 283. 1 9 lT METZ TOURING ear. Ligtitin and starting system. Car never been driven a mil Much below cost Terms. MAIN 90, A-2442. LATE model Overland Roadster, 5 new Urea. Car in Al condition. MAUN 90, A-2442. 1916 FORD, fine condition; YaJ lock. speedometer, tool box, fender brake, etc.; no Jitney. Woodlawn 4001. FOR SALE Btuderfeker "30" bug; fin shape. Cash or terms. 480 Wil- Uamssave.. East 283. AUTO repairin g- cut-rate prices; work guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 6262. BABY Hupmobile. remodel to clay roadater. Thi la a real bargain. East 279. lilt MAXWELL for sale cheap. 040$. Journal. - FORD TOURING CAR, also roadatar. MUST BE SOLD. , 311 W'ashlngtom. DODGE '16, overhauled In great con dition. 2 new tire on rear, 1 extra. This car is cbavp at $650. Se Sun day. King, at Wlnton Co. Main 4244. CTON ,7EVerltt 30" delivery. gooJ shape -with top.. Price $226. or trade ror 6.pass. Ford. In good shape. Ta- bor 6301. ONE 3 ton and on 6 ton snoond hand motor truck, bargain for cash. Good mechanical condition, u-401. journal. 2190 cash. Bulck. 5 pass.. 40 H. P. Must sell. Good mechanical condition, 119 11th t. . NEW 1916 Saxon touring cheap. Woodlawn 3816. for aal 1914 MAXWELL, 6 new tire, mechan ically perfect; $440. Main 1092. 1914 FORD, first class condition. Call 401 Mason St.. up stair. CHALMERS. 1916, cyl., fin condi tion. Call East list $96 2 pass, runabout 1026 E. 9th X, near Aioerra sx. 71 riB nni v ninion, pun., . in rreat shape: ruaranted: will consider good cheap car a part Eayment; eaav term on balancef -lng at Wlnton Co.. Main 4244, AND SELI THE PIECES. AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS AT LESS THAN 60c ON THE DOLLAR. 'I7 , Motor Parts Mfg. Co.r ; 325 Burnside at. Phone Blwy, $15$. UNDER NEW MAlsiAGEMENT.-: 22D AND KEARNEY. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MAIN 90 A-2442 I ; SOI.LINDER CAR LIFTER T" ThU modern Invention allow a TA put your car in the best mechanical condition In the quickest Lima sad at the lowest price. Oxyaoetyln weld ing a specialty. -- . Universal Service Station 869 Hawthorne East MT. BUICK FOUR. 1917 model, touiiag. good tires with on extra, in good hap. An exceptional bargain at $660. 627 Wash, at.- - '-j Where Wash, and HumwVd mt fTjH' T!71i3 . OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPAJfT r 1 : vi-i 1 - rm . . ... . Park and Davis. Broadway ; 1 1 6. WE ARE always in demand tor sld " car to wreck. We pay the olgtit cash nrlce. rorciltlnn nr oblect. AUTO WRBCMJIU W, . aa T T? Amwmv nMr P!v rtr " OVERLAND panel top delivery oar; muat be sold quirk, car looks new tire and motor in fine condition, WJU -sell cheap. Terms. Address C IL Mack, 999 Vernon ay., city. - OVERLAND Coup. In excellent con- Uon at a bargain. Phone C-I652, Sunday and evenings. Mala 1TI, week days from 6 to 6. : WANTED, Bulck mix. Franklin or Dodge for spot cash and baautif ul lot be Id a Irvington, 109 feet to r; aet quick. Mr. Hmitn. Main 37 or FOR HALE 2- 34x4, 3-D tires, good condition; $8 each. 1014 Belmont st OARAGE for rentj Phon Tabor 2683. 1323 E Midlson nr 46th at. LATH 1917 Ford. xtr aulpmnt. Call L 490 Burnsid bfor 1 'eock, - HAVE Hudaon light Six, would ilk' smaller car. win taxe light car a part payment Call Mr. Hurley. Broad- wy Tsi. 1 9 16 FORD TOURING ear, 4 aTOod tlrea, car look and run Ilk new. Termax ' ' MAIN 90. A-2442 " 1916 FORD TOLRINO car In Al oon dltlon. Trm - , ,r - MAIN A-344I. (Ooatiaasd oa Ifaxt ra)