. t ..... ,. .r,, PORTLAND. OREGON. 18 MONDAY, MAY 28, 1917. itiitntttiit,ittnttnttttmintiitiipOR SPECIAL "DELINEATOR" OFFER; INQUIRE IN OUR PATTERN SHOP, SECOND flOOR'""""'"'""","1,'4""" STATE IS ORGANIZED Store Closed Wednesday Ample Facilities Here to Supply All Your Over Decoration Day Needs Charge Purchases Tomorrow Go on the June Accounts Liberty Loan Bonds Applications for the purchase of Liberty Loan Bonds may be made at Meier & Frank's. Liberty Loan Bonds purchased through this store will be accepted at any time in payment of merchandise the same as cash. Apply at office on our sixth floor, sixth street. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL FOR BIG WAR CENSUS ORDERED FOR JUNE 5 -Adjutant General Is Highly Gratified Over Perfection of Plans for Draft Registration FULL DETAILS NOW OUT JUNE VICTOR RECORDS IN Flags for Decoration Day Splendid showing of all styles and sizes in wool bunting, cotton bunting, buntinette, muslin and silk flags. Mounted flags on staff, 10c to 35c. Muslin flags on sticks, dozen 7c and up. Silk flags for automobiles, 15c and up. Radiator flag holders for automobiles, 10c. Metal flag emblems for autos, 1.50. ' Fifth Floor. Sixth Street The new Victor records for June have just been received. Attend a free concert in our sound-proof par lors tomorrow.' Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor EsttUU4 The- Quality Storjs or Portland FKUs. 2ixth.TfarriaovAbkr 9ta. . 1807 I, I" V s Maps to Shovr 'X.ocliti for Guidance of Kejitratio Folio May Demand "Qraen Tiokot" aa Evidence. Second Day of Our June White Sale S Oregon is ready to take the war census June 6. All counties but six have officially reported to Adjutant General White that all blanks neces sary for the registration have been received and distributed. Unofficial Information from the six registration boards is to the effect that they, too, have practically, completed the dis tribution of the blanks and are, in fact. ready, with the official reports being prepared. I M The smoothness with which the ma rhlnorv for reclst ration has eone into miction in all parts of the state has btert particularly gratifying to Gen eral White and the other persons charged with the registration duties. The officials, however, are not rest ing content with the prospect of quick, feffectlve registration, but are biui go ing over all details to insure perfec tion in the final result. To obtain a more complete and quickly comprehensive grasp of the state-wide situation, a B-by-12-foot mapaof the state has been prepared at headquarters, showing in minute de tail every phase f the registration territory. This will be watched as a fielrt general scans the map of hial-4 battlefield, and the work of the regis- tratlon will be traced In detail. Reports from every section indicate that the sheriffs and county registra tlon boards seemingly have utilized very minute to perfect the machinery of registration, and there appears "to have been no detail overlooked. The problem of registering men sta tioned in isolated places, such as the ranges, mines and forests, was solved Saturday in a regulation issued by General White. Telegraphic Instruc tions were sent to every sheriff at registration points providing that county clerks shall appoint special deputies to go to mining, sheep, cattlj and timber camps for the purpose of registering men in such places, sucn men to be registered as absentees. Under such provision, this work may begin Immediately. In all extraordinary cases, however. It is assumed that1 county clerks will meet such conditions as may exist In their communities. The past few days have been marked by the receipt and distribu tion of great quantities of supplies, and regulations outlining every part i of the registration work have been placed In the hands of the registrars. The adjutant general's office is in . daily telegraphic touch with the dif ferent registration boards, giving both Instructions and Interpretations in the census taking. While no returns can be had at this time, reports show many thousands already registered, in the state aa absentees. Any police officer of any city or - "county In Oregon will be entirely within his rights, after the taking of the war census, in requiring any man between the ages of 21 and 30 years, Inclusive, to show his little green cer tificate of registration. This certificate can only be ob tained by registering. It Is an official receplt of registration. Not only will the police offlcer.be within his rights, but he will be doing only his sworn duty In demanding to be shown the card if he suspects that registration has been evaded. Furthermore, if the police officer finds a man of the designated age who has not registered, it is his duty forthwith to report him to the regis ' tratlon board. The officer himself will be subject to imprisonment if he fails to do this. By direction of Governor Withy oombe, the Adjutant general has called attention of all Oregon mayors to the fact that police officers- must give every assistance in the execution of tjie conscription law. He has espe cially emphasized the following ex tract from the regulations: : "Police officers of any grade or class, of town, township, county or state, and all officers or agents of the federal government are required to render every assistance in the. exe cution of this law. It is especially made the duty of such police officers to see that all male persons within the designated ages have reglsterd . and to report those who have not reg istered to the proper registration .board for such action as may be ' necessary. Police officers may re quire any person subject to registra tion to exhibit his registration certi flcate. We 've Reduced Thousands and Thousands of Yards of Finest Laces and Embroideries 50c-$1.0T) LACES 25t Included are IMPORTED filet, Normandy, Val., Cluny, shadow, ' both cotton and silk run bands, edges and flounc ings. White and ecru, 8 to 18 inches wide. 15c TO 25c YARD EMBROIDERIES 10c Edges, headings, bead-top in sertions. Swiss, cambric and convent embroidery, 1 to 15 J inches wide. Yard "LO?. Edges and insertions, 1 to 4 inches, 8c to 10c values, 5?. Edges, in sertions, skirtings, swiss, heavy cambric and nainsook, 3 to 25 inches, 35c to 75c values, 25?. I5c-25c LACES 12? Lace edges and insertions. These are fine imitations of real filet lace. Suitable for blouses and neckwear. including 65c TO $1 YARD EMBROIDERY 49? Unusual values, heavy skirtings on longcloth. 17-in. lawn and cambric flounc ing in floral and eyelet patterns. 25-inch lawn and organdy dress embroidery. 36 and 40-inch organdy and voile dress em broidery in very elaborate flor al patterns. A few -of these have lovely colored designs for graduation and home dresses. 10c LACES, YARD 5? Half price for these imitation Irish laces and round-mesh Val., Maltese and Cluny the well-known "Elyria" laces. Widths from to 14 inches. Yard only 5?. 65c YARD BABY EMBROIDERY 49? Flouncing on sheer batiste and nainsook, 25 inches wide. Hemstitched, scalloped and ruffled edges. Dainty floral patterns. Several styles with Venise and filet finish. 65c values 49?. 85c values 69?. $1.25 and $1.50 values 98. Lace and Kmbroidery Shop, Main Floor Big Timely Savings on Sheeting arid Sheets Cases and Spreads! HEMSTITCHED SHEETS $1.25 Size 81x90. Hemstitched sheets of a good heavy sheeting torn before being hemmed. Regularly $1.50: Size 81x99 at $1.35. Size 81x108 at S1.45. Size 90x108 at $1.55. A" limited quantity. NO PHONE OR C. O. D. ORDERS. 20c PILLOW CASES, EACH 15? Good quality pillow cases in size 42x38. 42 V2c BLEACHED SHEETING 35? Very fine quality bleached sheeting, free from dressing. 72 inches wide. Yard, spe cial 35?. MARSEILLES BEDSPREADS $4 Mill-runs of the regular $6.50 grade. Mill runs of the $7.50 grade special S6. Satin fin ish Marseilles bedspreads; in reautiful raised designs. The imperfections are very slight. Second Floor, Fifth Street Groceries Butter, Royal Banquet, our own .fresh cnurning, 2-lb. CFTrt roll OOC Coffee, Mocha and Java type, 45c grade, 2 lbs. 75C; OO per pound OOt Asparagus, new pack, one of the best brands, No. t tall - J cans, dot., $1.60; can. J-tcC Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles, Skinner's, dozen $1-15; 1 f0 per package 1UC Corn Flakes, Quaker, 3 pkgs. 25c; pfcg Quaker Oats, limit 6 pack-"! f ages to customer, pkg.. 1UC California Olive Oil, strictly pure, one of best brands, ryQ large bottle I C Olive Relish, Del Monte, No. 1 cans, dozen 95c; 3 cans Q 25c; can SC Rice, M. J. B., one of the qn. best, 2yi-Vx sack. OC Brooms, All Gold or Gold Q Medal, heavy 5 sew, each 0C . Ninth Floor. Fifth Street r Girls' Undermuslins 98c GOWNS 85c "Several different styles of nain sook. High, round and square-neck styles, with lace and embroidery trimmings. Sizes 4 to 14 years. $2.25 PRINCESS SUPS $1.85 Fancy slips of nainsook in sizes 6 to 16 years, in prettily trimmed styles. 19c DRAWERS He Of soft muslin, flat-leg style with hemstitched hem and cluster tucks. Sizes 2 to 12 years. 35c MUSLIN DRAWERS 29c Of cambric and muslin, knicker bocker and flat-leg style, finished with embroidery and tucks. In sizes 2 to 8 years and 6 to 14 years. 75c COMBINATIONS 59c Of soft longcloth, in sizes 4 to to years. Princess front style, drop seat, knickerbocker knee. $1.35 PRINCESS SLIPS $1.10 Of soft nainsook, trimmed with lace insertions and ribbons. Sizes 3 to 16 years. FRENCH DRAWERS Real French hand-made and hand embroidered drawers for children from 2 to 14 years. Made of soft nainsook and percale. $1.00 French Drawers, special, 79c $1.50 French Drawers now at $1.29 $1.98 French Drawers now at $1.59 $2.5o French Drawers now at $1.98 INFANTS' DRESSES 59c 69c $1.29. $1.59 And slips of nainsook, long and short lengths, 6 months to 2-year sizes. -v 75c MUSLIN GOWNS 59c High neck and slipover styles, with lace and embroidery trimmings. Sizes 6 to 14 years. M odel GOWNS! White Sale Undermuslins OFFERS THOUSANDS OF DAINTY UNDERGAR MENTS AT THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR A feature of this sale is our method of renewing stocks. New lots arriv ing every few days, so that the merchandise is always fresh, new and at tractive. For Tuesday the offerings are equally as attractive as those of fered Monday. ' Gowns in the slipover yoke and empire styles can be GIRLS, JOIN OUR PAUL JONES PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST Paul Jones Middies given away free fa those writing the best essay on the Jife of Paul Jones, Father of the American Navy. All girls between the ages of 12 and 18 can enter. Contest closes June 9. Limit 500 words. Girls' Shop, Second Floor A Most Remarkable Sale at A sample line from a prominent New York manufacturer a limited number at $35.00. A wonderful presentation of dresses, exhib iting the newest and most exclusive models of such fashionable materials as GEORGETTE CREPE, COMBINA TION OF SATIN AND GEORGETTE OR FOULARD, AND OF SATIN The long, straight line effect is featured here in its various styles the over dress and blouse dress are very prominent then the pleated or plain models with belts are shown in various fashions some have dainty touches of embroid ered vest effect and collars of lingerie, Georgette Crepe or lace In colors you have a choice of all the leading shades as well as black and dark blue. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor of new styles, at 98c, $1.27, $1.47 and up. had, at 98c, $1.27, $1.69 and up. Envelope Chemise in a host Crepe de Chine Underwear in both flesh and white, featuring all the very latest models introduced this season. Gowns from $3.95 to $5.95 and up. Camisoles at 98c to $1.89 and Envelope Chemise that are most attractive at $2.49, $3.59, $3.95 and up. Combination Suits, most at tractively trimmed, are marked as low as $1.19 and other models to $1.98. There Are Petticoats too numerous to mention pficed from 79c, 98c, $1.27, $1.59 and up. Corset Covers elaborately uid simply trimmed, from 22c, 39c, 59c, 98c and up. Philippine Handmade and Hand embroidered Lingerie that simply cannot be excelled at the prices we are asking during this sale. Gowns, Envelope Chemise and Straight Che mise from $1.98, '$2.95, $3.95 and up. Specials inNeedlework TO 85c BREAKFAST JACKETS, 39? Very attractive Breakfast Jackets, stamped to embroider on good quality mull. Special to morrow, 39?. TO $1.50 NIGHTGOWNS, ONLY 75?. Nightgowns stamped to embroider on good quality nainsook. Many attractive designs. This is an extra good offering at 75?. TO $1.00 BUREAU SCARFS, Etc, 50. A wonderful lot of Bureau Scarfs and Table Covers. All are lace trimmed. Complete for immediate use. Very special at 50?. Center Aisle, Main Floor Linen Writing Tablets, or plain, priced 1 Art lUt a 9c i. 1 !tmCaiAo J MayMantonPatternsl0c-15c WeArePortlandDistribiitors Warn MayMantonPatternsl0c-15c WeArePortiandDistributors Briefly Telling of Some Good Things Downstairs Tomorrow 10c 12V2C to 15q Percale Full yard wide, in pretty patterns and colorings. 18c Ripllettes l at. . iuw Standard quality, pretty patterns, short lengths. 15c and 18c Silk- - A olines IttC Standard quality in a large variety of patterns and colorings. 12y2c to 15c ( Gingham.- XVC Gingham, batiste and other tub fabrics in a wide variety of pat terns and colofings. &".at. One-Half .In a large variety, fujl regular widths, various patterns and de signs, 19c, 23c and 29c yd. Scrims Priced OEJ at 9c, 15c and...OC These curtain scrims sell regular- ly at 2ytc to 35c yard. Shirtings , at. . Standard wide shirtings, new stripes and color effects. Bedspreads at JQ 98c $1.39 andPlOl7 Large quantity of bedspreads in this sale at the above special prices. . Towelings at 5c, 9c and. . . . . . . Fine towelings in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, considerably under priced for this sale. 49c 10c 15c 15c 14c 65c Sheets priced at. 50 dozen sheets in size 72 by 90 inches. Pillow Cases at. .... Also cases at l24c and 15 c, which prices are less than wholesale. Turkish Towels at and 10c, 17c and 23c. Both bleached and unbleached, good quality. Curtain Rods 5 c Also rods at 10c and 19c, of brass, extension kinds. Napkins at,' per dozen And others at $1. 19 and $1.39. All fine mercerized quality, good heavy weights. Table Cloths And at 59c and $1.19, good, heavy jnefcerized cloths, regular sizes, highly lustered cloths. $5.00 Comfort ers at, ....... These comforters are filled with laminated cotton and covered with first quality silkoline. Full regu lar sizes. Tub Fabrics at, Yard. ....... . Here are 5000 yards ot lawns, ba tistes, Swisses, plain and fancy poplins, gabardines, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, selling to 35c yard.' 98c $3.75 19c Thousands Profited Today by the Savings in Our Lower Price Store White Sale of Undermuslins Never before such a variety of dainty undergarments, made of nainsook and muslins with trimmings of lace, em broideries, ribbons and tuckings. Gowns i Special, 49c, 69c, 75c, 89c. Envelope Chemise Special, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c, 89c. Petticoats f, Special, 49c, 59c, 79c, 9Sc Muslin Drawers Special, 19c and 25c. Many Equally Good Unadvertised White Sale Specials In Our Lower Price Store Tomorrow To $2.00 Woolnap Blankets at $1.29 These are full size single blankets in plaids and solid colors with borders. There are only 500 blankets in this sale and they are bound to go quickly at this price. - Fine 75c Feather Pillows for 59c Good feather pillows in two sizes, covered with Wgh grade fancy art ticking in sev eral pretty color combinations and filled with excellent feathers. $1.25 values 95c. J) StylishNewHatsat$2.98 A special lot of the very newest ideas in large dress hats, in white or black, straight or droop brim models and trimmed with bands of ribbon, feathers and other novelties. While these are designated as "dress hats," they are models that can be worn with suits as. well as dresses. r To $10 Serge Dresses at $4.95 A big lot of the popular Billy Burke serge dresses including many other desirable styles of fine wool serges, in the most popular models of the day. Women's Serge Suits $12,50 These are excellent suits at this special price, suits that will give you good long service. Of navy blue serge with the jackets in pleated front and back styles, and clever suits of golfine in old rose and white. If you need a serviceable suit you will do well to investigate this offering. Women's Shoes Pair $365 Shoes of dull calf, dull kid and vici kid with solid oak tanned leather soles, and also shoes with "Texton" rubber soles. In English styles, three-quarter semi-English and bgh heel rrfbdels, button or lace style. Also some colored kid eight inch top models. All sizes 2 to 7. . . L'ndermuslln (Shop, Third Floor Stationery 15c ruled at, each 10c Envelopes, special the package 15c Plain White Paper Napkins, 100 for. . .-. . 25c Stationery, 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes, spe- 0" cial, the box eCiJ-C 3 5c Correspondence Cards, special, box. . . . 60 Stationery or Cor respondence cards, box Stationery Shop, Main Floor .8c 12c 28c 49c TfMTTfTltflTTTTTTTTTTTTfTfTff ff TfTTf flftfM i1