The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 10, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Section I i. General Bow.
lwtt 1 1 parte. ImI Estate, Sofials. Waal
Ada, Markets, Ttnaaee, Maria,
feetlos Fhctoplay. Stuutte, Editorial.
Automobiles, Oood Bttii, Soheels,
Section i Society. Clans. Musio, ysskloas,
General y natures,
tectiea ft Fietioa Magnaine.
taction 6 Comio.
Portias and vicinity ludt, fair
and wtnuri aortaexly winds,
Oregon Tat and wuiurj northerly
Waanlnrto TaJr, tnnui interior
wiit portion; wessrly winds.
VOL. XV. NO. 12.
- wnitaiij fi aa w .,f orv :r h
Prisoners Held on Charge of
. Stealing Keet Infant Taken
From Sheriff Near Stock
ton, Mo., by Motorists.
Discovery of Child's Body in
Old Weil Leads to Col
lapse of Mothec.
Borinc-fleld. Mo.. June 10. (Sunday)
(1:15 a, m.) (U. P.) Claud Pler
sol. on of ths two men believed to
have been directly Implicated In the
murder of the Keet baby, escaped
lynching solely through his Iron nerve,
The "motor mob" which took the
prisoners from Sheriff Webb and his
deputies at Stoekton, hurried Plersol
to the baseball park, threw a rope over
a stringer of the grandstand roof and
placed a noose about his neck.
After a few minutes' hesitation, dur
ing- which. Plersol eyed them calmly.
he said:
"Well, you fellows are going to kill
me: you might as well get It over with.
I am entirely Innocent of the Keet
baby murder."
The members of the "motor mob
stood about undecided for a few min
utes longer, then removed the noose
from Piersol's neck and turned him
back to the sheriff. They are now
said to be on their way back to Spring
Springfield, Mo., June 10. (Sunday)
(U. P.) The alleged Keet baby kid
napcrs have been taken from the sher
Iff byhe "motor mob" and are now.f
being hld under guard at. Stockton
'Mo., according to telephone reports
from that city early today.
The reports asserted it was believed
that it is not the intention of the mob
to lynch the prisoners, but to force a
confession from them, if possible, that
will lead to the arrest of their ring
leader. The names of the alleged kidnapers
taken by the mob are Claude Plersol,
Taylor' Adams, Allie Adams, Clatus
Adams, Sa-xa McQirwls and one-others -Nevertheless,
elaborate preparations
are be inn made here this morning for
the Retributive justice which a mob of
more than SO0O persons is determined
will 1e meted out to at least two of
the nllegedJrtrtaapers and slayers Of
BabyvWWyd Keet.
Prisoners Takes Trom Sheriff
Latest reports from Stockton, a
small town about 60 miles northwest
of Springfield, indicated that the "mo
tor mob," composed of r.early a hun
ared young Springfield men in 18 high
powered automobiles, overtook Sheriff
Webb and his prisoners near that
place. '
The crowds, which congregated In
small groups early last night, are or
derly, but the leaders are going grimly
nbout their business. Police are pow
erless, the score of extra deputies
that were being sworn in early in the
evening even going so far as to pro
pose the brand of punishment mest
Mother In Critical Condition
Mrs. Keet. the young mother of the
dead child. Is in a critical condition
this morning. Several physicians are
in constant attendance. Fear Is ex
pressed that the excitement of the day
may add another victim to the tragedy
that has already laid its hand on the
Keet household.
Keet also is completely broken down.
Now that the baby is dead, he has
ceased to hold any interest in what ia
done to the prisoners. If his friends
desiro to wreak their vengeance on the
kidnapers he is trilling.
With a mob of 300 revenge seeking
Missourlans surging against the front
door of the country Jail, Sheriff Bill
Webb spirited the seven suspected ab
ductors out of a rear entrance and
(Conchi:d n face Ten, Column One)
Former Secretary
Of War Now Major
San Francisco, June 9. (P. N. S.)
The first promotion of a reserve of
ficer at the Presidio training camp
was recorded today In a special order
issued at western department head
quarters. Captain Henry Breokenridge,
infantry, .Xormer assistant secretary
of war, has been made a major, and
ordered to active service.
Liberty Loan Facts
They are Uncle Sam's direct promise to pay. His wealth is esti
mated at 250 billion dollars, or close to $2500 per capita.
His yearly income is estimated at about 40 billion dollars.
His yearly savings are over 3 billion dollars, which is about the
entire amount of his outstanding debt, including the present issue of
Liberty bonds.
His banks report total resources of about 35 billion dollars, ex
ceeding by far the greatest banking resources ever before shown in any
His wealth is estimated as more than the combined wealth of Great
Britain, France and Germany.
His outstanding debt per capita, even after the present 2 billion
dollar loan is sold, will be about 30, or less than one tenth that of
either Great Britain, France or Germany.
Not once has Uncle Sam failed to pay a single dollar of his obli
gations. Uncle Sam is the richest man in the world, and enjoys the best
He is asking you now to loan him money, to carry on a war to
protect his ideals.
Don't you think he is a safe man to lend your money to?
Watch It Rise
1 ,500,000
1 ,000,000
Saturday's s-rand total for
state $5,157,600
The state outside of Portland 1,557,250
Total for Portland a.650,350
baturday s Portland subscrip
tions 705,700
Saturday's outside subscrip
tions 141,900
Days left to subscriba 5
'Attempt to Bribe
Registrar Charged
St Xiouls, Mo., June 9. (U. P.)
Louis Blalock. dry goods merchant,
was arrested by department of Justice
agents this afternoon charged with
attempting to bribe a selective, draft
registrar. . Blalock offered Dr. F. L.
Morse, registrar. $100 to "fiat If so
Blalock' son, Abe, would not be eon-
scripted. It is alleged.
Mors reported ths matt er to the
department of Justice agents who In
structed him to pretend to go through
with ths bribery. When the monev
transfer was being made In the phy
sician's office, Blalock was arrested.
Argentina Is Near
Break With Kaiser
Buenos Aires, June 9. (U. P.)
Despite undisguised unwillingness of
the government. It appeared tonight
that pressure of public opinion was
slowly forcing Argentina toward a
break In relations with Germany. Tor
pedoing of the Argentine steamer
Oriana last week was the final touch
needed to set the anti-German spirit
The city was In an uproar tonight.
Thousands paraded the streets de
manding employment. The resignation
of the ministry was believed Immi
nent, owing to internal difficulties.
Goethals Replaces
Men He Dismissed
Washington, June 9. (L N. S.)
General Goethals appointed Rear Ad
miral H, H. Rosseau assistant general
manager of the United States emer
gency fleet corporation to succeed F.
A. Eustis. who was discharged because
of his charge that General Goethal3
nad killed the wooden ship program.
Samuel Fuller was appointed to suc-
-I T T . . . . .A 1
Priesto Cabinet in
Spain Has Resigned
Madrid. June 9. (U. P.) The cabi
net of Marquis Priesto formally re
signed today. It had been steadily
losing' favor with the people on ac
count of charges of lack of firmness in
dealing with German submarine activ
ity and internal economic questions.
Total Subscriptions Saturday
in Portland Reach Gener-
ous Sum of $705,700 and
More Expected Monday.
TAKES $235,000 BLOCK
Second Largest Individual
Purchase Is $200,000 by
T. B. Wilcox.
Oregon's largest Liberty loan sub
scription to date was made Saturday
afternoon when Max H. Houser, grain
exporter, authorized the purchase,
through three Portland banks, of S250,
000 worth of bonds.
Mr. Houser's subscription made
BUYS ffl.000
total in the city for the day of $705,- porti by its Bister ty Vancouver
700, and a grand total of all subscribed B C, la going to be remembered viv
through the banks since the campaign idly for three long, joy filled days,
started, of $3,550,350. The same boost j Something Doing1 All the Tims
shot the state' total to $5,127,600. I There will be parades, athletic
Wilcox Takes $200,000
The Houser subscription is $50,000
higher than any other individual
amount yet named for the government
loan in Portland.
The next largest subscription was
for $200,000, made several days ago
by T. B. Wilcox through the Ladd &
Tllton bank. The bank confirmed this
subscription Saturday afternoon and
also announced that the Eastern &
Western Lumber company had sub
scribed $100,000, while W. B. Ayer, Its
president, has subscribed $50,000. These
two amounts were previously included
in the Portland totals.
Two other large subscriptions, madj
several weeks ago, but not reported
until Saturday, were thdse of Simon
Benson for $100,000 and J. R. Bowles.
$50,000. Mr. Benson's Is the third
largest subscription of the campaign
Several subscriptions of $25,000 are
also known to have been made.
rs national Adds $235,000
Another largo' amount subscribed
Saturday, however, helped swell the hotel at 9:$ a. m., until the daylight
day's "business. This ws a subscrlp- turns into darkness, the children will
tion of $235,000 by the First National nold sway.
bank. First wil; be the children's parade
In addition the postoffice announced on Grand avenue. It will foliow Grand
total subscriptions to date of $28,200, avenue from Madison street to Holla
all In amounts under $1000, while the day avenue, then turn east to Holladay
Oregon Construction company an-
nounced that it would take $15,000 i
more of the bonds, raising its total
amount to $25,000. At one bank yes
terday there were 74 subscriptions
totaling $46,400, an average or b7 ror
each subscriber.
Besides the Houser and First Na
tional bank subscriptions, the other
banks of the city "turned in reports
aggregating $220,000 for the day. :
Other Heavy Subscriptions Da
The Houser subscription was placed
as follows: inrst iNauonai, so,uuu;
Northwestern National, $85,000 and
Canadian Bank of Commerce. $80,000.
All of these things took place after
noon Saturday. Simultaneously tho .
telegram from Mr. Houser and the an.
nouncement of the First National's
subscription were made at Liberty !
loan headquarters, creating a stir,
coming, as they did, after two days
of disappointment over the small
amounts contributed by the city.
Nor have all the heavy subscrip
tions been made. Monday afternoon
the banks will have prepared for pub-
(Concluded on Page SeTen. Column One'.
River Will Reach
24.4 Foot Stage
The river will be at a 24.4 foot
stage by Wednesday.
When Assistant Forecaster T. Fran
cis Drak put out that warning Satur
day he threw a real scare into Front
street merchants.
A 26 foot stage will put the water
so (.lose to Front street that the swells
of passing river steamers will send
water rolling into the street at East
Ankeny and some of the north end
A J8 foot atage will put it over
FTl k ,r 1 fTm Yfm.hu11Tn?rtn-
High temperatures in the Inland Em-
water, and merchants in the lower end
of the city are preparing to store goods
above the floor and to move if neces
sary. Torpedo Misses Ship
By Only Two Yards
Washington, June 9. (I. X. S.)
Another American ship, the nam of
which is not disclosed, was fired upon
by an enemy submarine, the state de
partment . was informed late tonight.
The torpedo passed within two yards '
or tne vessel ana the periscope of the
U-boat was plainly visible. The Amer
ican ship returned the fire, but the
information in the hands of officials
tonight did not indicate whether or
to", the submarine was hit.
The safe arrival of the United States
naval collier Neptune was announced
by the department. The Neptune car
ried a cargo to a French port.
Three Scandinavian
Ships Are Torpedoed
London, June 9. (I. N. S.) News
of the destruction of the Norwegian
steamships - Haf urafjord and Sanga
vand and the Danish steamship Herald
Klitgaard by German submarines was
received1 hers today. :
Sunrise Salute on Wednesday
Morning by Battery A Will
Open Program for Eleventh
Annual Festival of Roses.
Coronation Ceremonies Take
Place Following Parade
of Children.
Portland is this week going Jo frolic
and forget the war.
Beginning at 7 a, m. Wednesday,
When Ratterv A will fir the minrt
salute In the festival renter until with '
i the dropping of the curtain at mid-
! night Friday night the Rose Festival
wi - t ruie mis city,
.T.V. - A ' If .
events, exhibits, fiances, singing ana
aquatic events. From morning to
night there will be no dull momenta
The man, the woman, the boy, the girl
there win be something to interest
every one of them.
Not since the Rose Festival was first I
conceived by the late Dan McAllen, 11
years ago, has there been snch a gen
eral participation in th Rose Festivsl
as this season has produced. Women's
clubs, men's clubs, civic and commer
cial organizations, corporations, labor-
men. Fchool teachers, the army anc
navy and the school children are ail
participating. E. E. Larrimore, presl-i
dent of the Festival association, and
a hundred eager committee men have
had the work in charge.
The festival opens on Wednesday
morning It will be a day of children.
sports and music.
Children Will Keign Supreme
Wednesday Is the children's day.
1 really. From the time wee little Miss
Nina Kitts and Master Mao Lewis,
falrv kins and aueen of the festival.
leave'thelf royal suite at 'theTortlanJ
park, where it win dlsDana
The children and their director.
Professor Robert A. Krohn. have long
been a fearture of the festival. Each
year Krohn's ready skill turns out a
new and more dazzling spectacle. The
lines of happy faces, flushed with the
excitement of "showing off ' to their
elders, will always hold a place in the
memories of those who have ben for
tunate enough to see the children's
Coronation on Multnomah Field
Following that parade, the l'ttle king
and queen will be crowned. Escorted
by a guard of honor and accompanied
by their royal court, their tiny majes
ties will be taken to Multnomah field,
where, on a throne built for the occa
sion, they will actually enter upon the
fulfillment of their royal duties.
Immediately following the corona
tion will be given the flag drill, the
Maypole drill, the liberty g'rl's drill,
and a number of other special features
in which the children of Portland's
schools and physical institutions will
take part. Special dancing, volley ball
contests, military drills, relay races
and a host of other events, complete
the program for the afternoon at that
Xegatta on Willamette
Even while the children art drilling
at Multnomah field the enthusiasts
ho follow motorboating. swimming.
rowing and canoeing rvill be nolding a
regatta on the Willamette river. The
i high water offers a possible bar to th-j
fulfillment of actual planj for this,
I however, for if there is 24.4 feet of
water on Wednesday, as the weather
bureau has predicted, it will be im
possible for the motorboats to pass
: beneath tWe Morrison street or Steel
bridges. In that case the scene of
the regatta .would be moved either up
i or down the river, so as to do away
I with passing beneath those tridges.
The festival center, which will be
! of the night.s festivities. The
'devoutness of the American ,-tople for
j their cause wU1 creep ,nto thj8 ParfaT
(Continued 00 Pi ft Two, Column Two)
Balfour, at Home,
Gives U. S. Praise
London. June 9. (U. P. "America
s moving in a wonderful way; she is
showing a remarkable spirit of under
standing." was the way Foreign Min
ister Arthur J. Balfour, head of the
British mission to the United States,
expressed his .appreciation of Eng
land's newest ally on hia return here
"My visit." he continued, "was most
inspiring and my own reception the
kindest i have ever received 'anywhere.
For tha; reason I am most deeply
Balfour was accorded an enthusias
tic greeting on his return here. He has
been absent for nearly two months,
arriving in Canada in the middle of
Estrehazy to Form
Hungarian Cabinet
Berlin, Via London. June 9. (U. P.)
Count Estrehazy has been formally
charged with the duty of forming a
new Hungarian cabinet, according, to
dispatches received tonight from Buda
pst. - , ;.- -
THE stage is set for Portland's eleventh annual Rose Festival this week, which assumes
the additional proportions of a patriotic celebration. With fair weather as the advance
forecast of the weather bureau, a wealth of flowers is assured. The smiling face of Dor
ris Phillips (photo by Peasleys) reproduced below typifies the spirit of the festival. Mac Lewis
and Nina Kitts have been chosen as king and queen, with little Miss Phillips as princess.
''"iiimal'ri'w-iiii ii i m' fa .nn.,i tin'iin ii 11 in .5 it, ftifr5igftYiiMiy' iji;M,iiiiM:iKiii'lV"TOi'riiiiliiir.ti i"jr CftiM fc"
1 r '-mx 'cm: m
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111 .AimirM -if ?mmmmMiu
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1 1 HI I 1 1 II I II II II IHII II I -ri.r fsWwa lllll 11 TriiTnii
Hill I KIIMUt-ll l-ll-r.! 1 VtZLXJy M MLLLtZJL IRIInil I 1. 1 1 I lint-
liii n lu Li : MLfm LUIU r
bllllllaW III 1 1 1 1 1 L. I xiarucuir to worjlwu Balfonr'a U I U II I I ILJII1IIII
1 . 1
At Least -150 Workers Be
lieved Burned to Death
When Speculator Shaft
Becomes Furnace.
Butte. Mont., June 9. A careful es
timate made late tonight places the j
North Butte mine dead at 193. All 1
hopes that any of the unaccounted for j
might have escaped has been aban-1
Butte, Mont., June 9 (U. P.) The
city of Butte tonight had partly re
covered from the first paralyzing I
shock which came with the knowledge j
that 150 of its miner citizens had gone j
down into the Speculator mine of the.
North Mining company, never to rs-j
turn alive.
With the passing of the first frenzy ,
of grief and helplessness the stricken j
families settled down with a grim I
to await the recovery of the !
bodies of their men.
Fire, starting early Saturday morn
ing in'the 2400 foot levr" of the Gran
ite mountain shaft, spread through
the gas infested workings like Ignited
Candle Ignites Insulation
Although rescue efforts have left j
little time for investigation so far.
several theories have already been ad-1
vanced. The most plaujlble of the9
is that the names ongiaiitu
miner's candle came Into contact with
inflammable insulation on an electric
cable which was being lowered into
the shaft.
Four hundred and fifteen men were
working underground when the fire
broke out. As it spread, entrapped
miners made desperate efforts to es
cape. Many managed to break through
bulwarks, admitting them to the shafts
of the same level of adjoining mines
the High Ore. Diamond, Elmorulu and
Black Rock, from wnjen mey mo
their way to the surface.
313 Ulnars Escape Alive
Two hundred and thtrteen men es
caped alive in this manner, leaving
202 men unaccounted for. Later, word
was received from the Badger mine
that between 40 and 50 men had been
..khI through the lower levels of
that mine, leaving the total unac
counted for at between 150 and ISO.
There is little hope tonight that any
of these will be found alive.
The condition of 40 bodies which j
had been brought to the surface early!
tonight discourages the hope that any!
of those entomoea are htb. mjki 01
them were charred beyond recognition.
Ths throats of several were torn and
mutilated, indicating that ths men bad
struggled for air, ajmg in me in roes
of suffocation.
Zdantlty of Osad Xmpoarfble
The supply house of ths mine, tem
porarily turned into a morgue, pre
sented. a gruesome sight with ths long
rows of burned bodies, stretched side
by, aids whils little - weeping rroups
f women and children filed slowly
4 (Concluded ea Page SIX, Column Fire)
Batta Minora Tnvotd in Shtft
& Cross ProTidM Inatsjlmsat Plan.
IU4 Cress Oemmitts Iuw Bullatln.
sVaoona Training Camp Plans Ara Aa-
KsrthsUffs to Coord is U Balfour's
Ganaral If orris 00 of Boccrnisaa' Ability.
Adviscry Bodies Assist Oorsrainsnt.
Gaaaral Penning Stickler oa Dotail.
Dr. John H. Boyd Spanks for Lfb-
arty Loan.
American Offloers to Import Wsr
Bnssisn Council Bpuras German Ap
peals. School Law Sound. Evans Doclam.
Bagistration and Census Fiiires Vary.
Revolution Predicted in Sweden.
Bohemia Suffers Martyrdom.
Life Aboard a Submarine.
Marine Corps Seeks aeaidta. '
Mayor Albee to Review Ozego Be-
1S6 NstsI BeeraHs Week's Record.
Commencement Week at P,fi n
. . , , 1
10. War Bereave Bill Storm Center.
11. Beturns From State Ballet.
Consolidation Committee Makes Dis
covery. House Holds TTn Army Bill.
When Does MeSary's Term End I
lz. Caaatanqua PTOfrua Beady.
Bankers Entertained at Marshfisld.
Lighting- snd Heatin- BatM Bedaoed.
Bed Ciees Drive On in Eastern Orefon.
13. Liberty Loan Explained.
14. Lookout Houses in Crater Forest.
Sports Kews and Gossip.
Beel Estate and Building.
Aim of German Strattsy.
Want Ads.
Markets and Finanoe.
Marine Kews.
Lee Tin Acquitted.
Saturday in the Courts.
TTnele Sam Wants Wcmea in Civil
Photoplay Kews.
In VsadeTille.
In Stagelanj.
Brief Information.
Town Topiri.
School Garden Work Successful.
S3& Hixh Scneel Gradnstea.
Ur.iTersitT and College Sews.
Automobiles and Good Boada.
Ths Week in Society.
Women's Club Afiafr.
The Beaun of Masie.
Becreation Places Bear at Hand By
Fred Lockley.
From the Woman's Point sf View Br
Mary O'Connor Bewail.
FskSnCnaetMIB7 I-Uiaa Basse 11.
"The Day' By Jams. o. Montagus.
Illustrated Ksws Beview.
Will the Germans Betreat Again tBv
Frank H. 6imonds.
The Story of Our flag B7 Georsane
(Fietiea Maguine.)
If not, subscribe to the Liberty
Loan through your bank without
On pag e 1 3 of Section One of
today's SUNDAY JOURNAL you
will find full facts about the loan.
Germans So Badly Smashed
by British Assaults But
One Real Thrust Followed
Crushing Defeat.
Br William Phiili 51mma I
With the British Armies in the Field, i
t . o . t-- x, . " " ' '
.iuiic J . iv. r.; 111c 1 'ivsHiiis n 1 r
o badly smashed by the British br?ak-
lng of the Yprs salient hat only faint 1
attacks, like the twitching jf a Jadty
mauled adversary, have followed th-
British victory.
This: weakness of counter attack ha
been the most potent evidence of the all peoples to a successful cc-nsamraa-Brltish
victory even more potent than 1 uon it seems opportune and sppropH- ;
the 6500 prlEcners taken an the in-I t. 'that T nhculd state aeatn. In ths
numerable machine guns sn 1 trench
No effort has yet been made to
count these prises. More than Jo
German cannon were estimated by
headquarters as the of the
victory, but a personal visit to trie
various fighting units Indicates the
final ccunt will show at least douhl
that number as tbe result of the
battle of Messlnes ridge.
ingle Counter Thrust Blade
Now that the British victory can u
viewed in the cold light of aft it
e vents, British officers pointed out
today that thi was the first time in
j the history of the world's war when
a cattle was begun and ended Inside
of a few hours and in complete
achievement of all objectives.
The Germans were so badly beaten
by the British smash that they have
scarcely wriggled since the Bavarians
made their single counter thrust in
the region of Klelnxlllebeke.
(Note: This Is a Belgian village,
three miles southeast of Ypres and s
little less than two miles from Zi!Ie
beke. It markeJ the northernmost
point of the Messlnes ridge.)
German Pourta Army Crashed
The Bavarians were powerfully re
pulsed Two minor outpost clashes
have been reported since that time, bu:
that Is a!l. The enemy shelled
Boesinghe, following up the fire wiih
several mass attacks.
Details of raids are lacking, but
they were all repulsed.
These are the only galvanic twitches
of a badly tattered German army
the only signs of retails tion which
have appeared to date
General von Armin, it developed to
day, was the commander of ths Ger
man fourth army on which the British
inflicted such a powerful defeat. He
succeeded von Hindenburg In command
of this unit of Germany's forces. Ths
fourth army has always been ths par
ticular apple of Hlndenbtirg s eye,
since he commanded it for years.
Waole mstimanta "Wiped Oat
How badly mauled this fourth army
was by ths British victory appeared
from prisoners statements today.
Some declared that In ths one) cxplsslon
of tbs British mine under, nill CO, two
entire German companies (nearly S00
men) war utterly annihilated. Other
mines, touched' off simultaneously
(Cciaclased en. Tag Blx, Cslama Oae)
mis of m
Communication to Provisional
Government of Russia Says
Peace, Merely Restoring
Status of Europe Before
Big War, Will Not Satisfy.
Net of Intrigue," Message
States, Must Be' Broken
and Germany's Dream of
Central Empire Must Be
Shattered Beyond Repair.
Washington, June 9. (U. P.)
America will not be content with a .
peace with Germany which merely
restores the status of Europe before
the war. - -
The United States will demand
that the "net of Intrigue" by which.
Germany seeks to link together a
central European empire be broken
beyond all possibility of It being
"rewoven or repaired."
President Wilson so declared la -
a. communication to tne uussiaa
provisional government, made pub
lic tonight, urging the new govern
ment to stand firm in union witb
the world forces of democracy
against autocracy. f ,
"The day has come." he declared, ts
conquer or submit."
Am erica's Dstsmlnatloa Xaae Clsa
The note clearly and emphatically
set forth America's determination to
"go through" in the war until 0r .
many's great "Wttsl-Europa?- dream
cmplrs s Uattred ojhd att'perad
tenture; until' theimraal. Brotherhood t .
of mankind Is no longer an empty ens..
The president indicated that the Jtr- -man
urglngs for peace on ths stAtus"
ouo ants-war were manifestly based .
LqP desire to continue In power and that ,
sucn a termination wouia ni gus r -tee
Germany's future break . of the
peace. .
On the much discussed German ;
phrase. "No annexations; and no lndem- .
nltlcs," in peace alms, the president .
gave Americas interpretation as fol
lows: Indemnities for Wrongs Only ';
"No people must be forced under
sovereignty under which it does not
wish to live. No territory must .
change hands except for the purpose
of securing those who inhabit it a fair
t-hance of life and liberty. No indero-,
nltlcs must be insisted on except those v
that constitute payment for manifest ,
wrongs done." '
President Wilson's proclamation fol-
low.8: - v
in view or tne spproscum
! of the American delegation to Russia
1 to express the deep f liendsnip of tbs
American people ror tne people,' 01
Russia snd to discuss the best, and
most practical means of cooperation
between the two peoples In carryln"
the present struggle for freedom!'
itv. f t V 4 n,w TMietnerahln. 'the 'Obw
i,!,,. v, . u ' a . r - - -- -- -- -
jerts tne i.mieu aiiin uu uau o
mind in entering the wsr. . :'
Objects Btsve Been Beclouded- ,
Thee objects have been very much'
beclouded during the past lw weeks
by mistaken and miaieaJlng state
ments. and the issues at atske are too
momentous, too tremendous, too slg..
nliicant tor ir.e wnoie nu-nan imo, .
. 4 sn,. mltlntimMtttlMI . AS? -
I it nriiiiu ...... .-w .
misunderstandings, however slight,-to,
remain nncorrected for a moment. -: v-,;
'The war has begun to go against v
Germany and In their desperate desire ..
to escape ifie ui'.r wiiifii v .
feat those who are In authority In er
mentality, are making use even of the
influence of groups or parties among
never been just or ia:r or even toisrt ;
ant. to promote a propaganda on both
sides of the sea which wilt preserve
for them their Influence at horns and -their
power abroad, to the undoing; of :
the verv men they are using.
Be Btstertal Profit Bought
"The position of America In this wf
ts so clearly shown that no man call
... ..niin i nr mini ,ni, 1 1 tmtrm mmmxm
r.f material oroflt or sKsrandlzemcnt
of any kind. Ehe Is fighting for no.
advantage or seiiisn oojecv ox nee owti.
but for tbe liberation of peoples) every. '.
a here, from the aggressions of Soto ,
era tic rorce. int runng classes J: -
Germany have begun oi late to profess .
a like liberality and justice of purpose.
DUl UHI 1U yiem f v i, vwer 1HCI .
r.sve set up In Germany and ths selfish .
advantages which) they have wrongly ,
rained for tnemseives ana tneir pri
vate projects of power all Jha way
"Government after government by ,;
their influence, without open conquest
of tts territory, na oeen iiasi ta
gether in a net of Intrigue directed i
against' nothing- lass than. ths. paac t
and liberty of ths world. "
BTTShs f Zmtrlrns to Ba Broksav.
"Tbs meshes of that intrigue nust
bs broken, but It cannot ba broken nn -less
wrongs already dons sra undone;
and adeq.nate measures must bs taken
o prsrvBi v e" : -
rewoven or reps I red. . ;
Of course, ths Imperial German
government and those whom it l
using for their own undoing ara seek
ing to obtain pledgee that the wsr will ,
tCoselsded es Page Three, Co n arc four;