v THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1917. 15 ITELP WANTED MALE ' fContlad 1FATOU want congenial pleasant work. money saving job in a line whera men;1 ii you waai - a mony ma arm g i rum 19 o eu year are m axing money, wrlta us. Many of our men hare been rith us years conUnuousl. Orsen na.de $1S0 his first month.' Let aa tell vou about It it - will make money ior us both, Washington flur agry Co:. Toppenish. Wash. - maker. ooilr and steel con- structlon plant, requires the service superintendent. Must be thorough or fanizer and competent to produce re sults at mlmlnum cost. Capacity of shop about 150 men. Can also use shop foreman. Give particulars, including Ijga, experience and salary expected, in first letter. Post office Box 94, Se attle, Wash. WANTED Boy with wheel to deliver telegrams; must be at least 16 years t'V1111 i?hrrterMmtm per none pjqg. , .amnle.""Annlv Or .on" ' Transfer . ft 7 Thursday. I AiARBEtt wanted; must be first class , no student; fine, steady job. $14 guaranteed. C. F. Thomas, Wallowa. ?r. . ' , ' 3VANTED Woodcutters, J 1.60 per -cord, close to city; good place to live. 294 Hawthorne ave. Hast 2315, B-1695, WANTED Boy 18 years old to drivel T Ford delivery for grocery; state ex perience and wages expectel and name of last employer. WX-612, Journal. WANTED Alf round printer to work "on percentage basis; modern plant. 7-788. Journal. , VAN't tiJ ueckhanaa ana logger. Co lurnbla and Willamette river steam boats. Apply 131 H . Bi-i-onr! Ft., upstair. WANTED Scroll band sav yer. Ih - quire Fletcher Linn. Northwestern gank bldg. tiOOU fluff rug v.tivtis vanic-u. Northwest Rug Co , E. sth and Tay lor. WANTED Couole Rood carpenters, i ; finishers. also man with team ana , craper. Tanor 60Z9. : LATHE man wanted for light work. . must be fast and accurate. 505 Al der. 'i , HELP WANTED MISC. 49 SALESMEN WANTED With automo i bile, tJ solicit trade from the farm ers and smaller towns for two of the test selling articles ever offt-'ed. Artl "Cles sell , from $8 to $25 each. Good alesmen can make from $10 to $25 per day the year round. They are high lass and legitimate. Opportunity for a permanent and profitable business tn any county for the best of salesmen. Address. Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Portland, Or. STUDENTS A complete and thorough course In Electro - therapeutics, i'ourss 13 most comprehensive; in cludes anatomy and physiology, diag nosis, massage, viomuon, ngni iner .Feyctrii3t-ayVBa1d ffX ffffi j Ir. G. E. Blew, secretary. 122 Grantf sve. Phone Eaat 648. ; ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, i 388 Barnslde st. Call or write for full Information - about FREE TRIAL OFFER. W ANTED Men. 18 or over, railway mail clerks: $75 month; sample ex amination questions free. Franklin Inntltut. rt-nt. 3S4-F!. nocheter. N. V. illNSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School. " Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Reduced prices for the summer. Positions se cured. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. iVANTKU 1 in mediately, names men. women, wishing to become govern mnt clerks. $75 uionlh HX-344.Jour-rial. PKEPA'.CE to liii vuuanoies caused by ' unuBua. numbe-of men at f ront. Miss Decker's Ifuslnesn ,ollee. Aliskv bldg. FANCY wortc B ' (i on comrniasion; & mm. memherfhlp $1. ;ni Globe bldg. I VjNCALIED for iailor-made suits $8.50 ' up. iayior tne rwiifr. zsvu, Kurnslde, yr HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 ". Telephone Operators 'Permanent position for young women, salary paid while learning. Apply to- the Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., .jfith floor. Park and Oak sts., between 8:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. GIRL for general housework and to - assist In caring for 16-months-old ruby; no other children. Call 943 Haw- thorne. WANTED Elderly woman to do light housework: family of 3: more for ftome than wa-ges. Woodlawn 2518. SECOND cook in private family. " Phone Main 109 between 9 and 6 on week days. TV ANTED A woman to work for room and board for self and husband. 974 Macadam Bt. , HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED C. A. Oppegard. 2619 62d St. S. E. Tabor -- White Salmon strawberry picking 790. eason will begin about June 7. A : $15 6 room bungalow, like new ln large number of pickers and packers I side, walking, distance, E. Main st. wanted. Have Increased Wages. Bring 1 rail 211 Medical bldg. camming outiit. .write ior iurtner in- formation. Apply to White Salmon Valley Growers' association. White Salmon, Wash. BTUD1 bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg taphy, salesmanship. English branches, at an accredited school. Writs or phone Main 690 for cata . logue; graduates guaranteed positions, Behnke-Waiker Business College, 167 4th St., hear Morrison. smumi BMBtU IIM Est. 1893., 30 schools. Summer rates. fay while learning. 284 Burnslde st OREGON - Barber college wants men and women to learn barber trade: ?ald while learning; position guaraa eed. 288 Madiaon, WlANTEX Leading man and woman for small road show. Phone Wood- Uwn 4080. ; " MOHLER Barber school, men and worn en to learn barber trade free, paid While lesmlnr. 88 N. 2d; cor. Couch. WANTED AGENTS 6 LADY AGENTS WANTED to sell household necessity; good commis- eton: fast seller. Call at 310 H. 34th st. for particulars and sample. ' SITUATIONS MALE 3 ffl InlffH -Will repair your watch no Cfijy.yy matter how badly broken. REINGOLD'S. Jewelers, 124 Fifth .at. GARDENING, spading and hoeing; . , tools furnished, SOo per hour. Ta- Sor 6656. EXPERIENCED carpenter, day or e contract, fast workman, referenoes. Phone evenlnga Woodlawn 2482. PAINTING, paperhanring and tinting; rood work, cheap. Tabor 4367. V A NT ED Lots and acreage to plow. Mr. Beeiey. iet Z4oa. WILL drive car or Jitney on commis- i, gton.-U-3 3. Journal. tVANT gpadlnf. hoeing. C-2474. SITUATIONSFEIAIiE 4 WANTED Mlddla aged lady will keep - house -for widower or bachelor. 196 11th. cor. Taylor, room 4 upstairs. YOUNG woman wants housekeeping - - position out of town. Marshall 1833, STENOGRAPHER wishes position; have a little experience. Phone O ti. ' ; YOUNG woman wishes to learn to run : switchboard lh apartment house; nn timall -.fflarv. 2777. Journal. YOUNG lady would like work, as cham- bar maid. Caul Tabor e71. 1 t B p. m.) Apt. 8. ' WANT housework. todo by hour or ' rf. day- c'2376- . . . ' ; WOMAN want ..day , work. Marshall K 7 - ' WOMAN1 wishes day work, laundry 4r - cleaning. East $006., 4 1 ' - - continued) MARIUKD lady to take charge of rooming- or apartment house. Can best city references. U-3J8, Jour- i - - ' . i lOUNO lady experienced In exchang. 1 operator Burroughs add. machine ani "typist, wants position at once. Main 0472. TOUNO lady would like work as help er in restaurant or hotel. Call Tabor on, i to a p. m..apt. 3. WANT position as housekeeper or nursing of any kind. N-821. Journal NURSES 60 EAST HIDE SANITARIUM MISS M. T. KOLB B-2632 ' 859 Hatwhorne ave. and 28th St. - Newly furnished, pleasant home sur roundings, near business center, iac ins; Burrell Heights. Modern equip- ment for care of general surgical and , week; special rate and accommoda ; - erAiiil vol Acs A w n tiotts to maternity cases. EK.-VCEp undergraduate nurse. 803 or A-75347 room 21" ! WANTED Position a tendant to children; shore. Z-950. Journal. i nurse or at go to the sea FURNISHED ROOMS 9 otoie i5iysr.oioe?ph Strictly Modern. Under New Manag'nt. 2th and Stark sts. ; Broadway 382J. HuTEl, OCKiKV, Morrison at 10th! KATES 60c day up, weekly $2 un. Running water. Free rhoros and bath. ROOMS and apai tiiH-nts in modern hotel, $1.75 w(?"k ami up 455 Alder. 1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rmn.. central. The Kintr 309 Jef. Tiic HA.hij b tiruisrteu rooms; ateaia heat, r-inr.ine WRtr S86 3d st. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 PRIVATE FAKXLT NICE furnished room in private home, electric lisrhts. free Dhone and bath: $7. J4o N. 18th st. rooms furru or utifum. to respectable i ,lady, reasonable. 703 Hoyt St., near 2lot. USE of piano, furnished rooms, rea sonable. Main 3901. 325 Broadway. ROOMS ANI HOARD IS ROOM aim board for business girls. modern conveniences, walking di3 tance, $3.50 week. 12 E. 7th St. E, 4732, THE MaNITGU Jtl Homelike. Kteam heat; good board rs. M. 26 70. ROOMS AND BOARD FBT7ATE fAMTLT 72 ROSE BUD HOME For children. Shops, park, playrooms. Motto: "Fair Play."' Bant h09. COMFORTABLE room with board in t private family: suitable for two. i Main 9485. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD 39 j A SPINSTER desires room and board ; in an intelligent family; will help if ; agreeable. L-418, Journal. ; WANTED Board and. room for elder- i ly lady, west side preferred. Main 3175. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 RDYCRSST, 175 12th. Comfortable. H. K. rooms. Day,' week and month. Use of piano. Gem Apts.si ree bath, not, cold water HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 TTTSOTSKED ACTS UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY PARLOR, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fur nished complete; clean, piano, bath, gas, wood ranges, $13 month. East 7115. 731 Rodney, near Fremont. W A. Alberta cars. $11 3 NICE housekeeping rooms, fur nlshed complete, beautiful yard and location walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109. . "I $1.75 AND UP; comfortable rooms, complete for housekeeping; use of piano. 170 13th st. ! THREE, 4 and 7-room flats. 608 E. Clay. East 1525. $6 AND $7. Two room suites; fur nlshed housekeeping. 492 Clay. FOAt RENT HOUSES UHTFUENISHED 12 6 ROOM house with full cement base ment. laundry trays, new furnace. and small vard. 5 minutes' walk to ! Journal buildmc:. No. 329 Broadway, Phone Main 125; Sunday Main 3090 or Marshall 1972. ! 1RV1NUTON bungalow, 20th and Knott sts.. hot water heat. 7 roomr on first floor, 3 on second: nice .grounds 97x 100 ft. Very comfortable and strictly modern. Warm in winter and cool in MU.fKnnoftRent MaiQ 125: Sunday i Main 8090. 7 ROOM house, large yard, basement, bath, 1 block from carline; will re model to suit tenant. $12. Located uSS Front. Inquire fit 4 Front. FOR RENT' Modern 5 room bungalow, 26th ave. and 62rt st. S. E. Owner. . ROOM cottage, large yard, 2 blocks from Mississippi carline. 732 Mis- sou rliieaJlYernontjOTilyifb. 7. BO K ROOM modern cottages, walk ing distance; corner Union avenue and Stephens at, Brpadway 637 FIVE room cottage newly tinted, 10SS Stark near Laurelhurst park. $15. Phone Marshall ' 2241. MODERN 7 room house and garage. 885 San Rafael st. and Union ave. Rent $18. GOOD 5 room house, close In. Wood- lawn 3626. CLOSE-IN 6 -room house, cheap. 630 E. Madison st. $10, GOOD clean 6 room house; full basement, yard. Key at 585 Clay st 7 ROOMS. $6; right on car line Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, Of Com. $10 Nice clean 6 room flat, walking distance. r:ast zu. SPLENDID home, Irvingtoo, complete ly furnished. East 273. FURNISHED HOUSES VYRGDTeManomsTnice nished, yara, roses, jnod nm aistnci. re asonaoie. Pin iqrii uy. .qn v-x i o. SIX room furnished house with ber ries and garden. Cheap to steauy tenants. Marshall 227. HOUSES FOR RENT 71 rUMNISHED AHS UNrUHITISHIP 1 LARGE light H. K. room, first floor, suitable for 4. 429 Main. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE WESTFAL. 410 6th St.. 8 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building, walking distance. $18.50. "THE ALAMO," 494 Market 3 room unfur.. modern,, brick, $12-$14. Mar shall 2004, . TWO room furnished modern apart ment. $2.50 a week. 4 blocks from 10th and Washington. Broadway 19. ROSE FRIEND APTS.; cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service. Walking dis. Marshall 1410. THE Ormonde, mod., 4 656 Flanders r Nob Hill. room .front. Main 8261. HARRISON COURT, 6th and Harrison. Furnished apts. $16 month and upi THE HASELET -Modern apartment, 3 large outside rooms. 36g I3tn tt. 116 N. 23d, 2 r. fur. apt., modern, $16.50. Lights, water, phone, Main 7760. BANNER iAPTS., 489 Clay, modern 3 room mi-msnes. iz up. Mar. zo. liADDON HALL. 414 11TH ST- 3 $ and 4 ROOM APTS.- MAR. 1163. ROSEN FELD (brick). 14th & E. Stark. 3 rmw.. $17. $20, $22.50. $23 . Clarke apts., 2 rooms, fur., dis. beds, phone, lights, heat. $12 up. Man t0a6. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6. rm.apta Mar.. 3360, M. 75-6, A-267S. SrtUAIIONS-PEMALE r -V -APARTMENTS ' 43 nmmsHED and unfurnished (Continued) The Cromwell' Fifth and Columbia St. F1t. tnin walk to Meier A Pranrs store: rood surroundings: strictly mod. S and 8 room fur. apartments, all out side, with French doors and balconies ATTRACTIVE BATES. PERMANENT Ot TRANSIENT, Marshall Apartments 624 Marshall St.; 20th snd Marshall sts. Beautiful 2 room furnished apart ments, ail large outside rooms, .private baths, heat, water, phone.' janitor serv ice, etc UAYLKlMT APARTMENTS. One 3 room and one f room fur nished apart menu All outside rooms, closa to business and theatre district. "oder - il PtY1? 0hta- LI" SJ".. Broadway "a""a" suos. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts, Walking distance. References. POHTLAM) t LATEST Merlin Apts. just finished, strictly modern. Broadway and Grant, 3 rooms, dressing closets, buffet n&d bath, fine view, rents reasonable, adjoining gar ages if wanted Marshal! 428; UNFURNISHED 3 room apts., $15 and $18; brick bldg., hardwood floors; light, heat, phone, gas range. Powell Apts. 'Hawthorne ave. and ilth. Ta bor 378b. PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave. bet. Morrison & Belmont; new 2 & 3 rooms, completely fur.; sol id brick bldg.; white enamel and ma- nogany rinisn: walking distance. NORTHAMPTON APTS., 407 HALL. We have three 3 room apts. and one 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or email family. Reasonable. Main 4299. NEW YORK Apt., under new manange- incnt. Low summer "rates, light, phone free.i 441 Vi E. Belmont. Phone I iaat 238. tpv a j..!,.. m..' c Wir. " .VrV JT wV.;.k. nished apt. in the Wickersham for 2 or 3 mo. Phone Broadway 3611 from 9 to 12 and after 5. THE SHEFFIELD, ii70 Broadway S. 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts, walking distance, at very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 2506. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Washington-Grand. H'A Grand ave. 2 and 3 room furnished apts., rooms $10 and up; heat, light, bath. East 4449. CLASSIC APTS., 662 GLISAN ST. 2 and 3 room unfurnished apts., strictly modern, very reasonable. Mar shall 3610. "NEW NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 3 room suites, best location and out look. AH mod. conv's. Reasonable rates. Marshall 267. Gllsan. near 23d st. NOKOMIS, 565 Marshall Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress- lng room and phone: t1S to $22.50. AAm 45 TRINITY PL. led 2-8-4 rooms, walk- ing distance, reasonable. Marfrhali 9S3 GLENN APTS.. 984 Hawthorne Ave. . We have a email front apt, for rent. Tabor 6100 B-2332. MAGNOLIA APT3.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per week up: sleeping rooms. East 212. D1EL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny st. Mod. light, clean, 3 room com. fur. apt., 1st floor front, lawn, garden. East 1808. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences, ftiarsnaiit i 3, BUNGALOW APTS. 145 Grand ave. N.; 2 room nicely furnished apts, ev-erythlng-included. $12 and $14 per mo, 3-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS, THE DEZENDORF 2"g lth St.. near Taylor. Marsh. 2316. FURBISHED 2 rooms and kitchenette, 401 60th St.; unfurnished 3 rooms and kitchenette. 401 60th st. Mar. 2359. i DELIGHTFUL four rooms, furnished; Sleeping uorcu: garage, guruen wit ter. phone; $25. Woodlawn 2599. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. 312 up HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne Modern 1. 2 and 3 room apts.. $12.50 up: walking distance. East 882. GRAND OAK APTS.. corner E. Oak and Grand ave., strictly modern 2-8 room acts. Kirst class service, bi. 330Z SAN MARCO, EAST STH AND COUCH Verv nicelv furnished or unfur. aDt.. strictly modern, walking dist. E. Ia90. GRACE APTS. 24th and Northruo Modern high class 6 room apt. Phone Marshall 107, THE ALCO. 387 E. Couch, nicely fur nished 2 room apts., strictly modern: reasonable, new management. E. 2403 FOR RENT FLATS 13 HOLLADAY addition, modern 6 room flats. $15; 5 room house in rear, $10; close-in. 3 blocks from Steel bridge. at 226 Occident st. Verv fina B rpomSj eeilcat view also cosy 4 rooms, west eide. Sell- wood 1870. 5 ROOM upper flat, gas range, heater, linoleum, furnace, clean, reasonable, 6R4 E. Everett. 19th and 20th. FURNISHED FLATS SO $20 5 rooms, new, modern, clean, completely furnished. 572 Mill. Broadway 3412. THREE room modern furnished flat; bath and pantry; $9, Including water. 729 Williams ave. LOWER 3 room flat, well furnished, piano heat, light included, reason able: adults. 575 E. Salmon st. 3 ROOM furnished flat. 504 E. 22d et. reasonable; adults. HOTELS 54 1J0 ROOMS FIREPROOF MODERN Cleanest Rooms In City. Reduced Rates 50c and Up. Free phones 446 Washington. (L 105 12th, near Wash. bt, Strictly CLEAN. HfiSPEClABLS , House under proprietor s management. MODERN. HOME-LIKE. $2 up per wMlr. Transient. 50c tin. Marshall 2o Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart m,nii single rooms. $1.75 oer week and up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam neaieu. not iwu cum wdici n cs,y room. Only white help employed. 03H 1st., car Taylor. Mam 'ZU3 STOKES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or tactory building ir South Portland for rent. Modern. J torv brick structure, trackage: we. lighted. APDly K. W. Hagood. 311 Journ al bldg. OFFICE sDace for rent in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service In city. Apply 311 Journal building. BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment; wui give long lease at reasonable rental Apply R. w. Harooa, an journal piog T" V anac TrTr r.nt in Journal building. Rent reasonable. No bet ter service In city. Apply an journal buildinr. SEVERAL desirable offices and suites In Journal building. Apply k. w rlarood. 11 Journal Plor. FOR HENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 BRICK bam or factory. East 1476. a WANTED TO RENT WANTED Rustic cottage near car line-for camping week ends. R-417 Journal. WANTED- Small furnished house or apartments by Juns l. Y-363. Jour Palace nai. , - - , . WANTED .IO RENT ARMENIAN gentleman wants room in private family; state terms; east or west side. Z-781, Journal. . HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 TEAM brown horses. 8 and years. 2800, sound and true to work in any harness for $250 at Raleigh st. stables, cor. 18th and Raleigh sts. ' uto,Al hornes uad aniuuu imuHi away free. $ paid for cows, crip pled and played-outs. Call Wood lawn I. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE Oood team for ranoh or to travel with, sound and good work ers: harness and 2"i-in. farm wagon. 1967 E. Staric st. GOOD team well, broke, weight 2600. kind and gentle; can be seen 824 E. 26th st. S. Woodstock car to Gladstone. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4208. HOHSK and wagon. 1 1.25 day: 2 horses and wnron. $5 rtsiv S4 Front M 2208. LIVESTOCK S3 WANTED, sheep, good breeding ewes. ' State ages, prices wanted, breed of ewes, when same can be seen, also phone number. Z-787. Journal. FOR SALE a good milk cows. 1 fresh, another fresh soon. Phone Oak (jrpve 3X-M. ONE family cow $65; also a heavy milKer; totn very gentle. 780 Insley ave. Sellwood car. FRESH young, gentle, tested cow. Ta- oor 4208: res. i4i i.. Washington and 76th. FOR SALE: Fresh cow, Jersey and Durham. Call 911 Oregonian ave.. E St. Johns. TWO large fresh Jersey cows, quality. quantity. & Kast sotn.. cor. wasn. FOR SALE -A No. 1 Jersey cow and catr. Hugh Roberts. Jennings Loa ge. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND PET STOCK 37 THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY, DAY OLD CHICKS , For delivery after June '15. Barred Rocks, $13.50 per 100. R. I. Reds. $13.60 per 100. O. A. C. Whits Leghorns. $10 per 100. 1534 E. 12th st. N. Woodlawn 1485. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. You can helD: raise chickens. Our famous strain settings only $1, Incu bator lots $5 Der 100. McKenna Park Poultry Farm, McKenna ave. and Lorn- Dri st. Col. 814. St. Johns carllne. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY. DAY OLD CHICKS. We have 200 Barred Rock chicks on nana tor sale at 15c eacn. 1534 E. lZtn N. Woodlawn 1485. CHICKS White Leghorns, pedigreed laying strain. 200 eggs and over. Master Hatchery, 415 Jessup st. Phone wooaiawn 4344. wooaiawn car. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatchinr eggs. $1 for 15. reduction incubator lots. R. C. car. 795 E.78th St. N. FOR SALE Golden pheasants, also golden and sliver pheasant eggs. 84 Port h wick st. Woodlawn 897. FOR SALE Tancred strain laying hens, 75o apiece. Come and pick them out. 246 E. Lombard st. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 46 THOROUGHBRED English pointer, 14 y. old, thoroughly trained, $15. D-1022 or 2022 E. Couch after 10 a. m. YOUNG St. Andreasburg singers, trained by imported bird. 295 Mont gomery. corner 6th. Apt. 15. AUTOMOBILES-AGXJESSOIUES 4$ EVERETT 80, newly painted. In fine condition, top and wind shield: price $225; terms to suit. King. Main 4244. Win ton Co, 23d and Washington sts. Make offer. POWERFUL 1912 Marmon 6-pafcS. touring' car, exceneni conaiuoa, new top, extra tire and rim nearly new tires, tools; private family car, good care. Best offer by Friday gets car. Owners gone war. Tabor 6689. NEW 1917 Maxwell roadster; pink of condition, $595. Must leave Portland Saturday. Part cash, bal. easv terms. The ne7 price on this car is $745. This is a big snap, Will demonstrate, W 114, Jouinal. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co 21t and Washington. Main 6244. LAH Mfg. & Repairs, 3000 guarant'd springs in BtocK. prices requcea. a a. lain su MY 1914 Apperson Jackrabblt 6 cyl., 7 pass.; A-l condition, 6 good tires, electric starter and lights; only $500 for quick Bale. Apply 17 iownsaaie st. Phone Main 3843. NOTICE to auto owners, we dry cleuh and newmanito your car ror a ana make it look like new. right at yoir own garage, expert workmen. Call B- WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto fcx.. izs-31 LKjwnsaaie. Main iii. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels. axles: we wreck an makes ot cars and sell their parts at price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 8 isortn fciroaaway. Must sacrifice my 4 door 5 pass, car. for $200. Don t miss this chanca. Phone East 2S46. Apt. No. 319. FOR . RENT Garage or auto repair shop. $15. at 355 Wheeler St.. 3 blocks from east end Broadway bridge. 1 LATE 1916 5 passenger Saxon 6 auto. A-l condition, iio. fashion uarage 18R 10th St., city. BRAND new Mitchell. 1917, light six. $100 discount, cash or terms. A M. Ferguson & Co.. 614 Alder. Main 396? 1917 MAXWELL for sale cueap, K-Jio, Journal. FEEDING . f tUTS o OVER- ( nd paste. ffr ) fUr. I in -r-e puss- flE'S X t ( MB GLX &S1 jjtn H VEILS. FE.EON3r V ACU- I V 14 GETTMtf- FOB MRCV X1L "TH, I I 1 PEATTf To SQUAWK TetL HrA WE. jlN J AOPUDOy j TSx A&AN-- x ciM ) oont SAViy "Trie U J LOVES KMlTr ( Gr Wt A tANGVAGEJ 4 mc 1 I 5r7-- 1 MAV6IAJ- CAJ (N 1 ) AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) REAL. BARGAINS 1918 Ford touring. $315 1916 Ford touring. $315. 1914 Ford touring. $250. x 1916 Buick touring C25. electric lights and starter; like new, $585. 1913 Overland touring, finest condi tion. $296. 1916 Saxon roadster. 6-cylinder, run only 400 miles, $795. 1913 Hupmobile touring. $350. 1912 Chalmers 36 touring. $450. 1912 RCH Hup roadster. $195. 1914 Studebaker touring, electric lights and starter. $396. 1916 Overland 35 touring, electric lights and starter; like new. $550. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR ETC E. 3770. B-1166. E. 13th and Hawthorne. Special Offer We am soiling out our stock Of NEW CHEVROLET CARS, including touring cars and roadsters. Price of either touring or roadsters is $5i0 F. O. B. hers. TERMS. $200 DOWN. BALANCE, tsa PER MONTH. Only a limited number to sell. Leave your order now, OPEN SUNDAT. A. M. Ferguson & Co. 514 Alder "st. Main 39M USED CAR BARGAINS TF.RMS rirv'EN Overland Touring Car $300 Mitchell Six , 400 Studebaker, 1914 ifcodel 450 Studebaker Six 490 Case, late model 500 And others. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East 7272. B-1216. Garages $30 Up. See Samples, 644 Hood St. phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. A SQUARE DEAL IS ASSURED EVERY PURCHASER OF A USED CAR HERE. EVERY AUTO WHICH GOES OUT OF OUR STOCK IS FULLY GUARANTEED TO BE JUST AS WE REPRESENT. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. OUR STOCK LARGE. AND WE GIVE TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY., NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AT TOUCH. SAXON SIX 1916. TOURING. This car has been run only 8354 miles, has good tires, one extra, is in A-l mechanical condition and is a bar gain at $750. SEE THIS AT THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 627 Washington st. Where Washington end Burnslde Meet. STUDEBAKER 80, new top and painted, in good shape, rood, cheap running ear; price $200; make offer. King. Main 4244. Wlnton Co.. 23d and Washing ton st. Terms. NEW TIRES. What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanisinar Co.. 333-836 Burn. side, near Broadway. FTTLLMAN. In rood shape, rood farm car. top. wind shield, speedometer; price $250; terms. Make me offer today. Wlnton Co., 23d and Washington sts. Main 4 244. King. 1913 REO TOURING CAR. In A-l mechanical condition. Good upholstering, demountable rims, a snap at $300. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 627 Washington 6t. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. THAYER. SHAVER -GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $350 I BUILDERS OF 1 Ton. $400 JEVERREADY TRUCK 8 Ton. $450 ( ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfsr. In Portland. 193 E. Wntor Pone East 7487 BUG BUG! 1914 Ford engine, white enamel body, new set tires, absolutely classy and full of pep. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. 100 USED AUTOS To select from at Hemphill's, usd car center 127 Lownsdale St., cor. 15tn and Wash. Main 3S43. A-2445. SCHLEIGER master brake, for Fords. Saves the differential: goon pays tor Itself in relining. Only sure and relia ble brake holds car on any hill. Man ufactured and installed at Portland Carrlaee works. 19 N.-Uh st. B'way 945 GARAGES. PORTABLE OR RRADT $34.00 to $70.00 CAI., FOR CATALOGUE. SAM C'ON.VELL LUMBER CO.. BROADWAY 14! 354 "ANKENY ST. UNIVERSAL STARTKR FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy). 30 days" trial to responsible parties. A. L. Breukenridgc. 3 ITilsey st. E. r.095. C-2'.'fin. THE JINX ;lUTOMOiULES-ACCKSSORJES 44 (Coatlnusd) FIRST class 4-yl. del. car at a ac rifioa, $125, worth $400. Phona East 2846. Apt. No. 319. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 A GRAY mare. 11 years, weight about 1200 lbs., very gentle, work fine, single and double and 'in saddle. For a Ford auto, a runabout preferred, or one with open delivery body. Address Box P6, Bumpter, vr. 1 vv ill. i a i iou sroi' vtn i YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. BT. 1199. East 13th snd Hawthorne Ava WE pay highest cash price for iai model used cars. Call us up. A M. FERGUCON & CO.. . 614 Alder st. Main 396a. U'AN'TED If von have or know of a light car with delivery body, prefer ably Ford, answer this, giving full particulars. R-419. Journal. I WANT to buy a late model 2-sea auta fcr cash. Must be in good or dcr. Answer, give make. age. number or miles ana price. journal. WANTED 1917 model for my Overland and up to $250 cash, full particulars. Z-951, Journal. 1915 Give TWO lnvolv lota ona blk. from Irv lngton car. small mortgage for lats auto. Main S4S. PAY to $400 cash for good 1917 Ford- Broadway 2. Room 316. autos For. limn 52 LOOK HERE! New Kord for hire. Columbia High way. $5 round trip. 4 persons; $1 per hour around town. Marshall 8397. L 7.PISS car Columbia limhwav. serv ice day or night; rates reasonable. Main lir.s. t,orx;i: Auto Service hiihway. calling shopping, other trips; reasonable rates. Main 2581. r-r.v.AV comfortA.hle- 7 Daascnxer Hud son; safe, experienced driver. Broad way 5378. AUTusj without 'irlvrr lor h.re. Jty rinco Sfi 1"th t P w o A-424S. MOT(lK( V( LKsi-i.iU l . l.KS 5.1 WRITE for Bulletin 140, giving list of 30 used Motorcycles, all in good running condition. We will shin to you on approval. No obligations. MOTOR CYCLE Ac SUPPLY CO.. 209 ' aArirlfA r.ntr L&reest M da'ers In the state. 1915 Ex.. fully equipped. $100. or will trade tor diamond. 98 H. 62d st.. N. LAUNCHES ANI HOATS 4 17-FT. Oldtown canoe with sail and lee boards, paddles, electric light and other extra equipment, all in good con dition. Phone Main 7173 or see Stone, Journal business office, bet. 11 and 12 and 5 and 6. MOTORBOAT for sale cheap; first class condition. Call Sundays or week days after 6. East 8170. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 SECURITY fctorage Co.. closing out. Used $375 Kimball upright, cash. $95; $500 Weber upright, cash. $100; $375 Emerson upright, cash. $65; $360 Emerson square, cash, $35; $2.76 H. C. Fischer square, cash. $20; $90 parlor organ, cash. $12; $125 parlor organ, cash, $20. Pianos stored. 60o monthly. We buy and sell for cash only. 109 4th st.. at Washington at. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used pianos. $35. $95. $146, $190 up. New 1916 models, $195. $236. $265. $290 up. Used player pianos, $290, $396, $435, $465. New 1916 model player pianos. $435. $465. $496. $535; $5 or $10 cash, $6 or more monthly; no lute rest. Ill 4th st.. at Washington. Vern L.Wenger The 2d Hand Talking Machine Mao. All Makes of Machines and Records, bargain prices, easy terms. 1434 3d. Main 7244. We Pay More for talking machines, records and mu sical instruments, or will give equal value in trade: house of 1000 bargains. Main 4495. 128 First St., near AWer. 3160 CASH Buys $350 new. stored, 1916 model pianos, part carload, closed out to first callers tomorrow. Security Storage Co., iu 4tn Ft. r HIGHEST cath price" pa.iU tor used yi anos, or will trade un to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Har old . tjuort. x ramntn st. PHONOGRAPH and records bought, sold and exchanged. Hall & Cassl day. 12fi lt. Main 709S. $96 cash buys $376 Harvard UDrisht piano tomorrow at Security Storage Co . I HQ 4th ft. FOR SALE Bass viol, Lyon & Healy make, good condition. A, t . Mann, 1111 Belmont st. Phone No. B-2352. MODERN mahogany Main f;210. upright, cheap, PIPE onran for practice. Main 5210. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW Rb,M INGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee ana rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod els. $3 per month. $7.60 for $ months, Other models less. Remington Type writer Company, X8 Broadway. Tele- phnri Uroadwny 621. WE SAVE you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send forour Illustrated folder. Retail department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Wnhlnzton t. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro na dealers, k, v . p,i.-o.. 110 Kin ALL makes typewriters rented and re paired. Royl T. W. Atrencv. 2fi? Stark HOIfSEHOLl GOODS for SALE 6.-. Ivory, oak and manogany pieces. rango piano, gralaiioia, etc., xnursaay Mam DE BECK HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 03 FOR BARGAIN m usU aouss lur- nlshlngs, visit oar exenangs oep' Calef Bros.. K. Morrtsow st mt K Id. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WE TRADE. BUY. SELL. Household goods, grocery, restaurant, hotel, store and office futures, talking machines, records, musical Instru ments, typewriters, scales, cash regis ters, sewing machines, garden tooi, camping outfits, -electric fans rifles. shotguns, bicycles ana paxis uutoa OF. 1000 BARGAINS. 128.1st. M. 44a FOR .SALE Brand .new carom anu pocket billiard tables witn compw ltd, lt.A .Ar.nnH h . n .1 tables Sit duced prices; bowling alley and bU Hard supplies- easy payments. Cigar stora fixtures. Send for catalog ua. The BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLEN- DER CO.. 46-4 5th. Portland, ur. "MUSICAL JM!lKUMt..XlB." J"t'P" writers" and "Household Goods are separata classifications. All aaver tisements of these goods are published under their lespecwv ciasiit" LOOK THEM. UVfcK. ALL, machines sold for less. Renting $2 per month. No agnts em ployed. Sewing machine Kmoorium. 190 3d. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-8626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. waiKer .ieciriB Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674, $10 TEN drophead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewinar machines rented at $2 per month.. East 2359. B-S307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand avf., near Belmont. BEANS! ! Fancy seed. Lady YYasn ington. White and Red Kidney, Da vis Wax, Kentucky Wonder. Refugee, Oregon Green Pod; also fancy seed po tatoes. 74 Front, corner Oak. AUToMOiii les. motorcycles. launches or boats are separate classi fications. A l8rge listing can be found unrler thene dirrrent clawmricauonn. VACUUM CLEANERS $2 to $i00 eacli. We sell. rent, exchange or -buy EXPERT REPAIRS, Duntleys and all. nentiey ft Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 6&z FOR SALE Hand printing press worth $50. fine for bills letterheads. etc.; price 330. Paruoiuara dox ss Dayton. Or, VACUUM cleaners. $8. guar. 6 years. Phone for demonstration; all make repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger Mfg Co.. 701 Swetland bldg. Mar. 608 WAYNE gasoline pumps lor ttlUad stations and garage. E. H. Rueppail, 473 Washington wt Main 160. BITTMAN Hardware Co.. mechanical tools and bicycles. 213 Front. Main 1611 l0o BOND letter heads. 11. vw: IVuv, $8.90: 600 enveloDes. $1.90: 1000, $.90. Smith, printers. 204 Stark st. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 Third Main 7S7 FOR SALE heed potatoes. 50th. Fre mont. rnon 'inoor 37. FURNITURE WANTED PHUNE Last 7sl6 when you want to sell your lurnitare. VV e com at once and pay you Cd.ah. Al. R. beater. tv rlawthori e av.. in ner or i.nion. WILL pay highest price lor furniture, rues stoves, j-anees ana oiiice iix- tures, for out of town store. Main 7714. ktlai get stock ol used turmiure al once. Will pay HlOrit,BT PUice. ir anything you have. Marnau 3n WE pay highest cn prices tor used House lurnifMns?. Kail 46J. U-l44 WILL pay you tho highest price iur your lurniiure. Call East 294. VV ANTE! ) M ISC'ELLA NEOLS 5 THE LEVIN Hardware 4 Furniture Co.. aealers In ntw and second-hand furniture and hardware. Wa buy hotel and restaurant outfits and fools of any aescrlotion; will pay ttie top prices to them, cash or exchange. Four large stores are ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anytning you need in home or elsewhere. 221 Front. Main 9072. A-7174. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205-207 FIRST STREET NEEDS 2ND HAND FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC.. RANGES. CALL, MARSHALL 67. OUR BUYER WILL CALL WITH CASBu SQUARE DEAL. Williams, the tailor, pays positively $2.50 to $10 for gentlemen's discarded clothing, shoes, trunk, valises, etc. Phone, Main 7880, A-3249. 143 11th st. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT ED J. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 29 MADISON Front, L. SHANK CO, ' Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers, Write for prices and shipping tags. Main 1699. WANTED Second hand furniture. ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniturft Co.. 3o E. Morrison st. Phone East 2 238. LOOK. We pay highest prices for your used furniture, rugs, earpets, stoves, ranges, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Eg.. East 636. KODAKS: 1 buy, sell, rent and, ex change Kodaks, lenses, snutters. See Sandy first. Sandy's Kodak Shop, 328 Washington, tiext Sunset theatre. 1000 fruit Jars wanted. v Also bicycles, teits rifles and everything. 1st st. garden tools. Main 4495, 123 WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt Attention. East 6707. N. M. Beater, 143 Russell st Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3332. TO THE HOUSEKEEPER Will call with machine for your Junk, paper, rags or clotiies: we pay abso- "iwiy niKnt pnvw, iarsnan aga. OOl.NO bAbiJ Household goods shipped ai red. rates. Pae. Coast rw n il co.. roi wiicox mug. Mar. 2467 ASTROLOGICAL STUDIO, 206 Central oiag. ocientiuc instruction: lore- castti. etc. Alain 4082. Tb buy'6000 ft. 12 lb. "rail and 1200 ft. 3 In. iron pipe. Address tl w Klrby. 1117 E. Grant. Phone E. 174 2. I WILL pay you absolutely the high est price for your furniture, rugs arm ii.rii b uiuiinnjs. r.H,i av?4. Wanted Ririea. snotguoa" aodaas, v.iuci T mt avuac. flwvUiJSjty, SB SOI jwniii . . W I I .1 " no th kli-K.., . juim. pait:r. rnj;y. cant BU34. HIGHEaT cash price paid for furai tureand gen. mdae. Simmonda. K SECOHJ-HAND FURMITURE WANT ED. Main 2706. CASH paid for good second-naad fur- niture. 11 2d st. Main R9S1. PAYS nigbest price for zd band cioia Ing. toola. etc 27 Kront Main 4in PARTY wants to buy furniture, stoves. B a-aVs J. .. All O I la 1 1 0. TINKER'S tools wanted. Must have brrke. W. L. Kulllyan. 142 2d st, CIX)THINQ wanted. B-I2SI. FURNITURE wanted.. Tabor 0, LOST Axi FOU vn 21 LOST, double Elk? tooth watch charm, Monday, following inscription on back. "Capt. II. A.. Circle No. 142." Return to police sta.; suitable reward. IaOST Yellow collie female dog near 2i)th and Savier. Call E. O. DonnalL Main 2712. Reward. LOST, bet. E. Couch and Burnslde, Tuesday, h gold watch chatelaine. Owner. 287 E. Couch. East 24uS. HORSE'S head. Stick Din. i brUlUnt set. valued as keepsaka; rward. Tav- LOST Card casei containing TT hL. passes; reward. Call at once Tabor Z5Z1. LOST Tuesday, cameo brooch aiet with 4 Pearls. Sellwood 44. Reward. LOST string pearl beads ward. If 0 lloni onroa at. East I72. LOST AND FOUND - 21 - Oomtiaoe) ' . -. LOST Fox terrier puppy, all ..whits , with brown head and whits ruff; . answers to the name of Fldo. Rttarn to-4ii Ainswortn ave or pnona oai73 and receive reward. LOST on West Side, a hound, black body and brown legs: answers to to nam of Mike. Reward if returned to Lancaster Tire A Supply Co 33ft Ankeny at Broadway. FEItSONAL GLASSES AT A dAVlNUs The same service and ' quality you pay double the fitted glasses low as 11 ID. Taou. sands of satisfied customers. Chaa, W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison at. $1 TO $20 paid for old false tseth. OlUer the better, brldcework. old jewelry, diamonds, silver, platinum. bought. Bung or mail. Randolph, 1218 Yeon bldg. ; SPlRiTL ALls r. MRS. M. L LA MAR, 236 6th st.. cor. Main, teaches palm-. Utry and card reading, also lessons la tne science or health and success. Daily. REV. AIRS, striuiu lenxnes u-uiu:.. circles Sun.. Tuea. Thurs. s o'clock. Reads daily. 167 11th sU. Sunnysldw car. " Marshall 983. ftHSOAAL Would like to meet two or three good mandolin aoad auitar - players who -would like to play for rartlme. S-367. Journal. FREE DEMONSTRATION Calapooia bprings Product. Tne Won Uers of Oifcgon, at Olds, Worunaa & King druy. department. Don't miss It. SPIRIT UAL1SAI Kev. M. A. i-flCe, Clrtlas Tina., i. a. tn.: 8uiul. 1 O. m. Reading dally. 293 Clay. Mar. 3960. VIBRATORY massage, face and .scalp treatment. 3ittVa Washington, room 66. Marshall 472, RUtoSlAN aud 'iuraisti baths, Ala Sanitarium. 81 E. 28th st.. cor. vsr ett. Phone E. 7651. Dr. Geo. Hill, proo SHAMPOOING and electrlo scalp treatment. 162 W. Park, room 30. Id floor. . DR. V. G. KETCH UM W omen s mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg., 4th and Wash., Rm. 441. Msr. 448. HAVE your hair fermauentlv wave. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty r-anors, uu ieum. aiarsnaii nvt. DR. . MARIE JOHNSON C biro pod y its, magnetics. 327 blanket sweats. Washington. Office 610. Main 104. TRAINED nurse gives hatha, mas sago, magnetics. 17 OH 2d. first floor, room 4. ELECTRIC treatments for rheuma tism, lumbago, etcM salt baths. . 426 Clay. Main 8859. MAY IRWIN, vibratory masaaga, 291 H Morrison st., office 7. ALMA S. JOHNSON. Wash. hotaV-for-: meriy 4t7-zo ri. w . mnK Diag. I oi.wr Consultation FRS.E. Mam Lawyer 493. tig seiimg bidf. NOTH Ns " s ICES 20 SALE OK T1V1UKC.; lTTUltAi tKXlAN UbUCKVATlUN. esld bios marked Mr aid "Did tlattiaad Tliubw, lion a a Unit.1 ss4 addrMBd to UuixtrUiUtudout ! Ul a ULkM4 Indian acbouL, buoa. aluut., will be rriW cntil 12 o'eluek, nuon, uwuatala tima, ITnsa aay, Srptembar 11, 1W1T, tut tba purraaa ( tka Dterchauuble Ukibar npoo tribal tsa ai iottad laoda situated wllbla towuabiW IS, W and 21 nortb, raugca ltf and 30 wast, cott tabiing approxtuatel 67,OUO,uOO feat at Urn--bar, orr bo par cent wcaiara yailow slue. S bid of 1 tLaa (3 per tbouaasd faet tar yi luvr uUm and tl.'H per tbuuMnd feat for Douf Ua fir, Urcb aad otber apeclaa will be ae-ct-pted. Tb rlsbt to reject say sad alt M4e U rerad. Coplaa o( regulations sad stae lufuruatiuu n-garuiog tba propoeed aal lo rluding specific deaerlpUoo of tba sale area may be utitalned frooi tba asperiBlendaat 4 tba Flatbead Indian acaooi, UUoa, Meal. WaabUistun. D. C. May 4. 1917. Un MeUa. CommUaiuuer of ludlan Affalra. BIDS fur tbe erertlon of tbe prupused woman a doriDltoTT for tbe L'btveralty of tlregoa WiU ' be recelred by tbe eiecutUe commutes of tba board of rrgeate of Uie UnireTatty of Oregoa, -on Wpdorauay, June 18, 1W17, until a. is., at tbe Adwinlauatlon bulletins. L'slTerally vt Oregon. Kugene, Oregon. P.lana and speeitlca. . -tkina mar be errured br aovlrlns at tba - tire of the arvbitecu. La wriv 4t HiAford, Uril cbambr ot Cooituarc bnildlug, ISirtland. or to ihe eecretary ot tbe board of rrgeuta, g - fene. h par a la bids are dealrad for tne follow, og: Oeunal contract, beating, piuuiuius, wlr. le anil electrical work. Tbe execMtlTa committee reserves the right t reject any or til blda. Ruecaaefnl bidder will be required to ruruiab bona for tb fkltaful perfortuanca of tbe cuuUn-lt. L. H. JOHNSON, Beretary of tb Board of Ergeuts, L'nlraralty of Oregon. IjISSOUUTION N(r4CE of A. C, Carle Co., retail grocers. Naiic I hereby firm , to all onet-rned, tbat tb" -mrtnerabip of A. C. tvrter and Hojl rorajtb,"' doing boalneas undrr tb firm name ana eiyi of a. v. cart; m Co., at No. 421 Bust Burnslde strert, la l'rtx land. Or., la this day by mutual rasaent of tbe parties dissolved, Roy Foraytk retiring thfretrom and A. C Carter cuotlnnlng . tb busiiwss. A. C. Carter will aaauuia and pay all demands end debts asalnat ssld bustitesa and will collect all ouutauidlng debts due and owing to said buainra. . . A. C. CARTKR. HOY rollSVTll, iawn nay a, iwit. BKICk and Mutton Of fie Ueuarttueut guar. termaeter, 218 fin Bt., Ban ITanelaco., Cal. Sealed propoeale wl" be received ner sjatil 11 a. ml. Jun 1, 1917, for furnisblng beef and mutton as required at posts In west Bra de partment dnrtng fiscal year commencing July 1, 117. Infonnatioa furnlalird on apnltcattea bere, or by poat quartermasters, tbe quarter master at Portland. Or., aud Depot guartav master. Heattie. Waab. )OTlC-bealed blda wilt b reieived'by tb board of directors of School Utstrlrt No. bs. staltnomah cmnty. at Mspiewuod. Or., on tb proposition of raising and turning a 1 etorr building 2tx:w feet. Bpectflcatkjoa to be bad of Ur Iaisug. Maplewood. Or. Blda 1 be opened June at 8 p. m. IVnird reserve tb' rlgbt to reject any and all blda. WILLIAM H)KM H. Cb sir ma a, attest: A. WEMlUNH, Clerk I W1LX, not b reaponsilile for debt con tracted by my wife. J. W. Varaasky. TRANSPORTATION 4 as km mm (San Francisco' Los .Angeles (With oat Cbsng en Itouta.) Tb Big Claas . Comfortael kUagaatiy Apselst SS. BEAVER Salla rrem Alatwsrtk Dock P. M. XOXDAT, IVVZ 100 rjoldea Mils) oa Columbia aUeer. All Hate Include bertba and Meals. Isble snd Bcrrlc t'neseeUad. Far saOIng data apply t Tba gas Fraav else rrtlaa4 M. C., Thlr sad WsaV tnrtea ttraets (wiU O-W, U M. Ca.) Xal Btaadway iMO. A-ltl. PALACES 0TIABD TO f Al raAJTCMOO TinCSSAT, THTTIISDAT, BATTTaSAT. California steamer Express leaves 9:30 a. m. 8teamr arrives V. 8:30 next day. Ksrea, i 12.U. $17.30, fJO. ZOVXO IB. IP $32.00. Hortk Bank. Its and Iters I 8 ration loth sad Hoyt TICXTT Sd and M arriaoa. M. t. By. OFFICES 3 Waab., O. V. By. 100 M. Burlisstaa iy. Amcrican-Hawanan Slcanuhip Co. All ajulings betwtfsa U. S. Atlsintic and U. - S. Pacific ports are canceled until further notice. fibsily. AgU. fit .nark If rtlasa. J5H riOM.